Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Michael J Nicolls($103,110), SRI International, Menlo Park
2. Sharon L Vadas($196,836), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Neutral Wind, Ray Tracing, AO, Arecibo, Atmospheric, Dynamics, Lower, Models, Sources, Thermosphere.
1. Marilia Samara($244,191), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
Key terms: Ion Acoustic, Auroral, Energy, Imagers, Neials, Observations, Waves.
1. Brian Laughman($79,478), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Wave And Instability, Gravity Waves, Realistic Flows, Atmospheric, Dynamics, Effort, Instabilities, MLT, Models, Numerical, Processes, Simulations, Transport, Vital.
1. Dennis Riggin($76,784), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Jens Oberheide($151,274), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Global Tidal Winds, Planetary Waves, Atmospheric, Interaction, Model, Radars, Temperature, Tides.
1. Supriya Chakrabarti($155,990), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Demonstration, Detector, Existing, High-sensitivity, Instrument, LITES, Payload, Satellite, Spectral, USAF, Upgraded.
1. Fabiano Rodrigues($43,384), ATMOSPHERIC & SPACE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Louisville
Key terms: Large-scale Esf Structures, Geophysical Conditions, Large-scale Esf, Density, Dominant, Function, Occurrence, PLP, Spectrum.
1. Seebany Datta-Barua($240,002), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Model, Models, Plasma, SED, Spatial, Structuring.
1. Ling Wang($271,666), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Lidar, Lower, Mesosphere, Scattering, Sodium, Temperature, Wind.
1. Chester S Gardner($1,067,756), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Xinzhao Chu($343,575), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Alan Liu($365,832), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Na And Fe, Wave-induced Vertical Transport, Atmospheric Chemistry, Cerro Pachon, Effective Vertical, Mesopause Region, Oceanic Fe, Stratospheric Aerosols, Table Mountain, Thermal Balance, Vertical Fluxes, Wave-induced Transport, Wave-induced Vertical, Affects, Airglow, Atmosphere, Band, Calculations, Characterize, Chemical, Climate, Combination, Constituent, Constituents, Earth, Global, Heat, Influence, Layers, Lower, MLT, Mesospheric, Metal, Meteoric, Model, Modeling, Models, Observations, Quantify, Seasonal, Sites, Structure.
1. Suman Ganguly($299,861), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
Key terms: Chemistry, Compare, Ions, Mesospheric, Models, Parameters, Radar.
1. Bela G Fejer($552,002), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Analysis, Ionosphere, Peru, Radar, Scatter.
1. Patrick T Newell($311,212), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Broadband Electron Precipitation, Empirical Precipitation Model, Solar Wind Driving, Space Weather Operations, Alfvénic Acceleration, Alfvénic Aurora, Auroral Precipitation, Particle Precipitation, Seasonal Dependence, Upper Atmosphere, Addressing, Continued, DMSP, Effort, Energy, Has, Ionosphere, Modeling, Objective, Previous, Substorm, Various, Was.
1. David A Krueger($104,581), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Gravity Wave, Spatial Resolution, Acquired, Investigations, Re-processed.
1. Aaron J Ridley($88,742), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Thomas J Immel($230,709), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Geomagnetic Storm Intensity, Magnetic Activity, Numerical Experiments, Feedback, Investigate, Ionosphere, Model, SWMF, TEC.
1. Philip G Richards($291,464), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Latitude Ionization Trough, Electron Density, Analysis, FLIP, Low, Magnetic, Model, Observations, PFISR, Solar, Spikes, Summer.
1. Robert B Kerr($477,225), Scientific Solutions Incorporated, North Chelmsford
Key terms: Arecibo Observatory, Neutral Winds, Activity, Allow, Automated, Existing, FPI, Facility, Thermospheric, Upgrade.
1. Frank T Djuth($627,214), Geospace Research Inc, El Segundo
2. Herbert C Carlson($739,075), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Temperature.
1. Meg Austin($720,835), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Meeting.
1. Cherilynn Morrow($39,858), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
Key terms: Solar And Space, Space Physics, Demographic.
1. David L Hysell($10,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Conference, Future, Model, Modeling, Models.
1. John M Holt($280,134), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Wide Variety, Access, Analysis, Archive, Archiving, Atmospheric, CEDAR, Center, Component, Database, Distributed, Distribution, Employed, Existing, Format, Has, Infrastructure, Madrigal, Nodes, Primary, Program, Software, Standard.
1. Richard L Walterscheid($210,000), Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo
Key terms: Upper Mesosphere, Airglow, Instability, Model, Nonlinear, Subharmonic, Tide, Tides.
1. Kim Nielsen($230,921), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
Key terms: Atmospheric Conditions, Gravity Waves, Latitudes, Model, Propagation, Sources.
1. Qihou Zhou($60,160), Miami University, Oxford
2. Scott L England($147,085), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Arecibo Observatory, Acquired, Density, Electron, Existing, Ground-based, ISR, Ionospheric, Satellite, Wave.
1. Hasan Bahcivan($352,960), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Electron Pederson Current, Anomalous, Carried, Electric, Estimates, ISR.
1. Supriya Chakrabarti($159,937), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Ionosphere And Magnetosphere, Lightning Peak Current, Lightning Energy, Worldwide Lightning, Basis, Coupling, Day, Density, Duration, Effects, Global, Ground-based, Ionospheric, Lower, Model, Observations, Satellite, Time.
1. John C Foster($101,320), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Annual, CEDAR, CSSC.
1. Erhan Kudeki($194,689), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter Radar, Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Antenna Beams, Coulomb Collisions, Magnetic Field, Topside Ionosphere, Collisional, Development, Effects, Experiments, Model, Observations, Perpendicular, Plasma, Temperatures, Validated.
1. Jonathan B Snively($190,028), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Gravity Wave, Airglow, Effects, MLT, Multi-scale, Structure, Waves.
1. Dale R Durran($714,240), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Air Stream, Global Weather, Large-scale Weather, Atmosphere, Barrier, Downstream, Drag, Dry, Effort, Examine, Flow, Flows, Forced, Interactions, Investigate, Large-scale, Low-level, Models, Mountain, Precipitation, Theoretical, Topography, Water.
1. Susan M Nossal($72,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Robert B Kerr($408,826), Scientific Solutions Incorporated, North Chelmsford
3. Jordi Puig-Suari($476,000), California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo
Key terms: Neutral And Ionized, Radar And Optical, Cal Poly, Space Weather, Upper Atmosphere, Calibration, Collaboration, Composition, Degree, Densities, Density, Developed, EXOCUBE, Experimental, Global, Has, Hydrogen, Instrument, Investigations, Longitude, Mode, Models, NASA, Objective, Satellite, Set, Sites, Species, Students, Techniques, Wisconsin.
1. Sigrid Elschot($628,838), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Meteor Head, Ablation, Development, Electromagnetic, Experimental, Model, Modeling, Plasma, Scattering, Theory.
1. Jeffrey Baumgardner($363,832), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Sar Arc, Sky Camera, Boston, Collaboration, Current, Effort, Europe, Geomagnetic, Instrument, Italy, Longitudinal, Padua, Set, Source.
1. John M Wallace($465,093), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Anthropogenic, Climate, Consists, Field, SAT, SLP, SST, Sea, Surface, Temperature.
1. Catherine Naud($269,405), Columbia University, New York
2. Ming Xu($300,356), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Neural Network Analysis, Surface-based And Satellite, Altitude Regions, Climate Variables, Cloud Cover, Global Average, Mountain Regions, Satellite Observations, Atmospheric, Colorado, Contribute, Feedbacks, Increasing, Quantify, Rates, Temperatures, Water.
1. Anji Seth($574,711), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Cold Season, Climate, Course, Developing, Extremes, Global, Intensity, Moisture, Multi-model, NE, Northeast, Precipitation, Probabilistic, Projections, Regional, Temperature, Variables.
1. David C Noone($660,353), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. John P Wilson($1,538,861), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Lisa C Sloan($442,377), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
4. Niklas Schneider($598,770), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Decadal Climate, Assess, Drought, Future, Has, IDCPI, Models, Predictions, Regional, SST, Skill, Unites, Western.
1. Mark Z Jacobson($218,914), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Aerosol Optical Depth, Cloud Optical Depth, AOD, Absorbing, Aerosols, COD, Climate, Effects, Examined, Has, Instrument, MODIS, Region, Regions, Rural, Satellite, Urban, Urbanized, Versus.
1. B. Thomas Jobson($513,494), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Diesel Engine Exhaust, Mass Spectrometry, Organic Compounds, Urban Air, Abundance, Alkanes, Approach, Carbon, Enhance, Establish, Experiments, Field, Formation, Gas, IVOC, Ivocs, Knowledge, Measured, Method, Reaction, SOA, Sampling, Source, Undergraduate.
1. Luisa T Molina($337,579), Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy & the Environment, La Jolla
Key terms: Chemical Transport Models, Modeling Studies, Aerosols, Emissions, Investigate, MILAGRO, Meteorological, Organic, PM, Regional, Sources.
1. Alam Hasson($208,959), California State University-Fresno Foundation, Fresno
2. Suzanne E Paulson($630,167), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Peroxide And Hydroxyl, Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydroxyl Radical, Los Angeles, Ros Chemistry, Aerosol, Aerosols, California, Enhance, Examined, Metals, Organic, Organics, Oxidation, Partnership, Quinones, Sites, Students.
1. Shan-Hu Lee($500,000), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Acid Aerosol Nucleation, Sulfuric Acid Aerosol, Organic Acids, Aerosols, Amines, Ammonia, Atmospheric, CCN, Climate, Cloud, Compared, Compounds, Concentrations, Effects, Formation, Growth, Particles, Play, Predictions, Processes, Source, Uncertainties.
1. Brian J Majestic($100,193), University of Denver, Denver
Key terms: Cloud Waters, Iron Solubility, Northern Arizona, Particle Size, Sulfur Dioxide, ASU, Affects, Atmospheric, CCN, Continent, Determined, Fraction, Granting, Has, Influence, Investigated, Marine, NAU, Native, Ocean, Phd, Principal, Reactions, Student, Students, Training, Undergraduate, Was.
1. John E Mak($753,172), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Ice Cores, Low-volume Air, Abundance, Analytical, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, CH, Concentration, Delto, Gases, Lifetimes, Low-volume, Measure, Measured, Mechanisms, OH, Past, Program, Reactive, School, Students, Temporal, Undergraduate.
1. Eric S Saltzman($138,813), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Volatile Organic Compounds, Airsea Gas, Field, Fluxes, PTR-TOFMS.
1. David O De Haan($337,508), University of San Diego, San Diego
Key terms: Brown Carbon Formation, Soa And Brown, Reaction Products, Reaction Rates, Aerosol, Alpha-dicarbonyls, Atmospheric, Characterize, Compounds, Diverse, Measure, Mentored, Methods, NMR, Spectroscopy, Students, Training, Undergraduate, Uv-vis.
1. Cort Anastasio($230,214), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Kalliat T Valsaraj($393,561), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Louisiana And California, Organic Compounds, Secondary Organic, Aqueous, Drops, Fog, Fogwaters, GLV, Glvs, Graduate, Illuminated, Photooxidation, Products, Reactions, SOA, Source, Undergraduate.
1. Seth Olsen($146,398), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Robert C Owen($614,943), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
3. Detlev Helmig($250,582), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Chemical Transport, Long-range Transport, Long-range Transported, North Atlantic, Pico Mountain, Radiative Forcing, Radiative Properties, Aerosol, Aerosols, Air, Co-pollutants, Continent, Dispersion, Free, Has, Light-absorbing, Long-range, Observatory, Optical, Outflow, Simulations, Site, Tropospheric.
1. Rainer M Volkamer($764,695), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Jim Bresch($108,445), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Reactive Halogen Species, Ocean Sources, Remote Ocean, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Coastal, FT, Field, Investigate, OVOC, RHS, Released, TORERO, Unique, Upwelling.
1. Ronald C Cohen($221,692), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Atmosphere And Forests, Air Quality, Factors Regulating, Mixing Ratios, Nitrogen Exchange, Nitrogen Oxides, BEARPEX, Based, California, Canopy, Compensation, Constraints, Cycling, Directly, Fluxes, Measured, Mechanistic, Nature, Nox, Noy, Overall, Students, Various, Via.
1. Philip S Stevens($446,119), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Hydroxyl And Hydroperoxyl, Atmospheric Chemistry, Biogenic Emissions, Forested Environments, Hydroperoxyl Radicals, Aerosols, Allowing, Atmosphere, Climate, Current, Graduate, Has, Interferences, Laboratory, Measure, Overall, Ozone, Site, Students.
1. Sonia M Kreidenweis($10,152), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Precipitation, Symposium.
1. Timothy K Starn($48,475), West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester
2. Paul B Shepson($162,743), Purdue University, West Lafayette
3. John V Seeley($156,740), Oakland University, Rochester
Key terms: Bvocs And Reaction, Carbon Sequestration, Reaction Products, Sampling Apparatus, Aerosol, Ambient, Calibration, Climate, Detector, Field, Forest, Interactions, Investigations, Isoprene, Nitrates, Nitrogen, Organic, Oxidation, PROPHET, Pis, Quantify, Semi-autonomous, Students, UMBS, Webquest.
1. Renyi Zhang($25,000), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Ozone And Climate, Policy Decision, Stratospheric Ozone, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Co-sponsors, Contributions, Industry, International, Invited, Meteorological, Presentations, Society, Symposium.
1. Gabriel G Katul($200,973), Duke University, Durham
2. Sara C Pryor($568,088), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Fluxes And Mean, Concentration Profiles, Dry Deposition, Forested Sites, Particle Deposition, Particle Size, Aerosol, Aspects, Canopy, Collection, Concentrations, Descriptions, Experiments, Foliage, Leaf, Level, Models, Regional, Size-resolved, Surface, Turbulence, Uncertainties, Via.
1. Allen Goldstein($162,420), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Particulate Organic Matter, Air Quality, Ambient Aerosols, Chemical Processing, Field Campaign, Mass Spectrometer, Organic Composition, Volatile Organic, AMS, Atmosphere, BEARPEX, Beachon-rombas, Biogenic, Blodgett, Contribute, Deployment, Feedbacks, Forest, Forests, Gained, Insight, Manitou, Precursors, Resulting, Secondary, Sources, TAG, TAG-AMS.
1. Nancy R Gray($25,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate, Conference, Gordon.
1. Huiting Mao($300,620), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
Key terms: Appledore Island, Atmospheric Mercury, Gaseous Mercury, Analysis, Global, Hampshire, Hg, Hgp, MBL, Marine, Program, Public, RGM, Sampling, Site.
1. Daniel A Jaffe($820,985), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Air Quality, Free Tropospheric, Tropospheric Ozone, Asian, Focus, Global, Graduate, Has, MBO, Observations, Pollutants, Satellite, Site, Transport.
1. Anthony J Hynes($170,313), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Daniel A Jaffe($205,133), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Robert W Talbot($150,754), University of Houston, Houston
4. Daniel Obrist($50,023), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
5. Eric Prestbo($88,487), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Atmospheric, Compounds, Elemental, Examine, Gaseous, Global, Hg, Interference, Mercury, Methods, Pollutant, Site, Uncertainties.
1. Ann Marie G Carlton($19,951), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Atmosphere, Bvocs, Workshop.
1. Joern Ilja Siepmann($690,038), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Chemical Ionization, Cluster Cims, Mass Spectrometer, Molecular Clusters, Aerosol, Albedo, Allows, Amines, Atmosphere, Cloud, Concentrations, Efforts, Formation, Laboratory, Mobility, Nucleation, Nuclei, Particle, Processes, Source, Students, Uncertainty.
1. Mark A Zondlo($759,939), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Troposphere And Lower, Field Campaign, Lower Stratosphere, Upper Troposphere, Water Vapor, Aircraft, Cirrus, Conditions, DC, Environments, GV, Hygrometer, Ice, Regions, Students, VCSEL.
1. Daniel D Riemer($365,729), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Upper Tropospherelower Stratosphere, Volatile Organic Compounds, Active Convection, Chemical Composition, Dc3 Program, Deep Convective, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Hours, Instrument, Mid-latitude, Nitrogen, Ppt, Quantify, Species, UTLS.
1. Lewis G Huey($460,298), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Radical Levels, Acid, Aircraft, CIMS, Chemical, Chemistry, Convective, DC, G-V, HNO, HONO, Hcl, Observations, Observed, Processes, Serve, Species, UT, Useful.
1. Kenneth E Pickering($428,592), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Unit Flash Length, Convective Clouds, Dc3 Mission, Dc3 Observations, Flash Rates, Lightning Nox, Model Output, Activities, Analysis, Chemistry, Convection, Downwind, Estimates, Field, Forecasts, Improvements, Lnox, Magnitude, Modeling, Outflow, Ozone, Resulting, Simulated, Simulations, Storms, Students, Vertical, Wrf-chem.
1. Daniel A Knopf($65,500), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Frozen Sampling, Vertical Profile, Vertical Profiles, Air, Aircraft, BEACHON, Balloon, CBL, Campaign, Canopy, Chemistry, Collect, Field, Students, Technique, Time, Trapped, Tubing, Usually, Vocs.
1. Jeffrey L Collett($438,787), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Frank Keutsch($282,979), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Barbara J Turpin($574,965), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Aqueous Soa Formation, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Aerosol Concentrations, Organic Matter, Wet Aerosols, Atmospheric, Chemical, Compounds, Conditions, Designed, Does, Evidence, Experiments, Explained, Field, Filtered, Fog, Fogs, Formed, Less, Magnitude, Models, Pathway, Precursors, Process, Reactions, Water.
1. Vincent A Dutkiewicz($381,620), Health Research Incorporated/New York State Department of Health, Menands
Key terms: Atmospheric Ec, Ec Aerosols, Ec Concentration, Ec Concentrations, Lake Sediments, Whiteface Mt, Archived, Century, Cores, Determined, Filters, Fine.
1. Jesse Kroll($616,834), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Laboratory Studies, Organic Aerosol, Outreach Program, Oxidized Organics, Photochemical Aging, Public School, Aimed, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Boston, Chamber, Composition, Concentrations, Developed, Directly, Education, Educational, Experimental, Fraction, Graduate, Implemented, Inform, Mass, Mits, OA, OH, Oxidant, Oxidation, Promote, Schools, Species, Students, Training, Undergraduate, Via.
1. Noelle E Selin($600,054), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Global Mercury, Graduate Students, Atmospheric, Educational, Focused, Hg, Pops.
1. John H Seinfeld($536,074), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Laboratory Chamber Studies, Volatile Organic Compounds, Aerosol Acidity, Aerosol Mass, Gas-particle Partitioning, Highly Oxidized, Organic Aerosol, Particle-phase Chemistry, Radiative Forcing, Soa Formation, Aerosols, Ambient, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Experiments, Gas-particle, Levels, Model, Oxidation, Particle-phase, RH, Spectrum, Vocs, Water.
1. Johannes Verlinde($365,377), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Arthur A Small($172,759), Venti Risk Management, State College
Key terms: Field Experiment, Achieve, Aircraft, Challenges, Decision, Developed, Flight, Guidance, Intellectual, Meteorological, Multi-objective, Multiple, NWP, Objectives, Quantitative, Regions, Resource, Resources, Serve, Techniques, Weather.
1. Howard C Kunreuther($144,066), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
2. Phillip Griffiths($455,934), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Weather Extremes, Climate, Commercial, Development, Industrial, Local, Potential, Risk, Societal, Storms.
1. Howard C Kunreuther($2,094,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Gregory Hakim($381,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Societal And Industry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Regional Climate, Societal Applications, Adaptation, Approach, Approaches, Benefit, Decision, Developed, Development, Downscaling, Enable, Feature, Long-term, Model, Prediction, Predictions, Predictive, Program, Tools, Weather.
1. Richard W Katz($170,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Rajagopalan Balaji($62,736), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Michael J North($532,155), University of Miami, Coral Gables
4. Walter E Baethgen($88,996), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Decadal Climate Predictions, Decision Makers, Food Security, Activity, Adaptation, Agricultural, Argentina, Capacity, Central, Decision-makers, Decision-making, Development, Dialogue, Enhance, Global, Information, Integrative, Knowledge, Naturalhuman, Regions, Sectors, Societal, World.
1. Liangzhi You($110,000), International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington
2. Chuanrong Zhang($503,800), University of Connecticut, Storrs
3. Jeremy S Pal($211,410), Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Key terms: Climate And Land, Food Policy, Future Climate, Regional Climate, West Africa, Biophysical, Broader, Driver, Factors, Model, Models, Predictions, Socioeconomic.
1. Richard C Somerville($1,350,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Aerosol Indirect Effects, Advanced Parameterizations, Aerosol Effects, Atmospheric Conditions, Aerosols, Challenges, Climate, Clouds, Cumulus, Educational, Interactions, Modeling, Ocean, Simulations, Teaching, Training.
1. Ge Sun($2,299,999), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Air Quality, Climate, Control, Development, Future, Global, Has, Integrated, Mitigation, Model, Potential.
1. Christine A Shoemaker($1,064,047), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. James T Randerson($884,194), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
3. Ivan D Lima($355,820), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
4. Gordon Bonan($599,338), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Regional And Decadal, Carbon Cycle, Climate, Comparisons, Cross-disciplinary, Datasets, Future, Improvements, Land, Metrics, Model, Models, Ocean, Predictions, Programs, Projections, Spread, Students.
1. Walter E Baethgen($919,153), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Climate Information, Agricultural, Decadal, Decision, Development, Past, Pis, Timescales.
1. Clara Deser($1,049,973), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Informed Guide, Selected Climate, CMIP, Coupled, Datasets, Enhance, Esms, Evaluation, Limitations, Sets.
1. Marat Khairoutdinov($329,872), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. A S Denning($1,489,045), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Andrew Gettelman($325,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Anthropogenic Climate, Broader Impacts, Century Climate, Land Surface, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Based, CESM, CRM, Decadal, Effects, Emissions, Extreme, Future, Generation, Global, Grid, Land-surface, Model, Models, Modes, Pis, Processes, SP-CESM, Simulation, Society, Training, Version.
1. Zhaohua Wu($396,805), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Empirical Mode Decomposition, Low-frequency Climate Modes, Low-frequency Climate, Model Simulations, Analysis, Atlantic, Characteristics, Counterparts, Developed, Evolution, Following, Has, Iii, Improvement, MEEMD, Method, Multidecadal, Spatial-temporal, Tools, Trend.
1. Scott R Fulton($298,715), Clarkson University, Potsdam
2. Wayne H Schubert($391,985), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Plains Low-level Jet, Low-level Jet, Low-level Jets, Plains Low-level, Solar Heating, Topographic Features, Applied, Atmospheric, Developed, Dynamics, Elevated, Flows, Found, Inversion, Isentropic, Technique, Topography.
1. Isaac M Held($606,252), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Height And Sharpness, Greenhouse Gas, Jet Streams, Storm Tracks, Tropopause Height, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Circulation, Climate, Consider, Jets, Latitude, Midlatitude, Position.
1. Daehyun Kim($699,620), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Multi-model Dataset, Activity, Analysis, Climate, Cyclone, Multi-model, Set, TC, Tropical.
1. Steven Feldstein($562,003), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Atmosphere And Ocean, Storm Tracks, Drive, Jet, Jets, Knowledge, Models, Processes, Surface, Teachers, Workshops.
1. Sharon E Nicholson($76,445), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Africa, Disasters, Drought, Factors, Meteorological, Region, Seasonal, Severity.
1. Lon L Hood($114,693), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Air-sea Interactions, Stratospheric Ozone, Air-sea, Atmosphere, Climate, Radiation, Simulations, Solar, Surface.
1. Alexey Fedorov($342,568), Yale University, New Haven
2. Katherine H Straub($61,045), Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Climate Modeling, Atmospheric, Convective, Disturbances, Has.
1. Elizabeth Ritchie($150,061), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Eastern North Pacific, North Pacific Tropical, Large-scale Circulation, Activity, Climate, Increase, Large-scale, Ncoastal, Southwestern, TC.
1. Paul E Roundy($516,951), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Convectively Coupled, Equatorial Waves, Extratropical Waves, Convection, Extreme, Interact, MJO, Organized, Tropical, Tropics.
1. Robert M Pincus($397,045), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Low Cloud Feedback, Climate Models, Cloud Properties, Empirical Relationships, Global Warming, Large-scale Variables, Low Clouds, Neural Network, Satellite Observations, Combination, Established, Estimates, Large-scale, Less, Method, Prevalent, Projections, Reflective, Sunlight, Surface, Temperature, Uncertainty.
1. Pedro Di Nezio($29,951), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Pedro Di Nezio($29,951), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Sea Level Pressure, 20th Century, Climate Simulations, Climatic Variables, Decision Makers, East-west Sea, Global Warming, Ipcc Ar5, Slp Gradient, Tropical Climate, Walker Cell, Walker Circulation, Consequences, Dominant, East-west, Extent, Has, Implications, Issues, Low, Natural, Observations, Observed, Performed, Precipitation, Rainfall, Trend, Trends, Tropical-mean, Weakening, Worldwide.
1. Edwin K Schneider($294,631), George Mason University, Fairfax
2. Benjamin P Kirtman($354,389), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Atmospheric Component Model, Ocean Component Model, Atlantic Sst, North Atlantic, Weather Noise, Average, CCSM, Climate, Copies, Examine, Fluxes, IE-CCSM, Meridional, Multidecadal, Predictability, Ssts, Structure, Surface, Time.
1. Celal Konor($302,767), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric Models, Hydrostatic Models, Nonhydrostatic Global, Nonhydrostatic Motions, Appropriate, Cloud, Equations, Simulation, UN.
1. Peter H Molnar($57,743), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Kerry A Emanuel($274,047), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric, Carried, Circulation, Climate, Distribution, Effects, Examine, Islands, MIT-GCM, Model, Ocean, Parameterizations, Tropical.
1. Tiffany A Shaw($343,641), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Downward Zonal Mean, Zonal Mean Coupling, Climate Prediction, Tropospheric Circulation, Wave Reflection, DWC, Dynamical, Potential, Seasonal, Stratosphere, Troposphere.
1. Tim Li($370,034), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Energy Conversions, Mjo Convection, Momentum Transport, Nonlinear Rectification, Nonlinearly Rectified, Ocean Nonlinear, Phase Relationships, Tropical Convection, Upscale Feedback, Atmospheric, Current, Eddy, Examine, Experiments, Flux, Following, Heat, Intraseasonal, Investigate, Modeling, National, Oscillation, Phases, Process, Processes, Reanalysis, SSV, Surface, Synoptic, Weather.
1. Chidong Zhang($526,049), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Dynamo Field Campaign, Forecast And Analysis, Indian Ocean, Large-scale Conditions, Mjo Initiation, Activities, Aircraft, Broader, CINDY, Chief, Collected, Convective, Deployment, Development, ECMWF, Essential, Forecasts, Graduate, Has, International, Large-scale, Layer, Main, Monitoring, Multiple, October, Operations, Oversee, Phase, Post-deployment, Postdoc, Pre-deployment, Radars, Region, Students, Travel, Weather.
1. Stephen G Warren($324,731), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Snow Grain Size, Albedo Reduction, Artificial Snowpacks, Radiative Forcing, BC, Bands, Climate, Concentration, Experiments, Filters, Functions, Investigate, Laboratory, Measured, Model, Models, Natural, Obtain, Quantities, Sky, Solar, Soot, Water.
1. Shuyi S Chen($247,801), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Qing Wang($192,800), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Air-sea Interactions, Airborne Expendable, Deep Convection, Field Campaign, Indian Ocean, Mjo Initiation, Pacific Ocean, Air-sea, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Convective, DYNAMO, Dropsondes, Essential, Fluxes, Has, Heat, Layer, Moisture, Moisture-convection, Multiple, NOAA, Organized, Phase, Prediction, Radar, Shallow, Winds, Worldwide.
1. Ramalingam Saravanan($538,585), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Climate Model, Gulf Stream, Regional Climate, Affect, Atlantic, Atmospheric, GSE, Has, Interaction, Ocean, Pis, Simulations.
1. Cristiana Stan($99,887), Institute of Global Environment and Society, Rockville
2. Charlotte A Demott($249,920), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Asian Summer Monsoon, Cloud Resolving Model, El Ninosouthern Oscillation, Climate Model, Atmospheric, CCSM, Component, Convection, Improvements, MJO, Models, Parameterization, Performed, SP-CCSM, Simulation, Tropical, Version, Weather.
1. Zhuo Wang($401,954), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Tropical Cyclone Formation, Easterly Waves, Itcz-wave Interaction, Large-scale Circulation, Wave Pouch, Atlantic, Framework, Itcz-wave, Large-scale, Link, MDR, Storm.
1. Daniel S Wilks($406,959), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Seasonal Forecasts, Surface Temperature, Analysis, Century, Climate, Exploration, Low-frequency, Means, Predictand, Prediction, Predictors, Statistical, Training.
1. Ping Liu($702,745), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Vertical Resolution, Archived, Available, Has, High-resolution, Levels, Radiosonde, Raw, Tropopause, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Varavut Limpasuvan($254,185), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Stratosphere And Mesosphere, Elevated Stratopause, Parameterized Gw, ARPS, Activities, Coupling, Examined, Forcings, Gws, Model, Observations, Pws, SSW, Ssws, Undergraduate, WACCM, Waves.
1. Rosana Nieto-Ferreira($314,033), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Climate And Hydrological, Climate Model, North Carolina, Process-based Downscaling, Radar Reflectivity, Regional Climate, Synoptic Regimes, Climatology, Convective, Datasets, Delivery, Flow, NASA, NMQ, NOAA, National, Precipitation, Process-based, Rainfall, Rivers, Simulations, Spatial, Time, Water, Watershed.
1. David A Schecter($486,740), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Tropical Cyclone Models, Environmental Conditions, Reduced Model, Tropical Cyclones, Vortex Intensity, Asymmetries, CSR, Create, Effects.
1. Charles Jones($466,314), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Extreme Precipitation Forecasts, CONUS, Economic, Examines, Largest, MJO, Phases, Preliminary, Skill, Value, Week.
1. Sumant Nigam($30,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Climate Models, Ipcc Ar5, AMO, Atlantic, Hydroclimate, Lead, Multidecadal, Phase, Representation, Simulations.
1. Charles Jones($30,000), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Climate Model, Cmip5 Models, Ipcc Ar5, Model Simulations, AMS, Americas, Atlantic, Characteristics, Decadal, Forcings, Monsoon, Monsoons, Observed, Oscillation, Past, Precipitation, Projected, Represent, Representing, Statistical.
1. Fuqing Zhang($566,219), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Dynamics And Impacts, Energy And Momentum, Gravity Waves Generated, Idealized Moist Baroclinic, Mesoscale Gravity Waves, Moist Baroclinic Jet-front, Moist Baroclinic Waves, Baroclinic Jet-front, High-resolution Simulations, Mesoscale Predictability, Moist Convection, Momentum Transport, Aircraft, Analyzing, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Characteristics, Circulation, Fluxes, High-resolution, Interaction, Interactions, Large-scale, Lead, Observations, Processes, Propagation, Small-scale, Source, Transfer, Tropospheric, Weather.
1. Ying Fan Reinfelder($307,724), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Francina Dominguez($225,813), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Amazon Forest, Deep Roots, Dry Season, Hydraulic Redistribution, Land Surface, Shed Lights, Soil Moisture, Climate, Continent, DRM, Deeper, Deforestation, Developed, Fields, Functions, Future, Groundwater, Hence, Influence, Leaf-hydro, Model, Precipitation, Process, Regional, Simulate, South, Suggest, Water.
1. Nancy R Gray($20,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Radiation And Climate, Early-career Scientists, Graduate Students, Outstanding Issues, Remote Sensing, Aerosol, Aerosols, Cloud, Clouds, Conference, Early-career, Expected, Feedbacks, GRC, Gordon, Interactions, Meeting, Observational.
1. Venkatesh Merwade($29,999), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Model Simulations Prepared, Climate Models, Decision Makers, Global Warming, Hydrological Cycle, Ipcc Ar5, Land Cover, Evapotranspiration, Expected, Extent, Forcing, Hydroclimate, LULC, Regional, Variables.
1. John Chiang($32,894), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Sst Gradient Trend, 20th Century, Indirect Effects, Ipcc Ar5, Simulations Prepared, Sulfate Aerosols, Assessing, Atlantic, Determining, Ensemble, Forced, Hemisphere, Magnitude, Radiative.
1. Hyemi Kim($29,962), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: 20th Century, Climate Model, Decadal Climate, Decadal Fluctuations, Extreme Climate, Ipcc Ar5, Natural Decadal, Statistical Methods, Analyses, Anthropogenic, Extent, Prepared, Risk, Simulations, Warming.
1. Ning Zeng($29,762), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Carbon-climate Feedbacks, Ipcc Ar5, Model Behaviors, Model Simulations, CMIP, Carbon-climate, Century, Current, Future, Models, Observations, Projected, Sensitivity, Strength.
1. Tapio Schneider($507,084), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Hadley Cell, Hadley Circulation, Climate, Climates, Equator, Has, Ice, Motions, Regions, Rising, Simulated, Simulations, Subsiding, Subtropics, Warming.
1. David S Gutzler($29,976), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Model Simulations Prepared, Spring And Summer, Assessment Report, Ipcc Ar5, Soil Moisture, Southwestern North, Summer Seasons, CMIP, Consistent, Examine, Examines, Generation, Hydroclimatic, Population, Projected, Pronounced, Rainfall, Region, Surface, Trends, Winter.
1. Jeremy S Pal($70,649), Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
2. Guiling Wang($446,034), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Lateral Boundary Conditions, Regional Climate Model, Regional Climate Predictions, Food Policy, Future Climate, Model Version, Vegetation Feedback, Vegetation-climate Interactions, West Africa, African, Center, Context, Coupled, Dynamic, Global, Influence, International, Long-term, Models, Precipitation, Resulting, Trend, Vegetation-climate.
1. Toby R Ault($29,999), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Model Simulations Prepared, Assessment Report, Ipcc Ar5, Low-frequency Hydroclimate, Climate, Drought, Found, Future, Generation, Low-frequency, Models, Projections, Risk.
1. Joel R Norris($29,999), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Dimming And Brightening, Assessment Report, Climate Simulations, Insolation Trends, Ipcc Ar5, Radiative Forcing, Aerosol, Aerosols, Cloud, Driven, Earlier, Generation, Greenhouse, Model, Models, Observed, Reproduce, Seeks, Uncertainty.
1. Kenneth E Kunkel($36,000), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Climate Simulations, Ipcc Ar5, Model Simulations, Simulations Prepared, Warming Hole, Assessing, Future, Models, Temperature.
1. Anita Rapp($29,996), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Climate Models, Cloud Feedbacks, Ipcc Ar5, Model Simulations, Clouds, Diagnostic, Expected, Msc, Observations, Properties, Responsible, Satellite, Uncertainties.
1. Amy B Solomon($29,951), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Assessment Report, Decadal Climate, Hindcast Experiments, Ipcc Ar5, Simulations Prepared, Anomalies, Comparisons, Extent, External, Forced, Forecast, Forecasts, Initialized, Makers, Model, Ocean, Performed, Predictability, Predictable, SST, Starting, Temperature.
1. Gang Chen($290,870), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Jian Lu($204,511), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Global Warming Forcing, Sensitivities And Mechanisms, Annual Cycle, Atmospheric Circulation, Circulation Regimes, Ghg Warming, Hydrological Cycle, Leading Mode, Climate, Extremes, Globe, Mean, Precipitation, Sectors, Simulations, Water.
1. Guang J Zhang($367,077), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Samuel S Shen($131,268), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Central Equatorial Pacific, Convective Momentum Transport, Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Weather And Climate, Broader Impacts, Climate Models, Cumulus Clouds, Mjo Simulation, Convection, Deep, Objective, Plays, Process, Processes, Representation, Stratiform, Versus.
1. Zhiming Kuang($333,260), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Eric D Maloney($279,976), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Adam H Sobel($320,721), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Dynamo Observations, Field Campaign, Indian Ocean, Madden-julian Oscillation, Mjo Initiation, Pacific Ocean, Activities, Compare, Convective, Experiments, Forcing, Global, Graduate, Large-scale, Limited, Model, Models, Naval, Office, Outreach, Prediction, Processes, Propagates, Specific, Students, Worldwide.
1. Steven A Rutledge($1,229,385), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Cloud Resolving, Deep Convection, Field Campaign, Indian Ocean, Mjo Initiation, Broader, Convective, DYNAMO, Essential, Heating, Layer, Moistening, Multiple, Radar, Radars, Tropical.
1. William J Gutowski($29,472), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Simulations And Observations, Climate Simulations, Extreme Precipitation, Ipcc Ar5, Simulations Prepared, Analysis, Behavior, Future, Model, Models.
1. John Katzenberger($30,000), Aspen Global Change Institute, Basalt
Key terms: Decadal Prediction, Decadal Simulations, Ipcc Ar5, Analysis, Workshop.
1. Yochanan Kushnir($37,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: 20th Century Climate, Century Climate Simulations, 20th Century, Climate Model, Decision Makers, Global Warming, Greenhouse Gas-induced, Ipcc Ar5, Mediterranean Drying, Simulations Prepared, Analysis, Atlantic, Consequence, Ensemble, Gas-induced, Mechanisms, NAO, Natural, Phase, Region, Robust.
1. J David Neelin($965,689), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Large-scale Atmospheric Conditions, Convective Rainfall, Large-scale Atmospheric, Tropical Climate, Tropical Convection, Water Vapor, Behavior, Complex, Divided, Importance, Interactions, Moisture, Precipitation, Processes, Properties, Tropics.
1. Suzana J Camargo($171,486), Columbia University, New York
2. Joseph Galewsky($254,619), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
3. Robert L Korty($255,776), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Lgm And Mid-holocene, Global Warming, Ice Age, Past Climates, Ago, Behavior, Factors, Forcing, Genesis, Has, Hurricanes, Inform, Models, Simulations, Tcs, Tropical.
1. Courtney Schumacher($723,498), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Addu Atoll, Field Campaign, Indian Ocean, Mjo Initiation, Precipitating Convection, Radial Velocity, Content, Convective, DYNAMO, Duration, Essential, Heating, International, Layer, Multiple, Radar, Radars, Reflectivity.
1. Robert A Houze($822,314), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cloud Population, Field Campaign, Humidity Field, Indian Ocean, Mjo Initiation, Broader, Characteristics, Clouds, Convection, Convective, DYNAMO, Essential, Layer, Main, Multiple, Oceanic, Populations, Pre-onset, Radar, S-polka, Stages.
1. Peter G Hess($309,772), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Chemistry And Atmospheric, Investigate And Isolate, Sst And Radiative, Atmospheric Dynamics, Chemistry-climate Model, Model Simulations, Radiative Forcings, Tropospheric Ozone, Chemistry-climate, Circulation, Idealized, Models, Observed, Oscillation, STE.
1. T. N Krishnamurti($165,000), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Indian Summer Monsoon, Dry Spells, Modeling Components, Africa, Antecedents, Dynamical, Generation, Prediction, Similar, TIGGE, Vorticity.
1. Richard H Johnson($685,594), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Dynamo Campaign, Field Campaign, Indian Ocean, Mjo Initiation, Quality Control, Sounding Network, Analysis, Cloud, Convection, Convective, Essential, Evolution, Fields, Layer, Moistening, Moisture, Multiple, Overarching, Plan, Populations, Pre-onset, Vessels.
1. Jeffrey L Shaman($265,960), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Mediterranean Basin, Mediterranean Region, Naa Jet, North Africa, ENSO, Ocean, Pacific, Precipitation, Rossby, Teleconnection, Teleconnections.
1. Edward K Vizy($457,282), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: African Monsoon, Cold Surges, Global Warming, Monsoon Rains, West Africa, Climate, Dynamics, Effects, Focus, GHA, Sahel.
1. Steven Feldstein($540,920), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Atmospheric, Climate, Dynamics, Has, Implications, Teleconnection, Weather.
1. Fredrick Semazzi($520,097), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Climatology And Interannual, Lake Victoria Basin, Regional Climate, Activities, Assessment, Based, Circulation, Climatic, Coupled, Detailed, Dominant, Feature, International, Knowledge, LVB, LVB-WS, Mechanisms, Model, Regcm-pom, Responsible, Simulations.
1. Karyn Sawyer($177,373), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Field Campaigns, Junior Scientists, Senior Scientists, Activities, Benefit, Broader, CLD, Climate, Issues, JOSS, Mentoring, Opportunities, Provided, Quickly, Requests, Travel.
1. Gary P Zank($12,000), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms:
1. Russ S Schumacher($594,759), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Forecasts And Warnings, Extreme Precipitation, Extreme Rainfall, Flash Flooding, Heavy Rainfall, Produce Extreme, Accurate, Analyses, Challenges, Circulations, Convective, Development, Elevated, Flash-flood, Lead, Linear, Local, Mcss, Mesoscale, Meteorological, Methods, Midlatitude, Numerical, Predictability, Prediction, Processes, Quantify, Simulations, Societal, Society, Students, Warm-season, Weather.
1. Yongkang Xue($496,742), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Modeldynamic Vegetation Model, Sahel Climate Sidva, African Monsoon, Climate Model, External Forcings, Sahelian Climate, Anomalies, Applied, Assess, Atmospheric, Available, Century, Comprehensive, Comprehensively, Conditions, Decadal, Especially, Features, Feedback, GCM, Has, Information, Interactions, Interannual, LULC, Land, Processes, Regional, Relative, SST, Seasonal, Simulations, Social, Sources, Surface, WAM.
1. Charles Jones($563,506), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Indian Summer Monsoon, Ism And Wd, Surface Water Budget, Winter Western Disturbances, Asia Mountains, Asian, Central, Characterize, Climate, Current, Educational, Geomorphology, Graduate, Hydrology, Investigate, Involve, Multi-annual-to-decadal, Processes, Rain, Rainfall, Regions, Runoff, Snow, Snowmelt.
1. Harlan Spence($5,000,000), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Charged Particles, Extreme Solar, Ice Core, Solar Activity, Age, Atmosphere, Chemical, Dangerous, Effects, Investigates, Pose, Processes, Risks, Society, Space, Sun, Sun-to-ice.
1. Juan F Arratia($658,049), Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan
Key terms: Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, Atmospheric, Enhance, Graduate, Laser, Lidar, MLT, Potassium, State-of-the-art, Students, Technologies, Technology, Training, Transmitter, UMET, Undergraduate, Winds.
1. Sharon L Sessions($302,865), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Tropical Convection, Self-aggregation, Utilize.
1. Kai Germaschewski($495,886), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Thin Current Sheets, Magnetic Reconnection, Secondary Instabilities, Space Weather, Applicable, Applications, Based, Code, Computational, Computer, Demonstration, Developed, Generation, Global, Graduate, Hall, Investigate, MHD, Magnetosphere, Model, Outreach, Physics, Range, School, Source, Students, Tool.
1. April Hiscox($69,220), University South Carolina Research Foundation, Columbia
Key terms: Tree Sway Motions, Aerodynamic Interactions, Coherent Structures, Coupled Les-tree-sway-model, Crsl Turbulence, Education Program, Elastic Properties, Forest Canopies, Forest Ecology, Forest Meteorology, Numerical Modeling, Short Crops, Tree-sway Motions, Aeroelasticity, Atmospheric, Campaign, Canopy, Carry, Characteristics, Climate, Collaborative, Ecosystems, Effects, Field, Force, Future, Graduate, Has, Intensive, Les-tree-sway-model, Micrometeorology, Models, Multiple, Pis, Primary, Quantify, Site, Spatial, Temporal, Terrestrial, Tree-sway, Trees.
1. Heping Liu($474,960), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Active Turbulence, Atmospheric Stratifications, Coherent Eddies, Disturbed Asl, Graduate Students, Large-scale Coherent, Turbulence Structures, Water Vapor, Activities, Education, Exchange, Jackson, Large-scale, Layer, Momentum, Predictions, Surface.
1. Lynn M Russell($30,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Geoengineering Schemes, Global Warming, Potential Impacts, Synthesis Report, Affect, Consequences, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Geoengineering-research, Hazards, Workshop.
1. Wiebke K Deierling($4,500,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Electrical Connections, Affect, Atmosphere, Clouds, Current, Earth-atmosphere-geospace, Edge, Educate, Global, Lightning, Processes, Space.
1. Michael Moloney($49,984), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Solar Cycle, Climate, Committee, Discussions, Earth, Future, NASA, NRC, NSF, Specific, Time, Topics, Workshop.
1. Marc B Parlange($295,029), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Heat And Moisture, Wind Turbine Arrays, Atmospheric Boundary, Atmospheric Conditions, Graduate Education, Land Surface, Pi's Ongoing, Roughness Lengths, Sensible Heat, Wind Energy, Wind Farm, Wind Farms, Wind Turbines, ABL, Computational, Convective, Effective, Effects, Fluxes, Global, Ground, Growth, Has, High-school, In-situ, Increased, LES, Land-atmosphere, Local, Modeling, Modifications, Modified, Neutral, Outreach, Parameters, Pis, Play, Portions, Regional, Simulations, Stable, Students, Theory, Various, Wakes, Water.
1. Rebecca Haacker-Santos($3,298,568), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric, Program, Students, Summer.
1. Reginald A Blake($919,700), CUNY New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Key terms: Ground-based Remote Sensing, Pursue Stem Education, Ground-based Remote, Undergraduate Students, Applications, Choose, City, Endeavors, Engaged, Engineering, Engineers, Future, Graduate, Mathematics, Mentors, NOAA-CREST, Opportunity, Scholars, Technology, Unique, York.
1. Steven M Quiring($570,575), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Land Surface Models, Moisture Influences Climate, Soil Moisture Influences, Spatial And Temporal, Land-atmosphere Coupling, Land-atmosphere Interactions, Undergraduate Students, Drought, Interannual, Land-atmosphere, Plains, Seasonal, Strength, Time.
1. Barry Lienert($267,177), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Environmental Factors, Cloud, Cloud-base, Convective, Electrification, Hawaii, Height, Instability, Lightning, Model, Physics, Public, STEPS, Simulating, Single, Storm, Storms.
1. Neil M Donahue($661,375), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Matter Health Effects, Particulate Matter Health, Aerosol Mass, Gas-phase Organic, Mass Spectrometer, Organic Aerosol, Carbon, Carried, Climate, Designed, Experiments, Formation, Gas-phase, Interactions, Model, Oxidation, Oxygen, Peroxides, Precursors, Properties, SOA, Selected, Space, Traditional.
1. Xiaoyan Xing($300,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Electric Fields, Electromagnetic Energy, Inner Magnetosphere, Magnetic Substorm, Magnetosphere-ionosphere Coupling, Substorm Onset, Focus, Magnetosphere-ionosphere, Path, SAPS, Spacecraft, Subauroral, THEMIS, Temporal, Time.
1. Calvin Robert Clauer($465,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Gem Program, Fall, Workshops.
1. Peter H Yoon($300,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Large-amplitude Whistler Waves, Radiation Belt Electrons, Large-amplitude Whistler, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Benefits, Density, Has, Nonlinear, Obliquely, Particle, Physics, Plasma, Play, Propagating, Propagation, Relativistic, Source.
1. James A Slavin($291,641), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Flux Rope, Flux Ropes, Mining Tool, Analysis, Axis, Evolution, Formation, Magnetic, Onset, Reconnection, Space, Technique, X-lines.
1. William A Bristow($1,345,660), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: International Network, Space Physics, Upper Atmosphere, Convection, Earth, Generation, Ionosphere, Kodiak, Magnetosphere, Maintenance, Motion, Nations, Operation, Plasma, Plays, Programs, Radar, Site, Solar, Superdarn, Wind.
1. Yukitoshi Nishimura($450,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Substorm Onset, Auroral, Bursts, Convection, Empirical, Ionosphere, Radars, Timing.
1. Patrick T Newell($300,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Indices, Substorm Onsets, AU, Available, Currents, Stations, Substorms.
1. Yuri Shprits($97,633), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Solar Wind, Space Weather, Analysis, Available, Benefits, Continuous, Dataset, Gaps, IMF, Observations, SSA, Variety.
1. Jay R Johnson($360,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Space Weather Tools, Causal Dependencies, Information-dynamical Measures, Solar Wind, Underlying Dynamics, Cumulant-based, Development, Flux, Horizon, Magnetospheric, Methods, Nonlinear, Predictability, Predictive, Statistical, Variables.
1. Stephen B Mende($800,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Christopher T Russell($50,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Auroral Arcs, Auroral Phenomena, Scatter Radars, Space Weather, Themis-gbo Network, Canadian, Coverage, Facilities, Magnetic, Mission, Operation, Portion, Solar, THEMIS-GBO, Topics.
1. Anatoly V Streltsov($283,000), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
2. Anatoly V Streltsov($93,000), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Energetic Electrons, Radiation Belts, Particles, Play, Processes, Propagation, Space, Waves.
1. Mark B Moldwin($320,739), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Plasma Density, Examine, Field, Harang, Ionospheric, Large-scale, Magnetic, Mid-latitude, Observations, Play, Radar, Substorms, Trough.
1. Naomi Maruyama($107,773), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Magnetic Perturbations, Based, Current, Effects, Magnetospheric, Network, Storm-time.
1. Aleksandr Y Ukhorskiy($300,012), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Inductive Electric Fields, Solar Wind Dynamic, Storm-time Ring Current, Wind And Geomagnetic, Electron Fluxes, Geomagnetic Conditions, Magnetic Field, Radial Transport, Radiation Belt, Storm-time Ring, Transport Rates, Accounts, Average, Based, Described, Diffusion, Dimensional, Drift, Features, Fluctuations, Following, Function, Global, Induced, Losses, Model, Models, Outer, Phase, Quantify, Reconfigurations, Summer, ULF.
1. Kan Liou($375,500), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Flux Transfer, Pc5 Frequency Range, Pc5 Ulf Waves, Pressure Pulse Driven, Solar Wind Pressure, Auroral Images, Magnetosphere Responds, Spectral Analysis, Determining, Distinguish, Disturbances, Earth, Features, Global, Knowledge, Mode, Polar, Quasi-periodic, S-transform, Speed, Techniques, Traditional.
1. Christopher Chaston($330,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Thin Current Sheets, Auroral Forms, Dynamic Evolution, Reimei Spacecraft, Analysis, Drive, Motions, Observations, Particle, Plasma, Processes, Region, Simulation, Teaching, Vorticity.
1. Xinlin Li($170,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Radiation Belt, Forecasts, Los, Model, Operational.
1. David L Newman($420,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Current Sheet Equilibria, Current Sheets, Earth's Magnetosphere, Initial Conditions, Magnetic Reconnection, Asymmetric, Class, Diverse, Instabilities, Kinetic, Magnetopause, Magnetotail, Modeled, Non-equilibrium, Observed, PIC, Physics, Plasma, Simulations, Solar, Stable.
1. Mary K Hudson($299,999), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Inner Radiation Belt, Magnetic Field Models, Solar Energetic Protons, Magnetic Storms, Dynamics, Effects, Fields, Losses, Magnetospheric, Numerical, Particle, Trapping.
1. Vadim Roytershteyn($80,000), SciberQuest, Del Mar
Key terms: Asymptotic Approach, Linear Theory, Magnetic Reconnection, Tearing Mode, Formation, Instability, Non-linear, Plasma, Plasmas, Simulations.
1. Jacob Bortnik($285,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Radiation Belt Dynamics, Radiation Belts, Earth, Electrons, Energization, Has, Mechanism, Processes, Society, Waves.
1. Nojan Omidi($110,000), Solana Scientific Inc., Solana Beach
2. Jean Berchem($415,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Global Mhd Simulations, Hybrid Simulations, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Earth, Effects, Kinetic, Large-scale, Local, Magnetosheath, Magnetosphere, Modeling, Observations, Processes, Treat.
1. Marit Oieroset($330,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Current Sheets, Magnetosheath Reconnection, Process, Turbulent.
1. Andrei Runov($279,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Bursty Bulk Flows, Near-earth Plasma Sheet, Dipolarization Fronts, Energetic Particles, Energetic Plasma, Near-earth Plasma, Amplitude, Injection, Lead, Magnetic, Magnetosphere, Nearth, Phenomena, Play, Substorms, Transported.
1. Douglas M Rabin($436,215), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Space Physics, NASAGSFC, Program, STEM, Solar, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Naomi Maruyama($233,932), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Conductance And Neutral, Ionospheric Conductance, Neutral Winds, Ring Current, Coupling, Effort, Extended, Ionosphere, Ionosphere-thermosphere, Magnetosphere, Mid-latitude, Newly, Observations, Proposing, Region, Utilized.
1. Thomas J Immel($300,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Michael W Liemohn($120,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Enhanced Magnetic Activity, Magnetic Storm Strength, Dst Index, Geomagnetic Storms, Ion Outflow, Ionospheric Plasma, Ut Dependence, Abundance, Berkeley, Examination, Findings, Has, Latitudes, Magnetometer, Magnetosphere, Michigan, Middle, Models, Pressure, Processes.
1. Ilia I Roussev($15,383), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Solar Wind, Bulgaria, Environment, Held, ISROSES-II, Magnetosphere, Modeling, Nsfs, September, Space, Sun-earth, Symposium.
1. Song Gao($200,715), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Complex Mixtures, Compounds, Trace.
1. Angela Kamrath($2,100,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Computing Facility, Supercomputing Operations, Boulder, CI, CISL, Cheyenne, Costs, Cyberinfrastructure, Equipment, Facilities, Laboratory, ML, NCAR, NWSC, Ncars, Service, Transfer, Transition, Wyoming.
1. Merav Opher($785,410), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Solar Wind, Space Weather, Accelerate, Close, Evolve, Heliospheric, Nature, Particles, Pis, Plasma, Propagate, Seps, Sheets, Shocks, Sun.
1. George S Constantinescu($12,000), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Contaminants, Diverse, Early-career, Exchange, Hydrological, Meeting, Processes, Students, Transport.
1. Jose A Rial($287,730), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Coupling, Polar, Synchronization.
1. Kyle K Nichols($827,931), Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs
Key terms: Acquisition, Analytical, Isotope, Water.
1. Loretta Mickley($330,595), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Becky Alexander($325,600), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Aim, Climate, Isotopes, Sulfate.
1. Amy C Clement($827,865), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Sea Level, Atlantic, Bahamas, Caves, Ceased, Climate, Flooded, Periods, Sea-level, Speleothems, Stalagmites, Students.
1. Adam Z Csank($239,050), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Colorado, Delta-oxygen, Montana, North, Reconstructing, Temperature.
1. David C Lund($188,621), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Jerry F McManus($79,617), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: El Nino, ENSO, Holocene, Speleothems, Time.
1. Rhawn F Denniston($98,000), Cornell College, Mount Vernon
Key terms: Late Holocene, Tropical Cyclone, Activity, Caves, Dated, Extremely, Flood, Growth, Kimberley, Stalagmite, Stalagmites.
1. Raffaele Ferrari($10,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Climate, Conference, Students.
1. Anthony J Broccoli($400,814), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: South Americaatlantic Region, Mid-holocene Precipitation, Mid-holocene, Models, Paleoclimate, Proxies, Signatures.
1. Erika K Wise($251,290), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Synoptic Dendroclimatology, Atmospheric, Climate, Controls, ENSO, Existing, Field, Gridded, Objectives, Pressure, Reconstructions.
1. Ashish Sinha($242,822), California State University-Dominguez Hills Foundation, Carson
Key terms: Active-break Cycles, Dominant Pacemaker, External Boundary, Oxygen Isotope, Active-break, Dynamics, Forcing, ISM, India, Indian, Interannual, Internal, Monsoon.
1. David M Anderson($21,293), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Archivists, Climate, Database, EAGER, GST, Global, Index, Nsf-funded, Paleoclimate, Produced, Short, Temperature, Time, Trend, WDC.
1. Jeffrey Dorale($131,861), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Bogdan P Onac($301,684), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Coastal Caves, Sea Level, Mallorca, Range, Resolution, Unique.
1. Robert M Sherrell($528,195), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Generate, Niue, Pacific, Paleoclimate, Rainfall, Ratios, Shift, Tonga, Uth.
1. Benjamin L Cook($70,388), Columbia University, New York
2. Ramzi Touchan($572,434), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Mediterranean Basin, Climate, Hydroclimate, MBDA.
1. Richard L Edwards($557,957), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Low Latitude Sites, Oxygen Isotopic Composition, Glacial-interglacial Cycles, Ago, Extend, Glacial-interglacial, Hemisphere, Monsoon, Rainfall, Regions, Time.
1. Irina P Panyushkina($145,833), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Peter VandeWater($37,825), California State University-Fresno Foundation, Fresno
Key terms: Engineering, Logs, Oregon, Tree.
1. Donna Surge($464,107), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: International, Seasonality, Transition.
1. Michael E Mann($469,398), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Medieval Drought, Sst Anomalies, CAM, Devegetation, Investigate, Model, North, Occurred, UNL, WRF.
1. Jeffrey S Tilley($87,758), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Convective Clouds, Direct Participation, Field Campaign, Chemistry, DC, Effort, Graduate, Multi-regional, Processes, Students, UND, Undergraduate, Via.
1. Wesley D Terwey($166,679), University of South Alabama, Mobile
2. Christopher M Rozoff($163,486), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Horizontal Wind Shear, Isolated Convective Clouds, Kinematic And Thermodynamic, Cloud Model, Convective Modes, Idealized Cloud, Peer-reviewed Publications, Tc Dynamics, Tc Evolution, Tc Simulations, Analysis, Aspects, Convection, Convective-scale, Forecasting, Intensity, Interactions, Observational, Peer-reviewed, Primary, Processes, Properties, Rainbands, Resulting, Sheared, Structure, Tcs, Theoretical, Three-dimensional, Various, Vertical, Vorticity.
1. Linnea M Avallone($374,112), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Total Water, Aboard, Accurate, Chemistry, Climate, Cloud, Colorado, Composition, Convective, DC, Differing, GV, Midlatitude, Ozone, Properties, Radiative, Region, Sampling, UTLS.
1. Lawrence D Carey($422,736), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Convective Clouds, Deep Convective, Aircraft, Chemical, Chemistry, Composition, Coordination, DC, Effort, Electrification, Focused, Interactions, Observations.
1. Conrad L Ziegler($496,939), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Eric C Bruning($272,341), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Convective Clouds, Lightning Mapping, Array, Atmospheric, Chemical, Chemistry, Composition, Coordination, DC, Deep, Distribution, Electric, Field, LMA, Microphysical, Processes, Storm, Structure.
1. Jiwen Fan($399,719), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Deep Convective Cloud, Regional And Global, Tropical Deep-convective Cloud, Aerosol-cloud Interaction, Cloud Properties, Deep-convective Cloud, Dust Affects, Global Climate, Ice Nuclei, Indirect Effect, Mechanisms Responsible, Tropical Deep-convective, Acting, Aerosol-cloud, Aerosols, Analysis, Assess, Benefit, Circulation, Clouds, Comprehensive, Imposed, Innovative, Interactions, Model, Observed, Outcomes, Precipitation, Sector, Semi-direct, Vertical.
1. Michael I Biggerstaff($661,233), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Convective Clouds, Deep Convective, Chemical, Composition, Coordination, DC, Effort, Electrification, Especially, Focused, Interactions, Microphysical.
1. Karyn Sawyer($25,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Identifying Advancements, Nation's Resiliency, Pilot Projects, Severe Storm, Severe Weather, End-to-end, Forecasts, Links, Nations, Preparedness, Stakeholder, Tornadoes, Warnings, Workshop.
1. Alexander B Kostinski($400,252), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Cloud Physics, Doppler Radars, Radar Meteorology, Radiative Transfer, Supercooled Water, Terminal Speed, Theoretical Investigation, Analysis, Clouds, Defect, Disdrometers, Droplets, Emphasis, Experiments, Fall, Fluctuations, Heterogeneous, Ice, Implications, Investigated, Precipitation, Properties, Raindrop, Rainfall, Resulting, Signal, Signatures, Structure.
1. Marcus L Buker($179,226), Western Illinois University, Macomb
2. Gregory J Tripoli($507,889), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Fluid Dynamics, Isolation Process, Tornado Vortex, Alignment, Analogy, Atmospheric, Based, Driven, Framework, Magnetic, Maintenance, Merging, Numerical, Overarching, Processes, Resolution, Theoretical, Theory, Tornadic, Traditional, Vortical, Vorticity.
1. Larry Mahrt($853,685), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Machine-generated Fog, Non-turbulent Motions, Sonic Anemometers, Turbulence Quantities, Analysis, Based, Common, Complex, Conditions, Dense, Effort, Emphasis, Existing, Generation, Information, Instructional, Local, Machine-generated, Mixing, Ncalm, Non-turbulent, School, Spatial, Surface, Video, Waves, Weak.
1. Sen Chiao($106,134), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Cheikh Anta Diop, West African Monsoon, Eastern Atlantic, Florida Institute, Mesoscale Convective, Mesoscale Models, Tropical Cyclone, Weather Prediction, Aircraft, Assimilation, Capacity, Forecasting, Howard, Human, Increase, Mcss, Modeling, Numerical, Processes, Run, SAL, Simulating, Simulation, Students, Technology, Transition, Undertake, WRF.
1. John E Molinari($443,956), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. David S Nolan($465,491), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Intensity And Structure, Modeling Technique Allows, Tropical Cyclone Intensification, Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Technique Allows, Wind Shear, Achieved, Cyclones, Environment, Environmental, Environments, Field, Forecasting, Hurricane, Idealized, Lead, Moderate, Observations, Observed, Obtained, Remains, Sets, Simulations, Storm, Surrounding, Values.
1. Kimberly A Prather($682,695), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Caribbean Region, Ice Nucleation, Lab Studies, Puerto Rico, Aerosol, Aerosols, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Bioparticles, Chemistry, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Composition, Dust, Exhibit, Focusing, Global, ICE-T, Nucleus, Particle, Particles, Precipitation, Predict, Properties, Public, Range, Schools, Size, Sources, Students, Tropical.
1. Victor Pasko($404,713), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, Earth's Atmosphere, Gamma-ray Flashes, Runaway Process, Terrestrial Gamma-ray, Activity, Electric, Electrons, Emission, Emissions, Energetic, High-energy, Importance, Initially, Lightning, Methods, Nature, Observations, Previously, Propagation, Radiation, Recently, Thermal, Thunderstorms, X-rays.
1. Heidi M Nepf($372,290), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Scott A Isard($455,192), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Atmospheric Turbulence, Plant Canopies, Biological, Crops, Experiments, Facility, Field, Generated, Interactions, Laboratory, Models, Numerical, Particles, Prediction, Processes, Transport, Turbulent.
1. John H Helsdon($586,486), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Upward Leader Initiation, Tall Objects, Tall Structures, Upward Leaders, Upward Lightning, Buildings, Conditions, Field, Flash, Flashes, Literature, Meteorological, Multiple, Observations, Sensors, South, Strikes, Towers, Triggering, Video.
1. David C Fritts($94,999), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Lower Atmosphere, Radar Wind, Vhf Radar, Applications, Capability, Dynamics, Errors, High-resolution, JRO, KHI, MLT, Motions, Numerical, Observations, Provided, Quantitative, Resolution, SOUSY, Sensitivity, Small-scale, Wave.
1. Ronald B Smith($22,689), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Aircraft, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Coordination, Field, GW, Generation, Gravity, Gws, Momentum, Ozone, SAANGRIA, Supported, Turbulence, Vertical.
1. Suresh Dhaniyala($523,400), Clarkson University, Potsdam
Key terms: Differential Mobility, Hygroscopic Growth, Mobility Spectrometer, Aboard, Aerosol, Aerosols, Aircraft, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Global, High-resolution, Infrared, Instrument, Interactions, Particle, Radiation, Range, Sizes.
1. Timothy J Garrett($448,091), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Sandra E Yuter($129,546), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Aggregation And Riming, Mass And Fallspeed, Hydrometeor Habit, Bmps, Broad, Canyon, Detailed, Developed, Field, Future, Has, Ice, Instrument, Local, Meteorological, Methods, Models, Particle, Precipitation, Prior, Processes, Public, Size, Ski, Storm, Unprecedented, Wasatch, Weather.
1. Darrel Baumgardner($196,814), Droplet Measurement Technologies, Boulder
Key terms: Aerosol, Cloud, Clouds, Developing, Effort, Ice, Instrument, Obtained, Particles, Relatively, Serve, Soot, Spectrometer.
1. Colleen Matan($33,130), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Body, Development, Kasemir, Lighting, Lightning, Papers, Physics, Was.
1. Robert Wood($399,907), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Boundary Layer Clouds, Marine Boundary Layer, Microphysical And Dynamical, Microphysical And Macrophysical, Aerosol-cloud Interactions, Macrophysical Properties, Mbl Clouds, Model Simulations, Observed Mesoscale, Regional Model, Sc Clouds, Southeast Pacific, Aerosol-cloud, Aerosols, Climate, Global, Mechanisms, Models, Observations, SEP, VOCALS.
1. Christopher M Godfrey($99,575), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Tornadic Wind Field, Heavily Forested, Long-track Tornadoes, National Forest, Near-surface Wind, Retrospectively Characterize, Tornado Outbreak, Wind Fields, Characteristics, Complex, Damage, EF-, Effort, Engineering, Influence, Information, Landscapes, Long-track, Low-level, Mountain, Mountainous, Nsurface, Objectives, Opportunity, Passed, Pis, Portion, Public, Rare, Rated, Reveal, Strong, Students, Surroundings, Surveys, Terrain, Topographic, Topography, Tree, Trees.
1. Kevin R Knupp($732,107), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Dual Doppler Network, Ground-based Remote Sensing, Multiple Doppler Radar, Arm Sgp, Boundary Layer, Gravity Waves, Ground-based Remote, Mobile Platforms, Modeling Activities, AET, CBZ, CI, Cbzs, Compared, Comprehensive, Convective, Datasets, Evening, Field, Fixed, Graduate, Has, Huntsville, Low, MAX, MIPS, Mid-afternoon, Neutral, Nocturnal, OK, Observations, Physics, Profilers, Profiling, Radars, Severe, Site, Stable, Structure, Students, UAH, Utilized.
1. Daniel Breed($569,097), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding, Ground-based Glaciogenic Seeding, Properties And Surface, Radar And Lidar, Cloud Properties, Enhancing Precipitation, Ground-based Glaciogenic, Ice Nuclei, Orographic Clouds, Precipitation Enhancement, Precipitation Remains, Surface Precipitation, ASCII, Aerosol, Affects, Airborne, Compared, Complex, Field, Hand, Has, Injection, Means, Natural, Particular, Processes, Proven, Simulations, Tools.
1. Maribeth Stolzenburg($710,646), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Initiation And Lightning, Cloud-to-ground Lightning, Electric Field, High-speed Video, Lightning Flash, Lightning Initiation, Lightning Propagation, Nine Sensors, Air, Antennas, Array, Channel, Completed, Computer, EAGER, Electromagnetic, Especially, Fast, Graduate, Hazard, High-speed, KSC, NSF, Network, People, Property, Sensitive, Spark, Students, Techniques, Training.
1. Nilton D Renno($738,730), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Mineral Dust Aerosols, Owens Dry Lake, Aerosols-climate Interactions, Climate Forcing, Convective Plumes, Dust Devils, Dust Lifting, Dust Storms, Wind-blown Dust, Aerosols-climate, Budget, Global, Has, Large-scale, Models, Nevada, Processes, Saltation, Small-scale, Studying, Surface, Vortices, Weather, Website, Wind-blown.
1. Kevin R Knupp($149,961), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Historic Outbreak, April, Atmospheric, Attention, Characteristics, Damage, Effort, Identification, Influences, Intensity, Life, Loss, Meteorological, Radar, Responsible, Severe, Signatures, Southeastern, Spatial, Storm, Timely, Topography, Tornado, Tornadoes, Variety, Via.
1. Zhanqing Li($450,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Aot And Ccn, Cloud And Precipitation, Particle Size Distribution, Aerosol Properties, Hygroscopic Properties, Meteorological Conditions, AERONET, AOT-CCN, Aerosols, Ambient, Analysis, Climate, Concentration, Factors, Field, Global, Ground-based, Investigate, Investigation, Optical, Products, Quantities, Robust, Satellite, Studying, Widely.
1. Boonleng Cheong($637,728), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Accurate, Available, Capabilities, Dual-polarization, High-resolution, Microphysical, Models, NWP, Network, Observations, Operational, Precipitation, QPF, Quantitative, WSR-D, Weather.
1. David A Rahn($362,257), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: California Coasts, Catalina Eddy, Field Experiment, Horizontal Pressure, Wind Reversal, Airborne, Allow, Atmospheric, Cloud, Coastal, Collected, Conception, Dynamics, Efforts, Enable, Fine-scale, Flight, Focus, Forcing, Graduate, Has, Height, Host, Instrumentation, Interactions, June, MABL, Microphysical, Northerly, Observational, Opportunity, Previous, Region, Simulate, UWKA, Wyoming.
1. Bradley A Baker($450,738), STRATTON PARK ENGINEERING CO., INC., Boulder
Key terms: Aircraft, Allow, C-, Cloud, Detection, Effort, Field, ICE-T, Ice, Initiation, Nuclei, Particle, Potential, Processes, Rapid, Region, SPEC, Students, Supported, V-CPI, Zone.
1. Cindy Morris($16,564), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Biological, Growing, Held, IUGG, Processes, Students, Symposium.
1. Irina N Sokolik($349,903), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Intensity And Structure, Marine And Dust, Aerosol Properties, Atlantic Tc, Dust Aerosols, Environmental Conditions, Marine Aerosols, Natural Aerosols, Numerical Simulations, Relative Importance, Tc Evolution, Tc Intensity, Tropical Cyclone, Accounting, Activation, CCN, Characteristics, Cloud, Development, Distribution, Examine, Large-scale, Model, Processes, Scheme, Schemes, Wrf-chem.
1. Kevin A Kloesel($822,581), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Undergraduate Students, Academic, Build, Competitive, Has, Knowledge, Participants, Past, Percent, Private, Program, Public, REU, Report, Skills, Workforce.
1. Derek Posselt($109,609), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. John R Mecikalski($444,076), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Doppler Radar Observations, Dual-polarimetric Radar Observations, Assimilation Techniques, Convective Storms, Dual-polarimetric Doppler, Dual-polarimetric Radar, Forward Model, Ice-phase Microphysical, Numerical Models, ARMOR, Activities, Developed, Educational, Evolution, Forecasts, High-resolution, Ice-phase, Instruments, NSSTC, Operational, Particular, Precipitation, Prediction, Processes, Uncertainty, WRF.
1. Gary M Barnes($474,455), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Tropical Storms, Ts Formation, Accurate, Airborne, Atmospheric, Core, Datasets, Developing, Development, Fields, GPS, Global, Hawaii, Hurricane, Inflow, Layer, Mechanisms, NOAA, Observations, Radar, Represent, Structures, Subsequent, USAF, Viz, Warnings, Wind.
1. Margaret A Tolbert($544,306), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation, Influence Ice Nucleation, Cirrus Clouds, Microphysical Properties, Organic Compounds, Raman Microscopy, Ability, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Coatings, Composed, Dust, Experience, Gain, Opportunity, Particles, Students, Surface, TTL, Teaching, Water.
1. Katharine M Kanak($778,720), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Forces And Thermodynamic, Temporal And Spatial, Dynamic Forces, Rear Flank, Spatial Evolution, Tornado Cyclones, Vortex Lines, Buoyancy, Co-pis, Counter-rotating, Differences, Directly, Doppler, Dynamical, Examine, Female, Genesis, Governing, Has, Horizontal, Knowledge, Life, Model, Numerical, Observational, Origins, Polarimetric, Precipitation, Process, Processes, RFD, Radar, Radars, Reflectivity, Rfds, Seminars, Supercell, Supercells, TC, Tcs, Tornadoes, Tornadogenesis, Updraft, Upgrades, Various, Vorticity.
1. Ming Xue($395,770), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Convective-scale Probabilistic Forecasting, Convective Scales, Convective-scale Ensemble, Convective-scale Probabilistic, Ensemble Forecast, Ensemble Forecasting, Ensemble Perturbations, Hazardous Weather, Land Surface, Lateral Boundary, Model Error, Multi-scale Scenario, Optimal Design, Perturbations Interact, Relative Importance, Atmospheric, Center, Condition, Conditions, Domain, Effective, Errors, Findings, Forecasts, Has, Initial, Interaction, Issue, Knowledge, Lives, Loss, Mesoscale, Methods, Models, Multi-scale, National, Next-generation, Physics, Resolution, Sampling, Testbed, Verification.
1. Suresh Dhaniyala($81,138), Clarkson University, Potsdam
Key terms: Aerosol Particles, Aerosol-cloud Sampler, Field Campaign, Graduate Students, Intellectual Merit, Mobility Spectrometer, Particle Size, Size Distribution, Size-classified Ccn, Aerosol-cloud, Atmospheric, Clarkson, Clouds, Critical, Developed, Development, Fast, Formation, Ice, Inside, Instrument, Nuclei, Outside, Participating, Performance, Size-classified.
1. Markus D Petters($282,302), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Ice Nucleation, Individual Rain, Rain Rate, Relative Importance, Analyzed, Cloud, Cold, Constrain, Drizzle, Drops, Evolution, Formation, Freezing, Larger, Microphysical, Precipitation, Processes, Raindrop, Secondary, Storms, Susceptibility, Temperature.
1. Alexander Gluhovsky($429,712), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Atmospheric, Cells, Commonly, Convective, Dynamics, Enhance, Equations, Fluid, Loms, Mbls, Mechanisms, Models, Nonlinear, Phenomena, Sound, Time, Vertical.
1. Sukanta Basu($298,800), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Particular Attention, Renewable Energy, Texas Tech, Wind Turbines, Accurate, Approach, Classroom, Conditions, Controls, Development, Effort, Field, Generation, LLJ, Level, Momentum, Nighttime, Nsurface, Numerical, Observational, Primary, Secondary, Simulations, Structure, Students, Surface, Tandem, Via, Winds.
1. Robert Wood($665,002), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Equivalent Precipitation Rate, Falling And Accumulating, Habit Prediction Model, Liquid Equivalent Precipitation, Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts, Snow Habit Prediction, Accumulating Snow, Fall Speeds, Habit Composition, Particle Habit, Snow Accumulation, Snow Depth, Snow Particles, Benefit, Bulk, Development, Direct, Distribution, Forecasting, Gather, Ground, Habits, Has, Hydrometeor, Influence, Information, Interaction, Lead, Measuring, Microphysical, Modeling, Models, Observational, Observations, Parameters, Pis, Potential, Processes, Properties, Ratio, Realistic, Set, Snowfall.
1. Byron A Steinman($172,000), Steinman Byron A, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Atlantic Meridional Overturning, El Nino-southern Oscillation, Meridional Overturning Circulation, El Nino-southern, Nino-southern Oscillation, Western North, AMOC, ENSO, Future, Isotope, Precipitation, Reconstructions.
1. Nicole K Davi($172,000), Davi Nicole K, Palisades
Key terms: Aims, Climate, Drought, Dynamics, Dzud, Extreme, Landscape, Spatial, Temporal.
1. Frederick D Wilder($172,000), Wilder Frederick D, Virginia Beach
Key terms: Ionospheric Joule Heating, Ecliptic Plane, Magnetic Field, Poynting Flux, Conditions, Current, Currents, Dayside, Effects, Examine, Facs, Field-aligned, Intense, Leads, Magnetosphere, Magnitude, Particular, Plasma, Strong, Thermospheric, Topology, Upwelling.
1. Brian M Walsh($172,000), Walsh Brian M, Boston
Key terms: Energetic Particles, Radiation Belt, Earth, Lead, Loss, Magnetic, Magnetopause, Magnetosphere, Model, Observations, Plasma, Similar, Spacecraft.
1. Daniel T Dawson($172,000), Dawson Daniel T, Norman
Key terms: Temperature And Moisture, Cold Pool, Cold Pools, Polarimetric Radar, Surface Temperature, Thermodynamic Properties, Characteristics, Comparison, Direct, Disdrometer, Empirical, Expected, Field, Mechanisms, Microphysical, Model, Observations, Parameterizations, Primary, Processes, Rich, Situ, Storm, Supercell, Tornado, Tornadoes.
1. Jasper F Kok($172,000), Kok Jasper F, Boulder
Key terms: Climate And Weather, Dust Emission Parameterization, Emission Parameterization, Atmospheric, Day, Feedback, Fellowship, Future, Mentorship, Models, Plays, Postdoctoral, Representation, Soil.
1. Cari S Dutcher($172,000), Dutcher Cari S, Woodland
Key terms: Air Quality, Conditions Found, Upper Troposphere, Activities, Aerosols, Arid, Climate, Low, Particles, Properties, Thermodynamic, UCD.
1. Daniel Golden($73,167), Golden Daniel, Palo Alto
Key terms: Magnetospheric Chorus, Plasmaspheric Hiss, Radiation Belts, Benefits, Examine, Extent, Has, Lightning, Spacecraft, Waves.
1. Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz($86,000), Hildebrandt Lea, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Atmospheric Particles, Growth Rates, Organic Acids, Particle Formation, Affect, Boulder, Chemical, Development, Effects, Health, Nanometers, Nanoparticles, Processes, Salts, Size.
1. Viswanathan N Bringi($2,874,286), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Chill Radar, Site Visit, Activities, CSU, Continue, Dual, Facility, NSF, National, Operate, Radars, Third, Workshop.
1. Shadia R Habbal($17,256), American Astronomical Society, Washington
Key terms: Allow, Eclipse, Experiments, Minutes, Observations, Outreach, Planning, Public, Solar, Workshop.
1. Eduardo A Araujo-Pradere($24,900), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Agu Publication, Chapman Conference, Solar Minimum, Space Physics, Activity, CESM, Geophysical, Interdisciplinary, Meeting, Unusual.
1. Robert F Stein($230,181), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Vertical And Horizontal, Convection Zone, Dynamo Action, Horizontal Magnetic, Internal Energy, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Solar Surface, Michigan, Observations, Pis, Quiet, Simulation, Simulations, Sun.
1. Charles J Farrugia($81,657), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Charles J Farrugia($58,834), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Solar Wind, CME, Center, Cmes, Complex, Effort, Existing, Hampshire, Hawaii, Lead, Models, Observations, Prior, Simulations.
1. Ashley D Crouch($638,351), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Solar Active Regions, Mass Flows, Subsurface Flows, Assess, Cmes, Eruption, Flare, Flares, Forecasting, Lead, Magnetic, Observed, Pis.
1. Ramon E Lopez($30,864), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Solar Wind Trends, Helium Abundance, Solar Activity, Space Weather, Effects, Has, IMF.
1. Merav Opher($329,629), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Space Weather Modeling, Weather Modeling Framework, Magnetic Reconnection, Reconnection Sites, CME, Center, Code, Developed, Dissipation, Dynamics, Effects, Female, Global, Heliosphere, Heliospheric, MHD, Michigan, Non-gyrotropic, Processes, Simulations.
1. Daniel Wolf Savin($575,454), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Alfven Waves, Solar Wind, York City, Acceleration, Middle, Outreach, Program, Proposers, School, Students, Teachers.
1. William H Matthaeus($615,779), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Solar Wind, Analysis, Effects, Energetic, Fields, Galactic, Heating, MHD, Particle, Physics, Plasma, Techniques, Theories, Transport, Turbulence.
1. Gordon Petrie($328,655), Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Tucson
Key terms: Active Regions, Kinetic Helicity, Solar Flares, Solar Interior, CME, Corona, Coronal, Investigate, Photosphere.
1. Eric R Christian($538,004), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Energy, European, Gles, Ground-based, Instrument, Observations, PAMELA, Russian, Seps, Spacecraft.
1. Lan Jian($283,040), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Corona And Solar, Coronal Model, Model Output, Solar Corona, Solar Wind, Space Weather, CCMC, Caused, Center, Effort, Evaluation, Modeling, Models, Participation, Physics, Spacecraft.
1. David Alexander($430,038), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Filament Eruptions, Solar Observatory, Writhing Motions, Evolution, Initiation, MLSO, Opportunities, Program, Proposing, Rices, Scholars, Student, Undergraduate.
1. Paul M Bellan($371,572), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Boundary Conditions, Create Plasma, Magnetic Field, Solar Coronal, Chamber, Experiments, Flux, Loops, Phenomena, Physics, Single, Sun.
1. Brahmananda Dasgupta($368,081), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Solar Active Regions, Coronal Loop, Non-force-free Magnetic, Vector Magnetograms, Alabama, CSPAR, Capabilities, Center, Dynamics, Enhance, Huntsville, Mass, Non-force-free, Observed, Space.
1. Leon Ofman($481,461), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Coronal Streamers, Multi-fluid Models, Solar Wind, Solar Wind's, Acceleration, Available, Codes, Computational, Expected, Heating, Ions, Multi-fluid, Multi-ion, Multidimensional, Numerical, Perform, Pis, Plasma, Plasmas, UV, Winds.
1. William P Abbett($459,339), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Active Region, Active Regions, Cmes, Coronal, Cycle, Decay, Effort, Global, MHD, Magnetic, Numerical, Phenomena, Proposing, Solar, X-ray.
1. Bernard V Jackson($567,057), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Tomographic Analysis Technique, Heliospheric Plasma, Plasma Density, Plasma Structures, Solar Wind, Interplanetary, Observations, Radio, Reconstruct, Space, Velocity.
1. Gregory G Howes($1,079,578), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Solar Wind Turbulence, Performance Computing, Energy, HPC, Mechanisms, Numerical, Physics, Pis, Plasma, Program, Resources, Responsible, Turbulent, Workforce.
1. Jay M Pasachoff($162,234), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Processed Images, Solar Corona, Solar Eclipse, Australia, Coronal, Eclipses, Observations, Plans, Public, Radio, USA, Wavelengths.
1. Aaron J Ridley($838,668), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Neutral Winds, CADRE, Collaboration, Composition, Comprehensive, Coupling, Cubesat, Density, Design, Ground-based, In-situ, Instrument, Laboratory, Michigan, Modeling, NASA, Naval, Observational, Payload, Phd, Planned, Potential, Program, Provided, Radar, Satellite, Space, Student, Students, Temperature, Thermosphere, Unique.
1. Anthony van Eyken($1,253,590), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter Radar, Distributed Skills, Technical Activities, Antarctic, Coordination, Experience, Facilities, Facility, Info, Isrs, NSF, Office, Radars, SRI, Sites, Summer.
1. Michael J Taylor($250,795), Utah State University, Logan
2. Bifford P Williams($145,000), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Mean And Variable, Instability Dynamics, Momentum Fluxes, Variable Forcing, Amplitudes, Climate, Complete, Comprehensive, Effects, Employ, Energy, GW, Gws, Instrument, Instrumentation, MLT, Modeling, Models, Parameterization, Quantify, Transport, Wave.
1. Lars P Dyrud($50,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Qb50 Program, Cubesats, Effort, Participation, Plan, Satellite.
1. Meg Austin($23,445), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather Workshop, Conference, Fosters, Identifying, Operational, Operations, Service, Services.
1. Meg Austin($20,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather, Information, Serve, Services, User.
1. Endawoke Yizengaw($39,972), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter Radar, African Sector, Geodetic Equator, Geomagnetic Equator, Ground-based Instruments, Development, Equatorial, Fairly, Ground-based, ISR, Ionosphere, Jicamarca, Observations, Space, Workshop.
1. Frank D Lind($174,553), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Eiscat 3d Technical, Technical Advisory Committee, 3d Technical, Advanced Radar, Eiscat 3d, Incoherent Scatter, AMISR, Art, Design, Developed, Development, Enable, Geospace, Space, Technology.
1. Joshua Semeter($200,000), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter, Aurora, Ionosphere, Magnetosphere, Observations, Optical, Processes, Spectral, Structuring.
1. Geoffrey Crowley($90,000), ATMOSPHERIC & SPACE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Louisville
Key terms: Upper Mesosphere, Airglow, Instability, Model, Nonlinear, Subharmonic, Tide, Tides.
1. Chester S Gardner($250,882), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Integration Times, Altitude, Beams, Developed, Instrument, Involved, Khz, Laser, Lasers, Lidar, Pulsed, Rayleigh, YAG.
1. Akshay Malhotra($145,203), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: D-region Ionization, Off-dish Interferometric, Allow, Arecibo, Capabilities, D-region, Enable, Explore, HF, Heating, Instrument, Meteor, Meteors, Mhz, Mode, Off-dish, Quasi-periodic, Radar, Receive, Receiver, Solar, Structures, Students.
1. Julio Urbina($567,879), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Upper Atmospheric, Cognitive, Equatorial, Graduate, Huancayo, Observatory, Operating, Peru, Plasma, Radar, Sensing, Undergraduate.
1. Lars P Dyrud($81,165), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Additional Sensor, Communication Satellites, Iridium Satellites, Commercial, Constellation, Design, Disciplines, Generation, Geoscan, Hosted, Industry, Objectives, Payloads, Program, Range, Real-time, Sensorpod, Sensors, Unique.
1. Jon Linker($31,277), Predictive Science Incorporated, San Diego
Key terms: Mas And Enlil, Boundary Conditions, Photospheric Magnetic, Solar Wind, Center, Code, Flux, GUI, Model, Modeling, Models, Output, Physics, Proposers, Time-dependent.