Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Jeremy A Riousset($441,951), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Secondary Electron Emission, Electric Discharges, Electron Avalanche, Atmospheric, Coefficient, Conditions, Does, Glow, Initiation, Ionization, Jets, Lightning, Mars, Planetary, Process.
1. Brentha Thurairajah($113,466), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Chihoko Cullens($368,409), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Lower Atmospheric Influences, Space Weather Forecast, Gravity Waves, Gw Sources, Large-scale Gws, Observed Large-scale, Planetary Waves, Relative Contributions, Affect, Aims, Atmosphere, Circulations, Coupling, Interaction, Ionospheric, Large-scale, Observations, Processes, Pws, Satellite, Simulations, Thermosphere, Tides.
1. Qingyu Zhu($359,725), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
2. Cesar E Valladares($87,361), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Lower Atmospheric, Post-sunset Eia, Solar Cycles, Additionally, Communication, Electron, Equator, Formation, GNSS, IHA, Investigate, Mechanisms, Post-sunset, SSW, Scintillation, Sector, Significantly.
1. Jamesina J Simpson($85,169), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Ples And Plhr, Power Line Emissions, Ples Plhr, Power Grids, Propagation Mechanism, Complex, Electromagnetic, Frequency, Harmonic, Ionosphere, Measured, Mode, Plasma, Propagate, Radiation, Robust, Satellites, Varying.
1. Philip J Erickson($49,456), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Third Steve Workshop, Auroral Emissions, Particle Precipitation, Picket Fence, Discuss, Formation, Has, Mechanisms, Observations, Occurrence, Optical, Phenomenon, Referred, Region, Regions.
1. Shun-Rong Zhang($169,918), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. xuguang cai($158,689), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ionosphere And Thermosphere, Quiet Time Tec, Quiet Time Thermosphere, Ionosphere Day-to-day, Space Physics, Space Weather, Tec Day-to-day, on2 Day-to-day, Additionally, Aims, Analyses, Characterize, Day-to-day, Ground-based, Investigate, Observations, Simulations, WACCM-X, ON.
1. Asti Bhatt($147,756), SRI International, Menlo Park
2. Jonathan J Makela($100,054), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Brian J Harding($46,627), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Operate And Maintain, Red And Green-line, Create Higher-level, Fabry-perot Interferometers, Mango Network, Upper Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Aurora, Collect, Earth’s, Fabry-perot, Forcing, Fpis, Higher-level, Imagers, Interface, Investigations, Ionosphere, Lower, Mid-latitude, NSF, Observations, Observes, Products, Public, Red-, Relative, Share, Thermospheric, Winds.
1. Brett A McCuen($108,120), Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo
2. Keith Groves($256,279), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Equatorial Plasma Bubbles, Quiet Time Epbs, Magnetically Quiet, Radio Signal, Vertical Drift, Advance, Applications, Bottom, Characterize, Driving, Forcing, GNSS, Instruments, National, Observations, Presence, SQ, Scintillation, Seeding, Various.
1. Nathaniel A Frissell($119,927), University of Scranton, Scranton
2. Eun-Hwa Kim($333,016), Andrews University, Berrien Springs
3. Simon Wing($141,789), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Ground Hf Communications, Hf Radio Waves, Ionospheric Density Fluctuations, Small-scale Density Irregularities, Solar And Geomagnetic, Amateur Radio, Geomagnetic Activities, Small-scale Density, Space Weather, Waves Propagate, Code, Conditions, Effect, Emergency, Investigate, Ionosphere, Petra-m, Profile, Propagation, Various.
1. John W Meriwether($129,863), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Matthew D Zettergren($294,330), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
3. Xian Lu($54,401), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Alfvén Waves, Atmospheric Drag, Auroral Arcs, Exospheric Density, Poker Flat, Alfvénic, Brightness, Dominant, Dynamics, Emissions, Field, Geomagnetic, Has, Instruments, Interactions, Investigate, Magnetosphere-ionosphere, Metastable, Nm, Observations, Plan, SQ, SWIR, Time.
1. Eframir Franco-Diaz($359,936), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
Key terms: Radio Wave Propagation, Winds And Temperatures, Disrupt Radio, Neutral Thermosphere, Altitude, Atmospheric, Brazil, Climatological, Conditions, Critical, Density, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Less, MA, Midlatitude, Near, Nightly, Peak, Plasma, Real-time, Region, Site, Southern, Westford, Women.
1. Joshua Semeter($99,637), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Adaptive Ionospheric, Citizen Scientists, Disrupt Radio-frequency, Citizens, Concept, Density, Dual-frequency, Eclipse, Formed, GPS, Geospace, Has, Ionosphere, Irregularities, Measure, Networks, Observatory, Plasma, Proof-of-concept, Radio-frequency, Region, Seeks, Sensing, Smartphones, Solar, TEC.
1. Sigrid Elschot($505,530), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Mass Deposition, Mlt Region, Neutral Density, Upper Atmosphere, Upper Atmospheric, Analysis, Create, Development, Effects, Extraterrestrial, Formed, Lead, Metallic, Meteor, Meteoroids, Meteors, Model, Modeling, Physics, Plasma, Radar, Spacecraft.
1. Vladimir A Rakov($167,962), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Atmosphere, Atmospheric, CID, Cids, Cloud, Discovered, Electric, Graduate, Lightning, Physics, Serve.
1. Marc R Hairston($99,290), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Available Thermal Plasma, Madrigal And Nasa, Operational Dmsp Spacecraft, Publicly Available Thermal, Quality And Contained, Thermal Plasma Observations, Nasa Spdf, Nsf-funded Madrigal, Public Distribution, Solar Maximum, Ssies-3 Package, Amounts, Centers, Composition, Continue, Delivered, Densities, Fill, Flows, Gap, Geomagnetic, Ionospheric, Level-, Nsf-funded, Period, Poor-quality, RAPID, Reprocessed, Storms, Temperatures.
1. Yang Chen($83,511), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Zihan Wang($112,514), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Euv Late Phase, Coronal Dimming, Global Navigation, Global Tec, Military Communication, Solar Flares, Upper Atmosphere, Aviation, Carry, Flare-to-flare, Intense, Investigate, ML, Machine, Maritime, Models, Numerical, Observations, Phases, Plans, Predict.
1. Jack C Wang($292,835), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Atmosphere Model, Residual Circulation, Upper Atmosphere, Compositions, Distribution, Driving, Examine, Has, Interactions, Investigate, Lower-thermospheric, Mechanisms, Multi-scale, Objective, Observed, Processes, Thermosphere, Thermospheric, Vertical, Waves.
1. Juan Rodriguez-Zuluaga($120,859), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Imf Conditions, Low Latitudes, Magnetic Field, Current, EEJ, Electric, Geomagnetic, JRO, Perturbations, Substorm, Substorms, Time.
1. Larisa P Goncharenko($56,865), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Luis A Navarro Dominguez($170,642), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ionospheric Electron, Neutral Winds, Polar Vortex, Strong Polar, Thermospheric Composition, Vortex Strength, Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Midlatitudes, Modeling, Observations, Signals, TEC, Thermosphere, Weak.
1. Jia Yue($50,000), Catholic University of America, Washington
Key terms: Heliophysics And Space, Space Physics, Space Weather, Access, Conference, Infrastructure, Model, Modeling, Models, Operational, Overall, Public, Simulation, Topics, Workshop.
1. Shibaji Chakraborty($234,794), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Sebastijan Mrak($166,193), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
3. Naomi Maruyama($135,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Shibaji Chakraborty($210,153), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Ionospheric Density, Relative Importance, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipses, Space Weather, Communication, Education, F-region, HF, Ionosphere, Observations, Quantify, Reduced, Transport.
1. Aaron J Ridley($226,999), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Discreet Aurora, Magnetic Storms, Nitric Oxide, Polar Vortex, Upper Atmosphere, Affect, Circulation, Density, Diffuse, Energy, GITM, Increased, Investigate, Methodology, Model, Satellite, TECHNO, Temperature, Uncertainties.
1. Oleksiy Agapitov($244,218), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Vijay Harid($238,190), University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora
Key terms: Low Frequency Radio, Powerful Vlf Transmitter, Lower Ionosphere, Solar Eclipse, Berkeley, Denver, Minutes, Observations, Observe, Opportunity, Processes, Rare, Sun, Totality.
1. Victor Pasko($779,342), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Electric Field, Activity, Avalanche, Electrons, Energy, Generated, Knowledge, Lightning, Main, Multiplication, Observations, Phenomena, Process, Processes, Radiated, Radiation, Referred, Sources, Tgfs, X-rays.
1. LEVENT GURDEMIR($49,999), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: K-12 Students, Safety Goggles, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipses, Activities, April, Earth’s, Educational, Instruments, Investigate, Ionosphere-thermosphere, Outreach, Planned, Public, Telescopes, Totality, UTA, Workshop.
1. Julie Barnum($50,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Open-source Python, Pyhc Software, Space Physics, Summer School, Attendees, Developers, Heliophysics, OSS, Open-source, Package, Packages, Participants, Platform, Public, Session.
1. Germar H Bernhard($79,074), Biospherical Instruments Inc, San Diego
Key terms: Total Solar Eclipse, Direct-sun Observations, Distinct Instruments, Earth’s Surface, Moon’s Shadow, Ozone Layer, Solar Eclipses, Spectral Irradiance, Upper Atmosphere, Additional, April, Artifacts, Calculated, Direct-sun, Earth’s, Effects, Established, Global, Has, International, Mexico, Minutes, Moon’s, Nm, Path, Photon, Planet, Radiation, Radiometer, Resolve, TOC, Totality, Transfer, Travels, UV, Ultraviolet.
1. Joseph S Evans($89,974), Computational Physics Inc, Springfield
2. Saurav Aryal($317,945), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Column Density Ratio, Emission Cross Section, On2 Column Density, Optically Forbidden Emissions, Remote Sensing Techniques, 125-250 Nm, Accurate Determination, Density Ratio, Earth’s Thermosphere-ionosphere, N2 Lyman-birge-hopfield, Uv Observations, Accurately, Band, Bands, Composition, Contributions, Dayglow, Derived, Earth’s, FUV, GOLD, Imaging, LBH, Lyman-birge-hopfield, Mission, OI, QEUV, Satellite-based, Satellites, Temperature, Thermosphere-ionosphere, Ultraviolet.
1. Amy E Hessl($202,212), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
2. Mariah Carbone($429,227), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
3. Rachael J Filwett($185,538), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Safeguarding Space-based Infrastructure, Carbon Allocated, Extreme Solar, Harmful Cosmic, Past 14c, Safeguarding Space-based, Space-based Infrastructure, Store Carbon, Tree Rings, Upper Limit, Age, CE, Conifers, Create, Critical, Deciduous, Estimates, Experiments, Forecasting, Global, Latitude, Magnitude, Modern, Particle, Program, Seps, Severe, Sites, Sources, Species, Spikes, Timing, Uncertainty, Wood, ΔC.
1. Peter A Delamere($366,410), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Jupiter And Saturn, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Flux, Magnetospheric Physics, Solar Wind, Basic, Compare, Conditions, Dynamics, Magnetosphere, Magnetospheres, Nature, Plasma, Processes, Space, Structure, Transport.
1. Pierre Kirstetter($262,308), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Ability, CIF, Enhance, Mobile, Precipitation, Program, Radar, Raxpol, Sensitivity, Tornadoes.
1. Benjamin A Schenkel($698,967), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Extratropical Transition Impacts, Transition Impacts Tornadoes, Environmental Traits, Landfalling Hurricanes, Large-scale Environmental, Environments, Factors, Knowledge, Large-scale, Lead, Multiple, Soundings, Supercell, Supercells, Thunderstorms.
1. Tirthankar Roy($582,109), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Flash Drought Development, Flash Droughts, Land Surface, Land-atmosphere Interactions, Rapid Intensification, Atmospheric, Conditions, Conventional, Feedback, Land-atmosphere, Multiple, Play.
1. Juie Shetye($568,185), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Key terms: Coronal Holes, DST, Imaging, Jets, Obtained, Regions, Solar, Students.
1. Zeljka Stone($655,738), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Convective Rainfall, Mass Flux, Analysis, Atmospheric, Campaign, Classification, Conditions, Convection, Develops, Field, Heavy, Humidity, Idealized, Model, Pacific, Pis, Rains, School, Showers, Temperature, Thermodynamic, Variables, Weather.
1. William R Simpson($297,497), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Observing Network, Iodine And Bromine, Ozone Depletion Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Depletion Chemistry, Iodine Chemistry, Previously Assumed, Reactive Halogen, Buoy, Buoys, Chemical, Critical, Focus, Observations, Spectroscopy, Synergies.
1. Neil M Donahue($356,844), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Formation And Growth, Low Volatility, Organic Compounds, Reactive Uptake, Upper Troposphere, Climate, Condensation, Effort, Inorganic, Interactions, Nucleation, Particle, Particles, Partitioning, Semi-volatile, Vapors.
1. Lewis G Huey($86,340), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Chlorine And Bromine, Hnco And Ch2n2, Bromine Containing, CHN, Chemical, Chemicals, Compounds, Emissions, Plumes, Publication, Release, Site, Species, Surrounding.
1. Ann Marie G Carlton($709,720), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Christopher Hennigan($419,614), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry Field, Chemistry Field Campaign, Water-soluble Organic Gases, Water-soluble Organic, Aerosols, Effects, Graduate, Laboratory, Partitioning, Reanalysis, Salt, Salting.
1. Helen L DeWitt($579,250), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Global Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Scientists, Knowledge Gaps, Activities, Build, Creating, IGAC, IPO, International, Issues, Regional.
1. Zhenfa Zhang($1,133,485), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Biogenic And Anthropogenic, Anthropogenic Emissions, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Gas, North Carolina, Teachers Programs, Wide Range, Acquisition, Aerosol, Aging, Experiences, Instrument, International, K-, Leading, Mass, Multiphase, Opportunities, Organic, Outreach, Visits.
1. Albert A Presto($891,928), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Models And Satellite, Aerosol Concentrations, Air Quality, Filter Tapes, Global Network, Global North, Global South, Satellite Products, Analysis, BAM, Collected, Compare, Composition, Dataset, Datasets, Embassy, Enable, Globe, Ground-based, Profiles, Regions, Sources, Stakeholders, Techniques, Temporal, Under-sampled, Worldwide.
1. Nicholas Meskhidze($20,000), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Iron Biogeochemical, Ocean Biogeochemistry, Atmospheric, Carbon, Climate, Critical, Deposition, Focus, Information, International, Meeting, Models, Phd, Processes, Solubility, Workshop.
1. Celia Faiola($480,588), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Rates And Composition, Air Pollutants, Dry Deposition, Emission Rates, Leaf Resistance, Los Angeles, Particle Deposition, Urban Trees, Areasthis, Atmospheric, Emissions, Organic, Parks, Range, Secondary, Sink.
1. Paul J Ziemann($596,226), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Mechanisms And Models, Organic Compounds, Aerosol, Analysis, Atmospheric, Chemical, Climate, Composition, Effects, Environmental, Formed, Gases, Human, Oxidation, Products, Reactions, Visibility.
1. Carrie A McDonough($783,700), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Organic Peroxy Radicals, Organic Compounds, Vocus Ptr-ms, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Enable, Has, Instrument, MRI, Mass, Measure, PTR-MS, Species.
1. David Wilmouth($199,479), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Enhanced Water Vapor, Injected Water Vapor, Short And Long-term, Chemical Composition, Hthh Eruption, Ozone Layer, Volcanic Eruptions, Chemistry, Critical, Damage, Distribution, Dynamics, Earth’s, Evolution, Has, Information, Mechanisms, Potential, RAPID, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Time, Was.
1. Jiajue Chai($139,995), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: O3 Formation Regime, Salt Lake City, Summertime O3 Formation, Model Simulations, Ozone Formation, Concentrations, Nitrogen, Region, SLC-SOS.
1. Hui Ouyang($350,018), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: 50-100 Nanometer Cloud, Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Coagulation Sink Rates, Nanometer Cloud Condensation, Coagulation Rates, Graduate Students, Van Der, Atmospheric, Experience, Fields, Image, Investigation, K-, Knowledge, Laboratory, Model, Sub-, Uncertainties, Undergraduate.
1. Karena A McKinney($30,480), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Conference And Seminar, Atmosphere Conference, Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Atmospheric, Biological, Ecological, Gordon, June, Mechanisms, Meeting, Ozone, Quality, Released, Secondary, Th.
1. Kang Sun($141,972), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Air Pollution, Observation-based Framework, Satellite Observations, Atmospheric, Climate, Emission, Emissions, Has, New-generation, Nitrogen, Nox, Observation-based, Satellite-based, Species.
1. Wendell W Walters($422,847), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Chemistry And Reactive, Reactive Nitrogen Emissions, Ice Core, Mid-latitude Glacier, Nox Oxidation, Oxidation Chemistry, Stable Isotopes, Activities, Atmospheric, Climate, Influence, Mid-latitude, Natural, Nitrate.
1. Saewung Kim($675,323), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Land Management Practices, Oxidant And Aerosol, Urban And Agricultural, Agricultural Landscapes, Air Quality, Bvoc Emissions, Graduate Student, Managed Landscapes, Management Practices, Undergraduate Students, Canopy, Ecosystem, MEGAN, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Postdoctoral, Primary, Processes, Sources.
1. Sarah Brooks($467,067), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Margaret A Tolbert($463,374), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Contact Nucleation, Ice Nucleation, Focus, INP, Mechanisms, Nucleating, Represent, Students.
1. Kevin R Knupp($23,594), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Aerial Fauna, Boundary Layer, Gain Experience, Profiling Sites, Solar Radiation, Balloon, Graduate, Levels, MAX, Mapnet, Mobile, Observations, Profiles, Radar, School, Students, Temperature, Wind.
1. Jenna Ditto($452,993), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Fresh And Aged, Complex Mixtures, Indoor Air, Indoor Dust, Organic Compounds, Chemical, Chemistry, Dust-bound, Exposure, Infiltrate, Interactions, Products, Students.
1. Elijah G Schnitzler($141,290), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Key terms: Biomass Burning Aerosol, Air Quality, Fuel Species, Light Absorption, Organic Aerosol, Aging, Atmospheric, BBOA, Carbon, Chemical, Climate, Involves, Origin, Processes, Processing, SGP, Tasks, Wide.
1. Randall V Martin($30,000), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: 11th International Geos-chem, International Geos-chem Meeting, 11th International, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Composition, Early-career Scientists, Geos-chem Meeting, International Geos-chem, Chemical, Climate, Coupled, Early-career, Global, Held, IGC, Model, Modeling, Postdocs, Students, Travel.
1. John E Mak($299,818), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Hydrogen Chloride, Remove Methane, Aerosol, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Carbon, Chlorine, Climate, Has, Iron, Mechanism, Mitigating, Potential, Viability.
1. Lisa M Wingen($772,000), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Organic Particle, Aerosol, Approaches, Determination, Direct, EASI-MS, Gap, MAI-MS, Oxidation, Particles, Processes, Products, Radical, Techniques, Via.
1. Stephen Archer($304,365), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
2. Coty N Jen($932,280), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Atmospheric Chemistry, Emission Profiles, Marine Planktonic, Nucleation Potential, Nucleation Potentials, Nucleation Rates, Nucleation Reactions, Particle Nucleation, Climate, Clouds, Emissions, Gulf, Maine, Oceans, Particles, Phytoplankton, Predicting, Regions, Various.
1. Leanne N Blind-Doskocil($49,818), Valparaiso University, Valparaiso
Key terms: Total Solar Eclipse, Meteorology Students, Sparc Facility, Atmospheric, Compared, Dynamics, Educational, Facilities, Outreach, PBL, Transition, Undergraduate, Valparaiso.
1. Sergey Nizkorodov($797,203), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Biomass Burning Organic, Burning Organic Aerosol, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Soa And Bboa, Aqueous Environment, Cloud Droplets, Organic Particles, Photochemical Reactions, Compounds, Directly, Liquid, Phase, Processes, Students.
1. Wendell W Walters($56,667), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Nitrate And Sulfate, Atmospheric Chemistry, Particulate Nitrate, Climate, Emission, Fields, Gases, Inform, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Various.
1. Emma L Yates($1,458,444), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Salt Lake City, Field Campaign, Ozone Pollution, Wasatch Front, Focused, Formation.
1. Paul Higgins($131,688), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Students And Early-career, Weather And Climate, Early-career Scientists, Policy Decisions, Policy Makers, Colloquium, Interaction, Participants, Participation, Process, Stakeholders.
1. Renyi Zhang($551,788), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Gulf Coast Region, Sea Breeze Convection, Sea Breeze Thunderstorm, Texas Gulf Coast, Aerosols Derived, Atmospheric Models, Accurate, Analysis, CCN, Charge, Clean, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Conditions, Convective, Dccs, Development, Effects, Elevated, Evolution, Experiment, Flooding, Focus, Future, Galveston, HLMA, Highly, Houston, Humidity, INP, Ice, Importance, Industrial, Interactions, Levels, Lightning, Mechanisms, Media, Meteorological, Microphysical, Observation, Polluted, Precipitation, Processes, Radar, Season, Sources, Students, Thunderstorms, Urban, Various, Vulnerable, Warm, Weather.
1. Mathias Vuille($400,000), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Central Andes, Crop Yields, Future Climate, Agriculture, Collaboration, Contribute, Drought, Expertise, Extreme, Forecasting, Hence, International, Local, Model, Modeling, Mountain, Region, Simulate, Student.
1. Nishant Malik($199,885), Rochester Institute of Tech, Rochester
Key terms: Atlantic Meridional Overturning, Meridional Overturning Circulation, Climate Indices, Interacting Phenomena, Algorithms, Allow, Complex, Effects, Global, Influence, Large-scale, Network, Oscillation, Potential, Society, Students, Tipping, Tools.
1. Colin Raymond($85,377), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Climate Hazards, Conference, Discuss, Participants, Risks, Stakeholders.
1. Alex Haberlie($199,316), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
Key terms: Intelligence And Machine, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced, Aims, Climate, Computational, Extreme, Models, Modern, Rainfall, Resources, Simulating, Students.
1. Timothy J Garrett($941,193), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Alpha And Beta, Cloud Size Distribution, Cloud Properties, Theory Predicts, Air, Amount, Atmospheric, Climate, Clouds, Conditions, Contribution, Energy, Extent, Future, Greenhouse, Invariance, Invariant, Issue, Measured, Pacific, Parameters, Particular, Perimeter, Pis, Power, Satellite, Seeks, Subsequent, Values, Warming.
1. Kamazima M Lwiza($424,952), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Sukyoung Lee($470,539), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Available Potential Energy, Extratropical Storm Track, Mean Available Potential, Planetary Stationary Waves, Stationary Wave Activity, Storm Track Activity, Zonal Mean Available, Causal Relationships, Climate Models, Experience Offered, Latent Heating, Tropical Heating, Carried, Explore, Explored, Gap, Global, Links, Local, Mechanisms, Midlatitudes, Observations, Principal, Remains, Represented, Responsible, School, Seasonal, Share, Students, Subseasonal, York.
1. Peter Hitchcock($1,010,185), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Rare-event Sampling Algorithm, Model Simulations, Planetary Waves, Rapid Amplification, Rare-event Sampling, Atmospheric, Attribution, CAO, Caos, Challenge, Climate, Cold, Cornell, Course, Development, Ensemble, Extent, Extreme, Factors, Forecasts, Framework, Has, Increased, Intended, Leads, Likelihood, Logic, Occurred, Odds, Probabilistic, Produce, SSW, Severity, Ssws, Students, Subseasonal, Temperatures, Thinking, Time, Timescale, Weather.
1. Karen McKinnon($944,511), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Heat Waves, Hottest Days, Temperature Extremes, Activity, Analysis, Average, Challenge, Climate, Drying, Educational, Extent, Faster, Mechanisms, Model, Module, Output, Size, Soil, Statistical, Students, Surface, Th, Trends, Warming, Workshop.
1. Paul E Roundy($525,359), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Eddy Mean Flow, Kelvin Wave Phase, Mean Flow Interactions, Wave Phase Speed, Background Conditions, Deep Convection, Global Circulation, Global Models, Kelvin Waves, Phase Speeds, Static Stability, Advection, Based, Benchmarks, Climate, Coupled, Disturbances, ENSO, Filtered, Gridded, Has, MJO, Moist, Moisture, OLR, Principal, Processes, Rainfall, Satellite, Select, Synoptic, Time, Tropics, Weather, Wind.
1. Peter Hitchcock($538,591), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Rising Motions, Tropical Ssts, Water Vapor, Convection, Convective, Corggle, Entering, Gateway, Idealized, Induce, Layer, Mechanism, Model, Models, Ozone, Simulations, Stratosphere, Summer, Surface, TTL, Temperature, Theories, Theory, Tropopause, Troposphere.
1. Becky Alexander($50,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Climate Conference, Graduate Students, GCC, Interdisciplinary.
1. William R Boos($796,213), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Convective Orographic Precipitation, Tropical Orographic Precipitation, Arabian Sea, Generate Precipitation, Stable Air, Weather Stations, Climate, Clouds, Convection, Developed, Has, Image, Middle, Model, Mountain, Pis, Produce, Rain, Rising, Shallow, Simulations, Summer, Summit, Theory, Tropics, Undergraduate, Upwind, Waves, Wind.
1. Sylvia G Dee($642,396), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Climatic Conditions, Girl Scouts, Heavier Isotopes, Heavier Water, Heavy Isotopes, Ice Cores, Isotopic Abundances, Isotopic Composition, Model Simulations, Paleoclimate Proxies, Paleoclimate Proxy, Rainwater Collectors, Source Region, Water Cycle, Water Isotopes, Water Vapor, Access, Based, Climate, Component, Consequence, Consistently, Covering, Effects, Effort, Efforts, Extent, Found, HDO, HISD, HO, Has, Hydrological, In-situ, Infer, Instance, Isotope-enabled, Lack, Models, Observations, Public, Reasons, Rice, SWING, Speleothems, Students, Warming, Wisonet.
1. J David Neelin($1,389,411), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Moist Heat Waves, Climate Warms, Convective Precipitation, Extreme Precipitation, Probability Distribution, Rainfall Intensity, Risk Ratios, Statistical Mechanics, Water Vapor, Aces, Air, Atmospheric, Cloud, Clouds, Convecting, Convection, Entrainment, Has, Heavy, Inch, Increase, Likelihood, Moisture, Motion, Particular, Periods, Pis, Potential, Produce, Shown, Suppression, Temperature.
1. Lei Wang($526,520), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Bam And Blocking, Weather And Blocking, Bam Activity, Diabatic Heating, Extreme Weather, Southern Hemisphere, Time Scales, Warming Climate, Atmospheric, Circulation, Dynamical, Education, Enhanced, Expected, Frequency, Future, Has, Increase, Investigate, K-, Knowledge, Large-scale, Midlatitude, Model, Models, Modes, Processes, Rainfall, Simulate, Subseasonal-to-seasonal, Synoptic.
1. Giuseppe Torri($182,421), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Hawaiʻi’s Climate, Indigenous People, Approach, Extreme, Hawaiian, Hawaiʻi’s, Islands, Islands’, Knowledge, Methods, Weather.
1. Noboru Nakamura($50,000), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Graduate Students, Chicago, Climate, Extreme, Participants, Quantify, Travel, Workshop.
1. Christopher Skinner($398,984), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Co2 Fertilization, Co2 Increase, Fire Weather, Growing Season, Increasing Co2, Indirect Effects, Stomatal Closure, Surface Humidity, Air, Applied, Atmosphere, CAM, CESM, CLM, Climate, Consequences, Decrease, Direct, Earlier, Falls, Has, Instance, Land, Leading, Leaves, Less, Means, Model, Models, Moisture, Performed, Photosynthesis, Plants, Rain, Resources, Risk, Simulated, Soil, Stomates, Transpiration, Variety, Vegetation, Water.
1. Abigail L Swann($621,734), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Fertilization And Stomatal, Land Surface, Moisture Supply, Plant Physiology, Plants Absorb, Stomatal Closure, Air, Amount, Atmosphere, CESM, CLM, Climate, Demand, Directly, Effect, Effects, Evaporation, Increase, Matter, Mechanism, Model, Performed, Photosynthesis, Regulating, Release, Simulations, Societal, Soil, Stomates, Temperatures, Transpiration, Vegetation, Warming, Water.
1. Sen Zhao($644,460), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coastal El Nino, Equatorial Pacific, Ml Model, Surface Winds, Dynamics, Forecast, Ocean, Pis, Predictability, Prediction, Predictors, SST, Sensitivity, South, Student, Various, Warm, Warming, Waves.
1. Lorenzo M Polvani($546,989), Columbia University, New York
2. Darryn W Waugh($601,138), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Global Temperature Increase, Climate Impacts, Climate Model, Co2 Increase, Model Simulations, Rapid Weakening, Regional Climate, Stratospheric Ozone, AMOC, Affects, Amount, Assessments, Atlantic, Circulation, Consideration, Factor, Has, Influence, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Nonlinearity, Northern, Pis, Proportional, Warming.
1. Petrus Johannes van Leeuwen($711,800), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Cold Lid Mechanism, Weather And Climate, Convective Clouds, El Nino, Organized Convection, Rain Layers, Surface Winds, Atmospheric, Broad, Development, Effects, Falling, Flux, Fluxes, Has, Intensification, Intensifying, Large-scale, Less, MJO, Model, Moisture, Ocean, Performed, Pis, Produce, Rainwater, Regional, Resolution, Restriction, Simulations, Strong, Typically, Warmer, Wwbs.
1. Amato T Evan($800,565), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Global Climate Models, Offline Dust Emission, Climatic Effects, Downslope Windstorms, Dust Concentration, Dust Emissions, Mineral Dust, Aerosol, Air, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Burden, CESM, Dry, Dustiness, Dynamics, Efforts, Extreme, Haboobs, Has, Land, MPAS, Particulate, Prominence, Resolution, Simulations, Small-scale, Strong.
1. Martina Bramberger($109,213), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Lars E Kalnajs($305,435), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Detect Gravity Waves, Strateole-2 Field Campaign, Gps Receiver, Lower Stratosphere, Weather Prediction, Altitude, Atmospheric, Balloon, Balloons, CNES, Deployment, Deployments, Development, Difference, Driving, Equator, Flights, Float, Gondola, LMU, Layer, Lowered, Model, Operational, Participation, Pis, Provided, QBO, RATS, Set, TTL, Temperature, Thermometer, Thermometers, Tropical, Tropopause, Vertical, Wavelengths.
1. Daniel J Peppe($137,528), Baylor University, Waco
2. Edward K Vizy($826,537), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Lake Victoria Basin, Grid Covers, Lake Size, Rain Falls, Thunderstorm Complexes, Africa, Atlantic, Baylor, Capture, Climate, Cycle, Hazard, Indian, Influence, Lakes, Largest, Model, Museum, Nested, Pis, Rainfall, Range, Region, Regional, Simulations, WRF, Water, Weather.
1. Lars E Kalnajs($520,683), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Saturation Vapor Pressure, Ice Particles, Lower Stratosphere, Moisture Sensor, Particle Counter, Previous Deployments, Relative Humidities, Sensor Developed, Size Bins, Temperature Sensor, Vertical Resolution, AGS-, Aerosols, Altitude, Balloon, Balloons, Campaign, Cirrus, Clouds, Colorado, Develops, Flights, Float, Flown, Formation, French, Gondola, Has, Humidity, Instrument, Issue, LPC, Laboratory, Layer, Layers, Level, Microns, Observations, Observe, Participation, Pis, Profiles, Provided, RS, Rachuts, Strateole-, TDL, TTL, Third, Tropical, Waves.
1. Christiane Jablonowski($590,053), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Ramalingam Saravanan($163,940), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Se Dynamical Core, Tropical Cyclones, CAM, CESM, Computing, Doe’s, Experimental, GSRM, Has, Model, Models, Nonhydrostatic, Resolutions, Run, Simulations, Version.
1. Jennifer S Haase($447,538), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Martina Bramberger($63,179), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Six Roc Receivers, Cirrus Clouds, Ice Particles, Momentum Flux, Radio Occultation, Ro Profiles, Roc Observations, Temperature Fluctuations, Temperature Profiles, Three-dimensional Structure, Wave Driving, Weather Models, AGS-, Air, Balloon, Balloons, Becool, Build, Campaign, Climate, Cooling, Deployment, Deployments, Descends, Developed, Effort, Field, Flights, Float, Formation, French, Frequencies, GNSS, Global, Launched, Layer, Lower, Motions, Operational, Participation, Pis, Prediction, QBO, Reason, Refraction, Roughly, Satellite, Satellites, Seychelles, Strateole-, Stratosphere, Students, TTL, Three-dimensional, Tropical, Tropopause, Value, Waves.
1. Allison A Wing($388,876), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. James H Ruppert($162,235), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Ve Chandrasekar($748,139), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Earth's Energy Balance, Atlantic Ocean, Cape Verde, Convective Organization, Earth's Energy, Orcestra Effort, Organized Convection, Tropical Atlantic, Affect, Barbados, Campaign, Climate, Cloud, Clouds, Clusters, Environment, Extent, Found, German, Has, International, Meteor, North, PICCOLO, Precipitation, Quiescent, Radar, Real-world, Relevance, SEA-POL, Simulations, Societal, Students, Temperature, Tropics, Uniform, Variety, Weather.
1. Rebecca Hatheway($36,820), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Boundary Layer, Climate Model, Cloud Cover, Cold Ssts, Double Itcz, Eastern Pacific, Hemisphere Itcz, Itcz Formation, Rainfall Contrast, Secondary Itcz, Southeast Pacific, Southern Hemisphere, Surface Wind, Wind Convergence, Analysis, Atmospheric, Conditions, Convection, Convective, Equator, Factors, February, Genesis, Moist, Momentum, North, Particular, Promotes, Simulations, Stability, TWI, Transport, Warmer.
1. Mohan K Ramamurthy($4,500,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Nsf Unidata, Software Tools, Technical Solutions, Advancing, ESS, Educators, Minority-serving, Opportunities, Partnerships, Program, Serves, Services, Universities, Variety, Worldwide.
1. Sophie Nowicki($433,709), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Natural Hazards, Undergraduate Students, Advisors, Climate, Experience, Experts, Fields, Interdisciplinary, Lake, Mentors, Primary, Skills.
1. Dawn M Kopacz($99,967), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric Scientists, Early-career Training, Field Campaigns, Advance, Developing, Development, Early-career, Education, Effectively, Experiences, Gaps, Has, Identity, Integration, Knowledge, Observations, Opportunities, Potential, Practices, Seeks, Settings, Student, Students, Unique, Workshop.
1. John M Peters($542,110), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Air Quality, Cities, Climate, Communication, Effects, Energy, Peer-reviewed, Program, Solving, Students, Urban, Wildfires.
1. Zachary J Handlos($488,720), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Georgia Tech, Graduate School, Reu Program, Reu Students, Student Participants, AOG, Aog-related, Array, Atlanta, Development, Diverse, Diversity, GSU, Increase, NSF, Programs, Skills.
1. Frank Marsik($454,235), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Activities, Climate, Computational, Developing, Development, Engineering, Faculty, Fields, Participants, Personal, Program, Skills, Space, Students, Technical.
1. Andrew Rice($505,759), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Atmospheric And Climate, Changing Climate, CCAR, Critical, Diverse, Earth’s, Fields, Future, Generation, Geosciences, Global, Has, Intensive, Interdisciplinary, Invests, Opportunities, Program, REU, Recruiting, STEM, Solutions, Students, Summer, Training, Underrepresented, Warming.
1. Bagrat Mailyan($200,000), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Lightning Network, Datasets, Emissions, Gamma-ray, Ground-based, High-energy, Monitor, Observations, Radio, Satellite, Tgfs.
1. Laiyin Zhu($198,702), Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
Key terms: Tc Rain Rates, Environmental Forcings, Extreme Weather, Saharan Dust, Tc Rainfall, Atmospheric, Climate, Cloud, Complex, Dynamics, Enhance, Interactions, ML, Models, Processes, Ssts, Techniques.
1. Michael Roddewig($473,439), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Geospace And Middle, Atmospheric Density, Middle Atmosphere, Water Vapor, Aerosol, Aerosols, Climate, Dynamic, Generation, Laser, Lidar, Meteorological, Mj, Mode, Modes, Nm, PFRR, Processes, Program, Receiver, Space, Temperature, Topics, Weather.
1. Stephen Kaeppler($360,000), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: All-sky Imager, On-and-off Modulations, Poker Flat, Pulsating Aurora, Radio Wave, Affect, All-sky, Auroral, Clemson, Communication, Conductivity, Electrodynamics, Energy, GEMINI, HF, Investigation, Ionosphere, Ionospheric, Latitude, Model, Modeling, Observations, Occurring, On-and-off, Precipitation, Program, Regions, Students, Temporal.
1. James Clemmons($577,698), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Localized Magnetic Perturbations, Magnetosphere And Ionosphere, Ionosphere Phenomena, Localized Perturbations, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Ability, Advantage, Correlate, Current, Currents, Datasets, Dbdt, Forecasting, Geomagnetic, Geomagnetically, Gics, Ground, Increased, Intervals, ML, Machine, Model, Models, Peaks, Power, Resolution, Spatial, Techniques.
1. Adam L Houston($34,984), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
2. Nathaniel J Cunningham($4,252), Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln
Key terms: K-12 Students, Meteorology Course, Deployment, Educational, Nebraska, Radar, Raxpol.
1. Joshua M Wurman($249,956), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Available, COWNET, Instruments, Outreach, Precipitation, Radars, Weather.
1. Brian M Argrow($349,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric And Geospace, Instruments And Facilities, Lower Atmosphere, Suas Platforms, Uncrewed Aircraft, AGS, Access, Available, Boulder, CIF, Colorado, Enhance, Environments, Facility, Instrumentation, MUSAS, NSF, Observational, Otherwise, Processes, Program, Request, Vehicles.
1. Karen A Kosiba($448,486), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Karen A Kosiba($448,486), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Downet Facility, Weather Stations, Array, Available, Doppler, Mobile, Outreach, Precipitation, Radars.
1. Mark Kanaparthi($39,131), Francis Marion University, Florence
Key terms: Mechanical Engineering Lab, Real Time Black, Time Black Carbon, Lab Course, Sp2 Instrument, Air, Lecture, Opportunities, Receive, Students.
1. Judith Perlinger($37,207), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Keweenaw Bay, Lake Superior, Southern Shore, Vertical Profiles, Air, Atmospheric, Boundary, Center, L’anse, Michigan, Outreach, SPARC, Students, Temperature, Tropospheric, Wisconsin-madison, Wood.
1. Sanjoy K Bhattacharia($74,999), West Texas A&M University, Canyon
Key terms: Ice Nucleation Cold, Nucleation Cold Stage, Teaching Assistants, Amarillo, Class, Classroom, Fall, Laboratory, Module, Phase, Semester, Setting, Spring, Students.
1. Allen C Evans($22,270), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Broader Public, Lake Michigan, Lake-breeze Circulations, Adjacent, Atmospheric, Center, Classroom, Hands-on, House, Lake-breeze, Land, Observations, SPARC, Seventh-grade, Students, Temperature, Wisconsin-milwaukee.
1. Katelyn A Barber($17,684), SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego
Key terms: Radar Meteorology, Undergraduate Students, DOW, Development, Foundational, Oswego, Outreach, SUNY.
1. Markus D Petters($89,031), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Ice Nucleation Cold, Nucleation Cold Stage, Freezing Assay, Ice Nucleating, Instrument Facility, Nucleation Process, Available, Conferences, Design, Educational, NC, Observe.
1. Thomas F Shipley($80,065), Temple University, Philadelphia
2. Peggy M McNeal($203,017), Towson University, Towson
Key terms: Student And Expert, Atmospheric Scientists, Authentic Atmospheric, Complex Atmospheric, Expert Practice, Experts Transfer, Field Studies, Observe Student, Cognitive, Education, Environment, Evidence, Expertise, Fluid, Future, IUSE, Interviews, Phenomena, Processes, Program, Reasoning, Seeks, Students, Taking, Thinking.
1. Kelvin K Droegemeier($129,436), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Local And Regional, Brbrthe Summit, Climate Projection, International Summit, Special-purpose Computational, AI, Creating, Esms, Examine, Forward, Frontier, Global, Health, Information, Model, Opportunity, Projections, Resolution, Special-purpose.
1. Christopher Chaston($196,137), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Near-earth Space Environment, Electromagnetic Fields, Global Simulations, Ion Heating, Near-earth Space, Space Weather, Characterize, Charged, Coupling, Critical, Defining, Driven, Earth’s, Energization, Energized, Interactions, Ions, Nearth, Observations, Outflow, Outflowing, Outflows, Physics, Plasma, Rates, Spatio-temporal, Wave, Waves.
1. Matti M Ala-Lahti($160,277), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Low-latitude Dayside Magnetopause, Boundary Motion, Energy Exchange, Energy Transfer, Low-latitude Dayside, Solar Wind, Transferred Energy, Conditions, Content, Current, Dynamics, Electromagnetic, Field, Local, Magnetic, Magnetospheric, Plasma, Processes, Space.
1. Yingjuan Ma($83,171), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Xiaojia Zhang($81,537), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetotail Current, Formation And Destruction, Magnetotail Current Sheets, Charged Particle, Earth’s Magnetotail, Magnetic Field, Plasma Parameters, Rtian Magnetotail, Compare, Configuration, Configurations, Contributions, Datasets, Energies, Energy, Kinetic, MAVEN, Magnetospheres, Plasmas, Ratio, Reveal, Supplemented, Systematically, Velocities.
1. David Schriver($10,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Basic Simulation, School Portion, Simulation Techniques, Codes, Experts, Field, Held, ISSS, Meeting, Space, Students.
1. Kazue Takahashi($415,309), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Inner Magnetosphere, Mode Structure, Ring Current, Symmetric Waves, Ulf Waves, Compressional, DCI, Determined, Drift, Energetic, Energy, Instability, Investigation, Ions, Magnetic, Magnetospheric, Observationally, Occurrence, Particles, Plasma, Properties, RBSP, Relation, Relevance, Space.
1. Murong Qin($662,579), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Electron Precipitation Driven, Energetic Electron Precipitation, Energetic Electrons, Whistler-mode Waves, Aims, Diverse, Dynamics, Effects, Findings, Jupiter, Objectives, Observations, Outreach, Plasma, Properties, Solar, Space, Students, Various, Whistler-mode.
1. Scot R Elkington($294,241), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. William J Longley($260,221), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
3. Anthony A Chan($44,579), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Earth’s Radiation Belts, Nonlinear Wave-particle Interactions, Radiation Belt Model, Amplitude Waves, Earth’s Radiation, Nonlinear Wave-particle, Space Environment, Wave-particle Interactions, Complex, Global, Has, Localized, Modeling, Physics.
1. Lauren Blum($249,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Electromagnetic Waves, Emic Waves, Sonification Techniques, Visual Inspection, Aims, Application, Current, GOES, Has, Ions, Listening, Looking, Magnetosphere, Sets, Space, Studying.
1. Jiang Liu($74,296), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Frank R Toffoletto($153,853), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Substorm Current Wedge, Earth's Magnetosphere-ionosphere, Energy Release, Solar Wind, Asymmetry, Bbfs, Collective, Complex, Dipolarization, Flows, Formation, Investigate, Lead, Magnetosphere-ionosphere, Observed, Outcome, Plasma, Pressure, Process, Public, SCW.
1. Robert A Marshall($292,793), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Radiation Belt Electrons, Weather And Climate, Climate Fields, Diffusion Coefficients, Diffusion Model, Ensemble Modeling, Stochastic Parameterization, Stochastically Parameterized, Wave Mode, Wave-particle Interactions, Atmosphere, Dynamics, Lgws, Physics, Plasmasphere, Precipitation, Predict, Primary, Representing, Space, Upper, Wave-particle.
1. James M Weygand($419,448), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ionospheric And Telluric, Electric Fields, Equivalent Ionospheric, Geomagnetic Disturbances, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Telluric Currents, Aims, Developing, Earth, Gmds, Induce, Infrastructure, THEMIS.
1. Grant K Stephens($594,429), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Magnetic Field Lines, Current Sheet, Near-earth Region, Reconnection Onset, Reconnection Regimes, Space Weather, CS, Css, Effects, Electrons, Energy, Global, Investigate, Ion, Ion-scale, Magnetosphere, Magnetotail, Mechanism, Nearth, OTCS, Observed, Outside, Rapidly, Requires, Stability, Stretched, Structure, Thin, Vast.
1. David Malaspina($77,362), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. David P Hartley($345,680), University of Iowa, Iowa City
4. Evan A Tyler($41,694), College of Saint Scholastica, Duluth
Key terms: Hiss And Chorus, Density Gradient, Plasmasphere-plasmatrough Transition, Radiation Belt, Transition Region, Transition Regions, Wave Properties, ‘soft’ Plasmapause, Boundary, Directly, Has, Models, Occurring, Particles, Plasmasphere-plasmatrough, Sharp, Spatially, Statistical, Time, Towards, Waves, Well-defined, Whistler-mode, ‘soft’.
1. Sadie S Elliott($49,076), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Luisa Capannolo($89,682), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
3. Joshua Pettit($87,490), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Dynamics And Temporal, Radiation Belt Dynamics, Spatial And Temporal, Atmospheric Chemistry, Eep Maps, Electron Precipitation, Energetic Electrons, Energy Input, Geomagnetic Activity, Plasma Waves, Space Weather, Temporal Dependence, Temporal Evolution, Atmosphere, Coverage, Developing, Does, Flux, Global, Has, Ionization, Lead, Limited, Loss, ML, Machine, Main, Model, Monitoring, Parameterize, Regions, Satellite, Size, Time.
1. Xinlin Li($515,885), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Belt Electrons, Electric Volts, Energetic Electrons, Energy-dependent Deep, Inner Belt, Mechanisms Responsible, Outer Belt, Current, Dynamics, Energy-dependent, Equator, Has, Investigation, Kev, Mev, Penetrations, Radii, Region, Source, Space, Spacecraft, Surface, Underlying.
1. Zihan Wang($148,179), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
2. Shasha Zou($449,990), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Fast Plasma Flows, Energy Release, Atmosphere, BBF, Bbfs, Coupled, Coupling, Dynamics, Effects, Magnetosphere, Multiple, Nightside, Particle, SQ.
1. Hyomin Kim($135,941), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Mark J Engebretson($106,909), Augsburg University, Minneapolis
3. Eun-Hwa Kim($555,251), Andrews University, Berrien Springs
Key terms: Emic Wave Propagation, Magnetic Field Topologies, Propagation And Dissipation, Emic Waves, Geomagnetic Activity, Inner Magnetosphere, Ion Cyclotron, Simulation Code, Wave Properties, Affected, Compressed, Density, FEM, Frequency, GOES, Ground, Investigate, Ions, Models, Near, Observations, Parameters, Petra-m, Plasma, Polarization, Reach, Satellites, Space, Various.
1. Katherine A Goodrich($85,371), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Electric Field Instrumentation, Electric Field Instruments, Optimizing Electric Field, Spatial And Temporal, Magnetic Field, Perpendicular Spatial, Space Physics, Space Plasma, West Virginia, AAR, Cost-effective, Cubesat, Design, Future, Gap, Hardware, Has, Mission, Observe, Operate, Opportunities, Spacecraft, Step, Students, Utilize.
1. James Wanliss($105,602), Anderson University, Anderson
Key terms: Space Weather, Spatiotemporal Fluctuations, Additionally, Field, Magnetic, Technologies, Undergraduate.
1. Hung T Nguyen($101,087), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Southeast Asia, Create, Estimates, Paleo-streamflow, Reconstruction, Streamflow.
1. Daniela Granato de Souza($267,007), Alabama A&M University, Normal
2. David W Stahle($276,385), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: 19th Century, Amazon River, Eastern Amazon, River Levels, Tree Ring, Annual, Climate, Deforestation, Extremes, Flood, Fluctuations, Historical, Low, Mechanisms, Model, Natural, Odorata, Paleoclimate, Potential, Reconstruct, Reconstruction, Time, Tree-ring, Tropical.
1. Mathias Vuille($526,171), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Activities, Assess, Assimilation, Atlantic, DA, Environmental, Future, Has, Isotope-enabled, LM, Monsoon, Potential, Quantify, Region, SASM, SST, South.
1. Laia Andreu-Hayles($25,247), Columbia University, New York
2. Nicole K Davi($196,447), William Paterson University, Wayne
Key terms: Quantitative Wood Anatomy, Wood Anatomical Traits, Climate Extremes, North Asia, Temperature Extremes, Annual, Capture, Conditions, Frost, Millennial-length, Mongolia, Region, Rings, Siberian, Weather.
1. Michela Biasutti($424,095), Columbia University, New York
2. Boniface O Fosu($303,519), Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
Key terms: West Africa, Climate, Collect, Drought, Field, Ghana, Natural, Paleoclimate, Reconstruction, Reconstructions, Senegal, Time.
1. Edward R Cook($195,606), Columbia University, New York
2. Grant Harley($147,279), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
3. Kevin J Anchukaitis($34,522), University of Arizona, Tucson
4. Justin Maxwell($74,571), Indiana University, Bloomington
5. Karen King($230,732), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Blue Intensity, Extreme Heat, Gridded North, Previously Collected, Tree Cores, Tree Ring, Atlas, Compile, Create, Drought, Existing, K-, NATA, Reconstruction, Resource, STEM, School, Students, Temperature, Time, Water.
1. Deborah Khider($185,453), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Armen Kemanian($198,435), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Climate Field Reconstructions, Advances, Crop, Development, Downscaling, Droughts, Efforts, Future, Has, Maize, Megadroughts, Methods, Modeling, Paleoclimate, Past, Potential, Quantitative, Scenarios, Shifts, Synthesis, Water.
1. Gregory Hakim($409,233), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Julien Emile-Geay($269,066), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Climate Forecasts, Assimilation, Centennial, Dynamics, Ocean, Paleoclimate, Proxies, Proxy, Seasonal.
1. Richard S Maxwell($130,449), Radford University, Radford
2. Nicole E Zampieri($319,165), Indiana State University, Terre Haute
3. Matthew Bekker($103,171), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Annual Field, Broader Impacts, Field School, Past Climate, Tree Ring, Tree Species, Create, Drivers, Gridded, ITCZ, Precipitation, Primary, Reconstruction, Region, Zambia.
1. David Fastovich($547,085), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: North Atlantic Subtropical, Eastern North, Climate, Deglaciation, Hydroclimate, Potential, Sensitivity.
1. Erika K Wise($211,743), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Matthew Dannenberg($324,677), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Future Hydroclimate Extremes, Management And Projecting, Ameriflux Network, Graduate Student, Past Rainfall, Rainfall Extremes, Tree Growth, Tree Ring, Tree Rings, Undergraduate Students, Water Management, Wet Extremes, Climate, Dendrometers, Measure, Nonprofit, Postdoc, Precipitation, Problematic, Reconstructions, Sites, Time, Training, Trees, Width.
1. Laia Andreu-Hayles($562,254), Columbia University, New York
2. Kevin J Anchukaitis($192,386), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Diego Pons Ganddini($29,999), University of Denver, Denver
Key terms: Cellulose, Climate, Extensive, Isotopes, Potential, Tropical.
1. Patrick A Rafter($441,804), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Sierra Madre Mountains, Tehuantepec Gap Winds, Atmospheric Dynamics, Hispanic Serving, Atlantic, Atlantic-pacific, Characterize, Climate, Constraint, Driving, Examinations, Gulf, Inter-basin, Isthmus, Mexico, Model, North, Pacific, Past, Preliminary, Pressure, Processes, Radiocarbon, Sediment, Students, Upwelling, ‘upstream’.
1. Mark B Bush($256,539), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Atmospheric, Composite, ENSO, Global, History.
1. Xiaojing Du($220,889), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Boundary Conditions, Tropical Hydroclimate, Atmospheric, Brown, Climate, Comparison, Configuration, Deglaciation, Drivers, Influence, Isotope, Model, Pan-tropical, Precipitation, Proxy, Regional, Spatiotemporal, Students, Undergraduate, Water.
1. Curtis W Marean($559,051), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Glacial-interglacial Transition, South Africa, Climate, Coast, Conditions, Glacial-interglacial, Hydroclimate, Inform, Multi-proxy, Proxy, Rainfall, Region, Southern, Speleothem.
1. Danyang Wang($215,146), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Storm Impacts, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Cyclones, Climate, Conditions, Difficult, Expansion, Forecast, Forecasting, Future, Gap, Hazards, Model, Models, Observations, Outcomes, Quickly, Real-world, Risk, Size, Tasks, Theory, Warming, Wind.
1. Jyotirmoy Mandal($281,057), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Air, Applications, Atmosphere, Atmosphere’s, Atmospheric, Climate, Concept, DST, Design, Distribution, Dst-imager, Dynamics, Explore, Findings, Line, Meteorological, Opacity, Proof-of-concept, Resolutions, Spectral, Spectralspatial, Temperature, Temperatures, Temporal, Thermal, Thermography, Time, Wavebands, Weather, Yield.
1. Darin W Toohey($50,365), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Mount Werner, Mountain Slope, Water Vapor, Air, Atmospheric, Campaign, Deployment, Elevations, Field, Isotopes, Measuring, Mixing, Picarro, Pollution, Spectrometer, Wind.
1. David Schvartzman($108,519), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Jielun Sun($69,929), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
3. Jie Sun($317,959), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Airborne Burning Embers, Billow-like Turbulent Eddies, Fire Smoke Plumes, Large-scale Billow-like Turbulent, Large-scale Turbulent Flows, Non-modal Instability Analysis, Occurring Density Currents, Billow-like Turbulent, Environment Conditions, Fire Spread, Large-scale Billow-like, Large-scale Turbulent, Non-modal Instability, Prescribed Fire, Rapid Growth, Atmospheric, Billows, Considerable, Dynamics, Engage, Fire-generated, Fires, Ground, Predictive, Processes, Site, Spotting, Students, Surface, Via, Wildfires, Workshops.
1. Hassan Dashtian($154,118), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Hurricane Helene, Public Perception, Social Media, Soil Moisture, Conditions, Disaster, Hurricanes, Landfall, Maintenance, Models, Precipitation, Produce, Surface, Weather, Wet.
1. Yunji Zhang($562,680), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Andrew J Heymsfield($248,770), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Daniel T Dawson($219,584), Purdue University, West Lafayette
4. Ve Chandrasekar($75,004), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
5. Jason M Keeler($815,349), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
6. Rebecca Adams-Selin($1,392,273), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
7. Vittorio A Gensini($3,655,904), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
8. Cameron R Homeyer($548,981), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
9. Brian M Argrow($965,500), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Comprehensive Observations, Field Campaign, Hail Characteristics, Hail Forecasting, Hail Size, Hail Trajectory, In-storm Hail, Storm Characteristics, Surface Hail, Concentration, Damage, Detection, Environmental, Explore, Extreme, Focuses, Growth, Hailstone, Hailstones, Hailstorms, ICECHIP, In-storm, Linked, Model, Models, Parameterizations, Plains, Processes, Properties, Radar, Radar-based, Theme, Updraft, Wind.
1. Jennifer Small Griswold($366,958), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Black Summer, Cloud Properties, ACI, Aerosol, Air, Climate, Clouds, Future, Interactions, Processes, Southern, Summer”, Uncertainty, “black.
1. Michael Gehm($980,858), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Radio And Optical, Internal Physics, Ability, Atmospheric, Available, Capabilities, Capable, Comprehensive, Dangerous, Existing, Fundamentally, Imaging, Instrument, Lightning, Own, Subsystems, Uniquely.
1. Ping Yang($699,314), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Light-scattering Modeling Capabilities, Particle Optical Properties, Light Scattering, Light-scattering Modeling, Remote Sensing, Surface Roughness, Accurate, Applications, Approaches, Effect, Has, Inhomogeneity, Inhomogeneous, Objective, Particles, Roughened, Shapes, Sizes.
1. Siyu Zhao($144,919), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Congo Basin, Human Well-being, Tropical Regions, Africa, Dynamic, Global, Mcss, Mechanisms, Meteorological, Rainfall, Socio-economy, Time, Weather, Well-being.
1. Francisco Salamanca Palou($512,256), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Dev Niyogi($399,134), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Extreme Wet Summer, Wet Summer Seasons, Extreme Summer, Projected Extreme, Urban Expansion, Climate, Comprising, Dynamical, Historical, Precipitation, Process-based, Rainfall, Responsible, Set, Simulations, WRF, Warming.
1. Viswanathan N Bringi($406,901), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Dsd Moments, Turbulent Intensity, Warm Rain, Amounts, Cloud, Clouds, Direct, Drop, Drops, Embedded, Fall, Microphysical, Objectives, Polarimetric, Processes, Radar, Raindrops, Rainfall, Shapes, Sizes, Th, X-band.
1. Joseph A Shaw($18,450), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Atmospheric And Environmental, Scientists And Artists, Environmental Optics, Natural World, Auroras, Curiosity, Devices, Halos, Optical, Rainbows, Smartphones, Water, Workshop.
1. Angela K Rowe($192,940), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Lynn A McMurdie($434,397), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Anna Gannet Hallar($863,974), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
4. Mariko Oue($1,215,834), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Cloud And Precipitation, Mountainous Terrain, Orographic Snowfall, Storm Peak, Water Resources, Campaign, Colorado, Instruments, Local, Modified, Mt, Processes, Set, Werner.
1. Christina M Patricola($652,433), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Bow Echoes, Cold Pool, Grid Spacing, Leading Edge, Mesoscale Convective, Significantly Severe, CAM, Derecho, Derechos, Emphasis, Examine, Formation, Line, Lines, Long-lived, Mcss, Numerical, Processes, Produce, Sensitivity, Swaths, Various, Wind, Winds.
1. Andrew J Heymsfield($151,409), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Alexander V Ryzhkov($298,441), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Cloud Model, Melting Layer, Polarimetric Radar, Radar Variables, Vertical Profiles, Aloft, Describing, Energy, Evolution, Hail, Hailstones, Height, Methodologies, Observations, Property, Radars, Size, Storm, Surface, Weather.
1. Gijs de Boer($339,361), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. David A Kristovich($567,142), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Jason M Keeler($586,141), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
4. Christopher C Weiss($489,773), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Convection Initiation, Mahte Development, Thunderstorm Development, Aspects, Broader, CI, Campaign, Coastal, Convective, Doppler, Enable, Evolution, Influence, Knowledge, LBF, Lake-breeze, Lbfs, MITTEN-CI, Mobile, Nsurface, Processes, Profiles, Range, Structure, Temporal, Thermodynamic, Thorough, Transitions, Wind.
1. David S Nolan($777,109), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Airborne Doppler Radar, Cirrus Shield, Inflow Layers, Satellite Images, Tropical Cyclones, Below, Budgets, Cloud, Dynamical, Globe, Hpa, Ice, Intensity, Investigate, Moisture, Observations, Outflow, Overshooting, Primary, Simulations, Storm, Storms, Stratosphere, Structure, Tcs, Updrafts, Water.
1. Fotini K Chow($526,119), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Air Quality, Atmospheric Models, Gray Zone, Grid Nesting, Grid Resolution, Mixed Models, Scale-aware Turbulence, Weather Prediction, Wind Energy, Allow, Applications, California, Closure, Consistent, Extend, Forecasting, Framework, Modeling, Operate, Operational, Parameterizations, Performed, Resolutions, Scale-aware, Tested, Thoroughly.
1. Marc Calaf($236,421), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Flow And Surface, Generalized Monin-obukhov Similarity, Monin-obukhov Similarity Theory, Numerical Weather Prediction, Prediction And Climate, Climate Models, Generalized Monin-obukhov, Monin-obukhov Similarity, Spatial Resolution, Surface Configurations, Turbulence Anisotropy, Accuracy, Correcting, Developed, Energy, Exchanges, Existing, Experimental, Forecasts, Formulation, Framework, Has, Implemented, Land-atmosphere, Near, Nonetheless, Planning, Processes, Realistic, Representation, Represented, Step, Tested.
1. Russ S Schumacher($487,973), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Aaron Hill($306,661), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Environmental Conditions, Extreme Precipitation, Extreme Rainfall, Flash Flooding, Atmospheric, Datasets, Has, Heavy, Less, Machine, Mesoscale, Numerical.
1. Hanne Mauriello($10,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Tropical Cyclone Operations, Hurricane Season, Academic, Challenges, Federal, Forecasting, IHC, Observing, Operational, Warning.
1. Stephen R Guimond($209,402), Hampton University, Hampton
Key terms: Rapid Intensification, Tropical Cyclones, Convective, Core, Cycle, Difficult, Dynamics, Energy, Hurricane, Intensity, Model, Storms, Training, Turbulent.
1. Marco G Giometto($523,860), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Physics-informed Neural Network, Complex Terrain, Physics-informed Neural, Surface Fluxes, Weather Forecasting, Ability, Accurate, Assessment, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Climate, Database, Enable, Energy, Exchange, Has, Mass, Model, Models, Momentum, Observations, Sparse, Task.
1. Michael L Kaplan($333,854), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Atmospheric Gravity Waves, Mid-upper Tropospheric, Numerical Modeling, Assess, Cyclogenesis, Cyclone, Cyclones, Developing, Evolution, Initial, Mid-upper, Observations, Potential, Simulations, Theory, Wind.
1. Jasper F Kok($702,104), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Diffusive And Horizontal, Horizontal Advective Transport, Weather And Climate, Dust Particle, Dust Particles, Scg Dust, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Conundrum, Diameters, Emission, Flux, Giant, Measured, Microns, Processes, Sizes, Theory, Vertical.
1. Charles Jones($897,671), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: 50m Grid Spacing, Representing Lee Slope, Slope Wind Structure, 50m Grid, Downslope Windstorms, Numerical Simulations, Santa Barbara, Sundowner Winds, California, Coastal, Conditions, Experiment, LES, Mechanisms, Model, Observations, Processes, SWEX, Terrain, Weather, Wrf-km.
1. Camille Hankel($202,000), Hankel, Camille, Cambridge
Key terms: Northern North Atlantic, Co2 Increase, Conveyor Belt, Heat Transport, Western Europe, AMOC, CESM, Climate, Collapse, Consequence, Dense, Evidence, Happens, Has, Hence, Ice, Magnitude, Northward, Ocean, Rate, Simulations, Sinking, Tipping, Water, Weakening.
1. Raymond Sukhdeo($202,000), Sukhdeo, Raymond, Davis
Key terms: Wave And Wildfire, Compound Heat, Heat Wave, Heat Waves, Assess, Climate, Co-occurring, Conditions, Examine, Expected, Future, Growing, Large-scale, Models, Prof, Regional, Remote, Western, Wildfires.
1. Daniel Crocker($100,000), Crocker, Daniel, Somerville
Key terms: Atmospheric Oxidation, Optical Properties, Organic Aerosol, Oxidation Pathways, Chemistry, OA, Sources, Students.
1. Julie Edwards($202,000), Edwards, Julie, Tucson
Key terms: Effective Infrastructure Planning, Historical Weather Observations, Observations And Climate, Planning And Water, Atmospheric Rivers, Combine Tree-ring, Distinct Climate, Extreme Precipitation, Extreme Rainfall, Northern California, Southern California, Water Management, Weather Observations, Ars, Challenge, Creates, Drive, Focus, Has, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Range, Reconstructions, Region, Resources, Simulations, Time, Tree-ring, Width.
1. Sara E Murphy($100,000), Murphy, Sara Edinger, Pasadena
Key terms: Ir Action Spectroscopy, Organic Peroxy Radical, Peroxy Radical Self-reaction, Peroxy Radical Structure, Proceed Via, Radical Self-reaction, Tetroxide Intermediate, Decomposition, Energetics, Outreach, Radicals, Tasks, Theoretical.
1. Dhruvit Patel($202,000), Patel, Dhruvit, Washington
Key terms: Climate Model, Climate Models, Climate Simulations, Computational Intensity, Computationally Intensive, Future Climate, Weather Extremes, Atmospheric, Capable, Capturing, Conditions, Developing, Ensembles, Frequency, Generate, Hassanzadeh, Historical, Look, Methods, NN, Nns, Severity, Simple, Simulated, Solution, Spectral, Statistics, Times, Trained, Training.
1. Tyler S Waterman($100,000), Waterman, Tyler Steven, Durham
Key terms: Surface Exchange Relations, Weather And Climate, Atmospheric Model, Stiperski Relations, Ability, Anisotropy, Broad, Deviations, Examine, Five, Implementation, LES, Models, Moisture, NEON, Point-based, Predict, Ready, Schemes, Sites, Towers, Turbulence.
1. Matthew C Brown($100,000), Brown, Matthew C, Norman
Key terms: Squall Lines, Convective, Does, Has, Low-level, Nstorm, Qlcss, Referred, Rotation, Tornadoes, Winds.
1. Dmitri A Kalashnikov($100,000), Kalashnikov, Dmitri Alexander, Vancouver
Key terms: Dynamic And Thermodynamic, Thunderstorm Precipitation, Thunderstorm-related Precipitation, Climate, Drivers, Factors, Fellowship, Future, Lightning, Observed, Postdoctoral, Projected, Thunderstorm-related, Thunderstorms, Western.
1. Larisza D Krista($223,476), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cme Evolution, Cme Morphology, Interplanetary Space, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, Catalog, Coronal, Dimming, Dimmings, Geomagnetic, Observatory, Properties, Structure, Students.
1. Veronica Bindi($36,797), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Haleakala Summit, Neutron Monitor, Atmospheric, Bring, Cosmic, Hawaii, Held, Interactions, Monitors, Participants, Plenary, Sessions, Solar, Workshop.
1. Momchil E Molnar($394,601), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Momchil E Molnar($394,601), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Solar Corona, CME, Code, Coronal, Hanle, Helium, Line, Measuring, Modeling, Students, Sun, Sun’s, Write.
1. Hans-Peter Doerr($480,099), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Photosphere And Chromosphere, Solar Atmosphere, Solar Telescope, Undergraduate Students, BBSO, Continue, Facility, GST, High-resolution, Image, Increase, Instrument, Observations, Optical, Spectral, Sun, Suns, WHISPER.
1. Sijie Yu($172,015), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Xiaocan Li($103,671), Dartmouth College, Hanover
3. Fan Guo($73,720), New Mexico Consortium, Los Alamos
4. Xiaoyan Xie($335,621), Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge
Key terms: Flare Alt Regions, Energy Release, Energy Transfer, Particle Simulations, Solar Flares, Space Weather, Viewing Perspectives, Aims, Characteristics, Compare, Dynamics, Emissions, Energetic, Explore, Fans, MHD, Models, Observations, Perform, Rarely, Sads, Statistical.
1. Gelu M Nita($243,905), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Coronal Magnetic Field, Near Solar Flares, Particles Near Solar, Modeling Tools, Acceleration, Datasets, Heating, Models, Nonthermal, Obtained, Plasma, Spatial.
1. Meers Oppenheim($517,046), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Juan Martinez Sykora($105,935), Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, Moffett Field
Key terms: Nasa Solar, Heating, Models, Observations, Plasma, Simulations.
1. Jiong Qiu($303,253), Montana State University, Bozeman
2. Vasyl Yurchyshyn($295,673), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Flare Elementary Bursts, Hard X-ray Burst, Imaging And Spectroscopic, Spectroscopic Flare Observations, X-ray Burst Observations, Energy Release, Flare Atmosphere, Hard X-ray, Heating Mechanisms, Magnetic Energy, Magnetic Environment, Multiple Wavelengths, Solar Flares, Spatial Scales, X-ray Burst, Below, Conversion, High-cadence, High-resolution, Observed, Radiation, Stored, Structures, Temporal.
1. Nicholas A Featherstone($582,399), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
Key terms: Coronal Mass Ejections, Magnetic Field Strength, Velocity And Magnetic, Constrain Models, Numerical Simulations, Solar Dynamo, Convection, GONG, Maps, Predictions, Sun, Sun’s.
1. Mel Abler($589,888), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Interactions And Compare, Parker Solar Probe, Laboratory Experiments, Solar Wind, Behavior, Co-propagating, Dynamics, Efforts, Energy, Imbalanced, Inform, Moving, Plasma, Precisely, Processes, Sun, Turbulence, Wave-wave, Waves.
1. Sayak Bose($573,957), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Alfven Wave Absorption, Alfven Wave Reflection, Corona And Acceleration, Experimentally Validated Model, Coronal Holes, Coronal Modeling, Solar Corona, Solar Wind, Wave Energy, Additional, Andor, Collisions, Contribution, Degrees, Deposited, Experiments, Heating, Increase, Physics, Plasma, Significantly, Simulations, Surface, Temperature.
1. Anna Tenerani($468,460), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Global Solar Wind, Solar Wind Model, Wave-driven Solar Wind, Compressible Fluctuations, Wave-driven Solar, Wind Models, Dynamics, Effects, Evolution, Heating, Interactions, Investigating, Kinetic, Leads, Machine, Methods, Objectives, Physics, Plasma, Properties, Radial, Space, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Craig D Johnston($15,000), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Coronal Loops Workshop, De, Discuss, Has, June, Observations, Participation, Processes, Solar, Students, Th, Topics, Travel.
1. Athanasios Kouloumvakos($186,527), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Earth’s Orbit, Au, Coronal, Distances, Earth’s, Energetic, Observations, PSP, Particles, SEP, Shock, Shocks, Solar, Solo, Spacecraft, Sun.
1. Shibaji Chakraborty($199,912), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
2. Shibaji Chakraborty($199,912), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Michael Hartinger($49,697), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Extreme Space Weather, Geomagnetically Induced Currents, Global Internet Traffic, Induce Geomagnetically Induced, Induced Underwater Geoelectric, Produce Hazardous Voltages, Underwater Geoelectric Fields, Various Geomagnetic Disturbances, Disaster Management, Earth's Surface, Policy Development, Risk Assessment, Submarine Cable, Submarine Cables, Aims, Beneath, Bodies, Characterize, Critical, Gefs, Gics, Gmds, Insights, Ionospheric, Magnetospheric, Model, Potential, Solar, Water.
1. Dianne J DeTurris($50,000), California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo
Key terms: Reusable Suborbital Vehicles, Space Weather, Upper Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Balloons, Discussions, In-situ, Innovative, MLT, Missions, Opportunities, Potential, Program, Region, Workshop.
1. Bennett A Maruca($299,812), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Phd Programs, Space Physics, Space Weather, Delaware, Development, FDSS, Geospace, Graduate, Hire, Plasma, Solar, UD.
1. Jens Oberheide($298,760), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Space Weather, Education, FDSS, Generation, Geospace, Hire, Leaders, Programs, Undergraduate.
1. Supriya Chakrabarti($300,000), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Space Weather, Aerospace, Create, Departments, Engineering, FDSS, Geospace, Programs.
1. Dogacan S Ozturk($228,262), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Jeremiah W Johnson($73,733), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Stephen Kaeppler($201,941), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Distinct Meso-scale Auroral, Meso-scale Auroral Forms, Morphologically Distinct Meso-scale, Space Weather Almanac, All-sky Images, Distinct Meso-scale, Electrodynamic Properties, Meso-scale Auroral, Self-semi-supervised Algorithms, All-sky, Causing, Distributed, Energy, Occurrence, Optical, Processes, Program, Representations, Self-semi-supervised, Sequences, Sets, Students, Visual.
1. Sadie S Elliott($50,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Aim Dynamics, Chapman Conference, Space Weather, Ability, Activity, Atmosphere, Atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere, Atmospheric, Bring, Capture, Communication, Coupling, Drivers, EPP, Future, Has, Knowledge, Magnetospheric, Models, Observations, Theme, Via, View.
1. Edward J Oughton($84,999), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Critical Infrastructure Operators, Extreme Space Weather, Space Weather Hazards, Transmission And Satellite, Electricity Transmission, Satellite Networks, Decisions, Ii, Information, National, Operational, Perishable, Program, RAPID, Security, Society.
1. Morris B Cohen($300,000), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Space Weather, Departments, FDSS, Faculty, Geospace, Hiring, Undergraduate.
1. Ramon E Lopez($297,959), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Space Physics, Space Weather, Course, Create, Education, FDSS, Geospace, Graduate, UTA, Undergraduate.
1. Hanne Mauriello($35,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Space Weather Workshop, Identifying, Meeting, NOAA, NSF, Operations, Participation, Priority, Student.
1. Trenton Franz($59,123), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Space Weather, Atmospheric, High-energy, Hydrology, Multiple, Neutron, Neutrons, Workshop.
1. Liang Wang($821,262), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Electron And Ion, Nsf-funded Space Weather, Predicting Space Weather, Space Weather Underground, Educator Training, Electric Driving, K-12 Stem, Magnetotail Reconnection, Nsf-funded Space, Power Grid, Upper Atmosphere, Collaborate, Collaboration, Complex, Coupled, Coupling, Dynamics, Earth’s, Engaging, Interactions, Investigate, Magnetosphere, Magnetospheric, Model, Modeling, Plasma, Streamers.
1. Kun Zhang($271,096), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Freshly Reflected Ions, Solar Wind Conditions, Upstream Solar Wind, Bow Shock, Magnetic Field, Space Weather, Acceleration, Counter-streaming, Distributions, Early-career, Earth, Etc, Foreshock, Incident, Model, Properties, Reflection, Simulations.
1. Katrina Bossert($1,488,347), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: 5-year Fdss, Diverse Student, Faculty Hire, Space Physics, ASU, Asus, Collaboration, Commitment, Emphasis, Enable, Existing, First-generation, Future, Generation, Has, Interdisciplinary, Leaders, Mentoring, Population, Public, Reach, STEM, Solar, Strong, Students.
1. Jeffrey S Oishi($296,665), Bates College, Lewiston
Key terms: Solar Physics, Bates, FDSS, Geospace, Maine, Space, Training, Undergraduate.
1. William R Simpson($702,252), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Cold And Dark, Urban Air Pollution, Air Quality, Boreal Forest, Dark Conditions, Acquisition, Aerosol, Affected, Alaska, Emission, Fairbanks, Instruments, School, Secondary, Smoke, Students, Sulfur.
1. Andrew Rice($200,000), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Ethane And Methane, Atmospheric Ethane, Historic Ethane, Air, Atmosphere, Capacity, Collected, Concentrations, Gas, Gases, Isotopes, Natural, OGI, Oregon, SEED, Sources.
1. Shawn M Milrad($376,369), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Humid Heat Stress, Compound Extremes, Heavy Precipitation, Adjacent, Analysis, Climates, Frequency, Human, Increased, Index, Intensity, Land, Mechanisms, Mhws, Social, Southeast, Trends, Vulnerability, Vulnerable.
1. Demetrios Pagonis($199,965), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Salt Lake City, Atmospheric Chemistry, Halogen Emissions, Particulate Matter, Airshed, Bromine, Chlorine, Mission, Oxidation, Public, Quantify, Radical-initiated, Region, Regional, Students, Time, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Utah, Weber.
1. Joshua B Wadler($374,070), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Cyclone Maximum Sustained, Diabatic Heating Profiles, Sustained Wind Speed, Tropical Cyclone Maximum, Vertical Wind Shear, Precipitation Modes, Rising Air, Tropical Cyclones, Airborne, Based, Clouds, Convection, Differing, Environments, Examine, Kinematic, Lead, Model, Perturbations, Radar, Rainfall, Storm, Structure, Student, Thermodynamic, Undergraduate.
1. Kathleen C Weathers($98,597), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Bioaerosols, Co-chairs, Ecology, Environmental, Findings, Gaps, Knowledge, Serve, Workshop.
1. Christian A Zorman($88,176), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
2. Travis Atkison($165,476), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
3. Gareth Perry($180,225), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
4. Nathaniel A Frissell($210,124), University of Scranton, Scranton
Key terms: Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances, Amateur Radio, Geomagnetic Storms, Ham Radio, Psws Network, Solar Flares, Space Weather, Capable, Continent, DASI, Deployed, Developed, Enable, Geospace, HF, Hamsci, Has, Outreach, Participation, Program, Stations, Transmissions.
1. Jonathan J Makela($197,498), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Asti Bhatt($187,713), SRI International, Menlo Park
3. Alan Liu($276,085), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Geospace Observations, Chile, Developed, Establish, Imagers, Infrastructure, Instruments, MANGO, Meteor, Network, Optical, Small-scale, South, Waves.
1. Kevin T Sterne($39,750), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Excellent Platform, Graduate Students, Superdarn Collaboration, Superdarn Workshop, Annual, Broad, Collaborations, Conference, Developments, Engineering, Held, International, Network, Observations, Operations, Plasma, Radars, Scheduling, Serves, Sessions, Software, Virginia.
1. Fabiano Rodrigues($416,131), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Capabilities, Commercial, Create, Dense, Effort, GNSS, Geospace, Global, Ionospheric, Monitor, Monitors, Networks, Program, Scintillation, TEC.
1. Philip J Erickson($398,524), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. William J Longley($388,770), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Photoelectron Observations Available, Plasma Line Observations, Rare And Difficult, Resolution Plasma Line, Arecibo Radar, Observations Available, Photoelectron Distribution, Significantly Increase, Asymmetries, Create, Created, Energy, Experiments, Ionosphere, Photoelectrons, Process, Unique.
1. Michelle Salzano($237,873), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
2. Shane E Coyle($1,234,570), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: High-latitude And Polar, Geospace Observation, Polar Regions, AURORA, Arrays, Autonomous, Early-career, Ground-based, Instruments, Low-power, Observations.
1. Jesper W Gjerloev($204,303), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Broad Range, Magnetic Field, Access, Dataset, Derived, Has, Magnetometers, Products, Service, Stations, Students, Supermag, Users, Validated, Worldwide.
1. William J Longley($34,300), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Incoherent Scatter, CEDAR, Diverse, Geospace, ISR, Presence, Student, Students, Workshop.
1. Kristen St John($100,000), James Madison University, Harrisonburg
Key terms: AGU, Attend, Conferences, Faculty, Fall, Initiate, Program, Student, Teaching, Travel, Under-resourced.