Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Bharat Kunduri($367,381), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Saps-like Flows, Space Weather, Auroral, Saps-like.
1. Alan Liu($952,641), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Background Tidal, Dynamical Environment, Graduate Student, Gravity Wave, Meteor Radar, Remote Sensing, Undergraduate Student, Upper Atmosphere, Wave Propagation, ALO, Airglow, Altitude, Andes, Atmospheric, Course, ERAU, Education, GW, Instruments, Interactions, Intrinsic, Involved, Level, Lidar, Measures, Optical, Physics, Region, Resolutions, Retrieval, Sodium, Space, Students, Temperature, Training, Turbulence, Vertical, Waves, Wind, Winds.
1. Sharon L Vadas($68,674), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Katrina Bossert($152,022), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Christopher Heale($109,170), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Mesosphere And Lower, Secondary Gravity Waves, Lower Thermosphere, Sgw Generation, Atmospheric, Breaking, Conditions, MLT, Modeling, Momentum, Observational, Observations, Region, Sgws, Transport.
1. Bifford P Williams($349,103), GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENCES, INC., Newport News
2. Richard L Collins($730,891), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Middle And Upper, Arctic Atmosphere, Metal Layers, Poker Flat, Remote Sensing, Resonance Lidar, Upper Atmosphere, Acquire, Activity, Alaska, Allow, Coupling, Dynamics, Extending, Ground-based, Instrument, Instruments, Investigations, Ion, Mesospheric, Observations, Operations, PFRR, Programs, Radar, Range, Sodium, Students, Temperature, UAF, Wandt, Waves, Wind.
3. Thomas S Lund($40,261), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Aeronomy, Atmosphere, Dynamics, Effects, Forcing, GW, Gws, Influence, Interactions, Investigate, Ionosphere, MLT, Main, Mean, Play, Simulations, Spatial, Three-dimensional, Three-year, Waves.
1. Robert A Marshall($645,134), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Radar And Optical, Total Mass Flux, Cu Boulder, Earth's Atmosphere, Metal Layers, Simulated Meteor, Space Environment, Ablation, Course, Critical, DLAP, Estimate, Estimates, Experimental, Experiments, Fe, Graduate, Individual, Laboratory, Larger, Lead, Luminous, MLT, Masses, Meteoroid, Meteoroids, Meteors, Observed, Parameters, Particles, Program, Range, Students, Uncertainty, Undergraduate, Velocities.
1. Meers Oppenheim($382,770), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Robert A Marshall($198,989), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Earth's Upper Atmosphere, Earth's Upper, Estimates, Evolution, Information, Ionosphere, Knowledge, Meteor, Meteors, Pis.
1. Erich J Becker($389,634), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Multi-step Coupling Process, Secondary And Tertiary, Horizontal Wavelengths, Momentum Transfer, Multi-step Coupling, Secondary Gws, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Below, Creates, Extent, Hampton, Mws, Satellite, Simulations, Space, Thermosphere, Via, Waves.
1. Philip J Erickson($29,848), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric, Conference, ISEA, India, Nations.
1. David L Hysell($482,594), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Fb Waves, Radar Echoes, Coupling, MI, Theory.
1. Robert C Moore($29,911), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Rfii Workshop, Annual, Ionospheric, Strong, Students, Th, Topics.
1. Richard Eastes($197,602), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Emission Cross Sections, On2 Density Ratio, Total Emission Cross, Cascade Cross, Remote Sensing, Thermosphere Composition, Absolute, Atom, Band, Dayglow, Direct, Emissions, LBH, Laboratory, Measure, Nm, OI, Observations, Qem, Student, UCF, UV.
1. Joshua Semeter($446,964), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter Radar, Auroral Zone, Energy Dissipation, Free Energy, Polar Cap, Reconnection Versus, Structuring Mechanisms, Chemistry, Conductivity, Coupling, Cusp, Diffusion, Does, Ionization, Latitude, Regions, Resolution.
1. Qihou Zhou($261,524), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: F1 Layer, Arecibo, Composition, Efforts, ISR, Ion, Ionosphere, Ions, Region, Space, Temperature.
1. Fabio Augusto Vargas($837,750), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Conversion Process, Lower Thermosphere, ALO, Altitude, Altitudes, Andes, Atmospheric, Chile, Density, Dissipation, Dynamics, Energy, Formation, GW, Layers, Lidar, MLT, Mechanism, Na, Neutral, Observations, Play, Processes, Profiles, Region, Sodium, Structures, Temperature, Turbulence, WT, Wind.
1. Erhan Kudeki($309,013), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Meers Oppenheim($395,973), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Echoes, Ionospheric, Modeling, Near, Physics, Pis, Radar.
1. Shikha Raizada($33,227), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
Key terms: Heating Effects, Heating Process, Hf Heating, Unique Opportunity, AO, Aeronomy, Airglow, CCD, Camera, Campaigns, Cluster, Collaborations, ISR, Imaging, Insight, Instruments, Investigate, Ionospheric, Nature, Nm, Observations, Optical, Plasma, Radar, Regions, SAIR, Waves.
1. Ying Zou($271,638), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Auroral, Efforts, Mesoscale, Transport, Wind, Winds.
1. Lara S Waldrop($596,574), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Radiative Transfer, Atmosphere, Atoms, Earth, Escape, Evolution, Exosphere, Has, Models, Pis, Thermosphere.
1. Stephen Kaeppler($144,653), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Lower Thermospheric Winds, Momentum Transfer, Auroral, Energy, Forcing, Investigate, Long-term.
1. Daniel Obrist($745,987), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
2. Roisin Commane($300,952), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Sinks And Sources, Net Hg, Soil Contributions, Activity, Canopy, Degree, Deposition, Direct, Distribution, Dry, Exchange, Fluxes, Forest, Gaseous, Gases, Global, Leaves, Mercury, Objective, Plants, Quantify, Soils, Stomatal, Uptake, Via.
1. Hanne Mauriello($1,011,141), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric Regions, Atmosphere, CEDAR, CPAESS, Emails, Program, Services, Supporting, Training, Upward, Workshop.
1. Abigail A Sheffer($343,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Solar And Space, Decadal Survey, Gs Section, Portfolio Review, Space Physics, Activities, Auspices, Committee, Examine, Facilities, Geospace, Highlighted, NRC, NSF, National, Priorities, Programs, Recommendations.
1. Matthew J Elrod($394,671), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Investigate Mechanistic Details, Sulfate Radical, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Derivatives, Formation, Nitrate, Organic, Organosulfate, Potential, Processes, Reactions, SOA, Targeted, Vocs.
1. Elizabeth A Stone($359,998), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Concentrations And Properties, Spring And Summer, Atmospheric Pollen, Particulate Matter, Pollen Fragments, Pollen Particles, Atmosphere, Conditions, Meteorological, Pollens, Populations, Size, Size-resolved.
1. Daniel J Jacob($25,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Air Quality, Atmospheric Composition, Geos-chem Meeting, Applications, Chemistry, Geos-chem, Global, Harvard, Links, Model, Modeling, Models, Range.
1. Manuel T Lerdau($366,619), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
2. Gabriel A Isaacman-VanWertz($295,577), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Ozone Uptake Reduces, Within-canopy Chemical Oxidation, Ecosystem Feedbacks, Ozone Flux, Ozone Lifetimes, Stomatal Conductance, Within-canopy Chemical, Atmospheric, BVOC, Bvocs, Collect, Concentrations, Directly, Exchange, Expertise, Fluorescence, Induced, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Leading, Measured, Observations, Photosynthesis, Plant, SIF, VFL, Virginia.
1. William H Brune($536,373), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Global And Regional, Oh Exposure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemical, Conditions, Corona, Generation, Hox, Hoxnox, Influence, Intensity, Laboratory, Lhox, Lightning, Lightning-generated, Measured, Nox, Pollutants, Radicals, Ratio, Reactive, Spark.
1. Tristan Goulden($183,508), Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus
Key terms: Ground Biomass Burned, Northern Temperate Forests, Fuel Burned, Neon Aop, Wildfire Emission, AGB, BB-FLUX, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Effort, Estimates, Fusion, HS, Lidar, Wildfires.
1. Michael W Giamellaro($9,360), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Joel A Thornton($972,770), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Qi Zhang($90,126), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Air Quality, Absorption, Aerosol, Aging, Atmospheric, Carbon, Chemical, Chemistry, MBO, Oscillation, Past, Specific, Western.
1. Timothy H Bertram($553,377), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Air-sea Flux, Collected Seawater, Emission Rate, Ovoc Emission, Reactive Gases, Wide Array, Air-sea, Field, Madison, Marine, Objectives, Ocean, Organic, Ovocs, Oxidant, Pathways, Phd, Photochemical, Produce, Students, Surface, UW, Wisconsin.
1. Nga Lee Ng($379,013), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Benjamin Brown-Steiner($235,928), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
Key terms: Biomass Burning, Furan Compounds, Chemistry, Emissions, Mechanism, Oxidation, Produced, Quantify, SOA.
1. Alex Guenther($412,807), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Scot T Martin($594,672), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Transport, Organic Compounds, Vertical Heterogeneity, Amazonia, Biogenic, Characterize, Constrain, Deposition, Emissions, Forest, Horizontal, Intermediate, Modeling, Oxidation, Protocol, VOC, Vocs.
1. Brian C McDonald($24,261), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Air Pollution Mixture, Urban Air Pollution, Building Exhaust, Urban Atmosphere, Advance, Anthropogenic, Bring, Chemical, Concentrations, Cooking, Emissions, Experts, Non-traditional, Products, Sources, Species, Traditional, Transformations, Vcps, Vocs, Volatile, Workshop.
1. Ann Marie G Carlton($5,000), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Chemistry, Chemists, Complex, Computational, Multiphase, Protocols, Theory, Workshop.
1. Philip S Stevens($766,198), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Radicals, Forest Environments, Forested Environments, Hox Radicals, Atmosphere, Canopy, Modeling, Models, OH, Ozone.
1. Yasin Elshorbany($298,923), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Xianliang Zhou($576,101), Health Research Incorporated/New York State Department of Health, Menands
3. Yasin Elshorbany($259,829), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Gas Phase, Model Simulations, Reactive Nitrogen, Acid, Aerosol, Distribution, Experiments, Field, HNO, HONO, Laboratory, Leading, MBL, Marine, Nitrate, Nox, Photochemical, Photolysis, Pno, Reactions, Renoxification, Source.
1. Allison Steiner($415,670), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Sarah Brooks($357,620), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Cloud Formation, Pollen Grains, Pollen Rupture, Activation, Atmospheric, CCN, Effects, Emissions, Emitted, INP, Laboratory, Model, Modeling, Particles, Plant, Required, SPP, Simulations, Wrf-chem.
1. Neil M Donahue($721,501), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Formation And Growth, Gas-phase Oxidation Chemistry, Gas-phase Oxidation, New-particle Formation, Organic Compounds, Peroxy Radicals, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, CLOUD, CMU, Chemical, Composition, Conditions, Experiments, Focus, Highly, Low-volatility, Measure, New-particle, Particles, Products, Rate-limiting, Steps, Subsequent.
1. Jose L Jimenez($641,589), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Effort, Formation, Modeling, OFR, Precursors, Representativeness, SOA.
1. Paul A Newman($12,831), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Chemical And Climate, Aerosol Layer, Asian Summer, Asm Anticyclone, Field Campaign, ACCLIP, ATAL, Aircraft, Base, Chemistry, Global, Has, Monsoon, UTLS.
1. Drew Gentner($373,195), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Adsorbent Tubes, Method Development, Optimal Characterization, Organic Aerosol, Aerosols, Analytical, Atmospheric, Classes, Collected, Complex, Compounds, EVOLUTIONS, Especially, Extraction, Focused, GC, Ionization, Isvocs, LC, MS-MS, Methods, Online, Organics, Regards, STEM, School, Source, Specific, Students, Task, Techniques, Tof-cims.
1. David Wilmouth($532,412), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Bromine And Iodine, Stratospheric Ozone, Volcanic Eruptions, Chlorine, Column, Future, Model, Quantify, Relative, Scenarios, Sensitivity.
1. Richard C Flagan($282,543), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Neil M Donahue($261,706), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
3. Rainer M Volkamer($271,197), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cloud Experiments, Consortium Meetings, International Collaborative, New-particle Formation, Sulfuric Acid, Analysis, Atmospheric, CERN, CLOUD-, Campaigns, Chemistry, Climate, Clusters, Conditions, Experimental, Focused, Highly, Ions, Membership, National, New-particle, Nucleation, Organics, Planned, Students.
1. Andrew R Metcalf($123,766), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Black Carbon Aerosol, Bc Aerosol, Analysis, Atmosphere, Instrument, Marine, Mixing, Nature, Particles.
1. David R Hanson($384,080), Augsburg University, Minneapolis
Key terms: Formation And Growth, Photolytic Flow Reactor, Growth Rates, Growth Via, Nucleation Rates, Particle Formation, Ammonia, CFD, Capabilities, Computational, Concentrations, Experimental, Experiments, HSO, Laboratory, Measure, Simulations, Temperature, Uptake.
1. Andrey Y Khlystov($495,039), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Bacteria And Pollen, Bioaerosols Affect, Chemical Composition, Chemical Properties, Organic Compounds, Aerosol, Analyzed, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Biological, Fungi, Primary, Techniques.
1. Mark J Potosnak($28,540), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemical, Conference, Gordon, Outcome, Participants, Participation, Strategies.
1. Juliane L Fry($162,727), Reed College, Portland
2. James N Smith($520,969), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Formation And Properties, Cloud Droplets, Computational Chemistry, Gas Phase, Laboratory Studies, Nanoparticle Growth, No3 Radicals, And-pinene, Experiments, Graduate, Influence, Model, Monoterpenes, Oxidation, Particles, Products, Reaction, Tiny, Undergraduates.
1. Courtney D Hatch($549,034), Hendrix College, Conway
Key terms: Aerosol Components, Ccn Activation, Cloud Droplets, Particle Surface, Surface Microstructure, Water Adsorption, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Formation, Influence, Interactions, Methods, Mineral, Model, Particles, Porosity, Quantify.
1. Paul J Ziemann($325,726), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Air Quality, Chemical Reaction, Oxidation Products, Reaction Pathways, Activities, Atmospheric, Climate, Compounds, Effects, Health, Human, Molecular, Organic, Oxygenated, Simulations, Visibility.
1. Rainer M Volkamer($1,073,141), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Plume Injection Height, Emission Fluxes, In-situ Sampling, Particle Size, Remote Sensing, Aircraft, BB-FLUX, Emissions, Forest, Fuel, Gases, HO, In-situ, Plumes, Predictions, Quantify, SOF, Secondary, Wildfire.
1. Kelley Barsanti($572,581), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Gas And Particle-phase, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Biomass Burning, Model Representation, Soa Parameterizations, Air, Approaches, BB, California, Chamber, Chemical, Existing, Formation, Gas-, Potential, Precursors, SAPRC, UCR.
1. Jeffrey Geddes($692,975), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Chemistry And Air, Air Quality, Atmospheric Chemistry, Reactive Trace, Biosphere, Cover, Forests, Interannual, Land.
1. William R Simpson($21,391), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Cold And Dark, Air Pollution, Air Quality, Dark Conditions, Arctic, Atmospheric, Chemical, Held, Processes, Regional, Strategies, Urban, Wintertime, Workshop.
1. Lewis G Huey($732,470), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: North China Plain, Regional Ozone Formation, In-situ Observations, Mount Tai, Ozone Photochemistry, Tuoji Island, Urban Site, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Emerge-asia, Emissions, Export, In-situ, Modeling, NCP, OPECE, Outflow, Pollution, Processes, Shanghai.
1. Geoffrey D Smith($439,151), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Light-absorption Properties, BC, Brc, Carbon, Climate, Combustion, Component, Effect, Effects, Light-absorption, Students, Undergraduate.
1. R. Paul Lawson($991,762), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Cloud And Precipitation, Weather And Climate, Climate Models, Precipitation Particles, Accurate, Airborne, Aircraft, Characterize, Development, Field, HVPS-, Has, Microphysical, Orthogonal, Potential, Probes, Radar, Satellites, Uncertainties.
1. Amanda Staudt($750,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Activities, Administration, Atmospheric, BASC, Board, Climate, Committee, Core, Emerging, International, Issues, Mirzayan, NRC, National, Oversight, Policy, Topics.
1. Chuntao Liu($547,093), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Gravity Wave Drag, Latent Heating Inside, Convective Clouds, Gravity Waves, Climate, Features, Forecasting, Interannual, Knowledge, Leading, Models, Observations, Precipitation, Predictability, Properties, Remote, Tropical, Weather, Winds.
1. Paolo Gabrielli($1,424,990), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Climatic And Environmental, Amazon Basin, Ice Core, Assess, Bedrock, Climate, Col, Cores, Educational, Establish, Future, Glacier, Huascaran, Information, Masl, Outreach, Past, Policymakers, Programs, Public, Retreat, Strong, Summit, Time, Was, Water.
1. Daniel J Cziczo($623,618), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Anna Gannet Hallar($257,339), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Droplets And Ice, Mixed Phase Clouds, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water, Storm Peak, Atmospheric, Climate, Cold, Inlet, Particles, Precipitation, Time, Warm.
1. William H Hooke($392,400), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Attendees, Colloquium, Information, Instruction, Leaders, Legislative, National, Policy, Policymakers, Provided, Public.
1. Will Cantrell($742,986), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Phase Relaxation Time, Cloud Chamber, Cloud Droplet, Cloud Droplets, Droplet Size, Indirect Effects, Mixed-phase Clouds, Rayleigh-benard Convection, Turbulence Correlation, Turbulent Environment, Aerosol, Aerosol-cloud, Aerosols, Aspects, Atmosphere, Compared, Context, Formation, Fundamentally, Graduate, Growth, Interact, Investigate, Laboratory, Mechanism, Mixed-phase, Model, Properties, Range, Rayleigh-benard, Relevance, Steady-state, Studying, Supersaturation.
1. Caspar M Ammann($2,015,154), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Water Resource Management, Model Development, Water Resources, Applications, Benchmarks, Climate, Climate-change, Decision-making, Dialogue, Easm, Effective, Effort, Engage, Evaluation, Extensive, Focus, Focused, Information, Interactions, Knowledge, Methods, Modeling, NCAR, Operational, Operations, Output, Planning, Processes, Quality, Sector, Specific, Statistics, Tools, Transparent, Uncertainty, Useful, Users.
1. Amy H Butler($312,334), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Rossby Wave Breaking, Ground-level Ozone, Stratospheric Intrusions, Activity, Air, Amount, Background, ENSO, Ground-level, Has, Health, Human, Influenced, Jet, Levels, Model, Modulate, NAM, North, Oscillation, Pollution, Processes, QBO, Shifts, Stratosphere, Surface, Time, Troposphere.
1. Stephan A Fueglistaler($35,000), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Dynamics And Climate, Atmospheric Circulation, Atmospheric Dynamics, Climate Dynamics, Geophysical Turbulence, Approaches, Available, Bring, Current, Fields, Generation, Has, Held, Hierarchical, Insights, Invited, Meeting, October, Students, Symposium.
1. Allison A Wing($343,409), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Kevin Reed($386,723), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Sensible And Latent, Climate Sensitivity, Convective Aggregation, Convective Clouds, Global Temperature, Latent Heat, Longwave Radiation, Model Intercomparison, Negative Feedback, Rce Simulations, Societal Impacts, Temperature Dependence, Air, Atmospheric, Circulation, Convection, Cooling, Development, Effect, Extent, Greenhouse, Has, Interaction, International, Leads, Performed, Physics, Pis, RCEMIP, Simplified, Skies, Transport, Vertical, Warming.
1. Dimitrios Giannakis($300,000), New York University, New York
Key terms: Fluid Dynamics, Koopman Operators, Algorithms, Analysis, Climate, Complex, Data-driven, Development, Dynamical, Evolutions, Forcing, Identifying, Machine, Methods, Modes, Spectral, Subject, Various.
1. Jin-Yi Yu($792,053), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Cd And Sf, Enso Complexity Dynamics, Climate Models, Enso Behavior, Graduate Student, Onset Mechanisms, Sf Mechanism, Surface Winds, Analysis, CP, Central, Cold, Datasets, Differences, Directly, EP, El, Followed, Future, Has, Latitudes, Multi-year, Ocean, Pacific, Period, Prediction, Produce, SST, Temperature, Transition, Tropical, Warm, Weather, Worldwide.
1. Timothy Delsole($459,667), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Robust Predictive Relationships, Sources And Mechanisms, Weather And Climate, Cross Validation, Model Output, Prediction Methods, Subseasonal Forecasts, Empirical, Features, Heat, Limitation, Models, NMME, North, Observations, Predictions, Predictor, Public, Regularization, SST, Variety.
1. Gang Chen($596,513), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Transport And Mixing, Westerly Circumpolar Flow, Jet Stream, Polar Vortex, Stronger Transport, Sudden Warming, Upper Troposphere, Westerly Flow, Air, Amplitude, Analysis, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Characterized, Comprehensive, Dynamical, Dynamics, Extreme, Idealized, Lagrangian, Models, Nonlinear, Observations, Ozone, Predictability, Processes, Regions, Responsible, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Theory, Trained, Waves, Winter.
1. Benjamin R Lintner($164,162), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Koopman Operators, Analysis, Applications, Climate, Data-driven, Dynamical, Dynamics, Evolution, Methods, Prove, Time.
1. Becky Alexander($594,980), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Ice Core Observations, Stratosphere-to-troposphere Ozone Flux, Brewer-dobson Circulation, Cold Climate, Cold Climates, Lower Troposphere, Stratosphere-to-troposphere Ozone, Stratospheric Ozone, Tropospheric Chemistry, Tropospheric Ozone, Ultraviolet Radiation, Atmospheric, BDC, Brewer-dobson, Concentrations, Gases, LGM, Outreach, Postdoc, Public, Quantifying, Spatial, Student, Surface, Temperature, Transporting, Tropics.
1. Kelly Lombardo($139,439), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Coastal Northeast, Natural Hazards, Severe Thunderstorms, Squall Lines, Atmospheric, Climate, Northeastern, Potential, Simulations, Societal, Storms, Weather.
1. Nicole Feldl($798,235), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Lapse Rate Feedback, Polar Lapse Rate, Energy Transport, Polar Amplification, Polar Caps, Temperature Increase, Temperature Increases, Undergraduate Students, Warming Effect, Aloft, Balance, Games, Has, Heavy, Introduce, Levels, Models, Simulations, Surface, Typically, Unclear.
1. Elizabeth A Barnes($860,018), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Arctic And Mid-latitude, Atmospheric Scientists, Coming Decades, Datas Gateway, Graduate Student, Mid-latitude Weather, Analysis, Causal, Climate, Effort, Five, Improvements, Latitudes, Models, Pathways, Planned, Statistical, Techniques, Tools.
1. Kevin M Grise($505,812), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Graduate Level, Low Clouds, Meridional Temperature, Analysis, CRE, Circulation, Climate, Cold, Cooling, Course, Cyclone, Dipole, Education, Educational, Effect, Effects, Forecasts, Found, Influence, Jet, Longwave, Module, North-south, Quality, Radiation, Radiative, School, Sector, Shortwave, Storm, Students, Teaching, UCAR, Warming, Weather.
1. Toby R Ault($939,971), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Sea Surface Temperatures, Broader Impacts, Onset Predictability, Spring Onset, Wrf Forecasts, Agricultural, Atmospheric, Based, Dynamics, Educational, Ensemble, Indicators, Jet, LIM, Leaf-out, Linear, Local, Meteorological, Model, Models, Predictions, Skillful, Students, Teachers, Teaching, Timing, Tool, Training, Transition, Weather, Workshops.
1. Hanne Mauriello($250,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Field Campaigns, Junior Scientists, Senior Scientists, Activities, Benefit, Broader, CLD, CPAESS, Climate, Has, Issues, Mentoring, Opportunities, Quickly, Requests, Travel.
1. Eli Tziperman($411,661), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. David A Randall($418,199), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Affect Weather, Broader Impacts, Mjo Activity, Mjo-ssw Connection, Northern Hemisphere, Arctic, Atmospheric, Capture, Climate, Cold, Degrees, Has, Increase, Linked, MJO-SSW, Model, Models, Pis, Practical, SP, Ssts, Ssws, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Stronger, Students, Surface, Technique, Tropical, Vortex, Warming, Waves.
1. Cecilia M Bitz($30,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Graduate Students, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Conference, Dynamics, GCC, Interdisciplinary, November, Ocean, Range, Th.
1. Steven Feldstein($613,489), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Inertio-gravity Waves Excited, Computer Model, Inertio-gravity Waves, Mid-latitude Weather, Activities, Center, Convections, Forecasting, Forecasts, Has, Influence, MJO, Mid-latitude, Mid-latitudes, Mjo-related, North, Precipitation, Previous, Probabilistic, Propagate, SS, School, Subseasonal, Teachers, Teleconnection, Time, Tropical, Tropics, Week-, Workshop.
1. Zhiming Kuang($382,201), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Cloud Roots, Convective Clouds, Convective Downdrafts, Costa Rica, Easterly Waves, Equatorial Pacific, Heavier Isotopes, Isotopic Analysis, Ordinary H2o, Rainwater Collection, Southwest Caribbean, Subcloud Layer, Tropical Convection, Vertical Structure, Air, Aircraft, Amounts, Atmospheric, Bottom-heavy, Campaign, Colombia, Condense, Conditions, Critical, Dry, Eastern, Education, Entrainment, Evolution, Factors, Formation, Formed, HO, Lead, Lower, Models, OTREC, Organize, Oxygen-, Particular, Performed, Produce, Raindrops, Regions, Relative, Replaces, Seeks, Set, Sites, Transition, Troposphere, Water.
1. Paul W Staten($389,131), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Clouds And Precipitations, Pacific And North, Radiative Heating Anomalies, Westerly Jet Stream, Cloud-induced Radiative, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Amplify, Atmospheric, Cyclones, Energy, Indiana, Local, Long-lasting, Mid-latitudes, Produced, School, Storms, Students, Surface, Tend, Thousand.
1. Fei-Fei Jin($608,703), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Climate Models, Enso Phenomenon, Global Climate, Achieve, Complex, Developed, Diversity, El, Future, Objectives, Pacific, Systematic, Temporal, Theoretical, Tropical, Warmingcooling.
1. Kyle C Armour($799,815), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Increases, Albedo Feedback, Climate Model, Climate Sensitivity, Co2 Doubling, Feedback Mechanisms, Global Temperature, Radiative Effect, Sea Ice, Temperature Increase, Warming Produced, Causing, Commonly, Component, ECS, Educational, Effort, Equations, Evolution, Fixed, Has, ICS, Incremental, Introduce, Models, Ocean, Processes, Regional, Regions, School, Seeks, Simple, Teachers, Time, Value, Washington.
1. Tapio Schneider($599,257), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Observations And Simulations, Pacific And North, Atmosphere Models, Climate Models, Conceptual Models, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Storm Tracks, Aspects, Available, Clouds, Comprehensive, Controlling, Developed, Dynamics, Funding, Hand, Interact, Numerical, Processes, State-of-the-art, Storms, Structure, Tools, Weather.
1. Paul E Roundy($357,566), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Background Wind, Background Winds, Eastward Propagating, Global Weather, Tropical Rainfall, Influence, MJO, Models, Slowly.
1. Michela Biasutti($20,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Monsoons And Tropical, Students And Early-career, Tropical Rain Belts, Climate, Dynamics, Has, Precipitation, Workshop.
1. Brian J Soden($539,210), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Surface And Atmosphere, Greenhouse Gases, Hydrological Cycle, Infrared Radiation, Model Projections, Aerosols, Amount, Atmospheric, Climate, Clouds, Contributions, Emission, Energy, Evaporation, Flow, Frequency, Future, Heating, Heavy, Increase, Increasing, Leads, Loss, Method, Moisture, Precipitation, Processes, Rainfall, Stronger, Via, Warmer, Warming, Water.
1. Yolande L Serra($410,260), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Precipitable Water Vapor, Weather And Climate, Costa Rica, Easterly Waves, Eastern Pacific, Equatorial Pacific, Hurricane Formation, Southwest Caribbean, Tropical Convection, Aircraft, Augmented, Campaign, Central, Clouds, Colombia, Education, Evolution, Examined, Fieldwork, GPS, Ground, Instabilities, Interaction, OTREC, Observations, Outreach, Peaks, Precipitation, Radar, Rainfall, Regions, Set, Short, Stations, Strong, Students, Surface.
1. Christopher Thorncroft($358,184), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. Sharanya J Majumdar($383,398), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: African Easterly Waves, Convectively Coupled Kelvin, Coupled Kelvin Waves, 1-2 Weeks, Atlantic Basin, Ensemble Forecasts, Quantitative Assessment, Time Scales, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Cyclones, Advancing, Albany, Centers, Decades, Developed, Forecasters, Genesis, Information, Interactions, Mechanisms, Miami, Oscillation, Phase, Predictability, Regimes, Students, Weather.
1. Shuguang Wang($532,041), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Cloud Resolving, Costa Rica, Easterly Waves, Eastern Pacific, Environmental Conditions, Equatorial Pacific, Field Campaign, Heavy Rainfall, Southwest Caribbean, Sst Contrasts, Surface Convergence, Tropical Convection, Aircraft, Clouds, Collected, Colombia, Convective, Education, Equilibrium, Evolution, Formation, Graduate, Hypothesize, ITCZ, Idealized, Lack, Models, North, Nsurface, OTREC, Pis, Radar, Region, Regions, Set, Strong, Suppressed, Warmer, Winds.
1. Larissa E Back($373,702), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Costa Rica, Easterly Waves, Eastern Pacific, Equatorial Pacific, Heavy Rainfall, Rising Motion, Southwest Caribbean, Tropical Convection, Vertical Profile, Wind Convergence, Aircraft, Arguments, Bottom-heavy, Campaign, Clouds, Colombia, Conditions, Education, Evolution, Formation, ITCZ, Middle, Nsurface, OTREC, Observations, Outreach, Plays, Precipitation, Radar, Region, Regions, Satellite, Set, Thermodynamic.
1. Stacy E Porter($225,760), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, El Niñola Niña, Individual El Niñola, Global Climate, Ice Core, Pacific Climate, Pacific Decadal, Pacific Ocean, Affect, Available, Background, Basin-wide, Cold, Effects, History, Local, Paleoclimate, Precipitation, Regional, Temperature, Temperatures, Underlying, Warm.
1. David J Raymond($667,101), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Convection And Heavy, Eastern Equatorial Pacific, Weak Cellular Convection, Weather And Climate, Cellular Convection, Classroom Teaching, Convective Clouds, Deep Convection, Easterly Waves, Eastern Pacific, Heavy Rainfall, Relatively Shallow, Southwest Caribbean, Sst Contrast, Stratiform Rain, Tropical Convection, Weekly Basis, Aircraft, Atmospheric, Campaign, Central, Conditions, Converge, Convergence, Development, Does, Education, Evolution, Explanation, Features, Formation, Fraction, ITCZ, Instability, Mexico, OTREC, Outreach, Pis, Produce, Radar, Regions, Set, Ssts, TRMM, Temperature, Theory, Uniform, Winds.
1. Noboru Nakamura($50,000), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Graduate Students, Varying Levels, Challenge, Choosing, Climate, Complexity, Configurations, Has, Models, Processes, Workshop.
1. Paul A O'Gorman($412,144), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Available Potential Energy, Atmospheric Circulation, Convective Storms, Air, Amount, Analysis, Atmosphere, CAPE, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Common, Dependence, Effects, Force, Global, Has, Increase, Land, Large-scale, Latitudes, MAPE, Mean, Model, Plume, Produced, Rising, Seeks, Simulations, Temperature, Theory.
1. Zhengyu Liu($499,788), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Coupled Climate Dynamics, Climate Models, Combines Coupled, Extratropical Climate, Tropical Climate, Tropical Climatology, Approach, Assess, Assimilation, Extratropics, Has, Modeling, Ocean-atmosphere, Processes, RCDA, Remained.
1. Tiffany A Shaw($450,352), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Heat And Moisture, Meridional Overturning Circulations, Emergent Constraints, Future Climate, Mse Flux, Seasonal Cycle, Stationary Waves, Aerosols, Air, Analysis, Assess, Budget, Cold, Compensation, Continent, Credibility, Days, Effects, Energy, Extends, Feature, Greenhouse, Has, Hemisphere, Latitude, Middle, Midlatitude, Model-to-model, Models, North, Poles, Potential, Predictor, Projections, Seeks, Simulated, Simulations, Southern, Stormtrack, Stormtracks, Temperature, Transport, Tropics, Weather.
1. Brenda Dolan($670,585), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Central Indian Ocean, Mjo Precipitating Clouds, Numerical Model Simulations, Precipitation And Clouds, Directed Towards, Diurnal Cycle, Doppler Radar, Doppler Radars, Field Experiment, Global Weather, Mjo Initiation, Prediction Skill, Based, Convection, DYNAMO, Dataset, Frequency, Has, Investigate, Knowledge, Observations, Organization, Satellite, Structure, Targeted, Transition.
1. Benjamin P Kirtman($343,452), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Boreal Winter Enso, Cold Boreal Winter, Positive And Negative, Warm And Cold, Climate Model, Component Model, Enso Prediction, Equatorial Pacific, Generating Warm, North Pacific, Surface Wind, Twc Enhances, Atmospheric, Central, Charging, Conditions, Coupled, Development, Efficacy, El, Experiments, Heat, Integrated, Involves, Mechanism, Months, NPO, Nina, Ocean, Opposite, Oscillation, Phase, Pis, Sea, Southward, Subsurface, Transport.
1. Vasubandhu Misra($280,921), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Asia, Climate, Cloud, Cycle, Interactions, Life, MJO, Oscillation, Passage, Time, Tropical, Weather.
1. Mohan K Ramamurthy($99,946), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: June, Software, Workshop.
1. Robert Griffin($437,417), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Private Industry, Remote Sensing, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Organizations, Partners, Processes, Students, Summer, Surface, UAH.
1. Neil F Laird($212,272), Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva
2. Jason Cordeira($182,530), Plymouth State University, Plymouth
Key terms: Nepars Reu Site, Communication Skills, Stem Fields, Undergraduate Students, Academic, Additionally, Atmospheric, Cohort, Development, Diverse, Effective, Faculty, Has, Interact, Interactions, Leadership, Mentors, Objectives, Opportunities, Population, Primary, Programs, Rising, Summer.
1. Jennifer L Morse($429,726), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Rural And Native, Air Quality, Ten-week Summer, Atmospheric, Climate, Development, Diverse, Dynamic, Experience, Increase, Knowledge, Laboratory, Modeling, Pool, REU, STEM, Site, State-of-the-art, Students, Synoptic, Ten-week.
1. Kenneth Leppert($274,857), The University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe
Key terms: Doppler Wind Lidar, Eye-safe Laser, Acquisition, Air, Eye-safe, Initiation, Instrumentation, Pulse.
1. Xian Lu($657,633), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Polar Upper Atmosphere, Atmospheric Modeling, Computational Models, Lower Atmosphere, Stem Workforce, Activities, Advance, Coupling, Curriculum, Development, Diverse, Dynamics, Education, Educational, Energy, Forcing, Interactions, Inventory, Latitudes, MIT, Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere, Magnetospheric, Observations, Opportunities, Outreach, Participation, Region, Students, Underrepresented, Via, Wave.
1. Han Uitenbroek($2,372,968), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coronal Mass Ejections, Magnetic Fields, Solar Corona, Solar Eruptions, Space Weather, Temporal Resolution, FOV, Measure, Mxcsm, Polarization, Sensitivity, Single, View.
1. Matthew J Nee($124,712), Western Kentucky University Research Foundation, Bowling Green
Key terms: Nitrogen And Sulfur, Aerosol Formation, Agricultural Emissions, Air Quality, Sulfur Compounds, Amines, Animal, Atmospheric, Developed, Environmental, Field, Laboratory, Modeling, Particles, Potential, Reduced, Sources.
1. Gelu M Nita($299,754), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Simulations And Modeling, Computer Scientists, Earthcube Meetings, Steering Committee, Actively, Analysis, Annual, Centers, Collaboration, Collaborations, Conferences, Developing, Efficient, Field, Foster, Ground-based, Knowledge, Led, Observatories, Organize, Outcomes, Promote, RCN, Space, Techniques, Topical, Virtual.
1. Stephen W Nesbitt($184,508), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Convection And Hiw, Weather And Climate, Convective Storms, Deep Convection, Heavy Rainfall, Observing Period, C-band, Deployment, NSF, Objectives, Population, Prediction, Processes, RELAMPAGO, Radar, Regions, Students.
1. Ve Chandrasekar($200,000), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: C-band Radar, Field Campaign, Argentina, C-band, Colorado, Deployment, Models, RELAMPAGO, Thunderstorms, Weather.
1. Yevgeniy Rastigeyev($499,906), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Asymptotic Expansions, Conservation Laws, Hurricane Intensity, Numerical Analysis, Ocean Spray, Sea Spray, Conditions, Cyclone, Dynamics, Factors, Forecasts, Model, Models, Plans, Progressively.
1. Stefan Metzger($1,610,135), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Atmospheric Models, Numerical Weather, Spatial Heterogeneity, Atmosphere, CHEESEHEAD, Climate, Dynamics, Fluxes, Observations, Prediction, Processes, Scaling, School, Sub-grid, Surface, Theories, Undergraduate.
1. Olga L Mayol Bracero($200,000), University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan
Key terms: Aerosol And Cloud, Este Cloud Station, Pico Este Cloud, Puerto Rico, Clouds, Hurricane, Long-term, Properties, Sites.
1. Siwei Li($299,892), Howard University, Washington
Key terms: Aerosol Vertical Distributions, Heating Rate Profile, Regions And Seasons, Aerosols Direct, Climate Models, Indirect Effects, Radiative Effects, Radiative Forcing, Retrieval Algorithm, Solar Radiation, Air, Characteristics, Cloud, Global, Graduate, HBCU, Has, Information, Investigated, Opportunities, Students, Uncertainties, Undergraduate.
1. Solomon Bililign($1,092,085), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Biomass Burning Aerosols, Field Campaigns, Mineral Dust, Optical Properties, Activities, Atmospheric, CSU, Capacity, Climate, Emissions, Focus, HU, Hbcus, Health, Investigate, Leading, Model, NCAT, Particles, Radiative, Relative, Students, Training.
1. Xiaowen Li($299,827), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Convective Updraft Cores, Updraft Core Characteristics, Updraft Core Concept, Cumulus Parameterization, Global Climate, Moist Convection, Time-variant Convective, Algorithms, Atmospheric, Component, Computer, Current, Environmental, Existing, Field, Has, Machine, Model, Morgan, Organization, Public, Simulations, Student, Time-variant, Ultimate, Wind.
1. Katharine Duderstadt($143,591), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Daniel R Marsh($132,144), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Mesosphere And Stratosphere, Electron Flux, Energetic Particles, Radiation Belts, Van Allen, Atmosphere, Magnetosphere, Model, Nox, Satellites, WACCM-DART.
1. Kan Liou($303,142), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Auroral Images, Auroral Intensity, Current Knowledge, Northern Hemisphere, Ovation Prime, Single Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere Coupling, Connection, Does, Expected, FUV, Has, Hemispheres, Information, Observations, Optical, Particle, Polar, Studying, Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere.
1. Anatoly V Streltsov($269,424), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Earth, Field, Ionospheric, Laboratory, Magnetic, Model, Resonator, SAMI, Space.
1. David Schriver($25,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Basic Simulation, Cutting Edge, Isss Meeting, School Portion, Simulation Techniques, Asia, Attended, Codes, Collaboration, Europe, Experts, Field, Has, Held, Interact, International, Rotating, Sessions, Space, Student, Students, Symposium, Was, World.
1. Seth G Claudepierre($64,446), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Electron Pitch Angle, Electron Transport Coefficients, Pitch Angle Distribution, Van Allen Probes, Bounce Resonance, Electron Butterfly, Equatorially Mirroring, Inner Magnetosphere, Ms Waves, Radiation Belt, Distributions, Dynamics, Effects, Electrons, Hazards, High-resolution, Incorporated, Magnetosonic, Modeling, Models, Observations, Particle, Potential, Space, Via.
1. Viacheslav G Merkin($445,183), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Earth, Energy, Plasma, Reconnection.
1. Allison N Jaynes($49,995), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Student Rocket, Activities, Andoya, Collaboration, Educational, Students, UI, Undergraduate, Workshop.
1. Mark J Engebretson($17,967), Augsburg University, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ground Magnetometer, Magnetometer Arrays, Portfolio Review, Workshop Participants, Class, Division, Dynamics, Earth, Effective, Geospace, Global, Information, Ionosphere, Magnetosphere, NSF-AGS, Recommendations, Recommended, Set, Supported, Was, Zesta.
1. Peter Damiano($279,460), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Van Allen Probes, Alfven Waves, Energy Flux, Inner Magnetosphere, Space Weather, Upper Atmosphere, Additional, Electrical, Electrons, Extent, Ionosphere, Kaws, Observations, Penetration, Scattering, Simulation, Undergraduate.
1. Weichao Tu($657,665), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Radiation Belt Dynamics, Van Allen Probes, Electron Dropout, Low Altitudes, Magnetopause Shadowing, Radial Diffusion, Relativistic Electron, Achieved, DOB, Electrons, Event-specific, Fast, Female, Governing, Graduate, Importance, Inputs, Loss, Mechanisms, Model, Module, Observed, Outreach, Precipitation, Processes, Quantification, RED, STEM, Satellites, Simulate, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Chia-Lin Huang($1,132,977), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Gem Program, Gem Summer, Gem Workshops, Magnetospheric Physics, Space Weather, Summer Workshop, Component, Cooperation, Critical, Depends, Development, Magnetosphere, Meeting, Models, NSF, Opportunity, Organization, Sessions, Student, Students, Transition.
1. Pranoti Asher($30,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Space Plasma, Space Weather, Environment, Meeting.
1. Kyoung-Joo Hwang($319,837), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
2. Kyoung-Joo Hwang($250,200), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Magnetic Field Lines, Space Weather Disturbances, Coordinated Observations, Earth's Magnetic, Ground-based Observations, Kelvin-helmholtz Waves, Magnetic Reconnection, Oxygen Ions, Solar Wind, Atmosphere, Combine, Conditions, Critical, Dayside, Energy, Geospace, Global, Ground-based, Importance, Ionosphere, Kelvin-helmholtz, Leaks, Magnetopause, Magnetosphere, Mass, Momentum, Outward, Parameters, Presence, Processes, Upper.
1. William Lotko($122,543), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Upflow And Outflow, Magnetosphere Ionosphere, Numerical Experiments, Numerical Models, Solar Wind, Affect, Allow, CMIT, Combination, Dynamics, Features, Geospace, Global-scale, IPWM, Interaction, Investigation, Ions, Processes, Thermosphere.
1. Antonio J Busalacchi($0), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: National And International, National Center, Advances, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Broad, Broader, Capabilities, Climate, Creating, Developing, Development, Diverse, Diversity, Education, Effective, Enhance, Exciting, Facilities, Future, Geosciences, Governance, Information, Knowledge, Maintain, Management, Mission, Models, NCAR, NSF, Ncars, Observational, Operate, Outreach, Program, Programs, Promote, Public, Strategic, Structure, Time, UCAR, Ucars, Water, Weather, Workforce.
1. Milan Curcic($747,197), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Air-sea Momentum Transfer, Wind And Wave, Air-sea Momentum, Extreme Wind, Numerical Modeling, Conditions, Facility, Hurricane, Hurricanes, Interaction, Main, Mechanisms, Miami, Observations, Plans, Processes, Public, Spray, Waves, Winds.
1. Harindra J Fernando($15,000), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Environmental Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, International Symposium, Notre Dame, Bring, Funding, Range, Students, Topics, Transport.
1. Adina Paytan($68,914), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Student Participation, Experience, Field, Summer, USSP.
1. Peter K Swart($98,859), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Clay Tabor($135,573), University of Connecticut, Storrs
3. William D McGee($581,559), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Storm Track Behavior, Sierra Nevada, Stalagmite Proxy, Undergraduate Students, CA, Cave, Climate, Context, Curriculum, Developed, Development, Driving, Forcings, Holocene, Hydroclimate, Insight, Integrate, Integrated, Mechanisms, Modeling, North, Past, Potential, Precipitation, Regions, SWNA, Sierran, Simulations, Sub-decadal, Underlying, VIP, Western.
1. Ian J Orland($359,231), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Hydroclimate Conditions, Uranium-thorium Dating, Aims, Carbon, Climate, Com, Imaging, Isotope, Measuring, North, Oxygen, Paleo-permafrost, Past, Permafrost, Sensitivity, Speleothems, Temperatures, Uranium-thorium.
1. Bethany L Coulthard($397,055), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Snow Water Equivalent, Water Resource, Climate, Drivers, Forcing, Internal, Model, Range, Relative, SWE, Snowpack, Timescales, Tree, Western.
1. Bryan A Black($403,710), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: North Pacific Decadal, 20th Century, Existing Tree-ring, Chronologies, Climate, Dynamics, Environmental, Fisheries, Geoduck, Growth, Has, Insights, Integrated, Involve, Linkages, Long-term, Marine, Reconstructions, Risk, Sea, Surface, Tree-ring.
1. Amos Winter($218,727), Indiana State University, Terre Haute
2. Matthew S Lachniet($479,099), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Cariaco Basin, Orbital Timescales, Surface Temperatures, Arising, Atlantic, Caribbean, Cave, Central, Climate, Dominant, Forcing, Guatemala, Holocene, Insolation, Isotopic, Model, Monsoon, Ocean, Regional, SST, Spanning, Speleothem.
1. Cary J Mock($224,307), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
2. Erika K Wise($230,502), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Climate Extremes, Educational Outreach, Extreme Climate, Hydroclimate Extremes, Integrate Historical, West Coast, Assess, Capture, Focus, Future, Has, Implications, Involving, Paleoclimate, Past, Potential, Precipitation, Reconstruction, Reconstructions, Seasonal, Society, Tree-ring, Water.
1. Justin Maxwell($49,098), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Grant Harley($54,545), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
3. Emily A Elliott($375,209), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Agb And Se, Atlantic Gulf Basin, South Atlantic Gulf, Coastal Watersheds, Future Streamflow, Characterize, Climate, Drought, Extreme, Hydroclimate, Hydrologic, Insight, Oscillation, Past, Potential, Program, Reconstructions, Region, Regional, Risk, Seeks, Southeastern.
1. David P Gillikin($64,684), Union College, Schenectady
2. Caroline C Ummenhofer($117,616), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Victor J Polyak($120,369), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
4. Rhawn F Denniston($78,571), Cornell College, Mount Vernon
Key terms: Central And Southern, Spatial And Temporal, Cave Sites, North Atlantic, Northwest Africa, Southern Portugal, Allow, Atmospheric, Azores, Bridge, Climate, Drivers, Dynamics, Future, High-resolution, Hydroclimate, Iberia, Iberian, Involve, Iowa, Laminae, Morocco, NAO, Nature, Northern, Potential, Region, Regional, Spain, Stalagmite, Strongly, Time, Uraniumthorium.
1. Sloan Coats($201,727), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Samantha Stevenson($341,402), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Bronwen Konecky($317,221), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: 20th Century, Multi-proxy Synthesis, Tropical Pacific, Walker Circulation, Attribution, Climate, External, Forcings, Ilme, Mechanisms, Metrics, Millennium, Multi-proxy, Reconstructions, Simulations, Trends.
1. Michael E Mann($474,083), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Byron A Steinman($210,962), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Decadal And Longer-term, Interdecadal And Multidecadal, Longer-term Climate Predictability, Model Control Simulations, Noise Spectral Continuum, Red Noise Spectral, State-of-the-art Model Control, Timescale And Spatial, Allowing Assessment, Climate Signals, Complementary Set, Distinct Modes, Inform Assessments, Internal Climate, Long-term Paleoclimate, Longer-term Climate, Multidecadal Climate, Paleoclimate Proxy, Past Millennium, State-of-the-art Model, Time Based, Analyses, Analysis, Archives, Available, Build, CMIP, Characteristics, Comprehensive, Consistent, Evidence, Extensive, Forecasting, Future, Global, Historical, Instrumental, Long-term, MTM-SVD, Methodology, Narrowband, Nature, Opposed, Oscillatory, Persist, Potential, Projected, Simply, Skill, Spanning, Spatiotemporal, Timescales.
1. Song Feng($299,088), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
2. Gregory Hakim($145,127), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cool And Warm, Droughts And Pluvials, Moisture And Atmospheric, Warm Season Hydroclimate, Warm Season Moisture, Hydroclimate Extremes, Seasonal Reconstructions, Time Scales, Annual, Assimilation, Atlas, Basis, Climate, Discrete, Forcing, Mechanisms, Millennium, North, Paleoclimate, Past, Potential, Proxy, Seasonality.
1. Linda M Thorstad($499,506), Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Saint Paul
Key terms: Communicate And Teach, Communicating And Teaching, Complex Stem Concepts, Effectively And Ethically, Modification And Hydraulic, Concepts Effectively, Hydraulic Fracking, Law Students, Teach Complex, Teaching Complex, Weather Modification, Build, Cadre, Culture, Diverse, Engineering, Expertise, Exposure, Fields, Informal, Issues, Mathematics, NSF, Non-scientists, Participants, Policy, Previous, Public, Technology, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Mathias Vuille($231,438), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. Laia Andreu-Hayles($544,853), Columbia University, New York
3. Guaciara dos Santos($65,919), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Tree Rings, Tropical Andes, Aims, Biodiversity, Climate, Decline, ENSO, Hydroclimate, Monsoon, Past, Potential, Precipitation, Region, SASM, South, Tree-ring, Water.
1. Zhengyu Liu($134,957), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Continental Ice Sheets, Water Isotope Tracers, Atmospheric Greenhouse, Model-data Comparison, Ago, Atmosphere, Climate, Comparisons, Deglaciation, Degrees, Direct, ESM, Forcings, Future, Insolation, Isotopes, Meltwater, Model-data, Models, Ocean, Paleoclimate, Run, Simulation, Simulations, Time, Transient.
1. Hanne Mauriello($10,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Hurricane Season, Tropical Cyclone, Academic, Challenges, Federal, Forecasting, Forum, IHC, Miami, National, Observing, Operational, Operations, Warning.
1. Dev Niyogi($130,280), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Hurricane Florence, Land Conditions, Landfalling Hurricanes, Moisture Feedback, Wet Land, Analyses, Antecedent, Rainfall, Tropical.
1. Seoung Soo Lee($596,812), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Deep Convective Clouds, Shallow Boundary-layer Clouds, Boundary-layer Clouds, Joint Effects, Shallow Boundary-layer, ACI, API, ARI, Accounting, Aerosols, Climate, Development, Individual, Interactions, PBL, Processes, Rainfall, Systematic, Weather.
1. Michael I Biggerstaff($143,222), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Inner Edge, Numerical Simulations, Smart Radar, Wind Fields, Damage, Extent, Eyewall, Florence, Generated, Hurricane, Landfall, Landfalling, Mesovortices, NWS, Numerous, Observed, Oklahoma, PIPS, Performed, Quality, RAPID, Radiosonde, SR, Set, Structures, Validation, Vrws, Winds.
1. Arthur R Jameson($211,658), RJH Scientific Incorporated, El Cajon
2. Michael L Larsen($142,244), College of Charleston, Charleston
Key terms: 2dvd Observations, Meteorological Conditions, Rainfall Characteristics, Communications, Disdrometers, Fall, Flood, Ground, Instruments, Network, Newly, Prediction, Scaling, Statistical, Variety, Weather.
1. Brian M Argrow($643,699), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Conrad L Ziegler($554,077), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Adam L Houston($939,784), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
4. Christopher C Weiss($783,966), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Boundaries And Coherent, 4d Character, Coherent Structures, Conceptual Model, Field Deployments, Near-surface Rotation, Storm-generated Boundaries, Torus Field, Advance, Boundary, Characteristics, Contraction, Disseminated, Enhance, Focus, Graduate, Gust, Local, Mobile, National, Nsurface, Operational, Outflow, Relate, Storms, Students, Supercell, Supercells, Supporting, Tornadogenesis.
1. Amato T Evan($651,009), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Emission And Transport, Closed Basin, Dry Playa, Dust Emission, Dust Storms, Human Health, Inform Policy, Meteorological Controls, Salton Basin, Salton Sea, Budget, Earth, Elucidating, Forecast, Forecasts, Level, Processes, Sahara, Stakeholders, Topographic, Total, Via.
1. Ying Pan($1,199,808), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Pseudo-lagrangian Drifters, Severe Storms, Supercell Storms, Broad, Critical, Influence, Methods, Observational, Observations, Observe, Obtaining, Pis, Pseudo-lagrangian, Public, Surface, Thermodynamic, Vorticity.
1. Richard L Panetta($593,862), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Optical Properties, Size Parameters, Based, Broad, Capabilities, Computational, II-TM, Non-spherical, PGOM, Particles, Range, Seeks, Theoretical.
1. Rezaul Mahmood($287,636), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Boundary Layer Atmosphere, Soil Moisture, Southeastern Nebraska, Affecting, Application, Atmospheric, Coupling, Experience, Field, Gain, Interactions, Investigate, Irrigation, Land-atmosphere, Land-atmospheric, Local, Model, Processes, Region, Students.
1. Anthony C Didlake($521,620), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Secondary Eyewall Formation, Inner Core, Numerical Modeling, Observational Analysis, Rainband Features, Secondary Eyewalls, Tropical Cyclone, Aircraft, Compare, Dynamics, Hurricane, Main, Observations, Rainbands, SEF, Theories.
1. Ankur R Desai($47,293), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Stable Atmospheric, Surface Skin, Ultralight Aircraft, Airborne, Camera, Campaign, Enhance, Field, Platform, SAVANT, Temperature, Transport.
1. Filippo Coletti($571,605), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Numerical Weather Models, Snowflake Fall Speed, Laboratory Experiments, Snowflake Morphology, Atmospheric, Effect, Instrument, Main, Mechanisms, Minnesota, Motion, Observations, PIV, PTV, Particle, Raindrops, Snowfall, Snowflakes, Techniques, Turbulence, Velocimetry.
1. Jerry Harrington($762,139), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Homogeneously Frozen Drops, Levitation Diffusion Chamber, Cold Clouds, Cold Temperatures, Extremely Cold, Ice Crystals, Input Parameters, Conditions, Constructed, Deposition, Focus, Growth, Increase, Models, Process, Vapor.
1. Caleb Fulton($787,353), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Dual Polarization Radar, Weather Radar Observations, Detect Tornadoes, Land Cover, Tornado Debris, Estimate, Forecasters, Life, Mitigate, Model, Potential, Signatures, Simulations, TDS, Tdss.
1. Aaron D Kennedy($166,563), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Field Campaign, Lofted Snow, Near-ground Observations, Conditions, Difficult, Education, Expensive, Falling, Flow, Graduate, Instrument, Instruments, Level, Main, Microphysical, Nground, Outreach, PASIV, Particle, Potential, Profile, Public, Radar, Set, Snowfall, Snowflake, Students, Teaching, Vertical, Weather, Wind, Windy.
1. Victor Pasko($534,124), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Poisson's Equation, Activity, Apply, Discharge, Electric, Escape, Fields, Hydrometeors, Initiation, Lightning, Poissons, Streamer.
1. Jana B Houser($360,323), Ohio University, Athens
Key terms: Land Cover, Tornado Intensity, Characteristics, Elevation, Public, Statistical, Surface, Topography.
1. Richard E Orville($0), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Thomas C Marshall($682,491), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Lightning Channel, Lightning Flash, Lightning Initiation, Video Cameras, Conductor, Development, Initial, Resolution, Sparks, Time.
1. Maribeth Stolzenburg($345,060), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Fast Positive Breakdown, Electric Field, Lightning Channel, Lightning Initiation, Non-conducting Air, Flash, Ibps, Iecs, Initial, Non-conducting, Processes, Pulses, Sensor, Sparks, VHF.
1. Ping Zhu($151,816), Florida International University, Miami
2. Jun Zhang($81,244), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Eyewall And Rainband, Angular Momentum, Operational Models, Rainband Convection, Tc Intensification, Tc Prediction, Tropical Cyclone, Advance, Demonstrate, Eddy, Forcing, Intensity, PBL, Parameterization, Pis, Postdoctoral, RI, SGS, Seeks, Sub-grid, Tcs, Theories.
1. Michael French($359,465), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Drop Size Distributions, Estimated Drop Size, Signatures And Estimated, Polarimetric Radar, Supercell Thunderstorms, Weather Radar, Characteristics, Environment, Evolution, Methods, Public, Storm.
1. John R Mecikalski($471,053), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
2. Jason A Otkin($278,796), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Cumulus Clouds, Rapid Scan, Convective, GOES-, Lightning, Observations, Occurring, Processes, Radar, SRS, Satellite.
1. David A Schecter($324,042), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Mesoscale Vortex Interactions, Tropical Cyclone Development, Tropical Weather, Complex, Forecast, Nature.
1. Kristen L Corbosiero($397,626), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Low-moist Static Energy, Static Energy Air, Tropical Cyclone Development, Vertical Wind Shear, Dry Air, Low-moist Static, Mid-level Ventilation, Relative Humidity, Convection, Increase, Increases, Intensity, Mid-level, Modeling, Process, Simulations, TC, Vortex.
1. Firat Y Testik($466,057), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Raindrop Fall Velocity, Collision Rates, Alterationsfluctuations, Droplets, Estimates, Field, Raindrops, Rainfall, Shape, Size, Weather, Wind.
1. Matthew D Parker($587,109), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Numerical Modeling, Characteristics, Environmental, Fails, Simulations, Supercells, Tornadoes, Tornadogenesis.
1. Gijs de Boer($35,050), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Flight Week, Sampling Techniques, Unmanned Aircraft, Accelerate, Activities, Additionally, Advance, Advancement, Atmospheric, Benefits, Colorado, Conference, Critical, Critically, Discussions, Early-career, Has, Helped, ISARRA, Industry, Knowledge, Meeting, Participation, Platform, Progress, Resulting, Society, Time, Variety.
1. Hanne Mauriello($10,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Hurricane Season, Tropical Cyclone, Academic, Challenges, Federal, Forecasting, Forum, IHC, National, Observing, Operational, Operations, Warning.
1. Xudong Sun($620,590), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coronal Mass Ejections, Flares And Coronal, Magnetic Fields, Solar Ars, Solar Flares, Solar Physics, Space Weather, Agenda, Astronomy, CGEM, DKIST, Five-year, HMI, Hawaii, Ifa, Long-standing, Model, Namely, Program, Public, Strong.
1. Pranoti Asher($25,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Agu Chapman Conference, Forecasting Space Weather, Space Weather Extremes, Early-career Scientists, Benefits, Early-career, Participation.
1. Marco C Velli($153,784), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Initial Conditions, One-year Eager, Solar Corona, Space Weather, Applying, Cmes, Deflection, Development, Eruption, Existing, Field, Formation, Lead, Low, Modeling, Numerical, One-year, Propagation, Public.
1. Federico Fraschetti($99,411), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Diffusive Shock Acceleration, Astrophysical Sources, Energetic Particles, Log-parabola Spectrum, One-year Eager, Approach, DSA, Interplanetary, Log-parabola, Model, Observations, Observed, One-year, Paradigm, Shocks, Spectra, Standard.
1. Jon T Hoeksema($372,423), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Large-scale Magnetic Field, Activity Cycles, Large-scale Magnetic, Solar Activity, Solar Cycle, Sun-like Stars, Advancing, Affect, Consistent, Contribute, Development, Five-year, Furthermore, Habitability, Knowledge, Observatory, Space, Stanford, Sun-like, Time-series, Transition, WSO.
1. James M Ryan($35,000), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Cosmic-ray Modulation Studies, Enable Long-term Cosmic-ray, Long-term Cosmic-ray Modulation, Six Solar Cycles, Base Dating, Cosmic-ray Modulation, Enable Long-term, Global Network, Long-term Cosmic-ray, Mount Washington, Neutron Monitor, One-year Rapid, South Pole, Climax, Durham, GLE, Gles, Ground, Hampshire, Has, Heliospheric, Instruments, Leadville, NM, Nms, One-year, PAMELA, Phenomena, Return, Spectrum, Station, Stations, UNH.
1. Gelu M Nita($517,801), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Coronal Magnetic Fields, Magnetic And Thermal, Electron Distributions, Flaring Loops, Solar Activity, Solar Flares, Solar Physics, Sun's Corona, Ability, Advanced, Available, Broad, CSTR, Complexity, Critically, Discovery, EOVSA, Evolution, Evolving, Has, Highly, Increasing, Knowledge, Microwave, Modeling, Models, Nature, Njits, Non-thermal, Observations, Obtain, Radio, Resolution, Space, Spatial, Spectral, Structures, Suns, Temporal, Three-dimensional, Three-year, Time, Tools, Volume, Widely.
1. Shadia R Habbal($215,232), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coronal Forbidden Lines, Dynamics And Thermodynamics, Forbidden Line Emission, Imaging And Spectroscopy, Mass Ejections Originate, Pioneering Insights Achieved, Solar Eclipse Observations, State-of-the Art Instrument, Total Solar Eclipses, Unique Diagnostic Capabilities, Wind And Coronal, Coronal Plasmas, Coronal Structures, Solar Radii, Solar Surface, Accelerated, Aug, Build, Capitalizes, Continue, Coverage, December, Explore, Gleaned, Has, Hottest, July, Main, Near, Objective, Observed, One-year, Processes, Prominences, RAPID, Suns, Temperature, Upcoming, Wavelength, Yield.
1. Edward E DeLuca($566,487), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Coronal Emission Lines, Eclipse Observations, Ir Emission, Solar Eclipse, Sun's Corona, Thermal Ir, Ability, Air-spec, DKIST, Diversity, Flight, Future, GV, Infrared, Instrumentation, Ncars, Platform, Spectroscopy, Suns, Window.
1. Lindsay Glesener($819,697), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Focused Hard X-ray, Hard X-ray Observations, Energy Release, Hard X-ray, Particle Acceleration, Solar Flares, Solar Physics, X-ray Observations, Agenda, Citizen, Directly, Education, Efforts, Family, Five-year, Heating, High-energy, Imager, Integrated, Intended, Investigate, Microflares, Nustar, Objective, Outreach, Serve, Set, Spectroscopic, Stars, Stellar, Sun.
1. Jean C Perez($747,359), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Corona And Accelerate, Alfvenic Turbulence, Allow Students, Main Broader, Numerical Simulations, Plasma Physics, Software Tool, Solar Corona, Solar Wind, Space Plasma, Turbulent Fluctuations, AU, AW, Available, Energy, Enhance, Evolution, Heat, Heliocentric, Helios, Introductory, Investigation, Knowledge, Laws, Lay, Mission, Nsun, Observations, Observed, PSP, Play, Power, Properties, Spectrum, Sun, Theoretical, Underlying, Upper.
1. Linda Neergaard Parker($16,499), Universities Space Research Association, Washington
Key terms: Development And Networking, Human And Robotic, Robotic Space Exploration, Scientists And Engineer, Scientists And Engineers, Space Environment Hazards, Applied Space, Networking Opportunities, ASEC, Advances, Bringing, Conference, Facilitate, Poster, Spacecrafts, Students, Topics.
1. Tetsuo Motoba($525,828), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Education And Public, Fluxgate And Induction, Waves And Substorm-related, Foster Education, Induction Coil, Public Outreach, Time Resolution, Ulf Waves, Activities, Activity, Arrays, Availability, Component, Enhance, Frequency, Generated, Ground-based, Magnetometer, Magnetometers, Processes, Product, Products, Satellite, Sec, Supermag, Time-resolution.
1. Nicholas A Gross($557,826), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Boulder Space Weather, Solar And Space, Space Weather Summer, Weather Summer School, Space Scientists, Activities, Activity, Engage, Engineers, Forecasters, Generation, Organize, Promote, Students.
1. Hanne Mauriello($24,999), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather Workshop, Organizing Committee, Currents, Division, Induced, Power, Representatives, Satellite, Sessions, Westminster.
1. Robert J Leamon($250,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Background Solar Wind, Space Weather, CME, Center, Components, Effort, Existing, Forecasting, Geometric, Heliospheric, Interplanetary, Magnetic, Model, Modeling, Modules, Observations, Participation, Prediction.
1. Larisa P Goncharenko($4,126,306), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Coupling, ISR, Ionospheric, Long-term, MHO, Radar.
1. Antonio J Busalacchi($3,278,847), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Advancing, Atmospheric, Department, Energy, Predictability, Process.
1. David L Hysell($7,366,712), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Antenna, Electron, Equatorial, Ion, Ionosphere, JRO, Radar, Vertical.