Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
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Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Xian Lu($53,844), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Lower Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Coupling, Ionosphere, Observations, Sources.
1. J. Vincent Eccles($169,200), Space Environment Corporation, Logan
2. Cesar E Valladares($157,482), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Equatorial Plasma, F-region Plasma, Negative Impacts, Plasma Bubble, Plasma Density, Vertical Drift, Accomplish, Below, Bubbles, Day-to-day, Evening, F-region, Fluid, Gradient, Gradients, LISN, Peak, Period, Structures, Technologies.
1. Carlos Martinis($58,881), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Valery A Yudin($225,296), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Thermosphere And Ionosphere, Upper Atmosphere, Analysis, Climatology, Gain, MTM, Model, Nighttime, Observations, Phenomena, Temperature, WAM.
1. Steven M Smith($98,329), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Mesosphere And Thermosphere, Secondary Gravity Wave, Gravity Waves, Altitude, Breaking, Coupling, Observations, Processes, Region, Upper, Zealand.
1. Miguel F Larsen($141,644), Clemson University, Clemson
2. Stephen Kaeppler($136,085), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Lower Thermospheric Winds, Momentum Transfer, Auroral, Energy, Forcing, Investigate, Long-term.
1. Brett C Isham($599,058), Inter American University of Puerto Rico San Juan, San Juan
Key terms: Arecibo Observatory, Heated Region, Puerto Rico, Radio Array, Radio Wave, Application, Aquadilla, Communications, Development, Generated, Graduate, Heater, Imaging, Observing, Radar, Shortwave, Space, Students, Techniques, Technologies.
1. Carlos Martinis($306,990), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: All-sky Imagers, All-sky, Conjugate, Ionospheric, Mstids, Processes, Satellite.
1. Sharon L Vadas($355,367), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Circular Tid, Gravity Wave, Ionospheric Plasma, Secondary Gws, Wave Structures, Achieved, Deep, Dissipation, Enhance, Formation, Has, Modeling, Objective, Observed, Primary, Processes, Region, Seen, TEC, Waves.
1. Anne K Smith($310,395), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Upper Atmosphere Dynamics, Atmosphere Model, Atmosphere Region, Lower Atmosphere, Numerical Simulations, Oxygen Composition, Plasma Densities, September Equinox, Stratospheric Winds, Assimilation, Based, Capability, Coupling, Direction, Equinoctial, Investigation, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Modeling, Observed, Overall, Period, Processes, SOARS, Satellite, Short-term, Student, TEC, Thermosphere, Transmission, WACCMX, Waves.
1. Patricia H Doherty($24,764), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Beacon Satellite Symposium, Scientists And Students, Space Weather, Unique Opportunity, Collaborations, Effects, Focused, International, Ionospheric, Meeting, Opportunities, Radio, Sensing, Share.
1. Jeffrey M Forbes($595,096), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Lower Atmosphere, Secondary Waves, Upper Atmosphere, GSWM, Interactions, Model, Non-linear, Primary, Region, Students, Transmitted.
1. Jeffrey M Forbes($343,509), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Generate Electric Fields, Tides And Pw, Atmospheric Regions, Causal Relationships, Dynamo Region, Global Magnetometer, Large-scale Waves, Lower Atmosphere, Magnetic Field, Neutral Winds, Space Weather, Activity, Altitudes, Analysis, Application, Caused, Coupling, Earth, Factors, Generated, Ground, Has, Influences, Ionized, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Large-scale, Magnetometers, Map, Motivation, Processes, Program, Solar, Standard, Supported, Tidal, Upper, Upward.
1. Jonathan M Lees($176,302), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Acoustic Wave Structures, Air Conditioning, Anthropogenic Sources, Atmospheric Regions, Energy Transfer, Lower Atmosphere, Lower Thermosphere, Mlt Region, Activity, Aimed, Balloon, Campaigns, Generated, Heating, Measure, Mesosphere, Near, Obtained, Phenomena, Produce, Program, Sound, Violent.
1. Naomi Maruyama($78,449), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Marc R Hairston($255,224), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
3. J Michael Ruohoniemi($99,638), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Polar And Equatorial, Quiet Time Model, Atmospheric Regions, Baseline Model, Electric Fields, Empirical Model, Equatorial Regions, Mid-latitude Ionosphere, Aimed, Atmosphere, Based, Behavior, CEDAR, Coupling, DMSP, Dynamics, EUV, Global, Interaction, Ionized, Ionospheric, Mid-latitude, Neutral, Program, Quantify, Quiet-time, Relative, Solar, Spacecraft, Upper.
1. Fabiano Rodrigues($534,621), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Dynamical Behavior, Atmosphere, Combine, Environment, Fields, Geospace, Ionosphere, Miles, Plan, Processes, Public, Solar, Space, Technological, Time, Various.
1. Robert G Michell($248,291), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Optical And Radar, Mass Distribution, Mass Input, Meteor Mass, Meteoric Mass, Meteoroid Mass, Atmosphere, Current, Enable, Estimate, Flux, Mesosphere, Meteors, Observations, Process, Radars, Range, Techniques, Total.
1. Scott E Palo($381,663), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Migrating Diurnal Tide, Mlt Region, Short-term Tidal, Space Weather, Tidal Wave, Wavelength Waves, Boulder, Colorado, Combined, Day-to-day, Gravity, Has, Ionosphere, Mechanisms, Plan, Short-term, Students, Under-represented.
2. David A Ortland($74,874), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Atmospheric Regions, Lower Atmosphere, Wave Structure, Allow, Coupling, Dynamical, Energized, Energy, Extent, Instability, Investigated, Phenomenon, Program, QTDW, Solar, Spatial, Stratospheric, Upper.
1. Phillip C Anderson($201,919), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Atmospheric Regions, Upper Atmosphere, CEDAR, EUV, Extreme, Ionized, Ionospheric, Irradiance, Models, Processes, Program, Radiation, Relative, Solar, Space, Spacecraft, Upward.
1. Ningyu Liu($366,997), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Lower Ionosphere Region, Atmospheric Regions, Electrical Discharges, Gigantic Jets, Ionized Layer, Lightning Bolt, Lower Atmosphere, Strong Potential, Temperature Profile, Behavior, Complex, Coupling, Dynamics, Energetics, Examine, Has, High-speed, Information, Layers, Observational, Particular, Path, Phenomena, Physics, Plasma, Program, Public, Spectra, Spectral, Speed, Starters, Suddenly, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Transformative, Transient, Underlying, Upper, Upward, Vertical.
1. Landis A David($83,616), Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc, Cambridge
Key terms: Composition Package, International Qb50, Lower Thermosphere, Neutral Package, Plasma Package, Atmospheric, Atomic, Based, Consortium, Constitutes, Cubesat, Cubesats, Density, Design, Determination, EU, Entire, Experience, Ground, Has, INMS, In-situ, Instrument, Instruments, Joint, Laboratory, Minority, Molecular, Months, National, Network, On-board, Opportunity, Orbit, Participating, Participation, Partners, Program, QBUS, Satellite, Sensor, Temporal, Tremendous.
1. Roman Makarevich($30,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms:
1. Daniel J Jacob($25,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry Models, Create, Experimentalists, Modelers, Senior.
1. Barbara J Finlayson-Pitts($881,096), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Formed, Measure, Particles, Processes, SOA, Tracers, Various.
1. Saewung Kim($615,358), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Quality And Climate, Air Quality, Bvoc Emissions, Missing Bvoc, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Compounds, Influence, Microbes, Ozone, Predictions.
1. Daniel J Jacob($585,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Lived Greenhouse Gas, Short Lived Greenhouse, Halogen Radicals, Hydroxyl Radical, Oxidative Capacity, Predict Future, Toxic Pollutant, Ability, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Enable, Lifetime, Mercury, Methane, Model, Observations, Oxidant, Oxidants, Ozone, Quantify, Tropospheric.
1. Timothy J Griffis($499,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Ammonia Fluxes, Atmospheric, Continent, Deposition, Exchange, Global, High-resolution, Model, Modeling, Models, Regional.
1. Nga Lee Ng($10,000), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Aerosol Formation, BVOC, Held, Organic, Participation, Symposium.
1. Ezra Wood($205,759), Drexel University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Chemical Amplification, Peroxy Radical, Peroxy Radicals, Air, Amherst, Atmosphere, Calibration, Concentrations, Differences, Factor, HO, Instrument, Measuring, Method, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Organic, Oxide, Tested.
1. Scot T Martin($543,454), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Aerosol, Organic Species, Particle Phase, Diffusivity, Exchange.
1. Jesse Kroll($541,983), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Manjula Canagaratna($224,832), Aerodyne Research Inc, Billerica
Key terms: Atmospheric Aging, Organic Carbon, Organic Compounds, Approaches, Atmosphere, Evolution, Laboratory, Species.
1. Delbert J Eatough($25,000), Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Climate, Effects, Haze, Nitrogen, Particles, Sessions, Submissions, Workshop.
1. Colette L Heald($499,248), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Composition, Chemical, Exchange, Geos-chem, Model, Processes, Surface.
1. Chong Qiu($63,689), University of New Haven, West Haven
Key terms: Optical Properties, Soot Particles, Aerosol, Aggregates, Carbon, Carbonaceous, Determined, Mixing, Morphology, Radiative.
1. Robert Gamache($290,304), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Chemistry And Climate, Line Shape Parameters, Remote Sensing Retrievals, Accurate Line, Atmospheric Chemistry, Radiative Forcing, Trace Gases, Absorbed, Advance, Atmosphere, Half-widths, Radiation, Species, Spectral, Temperature, Velocity.
1. Lars E Kalnajs($365,759), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Balloon Borne, Stratospheric Aerosols, Affect, Boulder, Build, Climate, Commercial, Has, Instrument, Laramie, Leadership, Long-term, Mentoring, Particle, Particles, Profile, Satellite, Size, Transition, Validation, WY.
1. Delphine Farmer($166,082), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Co2 And Temperature, Fast Growing, Plant Chambers, Voc Emissions, Abiotic, Climate, Combined, Conditions, Elevated, Identical, Investigate, Non-linear, Organic, Plants, SOA, Soas.
1. Britton Stephens($399,141), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Ralph F Keeling($450,640), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Climate Forcing Agents, Short-lived Climate Forcing, Atmospheric O2, Instrument Packages, Short-lived Climate, Atom, Campaign, Carbon, Distribution, Distributions, Ocean, Seasonal, Tomographic.
1. Geoffrey D Smith($489,811), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Black And Brown, Atmospheric Aerosol, Brown Carbon, Light Scattering, Optical Properties, Absorption, Aerosols, Measure, Measuring, PAS, Particles, Soot.
1. Rainer M Volkamer($100,489), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cloud11 Field Campaign, Volatile Organic Compounds, Nucleation Experiments, AVOC, BVOC, Conditions, Facility, Growth, Oxidation, RH, Salting-in, Unique.
1. Rainer M Volkamer($843,898), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Hemisphere Tropical, Laboratory Experiments, Tropospheric Ozone, Aliphatic, Assess, Atmospheric, Bromine, Field, Halogen, Halogens, Investigate, Lifetime, Methane, Modeling, OVOC, Ocean, Radicals.
1. Cari S Dutcher($477,561), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ability, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Liquid, Model, Models, Particles, Predictive, Water.
1. Frank Keutsch($118,754), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Volatile Organic Compounds, Field Campaign, Human Health, Atmosphere, Emissions, Environment, Formaldehyde, Missing, Oxidation, Sources.
1. Barron H Henderson($163,219), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Nitrogen Chemistry, Rate Coefficients, Reactive Nitrogen, Campaign, Climate, Estimates, Laboratory, Mechanistic, Model, Modeling, Observational, Observations, Reaction, Stochastic, Transport.
1. John Nowak($487,044), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Forest Environments, Reactive Chemistry, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Field, Measured, Organic, PROPHET, Radical, Secondary, Summer.
1. Matthew J Elrod($177,987), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Biogenic Volatile Organic, Volatile Organic Compounds, Undergraduate Students, Atmospheric, Bvocs, Carbon, Epoxide, Formation, Phase, Pis, RUI, Teragrams.
1. Luisa T Molina($832,276), Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy & the Environment, La Jolla
Key terms: Modeling Studies, Assess, BC, Chemical, Climate, MCMA, Radiative, Regional.
1. Richard C Flagan($634,599), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Low Volatility Organic, Measure And Model, Volatility Organic Compounds, Particle Formation, Activation, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chamber, Growth, Kelvin, Particles, Regime, Size.
1. Alexei Khalizov($10,000), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Atmospheric Aerosols, Chemical Properties, Renyi Zhang, Formation, Growth, Investigation, Students, Symposium, Zhangs.
1. Ann Marie G Carlton($20,000), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Cloud Chemistry, Coordinated Field, Clouds, Laboratory, Modeling, Plan, Representation, Senior, Strategy, Workshop.
1. Alexei Khalizov($711,534), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Gas-phase Products, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemical, GEM, GOM, Gas-phase, Gaseous, Hgbr, Investigate, Kinetics, Mercury, Particle-bound, Reactions.
1. Detlev Helmig($370,630), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Leaf-level Gas Exchanges, Leaf-level Gas, Reactive Chemistry, Atmosphere, Dependency, Forest, Future, Nitrogen, Nox, Organic, Ozone, Temperature, UMBS.
1. Nadine Unger($28,075), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Conference, Formation.
1. Fernando Rosario-Ortiz($254,219), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Brian J Majestic($191,269), University of Denver, Denver
Key terms: Atmospheric Particulate Matter, Chemical Speciation, Organic Compounds, Aging, Atmosphere, Fe, Field, Health, Information, Iron, Oxidation, Particles, Processing, Useful.
1. Xinrong Ren($579,432), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Trace Gases, Aerosols, Asia, Environments, Properties, Students.
1. Chantelle Lonsdale($227,825), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
2. Jeffrey R Pierce($372,115), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Aged Biomass-burning Aerosol, Biomass-burning Aerosol Size, Aged Biomass-burning, Biomass-burning Aerosol, Aging, Combustion, Emissions, Experiments, Field, Processes, Properties.
1. Lelia N Hawkins($636,101), Harvey Mudd College, Claremont
Key terms: Brown Carbon, Los Angeles, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Brc, Contribution, Fate.
1. Steven F Oberbauer($407,424), Florida International University, Miami
2. Christina L Staudhammer($491,963), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Carbon Balance, National Park, Ecological, Everglades, Florida, Marsh, Sites.
1. Patrice E Moss($106,500), Trinity College, Washington
Key terms: Trinity Washington, DC, Environmental, Health, MRI, Neighborhoods, Quality, STEM, Students, Urban, Vocs.
1. Solomon Bililign($488,281), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Atmospheric Aging, Optical Properties, Aerosol, Aerosols, Biomass, Burning, Chamber, Common, Composition, Function.
1. James Flynn($248,314), University of Houston, Houston
2. Robert J Griffin($238,544), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Anthropogenic, Below, Canopy, Carbon, Contrast, Emissions, Forests, Formation, Influence, Investigate, Nitrogen, Nox, Organic, Oxidation, PM, PON, Particulate, Remote, SOA, Submicron, Transport, Urban.
1. Fangqun Yu($545,882), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Nucleation Schemes, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Clusters, Implications, Involving, Models, Ternary.
1. Frank Keutsch($43,026), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Hydroxyl Radical, Air, Atmosphere, Chemical, Development, Field, Gases, Highly, LIF, Laser, Method, OH, Oxidizing, Species.
1. Nga Lee Ng($738,503), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Nitrogen Compounds, Aging, Atmosphere, Biogenic, Formation, Organic, Volatile.
1. Penny Vlahos($134,623), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Air-sea Gas Exchange, Air-sea Gas, Sea Spray, Spray Droplets, Bubbles, Gases, Global, Interface, Ocean, Surface.
1. Frank Keutsch($245,256), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Bvoc Oxidation, Aerosol, Amazon, Anthropogenic, Brazil, Concentrations, Dry, Emissions, Expected, Formation, Manaus, Mechanisms, Organic, Processes, Season, Site, Tropical, Wet.
1. Frank Keutsch($88,997), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Oxidation And Resulting, Human Health, Soa Formation, Voc Oxidation, Aerosol, Anthropogenic, Climate, Current, Effects, Emissions, Environment, Especially, Isoprene, Laboratory, Mechanisms, OH, Organic, Particular, Pis, Represent, Rural, Secondary.
1. Natalie Burls($267,302), George Mason University, Fairfax
2. Alexey Fedorov($265,429), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Equatorial Pacific Sst, Greenhouse Warming Simulations, Cold Tongue, Extratropical Clouds, Heat Transport, Sst Contrast, Sst Gradient, Tropical Climate, Warm Pool, Albedo, Aspects, Broader, East-west, Effects, Future, Has, Model, Ocean, Oceanic, Parcel, Pis, Requires, Surface, Temperature, Tropics, Water.
1. Richard Kleeman($222,018), New York University, New York
Key terms: Atmospheric Predictability, Statistical Predictability, Developed, Forecast, Insights, Nature, Turbulence.
1. Will Cantrell($263,283), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
2. Sapna Sarupria($287,769), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation, Atmospheric Chemistry, Frozen Water, Molecular Behavior, Accurately, Basis, Developed, Essential, Experimental, Future, Industry, Kinetics, Models, Planet, Predicting, Simulation, Simulations, Students, Surface, Surfaces, Thermodynamics, Tools, Weather.
1. Timothy W Cronin($269,038), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Eli Tziperman($104,651), Harvard University, Cambridge
3. Dorian S Abbot($269,131), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Climate Sensitivity, Co2 Doublings, Global Temperature, Greenhouse Gas, Parameter Values, Temperature Dependence, Anthropogenic, Cloud, Consequences, Convection, Emissions, Has, Increase, Level, Model, Perturbed, Risk, Simulations, Societal, Version, Warming.
1. Gudrun Magnusdottir($700,985), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Continental Mid-latitude Regions, Sea Surface Temperature, Boundary Conditions, Cold Spells, Continental Mid-latitude, Mid-latitude Regions, Snow Cover, Surface Anomalies, Andor, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Circulation, Climate, Connections, Eastern, Examine, Extreme, Focus, Has, Modeling, Models, North, Observations, Predictability, Signal, Snowfall, Source, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Students, Teleconnections, Time, Troposphere, Widely, Winter, Wintertime.
1. Shang-Ping Xie($614,219), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Northwest Pacific Convection, Tropical Northwest Pacific, Abrupt Onset, Rain Band, AAC, Affects, Climate, Correlation, ENSO, East, Has, International, Investigate, Rainfall, Regions, SST, Summer.
1. Christopher S Bretherton($52,541), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Droplets And Ice, Boundary Layer, Degrees South, Global Climate, Ice Particles, Polar Front, Southern Hemisphere, Southern Ocean, Activities, Aerosols, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Campaign, Cloud, Clouds, Concentrations, Conditions, Cooling, Determining, Field, Fieldwork, Free, GV, Has, Inps, NSF, Observations, Outreach, Pis, Planned, Processes, Properties, Relative, SLW, SOCRATES, Students, Surface.
1. JianHua Qian($453,807), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Forecasts And Projections, Extreme Precipitation, Storm Types, Climate, Current, Examined, Factors, Influence, Model, Modeled, Models, Northeast, Processes, Reproduce, Storms, Strength.
1. Dong Eun Lee($590,414), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Climate And Society, Sea Surface Temperatures, Surface Temperature Fluctuations, Climate Prediction, Monsoon Rainfall, Monsoon Rains, Monsoon Season, Rains Tend, Summer Monsoon, Tropical Pacific, West African, Basins, Contribute, Global, Information, International, Observations, Ocean, Region, Relatively, Remote, Sahel, Seasonal, Sometimes.
1. Timothy Delsole($448,195), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: 20th Century Climate, 20th Century, Aerosol Cooling, Climate Model, Surface Temperature, Aerosols, Effect, Estimates, Extent, Forcings, Greenhouse, Has, Insolation, Observational, Observations, Offset, Precipitation, Simulations, Variables, Warming.
1. Daniel M Westervelt($712,034), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Asian Monsoon, Model Simulations, Monsoon Rainfall, Aerosols, Anthropogenic, Effect, Factors, Greenhouse, Human, LULC, Land, Region, Seeks.
1. Tim Li($496,497), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Layer Heat Budget, Mixed Layer Heat, Amplitude Differences, El Nino, El Ninos, Enso Amplitude, Equatorial Pacific, Super El, Central, Climate, Combination, Development, Feedback, Has, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Nina, Ninas, Ocean, Phases, Preliminary, Simulations, Societal, Ssts, Strength, Substantial, Surface, Uncoupled, Warm, Worldwide.
1. Aiko Voigt($711,360), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Oceanic Rain, Activities, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Climate, Design, Dynamics, Effort, Energy, Ensemble, Model, Models, Monsoons, Rainfall, Simulations, Tropical, Tropics.
1. Bruce Anderson($306,670), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Benjamin S Giese($87,931), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Boreal Winter Enso, Cold Boreal Winter, Positive And Negative, Warm And Cold, Climate Model, Component Model, Enso Prediction, Equatorial Pacific, Generating Warm, North Pacific, Surface Wind, Twc Enhances, Atmospheric, Central, Charging, Conditions, Coupled, Development, Efficacy, El, Experiments, Heat, Integrated, Involves, Mechanism, Months, NPO, Nina, Ocean, Opposite, Oscillation, Phase, Pis, Sea, Southward, Subsurface, Transport.
1. Gennady Samorodnitsky($587,563), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Air Pollution, Extreme Pollution, Wave Activity, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Circulation, Climate, Deaths, Dynamical, Meteorological, Relation.
1. Steven M Quiring($29,515), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Land Surface Models, Moisture Influences Climate, Soil Moisture Influences, Spatial And Temporal, Land-atmosphere Coupling, Land-atmosphere Interactions, Undergraduate Students, Drought, Interannual, Land-atmosphere, Plains, Seasonal, Strength, Time.
1. Jennifer Kay($843,867), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Southern Ocean Clouds, Educational Partners, Polar Hook, CESM, Circulation, Climate, Colorado, Coupling, Curriculum, Global, Implement, Influence, Observations, Students, Under-represented.
1. Gary M Lackmann($1,165,132), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Climate Models, Condensational Heating, High-impact Weather, Mesoscale Features, Pa Behavior, Pa Formation, Persistent Anomalies, Ability, Air, Allows, Association, Atmospheric, Blocking, Dynamics, Future, Global, Greenhouse, High-impact, Initiation, Intensity, Jet, Latitudes, Low, Maintenance, Modified, Pas, Performed, Pis, Produce, Representation, Resolution, Simulations, Synoptic, Undergraduate, Warming.
1. Jasper F Kok($601,670), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Assistant Program, Climate Impacts, Desert Dust, Atmosphere, Enhance, Future, Research-enhanced.
1. David W Thompson($635,603), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric Cloud Radiative, Cloud Radiative Effects, Large-scale Extratropical, Analyses, Circulation, Climate, Clouds, Component, Large-scale, Model, Numerical, Output, Products, Run, Structure.
1. Simon P de Szoeke($552,138), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Marine Stratocumulus Clouds, Climate Models, Cloud Top, Cumulus Updrafts, Low Clouds, Buoyancy, Decoupling, Diurnal, Downdrafts, Drizzle, Entrainment, Observed, Phenomena, Processes, Strength, Structure, Turbulence, Vertical, Weather.
1. Martha W Buckley($451,075), George Mason University, Fairfax
2. Benjamin P Kirtman($355,479), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Intertropical Convergence Zone, Atmospheric Model, Ensemble Mean, Noise Forcing, North Atlantic, North-south Shifts, Surface Climate, Weather Noise, AMOC, Additional, Affect, Assess, Atmosphere, CESM, Circulation, Developed, Drought, Effect, Effects, Fluxes, IE-CESM, ITCZ, Impulsive, Models, North-south, Ocean, Particular, Pis, Regions, Remote, SST, Sea, Simulations, Single, Water.
1. David C Noone($635,235), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Model Simulations, Stratocumulus Clouds, Characteristics, Climate, Droplets, Evaporation, Experiment, Isotopic, Knowledge, Layers, Leads, Methods, Modeling, Models, Near, Smoke, Southern, Synthesis.
1. David J Raymond($521,733), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Bottom-heavy Mass Flux, Mass Flux Profile, Bottom-heavy Mass, Convecting Region, Convective Precipitation, Cumulus Clouds, Instability Leads, Mid-level Vorticity, Aews, Atlantic, Chain, Circulation, Convection, Cyclonic, Development, Energy, Field, Focuses, Horizontal, Hurricanes, Mid-level, Mid-tropospheric, Moisture, Motions, Overturning, Performed, Reduction, Suggesting, Temperatures, Tropical, Vigorous, Waves.
1. Dennis L Hartmann($1,095,460), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cloud Radiative Effects, Cloud Radiative Heating, Atmospheric Circulation, Energy Export, Equatorial Pacific, Global Warming, Model Simulations, Sea Ice, Climate, Clouds, Confining, Considers, Expansion, Feedback, Greenhouse, ITCZ, Issue, Latitudes, Mechanisms, Models, Positive, Produce, Vapor, Variety.
1. Paul E Roundy($486,419), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Equatorial Pacific, Indian Ocean, Precursor Waves, Rossby Waves, Secondary Mjo, Wave Disturbances, Africa, African, Eastward, Formation, Has, Induce, Propagate, Slowly, Variety, Weather.
1. Noboru Nakamura($706,534), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Wave-mean Flow Interaction, Atmospheric Dynamics, Jet Streams, Summer School, Wave-mean Flow, AGS-, Amplitude, Climate, Combination, Developed, Framework, Graduate, Has, Model, Oscillation, Surface, Theory, Topic, Topics, Waves, Weather.
1. LuAnne Thompson($16,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Graduate Students, Climate, Conference, GCC, Processes.
1. Minoru Chikira($449,437), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Climate Models, Coarser Resolutions, Gray Zone, Grid Cell, Represented Indirectly, Unified Parameterization, Atmospheric, Behavior, CAM, Center, Cloud, Clouds, Coarse-scale, Convective, Cumulus, Explicitly, Fine, Gcms, Has, Motions, Performed, Portion, Scheme, Simulation, Simulations, Value.
1. Andrea A Lang($361,907), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Blocking Anticyclones, Broader Impacts, Explosive Cyclogenesis, Jet Streams, Stratospheric Circulation, Synoptic Disturbances, Tropospheric Weather, Affect, Conditions, Forecast, Has, Influence, Interaction, Medium-range, Real-time, SNAP, Severe, Slowly, Stratosphere, Stratosphere-troposphere, Student, Troposphere, Waves, Webpage.
1. Paul A O'Gorman($420,185), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Extreme Precipitation, Extreme Snowfall, Mean Precipitation, Argument, Climate, Convergence, Dry, Effects, Experiments, Extremes, Global, Increase, Increases, Intensity, Land, Mechanisms, Mode, Model, Models, Moisture, Potential, Previous, Regions, Relative, SST, Simulations, Spatial, Ssts, Student, Surface, Temperature, Tropical, Vertical, Warmer, Warming, Water, Weather, Wetter.
1. Alton P Williams($626,108), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Drought Atlas, Climate, Climatic, Dynamic, Dynamics, Extreme, Future, Hydroclimate, Large-scale, Last-millennium, Millennium, Pan-pacific, Past, Regimes.
1. Larissa E Back($522,055), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Bottom Heavy, Broader Impacts, Convective Clouds, Convective Precipitation, Deep Convection, Flash Rate, Aggregates, Aggregation, CAPE, Condensation, Difference, EYH, Examination, Has, Intense, Intensity, Issue, Land, Level, Middle, Model, Ocean, Organization, Organized, Region, Regions, Structure, Surface, Tropical, Tropics, Values, Weather.
1. Sharon L Sessions($118,630), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Patrick Haertel($313,384), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Storms And Hurricanes, Oceans Warm, Tropical Storms, Weather Model, Affect, Atmospheric, Circulations, Climate, Frequent, Future, Lagrangian, MJO, Models, Period, Rainfall, Students, World.
1. Carlos R Mechoso($470,096), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Paul C Loikith($269,989), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Naturally Occurring Climate, Climate Variables, Natural Climate, Features, Information, Methods, Observed, Precipitation, Regions, South, Task, Temperature, Trends, Via.
1. Wayne H Schubert($296,913), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Scott R Fulton($326,601), Clarkson University, Potsdam
Key terms: Atmospheric Dynamics, Elevated Terrain, Low-level Jet, Low-level Jets, Andes, Antarctica, Atmosphere, Climate, Computational, Computed, Developed, Developing, Eastern, Indian, Low-level, Mountains, Persistent, Shape, Solutions, Theory, Training, Two-dimensional, Winds.
1. Paul A Ullrich($20,000), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: School And Model, Dynamical Core, Global Atmospheric, Model Intercomparison, Summer School, Advance, Arise, Coupling, Differences, Future, Modeling, Opportunity, Parameterizations, Simulations, Specific, Students, Unique, Variable-resolution, Workshop.
1. Elizabeth A Barnes($599,693), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Global Warming, Greenhouse Warming, Jet Shifts, Jet Streams, Middle Latitudes, Southern Hemisphere, Analysis, August, Averaged, Climate, December, Determined, Fall, February, Followed, Future, Has, Induced, June, Largest, Leading, Levels, March, Model, North, Northward, November, Polar, Poles, Poleward, Seasonality, September, Simulations, Spring, Students, Summer, Theories, Topic, Varying, Winter.
1. R. Alan Plumb($388,860), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Vapor And Ozone, Anthropogenic Forcing, Atmospheric Circulation, Brewer-dobson Circulation, Stratospheric Transport, Trace Gases, Water Vapor, Age, Brewer-dobson, Climate, Detect, Directly, Establish, Mass, Model, Models, Observations, Stratosphere, Surface, Theory, Time.
1. David J Lorenz($538,652), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Background Westerly Flow, Increasing Greenhouse Gases, Strength And Position, Westerly Wind Belt, Background Flow, Climate Model, Climate Models, Ideally Suited, Latitudinal Shifts, Mid-latitude Jet, Model Spread, Total Flow, Westerly Jet, Circulation, Credible, Defined, Equatorward, Has, Improvements, Information, Mechanisms, Methodology, Mid-latitude, Mid-latitudes, Natural, Observations, Pis, Reasons, Separate, Simulations, Waves, Westerlies.
1. Shuguang Wang($757,467), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Maritime Continent, Weather Disturbances, Forecast, Forecasts, Islands, MJO, Motion, Mountain, Public, Removed.
1. Zhiming Kuang($540,436), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Blocking, Circulation Models, Climate, Component, Dynamical, Employ, Experiments, Full-physics, Idealized, Investigate, Mechanism, Quantitative, Reanalysis, Weather.
1. Guang J Zhang($626,629), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Global Climate Models, Representing Atmospheric Convection, Closure Assumptions, Grid Spacing, Numerical Models, Representing Convection, Algorithms, Amount, Analysis, Contribute, Criteria, Current, Decreases, Future, Investigate, Less, Onset, Representation, Representations, Simulation, Simulations, Strengths.
1. Matthew H Hitchman($606,068), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Stratosphere Troposphere Exchange, Inertial Instability, Tropical Cyclones, Air, Convective, Distribution, Enhance, Jet, Midlatitude, Near, Occurrence, Pathways, Plays, Poleward, STE, Stratospheric, UTLS, Weather.
1. Kenneth P Bowman($291,049), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Asian, Atmosphere, Circulation, Climate, Composition, Earth, Economic, Effects, Globe, Monsoon, Monsoons, North, People, Pollutants, Processes, Responsible, Social, Storms, Transport, Water.
1. Alexander D Hall($999,473), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Global Hydrological Cycle, Greenhouse Gas Increases, Sky Shortwave Absorption, Albedo Feedback, Atmospheric Energy, Climate Models, Emergent Constraints, Feedback Strength, Future Climate, Model Development, Pis Seek, Policy Makers, Present-day Simulations, Saf Derived, Saf Strength, Sea Ice, Seasonal Cycle, Acceleration, Aspects, Available, Compared, Consider, Correlated, Cover, Effort, Ensemble, Evaporation, Feedbacks, Forcing, GCM, Gcms, Ground, Guidance, Highly, Information, Means, Modeling, Observations, Outreach, Parameterizations, Particular, Precipitation, Present-day, Projections, Public, Reductions, Representation, Responds, Robust, Sensitivity, Sessions, Snow, Sos, Sources, Stakeholders, Surface, TPW, Uncertainties, Uncertainty, Validation, Warming, Website.
1. Gary M Lackmann($610,874), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Tropical Cyclones, Category, Climate, Frequency, Has, Increase, Influence, Intensity, Mid-latitude, Models, Poleward, Remain, Subset, Tropics, Upper, Warming.
1. Noboru Nakamura($27,660), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Climate Dynamics, Analysis, Has, Observed, Phenomena, Potential, Theory, Workshop.
1. JOON-HEE JUNG($656,746), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Periodic Boundary Conditions, Zonal And Meridional, Atmospheric Model, Crm Channels, Future Climate, Global Atmospheric, Grid Column, Multiscale Modeling, Q3d Mmf, Sp Version, Accessibility, Broader, CAM, CMMAP, Cells, Center, Circulation, Cloud, Clouds, Component, Concerned, Crms, Decision, Development, Direction, Domain, Extension, GCM, Gcms, Has, Large-scale, Models, Oriented, Parameterizations, Processes, Projections, QD, SP-CAM, Topography, Typically, Weather, X-.
1. Bradfield Lyon($120,655), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Climate Model, East Africa, Model Projections, Short Rains, CMIP, Century, Decline, Experiments, Features, Has, Identifying, Interannual, Linked, Observed, Precipitation, Processes, Rainfall, SST, Season, Simulations, Stronger, Trend.
1. Shuyi S Chen($512,220), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Central Equatorial Pacific, Weather And Climate, Convective Precipitation, Eastward Propagation, Hurricane Genesis, Indian Ocean, Madden-julian Oscillation, Accompanying, Atmospheric, Campaign, DYNAMO, Enhanced, Global, Has, Initiation, MJO, Models, Propagates, Region, Seeks, Stage, Tropical, Widespread.
1. Alison Rockwell($380,150), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Richard D Clark($289,013), Millersville University, Millersville
Key terms: Education And Training, Subject Matter Experts, Graduate Students, Instructional Design, Atmospheric, Collaborative, Development, Enhance, Instrumentation, Instruments, Interactive, Literacy, Meteorological, Modules, Multimedia, National, Observational, Observing, Resources, Robust, SEGUE, Tools.
1. Hanne Mauriello($99,256), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Diversity And Inclusion, Inclusion Focused, Leadership Development, Leading Diversity, Champions, Complex, GOLD, Geoscience, Geosciences, Issues, Synergy, Widespread, Workshop.
1. Don Conlee($356,693), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Gulf Coast, Texas Aandm, Atmospheric, Campus, Department, Experience, Faculty, Graduate, Individual, Opportunities, Participants, Program, REU, Recruit, Site, Specific, Students, Topics.
1. Reginald A Blake($642,400), CUNY New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Key terms: Remote Sensing, Reu Site, Undergraduate Students, Academic, Activities, Allow, CUNY, City, Courses, Create, Development, Diverse, Mathematics, Mentoring, Opportunity, Participants, Particular, Receive, STEM, School, York.
1. Raymond G Najjar($362,034), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Climate, Graduate, Students.
1. Daphne S LaDue($899,591), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Written And Oral, National Weather, Oral Formats, Reu Site, Additional, Broader, Build, Center, Experience, Graduate, Individual, Knowledge, Lectures, Level, Local, Management, Methods, NWC, Participants, Program, Renewal, Skills, Students, Undergraduate, Variety, Workshops.
1. Sathish Kumar($324,783), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Coastal Zones, Underrepresented Students, Activities, Broad, Climate, Computer, Computing, Disciplines, Diversity, Geoscience, Has, Historically, Increase, Opportunities, REU, Solutions.
1. Matthew J Berg($767,980), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Size And Shape, Digital Holographic, Optical Observables, Particle Size, Aerosols, Apply, Cmas, Developed, Measured, Planned, Scattering, Seeks.
1. Wei Wang($49,824), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Weather And Climate, Climate Prediction, Cloud Computing, Computing Resources, Democratizing Access, Paradigm Shift, Performance Computing, Advancing, Approaches, Beyond, Development, Discuss, Educators, Enabling, Facilities, Has, Modeling, Opportunities, Participants, Potential, Process, Services, Students, Workshop.
1. Abigail L Swann($685,218), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Local Environment, Plants Grow, Alter, Aspects, Climate, Directly, Ecosystems, Effects, Future, Global, Has, Influence, Models, Modify, Play, Teaching.
1. Alan Robock($718,276), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Crop Model Intercomparison, Aerosol Injection, Climate Models, Negative Impacts, Southern Hemisphere, Volcanic Eruptions, Aerosols, Agricultural, Agriculture, Artificially, CESM, Clm-crop, Consequences, Crops, Effect, Effort, Geoengineering, Geomip, Monsoon, Ocean, Potential, Preferentially, Previous, Rainfall, Reducing, Reduction, Simulations, Stratospheric, Sulfate, Sunlight, Surface, UV, Vegetation.
1. Graham K Barnes($511,619), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Active Region, Active Regions, Coronal Magnetic, Energy Release, Free Energy, Photospheric Proxies, Amount, Analysis, Computed, Configuration, Energetic, Field, Flare, Flares, Forecasting, Global, Pathways, Phenomena, Potential, Produce, Released, Size, Solar, Statistics, Stored, Sub-areas.
1. Gregory D Earle($402,898), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Amateur Radio, Constrain Models, Eclipse, Effects, Information, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Plasma.
1. Noe Lugaz($718,244), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Students And Postdocs, Solar Wind, Active, Annual, Heliosphere, Heliospheric, Interplanetary, Particles, Phenomena, Population, Processes, Program, SHINE, Sun, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Peter H Yoon($330,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Electric And Magnetic, Auroral Region, Auroral Roar, Earth's Ionosphere, Generation Mechanisms, Magnetic Forces, Plasma Waves, Wave Environment, Wave-particle Interactions, Complex, Conditions, Decay, Frequency, Generated, Nonlinear, Observed, Plasmas, Radio, Source, Theory, Wave-particle.
1. Jeffrey Baumgardner($489,115), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Diurnal And Seasonal, Hemispheric Asymmetries, Lower Atmosphere, Space Weather, Upper Atmospheric, Africa, All-sky, Boston, Conjugate, Coordinate, Coupling, Dynamics, Expertise, Geomagnetic, Has, Imager, Imagers, Inputs, International, Italy, Longitude, Organizes, Padua, Phenomena, Potential, SANSA, Separate, South.
1. Marc R Hairston($119,551), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Ionospheric And Magnetospheric, Ion Composition, Level-2 Quality, Apply, Available, DMSP, Database, Density, Effort, Expected, Flow, Initial, Instruments, Modeling, Multiple, Physics, Pis, Plasma, RAPID, Routines, SSIES-, Satellites, Space, Starting, Temperature, Three-dimensional.
1. Li-Jen Chen($300,001), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Energy Conversion Process, Explosive Energy Release, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Simulations, Satellite Observations, Space Weather, Electric, Investigation, Knowledge, MMS, Regions, Satellites, Structures.
1. Christopher Mouikis($429,569), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Magnetic Field Lines, Space Weather Disturbances, Magnetic Reconnection, Near-earth Space, Oxygen Ions, Solar Wind, Space Environment, Contributes, Dynamics, Effects, Energy, Essential, Explosive, Interaction, Magnetosphere, Mass, Models, Nearth, Plasma, Presence, Release.
1. Joachim Raeder($366,646), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Energetics And Dynamics, Earth's Magnetosphere, Plasma Sheet, Space Weather, Specific Entropy, Adiabatic, Disturbances, Energy, Feed, Heated, Heating, Lost, Magnetic, Maps, Parcel, Particles, Processes, Raise, Reconnection, Region, Regions, Sources, Value.
1. Haje Korth($312,806), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Substorm Current Wedge, Auroral Breakup, Auroral Oval, Electric Current, Field Disturbances, Field-aligned Currents, Geomagnetic Field, Global Maps, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Stretching Increases, Auroras, Energy, Existing, Explosive, Field-aligned, Ground-based, Interaction, Ionosphere, Large-scale, Magnetometers, Magnetotail, Observations, Phase, Polar, Region, Supermag, Time.
1. Joachim Birn($508,611), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Explosive Energy Release, Severe Space Weather, Charged Particles, Diffusion Region, Kinetic Particle-in-cell, Magnetic Reconnection, Petascale Computers, Pic Models, Storm Development, Evolution, Follow, Has, Knowledge, Magnetotail, Onset, Particle-in-cell, State-of-the-art, Time, Triggers.
1. Andreas Keiling($382,882), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Alfven Wave Power, Magnetic Field Lines, Alfven Waves, Energy Transport, Polar Ionosphere, Solar Wind, Statistical Maps, Activity, Auroral, Conditions, Dynamics, Generation, Geomagnetic, Has, MHD, Magnetosphere, Magnetotail, Observed, Plasma, Quantify, Storm, Substorm, Traveling.
1. Anna D DeJong($149,417), Christopher Newport University, Newport News
Key terms: Space Weather, Auroral, Investigate, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Magnetosphere, Modes, Parameters, Transport.
1. Daniel Weimer($453,936), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Curl-free Current, Currents Obtained, Empirical Model, Height-integrated Electrical, Ionospheric Conductivity, Magnetic Field, Polar Region, Behavior, Coupling, Curl-free, Direct, Divergence-free, Essentially, Field-aligned, Geospace, Global, Ground, Ground-based, Height-integrated, Knowledge, Observations, Satellite, Signature, Solar.
1. Robert L McPherron($145,505), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earth's Magnetotail, Field Lines, Individual Substorms, Magnetic Field, Substorm Onset, Timing Differences, Additional, Auroral, Currents, Geospace, Information, Intensification, Magnetometer, Observed, Pilot, Process, Reward, Risk, Sources, Space, View.
1. Binzheng Zhang($42,141), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Roger H Varney($239,594), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Upflow And Outflow, Magnetosphere Ionosphere, Numerical Experiments, Numerical Models, Solar Wind, Affect, Allow, CMIT, Combination, Dynamics, Features, Geospace, Global-scale, IPWM, Interaction, Investigation, Ions, Processes, Thermosphere.
1. Angel R Soto Chavez($369,996), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Rising And Falling, Falling Tone, Falling Tones, Generate Chorus, Radiation Belts, Rising Tones, Tone Chorus, Acoustic, Chirping, Code, Electron, Electrons, Field, Generation, Inhomogeneity, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Physics, Plasma, Resonances, Runs, Scattering, Suggested, Waves.
1. Robert L Lysak($543,865), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Electrons And Ions, Kinetic Alfven Waves, Magnetic Field Lines, Electric Field, Potential Drops, Voltage Drop, Accelerated, Acceleration, Auroral, Broad, Developed, Disturbances, Effects, Energy, Feedbacks, Formation, Has, Ionospheric, Model, Parallel, Physics, Plasma, Processes, Quasi-steady, Range, Space, Theory, Transition.
1. Christopher Chaston($426,050), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Heating Process, Magnetic Field, Magnetosheath Ions, Solar Wind, Development, Energy, Magnetosphere, Plasma, Potential, Region, Shock, Student, Treatment, Turbulence.
1. Shinichi Ohtani($298,215), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Field Lines, Auroral Electrojet, Dip Equator, Equatorial Electrojet, Polar Latitudes, AEJ, Activity, Connected, Current, Currents, Dayside, EEJ, Electric, Flowing, Ground, Ionospheric, Meridional, Nightside, Penetration, Region, Solar, Stations, Strong, Substorms, Time, Unique.
1. Mark J Engebretson($47,116), Augsburg University, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ground-based Magnetometer Arrays, Global Dynamics, Ground-based Magnetometer, Shared Framework, Currents, Development, Earth, Earth-space, Efficiencies, Environment, Explore, Funding, High-level, Individual, Information, Long-term, Maintenance, Observations, Products, Signatures, Synthesizing.
1. Wen Li($141,352), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Charged Particles, Electron Precipitation, Local Time, Plasma Waves, Radial Distance, Space Environment, Upper Atmosphere, Collisions, Contribution, Energy, Has, Interactions, Mechanisms, Moving, Observations, Plasmas, Radiation, Theoretical.
1. Michael H Denton($360,000), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Secondary Coupling Functions, Global Modes, Index Collection, Multivariable Solar-wind, Primary Mode, Secondary Modes, Solar Wind, Time-dependent Indices, Analysis, Cataloged, Correlation, Correlations, Created, Defined, Driving, Earth, Explore, GEM, Geospace, Investigation, Magnetosphere, Magnetosphere-ionosphere, Morphology, Reaction, Sectors, Set, Solar-wind, Time-dependent, Via.
1. Seiji Yashiro($49,890), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Meetings, Solar-terrestrial, Three-year, Varsiti.
1. Pranoti Asher($30,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Chapman Conference, Global Models, AGU, Currents, Discussion, Field, Has, International, Meetings, Observations, Planets, Space, Students, Sun, Topic.
1. Daniel Welling($149,893), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Brian M Walsh($124,062), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Coupling, Development, Dynamics, GEM, Geospace, Global, Magnetosphere, Model, Physics, Plasmasphere, Reconnection, Solar.
1. Andrei Runov($292,698), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Charged Particles, Distant Tail, Lunar Orbit, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Reconnection, Near-earth Reconnection, Plasma Flows, Reconnection Sites, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Conditions, Energy, Enhancements, High-energy, Magnetosphere, Magnetotail, Mid-tail, Nearth, Plasmas, Radii, Satellites, Suggested, Sun, Tailward.
1. Adam C Kellerman($320,165), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Size And Shape, Terrestrial And Space, Absorption Signature, Atmospheric Regions, Central Canada, Particle Precipitation, Precipitating Electrons, Riometer Absorption, Space Weather, Atmosphere, Calibration, Collected, Development, Earth, Energetic, Energy, Field, Ionized, Loss, Lower, Magnetic, Magnetosphere, Magnetospheric, Measure, Measured, Network, Observed, Particles, Positions, Process, Program, Radiowave, Range, Riometers, Satellite, Satellites, Signatures, Spatial, Time, Trapped, Upper.
1. Lynn M Kistler($139,311), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Superposed Epoch Analysis, Atmosphere, FAST, GEM, Geospace, Magnetosphere, Nightside, Observed, Oscillations, Outflow, Sawtooth, Specific, Tooth.
1. Weichao Tu($152,286), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Van Allen Probes, Detailed Calibration, Electron Dynamics, Local Time, Radiation Belt, Satellite Observations, Space Weather, Candidates, Electrons, Loss, Losses, Magnetic, Magnetopause, POES, Precipitation, Simulation, Societally.
1. Roger H Varney($222,962), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Ion Outflow, Polar Wind, Solar Wind, Configuration, Coupled, Dynamics, Effects, Hemispheric, Ionosphere, MIT, Magnetosphere, Magnetospheric, Model, Modeling, Module, Physics, Plasma, Simulation, Sources.
1. Scott Spuler($1,112,052), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Micro-pulse Dial, Water Vapor, Advance, Available, Development, Distribution, Field, Instrumentation, Instruments, MPD, Measuring, Seeks.
1. David Ciochetto($400,321), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Aerosols And Clouds, Cloud Droplet Growth, Growth And Size, Saturation Ratio Field, Spatial And Temporal, Vapor And Liquid, Cloud Chamber, Michigan Technological, Shared Facility, Size Distribution, Spatial Segregation, Turbulent Conditions, Water Vapor, Activation, Air, Analytical, Complex, Development, Distributions, Enabled, Evolution, Fluctuations, Formation, Imaging, Instrument, Interactions, Mixing, Processes, Students, Temperature, Turbulence.
1. Juha Vierinen($295,496), Northeast Radio Observatory Corp, Westford
Key terms: External Radio Interference, Ionospheric Irregularities, Meteor Radar, Radar Network, Transmitter Antennas, Achieve, Allow, Application, Design, Existing, Features, Fields, Instrument, MSMR, Mesospheric, Power, Primary, Pseudorandom, Pulsed, Software, Transmission.
1. Michael A Murphy($108,524), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Wave Orbital Motions, Cluster Computer, Vertical Propagation, Affect, Atmospheric, Disturbances, Education, Interactions, Ionosphere, Issue, MRI, Mechanisms, Model, Modes, Ocean, Oceanic, POD, Program, Represent, SSW, Ssws, Stratospheric, Tides, Turbulence, Waves.
1. Jerry F McManus($512,115), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Broader Impacts, North Atlantic, Circulation, Climate, Cryosphere, Glaciation, Heinrich, Hemisphere, Iceberg, Interactions, Involve, Ocean, Subpolar.
1. Richard L Edwards($408,273), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Anomalous Ages, Devils Hole, Orbital Forcing, Water Table, Anomalies, Climate, Collected, Cores, Critical, Debate.
1. Jason E Smerdon($157,085), Columbia University, New York
2. Bo Li($290,044), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Climate Field, Account, Advancement, Assessment, CFR, Cfrs, Developed, Fields, Integrate, Jointly, Methodology, Models, Moments, Potential, Reconstruction, Reconstructions, Single, Spatial, Spatio-temporal, Statistical, Widely.
1. Darrell S Kaufman($522,048), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Past Climate, Proxy Climate, Proxy Types, Assembled, Available, Database, Evidence, Features, Holocene, Investigate, North, Pacific, Paleoclimate, Prominent, Requires, Spatial-temporal, Terrestrial, Time, Variety, Wider.
1. Jessica L Oster($595,334), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Deglaciation And Holocene, Initial Uranium Isotope, Isotope-enabled Reactive Transport, Speleothem Initial Uranium, Uranium Isotope Ratios, Driving Mechanisms, Isotope-enabled Reactive, School Students, West Coast, California, Cave, Classrooms, Climate, Developed, Development, Drought, Educational, Environmental, Evaluation, High-resolution, Isotopes, Maps, Models, Monitoring, Multiple, Online, Paleoclimate, Precipitation, Proxies, Proxy, Regional, Source, Tennessee, Time, Tool.
1. Lucas Silva($92,395), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Corinne I Wong($383,822), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
3. Lucas Silva($92,395), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Amazon And Cerrado, Delta 18-oxygen Values, Intensity And Local, Local Moisture Conditions, Speleothem Delta 18-oxygen, 18-oxygen Values, Biome Shifts, Delta 18-oxygen, Late Holocene, Sasm Intensity, Speleothem Trace, Brazilian, Cave, Corresponding, Existing, Monitoring, Monsoon, Proxy, Region, Soil, Strontium.
1. Feng He($225,733), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Climate Transitions, Ice Ages, Model Version, Monsoon Rainfall, Past Rainfall, Asia, Atmospheric, China, Component, Delta-oxygen, Impacts, Israel, Periods, Seasonal, Speleothem, Speleothems, Yemen.
1. Brendan M Buckley($302,789), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Asian Monsoon, Monsoon Circulation, Isotope, Region, Stable, Ä-o.
1. Christopher J Poulsen($330,950), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Northern Africa, Summer Experience, Tropical Plumes, AHP, African, Aims, Camp, Climate, Component, Contribution, Desert, Development, Global, Has, Influence, Insights, Participation, Present-day, Processes, Rainfall, Sahara, Students, U-M, URM.
1. Toby R Ault($316,648), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Scott StGeorge($241,292), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Amplitude And Spatial, Climate Models, Spatial Structure, Tree-ring Network, Argues, Dec-cen, Effects, Origins, Proxies, Risk, Simulations, Temporal, Timescales, Tree-ring.
1. Jessica E Tierney($345,605), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Gregory Hakim($384,138), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Paleoclimate Reanalysis, Climate, Gridded, Millennial-scale, Origin, School, Tropical.
1. Martin Medina-Elizalde($102,612), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Climate Regimes, Rio Secreto, Available, Cave, Driving, ENSO, Estimates, Holocene, Hydrological, ITCZ, MIS, Precipitation, Quantitative, Rainfall, Reconstruct, Region, Sensitivity, Shifts, Stalagmites, Tropical, YP.
1. Rosanne D D'Arrigo($575,951), Columbia University, New York
2. Caroline C Ummenhofer($115,540), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Blue Intensity, Atlantic, Cell, Centuries, Climate, Climatic, Labrador, Latitudinal, Nain, Newfoundland, North, Past, Region, Sites, Spatial, Transect, Tree-ring.
1. Paul A Mayewski($725,107), University of Maine, Orono
2. Anton Seimon($348,814), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Atmospheric Circulation, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Water Resources, Analysis, Andean, Climate, Cyberinfrastructure, Day, ENSO, Future, Glaciers, Nsf-supported, Reconstructions, Regional, Sampling, Season, South, Tools.
1. Feng He($444,971), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. William F Ruddiman($117,881), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Global Climate, Human Influence, Land Clearance, Late Holocene, Agriculture, CESM, Carbon, Climatic, Concentrations, Declines, Drivers, Evolution, Experiment, GHG, Hypothesized, Natural.
1. Caroline C Ummenhofer($93,216), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Alan D Wanamaker($62,409), Iowa State University, Ames
3. Yemane Asmerom($98,707), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
4. Rhawn F Denniston($104,085), Cornell College, Mount Vernon
Key terms: Northern And Southern, Cave Kni-51, Late Holocene, Monsoon Rainfall, Southern Margins, Trb Dynamics, Tropical Methane, Atmospheric, Circulation, Contraction, ENSO, Hydroclimate, IASM, Indo-pacific, Integrated, Intercomparison, LIA, Nature, Phase, Reduced, Simulations, Stalagmite, Summer, Time.
1. David C Noone($636,422), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Aims, CESM, Climate, Experiments, Feedbacks, Forced, Holocene, Interactions, Isotope-enabled, Isotopic, Model, Network, Proxy, Seasonal, TRB, Tropical.
1. Christina Karamperidou($430,283), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Jessica L Conroy($133,347), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Zonal Sst Gradient, Future Climate, Tropical Pacific, Activity, Decadal, ENSO, El, Increased, Models, Multi-decadal, Past, Potential, Temperature.
1. Bogdan P Onac($297,491), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Victor J Polyak($317,363), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Western Mediterranean Basin, Littoral Caves, Sea Level, Establish, GIA, Mallorca, Overgrowths, POS, Past, Sea-level, Time.
1. Mark B Bush($90,000), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Allow, Database, Pollen, Tool.
1. Jay Austin($188,037), Environmental Law Institute, Washington
Key terms: Approaches, Communicating, Deepening, Ethical, Ethically, Lawyers, Media, Norms, Public, Uncertainty, Workshops.
1. Alan M Shapiro($599,408), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Dual-doppler Wind Analysis, Variational Dual-doppler Wind, Dual-doppler Wind, Severe Weather, Variational Dual-doppler, Vertical Winds, Wind Field, Errors, Investigating, Meteorology, Radar, Techniques, Variety.
1. Paul J DeMott($17,500), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Nucleation And Atmospheric, Atmospheric Aerosols, International Conference, Cloud, Held, Particles.
1. Frederick H Carr($25,000), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Annual Meeting, AMS, Attending, Committee, Discuss, Observations, Sessions, Students.
1. Russ S Schumacher($294,608), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Rebecca Adams-Selin($311,849), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
Key terms: Gravity Wave, Gravity Waves, Internal Circulation, Mcs Development, Microphysical Perturbations, Severe Weather, Convection, Environment, Generated, Influence, Lead, Mcss, Prediction, Process, Storm, Surrounding.
1. W. James Steenburgh($473,056), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Tug Hill Plateau, Affects Lake-effect, Honshu Island, Lake-effect Precipitation, Lake-effect Snow, Lake-effect Storms, Orographic Ratio, Amounts, Analysis, Distribution, Does, Has, Hills, Japan, Lake-effect, Mechanisms, Modeling, Mountain, Ontario, Processes, Regions, Snowfall, Topographic, Topography, Upland, Weather, York.
1. Larry Mahrt($603,142), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Weak-wind Boundary Layers, Detailed Spatial-temporal, Weak-wind Boundary, Flow, Formation, Seeks, Spatial-temporal, Structures, Turbulence.
1. Joseph R Dwyer($500,489), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Electric Fields, Gamma-ray Glows, Gamma-ray, Initiation, Lightning, Observations, Regions, Source, Thunderstorms.
1. Viatcheslav Tatarskii($578,404), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Actinic Flux, Actinic Fluxes, Climate Models, Solar Radiation, Aerosol, Aerosols, Analysis, Atmosphere, CAFS, Database, Decades, Interact, Interactions, Modeling, Particles, Past, Perform.
2. Dale A Lawrence($497,736), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Transport And Mixing, Free Atmosphere, Sandl Dynamics, Stratified Atmosphere, Accompanying, Altitudes, Atmospheric, Computational, Conditions, Gws, High-resolution, IDEAL, Implications, In-situ, Instabilities, Instability, Larger-scale, Momentum, SL, Stable, Statistics, Structure, Structures, Turbulence, Underlying.
1. Eli J Mlawer($88,871), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
2. Ping Yang($509,434), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Atmospheric Radiative Transfer, Current Radiative Transfer, Radiative Transfer Models, Transfer Modeling Capabilities, Climate Models, Light Scattering, Optical Properties, Absorption, Aerosols, Affect, Aforesaid, Atmosphere, Atmosphere-ocean, Clouds, Coupled, Developing, Dust, Educational, Effort, Furthermore, Heating, Ice, Implementation, Knowledge, Oceanic, Potential, Progress, Radiation, Schemes, Solar, Teaching, Thermal, Training, Various, Water.
1. Pao-Kuan Wang($400,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Falling Ice Particle, Weather And Climate, Climate Predictions, Cloud Physics, Cloud Resolving, Collision Growth, Fall Behavior, Growth Rates, Ice Particles, Snow Aggregates, Supercooled Droplets, Clouds, Convective, Crystals, Developed, Diffusion, Equation, Graupel, Hail, Information, Knowledge, Larger, Models, Numerical, Parameterizations, Perform, Processes, Shapes, Solved, Storms, Weatherclimate.
1. Robert M Rauber($504,711), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Bart Geerts($796,895), University of Wyoming, Laramie
3. Katja Friedrich($560,351), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cloud Seeding, Orographic Winter, Payette Mountains, Remote Sensing, Seeding Operations, Winter Storms, Agi, Aircraft, Amount, Campaign, Distribution, Field, Ground, Growth, Has, Idaho, In-situ, Involved, Modeling, Natural, Observational, Observations, Precipitation, Processes, Snow, Western.
1. Michael M Bell($479,962), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Convective And Stratiform, Doppler Radar, Mesoscale Observations, Radar Meteorology, Stratiform Precipitation, Tc Intensity, Ability, Aircraft, Analysis, Circulation, Convergence, Digital, Education, Efficiently, Intensification, Maximum, Numerical, Principal, Processes, RMW, SAMURAI, Suggested, Textbook, Thermodynamic.
1. William A Gallus($511,991), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Field, Forecasting, Models, Nighttime, Nocturnal, Observations, Operational, PECAN, Plains, Processes, Rainfall, Summer, Thunderstorms.
1. Matthew R Kumjian($484,146), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Aspect Ratios, Boundary Layer, Graduate Student, Graduate Students', Hcr Formation, K-12 Teachers', Pbl Structure, Warm Season, Activities, Ancillary, Calculate, Climatology, Common, Convection-allowing, Frequency, Hcrs, Implementation, Inquiry-based, KTLX, Models, Observations, Occurrence, Oklahoma, Onset, Orientation, Radar, Rapid, Set, Surface, Time, Undergraduate, WSR-D.
1. Hanne Mauriello($19,295), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Property Damage, Societal Effects, Ability, Bilateral, Dynamics, Enhanced, Extreme, Flash, Flooding, Forecasting, Lives, Local, Meeting, Meteorology, NSF, Precipitation, Taiwan, Workshop.
1. Stephen W Nesbitt($23,940), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Complex Terrain, Convective Storms, Field Campaign, Remote Sensing, Severe Weather, Americas, Argentina, Atmospheric, Characterize, Connections, Convection, Development, Environmental, Extensive, Extreme, Hazards, Initiation, Intense, Kinematic, Lightning, Mobile, Network, Observation, Observations, Observed, Organization, Planning, Precipitation, Prediction, Processes, Properties, RELAMPAGO, Radars, Region, South, Surface, Unique.
1. Michael C Morgan($113,817), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Adjustment Process, Unbalanced Components, Adjoint, EAGER, Evidence, Ii, Iii, Model, Models, Seen, Sensitivities, Weather.
1. Gordon Thomson($471,167), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Cosmic Ray Air, Lightning Mapping Array, Ray Air Showers, Dielectric Breakdown, Ideal Instrument, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strikes, Particle Astrophysics, Accuracy, Atmosphere, Create, Detector, Detectors, Energetic, Gamma, Has, LMA, Merger, Mysteries, Observatory, Observed, Particles, Phenomenon, Profound, Radiation, Reconstructed, SD, Search, Seeding, Site, Society, Speculative, Square, Synergy, TA, TALMA.
1. Fotini K Chow($368,827), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Julie Lundquist($359,056), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Air Movement, Boundary Layer, Complex Terrain, Stable Boundary, Wind Energy, Campaign, Component, Contribute, Does, Effort, Field, Intermittency, Intermittent, Mechanisms, Model, Modeling, Models, Nocturnal, Numerical, Observational, Perdigao, Simulations, Stability, Turbulence, Valley.
1. Julie Lundquist($549,439), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Finer Resolution, Locally Balanced, Air, Assumed, Assumption, Dissipation, Focus, Forecasting, Lidar, Models, Numerical, Observations, Quantify, Specific, Turbulence, Weather, Wind.
1. Vincent E Larson($354,628), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Forecast And Climate, Becoming Available, Climate Models, Cloud Fields, Influence Large-scale, Total Water, Turbulent Dissipation, Weather Forecast, Budgets, Content, Diagnostics, Effects, Entrainment, Has, Implemented, Internships, LES, Large-scale, Motion, Parameterizations, Pressure, Processes, Scalar, Software, Student, Students, Undergraduates, Useful.
1. Marcelo Chamecki($156,022), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Atmospheric Turbulence, Climate Models, Graduate Students, Dust, Intermittency, Modeling, Particles, Process, Saltation, Sand, School, Wind.
1. Lei Zhu($588,381), Health Research Incorporated/New York State Department of Health, Menands
2. Qilong Min($404,701), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Near Uv Absorption, Vapor Near Uv, Water Vapor Absorption, Water Vapor Near, Satellitesurface Ozone, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Circulation, Field, Laboratory, Radiation, Solar, Spectral.
1. Boonleng Cheong($860,027), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Severe Convective Storms, Storms And Tornadoes, Boundary Layer, Near Tornadoes, Wind Field, Analyzing, Available, Basic, Collected, Conducting, Continue, Doppler, Generation, Has, Increase, Instruments, Knowledge, Potential, Radars, Seeks, Structure.
1. Chenning Tong($437,485), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Surface Layer Turbulence, Boundary Layers, Broader Impacts, Horizontal Velocity, Monin-obukhov Similarity, ABL, Atmospheric, Dynamics, Framework, Has, Large-scale, MMO, Modeling, Monin-obukhov, Spectra, Spectral, Statistics, Strong.
1. Cristina L Archer($401,776), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Enhanced Vertical Mixing, Lower Boundary Layer, Atmospheric Stability, Kinetic Energy, Momentum Fluxes, Near-surface Properties, Vertical Momentum, Wind Energy, Wind Shear, Wind Turbine, Wind Turbines, Cooling, Day, Directly, Does, Downwind, Effects, Findings, Flow, Ground, Has, Heat, Increased, Measured, Mechanism, Night, Nsurface, Numerical, Observational, Reduced, Rotor, Simulations, TKE, Temperature, Towers, Turbulence, Turbulent, Undisturbed, VERTEX, Via, Wake, Warming.
1. Joseph A Shaw($15,960), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Light And Color, Optical Society, Atmospheric, Books, Clouds, Colors, Coronas, Halo, Ice, Iridescence, Meeting, Meetings, Nature, Optics, Papers, Phenomena, Published, Rainbows, Water.
1. Joseph R Dwyer($60,000), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. David M Smith($465,276), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
3. Steven A Cummer($74,278), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Downward Tgfs, Lightning Leaders, Altitude, Charge, Field, Fields, Gamma-ray, Glows, Ground, Phenomena, Produce, Program, Radiation, Represent, Sensors, Sites, Thunderstorms, X-rays.
1. Wayne H Schubert($564,216), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Intertropical Convergence Zone, Boundary Layer, Ekman Pumping, Tropical Cyclones, Tropical Storms, Atmosphere, Band, Developing, Dynamics, Hurricanes, ITCZ, Knowledge, Lower, Models, Seeks, Simplified, Tcs.
1. Harindra J Fernando($531,260), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
2. Rebecca J Barthelmie($366,920), Cornell University, Ithaca
3. David D Turner($397,851), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Field Campaign, Wind Energy, Air, Boundary, Effort, Flows, Opportunity.
1. Jason Cordeira($317,398), Plymouth State University, Plymouth
Key terms: Cold Air Damming, CAD, Climatology, England, Evolution, Forecasts, Formation, Northern, Numerical, Precipitation, Simulations, Winter.
1. Meg Austin($20,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Hurricane Operationsresearch Forum, Interdepartmental Hurricane Operationsresearch, Tropical Cyclone, Academic, Atmospheric, Federal, Forecasting, Industry, Observing, Office, Operational, Priorities, Progress, Review, Season, Warning.
1. Sukanta Basu($63,189), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Classical Turbulence, Mesoscale Models, Pbl Schemes, Wind Fields, ABL, Capture, EAGER, ESS, Framework, Literature, Processes, Transport.
1. Will Cantrell($243,869), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Aerosol Properties, Ability, Chamber, Cloud, Conditions, Facility.
1. Hari Mix($109,982), Santa Clara University, Santa Clara
Key terms: Extreme Precipitation, Stable Isotopes, Water Vapor, Additional, Analysis, Atmospheric, Collection, Complement, Moisture, Phase, RAPID, Rainfall, Sources, Storms.
1. Robert Walko($173,104), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. William R Cotton($575,488), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Aerosols Entering, Anthropogenic Aerosols, Pollution Aerosols, Rainband Region, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Cyclones, Atmospheric, Contribute, Contributing, Depends, Enhanced, Hurricane, Intensification, Intensity, Particles, Storm, Storms, Weakening.
1. Andreas Muschinski($599,958), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Monitoring And Forecasting, Atmospheric Turbulence, Boundary Layer, Image Sequences, Apply, Cross-wind, Engineering, Light, Methodologies, Optical, Random, Ranges, Sensing.
1. Lisa A Upton($172,000), Upton Lisa A, Westminster
Key terms: Active Region, Flux Transport, Forecasting Capabilities, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, AFT, Atmospheric, Center, Climate, Cycle, Dynamics, Dynamo, Flows, Maps, Model, Models, National, Prediction, Predictive, Solar, Source, Suns, Surface.
1. Alfred Mallet($172,000), Mallet Alfred, Durham
Key terms: Intermittent Structures, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Turbulent Plasma, Background, Dissipation, Instabilities, Meeting, Model, Plasmas, Predict, Properties, Turbulence.
1. William R Heinson($172,000), Heinson William R, Saint Louis
Key terms: Aerosol Morphology, Black Carbon, External Mixing, Optical Properties, Organic Carbon, Aerosols, Bare, Climate, Composition, Interaction, Main, Non-spherical, Particles, Plans, Radiation, Sensitivity, Spectral, Students, Various.
1. Wendell W Walters($172,000), Walters Wendell W, Lafayette
Key terms: Catalytic Nox Scrubber, Nox Scrubber Technologies, Ammonia Sources, Field Studies, Fossil Fuel, Rhode Island, Affecting, Agricultural, Indianapolis, NN, Pollution, Urban.
1. Ray A Yamada($172,000), Yamada Ray, New York
Key terms: Global Warming Projection, Latent Heat Release, Mean Latitudinal Position, Mid-latitude Westerly Jet, Moist Wave-mean Flow, Position And Span, Time Mean Intensity, Warming Projection Uncertainties, Wave-mean Flow Interactions, Hydrological Cycle, Jet Stream, Jet Streams, Mid-latitude Westerly, Moist Wave-mean, Wave-mean Flow, Atmospheric, Considering, Cyclones, Developed, Future, Individual, Pressure, Rainfall, Tool, Via, Warmer.
1. Spencer A Hill($172,000), Hill Spencer A, Princeton
Key terms: Break, Existing, Has, Monsoon, Theoretical, Theories.
1. James H Ruppert($192,000), Ruppert James H, Fort Collins
Key terms: Convection And Rainfall, Weather And Climate, Active Phase, Computer Simulations, Diurnal Cycle, Suppressed Phase, Atmosphere, Cloudiness, Clouds, Expected, Has, Importance, Influence, MJO, MPI-M, Model, Moistening, Onset, Promoting, SST, Surface, Worldwide.
1. Yue Zhang($172,000), Zhang Yue, Newton
Key terms: Aerosol, Atmosphere, Climate, Environmental, Epoxide, Formation, Health, Isoprene, Mass, Particles, Public, Species, Uptake, Viscosity.
1. Marissa F Vogt($172,000), Vogt Marissa F, Brookline
Key terms: Solar Wind Conditions, Solar Wind Disturbances, Jupiter's Magnetosphere, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Arrival, Aurora, Boston, Controlled, Does, Effects, Importance, Interaction, Interactions, Jupiters, Lack, Model, Near, Observed, Particles, Particular, Public, Space, Uncertainties.
1. Evan G Thomas($172,000), Thomas Evan G, Blacksburg
Key terms: Magnetic Field Lines, High-latitude Convection, Ionospheric Plasma, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Earth, Expanded, High-latitude, Ionosphere, Latitudes, Magnetosphere, Mid-latitude, Observations, Previously, Radars, Set, Superdarn.
1. Anders A Jensen($172,000), Jensen Anders, State College
Key terms: Crystal Habit Evolution, Crystal Shape Evolution, Evolving Ice Crystal, Habit Evolution Impacts, Ice Crystal Fall, Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts, Cirrus Cloud, Fall Speed, Mixed-phase Clouds, Modeling Framework, Affects, Climate, Dynamics, Effects, Has, Influences, Lifetime, Microphysics, Mixed-phase, Models, Properties, Rates, Riming, Traditional, Vapor.
1. Lauren W Blum($86,000), Blum Lauren W, San Francisco
Key terms: Charged Particle, Closed Drift, Electron Precipitation, Emic Waves, Plasma Waves, Radiation Belts, Waves Exist, Atmosphere, Consistent, Debate, Electrons, Energy, Fields, Global, Lost, Maps, Ocean, Particles, Plasmas, Population, Regions, Space.
1. Katrina Bossert($172,000), Bossert Katrina, Boulder
Key terms: Large-scale Models, Additionally, Atmosphere, Dynamics, Efforts, Fluxes, GW, Gws, Influences, Large-scale, MLT, Multi-scale, Observatory, Play, Quantify, Radars, Students.
1. Enrique N Curchitser($250,000), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Quality And Power, Air Quality, Heat Waves, Human Health, Modeling Framework, Power Usage, Climate, Households, Multi-level, Predict, Segments, Urban.
1. Bernard V Jackson($15,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Space Weather, Disturbances, International, Interplanetary.
1. Sanjiv K Tiwari($125,114), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Flares And Cmes, Active Region, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Parameters, Solar Flares, Space Weather, Vector Magnetograms, Ars, Coronal, Drivers, Energy, Explosive, Forecasting, Nonpotentiality, Satellites, Source, Various.
1. Irina N Kitiashvili($343,501), Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, Moffett Field
Key terms: 3-year Shine, Assimilation Techniques, Dynamo Models, Solar Activity, Solar Cycle, Current, Knowledge, Long-term, Modeling, Observational, Predictions, Procedures, Space, Synoptic, Uncertainties, Various.
1. Liang Zhao($370,563), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: 3-year Shine, Plasma Properties, Solar Wind, Source Regions, Aimed, Characterizing, Completely, Coronal, Education, Graduate, In-situ, Knowledge, Observations, Origin, Program, Remote-sensing, SSW, Serve, Spectral, Techniques.
1. Tibor Torok($341,593), Predictive Science Incorporated, San Diego
Key terms: Force-free Flux Rope, Solar Eruptive Phenomena, Flux Distribution, Force-free Flux, Mhd Simulations, Pre-eruptive Configurations, Allow, Approximate, CME, Cmes, Developed, Directly, Efficient, Energy, Equilibrium, Eruption, Expected, Field, Flux-rope, Highly, Investigation, Lead, Magnetic, Method, Model, Models, Numerical, Observed, Pre-eruptive, Resulting, Space-weather.
1. Chadi S Salem($360,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: 3-year Shine, Mission Solar, Solar Corona, Solar Wind, Uc Berkeley, Wind Electron, Acceleration, Analysis, Based, Drifts, Electrons, Evolution, Focus, Foster, Has, Heliophysics, Heliosphere, In-situ, Lead, Micro-instabilities, Microphysical, Models, Observations, Physics, Plasma, Processes, Propagation, Space, Theoretical, Time, Topic.
1. Neeharika Thakur($91,857), Catholic University of America, Washington
2. George Ho($73,197), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
3. Christina Cohen($252,481), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Ace And Stereo, 3-year Shine, Filament Eruptions, Space Weather, Acceleration, Accurate, Analysis, Characteristics, Composition, Critical, Function, Knowledge, Particle, Potential, Prediction, SEP, Sensitive, Seps, Solar, Spectral, Task.
1. Gang Li($155,971), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
2. Christina Cohen($245,538), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Acceleration And Transport, Magnetic Field, Seed Population, Shock Acceleration, Solar Cycle, Solar Cycles, Suprathermal Seed, Turbulence Level, Aims, Densities, Energy, Forecasting, Has, Knowledge, Maximum, Model, Modeling, PATH, Particle, Particles, Reduced, SEP, SHINE, Seps, Spectra, Strength.
1. Charles W Smith($370,649), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: 3-year Shine, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Third-moment Theory, Wind Tunnel, Interplanetary, Knowledge, MHD, Main, Plasmas, Spectrum, Third-moment, Turbulence.
1. Jay M Pasachoff($262,508), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Total Solar Eclipse, Active Regions, Space Weather, August, Contrast, Corona, Coronal, Cycle, Eclipses, Enable, Especially, Fe, Observations, Observe, Opportunity, Past, Public, Radio, Students, Training, Unique, Williams.
1. Reka Winslow($357,841), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Coronal Mass Ejections, Flux Rope Orientation, Interplanetary Coronal Mass, Undergraduate And Graduate, Critical Factors, Graduate Classes, Magnetic Field, Shock Structure, Solar Wind, AU, Affect, Cmes, Direction, Distances, Ejecta, Evolution, Evolve, Global, Has, Highly, ICME, Icmes, Inside, MESSENGER, MHD, Main, Mercury, Models, Observations, Potential, Propagation, Properties, SHINE, Space, Speed, Strength.
1. Laura Lukes($64,748), George Mason University, Fairfax
2. Kiersten Kerby-Patel($46,559), University of Massachusetts Boston, Dorchester
Key terms: Radio Waves, Amplitude, Atmosphere, Collect, Collected, Continent, Eclipse, Frequencies, Institute, Ionosphere, LF, Low, Phase, Public, Relative, School, Students, Technology.
1. Brian T Welsch($51,461), University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay
Key terms: Flux Emergence, CME, Cmes.
1. Alexei A Pevtsov($107,674), Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Tucson
2. Haimin Wang($353,842), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
3. Debi Prasad Choudhary($118,809), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Rotation And Meridional, 3-year Shine, Differential Rotation, H-alpha Images, Meridional Flows, Solar Activity, Solar Cycles, Space Weather, Statistical Properties, Database, Education, Environment, Features, Filaments, Global, H-alpha, Helicity, Investigate, Knowledge, Long-term, Low, Magnetic, Main, Signature, Strong, Task, Track.
1. Maria D Kazachenko($373,401), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Large-scale Cme Properties, Flare Ribbons, Large-scale Cme, Solar Eruptions, Solar Flares, Two-ribbon Flares, Ability, Aims, Cmes, Context, Database, Flux, Investigate, MHD, Magnetic, Observations, Observed, Reconnection, Relate, SHINE, Simulations, Theoretical, Two-ribbon.
1. Jason M TenBarge($222,063), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Distribution Function Dynamics, 3-year Shine, Weakly Collisional, Additionally, Aid, Available, Continuum, Development, Directly, Energy, Graduate, Heating, Knowledge, Large-scale, Magnetized, Maryland, Modeling, Nature, Objective, Phenomena, Plasma, Plasmas, Program, Proton, Scripts, Simulation, Simulations, Solar, Space, Spacecraft, Students, Turbulence, Workshops.
1. Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros($390,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Lower Solar Atmosphere, Flare Generation, Flaring Stars, Generation Mechanisms, Hard X-ray, Solar Flare, Solar Flares, Stellar Flares, White Light, Wl Continuum, Wl Flare, Accelerated, Acceleration, Chromosphere, Detected, Effort, Electrons, Emission, Emissions, Energetics, Energy, HXR, Heights, Information, Instruments, Investigation, Layers, Model, Modeling, Observed, Originate, Particles, Penetrate, Phase, Radiation, Radiative, Sources, Spacecraft, Viewing, White-light, X-ray.
1. Michael H Denton($29,060), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Registration Expenses, Modeling, Observations, Space, Sun-earth, Symposium, Theory, Workshop.
1. Yan Xu($328,630), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Energy Release, Numerical Simulations, Solar Flare, Solar Flares, Space Weather, BBSO, Has, NST, Observations, Phenomena, Student, Sun, Taking.
1. Sylvain G Korzennik($383,598), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Solar Interior, Activities, Characterization, Degrees, Dynamics, Flows, GONG, Has, Magnetic, Precise, Society, Structure, Sun.
1. Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla($46,174), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Satellite Missions, Space Weather, Meeting, Opportunities, Workshop.
1. Sigrid Elschot($270,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Cubesat Missions, Firebird-ii Mission, Lessons Learned, Radiation Belt, Vlf Receivers, Combined, Contribute, Cubesats, Developed, Development, Electron, Electrons, FIREBIRD-II, Instruments, Lightning, Lower, NSF, Networks, Objectives, Observations, Observe, Precipitation, Program, Radars, Space, Spatial, Upcoming.
1. A Surjalal Sharma($49,996), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Extreme Space Weather, Modeling And Prediction, Space Weather Forecasting, Forecasting Extreme, Uncertainty Quantification, Weather Forecasting, Accelerate, Approaches, Comprehensive, Conditions, Critical, Development, Essential, Framework, Future, Geospace, Identification, Processes, Rare, Step, Underlying, Workshop.
1. Meg Austin($30,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather, Discuss, Operations, Students, Technology, Workshop.
1. Geoffrey Crowley($199,541), ATMOSPHERIC & SPACE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Louisville
Key terms: Air Force, Dime Cubesat, Electric Field, Electric Fields, Functional Testing, Latitude Forcing, Space Weather, Upper Atmosphere, Available, Behavior, Calibration, Capable, Collaboration, Complete, Completion, DICE, Development, Effort, Generation, Global, Has, Improvements, Instruments, Ionosphere, Launched, Less, Low, Missions, Nsf-funded, Orbit, Parameter, Parameters, Platforms, Potential, Satellite, Sensor-sat, Solar, Spacecraft, Spin, Unique, Was.
1. Daniel N Baker($30,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: ISSI, Participants, Space, Travel, Workshop.
1. Lindsay Glesener($1,497,250), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Physics And Astronomy, Solar And Space, Space Environment, Space Physics, Tenure-track Faculty, Astrophysics, Building, Designed, Development, Disciplines, Encouraged, Engineering, Ensure, Expertise, Field, Graduate, Hire, History, Involve, Partnerships, Program, Programs, School, Strengthen, Students, Successful, Teaching, Technical, Tenure-track, Training.
1. Christopher Fallen($60,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Hf Radio Propagation, Ionosphere Radio Modification, Radio Propagation Paths, Experiment Objectives, Experimental Objective, Haarp Facility, Modification Experiments, Temporal Resolution, Active, Alaska, Arctic, Artificial, Aurora, Campaign, February, Measure, Morphology, Participation, Planned, Primary, Processes, RAPID, Schedule, Secondary, Space, UAF, White-light.
1. David L Hysell($75,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. William A Bristow($375,286), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Wayne A Scales($75,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Ionospheric Modification, HAARP, Ionosphere, MTI, Radiation, Solar, Technique.
1. Cesar E Valladares($374,080), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Gps Receivers, Tec Depletions, Collected, Conditions, Conjugate, Ground-based, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Latitudinal, Mstids, Network, Observations, Plasma, Storms, Tids.
1. Katharine K Reeves($430,273), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Solar Physics, Student Projects, Cfa, Contacts, Continue, Has, Minority, Program, REU, STEM, Space, Students, Supported, Undergraduates.