image host NSF-GEO-AGS Awards for 2021

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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CAREER: Self-Consistent Density Estimates from Accelerometers for Improved Understanding, Modeling, and Forecasting of Upper Atmosphere Variability
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: AERONOMY

1. Piyush M Mehta($367,404), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Upper Atmosphere Density, Geomagnetic Storms, Neutral Density, Space Environment, Acceleration, Development, Drag, Enhance, Estimates, GSI, Inconsistency, Model, Modeling, Operations, Orbit, Parameters, Prediction, Process, ROM, Satellites, Self-consistent, Spatial, Students, Temporal.

An Integrated Project on Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar Data Processing, Archiving and Investigation of Ionosphere Dynamics, Energetics and Composition
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2022; Program: AERONOMY

1. Qihou Zhou($649,900), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Ion And Electron, Wind And Temperature, Atmospheric Waves, Electron Energy, Electron Temperatures, Plasma Density, Polar Region, Sudden Stratospheric, Web Site, Accurate, Arecibo, Conditions, Coupling, Decades, Determination, GW, Radar.

The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) 2022 Workshop; Scranton, Pennsylvania; March 18-19, 2022
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: AERONOMY

1. Nathaniel A Frissell($49,995), University of Scranton, Scranton
Key terms: Radio Wave Propagation, Amateur Radio, Hamsci Workshop, Space Weather, Atmospheric, Charged, Citizen, Development, Effects, Has, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Lead, Meeting, Meetings, PSWS, Physics, Structures.

Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Dynamics Studies Employing the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar (SAAMER), Correlative Measurements, and Modeling
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: AERONOMY

Key terms: Energy And Momentum, Global Mlt Radar, Gw Breaking, Lower Altitudes, Momentum Deposition, Navgem Re-analyses, Small-scale Dynamics, Tropospheric Weather, Account, Amplitudes, Assimilation, Continued, Driven, Effects, Efforts, Especially, Extending, Fluxes, Forcing, Gws, Horizontal, Influences, Instabilities, Interactions, KHI, Large-, Large-scale, Larger-scale, Mixing, Modeling, Observational, Play, Processes, Pws, Re-analyses, Small-scale, Sources, Strongly, Structure, Tidal, Turbulence, Vertical, Waves.

Collaborative Research: Flow Channel Control of Substorm Expansion Phase Spatial Coverage and Duration
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Yukitoshi Nishimura($79,984), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Jiang Liu($379,856), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Cap Flow Channels, Extent And Duration, Polar Cap Flow, Auroral Bulge, Azimuthal Expansion, Field-aligned Currents, Poleward Expansion, Space Weather, Spatial Extent, Time Scales, Boundary, Brightening, Controlling, Development, Disturbances, Earth’s, Field-aligned, Flows, Has, Longitudinal, NSF, North, Onset, Oval, Plasma, Substorm, UCLA.

CEDAR: The Coupled OH Meinel and O2 Atmospheric Band Nightglow Emissions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Konstantinos Kalogerakis($315,462), SRI International, Menlo Park
Key terms: Atmospheric Composition, Sri International, Based, Emissions, Excited, Laboratory, OH, Proxies, Quantitative, Reevaluation, Region.

Collaborative Research: CEDAR: Searching for the Strongest Thermospheric Wind and Highest Temperature inside Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancements
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Ying Zou($238,053), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
2. Wenbin Wang($320,087), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Shapes And Colors, Substorm Negative Phase, Earth’s Atmosphere, Ion Drift, Real Time, Sky Camera, Space Weather, Sub-auroral Region, Thermospheric Wind, Typical Auroras, Wind Observations, Athabasca, Conditions, Earth’s, Effect, Effects, Emission, FPI, Future, Heat, Images, Interaction, Interactions, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Latitude, Latitudes, Monitor, Narrow, Neutral, Observed, Particles, Public, STEM, STEVE, Solar, Strong, Sub-auroral, Swarm, Temperature, Tracked, Winds.

CEDAR: Advancing Observations and Understanding of Intermediate Scale Ionospheric Irregularities and Scintillation over the United States
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Fabiano Rodrigues($474,240), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Irregularities And Scintillation, Mid-latitude Ionospheric Irregularities, Create Opportunities, Geomagnetic Activity, Ionospheric Disturbances, Mid-latitude Ionospheric, Mid-latitude Irregularities, Ability, Additionally, Addressing, Assess, Citizen, Conditions, Development, Examine, Expand, Extent, Hz, Initiatives, Intermediate, Objectives, Observational, Observations, Observed, Occurrence, Prevailing, Public, Sensor, Space, Specific, Students, TEC.

EAGER: What is the Cause of Strong Carbon Dioxide 15 Micron Emission in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere? Resolving the Puzzle
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Alexander Kutepov($122,780), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: 15-μm Emission, Co2 15-μm, Ir Emission, Mlt Region, Calculations, Cooling, Excitation, Investigation, Low, Main, Mars, Mechanisms, Rate, Various, Venus.

Collaborative Research: CEDAR--A Whole-Atmospheric Perspective on Connections between Intra-Seasonal Variations in the Troposphere and Thermosphere
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Federico Gasperini($360,306), ATMOSPHERIC & SPACE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Louisville
Key terms: Tropical Troposphere, Tropospheric Convection, Caused, Coupling, Demonstrated, Interactions, Intra-seasonal, MJO, Oscillation, Propagating, Thermosphere, Thermospheric, Was, Wave, Waves, Winds.

Characterization of Meteoroids and Meteors through Simulations and Remote Sensing Using High-Power Large-Aperture Radars
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Sigrid Elschot($594,254), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Earth’s Atmosphere, Meteor Plasmas, Meteoroid Properties, Plasma Density, Plasma Formation, Background, Connection, Contribute, Correlate, Distribution, Earth’s, Effect, Environment, Expansion, Generation, Graduate, HPLA, Ionosphere, Mass, Meteoroids, Model, National, Origin, Physics, Programs, Radar, Simulations, Solar, Space, Stanford, Students, Undergraduate, Weather.

Collaborative Research: Effects of Thermospheric Winds on Equatorial Spread-F
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Robert B Kerr($235,831), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
2. Patrick B Dandenault($224,797), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Thermospheric Neutral Winds, Trans-ionospheric Radio Signals, Charged Particles, Low Latitudes, National Security, Radio Communications, Radio Waves, Trans-ionospheric Radio, Atmosphere, Bubbles, Characterize, Density, Development, Diurnal, ESF, Epbs, Equatorial, Esfscintillation, Evolution, Ground-based, Ionosphere, Layer, Lead, Model, Modeling, Models, Observations, Onset, Predict, Processes, Rely, SAMI, Seasonal, Students, Time, Underlying.

CEDAR: Modification of Ionosphere by Lightning ElectroMagnetic Pulse (LEMP): Dependence on Lightning Type, Stroke Order, and Other Factors
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Vladimir A Rakov($399,885), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Apparent Ionospheric Reflection, Atmospheric Conductivity Profile, Ionospheric Reflection Height, Individual Lightning, Lightning Strokes, Lower Atmosphere, Radio Communication, Cgs, Electromagnetic, FDTD, Flash, Florida, Ionosphere, LEMP, Lemps, Lightnings, Model, Modification, Negative, Pulses, Seen, Skywaves, Sources, Sqs, Time, Upward.

CAREER: Atmospheric Electricity on Earth and Mars
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Jeremy A Riousset($325,542), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Spherical Electrode, Summer Camp, Academic, Assess, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Charges, Create, Cylindrical, Discharges, Dust, Electric, Electrical, Electricity, Electrification, Extraterrestrial, Hot, Initiation, Instruments, Lightning, Lightnings, Mars, Martian, Non-conventional, Objects, Observed, Occurring, Particular, Physics, Surface, Talks, Tribocharging.

RAPID: Sodium (Na) Lidar Validation of MIGHTI Daytime Temperature Observations Onboard NASA ICON Satellite
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Tao Yuan($65,928), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Daytime, Hemisphere, ICON, Lidar, MIGHTI, Utah.

Collaborative Research: Establishing an Iron Resonance Wind-Temperature Lidar at High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) for Active Studies of Polar Aeronomy
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Denise Thorsen($1,415,688), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Vijay Harid($74,180), University of Colorado at Denver-Downtown Campus, Denver
3. Wayne A Scales($285,171), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
4. Bifford P Williams($112,694), GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENCES, INC., Newport News
Key terms: Irwtl And Iri, Wind And Temperature, Heating Experiments, Iron Resonance, Polar Mesospheric, Resonance Wind, Temperature Lidar, Active, Alaska, Atmosphere, Auroral, Coordinated, D-region, Denver, Dynamical, Effort, Facility, HAARP, HF, Instrument, National, Observations, Programs, Radar, State-of-the-art, Structure, Students, UAF, Winds.

Studies of Atmospheric Processes Using Imaging Science Techniques
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Michael Mendillo($500,000), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Effort, Modeling, Observations.

Collaborative Research: CEDAR--Upper Atmospheric Hydrogen Variability on Timescales from Dusk-Dawn to Multidecadal
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Liying Qian($223,921), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Susan M Nossal($287,912), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Edwin J Mierkiewicz($258,341), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Nh And Sh, Thermosphere And Exosphere, Upper Atmospheric Hydrogen, Balmer Alpha, Balmer-alpha Observations, Greenhouse Gases, Hydrogen Density, Achieve, Atmosphere, Balmer-alpha, Climate, Emission, Emissions, Existing, Fabry-perot, Hemisphere, Increases, Mechanisms, Model, Modeling, Nightglow, Observed, Processes, Sets, Simulations, Students, Taking, Time, WACCM-X, Wisconsin.

CAREER: Quantifying Radiation Belt Precipitation and Atmospheric Impacts through D-region Ionosphere Imaging
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: AERONOMY

1. Robert A Marshall($571,573), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Energy Particles, Particle Precipitation, Radiation Belt, Radiation Belts, Space Physics, Upper Atmosphere, Course, EPP, Education, Effects, Graduate, Ii, Iii, Ionosphere, Losses, Pis, Quantify, Region, Spacecraft, Students, Technique, Trapped, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: Modeling of Secondary and Tertiary Gravity Waves from Orographic Gravity Wave Forcing and Comparison with Satellite Observations
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: AERONOMY

1. James M Russell($75,138), Hampton University, Hampton
Key terms: Multi-step Coupling Process, Secondary And Tertiary, Horizontal Wavelengths, Momentum Transfer, Multi-step Coupling, Secondary Gws, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Below, Creates, Extent, Hampton, Mws, Satellite, Simulations, Space, Thermosphere, Via, Waves.

Establishing a Subauroral Geophysical Observatory for Space Physics and Radio Science at Gakona, Alaska
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: AGS-ATM & Geospace Sciences

1. Amani Reddy($7,634,769), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Alaska, Auroral, Gakona, HAARP, Observatory, Observe, Operation, Requested, Time, Transmitter, Travel, World, °.

Collaborative Research: Development of a Better Understanding of Ambient RM Chemistry, Reactions Forming, and Methods for Measurement
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2021; Program: AGS-ATM & Geospace Sciences

1. Mae S Gustin($925,541), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Armistead G Russell($30,000), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Seth Lyman($402,627), Utah State University, Logan
4. William P Johnson($44,185), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Laboratory Experiments, Oxidized Mercury, Reactive Mercury, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Collection, Concentrations, Critical, Hg, RM.

Collaborative Research: DASI Track 1--Personal Space Weather Station
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2020; Program: AGS-ATM & Geospace Sciences

1. Christian A Zorman($179,995), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
Key terms: Geomagnetic Storms, Ham Radio, Development, Instruments, Local, Modular, Network, PSWS.

EAGER: Coronas, Hydrogen Oxides, and Ozone Produced in the Atmosphere by Trees under Thunderstorms and by High Voltage Electrical Power Transmission Lines
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. William H Brune($294,554), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Atmospheric Oxidants, Environmental Conditions, Producing Oh, Transmission Lines, Air, Atmosphere, Corona, Coronas, EAGER, Forest, Generated, HO, Hvtls, Kv, Lead, Successful, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Trees, Voltage.

Interactions between Organic Oxidation and Acid-base Chemistry during Particle Formation and Growth
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Neil M Donahue($853,186), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Formation And Growth, Nitric Acid, Particle Formation, Acid-base, Atmosphere, CLOUD, CMU, Combine, Composition, Effort, Experiments, Highly, Independently, Interact, Organic, Participation, Particles, Synergistically.

Collaborative Research: Laboratory Studies of the Role of Organic Peroxy Radicals (RO2) Chemistry on the Evolution of Atmospheric Organic Carbon
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Jesse Kroll($582,732), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Manjula Canagaratna($224,940), Aerodyne Research Inc, Billerica
Key terms: Secondary Organic Aerosol, Atmospheric Oxidation, Organic Compounds, Carbon, Chemical, Chemistry, Formation, Models, Products, Properties, RO, Reaction, State-of-the-art, Volatility.

International Global Atmospheric Chemistry International Project Office (IGAC-IPO) 2021-2024
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Helen L DeWitt($413,796), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Scientists, Igac Activities, Capacity, Cohesive, Collaborations, Countries, Developing, Fosters, Global, IPO, Igac’s, International, Priorities, SSC, Serving, Sustainability.

Collaborative Research: Characterizing the Cloud Formation Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formed from Aqueous Multiphase Chemical Processes
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Daniel J Cziczo($393,550), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Jason D Surratt($195,299), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
3. Yue Zhang($423,882), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Inp And Ccn, Ccn Properties, Chemical Composition, Os-rich Soa, Aerosol, Affect, Climate, Cloud, Effective, Effects, Less, Morphology, Nuclei, Organic, Organosulfates, Os-rich, Oxidation, Phase, Potential.

Collaborative Research: The role of interactions between organic components on aerosol hygroscopicity
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Miriam Freedman($321,590), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Brian R King($175,548), Bucknell University, Lewisburg
3. Akua A Asa-Awuku($383,170), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Additional Organic Compound, Surface-active Organic Compound, Ammonium Sulfate, Surface-active Organic, Water Uptake, Activity, Characterize, Differences, Droplet, Highly, Hygroscopicity, Mixtures, Morphology, Pis.

MRI: Acquisition of a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Measuring Organic Compounds at the Interfaces of Earth’s Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Gabriel A Isaacman-VanWertz($501,183), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Organic Carbon, Organic Compounds, Atmosphere, Detail, Ecosystems, Enable, Focus, Gc-vocus-r, Instrument, Time.

Identification of Ice Nucleation Sources from Marine Phytoplankton
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Sarah Brooks($924,879), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Ice Nucleation, Affect, Experiments, Growth, INP, Objectives, Particles, Phytoplankton, Play, Properties.

Improving the Understanding of Halocarbon Lifetimes and Emissions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Susan Solomon($661,673), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Halocarbon Gases, Atmospheric, CFC-, Cfcs, Climate, Concentrations, Contribute, Emissions, Global, Halocarbons, Hcfcs, Hfcs, Lifetimes, Model, Ocean, Ozone, Range.

Improving Chemical Mechanisms of Reactive Nitrogen from Snowpack and Transportation in a Global Chemical Transport Model
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Yaoxian Huang($387,621), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: Gasoline And Diesel, Noxhono Chemical Mechanisms, Air Quality, On-road Gasoline, Emissions, Geos-chem, Global, HONO, Nitrogen, Observations, On-road, Snowpack.

Atmospheric Lifecycle of Highly Oxygenated Multifunctional Compounds
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Xuan Zhang($488,406), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Gas-particle Conversion, Homs Respond, Homs Undergo, Particle Phase, Reactive Chemistry, Abundance, Aging, Anthropogenic, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Composition, Gas-particle, Molecular, Nox, Pathways.

MRI: Acquisition of Instrumentation for Real-Time Molecular Level Measurement of Atmospheric Gas- and Particle-Phase Com pounds
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Shan-Hu Lee($349,440), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Chemical Composition, Particle Formation, Sulfuric Acid, Aerosol, Clusters, Contribute, Detect, Faculty, Gas-, Homs, Instrument, Involved, Multiple, Organic, Organics, Various.

HBCU-Excellence in Research: Estimate of Ground Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ozone Concentrations by Using Multiple Satellite Data and Machine Learning Techniques
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Aaron Naeger($359,379), Spelman College, Atlanta
Key terms: No2 And Ozone, Ground No2, Ozone Values, Environmental, Estimate, Health, Machine.

Collaborative Research: Isotopic Fingerprinting of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the United States Corn Belt
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Dylan B Millet($400,031), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Zhongjie Yu($360,970), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Agricultural Soils, Corn Belt, Inverse Modeling, N2o Emissions, Tall Tower, Combination, Dynamics, Isotopic, Observations, Regions, Source.

Ambient Level Hydroxyl Radical (OH) Detection Using Broadband Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS) in an Open-Path Configuration
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Jaron C Hansen($398,641), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Hydroxyl Radicals, Open-cavity Design, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, BBCEAS, Concentrations, Effects, Instrument, OH, Open-cavity, Ozone, Spectrometer.

CAREER: Multiphase Oxidation and Fate of Pesticides in Dry and Wet Deposition
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Jennifer A Faust($574,784), College of Wooster, Wooster
Key terms: Transport And Deposition, Aerosol Particles, Heterogeneous Oxidation, Application, Atmospheric, Determined, Field, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Mass, Pesticide, Pesticides, Processes, Products, Reactions, Regional, Sites, Students.

Collaborative Research: Multi-phase Sulfur and Nitrogen Chemistry in Air and Snow during Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA)
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. James Flynn($40,072), University of Houston, Houston
2. Tran B Nguyen($613,490), University of California-Davis, Davis
3. Jack E Dibb($194,683), University of New Hampshire, Durham
4. William R Simpson($50,747), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
5. Jochen P Stutz($362,219), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Chemical Mechanisms, Air, Alaska, Contribute, Fairbanks, Homeschooling, Modules, Pollution, Students, Sulfate, Sulfur.

Tracking Urban Nitrous Acid (HONO) Emissions and Secondary Production in the Great Lakes Region during Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE)
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Jiajue Chai($754,830), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Campaign, Chemical, Effort, HONO, MOOSE, Model, Ozone, Pathways, Sources.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC--Coupled Tropospheric Reactive Halogen Chemistry in the Subtropical Marine Boundary Layer
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Kaitlin M Noyes($24,969), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
2. Jochen P Stutz($507,886), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
3. Joel A Thornton($1,075,908), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Aerosol-phase Counterparts, Gas-phase Species, Halogen Chemistry, Iodine Species, Reactive Gaseous, Reactive Halogens, Aerosol-phase, Agreement, Atmosphere, Bromine, Budget, Chlorine, Gas-phase, Graduate, Joint, Proportion, Representation, Students, UK.

CAREER: Observational Constraints on Neighborhood-level Air Quality in Major United States cities and Dakar, Senegal
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Sally E Pusede($619,573), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Air Pollution, Middle School, No2 Columns, Outreach Activities, Advance, Cities, Dakar, Datasets, Development, Disparities, Inequality, International, Observations, Planned, Pollutant, STEM, Senegalese, Situ, Students, Urban.

CAREER: Multi-Generational Aging of Atmospheric Organic Mixtures
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Rachel E O'Brien($245,120), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
Key terms: Cooking Organic Aerosol, Food Cooking Organic, Surface Films, Aging, Air, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Carbon, Investigate, Mixtures, Reactions.

RAPID: Measuring the Variable Composition and Chemistry of a Volcanic Plume Using a Distributed Sensor Network
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Benjamin Crawford($116,083), University of Colorado at Denver-Downtown Campus, Denver
Key terms: Air Quality, Ground Level, Kīlauea Volcano, Low-cost Sensors, Sulfate Aerosols, Climate, Eruption, Health, Low-cost, Measure, Network, RAPID, Rates.

Collaborative Research: Reframing Modeling Approaches for Multiphase Chemistry--Isoprene and Beyond
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Haofei Zhang($150,000), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
2. Jason D Surratt($409,933), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Gas-phase Chemical Mechanism, Air Quality, Gas-phase Chemical, Integrated, Isoprene, Multiphase, SOA.

Collaborative Research: Atmospheric Formation and Implications of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Glycols and Glycol Ethers
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Rebecca H Schwantes($200,769), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Lu Hu($89,853), University of Montana, Missoula
3. Christopher D Cappa($35,092), University of California-Davis, Davis
4. Shantanu Jathar($588,507), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Gas And Particle-phase, Glycols And Glycol, Glycol Ethers, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemical, Emissions, Formation, Gas-, Models, Organic, Oxidation, Ozone, Products, SOA, Transport, Vcps, Volatile.

CAREER: Understanding the Fate of Reactive Organic Carbon in the Atmosphere
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Gabriel A Isaacman-VanWertz($441,521), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Composition And Aerosol, Laboratory And Field, Reactive Organic Carbon, Short-lived Oxygenated Gases, Aerosol Formation, Atmospheric Composition, Atmospheric Reactivity, Organic Gases, Short-lived Oxygenated, Wet Deposition, Chamber, Estimates, Fate, Lead, Removal, Scavenging, Solubility, Timescales, Virginia.

Collaborative Research: Organosulfate Multiphase Chemistry and Physicochemcal Properties--Oxidation and Sulfate Recycling in Aerosols and Cloud Droplets
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Jason D Surratt($474,387), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Andrew Ault($425,014), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Composition And Physicochemical, Pre-existing Aerosol Composition, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Exposure Alter, Iepox-derived Oss, Os Composition, Particulate Organosulfates, Physicochemical Properties, Pre-existing Aerosol, Formation, Heterogeneous, Iepox-derived, Isoprene, OH, Oxidation, Program, RH.

Collaborative Research: Geologic Methane Emissions to the Atmosphere--Improving the Bottom-Up Estimates of Microseepage
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Katey M Walter Anthony($46,647), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Vasilii V Petrenko($603,364), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas, Natural Geological, Atmosphere, Basins, CH, Climate, Emissions, Estimates, Field, Flux, Fluxes, Microseepage, Sources.

Collaborative Research: Photochemical Silicon Aerosols: Establishing Atmospheric Sources and Significance
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Eleanor C Browne($217,400), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Charles O Stanier($855,795), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Personal Care Products, Volatile Methyl Siloxanes, Aerosol, Aerosols, Ambient, Chemical, Compounds, Conditions, Environmental, Expected, Fate, Laboratory, Lead, Oxidation, Program, Urban, VMS.

NSF-BSF: Understanding Evolution of Atmospheric Brown Carbon
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Atmospheric Chemistry

1. Alexander Laskin($583,166), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Human Health, Brc, Burning, Carried, Chemical, Climate, Component, Composition, Israeli, Ms-brc, Optical, PU, Particle, Particles, Properties.

MRI: Development--An Aerosol and Cloud Analysis System for the Caribbean
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Atmospheric Sci Cluster Prgrm

1. Elvis Torres-Delgado($1,367,784), University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan
Key terms: Aerosol And Cloud, Pe Site, ACAS, Aerosols, Clouds, Educational, Opportunities, Properties, Puerto, Range, Unique.

Atmospheric Lakes of Vapor Drifting Over the East Coast of Africa
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Brian E Mapes($390,804), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Moist Air, Budgets, Climate, Convection, Convective, Eastern, Lakes, Little, Model, Processes, Reanalysis, Tropical, Water.

Mechanism and Impacts of Intensifying Madden-Julian Oscillations
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Patrick Haertel($434,861), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Climate Models, Mjo Circulations, Century, Composite, Convective, Dynamical, Equatorial, Lagrangian, Mechanism, Potential, Wind.

Changes in Impacts-relevant Climate in the World’s Mediterranean Climate Regions: A Mechanisms-based Investigation of Atmosphere-Ocean-Land Processes Across Seasons
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Yutian Wu($946,792), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Future Climate Projections, Heat Waves, Mediterranean Climate, Storm Paths, California, Circulation, Climatic, Conditions, Decline, Dry, Features, Has, Issue, Latitudes, Mcrs, Methodology, Observations, Present-day, Rain, Rainfall, Regions, Relate, Subtropical, Summer, Summers, Warming, West, Winter.

How Do Energy Fluxes Link Precipitation Variability across the Tropical Weather-Climate Continuum?
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Spencer A Hill($682,038), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: North-south Energy Transports, Climate Models, North-south Energy, Tropical Disturbances, Billions, CCNY, Collaboration, Concepts, People, Rainband, Rainfall, Theory, Time, Traveling, Weather.

Convection, Clouds and Sea Surface Temperature
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Dennis L Hartmann($920,171), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cloud Radiative Effects, Cloud Lifecycle, Convective Clouds, Greenhouse Gas, Ice Clouds, Overturning Circulations, Sst Contrasts, Warming Effect, Balance, Close, Competing, Cooling, Deep, Global, Increases, Motivated, Net, Radiation, Reasons, Ssts, Tropical.

Explaining the Surprising Simplicity of Continental Evapotranspiration
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Kaighin A McColl($310,789), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Surface Air Temperature, Temperature And Humidity, Surface Air, Water Cycle, Available, Based, Estimates, Evaporation, Has, Land, Method, Methods, Model, Moisture, Observations, SFE, Transpiration, Weather.

Variable Resolution Modeling of the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Response to North Atlantic Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) Anomalies
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. David S Battisti($341,245), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Gulf Stream Sst, Physics And Dynamics, Atmospheric Circulation, Computationally Intensive, Long-range Predictions, North Atlantic, Northern Hemisphere, Attribution, CAM, CESM, Capture, Captured, Decade-to-decade, Degree, Development, Effects, Experiments, Long-range, Models, Observational, Permit, Program, Resolution, Resolutions, Societal, Underlying, VR, VR-CAM, Wintertime.

Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase-5 Weather Research and Forecasting (CMIP5-WRF) Simulations Quantifying Anthropogenic Forcing and Saharan Long-range Dust Transport
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Gregory Jenkins($725,958), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Emission And Transport, Global Model Simulations, Air Quality, Dust Emission, Saharan Dust, Surface Winds, West Africa, Affect, Atlantic, Climate, Conditions, Consideration, Desert, Downwind, Effects, Future, Health, Low, North, Plume, School, Student, WRF.

Precipitation and Coalescence Scavenging in Shallow Southern Ocean Clouds
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Roger Marchand($533,419), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Boundary Layer Clouds, Marine Boundary Layer, Radar And Lidar, Sources And Sinks, Budget Equation, Ccn Abundance, Ccn Concentrations, Ccn Removal, Ccn Sources, Cloud Droplets, Cooling Effect, Precipitation Produced, Southern Ocean, Aircraft, Analysis, Atmosphere, Campaign, Climate, Coalescence, Extent, Formula, Future, Global, Larger, Low, Meteorological, Million, Nd, Pis, Processes, Raindrop, Raindrops, Reflectivity, SOCRATES, Scavenging, Surface.

STC: Center for Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Galen A McKinley($15,000,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Traditional Parameterization Development, Ai Methods, Cloud Formation, Ocean Turbulence, Available, Carbon, Center, Climate, Constraints, Esms, Has, Intelligence, Involve, LEAP, Model, Models, Observational, Parameterizations, Parameters, Processes, Projections, Represented, Simulated, Students, Theory, Tuning, Uncertainties, Uncertainty, Values.

CAREER: Exploring the Role of Vapor Buoyancy in Clouds, Circulation and Climate
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Da Yang($810,286), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Buoyancy Effect, Education Program, Tropical Atmosphere, Vapor Buoyancy, Water Vapor, Air, Climate, Course, Dry, Dynamics, Large-scale, Sacramento, Simulations, Students.

Collaborative Research: Quantifying the Role of the Ocean Circulation in Climate Variability
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. James W Hurrell($959,588), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Young-Oh Kwon($165,914), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ocean Circulations Drive, Sea Surface Temperature, Global Climate, Graduate Students, Broader, Heat, Human, Leading, Observational, Tasks, Underrepresented.

Decadal Regime Shifts in the Pacific Ocean: Mechanisms, Hydroclimatic Imprints, and Predictability
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Jason E Smerdon($871,446), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: North And South, 20th Century, Continental Hydroclimate, Drought Atlas, Model Simulations, Pdv Impacts, Sea Surface, Tropical Pacific, Association, Cold, Conditions, Connections, Decades, Drier, Extent, Found, Has, Millennium, Prolonged, Pronounced, SST, Shifts, Ssts, Warm, Wedge, Wetter.

Understanding the Influence of Climate Change on Temperature Persistence
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. David W Thompson($795,202), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Surface Temperature, Temperature Fluctuations, CESM, Climate, Code, Ensemble, Examines, Experiments, Extreme, Forcing, Global, Has, Heat, Increase, Increases, Model, Outreach, Persistence, Relaxation, Simulations, Students, Variety.

Understanding the Multi-year El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO): Its Dynamics, El Nino-La Nina Asymmetries, and Climate Impacts
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Jin-Yi Yu($814,240), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Properties And Impacts, 20th Century, Climate Impacts, ENSO, Models, Multi-year, Observed, Predict.

Collaborative Research: Improving the representation of the Quasi-biennial Oscillation and its surface impacts in NCAR climate models
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Chuntao Liu($59,932), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
2. Martina Bramberger($498,995), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Deep Convective Clouds, Ambient Air, Generation Mechanism, Gravity Waves, Momentum Flux, Phase Speed, Space Weather, Wave Generation, Circulation, Commonly, Does, Driven, Examines, Generate, Generated, Has, Influences, Long-range, MJO, North, Observations, Oscillation, Performed, Propagate, QBO, Relative, Relevance, Rising, Slowly, Speeds, Stream, Surface, WACCM, Wind, Winds.

A Community Laboratory Facility for Exploring and Sensing of Aerosol-Cloud-Drizzle Processes: The Aerosol-Cloud-Drizzle Convection Chamber
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Pavlos Kollias($4,390,327), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Cloud Chamber, Cloud Chambers, Cloud Droplets, Drizzle Formation, World-class Facility, ACDC, Aerosol, Aspects, Characteristics, Chemical, Clouds, Design, Development, Explore, Has, Student, Turbulent, World-class.

How Atmospheric Synoptic Kelvin Waves Influenced the Propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Paul E Roundy($488,466), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Indian Ocean, Kelvin Waves, Mjo Envelope, Mjo Simulation, Advance, Affect, Cloudiness, Convective, Disturbances, East, Eastward, Extent, Has, Models, Momentum, Precipitation, Rainfall, Region, Tilt, Tropical, Vertical, Weather, West.

Continued Investigations of the Structure, Evolution, and Life Cycles of Intraseasonal Fluctuations of the North Pacific Jet Stream
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Stephanie A Henderson($846,897), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Jet Fluctuations, Dynamics, Influence, Influences, LIM, Middle-latitude, North, Pacific, Pis, Storms, Transitions, Weather.

Variability of African Easterly Waves and Their Interactions with Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Cheng-Hsuan Lu($495,031), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Dust Radiative Heating, Saharan Dust Plumes, Air Quality, Weekly Weather, West Africa, AEW, Aews, Affects, Analysis, Experiments, Forecast, Forecasts, Fronts, Has, Idealized, MERRA-, Model, Modes, Observational, Performed, Pis, Report.

Improved Representation of Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in the Community Earth System Model: A New Sectional Cloud Model that Interacts with Modal and Sectional Aerosol Models
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Jamison A Smith($658,934), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cloud Microphysics Model, Greenhouse Gas Increases, Bin Scheme, Climate Models, Cloud Particles, Computationally Intensive, Energy Balance, Ice Particles, Negative Feedback, Nonphysical Parameters, Simulated Climate, Size Distribution, Abundance, Aerosols, Affects, Autoconversion, Bins, CARMA, Carma-cloud, Clouds, Concern, Development, Droplets, Effect, Effects, Found, Global, Has, Less, Liquid, Parameterizations, Particular, Precipitation, Processes, Referred, Represent, Representation, Represented, Sensitivity, Simpler, Simulations, Threshold, Water.

Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Seasonal Forecast Uncertainty: Cross-Basin Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Yuko M Okumura($299,130), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Shang-Ping Xie($482,252), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: El Nino, Enso Evolution, Forecast Simulations, Indian Ocean, Initial Conditions, Pice Simulations, Predict Enso, Secondary Modes, Advantage, Central, Climate, Cold, Consequences, Differences, Diversity, Ensemble, Fluctuations, Global, Interactions, Magnitude, Method, Nina, PMM, Pacific, Prediction, Trade, Warming.

CAREER: Understanding the Variability, Predictability and Changes of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency in the North Atlantic: From Basin to Sub-basin Scales
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Wei Mei($539,824), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Basin-wide And Sub-basin, Ocean And Climate, Seasonal Tc Genesis, Sub-basin Tc Genesis, Tc Genesis Frequency, Sub-basin Tc, Tc Tracks, Atmosphere, Climates, Explore, High-resolution, Integrated, Knowledge, NA, Objectives, Predictability, Simulations, Students, Tcs, Undergraduates, Underrepresented, Warming.

Collaborative research: Quantifying Global and Regional Impacts of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Slowdown in the 21st (twenty-first) Century
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Alexey Fedorov($323,795), Yale University, New Haven
2. Wei Liu($324,994), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Northern North Atlantic, Amoc Slowdown, Fresh Water, Northern Hemisphere, Surface Water, Warming Hole, Below, Climate, Climatic, Consequence, Definitive, Denser, Development, Differences, Effects, Equator, Europe, Evaporation, Greenhouse, Greenland, Heat, Increased, Less, Methodology, Model, Museum, NAWH, Northward, Oceans, Precipitation, Reduction, Reductions, Salt, Simulations, Sinks, Southward, Warmer.

Process-oriented Investigation of Double InterTropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) Biases in National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Earth System Model (NCAR CESM)
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Xiaoliang Song($680,406), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Cape Generated, Climate Model, Climate Models, Colder Ssts, Convective Clouds, Deep Convection, Secondary Itcz, Zm Scheme, Air, Atmospheric, Benefit, CESM, Column, Convergence, Dcape, Directly, Double-itcz, Effect, Effects, Energy, Entrainment, Equator, Experiments, Feature, Formation, Has, Involve, Meaning, Motions, North, PBL, Parameterization, Particular, Persistent, Pis, Produce, Real, Reduced, Representation, Simulated, Simulations, Spurious, Surface, Vertical, Winds, World.

CAREER: Hydrological Sensitivity Across Timescales
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Jie He($854,388), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Climate Model, Climate Models, Long-term Rainfall, Model Predictions, Observational Constraints, Rainfall Predictions, Aspects, Continue, Graduate, Has, Long-term, Mechanisms, Modeling, Observations, Processes, School, Short, Short-term, Students, Surface, Undergraduate.

Understanding the Mesoscale Response to Climate Change Using a Regional Climate Model Ensemble
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Clifford F Mass($689,979), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Global Warming, Local Climate, Rcm Simulations, River Basins, Effect, Effects, Ensemble, Future, GCM, Gcms, Has, Increase, Limited, Mesoscale, Mix, Model, Models, Mountainous, PNW, Performed, Precipitation, Processes, Rain, Region, Regions, Represent, Risk, Robust, Sensitivity, Simulates, Snowpack, Undergraduate, Wind.

CAREER: Quantifying the Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Variability of Blocking Events Using Linear Response Functions and the Buckingham-Pi Theorem
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Pedram Hassanzadeh($735,001), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Analysis, Blocking, Circulation, Climate, Drymoist, Gcms, Innovative, Large-scale, Lessons, Models, Objectives, Program, RET, Students, Teachers, Theory, Training, Weather, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: Fingerprinting Energy and Water Cycle Extremes through a Scale-Interaction Lens
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Ming Cai($430,426), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Yi Deng($462,376), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Extreme Weather, Regional Extremes, Analysis, Caos, Climate, Continent, Disruptions, Dynamical, Energy, Fingerprints, Growth, Lmps, Mean, Model, Modes, Multi-scale, North, Optimal, Oscillation, Pcms, Planetary-scale, Processes, Promotes, Reduction, Students.

Advancing Our Understanding of Intraseasonal United States Severe Convective Storm Variability
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Vittorio A Gensini($474,682), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
Key terms: Mjo And Gwo, Severe Convective Storms, Synoptic And Mesoscale, Intraseasonal Severe, Severe Storm, Severe Thunderstorms, Severe Weather, Storm Activity, Does, Drive, ENSO, Favorable, Frequency, Mechanisms, Modulation, Oscillation, Outbreaks, Periods, Time.

Collaborative Research: The Relationship between El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity and Tropical Cyclones in a Hierarchy of Models
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Suzana J Camargo($227,438), Columbia University, New York
2. Christina Karamperidou($229,504), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
3. Christina M Patricola($221,003), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Affect Tc Activity, El Nino, El Nino-tc, Equatorial Pacific, Future Tc, Atlantic, Central, Climate, Coastal, Connection, Eastern, Found, Graduate, Has, Hawaii, Implications, Increases, Influence, Models, Natural, Network, Nino-tc, Observed, Ocean, Pis, Present-day, Regional, SST, Simulations, Storms, Strengthening, Strongest, Surface, Tcs, Tropical, Value, Warm, Warming, Warms, World.

Organization of Tropical East Pacific Convection (OTREC) - Post-Campaign Analysis
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. David J Raymond($538,727), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Mass Flux Profiles, Vertical Mass Flux, Weather And Climate, Costa Rica, Easterly Waves, Eastern Pacific, Heavy Rainfall, Observations Collected, Tropical Convection, Weather Forecasts, Aircraft, Analysis, Atmospheric, Campaign, Caribbean, Cloud, Clouds, Collaborations, Colombia, Conditions, Considers, Development, Evolution, MJO, National, OTREC, Principle, Radar, Regions, Shift, Theory, Troposphere, Was, Wind.

Improved Understanding of the Moist Dynamics of the Extratropical Storm Tracks and Their Response to Climate Change
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Paul A O'Gorman($440,059), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Baroclinic Instability, Condensational Heating, Diabatic Rossby, Temperature Contrast, Water Vapor, Concern, Destructive, Drvs, Effects, Increases, Intense, Intensity, Mode, Motion, Precipitation, Principal, Rapidly, Regions, Seeks, Storms, Theoretical, Theory, Weather.

NSFGEO-NERC: Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Response to Oyashio Extension Frontal Variability
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Clara Deser($860,285), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ekman Transport, Koe-related Sst, Model Simulations, North Pacific, Ocean Model, Temperature Contrast, Agreement, Allows, Atmospheric, Behavior, Below, Box, Budget, Collaboration, Current, Increase, Japan, Joint, Koe-related, Noted, Penom, Pis, Proportion, Resolution, Ssts, Storm, Storms, Strong, Surface, Version, Water, Weather.

Understanding Heat-transfer Regimes in Past, Present and Future Climates
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Malte F Jansen($574,359), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Lateral Heat Transfer, Atmospheric Heat, Earth's Climate, Heat Balances, Heat Energy, Climates, Conduction, Evaporation, Latitudes, Middle, Poles, Prominent, Radiation, Seasonal, Simulations, Space, Surface, Tropics.

Convective Cloud Urban Boundary-layer Experiment
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Climate Impact on Human Health

1. James Flynn($780,300), CUNY City College, New York
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Coastal Urban, Convective Cloud, Convective Storms, Activities, Aerosol, Atmospheric, Campaign, Characteristics, Dissipation, Dynamics, Evolution, Feedback, Field, Forcing, Formation, Interaction, Investigate, Modeling, Observations, Planned, Processes, Students, TRACER, Texas, Various.

Second Workshop to Promote Educating the Next Generation of Atmospheric Scientists for Industry Needs
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: EDUCATIONAL LINKAGES

1. Andrea A Lang($99,999), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Private Sector Employment, Atmospheric Scientists, Private Sectors, Academic, Agriculture, Benefits, Classroom, Climate, Conference, Courses, Create, Curriculum, Datasets, Development, Education, Educators, Energy, Existing, Gaps, Methodologies, Nearly, Pedogeological, Preparation, Set, Skillsets, Solutions, Students, Transportation, Water, Workforce, Workshop.

REU Site: Advancing Space Sciences through Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE)
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: EDUCATIONAL LINKAGES

1. Matthew Fillingim($159,728), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Assure Program, Development, Engineering, Experience, Geospace, Missions, Physics, Range, SSL, Skills, Space, Students.

REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the National Weather Center
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2021; Program: EDUCATIONAL LINKAGES

1. Alex N Marmo($910,890), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Undergraduate Students, Alumni, Connect, Convergent, Experience, Field, Graduate, Has, Local, Organizations, Participants, Private, Program, REU, Skills, Wide.

MRI: Acquisition of a Hawaii Statewide Mesonet
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Abby G Frazier($1,434,481), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Hawaii Mesonet, Acquisition, Climate, Diverse, Ecosystem, Enable, Hawaiian, Instrumentation, Land, Moisture, Network, Observations, Organizations, Program, Radiation, Rainfall, Relevance, Soil, Solar, Stations, Temperature, Water.

CAREER: The Atmospheric Energy Variability of Tropical-Extratropical Interactions Associated with the Madden–Julian Oscillation and Equatorial Waves
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Naoko Sakaeda($652,041), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Mjo And Ccews, Tropical-extratropical Interactions, Activities, Advance, Atmospheric, Disturbances, Educational, Energy, Global, Influence, K-, Mechanisms, Modes, Students, Training, Tropical-extratropical, Underlying, Weather.

REU Site: Solar Physics Program at Montana State University
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2019; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Aki Takeda($321,666), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Solar And Space, Graduate School, Reu Program, Space Physics, Space Weather, Stem Fields, Strengthen Practical, Creativity, Engineering, Independence, MSU, Participation, Skills, State-of-the-art, Students, Underrepresented.

CAREER: Unearthing the Role of Belowground Biology in Biosphere-Atmosphere Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Exchange
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. Laura K Meredith($565,543), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Belowground Voc Cycling, Atmospheric Chemistry, Soil Voc, Voc Emissions, Voc Metabolism, Climate, Constraining, Controlled, Division, Ecosystem, Exchange, Field, Identifying, Laboratory, Microbial, Natural, Pathways, Processes, Separating, Students, Vocs.

CIF: An Ice Nucleation Cold-Stage for Research and Teaching
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Markus D Petters($132,755), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Ice Nucleation Cold, Nucleation Cold Stage, Freezing Assay, Ice Nucleating, Instrument Facility, Nucleation Process, Available, Conferences, Design, Educational, NC, Observe.

CIF: Supporting the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) Portable Atmospheric Research Center (SPARC)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Jonathan Gero($790,069), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Access, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, CIF, Center, Cloud, Laboratory, Mobile, Models, Observing, Profiles, Properties, SPARC, Specialized, Temporal.

Collaborative Research: WINTRE-MIX: Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Justin R Minder($1,369,548), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. Andrew C Winters($1,837,002), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Jeffrey R French($507,753), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Modulate Near-freezing Precipitation, Modulate Near-freezing, Near-freezing Precipitation, Canada, Drizzle, Has, Nfreezing, Observations, Overarching, Predictability, Processes, Rain, Snow, WINTRE-MIX, Weather, Winter.

CIF: Making the Pi Convection-Cloud Chamber Available to the Community for Aerosol-Cloud-Turbulence Research
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Claudio Mazzoleni($654,057), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Cloud Chamber, Cloud Properties, Convection-cloud Chamber, Atmospheric, Convection-cloud, Facility, Laboratory, Program, Request, Supporting.

CIF: Storm Peak Laboratory – Facility for Research and Research Training in Atmospheric Sciences
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Anna Gannet Hallar($274,375), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Storm Peak Laboratory, Atmospheric, Broader, Cutting-edge, Enhance, Facility, Field, Instruments, SPL, Snow, Station, Training.

CIF: Community Instruments and Facilities: Mobile and Quickly Deployable Radars
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Karen A Kosiba($949,014), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Local And National, Radar Network, CIF, DOWNET, Diverse, Educational, Enhance, Storms, Weather, Wheels.

CIF: Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) Facility for Boundary Layer and Precipitation Investigations
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: FARE-Facil for Atmos Res & Ed

1. Lawrence D Carey($723,126), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Atmospheric Profiling Network, Mobile Atmospheric Profiling, Mapnet Consists, Alabama, Broader, CIF, Cloud, Field, Instrumentation, Instruments, Integrated, Severe, Temperature, Topics, Variety, Weather, Wind, Winter.

CAREER: Furthering Our Understanding of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in the Geospace Environment — from Electron-only Reconnection to Turbulent Reconnection
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Yi-Hsin Liu($208,559), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Collisionless Turbulent Reconnection, Electron-only Reconnection, Fast Rate, Magnetic Reconnection, Code, Electron-only, Energy, Observed, Predict.

Collaborative Research: Energetic Particle Precipitation from the Magnetosphere and Effects on Ozone Dynamics in the Mesosphere and Stratosphere
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Lauren Blum($387,866), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Michael H Denton($534,010), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Energetic Particle Precipitation, Stratosphere And Mesosphere, Complex Theoretical, Experimental Campaign, Polar Stratosphere, Atmosphere, Balloon-based, Chemical, Effects, In-situ, KSG, Magnetosphere, Observations, Occurring, Ozone, Quantify, Satellite, Students.

Collaborative Research: Studies of ULF Waves and Support for the Magnetic Induction Coil Array (MICA)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Marc R Lessard($1,620,181), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Hyomin Kim($547,133), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Induction Coil Magnetometers, EMIC, MICA, Measure, NSF, Near, Pib, Precipitation, Radiation, Substorm, Supported, ULF, Undergraduate, Waves.

Analysis and Prediction of Magnetospheric Plasma Energy Dynamics with the Wind Driven Magnetospheric-Ionospheric (WINDMI) Model
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Edmund Spencer($247,566), University of South Alabama, Mobile
Key terms: Solar Wind Driving, Wind Driving Conditions, Space Physics, Space Weather, Center, Development, Effects, Energy, Engineering, Geomagnetic, Information, Magnetosphere, Methods, Model, Run, Students.

Collaborative Research: GEM--Radiation Belt Losses Using Combined Global Hybrid and Test Particle Simulations
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Eun-Hwa Kim($385,656), Andrews University, Berrien Springs
2. XUEYI WANG($599,007), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Test-particle Electron Calculations, Waves And Kaws, Electron Radial, Emic Waves, Global Hybrid, Hybrid Simulations, Inner Magnetosphere, Radiation Belts, Test-particle Electron, Ulf Waves, External, Ion, Kinetic, Loss, Observations, Particles, Processes, Relativistic, Satellites, Solar, Space, Transport.

GEM: Modeling and Analysis of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs)
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Chigomezyo Ngwira($449,411), ATMOSPHERIC & SPACE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Louisville
Key terms: Development And Evolution, Dynamic Solar Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere, Extreme Geoelectric Fields, Solar Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere, Advance, Analysis, Boundary, Carry, Control, Currents, GIC, Gics, Global, Induced, Knowledge, MHD, Modeling, National, Observations, Plan, Primary, Processes, Simulations.

Time Domain Structures Driven by Whistler and Kinetic Alfven Waves in a Laboratory Plasma
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Xin An($534,210), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Kinetic Alfven Waves, Radiation Belts, Whistler Waves, Amplitude, Electric, Laboratory, Plasma, Satellite, Simulations, Tdss.

Systematic Investigation of Alfvenic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Dayside Magnetosphere
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Andreas Keiling($449,751), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Alfven Waves, Solar Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere, Dayside, Global, Space, Wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere.

Collaborative Research: GEM: Understanding Connections between Earth’s Magnetotail and Ionosphere through Imaging
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Roxanne M Katus($107,623), Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
Key terms: Magnetotail And Auroral, Storms And Substorms, Auroral Enhancements, Density Plasma, Energized Ions, Coupling, Global, Imaging, Increased, Ionosphere, Magnetosphere, Process.

Rapid Radiation Belt Scattering in Electromagnetic Turbulence
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Christopher Chaston($518,204), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Outer Radiation Belt, Van Allen Probes, Turbulent Wavefields, Analyses, Balloon, Electron, Electrons, Energetic, Field, NASA, Particle, Scattering, Simulations, Supported, Topologies, Transport.

CAREER: Revealing the Connection between Pulsating Aurora and the Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Allison N Jaynes($564,392), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Pulsating Aurora, Substorm Activity, Extent, Physics, Process.

RUI: Characterization and Modeling of Space Weather Geomagnetic Fluctuations
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. James Wanliss($225,521), Presbyterian College, Clinton
Key terms: Space Weather, Spatiotemporal Fluctuations, Additionally, Field, Magnetic, Technologies, Undergraduate.

GEM: Multipoint Observations and Global Modeling of Energetic Particle Deep Penetration into the Low L Region of Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Hong Zhao($361,392), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Electron And Proton, Energetic Particle Deep, Particle Deep Penetration, Van Allen Probes, Electric Field, Electric Fields, Inner Magnetosphere, Inner Magnetospheric, Modeled Electric, Multipoint Observations, Particle Tracer, Penetration Depth, Spatiotemporal Evolution, Based, Differences, Effects, Examined, Extent, MLT, Modeling, Observed, Particles, RCM-E, THEMIS, Timing.

GEM: Quantifying the Role of Radial Diffusion on the Energy-dependent Acceleration of Ultrarelativistic Electrons in the Center of Outer Radiation Belt
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2021; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Hong Zhao($307,273), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Radial Diffusion Coefficients, Ultrarelativistic Electron Acceleration, Electron Energy, Electron Flux, Flux Oscillations, Outer Belt, Space Weather, Approach, Calculate, Center, Contribution, Dependence, Electrons, Quantify, Radiation, Relative, Selected.

GEM: Particle Acceleration by Foreshock Transients
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2020; Program: MAGNETOSPHERIC PHYSICS

1. Xiaojia Zhang($466,355), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Accelerate Particles, Shock Acceleration, Space Weather, Electron, Energetic, MMS, Magnetic, Observations, Plasma, Processes, Region, Resolution, Shocks, THEMIS, Time, Universe.

MRI: Acquisition of a Single Particle Soot Photometer system optimized to quantify black carbon and iron oxide aerosols
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Nathan J Chellman($199,840), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Lake Sediment Cores, Refractory Black Carbon, Biomass Burning, Ice Core, Acquisition, Aerosols, Atmospheric, Characterization, Customized, DMA, Instrument, Rbc, SP, Snow.

Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:IP): Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Mid-scale RI - Track 1

1. Armistead G Russell($12,136,232), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Aerosol Chemical Composition, Air Quality, ASCENT, Aerosols, Allow, Atmospheric, Climate, Health, Infrastructure, Instruments, Land, Long-term, Network, Outreach, Properties, Report, Sites, Specific, Time-resolution, Tribal.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--The Changing Width of the Tropics in Past, Present and Future Climate
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Thomas J Reichler($346,562), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Piret Plink-Bjorklund($346,427), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Hadley Cell, Tropical Belt, Activities, Climate, Comparison, Component, Diversity, Earth’s, Edge, Engineering, Eocene, Expansion, Girl, Models, Modules, Paleocene-eocene, Poleward, Potential, Programs, Simulate, Simulations, Students, Tropics, Warming.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Western United States Hydroclimate during the Last Interglacial: Developing Proxy Records and Using Model Intercomparison to Glimpse the Future
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Daniel E Ibarra($298,664), Brown University, Providence
2. Warren D Sharp($228,107), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Existing Lake Cores, Past Warm Periods, Speleothems And Lake, Triple Oxygen Isotopes, Water Resource Managers, Broader Impacts, Lake Sediments, Past Climate, Undergraduate Students, Application, Basin, Benchmarking, Beyond, California, Development, Hydroclimate, Intercomparison, Interglacial, LIG, MIS, Modeling, Models, Northern, Observations, Paleoclimate, Policy, Precipitation, Program, Proxy, Reconstruct, Regional, Temperature, Western, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--ICECAP (ICE age Chemistry And Proxies) Phase-4: Studying Aerosol Transport, Forcing, and Climate Feedbacks during the Common and Last Glacial Eras
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Nathan J Chellman($695,256), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
2. Pengfei Liu($357,785), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Biomass Burning Emissions, Natural And Anthropogenic, Glacial Era, Ice Core, Radiative Forcing, Rapid Climate, Aerosol, Array, Assessment, Atmospheric, Baseline, Component, Detailed, Fire, ICECAP, Interactions, Model, NH, Preindustrial, Simulations, Sources, Transport.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Variability, Impacts and Extremes of the ENSO-Asian Monsoon Relationship over the Common Era
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Kaustubh Thirumalai($45,970), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Jun Hu($325,146), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: El Niño-southern Oscillation, Billion People, Climate Feedbacks, Developing Countries, El Niño-southern, Greenhouse Gases, Niño-southern Oscillation, Solar Irradiance, AMO, ASM, Asian, ENSO, Economic, Enso-monsoon, External, Instrumental, Internal, Model, Modeling, Modulated, Nearly, PDO, Projections, Students.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Subdecadal Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Variability: A Dual Archive Perspective
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Kaustubh Thirumalai($416,602), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Judson W Partin($88,581), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Climate Forcing, Greenhouse Gas, Indian Monsoon, Monsoon Dynamics, Peninsular India, Previously Collected, Archives, Arizona, Conditions, Current, Disparate, Global, Insolation, Manner, Modulated, Periods, Pleistocene, Rainfall, Seasonality, Short-term, Subdecadal, Techniques.

CAREER: Back to the Future--Integrating Research on the Mid-latitude Climate Response to Rapid Warming with Experiential Curriculum that Turns Knowledge into Action
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Elizabeth K Thomas($504,049), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Net Summer Precipitation, Northern Hemisphere Mid-latitudes, Boundary Conditions, Hemisphere Mid-latitudes, Rapid Warming, Aspects, Available, Businesses, Carbon, Climate, Communicate, Complex, Contexts, Course, Curriculum, Diverse, Education, Gaps, Graduate, High-resolution, Internship, Past, Plans, Program, Region, STEM, Spanning, Strategic, Students, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Reconstructing Tropical Cyclone Precipitation throughout the Southeastern United States
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Grant Harley($128,702), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
2. Justin Maxwell($258,774), Indiana University, Bloomington
3. Monica T Rother($105,497), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Forcing Mechanisms, Longleaf Pine, Tropical Depressions, Tropical Storms, Development, Growth, Hurricanes, Information, Instrumental, Latewood, Magnitude, Multi-century, Past, Precipitation, Rainfall, Range, Region, Southeast, Spatiotemporal, Strong, Students, TCP, Tcs, Tree-ring.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--High-Resolution Reconstruction of Last Millennium North American Arctic Temperatures Using Quantitative Wood Anatomy
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Kevin J Anchukaitis($471,704), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Stephanie A McAfee($99,707), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Quantitative Wood Anatomy, Information Available, Climate, Millennium, North, Proxy, Reconstructions, Seasonal.

P2C2: Integrating Multiproxy Records of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Last Millennia to Contextualize 21st (twenty-first) Century Events in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Clay S Tucker($327,532), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Multi-proxy Database, Northern Gulf, Resolved Tree-ring, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Cyclones, Activity, Additionally, Annually, Climate, Coastal, Developed, Development, Inform, Instrumental, Intensity, Mexico, Multi-proxy, Multiple, Ngom, Past, Period, Pine, Sediment, Southeast, Stakeholders, Storm, Surge, TC, Tcs, Tree-ring.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: P2C2--Understanding Trans-Hemispheric Modes of Climate Variability: A Novel Tree-Ring Data Transect spanning the Himalaya to the Southern Ocean
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Daniel L Druckenbrod($93,133), Rider University, Lawrenceville
2. Rosanne D D'Arrigo($552,562), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Temperature And Hydroclimate, Monsoon Asia, Agreement, Broader, Budget, Climate, Collaborations, Has, Hemisphere, Joint, Lack, Latitudes, Modes, Past, Proportion, Proxy, Region, Single, Southern, Tropical, Tropics, UK, Varied, Via.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--MADagascar Caves And Paleoclimate II (MADCAP II), Continuing Study of Climate Variability in the Southern Hemisphere of the Western Indian Ocean
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. William D McGee($258,922), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Stephen J Burns($441,470), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Indian Ocean, Southern Hemisphere, Southwest Madagascar, Aid, Climate, High-resolution, Isotopes, Northwest, Particular, Past, Produce, Rainfall, Resolution, Speleothems, Tropical.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Coral Proxy and Climate Model Comparison to understand Climate Variability in the Intra-Americas Sea Region
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Elinor R Martin($335,145), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Kristine L DeLong($417,928), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Sea Surface Temperature, Inter-american Seas, Sst Reconstructions, Americas, Caribbean, Circulation, Climate, Comparison, Coral, Decadal, Direct, Existing, Future, GCM, Hydroclimate, IAS, Inter-american, Model, Models, Past, Precipitation, Produce, Region, Time.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Speleothem Constraints on Seasonal Hydroclimate Variability in Mainland Southeast Asia since the Late Pleistocene
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. William D McGee($164,055), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Kathleen R Johnson($607,706), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
3. Michael L Griffiths($74,606), William Paterson University, Wayne
Key terms: Summer And Fallwinter, Summer And Winter, Msea Hydroclimate, Past Climate, Sites Recording, Vulnerable Region, Additionally, Asian, Cave, Laos, Local, MESA, Mechanisms, Model, Monsoon, Rainfall, Speleothems, Students, Thousand, Trace, Vietnam.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Fingerprinting Forced and Unforced Variability in Holocene Paleoclimate Record
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Gerard H Roe($471,434), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Cristian Proistosescu($304,546), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Forced And Unforced, Holocene Climate, Model Simulations, Publicly Available, Unforced Climate, Ability, Code, Fingerprints, Framework, Gcms, Has, Implications, Internal, Interpreting, Low-frequency, Mechanisms, Models, Observations, Paleoclimate, Projections, Proxies, Sensitivity, Statistics, Students, Temperature, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--Evaluating the Origins of Multidecadal Variability in Late Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Nepal
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Rhawn F Denniston($141,930), Cornell College, Mount Vernon
2. Caroline C Ummenhofer($149,067), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Yemane Asmerom($113,228), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: North Atlantic, Climate, Has, ISM, Monsoon, Multidecadal, Rainfall, South.

Collaborative Research: OpenDendro - Advanced Open-source Tools for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Tyson L Swetnam($143,148), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Edward R Cook($73,538), Columbia University, New York
3. Andrew G Bunn($121,944), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Modern Open-source, Programming Languages, Base, Create, Dendrochronology, Framework, Legacy, Open-science, Open-source, Opendendro, Practices, Python, Software, Tools, Tree-ring.

Collaborative Research: P2C2--El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Variability Changes during Abrupt Climate Events
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: Paleoclimate

1. Pedro Di Nezio($343,424), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Lisa Zuraw($132,915), Citadel Military College of South Carolina, Charleston
3. Yuko M Okumura($1,150,800), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Climate Model Output, Boundary Conditions, Climate Models, Coral Delta, Glacial Times, AMOC, Active, ENSO, Experiments, Reconstruct, Relative, Sensitivity, Undergraduate, Vanuatu, Was.

EAGER: A Vertical Wind Tunnel for Determination of Scavenging Efficacy and Hydrometeor Physics
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Andrew K Dickerson($275,000), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Vertical Wind Tunnel, Wind Tunnel Capable, Aerosol Collection, Atmospheric Scientists, Experimental Facility, Free Fall, High-speed Cameras, Ability, Aerosols, Climate, Compared, Conditions, Direct, Drop, Drops, Falling, Flow, Levitating, Particles, Physics, Raindrops, Range, Scavenging, Students, Upstream.

Collaborative Research: Convective Upscale Growth Processes during RELAMPAGO
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Lynn A McMurdie($479,495), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Kristen L Rasmussen($459,465), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Angela K Rowe($320,688), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Central Argentina, Convective Lifecycle, Field Campaign, Frequent Lightning, Sierras De, Upscale Growth, Builds, Conditions, Convection, Factors, Findings, Flash, Global, Hail, Hazardous, Initial, International, Mcss, Mesoscale, Mountain, Near, Processes, Produce, RELAMPAGO, Rapid, Rapidly, Representation, South, Storms, Terrain.

Online Uncertainty Quantification for Novel Atmospheric Measurements
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jonathan Poterjoy($413,677), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Observation Uq, Uncertainty Quantification, Current, Development, Evaluation, Model, Numerical, Observations, Potential, Techniques, Various, Weather.

Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling Using Continuous Eddy Simulation
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Stefan Heinz($387,741), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Eddy Simulation, Atmospheric, CES, CES-WRF, Coupling, Developed, Engineering, Grid, Has, LES, Mesoscale, Method, Microscale, Model, Modeling, Models, Modes, RANS, Simulations, WRF, Weather, Wind.

Hybrid Ensemble Variational Analysis of Polarimetric Radar Data to Improve Microphysical Parameterization and Short-term Weather Prediction
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jacob T Carlin($655,096), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Hydrometeor Particle Size, Particle Size Distributions, Model Initialization, Nwp Models, Polarimetric Radar, Radar Network, Severe Weather, Advanced, Assimilation, Benefits, Errors, Forecasts, Forward, Information, Microphysical, Microphysics, Observed, PRD, Particles, Phase, Prediction, Quantification, Seeks, Shape, Storm-scale.

EAGER: Develop Robust Light-Scattering Computational Capability Based on the Method of Separation of Variables in Spheroidal Coordinates for Small-to-Large Spheroids
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Ping Yang($199,628), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Spheroidal Harmonic Functions, Dust Aerosols, Dust Particles, Numerically Stable, Optical Properties, Particle Size, Remote Sensing, Spheroidal Equations, Spheroidal Functions, Spheroidal Particle, Accurate, Advances, Aims, Applicable, Beyond, Capability, Climate, Computational, Compute, Computer, Computing, Coordinates, Eigenvalues, Electromagnetic, Energy, Expected, Has, Interdisciplinary, Mathematics, Method, Model, Nonspherical, Oceanic, Scattering, Small-to-large.

EAGER: Impacts of Fundamental Understanding of Atmospheric Energetics and Non-local Eddies on Frontier Atmospheric Research
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jielun Sun($323,944), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Dynamics And Thermodynamics, Energy And Momentum, Heating And Cooling, Non-hydrostatic Energy Transfer, Atmospheric Dynamics, Atmospheric Energetics, Diabatic Heating, Field Observations, Momentum Transfers, Non-hydrostatic Energy, Non-local Eddies, Non-local, Objective, Range, Seeks, Theoretical.

Collaborative Research: New Pathways to Enhanced Turbulence and Mixing via Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Tube and Knot Dynamics
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Dale A Lawrence($458,858), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Kh Billow Cores, Turbulence And Mixing, Initial Modeling, Intense Turbulence, Weather Prediction, Altitudes, Arise, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Billows, Breaking, Clouds, Conditions, Dynamics, Enhanced, Expected, Ground, Influence, Instabilities, Instability, Interactions, Kelvin-helmholtz, Layers, Mis-aligned, Near, Ocean, Oceans, Physics, Processes, Seen, Shown, Significantly, Stronger, Structure, Thin, Was.

EAGER: A Closure Experiment for Radiative Boundary Layers
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Gilberto J Fochesatto($120,391), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Latitude Regions, Winter Conditions, Air, Alaska, Deploy, Fairbanks, Inversions, Layers, Model, Radiative, Stagnant, Structure, Temperature.

Collaborative Research: Processes Determining the Climatology of Atmospheric Unstable Layers
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Marvin A Geller($156,447), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Tiehan Zhou($72,321), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Fast Meteorological Sensor, Air Temperature, Aircraft Operations, Unstable Layers, “notch” Feature, Atmospheric, Balloon, GMT, Has, International, Lower, Minimum, Near, Observations, Plan, Stability, Stations, Turbulence, “notch”.

Ice Storm Risk Workshop; West Lafayette, Indiana; October 11-12, 2021
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Daniel R Chavas($9,660), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Ice Storm Risks, Reducing Ice Storm, Ice Storms, Climate, Define, Experts, Gaps, Purdue, Solutions, Workshop.

Improving Understanding of Non-Equilibrium Surface-Layer Stress-Strain-Rate Relationships Using a Novel Stationarity-Analysis Technique and Large-Eddy Simulation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Ying Pan($739,184), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Field Campaign, Pseudo-second-order Closure, Approach, Atmospheric, Computational, Computing, Errors, Existing, Flows, Fluxes, Has, LES, Modeling, Numerical, Pseudo-second-order, Simplified, Technique, Turbulent, Unresolved.

Laboratory Studies of Vapor Grown Ice at Low and High Supersaturations
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jerry Harrington($915,957), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ice Crystal Growth, Weather And Climate, Diffusion Chamber, Growth Rates, Ice Crystals, Low Temperatures, Capillary, Characteristic, Effective, Measure, Models, Supersaturation, Supersaturations, Uncertainties, Vapor, Water.

Storm-environment interactions controlling the probability of supercell tornadogenesis
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Brice E Coffer($686,966), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Atmospheric Conditions, Tornado Formation, Environmental, Failure, Favorable, Processes, Produce, Progress, Seemingly, Specific, Storm, Supercells, Techniques, Tornadoes, Warnings.

Impact of Surface-Cloud Coupling on Aerosol-Radiation- Cloud-Interactions for Boundary-layer Clouds over Land and Oceans
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Zhanqing Li($838,779), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Ari And Aci, Convection Initiation, Earth’s Surface, Heat Fluxes, Surface-cloud Coupling, Aerosol, Aerosols, Air, Blocking, Boundary-layer, Climate, Clouds, Condition, Continent, Development, Earth’s, Entrainment, Heating, Interactions, Investigate, Layer, Marine, PBL, Precipitation, Process, Processes, Surface-cloud, Transport, Vertical, Weather.

Collaborative Research: Propagation, Evolution and Rotation in Linear Storms (PERiLS)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Stephen W Nesbitt($3,900,980), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Matthew D Parker($582,139), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Produce Tornadoes, Qlcs Tornadoes, Qlcs Tornadogenesis, Severe Weather, Tornado Formation, Campaigns, Characteristics, Cold, Environment, Environmental, Environments, Field, Focused, Forecast, Forecasting, Fraction, Mechanisms, Mesovortex, Mesovortices, Network, Observations, Observing, Operational, Perils, Pose, Processes, Qlcss, Southeastern, Specifically, Storm, Storms, Supercell.

Collaborative Research: ELEMENTS: The LROSE Science Gateway LIDAR/RADAR Analysis In The Cloud
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Michael Bell($297,959), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Michael J Dixon($295,965), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Lidar Radar, Software Environment, Allowing, Available, Cloud, Gateway, LROSE, Online, Tools, Users, Weather, Web.

RAPID: North Dakota Field Measurement Campaign to Improve Understanding of Fog Processes
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Marwa Majdi($45,000), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Atmospheric Conditions, Uas Platforms, Accurate, Aviation, Cloud, Detailed, Enables, Especially, Fog, Improvements, Information, Modeling, Near, Observations, Processes, Road, Transportation, Turbulence, Weather.

CIF: Mobile Rapid Scanning Radar for Enhancing Weather Radar Research and Education
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Pierre Kirstetter($601,235), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Rapid Scan, CIF, Dual-polarization, Educational, Enable, Experience, Facility, Observations, Opportunities, Radar, Raxpol, Weather.

Meteorological Islands: How the Atmosphere Interacts with Large Individual Patches of Heterogeneity
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Elie R Bou-Zeid($557,420), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Land Surface, Various Manifestations, Atmosphere, Capture, Class, Climate, Contrast, Features, Models, Patches, Perturbations, Roughness, Simulation, Temperature, Theoretical, Vicinity, Weather, Wetness, Wind.

CIF: Millimeter-wavelength Radar Facility for Cloud and Precipitation Research
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Pavlos Kollias($334,797), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: CIF, Cloud, Clouds, Dynamical, Facility, Microphysical, Observational, Precipitation, Students.

NSF-MRI: Acquisition of a Microwave Radiometer for Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Research & Education
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Carmen Moelders($224,415), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Abl Structure, Air Pollution, Alaska Fairbanks, Mesoscale Modeling, Microwave Radiometer, Surface Based, Temperature Inversions, Acquisition, Alaskan, Applications, Arctic, Atmospheric, Dynamic, Educational, Enhance, Enhanced, Instrument, Interaction.

Collaborative Research: Mesoscale Airmasses with High Theta-E (MAHTE)
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jason M Keeler($190,000), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
2. Adam L Houston($248,795), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Airmass, Airmasses, Boundary, Climatology, Cool, Development, Has, MAHTE, Mahtes, Mechanism, Processes, Responsible, Surface, Thunderstorms.

Mechanisms and Variability of Tropical Cyclone Formation under the Upper-Tropospheric Influence
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Zhuo Wang($437,238), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Convective Evolution, Low-level Disturbance, Pouch-like Structure, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Transition, Tt Storms, Ascent, Attention, Cooler, Development, Formation, GPI, Has, Interaction, Less, Low-level, MDR, Paid, Pouch-like, Stage, Upper-level, Waters.

In-situ Collaborative Experiment for the Collection of Hail In the Plains (ICECHIP)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Rebecca Adams-Selin($11,793), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
Key terms: Ensure, Field, Hail, Hailstone, ICECHIP, Instrumentation, Observations, Plains, Processes, Properties, Surface.

Thermodynamic Modification of Winter Storms in a Warmer Climate
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Esther D Mullens($292,448), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Late 21st Century, 21st Century, Freezing Precipitation, Freezing Rain, Ice Pellets, Ice Storms, Late 21st, Warmer Climate, Winter Storms, Aspect, Conditions, Consistent, Distribution, Does, Evolution, Has, Model, PGW, Resolution, Simulation, Thermal, Training.

The Microphysics of Lightning: Observing the Optical Emission from Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Rasha U Abbasi($505,230), Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: High-speed Video Camera, Downward-directed Tgfs, High-speed Video, Optical Emissions, Telescope Array, Allow, Component, Detector, Downward-directed, Initiation, Leading, Lightning, Mechanisms, Photometer, Produced, Producing, Responsible.

Sensitivity of Hurricane Intensity Change to Outflow Interactions with the Environment
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Michael C Morgan($1,170,770), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Mass Circulation, Overturning Circulation, Surface Pressure, Tc Intensification, Tc Intensity, Tc Track, Tropical Cyclone, Adjoint, Approach, Base, Center, Coupling, Defined, Dynamic, Environment, Environmental, Eyewall, Forecast, Outflow, Perturbations, Prediction, Storm, Strength.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the Turbulent Dynamics of Convective Bursts and Tropical Cyclone Intensification Using Large Eddy Simulations and High-Order Numerics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Stephen R Guimond($413,310), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
2. Simone Marras($335,004), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Rapid Intensification, Tropical Cyclones, Convective, Core, Cycle, Difficult, Dynamics, Energy, Hurricane, Intensity, Model, Storms, Training, Turbulent.

CAREER: Self-consistent and Data-constrained Simulations of the Leader and Return Stroke Processes in Lightning Discharges
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Caitano L da Silva($523,159), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Positive And Negative, Return Stroke Model, Educational Plan, Leader Channels, Lightning Physics, Propagation Mechanisms, Recoil Leaders, Advance, Asymmetry, Attenuation, Branching, CG, Current, Describe, Flashes, Ground, Has, Main, Maps, Models, Outlined, Remains, Upward, Velocity, —.

Collaborative Research: Detection and Estimation of Multi-Scale Complex Spatiotemporal Processes in Tornadic Supercells from High Resolution Simulations and Multiparameter Radar
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. David J Bodine($403,045), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Leigh Orf($391,400), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Lawrence R Frank($802,260), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Prior Information, Analysis, Complex, Conditions, Derived, EF, EFD, Entropy, High-resolution, Long-lived, Maintenance, Method, Numerical, Observational, Quantify, Radar, Simulations, Space-time, Storms, Strong, Supercell, Supercells, Theory, Tornadic, Tornado, Tornadoes, Tornadogenesis, Violent.

Lightning Studies Based on Measurements Spanning the Ranges from Radio Frequency to Optical (including Infrared and Ultraviolet) to Gamma-Rays
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Vladimir A Rakov($1,067,790), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Corona Streamer Bursts, Attachment Process, Electromagnetic Field, Ir Images, Lightning Channel, Streamer Zone, Unprecedentedly Wide, Uv Images, Visible Range, Wavelength Range, Besides, Cgs, Conjunction, Corresponding, Gamma-rays, High-speed, Imaging, Leader, Loops, Observations, Performed, Physics, Processes, Radiation, Ranges, Recordings, Signatures, Thunderstorm.

Collaborative Research: A Synergistic Study of Aerosol Vertical Distributions and their Effects on Convective Clouds and Precipitation
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Rong Fu($426,986), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Yuan Wang($174,443), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Clouds And Precipitation, Various Aerosol Types, Aerosol-cloud Interactions, Convective Clouds, Vertical Distributions, Aerosol-cloud, Aerosols, California, Characteristics, Climate, Effect, Effects, Fuels, Influence, Investigate, Properties, Seasonal, Specific, Uncertainties.

Identifying the Physical Drivers and Radar Signatures of Fire-Generated Tornadic Vortices
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Neil P Lareau($520,317), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Radar And Satellite, Size And Shape, Tornados And Thunderstorms, Citizen-science Campaign, Conceptual Models, Life-saving Warnings, Satellite Observations, Severe Weather, Wildfire Plumes, Wildfire Stakeholders, Ash, Citizen-science, Common, Curriculum, Development, Embedded, FGTV, Fire, Fire-generated, Fires, Flow, In-classroom, Life-saving, Observed, Potential, Public, Pyrocb, Social-media, Vortex, Vortices.

Observational and Numerical Modeling Study of Downburst Generation Using Dual-Polarization Radar
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Jacob T Carlin($297,501), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Negative Buoyancy, Simulate Downbursts, Existing, Factors, Intensity, Issue, Microphysics, Models, Polarimetric, Radar, Sources, Variables, Warnings, Weather.

Multi-Spectral Digital Holography for Aerosol Material Characterization
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Matthew J Berg($399,196), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Size And Shape, Aerosol Particles, Biological Particles, Characterize Aerosols, Chromaticity Analysis, Color Dh, Free-flowing Particles, Particle Images, Ability, Absorbing, Approach, Atmosphere, CMA, Categories, Climate, Collection, Colors, Components, Composition, Conventional, Distinguished, Dust, Extending, Forming, Free-flowing, Gray-scale, Has, Information, MD, Manner, Nature, Obtained, Particle’s, Scattering.

RUI: Characterization of Aerosol Effects within an Urban Lightning Climatology across a North American Climatic Gradient
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Dudley B Bonsal($449,955), James Madison University, Harrisonburg
Key terms: Aerosol Conditions, Aerosols, Atmospheric, City, Distinct, Environments, Intensity, Lightning, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Urban, Weather.

NSF-BSF: Quantitative Evaluation of Aerosol Impacts on the Microphysical Composition, Electrification and Radiative Forcing of Deep Tropical Convective Clouds
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Joel A Thornton($584,347), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Chemical Transport Model, Deep Convective Clouds, Satellite Remote Sensing, Transport Model Predictions, Tropical Deep Convective, Uap And Ccn, Aerosol Impacts, Aerosol Particle, Aerosol Particles, Radiative Forcing, Act, Alter, Analysis, Anthropogenic, Atmosphere, Climate, DCC, Effects, Extent, Global, Increases, Lifetime, Lightning, Microphysics, Models, Phenomena, Precipitation, Regions, Size, Weather.

EAGER: The Dynamics of Large Buoyant Plumes
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. David Romps($214,606), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Neutral Buoyancy, Plume's Level, Vertical Plume, Atmosphere, Fires, Formulate, Height, Initial, Initiated, Nuclear, Plumes, Predict, Theory.

Collaborative Research: Interactions and Feedbacks between Storms and Bioaerosols
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Sonia M Kreidenweis($1,511,762), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Elizabeth A Stone($423,534), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Surface And Atmosphere, Earth’s Surface, Fungal Spores, Numerical Modeling, Aerosol, Bacteria, Bioaerosol, Bioaerosols, Biological, Climate, Cloud, Conditions, Development, Distribution, Earth’s, Exchange, Feedbacks, Field, Flux, Fluxes, Generation, Instrumentation, Models, Parameterization, Particle, Particles, Pollen, Precipitation, Set, Storm, Total, Updrafts.

Multi-scale Interactions Influencing Lake-Effect Systems
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Neil F Laird($514,733), Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva
Key terms: Convective Boundary Layer, Lake-effect Storms, Lakes Region, Les Snowfall, Winter Snowfall, Complex, Connections, Contribution, Evolution, Has, Influence, Interactions, Lake-effect, MLC, Mesoscale, Range, Spatiotemporal, Structure, Upstream.

RAPID: Dual-Doppler Analysis of the Boundary Layer in Category-4 Hurricane Laura
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Karen A Kosiba($98,876), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Hurricane Boundary Layer, Hurricane Landfalls, Hurricane Laura, Cd, Collected, Dual-doppler, Eyewall, Forecasting, Function, Momentum, Near, Relevance, Structure, TKE, Unique, Wind.

Using Dual-Polarization Radar Observations to Detect Entrainment Zone Depth and Verify Model Forecasts of Convective Boundary Layer Evolution
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Matthew R Kumjian($778,585), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Convective Boundary Layer, Hourly Daytime Cblh, Monthly Mean Values, Differential Reflectivity, Radar Network, Top Height, Ability, Air, Differences, Evolution, Explore, Gradients, Has, Observations, Observed, Operational, RAP, Radars, Surface, WSR-D, Weather.

Collaborative Research: Observational and Numerical Modeling Studies of Rain Microphysics
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2019; Program: Physical & Dynamic Meteorology

1. Feng Xu($318,749), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Cloud Particle Model, National Weather Service, Armor Radar, Dsd Evolution, Fall Speed, Melting Level, Numerical Models, Radar Observations, Terminal Velocity, Accuracy, Advanced, Based, Collisional, Compared, Developed, Distributions, Dominant, Drop, Drops, Dsds, Dual-pol, Dual-polarization, Ice, Infer, Instruments, MIPS, Measure, Microphysical, Microphysics, Moments, Operated, Process, Processes, Profiles, Properties, Radars, Rain, Rainfall, Rates, Shape, Size, Storms, Surface, Warnings.

AGS-PRF: Establishing Causality in the Angular Momentum Budget of the Atmosphere: Insights from the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Aaron L Match($190,000), Match, Aaron L, Princeton
Key terms: Atmospheric Torque, Mid-latitude Jet, Tropical Convection, Advance, Alternating, Climate, Global, Influence, Mid-latitude, Models, Observations, QBO, Range, Tropopause, Tropospheric, Wind.

AGS-PRF: Big Data Analytics: Elucidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urban Atmosphere
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2021; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Zixu Zhao($190,000), Zhao, Zixu, Riverside
Key terms: Primary Vocs, Secondary Voc, Atmosphere, Emissions, Etc.

AGS-PRF: Leveraging High-Resolution Modeling and Dynamical Theory to Elucidate Changes in Extreme Precipitation in a Monsoonal Regime
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Jane E Smyth($190,000), Smyth, Jane E, Princeton
Key terms: Extreme Precipitation, Precipitation Extremes, Activities, Climate, Dynamics, Framework, Land, MLPS, Models, Rainfall, SST, Sensitivity, Synoptic, Temperatures, Tropical, Utilize, Warming.

AGS-PRF: The Impacts of Hemispheric Moisture Transport and Atmospheric Dynamics on Millennial-Scale Arctic Hydroclimate through the Holocene
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Allison A Cluett($110,001), Cluett, Allison A, Jericho
Key terms: Arctic Moisture Availability, North Atlantic Region, Arctic Region, Broader Impacts, Cyclone Activity, Moisture Transport, Northern Arizona, Westerly Jet, Atmospheric, Climate, Comparison, Database, Development, Eastern, Global, Holocene, Hydroclimate, Mid-holocene, Moisture-sensitive, Past, Precipitation, Sectors, Sensitive, Spatial, Synthesis, Weakened.

AGS-PRF: Warm Rain in Complex Coastal Terrain--Improving Process-level Understanding and Model Representation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Robert J Conrick($130,880), Conrick, Robert John Cuson, Seattle
Key terms: Olympic Mountains, Terrain-forced Precipitation, Coastal, Forecast, Model, Plans, Processes, Radar, Rain, Regions.

CIF: Single-Particle Measurements of Soot and Incandescing Aerosol
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Research Infra Cluster Prgrm

1. Andrew R Metcalf($427,895), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Aerosol Particles, Black Carbon, Soot Photometer, Sp2 Instrument, Atmospheric, Broader, Clemson, Field, Process, Single-particle.

CAREER: Novel Data-Based Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Solar Eruptions
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Satoshi Inoue($488,916), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Magnetic Flux Rope, Initiation Process, Magnetic Field, Mhd Simulations, Solar Eruptions, Solar Flares, Torus Instability, Accelerated, CME, Conditions, Coronal, Data-based, Derived, Does, Lead, Modeling, Photospheric.

Development of a Polarimeter System for Solar Synoptic High-Sensitivity Observations
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Damian Christian($627,030), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: True Polarization, CME, Cmes, Developed, Diffraction-limited, FOV, Field, Images, Instrument, Line, NIR, Polarimeter, Polarimetry, Sensitivity, Solar, ’’.

MRI: Development of an Airborne Coronal Emission Surveyor (ACES)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Edward E DeLuca($989,876), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Total Solar Eclipse, Coronal Lines, Solar Corona, Wavelength Region, ACES, Airborne, Argon, Diagnostics, Observe, Plasma, Sulfur.

Advancing Understanding of Solar Flares With Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Gelu M Nita($564,918), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Coronal Magnetic, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Reconnection, Particle Acceleration, Solar Flares, Distributions, EOVSA, Energy, Evolution, Modeling, Nonthermal, Obtain, Physics, Quantify, Release, Spatial.

Small-scale Ejections in the Sun’s Photosphere through Chromosphere and Corona
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Haimin Wang($357,172), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Coronal Heating, Small-scale Ejections, Solar Telescope, Solar Wind, Transition Region, Advance, Analysis, Atmosphere, Chromosphere, Energy, GST, High-resolution, Interrelationship, Jet-like, Magnetic, Mass, Observations, Small-scale, Space-based, Spectroscopic, Sun.

Collaborative Research: The Simpson Neutron Monitor Network
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. James M Ryan($730,638), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Surujhdeo Seunarine($453,164), University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls
3. Bennett A Maruca($1,194,735), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Delaware And Wisconsin-river, Cosmic Rays, Earth’s Atmosphere, Monitor Network, Neutron Monitors, Solar Activity, Space Weather, Three-year Collaborative, Wisconsin-river Falls, Bursts, Carry, Consortium, Detect, Detector, Earth’s, Energy, Ground, Ground-based, Hampshire, Information, Instruments, Interplanetary, Measure, NM, Nms, Operations, Opportunities, Particle, Plan, Radiation, Reach, School, Secure, Simpson, Stations, Structure, Sun, Three-year, Universities, Wide.

RAPID: Multiwavelength Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Corona During the 2021 December 4 Total Solar Eclipse
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Shadia R Habbal($199,926), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coronal, December, Eclipse, Fe, Motions, Nm, Observations, Observe, Solar, Totality, Vessel.

Coronal-Mass-Ejection-Driven Shocks and Sustained Gamma-Ray Emission Events
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Pertti Makela($365,666), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Ii Radio Bursts, Cme-driven Shocks, Cme-shock Model, Gamma-ray Emission, Gamma-ray Flares, High-energy Protons, Solar Atmosphere, Solar Eruptions, Analyses, Cme-driven, Cme-shock, Cmes, Coronal, Deposited, Discovery, EUV, Gamma-ray, Gt, High-energy, Mev, Objective, Observations, Observed, Particle, Properties, Regions, Released, SEP, SGRE, Source, X-ray.

Connecting Solar Physics Past to Its Machine Learning Future
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

Key terms: Hand-drawn Maps, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Patrick Mcintosh, Solar Cycle, Solar Features, Archive, Catalogue, Decades, Dynamo, Hand-drawn, Has, Images, Machine, Mcintosh’s, Sun, Surface, Techniques, Tools, Visible.

RUI: Multi-wavelength Spectroscopic and Spectropolarimetric Diagnostics of the Solar Atmosphere
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. SANJAY Gosain($388,769), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Lower Solar Atmosphere, Magnetic Field Extrapolations, Magnetic Field Topology, Thermodynamic And Magnetic, Additional Constraints, Chromospheric Spectral, Current Analysis, Magnetic Structure, Semi-empirical Method, Spectral Line, Spectral Lines, Approach, Atmospheric, Available, Convert, Developed, Height, Infer, Inversion, Mm, Model, Observations, Parameters, Photosphere, Properties, Semi-empirical, Simplified, Spatial, Stratifications, Sunspots.

A Virtual Conference on Applications of Statistical Methods and Machine Learning in the Space Sciences; Boulder, Colorado; March 22-26, 2021 or June 28 - July 2, 2021
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2021; Program: SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL

1. Karly M Pitman($10,000), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Statistical Methods, “big Data”, “black Box”, AI, Advancements, Analysis, Bring, Conference, Experts, Information, Interdisciplinary, ML, Machine, Physics, Solution, Space, “big, “black.

Simulating Space Weather Extremes: A Workshop to Identify Research Needs to Improve Power Grid Resilience to Geomagnetic Activity; Fall 2021 in Washington DC
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

Key terms: Space Weather-to-power Grid, Space Weather-to-power, Weather-to-power Grid, Communication, Geomagnetic, Hazard, Workshop.

Geospace Facilities: Improving Millstone Geospace Radar Performance and Lifetime
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

1. Philip J Erickson($5,339,625), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Geospace Radar Facility, Millstone Geospace Radar, Mit Haystack, Upper Atmosphere, Activities, Antenna, Enhance, Has, ISR, Improvements, Increased, Long-term, MISA, NSF, Public, Repair, Sensitivity, Steerable, Student, Subauroral, Transmitter, Unique.

Exploring the Tropical Atmosphere with Advanced Radio Occultation: Processing, Serving, and Analyzing Radio Occultation Data to Advance Atmospheric Science
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

1. Jan-Peter Weiss($3,075,436), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Gnss Radio Waves, Temperature And Water, Climate Monitoring, Gnssro Observations, Ro Observations, Satellite Missions, Water Vapor, Weather Prediction, Algorithms, Applications, Assess, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, COSMIC, COSMIC-, Charge, Commonly, Concern, Constellation, Datasets, Delay, Density, Development, Develops, Efforts, Equatorial, Extent, Fluctuations, GOLD, GPS, Global, Has, Hurricanes, ICON, Information, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Launched, Led, Looking, Low-latitude, Methods, Moisture, NASA, Near, Orbiting, Phase, Positioning, Profile, Program, Receiver, Refraction, Resolution, Satellites, Seeking, Six, Surface, Technology, Transmitted, Trends, Tropical, UCAR, Value.

National Academies Space Weather Operations and Research Infrastructure Workshop, Phase II; 2021-22; Washington, District of Columbia
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

1. Colleen N Hartman($50,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Space Weather, Effects, International, NASEM, Observations, Policy, Satellites, Workshop.

RAPID: Science Mission Planning, On-orbit Commissioning and Science Activation of the Ionosphere Thermosphere Scanning Photometer for Ion-Neutral Studies (IT-SPINS) Cubesat Mission
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

1. David M Klumpar($109,869), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Desired Orbit, Earth’s Ionosphere, It-spins Cubesat, Mission Duration, Mission Planning, Previous Nsf, Space Weather, Commissioning, Deployment, Distribution, Earth’s, IT-SPINS, Launched, Low, Mass, Operations, Oxygen, RAPID, Satellite, Students, Tasks, Testing, Time, Topside, Tribal.

Collaborative Research: Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Operations, Research and Community Support
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2021; Program: Space Weather Research

1. William A Bristow($2,022,560), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Broad Range, Ionospheric Plasma, Space Weather, Consortium, Continue, Convection, Enable, Geospace, International, Maps, Operations, Practical, Products, Radars, Solar, Superdarn.

FDSS: Faculty Development in a Multifaceted Geospace Program at West Virginia University
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2020; Program: Space Weather Research

1. Katherine A Goodrich($1,500,000), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Current Geospace Plasma, Physics And Astronomy, Undergraduate And Graduate, Wvu Geospace Plasma, 5-year Fdss, Faculty Hire, Fdss Program, Graduate Students, ADVANCE, Active, Course, Demonstrated, Department, Development, Diverse, Diversity, Existing, Field, Has, Hires, Hiring, History, Infrastructure, Laboratory, Observations, Opportunities, Postdoctoral, Strategic, Success, Training.

FDSS: Faculty and Curricular Development at the Solar-stellar Informatics Cluster of Georgia State University
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: Space Weather Research

1. Viacheslav M Sadykov($1,499,966), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
Key terms: 5-year Fdss Program, Corona And Heliosphere, Physics And Astronomy, 5-year Fdss, Junior Faculty, Magnetic Field, Numerical Simulation, Space Weather, Ssi Cluster, Ssi Cluster's, Student Body, Analytics, Clusters, Diverse, Diversity, Educational, Environment, Established, Expertise, Forecasting, Forecasts, GSU, Gender, Has, Highly, Hire, Interdisciplinary, Machine, Quality, Solar, Success, Tenure.

HBCU-Excellence in Research: Biomass Burning Aerosol-Molecular Level Characterization of Aging Conditions on Optical and Chemical Properties
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Special Initiatives

1. Barbara J Turpin($1,039,736), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Modified Combustion Efficiency, Water-soluble Gas Emissions, Atmospheric Chemistry, Bb-derived Aerosol, North Carolina, Optical Properties, Water-soluble Gas, African, Aging, Bb-derived, Biomass, Burning, Cloud, Collaborative, Conditions, Does, Fresh, Molecular-level, Morphology, NCAT.

Collaborative Research: Theoretical and observational investigations of multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity in the convective atmospheric surface layer
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Special Initiatives

1. Shane D Mayor($599,654), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
2. Chenning Tong($1,212,372), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Monin-obukhov Similarity Theory, Boundary Layer, Field Campaign, Monin-obukhov Similarity, Systematically Verify, Turbulence Spectra, ABL, Abl---the, Atmospheric, Collaboration, Comprehensive, Daytime, Has, Height, Instruments, Lidar, MMO, Mean, NCAR, Near, Prediction, Profiles, Range, Responsible, Shortcomings, Students, Temperature, Wind.

Community Coordinated Modeling Center: Facilitating Space Weather Research, Advancing Forecasting, and Providing Hands-On Opportunities for Education
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Upper Atmospheric Facilities

1. Maria M Kuznetsova($2,041,381), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Space Weather, Access, Activities, Atmosphere, CCMC, Development, ITM, Model, Modeling, Models.

The Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array as a Community Facility
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Upper Atmospheric Facilities

1. Bin Chen($1,798,474), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Flares And Active, Active Regions, Magnetic Fields, Solar Activity, Solar Flares, Space Weather, Capability, Directly, EOVSA, Environment, Ground-based, Image, Information, Operations, Radio, Students, Supporting.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Activities Supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: nan

1. Everette D Joseph($231,851), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Center.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Support of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Activities
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2021; Program: nan

1. Everette D Joseph($163,327), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms:

REU Site: Program in Climate and Space Science Observation (PICASSO) at the University of Michigan
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2021; Program: nan

1. Frank Marsik($408,402), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Climate And Space, Planetary Atmospheres, Space Weather, Computational, Developing, Development, Evaluation, Models, Observations, Practices, Program, Protect, Responsible, Seek, Skills, Students, Technical.

REU Site: Solar, Terrestrial, and Space Weather Sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2021; Program: nan

1. Hyomin Kim($422,639), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Space Weather, Center, Development, Field, Limited, Program, REU, Site, Solar, Students, Terrestrial, Undergraduate.