Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Robert B Kerr($261,659), Scientific Solutions Incorporated, North Chelmsford
Key terms: Educational Opportunities, Millstone Hill, Vertical Winds, Allow, Arecibo, Compared, Earth, Measured, Observatory, Operation, Technique, Techniques, Thermosphere.
1. Edwin J Mierkiewicz($476,415), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Atomic Hydrogen, External Forcing, Initiative Inspire, Upper Atmosphere, Aeronomy, Atmospheric, Avenues, Capable, Contributing, Coupling, Distribution, Encourage, Exosphere, Fabry-perot, Facility, Flux, Generation, Geocoronal, Interplanetary, Neutral, Observations, Parameters, Platform, Processes, Region, Terrestrial, Undergraduate, Vertical.
1. Robert G Michell($87,440), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Ion Acoustic, Auroral, Energy, Imagers, Neials, Observations, Waves.
1. Larisa P Goncharenko($258,395), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Lynn Harvey($338,331), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, Geomagnetic Drivers, Mid-latitude Ionosphere, Planetary Waves, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Fluxes, Forcing, Investigate, Lower, MIT, Magnetospheric, Mid-latitude, Middle, Solar, Specify, Students.
1. Jonathan B Snively($99,607), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
2. Lynette J Gelinas($165,000), Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo
Key terms: Prolific Wave Sources, Ducted Waves, Transfer Energy, Wave Energy, Amplitudes, Atmosphere, Conditions, Confined, Distances, Ducting, Ducts, Extensive, Horizontally, Lower, MLT, Mechanism, Modeling, Propagation, Redistribution, Regions, Simultaneously, Travel.
1. Seebany Datta-Barua($507,599), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Key terms: Lcs Analysis, Unsteady Flow, Upper Atmosphere, Activities, Development, Dynamics, Education, Equatorial, Graduate, Has, IIT, Mentoring, Mixing, Motion, Regions, Scintillation, Space, Structures, Time, Undergraduate, Via.
1. David L Hysell($361,565), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Waves And Turbulence, Farley-buneman Waves, Alaska, Auroral, Background, Broader, Component, Cornell, Effects, Experimental, Farley-buneman, Forcing, Geospace, Has, Investigation, Involves, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Mechanics, Model, Outside, Radar, Theoretical.
1. Mark B Moldwin($346,941), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Saps Intensification, Substorm Onset, Wave Activity, Distribution, Dynamics, Effects, GITM, Geomagnetic, Investigate, Mechanisms, Radar, Times.
1. Xian Lu($311,418), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Lower Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Coupling, Ionosphere, Observations, Sources.
1. Steven M Smith($33,905), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Mesospheric And Thermospheric, Mount John, Co-located, DEEPWAVE, Field, Gravity, Imager, Obtained, Profiles, Zealand.
1. Jun Ma($183,217), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
Key terms: Fourier-space Ray-tracing, Geometrical Spreading, Gravity Wave, Gravity Waves, Spatial Ray-tracing, Altitude, Analysis, DEEPWAVE, Fourier-space, International, Mainly, Mountain, Propagation, Ray-tracing, Region, Varying, Weather.
1. David C Noone($71,255), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Paleoclimate Proxies, Stable Isotope, Tropical Pacific, Access, CU, Climate, Hydrogen, Interannual, Interpreting, Isotopes, Oxygen, Past, Pis, Precipitation, Rainfall, Reconstructions, Sampling, Tech, Water.
1. Michael Coniglio($413,155), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Convectively Disturbed Atmospheres, Ensemble Kalman Filter, Numerical Weather Prediction, Convective Regions, Convective Storm-environmental, Deep Convection, Model Simulations, Mpex Observations, Numerical Model, Upscale Feedbacks, Broad, Capability, Careful, Convection-allowing, Documented, Dropsonde, Has, Insight, Jet, Mass, Models, Nearby, Organized, Participation, Predictability, Storm-environmental, Surrounding, Teaching, Time.
1. Ryan Ogliore($74,670), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Fusion Crust, Reconstructing Past, Upper Atmosphere, Climate, Composition, Conditions, Has, Isotopic, Meteorites, Proxy.
1. Ralph N Mead($313,872), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: CDOM, Concentration, Concentrations, Ethanol, Precipitation, Rainwater, Seeks.
1. Peter F DeCarlo($562,180), Drexel University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Mini-aerosol Mass Spectrometer, Emission Factors, Fixed Site, Mini-aerosol Mass, Organic Aerosol, Soot-particle Aerosol, AMS, Ambient, Asia, Formation, Instruments, Nepal, Region, Secondary, Source, Sources, Under-sampled.
1. Daniel J Jacob($20,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Composition, Geos-chem, Global, International, Model, Modeling, Private.
1. Saewung Kim($345,041), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Darin W Toohey($170,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Reactive Cl Cycling, Chlorine Chemistry, Climate-active Gases, Marine Air, Reactive Chlorine, Tropospheric Chlorine, Analytical, Assess, Atom, Climate-active, Compounds, Development, Field, Instrumentation, Levels, Lifetime, Measuring, Methane, Observations, Pollutants, Reaction, Reactivity.
1. Christopher Hennigan($99,426), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Particle Mass, Soa Formation, Aerosols, Atmosphere, Composition, Constitutes, Fine, Fraction, Models, Organic, Pmum, Soluble, Source.
1. Daniel J Cziczo($49,915), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Aida Chamber, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Climate, Clouds, Conducting, Facility, Ice, Instrument, Instruments, Performance, Size, State-of-the-art, Workshop.
1. Barbara J Finlayson-Pitts($873,026), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Air Quality, Organic Compounds, Particle Formation, Water Vapor, Amines, Atmospheric, Growth, MSA, Modeling, NPFG, Parameterization, Particles, Presence, Reactions, Regional, Representative, Species.
1. Philip S Stevens($718,562), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Air Quality, Climate, Compounds, Concentrations, Disagreements, Environments, Forest, HO, Instrument, Models, OH, Predict, Site, Variety.
1. Ezra Wood($481,101), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Chemical Amplification, Peroxy Radical, Peroxy Radicals, Air, Amherst, Atmosphere, Calibration, Concentrations, Differences, Factor, HO, Instrument, Measuring, Method, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Organic, Oxide, Tested.
1. Kurt A Spokas($642,537), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Organic Carbon, Organic Compounds, Biogeochemistry, Instrument, Land-atmosphere, Minnesota, Program, UMN.
1. Rainer M Volkamer($310,551), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Formation And Growth, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Cloud Chamber, Fast Formation, Relative Humidity, Air, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Clusters, Composition, Development, Experiments, Facility, Glyoxal, Has, Instrument, Lead, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Mobile, Molecules, Nanoclusters, RH, SOA, Salting-in.
1. Richard B Fair($428,537), Duke University, Durham
2. Andrey Y Khlystov($212,521), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Nitrate And Ammonium, Atmospheric Composition, Particle Collection, Time Resolution, Aircraft, Assay, Colorimetric, Detection, Developed, Device, Digital, Enable, Existing, Extraction, Method, Sulfate.
1. Paul D Kleiber($410,999), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Brown Carbon, Optical Properties, Aerosol, Aerosols, Atmospheric, Brc, Capabilities, Climate, Laboratory, Measure, Organic, Photochemical, Processing, Radiative.
1. Lewis G Huey($684,590), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Acid, Analyzed, China, Effort, Model, Ozone, Photochemical, Photochemistry, Species.
1. Amanda Staudt($648,383), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Ad Hoc Committee, Air Quality, Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate, Current, Cycles, Federal, Knowledge, NAS, National, Office, Public, Report.
1. Armistead G Russell($482,297), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Air Quality, Georgia Tech, Atmospheric, Chemical, Compounds, Instrument, Mass, Techniques.
1. Andreas Andersson($175,671), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Isotopic Composition, Applications, Capabilities, Del, Multi-pass, QCLS, Traditional.
1. Staci Simonich($339,353), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Asian Particulate Matter, Asian Transport, Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Oxygenated Pah, Previously Acquired, Compounds, Distances, Formation, Fraction, Measuring, Methods, Pahs, Photochemical, Potential, Reactions, Sources, Transported.
1. Elizabeth A Stone($349,999), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Secondary Organic Aerosols, Fine Particles, Organic Compounds, Particulate Matter, Ambient, Anthropogenic, Approach, Aromatic, Biogenic, Levels, PM, SOA, Source, Sources, Urban, VOC, Volatile.
1. Lei Zhu($709,932), Health Research Incorporated/New York State Department of Health, Menands
Key terms: Absorption Cross Sections, Gas Phase, Hono Yields, Hydroxyl Radical, Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrous Acid, Quantify Photochemical, Adsorbed, Air, Atmosphere, Cavity, Nitrophenols, OH, Ozone, Photolysis, Pollutant, Sources, Spectroscopy, Surface-adsorbed, Surfaces.
1. Jack E Dibb($163,339), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Chemical Analysis, Winter Campaign, Aerosol, Air, Atmosphere, Chloride, Combined, Emissions, Influence, Particles, Processes.
1. Robert J Yokelson($498,050), University of Montana, Missoula
2. Arnico K Panday($107,991), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
3. Elizabeth A Stone($258,970), University of Iowa, Iowa City
4. Eri Saikawa($157,412), Emory University, Atlanta
Key terms: Air Quality, Combustion Sources, South Asia, Trace Gases, Aerosol, Bhutan, Carbon, Climate, Effort, Emissions, Global, Nepal, Organic, Regional.
1. Ryan Z Hinrichs($285,568), Drew University, Madison
Key terms: Aerosol, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Bvocs, Mineral, Particles, Properties, Quantify, Students, Undergraduate, Uptake.
1. Eric C Apel($546,767), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Atmosphere, Development, Gas, Instrument, Involves, Organic, TOF, TOGA-TOF, Trace, Volatile.
1. Ronald C Cohen($546,994), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Secondary Organic Aerosol, Biogenic Emissions, Nitrogen Compounds, Nitrogen Species, Chemical, Laboratory, Models, Oxidation, Oxidized.
1. Jose L Jimenez($534,729), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Ronald C Cohen($450,054), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
3. Joel A Thornton($885,422), University of Washington, Seattle
4. Rodney J Weber($388,058), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Water Vapor, Activities, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Chemical, Colder, Distribution, Dominant, Formation, Inorganic, Media, Nitrogen, OH, Observations, Organic, Oxidation, Pollutants, Pollution, Processes, Resulting, Season, Species, Students, Summer, Sunlight, Temperatures, Vocs, Winter, Wintertime.
1. William H Brune($361,790), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Aerosol Mass, Air Quality, Soa Formation, Ambient, Analysis, Atmospheric, Climate, Comparisons, Gas-phase, Laboratory, Model, Models, Particles, Reactions.
1. Brian J Majestic($329,549), University of Denver, Denver
Key terms: Soluble Fe, Atmospheric, Combustion, Fesol, Fuel, Fuels, Nutrient, Speciation, Vehicle.
1. Jonathan Raff($727,622), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Nitrous Acid, Asphalt, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Cement, Formation, HONO, Models, Serve, Sinks, Soil, Sources, Surfaces, Uptake.
1. Edgar L Andreas($199,253), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Penny Vlahos($149,042), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Air-sea Gas Exchange, Air-sea Gas, Sea Spray, Spray Droplets, Bubbles, Gases, Global, Interface, Ocean, Surface.
1. Meredith Hastings($764,095), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Nitrogen Oxides, Atmosphere, Developed, Emissions, Enable, Fraction, Has, Isotopic, Method, Nox, Solution, Sources.
1. Gilberto J Fochesatto($60,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Raman Spectroscopy, EAGER, FTS, Light, Phases, Water.
1. Allison Steiner($30,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Graduate Students, Atmosphere, Conference, Discuss, Gordon, Private, Scholars, Senior, Topic.
1. Becky Alexander($448,302), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Marine Boundary Layer, Relative Importance, Sulfate Formation, Aerosol, Collected, Deltaoxygen, Filter, Hobr, Isotopic, Oxidation, Oxygen.
1. Christopher A Cantrell($197,695), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Colorado Northern Front, Front Range Metropolitan, Northern Front Range, Air Quality, Sulfuric Acid, Urban Environment, Campaign, Chemical, Effort, FRAPPE, Formation, Hydroperoxy, Hydroxyl, Lead, OH, Oxidant, Ozone, Radical, Radicals, Scis.
1. Frank Keutsch($265,738), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Hydroxyl Radical, Air, Atmosphere, Chemical, Development, Field, Gases, Highly, LIF, Laser, Method, OH, Oxidizing, Species.
1. Paul J Ziemann($295,377), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Kinetics And Equilibria, Phase And Heterogeneousmultiphase, Environmental Chamber, Gas Phase, Gas-particle-wall Partitioning, Heterogeneousmultiphase Reactions, Radical-initiated Reactions, Reaction Pathways, Reaction Products, Wide Range, Aerosol, Air, Atmospheric, Chemical, Chemistry, Compounds, Comprehensive, Conditions, Effects, Formation, Functional, Gas-particle-wall, Mass, Mechanisms, Models, OH, Organic, Potential, Radical-initiated, Regional, SOA, Serve, Students, Teflon.
1. Matthew D Parker($293,124), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Russ S Schumacher($343,620), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Terry J Schuur($977,650), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Internal Mcs Dynamics, Mcss And Convection, Nocturnal Mcs Evolution, Stable Boundary Layer, Cloud-resolving Models, Dual-polarimetric Radars, Internal Structure, Mobile Ground-based, Mobile Sounding, Nocturnal Mcss, Sbl Environments, Aircraft, Assimilation, Cloud-resolving, Cold, Collected, Conditions, Convective, Detailed, Dual-polarimetric, Elevated, Environmental, Essential, Field, Graduate, Ground-based, Heavy, Integrated, Interactions, Low-level, Mesonets, Microphysical, Observations, Observing, PECAN, Precipitation, Predictions, Profiles, Shear, Situ, Stability, Surface, Surface-based, Syntheses, Vertical, Wind.
1. Amanda Staudt($808,983), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Assess, Atmospheric, BASC, Climate, Discussion, Government, Independent, Issues, Opportunities, Program, Programs.
1. Erwann Michel-Kerjan($75,000), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
2. Jennifer A Hoeting($259,999), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Debasish Pai Mazumder($1,185,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Climate Impacts, Integrate Predictive, Predictive Capacity, Predictive Information, Combined, Decadal, Decision-making, Development, Future, Methods, Models, Multiple, Planning, Prediction, Predictions, Societal, Timescales.
1. Paul A Dirmeyer($779,965), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Frequency And Severity, Coming Decades, Land Cover, Practices Implemented, Climate, Extremes, Land-atmosphere, Model, Models, Observational, Predictability, Rate, Regional, Warming.
1. Thomas W Gillespie($1,850,932), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Samuel S Shen($125,255), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Ea Climate, Regional Climate, Tibetan Plateau, Activities, Applied, Asian, Contribute, Ecosystem, Effects, Examine, Interactions, Land, Model, Predictions, Processes, TP.
1. Benjamin P Kirtman($177,632), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies, Central-eastern Equatorial Pacific, Precursors And Triggers, Central-eastern Equatorial, Developed Strong, Enso Initiation, Slp Anomalies, Atmosphere-ocean, Cold, Conditions, Does, Experiments, Initial, Instability, Model, Models, Performed, SST, Sea, Simulations, Surface, Warm.
1. Imme R Ebert-Uphoff($299,062), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Yi Deng($322,463), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Causal Discovery, Climate Dynamics, Global Warming, Influences Component, Modeling Technique, Annual, Apply, Atmospheric, Available, Coupling, Days, Developed, EPO, Economics, Flow, Graphical, Has, Information, Method, Models, Monsoon, NAM, NAO, Node, Northern, Onset, PNA, Pacific, Pis, Representing, Subseasonal, Topics.
1. Yutian Wu($349,959), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Streams And Storm, Summer Heat Waves, Tropical Upper Troposphere, Arctic Amplification, Atmospheric Circulation, Jet Streams, Northern Hemisphere, Storm Tracks, Blocking, Climate, Cold, Concern, Effect, Europe, Extreme, Fall, Has, Influence, Latitudes, Levels, Midlatitude, Models, Potential, Reductions, Simulations, Warming, Weather, Winter.
1. Eric D Maloney($493,011), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Column-integrated Mse Budget, Column-integrated Mse, Radiative Feedbacks, Advection, Climate, Destabilization, Diagnostics, Dynamics, Eastward, Flow, MJO, Mean, Model, Partitioning, Propagation, Relate, Vertical.
1. Marat Khairoutdinov($334,645), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Kerry A Emanuel($314,878), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Sea Surface Temperatures, Climate Sensitivity, Tropical Climate, Tropical Convection, Aggregation, Atmosphere, Clouds, Drier, Model, Radiation, Self-aggregation, Solar, Thunderstorms, Wind.
1. Jennifer S Haase($85,515), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Gps Radio Occultation, Atmospheric Rivers, Gismos Instrument, Heavy Precipitation, Rhcp Signals, Vertical Distribution, Airborne, California, Climate, Existing, Flux, Instrumentation, LHCP, Moisture, NSF, Presence, Processes, Sensing.
1. LuAnne Thompson($15,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Graduate Students, Climate, Conference, GCC, Interdisciplinary.
1. Michael Notaro($231,216), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Local Land Surface, Local Land-atmosphere Interactions, Ssts And Local, Land-atmosphere Interactions, Local Land-atmosphere, Monsoon Precipitation, Monsoon Regions, Northern Australia, Regional Climate, Remote Ssts, Statistical Analysis, Atmospheric, China, Conditions, Cover, Experiments, Human, Lead, Linked, Model, Modeling, Processes, Rainfall, Reduction, Vegetation.
1. Alan Robock($758,937), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Climate Simulations, El Nino, Model Intercomparison, Volcanic Eruptions, Aerosols, CMIP, Climatic, Decades, Effects, Effort, Fluctuations, Following, Latitude, Ocean, PMIP, Performed, Predictable, Produce, Stratospheric, Sulfate, Time, Versions.
1. Fei-Fei Jin($599,778), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Sea Surface Temperature, Annual Cycle, El Nino, Enso Behavior, Enso Diversity, Enso Prediction, Equatorial Pacific, Southern Oscillation, Sst Anomalies, Basin, Conventional, Distinct, Dynamical, Eastern, Effects, Factor, Forcing, Frequency, Has, Interaction, Mechanisms, Noise, Phenomenon, Pressure, Referred, Single, Stochastic, Worldwide.
1. Anantha Aiyyer($481,728), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: African Easterly Jet, Origin And Evolution, Upstream And Downstream, Aew Activity, Aew Genesis, Aew Stormtrack, Atlantic Hurricanes, Convective Instability, Downstream Energy, Energy Propagation, Field Campaign, Full-physics Version, Monsoon Rains, Unstable Region, Wave Packet, Wave Packets, Absolute, Aews, Atmosphere, Consequences, Convection, Dispersion, Dynamics, Examine, Extent, Full-physics, Intermittency, Mb, Model, Observed, Propagate, Sahel, Simulations, Structure, Velocity, Weather, Westward.
1. Elizabeth A Barnes($349,939), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, Air Quality, Pollutant Transport, Tropospheric Transport, Atmospheric, Circulation, Drive, Dynamical, Emissions, Synoptic.
1. Susan Solomon($592,472), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Antarctic Ozone Hole, Arctic Ozone Depletion, Atmospheric Circulation, Lower Stratosphere, Ozone Chemistry, Ozone Concentrations, Ozone Loss, Radiative Heating, Radiative Transfer, Stratospheric Ozone, Upper Stratosphere, Affect, Below, Climate, Datasets, Differences, Ecosystems, Extends, Extent, Has, Human, Mb, Model, Partly, Produced, Roughly, Satellite, Substantial, Troposphere, WACCM.
1. Darryn W Waugh($525,016), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Lorenzo M Polvani($312,712), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Seasonal And Interannual, Air Quality, Model Simulations, Northern Hemisphere, Stratospheric Ozone, Trace Gas, Tropospheric Transport, Climate, Combination, Data-constrained, Distribution, JHU, Regions, Training, Ttds.
1. Anastasios A Tsonis($433,031), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Decadal Climate Shifts, Climate Subsystems, Northern Hemisphere, Time Scales, Dynamics, Mechanism, Operating, Simulated, Simulations, Synchronized.
1. John Chiang($464,138), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: East Asian Climate, Past Climate Scenarios, Abrupt, China, Earth, High-resolution, Jet, Meiyu, Model, Modern, North, Oscillations, Particular, Plateau, Position, Rainfall, Simulations, Speleothem, Spring, Summer, Tested.
1. Trude Storelvmo($663,463), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Aerosols And Clouds, Cloud Ice Particles, Liquid Water Droplets, Supercooled Liquid Water, Atmospheric Dust, Climatic Consequences, Dust Particles, Dust Perturbations, Ice Nucleation, Ice-containing Clouds, Mineral Dust, Scholar Program, Agcms, Anthropogenic, Atmosphere, Climate, Climates, Component, Concentration, Current, Effect, Effects, Expense, Fields, Ice-containing, Models, Module, Motions, Parameterization, Process, Radiative, SPL, Small-scale, Students, Summer, Via.
1. Matthew Van Den Broeke($446,697), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Dust Bowl, Intermediate Land, Land Cover, Land Surface, Native Plants, Soil Moisture, Agricultural, Conditions, Configured, Crops, Drought, Dry, Earlier, Economic, Evaporation, Has, Increase, Irrigation, Model, Modern, Performed, Precipitation, Rainfall, Region, Represent, SGP, Season, Simulations, Societal, Source, Transpiration, Vegetation, WRF, Water.
1. Richard Seager($20,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Climate Dynamics, Dynamical Model, Global Climate, Tropical Climate, Advances, Applications, Broad, Decades, ENSO, El, Evolution, Field, Focus, Future, Has, Invited, Led, Paleoclimate, Past, Postdocs, Predictions, Society, Students, Symposium, Tropics, Was.
1. Gudrun Magnusdottir($680,173), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Atmospheric Circulation, Model Simulations, North Atlantic, Warm Phase, AMO, Affects, Analysis, Cold, Drought, Europe, Influence, Level, Linked, NAO, Oscillation, Overturning, Period, Possibility, Precipitation, Program, SST, Sea, Ssts, Surface, Winter.
1. Aiguo Dai($499,886), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Detection And Attribution, Ensemble Mean, Forced Climate, Analysis, Component, Drought, Estimate, Factored, Internal, Model, Modes, Natural, Observed, Oscillation, Potential, Seeks, Separation, Signal, Skill, Students, Surface, Temperature, Value, Variety.
1. Yongkang Xue($615,459), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Southern Plains Precipitation, Subsurface Soil Temperature, Frozen Soil, Land Surface, Sea Surface, Surface Temperature, Conditions, Drought, Droughts, Economic, Effect, Experiments, Extent, GFS, Global, Has, Influence, Model, Produce, Rainfall, Simulated, Simulation, WRF, Warm, West, Western.
1. Gang Chen($755,801), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Air Quality, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Dynamics, Atmospheric Model, Broader Impacts, Circulation Features, Education Component, Jet Streams, Longitudinally Averaged, Museum-based Outreach, Numerical Simulations, Polar Caps, Rotating Tank, Transport Circulation, Water Vapor, Atmosphere, Chemical, Climate, Consisting, Constituents, Demonstrations, Dynamical, Effective, Experiments, Extent, Flux, Global, Graduate, Hands-on, Has, Idealized, Investigate, Lab, Mean, Middle, Midlatitude, Models, Movement, Museum-based, Ozone, Performed, School, Stratosphere, Student, Students, Temperature, Tracers, Tropics, Video, Weather.
1. Steven Feldstein($656,721), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Tropicalextratropical Interaction, Weather Forecasts, Active, Has, MJO, North, Numerical, Oscillation, Phases, Teleconnection, Weeks.
1. Toshiaki Shinoda($513,479), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: Air-sea Fluxes, Global Climate, Sea Surface, AR, Air-sea, Ars, Atmospheric, Coupled, Double, Experiments, ITCZ, Model, Moisture, Ocean, Oscillation, Precipitation, Processes, SST, Simulations.
1. Gabriele Villarini($508,405), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Exhibit Temporal Clustering, Extreme Hydrometeorological, Behavior, Climate, Examine, Has, Hazards, Main, Processes, Time.
1. Daniel Keyser($729,846), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Amplification And Blocking, Amplification And Breaking, Central And Eastern, Cool-season Ewes Occurring, Cyclogenesis And Anticyclogenesis, Downstream Ridge Amplification, Eastern North Pacific, Establish Synoptic-scale Environments, Pacific And North, Planetary-scale Wave Amplification, Aforementioned Class, Cool-season Ewes, Establish Synoptic-scale, High-impact Weather, Multiscale Investigations, Planetary-scale Wave, Synoptic-scale Environments, Global, High-impact, Ii, Modulate, NPJ, Occurrence, Subsequent, Tcs, Tropical.
1. Paul E Roundy($396,969), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Northwest Pacific Tcs, Extratropical Outcomes, Geographical Regions, Tropical Cyclones, Activity, Initial, MJO, Particular, Predictability.
1. Richard H Johnson($755,986), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric Circulation, Indian Ocean, Madden-julian Oscillation, Sea Surface, Campaign, Clouds, Cycles, DYNAMO, Enhance, Field, Has, Initiation, Intraseasonal, Layer, Leading, MJO, Madden-julian, Moisture, Onset, Organized, Pacific, Prediction, Processing, Radiosonde, Sounding, Tropical, Weather.
1. Dargan M Frierson($369,056), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Itcz Shifts, Anomalies, Branch, Circulation, Extratropical, Has, Heat, Heating, Hemisphere, Influences, Line, Local, Precipitation, Radiation, Tropical, Tropics, Via, Warmed.
1. Clifford F Mass($638,887), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Detailed Structural Evolution, Frequency And Intensity, Thermal Trough Development, Thermal Trough Frequency, Air Quality, Global Warming, Renewable Energy, Thermal Troughs, Western North, Anthropogenic, Climate, Expected, High-resolution, Lead, Long-term, Mechanisms, Model, Pacific, Potential, Pressure, Regional, Season, Societal, Substantial, Temperature, Trends, WCTT, Weather, Wildfire, Wind.
1. Edward K Vizy($709,113), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Sensitivity And Resilience, Tropical And Subtropical, Regional Climate, Analysis, Focus, Forcing, Observations, Processes, Regions, Satellite, Tropicalsubtropical.
1. Lars E Kalnajs($118,819), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Gps Receiver, Tropical Tropopause, Applications, Balloon, Components, Consisting, Fiber, Gondola, Height, Laser, Length, Position, Stratosphere, TTL, Technology, Temperature, Vertically.
1. Terrence M Joyce($500,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atmosphere And Decadal, Atmospheric Blocking, North Atlantic, AMO, Atmosphere-ocean, Circulation, Multi-decadal, Ocean, Origin, Timescales.
1. Amanda Staudt($91,445), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: AGS, Appropriate, Draft, Missing, Multiple, National, Objectives, Participants, Workshop.
1. Justin R Minder($621,956), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Large-scale Circulations, Radiative Perturbations, Rcm Output, Rcm Simulations, Snow Cover, Advection, Albedo, Analysis, Atmospheric, Camps, Climate, Detailed, Feedback, Field, Global, High-resolution, Large-scale, Level, Local, Mechanisms, Mesoscale, Model, Models, Mountain, Regional, Regional-scale, SAF, STEM, Serve, Simulated, Sources, Students, Via.
1. David W Thompson($738,632), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Eddy Potential Energy, Zonal-mean Kinetic Energy, Atmospheric Circulation, Eddy Fluxes, Extratropical Circulation, Southern Hemisphere, Storm Tracks, Zonal-mean Kinetic, Component, Conversion, Dominate, Dynamics, Has, Heat, Jet, North-south, Ozone, Shift, Variance, Weather.
2. Ronald B Smith($1,003,000), Yale University, New Haven
3. Michael J Taylor($454,613), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Remote Sensing Instruments, Situ Instruments, Altitudes, Atmosphere, Breakdown, Closely, DEEPWAVE, Dynamics, GV, GW, Generation, Gravity, Gws, Has, Lower, MLT, Observed, Propagation, Strong, Supported, Zealand.
1. Ramalingam Saravanan($220,314), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Atlantic Tc Activity, Cp And Ep, Ep El Nino, Atlantic Tcs, Sst Anomalies, AMM, Equator, Has, Hurricanes, Influence, Interference, Meridional, Modulates, Nina, Pacific, Tropical, Warming.
1. Leon P Johnson($385,512), CUNY Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn
Key terms: Cuny Faculty, Global Climate, Nasa Scientists, Nyc Region, Stem Pathway, Activities, CUNYGISS, City, Collaboration, Continue, Existing, Experience, Five, GISS, Graduate, Has, Impacts, Involved, NOAA, REU, Site, Student, Students, Under-represented, Undergraduate, Unique, Urban, York.
1. Michael R Combi($152,366), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Intellectual Merit, Undergraduate Students, Atmospheric, Experience, Faculty, Graduate, Has, Physics, Planetary, Program, REU, Report, Space, Staff, Summer.
1. Vladimir B Aizen($890,877), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
2. Paul A Mayewski($590,831), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Central Asia, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Climate, Division, Glacier, International, Recover, Region, Regions, Tajikistan, Water.
1. Udaysankar S Nair($748,271), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Atmospheric Dynamics, Island Settings, Maritime Continent, Tropical Climate, Activities, Caused, Conceptual, Context, Convection, Deforestation, Depending, Developed, Educational, Especially, Field, Framework, Graduate, Inductive, Influence, Integration, LULC, Lacking, Land, Lead, Method, NME, Pedagogy, Potential, Rainfall, Students, Teaching, Terrain, Transition.
1. Anna Gannet Hallar($217,880), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Trace Gas Analyzers, Undergraduate And Graduate, Aerosol Nucleation, Aerosol Size, Carbon Monoxide, Graduate Students, Sulfur Dioxide, Air, Anthropogenic, Atmospheric, Cloud, Experiences, Field, Formation, Instrument, Local, Mercury, National, Nox, SPL, Sources, Water.
1. Alexander G Kosovichev($99,979), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Activities, Analysis, Challenges, Computing, Cyberinfrastructure, Data-driven, Earthcube, Framework, Modeling, Observations, Solar-terrestrial, Visualization, Workshop.
1. Keith D Beyer($396,045), University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse
Key terms: Climate Models, Glassy Organic, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Behavior, Chemical, Ice, Particles, Program, Properties, Sulfate.
1. Zhien Wang($11,073,310), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: King Air Aircraft, Lower Atmosphere Observing, Wcr And Wcl, Atmosphere Observing, Cloud Lidar, Cloud Radar, Wyoming Cloud, Atmospheric, Available, Clouds, Evolution, Facilitate, Facilities, Instrumentation, Instruments, Maintain, Opportunities, Students, UWKA, Unique, Weather.
1. Scott E Palo($223,279), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Hien B Vo($79,062), Universidad Del Turabo, Gurabo
3. Sigrid Elschot($211,370), Stanford University, Stanford
4. Aaron J Ridley($289,227), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Composition Package, International Qb50, Lower Thermosphere, Neutral Package, Plasma Package, Atmospheric, Atomic, Based, Consortium, Constitutes, Cubesat, Cubesats, Density, Design, Determination, EU, Entire, Experience, Ground, Has, In-situ, Instrument, Instruments, Joint, Laboratory, Minority, Molecular, Months, National, Network, On-board, Opportunity, Orbit, Participating, Participation, Partners, Program, QBUS, Satellite, Sensor, Temporal, Tremendous.
1. Matthew Igel($172,000), Igel Matthew, Fort Collins
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Self-critical Behavior, Cloud, Clouds, Individual, Level, Model, Moisture, Postdoctoral, Process, Processes, Rainfall, Value, Whereby.
1. Kevin R Gurney($647,073), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Fossil Fuel Co2, Global Fossil Fuel, Carbon Management, Long-term Vision, National Priorities, Build, Climate, Collaborate, Collaborative, Emissions, Energy, Environment, Flux, Fluxes, Geographic, Has, Information, Instructors, Interactive, Inventory, Inverse, Knowledge, Long-term, Mitigation, Network, North, Public, Spacetime, Students, Virtual, Visual, Vulcan.
1. Lester B Perry($494,296), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Tropical Andes Mountains, Undergraduate And Graduate, Cordillera Vilcanota, De San, Educational Activities, Glacier Behavior, Graduate Students, Multiscale Atmospheric, North Carolina, Outreach Activities, Partner Organizations, Precipitation Delivery, Precipitation Phase, Vertical Structure, Bolivia, Broader, Citizen, Climate, Field, Following, Heights, Influencing, Layer, Local, Moisture, Observations, Peru, Phases, Processes, Reconstructions, Regional, Regions, Rural, Timing, Universidad, Variety.
1. Jan Egedal($188,512), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Wide Range, Code, Diffusion, Electron, Electrons, GEM, Geospace, Guide, Layers, Magnetized, Magnetosphere, Mass, PIC, Physics, Process, Program, Purpose, Reconnection, Regime, Simulations.
1. Wen Li($84,270), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Lunjin Chen($265,515), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Thermal Plasma Density, Early-career, GEM, Geospace, Intensity, Investigation, Magnetosphere, Modulation, Specific, Wave, Waves.
1. Calvin Robert Clauer($72,123), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Emic Waves, Heavy Ions, Radiation Belt, Dynamics, Ground, Has, Investigate, Magnetic, Observations, Observed, Particles, Propagation, Space, Storm, THEMIS.
1. Peter J Chi($300,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Communications Coordinator, Activities, Following, GEM, Geospace, Information, Magnetosphere, Program, Reports, Students, Tasks.
1. Michael J Wiltberger($202,121), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Ion Outflow, Polar Wind, Solar Wind, Configuration, Coupled, Dynamics, Effects, Hemispheric, Ionosphere, MIT, Magnetosphere, Magnetospheric, Model, Modeling, Module, Physics, Plasma, Simulation, Sources.
1. Robert L Lysak($455,559), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ulf Waves, Wave Model, Coupling, Dynamics, Global, MHD, Magnetosphere, Propagation.
1. Viacheslav G Merkin($329,834), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Dipolarization Fronts, Magnetic Field, Magnetospheric Substorms, Current, Dfs, Global, Investigate, Kinetic, Models, PIC, Plasma, Realistic, Reconnection, Sheet, Simulations, Tail.
1. Ennio R Sanchez($354,847), SRI International, Menlo Park
2. Robin J Barnes($249,996), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Amie Technique, Polar Cap, Reconnection Rates, Solar Wind, Boundary, Calculations, Conditions, Convection, Magnetic, Magnetospheric, Observations, Range.
1. Meg Austin($25,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather, Discuss, Operations, Students, Technology, Workshop.
1. Viacheslav G Merkin($124,158), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. John G Lyon($210,000), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Inner Magnetosphere, Mhd Models, Space Weather, Coupled, Current, Drifts, Physics, Pressure, Studying, Tail, Transport.
1. Yue Chen($217,703), New Mexico Consortium, Los Alamos
Key terms: Van Allen Probes, Detailed Calibration, Electron Dynamics, Local Time, Radiation Belt, Satellite Observations, Space Weather, CSSWE, Candidates, Electrons, Loss, Losses, Magnetic, Magnetopause, POES, Precipitation, Simulation, Societally.
1. Jay R Johnson($460,367), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Mode Conversion, Solar Wind, Field, Investigate, Involved, Ionosphere, Kaws, Kinetic, Magnetopause, Magnetosphere, Mechanism, Observations, Physics, Processes, Transport, Waves.
1. Patrick T Newell($305,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Solar Wind Velocity, Dayside Magnetopause, Ionospheric Conductivity, Magnetospheric Physics, Substorm Dynamics, Time Scales, Uv Insolation, Activity, Effects, Energy, Has, Influence, Investigate, Magnetosphere, Preconditioning, Reconnection, Substorms.
1. Mark B Moldwin($55,189), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. David L Murr($428,949), Augsburg University, Minneapolis
Key terms: Gps Tec, Radiation Belt, Ulf Waves, AMPERE, Global, High-latitude, MACCS, Magnetic, Satellites, Theoretical, Transient.
1. Russell A Stoneback($314,609), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
2. Joseph B Baker($150,262), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Basis Functions, Solar Wind, Approach, Convection, Dineofs, Ionospheric, Model, Set, Technique.
1. Jiannan Tu($310,419), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Based Model, Density Distributions, Formulas, Magnetospheric, Plasma, Plasmaspheric, Plume, Plumes.
1. Mostafa El-Alaoui($372,844), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Solar Wind, MHD, Magnetosphere, Observations, Perform, Processes, Simulations, Turbulence.
1. Kyoung-Joo Hwang($328,558), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Generation And Evolution, Solar Wind Conditions, Spatial And Temporal, Direct Spatial, Inner Magnetosphere, Plasma Transport, Temporal Observations, Based, Earth, Global, KHW, Magnetopause, Physics, Simulations, Spacecraft, Waves.
1. Yu T Morton($176,604), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Radio Wave, Satellite Navigation, Space Environment, Atmospheric, Development, Effects, Equipment, GNSS, Global, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Observatory, Passive, Phenomena, Receiver, Sensing, Signal, Signals, TEC.
1. Paul O Wennberg($518,211), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Chemists, Compounds, Gas, Instrument, Involves, Mass, Organic, Training.
1. Brett C Isham($430,203), Inter American University of Puerto Rico San Juan, San Juan
Key terms: Radio Emission Observations, Temporary Field Sites, Arecibo Observatory, Hf Radar, Puerto Rico, Radio Emissions, Spectral Features, Aguadilla, Array, Atmospheric, Beam, Campaigns, Cayey, Development, High-frequency, Imaging, Interaction, Interamerican, Ionospheric, Plasmas, Polarization, Space, Spacings, Transmitter.
1. Valerie Trouet($635,268), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Jet Stream Trends, Northern Hemisphere, Arizona, California, Climate, Combine, Current, Future, Latitudes, Reconstruct, Summer, Tree-ring, Winter.
1. Shaun A Marcott($49,993), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Bring, Climate, Future, Holocene, Human, Interval, Past, Time, Warming, Workshop.
1. Zhengyu Liu($304,937), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Bette L Otto-Bliesner($219,847), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Peter U Clark($85,216), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Continental Ice Sheets, Water Isotope Tracers, Atmospheric Greenhouse, Model-data Comparison, Ago, Atmosphere, Climate, Comparisons, Deglaciation, Degrees, Direct, ESM, Forcings, Future, Insolation, Isotopes, Meltwater, Model-data, Models, Ocean, Paleoclimate, Run, Simulation, Simulations, Time, Transient.
1. Neil Pederson($147,677), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Time Scales, Climate, Decadal, Forcing, Northeastern, Public, Reconstructions, Region, Regional, Temperature, Temperatures, Trends.
1. Judson W Partin($530,005), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Past Abrupt Climate, Additional Experiments, Climate Models, Future Climate, Past Climate, Wpwp Rainfall, Ago, Cave, Deglaciation, Global, Holocene, Issues, LGM, Mean, Philippines, Program, Proxy, Range, Sites, Spatial, Temporal, Tropics, Vanuatu.
1. Kathleen R Johnson($444,917), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Michael L Griffiths($59,496), William Paterson University, Wayne
Key terms: Southeast Asian Monsoon, Spatial And Temporal, Climate Model, Orbital Timescales, California, Indian, Interannual, Irvine, Laos, Latitudes, Mechanisms, Oxygen, Paleoclimate, Past, Speleothem, Strength, Summer, Tropics.
1. Erika K Wise($149,172), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Connie A Woodhouse($166,666), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Naresh Devineni($117,120), CUNY City College, New York
4. Scott StGeorge($19,093), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
5. Edward R Cook($268,050), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Missouri River Basin, Water Resources, Water Supplies, Allocate, Based, Basins, Centuries, Climate, Corps, Critical, Drought, Flow, Future, Headwaters, Management, Past, Period, Reconstructions, Region, Streamflow, Time, Tree.
1. Dong Eun Lee($776,807), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Pan-continental Drought, Pan-continental Droughts, Past Millennium, Climate, Coupled, Current, Decades, Examined, Instrumental, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Modes, North, Pan-continental, Seasonal, Severe, Timescales, Tree-ring.
1. Victor J Polyak($161,494), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Matthew S Lachniet($334,529), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Hemisphere Summer Insolation, Northern Hemisphere Summer, Basin Climate, Devils Hole, Oxygen Isotope, Pacific Ocean, Analyses, Cave, Caves, Control, Earth, Nevada, Orbital, Region, Southwestern, Stalagmites, Students, Was.
1. Franco Biondi($453,519), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Stable Isotopic Analyses, Ponderosa Pine, Warm-season Moisture, Water Supply, Wood Formation, Anatomical, Atmospheric, Basin, Centuries, Chronologies, Climatic, Extension, False-ring, Future, Graduate, Mechanisms, NAMS, Nevada, North, Oxygen, Past, Precipitation, Reconstruct, Region, Reno, Southern, Student, Summertime, Tree, Tree-ring, Warm-season.
1. Jessica E Tierney($75,894), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Environmental Conditions, Archives, Array, Biomarker, Paleoclimate, Past, Proxies, Temperature.
1. Alexey Fedorov($368,100), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Climate Models, Albedo, Close, Cloud, El, Experiments, Future, Mean, Modeling, Observational, Past, Pliocene, Present-day, Simulations, Temperature, Tropics, Warm.
1. Jay C Stager($296,621), Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences, Paul Smiths
Key terms: Archived, Clarify, Climate, NAO, Precipitation, Region, Regional, Sediment, Students, York.
1. Alexander Stine($284,737), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Key terms: Tree-ring Based Climate, Climate Influences, Climate Reconstructions, Tree-ring Based, Tree-ring Growth, Chronologies, Detrending, High-latitude, Light, Methodological.
1. Song Feng($184,138), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Medieval Drought, Sst Anomalies, CAM, Devegetation, Investigate, Model, North, Occurred, UNL, WRF.
1. Isabel P Montañez($114,212), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay($15,439), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Noble Gas, California, Climate, Composition, Dating, Development, Hydroclimate, Paleoclimate, Precipitation, Proxy, Reconstructions, Region, Reorganization, Southwest.
1. Donald B Myers($89,749), Environmental Law Institute, Washington
Key terms: Environmental Issues, Ethical Standards, Public Policy, Approaches, Decisions, ELI, Information, Lawyers, Legal, Media, Participants, Particular, Peers, Significance, Transparent, Uncertainty, Workshop.
1. Branislav M Notaros($530,342), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Combine, Drop, Drop-by-drop, Droplets, Drops, Fall, Modeling, Numerical, Observational, Observations, Radar, Radars, Rain, Scattering, Size.
1. Joshua M Wurman($497,192), The Center for Severe Weather Research, Boulder
Key terms: Severe Surface Winds, Severe-wind Producing Mcss, Elevated Convection, Local Environment, Severe Winds, Severe-wind Producing, Analyses, Analysis, Convective, Depth, Downdrafts, Evolution, Factors, Field, Forecasting, Influenced, Kinematic, Kinematics, Leading, Mesoscale, Microphysical, Microphysics, NSBL, Nocturnal, Observational, Occurrence, Organization, PECAN, Processes, Quantify, Radar, Subsequent, Thermodynamic, Transition.
1. Zhien Wang($749,999), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Nocturnal Convection Initiation, Mesoscale Convective, Thunderstorm Complexes, Aircraft, Campaign, Evolution, Field, Multiple, PECAN, Plains, Topics, UWKA.
1. Greg McFarquhar($752,507), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Nocturnal Convection Initiation, Airborne Radar, Elevated Convection, Mesoscale Convective, Aircraft, Campaign, Cloud, Evolution, Field, Focus, Future, Main, Microphysical, Multiple, Overnight, P-, PECAN, Plains, Variety.
1. Brian K Lamb($449,942), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Multi-layer Canopy Module, Spatial And Temporal, Carbon Budget, Co2 Fluxes, Complex Terrain, Eddy Covariance, Eger Experiment, Forest Canopies, Main Features, Meanturbulent Flows, Mountainous Regions, Multi-layer Canopy, Turbulence Structures, Turbulent Flows, Wind Energy, Alter, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Beneficial, Compared, Conditions, Cycle, Dynamic, Exchange, FLUXNET, Fire, Heat, Identifying, LES, Lead, Lee, Mechanisms, Momentum, Pressure, Quantify, Scalars, Simultaneous, Site, Stability, Statistics, TKE, Tower, WRF-LES, WSU, Wake, Water.
1. Nikki Prive($10,000), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Intellectual Merit, Model Tuning, Sensitivity Analysis, Spatial Verification, Forecasts, Framework, Inexact, Method, Numerical, Participants, Student, Students, Techniques.
1. Michael L Kaplan($600,327), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Low-level Coastal Jet, Boundary Layer, Coastal Mountains, Emergency Responders, Low-level Coastal, Marine Layer, Numerical Modeling, Santa Ynez, Southern California, Sundowner Wind, Sundowner Winds, Surface Wind, Thermal Gradient, Accompanying, Activity, Air, Analyses, Cold, Component, Conditions, Derived, Difficult, Employed, Extreme, Fine, Forecasters, Forecasting, Heating, IGW, Inland, Involve, Involving, Larger, Mechanisms, Meso-gamma, Mesoscale, Mixing, NWS, Near, Pressure, Region, Rotor, Shallow, Simulate, Strong, Terrain, Upstream, Wake, Warm, Warming, Wave, Weather.
1. William A Gallus($91,537), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Nocturnal Convection Initiation, Field Campaign, Mesoscale Convective, Difficult, Elevated, Evolution, Features, Forecasting, Lead, Mcss, Mobile, PECAN, Plains, Safety, Students.
1. David D Turner($984,474), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Wayne F Feltz($391,092), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Convective Initiation, Developing Nocturnal, Mesoscale Disturbances, Night-time Convection, Terrain Slope, Analyses, Atmospheric, Development, Evolution, Integrated, Interactions, Interacts, Investigated, Lead, Mechanisms, Mixing, Mobile, Model, NLLJ, Night-time, Nlljs, Numerical, Observational, Observations, PECAN, Plains, Remain, SBL, Storms, Strong, Structure, Sunset, Surface, Thermodynamic, Turbulence, Wind, Winds.
1. Tristan S LEcuyer($256,335), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Susan C van den Heever($339,983), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Cynthia Twohy($329,971), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Clouds And Precipitation, Saharan Air Layer, Convective Storms, Ocean Fertilization, Atmosphere, Climate, Dust, Effects, Existing, Removal, Sets.
1. Robert Wood($482,163), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Edwin W Eloranta($799,734), University of Miami, Coral Gables
3. Virendra P Ghate($416,142), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Upstream And Downstream, Boundary Layer, Transition Zone, Aerosol, Analysis, Characteristics, Cloud, Clouds, Critical, Cu, Designed, Detailed, Developed, Evaluating, Evolution, Facilitate, Flight, Flights, Graduate, HCR, HIAPER, HSRL, LES, Lagrangian, Model, Models, Observations, Observing, Operations, Pacific, Precipitation, Processes, Properties, Regimes, Region, Remote, Sc, Simulations, Situ, Subsequent, Subtropical, Techniques, Thermodynamic, Trajectories, Transitions, Turbulence, Undergraduate.
1. Jerry Harrington($655,917), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ice Vapor Growth, Cirrus Clouds, Deposition Coefficient, Growth Rates, Ice Crystals, Ice Growth, Ice-containing Clouds, Vapor Phase, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Conditions, Exist, Laboratory, Liquid, Methods, Modeling, Models, Parameterizations, Simulations, Students, Supersaturation, Uncertainties.
1. Maribeth Stolzenburg($779,045), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Lightning Flashes, Lightning Initiation, Prior Nsf, Space Center, Advance, Aims, Air, Allow, Analysis, Charge, Cloud, Computer, Dataset, Day, Development, Electric, Evolution, Existing, Ground, Information, KSC, Kennedy, Launch, Main, Mechanisms, Miles, NASA, Parameters, Propagation, Provided, Radar, Rockets, Sensor, Space-bound, Spark, Strike, Students, Techniques, Thunderstorm, Tools, Training, Written.
1. Brian M Argrow($18,519), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Allow, Atmospheric, BAO, Colorado, Compare, Development, Fly, Opportunity, Radar, Thunderstorm, Uass.
1. Blake Rutherford($589,806), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Lagrangian Coherent, Storm Environment, Storm Spin-up, Air, Alignment, Analysis, Boundaries, Cyclogenesis, Development, Dynamics, Flow-following, Flows, Hurricanes, Kinematic, Methods, Moisture, Pre-genesis, Protected, Spin-up, Tropical, Typically, Vortex.
1. Melville E Nicholls($366,549), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Surface Concentrated Vortex, Tropical Cyclogenesis, Center, Characterized, Disturbance, Formation, Mid-level, Numerical, Pathway, Processes, Storms.
1. Richard D Clark($289,976), Millersville University, Millersville
2. Qing Wang($273,996), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey
Key terms: Nocturnal Convection Initiation, Mesoscale Convective, Undergraduate Students, Broader, Campaign, Critical, Disturbances, Evolution, Field, Flux, Focus, Forecasts, Mobile, NSBL, PECAN, Pecans, Plains, Planned, Unique.
1. Kevin R Knupp($754,394), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Bores And Waves, Ground-based Remote Sensing, Pecan Field Campaign, Air Quality, Boundary Layer, Deep Convection, Doppler Radars, Ground-based Remote, Severe Weather, Societal Benefits, Stable Nbl, ABIDE, Accuracy, Actively, Analysis, CBZ, CI, Cbzs, Comprehensive, Conducting, Contribute, Convective, Environment, Evolution, Facilities, Forecasting, Fronts, Gained, Graduate, Has, Importance, Instrumentation, Level, Lightning, MAX, MCS, MIPS, Maintenance, Mcss, Mesoscale, Mobile, Nocturnal, Particular, Past, Phenomena, Physics, Plains, Platforms, Profilers, Profiling, Students, Tornadoes, UAH.
1. Stephan A Fueglistaler($443,075), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Cirrus Clouds, Climate Predictions, Cloud Field, Cloud Formation, Microphysical Properties, Water Vapor, Conditions, Distribution, Domain-wide, Dynamical, Environment, Focus, Global, Ii, Importance, Interaction, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Objectives, Processes, Radiative, Simulations, Students, TTL, Uncertainties.
1. Steven A Rutledge($675,256), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Ice Particle Types, Radar And Lightning, Cloud Dynamics, Cloud-chemistry Models, Deep Convection, Electrical Structure, Lightning Flash, Lightning Mapping, Lightning-generated Nox, Amount, Anvil, Charge, Cloud-chemistry, Collaborations, Collected, Colorado, Comprehensive, Contribute, DC, Expected, Hence, Inverted, Lightning-generated, Lnox, Microphysics, Mid-levels, Observations, Parameterizations, Processes, Produced, Released, Resides, So-called, Storm, Storms, Upper, Utilize.
1. Manuela Lehner($138,421), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Flows And Cold-air, Thermally Driven Flows, Cold-air Pools, Cross-basin Flows, Gruenloch Basin, Mountainous Terrain, Surrounding Topography, Advance, Aspects, Complex, Cross-basin, Formation, Inflows, Influence, Interact, Larger-scale, Outflows, Poorly, Propagation, Saddles, Strong.
1. Michael M Bell($461,658), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Convective And Stratiform, Doppler Radar, Mesoscale Observations, Radar Meteorology, Stratiform Precipitation, Tc Intensity, Ability, Aircraft, Analysis, Circulation, Convergence, Digital, Education, Efficiently, Intensification, Maximum, Numerical, Principal, Processes, RMW, SAMURAI, Suggested, Textbook, Thermodynamic.
1. Jasper F Kok($354,644), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Marcelo Chamecki($291,644), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Atmospheric Turbulence, Climate Models, Graduate Students, Dust, Intermittency, Modeling, Particles, Process, Saltation, Sand, School, Wind.
1. Scott Sandgathe($503,135), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Forecast Features, Intellectual Merit, Model Parameters, Model Tuning, Sensitivity Analysis, Spatial Features, Spatial Verification, Development, Effect, Errors, Forecasts, Framework, Inexact, Knowledge, Method, Methods, Models, Multiple, Numerical, Objects, Pis, Precipitation, Processes, Variance-based, Weather.
1. Paul J Roebber($456,206), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Convection-permitting Real-data Numerical, Property And Life, Real-data Numerical Simulations, Convection Initiation, Convection-permitting Real-data, Intensively-sampled Representation, Intrinsic Predictability, Moist Convection, Pre-convective Environment, Real-data Numerical, Ability, Advances, Atmospheric, Controls, Deep, Development, Initial, Insight, Intensively-sampled, MPEX, Meso-alpha-scale, Mitigate, Observations, Perfect, Poses, Practical, Pre-convective, Synoptic-, Timing, Uncertainty, Utilizing.
1. Eric C Bruning($738,575), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Rate And Extent, Electrical Energy, Electrical Potential, Energy Spectrum, Field Campaign, Flash Rate, Storm's Flow, Weather Radars, Character, Charge, Controls, Convective, Distribution, Exhibit, Expected, High-resolution, LMA, Lightning, Measure, Quantitative, Regions, Rich, Shared, Sizes, Storms, Students, Theory, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Andrew J Heymsfield($15,950), Droplet Measurement Technologies, Boulder
Key terms: Inherent Uncertainties, Workshop Participants, Algorithms, Atmospheric, Diverse, Methods, Microphysical, Processing, Students.
1. Xuguang Wang($602,144), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Special Pecan Observations, Advanced Da, Elevated Nocturnal, Ensemble Analyses, Ensemble Modeling, Field Experiment, Nocturnal Convection, Nocturnal Convective, Observational Analysis, Ability, Based, Center, Component, Comprehensively, Control, Convection-permitting, Effort, Environmental, Established, Evolution, Findings, Forecast, Forecasts, Generation, Maintenance, National, Next-generation, Pis, Plains, Play, Prediction, Processes, Real-time, Simulations, Storm, Strategies, Structure, Weather.
1. Robert A Houze($661,374), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Mjo Cloud Population, Cold Pools, Convective Population, Indian Ocean, Mesoscale Convective, Model Output, Nonprecipitating Clouds, Precipitating Convection, S-polka Radar, Stratiform Precipitation, Suppressed Conditions, Active, Analysis, Behavior, Characteristics, Co-located, Comparison, Cycle, DYNAMO, Deep, Development, Document, Dual-polarization, Equatorial, Evolution, Information, Intermediate-scale, Kinematic, Lines, Mcss, Microphysical, Multiscale, Observations, Organization, Period, Primary, Provided, Radars, S-polka, Shallow, Structure, Was, Weather.
1. Brian Billings($52,106), St. Cloud State University, Saint Cloud
Key terms: Mountain Wave Activity, Wave Activity Relative, Activity Relative, Cloud Observations, Deepwave Experiment, Numerical Simulations, Verification Dataset, Actual, Amplitude, Behavior, Collected, Complete, Considered, Dry, Effects, Factors, Focus, Formation, Gravity, HIAPER, Has, Human, Modeling, Moisture, Observed, Photogrammetry, Physics, Processes, Profiles, Underlying, Upstream, Waves.
1. Xuguang Wang($480,941), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Doppler Radar, Radial Velocity, Weather Phenomena, Assimilation, Available, Convective, Convective-scale, DA, Flows, Information, Initial, Models, NWP, Network, Observations, Operational, Prediction, Reflectivity, Storm-scale, Three-dimensional, WSR-D.
1. Sandra E Yuter($462,319), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Brian A Colle($350,466), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Banded Precipitation, Comma Head, Extratropical Cyclones, Ice Microphysics, Mid-latitude Cyclone, Precipitation Features, Stony Brook, Winter Storms, Bands, Cells, Characterize, Documented, Evolution, Focusing, Genesis, Growth, Has, Mesoscale, Microphysical, Mid-latitude, Model, Modeling, Models, Multi-banded, Northeast, Observations, Parameterization, QPF, Radar, Spectrum, Weather.
1. Joseph R Dwyer($566,732), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Advanced Computer Model, Initiation And Propagation, Model And Code, Stems And Space, Atmospheric Electricity, Broader Impacts, Intellectual Merit, Lightning Initiation, Negative Leader, Negative Leaders, Space Leaders, Space Stems, Streamer Propagation, Streamers Originating, Thundercloud Hydrometeors, Activities, Air, Channels, Current, Developed, Developing, Development, Experiments, Field, Fields, Formation, Front, Has, Investigating, Investigation, Knowledge, Observations, Plasma, Processes, Stepping, Steps, Subject, Transition.
1. Paul J DeMott($911,313), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric And Biological, Ice Nucleating Particles, Nucleating Particle Types, Numerical Modeling Studies, Soil And Plant, Biological Particles, Collected Soil, Ice Nucleation, Organic Particles, Aerosol, Application, Applied, Atmosphere, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Emissions, Formation, Global, Mass, Methods, Natural, Processes, Quantification, Regional, Regions, Specific, Surface, Surfaces, Thermal, Tools, Via.
1. Dale A Lawrence($299,090), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Lower Atmosphere, Radar Wind, Vhf Radar, Applications, Capability, Dynamics, Errors, High-resolution, JRO, KHI, MLT, Motions, Numerical, Observations, Provided, Quantitative, Resolution, SOUSY, Sensitivity, Small-scale, Wave.
1. Guosheng Liu($400,919), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Satellite Microwave Observations, Cloud Ice, Cloud Liquid, Hurricane Intensity, Observation Operators, Activity, Analysis, Distributions, Effective, Forecasts, Frequencies, Models, Prediction, Raindrops, Sensitive, Snow, TC, Tcs, Tropical.
1. Anna Gannet Hallar($179,889), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Vertical And Horizontal, Atmospheric Radiation, Climate Models, Cloud Properties, Horizontal Structure, Mixed-phase Clouds, Aircraft, Andor, Assess, CAMPS, Colorado, Exercises, Ice, Information, Liquid, Mixed-phase, Particle, Remote, Representation, Sensors, Situ, Steamboat, Water.
1. Nicole K Richards($172,000), Richards Nicole K, Davis
Key terms: Heterogeneous Oxidation, Oxidation Mechanisms, Aerosol, Aerosols, Air, Atmosphere, BBA, Climate, Effect, Mixtures, OH, Organic, Reactions, Single.
1. Mary E Whelan($172,000), Whelan Mary E, San Francisco
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Cos Exchange, Environmental Variables, Gross Primary, Laboratory Experiments, California, Consumption, Ecosystem, Eddy, FLUXNET, Parameter, Site, Soil, Soils, Terrestrial, Uptake.
1. Alison D Nugent($172,000), Nugent Alison D, New Haven
Key terms: Clouds And Precipitation, Aircraft Observations, Numerical Model, Aerosol, Aerosols, Climate, Field, Microphysical, Theoretical, WRF.
1. Gregory P Schill($172,000), Schill Gregory, Boulder
Key terms: Combustion Sources, Ice Crystals, Ice Nuclei, Atmospheric, Biological, CFDC, Cloud, Clouds, Colorado, Field, Global, Laboratory, Main, Models, Particles, SP, Sampling, Wildfires.
1. Dorothy L Fibiger($172,000), Fibiger Dorothy L, Providence
Key terms: Chemical Transformations, Aerosol, Campaign, Compounds, Instruments, Multiphase, Nitrogen, Pollutants, Spectrometer, WINTER, Wintertime.
1. Allison A Wing($172,000), Wing Allison A, Cambridge
Key terms: Climate Models, Feedback Analysis, Tropical Convection, Tropical Cyclogenesis, Tropical Cyclones, Clusters, Compare, Convective, Forcing, Formation, Genesis, Main, Plan, Processes, Public, Realistic, Self-aggregation, Simulations, Spontaneous, Step.
1. Andrew R Metcalf($172,000), Metcalf Andrew R, Saint Paul
Key terms: Aerosol Particles, Applications, Droplets, Microfluidics.
1. Liang Zhao($172,000), Zhao Liang, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Heating And Acceleration, Solar Wind Heating, Solar Wind Source, Empirical Models, Solar Cycle, Analysis, Atmospheric, Graduate, In-situ, Michigan, Observations, Space, Strength, Techniques.
1. Natasha Hodas($172,000), Hodas Natasha, Pasadena
Key terms: Thermodynamic And Kinetic, Kinetic Models, Particle Phase, Atmosphere, Complex, Factors, Growth, Influence, Laboratory, Uptake, Water.
1. Bronwen Konecky($172,000), Konecky Bronwen, Atlanta
Key terms: Indo-pacific Hydrological Cycle, Climate Forcings, Indo-pacific Hydrological, Water Isotopic, Anthropogenic, Atmospheric, CE, Future, GHG, Ghgs, Global, Isotope-equipped, LIA, Model, Modeling, Paleoclimate, Past, Precipitation, Proxy, Robust, Simulations, Solar, Synthesis, Tropical.
1. Kristopher G Klein($172,000), Klein Kristopher G, Iowa City
Key terms: Coronal Heating, Solar Wind, Acceleration, Alfven, Critical, Graduate, Magnetospheres, Measured, Method, Near, Physics, Plasma, Plasmas, Situ, Synthetic, Turbulence, Various.
1. Gabriel J Kooperman($174,000), Kooperman Gabriel J, La Jolla
Key terms: Famiglietti And Pritchard, Irrigation And Climate, Land Surface Coupling, Energy Exchange, Land-atmosphere Coupling, Mesoscale Convection, Policy Makers, Activities, Atmospheric, Author, California, Central, Co-mentoring, Convective, Critical, Experience, Feedbacks, Frontier, Global, Graduate, Hydro-climate, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Individual, Interactions, Interface, Irvine, Land-atmosphere, Land-surface, Mechanisms, Mediating, Multi-scale, Nonlinear, Precipitation, Public, Strategy.
1. Karen A Kosiba($9,264,985), The Center for Severe Weather Research, Boulder
Key terms: Atmosphere Observing Facility, Lower Atmosphere Observing, Cswr Staff, Severe Weather, X-band Radars, Continue, Doppler, Dows, Mobile, Outreach, Public, Requested, Tornado, X-band.
1. Mohan K Ramamurthy($20,735,002), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Complexity, Environments, Geoscience, Issues, Reducing, Unidata.
1. Sumant Nigam($844,427), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Monsoon Rainfall, South Asia, Summer Rainfall, Analysis, Decline, Has, Hydroclimate, Model, Modeling, Multidecadal, Natural, Nature, Plain, Predictability, Seasonal.
1. KD Leka($30,899), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Solar Cycles, Solar Flares, Archive, Behavior, Codes, Consistently, Contribute, IVM, Magnetic, Main, Sun.
1. Jeffrey R Kuhn($347,075), Predictive Science Incorporated, San Diego
Key terms: Coronal Magnetic Field, Hanle Effect, Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Vector, Permitted Lines, Solar Corona, Solar Telescope, Solar Wind, Space Weather, AWI, CME, Cmes, Developed, Enable, Furthermore, Geo-effective, Hands-on, Measuring, NSF, Nm, Observations, Observatory, Physics, STEM, Simultaneously, Student, Technique, Technology.
1. Haimin Wang($396,398), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Flow Motions, Magnetic Fields, Solar Eruptions, Analysis, Evolution, Female, Has, Main, Photospheric, Tools.
1. Debi Prasad Choudhary($538,852), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Graduate Students, Irradiance Monitors, Multiple Wavelengths, Photometry Program, San Fernando, Solar Images, Solar Irradiance, Space-based Irradiance, CFDT, CSUN, California, Information, Northridge, Photometric, Radiative, SFO, Serving, Sources, Space-based, Suns, Tool, Yield.
1. Farzad Kamalabadi($20,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Physics And Information, Information Processing, Solar Physics, Space Physics, Analysis, Conference, Ensure, Fields, Participation.
1. Enrico Landi($134,963), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Enrico Landi($248,322), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Heating And Acceleration, Solar Wind Continues, Solar Wind Heating, Total Solar Eclipse, Eclipse Observations, Plasma Parameters, Remote Sensing, Solar Corona, Solar Radii, Wind Plasma, Accelerate, Build, Charge, Compared, Existing, In-situ, Iron, Obtain, Peoples, Processes, Public, Region, Regions, Space, Student, Undergraduate, Unique.
1. David F Webb($19,960), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Solar-terrestrial Physics, Attend, CAWSES, Current, Extending, Has, II, Meeting, Proceedings, Program, Programs, Publications, SCOSTEP, STP, Solar-terrestrial, Sponsored, Sun, Symposium, Varsiti.
1. Graham K Barnes($343,105), Lockheed-Martin Advanced Technology Center, Palo Alto
Key terms: Topological Analysis Codes, Separatrix Surfaces, Corona, Existing, Field, HEK, Implemented, Magnetic, Main, Methods, Null, Objects, PFSS, SHINE, Solar, Statistical, Sun.
1. Shadia R Habbal($305,000), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Developed Elliptical Tie-pointing, Elliptical Tie-pointing Technique, Recently Developed Elliptical, Structure And Evolution, 3d Reconstructions, Elliptical Tie-pointing, Image Processing, Stereo Mission, Tie-pointing Technique, CME, CORIMP, Cmes, Combined, Dynamic, Dynamics, Images, Methods, Observations, Propagation, SOHO, Space, Specifically, Sun, Techniques.
1. Bernard V Jackson($343,400), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: 3d Mhd, Mhd Modeling, Remote Sensing, Remote-sensing Observations, Agenda, Analyses, Analysis, Boundary, Differences, Heliospheric, IPS, Inputs, Interplanetary, Kinematic, Main, Models, Near, Parameters, Perform, Propagation, Remote-sensing, SHINE, Solar, Structures, Tomographic.
1. Bernard V Jackson($343,400), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Plasma Physics, Solar Wind, Alabama, Background, Cmes, Development, Distances, Geo-effective, Heliospheric, Interplanetary, Investigate, Main, Particular, Propagation, SHINE, SW, Space, Sun, Turbulent.
1. Chengcai Shen($342,578), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Reconnection And Particle, Magnetic Reconnection, Particle Acceleration, Solar Eruptions, Time Scales, Density, Dynamics, Energy, Festival, Instabilities, Ionization, Observational, Observations, Outreach, Plasma, Predictions, Process, Public, Simulations, Small-scale, Space, Structure, Temperature.
1. James M Ryan($24,030), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Effort, MW, NM, Re-deployment, School, Students, Washington.
1. Haimin Wang($204,006), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Tibor Torok($91,456), Predictive Science Incorporated, San Diego
3. Paul M Bellan($343,400), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: 3-year Collaborative Shine, Actual Solar Eruptions, 3-year Collaborative, Decay Index, Laboratory Experiments, Laboratory Plasmas, Magnetic Field, Numerical Modeling, Solar Corona, Strapping Field, Analysis, Approaches, CME, MHD, Models, Morphology, Observations, Particles, Phenomena, Physics, Profile, Radio, Similar, Spacecraft.
1. Pertti Makela($193,977), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Ii Radio Bursts, Public, SHINE.
1. Philip A Isenberg($343,400), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: In-situ Solar Wind, Protons And Alpha, 3-year Shine, Alpha Particles, In-situ Solar, Self-consistent Wave, Wave Properties, Agenda, Allows, Collisionless, Distributions, Heating, ICW, Plasma, Self-consistent, Technique, Yield.
1. Bernard J Vasquez($329,573), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Magnetic Helicity, Solar Wind, Agenda, Fluctuations, Interplanetary, Kinetic, Properties, SHINE, Spacecraft, Statistical, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Gelu M Nita($513,305), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Forward Fitting, Solar Flares, Advance, CSTR, Discovery, Magnetic, Physics, Radio, Tools.
1. Stanislav A Boldyrev($750,000), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Solar Wind, Space Weather, Properties, Structures, Techniques, Turbulent.
1. Jason Jackiewicz($593,521), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Key terms: Flows, Ii, Iii, Objective, Solar, Sun.
1. Guillermo Stenborg($121,956), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Particle Transport, Shock Acceleration, Source Region, Accurate, Composition, Extent, Flare, Longitudinal, Relative, SEP, Solar, Spacecraft.
1. Viacheslav G Merkin($5,100,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetosphere And Ionosphere, Electric Currents, Geomagnetic Storms, Magnetic Field, Magnetosphere Responds, Near-earth Space, Power Grid, Solar Storms, Solar Wind, Space Weather, AMPERE, AMPERE-II, Advances, Constellation, Continuous, Critical, Discussion, Dynamics, Effects, Electrodynamic, Electrodynamics, Global, Hazard, High-altitude, Iridium, M-I, Measures, Nearth, Observations, Potential, Products, Radiation, Region, Satellites, Sector, Transformers, Users, Vulnerable, Weeks.
1. Anthea J Coster($168,643), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Stanislav Sazykin($356,672), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Mit Haystack Observatory, Inner Magnetosphere, Comprehensive, Coupling, Density, Development, Ionosphere, Ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere, Model, Modeling, Multi-instrument, RCM, SAMI, Student.
1. Gennady M Milikh($163,094), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Mikhail Shneider($90,000), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Blue Jets, Current Contraction, Electric Field, Propagation Velocity, Streamer Zone, BJ, Bjs, Collaboration, Experiments, Formation, Formed, Gas, Governs, Ionosphere, Laboratory, Leader, Leaders, Maryland, Mechanism, Model, Models, Physics, Plasma, Propagate, Quantitative, Theoretical, Top, Upward.
1. Calvin Robert Clauer($301,668), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Solar Wind Conditions, Wind Electric Field, CPCP, Conductance, Currents, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Magnetic, Magnetosphere, Observations, Saturation, Set.
1. Michael A Coplan($300,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Compressional Pulsations, Mechanism Generates, Drift, Energy, Frequency, Instabilities, Magnetosphere, Mechanisms, Observations, Origin, Pc, Plasma, Waves.
1. Michael W Liemohn($100,916), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Diverse, Geospace, Has, Ionosphere, Magnetosphere, Models, Observations, Picture, Solar, Synoptic.
1. Ted von Hippel($65,015), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Cubesat Missions, Mission Operations, Characteristics, Cubesats, Design, Developed, Development, Engineering, Geospace, Optical, Orbit, Public, Satellite, Scheduled, Space, Spectral, Survivability, Telescopes, Tracking, Unique.
1. LENNARD A FISK($227,828), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Pump Acceleration Mechanism, Solar And Heliospheric, Heliospheric Physics, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Developed, Has, Model, Program, Properties, Space, Spectral, Suprathermal, Theoretical.
1. Susan Lepri($343,400), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Eruption Process, Low Charge, Analysis, CME, Cold, Comprehensive, Evolution, Filament, ICME, Icmes, Ii, Ions, Main, Michigan, Objectives, Plasma, SHINE.
1. Vassilis Angelopoulos($650,823), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Electron Losses, Loss Cone, Radiation Belt, Aerospace, Aims, Cubesat, Designed, ELFIN, EMIC, Electrons, Energy, Environment, Instruments, Mechanisms, Mission, Missions, Named, On-going, Physics, Pitch-angle, Precipitation, Processes, Program, Receiving, Scattering, Space, Waves.
1. Shadia R Habbal($27,911), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Shadow Band, Total Solar, Ages, Allow, Astronomical, August, Beauty, Bring, Discoveries, Eclipse, Educators, Experiments, Held, Minutes, Observations, Opportunities, Outreach, Plan, Planning, Plans, Public, Unique, Was, Workshop.
1. Hyomin Kim($19,079), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Cubesat, Demonstration, Developed, Effort, KHU, Korea, Magnetometer, Mission, SIGMA.
1. Amitava Bhattacharjee($108,342), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Global Magnetosphere Code, Global Magnetosphere Model, Current Sheets, Kinetic Effects, Magnetic Reconnection, Space Weather, Center, Enhanced, Framework, Has, Instabilities, MHD, Modeling, Multiple, Partnership, Physics, Species, Theoretical, Turbulence.
1. J. F Lamarque($1,132,174), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Shindell Drew($870,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Climate Forcers, Climate Impacts, Regional Climate, Regional Perturbations, Slcf Emissions, Statistical Emulators, Assessment, Control, Future, Significance, Slcfs, Tropospheric.
1. Christopher S Bretherton($480,000), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Michael Pritchard($468,305), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Midlatitude Low Cloud, Tropical Precipitation Biases, Cumulus Parameterization, Ocean Coupling, Affect, CESM, Climate, Decadal, Development, Errors, Initial, Models, Parameterizations, Remote, SP-CESM, SST, Simulations.
1. Susan M Nossal($328,013), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Cyclic And Climatic, Upper Atmospheric Hydrogen, Climatic Influences, Hydrogenous Species, Solar Cyclic, Balmer-alpha, Distributions, Emission, Emissions, Greenhouse, Increases, Model, Northern, Observations, Set, Updated.
1. James W Hurrell($271,954), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Gravity Wave, Gw Propagation, Deep, Propagating.
1. James W Hurrell($315,436), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Observation Nudging, ARW, Laboratory, NCAR, Written.
1. Robert G Michell($120,857), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Incoherent-scatter Radar, Atmosphere, Campaign, Coupled, Coupling, GITM, Incoherent-scatter, Interactions, Ionosphere, Magnetosphere, Observations, Optical, PFISR, Processes, Thermosphere, VHF, View.