Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
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Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Zoltan Sternovsky($30,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Nimalan Swarnalingam($75,000), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Interplanetary Dust Particles, Ionization Efficiency, Metal Atoms, Upper Atmosphere, Ablation, Colorado, Earth, Input, Interpret, Laboratory, Mass, Meteor, NSF, Radar, Total.
1. Morris B Cohen($374,698), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Mark Golkowski($245,024), University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora
Key terms: Amplitude And Phase, Vlf Remote Sensing, Ionospheric Disturbance, Lightning Discharges, Lower Ionosphere, Vlf Signal, Communication, Direct, Disturbances, EF, Electron, LEP, Lightning-induced, Observations, Perturbations, Physics, Powerful, Propagation, Radiation.
1. Jonathan T Fentzke($114,384), Scientific Solutions Incorporated, North Chelmsford
2. Joseph Comberiate($204,000), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Field-line Integrated, Conductivity, Electrodynamics, Field-line, Ionospheric, MSTID, Mstids, Structure, Tomographic.
2. Michael J Taylor($196,103), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Instability Dynamics, ALOMAR, AMTM, Capabilities, Correlative, Effects, Excellent, Fluxes, Forcing, GW, Lidar, MLT, Measure, Momentum, Observatory, Potential, Quantify, Region, Sets, Temperature.
1. Jeffrey Thayer($499,803), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Total Mass Density, Satellite Drag, Behavior, Constituent, Describe, Dynamical, Helium, Models, NCAR, Observations, Processes, Scheme, Solar, Structure, Thermosphere, Transport.
1. Ethan S Miller($173,030), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Aaron J Ridley($206,897), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Jonathan J Makela($360,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Electron Densities, Electron Density, High-latitude Forcing, Neutral Winds, Coupling, Drivers, Education, High-latitude, Ionospheric, Mid-latitude, Mid-latitudes, Model, Models, Observed, Physics, Spatialtemporal, Storm, Thermospheric.
1. Donald L Hampton($312,892), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Eddies And Waves, Auroral Thermosphere, Small-scale Eddies, Alaska, Based, Earth, Horizontal, Less, Occurrence, Simultaneously, Small-scale, Spatial, Temperatures, Wind, Winds.
1. Lynette J Gelinas($240,000), Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo
Key terms: Aerospace Corporation, Turbulent Viscosity, AIC, ALO, Airglow, Breakdown, Camera, High-resolution, Image, Instabilities, Measure, Numerical, Parameter, Region, Turbulence.
1. Amber D Miller($237,746), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Optical Images, Analysis, Dynamics, Enable, Features, GW, High-resolution, Identification, Instability, MLT, Morphological, Pmcs, Set, Unique.
1. Chester S Gardner($500,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cosmic Dust Velocity, Coupling And Transport, Differential Meteoric Ablation, Dust Velocity Distribution, Fe And Na, Mesosphere And Thermosphere, Winds And Temperatures, Doppler Lidar, Metal Layers, Na Layers, Neutral Winds, Table Mountain, Thermosphere Fe, Thermospheric Metal, Atmosphere, Characterize, Chemical, Estimates, Fluxes, Global, Model, Models, Processes, Region, Simulations, Simultaneous, Validate, Vertical, WAM.
1. Roger H Varney($358,992), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Cap Topside Ionosphere, Incoherent Scatter Radars, Polar Cap Topside, Transition Region, Experiments, Geospace, Observations, Plasma, Transported.
1. Sharon L Vadas($64,169), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Asti Bhatt($318,231), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Lower Atmospheric Sources, Momentum Deposition, Optical Signatures, Secondary Gws, Accelerations, Ionospheric, Students.
1. Konstantinos Kalogerakis($397,876), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Energy Flow Pathways, Excited O2, Airglow, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Dynamics, Modeling, Molecular, O-atom, Oxygen, Rate, Recombination, Yields.
1. Jian Du-Caines($500,000), University of Louisville Research Foundation Inc, Louisville
Key terms: Atmospheric Tides, Lower Atmosphere, Upper Atmosphere, Coupling, Ionospheric, Model, Oscillation, Processes, Students.
1. Erdal Yigit($271,041), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Ionospheric Electron Density, Gravity Waves, Atmosphere, Atmosphere-ionosphere, Atmospheric, Composition, Distribution, Dynamical, Effects, GW, Geomagnetic, Gws, Influence, Ionosphere, Lower, Processes, Propagation, Thermal, Thermosphere.
1. Robert W Schunk($300,000), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Upper Atmosphere, Adverse, Atmospheric, Disturbances, Effects, Ionosphere, Long-term, Models, Plasma, Processes, Radar, Satellite, Satellites.
1. Miguel F Larsen($196,572), Clemson University, Clemson
2. David L Hysell($300,001), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Midlatitude Ionosphere, Scatter Radar, Arecibo, Caribbean, Coupled, Coupling, Experimental, Investigation, Ionospheric, Irregularities, Mstids, Neutral, Plasma, Region, Sources, Structuring, Theoretical, Turbulence.
1. Naomi Maruyama($219,758), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ionosphere And Plasmasphere, Plasma Height Distributions, Height Distributions, Atmosphere, Coupling, Determining, Models, Neutral, Relative, Seds, Time.
1. William A Bristow($20,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Annual, IES, Ionospheric, Meeting, Phenomena, RF, RFII, Waves.
1. Mark D Leising($51,774), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Sustained Upward Vertical, Poker Flat, Vertical Winds, AK, Auroral, FPI, Instruments, Mass, Observing, Set, Speeds, Thermosphere, Thermospheric, Zenith.
1. Mark D Leising($75,186), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Winds And Temperatures, Neutral Winds, Upper Atmosphere, Comparison, Fpis, Instrumentation, Observatory, Obtained, Parameters, Processes, Zonal.
1. Ryan Ogliore($57,716), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Fusion Crust, Reconstructing Past, Upper Atmosphere, Climate, Composition, Conditions, Has, Isotopic, Meteorites, Proxy.
1. Ryan C Sullivan($399,501), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
2. Joel A Thornton($378,726), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Biomass Burning, Particulate Chloride, Atmospheric, Chamber, Clno, Combustion, Effort, Emissions, Formation, Investigate, Laboratory, Models, Organic, Ozone, Parameters.
1. Albert A Presto($599,859), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Chemical Processing, Aerosol, Ambient, Analysis, Atmosphere, Background, Composition, Contributions, Emissions, Fine, OA, Sampling, Sources, Spatial-temporal, Specific, Subsequent.
1. V Faye McNeill($415,385), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry Models, Air Quality, Cloud Droplets, Formation Schemes, Soa Formation, Aerosol, Applied, Aqsoa, Aqueous, Atmosphere, Field, IEPOX, Isoprene, Particles, Processing, Simplegamma.
1. Andrey Y Khlystov($471,584), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Forest And Peat, Biomass Burning, Brown Carbon, Light Absorption, Optical Properties, Tropical Forest, Atmosphere, Chemical, Emissions, Five, Fuels, Knowledge, Land, Speciation, Techniques, USA.
1. Renyi Zhang($10,000), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Stratospheric Ozone, Undergraduate Students, AMS, Anthropogenic, Mario, Molina, Pioneering, Symposium, Was.
1. Britton Stephens($90,666), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Ralph F Keeling($59,334), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Instrument Packages, Atmospheric, Atom, Carbon, Climate, Distribution, Instruments.
1. Daisuke Minakata($540,111), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Ultrahigh Mass Resolution, Atmospheric, Complex, Cycling, Mixtures, Organic.
1. Qiancheng Ma($267,515), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: H2o Lineshapes, Hitran Database, Line Mixing, Accuracy, Continuing, HO, Molecular, Objective, Spectral, Spectroscopic, Studying, Theoretical, Transmission.
1. Elliot Atlas($337,628), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Carbon And Oxygen, Reactive Trace Gas, Trace Gas Fluxes, Biogeochemical Cycles, Field Campaign, Southern Ocean, Atmospheric, Bromine, Chemistry, Emissions, Exchanges, Gases, Global, Processes, Region, Short-lived.
1. Timothy S Bates($192,072), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Freshly Emitted Ssa, Organic Enrichment, Phytoplankton Bloom, Plankton Ecosystems, Sea-surface Aerosol, Atmosphere, Clouds, Hypothesizes, Marine, NAAMES, Ocean, Properties, Reservoir, Responsible, Sea-surface, Seawater.
1. Susan Solomon($470,709), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ozone Recovery, Stratospheric Aerosol, Volcanic Eruptions, Aerosols, Affect, Date, Effects, Model, Observations, Occurred, Sensitivity, Time, Uncertainties, Was.
1. Kenneth E Pickering($423,380), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Storms Observed, Campaign, Chemistry, Convective, DC, Lightning, Lnox, Observations, Transport, Upper.
1. Margaret A Tolbert($438,404), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Relative Humidity, Aerosol, Aqueous, Atmospheric, Contact, Droplet, Effects, Efflorescence, Immersion, Ionic, Particle, Phase, RH, Remain, Seed, Solution, Supersaturated.
1. Timothy H Bertram($257,266), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: 7-9th Grade Students, Isoprene And Total, Marine Bvoc Emissions, 7-9th Grade, Carbon Dioxide, Hands-on Experiment, Oxidant Loadings, Total Monoterpene, Chemistry, Designed, Educational, Graduate, Hands-on, Has, Highly, MBL, Ocean, Oceans, Organic, Organisms, Photosynthetic, SIO, SOA, Sensors, Terrestrial.
1. Paul Davidovits($318,222), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
2. Jesse Kroll($119,945), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
3. Andrew Lambe($200,000), Aerodyne Research Inc, Billerica
4. William H Brune($160,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Condensed-phase Organic Compounds, Condensed-phase Organic, Environmental Chambers, Flow Reactor, Hydroxyl Radical, Optical Properties, Oxidative Aging, Aerosol, Aerosols, Atmospheric, Atmospherically, Chemical, Climate, Conditions, Control, Days, Detailed, Effort, Formation, Function, Generated, Laboratory, Magnitude, Measure, Modeling, OH, Particle, Particles, Produce, Range, SOA.
1. John H Seinfeld($524,889), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Chamber Experiments, Environmental Chambers, Wall Deposition, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Effects, Gas, Individual, Model, Organic, Particles, Rates, SOA, Species, Vapor, Walls.
1. Lynn R Mazzoleni($114,576), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
2. LaxmiNarasimha Yatavelli($294,994), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Nitrogen-containing Compounds, Peat Fires, Peat Fuel, Atmosphere, Combustion, Cycling, Emissions, Fraction, Gas, Global, Nitrogen-containing, PON, Partitioning.
1. Alexei Khalizov($415,540), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Chong Qiu($82,927), University of North Alabama, Florence
Key terms: Optical Properties, Soot Particles, Aerosol, Aggregates, Carbon, Carbonaceous, Determined, Mixing, Morphology, Radiative.
1. Megan L Melamed($300,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: International Atmospheric Chemistry, Igac International, Foster, Global, IPO, Igacs, Office, Priorities, Responsibility, SSC, Sustainability, World.
1. David O De Haan($366,635), University of San Diego, San Diego
Key terms: Aerosol Particles, Brown Carbon, Undergraduate Students, Aqueous-phase, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chamber, Diverse, Droplets, Formation, Oxidants.
1. Spyros N Pandis($434,986), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Oa Components, Organic Compounds, Aerosol, Chemical, Distribution, Effects, Mathematical, Modeling, Particulate, Properties, RH, Range, Representation, Semi-volatile, Via.
1. David Cocker III($452,393), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Nitrogen And Sulfur, Aerosol Formation, Agricultural Emissions, Air Quality, Sulfur Compounds, Amines, Animal, Atmospheric, Developed, Environmental, Field, Laboratory, Modeling, Particles, Potential, Reduced, Sources.
1. Daniel A Knopf($321,512), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Biomass Burning Aerosols, Chemical Aging, Chemical Transformations, Altered, Altering, Atmosphere, BBA, Conditions, Effects, Fraction, Global, Investigations, Oxidizing, Particles, Radiation, Responsible, Species, Trace.
1. Nga Lee Ng($10,000), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Nitrate Radicals, Chemistry, Deeper, Etc, Formation, Future, Laboratory, List, Volatile, Workshop.
1. Kimberly A Prather($25,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Exchange.
1. Ulrike Seibt($594,034), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Co2 Fluxes, Costa Rica, Ecosystem Respiration, Education, Field, Forest, GPP, Information, Obtain, Program, Rainforest, Site, Soil, Students, Temperature, Tropical, Uptake.
1. Sergey Nizkorodov($20,300), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Atmospheric Aerosols, Chemical Society, Pacific Basin, Chemistry, Cloud, Congress, Countries, Environmental, Frontiers, Institute, Pacifichem, Poster, Presentations, Session, Sessions, Symposium.
1. William H Brune($379,727), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Air, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Environments, Focused, GTHOS, GTHOSFAGE, Greater-than-expected, HO, Instrument, OH, Species, Values.
1. Nga Lee Ng($238,782), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Middle School, Soa Formation, Aerosol, Conditions, Effects, Focuses, Lead, OH, Peroxy, Radicals, Reaction.
1. Jingqiu Mao($20,000), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Air Quality, Atmospheric Chemistry, Biogenic, Campaign, Climate, Collected, Focus, Formation, Modeling, Models, Organic, Regional, SAS, SOA, Southeast, Species, Workshop.
1. Roya Bahreini($793,466), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Secondary Organic Aerosol, Optical Properties, Aerosols, Chamber, Characteristics, Chemical, Conditions, Education, Experiments, Focused, Influenced, Involve, Oxidation, SOA, STEM, School, Sources, Teachers.
1. Andrew C Martin($957,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Aerosol, Aerosols, California, Cloud, Clouds, Dust, Ground, Ice, Interaction, Interactions, Mass, Measured, Microphysics, Model, Numerical, Precipitation, Processes, Spectra.
1. Neil M Donahue($470,302), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Particle Formation, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Climate, Condensation, Forcing, Growth, Interactions, Oxidation, Steps.
1. Daniel J Cziczo($194,014), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ice Forming Particles, Ice Particles, AIDA, Atmospheric, Clouds, Compared, Composition, Ice-nucleating, Instruments, Producing, Site, Workshop.
1. Daniel A Jaffe($923,449), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Controlling Factors, Particulate Matter, Wildfire Plumes, Acetonitrile, Aerosol, Asia, Atmospheric, Bachelor, Collection, Concentrations, Examine, Interannual, MBO, Mt, Ozone, PM, Particle, Pollutants, Site, Sources, Spring, Transport, Western.
1. Neil M Donahue($889,312), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Training Network, Analysis, Based, CLOUD, CLOUD-TRAIN, CVI, Caltech, Campaigns, Consortium, Educators, Enable, European, Frankfurt, Institute, Interactions, NSF, National, Participation, Planning, SAVI, Students, Summer, Virtual.
1. Mark Z Jacobson($460,199), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Soot And Gases, Baseline Simulation, Cloud Absorption, Global Climate, Investigating Satellite, Optical Depth, AOD, Aerosol, Aerosols, Atmosphere, Boomerang, COD, Clouds, Computer, Decrease, Effect, Effects, Increase, Indirect, Megacities, Model, Models, Relative, Sensitivity, Thickness, Unequal.
1. Liaquat Husain($151,330), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Atmospheric Ec, Ec Aerosols, Ec Concentration, Ec Concentrations, Lake Sediments, Whiteface Mt, Archived, Century, Cores, Determined, Filters, Fine.
1. Byron W Blomquist($128,587), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Air-sea Gas Exchange, Air-sea Gas, Hiwings Cruise, Wind Speeds, Analysis, Flux, Gases, Hours, Transfer.
1. Sara C Pryor($54,170), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Fluxes And Mean, Concentration Profiles, Dry Deposition, Forested Sites, Particle Deposition, Particle Size, Aerosol, Aspects, Canopy, Collection, Concentrations, Descriptions, Experiments, Foliage, Leaf, Level, Models, Regional, Size-resolved, Surface, Turbulence, Uncertainties, Via.
1. Ve Chandrasekar($917,836), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Field Studies, Knowledge Gained, Land Versus, Oceanic Weather, Vast Oceans, Capability, Exist, Gaps, Precipitation, Processes, Radar, Rainfall, Sea, Serve, Ship-based, Techniques, Various, World.
1. Jorge L Salazar Cerreno($2,109,118), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Current Mobile, Weather Radar, Broader, Capable, Fast, PAIR, Phased-array, Scanning, Topics, °.
1. Ryan C Sullivan($439,950), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Organic Aerosol, CMU, Chemical, Compounds, Condensation, Factor, Instrument, OA, Particle.
1. William H Hooke($367,200), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Colloquium Participants, Attendees, Faculty, Information, Instruction, Leaders, Legislative, National, Policy, Policymakers, Provided, Public, Skills, Students.
1. Amy C Clement($232,271), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Atmospheric, CAM, Development, Model, Version.
1. J David Neelin($1,043,639), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ambient Conditions, Convective Precipitation, Precipitation Onset, Rain Rate, Atmospheric, Behavior, CESM, CWV, Climate, Clouds, Column, Considered, Dependence, Development, Extreme, Fast, Frequency, Function, Large-scale, Magnitude, Model, Models, Moist, Moisture, Occurrence, Operate, Probability, Process, Processes, Rescaling, Sensitivity, Statistics, Stochastic, Temperature, Temperature-dependent, Total, Tropical, Value.
1. Ramalingam Saravanan($809,388), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Gulf Stream Fronts, Kuroshio And Gulf, Pacific And Atlantic, Climate Model, Modeling Analysis, North Pacific, Ocean Eddies, Coupled, Feedback, Field, OMEA, Remote, Resolution.
1. Bin Wang($500,000), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Frictional Moisture Convergence, Moist Static Energy, Slow Eastward Propagation, Upscale Eddy Transport, Convective Interaction, Moisture Advection, Available, Coupled, Dynamical, Feedback, Flux, Generate, Heat, Instability, Intensification, Low, MJO, Mean, Mechanisms, Models, Momentum, Surface, Wave, Waves.
1. Sharon E Nicholson($259,553), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Liming Zhou($678,158), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Congo Basin, Drying Trend, Component, Decline, Drought, Economic, Examined, Forest, Forests, Global, Investigate, Modeling, Nature, Observational, Observations, Rainfall, Simulations.
1. Joyce E Penner($675,710), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Cirrus Clouds, Climate Forcing, Ice Formation, Model Predictions, Organic Aerosols, Soa Formation, Based, Differences, Effects, Inform, NHSO, Nucleation, Observations, Oxidation, Solid, Sulfate.
1. Jin-Yi Yu($849,543), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Pacific Climate Shift, Equatorial Pacific, Ocean-atmosphere Coupling, Sea Level, Subtropical Pacific, AMO, Atlantic, Central, Colder, Configurations, Consequences, ENSO, Eastern, Has, Intensification, Model, North, Occurred, Ocean-atmosphere, Oscillation, Region, Speed, Ssts, Surface, Warmer, Worldwide.
1. Kevin M Grise($298,314), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Cloud Radiative Properties, Future Climate Projections, Clouds, Experiments, Mid-latitude, Model, Models, Observations, Southern, Versions.
1. Benjamin R Lintner($459,601), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation, Boundary Layer, Broader Impacts, Land Surface, Land-atmosphere Coupling, Large-scale Atmospheric, Soil Moisture, Tropical South, Water Vapor, Analysis, Anomalies, CMIP, Conditions, Disruptions, ENSO, Expected, Factors, Heat, Land-atmosphere, Model, Models, Precipitation, Program, Rainfall, Reductions, Simulations, Statistical, Variable, Version.
1. Tiffany A Shaw($15,000), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Moisture And Clouds, Tracks And Jets, Storm Tracks, Climate, Conditions, Coupling, Cryosphere, Dynamics, Extreme, Low-frequency, Model, Modes, Ocean, Regional, Shift, Stratosphere, Tropics, Workshop.
1. Paquita Zuidema($17,837), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Aerosol Cloud, Biomass Burning, Boundary Layer, Southeast Atlantic, Campaign, Examined, Largest, Radiative.
1. Chuntao Liu($489,849), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Gravity Wave Activity, Gravity Wave Parameterizations, Weather And Climate, Climate Models, Gravity Waves, Mean Flow, Momentum Flux, Atmospheric, Circulation, Convection, Difficult, Estimate, Frontal, Generated, Generation, Large-scale, Propagation, Relatively, Satellite, Size, Sources, Strength, Tropical, Variety, Vertical.
1. Cameron R Homeyer($240,798), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Kenneth P Bowman($289,572), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Numerical Model Simulations, Spatial And Temporal, Atmospheric Chemistry, Geographic Distribution, Lower Stratosphere, Numerical Simulations, Overshooting Convection, Quantitative Estimates, Radar Observations, Satellite Ir, Stratosphere-troposphere Exchange, Temporal Resolution, Trace Gas, Based, Characteristics, Climate, Compared, Composited, Extend, Global, Investigate, Lead, Mechanisms, Ozone, Regional, Resolved, Stratosphere-troposphere, Transport, Tropopause.
1. William R Boos($435,083), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Global Mean Climate, Mean Climate Warms, Sea Surface Temperature, Subsidence And Dry, Vertical Mass Flux, World's Population Inhabiting, Climate Model, Dry Conditions, Future Climate, Hydrological Contrasts, Hydrological Cycle, Model Projections, Monsoon Regions, Stationary Circulations, Substantial Portion, World's Population, Asymmetric, Atmospheric, Characterized, Development, Drylands, Examination, Idealized, Induce, Intensification, Land, Potential, Simulations, Strong, Subtropical, Subtropics, Water, Worlds.
1. Amanda Staudt($740,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Activities, Administration, Atmospheric, BASC, Board, Climate, Committee, Core, Emerging, International, Issues, NRC, National, Oversight, Policy, Topics.
1. Francina Dominguez($574,123), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Land Surface Conditions, Recycling And Thermodynamicdynamic, Hydrology Courses, Land Cover, Lprb Precipitation, Moisture Recycling, Projected Future, Selected Students, Soil Moisture, Thermodynamicdynamic Effects, Water Vapor, Accompanied, Amazon, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Center, Continent, Deforestation, Developed, Effort, Evapotranspiration, Feedback, Feedbacks, Fieldwork, Has, Hydroclimatology, Hydrological, Influence, Land-atmosphere, Local, Model, Monsoon, Percent, Period, Processes, Reductions, Region, Regions, Relative, SAMS, Source, South, Statistical, Strength, Subsurface, Summer, Third, Transport, Version, WRF, Weather, Wrf-hydro.
1. Matthew E Newman($572,940), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Climate Model Experiments, Coupled Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics, Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics, Coupled Atmosphere-ocean, External Forcing, Indian Ocean, Io Sector, Io Ssts, Pacific Influence, Produce Decadal, Sst Anomalies, Aerosols, Affect, Basin, Climatic, Conditions, Continued, Extent, Frequency, Greenhouse, Hypothesizes, IOD, IPO, Increase, Influences, Internal, Linked, Mechanisms, Phase, Sea, Solar, Surface, Uniform, Variety, Warm, Warming, Worldwide.
1. Simona Bordoni($406,595), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Global Mean Temperature, Densely Populated, Model Simulations, Aquaplanet, Circulation, Climate, Continent, Convection, Future, Idealized, Large-scale, Models, Monsoon, Monsoons, Onset, Overturning, Premise, Projections, Regions, Zones.
1. Raffaele Ferrari($20,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Graduate Climate, Graduate Students, Conference, Diverse.
1. Sukyoung Lee($500,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Southern Ocean, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Circulation, Climate, High-latitude, Jets, Knowledge, Processes, School, Surface, Tropical, Waves.
1. Brian Rose($544,681), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Global Warming Simulations, Ice Albedo Feedback, Modeling And Analysis, Oht And Ohu, Regional Climate Feedbacks, Sea Ice Albedo, Climate Model, Climate Modeling, Climate Models, Heat Transport, Heat Uptake, Model Intercomparison, Ocean Heat, Python Language, Slab Ocean, Tropical Oceans, Amplifying, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Available, Choice, Codes, Cold, Commonly, Component, Computing, Consider, Contrast, Cooling, Developed, Development, Drying, Educational, Effect, Effects, Energy, Experiments, Explained, Extent, Forcing, Found, Ghg-induced, Has, Hiatus, Imposed, Interactive, Latitudes, MIP, Modules, Performed, Poles, Previous, Python-based, Refers, Regions, Simple, Simplified, Software, Students, Subtropical, Subtropics, Surface, Transfer, Transported, Tropics.
1. Robert J Allen($325,735), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
2. Chul Eddy Chung($178,322), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Aerosol Amounts, Aerosol Radiative, Anthropogenic Aerosols, Black Carbon, Climate Forcing, Cloud Radiative, Future Climate, Global Climate, Radiative Effects, Radiative Forcing, Solar Radiation, Clouds, Estimates, Fine-mode, Heating, Human, Lead, Local, Projections, Properties, Satellite, Student, Sulfate.
1. Matthew E Newman($268,769), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Daniel Vimont($559,587), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Initial Structures, Stochastic Forcing, ENSO, Evolution, Pacific, Particular, Predictability.
1. De-Zheng Sun($486,044), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Global Warming Hiatus, Component Model, Enso Activity, Ocean Temperature, Pacific Sst, Rectification Effect, Temperature Contrast, Tropical Pacific, Worldwide Impacts, Decadal, East-west, Favorable, Has, Imposed, Lead, Mechanism, Rearrangement, Region, Ssts, Stronger, Surface, TPDV, Weaker.
1. Kerry A Emanuel($525,648), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Tropical Cyclones, Affect, Chemistry, Climate, Dynamics, Influence, Processes, Radiative, TTL.
1. John Katzenberger($19,952), Aspen Global Change Institute, Basalt
Key terms: Decadal Climate Predictions, Formulate Productive Coordinated, Productive Coordinated Experiments, Bring, Compare, Coupled, Mechanisms, Processes, Workshop.
1. Yolande L Serra($178,027), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Convective Initiation, Forecasting Model, Gps Receivers, Nam Precipitation, Ability, Forecasts, Ground-based, Mesoscale, Mexico, Network, Nonhydrostatic, Observations, Prediction, Region, Season, Southwest, Successful, TPW, Water, Weather.
1. Eugene Clothiaux($17,950), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Climate, Cloud, GRC, July, Radiation.
1. Pranoti Asher($20,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Tropical And Extratropical, Extratropical Zones, Tropical Belt, Tropical Widening, Tropical Width, Wide Range, Boundary, Climate, Future, Has, Past, Surface.
1. Tiffany A Shaw($734,610), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Nh Summer Circulation, Educational Activities, Moisture Transport, Secondary School, Climate, Columbia, Curriculum, Engage, Framework, Future, Teachers.
1. Michela Biasutti($20,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Annual Cycle, Climate, Future, ITCZ, Modeling, Past, Students, Workshop.
1. Jennifer M Collins($20,000), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Climate, Exchange, Future, Hurricane, International, Leading.
1. Julian P McCreary($500,028), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Eastern Indian Ocean, Southwestern Indian Ocean, Boreal Summer, Deep Convection, Indian-ocean Monsoon, Basic, CFES, Conditions, Coupled, Errors, Indian-ocean, Lead, Model, Precipitation, Processes, Sensitivity, Ssts, Temperature, Warm, Weak, Westerlies.
1. Ademe Mekonnen($441,297), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Deep Convection, Kelvin Wave, Kelvin Waves, Wave Activity, Aews, Africa, Convective, Does, Interaction, Ocean, Terrain, Transition.
1. Charlotte A Demott($513,084), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Maritime Continent Geography, Mjo Convective Development, Air-sea Interaction, Mjo Convection, Air-sea, Coupled, Eastward, Gcms, Influences, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Propagate, Propagation, Simulate, Simulation, Struggle, Tropical, Weather.
1. Sharon E Nicholson($723,836), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Monsoon Rain Belt, 20th Century, Sahel Rainfall, AWJ, African, Drought, Half, Has, Jet, Late, Prolonged, Rains, Re-examination, Region, Societal, Strong, TEJ.
1. Liaquat Husain($43,292), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Arctic, BC, Climate, Concentrations, Contributions, Health, Kevo, PM, Particles, Sulfate, Trends.
1. David C Noone($217,887), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Determining Isotopic Composition, Factors Determining Isotopic, Gas Exchange, Middle Schools, Useful Information, Water Vapor, Atmosphere, Carbon, Evaporation, Fluxes, Heat, Isotope, Land, Latent, Meteorological, Precipitation, Processes, Serve, Soil, Strength, Students, Surface, Tower.
1. Kristine M Larson($511,798), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Vegetation Water Content, Existing Dataset, Gps Signals, Gps Stations, L2c Signals, L2p Signals, Sampling Rate, Snow Depth, Soil Moisture, Sub-daily Frequency, Surface Hydrology, Algorithms, Available, Decade-long, Developed, Difficult, GPS-IR, Hydrological, LC, LP, Network, PBO, Period, Pis, Produce, Receiver, Reflected, Satellite, Student, Sub-daily, Value, Variables.
1. Carrie L Woods($500,000), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Ecological Status, Manage Forests, Social Cohesion, Assess, Community-based, Contribute, Effective, Insights, Management.
1. Kevin Wagner($499,923), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Future Water Resiliency, 100th Meridian, 21st Century, Central Texas, Climatic Boundary, Humid East, Water Scarcity, Activities, Changing, Climate, Development, Drought, Growth, Population, Projected, Region, Regional, Regions, West.
1. Mitchell A Pavao Zuckerman($1,798,784), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Arid And Semiarid, Ecosystem Service Provision, Natural And Human, Policy And Governance, Built Environment, Ecosystem Services, Semiarid Cities, Water Resources, Action, Actions, Affect, Challenge, Conditions, Decision, Decision-making, Does, Eco-hydrologic, Focus, Growth, Influence, Information, Infrastructure, Integrate, Investigations, Knowledge, Lead, Municipal, Population, Processes, Require, Semi-arid, Social, Specifically, Urbanization, Urbanized.
1. Porter Hoagland($1,799,958), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Coastal Evolution, Coastal Protection, Developed Shoreline, Sea-level Rise, Climate, Description, Development, Dynamics, Economic, Effects, Framework, Geologic, Human, Integrated, Interactions, Legal, Models, Policy, Processes, Sea-level, Set, Settings, Storm.
1. Adil N Godrej($1,834,999), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Microbial Water Quality, Coupled Dynamics, Coupled Natural, Diarrheal Disease, Dryland River, Public Health, River Floodplains, Description, Drylands, Examine, Fluvial, Forecasting, Human, Increased, Influence, Knowledge, Modeling, Multidisciplinary, Processes, Regions, Tools, Vulnerable.
1. Shelley Pressley($326,910), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Faculty And Graduate, Atmospheric Chemistry, Graduate School, Campus, Climate, Collaborative, Communication, Context, Developing, Engineering, Field, Modeling, Opportunities, Participants, Productive, Program, STEM, Student, Students, Underrepresented.
1. Claire L Raftery($369,681), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Solar And Space, First-generation Students, Minority Students, Reu Site, Space Physics, Design, Experience, Field, First-generation, Has, Mentoring, Mentors, Opportunities, Outreach, Program, SSL, STEM, Serve, Summer.
1. A S Denning($595,766), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Reu Participants, Experience, Mentors, Network, Presentation, Recruited, Students, Summer, Undergraduate.
1. Linda A George($408,229), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Climate And Aerosol, Air Quality, Reu Experience, Ten-week Summer, Analysis, Atmospheric, Communication, Development, Dynamic, Evaluation, Experiences, Innovative, Mentoring, Model, Modeling, Online, Pool, Program, Serve, Site, State-of-the-art, Students, Synoptic, Technical, Ten-week.
1. Timothy J Garrett($448,966), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Tristan S LEcuyer($366,877), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Norway And Sweden, Remote Sensing, Storm Evolution, Affect, Microphysical, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Observations, Precipitation, Processes, Profile, Profiles, Properties, Real-world, Representation, Site, Snowfall, Vertical, Weather.
1. Michael S Briggs($457,629), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
2. Michael R Fogle($662,587), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Gamma Rays, Lightening Physics, Particle Acceleration, Tgf Observations, AU, Advance, Atmosphere, Auburn, Classes, Cubesat, Cubesats, Distinguish, Existing, Gamma-ray, Involved, Lightning, Mission, Models, Pair, Phenomenon, Process, Program, Purpose, Space, Student, Students, Summer, TRYAD, Tgfs.
1. Matthew J Berg($522,706), Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
Key terms: Size And Shape, Digital Holographic, Optical Observables, Particle Size, Aerosols, Apply, Cmas, Developed, Measured, Planned, Scattering, Seeks.
1. Veronica Bindi($577,010), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: AMS-, Educational, Energy, Generate, Lead, Mechanisms, Outreach, Particles, Protons, SEP, Solar, Space, Spectrograms, Tools.
1. Rajan K Chakrabarty($736,168), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Direct Radiative Forcing, Biomass-burning Aerosols, Modeling Efforts, Biomass-burning, Education, Effects, Experiments, K-, Laboratory, Lead, Processes, Properties, Shape.
1. Thomas J Reichler($525,784), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Polar Vortex, Climate, Contribute, Decadal, Future, Graduate, Influence, Models, Predictions, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Troposphere.
1. Stephen M Saleeby($648,866), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Cloud-aerosol Interactions, Aerosols, Allow, Cloud-aerosol, Clouds, Feedbacks, Induced, Modeling, VAC-RAMS, Water.
1. Robert A Houze($788,836), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Indian Ocean, Madden-julian Oscillation, Campaign, Climate, Collected, Convection, Convective, DYNAMO, Dataset, Facilitate, Field, Level, MJO, Models, Observing, Occurred, Processed, Products, Sounding, Success, Was, Weather.
1. Steven A Rutledge($1,694,774), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Lower Atmosphere Observing, Csu-chill Staff, Weather Radar, CSU-CHILL, Colorado, Complete, Continue, Development, Dual-frequency, Operation, Precipitation, Program, REU, S-band, Storm, Winter.
1. Lara S Waldrop($499,996), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Ionosphere And Thermosphere, Charge Exchange, Density Distributions, Undergraduate Students, Via Parametric, Advances, Analysis, Balance, Coupled, Development, Enable, Energy, Hydrogen, ISR, Involve, Ionized, Momentum, Neutral, Obtain, Optical, Oxygen, Parameters, Quantification, Temperatures.
1. Edward E DeLuca($1,200,591), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Coronal Emission Lines, Heating And Acceleration, Scientists And Engineers, Solar And Atmospheric, Coronal Hole, Coronal Magnetic, Image Stabilization, Magnetic Field, Plasma Diagnostics, Solar Corona, Solar Eclipse, Solar Wind, Total Solar, Air-spec, Analysis, Arcsec, August, Completion, Design, Eclipses, Expected, Experiments, Flight, Fly, Future, GV, Ground, HAO, Has, Imaging, Infrared, Instrument, Instrumentation, July, Measure, Multiple, Museum, NCAR, National, Observations, Observatory, Observed, Planned, Possibility, Potential, RMS, Range, Region, Resolution, SAO, Sec, South, Spectrometer, Spectroscopy, Unique, Waves.
1. Meg Austin($25,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather, Discuss, Operations, Students, Technology, Workshop.
1. Arthur R Jameson($437,107), RJH Scientific Incorporated, El Cajon
2. Michael L Larsen($345,911), College of Charleston, Charleston
Key terms: Correlation Function, Meteorological Conditions, Spatial Correlation, Video Disdrometer, DVD, Disdrometers, Effect, Expand, Fall, Focus, Individual, Instruments, Observations, Optical, Radar, Rain, Raindrops, Rainfall, Sets, Size, Temporal, Variety.
1. James A Smith($283,121), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Dev Niyogi($313,096), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Rainfall And Flooding, Urbanization And Extreme, Extreme Flooding, Extreme Rainfall, Urban Environment, Urban Environments, Urban Watersheds, Urbanization Alter, Urbanization Impacts, Climate, Curriculum, Distribution, Does, Engineering, Environmental, Focus, Following, Offices, Princeton, Purdue, Regional, Setting, Spatial, Storm, Students, Training, Undergraduate.
1. Paul A Dirmeyer($49,770), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Land-atmosphere Interactions, Summer School, Land-atmosphere, Objective, Targeted, Training, Universities, Workshop.
1. Philip J Erickson($25,152), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: African Sector, Space Weather, Aeronomy, Collection, ISEA, International, Opportunities.
1. Karyn Sawyer($30,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Property Damage, Societal Effects, Ability, Dynamics, Enhanced, Extreme, Flash, Flooding, Forecasting, Lives, Local, Meteorology, NSF, Precipitation, Taiwan, Workshop.
1. Jiannan Tu($296,683), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Electric Currents, Electromagnetic Model, Ionosphereupper Atmosphere, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Time Steps, Upper Atmosphere, Algorithms, Altitude, Coupled, Developing, Disturbances, Environment, Fields, Follow, Generation, Geospace, Global, Models, Nature, Numerical, Rapid, Rapidly, Run, Short, Surrounding, Trigger.
1. Mark B Moldwin($412,566), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Endawoke Yizengaw($252,000), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Communications And Gps, Low And Equatorial, Structure And Dynamics, Teachers And Students, Equatorial Electrojet, Equatorial Latitudes, Magnetic Field, Radio Communications, Radio Scintillation, Radio-wave Scintillations, Ulf Waves, Wave Activity, Affect, Dayside, Density, Earth, Effects, Examine, Formation, Irregularities, Mass, PBL, Phenomenon, Plasma, Plasmapause, Plasmasphere, Propagate, Public, Resonant, Space, Strong.
1. A Surjalal Sharma($30,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Industry And Government, Space Weather, Academia, Close, Comprehensive, Critical, Development, Economic, Experts, Forum, Infrastructures, Maryland, Participants, Report, Sectors, Venue, Vulnerability, Workshop.
1. Jesper W Gjerloev($355,790), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Auroral Precipitation, Global Information, Magnetic Field, Precipitation Models, Space Weather, Upper Atmosphere, Cadence, Coupling, Detailed, Development, Effects, Energy, Geomagnetic, Hyperovation, Local, Maps, OVATION-SM, Produce, Solar, Tool, Unlike.
1. Katariina Nykyri($179,670), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Kinetic Alfven Waves, Magnetic Field Lines, Dispersion Relation, Earth's Magnetic, Kelvin-helmholtz Waves, Low Frequency, Plasma Wave, Plasma Waves, Solar Wind, Space Storms, Commonly, Energy, Has, Introduces, Ions, Kelvin-helmholtz, Magnetopause, Magnetosphere, Medium, Mixed, Modes, Observed, Populations, Power, Process, Recently, Region, Shield, Spacecraft, Successful, Surface, Technique, Variety, Vicinity.
1. Phillip C Anderson($270,440), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Magnetic Field Lines, Space Weather Disturbances, Auroral Oval, Electric Fields, Empirical Model, Inner Magnetosphere, Ionospheric Conductance, Altitude, Aspect, Coupling, Distribution, Dusk, Effects, Electrons, Evolution, Explorer, Geophysical, Global, Ionosphere, Ions, Plasma, Produce, Producing, RCM, Resulting, SAPS, Satellites, Solar, Storm, Storms, Strong, Subauroral.
1. Mary K Hudson($374,999), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Inner Radiation Belt, Magnetic Field Lines, Van Allen Probes, Energetic Protons, Geomagnetic Cutoff, High-energy Protons, Inner Belt, Magnetic Bottle, Solar Protons, Solar Wind, Changing, Configuration, Earth, High-energy, Interplanetary, Interplay, Investigation, Magnetosphere, Models, Numerical, Observations, Penetrate, Region, Storms, Time, Trapped.
1. Maha Ashour-Abdalla($387,691), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Electric And Magnetic, Space Environment Near, Dipolarization Fronts, Graduate Student, Large-scale Kinetic, Magnetic Energy, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Multi-scale Approach, Neutral Line, Reconnection Site, Wide Range, Accelerated, Acceleration, Account, Broad, Compared, Configuration, Dynamics, Earth, Effects, Electrons, Energization, Global, Heating, Importance, Involved, Laboratory, Large-scale, MHD, Magnetospheric, Magnetotail, Multi-scale, Nightside, Particle, Physics, Plasma, Process, Processes, Quantitative, Region, Relative, Simulation, Simulations, Substorms, Taking, Various.
1. Abram R Jacobson($446,261), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Electric Field Observations, Inner Radiation Belt, Wave Electric Field, Earth-ionosphere Wave-guide, Lightning Strikes, Low Latitudes, Lower Ionosphere, Magnetic Field, Moving Upward, Radiation Belts, Believed, Earth-ionosphere, Information, Low-latitude, Satellite, Trapped, Vectors, Wave-guide, Whistlers.
1. Yukitoshi Nishimura($299,629), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Patches And Arcs, Polar Cap Patches, Polar Cap Structures, Nightside Ionosphere, Space Weather, Auroral, Coupling, Determined, Determining, Disturbances, Effort, Establishing, Flow, Forecast, Fraction, Ionospheric, Magnetosphere, Pbis, Properties.
1. Yukitoshi Nishimura($528,674), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Shasha Zou($94,683), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Flow Channel, Flow Channels, Meso-scale Flow, Space Weather, Auroral, Coupling, Disturbances, Dynamics, Earth, Establishing, Forecast, Ionosphere, Large-scale, Meso-scale, Nightside, Observations, Relation.
1. Hui Zhang($650,564), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Solar Wind Energy, Solar Wind-magnetosphere Interaction, Undisturbed Solar Wind, Bow Shock, Magnetic Field, Near-earth Space, Outreach Activities, Solar Wind-magnetosphere, Space Weather, Wind-magnetosphere Interaction, Actually, Conditions, Connected, Features, Mechanisms, Modify, Nearth, Observations, Plasma, Produce, Produced, Transients, Underlying, Upstream, Value, Various.
1. Hyomin Kim($252,667), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Emic Waves, Heavy Ions, Radiation Belt, Dynamics, Ground, Has, Investigate, Magnetic, Observations, Observed, Particles, Propagation, Space, Storm, THEMIS.
1. Meg Austin($15,531), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Survey, Techniques, Workshop.
1. Li-Jen Chen($268,506), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Asymmetric Reconnection, Diffusion Region, Graduate Students, Laboratory Experiments, Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Physics, Collisionless, Courses, Knowledge, Observations, Plasmas, Simulations, Space.
1. Pranoti Asher($20,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: AGU, Chapman, Conference, Meetings, Waves.
1. Pranoti Asher($20,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Coupled, Ionosphere, Plasma.
1. Michele W McColgan($564,807), Siena College, Loudonville
Key terms: Build, Design, Digital, Engineering, High-energy, Imaging, Nearth, Network.
1. Gisela Winckler($529,204), Columbia University, New York
2. Franco Marcantonio($235,122), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Dust Deposition, Carbon, Climate, Glacial, ITCZ, Interglacial, Ocean, Processes, Productivity, Removal, School.
1. Emilie G Beaudon($96,299), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Past El Niño, Ice Cores, Chemical, Climate, Delta, ENSO, Facilitate, Features, Forcing, Frequencythe, Intensity, Markers, Melt, Pits, Potential, QIC, Snow, Southern, Species, Temperature.
1. Diane Thompson($68,758), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Genovesa And Bainbridge, Strong El Niño, Crater Lakes, Long-term Monitoring, Strong El, Archives, Climate, ENSO, Existing, Galápagos, Instruments, Limnology, Long-term, Past, Reconstructions, Sediment, Sedimentation.
1. Seth Campbell($214,890), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Ice Core Sites, Accumulation Rate, Corrected Accumulation, Eclipse Icefield, Elias Range, Ice Cores, K-12 Teachers, King Col, Layer Thinning, Mca-lia Transition, Ne Pacific, Numerical Modeling, Past Millennium, Precipitation Anomaly, Spatial Precipitation, Advancing, Conditions, ENSO, Estimate, Geophysical, Hunter, Hydroclimate, Logan, MCA-LIA, Mt, NSF, Occurred, Outreach, Persistent, Program, Region, St, Students, Techniques.
1. Kevin J Anchukaitis($93,491), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Rosanne D D'Arrigo($416,411), Columbia University, New York
3. Kevin J Anchukaitis($93,491), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: North Atlantic Basin, Singular Value Decomposition, Coupled Modes, Drought Atlas, Summer Hydro-climate, Domain, Europe, Fields, Forcings, Global, Hydro-climate, NADA, OWDA, Student, Temperature, Time, Version.
1. Carrie Morrill($208,409), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Datasets, EAGER, Field, Forward, NSF, Paleoclimate, Paleoclimatology, Proxy, Public, Standards, Transformative, Variables, Vocabularies, Wdc-paleo, Wider.
1. Nicholas Pedatella($48,988), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Gps Radio Occultation, Broader Impacts, Attend, COSMIC, COSMIC-, Conference, Development, Forecasts, GPSRO, Has, Meeting, Mission, Nsf-funded, Observations, Observing, Participants, Partnership, Satellites, Students, Taiwanese, Technique, Travel, Weather.
1. Kevin J Anchukaitis($105,155), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Kevin J Anchukaitis($105,155), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Gregory C Wiles($146,480), College of Wooster, Wooster
4. Rosanne D D'Arrigo($454,739), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Climate Forcing, Northwestern North, Past Millennium, Past Temperature, Alaska, Archives, Available, BI, Chronologies, Climatic, Climatically-sensitive, Compared, Decadal, Existing, Internal, MXD, Model, Modes, Native, Northern, Pacific, Program, Reconstructions, Regions, Resulting, Spatiotemporal, Students, Technique, Tree-ring, Undergraduate, Yield.
1. Lloyd D Keigwin($97,781), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Northeast Bermuda Rise, Age, Chronology, Climate, Cores, Dating, Deep, EAGER, Future, Inconsistencies, Radiocarbon, Sediments.
1. Feng He($100,007), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Peter U Clark($80,436), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Sea Level, Sheet Model, Celsius, Climate, Coupled, Feedbacks, High-resolution, Investigate, LIG, Ocean, Period, Simulations, Transient, Warming.
1. Rhawn F Denniston($149,601), Cornell College, Mount Vernon
Key terms: Extreme Rainfall, Tropical Cyclones, Cave, Conditions, Hydrologic, Isotopic, Meteorological, Temperature.
1. Syee Weldeab($55,237), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Based Age Model, Drip Water Chemistry, Cave Drip, Activities, Delta, EAGER, Hydroclimate, Preliminary, Program, Timescales, Transformative.
1. Song Feng($418,656), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Amazon Basin, Annual Rings, Ensemble Simulations, Ocean-atmospheric Forcing, Short Instrumental, Tree-ring Chronologies, Tropical Hardwoods, Amazonia, Bolivia, Brazil, CMIP, Century, Climate, Context, Dating, Discharge, Eastern, Exact, Exist, Forest, Forests, Has, Hydroclimatic, Hydrological, Model, Moisture, North, Ocean-atmospheric, Past, Precipitation, Proven, Reconstructions, Spatially, Species, Tree-ring.
1. David W Beilman($359,200), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Oliver Elison Timm($240,000), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Hawaiian Islands, North Pacific, Circulation, Climate, Insights, Paleoclimate, Storm.
1. Ellery D Ingall($434,467), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Gunung Mulu, Radiative Effects, Volcanic Eruptions, Ash, Borneo, Climate, Compare, Delta-o, Exceptionally, Hydro-climate, Hydroclimate, Loading, Public, Reconstructions, Represent, Simulations, Size, Stalagmite, Stalagmites, Time, Toba, Well-dated.
1. Ellen Mosley-Thompson($1,374,171), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Guliya Ice Cap, Ice Cores, Tibetan Plateau, Assess, Atmospheric, Beyond, Climate, Climatic, Eemian, Environmental, Establish, GIC, Glacial, Holocene, International, Period, Polar, Regional, Site, Summit, Time.
1. Stephen J Burns($148,124), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Martin Medina-Elizalde($162,805), Amherst College, Amherst
Key terms: Climate Regimes, Rio Secreto, Available, Cave, Driving, ENSO, Estimates, Holocene, Hydrological, ITCZ, MIS, Precipitation, Quantitative, Rainfall, Reconstruct, Region, Sensitivity, Shifts, Stalagmites, Tropical, YP.
1. Emanuele Ziaco($461,883), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Wood Anatomical Features, Climatic Signals, Dendroclimatic Reconstructions, ENSO, El, Hydraulic, Inter-annual, Intra-annual, Main, PDO, Pseudotsuga, Size, Western.
1. Victor J Polyak($422,718), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Matthew S Lachniet($185,684), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Climate Modulators, Hydrologic Cycles, Predictive Capability, AMO, Benefit, Chemical, Has, Isotopic, NAM, Oscillation, Proxies, Regional, Seasonal, Time-scales.
1. Linda M Thorstad($581,806), Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Saint Paul
Key terms: Communicate And Teach, Communicating And Teaching, Complex Stem Concepts, Teach Complex Stem, Challenging Settings, Teaching Complex, Effectively, Expertise, Faculty, Non-scientists, Participants, Practice, Public, Range, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Max B Berkelhammer($226,654), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
2. Nadja Insel($86,589), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
Key terms: Growing Season Temperatures, Denver Museum, Eemian Wood, Forest Health, Carbon, Century, Circulation, Climate, Collaboration, Coupled, Dominant, Ecosystem, Efficiency, Forests, Global, Hydrology, Isotope, Modern, Nature, Pco, Rocky, Snowmelt, Species, Summer, Tree, Warming, Water, Western.
1. Ronald J Thomas($187,553), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Stephen R McNutt($317,492), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Explosive Volcanic Eruption, Electric Field, Electrical Activity, Electrical Discharges, Explosive Eruption, High-speed Video, Length Scales, Lightning Mapping, Plume Development, Small-scale Discharges, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Lightning, Volcanic Vent, Concurrent, High-resolution, High-speed, Infrasound, Lighting, Minutes, Observations, Proximal, Proximally, Small-scale.
1. Dale R Durran($733,495), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Mountain Ranges, Climate, Drag, Flow, Flows, Interactions, Large-scale, Mid-latitude, Precipitation, Theoretical, Weather.
1. James Marquis($592,055), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Convective Initiation, Field Campaign, Convection, Employ, Ensemble, Experiments, Grid, Mesoscale, Modeling, Nested, Nocturnal, Plains, Processes, Thunderstorms.
1. Firat Y Testik($135,177), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Raindrop Fall Characteristics, Raindrop Fall Velocity, Chord Ratio, Chord Ratios, Predictive Capability, Rainfall Rates, Size Distribution, Size Distributions, Actual, Assumption, Conditions, Development, Deviations, Drop, Effort, Equilibrium, Field, Lead, Precipitation, Radar, Raindrops, Serve, Students, Terminal, Uncover, Velocities.
1. Kraig Winters($559,082), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: 3-dimensional Flow, Mountain Ranges, Dynamically, Flows, Separation, Theoretical.
1. Daniel C Thornton($589,657), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Cloud Formation, Fractionation Experiments, Aerosol, Atmosphere, CCN, Effective, Field, Marine, Mesocosm, Nuclei, Organisms, Phytoplankton, Producers.
1. Vladimir A Rakov($266,212), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Ionospheric Reflection Height, Differences, Effect, Elves, Ground, Inferred, Ionosphere, Lightning, Lowering, Wave.
1. Zhanqing Li($499,998), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Aerosol Indirect Effect, Aerosol Optical Depth, Aerosol Optical Quantities, Aerosol Size Distribution, Aod And Ccn, Climate Forcing Mechanisms, Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Microphysical Properties, Distribution And Chemical, Large-scale Continuous Observations, Measured Aerosol Optical, Properties And Ambient, Readily Measured Aerosol, Aci Studies, Ambient Meteorology, Chemical Composition, Cloud Properties, Large-scale Continuous, Largest Uncertainties, Properties Represent, Aerosol-cloud-interaction, Aerosols, Affected, Analysis, Aspects, Conditions, Degree, Determined, Effects, Estimate, Exploited, Focus, Hand, Has, Hygroscopicity, Impracticability, Influence, Influences, Knowledge, Linked, Modeling, NSF, Nutshell, Phase, Proxy, Widely.
1. Zbigniew Sorbjan($159,470), Marquette University, Milwaukee
Key terms: Lowest Layers, Atmosphere, LES, Model, Models, Near, Schemes, Various.
1. Earle R Williams($74,054), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Donald R MacGorman($159,898), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Richard E Orville($569,447), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Supercooled Cloud Droplets, Central Oklahoma, Cloud Microstructure, Aerosol, Air, Charged, Clouds, Crystals, Effects, Electrification, Graupel, Houston, Ice, LMA, Lightning, Polarity, Pollution, Precipitation, Process, Properties, Retrieved, Separating, Similar, Sources, Students, Thermodynamic.
1. Frank L Vernon($40,154), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Rebecca J Barthelmie($187,481), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Seismic Arrays, Weather Stations, Wind Gusts, Wind Speeds, Consistent, Degree, Intensity, Magnitude, Noise, Seismometers, Signal, Surface, Sustained, Useful, Winds.
1. Douglas M Mach($359,549), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: Cloud Electrification, Electrified Cloud, Wilson Current, Electric, GEC, Global, Knowledge, Quantitative, Thunderstorms, Weather.
Key terms: Atmospheric Turbulence, Radiosonde Analysis, Constituents, Influences, Transport.
1. Maribeth Stolzenburg($198,952), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Initial Breakdown Pulses, Electrical Sensors, Intracloud Flashes, Lightning Flash, Northern Mississippi, E-charge, IEC.
1. David Romps($321,455), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Shallow Cumulus Clouds, Weather And Climate, Climate Models, Cloud Cover, Lower Atmosphere, Mathematical Tool, Amount, Forecasts, Future, Representation, Schemes, Sensitivity, Timescale, Transilient.
1. Yvette P Richardson($931,728), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Development And Evolution, Angular Momentum, Environmental Heterogeneity, Low-level Rotation, Storm Interactions, Storm's Environment, Supercell Storms, Surface Friction, Briefing, Developing, Influence, Intensification, Low-level, Maintenance, NWS, National, Nsurface, Outflow, Pis, Precipitation, Supercells, Surges, Tornado, Tornadoes, Vertical, Warning.
1. Harindra J Fernando($47,777), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Complex Terrain, Wind Energy, Campaign, European, Flow, Models, Planning, Portugal, Set.
1. Nilton D Renno($671,958), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Particle Size Distribution, Weather And Climate, Wind Shear Stress, Dust Lifting, Electric Fields, Owens Lake, Saltation Layer, Water Content, Weather Phenomena, Affect, Atmosphere, California, Depth, Effects, Increases, Intensity, Particles, Playa, Soil, Surface.
1. Robert L Street($132,651), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Fotini K Chow($399,999), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Broader Impacts, Climate Prediction, Cloud Formation, Equation Sets, Gray Zone, Numerical Simulations, Sgs Closures, Sgs Models, Terra Incognita, Aims, Assess, Atmosphere, Benefit, Berkeley, Boundary, Clouds, Codes, Collaboration, Convective, Cover, Cumulus, Energy, Etc, Expertise, Fields, Fluxes, Heat, Liquid, Microphysics, Modeled, Modeling, Momentum, NCAR, Partly, Performance, Postdoctoral, Precipitation, Realistic, Resolved, Stanford, TI, Validate, Vapor, Yield.
1. Nathan Magee($197,700), The College of New Jersey, Ewing
Key terms: Cirrus Clouds, Cirrus Ice, Cirrus Particles, Firmly Establish, Ice Crystal, Ice Particles, Physics Department, Roughened Surfaces, Surface Roughness, Acquired, Analysis, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Character, Climate, Conditions, Crystals, Discovery, ESEM, Ewing, Growth, Has, Jersey, Laboratory, Microphysics, Modeling, Modern, Outstanding, Presence, Rates, School, Students, TCNJ, Tools, Uncertainties, Undergraduate, Vapor.
1. Kelly Lombardo($291,988), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Marine Atmospheric Boundary, Idealized Numerical, Sustain Themselves, Thunderstorm Complexes, Air, Coastal, Contribute, Convective, Has, Interact, Lead, MABL, Model, Offshore, QLCS, Regions, Shear, Storm, Thunderstorms.
1. Curtis R Alexander($1,016,546), The Center for Severe Weather Research, Boulder
Key terms: Tornadic Storms, Tornado Climatology, Tornado Evolution, Wind Field, Analysis, Documentation, Dynamics, Formation, Has, Involved, Knowledge, Observations, Previously, Processes, Set, Structure, Tornadoes, Tornadogenesis, Vortex, Weather.
1. George Limpert($129,389), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
2. Eric W Frew($54,555), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Uas Observations, Airmass, Campaign, Cold, Development, Field, Forecasting, Model, Thunderstorms.
1. Jonathan E Martin($750,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Eddies And Jets, Jet Superposition, Mathematical Modeling, Midlatitude Dynamics, Minimal Model, Precipitating Convection, Time Scales, Atmospheric, Essential, Evolution, Extreme, Insights, Isolate, Junior, Lead, Mathematicians, Mechanisms, Moist, Polar, Simplified, Subtropical, Weather.
1. Robert A Houze($660,546), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Deep Convection, Heavy Precipitation, Sierra Madre, Tropical Cyclones, Atmospheric, Conditions, Contribute, Datasets, Enhancement, Examined, Field, Flooding, Identifying, Ingredients, Mexico, Mountain, Past, Precipitating, Regions, Storms, Synoptic, Waves.
1. Michael L Cherry($300,000), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Rico And Jamaica, Energy Range, Gamma Ray, Gamma Rays, Lightning Detectors, Low Frequency, Puerto Rico, Satellite Observations, Array, Associate, Connection, Construction, Deployed, Detailed, Expected, Experiment, Ground-level, Individual, Intended, Intensity, LSU, Louisiana, Mev, Nearby, Operated, Produced, Radar, Radiation, Shown, Sites, Southern, Statistics, Student, Students, TETRA, TETRA-II, Tgfs, Thunderstorms, Time, Univ, Xavier.
1. Meg Austin($20,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Cyclone Model Development, Forecast And Warning, Tropical Cyclone Forecast, Tropical Cyclone Model, Observing Strategies, Technology Transfer, Warning Products, Academic, Aircraft, Federal, Forecasting, Forum, Hurricane, Improvements, Industry, Operations, Reconnaissance, Season, Workshop.
1. William Anderson($224,461), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Erosion And Dust, Severe Wind Erosion, Aeolian Transport, Boundary Layer, Dust Storms, Atmospheric, Connect, Determining, Flow, LES, Potential, Region.
1. Matthew D Parker($23,413), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Hslc Environments, Hslc Storms, Relatively Low, Severe Weather, Soundings Club, Available, Basic, Collected, Common, Concern, Convection, Convective, Day, Days, Launch, Launches, NCSU, Observations, Poorly, Potential, Students, Substantial, Target, Threat, Time, Typical.
1. Melville E Nicholls($594,675), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Diurnal Cycle, Tropical Cyclogenesis, Cold, Convection, Explore, Genesis, Knowledge, Pathways, Radiation, Simulate, Vorticity.
1. Edward K Vizy($597,381), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Factors Controlling, Observational Analysis, Parameterization Schemes, Warm Season, Weather Model, Africa, Allow, Cycle, Development, High-resolution, Mcss, Modeling, Precipitation, Rainfall, Region, Spatial, Sub-saharan, Temporal.
1. John E Molinari($467,037), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Vertical Wind Shear, Boundary Layer, Graduate Students, Low-level Pathway, Downdrafts, Education, Low-level, Numerous, Produced.
1. Justin R Minder($84,075), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. Bart Geerts($60,983), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Coastal Orographic Precipitation, Existing Theories, Nahuelbuta Mountains, Southern Chile, Aerosol, California, Distributions, Field, Geographic, Motions.
1. Stephen R McNutt($63,301), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Kimberly D Genareau($137,946), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Ice Nucleation, Volcanic Lightning, Ash, Generation, Particles, Potential.
1. Sonia M Kreidenweis($213,241), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Markus D Petters($180,185), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Aerosol Types, Field Campaign, Ice Nucleating, Sierra Mountains, Wintertime Precipitation, Aerosols, Airborne, Atmospheric, Biological, CCN, California, Instruments, Microscopy, Particles, Spring, Western.
1. M Q Brewster($368,287), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Cloud Droplet Evolution, Atmospheric Radiation, Broader Impacts, Condensation Growth, Earth's Primary, Global Climate, Missing Pieces, Thermal Radiation, Thermal Regulating, Water-vapor Continuum, Absorption, Anomalous, Atmosphere, Changing, Cloud-radiation, Clouds, Emission, Evaporation, Findings, Graduate, Greenhouse, Larger, Level, Oriented, Phase-transition, Physics, Process, Properties, Radiation-augmented, Radiative, Ranging, Society, Stability, Substance, Transfer, Uncertain, Validation, Water-vapor.
1. Kuo-Nan Liou($240,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Aggregates And Coated, Multiple Internal Mixing, Wet And Dry, Dry Depositions, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, BC, Based, Bc-snow, Climate, Cloud, Core-shell, Datasets, Models, Parameterization, Precipitation, Process, Processes, Snow, Snowflakes, Stochastic, Surface, Uncoated.
1. David Rahn($145,728), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. David Leon($165,376), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Atmospheric Marine Boundary, Marine Boundary Layer, Santa Barbara Channel, Conceptual Models, Critical Examination, Layer Structure, Numerical Simulations, Airborne, Aircraft, Applications, Assumptions, Based, California, Characteristics, Cloud, Collected, Complicated, Conception, Dynamics, Field, Fine-scale, Flights, Focus, Forcing, Graduate, Issues, June, Lidar, Ncoastal, Near, Offshore, Original, Performance, Preamble, Previous, Prompted, Unanticipated, Was, Wyoming.
1. David Richter($251,728), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Temperature And Moisture, Air-sea Interface, Sea Spray, Spray Droplets, Affect, Air-sea, Allowing, Atmospheric, Coupling, Developed, Direct, Distribution, Enhanced, Exchanges, Flow, Flux, Fluxes, Heat, Immediately, Individual, Latent, Layer, Momentum, Numerical, Ocean, Processes, Profiles, Sensible, Student, Thermodynamic, Two-way.
1. Christopher J Nowotarski($436,503), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Environmental Parameters, Spark Program, Supercell Thunderstorm, Atmospheric, Balance, Dynamics, Educational, Has, Inflow, Intensification, Mass, Model, NCAR, Organization, Outflow, Sources, UCAR, Vorticity.
1. Belay B Demoz($309,631), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Nocturnal Convection Initiation, Elevated Convection, Mesoscale Convective, Campaign, Evolution, Field, Focus, Instrumentation, Lidar, PECAN, Plains, Sites, Wind.
1. Gretchen L Mullendore($290,966), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Cloud-scale Convective Transport, Convective Mass Transport, Convective Transport Estimates, Deep Convective Mass, Dual-doppler Radar Coverage, Nexrad Radar Network, Chemical Makeup, Cloud-scale Convective, Deep Convection, Dual-doppler Radar, Radar-only Algorithm, Radiative Budget, Situ Chemical, Transport Models, Tropopause Structures, Utls Region, Utls Structure, Utls Structures, Allow, Campaign, Central, Constraining, DC, Developed, Dynamical, Idealized, Improvements, Objective, Observed, Poorly, Previously, Quantify, Radar-only, Storm, Storms, Unique, Utilize, Varied.
1. Karyn Sawyer($13,540), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Graduate Students, Intellectual Merit, ICMCS-X, Weather.
1. Joseph R Dwyer($36,122), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Jets And Elves, Tgfs And Glows, Electric Field, Electric Fields, Gigantic Jets, Global Hawk, ADELE, Aircraft, Conductivity, Dose, Emission, Flashes, Flight, Flights, Gamma-ray, Gamma-rays, HS, High-energy, Instrument, Intensity, Lightning, Nasas, Observed, Phenomena, Program, Radiation, Represent, Scientists, Set, Spectrum, Storm, Storms, Time, Upper, Was.
1. Sonia G Lasher-Trapp($287,817), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Warm Rain Process, Broader Impacts, Cloud Physics, Convective Precipitation, Convective Rainfall, Field Campaign, Initial Stages, Numerical Simulations, Aerosol, Aircraft, Analysis, Analyzed, Andor, COPE, COPE-MED, Capabilities, Clouds, Collect, Collected, Designed, Development, Effects, Entrainment, Features, Hallet-mossop, High-resolution, In-situ, Information, Instrumentation, Maximize, Microphysical, Models, Processes, Progression, Representation, Set, Strength, UK, Unique, Wyoming.
1. Robert J Trapp($275,116), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Convectively Disturbed Atmospheres, Ensemble Kalman Filter, Numerical Weather Prediction, Convective Regions, Convective Storm-environmental, Deep Convection, Model Simulations, Mpex Observations, Numerical Model, Upscale Feedbacks, Broad, Capability, Careful, Convection-allowing, Documented, Dropsonde, Has, Insight, Jet, Mass, Models, Nearby, Organized, Participation, Predictability, Storm-environmental, Surrounding, Teaching, Time.
1. Emily Gill($172,000), Gill Emily, Boulder
Key terms: Warmer And Wetter, Climate Fields, Monsoon-enso Teleconnections, Northern Hemisphere, Aims, Conditions, Enhanced, India, Insolation, Mechanisms, Mid-holocene, Monsoon-enso, Monsoonal, Period, Potential, Reconstruct, Summer, Temperature, Theory, Time.
1. Dustin F Grogan($172,000), Grogan Dustin F, Benicia
Key terms: Concentration And Distribution, Saharan Mineral Dust, African Easterly, Broader Impacts, Dust Concentration, Dust Plume, Dust Radiative, Intellectual Merit, Linear Growth, Spatial Gradients, Tropical Cyclogenesis, AEJ, AEJ-AEW, Advancing, Aews, Affect, Combinations, Development, Does, Dust-radiative, Effects, Energetics, Evolution, Following, Heating, Model, Nonlinear, Objective, Optimize, Particular, Spatial-temporal, Structure.
1. Ted Hullar($172,000), Hullar Ted, Oakland
Key terms: Snow And Ice, Crystal Habit, Ice Photochemistry, Liquid Nitrogen, Nature-identical Snow, Photochemical Reactions, Photolysis Rates, Snow Crystals, Synthetic Snow, Actinic, Chemical, Compare, Environment, Impurities, Impurity, Information, Natural, Nature-identical, Pahs, Sensitivity, Various.
1. Marc P Buckley($192,000), Buckley Marc P, Lewes
Key terms: Air-sea Momentum Flux, Air-sea Momentum, North Sea, Wave Field, Wind Conditions, Atmosphere-ocean, Atmospheric, Direct, FINO, Interaction, Interface, Near, Ocean, PRF, Platform, Total.
1. Jessica W Moerman($172,000), Moerman Jessica W, Atlanta
Key terms: East African Hydroclimate, Triple Oxygen Isotopes, Water Balance, Carbonate, Climate, Combining, Dynamics, Evaporation, Model, Outreach, Past, Proxies, STEM.
1. Eric S Cramer($172,000), Cramer Eric S, Palm Bay
Key terms: Characteristics, Constraints, GBM, Lightning, Placed, Plans, Population, Properties, Radiation, Satellite, TGF, Tgfs, Thunderstorms, Versus.
1. John M Peters($126,815), Peters John M, Ft. Collins
Key terms: Field Observations, Increasing Low-level, Low-level Jet, Nocturnal Transition, Numerical Experiments, Numerical Modeling, Analysis, Convection, Day, Ground, Low-level, MCS, Public, Thunderstorms.
1. Coty N Jen($172,000), Jen Coty N, Minneapolis
Key terms: Free Amino Acids, Atmospheric Particles, Field Campaigns, Particle Phase, Partitioning Coefficients, Phase Instrument, Cluster, Content, Gas, Nitrogen, SV-TAG, Targeted.
1. Yumin Moon($172,000), Moon Yumin, Seattle
Key terms: Intensity And Structure, Principal And Distant, Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Vertical Wind Shear, Distant Rainbands, Numerical Simulations, Spiral Rainbands, Tropical Cyclones, Effects, Interact, Model, Modeling, Storm.
1. Hyunju K Connor($172,000), Connor HyunJu, Albuquerque
Key terms: Cusp Ion, Cusp Region, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Reconnection, Oppositely Directed, Solar Wind, Component, Dayside, Fields, IMF, Ions, Magnetopause, Magnetospheric, Signatures, Simulation, Spectrograms.
1. Juan M Lora($172,000), Lora Juan M, Los Angeles
Key terms: Dynamical Mechanisms, Hydrological Cycle, Outreach Activities, Past Climate, Regional Climates, Ability, Chapter, Dynamics, Fellow, Future, Investigate, Involved, LGM, Large-scale, Model, Models, Paleoclimatic, Paleodata, Phenomena, Proxies, Regions, SACNAS, Sensitivities, Serve, Temperatures.
1. Nicole Feldl($86,000), Feldl Nicole, Pasadena
Key terms: Tropics And Subtropics, Climate Feedbacks, Climate Model, External Forcing, Greenhouse Gas, Hadley Cell, Model Simulations, Analysis, Atmospheric, Circulation, Diagnostic, Differences, Educational, Energy, Factors, Geographical, Global, Has, Increase, Regional, Sensitivity, Spatial, Strength, Substantial, Uniform.
1. Alex Fletcher($172,000), Fletcher Alexander, Menlo Park
Key terms: Drift Waves, Coupling, E-region, Mechanism, Processes, Radars, Region, Rockets, Simulation, Simulations, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Michelle J Kim($172,000), Kim Michelle J, Los Angeles
Key terms: Isoprene Oxidation Products, Atmosphere, Concentrations, Conditions, Formation, Hydrogen, Organic, Oxide, Ozone, Processes, SOA.
1. David E Reed($172,000), Reed David E, Madison
Key terms: Lake Energy, Benefit, Carbon, Complete, Cycling, Flux, Freshwater, Ice, Lakes, Processes, School, Wintertime.
1. Walter M Hannah($172,000), Hannah Walter M, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atlantic Tc Activity, Aews, Affect, African, Climate, Future.
1. Nicole Kelley($71,667), Kelley Nicole, San Francisco
Key terms: X-ray Stepped Leaders, Gamma-ray Glows, X-ray Stepped, Connection, Detectors, Gamma-ray, High-energy, Processes, Radiation, Tgfs, Thunderstorms.
1. Gabriel A Isaacman-VanWertz($172,000), Isaacman-VanWertz, Gabriel A, New Haven
Key terms: Chemical Properties, Mass Spectrometer, Organic Aerosol, Reaction Chamber, Aging, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Carbon, Compounds, Days, Experiments, Formation, Oxidation.
1. John G Dwyer($172,000), Dwyer John G, New York
Key terms: Sea Ice Decline, Sea Ice Loss, Atmospheric Circulation, Extreme Weather, Climate, Considered, Northern, Waves.
1. Jacob Scheff($172,000), Scheff Jacob, Seattle
Key terms: Climate Simulations, Co2 Fertilization, Global Warming, Model Intercomparison, Model Simulations, Water Shortages, Ago, Based, Carbon, Climates, Continent, Discrepancy, Drying, Evidence, Examination, Future, Has, Hydroclimate, Ice, Increases, LGM, Mentorship, Models, Potential, Precipitation, Proxies, Proxy, Reduction, Suggest, Temperatures, Vegetation, Version, Wetter.
1. Nathan A Hosannah($172,000), Hosannah Nathan A, New York
Key terms: Caribbean Water Cycle, Climate And Weather, Cloud Resolving Model, Saharan Dust, Tropical Coastal, AERONET, Aerosol, Aerosols, Analysis, Available, CCNY, Continent, Coupled, Effects, Effort, Forecasting, Ingested, Islands, Modeling, Modulating, Multiple, Observational, PSD, Play, Precipitation, Rainfall, Region, Serve, Unique, Variables.
1. Mohan K Ramamurthy($99,979), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Geoscience, Hands-on, Sessions, Workshop.
1. Shane D Ross($2,811,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Environmental Flow, Lagrangian Methods, Accurate, Air, Disaster, Dtime, Field, Four-dimensional, Hazardous, Hazards, Integrate, LCS, Predicting, Processes, Released, Transport.
1. James A Smith($2,734,526), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Changing Climate, Hurricane Hazards, Hurricane Risk, Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Analysis, Coastal, Developing, Engineering, Evolve, Framework, Hurricanes, Increasing, Joint, Models, Rainfall, Resiliency, Various, Vulnerability, Wind, World.
1. William P Abbett($430,804), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Active Region Magnetic, Interior And Atmosphere, Magnetic Flux Emergence, Region Magnetic Fields, Spatial And Temporal, Active Regions, Convection Zone-to-corona, Disparate Spatial, Newly Developed, Numerical Simulations, Solar Interior, Temporal Scales, Upper Convection, Conditions, Coupling, Critical, Development, Domain, Energy, Environment, Large-scale, Model, Objective, Perform, Performed, Range, Sets, Space, Spherical, Sun, Techniques, Transport, Zone-to-corona.
1. Katharine K Reeves($193,453), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
2. Bart van der Holst($54,901), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Rebekah M Evans($162,528), George Mason University, Fairfax
4. Noe Lugaz($58,956), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Active Region, Cme Initiation, Flux Rope, Initial Conditions, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Cmes, Constrained, Coronal, Data-constrained, Development, EUV, Eruption, MHD, Models, Morphology, Observations, Observed, Plasma, Propagate, Properties, Realistic, Simulations, Situ, Sun, X-ray.
1. Noe Lugaz($335,587), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: 3-d Numerical Simulations, 3-d Numerical, Cme-cme Interaction, Complex Ejecta, Interacting Cmes, Space Weather, Analysis, CME-CME, Characteristics, Effects, Geo-effective, In-situ, Large-scale, Observed, Predicting, Public, Resulting, So-called, Solar, Streams, Structures, Website.
1. David F Webb($109,507), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Solar Features, Assistants, Charts, Cycles, Defined, Digital, Digitized, Effort, Evolution, Has, Magnetic, Maps, Proportions, Resource, Set, Specific, Sun, Surface, Time, Useful.
1. Noe Lugaz($63,571), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Neel P Savani($36,506), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
3. Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla($253,055), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Coronal Mass Ejection, Coronal Mass Ejections, Goddard Space Flight, Nasa Goddard Space, Remote-sensing And In-situ, Space Flight Center, In-situ Instruments, Magnetic Fields, Solar Disturbances, Space Environment, Space Weather, Strong Magnetic, Characteristics, Clouds, Combining, Disrupt, Earth, Evidence, Heliosphere, Identification, Inferred, Mechanisms, Methodology, Observations, Propagation, Satellites, Simulations, Sources, Storms, Structure, Structures, Sun, Training, Transient.
1. Susan Lepri($357,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: In-situ And Remote, Graduate Student, Ion Composition, Solar Wind, Source Region, Source Regions, Wind Source, Acceleration, Charge, Completely, Density, Electron, Empirical, Evolution, Fast, High-resolution, MIC, Methodology, Michigan, Objectives, Observations, Onboard, Powerful, Quantitatively, SHINE, Slow, Temperature, Thermal, Uniquely, Velocity.
1. Stephen Bradshaw($10,000), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Students And Early-career, Coronal Loops, Early-career Scientists, Heating, Participation, Workshop.
1. Daniel Wolf Savin($357,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ion Heating, Ion Temperatures, Quiet Sun, Solar Corona, Wave Amplitudes, Wave Energy, Aims, Analysis, Columbia, Damping, Developed, Diverse, Existing, Expected, Has, Infer, Ions, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Plumes, Program, Rate, SHINE, Students, Teachers, Techniques, Theories, Transfer, Waves, York.
1. Harald A Kucharek($108,533), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Georgios Livadiotis($330,494), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
Key terms: Accelerated St Ions, Locally Accelerated St, Charged Particles, Inner Heliosphere, Ip Structures, Observational Constraints, Acceleration, Basic, Energetic, Expected, Main, Models, Nearths, Objective, Outcome, Physics, Properties, SHINE, Space, Student, Task.
1. Jiong Qiu($173,531), Montana State University, Bozeman
2. Paul A Cassak($174,287), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Magnetic Reconnection Spreading, Collaborative Shine, Particle Acceleration, Applications, Continue, Estimate, Explore, Lead, Observations, Program, REU, Region, Solar, Students.
1. Amitava Bhattacharjee($357,000), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Coronal Mass, Current Sheets, Plasma Physics, Solar Corona, Solar Observations, Broadening, CME, Center, Collaborations, Formation, Instabilities, Interdisciplinary, Investigate, Numerical, Observed, Plasmoid, Princeton, Producing, Program, Reconnection, SHINE, Sads, Simulations.
1. Stephen Bradshaw($696,497), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Coronal Heating, Solar Atmosphere, Strong Constraints, Based, Considered, Emission, Energy, Global, Graduate, Learned, Physics, Plasma, Program, Properties, Regime, School, Structure, Students, Summer, Sun, Taught, Transport.
1. Tulasi Parashar($297,971), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Solar Wind Plasma, Numerical Simulations, Energy, Expected, Fluctuations, Interplanetary, Physics, Processes, Short-wavelength, Space, Spacecraft, Theoretical, Turbulence.
1. Christian Beck($280,115), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Graduate Students, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Structure, Mass Motion, Space Weather, Stellar Astrophysics, Thermal Structure, Broader, Dimensional, Ii, Iii, Iv, Observations, Serving, Solar, Sunspots, Topics.
1. Steven R Cranmer($193,297), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Solar Corona, Solar Wind, Theoretical Models, MHD, Magnetic, Observations, Physics, Plasma.
1. Maria M Kuznetsova($1,000,000), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Assimilation Models, Continue Leading, Electric Field, Itm Model, Itm Models, Model Validation, Runs-on-request Service, Space Weather, Activities, Analysis, Assessment, Available, CCMC, Capabilities, Collection, Community-wide, Development, Drivers, Ensemble, Expand, Expanding, ISR, Modeling, NSF, Radar, Simulations, State-of-the-art, Tool, Tools, Variety.
1. Hasan Bahcivan($544,568), SRI International, Menlo Park
2. Jordi Puig-Suari($448,097), California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo
Key terms: Amplitude And Phase, Trans-ionospheric Radio Signals, Cal Poly, Experimental Geometries, Flux Tube, Ionospheric Irregularities, Ionospheric Scintillation, Magnetic Field, Short Time, Trans-ionospheric Radio, Carrier, Corresponding, Cubesat, DTV, Density, Design, Does, ESF, Effects, Effort, Explorer, Extensive, Fluctuations, Frequency, Has, ISX, Irregularity, Measure, Mission, Mitigation, Monitoring, Multiple, Observations, Opportunity, Path, Pilot, Prediction, Receiver, Region, Scintillation-scale, Scintillations, Simultaneously, Spacecraft, Structure, Structures, Student, Students, Turbulence, Unique, Worldwide.
1. David M Klumpar($600,403), Montana State University, Bozeman
2. Gary Bust($119,910), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
3. Richard A Doe($279,350), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Oxygen Ion Distributions, Altitude Profiles, Geomagnetic Activity, Local Time, Oxygen Ions, Degrees, Design, Does, Dominated, Engineering, Equatorial, Following, IT-SPINS, Inclination, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Magnetic, Mission, Navigation, Objective, Objectives, Orbit, Orbits, Physics, Plasma, Polar, Predict, Primary, Radiance, Range, Rotations, Satellite, Secondary, Solar, Structures, Students, TTR.
1. Xinlin Li($345,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Radiation Belt Electrons, Van Allen Probes, Additional Energization, Electron Loss, Fast Loss, Loss Rate, Loss Rates, Precipitation Loss, Radiation Belts, Advanced, Analyzing, CSSWE, Carried, Colorado, Cubesat, Designed, Dynamics, Energetic, Environment, Episodes, Gains, Gradual, Has, Ionosphere, Mission, Modeling, Periods, Satellite, Space, Students, Was, Worth.
1. Ward B Manchester($1,061,494), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Mauna Loa, Solar Atmosphere, Solar Observatory, Solar Wind, Space Physics, Space Weather, Analysis, Cmes, Comp, Continuous, Corona, Coronal, Dynamics, Effort, Entire, Evolution, Existing, Field, HAO, Instrument, Integrated, Lines, MK, Michigan, Modeling, Observations, Observe, Plasma, Range, Students, Sun, Time, Tools, Twice, Ucomp, Undergraduate, Visible.
1. David Schriver($20,160), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Nsf Geospace, Plasma Physics, Codes, Cutting-edge, Czech, Experience, Future, GVF, Gain, ISSS-, International, Investment, Junior, OISE, Opportunity, School, Simulation, Strong, Students, Symposium.
1. William H Sanders($1,331,036), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Sensing And Space, Solar And Space, Remote Sensing, Space Environment, Space Physics, Tenure-track Faculty, Development, Disciplines, Ensure, Existing, Global, Hire, Partnerships, Program, Programs, Teaching, Technology, Tenure-track, UI.
1. Jesper W Gjerloev($599,499), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Space Physics, Signatures, Supermag.
1. William A Bristow($1,366,551), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Simon G Shepherd($549,999), Dartmouth College, Hanover
3. J Michael Ruohoniemi($2,821,605), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: International Superdarn Collaboration, Ionospheric Plasma, Space Weather, Aspects, Broad, Convection, Coupling, Earth, Effects, Five, Global-scale, Has, Investigations, Ionosphere, Magnetic, Network, Operate, Operation, Radar, Radars, Range, Solar, Time, Unique.
1. Amitava Bhattacharjee($612,689), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Global Magnetosphere Code, Global Magnetosphere Model, Current Sheets, Kinetic Effects, Magnetic Reconnection, Space Weather, Center, Enhanced, Framework, Has, Instabilities, MHD, Modeling, Multiple, Partnership, Physics, Species, Theoretical, Turbulence.
1. Calvin Robert Clauer($617,847), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Magnetospheric Physics, Virginia Tech, GEM, Has, NSWP, Organization, Student, Students, Workshops.
1. Donald T Farley($4,161,248), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Scientists And Students, Equatorial Ionosphere, Ionospheric Configuration, Radar Echoes, Upper Atmospheric, Communication, Cornell, Dynamics, Education, Effects, Energy, Function, Jicamarca, Meteor, Mission, Observations, Peru, Plasma, Pursued, Radio, Region, Space, Structures, Technological, Transport, Winds.
1. Elizabeth A Kendall($7,496,800), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Facility Staff, Sondrestrom Geospace, Activities, Available, Ensure, Greenland, Has, Maintain, Management, Operations, Outreach, Radar, Supported.
1. James W Hurrell($602,228), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Degrees, Freedom, Model, Stratosphere.
1. Shu-Peng (Ben) Ho($10,850,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Gps Transmitters, Water Vapor, Account, Activities, Additional, Adoption, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, COSMIC, COSMIC-, Conducting, Datasets, Density, Development, GNSS, GNSSRO, GPSRO, Generating, Global, Has, Ionosphere, Item, Long-term, Methods, NSF, Payload, Pis, Processing, Profiles, Promote, Provided, Receiver, SI, Satellite, Satellites, Signals, Techniques, Temperature, Weather.
1. Michael Patterson($4,470,671), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: CLIVAR, Climate, Development, Effectively, Efforts, Operational, Predictions, Simulations, USCPO.
1. Miguel F Larsen($197,721), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Auroral, Available, Disturbances, Dynamics, Global, Network, Operate, Propagation, Stations, Thermosphere, Thermospheric.