image host NSF-GEO-EAR Awards for 2010

Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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Building on the past, for the future: research laboratories for the Paleontological Research Institution
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU

1. Gregory P Dietl($350,000), Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca
Key terms: Allow Pri, Specimen Preparation, Activities, Aquatic, Collections, Document, Exhibits, Has, Lab, Laboratory, Museum, Outreach, Processing, Public, Renovations, Resources.

Renovation for Climate Change & Environmental Quality Laboratory at North Dakota State University
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU

1. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat($650,550), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
Key terms: Environmental Quality, Antarcticas, Cadmium, Climate, Concentrations, Department, Geosciences, Newly, North, Outcomes, Renovated, Soils, Space.

Upgrades to Storm Peak Laboratory, A High Elevation Atmospheric Research and Education Station
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU

1. Anna Gannet Hallar($587,767), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Field Courses, Graduate Students, Allow, Atmospheric, Chemical, Conditions, Connection, Desert, Free, Laboratories, Opportunities, Renovations, SPL, Sampling, Spls, Training.

Renovating and Expanding Research and Research Training Facilities in the Geosciences at Oberlin College
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU

1. Karla M Parsons-Hubbard($885,929), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Training Facilities, Advanced, Analyzing, Centralized, Coral, Expand, Facility, Faculty, Geosciences, Layers, Oberlin, Office, Precambrian, Reef, Separate, Single, Space, Students, Unite, Was.

Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Research in Earth and Space Science at the Carnegie Institution
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU

1. Russell J Hemley($1,093,000), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Deep Carbon, Mineral Physics, Visiting Scientists, Allow, Analytical, Astrobiology, Broad, Carnegie, Computational, Consortium, Dynamics, Earth, Enable, Energy, Evolution, Existing, Facilities, Facility, High-pressure, House, Infrastructure, Installation, Instrumentation, Instruments, Interdisciplinary, Ion, Laboratory, Molecular, NSF, Planetary, Postdoctoral, Power, Renovation, School, Sensitive, Space, Students, Targeted, Theoretical, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Localized Analysis of Geophysical Signals Acquired by Satellites: Making the most of GRACE
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Frederik J Simons($179,904), Princeton University, Princeton
2. C. K. Shum($110,000), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Earth's Polar Regions, Noisy And Incomplete, Earth's Polar, Gravity Field, Models Based, Spherical Harmonics, Analysis, Basis, Deformation, Development, Earthquakes, Estimates, GRACE, Geophysical, Has, Hydrological, Mass, Methods, Modeling, Process, Signals, Spatial, Sphere, Statistical.

CDI-Type I: CiiWork: an interactive workbench for integration, exploration, and analysis of chronological information
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CDI TYPE I

1. Sudarshan S Chawathe($374,891), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Adapting, Anddeveloping, Breakthroughs, Collection, Datasets, Disciplines, Diverse, Diversity, Domain, Eachdiscipline, Effort, Gap, Integration, Methods, Past, Requires, Specializing, Techniques, Time, Traditional, Workbench.

CDI-Type I: Small Resources Supercomputing: High Performance Computing in the Earth Sciences
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CDI TYPE I

1. Marc Stieglitz($511,998), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Desktop Computing Environment, Emergent Properties, Graphics Rendering, Grid-based Simulations, Particle-based Simulations, Performance Computing, Advantage, Affect, Arctic, Bring, Climate, Dynamics, Everglades, Fast, GPU, Gpus, Grid-based, Interaction, Lead, Management, Multi-processor, Numerical, Particle-based, Processes, Small-scale, Snow, Time, Tools, True, Vegetation, Water.

CDI-Type I: GPU-Accelerated Interactive Supercomputing for Climate Studies in the Northern Environment
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CDI TYPE I

1. Yifeng Zhu($454,580), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Exploits Modern, Algorithms, Available, Climate, Complex, Computational, Evolution, Framework, Interactive, Investigation, Models, Numerical, Parameters, Simulation, Software, Surface, Via, Visually.

Two-Phase Damage and the Interactions between Earth's Mantle and Climate: From Plate Tectonic Feedbacks to Carbon Capture
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: CI REUSE

1. David Bercovici($374,600), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Carbon Sequestration, Plate Generation, Plate Tectonics, Time Scales, Climate, Damage, Does, Earth, Evolution, Interaction, Long-term, Mafic, Mantle, Mantle-climate, Natural, Planet, Possibly, Processes, Reactions, Rock, Settings, Surface, Temperate, Theories, Venus, Weathering.

Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Major Mantle Materials
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: CI REUSE

1. Renata M Wentzcovitch($741,963), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Calculations, Consequences, Dynamics, Earth, Ferropericlase, Geodynamical, Has, Ii, Iii, Interior, Investigated, Iv, Mantle, Minerals, Nature, Phase, Principles, Properties, Thermodynamics.

CCEP-I: Coastal Areas Climate Change Education (CACCE) Partnership
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATION

1. Fernando Gilbes($1,118,604), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Coastal Regions, Puerto Rico, Sea Level, Broader, CCEP, Climate, Education, Educational, Effective, Establish, Florida, Focus, Informal, Inventory, K-, Partnership, Phase, Prepare, Resources, Specific, Students.

Collaborative Research: TAIGER's Tale: Tectonics of Subduction to Collision
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. David A Okaya($254,308), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Steven W Roecker($143,064), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
3. Harm J Van Avendonk($485,360), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
4. Francis T Wu($501,417), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
Key terms: Skinned Model, Acquired, Analyses, Arrays, Collected, Collision, Continent, Crust, Extensive, Land, Mantle, Modeling, Obtain, Ocean-bottom, Plate, Processes, Resolution, Seismic, Seismological, Set, Sets, Sources, TAIGER, Taiwan, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: Intracontinental Deformation and Surface Uplift: Geodynamic Evolution of the Hangay Dome, Mongolia, Central Asia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. C. Page Chamberlain($244,999), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Richard W Carlson($183,992), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
3. Anne S Meltzer($1,833,001), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
4. Karl W Wegmann($541,060), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Hangay Dome, Landscape Evolution, Surface Uplift, Basalt, Continent, Geochronology, History, Laboratory, Lavas, Lithosphere, Mantle, Processes, Uplifts.

Support for 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, to be held September 18-24, 2010 in Giza, Egypt
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. Gary D Egbert($20,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Em Methods, Makes Em, Applications, Conductivity, Deep, Exploration, Fluids, Industry, International, Investigations, Mapping, Rock, Sensitivity, Students, Tool, Travel, Workshop, World.

RAPID - Response to the Increased Seismic Activity along the San Jacinto Fault Zone Following the 4 April 2010 Mw 7.2 El Major-Cucaph Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. Frank L Vernon($49,851), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: El Major-cucapah Earthquake, Borehole Sensors, El Major-cucapah, Major-cucapah Earthquake, Shallow Borehole, California, Has, Mw, North, RAPID, San, UCSD, UNAVCO, USC.

Collaborative Research: The CALIPSO Project: Imaging the Magma Chamber on Montserrat
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. Glen S Mattioli($253,022), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Seismic Experiment, Airgun, Analyses, Analysis, Borehole, CALIPSO, Cgps, Deep, Deformation, Dome, Efforts, Explosions, Facility, Imaging, Involving, Magma, Magmatic, Modeling, Montserrat, NSF, Observatory, Phase, Pis, SEA-CALIPSO, SHV, Strainmeter, Tomographic, UK, Voight, Volcano, Was.

EAGER: Genesis of Continental Crust in Costa Rica and Origin of the Talamanca Range
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. Vadim L Levin($10,000), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Unroofing And Uplift, Continental Crust, Talamanca Range, Cessation, Has, Intrusives, Occurred, Oceanic, Pilot, Region, Rock, Thermochronology, Volcanism.

Conference Support for the 25th International Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet (HKT) Workshop
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: CONTINENTAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM

1. Mary L Leech($74,800), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Key terms: Hkt Meeting, Hkt Workshop, Advances, Alternate, Assess, Continued, Country, Gaps, Has, Himalaya, NSF, Plan, Previous, Th, Tibet, Workers.

WSC Category-2: Climate Change, Shifting Land Use, and Urbanization in a Midwestern Agricultural Landscape: Challenges for Water Quality and Quantity
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2011; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Adena R Rissman($4,911,961), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Changing Climate, Human Demands, Water Walk, Yahara Watershed, Agricultural, Assess, Benefits, Discussions, Diverse, Drivers, Ecosystems, Education, Focus, Forums, Future, Governance, Humans, Integrated, Land, Management, Meetings, Model, Outreach, Practices, Public, Resource, Scenarios, Visualization, Website, Wisconsin.

Collaborative Research: WSC-Category 3 - Climate and Population Change and Thresholds of Peak Ecological Water: Integrated Synthesis for Dryland Rivers
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Francina Dominguez($636,455), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Ecosystem Services, Water Availability, Biological, Climate, Conditions, Economic, Ecosystems, Extraction, Human, Hydrologic, Interaction, Land, Library, Population, Potential, Processes, Quickly, Restoration, Riparian, Rivers, Stakeholders, Value.

Collaborative Research WSC Category 2: Anticipating water scarcity and informing integrative water system response in the Pacific Northwest
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Jeffrey J McDonnell($3,847,407), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Scott A Wells($325,309), Portland State University, Portland
3. David W Hulse($187,247), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Create Water Scarcities, Willamette River Basin, Public Officials, Water Resources, Basins, Climate, Collaborating, Ecological, Envision, Growth, Human, Hydrological, OSU, Oregon, Socio-economic, UNESCO.

Collaborative Research: WSC-Category 3: Crops, climate, canals, and the cryosphere in Asia - changing water resources around the Earth?s third pole
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Sergey S Marchenko($159,593), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Dominik Wisser($827,492), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Karen Fisher-Vanden($219,665), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
4. Ian J Sue Wing($224,014), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Water And Food, Broadly Interdisciplinary, Dam Construction, Downstream Water, Food Resources, Food Security, Future Climate, Integrated Assessment, Interbasin Water, Water Engineering, Water Resources, Activity, Agricultural, Agriculture, Analyses, Asia, Assessing, Capacity, Contributing, Crop, Darya, Economic, Economies, Economy, Education, Efforts, Focus, Global, Groundwater, Hydrological, Hydrology, Implications, Importance, Issue, Land, Model, Modeling, Population, Region, Regional, Regions, Runoff, Social, Supplies, Sustainability, Uncertainties.

Collaborative Research: WSC-Category 1 - Linking freshwater inputs to ecosystem functioning and services provided by a large mangrove estuary
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. David T Ho($13,276), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Rudolf Jaffe($124,225), Florida International University, Miami
3. Jose D Fuentes($12,500), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Balance And Carbon, Focused Field Experiment, Sea Level Rise, Water And Carbon, Carbon Budgets, Carbon Sequestration, Economic Value, Ecosystem Services, Everglades Restoration, Freshwater Inputs, Mangrove Efands, Mangrove Estuary, Mangrove Forest, Regional Water, Resource Management, Services Provided, Societal Values, Water Balance, Water Resources, Analyses, Assess, Carbon-, Climate, Cycles, Decision-making, Developing, Dissolved, EFS, ENP, Fish, Fisheries, Fishing, Florida, Framework, Integrating, Linkages, Personal, Placed, Recreational, Strategies, Workshop, Workshops.

WSC - Category 1:Water Sustainability and Climate in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Robert E Hecky($136,809), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Tropical East Africa, Fresh Water, Lakes Region, Malawi Basin, African, Aspects, Climate, Conditions, Environmental, Fish, Human, Involve, Natural, Plan, Resources, Soil, Students.

WSC Category 1: Learning from Adaptable Water Systems
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. David W Hyndman($149,998), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Infrastructure And Technology, Urban And Rural, Adaptable Water, Capital Addressing, Complex Nature, Drinking Water, Future Climate, Increased Flows, Rural Water, Water Quality, Water Resources, Adaptations, Assist, CCF, Critical, Decision, Development, Economic, Economy, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Financial, Focus, Framework, Governance, Government, Health, Human, Issues, Michigan, Multiple, Natural, Opportunities, Political, Pollution, Public, Region, Seven, Social, Sources, Storm, Wastewater, Watersheds.

Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. John B Braden($106,588), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. DANIEL G BROWN($42,262), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Collection, Design, Opportunities, Social, Survey, Water.

WSC-Category 1 - Sustainability on the Border: Water, Climate, and Social Change in a Fragile Landscape
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. William Hargrove($150,000), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Climate And Social, Mexico Border, Water Sustainability, Action, Adaptability, Aimed, Contributing, Coupled, Developing, Dimensions, Education, El, Existing, Fragile, Hispanic, Human, Increasing, Information, Integrating, International, Knowledge, Landscape, Landscapelifescape, Models, Natural, Planning, Predictive, Process, Region, Regional, Resilience, Resources, River, Thematic, Transformability, Usmexico, World.

Collaborative Research: WSC-Category 1. Sustainability Dynamics for Water Resources in a Rapidly Urbanizing and Climatically Sensitive Region
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Jan Boll($75,007), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
2. Allyson Beall King($74,729), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Idaho And Washington, Education Programs, Graduate Students, Water Resources, Build, Corridor, Dalene, Dynamics, Engage, Essential, Framework, Human, Models, Partners, Policy, Products, Spokane, Stakeholders, Tribes.

WSC Category 1 - Hydrologic and Ecological Impacts of Changes in Human Water Resource Management in Response to Climate Change and Urbanization
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Charles Sims($149,943), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Applied Water Resource, Hydrologic And Ecological, Water Resource Management, Water Resource Managers, Complex Water, Human Water, Intermountain West, Water Availability, Water Quality, Climate, Design, Ensure, Existing, Framework, Future, Integrated, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Landscape, Local, Modeling, Models, Plan, Processes, Region.

Collaborative Instrumentation: COCONet (Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network) An Infrastructure Proposal for a Multi-hazard Tectonic and Weather Observatory
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Guoquan Wang($6,035,221), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
2. John J Braun($815,728), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Precipitable Water Vapor, Caribbean Plate, Continuously Operating, Observational Network, Plate Boundaries, Analysis, Archive, Atmospheric, Available, Center, Central, Cgps, Coconet, Estimates, Existing, GPS, Geodetic, Hazards, Meteorological, Multiple, Nations, Observations, PBO, PV, Position, Products, Region, Satellite, Sea, Stations, Stress, Supported, Surface, Tectonic, Tropical, Tropospheric, UCAR, UNAVCO, Velocity, Via.

Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Denis O Cohen-corticchiato($390,368), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Glaciers And Ice, Basal Drag, Effective Pressure, Glacier Slip, Ice Sheets, Slip Velocity, Soft Beds, Allow, Climate, Degree, Device, Experimental, Experiments, Flow, Hard, Ice-sheet, Landscapes, Melting, Models, Movement, Sediment, Set, Sliding, Temperature, Theories.

Ground Truth Vegetation Characteristics For CZO LiDAR Study
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Delphis Levia($30,031), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Snow Cover, Spatially Explicit, Accurate, Methods, Vegetation.

Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. John R Reinfelder($397,757), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Joel D Blum($262,402), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Freshwater And Marine, Hg Redox Transformations, Reduction And Mehg, Aquatic Food, Hg Contamination, Hg Methylation, Hg Transformations, Isotopic Fractionation, Mehg Degradation, Approach, Date, Distinguishing, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Enhance, Environmental, Examination, Has, Health, Hgii, Interface, MDF, MIF, Microbial, Objective, Occurred, Pathways, Pis, Potential, Processes, Sources, Students, Ähg.

CAREER: The Role of Sulfur in Regulating the Marine Carbon Cycle: Implications for Understanding Oceanic Anoxic Events
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Matthew T Hurtgen($511,882), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Low Sulfate Oceans, Late Devonian, Marine Sulfate, Oceanic Anoxic, Organic Carbon, Outreach Effort, School Students, Seawater Sulfate, Sulfate Concentrations, Sulfate Levels, Surface Waters, Anoxia, Climate, Cretaceous, Cycle, Cycles, Cycling, Details, EXCITE, Earth, Education, Enhanced, Experiments, Fe, History, Ilab, Impacts, Increase, Isotope, Link, Local, Marked, OSEP, Past, Primary, Recycling, Redox, Regulating, Schools, Sulfur, Teacher, Tested, Themes, Time, Via, Widespread.

Collaborative Research: Facility Support to Renew Operation of the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM)
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. William E Carter($2,634,264), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Airborne Laser, Spatial Resolution, ALSM, Aircraft, Applications, Available, Center, Coastal, Dems, Digital, Features, Flown, Khz, Management, Mapping, NCALM, Processes, Program, SC, Software, Topographic, UC-B, UF.

International Research Workshop: Deep Intracontinental Subduction in the Pamir
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Catalyzing New Intl Collab

1. Barbara Carrapa($39,000), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Alai Valley-pamir, Continental Lithosphere, Intracontinental Subduction, Multidisciplinary Effort, Countries, Deep, Dynamics, Efforts, Plan, Processes, Slab, Valley-pamir, Various, Workshop.

Development of GPS as a Snow Sensor
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Kristine M Larson($380,051), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Situ Snow Pack, Snow Pack Observational, Estimate Snow, Gps Sites, Gps Snr, Snr Frequency, Soil Moisture, Antenna, Antennas, Based, Climate, Colleagues, Demonstrated, Density, Depth, Effects, Electrodynamic, Existing, Ground, Hydrologic, Marshall, Model, Observations, PBO, Proximal, Satellite, Technique, Water.

RAPID RESEARCH: Particle Trajectories in Volcanic Plumes: Tracking the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull Plume
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Matthew D Jones($76,525), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Ash Cloud, Ensemble Forecasting, Random Forcing, Uncertain Input, April, Column, Eruption, Eyjafjallajokull, Hazards, Model, Output, Probabilistic, Puff, Satellite.

28th Conference on Mathematical Geophysics: Request for Student and Early Career Scientist Support
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Claudia Pasquero($26,998), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Predicting Environmental Phenomena, Travel And Lodging, Environmental Phenomena, Applied, Computational, Conference, Costs, Effectiveness, Geophysics, Mathematical, Meeting, Models, Students, Techniques.

A Documentary Film: Earth As We Know It
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: DEEP EARTH PROCESSES SECTION

1. Donald J DePaolo($134,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Origin And Evolution, Nrc Publication, Audience, Authoritative, Committee, Concern, Contained, Diverse, Documentary, Documentarys, Earth, Hazards, Information, Inspiring, Media, Multidisciplinary, PBS, People, Planets, Processes, Publics, Source, Staff, Television, Timely, Undergraduate.

Probing the roots of active volcanic systems with spectral ambient noise tomography and receiver functions
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: DEEP EARTH PROCESSES SECTION

1. Joshua Calkins($126,317), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Continental Crust, Lower Crust, Shear Velocities, Upper Mantle, ANC, Active, Alaska, Ambient, Approach, Arc, Beneath, Cascades, Complementary, Deep, Depth, Depths, Developed, Difficult, Existing, Function, Functions, Hawaii, Human, Iceland, Image, Imaging, Intermediate, Magma, Models, Near, Noise, Petrologic, Processes, Receiver, Rock, Seismic, Sets, Spectral, Structural, Structure, Surface, Techniques, Tools, Volcanic, Volcanoes, Yellowstone.

New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences at the National Science Foundation
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2009; Program: DEEP EARTH PROCESSES SECTION

1. Mark David Lange($536,965), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Beyond, Committee, Experts, Field, Generation, Has, Meetings, Opportunities, Report, Subdisciplines.

The First Billion Years of the Geodynamo
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. John A Tarduno($486,559), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Geomagnetic Field, Solar Wind, Ago, Ancient, Atmosphere, Billion, Conditions, Core, Evolution, Generated, Geodynamo, Growth, History, Igneous, Magnetic, Presence, Prior, Rock, Silicate, Suggest, Sun, Units, Was.

Collaborative Research: USArray Data Processing Short Course for the Next Generation of Seismologists II
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Meghan S Miller($9,649), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Gary L Pavlis($12,000), Indiana University, Bloomington
3. Suzan van der Lee($28,342), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Short Course, Analysis, Collaboration, Generation, Held, Northwestern, Program, Student, Tools, Usarray, Volumes.

Infrared Spectroscopy of Melts: New Approaches to Understanding Lava Flow Emplacement
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Michael S Ramsey($352,847), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Glass And Vesicles, 8-12 Micrometers, Absorption Band, Band Positions, Glassy Crusts, Lava Domes, Lava Flow, Lava Flows, Spectral Effects, Systematic Characterization, Tir Camera, Volcanic Eruption, Active, Allow, Ash, Bands, Basaltic, Capable, Cm-, Collect, Collected, Commonly, Diagnostic, Dioxide, Directly, Earth, Emission, Emplaced, Field, Field-based, HI, Has, Hazardous, Infrared, Kilauea, Laboratory, Melts, Mineral, Molten, Monitoring, Mt, Natural, Ongoing, Physics, Processes, Properties, Quantified, Quantitatively, Range, Region, Remote, Rock, Shapes, Similar, Spectrometer, Surface, Surfaces, Task, Temperature, Temperatures, Time.

Studies of Plateau Uplift using (U-Th)/He Apatite Thermochronology and 13C-18O Carbonate Paleothermometry
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. John M Eiler($216,376), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Late Cretaceous Time, Upper Granite Gorge, Clumped Isotope, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Sea Level, Uplift Occurred, Ago, Apatites, Carbonates, Century, Constraints, Continent, Cooling, Current, Cut, Elevation, Erosion, Erosional, Has, Helium, Histories, Indicate, Interior, Lowered, Million, Modern, Northeast, Plateau, Region, Rock, Southwest, Suggest, Surface, Surrounding, Temperature, Topographic, Trend, Unroofing, Was.

RAPID: Enhancing Biodegradation of Deepwater Horizon Contaminant Hydrocarbons in Louisiana Salt Marsh Using High Layer Charge Montmorillonites
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. W C Elliott($61,537), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
Key terms: Clay Mineral Enhancement, Anaerobic Microbial, Clay Mineralogy, Coastal Marshes, Coastal Salt, Environmental Microbiology, Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Salt Marshes, Aerobic, Analytical, Composition, Environments, Experimental, Field, Geochemistry, Geosciences, Gulf, Has, Immediately, Investigation, Laboratory, Molecular, Observed, Oil, Phd, Plots, Process, Sediment, Students, Water-mineral-biota.

The Roles of Heterophase Boundaries and Subgrain Boundaries in the Plastic and Anelastic (Attneuation/Transient Creep) Responses of Peridotite
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Reid F Cooper($545,041), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Phase Separation, Polycrystalline Aggregates, Transient Creep, Active, Anelastic, Application, Appropriate, Attenuation, Boundaries, Crystalline, Defects, Deformation, Development, Dislocation, Dynamics, Emphasizes, Experimental, Fabric, Ii, Mechanical, Minerals, Nanometer-to-micrometer, Phenomena, Physics, Plastic, Potentials, Relaxation, Rock, Scaling, Seismic, Spatial, Strain-effected, Stress, Structures, Theoretical.

Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Alison Keimowitz($56,607), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie
2. Ming-Kuo Lee($34,083), Auburn University, Auburn
3. Benedict Okeke($40,000), Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery
Key terms: Concentration And Speciation, Coastal Wetlands, Heavy Metal, Microbial Activity, Weeks Bay, Alabama, Arsenic, Cycling, Environmental, Gulf, Has, Mercury, Oil.

Detrital Garnet Sm/Nd Geochronology: A New Window into Earth's Tectonic Past
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Ethan F Baxter($123,977), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Detrital Garnet, Detrital Mineral, Detrital Minerals, Mountain Building, Prograde Metamorphism, Age, Ancient, Archive, Chemistry, Continent, Explore, Geochronologic, Global, Grain, Modern, Past, Potential, Processes, Regional, Sediments, Subduction, Tectonic, Tectonometamorphic.

RAPID: Seamless marine-strandline-wetlands sediments data structure to support decision-making against the Deepwater Horizon coastal oiling
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Ann O'Connell($35,032), University of New Orleans, New Orleans
Key terms: Cleanup, Coastal, Numerical, Soils, Zone.

RAPID: Seamless Marine-wetlands-coastal Soils Database to Support Urgent Decision-making Against the Deepwater Horizon Coastal Oiling
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Christopher J Jenkins($84,968), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cleanup, Coastal, Numerical, Soils, Zone.

RAPID - Evaluation of Soil Contamination due to Rio Grande Flooding July 2010
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Monica O Mendez($35,000), Texas A&M International University, Laredo
Key terms: Average Flow Stage, Flood Waters, Heavy Metals, Rio Grande, Soils Impacted, Adjacent, Allow, Anthropogenic, Assess, Behavior, Collected, Compounds, Conditions, Contaminant, Contaminants, Deposition, Flooding, Ft, Lands, Natural, Potential, Quality, Rate, Region, Rhizosphere, River, Sampling, Weeks.

Acquisition of High-Performance Transmitted Light Microscopes for the Micropaleontology Laboratory at The Pennsylvania State University
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Timothy J Bralower($39,080), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Climate, Microscope, Nannofossils.

Collaborative Research: Simultaneous Inversions of GPS Time Series for Kinematics and Transients in Cascadia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Robert McCaffrey($136,050), Portland State University, Portland
2. Robert W King($98,372), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
3. Robert McCaffrey($136,050), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Non-volcanic Tremor, Slow Slip, Southern Cascadia, Coincides, Continuous, GPS, NVT, Non-volcanic, Portions, Slow-slip, Survey-mode, Up-dip.

Location and Characterization of Ambient Seismic Noise Using USArray
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Keith D Koper($243,656), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Earth's Interior, Analyzing, Deep, Earthquakes, Energy, Microseismic, Microseisms, Ocean, Pis, Seismic, Source, Sources, Tectonic, Usarray.

Workshop Support: An EarthScope Institute on the Spectrum of Fault Slip Behaviors
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Anne M Tréhu($49,912), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Fault Slip, Behaviors, Broad, Constitutive, Creep, Earthquakes, Exhibit, Foster, Frictional, Institute, Models, Modes, Phenomena, Poorly, Processes, Ranging, Slow, Spectrum, TFS, Tectonic, Transient, Tremor, Underlying, Virtual, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Evaluating the Roles of Melt Migration and Mantle Flow in Lithospheric Evolution: The Colorado Plateau as a Geodynamic Laboratory for EarthScope
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Benjamin K Holtzman($121,398), Columbia University, New York
2. Mousumi Roy($221,508), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Interpret Seismic Observations, Mantle Deformation, Melt Segregation, Upper Mantle, Base, Based, Beneath, Boundary, Builds, CP, Chemical, Dense, Description, Developing, Dominantly, Dynamics, Earthscope, Evolution, Geodynamic, Images, LAB, Lithosphere, Models, North, Pis, Plate, Processes, Properties, Public, Regions, Rejuvenation, Spatial, Structure, Substantially, Thermal, Usarray, Western.

Collaborative Research: Superior Province Rifting Earthscope Experiment (SPREE)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Suzan van der Lee($461,838), Northwestern University, Evanston
2. Justin Revenaugh($255,949), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Michael E Wysession($454,846), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Deep Structure, Seismic Stations, Undergraduate Students, Analyses, Analysis, Beneath, Canada, Failed, Graduate, MCRS, Mantle, Rift, Rifting, Surface, Teleseismic.

Faulting Process from Top to Bottom Along the San Andreas Fault in the San Juan Bautista Region
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Roland Burgmann($381,752), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Aseismic Slip, Fault Slip, Fault Zone, Slip Transients, Active, Crust, Deformation, Depth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faulting, GPS, Geodetic, Information, Models, Occurrence, Properties, Surface.

RAPID: Observations of Vertical Deformation From Tidal Time Series for the 2010 Slow Slip Event in Cascadia
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. David A Schmidt($48,433), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Slow Slip Earthquake, Subduction Zone Interface, Tide Gauges, Ucore Program, Vertical Deformation, Allows, August, Earthquakes, GPS, Megathrust, Network, Oregon, Participating, Release, Rupture, Strain, Students, Summer, Tectonic, Temporary, Timing, Uplift.

Wavefield Imaging of the Mantle of North America with 3D, Plane-wave Migration
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Gary L Pavlis($242,351), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Continent, Image, Method, Produce, TA, Three-dimensional.

Collaborative Research: Geodetic Constraints on the Kinematics of the Colorado Plateau and its Western and Southern Margin
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Cornelis Kreemer($285,504), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Richard A Bennett($319,129), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Colorado Plateau, Earthquake Activity, Gps Stations, Plate Boundary, Seismic Hazard, Active, Arizona, Crust, Deformation, Geologic, Has, Installed, Little, Models, Motion, Parks, Processes, Region, Regions, Southern, Tectonic, Well-constrained.

Kinematic and Dynamic Models of Actively Deforming Lithosphere of the Western US
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Kaj M Johnson($157,401), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Fault Slip Rates, Various Driving Forces, Interseismic Deformation, Kinematic Models, Lithosphere Deformation, Lithosphere Deforms, Developing, Elastic, Extent, Faults, GPS, Infer, Influence, Long-term, Mantle, Motions, Predictions, Processes, Relative, Rheology, Viscous, Western.

Rapid Response Research (RAPID) Proposal for the April 4, 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake, Northern Baja California, Mexico
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Richard A Bennett($199,418), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Pre-earthquake Crustal Velocities, Continuous Gps, Crustal Motions, Earthquake Hazards, Northern Baja, Pre-earthquake Crustal, Southern California, CGPS, Estimates, Mexico, Network, Rheology, Stations, Velocity.

Collaborative Research: High Resolution Imaging of Deep Mantle Structure and Dynamics Using USArray Data
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Thorne Lay($105,702), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Edward J Garnero($140,075), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Central Pacific, Deep Mantle, Velocity Structure, Alaska, Array, Beneath, Eastern, Migration, Modeling, North, Region, Spatial, Structural, Structures, Subduction, TA, Usarray, Zone.

Love-Rayleigh Scattering and Regional Anisotropy in USArray
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Jeffrey J Park($209,824), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, De Fuca Plate, Juan De Fuca, Anisotropic Gradients, Mantle Beneath, Mantle Rock, Ql Waves, Scattered Waves, Seismic Waves, Surface Waves, Align, Anisotropy, Direction, Explore, Extending, Geometries, Individual, Inland, Lateral, Minerals, Motion, Olivine, Orientation, Paths, Plates, Quasi-love, Scattering, Seismograms, Shear, Stacking, Strong.

RAPID: Fault Creep Following the Mw=7.2 Sierra El Mayor Earthquake of 4 April
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Roger G Bilham($15,120), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Instantaneous Stress, Southern California, April, Creep, Displacement, Earthquake, Epicenter, Failure, Fault, Faults, Increased, Installed, Less, Local, Mw=, Public, Remote, San, Segments, Slip.

Collaborative Research: Multiscale Travel Time Tomography of the Mantle to 1000 km Depth Beneath the Western USA
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Robert D van der Hilst($78,161), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Eugene D Humphreys($97,880), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Complex History, Subducted Slabs, Transition Zone, Available, Beneath, Crust, Images, Information, Mantle, Seismic, Small-scale, Structures, Subduction, Techniques, Western.

Interferometric Imaging of Deep Mantle Reflectors Beneath the Western United States
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Michael Thorne($154,360), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Mantle Discontinuity Structure, Seismic Discontinuities, Seismic Wave, Upper-mantle Structures, Deeper, Depth, Efforts, Has, Interaction, Interferometry, Knowledge, Lower-mantle, Processes, Reflections, Resolution, SS, Source-, Ss-precursors, Technique, Underside, Upper-mantle, Velocity.

Analysis of Regional Phase Data from USArray
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Peter M Shearer($251,137), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Crust And Upper-mantle, Pg And Lg, Crustal Phases, Lower Crustal, Upper-mantle Structure, Uppermost Mantle, Distances, Pn, Program, SIO, Sn, Tomography, UCSD, Usarray, Western.

Surface-wave Propagation Across North America: New Methods, Observations and Models
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Goran Ekstrom($386,778), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ambient Noise, Earth's Interior, Elastic Structure, Phase Velocity, Surface Waves, Transportable Array, Usarray Stations, Composition, Constrain, Crust, Earthscopeusarray, Intermediate-period, Mantle, Maps, Method, North, Observations, Polarization, Propagation, Set, Surface-wave, Useful.

Mantle Anisotropic Structure and Dynamics Beneath the Western United States: Constraints from Shear-wave Splitting Analysis
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Kelly H Liu($185,885), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Shear-wave Splitting, Anisotropy, Database, Driving, Established, Geological, Information, Mantle, Movement, Plates, Shwave, Underlain, Version, Western.

Laboratory Study of Phase III SAFOD Core: Physical Properties and Mechanical Behavior of the Active San Andreas Fault Zone
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Demian M Saffer($275,535), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: San Andreas Fault, Fault Zone, Fluid Flow, Active, Core, Development, Drilling, Focused, Frictional, Linked, Models, Properties, Protolith, Recovered, SAFOD, Stability, Transport.

Identification of Postseismic Transients in PBO GPS Time-Series
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: EARTHSCOPE-SCIENCE UTILIZATION

1. Andrew Freed($151,190), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Gps Displacement Time, Infer Long-term Steady-state, Long-term Steady-state Surface, Pbo Gps Displacement, Steady-state Surface Velocities, Transientsteady-state Power Law, Flow Law, Gps Time, Infer Long-term, Long-term Steady-state, Non-steady-state Contributions, Postseismic Relaxation, Steady-state Surface, Strain Rates, Transientsteady-state Power, Upper Mantle, Ability, Alaska, Analysis, Characterize, Crust, Development, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Equal, Finite, Function, Has, Influence, Lower, Margins, Non-steady-state, Nonlinear, Objectives, Past, Potential, Regions, Rheological, Strength, Stress, Tectonic, Temperature, Viscoelastic, Viscosity, Western.

Science Discipline Diversity at the 2010 SACNAS National Conference
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EDA-Eng Diversity Activities

1. JD Garcia($207,775), Society for Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Sci, San Jose
Key terms: Sacnas National Conference, Students And Postdocs, Abstracts, Activities, Central, Development, Directorate, Division, Interact, Meeting, Mentoring, Mentors, Participation, Presentation, STEM, Sessions, Society.

Minority and Postdoctoral Career Development Activities to Broaden Participation
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Edward L Krug($49,372), Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston
Key terms: Annual Sacnas Conference, Activities, Diverse, Faculty, Networking, Postdocs, STEM, Students, Supported.

REU Site: Multidisciplinary environmental science research on forest lakes in Northwest New Jersey
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Kirk R Barrett($373,618), Montclair State University, Montclair
Key terms: Faculty And Graduate, Graduate Students, Campus, Conservation, Environmental, Field, Forest, Hydrology, Jersey, Lakes, Methods, Models, REU, School, Trained, Transdisciplinary, Travel.

REU Site: Eco-Hydrology Of A Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Anthony T Cahill($557,606), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Hydrology And Biogeochemical, Montane Cloud Forest, Tropical Montane Cloud, Biogeochemical Fluxes, Cloud Forests, Costa Rica, Faculty Mentors, Hydrologic Pathways, International Field, Climate, Cycling, Opportunity, REU, Regional, Students, Water, Watershed.

Evaluation of the Effects of Recharge Rate Versus Changes in the Configuration of the Subglacial Hydrological System on Glacier Hydrology
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jason D Gulley($170,000), Gulley Jason D, Gainesville
Key terms: Subglacial Water Pressure, Conduit Formation, Dye Tracing, Glacier Hydrology, Laboratory Models, Affect, Cambridge, Cave, Caves, Configuration, Field, Glaciers, Hydrological, Investigate, Links, Motion, Public, Svalbard, Techniques.

RAPID: Effect of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Deposits and Beach Clean Up on Erosional and Depositional Processes on Wild and Human-Nourished Beaches on Grand Isle, Louisiana
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Sadredin C Moosavi($10,001), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
Key terms: Erosion And Deposition, Beach Erosion, Grand Isle, Louisiana, Orleans, Park, RAPID, Rates, Students, Transects.

Understanding the coupled response of vegetation and fire to climatic variation since the Last Glacial Maximum
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jennifer R Marlon($170,000), Marlon Jennifer R, New Haven
Key terms: Charcoal And Pollen, Fire And Vegetation, Dynamic Global, Fire Regimes, Vegetation-fire Model, Climate, Consequences, Data-model, Ecosystem, Education, Experiments, Future, Natural, Past, Vegetation-fire.

Single-Event and Long-Term Dynamics of Nonplanar Fault Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Brittany A Erickson($170,000), Erickson Brittany A, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Jumping And Branching, Earthquake Rupture, Education Plan, Fault Networks, Rupture Behavior, Seismic Hazard, Affect, Assessment, Dynamics, Explore, Faults, Features, Has, Involved, Nonplanar, Nucleation, Ruptures, Single, Small-scale, Statistics.

EAR-PF: An experimental study of temperature-dependent frictional healing processes: Implications for plate boundary tectonics and post-seismic healing
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Daniel S King($170,000), King Daniel S, Minneapolis
Key terms: Fault Gouge, Developing, Frictional, Involve, Processes, Skills, Students.

EAR-PF: Field observations and modeling of backwater effects on bed material sequestration and fluvial kinematics in the lowermost Mississippi River
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jeffrey Nittrouer($170,000), Nittrouer, Jeffrey A, Austin
Key terms: Lowermost Mississippi River, Coastal Wetland, River Nears, Sediment Flux, Sediment Transport, Southern Louisiana, Additionally, Channel, Discharge, Dynamics, Field, Fluvial, Marine, Outlet, Timing, Water.

EAR-PF: Dynamics and melting of the upper mantle: Relating the length scales of compositional heterogeneity in the crust and mantle
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Todd A Bianco($170,000), Bianco Todd A, Honolulu
Key terms: Compositional Heterogeneity, Computer Simulations, Crust Composition, Mantle Convection, Mantle Dynamics, Brown, Has, Melt, Observations, Size.

Estimating and communicating climate impacts on groundwater and surface water resources in northern Mozambique
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Michele R Minihane($170,000), Minihane, Michele R, Seattle
Key terms: Groundwater And Surface, Health And Economic, Water Resource Availability, Water Resources Planning, Northern Mozambique, Surface Water, Water Availability, Africa, Available, Climate, Communicate, Conditions, Future, Hydrologic, Limited, Local, Model, Models, Planners, Quantify, Region, Regions, Shared, Strategies, World.

RUI: Rapid geomagnetic change recorded by a partially remagnetized lava flow
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Scott W Bogue($128,983), Occidental College, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Composite Magnetization, Earth's Magnetic, Geomagnetic Field, Contributing, Deep, Degrees, Direction, Flow, Geological, Has, Million, Polarity, Program, Properties, Rapid, Rapidly, Rate, Stack.

REU Site: Summer Research Experience on the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover in the Upper Green River Watershed of Western Kentucky, USA
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Rezaul Mahmood($349,806), Western Kentucky University Research Foundation, Bowling Green
Key terms: Upper Green River, Broader Impacts, Land Cover, Reu Site, Western Kentucky, Academy, Atmospheric, Environmental, Hydrologic, Issues, Opportunities, Student, Students, Undergraduates, Water.

REU Site: Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Mitchell A Pavao Zuckerman($401,727), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Biological, Biosphere, Environmental, Experience, Interdisciplinary, Program, Public, REU, Skills, Students, Training.

EAR-PF Mapping Sharp Interfaces in Continental Rifts
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Vedran Lekic($170,000), Lekic Vedran, Berkeley
Key terms: Active Continental Rifts, Advanced Seminar, Apart, Boundary, Break, Co-taught, Course, Features, Geochemical, Has, Host, Interfaces, Maturity, Mechanics, Plate, Plates, Rifting, Students, Tectonic, Variety.

The Keck Geology Consortium--Providing Collaborative and Yearlong Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Andrew P deWet($263,900), Pomona College, Claremont
Key terms: Consortium, Contributions, Experiences, Keck, Students.

REU Site: Fluids in the Earth from Surface to Core
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Katsumi Matsumoto($117,522), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Activities, Core, Department, Dept, Dynamics, Experience, Faculty, Features, Fluids, Geology, Geophysics, Has, Interns, Mantle, Minnesota, Participating, Program, Students, Summer, Trips, Various.

CAREER: The Detrital Record of Focused Rock Uplift and Exhumation, Northeast Indian Himalaya
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Katharine Huntington($487,197), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Bengal Fan, Cooling Ages, Himalayan Tectonics, Minority-serving Schools, Rapid Exhumation, School Students, School Teachers, Structural Evolution, Bedrock, Courses, Downstream, Eastern, Education, Extend, Has, Integrated, Million, Minority-serving, Mountain, Outreach, Processes, Represent, River, Sediments, Syntaxis, Teaching, Time.

Workshops for continuation GPS monitoring of tectonic, atmospheric, hydrologic, and volcanic processes in Mexico.
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Dennis C DeMets($49,915), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Continuous Gps Stations, Gps Network, Hazards Monitoring, Atmospheric, Existing, Hydrologic, Individuals, International, Mexican, Mexico, Participants, Solid, Tool, Unified, Workshop.

EAR-PF: Tracking rocks from depth to the surface: Coupled (U-Th)/(Pb-He) dating of monazite
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Emily M Peterman($170,000), Peterman Emily M, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Isotopic Age, Ability, Analysis, Continent, Course, Crust, Developed, Evolution, Information, Methods, Monazite, Processes, Taught, Timing.

CAREER: Innovative Seismic Sensing for Earthquake Analysis and Seismic Hazard Assessment
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Elizabeth S Cochran($127,169), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Distributed Computing, Seismic Network, Seismic Observations, Activities, Approach, Density, Displays, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Educational, Enable, Ground, Increase, Increased, Information, Innovative, Interactive, Introduce, MEMS, Objective, Outcomes, Preparedness, Public, QCN, Real-time, Regional, Rupture, Seismology, Sensors, Software, Source, Strong-motion, Transformative.

EAR-PF: Geologic Age Constraints for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Critical National Infrastructure
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Dylan H Rood($170,000), Rood Dylan H, Livermore
Key terms: Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Hazard, Ground Motion, California, Earthquakes, Education, Estimates, Fellow, Geologic, Irvine, Pbrs, Teaching.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the Connections Between Strain Transients and Earthquake Swarms
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Eliza B Richardson($118,700), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Jeffrey J McGuire($372,725), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Earthquake Swarms, Earthquake Triggering, Mechanical Models, Penn State's, Strain Transients, Subduction Zone, Aseismic, Deformation, Detect, Effort, Faults, Geodetic, Increases, Objects, Own, Secondary, Slip, Stochastic, Students, Teachers, Teaching, Worldwide.

EAR-PF: Resolving the tempo of edifice development and rhyolite formation in a large-caldera system, Atitlan, Guatemala
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Heather S Cunningham($170,000), Cunningham Heather S, Pittsford
Key terms: Atitlán Caldera, Magma Bodies, Petrologic Models, Silicic Eruptions, Time Scales, Volcanic Ash, Assimilation, Crust, Development, Distinctive, Geochemical, Lead, Measured, Phases, Processes, Source.

Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Bradley D Cramer($170,000), Cramer Bradley D, Columbus
Key terms: Global Climate, Silurian Timescale, Ago, High-resolution, Kansas, Million, Modern, Resolution, Significantly, Students.

Nitrogenase metal cofactors in terrestrial systems: Chemical speciation and the kinetic versus thermodynamic controls on metal acquisition by diazotrophs using metallophores
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Frank J Black($170,000), Black Frank J, Cottonwood Falls
Key terms: Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria, Soils And Leaf, Leaf Litter, Nitrogen Fixation, Soil Environments, Acquiring, Availability, Conditions, Developed, Ecosystems, Effective, Iron, Metals, Molybdenum, Vanadium.

Initial application of novel compound-specific 34S analysis to the Cariaco Basin
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EMERGING TOPICS

1. Alex Sessions($317,574), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Individual Os Compounds, D34s Values, Organic Matter, Analytical, Compound-specific, Ds, Fractionations, Information, Isotopic, Pathways, Preservation, Processes, Recently, Sulfur, Sulfurization.

ESE: Spatial Interactive Optimization for Restoration of Upland Storage in Watersheds: Community Participation in the Design of Distributed Practices and Alternatives
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: ENV., SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY

1. Meghna Babbar-Sebens($410,000), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Eagle Creek Watershed, Agronomic Practices, Hydrologic Cycle, Land Holders, Private Land, Upland Storage, Water Quality, Agricultural, Alternatives, Approach, Control, Criteria, Degraded, Department, Design, Development, Etc, Flood, Habitat, Has, Indiana, Interactive, Loss, Methods, Mitigation, Multiple, Optimization, Participation, Purdue, Selection, Sites, Stakeholders, Watersheds.

Grasses and Gases: Modeling Human Dynamics of Lawn Fertilization and Resultant Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: ENV., SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY

1. Kimberly D Bess($450,000), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Individual And Household, Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Norms And Characteristics, Affect Fertilizer, Household Activities, Nitrogen-containing Fertilizer, Richland Creek, Affected, Atmosphere, Beliefs, Biophysical, Converted, Effect, Fertilizers, Focus, Households, Interventions, Knowledge, Lawncare, Lawns, Lead, Measured, Neighborhoods, Nitrogen-containing, Processes, Rates, Share, Social, Soil, Watershed.

Collaborative Proposal; Environment, Society, and Economy: Modeling New Behaviors Emerging from Coupling Physical Coastal Processes and Coastal Economies
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: ENV., SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY

1. Martin D Smith($460,036), Duke University, Durham
2. Dylan McNamara($100,060), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Beach Replenishment, Coastal Environments, Net Benefits, Numerical Modeling, Sand Resources, Shape Landscapes, Shoreline Erosion, Shoreline Stabilization, Activities, Affect, Climate, Coastline, Coupled, Economic, Efforts, Increase, Management, Natural, Processes.

Collaborative Research: CDI-Type II: From Data to Knowledge: The Quake-Catcher Network
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Michela Taufer($100,961), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Deborah L Kilb($75,091), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Richard Allen($88,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
4. Thomas H Heaton($100,848), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
5. Jack W Baker($759,025), Stanford University, Stanford
6. Elizabeth S Cochran($641,795), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
7. Monica D Kohler($88,327), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Qcn Sensors, Quake-catcher Network, Allow, Approach, Cost, Earthquake, Enable, Explore, Fault, Ground, Internal, Process, Public, Quake-catcher, Rapid, Real-time, Rupture, Seismic, Time, Transformative.

Evaluating The Effects Of The Alamo Impact Event On Carbonate Platform Recovery And Regional Tectonics: A Research Focus For Educators In The Great Basin
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Leif M Tapanila($220,000), Idaho State University, Pocatello
Key terms: Carbonate Platform, Field Geology, Guilmette Formation, Post-impact Seafloor, Relative Bathymetry, Alamo, Attributes, Basin, Bolide, Devonian, Evolution, Faunal, GIS, Idaho, Initiative, Model, Nevada, Post-impact, Recovery, Stratigraphic, Students, Topography, Training.

Collaborative Research: Interhemispheric linkages of Late Pleistocene climate change in the circum-Pacific region
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Glenn D Thackray($250,000), Idaho State University, Pocatello
2. Tammy M Rittenour($160,596), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Glacier Fluctuations, Hemisphere Climate, Hemisphere Climatic, Hemisphere Cooling, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Circum-pacific, Cycles, Dating, Determined, Evaluation, Fossil, Glacial, Glaciation, Influence, Investigate, Linkages, Modern, Mountain, Northwestern, Pacific, Processes, Region, Sediments, Timing, Zealand.

Acquisition of an Isotopic Liquid Water Analyzer for Environmental Science Research and Student Training at the College of Charleston
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Vijay M Vulava($79,795), College of Charleston, Charleston
Key terms: Hydrogen Isotopes, Analyzer, Coastal, Components, Determining, Groundwater, Liquid, Pis, Students, Water.

Collaborative Research: Geochemical and isotopic time-series of marine and terrestrial degradation of petroleum in the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Brad E Rosenheim($66,094), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. David B Finkelstein($65,531), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
3. Arndt Schimmelmann($66,927), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Oil Spill, Biodegradation, Document, Environmental, Environments, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Isotopic, Organic, Petroleum, Public, Residual, Sampling, Students, Time.

Melt-induced Buoyancy: The Driving Force for Fast UHP Exhumation?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Stacia Gordon($285,547), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Pressure Rocks, Ultrahigh Pressure, Ultrahigh-pressure Conditions, Ultrahigh-pressure Rocks, Ultrahigh-pressure Terranes, Buoyancy, Continent, Crust, Density, Earth, Exhumation, Exhumed, Former, Garnet, Guinea, Mantle, Melt, Model, Papua, Presence, Rise, Subducted, Surface, Ultrahigh-pressure, Zircon.

Acquisition of a noble gas mass spectrometer and development of a multi-user facility for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at the University of Vermont
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Laura E Webb($507,978), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Arar, Available, Crust, Date, Evolution, Facility, Faulting, International, Laboratory, Minerals, Opportunities, Orogenic, Processes, Rates, Rock, Supporting, Technique, Tectonic, Undergraduate, Upper, Vermont.

Collaborative Research: Bridging the gap between long- and short- wavelength structure in the mantle
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Michael Thorne($199,987), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Jeroen E Ritsema($209,155), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Deep Mantle, Seismic Models, Seismic Waveforms, Waveform Modeling, Accuracy, Affect, Analyzing, Deployments, Earth, Features, Global, Images, Imaging, Interior, Previously, Reconcile, Software, Structure, Techniques, View.

First Principles Computational Study of Defects, Diffusion and Grain Boundaries in Mantle Materials
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Bijaya B Karki($300,208), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Diffusion And Deformation, Mantle Dynamics, Apply, Computational, Conditions, Defect, Defects, Experiments, Grain, Impurities, Mechanisms, Methods, Minerals, Physics, Properties, Theory, Visualization.

Full Vector Studies of the Last 60 Thousand Years Derived From the East Maui Volcano, Hawaii
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Emilio Herrero-Bervera($193,526), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Paleointensity Curves, Dating, Generated, Global, Hawaii, Involves, Lavas, Method, Models, Planet, Reliable, Supporting.

Refining Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, California Using Full-3D Waveform Tomography
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Po Chen($111,845), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Andreas Fault Zone, Full-3d Waveform Tomography, San Andreas Fault, Velocity And Attenuation, Attenuation Structure, F3dt Algorithm, Full-3d Waveform, Seismic Velocity, Earthquakes, FDT, Fault-zone, Full-d, Model, Parkfield, Pressure, Processes, Propagation.

Dynamic Capillary Effects Throughout the Hysteretic Capillary Pressure-Saturation (Pc-S) Relationship: Fundamental Causes and Dependencies
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Tohren C Kibbey($306,570), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Dynamic Capillary Effects, Hysteretic Capillary Pressure-saturation, Capillary Pressure-saturation, Experimental, Pc.

Melting Processes and Crust-Mantle Interaction in the Cascade Arc: Constraints from U-Series, Nd, Os, Pb and Sr Isotopic Data
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Yemane Asmerom($317,435), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Cascade Lavas, Mantle Wedge, Subduction Zone, Arc, Arcs, Components, Considerably, Continent, Crust, Fluid, Isotopic, Magmas, Melting, Mexico, Minority, Ridges, Students, Volcanic, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: Comprehensive Analysis of Seismic Processes in a Deep South African Mine
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Margaret S Boettcher($255,958), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Yehuda Ben-Zion($35,002), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquake Physics, Isotropic Components, Magnitude Range, Source Properties, Analysis, Earthquakes, Mining, Nucleation, Processes, Proximity, Radiation, Rupture, Scaling, Seismic, Structures.

Experimental Insights into Crystallization of Hydrous Basaltic Andesite
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Gary Huss($350,873), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Cooling And Decompression, Investigate Crystallization Kinetics, Melt Inclusion Entrapment, Decompression Experiments, Dynamic Cooling, Hydrous Magma, Mafic-intermediate Composition, Compositions, Eruption, Experimental, Mafic-intermediate, Phase, Teachers.

Acquisition of a Gas-Source Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GS-IRMS) to upgrade the University of Alabama Geological Sciences Stable Isotope Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Paul Aharon($200,000), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Stable Isotope Lab, Continuous Flow, Oxygen Isotope, Allow, Courses, Facility, IRMS, Maintenance, Marine, Pis, Routinely, Student, Supported.

The origin of 17O-depleted barite in Neoproterozoic cap carbonates in South China
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Huiming Bao($269,644), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Anomalous 17o Depletion, Negative 17o Anomaly, 17o Anomaly, 17o Depletion, Anomalous 17o, Discovered Anomalous, Negative 17o, Oxygen Isotope, South China, Anomalies, Atmosphere, Barite, Colleagues, Distinctly, Glaciation, Magnitude, Marinoan, Origin, Pco, Positive, Stable, Sulfate.

Collaborative Research: Present and future contribution of glacial runoff to freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Alaska
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Jing Zhang($350,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Eran Hood($84,728), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Biogeochemical Fluxes, Climate Scenarios, Freshwater Influx, Glacier Runoff, Alaska, Available, Downscaled, Expected, GOA, Glaciers, Gulf, Ice, Increase, Model, Regional, Wastage.

Development of biopores in the subsurface by burrowing organisms and their impacts on infiltration, runoff, and contaminant transport characteristics
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. David W Held($300,000), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Infiltration And Runoff, Artificial Macropores, Biopore Development, Biopores Created, Burrowing Organisms, Contaminant Transport, Entomological Perspectives, Mole Crickets, Behavior, Effects, Hydrologic, Influence, Invertebrates, Laboratory, Light, Modeling, Pest, Processes, Shed, Soil.

Ground Water Seepage and Piping Mechanisms of Streambank Erosion and Failure
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Garey A Fox($310,000), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Key terms: Erosion And Failure, Ground Water Flow, Ground Water Seepage, Seepage And Piping, Gradient Forces, Laboratory Experiments, Piping Mechanisms, Riparian Management, Sediment Transport, Seepage Erosion, Specific Seepage, Streambank Erosion, Surface Water, Three-dimensional Soil, Abroad, Bank, Banks, Conditions, Features, Field, Fluvial, Occurrence, Oklahoma, Processes, Range, Streambanks, Student, Students, Three-dimensional, Undercutting, World.

Seeing the forest for the trees: Interpreting and quantifying emergent catchment hydrology behavior
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Lucy A Marshall($400,000), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Mountain Catchment Hydrologic, Landscape Structure, Model Structures, Models Based, Advances, Behavior, Challenges, Climatic, Conceptualizations, Controls, Follow-on, Forcing, Modeling, Observations, Process, Source, Transferability, Variable, Variables, Water, Watershed, Watersheds.

Improving subduction zone thermal models by including hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Glenn A Spinelli($134,772), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Subduction Zone Temperatures, Fault Temperatures, Fluid Circulation, Hydrothermal Circulation, Nankai Margin, Seismogenic Zone, Subducting Crust, Subduction Zones, Thermal Models, Aquifer, Earthquakes, Effects, Estimates, Flowing, Has, Heat, Metamorphic, Ocean, Plate, Potential, Processes, Surface, Tectonic, Water.

SILICIC EXPLOSIVE VOLCANISM: Understanding the Conditions of Steady and Unsteady Eruptive Behavior in Silicic Magmas - The Kaharoa 1314 Eruption
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Rebecca Carey($240,290), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Explosive Phases, Host Volcano, Codes, Degassing, Eruption, Explosivity, Flow, Has, Intensity, Kaharoa, Modeling, Numerical, Plinian, Rapid, Short-lived, Sustained, Tarawera, Unsteady, Vulcanian, Zealand.

Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. John F Wehmiller($41,879), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Has, Held, Pis.

Acquisition of a parallel-MATLAB capable cluster for computer-intensive research in geodynamics, seismology, hydrothermal systems, and carbon sequestration
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Teresa E Jordan($73,106), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Computing Engine, Sustainable Energy, Algorithms, Allow, Cluster, Code, Codes, Computational, Distributed, High-level, Matlab, Rapid.

Early Career: Acquisition of a Computer Cluster
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Caroline D Beghein($73,771), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Campus-wide Cluster, Forward Modeling, Inner Core, Upper Mantle, ATS, Anisotropy, Campus-wide, Compositional, Computer, Coupling, Defining, Deformation, Incorporated, Inverse, Involve, Maintenance, Models, Seismic, Shared, Training, UCLA, Versus.

Geoinformatics: Development of Community-Based Ontology and Standards for Hydrologic Data Discovery and Exchange
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. David Valentine($1,204,065), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Generic Information Model, Hydrologic Concepts, Prototype Ontology, CUAHSI, Development, Has, Levels, Measured, ODM, Process, Properties, Publishers, Schema, Semantic, Various, Vision, WDS, Water, Waterml.

Geoinformatics: Collaborative Research: Neotoma Paleoecology Database, Pliocene-Quaternary
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. John W Williams($1,486,857), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Alison J Smith($661,143), Illinois State Museum Society, Springfield
Key terms: Domain Scientists Representing, Pliocene And Quaternary, Constituent Database, Information Technology, DC, Development, Fossil, Held, Import, Neotoma, North, Spectrum, Tools, Various, Was, Workshop.

Geoinformatics: A Petascale Cyberfacility for Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis (SCEC PetaSHA3 Project)
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Thomas H Jordan($1,814,968), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Nsf Supercomputers, Psha Maps, Seismic Hazard, Seismic Hazards, California, Computational, Cybershake, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Expected, Models, OEF, Petasha, Platform, SCEC, UCERF.

MetPetDB: A Database for Metamorphic Geochemistry
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Frank S Spear($790,000), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Chemical Analyses, Access, Collaboration, Cyberinfrastructure, Geosciences, Innovative, Metpetdb, Published.

EAGER PROPOSAL: Earthquake Rupture Experiment at DUSEL Homestake
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: GEOMECHANICS & GEOMATERIALS

1. Leonid N Germanovich($129,123), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Dusel Homestake, Dynamic Slip, Critical, Facility, Faults, Nucleation, Propagation.

4,500 years of Hydrologic Variability from Zaca Lake, close to the Santa Barbara Basin
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Matthew E Kirby($74,923), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
2. Sarah Feakins($178,029), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Santa Barbara, Southern California, Zaca Lake, Analyses, Climate, Droughts, Frequency, High-resolution, Past, Reconstruct, Students, Terrestrial.

Collaborative Research RUI: Decadal cycles in NAO proxies from northwest Iceland lake and soil sediments
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. A. C Dieffenbacher-Krall($64,249), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Atlantic Oscillation, Human Occupation, Lake Sediment, Watershed Soil, Alter, Approaches, Building, Climate, Conservation, Cycles, Datasets, Deposits, Disturbances, Efforts, Existing, Facilities, Has, Iceland, Involved, Lakes, Linkages, Mineral, NAO, North, Opportunities, State-of-the-art, Students, Training, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Tropical Holocene climatic insights from Andean paleoglacier dynamics
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Bryan G Mark($308,373), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Donald T Rodbell($302,272), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: Mass And Energy, Tropical Glacier Mass, Glacial Flour, Holocene Glacial, Ice Margin, Margin Fluctuations, Tropical Andes, Tropical Glacier, Abrupt, Advances, Approach, Based, Centennial, Climate, Climatic, Continuous, Dating, Detailed, Enable, Flux, Glaciation, Global, Magnitude, Millennial-scale, Moraine, Moraines, Multiple, Paleoclimate, Precipitation, Timing, Tropics.

Collaborative Research: Timing and structure of the last glacial maximum and termination in southern Peru: Implications for the role of the tropics in climate change
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Gisela Winckler($199,339), Columbia University, New York
2. Brenda L Hall($217,013), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Tropical Behavior, Ages, Allinccapac, Allow, Climate, Coropuna, Glacial, Glacier, LGM, Local, Moraines, Snowline, Students, Tropics.

Collaborative Research: Testing Mechanisms for Holocene Climate Change in the Southern Tropical and Mid-Latitude Andes
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Raymond T Pierrehumbert($187,369), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Yarrow Axford($55,395), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Meredith A Kelly($413,098), Dartmouth College, Hanover
4. Thomas V Lowell($207,614), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
Key terms: Little Ice Age, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Tropics And Mid-latitudes, Glacier Fluctuations, Holocene Climate, Paleoclimate Proxy, Southern Tropics, Various Mechanisms, Ages, Andes, Assemblages, Broader, Chironomid, Circulation, Climatic, Conditions, Detailed, GCM, Hemisphere, Influenced, Modeling, Multiple, Near, Northern, Tropical.

Modeling the Vegetation of the Past
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Simon C Brewer($271,541), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Past Climate, Past Vegetation, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Assessment, Conditions, Covering, DGVM, Europe, Factors, Future, GCM, Macrofossil, Model, North, Periods, Pollen, Publicly, Reconstructions, Resources, Simulating.

Collaborative Research RUI: Decadal cyclicity in NAO proxies from northwest Iceland lake sediments
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Mark Green($643,672), Plymouth State University, Plymouth
2. Brad Hubeny($121,112), Salem State University, Salem
Key terms: Atlantic Oscillation, Human Occupation, Lake Sediment, Watershed Soil, Alter, Approaches, Building, Climate, Conservation, Cycles, Datasets, Deposits, Disturbances, Efforts, Existing, Facilities, Has, Iceland, Involved, Lakes, Linkages, Mineral, NAO, North, Opportunities, State-of-the-art, Students, Training, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: High-resolution, Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Variability in West Asia
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Elizabeth A Canuel($90,867), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Ali Pourmand($254,020), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Inorganic Geochemical Proxies, Organic And Inorganic, Holocene Climate, Human Societies, Time Scales, Undergraduate Students, West Asia, African-asian, Atmospheric, Centennial, Civilizations, Course, Dust, High-resolution, IOSM, Interannual, Iran, Lab, Mid-latitude, Modern, Monsoon, Opportunity, Paleoclimate, Receive, Training.

EAGER: Seismic survey to evaluate the potential of Lake Chalco, Mexico, for continental drilling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Nigel J Wattrus($79,706), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Climate History, Hydrological Balance, Lacustrine Sediments, Peten Itza, Valles Caldera, Agriculture, Basin, Chalco, Guatemala, Has, High-resolution, Holocene, Information, Insights, Interglacial, Lake, Mexico, Middle, Million, North, Past, Planet, Pleistocene, Regional, Resource, Sedimentary, Seismic, Settings, Terrestrial, Th.

EAGER: 1500 Years of Indian Summer Monsoon Variabilty Reconstructed from High-Resolution Tibetan Lake Sediments
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Broxton W Bird($52,141), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Anthropogenic Increases, Billion People, Greenhouse Gases, Lake Sediments, Monsoon Dynamics, Nyainqentanglha Mountains, Radiative Forcing, Tibetan Plateau, Warming Trends, AD, Activitythis, Analytical, Caco, Detailed, Developed, Efforts, Future, Information, Lakes, Past, Potential, Region, Sensitive, Water.

Collaborative Research: Sub-Millennial Hydroclimatic Variability in the Northeastern United States during the Holocene
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Bryan N Shuman($36,740), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Future Climate Warming, Climatic, Detailed, Drought, Frequency, Histories, Humid, Hydroclimatic, Hydrologic, Indicate, Insight, Lake, Lakes, Northeastern, Past, Pollen, Poorly, Potential, Regional, Regions, Resource, Risk, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sub-millennial, Time, Water.

Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Study of Mineral-Biomolecule Interactions
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Robert M Hazen($359,674), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
2. Dimitri A Sverjensky($284,251), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Teeth And Bones, Amino Acids, Mineral Surfaces, Mineral-molecule Interactions, Adsorption, Biomolecules, Broad, Formation, Investigate, Life, Lifes, Mineral-molecule, Minerals, Molecular, Molecules, Origins, Paints, Principles, Reactions, Selection, Species, Specific, Sugars, Varied.

Emerging Frontiers in Rhizosphere Science Workshop at Warrenton, VA
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Ellen Bergfeld($44,400), Soil Science Society of America, Fitchburg
Key terms: Coupled Hydrobiogeochemical, Mineral Weathering, Complex, Controls, Cycling, Dynamics, Feedback, Has, Influence, Interaction, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Microbial, Nitrogen, Nutrient, Plant, Plant-fungal, Plants, Processes, Required, Rhizosphere, Root, Roots, Soil, Surrounding, Water.

Life in an Ultra-basic and Ultra-reducing Setting: The Cedars Serpentinization Communities
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Kenneth Nealson($499,635), J. Craig Venter Institute, Inc., La Jolla
Key terms: Adaptation And Evolution, Gene Content, Low Levels, Active, Andor, Carbon, Characterization, Dominant, Ecosystem, Environment, Extreme, Genes, Geochemical, Growth, Harsh, Identification, Life, Metabolic, Metabolism, Microbes, Microbial, Na, Ph, Previously, Sites, Species, Suggest, Ultra-basic.

Future Directions in Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry: a Workshop on Priorities and Research Opportunities in Washington, DC
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Katherine H Freeman($48,941), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Low-temperature Geochemistry, BROES, Boston, Challenges, Decade, Directions, Environmental, Expertise, Geobiology, Held, Input, Low-temperature, Planetary, Spanning, Time, Washington, Workshop.

Hopanoid Physiology: Implications for Microbial Life on the Early Earth
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Christopher J Marx($400,821), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Diverse Backgrounds, Lipid Biomarkers, Ancient, Biological, Bradley, Broader, Directly, Evolution, Hopanoids, Information, Initiative, Mentor, Microbial, Pis, Products, Teachers, Undergraduate, Was.

Collaborative Research: Acquisition of nitrogenase metal cofactors in soils: role of metallophores and limitation of N2-fixation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Susan L Brantley($39,682), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Anthony K Aufdenkampe($34,022), Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale
3. Francois M Morel($338,809), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Free-living N2-fixing Bacteria, Alternative Nitrogenases, Free-living N2-fixing, Metal Cofactors, N2 Fixation, N2-fixing Bacteria, Acquisition, Bacterial, Binding, Biological, Fe, Field, Iron, Limiting, Metallophores, Mo, N-fixing, Pis, Siderophores, Soils, Summer.

Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionations during Thermal Decomposition of and Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction by Natural Organic Compounds
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Yumiko Watanabe($222,664), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ga Sedimentary Rocks, Aif-s Signatures, Uv Photolysis, AIF-S, Atmosphere, Characteristics, Chemical, Compounds, Gas, Generated, Graduate, HS, Hydrocarbon, Isotope, Natural, Organic, Pre-, Presence, Produced, Ratios, Students, Sulfate, Sulfur, TSR, Was.

Collaborative Research: Biological production of reactive oxygen species in freshwaters
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Colleen Hansel($260,369), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Bettina M Voelker($249,205), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Reactive Oxygen Species, Biological Ros, Organic Compounds, Affect, Algal, Aquatic, Bacterial, Cycling, Environmental, Freshwater, Fungal, Lectures, Metals, Microbial, Natural, Organisms, Pis, Rates, Responsible, Specific.

Ancient Microorganism Communities in Fluid Inclusions in Halite and Gypsum
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Tim K Lowenstein($400,000), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
Key terms: Archaea And Bacteria, Halite And Gypsum, Fluid Inclusions, Long-term Survival, Raman Spectroscopy, Amplification, Ancient, Attempt, Biomaterials, Characterize, Crystals, Cultivation, DNA, Diversity, Experiments, Interdisciplinary, Long-term, Microorganism, Microorganisms, Otago, Phylogenetic, Preservation, Sequencing, Situ, Subsurface, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: Coupled genetic, geochemical, and physical controls on arsenic mobilization
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Scott Fendorf($258,577), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Chad W Saltikov($232,925), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Iron And Arsenic, Soils And Sediments, Arsenic Fate, Arsenic Reduction, Arsenic Release, Ground Water, Biogeochemical, Geochemical, Mentorship, Microbes, Model, Processes, Program, Responsible, Students, Transport.

Ferromagnetic Resonance of Interacting Particles: A Theoretical Study
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Andrew J Newell($79,460), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Fmr Spectra, Magnetic Field, Bacteria, Chain, Chains, Developed, Ferromagnetic, Magnetofossils, OAI, Particles, Theory.

Coprecipitation of Pb and As in apatite and applications to environmental remediation
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. John F Rakovan($250,065), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Contaminated Sediments, Solid Solutions, Amateur, Apatite, Apatites, Application, Combined, Contaminant, Coprecipitation, Crystal, Cycling, Education, Effective, Environmental, Furthermore, Geochemical, Has, Implications, Investigated, Lead, Metal, Metals, Minerals, Natural, Ore, Pb, Processes, Properties, Reactions, Remediation, Sequestration, Simultaneous, Smelting, Structure, Synthesis.

Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jason R Price($115,282), Millersville University, Millersville
Key terms: Epidote-group Mineral Grains, Maximum Radiation Dose, Nile And Yangtze, River Delta Sediments, Chemical Weathering, Detrital Epidote-group, Epidote-group Mineral, Epidote-group Minerals, Age, Analyses, And-decay, Completed, Damage, Determined, Electron, Exhibit, Extracted, Factory, Hands-on, Lancaster, Millersville, Resistant, Technology, Trace, Undergraduate, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: Effects of Fire and Subsequent Sediment Burial on Sulfur and Mercury Binding in Organic Matter of Forest Soils
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Kathryn L Nagy($235,333), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
2. Koren R Nydick($0), Mountain Studies Institute, Durango
3. Joseph N Ryan($406,288), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Colorado Water Quality, Lakes And Reservoirs, Mercury Binding Capacity, Quality Outreach Center, San Juan Collaboratory, Soil Organic Matter, Strong Mercury Binding, Water Quality Outreach, Aquatic Organisms, Forest Fire, Ray Absorption, Conditions, Effect, Increases, Mountain, Oxidation, Programs, Region, Sediment, Sediments, Structure, Students, Sulfur, Watersheds, Xray.

The International GeoBiology Summer Course: Engaging the Geology / Biology Community in Education and Outreach
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. John R Spear($160,000), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Colorado School, Biology, California, Course, Field, Funding, Geology, Institute, Mines, Participants, Processes, Senior, Students, Time.

Wilford Gardner IUSS Congress Fellowship Program
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Aida E Sztein($25,216), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Fellowship Program, Graduate Students, Intellectual Merit, World Congress, Australian, Congresses, Enable, Exchange, Future, Government, Held, Information, Soil, Strengthen.

Town Hall Meeting on Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry - Fostering Community Input of Emerging Research Opportunities and Priorities
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Katherine H Freeman($3,250), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Geobiology And Low-temperature, Opportunities And Priorities, Town Hall Meeting, Coming Decade, Low-temperature Geochemistry, Aim, Enable, Goldschmidt, Input, Meetings, Opportunity, VM, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Examining the Evolution of Biospheric Oxygenation in Late Archean to Middle Proterozoic Oceans Through High-Resolution Trace Metal Chemostratigraphy
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Timothy W Lyons($105,600), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
2. Brian S Kendall($152,135), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Metal Geochemical Profiles, Metal Marine Budgets, Surface Ocean Oxygenation, Trace Metal Geochemical, Biospheric Oxygenation, Bottom Water, Late Archean, Middle Proterozoic, Organic Carbon, Oxygen Levels, Oxygenic Photosynthesis, ASU, Activities, Affected, Atmospheric, Climate, Concentrations, Concepts, Conditions, DRC, Development, Disabilities, Euxinia, Evolution, Fe, GOE, Ga, Geochemistry, Hearing, History, Impairments, Increase, Intervals, Kendall, Laboratory, Mo, Motoc, Pilot, Pis, Preparation, Rock, Seawater, Sedimentary, Speech, Student, Time, Trends.

CAREER: Fundamental cell-mineral-redox interactions in the sulfur system
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Gregory K Druschel($258,453), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Cell-mineral-redox Interactions, Elemental Sulfur, Redox Speciation, Sulfur Cycling, Sulfur Species, Advance, Affect, Applied, Cell-mineral-redox, Chemistry, Detailed, Engage, Especially, Experiences, Geochemical, Has, Health, Importantly, Information, Insights, Iron, Legal, Microbial, Microorganisms, Mineralogical, Minerals, Newman, Opportunity, Stakeholders, Time, Training, Yield.

EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Critical Examination on the Climatic and Environmental Factors Controlling the H isotopic Fractionation Between Plant Leaf Waxes and Precipitation
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Mei Zheng($18,270), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Yongsong Huang($31,720), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Climatic And Environmental, Hydrogen Isotopic Fractionation, Plant Leaf Waxes, Dd Values, Environmental Settings, Åwax-p Values, Contrasting, Geochemistry, Modern, Proxy, Quantitative, Sites, Åwax-p.

Collaborative Research: Experimental determination of petroleum biodegradation patterns from a genomically-informed analytical vista
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Christopher M Reddy($318,962), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. David L Valentine($327,457), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Petroleum Biodegradation, Broadly, Compounds, Content, Existing, Genomic, Graduate, Hydrocarbon, Incorporated, Laboratory, Microbes, Molecular, Postdoctoral, Potential, School, Students, Tested, Training.

RAPID: Opportunistic Sampling and Preliminary Investigation of Unique Thermal Springs at the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Teofilo Abrajano($17,074), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Lost City, Zambales Ophiolite, Hydrothermal, Microbes, Springs, Terrestrial.

Graduate Student Travel Support Program for the 2010 V.M. Goldschmidt Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee June 13-18, 2010
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Juske Horita($30,000), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Goldschmidt Conference, Graduate Student, Graduate Students, Benefit, Crust, Diversity, Ensure, Experience, Funding, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Home, Interact, International, Mantle, Meetings, Mountains, National, Networking, Opportunity, Processes, Range, Senior, Travel, Underrepresented, World.

Role of Thioarsenic Compounds in As(III) Oxidation in an Alkaline Lake
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. James T Hollibaugh($423,043), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Electron Acceptors, Mono Lake, Redox Conditions, Thioarsenate Decomposition, Alkaline, Arsenic, Experiments, Microbial, Modeling, Pathways.

Characterization of defect energy levels due to As, Co, and Ni impurities in pyrite: A step toward understanding charge transfer kinetics at the semiconductor/electrolyte interface
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2009; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Kaye Savage($54,842), Wofford College, Spartanburg
Key terms: Charge Transfer Kinetics, Charge Transfer Mechanisms, Doped And Undoped, Observed Oxidation Rates, Ac Voltammetry, Atomic Environment, Bulk Defect, Donor Levels, Electroactive Impurities, Electronic Structure, Energy Levels, Mineral Processing, Pyrite Oxidation, Undoped Pyrite, Acceptor, As-doped, Band, Behavior, Characterize, Concentration, EIS, EPS, Electrochemical, Environmental, Experiments, Fe, Information, Interface, Measure, Mining, Models, Ni, Risk, Spectroscopy, Suggest, Surface, Synthetic, Valence.

Experimental study of Cu, Fe, and Zn isotopes: Developing tools to understand biogeochemical processes in geologic systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2008; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Elizabeth J Walsh($174,661), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Adsorption And Metabolic, Bacterial Surface Adsorption, Cu And Zn, Biogeochemical Mechanisms, Educational Opportunities, Fractionation Factors, Isotopic Fractionations, Isotopic Signatures, Metabolic Uptake, Metal Isotopes, Temporal Scales, Zn Isotopes, Abundances, Analytical, Borrok, Control, Cycling, Days, Departments, Designed, Distributions, Environments, Experiments, Facilities, Fe, Fluxes, Fractionate, Geologic, Geology, Interpreting, Metals, Nsurface, Processes, Reactions, Respectively, USGS, UTEP, Undergraduate, Utilize, Variety.

Development and Testing of a Numerical Model for the Evolution of Rocky Coastlines
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Brad Murray($135,000), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Planform Rocky Coastline, Sea Cliff Retreat, Beach Sediment, Coastline Evolution, Rock Strength, Rocky Coastlines, Wave Attack, Alongshore, Coastal, Embayments, Headlands, Large-scale, Long-term, Model, Nearshore, Neighboring, Volumes, Worlds.

RUI: Collaborative Research: Glaciation and Climate Change in the Rocky Mountains During the Last Glacial Maximum and the Subsequent Deglaciation
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Benjamin J Laabs($89,466), SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo
2. Eric Leonard($110,866), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
Key terms: Objective Involves Additional, Rocky Mountain Region, Glacial Maximum, Ice Recession, Mountain Glaciers, Pleistocene Glaciation, Rocky Mountains, Surface-exposure Dating, Accuracy, Allow, Atmospheric, Chronologies, Chronology, Climate, Climatic, Constrain, Eight, Extents, Following, Global, Insight, Interval, Magnitudes, Methods, Model, Modeling, Models, Past, Precipitation, Rates, Regional, Subsequent, Surface-exposure, Timing, Transition, Western.

Collaborative Research: Quantifying feedbacks between fluvial morphodynamics and pioneer riparian vegetation in sand-bed rivers
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. John C Stella($205,680), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
2. Andrew C Wilcox($173,286), University of Montana, Missoula
3. Anne Lightbody($275,997), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Flow And Sediment, Scour And Burial, Riparian Vegetation, Sediment Transport, Vegetation Patches, Advance, Affect, Channel, Computational, Dams, Ecosystems, Effect, Efforts, Experimental, Feedbacks, Field, Invasive, Laboratory, Management, Modeling, Mortality, Plants, Processes, River, Rivers, Sand-bed, Species, Western.

A Proposal to Identify Future Directions in Coastal Science Research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Elizabeth A Canuel($10,000), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Coastal Environments, Coastlines, Couplings, Effects, Human, Interactions, Settings, Workshop.

Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Benjamin P Horton($164,686), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
2. Jeffrey Donnelly($156,007), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Century Sea-level Rise, Little Ice Age, Medieval Climate Anomaly, Western Antarctic Ice, 20th Century, 21st Century, Atlantic Coast, Century Sea-level, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Latitudinal Gradient, Ocean Density, Sea Level, Sea-level Rise, AD, Coastal, Greenland, Increased, Influences, Land-level, Magnitude, Mechanisms, Movements, North, Reconstructions, Sediments, South, Timing, Uniform, Was.

Observations and Predictions of Sand Grain Size Variability and Morphodynamics on Beaches
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Edith L Gallagher($143,894), Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster
2. Ad Reniers($83,462), University of Miami, Coral Gables
3. James MacMahan($28,056), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey
Key terms: Sand Grain Size, Spatial And Temporal, Coastal Region, Finer Sediments, Sand Size, Sediment Transport, Size Classes, Beach, Changing, Channels, Coarser, Coasts, DIS, Digital, Found, Management, Model, Moving, Observed, Planning, Prediction, Predictions, Processes, Rise, Waves.

RAPID: Effects of the Mississippi River plume on the spread of the Deepwater Horizon oil slick
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Douglas J Jerolmack($74,965), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Oil Slick Dynamics, Mississippi River, Plume Effect, Sea Surface, Surface Slick, Coastal, Daily, Discharge, Forecasts, Height, Landfall, Migration, Model, Resulting, SSH, Satellite, Sensitive, Simple, Spill, Wetlands.

Mechanics of Folding in Glaciers: A Numerical Study
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Peter Moore($48,643), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Clean Ice, Containing Sediment, Sediment-bearing Ice, Stratigraphic Layering, Available, Flow, Folds, Glacial, Glacier, Glaciers, Homogeneous, Inhomogeneous, Layers, Mechanical, Passes, Produce, Rheological, Sediment-bearing, Strains, Stresses.

Collaborative Research: Modeling and monitoring of landscape evolution along a climate gradient: Kohala Peninsula, Hawaii
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joel Johnson($201,658), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Nicole Gasparini($173,370), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Landscape Development, Landscape Evolution, Rainfall Rates, Water Flow, Applied, Climate, Detailed, Devices, Differences, Dry, Erosion, Field, Findings, Gulches, Has, Landscapes, Less, Mmyear, Model, Modeling, Numerical, Peninsula, Process, Processes, Quantify, Quantifying, Range, Rock, Shallow, Soil, Soils, Surface, Topography, Weathering, Wet, Wide.

Glaciers, Erosion, and Climate Change in the Himalaya Mountains
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Howard B Conway($224,979), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Khumbu Basin, Proglacial Stream, Advance, Available, Climate, Consequences, Contemporary, Debris, Determined, Digital, Erosion, Fluxes, Formed, Glacier, Glaciers, Himalaya, Ice, Lower, Massive, Modeled, Mountain, Period, Rates, Runoff, Satellite, Sediment, Surface, Time, Topography, Volume.

RAPID: Tsunami deposits and coastal uplift near Concepcion, Chile before and after the major earthquake of February 27, 2010
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Robert Wesson($26,020), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
Key terms: Marine Platforms, Post-seismic Land-level, Previous Earthquakes, Tsunami Deposits, Additional, Amount, Catastrophic, Chile, Chilean, Coastal, Compare, Concepción, Described, Effects, Existing, Field, Geological, January, Knowledge, Land-level, Objectives, Post-seismic, Potential, Previously, Recurrence, Signatures, Sites, Surveyed, Uplift, Uplifted, °S.

An investigation of bed armoring process and its implications for channel bed stability
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joanna C Curran($233,859), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Armor Layer Formation, Grain Size Distributions, Armored Bed, Armored Beds, Bed Stability, Bed Topography, Flow Field, Flow Rate, Channel, Downstream, Has, Interaction, Measured, Microcluster, Microclusters, Sediment, Stress, Substrate, Surface, Uvw.

Landscapes in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Human Connections
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Mary R English($54,058), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Build, Complex, Disciplines, Earth, Future, Human, Human-landscape, Integrated, Manner, Natural, Social, Specific, Surface, Workshop.

From Peaks to Prairie: Two Natural Experiments in Decadal Landscape Evolution
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Gregory E Tucker($299,722), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Erosion And Sedimentation, Time Scales, Channel, Climate, Colorado, Development, Disturbance, Dramatic, Field, Future, Ground-based, Growth, Gully, Human, Land, Landscape, Models, Mountain, Natural, Networks, Processes, River, Sea, Site, Sites, Streams, Wildfire.

Morphodynamics of Complex Meander Bends on Large Rivers
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jorge D Abad($68,052), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
2. Marcelo H Garcia($306,271), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Movement And Channel, Flow Levels, Meander Bend, Meander Bends, Meandering Rivers, River Bends, River Meanders, Sediment Movement, Sediment Transport, Wabash River, Allow, Combine, Complex, Concerning, Dynamics, Effects, Erosion, Field, Floodplains, Future, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Management, Models, Numerical, Processes, Range, Shape, Shapes, Three-dimensional, Water.

Collaborative Research: Climatic and biotic controls on Late Quaternary erosion in the Oregon Coast Range
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Darryl E Granger($71,216), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Daniel G Gavin($351,974), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Climate And Vegetation, Late Quaternary, Numerical Models, Current, Difficult, Document, Erosion, Forests, Geomorphic, History, Lake, Landscape, Landscapes, Paleo-erosion, Predict, Processes, Rates, Reveal, Sediment, Soil, Transport, Trees.

EAGER: Single-grain Optical Dating of Debris-flow Fans
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Glenn W Berger($20,408), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Age Control, Dating Tool, Debris Flow, Debris Flows, Historic Times, Optical Dating, Quartz Grains, Allow, Carbon-, Colombia, Deposit, Deposits, Duration, Eruption, Exposure, Frequency, Has, Prehistoric, Range, SGQ, Site, Sites, Sq, Successful, Sufficient, Volcanic, Worldwide.

Abrasion by Bedload and Suspended Load: Experimental Study
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Kelin X Whipple($128,674), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Bed Morphology, Erosion Rate, Mountain Rivers, River Incision, Suspended Load, ASU, Bedrock, Channel, Characteristics, Conditions, Critical, Diverse, Essential, Experiments, Fluid, Flume, Flux, Has, Laboratory, Management, Models, Planning, Practical, Previous, Processes, Quantitative, Refinement, Rock, Roughness, Sediment, Slope, Topography, Transport, Variables.

Field and numerical studies of self-organization in high-order drainage networks
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. J. Taylor Perron($327,536), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Branching Structure, Earth's Surface, Erosion Mechanics, River Networks, Based, Conditions, Development, Factors, Formed, Framework, Large-scale, Main, Rainfall, Rock, Sediment, Topography, Transport, Water.

Collaborative Research: Investigating Human and Climate Influences on Delta Evolution Using Fluvial Discharge and Coastal Evolution Models
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Albert J Kettner($80,830), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Liviu Giosan($296,378), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Deltas Worldwide, Ebro Delta, Human Activities, Mediterranean Coast, Attributable, Climate, Coastal, Continue, Dams, Discharge, Evolution, Examine, Fluvial, Has, Incorporating, Landforms, Model, Modeling, Morphologic, Numerical, Resources, Riverine, Sea, Sediment, Shape, Spain, Watershed.

Collaborative Research: Sea-Level Changes along the Atlantic Coast of the United States: Implications for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models and Current Rates of Sea-Level Change
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2010; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. David F Hill($1,589), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Atlantic Coast, Access, Contribution, Database, GIA, Glacial, Government, Mentoring, Models, Pennsylvania, RSL, Range, Sea, Sea-level, Students, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Annealing and Deformation of Directionally Solidified Alloys, and the Earth's Core
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2011; Program: Geophysics

1. Michael I Bergman($249,995), Simon's Rock of Bard College, Great Barrington
2. Daniel Lewis($61,391), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Directionally Solidified Alloys, Deformation Mechanism, East-west Asymmetry, Grain Size, Inner Core, Iron Crystals, Alignment, Anisotropy, Annealing, Attenuation, Axis, Castings, Earth, East-west, Elastic, Evolution, Examine, Experience, Explanations, Has, Hcp, Insight, Involve, Phase, Properties, Seismic, Slice, Solidification, Structure, Teaching, Temperature, Texturing, Tin, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Zinc-rich.

What is Magnetic in the Lower Crust? Studies from the Athabasca Granulite Terrane, Canada
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2011; Program: Geophysics

1. Laurie L Brown($289,499), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Athabasca Granulite Terrain, Lower Crustal Rocks, Magnetic Properties, Northern Canada, Satellite Observations, Aeromagnetic, Aid, Anomalies, Answering, Behavior, Detailed, Earth, Exposed, Field, Fields, Geologic, History, Information, Magnetism, Magnetization, Magnetizations, Models, Nature, Numerous, Observed, Program, Reveal, Surface, Susceptibility.

Ultrasonic Velocity and Density Measurements on Silicate Melts at Upper Mantle Pressures
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2011; Program: Geophysics

1. Baosheng Li($276,513), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Earth's Upper Mantle, Density Crossovers, Earth's Upper, Shock Wave, Sound Speed, Crystals, Depths, Magmas, Melt, Melts, Olivine, Precise, Pressures, Sink-float, Static, Technique, Techniques.

Collaborative Research: Characterizing fault zones at Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes by large-scale mapping of earthquake stress drops and high precision locations
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2011; Program: Geophysics

1. Peter M Shearer($249,393), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Cecily J Wolfe($69,151), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Active Volcanic Regions, Earthquake Stress Drops, Tectonic And Volcanic, Seismic Network, Strain Transients, Volcanic Activity, Accuracy, Apply, Characterize, Database, Earthquakes, Fault, HVO, Has, Hawaii, Hawaiian, Magmatic, Methods, Processes, Resolve, Seismicity, Structures, Temporal, USGS, Waveforms, World.

Investigating the Cause and Significance of Ultra Low Velocity Zones
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Geophysics

1. Allen McNamara($303,148), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Large-scale Thermochemical Convection, Smallest-scale Seismic Observations, Compositional Heterogeneity, Core-mantle Boundary, Earth's Interior, Earth's Mantle, Geologic Timescales, Large-scale Thermochemical, Mantle Convection, Plate Tectonics, Seismological Observations, Smallest-scale Seismic, Conceptual, Consequences, Constrain, Constraints, Controls, Core-mantle, Density, Discovering, Dynamics, Fluid, Heat, Investigate, Low, Mantle-scale, Modeling, Models, Multiple, Numerical, Perform, Preliminary, Reveals, Small-scale, Style, Surface, Thermal, Transport, ULVZ, Ulvzs, Velocity.

Investigating the consequences of Supercontinent Pangea assembly and breakup on the time evolution of large-scale mantle thermochemical structures and magmatism
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Shijie Zhong($245,980), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: African And Pacific, African Superplume Structure, Assembly And Breakup, Plate Motion History, African Hemisphere, Dynamic Topography, Earth's Mantle, Intraplate Magmatism, Mantle Structure, Pangea Assembly, Sea Level, Thermochemical Convection, Anomalies, CMB, Chemical, Degree-, Evolution, Geoid, Long-term, Long-wavelength, Models, Near, Observations, Predominated, Present-day, Seismically, Spherical, Supercontinent, Surface, TPW, Time.

Probing the Deep Rheology of Tibet: Unique Constraints from Recent Dip-slip Earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Roland Burgmann($203,556), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Geodetically Measured Postseismic, Measured Postseismic Deformation, Constitutive Properties, Lower Crust, Rheological Properties, Surface Deformation, Tibet's Interior, Tibetan Plateau, Viscous Flow, Wenchuan Earthquake, Constrain, Depth, Dip-slip, Earthquakes, Faulting, Geological, Leading, Mantle, Mw, Normal, Occurred, Probe, Relaxation, Resulting, Rheology, Rigorously, Stress, Structure, Thrust, Tibets, Time.

Investigation of complex rupture processes in the 2008 M8 Wenchuan earthquake using dynamic source models
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Benchun Duan($126,000), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Complex Rupture, Geometrically Complex, Rupture Propagation, Spontaneous Rupture, Advance, Dynamic, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Existing, Fault, Faults, Models, Observations, Processes, Structure, Theories, Wenchuan.

Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jolante W Van Wijk($176,001), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Edge Driven Convection, Geodynamic Modeling Component, Rio Grande Rift, Edge-driven Convection, Fast-velocity Structure, Siedcar Pis, Surface Effects, Upper Mantle, Analysis, Collaboration, Crust, Diversity, Does, Edge-driven, Fast-velocity, Field, Flow, Funding, Lithosphere, Mexico, Plains, Process, Program, Small-scale, Teachers, Tectonic, Texas, Was, Well-documented, Workshop, Workshops.

Toward High Resolution Imaging of Earths Deep Interfaces
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jesse F Lawrence($162,989), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Reflected Waves, Analysis, Discontinuity, Global, Interface, Regional, Robust, Technique, Topography.

Collaborative Research: Morphology and Timing of the Reunion/Huckleberry Ridge Event(s)
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Bradley S Singer($84,022), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Joshua M Feinberg($142,662), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Geomagnetic Field Behavior, Volcanic And Sedimentary, Earth's Magnetic, Geomagnetic Instabilities, Sedimentary Rocks, Solar Radiation, Communication, Complete, Global, Satellites, Strength, World.

Mapping Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Andes from Telesismic Analysis of Depth Phase Precursors
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Suzanne M Kay($100,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Andean, Andes, Available, Belt, Conventional, Crust, Discontinuities, Earthscope, Hope, Information, Lithospheric, Methodology, Mountain, Pis, Pp, Probe, Regions, Seismic, Sources, Techniques, Tectonic, Western.

Toward a full vector model of depositional remanent magnetization and the global sedimentary paleointensity data base
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Lisa Tauxe($208,846), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Geomagnetic Field Vector, Sediments And Sedimentary, Magnetic Field, Sedimentary Rocks, Conditions, Deep, Earth, Has, Information, Inner, Models, Processes, Time.

Collaborative Research: Deep structure controls on magmatic output of Klyuchevskoy volcanic group, Kamchatka.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Vadim L Levin($71,370), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Mantle Wedge Beneath, Mechanism Driving, Upper Mantle, Volcanic Center, Activity, Arc, Climate, Effort, Erupting, Eruption, Feature, Framework, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Has, Kamchatka, Klyuchevskoy, Lavas, Ongoing, Position, Seismic, Structure, Volcanoes.

Studies of mantle flow and evolution
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Richard J O'Connell($225,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Convection And Plate, Lower Mantle, Numerical Calculations, Plate Tectonics, Based, Dependence, Earth, Estimates, Evolution, Layers, Mass, Model, Models, Parameters, Viscosity.

Do Old Faults Ever Die? Deep Earthquakes, Directivity, and Differential Duration
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Linda M Warren($28,108), Saint Louis University, Saint Louis
2. Linda M Warren($95,070), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Intermediate And Deep-focus, Deep Earthquakes, Deep-focus Earthquakes, Dehydration Embrittlement, Fault Plane, Fault Planes, Fault-plane Orientations, Rupture Propagation, Subduction Zone, Differential, Direction, Duration, Expected, Fault-plane, Faults, Has, Intermediate-, Mechanism, Method, Oceanic, Outer-rise, Prior, Procedure, Process, Seismograms, Slab.

Optical Study of Thermal conductivity of Deep Earth's Materials at High Pressure and Temperature
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Alexander F Goncharov($272,729), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Pulsed Laser Techniques, Earth's Mantle, Foreign Universities, P-t Conditions, Postdoctoral Associates, Thermal Conductivity, Carnegie, Collaborations, Conduction, Developed, Diffusivity, Graduate, Heat, Measure, Minerals, Optical, P-T, Participation, Processes, Programs, Radiative, Range, Rate, Students, Temperature, Transport.

Mapping elastic and anelastic structure in the global upper mantle
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Ying Zhou($214,750), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Elastic And Anelastic, Global Upper Mantle, 3-d Elastic, 3-d Velocity, Anelastic Structure, Dual Dependence, Finite-frequency Effects, Global Dataset, Observational Component, Seismic Surface, Surface Wave, Wave Propagation, Amplitude, Anelasticity, Finite-frequency, Models, Observables, Surface-wave, Theoretical, Tomographic, Traditional.

Travel Support to Attend International Conference in Geodynamical Phenomena held in Kiev, Ukraine
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. David A Yuen($21,600), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Meeting, Ukraine.

The Role of Fault Strands and Roughness in Fault and Earthquake Mechanics
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Bruce E Shaw($144,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Earthquake Mechanics, Fault Roughness, Fault Strands, Fault Zone, Heterogeneous Loading, Numerical Approach, Planar Faults, Rough Faults, Rough Surface, Surface Slip, Aims, Along-strike, Behaviors, Carried, Challenges, Concerns, Distribution, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Examine, Friction, Geological, Geometry, Hazards, Individual, Model, Modeling, Multiple, Nonplanar, Observation, Observations, Potential, Prescribed, Property, Quantifying, Resulting, Ruptures, Success, Surfaces, Testing.

Extracting Earth Models from Body-Wave Microseisms
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Peter M Shearer($314,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: P-wave Microseisms, Seismic Noise, Seismic Sources, Approach, Arrival-time, Cross-correlation, Earthquake, Extract, Information, Methods, P-wave, Potential, Storm, Storms, Structure, Tomography, Waves.

Episodic Slow Slip Events and Tremors in Subduction Zones and Relation to Megathrust Earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Yajing Liu($357,881), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Active Plate Boundaries, Subduction Fault Model, Cascadia Subduction, Fault Zone, Interseismic Loading, Megathrust Earthquakes, Recurrence Period, Seismogenic Zone, Slow Slip, Subduction Zones, Allow, Assumed, Concepts, Constrain, Downdip, ETS, FEM, Features, Fluid, Friction, Geodetic, Investigate, Laboratory, Low-frequency, Mechanical, Modeling, Observations, Observed, Occurrence, Physics, Poses, Pressurization, Rate, Relation, Rheology, Rich, Rock, Ruptures, SSE, Seismic, Sses, Stress, Tremor, Tremors, Updip.

Quaternary magnetic records from North Atlantic sediments: geomagnetism, environmental magnetism, and stratigraphy
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. James E Channell($196,219), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Earth's Magnetic, Field Behavior, Geomagnetic Field, Global Correlation, Magnetic Excursions, Orbital Power, Polarity Transitions, Sedimentation Rates, Constrain, Drifts, Duration, Elevated, Means, Models, Origin, Ostensibly, RPI, Resolved, Reversals, Sediments, Stratigraphy, Time, Time-calibrated.

Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of transient deformation following great 2006-2007 Kuril earthquakes: Frictional afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Mikhail Kogan($182,213), Columbia University, New York
2. Jeffrey T Freymueller($29,998), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Earthquake Cycle, Frictional Afterslip, Postseismic Deformation, Postseismic Transients, Subduction Zones, Viscoelastic Relaxation, Asthenosphere, Caused, Distribution, Doublet, Earthquakes, GPS, Horizontal, Initial, Kuril, Lead, Mantle, Mechanism, Models, Observations, Period, Rupture, Strain, Stress, Was.

Breaking the High-Frequency Barrier in Earthquake Source Imaging With a Network of Seismic Antennas
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jean-Paul Ampuero($84,010), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Active Faults, Earthquake Hazard, Earthquake Scenarios, Seismic Networks, Source Complexity, Source Imaging, Spatio-temporal Resolution, Strong Motion, Aims, Allow, Analysis, Array, Arrays, Coherency, Concept, Conventional, Crust, Design, Designed, Development, Developments, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Generation, High-frequency, Insight, Multiple, Physics, Processes, Processing, Propagation, Realistic, Robustness, Rupture, Sensors, Spatio-temporal, Techniques, Wavefield.

RAPID InSAR response to volcanic eruption in Iceland
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Kurt L Feigl($60,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Activity, Eruption, Eyja, Flux, Insar, Interpreting, Katla, Measuring, Model, Modeling, Operating, RAPID, Time, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanoes.

Establishing the Critical Parameters for Dehydration Embrittlement in Subduction Zones
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Harry W Green($404,500), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Dehydration Embrittlement, Electron Microscopy, Frictional Sliding, Subducting Slabs, Antigorite, Depths, Does, Earthquakes, Evidence, Experimental, Failure, Hydrous, Increasing, Instability, Lithosphere, Mantle, Mechanisms, Phases, Shearing, Strong, Water.

Collaborative Research: From Earthquake Physics to Testable Forecasts
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jeremy D Zechar($299,278), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. David D Jackson($276,917), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Seismic Hazard Assessment, Coulomb Stress, Fault Length, Maximum Magnitude, Posteriori Observations, Based, Characteristic, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Models, Ranges, Relation, Rigorously, Size, Testability, Testable, Tested, UCERF, Uncertainty.

Pressure and water influences on alternating active slip systems of single crystal olivine at the upper mantle pressures
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jiuhua Chen($288,197), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Deformation Experiments, Flow Properties, Individual Slip, Seismic Anisotropy, Upper Mantle, Apparatus, Attenuation, Conditions, Earth, Experimental, Facility, Has, LPO, Mineral, Olivine, Pressure, Synchrotron, Water.

Is Grain-Boundary Sliding the Dominant Deformation Mechanism in Earth's Mantle?
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Mark E Zimmerman($330,001), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Control Grain Size, Stable Grain Size, Stress And Temperature, Applied Stress, Deformation Experiments, Earth's Mantle, Grain-boundary Sliding, Laboratory Experiments, Mantle Rocks, Mantle Viscosity, Shear Zones, Upper Mantle, Accurate, Approach, Convection, Dependence, Dominant, Errors, Evolution, Field, Flow, Geodynamic, Grain-boundary, Has, Mechanism, Observations, Olivine, Processes, Rely, Scaling, Strains.

Collaborative Research: Multiscale analysis of geological structures that influence crustal seismic anisotropy
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. David A Okaya($160,614), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Scott E Johnson($195,003), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Microscale Rock Fabrics, Constituent Minerals, Effective Media, Effective Medium, Macroscale Structures, Seismic Anisotropy, Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Structural Geometries, Anisotropic, Azimuthal, Crust, Deformed, Factors, Geometry, Modal, Modify, Orientations, Produce, Propagating, Properties, Quantitative, Represent, Representation, Tensorial, Volumes.

Comprehensive Study of the Mid-Cenozoic Liverpool, Australia, Reversal: Construction of a Highly Detailed, Full-Vector Paleomagnetic Record From Southern Hemisphere Lavas
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Kenneth A Hoffman($269,437), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Dynamo Process, Field Behavior, Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Field, Polarity Reversal, Southern Hemisphere, Australia, Complete, Core, Earth, Global, Has, Lavas, Liverpool, Remains, Strength, Transitional.

COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Geodetic measurements and mechanical models of the volcano deformation cycle
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Clifford H Thurber($190,660), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Timothy L Masterlark($88,996), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Deformation Observed, Magma Chamber, Okmok Volcano, Rich Observational, Activity, Alaska, Cone, Cycle, Eruption, Experiment, Field, Following, Geophysical, Has, Model, Modeling, Monitored, Properties, Protocol, Set, Stress, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

CAREER: Increasing the use of imaging geodesy for studies of tectonics, volcanoes, and glaciers
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Matthew E Pritchard($516,601), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Geoearthscope Archive, Ground Deformation, Imaging Geodesy, Access, Applications, Has, Images, Insar, Monitored, Satellite, Software, Techniques, Textbook, Time, Vast.

Collaborative Research: Combined Seismological and Geodetic Constraints on 3-D Mantle Structure
Award Effective Date: 06/30/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. James L Davis($88,561), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Earth's Mantle, Previous Studies, Amplitudes, Assumption, Density, Especially, GPS, Geodetic, Global, Has, Information, Love, Model, Network, Resolution, Seismic, Seismological, Sites, Spectrum, Speed, Structure, Three-dimensional, Tidal, Yield.

Constraining Early-stage Rifting Through Rapid Response to the Lake Malawi Earthquake Sequence of December 2009
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Scott L Nooner($12,999), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Northern Malawi, Seismic Stations, EAR, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Network, Particular, Rare, Region, Sequence, Swarm-like.

Collaborative Research: Earthquake swarms and aseismic slip in the Salton Trough: High-resolution imaging of the upper frictional stability transition.
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jeffrey J McGuire($152,479), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Rowena B Lohman($114,343), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Seismic And Geodetic, Detailed Studies, Earthquake Swarms, Fault Zone, Fault Zones, Frictional Stability, Salton Trough, Seismic Swarms, Southern California, Active, Activity, Allow, Aseismic, Combination, Creep, Fault-zone, Faults, Has, Hazard, Individual, Interplay, Observed, Opportunity, Prime, Properties, Region, Rigidity, Rock, Slip, Structure.

RAPID: Haiti Post-Seismic Deformation: Tide/Tsunami Gauges on Leogane Coast
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Roger G Bilham($15,251), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Deformation, Following, Haiti, Install, Monitor, Near, Public, Region, Tsunami, Uplift, Web.

CAREER: Earth Rheology and Deformation Processes
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Anthony R Lowry($500,047), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Rock Flow Properties, Dynamical Models, Mass Density, Rheological Parameters, Seismic Hazard, Stochastic Inversion, Analysis, Continent, Control, Crust, Deformation, Depend, Depths, Earth, Earthquake, Estimates, Estimating, Exert, Explore, Fields, Geodetic, Gravity, Isostatic, Lithospheric, Modeling, Processes, Products, Rheology, Shallow, Signals, Strain, Strength, Stress, Surface, Tectonic, Temperature, Tools, Topography, Viscosity.

RAPID: Quake-Catcher Network: Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN RAMP)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jesse F Lawrence($20,939), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Distributed Computing Network, Strong Ground Motion, Rapid Aftershock, Rupture Properties, Strong Motion, Aftershocks, Benefit, Deployment, Earthquake, Future, Install, Investigate, Region, Sensors, Sequence.

RAPID: Monitoring Postseismic Crustal Deformation in Haiti with TerraSAR-X Observations
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Shimon Wdowinski($28,206), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Haiti Earthquake, Postseismic Deformation, Acquire, Coherence, Crust, Fault, Port-au-prince, Repeat, Ruptured, Seismic, TSX, Time.

Collaborative Research: The Asthenosphere and Mantle Dynamics
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Mark A Richards($56,643), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Adrian Lenardic($337,544), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Bulk Mantle, Earth's Interior, Earth's Mantle, Plate Motion, Plate Motions, Plate Tectonics, Analysis, Asthenosphere, Beyond, Combination, Connection, Constraints, Convection, Dissipation, Dynamic, Dynamics, Flow, Has, History, Implications, Insight, Low, Model, Modeling, Numerical, Observations, Planet, Predictions, Simulations, Solid, Theory, Thermal.

Surface wave triggering of earthquakes and non-volcanic tremor: Insights into the physics of rupture
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Aaron A Velasco($262,333), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes, Earthquakes And Nvt, Triggered Non-volcanic Tremor, Larger Earthquake, Non-volcanic Tremor, Surface Waves, Transient Stress, Triggered Non-volcanic, Coincidentally, Detailed, Failure, Has, Insight, Local, Localregional, Mechanisms, Orientation, Passage, Phenomena, Processes, Rupture, Seismic, Similar, Stresses, Triggering.

Testing Predictions from the Cascade and Pre-Seismic Slip Models for Foreshock Occurrence with the High Precision Catalog for Northern California
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. David P Schaff($238,367), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Aseismic Nucleation Phase, Pre-seismic Slip Model, Cascade Model, Competing Models, Earthquakes Initiate, Foreshock Occurrence, Indirect Evidence, Mainshock Magnitude, Northern California, Pre-seismic Slip, Static Stress, Triggering Law, Catalog, Correlation, Developed, Errors, Failure, Forecasting, Foreshocks, Mainshocks, Mechanism, Observed, Predictions, Processes, Single, Theoretical.

Earthquake Source Dynamics: Data and data-Constrained Numerical Modeling
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Ralph Archuleta($28,800), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Earthquake, Modeling, Numerical, Past, Simulations, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: An Evaluation of Ash Flow Tuffs as Geomagnetic Paleointensity Recorders
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jeffrey S Gee($147,262), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Julie A Bowles($53,930), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Ash Flows, Determining Paleointensity, Earth's Magnetic, Field Intensity, Intensity Fluctuations, Magnetic Particles, Paleointensity Analysis, Paleointensity Information, Time Scales, Absolute, Available, Comprehensive, Direction, Documented, Documenting, Fine, Generated, Geologic, Geological, Has, Historic, History, Identifying, Laboratory, Mt, Paleointensities, Participation, Past, Polarity, Post-emplacement, Potential, Processes, Reliable, Student, Students, Temperature, Training, Undergraduate, Variety.

Workshop Proposal for Fluid Oscillations in Volcanic Systems II
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Milton A Garces($39,240), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Bring, Consider, Eruption, Fields, Geophysics, Processes, Volcanology.

An Integrated Analysis of Seismicity, Infrasound, and High-Resolution SO2 Measurements to Determine the Source of Low-Frequency Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jose L Palma Lizana($222,163), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Field Campaigns, Gas Emission, Outgassing Activity, Seismic Signals, Seismic Tremor, So2 Emission, Analysis, Characterize, Continuous, Deployment, Earthquakes, Emissions, Eruption, Explosive, Infrasound, Knowledge, Low-frequency, Microphones, Models, Processes, Seismicity, Sound, Styles, Villarrica, Volcanic, Volcano.

Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Tibet: New Constraints on Deformation
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Yingjie Yang($284,088), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Crust And Uppermost, Isotropic And Anisotropic, Anisotropic Models, Continental Collision, Uppermost Mantle, Chinese, Constraints, Resolution, Seismic, Sets, Surrounding, Tibet, Tomography.

Collaborative Research: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on the Role of Iron in the Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jie Li($120,085), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Lower Mantle, Site Occupancy, Composition, Conditions, Electronic, Ferropericlase, Iron, Phases, Pressure, Properties, Spin, Temperature, Valence.

Constraints on core composition from nuclear resonant scattering and x-ray diffraction studies on Fe-light-element compounds
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2010; Program: Geophysics

1. Jie Li($116,206), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Density And Sound, Nuclear Resonant Scattering, Pressure And Temperature, Sulfur And Carbon, Core Composition, Earth's Core, Pure Iron, X-ray Diffraction, Alloys, Compounds, Effects, Has, Iron-rich, Knowledge, Light, Models, Pressures, Range, Velocities, Velocity.

RAPID: Near-trench Deformation and Tsunami Runup from the Jan 3, 2010 Solomon Islands Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: Geotechnical Engineering and M

1. Andrew V Newman($24,420), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Strong Shaking, Tsunami Earthquake, Tsunami Earthquakes, Tsunami Excitation, Caused, Coastal, Coseismic, Geodetic, Geophysics, Islands, Local, MW, Magnitude, Moderately, Observed, Occurred, Occurring, Portion, Ruptured, Slip, Slow, Substantial, Trench, Triggered, Was.

Collaborative Research: Anammox in a shallow coastal aquifer - combining in situ stable isotope and molecular approaches to examine controls on rates and communities
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Global Systems Science

1. Craig R Tobias($432,489), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Bongkeun Song($172,511), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Public Lecture, Analysis, Anammox, Aquifers, Center, Coastal, DIN, Denitrification, Efforts, Geochemical, Groundwater, Isotopic, Loss, Microbial, Newly, Nitrification, Nitrogen, Ocean, Pis, Rates, Situ, Students, UCONN, UNCW, Undergraduate.

ETBC: Lipid Biomarkers of Archaea in Great Basin Hot Springs: Environmental and genetic control and implications for microbial functions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Global Systems Science

1. Chuanlun Zhang($300,667), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Basin Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea, Archaeal Biomarkers, Lipid Biomarkers, AOA, Actively, Ammonia-oxidizing, Candidatus, Carbon, Chemical, Crenarchaeol, Distribution, Environments, Fixation, Functional, Glycerol, Has, Linked, Lipids, Situ, Species, Students, Yellowstonii-like.

ETBC: Plant-microbe-mineral interaction as a driver for rock weathering and chemical denudation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Global Systems Science

1. Travis E Huxman($424,626), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: B2 And Czo, Chemical Denudation, Mineral Transformation, Association, Basalt, Biomass, Broader, Ecology, Environment, Experiments, Granite, Phd, Plant, Plants, Presence, Rhyolite, Schist, Species, Students, Versus, Weathering.

ETBC Collaborative Research: Weathering Under Cover: Role of biofilms in mineral weathering and nutrient uptake in the mycorrhizosphere
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Global Systems Science

1. C. Kent Keller($491,421), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad($37,348), Hartwick College, Oneonta
Key terms: Bulk Soil Water, Nutrient Acquisition, Soil Sustainability, Chemistry, Continent, Development, Extract, Geologic, Global, Mechanisms, Mineral, Pis, Plants, Processes, Root, Sequestration, Service, Set, Soils, Students, Terrestrial, Undergraduate, Weathering.

Fundamental Study of Processes Associated with Stable Trapping and Potential Leakage of Sequestrated Carbon Dioxide in Deep Geologic Formations
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Abdullah Cihan($327,343), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Attention, Climate, Complete, Conditions, Deep, Design, Developing, Environmental, Experiments, Flow, Formations, Innovative, Laboratory, Leakage, Mechanisms, Models, Multiphase, Phase, Potential, Processes, Received, Stable, Storage, Subsurface, Supercritical, Tested, Trapping.

The Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD): Principles and Implementation as a Community Resource
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Yoram Rubin($716,238), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Users And Developers, Analytical Tools, Community-based Development, Computational Platform, Computational Tools, Inverse Modeling, Applications, Available, Built, Community-based, Cuahsis, Hydrologic, Kernel, Long-term, MAD, Matters, Models, Modern, Open-source.

Linking hydroecologic form and function in estuary-wetland systems
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Steven M Gorelick($398,712), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Channel And Vegetation, Fluid And Solute, Surface Water-groundwater Exchange, Marsh Development, Residence Time, Residence Times, Salt Marsh, Salt Marshes, San Francisco, Solute Residence, Surface Water-groundwater, Water-groundwater Exchange, Age, Analysis, Bay, Complexity, Coupled, Cumulative, Education, Estuarine, Estuary, Flow, Fringe, Function, Hydroecologic, Linking, Model, Potential, Processes, Range, Remote, Represent, Restoration, Restorations, Set, Simulation, Sites, Statistical, Subsurface, Surrounding, Tested, Wetland, Wetlands.

Rapid Quantitative Snow Stratigraphy for Avalanche Forecasting Using Near-Infrared Photography
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Jeff Dozier($33,972), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Avalanche Hazard Evaluation, Near-infrared Digital Photography, Stratigraphy And Sintering, Downslope Stress, Near-infrared Digital, Near-infrared Photography, Quantitative Stratigraphy, Snow Stability, Snow Stratigraphy, Storm Layer, Application, Available, Avalanches, Combined, Continuum, Crown, Examine, Extensive, Fail, Grain, Has, Heterogeneity, Images, Layers, Mechanical, Microscopy, Ninfrared, North, Optical, Profile, Properties, Rapid, Site, Snowpack, Software, Storms, Strength, Surface, Time, Weak.

Colloid Mobilization and Transport in the Vadose Zone: New Observations and Modeling Approaches
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. James E Saiers($263,546), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Air-water Configuration, Colloid Mobility, Colloid Mobilization, Colloid Transport, Column Experiments, Soil Texture, Transient Flow, Unsaturated Soils, Vadose-zone Soils, Visualization Experiments, Air-water, Colloids, Effects, Elucidate, Geologic, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Media, Model, Physicochemical, Pore-water, Risks, Suitable, Transmission, Vadose-zone.

The Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on Thermomechanical Processes and Proprieties of Snow
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Daniel A Miller($349,249), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Near Surface Metamorphism, Avalanche Center, Fabric Tensor, Field Studies, Heat Transport, Snow Safety, Thermal Conductivity, Thermo-mechanical Properties, Anisotropic, Based, Conditions, Consequent, Effective, Environment, Existing, Imposed, Interface, Laboratory, Local, Microstructure, Modeling, Morphology, Natural, Processes, Recrystallization, Resulting, Strength, Temperature, Terrain, Thermo-mechanical, USFS.

Development of River-Stage Tomography for Characterizing Groundwater Basins
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Tian-Chyi J Yeh($463,998), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Aquifer Characterization, Groundwater Basins, Approach, Basin-scale, Estimating, Heterogeneity, Hydrologic, Method, Methodology, Model, Parameters, Practical, Resources, River, Stresses, Water.

Dynamic Groundwater Age Distributions: Exploring Watershed Scale Subsurface Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Fred M Phillips($423,092), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Groundwater Age Models, Environmental Tracers, Transient Flows, Application, Applications, Distributions, GWAD, Generalized, Methods, Mexico, Natural, Non-stationary, Processes, Time, Watershed, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: Chemical Hydrogeologic Investigations of Tungsten: Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Studies of an Emerging Environmental Contaminant
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Karen H Johannesson($308,979), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. Saugata Datta($190,648), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Composition And Redox, Groundwater Flow Paths, Childhood Leukemia, Redox Conditions, Solution Composition, Stability Constants, Thiotungstate Complexes, Aquifer, Aquifers, Biogeochemical, Biogeochemistry, Concentrations, Conceptual, Environment, Fallon, Geochemical, Groundwaters, Investigate, Measure, Mobility, Model, Shown, Speciation, Toxic, Transport, Was.

Desertification risks of dryland ecosystems inferred from the dynamics of coherent spatial vegetation patterning
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Gabriel G Katul($301,189), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Desertification Probabilities, Inverse Modeling, Vegetation Patterning, Datasets, Draw, Increased, Initially, Intended, Literature, Morphology, Parameter, Processes, Runoff, Seed, Shift, Soil, Spatial, Spatiotemporal, Task, Techniques, Threshold, Time, Towards.

Characterizing Temporal and Spatial Variability in Groundwater Helium-Carbon Relationships at Seismically-Active Regions of California
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. David R Hilton($305,422), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Cosee Ca, Seismic Activity, California, Collaboration, Depth, Developed, Earthquakes, Fault, Fluxes, Groundwater, He-co, Hollister-parkfield, Instrument, Mantle, Occurrence, Ocean, Permeability, Regions, SAF, SJF, SPARTAH, San, Scripps, Seismicity, Southern, Surface, Teachers, Temporal, Volatile, Volatiles.

Collaborative Research: Reducing Uncertainty of Climatic Trends in the Sierra Nevada: An Ensemble-Based Reanalysis via the Merger of Disparate Measurements
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Michael T Durand($196,108), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Steven A Margulis($203,566), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Entire Sierra Nevada, Snow Water Equivalent, Kaweah River, King River, Physiographic Gradients, Primary Datastreams, Remote Sensing, River Basin, River Basins, Snow Physics, Snowpack Variables, Southern Sierra, Account, Assimilation, Available, CZO, Climate, Cycle, Development, Ensemble, Estimates, Existing, Focus, Has, Model, Models, Observed, Ongoing, Particular, Processes, Reanalysis, Situ, Spring, Streamflow, Trends, Two-year, Uncertainty, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Landform controls on hydrologic flowpaths and pedogenesis explain solute retention and export from pedon to catchment scales
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Kevin J McGuire($337,732), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Donald S Ross($84,305), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Hydrology And Soil, Stream Water Quality, Headwater Catchment, Headwater Catchments, Hydrologic Flowpaths, Soil Chemistry, Soil Development, Stream Chemistry, Chemical, Draining, Framework, Geochemical, Gradients, Hillslope, Integrated, Landform, Landscape, Pathways, Pedon, Predict, Sequences, Setting, Soils, Solute, Sources, Spatial, Streamflow, Strongly, Temporal.

Steve Burges Retirement Symposium: : Hydrology in the 21st Century; Links to the Past, and a Vision for the Future
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Dennis P Lettenmaier($25,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Hydrologic, Ongoing.

Quantifying Lateral Flow of Water in Alpine Snowpacks Using High Resolution Geophysical Techniques
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Hans-Peter Marshall($228,963), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Liquid Water Content, Quantifying Lateral Flow, Snow And Soil, Water Content, Alpine, Boundaries, Catchments, Complicated, Conditions, Cylindrical, Experiments, Geophysical, Ground, Hydrologic, Importance, Landslides, Melt, Meltwater, Models, Quantitative, Rain-on-snow, Redistribution, Seasonal, Snowmelt, Snowmelt-dominated, Snowpack, Snowpacks, Spatial, Stratigraphy, Timing, Vertical, Vertically.

Surface transient storage in dead zones: Residence times from stream morphology, velocity and CFD modeling
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Sourabh V Apte($416,936), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Hydrologists And Stream, Mean Residence Time, Cfd Model, Cfd Modeling, Dead Zone, Dead Zones, Larger Streams, Rans Models, Residence Times, Stream Ecologists, Transient Storage, Allow, Characteristics, Dimensions, Eddies, Field, HTS, Heat, Higher-velocity, LES, Limits, Measured, Method, Pollutants, Preliminary, Quantitative, Quantitatively, RTD, Reynolds, STS, Velocity.

RAPID: Application of Isotopic Hydrology for Detecting Process Changes in Mountaintop-Mined Catchments
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Nicolas Zegre($36,994), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Water Quality, Mining, Processes, Stream.

Collaborative Research: Investigating the Physical Origins of Spatial Statistical Scaling in Peak Streamflows from Event to Annual Time Scales
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Peter Furey($103,413), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
2. Vijay K Gupta($150,247), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Infiltration And Runoff, Annual Peak, Hillslope Infiltration, Peak Flow, Peak Flows, Peak Streamflow, Peak Streamflows, Runoff Generation, Scaling Relations, Spatial Scaling, Basins, Central, Climate, Conditions, Dependence, Diagnosing, Diagnosis, Ensemble, Fitting, Floods, GCEW, Network, Networks, Predict, Processes, Published, Rainfall, Rainfall-runoff, River, Stationarity, Theory, Time.

CAREER: Multiphysics research and education for understanding coupled mechanical-biogeochemical surface-subsurface processes
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Meinhard B Cardenas($569,390), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Coupled Mechanical-biogeochemical, Hyporheic Flow, Hyporheic Zone, Nutrient Cycling, Turbulent Flow, Channel, Chemistry, Education, Exercises, Fluid, Flume, HZ, Inquiry-based, Integrating, Leads, Mechanical-biogeochemical, Metal, Metals, Modeling, Models, Reaction, Riverbed, Sediment, Thermal, Transport.

Environmental Determinants of Malaria Transmission in Africa: Hydrology of Water Pools near Villages
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Elfatih A Eltahir($516,235), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Local Environmental Conditions, Water Pools Near, Groundwater Table, Malaria Transmission, Mosquito Abundance, Spatial Coverage, Africa, African, Climate, Dynamics, Field, Forcing, Formation, Habitats, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Land, Lead, Link, Model, Natural, Persistence, Predict, Rainfall, Range, Relative, Represent, Sahel, Serve, Shaping, Soil, Vegetation, Villages.

An Application of the Theory of Maximum Entropy Production in Modeling Evapotranspiration
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Jingfeng Wang($240,059), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Ground Heat Fluxes, Land Surface Energy, Surface Energy Balance, Temperature And Humidity, Transferring Latent Heat, Bare Soil, Local Scales, Maximum Entropy, Mep Model, Regional Scales, Sensible Heat, Stomatal Conductance, Theoretical Development, Thermal Inertia, Water Vapor, ABL, Access, Based, California, Canopy, Datasets, Effort, Engage, Evapotranspiration, Existing, Field, Framework, Function, Hydrologic, Irvine, Leads, Method, Models, Responsible, Schools, Students, Surfaces, Transport, Turbulent, Undergraduate, Validation, Variables.

Improved parameterization of groundwater flow models using interferograms and adjoint sensitivity analysis
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Jeffrey T Borggaard($267,830), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Adjoint-based Parameter Estimation, Las Vegas Valley, Parameter Estimation Model, Adjoint-based Parameter, Zone Distributions, Bowls, Conductivity, Deformation, Dependent, Developed, Faults, Future, Groundwater, Insar, Interferograms, Land, Modeling, Models, Months, Museum, Observed, Seasonal, Storage, Subsidence, Teachers, Water.

2010 Flow and Transport in Permeable Media GRC & GRS
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Marc A Hesse($24,640), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Current, Meeting, Processes, Soil, Topics.

Improving Prediction of Subsurface Flow and Transport through Exploratory Data Analysis and Complementary Modeling
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Albert J Valocchi($400,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Bed Morphology, Erosion Rate, Mountain Rivers, River Incision, Suspended Load, Bedrock, Channel, Characteristics, Conditions, Critical, Diverse, Essential, Experiments, Fluid, Flume, Flux, Has, Laboratory, Management, Models, Planning, Practical, Previous, Processes, Quantitative, Refinement, Rock, Roughness, Sediment, Slope, Topography, Transport, Variables.

Support for 2010 Joint Federal Interagency Conference
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Richard H Hawkins($20,000), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Federal Interagency, Conference, JFIC, Meeting, Students, Successful, Th.

RAPID: Investigation of Immediate Post-fire Hydro-geochemical Coupling and Contaminant Flux in an Urban-fringe Watershed in Southern California
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Terri S Hogue($59,961), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: San Gabriel Mountains, Contaminant Flux, Dense Urban, Downstream Urban, Hydro-geochemical Coupling, Largest Fire, Los Angeles, Urban Fringe, Allow, Alterations, Atmospheric, Basin, Behavior, Burn, Burned, Catastrophic, Chemical, Does, History, Hydro-geochemical, Loading, Loads, Post-burn, Post-fire, Pre-fire, Region, Runoff, Supplies, Water, Watershed, Watersheds.

The Effect of Charcoal on Soil Hydrologic Properties Under Natural and Elevated Concentrations
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Brandon Dugan($270,179), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Soil Hydrologic Properties, Soil Water Potential, Charcoal Affects, Charge Density, Chemical Properties, Grain Size, Soil Charcoal, Alteration, Chemistry, Conceptual, Effects, Experiments, Hydrophobicity, Interactions, Soils, Strength, Surface, Weathering.

RAPID: Quantifying the Influence of Interbasin Groundwater Flow on the Hydrologic Export of Dissolved Carbon from a Lowland Rainforest
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. David P Genereux($2,066), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Local.

Collaborative Research: Effects of Hydrologic Processes on In Situ Stress Transients
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Lawrence Murdoch($275,326), Clemson University, Clemson
2. Leonid N Germanovich($224,180), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Field Techniques, Situ Stress, Theoretical Analyses, Water Content, Water Cycle, Aspects, Assessment, Developed, Discovery, Effects, Estimate, Etc, Hydrologic, Hydrological, Instrumentation, Instruments, Investigation, Mass, Methods, Processes, Rates, Resolution, Resulting, Storage.

Collaborative Research: Impact of Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Soil Cracking on Watershed Hydrology
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Kevin McInnes($299,624), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
2. Christine Molling($99,216), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Cracking Clay Soil, Distribution And Size, Infiltration And Runoff, Spatial And Temporal, Experimental Watershed, Soil Cracking, Soil Properties, Watershed Hydrology, Ability, Accuracy, Basic, Behavior, Capacity, Cell, Cells, Characterized, Cracks, Degree, Dynamics, Environmental, Field, Function, Grid, Heterogeneity, Highly, Hydrographs, Hydrological, Information, Landscape, Model, Models, Module, Moisture, Partitioned, Precipitation, Rainfall, Soils, Track, Via, Watersheds.

Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Thanos Papanicolaou($48,850), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: 19th Flash Flood, Banks And Bed, Eroded Surface Soils, June 19th Flash, 19th Flash, June 19th, Naturally Occurring, Sediment Budget, Stream Banks, Ability, Analysis, Capture, Collected, Creek, Critical, Derived, Detailed, Erosion, Established, Floodplain, Half-life, Has, Load, Mobilized, NSF, Origin, Quantify, Recently, Sediments, Short, Tracer, Tracers, Unique, Upland, Uplands, Was.

Collaborative Research: Electromagnetic Induction in Geological Formations: A Careful Evaluation of the Subdiffusion Perspective
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Chester J Weiss($174,692), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Mark Everett($150,854), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Electromagnetic Geophysics, Electromagnetic Induction, Classical, Complexity, Current, FMR, Fractional, Geological, Hydrologic, Maxwell, Methods, Scale-dependent, Subsurface, Traditional.

International Drought Symposium: Integrating Science and Policy
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ariel Dinar($45,000), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Recurring Droughts, Water Managers, Watershedriver-basin Level, Allow, Allowing, Angles, Approach, Approaches, Comparative, Conditions, Countries, Country, Economic, Exchange, Expected, Experiences, Initiate, Interdisciplinary, International, Mitigation, Multi-country, Policy, Process, Regions, Specific, Symposium, Various, Watershedriver-basin.

Collaborative Research: Linking Hydrogeomorphology And Denitrification in the Tidal Freshwater Region of Coastal Streams
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Craig R Tobias($80,372), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Streams And Rivers, Aquatic Continuum, Aquatic Habitats, Nutrient Loading, Tidal Freshwater, Water Quality, Attenuation, Chemical, Coastal, Denitrification, Enhanced, Estuaries, Extensive, Foundation, Has, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Increasing, Margins, Natural, Nitrogen, Reactivity, Removal, Resources, Restoration, Sources, Southeastern, Students, Unique.

Collaborative research: Snowpack energy and mass balance: implications for biogeochemical feedbacks in alpine basin
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2009; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Noah P Molotch($87,816), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Future Climate Scenarios, Coming Century, Hydrochemical Fluxes, Sierra Nevada, Alpine, Biogeochemical, Colorado, Control, Cycling, Does, Hydrologic, Models, Mountain, Processes, Rates, Rocky, Snow, Snowmelt, UC.

Quantifying Controls on Snow Distribution in the Sierra Nevada Using Ground-based and Remotely Sensed Observations within an Ensemble Kalman Smoother
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2009; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Noah P Molotch($116,184), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Snow Cover Depletion, Temporal And Spatial, Remotely Sensed, Sierra Nevada, Snow Accumulation, Snow Distribution, Based, Capabilities, Distributed, Energy, Gradients, Modeling, Models, Observations, Processes, Reconstruction, Seasonal, Similarly, Snowmelt.

Upgrade of the Duke University Electron Microprobe
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. A. E Boudreau($11,840), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Detector, Duke, Instrument, Technology, UNC.

Upgrade of Gamma Spectrometry Facility at the Environmental Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory of the University of Illinois at Chicago
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Neil C Sturchio($89,608), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Environmental Radioactivity, Applications, Basic, Behavior, Capability, Energy, Multidisciplinary, Nuclear, Radionuclides, Short-lived, Training.

Upgrade of Department of Geosciences Digital Mapping and Modeling Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Christopher D Condit($74,999), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Animations, Coastal, Feedback, Geologic, Ice, Movement, Movies, Planning, Processes, Public, Sea-level, Sheet.

Upgrade of the CERI Student Computing Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Heather R DeShon($74,999), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Crustal Structure, Network Interconnected, Antarctica, Apple, CERI, Computational, Equipment, Existing, Facilities, Information, NFS, NIS, Resources, Student, UNIX, Upgrade.

Acquisition of Borehole Geophysical Instrumentation for the Study of Fracture Flow Hydrology
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. David A Franzi($56,805), SUNY College at Plattsburgh, Albany
Key terms: Borehole Geophysical, Hydraulic Properties, Characterize, Equipment, Hydrology, Instrumentation, Students.

Facility Support: Institute for Rock Magnetism
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Julie A Bowles($1,396,115), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Quarterly Newsletter, Rock Magnetism, Web Site, Access, Advanced, Complex, Conferences, Database, Facility, Geoscience, Graduate, IRM, Information, Instrumentation, Interdisciplinary, Liquid, Magnetic, Maintaining, Maintains, Methods, Natural, Operate, Program, Programs, Salary, Staff, Workshops.

Upgrade of UCSC Mineral Physics Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Elise Knittle($278,707), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Mineral Physics Laboratory, Water And Carbon, Physics Laboratory, Apparatus, Deep, Earth, Equipment, Fluid, Fluids, Has, Issues, Safety, Students, Training, UCSC, Upgrade, Volcanic.

Acquisition of a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Earth and Planetary Materials Research and Education at Northwestern University
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Steven D Jacobsen($176,155), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Applied, Broader, Diffractometer, EPS, Geochemistry, Geophysical, Graduate, High-pressure, Instrument, Laboratory, Mantle, Mineral, Northwestern, Physics, Pis, Water, X-ray.

Acquisition of a new electron microprobe at Arizona State University
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Thomas G Sharp($665,000), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Electron Microprobe Facility, Student Training, ASU, Acquisition, Analytical, Has.

Development of a Fourier-Transform Infrared Microscopy Laboratory for Research in Earth and Materials Sciences
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. E. Bruce Watson($140,254), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Acquisition, Allow, Amounts, Controlled, FTIR, Glasses, Laboratory, Mineral, Minerals, Natural, Pressure, Supported, Synthesized, Temperature, Water.

The acquisition of a specialized sulfur isotope mass-spectrometer, construction of a custom designed, semi-automated sample preparation-fluorination system, and support for early..
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. David T Johnston($377,462), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Allow, Microbial, Processes, Semi-automated, Throughput.

Purchase of an X-Ray Core Scanner for Research in Paleoclimatology and Global Change
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jonathan Woodruff($388,976), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Core Scanner, X-ray Analytical, Benefit, Cores, Electron, Environmental, Facility, Funding, Incorporated, Instrument, Overall, Pis, X-ray.

Facility Support: The UCLA National Ion Microprobe
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Timothy M Harrison($1,260,331), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ion Microprobe, Benefit, Host, Laboratory, NSF, Resolution, UCLA.

Acquisition of a high performance liquid chromatograph for the enhancement of biogeochemical education and research of trace element speciation in environmental systems
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Karen H Johannesson($100,001), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: CIF, Environmental, Geochemistry, Incorporated, Instrument, Instrumentation, Louisiana, Medicine, Outreach, Pis, School, Speciation, Staff, Trace.

MRI: Development of a SERF Atomic Magnetometer for Paleomagnetic Applications
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. John A Tarduno($402,162), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Development, Field, Magnetic, Magnetometer, SERF.

Upgrade of the Noble-Gas Geochronology Laboratory at Lehigh University
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Peter K Zeitler($29,095), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Contributing, Dating, Degrees, Geological, Laboratory, Lehigh, Processes, Range, Students, Supporting, Techniques, Temperature, Time, Upgrades.

Collaborative Research: Facility Support for the CALIPSO Borehole Observatory, Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Glen S Mattioli($195,918), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Calipso Facility, Andesitic, Deformation, Dynamics, Features, Magma, Magmatic, Processes, Reveal, SEA-CALIPSO, SHV, Seismic, Students, UK, Was.

Workshop Support: Establishing Data Reporting Requirements and Data Archiving for U-Series Dating
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. James D Walker($20,000), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: U-series Dating Method, Reporting Requirements, U-series Dating, BGS, Daughter, Earthchem, Establish, Procedures, Volcanic, Workshop.

SIMS Analysis of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate: Toward Building a d34S Record of Individual Carbonate Grains and Fossils
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. David Fike($151,223), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Individual Grains, Seawater Sulfate, Ability, Analysis, Analytical, Ands, Andscas, Basin, Benthic, Bulk-rock, Complex, Diagenetic, Evolution, Extract, Fossils, Geobiological, Has, History, Marine, Method, Multiple, Pelagic, Phases, Pis, Proxies, SIMS, Sedimentary, Tools.

Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Dmitry Storchak($1,010,111), International Seismological Centre, Thatcham
Key terms: Isc Bulletin, Centre, Continued, Earthquake, Global, Hypocentres, International, NSF, Networks, Reported, Seismograph, Supported.

Aquisition of Equipment to Facilitate Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Volatiles in Glasses and Crystals
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sheila J Seaman($40,145), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Fourier Transform Infrared, Infrared Spectrometer, Melt Inclusions, Parent Melt, Volatile Compounds, Volatile Concentrations, Volcanic Eruptions, Behavior, Characteristics, Crystal, Crystals, Department, Geosciences, Laboratory, Massachusetts, Purchase, Stage, Volatiles, Water.

Facility Support: The Arizona State University SIMS Laboratories
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Lynda Williams($970,258), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Ion Mass Spectrometry, Secondary Ion Mass, Wide Range, ASU, Analyses, Analytical, Facility, Laboratories, Microanalyses, Minerals, Ratios, SIMS, Trace.

Acquisition of an X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Eric H Christiansen($225,000), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: X-ray Fluorescence, Analytical, Deposits, Education, Evolution, Geological, Instrument, Lab, Rock, Spectrometer, Spectrometry, Students, Trace, X-ray, XRF.

Early Career: Upgrade of Electron Microscopy Facility to Increase Geoscience Functionality at San Francisco State University
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Andrew S Ichimura($447,339), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Key terms: Thin Sectioning, Vibratory Polishers, Analysis, Cell, EBSD, Electron, Equipment, Extremely, FE-SEM, Facility, Preparation, Requires, Rock, SEM, SFSU, Textural.

Workshop: Developing the US Initiative in Continental Scientific Drilling
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Anthony W Walton($43,902), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Continent, Drilling, Funding, Information, Representatives, Workshop.

COMPRES: Community Facilities and Infrastructure Development for High-Pressure Mineral Physics and Geosciences
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jay D Bass($4,850,001), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: High-pressure.

Early Career: Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) for Research in Geochemical, Environmental, and Paleoenvironmental Geoscience
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Emily M Elliott($171,469), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Stable Isotope, Assist, Available, Geochemical, Human, ICP-MS, Instrument, Multiple, Public, TIMS, Techniques, Trace, Tracers.

Collaborative Research: Facility Support: National Lacustrine Core Facility (LacCore)
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Steven M Colman($201,190), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
2. Amy E Myrbo($1,528,606), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Fond Du Lac, Archival Services, Laccore Staff, Analysis, Collaborative, Core, Coring, Duluth, Equipment, Facility, Field, ICD, Laboratory, Lacustrine, Lake, Minnesota, Preparation, Students, X-ray.

Collaborative Research: Analytical Techniques and Software: Development of CyberInfrastructure to Support Laser-Ablation ICP Mass Spectrometry
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. James F Bowring($353,805), College of Charleston, Charleston
2. James D Walker($89,118), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Samuel A Bowring($197,007), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
4. George E Gehrels($92,011), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Software Engineers, Dates, Developing, Earthchem, Evolution, Fields, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Integration, LA-ICP-MS, Limits, Ratios, Reduction, Tool, Tools.

Acquisition of Liquid Chromatography and Sample Preparation Instrumentation for Enhanced Reconstruction of Quaternary Environmental Change
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sarah A Spaulding($203,444), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Climate, Equipment.

Facility Suppport: Phase Two of a NSF/Boston University partnership ensuring long-term technician support for the BU TIMS Facility
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Ethan F Baxter($140,000), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Bu Tims Facility, Graduate And Undergraduate, Isotopic Analysis, Boston, Department, Enables, External, Ft, Geochemical, Isotope, Lab, Nsf-funded, Preparation, Processes, Students, Technical, Technician, Training, Userbase.

Acquisition of a Bruker AXS Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Unit for Chemostratigraphic Studies
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Harold Rowe($42,225), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Core Repository, Analytical, Field, Instrument, Laboratory, Prioritize, Unit.

Student Support for 2010 Electron Backscatter Diffraction Topical Conference
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. John H Fournelle($10,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Conference, Diffraction, EBSD, Information, Students, Technique, Variety.

Data Communications Support for GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation Associated with the 2010 Chile Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Benjamin A Brooks($198,830), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Chile And Argentina, Aftershock Sequence, Communications Solution, Gps Network, Gps Stations, Upper Mantle, Allow, BGAN, CGPS, Cellular, Chilean, Cooperation, Crust, Deformation, Earthquake, Effort, Fidelity, IRIDIUM, Largest, Magnitude, Maule, Mega-earthquake, Observations, Planned, Satellite.

Early Career: Acquisition of Shared, Basic Biogeochemistry Lab Facilities at Rice University
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Caroline A Masiello($100,000), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Carbon And Nutrient, Nutrient Cycling Studies, Analyzer, Instrumentation, Requested, Rice.

Upgrade of the Alliance for Computational Earth Science (ACES) high performance computing facility
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Linda T Elkins-Tanton($75,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: ACES, ACES-GEO, Cluster, MIT, Modeling.

Acquisition of a Laser Fluorination System for Oxygen Isotopes at IIRMES, California State University, Long Beach
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Hector Neff($37,539), California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach
Key terms: Laser Fluorination, Oxygen Isotope, Allow, Analyzed, CSULB, Estimate, Facility, Hydrothermal, IIRMES, Isotopic, Minerals, Rock, Silica.

Upgrade of the Optical ICP at Montclair State University
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sandra Passchier($28,050), Montclair State University, Montclair
Key terms: Outside Users, Diverse, Electronics, Incorporated, Instrument, MSU, Programs, Student, Students, Upgrade.

Phase 2 of upgrades to the continuous GPS network on Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. William W Chadwick($43,707), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Sierra Negra Network, Dual Frequency, Frequency Receivers, CGPS, GPS, Upgrade.

Acquisition of a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, and Upgrade of X-Ray Spectra Instrumentation for the Materials Characterization Laboratory CSUSB
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Erik B Melchiorre($25,000), University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB, San Bernardino
Key terms: CSUSB, California, Deposits.

Acquisition of Instrumentation for Organic Molecular Geochemistry Research and Training at the University of Texas-Austin
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Philip C Bennett($98,576), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Fraction Collector, Isotope Analysis, Mass Spectrometry, Acquisition, Age, Allow, Analytical, Biomarkers, Carbon, Compound-specific, Compounds, GC, HPLC-MS, Instrument, Instrumentation, Isolate, Organic, Past, Pis, Sediment.

Acquisition of a spinner magnetometer and ancillary paleomagnetic equipment at Montclair State University
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Stefanie A Brachfeld($132,443), Montclair State University, Montclair
Key terms: Equipment Complements Existing, Paleomagnetic And Rock, Rock Magnetic, ASC, Antarctic, Demagnetizer, Development, Experiments, Funding, Montclair.

Facility Support: A New Two-color Full-waveform Airborne LIDAR System for Advanced 3D Topography and Bathymetric Characterization
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Ramesh Shrestha($360,000), University of Houston, Houston
2. William E Carter($360,000), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Airborne Laser Swath, Laser Swath Mapping, Acquisition, Existing, NCALM, Optech, Shallow, Time.

Facility Support: High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. William D Carlson($748,698), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: X-ray Source, X-ray Tomography, CCD, Density, Geological, Images, Imaging, Resolution, Table, UTCT, Was, X-ray.

Upgrading the Computing System Used by the Geodesy and Geodynamics Group at OSU
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Michael Bevis($39,485), Ohio State University Research Foundation -DO NOT USE, Columbus
Key terms: Compute, GAMITGLOBK, Gb, Geodetic, Macintosh, Serve, Students.

Acquisition of a Quadrupole Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Materials Science, Biology, Earth and Environmental Science and Anthropology at Washington College
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Leslie A Sherman($333,579), Washington College, Chestertown
Key terms: Chester River, Metal Contamination, School Students, Chemistry, Enhance, Instrument, Investigation, LA-ICPMS, Opportunities, Promoting, Quadrupole, Sediments, Soil, Washington.

Development of a high-resolution gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometer
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. John M Eiler($749,350), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Clumped Isotope Geochemistry, Mass Resolution, Mass Spectrometer, Advance, Analytical, Atmospheric, Existing, Gas-source, IRMS, Instrument, Organic, Thermo.

Collaborative Research: ETBC: Deep Crustal Biosphere: Microbial Cycling of Carbon
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Tullis C Onstott($466,484), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Michael J Pullin($172,106), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Produced Organic Acids, Subsurface Microbial Ecosystems, Carbon Metabolism, Organic Matter, South Africa, Web Site, Witwatersrand Basin, Analyses, Biodegradation, CH, Continent, Crust, DIC, DOC, Database, Deep, Depth, Experiments, Extent, Gallery, Genetic, Hydrocarbons, Integrate, Interactions, Isotope, Lipids, Marine, Processes, Reservoirs, Rules, Surface, Variety, World.

Crustal-Scale Geometry of Active Continental Normal Faults
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. John L Nabelek($512,866), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Low-angle Detachment Faults, Receiver Function Image, Continental Extension, Entire Crust, Fault Geometry, Low-angle Detachment, Lower Crust, Normal Fault, Shear Zones, Upper Crust, Upper Mantle, Active, Brittle, Construct, Densely, Dipping, Ductile, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Energy, Geodynamic, Globally, High-frequency, Indicate, Listric, Localized, Mid-crustal, Pis, Planar, Reflection, Rupture, Simple.

The Next Step in Unravelling the Earth's Impact History: (U-Th)/He Dating of Impact Structures
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Matthijs c Van Soest($306,564), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Application, Dating, Earth, Geological, Has, History, Structures, Technique, U-thhe.

CAREER: Evolution of the Southern African Plateau Using Advances in (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry, and Enhancing Student Critical Thinking in Science
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Rebecca M Flowers($566,933), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Southern African Plateau, Denudation History, Earth's Surface, Education Initiative, Elevated Interior, Elevation Gain, Erosional History, Observatory Network, South Africa, Advances, Apatite, Attributable, Colorados, Continent, Course, Evolution, Hehe, Ma, Methods, Phase, Region, Regional, Rock, Spatial, Thermochronometry, U-thhe.

CSEDI: Thermal conductivity of lower mantle minerals and heat flow across the core/mantle boundary
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Laurent Pilon($346,012), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Coremantle Boundary, Extreme Conditions, Heat Flow, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Properties, Composite, Deep, Earth, Experimental, Expertise, Graduate, Mantle, Measure, Modeling, Physics, Profile, Temperature.

Coordinated Deployment of Seismic Instruments to Record Aftershocks of the September 2010 New Zealand Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: International Research Collab

1. Clifford H Thurber($30,953), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Alpine Fault, Character, Christchurch, Deployed, Deployment, Earthquake, Faults, IRISPASSCAL, Instruments, Nearby, RAMP, Staff, Strike, Surprising, Time, Uw-madison, Was, Zealand.

Identifying Crustal and Mantle Processes in the Central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Elisabeth Widom($277,508), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Jorullo And Parícutin, Crustal Xenoliths, Mafic Monogenetic, Mantle Wedge, Monogenetic Volcanic, Volcanic Centers, Active, Anticipated, Assimilation, Closely, Common, Constrain, Contamination, Detailed, Eruption, Establishment, Explosive, Extensive, Female, Field, Geochemical, Has, Highly, Historic, Ideal, International, Involved, Isotopes, Lavas, Local, Lower, Potential, Processes, Programs, Schmincke, Siebe, Sites, Slab-derived, Students, Time, Upper, Volcanoes, Volcanology.

Evaluating Along-strike Variations in Surface Uplift of the Andes: Constraints from Molecular Paleoaltimetry in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Timothy Shanahan($246,578), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Extensive Horizontal Shortening, Timing And Rate, Branched Tetraether, Central Andes, Eastern Cordillera, Lapse Rate, Northern Andes, Oxygen Isotope, Paleobotanical Proxies, Surface Uplift, Based, Colombia, Elevation, Index, Isotopes, Ongoing, Paleoaltimeters, Paleoaltimetry, Rapid, Reconstruct, Rise, Suggest, Temperature.

An Integrated Structural, Petrologic and Isotopic Study of Fabric Evolution in the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone, China
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Robert P Wintsch($162,780), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Fault Zone, Red River, Shear Heating, Ages, China, Follows, Heated, K-feldspar, Ma, Minerals, Muscovite, Past, Rock.

Collaborative Research: Rear-arc Magmatism in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes: Processes and Timescales in a Continental Rear-arc Setting
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Kenneth W Sims($109,513), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Jennifer M Garrison($192,423), California State L A University Auxiliary Services Inc., Los Angeles
Key terms: Melting And Differentiation, Broader Impacts, Mineral Separates, Rear-arc Volcanoes, U-series Nuclides, Active, Arcs, Calc-alkaline, Compositional, Degassing, Dominantly, Ecuador, Facilities, Field, Foundation, Funding, Geochemical, Has, Investigate, Minerals, Models, NVZ, Opportunity, Petrogenetic, Processes, Rarc, Rock, South, Students, Timescales, U-series.

Collaborative Research: Basin Evolution and Elevation History of the SE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Constraints on the Timing and Mechanisms of Surface Uplift
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Gregory D Hoke($365,186), Syracuse University, Syracuse
2. Carmala N Garzione($61,826), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Continental Tectonics, Elevation History, Isotopic Composition, Organic Matter, Plateau Margin, Sedimentary Rocks, Tibetan Plateau, Age, Ages, Asia, Collision, Crust, Diffuse, Distinct, Eroded, Formation, Formed, Lower, Meteoric, Mineral, Parameter, Plant, Program, Reconstruct, Sandstones, Sensitive, Soil, Source, Southeastern, Surface, Time, Topographic, Unraveling, Water, Zircon.

Collaborative Research: Study of the Peruvian flat slab and its effects on the continental lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Maureen D Long($160,936), Yale University, New Haven
2. Susan L Beck($287,972), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Chile And Argentina, Flat Slab Subduction, Flat-slab Subduction Zones, Central Chile, Continental Lithosphere, Flat Slabs, Flat-slab Subduction, Mantle Lithosphere, Rocky Mountains, Sierras Pampeanas, Southern Peru, Sub-slab Mantle, Subduction Geometry, Tight Constraints, Analyses, Analysis, Beneath, Broad, Broadband, Caused, Consequences, Crust, Deformation, Depth, Does, Downgoing, Dynamics, Evidence, Existence, Factors, Farallon, Formation, Found, Has, Horizontal, Inland, Laramide, Margins, Nature, Plate, Plateaus, Processes, Program, Required, Responsible, Seismometers, Silica, Stress, Strike, Structure, Structures, Sub-slab, Supported, Surface, Tectonic, Theories, Time, Truly, Variety, Volcanism, Water, Wave, Western, Wide, °.

RAPID: RUI: Constraints on Fragmentation and Lava-Ice Contact From Ongoing 2010 Eyjafjallajokull Eruption, Southcentral Iceland
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Benjamin R Edwards($53,661), Dickinson College, Carlisle
Key terms: Alkaline Basalt, Glaciovolcanic Eruption, Twelve Months, Ash, Aspects, Critical, Deposits, Documented, Eyjafjallajökull, Fimmvörthuháls, Has, Investigate, Knowledge, Lava-snow, Magma, Processes, RAPID, Summit, Volcano, Was.

Geodynamic Setting of the Bushveld Complex
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Edmond A Mathez($136,247), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Bushveld Upper Zone, Rooiberg And Rashoop, Bushveld Complex, Bushveld Upper, Magma Chamber, South Africa, Body, Compositions, Crust, Cumulate, Dominated, Equilibrium, Fe-rich, Geologists, Has, Intrusion, Lavas, Mineral, Minerals, Missing, Originated, Pyroxene, Rhyolite, Rock, Solidified, Teachers, Workshop.

RAPID: Collaborative Research: Airborne Lidar Scan of the 4 April 2010 Sierra El Mayor, Baja California Earthquake Rupture
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. J Ramon Arrowsmith($112,381), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Michael E Oskin($30,719), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: El Mayor Cucapah, Mayor Cucapah Earthquake, Airborne Lidar, Earthquake Occurred, Surface Rupture, Surface Ruptures, Acquisition, Analysis, Available, Collaboration, Earthquakes, Embedded, Fault, Field, Ground, High-resolution, Mexico, NSF, Nature, Opportunities, Pointssq, Program, Resolution, Scanning, Slip, Students.

CAREER: Convergence of Space Geodesy in Plate Boundary Research and Geoscience Education
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Peter LaFemina($508,995), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Fore-arc Strike-slip Faults, Margin Parallel Fore-arc, Panama And Ecuador, Parallel Fore-arc Strike-slip, Education Experiences, Fore-arc Strike-slip, Northern South, Parallel Fore-arc, Plate Boundaries, Plate Convergence, Ridge Collides, Ridge Collision, Southern Central, Strain Partitioning, Strike-slip Faults, Subduction Zones, Cocos, Constrain, Deformation, Earthquake, Forces, GPS, Interaction, International, Kinematics, Motion, Nazca, Oblique, Orthogonal, Plates, Students.

GPS Observations in Chile of Co-seismic and Post-seismic Deformation Associated with the 27 Feb, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. James H Foster($199,996), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Available, Broad, Chile, Collected, Distribution, Earthquake, French, GPS, Hawaii, Models, Ohio, Pis, Rupture, Slip, Stations.

Collaborative Research: Collection of Open Data for Broadband Seismological Observations of Aftershocks of the February 27, 2010 Chilean Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Raymond M Russo($8,000), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. David W Simpson($192,000), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Chile Earthquake, Subduction Zone, Aftershock, Collect, Earthquakes, Episodic, Megathrust, Months, Opportunity, Range, Rupture, Seismic, Set.

Collaborative Research: Levantine geomagnetic field spike: How high, how fast, how far?
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Lisa Tauxe($192,177), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Thomas E Levy($179,657), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Ancient Geomagnetic Field, Field Strength, Graduate Students, Archaeological, Broad, Co-eval, Copper, Dating, Debris, Discipline, Discrepancy, Extremely, Has, Interdisciplinary, Jordan, Radiocarbon, Site, Solve, Spike, Temporal, Time.

Scale and Time Dependent Hydrologic Response of Sites with Expansive Soils
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. John S Selker($494,982), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Stream Flow, Swelling Soils, Camp, Catchments, Chile, Field, Ha, Hydrologic, Infiltration, Laboratory, Model, Observe, Plot, Plots, Runoff, Students, Time-dependent, Water.

Geodetic and Geologic Field Response to the January 12, 2010, Magnitude 7.0 Haiti Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: International Research Collab

1. Andrew Freed($145,529), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Enriquillo-plantain Garden Fault, Garden Fault Zone, Enriquillo-plantain Garden, Main Shock, Post-seismic Deformation, Co-seismic, Crust, Displacement, GPS, Haiti, January, Measure, NSF, Post-seismic.

Collaborative Research: Did the Altyn Tagh Fault Continue Beyond the Northern Margin of Tibet? Implications for Strain Accommodation During Continent-Continent Collision
Award Effective Date: 12/19/2007; Program: International Research Collab

1. Jeremy K Hourigan($101,723), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Altyn Tagh Fault, Atf And Require, Alxa Region, Candidate Structures, Lateral Extrusion, Left-lateral Faults, Models Predict, Oligocene-early Miocene, Tibetan Plateau, Accommodated, Analysis, Basin, Beyond, Cenozoic, Central-eastern, Collaboration, Collision, Continent, Cretaceous-cenozoic, Crust, Deformation, Distribution, India, Indiana, Influence, Left-lateral, Magnitude, Mid-miocene, Mountain, NSF, Natural, Oligocene-early, Processes, Rates, Sedimentary, Shortening, Slip, Thickening, Was.

CMG Workshop on the Formulation of a Multi-Institutional Semi-Virtual Math-Geo Institute in Chicago
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES

1. Seth A Stein($74,630), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Deeper, Explore, Interaction, Long-term, Mathematical, Mathematicians, Methods, Potential, Situation.

CMG Research: Robust Numerical Methods for Multi-Phase Darcy-Stokes Flow in Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Partially Molten Materials
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES

1. Marc A Hesse($349,832), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Heterogeneous And Anisotropic, Multi-phase Darcy-stokes Flow, Robust Numerical Methods, Darcy-stokes Flow, Melt Segregation, Multi-phase Darcy-stokes, Multi-phase Flow, Partial Melting, Partially Molten, Phase Equilibrium, Porous Media, Reactive Transport, Subduction Zones, Allow, Analysis, Coupling, Crust, Developed, Development, Heterogeneity, Mathematical, Modeling, Process.

MRI: Acquistion of Integrated Energy Dispersive X-Ray, Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Panchromatic Cathodoluminescence Imaging System
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Bruce W Selleck($187,937), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Colgate, EBSD, Electron, Infer, Integrated, SEM, Student.

Acquisition of a Thermal Demagnetizer and Other Minor Equipment to Enhance the Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Laboratory at New Mexico Highlands University
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Jennifer Lindline($43,401), New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas
Key terms: Thermal Demagnetizer, Deposits, Hispanic, Investigations, Lab, Paleomagnetic.

MRI: Acquisition of a Multi-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) for geological, environmental, and microbiological research at Indiana University
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Laura Wasylenki($639,570), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Metal Isotope Fractionation, Biological, Chemical, Geological, Indiana, MC-ICP-MS, Mass, Preparation.

MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. John B Brady($321,985), Smith College, Northampton
Key terms: Electron Microscope, ESEM, Equipped, Investigations, Scanning, Smith, Students, Women.

MRI: Acquisition of a Laser Ablation System for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy at Union College
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Kurt T Hollocher($95,850), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: Current Icp-ms, Laser Ablation, Analysis, Capabilities, Chemistry, Experience, Faculty, Geology, ICP-MS, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Maintenance, Opportunities, Pis, Plagioclase, Prep, Students, Trace, Undergraduate.

MRI: Acquisition of Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer Capability for Advancing Hydrologic Research in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Lawrence E Band($105,511), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
Key terms: Urban Water, Acquisition, BES, Constrain, Ecosystem, Engineered, Instrument, Instrumentation, Involved, Isotope, LTER, LWIA, Maintenance, Storage, UMBC.

MRI: Acquisition of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) for Geological and Biological Research and Education
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Tara A Kneeshaw($126,192), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
Key terms: Geological And Biological, Marine Ecology, Instrument, Pis, Resource.

MRI: Acquisition for Integrating Global Reporting Geophysical Observatories within the Chilean National Seismic Network (GRGOC)
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. David W Simpson($1,000,000), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Collaborative Effort, Andean, Atmospheric, Chile, Development, Dynamics, Infrasound, Network, Pacific, Pressure, South, Subduction.

MRI RAPID: Increasing through-put of novel Ramped Pyrolysis Radiocarbon Preparation Technique for Gulf Coast oil spill studies - Instrumentation Development
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Brad E Rosenheim($132,550), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Gulf Coast, Oil Spill, Sedimentary Organic, Technical Development, Based, Chemical, Coastal, Decomposition, Field, Gain, Geomorphologic, Graduate, Has, Information, Kinetics, Knowledge, Natural, Park, Pyrolysis, RAPID, Reaction, Shared, Students, Technique, Undergraduate.

Development of a Pyrolysis GC/MS Facility for Characterizing Oil-Contaminated Water, Sediment and Seafood Samples
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Ah Jeong Son($146,211), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Deepwater Horizon Oil, Fate And Transport, Horizon Oil Spill, Crude Oil, Dispersant-mixed Crude, Gulf Coast, Long-term Impacts, Mri Rapid, Biodegradation, Characterize, Components, Development, Dispersant-mixed, Dispersants, Facility, Has, Influence, Kinetics, Laboratory, Long-term, Marine, Methods, Overall, Pis, Seafood, Various, Water.

MRI-R2: Development of a High-Flux Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion Neutron Source for 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Paul R Renne($782,221), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Dating Method, Ability, Applications, Concentration, Deuterium, Device, Energy, Enhance, Fission, Fusion, Has, Neutron, Neutrons, Nuclear, Previously, Producing, Reactors, Useful.

MRI: Acquisition of a MC-ICPMS for the University of Wyoming
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Kevin R Chamberlain($874,225), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Multi-collector Inductively, Environmental, MC-ICPMS, Natural, Precision, Processes, State-of-the-art.

MRI: Acquisition of geophysical tools and software for subsurface imaging
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Kenneth R Bradbury($102,690), University of Wisconsin-Extension, Madison
Key terms: Recovery And Reinvestment, Wgnhs Scientists, Wisconsin Department, Collaborate, Features, Geological, Hydrogeology, Natural, Program, Regional, Resource, Rock, Subsurface, Survey, Tools, Water.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of Mass Spectrometers for Earth Systems Science Research at Stony Brook University
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. J Kirk Cochran($1,200,000), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Recovery And Reinvestment, Thermal Ionization Mass, Isotopic Proxies, Mass Spectrometer, Dating, Environmental, Geochemistry, Geochronology, MC-ICP-MS, Marine, Pis, Program, Requested, SUNY-SB, Students, TIMS, Utilize.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of an XRD, FTIR, and WDS for Integrated Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies at Middlebury College
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Patricia L Manley($299,584), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Recovery And Reinvestment, Requested Instruments, Allow, Existing, Vermont, WDS, XRD.

MRI-R2 Consortium: Development of a National Geoelectromagnetic Facility
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Adam Schultz($300,001), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Electrical Properties, Access, Allow, Climate, Design, Developed, EM, Equipment, Exploration, Facility, Geoelectromagnetic, Hazards, Instrument, Instrumentation, Instruments, Mineral, NGF, Pis, Pool.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of GPS Equipment for Africa Array
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Andrew A Nyblade($323,814), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Recovery And Reinvestment, African Continent, South Africa, Africaarray, Distributed, Existing, GPS, Management, Network, Observations, Opportunities, Seismic, Stations, UNAVCO.

Acquisition of Instrumentation for the Interdisciplinary Drew Sedimentology Facility
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Catherine Riihimaki($129,854), Drew University, Madison
Key terms: Particle Size Analyzer, Watershed-scale Dynamics, Allow, Climate, Environmental, Establishing, Has, Instrument, Instrumentation, Minimal, Program, Requested, Users, Watershed-scale.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of a Multiple Collector Inductively-Coupled Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) for Multi-Disciplinary Biogeochemical Research at Penn State
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Susan L Brantley($724,002), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Method Development, Geoscientists, Instrument, Instrumentation, Isotopic, MC-ICP-MS, Mass, PSU, Past, Promote.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of a High Resolution CT-Scanner at the American Museum of Natural History
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Neil H Landman($888,860), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: AMNH, Allow, CT, Collection, Contract, Educational, Facility, Full-time, Has, Imaging, Natural, Organismal, Outreach, Program, Scanner.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of an X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) to Enhance Undergraduate Research at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI)
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Meagen Pollock($295,961), College of Wooster, Wooster
Key terms: Independent, Instrumental, NSF, Pis, Recovery, Reinvestment, School, Student, Students, Wooster, X-ray, XRD, XRF.

MRI-R2: Acquisition of a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) for Analyses of Black Carbon in the Environment
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Susan D Kaspari($187,413), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
Key terms: Black Carbon, Ice Core, Albedo, Climate, Forcing, Global, Increased, Instrument, Laboratory, North, Purchase, SP, Snow.

Acquisition of a Hyperspectral Imaging System (HIS) for Multidisciplinary Research
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2010; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Ramanathan Sugumaran($167,950), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Key terms: Laboratory And Field, Field Settings, Hyperspectral, Imaging, Infrastructure, Lithography, Modeling, Species.

Acquisition of Acquisition of laser ablation and quadrupole ICP-MS instrumentation for study of high-resolution records in Earth materials at Oregon State University
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Gary P Klinkhammer($399,613), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Chemical And Isotopic, Pacific Northwest Region, Complex Natural, Laser Ablation, Northwest Region, Acquisition, Applications, COAS, Critical, Disciplines, Equipment, Facility, Flow-through, Future, Graduate, ICP-MS, Instrumentation, Instruments, Keck, Laboratories, NSF, OSU, Ocean, Oregon, Performance, Quadrupole, Significantly, State-of-the-art, Students, Supported, Techniques, Training, Upgrade, Users, Wish, Women.

Collaborative Research: A Deep-AUV Magnetic and Seismic Study of the Hawaiian Jurassic Crust - The Global Significance of Jurassic Magnetic Anomalies
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Masako Tominaga($572,818), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Geomagnetic Polarity Time, Unusual Field Behavior, Magnetic Field, Allow, Dynamics, Global, Has, Implications, JMQZ, Japanese, Jurassic, Lineation, Local, Low, Profiles, Seismic.

The Kinematic Evolution of the Galapagos Triple Junction
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Hans Schouten($115,658), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: East Pacific Rise, Galapagos Triple Junction, Oceanic Triple Junction, Ridge-ridge-ridge Oceanic Triple, Triple Junction Region, Cocos-nazca Rift, Galapagos Microplate, Lithosphere Plates, Recently Collected, Ridge-ridge-ridge Oceanic, Boundaries, Cocos-nazca, Controls, Formation, Initiation, Lithospheric, Meet, Mid-ocean, Multibeam, Near, Outstanding, Raw, Setting, South, Stresses, Surface, Topographic.

The Geological Evolution of the Galapagos Archipelago and Other Ocean Island Provinces: A Proposal for an International, Multidisciplinary, Field-Based Symposium
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Mark A Richards($88,606), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Ocean Island Provinces, Evolutionary Biology, Galápagos Archipelago, Broad, Conditions, Darwin, Disciplines, Ecuadorian, Future, Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Hotspot, Integrate, International, Islands, Knowledge, Participants, Station, Strategic, Symposium, Synthesis, Various, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: Imaging Electrical Conductivity in the Upper Mantle with Ocean Tidal Source Fields
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Gary D Egbert($276,992), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Alan D Chave($204,951), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Electrical Conductivity, Magnetic Field, Mantle Rocks, Tidal Currents, Deep, Distribution, Earth, Electromagnetic, Geophysics, Has, Induced, Life, Models, Objective, Oceans, Seafloor, Surface, Water.

GLADE Workshop: July 26-29, 2010 at Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego, CA
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Dave Stegman($30,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Geodynamics Software, Aims, CIG, Content, Discussion, Dynamics, GLADE, Geophysics, Has, Intended, Meeting, Program, Students, Technical, Tectonic, Tutorials.

Acquisition of an Excimer Laser, Quadrupole ICPMS and Microsampler for UC Davis
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Ann Russell($411,187), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Allow, Graduate, ICP-MS, Instrument, Instrumentation, Isotopes, Laser, Pis, Plasma, Students, Undergraduate.

Acquisition of instrumentation for the sediment analysis laboratory at Coastal Carolina University
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Eric Wright($110,227), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Particle Size, Aid, Analysis, CCU, Coastal, Equipment, Marine, Program, Sediment, Student, Training, Water.

CAREER: Integrated Research and Education in Earthquake Triggering and Non-Volcanic Tremor
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Other Global Learning & Trng

1. Zhigang Peng($574,514), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Sonification And Visualization, Earthquake Triggering, Intraplate Regions, Next-generation Seismologists, Non-volcanic Tremor, Remote Triggering, Active, Aftershocks, Based, California, China, IRIS, Mechanisms, Next-generation, Non-volcanic, Permanent, Public, Seismic, Sounds, Systematic, Training, Triggered, Undergraduate.

CAREER: Chemical Heterogeneity in Earth's Lower Mantle
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Other Global Learning & Trng

1. Kanani K Lee($619,600), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Formation And Evolution, Mineral Physics, Building, Bulk, Composition, Compositions, Conditions, Deep, Derived, Disseminated, Earth, Experiments, Extreme, Facilities, High-pressure, Mantle, Mass, National, Natural, Ocean, Planet, Public, Structure, Students, Teaching, Training.

RAPID: GPS Observations in Argentina of Co-seismic and Post-seismic Deformation Associated with the 27 Feb, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Other Global Learning & Trng

1. Robert Smalley($75,129), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Deformation And Stress, Nacional De San, Univerisdad Nacional De, Maule Earthquake, Upper Mantle, Available, Building, Decades, Following, Fundamentally, GPS, International, Memphis, Process, Properties, Rapid, Region, Rupture, Signal.

Long-Period Strong Ground Motion Prediction Using the Ambient Seismic Field
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Other Global Learning & Trng

1. Gregory C Beroza($282,426), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Ground Motion Prediction, Ground Motion Simulations, Basin Effects, Ambient, Ambient-field, Amplification, Broader, California, Cities, Design, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Engineers, Excitation, Field, Japan, Method, Noise, Seismic, Seismology, Shaking, Source, Strong, Structures, Tokyo, Tool, Urban, Waves.

REU Site: Field Research on Bahamian Lakes: Exploring Records of Anthropogenic and Climatic Change
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2009; Program: Other Global Learning & Trng

1. John M Senko($491,112), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Bahamian Lakes Reu, Lakes Reu Site, Bahamas, Biological, Climate, Cores, Environmental, Experience, Fieldwork, Global, Graduate, International, Modern, Nature, Participants, Recovered, Students, Undergraduate, Urban.

Collaborative Research: Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Monazite and Allanite Geochronology via ID Th-Pb Ages for Reference Materials
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2011; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. John M Cottle($133,321), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Marty J Grove($111,941), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Id Th-pb Ages, Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Monazite And Allanite, Id Th-pb, Obtaining High-precision, Th-pb Ages, Assumption, Decay, Developed, EARTHTIME, Geochronology, Graduate, High-precision, Independently, Information, Linked, Minerals, Module, Peterman, Reference, Seeks, Standard-based, Standards, Stanford, Students, Time, U-pb, UCSB, Website, Well-characterized.

Ca-Mg Isotopic Probe of Transport Processes in High Temperature Geochemical Systems
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2011; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Donald J DePaolo($473,302), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Hydrothermal Solutions, Mass-dependent Isotopic, Ca, Chemical, Geothermal, Information, Liquid, Liquids, Magmas, Mass-dependent, Method, Methods, Mg, Mineral, Minerals, Molecules, Natural, Processes, Properties, Rates, Species, Trace.

EAGER: Application of Cluster Expansion Method to First-Principles Mineralogy
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Paul D Asimow($44,475), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Atomic Arrangements, Mineral Physics, Solid Solutions, Computational, Earth, Experimental, Little, Mantle, Transition.

Disorder and Dynamics in Silicate and Aluminosilicate Liquids, Glasses and Crystals Relevant to Geochemical Processes: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jonathan F Stebbins($599,999), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Earth's Interior, Cells, Critical, Disorder, Geological, Ions, Magmas, Methods, Minerals, Molten, NMR, Predict, Pressures, Primary, Processes, Program, Properties, Structural, Structure, Structures, Temperatures.

Collaborative Research: Geochronology of Carbonate Mineralization in the Lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Katharine Maher($59,515), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Ethan F Baxter($177,059), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Bu And Stanford, Smnd And Upb, Carbon Cycle, Carbonate Geochronology, Carbonate Mineralization, Carbonate Minerals, Chemical Transport, Fluid Flow, Analytical, Broader, Carbonates, Contexts, Contribute, Datable, Exact, Explore, Flux, Forming, Geologic, Geological, Global, Hydrothermal, Lithosphere, Metamorphism, Occurrence, Oceanic, Precise, Preparation, Processes, Quantify, Rate, Refining, Regional, Secondary, Solid, Solid-earth, Tectonic, Timescales, Timing, Tools, Via.

EaGER:The influence of CO2 solubility on trace element partitioning in clinopyroxene-alkali basalt systems: towards the development of a magmatic carbon meter
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Julia G Bryce($44,982), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide Contents, Field Strength, Alkaline, Assess, Basaltic, Climate, Clinopyroxene, Deglaciation, Emissions, Enrichment, Experimental, Experiments, History, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Partitioning, Plan, Proxy, Rock, Trace, Volatile, Volcanism, Water.

Pilot Study: Effect of Temperature Cycling on Crystal Size and Alignment in Magmas
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Allen F Glazner($40,730), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Crystal Size Relationships, Size And Crystal, Temperature Cycling Experiments, Crystal Alignment, Crystal Growth, Igneous Rocks, Magma Analog, Oscillating Temperature, Plague Experiments, Plutonic Rocks, Temperature Field, Varying Temperature, Commonly, Crystallization, Crystals, Development, Distribution, FSU, Fields, Gas-mixing, Has, High-silica, Kinetic, Preliminary, Processes, Strong, Structural, Texture.

He-Ne-Ar-N2-CO2 Isotope Characterization of the East Africa Rift System
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. David R Hilton($265,965), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Kenyan And Western, Main Ethiopian Rift, Unique Volatile Isotopic, Volatile Isotopic Characteristics, Afar Depression, Eastern Africa, Kenyan Dome, Western Rifts, African, Analyses, Continent, Deep-seated, Defined, EARS, Hehe, Lithosphere, Mantle, Plume, Provinces, Rifting, Uplift, Volatiles.

Diffusion Kinetics of Selected Trivalent Ions and Hf in Garnet: Experimental Studies and Applications
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jibamitra Ganguly($350,000), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Diffusion Kinetic Properties, Sm-nd And Lu-hf, Diffusion Properties, Divalent Cations, Metamorphic Rocks, Time Scales, Ages, Analysis, Constraints, Diffusivity, Discrepant, Experimental, Garnet, Garnets, Geological, Isochrons, Magma, Modeling, Natural, Nuclide, Process, Processes, Profiles, Relatively, Slower, Solids, Step.

Workshop on research prioritization and design concepts for a user facility for large-scale experiments on volcanic flows and other geohazards; 17-19 September, 2010 at Buffalo NY
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Greg Valentine($49,974), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Buffalo, Conditions, Developing, Development, Difficulty, Effort, Experiments, Facility, Flows, Future, Geohazard, Involve, Large-scale, Limited, Model, Multiphase, Natural, Poorly, Priorities, Processes, Senior, Volcanic, Workshop.

Causes and Consequences of Holocene Mafic Explosive Volcanism in Central OR?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Alan Rempel($234,304), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: 'type' Eruptions, Analog Experiments, Cinder Cone, Crystal-rich Magmas, Gas Migration, Hazard Assessment, =, Cascades, Cashman, Central, Chemical, Conditions, Controls, Crust, Crystal-rich, Evolution, Examine, Expansion, Fragmentation, Has, Hazards, Investigate, Links, Mafic, Mckay, Pis, Students, Tephra, Volcanic.

Mineral Dissolution in Silicate Melts
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Youxue Zhang($350,001), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Diffusive And Convective, Dissolution And Growth, Basaltic Melts, Crystallization History, Dissolution Rates, Magma Oceans, Mineral Dissolution, Silicate Melts, Calculate, Convection, Evolution, Experimental, Felsic, Function, Furthermore, Magmatic, Minerals, Period, Plagioclase, Pressure, Processes, Quartz, Relative, Temperature, Theoretical.

Collaborative Proposal: Integrated Investigations of Isotope Fractionation in Magmatic Systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Craig C Lundstrom($177,561), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. James A Van Orman($70,000), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
3. Charles E Lesher($213,876), University of California-Davis, Davis
4. Adam C Simon($132,446), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Si And Fe, Fractionation Factors, Igneous Rocks, Molecular Dynamics, Ntsi Fractionation, Stable Isotope, Temperature Gradient, Thermal Diffusion, Basis, Characterize, Collaboration, Complementary, Compositions, Differentiation, Experimental, Experiments, Fractionations, Isotopic, Magmatic, Melts, Mg, Molten, Observed, Origin, Petrology, Phases, Postdoc, Processes, Simulation, Soret, Students, Tool.

Collaborative Research: Links Between Magma Source Characteristics, Shallow Plumbing, and Eruptive Styles in Mafic Intraplate Volcanic Fields (Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Eugene I Smith($173,244), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
2. Greg Valentine($185,960), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
3. Elisabeth Widom($96,514), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Eruption Style, Eruption Styles, Magma Sources, Shallow Plumbing, Upper Mantle, Activity, Ascent, Depth, Fields, Geochemistry, Insights, Integrated, Magmas, Melting, Processes, Relatively, Seismic, Structure, Surface, Volatile, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanoes, Volcanology.

Experimental and Modeling Studies of the PVTX and Phase Equilibrium Properties of Crustal Fluids
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Robert J Bodnar($517,238), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Natural Fluids, Thermodynamic Properties, Volcanic Eruptions, Ability, Complex, Compositions, Critical, Crust, Earthquakes, Environments, Experimental, Field, Geological, Interpret, Phase, Pressure, Pressures, Processes, Range, Representative, Required, Temperature, Temperatures.

Sulfide Mineralization in the Duke Island Complex, Alaska: A Unique View into Conduit Processes in the Sub-arc Environment
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Edward M Ripley($373,995), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Duke Island Complex, Multiple Stages, Sulfide Liquid, Sulfide Mineralization, Sulfide Saturation, Accumulation, Characterized, Clinopyroxene, Conduit, Crystals, Formation, Has, Increase, Layering, Layers, Nature, Ni, Olivine, Presence, Processes, Settings, Student, Ural-alaska.

Collaborative Research: Constraining Arc Processes through Comprehensive Geochemical Study of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Joerg M Schaefer($143,479), Columbia University, New York
2. Charles H Langmuir($334,173), Harvard University, Cambridge
3. Ilya N Bindeman($34,415), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Oxygen Isotopes, Chilean, Circulation, Compositions, Comprehensive, Convergent, Crust, Eruption, Experiment, Field, Mantle, Processes, Provided, Reflect, Solid, Southern, Tools, U-series, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Testing for Rapid Pulses of Crustal-scale Heat and Mass Transfer by Fluids in Metamorphic "Hot Spots", New Hampshire, USA
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. C. Page Chamberlain($88,398), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Ethan F Baxter($178,841), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
3. Jay J Ague($216,598), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Chemical And Isotopic, Fluxes And Timescales, Time-integrated Fluid Fluxes, Fluid Flow, Hot Spot, Hot Spots, Mass Transfer, Metamorphic Rocks, Time-integrated Fluid, Upb Dating, Vein Networks, Ague, Baxter, Conditions, Diffusion, Direction, Field, Fluids, Formation, Garnet, Gradients, Hall, Heat, Heating, Involvement, Isograds, Lab, Localities, Modeling, NH, P-t-t, Peak, Pis, Program, Regional, Short, Smnd, Students, Temperature, Thermal, Timing, Transport, Visitors.

Collaborative Research: Volatile Loss During Magma Ascent and Cooling
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Terry A Plank($286,729), Columbia University, New York
2. Erik H Hauri($58,413), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Ascent Rates, Magma Ascent, Melt Embayments, Volatile Loss, Volatile Species, Basaltic, Contents, Critical, Crystals, Degassing, Diffusive, Enable, Eruption, Explosive, Hours, Minutes, Months, Processes, Reflect, Timescale, Timescales, Volcanic, Water.

Tectonic Implications of Partial Melting in the Ruby Mountain-East Humboldt Metamorphic Core Complex, Northeastern Nevada
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Frank S Spear($177,874), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Metamorphic Core Complex, Deep Crust, Humboldt Range, Lower Crustal, Partial Melting, Belts, Conditions, Cores, Day, Emplacement, Exhumation, Exposed, Formation, Implications, Metpetdb, Mountain, Nevada, Observed, Rock, Situ, Subjected, Timing.

RUI: Thermodynamic and Thermal Expansion Behavior of Mineral Systems
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Guy L Hovis($171,514), Lafayette College, Easton
Key terms: Behave, Below, Calorimetric, Conditions, Contribute, Critical, Enthusiasm, Exist, Expansion, Experiences, Function, Hisher, Information, Involved, Knowledge, Laboratory, Latter, Measured, Mineral, Minerals, Mixing, Prediction, Properties, Remain, Solution, Students, Surface, Temperature, Thermodynamic, Yield.

Experimental Study of Noble Gas Behavior in the Mantle
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Stephen Parman($350,000), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Earth's Interior, Mantle Minerals, Noble Gases, Composition, Conditions, Deep, Experimental, Has, High-pressure, Motions, Pressure, Processes, Range, Structure.

Collaborative Research: Constraining the Relative Importance of Fluid Fluxes and Lithospheric Metasomatism on the Evolution of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Michael Rowe($104,843), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Rio Grande Rift, Fluid-mobile Trace, Mantle Hydration, Melt Inclusions, Volatile Abundances, Volatile Concentrations, Added, Additionally, Allowing, Analyzed, Basaltic, Beneath, Constraints, Continent, Crust, Enrichment, Extent, Fluid-mobile, Has, Isotope, Lavas, Lithosphere, Magmas, Melting, Microprobe, N-S, North, Plate, Potential, Prior, Rifting, Subduction, Techniques, Volatiles, Volcanism, Water.

EAGER: Collaborative Research: Continental Subduction and Deep Crustal Melting
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Stacia Gordon($28,917), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Stacia Gordon($28,917), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Partially Molten Crust, Continental Crust, Uhp Rocks, Bodies, Conditions, Eclogite, Evolution, Exhumation, Has, Melting, Orogenic, Orogens, Subduction, Zircon.

Reconstructing Explosive Magma Vesiculation
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Helge M Gonnermann($231,741), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Nucleation And Magma, Vesicle Size Distributions, Bubble Nucleation, Decompression Rates, Magma Fragmentation, Magmatic Volatiles, Plinian Eruption, Plinian Eruptions, Ascending, Consequence, Explosive, Growth, Modeling, Novarupta, Particles, Producing, Pyroclast, Pyroclasts, Release, Sustained, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Eruptive Potential of Silicic Magmas: Thermodynamic and Fluid Dynamics Modeling, and Implications to the Evolution of Selected Natural Systems
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Guilherme Gualda($161,670), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
2. Josef Dufek($102,963), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Mark S Ghiorso($141,282), OFM Research, Seattle
Key terms: Eruptive Potential, Magmas Erupt, Silicic Magmas, Attention, Body, Concerned, Developed, Dynamics, Eruption, Evolution, Importance, Magmatic, Models, Natural, Thermodynamic, Tools, Triggers, Tuff, Web.

Experimental Constraints on Crystal Liquid Ni and Mn Partitioning in Mafic and Ultramafic Systems
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Edward M Stolper($196,370), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Nio And Feomno, Nio And Mno, Basaltic Melt, Chemical Composition, Mor Basalts, Ocean Island, Ocean Islands, Partial Melts, Spinel Lherzolite, Array, Bulk, Calculate, Concentrations, Contents, Core, Crust, Defined, Dni, Earth, Global, Has, Low, Mantle, Mid-ocean, Molten, Nio-feomno, Olivine, Olivines, Produce, Rock, Source, Sources, Surface, Temperature, Values, Wt.

Collaborative Research: Tectonic Links, Magma Fluxes, and Single Mineral Geochemistry in Plutonic Systems From 5-30 km Depth, Cascades Core, Washington
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Samuel A Bowring($214,332), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Adam Kent($96,407), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Jonathan S Miller($171,532), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
4. Scott R Paterson($137,571), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Continental Magmatic Arcs, Intermediate Composition Magmas, Crystallized Magmas, Mineral Geochemistry, Analyses, Cascades, Class, Collaborative, Complex, Crust, Eruption, Expected, Flux, Fluxes, Formation, Lab, MIT, MS, Pis, Plumbing, Plutonic, Plutons, Represent, Rock, SJSU, Single, Strongly, Student, Students, USC, Visit.

Garnet-Biotite-Tourmaline Thermometry at High Mn Content
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. David London($263,356), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Biotite And Muscovite, Garnet And Tourmaline, Fe-mg Exchange, Igneous Rocks, Based, Calibrations, Common, Equilibrium, Existing, Experimental, Experiments, Fe-mg, Ferromagnesian, Low, Mineral, Mn, Successful, Thermobarometry, Thermometers, Thermometry.

Support for Attendance by Early Career Astronomers, Planetary Scientists, and Earth Scientists to the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society in July 2010
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mordecai-Mark Mac Low($19,688), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Annual Meeting, Meteoritical Society, Activities, Allied, Astronomical, Astronomy, Attend, Conference, Directorate, Division, Fields, Formation, Participation, Planetary, Topics, York.

Collaborative Research: An Exhumed Field Example of Heterogeneous Lower Crustal Flow, Athabasca Granulite terrane, Canada
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Michael L Williams($177,772), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($234,985), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cora Lake Shear, Lake Shear Zone, Lower Crustal Flow, Deep Crust, Ductile Flow, Active, Analysis, Constrain, Continent, Deformation, Depth, Evolution, Fabric, Field, Heterogeneity, Heterogeneous, Modeling, Pervasive, Process, Recognized, Regions, Rheological, Seismic, Structures, Students, Sub-horizontal.

Discovering Hadean Earth
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Timothy M Harrison($299,042), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ga Zircons, Graduate Students, Hadean Zircons, Ion Microprobe, Jack Hills, Analysis, Continent, Evidence, Formed, Gt, Inclusions, Investigations, Isotopic, Muscovite, Opportunities, Plate, Pu-u, Recycling, Terrestrial.

Experimental Investigation of the Link Between Water Loss and Oxygen Fugacity in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Glenn A Gaetani($399,963), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Experimental And Theoretical, Interpreting Natural Melt, Natural Melt Inclusions, Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions, Pre-eruptive H2o Contents, Broadly Available, H2o Contents, H2o Lossgain, Host Olivine, Numerical Model, Olivine-hosted Melt, Oxygen Fugacity, Pre-eruptive H2o, Redox Reactions, Amount, Carried, Combined, Concentrations, Degassed, Diffusion, Experiments, Gain, Graduate, Limit, Magma, Magmas, Moderated, O-, Process, Protons, Re-equilibration, Students, Tool, Water.

Collaborative Research: Constraining P-T-t-D Paths of Metamorphic Tectonites with the TitaniQ Thermobarometer
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Laura E Webb($194,493), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Frank S Spear($91,107), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Cl Imaging, P-t-t-d Paths, Analytical, Approach, Development, Fabric, Field, Graduate, Histories, Metamorphic, Microstructural, P-t-t-d, Petrologic, Quartz, Rock, Tectonic, Ti, Ti-in-quartz, Titaniq, Undergraduate.

Primary Magma and Other Features of the Kiglapait Intrusion
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. John M Rhodes($88,127), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Crystallization History, Kiglapait Intrusion, Anorthosites, Appropriate, Coast, Crust, Degrees, Equilibrium, Experiments, Has, Labrador, Lead, Magma, Mantle, Melting, Occurrence, Olivine, Origin, Plagioclase, Rock, Source, Temperatures.

A Test for the Extraterrestrial Origin of the Magnetic Spherules/Grains at the Younger Dryas Boundary
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mukul Sharma($88,487), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Magnetic Grains, Meteorite Debris, Remains Unclear, Abrupt, Boundary, Cooling, Dryas, Evidence, Forest, Iridium, North, Osmium, Was, YD.

State of the Arc Conference (SOTA) 2010: Subduction to Eruption
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. James B Gill($34,530), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Syros And Santorini, Keynote Speakers, Registration Fee, Arc, Conference, Constraints, Critical, Differentiation, Format, Geodynamic, Geophysical, Hazards, International, Invited, Magmas, Meeting, NSF, Participants, Provocateurs, SOTA, Students, Sub-themes, Subducted.

Pan American Current Research on Fluid Inclusions Conference
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Adam C Simon($21,350), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Early-career Scientists, Student Attendees, Conference, Costs, Early-career, Formation, Housing, Inclusion, PACROFI, Registration, Requested.

Si and Fe Isotope Geochemistry at High Pressure and Temperature
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Anat Shahar($210,961), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Coexisting Phases, Core Formation, Earth's Mantle, Isotope Geochemistry, Isotopic Fractionation, Stable Isotopic, Applied, Calculations, Chemical, Composition, Conditions, Effect, Experiments, Field, Function, Has, Mineral, Mineralogy, Pressure.

In-situ High-pressure Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Measurement
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Peter R Buseck($300,206), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Pressures And Temperatures, Earth's Interior, Elevated Pressures, Extreme Conditions, Abundant, Behavior, Cells, Cnts, Deep, Developing, Effects, Electron, Examination, Examine, Experimental, High-pressure, Limited, Methods, Minerals, Planet, Structure, Technique.

Effects of Hydrogen on Kinetic Processes in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. George R Rossman($350,002), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Bound Water, Components Play, Anhydrous, Crystals, Diffusion, Effort, Has, Host, Hydrogen, Mantle, Mineral, Minerals, Nominally, Olivine, Planet, Processes, Products, Properties, Reservoir, SIMS, Spectroscopy, Synthetic, Technological, Trace, Variety, World.

Noble Gas Behavior During Upper Mantle Deformation
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mark D Kurz($370,541), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Noble Gas Behavior, Hene Ratios, Paul's Rocks, Shear Zones, Contents, Crushing, Deep, Deformation, Deformed, Experiments, Found, Helium, Isotope, Mantle, Melting, Mineral, Mineralogy, Minerals, Models, Mylonites, Neon, Ocean, Ophiolites, Pauls, Peridotite, Sampling, St, Systematic.

Origin and Evolution of the Absolute and Relative Highly Siderophile Element Abundances Present in the Early Earth
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Igor Puchtel($292,753), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Absolute And Relative, Icdp Barberton Drilling, Archean Komatiite, Hse Abundances, Mantle Sources, Accretion, BGB, Chemical, Compositions, Conditions, Earth, Evolution, Ga, Komatiites, Magma, Origin, Processes, Recycling, Student, Subsequent, Umd, Unique.

Acessory Minerals and Crustal Processes
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. E. Bruce Watson($694,582), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Accessory Minerals, Molecular Dynamics, Apatite, Applications, Bulk-release, Continue, Crust, Development, Diffusion, Diffusive, Earth, Efforts, Experimental, Funding, Geologic, Histories, Igneous, Information, Knowledge, Methods, Modeling, Processes, Radioactive, Rates, Rock, Technique, Techniques, Thermometer, Titanite, Tools, Zircon.

Lithium Isotopic Investigations of Crustal Evolution
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. William F McDonough($446,182), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Bulk Continental Crust, Mass Balance Model, Chemical Flux, Chemical Weathering, Isotopic Composition, Mass Lost, Phd Projects, Poorly Constrained, Water Vs, Weathering Flux, Analyses, Archean, Basalt, CRB, Components, Concentration, Coupled, Crusts, Dli, East, Has, Heavier, Influence, Isotopes, Li, Lighter, Lithium, Mantle, Oxygen, Parallel, Quantify, Relative, Respectively, Rock, Via.

Collaborative Research: Deciphering Sierran Magma Sources and Modes of Diversification Using Trace Element, O, and Hf Isotopic Analyses of Zircon
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jade Star Lackey($87,145), Pomona College, Claremont
2. Jonathan S Miller($146,011), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Central Sierra Nevada, Geochemical And Isotopic, Sierra Nevada Batholith, Arc Magma, Continental Arc, Crustal Growth, Hf Isotopes, Igneous Rocks, Acquire, Batholiths, Collaborations, Components, Contributions, Extent, Has, International, Intrusive, Magmas, Magmatic, Mantle, Plutons, Pomona, Processes, SJSU, Signature, Signatures, Sources, Trace, Versus, Zircon, Zircons.

REE-SiO2 Systematics for Distinguishing a Fractional Crystallization Versus Crustal Melting Origin for Intra-Oceanic Silicic Melts: A Combined Experimental and Field Investigation
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. James G Brophy($274,276), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Crustal Amphibolite, Dehydration Melting, Earth's Interior, Fractional Crystallization, Hydration-induced Melting, Mid-ocean Ridge, Oceanic Arc, Oceanic Environments, Partition Coefficients, Silicic Magmas, Sio2-ree Correlation, Undergraduate Students, Analysis, Based, Brunswick, Comprises, Experimental, Gabbro, Geochemical, Hannover, Has, Hornblende, Hydration-induced, Institute, Japan, Kb, Lead, Level, Lower, MOR, Mid-ocean, Natural, OIA, Origin, Permit, Rock, Sio-ree, Straightforward, Trace.

Chlorine Isotope Geochemistry of Altered Oceanic Crust: Empirical and Experimental Observations
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. James E Gardner($248,857), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Cl Isotope, D37cl Values, Isotopic Fractionation, Silicate Minerals, Subduction Zones, AOC, Altered, Aqueous, Barnes, Calculations, Cl-bearing, Crust, Dcl, Experiments, Fluid, Fluids, Laboratory, Limited, Mentor, Oceanic, Reservoirs, Seawater, Students, Tracers, Ut-austin, Various.

MARGINS: Controls on Magma Generation at Incipient Spreading Centers
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Axel K Schmitt($24,863), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Cerro Prieto, Rift Basins, Salton Sea, Analysis, Crust, Geothermal, Magmatic, Rock, SIMS, Spatial, Structure.

Improved Characterization of Apatite Fission-track Annealing Kinetics, and Application to Core Complex Exhumation, Southern Basin and Range
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Richard A Ketcham($288,097), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Final Stages, Fission-track Annealing, Apatite, Arizona, Caused, Database, Exhumation, Faulting, Fission-track, Has, High-angle, Impurities, Low-angle, Nature, Predictions, Rates, Relative, Transition, Widely.

CSEDI Collaborative Research: Valence state of iron in the lower mantle
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Dane Morgan($172,539), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Sang-Heon Shim($330,921), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Electronic Configuration, Lower Mantle, Silicate Perovskite, Upper Mantle, Combine, Composition, Conditions, Deep, Depth, Effort, Experimental, Ferric, Has, Iron, Lower-mantle, Measure, Minerals, Oxidation, Preliminary, Pressure, Pressure-temperature, Reactions, Redox, Reducing, Shown.

Collaborative Research: CSEDI--Grand Challenge for Experimental Study of Plastic Deformation Under Deep Earth Conditions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Li Li($599,979), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Shun-ichiro Karato($582,564), Yale University, New Haven
3. Yanbin Wang($499,731), University of Chicago, Chicago
4. William B Durham($261,415), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Chemical Environment, Deep Interior, High-pressure Conditions, Phase Transformations, Plastic Deformation, Plastic Properties, Circulation, Control, Depth, Development, Developments, Dynamics, Experimental, Gpa, Hence, High-pressure, Mantle, Minerals, Shallow, Stress, Synchrotron, Technical, Techniques, Temperature, Water.

CSEDI: Coupled Electromagnetic and Geodynamic Study of Thermochemical Piles
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Chester J Weiss($290,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Electromagnetic Observations, Lower Mantle, Tectonic Plates, Boundary, Complexity, Core, Discretization, Domain, Earth, Experiments, Geodynamic, Geologic, Geophysical, Methods, Numerical, Outer, Properties, Sensitivity, Structures, Surface, Thermal, Thermochemical.

CSEDI: Testing Resolution of Deep Earth Seismic Structure Under the Pacific Using Geodynamic Models
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Ying Zhou($295,900), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Candidate Mantle Structures, Pacific Lower Mantle, Seismic Wave Propagation, Temperature And Compositional, Wave Propagation Simulations, Anelastic Attenuation, Central Pacific, Finite-frequency Theory, Plume Models, Anomaly, Chemical, Effects, Finite-frequency, Investigate, Plumes, Thermal, Thermochemical, Tomographic.

CSEDI: Support for 12th SEDI Meeting in Santa Barbara, CA
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Bruce Buffett($32,795), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Earth's Deep Interior, Earth's Deep, Contribute, Core, Dynamics, Interdisciplinary, International, Mantle, Meeting, SEDI, Structure, Surface.

RAPID: Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory - The Critical Zone in the Susquehanna River Basin: The Shale Experiment
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: SURFACE EARTH PROCESS SECTION

1. Christopher J Duffy($33,576), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Vegetation Ground Truth, National Czo, Uc Merced, Czos, Field, Has, Lidar, Protocols, RAPID, Request, Supplement, Time, Was.

RAPID: Vegetation Analysis in Support of LiDAR Data Acquisition for the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: SURFACE EARTH PROCESS SECTION

1. Jon D Chorover($33,540), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Jemez River, Acquisition, Boundaries, Lidar, Summer, VCNP.

RAPID: Collecting Field Data in Support of LiDAR Acquisition During Maximum Snow Conditions and Maximum Leaf Out in the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: SURFACE EARTH PROCESS SECTION

1. Noah P Molotch($33,150), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Boulder Creek Watershed, Critical Zone Observatories, Snow Conditions, Vegetation Characteristics, Acquisition, Errors, Flights, Lidar, Measure, Processes.

RAPID: Request for Ground-Verification of the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory LIDAR Overflight
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: SURFACE EARTH PROCESS SECTION

1. Frederick N Scatena($32,872), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatory, Ground Verification Campaign, Luquillo Critical Zone, Airborne Lidar, Canopy, Effective, Forest, Height, LCZO, Topography, Watershed.

'Glacier-Climate-Water' Mini-Conference at Lamont
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: SURFACE EARTH PROCESS SECTION

1. Joerg M Schaefer($17,950), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Approaches, Climate, Environmental, Modern, Strategies, Workshop.

U-series Disequilibrium in Weddell Sea Sediments: Rates of Iceberg Discharge and Impact on Global Oceans
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Adi Torfstein($178,098), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Iceberg Discharge, Sea Level, Transport Time, U-series Disequilibrium, Weddell Sea, Age, Antarctic, Climate, Comminution, Context, Dating, Deposition, Evolution, Marine, Process, Relative, Sediment, Sediments, Subglacial, Tectonic, Timescales, U-depletion, Weathering.

Early History of Horned and Duck-billed Dinosaurs: Discoveries in Gansu, China
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Li Daqing($220,000), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Basal Hadrosauria, Basal Neoceratopsia, Critical Interval, Duck-billed Dinosaurs, Herbivorous Dinosaurs, Academy, China, Cretaceous, Derived, Described, Development, Document, Evolutionary, Faunas, Flora, Fossils, Gansu, Has, Liaoning, Mineral, Mongolia, Northwestern, Psittacosauridae, Rich, Source, Taxa, Time, World.

Collaborative Research: Investigating Lithologic and Stratigraphic Controls on Hydrogeology in Neogene Strata of the Central High Plains Aquifer
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Greg Ludvigson($381,000), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Michael S Petronis($266,996), New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas
Key terms: Developmental Stress, Neogene Sediments, Plains Aquifer, Stratigraphic Framework, Core, Derived, Groundwater, Nearly, Time.

Collaborative Research: High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Late Triassic Chinle Fluvial System of the Colorado Plateau
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Samuel A Bowring($114,383), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. David E Fastovsky($35,930), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: High-precision U-pb Zircon, Late Triassic Chinle, U-pb Zircon Geochronology, Biotic Evolution, High-precision U-pb, U-pb Zircon, Allow, Dinosaur, Global, Pis, Time.

Collaborative Research: Seeing the forest with the leaves--inferring plant habit and ecophysiology from leaf fossils
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Maciej A Zwieniecki($159,624), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Charles K Boyce($239,997), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Leaf Compressions, Leaf Fossils, Past Climates, Plant Habit, Chicago, Density, Diversification, Ecology, Ecophysiology, Environment, Evolution, Forests, Information, Leaves, Physiology, Plants, Primary, Provided, Proxies, Structure, Surface, Tools, Vein.

Insights into Dinosaur Body Temperatures, Physiology, and Environments from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. John M Eiler($200,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Dinosaur Body Temperatures, Clumped Isotope, Cold Blooded, Dinosaurs, Fossil, Mammals, Quantitative, Reptiles, Similar, Species.

COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A combined phytolith-isotope geochemistry approach to paleo-vegetation reconstruction in Montana
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Caroline Stromberg($160,666), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Selena Y Smith($252,973), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Grassland Ecosystems, Approach, Grasslands, Montana, North, Paleo-vegetation, Paleosols, Pis, Plant, Reconstruction, Transition, Vegetation.

Accomplishment-Based Renewal: Testing Hypothesized CO2 Forcing of Climate, Glaciation, and Biotic Change During the End Carboniferous
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Isabel P Montañez($394,316), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Ice Sheet, Illinois Basin, Late Paleozoic, ABR, Aridity, Brachiopods, Climate, Collaboration, Component, Cuticles, Cyclothem-scale, End-carboniferous, Integration, Interval, Magnitude, Paleo-pco, Paleotropical, Pennsylvanian, Permit, Restructuring, Vegetation.

New fossils from Tanzania reveal the rapid diversification of Archosauria
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Christian A Sidor($159,992), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Archosaur Fossils, Burke Museum, Collection, Describe, Nesbitt, Position, Tanzania, Triassic.

Microfossil-based Approach to Estimate Hurricane Intensity from the Sedimentary Record
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jeffrey Donnelly($89,503), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Estimate Hurricane Intensity, Hurricane Deposits, Hurricane-induced Deposits, Salt Marshes, Water Depths, Coastal, Deposited, England, Foraminifera, Has, Hurricane-induced, Hurricanes, Intense, Live, Managers, Method, Past, Sand, Sediment, Size, Thickness, Thousands, Time, Waves.

Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jere Lipps($10,000), Cushman Foundation For Foraminiferal Research, Fredericksburg
Key terms: Committee, Foraminiferal, Has, Meet, Meeting, Micropaleontologists, Selection, Students.

Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio Stratigraphy: A Test of the Method in Pennsylvanian Limestones
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Simon R Poulson($59,736), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Carbon Stable Isotope, Limestone Sections, Water Depth, Basin, Basins, Carbonate, Chemistry, Correlation, Cycles, EBSB, Evidence, Excursions, Glacioeustatic, High-resolution, Ice-house, Isotopic, Lithologic, Pennsylvanian, Rates, Ratios, Sea-level, Shallow-water, Spring, Subsidence, Tool, Western.

Joint SEPM-NSF Workshop: Paleosols and Surface Soil System Analogs; September 21-25, 2010 at Petrified Forest National Park (PFNP), Arizona
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Steven G Driese($20,000), Baylor University, Waco
Key terms: Paleosols, Preservation, SEPM.

Collaborative Research: Climatic and Biotic Transformations of Neogene Mammalian Faunas of Pakistan
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Thure E Cerling($70,000), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Catherine Badgley($200,448), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. David R Pilbeam($119,573), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Global Climate, Sea Level, Changing, Environmental, Faunal, Local, Mammalian, Mammals, Million, Neogene, Pakistan, Processes, Siwalik, Soil.

Workshop Proposal: Defining Grand Challenges in Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Isabel P Montañez($29,666), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Geology And Paleobiology, Grand Challenges, Sedimentary Geology, Advances, Archive, California, Conditions, Crust, Decade, Deep-time, Earth, Emerging, Evolutionary, Future, History, Increasingly, Natural, Opportunities, Past, Processes, SGP, Sub-disciplines, Workshop.

Potential GSSP of the Global Kungurian Stage: Trapper Creek, Cassia Mountains, southern Idaho and Rockland, Pequop Mountains, northern Nevada.
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Mark D Schmitz($27,726), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Cassia Mountains, International Commission, Kungurian Stage, Northern Nevada, Pequop Mountains, Southern Idaho, Trapper Creek, Boise, Calibrated, Conodont, GSSP, Global, Rockland, Sections, Stages, Stratigraphy, Time.

Investigating the Environmental and Biological Response to Deccan Volcanism
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Gerta Keller($34,997), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Biological And Environmental, Deccan Volcanism, Lava Flows, Mass Extinction, Effects, Eruption, Fieldwork, India, Investigate, KT, Life, Maastrichtian, Main, Marine, Phases, Plan, Princeton.

Support for Student Participation in the Third International Paleontological Congress (IPC-2010; 28 June - 3 July 2010)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Philip D Gingerich($35,000), Paleontological Society, Mc Lean
Key terms: International Palaeontological Congress, IPC, July, June, London, Paleontology.

Geoinformatics: Leveraging the Paleobiology Database for Research, Education, Mentorship, and Interoperability
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Shanan E Peters($765,604), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Web Services, Activities, Contributors, Databases, Decade, Has, Integrated, Publications, Tools.

EAGER: AMS Dating, Rapid Prototyping and Student Intern for the Tarkio Valley Giant Ground sloth Locality
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Sarah E Horgen($14,928), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Giant Ground Sloth, Ams C14, Tarkio Valley, Ages, Complete, Extraordinary, Genera, Iowa, Successful.

CAREER:Comparative Osteohistology: Exploring Microstructural Signatures of Environmental Stress in Modern and Fossil Ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Kristina A Curry Rogers($571,209), Macalester College, Saint Paul
Key terms: Bone Histological, Bone Microstructure, Bone Tissue, Single Skeletons, Undergraduate Students, Ancient, Assemblages, Baseline, Collaboration, Component, Drought, Fossil, K-, Life, Modern, Similar, Undergraduates, Vertebrate, Vertebrates.

RAPID: Emergency Field Investigation of Oil-Beach Interaction along the Alabama and Florida Beaches Following the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Ping Wang($44,632), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Bp Deepwater Horizon, Deepwater Horizon Oil, Intensive Field, Oil Spill, Oil-beach Interaction, Alabama, Anticipated, Collection, Effects, Environment, Florida, Gulf, Landfall, Mexico, Regional, South.

EAGER: A Novel Approach to Study Earth's Oldest Environments and Biosphere: Tidal, Shelf, and Deep Ocean Habitats in the >3.7 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt, Greenland
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Nora K Noffke($58,026), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: Isua Greenstone Belt, Tidal And Milancovic, Deep Ocean, Rock Successions, Bedding, Camp, Cyclicity, Developed, Earth, Field, Firm, Ga, Gain, Greenland, Gt, Has, Helicopter, IGB, Information, Mid, Origin, Preliminary, Primary, Respect, Setting, Shelf, Structures, Tectonic, Travel, Unique.

EAGER: Sedimentologyand Tephrochronology of Caves in the Melinau Karst, Sarawak, Malaysia
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Joyce Lundberg($51,751), Claremont McKenna College, Claremont
Key terms: Ash Layer, Geochemical Signature, Southeast Asia, Caves, Eruption, History, Mulu, Recognized, Sarawak, Toba, Volcanic, World.

Partial Support for U.S. Participation in Workshop "Unlocking and Developing Collections for Genomic Research"
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Oliver A Ryder($23,724), Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego
Key terms: Dna Sequencing Technology, Changing Environments, Museum Collections, Newly Emerging, Animals, Brink, Entitled, Extinct, Extinction, Field, Frozen, Genetic, Genomic, Information, Methods, Society, Species, Specimens, Unlocking.

Collaborative Research: Graptolite Biogeography, Paleo-GIS, and Evolutionary Dynamics of Early Paleozoic Zooplankton
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Daniel Goldman($255,326), University of Dayton, Dayton
2. Charles E Mitchell($155,288), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
3. H. David Sheets($58,581), Canisius College, Buffalo
Key terms: Climatic And Oceanographic, Evolutionary Dynamics, Biodiversity, Biogeographic, Cenozoic, Changing, Climate, Critical, Cycles, Distribution, Environmental, Episodes, Graptolite, Graptolites, Ordovician, Pis, Silurian, Spatial, Zooplankton.

Collaborative Research: The Late Devonian Tetrapodomorph Tiktaalik roseae
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Callum F Ross($200,000), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Edward B Daeschler($199,990), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
Key terms: Fish-to-tetrapod Transition, Late Devonian, Bones, Chicago, Contribution, Description, Detailed, Educational, Evolution, Evolutionary, Fin, Fins, Fish-to-tetrapod, Fossil, Has, Morphological, Nunavut, Philadelphia, Public, Publication, Roseae, Skull, Species, Specimens, Structure, Tiktaalik, Was.

Miocene Landscape, Temperature and Plant Biodiversity in the Neotropics
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Carlos Jaramillo($160,000), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Giant Freshwater Lake, 17-14 Ma, Caribbean Sea, Shallow Sea, Amazon, Biologists, Colombia, International, Miocene, North, Plant, Stratigraphy, Temperature, Was, Wishes.

COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Were there "too many" browser species worldwide in local faunas of the Early Miocene? Testing a global hypothesis using the Australian fossil mammal record
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. John D Damuth($140,000), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Christine M Janis($118,856), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: 12-10 Million, Browser Species, Environmental History, Mammal Faunas, Ago, Australia, Australian, Biodiversity, Browsers, Evidence, Fossil, Global, Habitats, Local, Modern, North, Phenomenon, Times, Worldwide.

Testing a neutral model for the biotic effects of sea-level change
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Steven M Holland($147,885), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Marine Biodiversity, Sea Level, Shallow Marine, Affect, Combination, Database, Diversity, Field, Geologic, Habitat, Model, Modeling, Organisms, Potential, Sea-level, Shelf.

Reevaluation of 'Friasian' mammal faunas from Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Darin A Croft($206,993), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
Key terms: Mammal Species, Ago, Allow, Argentina, Biodiversity, Bolivia, Chile, Factors, Fossil, Future, Localities, Mammals, Million, Modern, Museum, Neotropical, Neotropics, Particular, Preserving, South, Time, Tropics, Variety.

Understanding the Diversity and Biology of Microbes in Late Paleozoic Ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Thomas N Taylor($390,746), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Complex Interactions, Geologic Time, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Ancient, Associations, Based, Carboniferous, Critical, Devonian, Diversity, Documenting, Evolution, Extant, Fossil, Fungi, Has, Host, Hosts, Increased, Investigate, Microbe, Microbes, Microorganisms, Mutualistic, Organisms, Past, Plants, Various.

An Astronomically-tuned High Resolution Benthic Isotope Stratigraphy for the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. James C Zachos($180,000), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Thermal Maxima, Warming Trend, Astronomically-tuned, Climate, Eocene, Establish, Forcing, Isotope, Long-term, Marine, Mya, Orbital, PETM, Paleocene, Periods, Sections.

EAGER: Do Mass Extinctions Have Diagenetic Consequences? Investigating Unique Early Diagenesis at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Frank A Corsetti($32,837), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbonate Diagenetic Features, Calcium Carbonate, Diagenetic Realm, Extinction Mechanisms, Mass Extinction, Mass Extinctions, Secondary Features, Below, Boundary, Indeed, Layers, Ocean, Pis, Previously, Seafloor, Sediments, Sites, Suggest, T-J, Time, Triassic-jurassic, Unusual.

EAGER: Towards a High Resolution Record of Phanerozoic Ocean Chemistry: Links to Plate Tectonics and Climate
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Emma T Rasbury($27,206), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Plate Tectonics, Seawater Chemistry, Spreading Rates, Sr Behaves, Climate, Fossils, Geochemical, Marine, Mg, Mineral, Models, Produce.

Collaborative Research: Late Cenozoic Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoenvironments of the Tibetan Plateau (China)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Yang Wang($107,018), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Xiaoming Wang($236,998), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ice Age Megafauna, Environmental Implications, Fossil Mammals, Fossil Vertebrates, Stable Isotopes, Tibetan Plateau, Zoogeographic Barriers, Based, Basin, Basins, Biological, Cenozoic, Climate, Drainage, Explorations, Fishes, Fossils, Growth, International, Late, Linked, Million, Paleoenvironments, Past, Pliocene, Qaidam, Region, Regional, Systematic, Unique, Uplift, Zanda.

Collaborative Research: Improved Constraints on Holocene Retreat History of the Laurentide and Scandinavian Ice Sheets from Cosmogenic Dating and Implications for Sea-level Rise
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Peter U Clark($251,887), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Anders E Carlson($216,789), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Sea-level Rise Contributions, Terrestrial Ice Sheets, Global Warming, Naturally Warmer, Retreat Rates, Sea-level Rise, Century, Chronologies, Climate, Cosmogenic, Eastern, Estimates, Existing, Future, LIS, Laurentide, Margins, Melt, Mid-holocene, SIS, Scandinavian, Southern.

Systematic Sampling of the Gray Fossil Site Vertebrates: A Unique Mio-Pliocene Fauna from the Southern Appalachians
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Blaine Schubert($342,509), East Tennessee State University, Johnson City
Key terms: Gray Fossil Site, Eastern North, Late Miocene, Southern Appalachians, Asian, Biota, Connection, Dramatic, Forested, GFS, Species, Was.

Roles of Dissolved Methane and Sulfide in Sedimentary Dolomite Formation
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Huifang Xu($209,448), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, Kinetic Energy Barrier, Low Molecular Dipole, Molecular Dipole Moments, Carbon Sequestration, Disordered Dolomite, Dissolved Methane, Dolomite Crystallization, Sedimentary Dolomites, Catalysts, Dehydration, Dolomitization, Lowering, Mechanism, Mg, Organics, Pis, Protodolomite, Reservoirs, Sites, Sulfide, Temperature.

Collaborative Research: Integrating Radioisotopic and Astronomical Time Scales for the Cretaceous
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Stephen R Meyers($424,401), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Bradley B Sageman($81,111), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Cretaceous Strata, Deep-time Analogues, Volcanic Ash, Brad, Carbon, Deep-time, Energy, GSSP, Geologic, Global, Influence, Million, Ocean, Park, Pueblo, Radioisotopic, Scenarios, Sediment.

Stable Isotopic Evidence of the pCO2 Response to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Dennis V Kent($145,498), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Atlantic Magmatic Province, Carbon Isotope Values, Central Atlantic Magmatic, Atmospheric Co2, Atmospheric Pco2, CAMP, Cycle, Emplacement, Has, LIP, Large-scale, Levels, Lips, Long-term, Myr, Outgassing, Paleosol, Pis, Rock, Stable, Traps, Volcanic, Weathering.

Workshop Proposal for Deep Time Earth-Life Observatories (DETELOs)
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Douglas H Erwin($42,845), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Deep Time Earth-life, Time Earth-life Observatories, Earth-life Observatories, Time Earth-life, Concept, Critical, Detelos, Fashion, Framework, Has, Paleontological, Past, Society, Transitions, Workshop.

Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Gregory M Erickson($190,901), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Mark A Norell($62,724), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: AMNH, Allowed, Biology, Chewing, Complex, Dental, Dinosaurs, Dominant, Ecology, Evolutionary, Hadrosaurids, Hands-on, Herbivorous, Program, Radiations, School, Students, Teacher, Teachers, Teeth.

Award Effective Date: 04/01/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Derek Briggs($99,908), Yale University, New Haven
2. Brian J Witzke($257,950), Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines
Key terms: Peter Sandstone, Winneshiek Fauna, Chelicerates, Conodonts, Crustaceans, Evolutionary, Exceptional, Fossil, Fossils, Iowa, Ordovician, Poorly, Preservation, Shale, Unique, Variety, Was.

Middle-to-Late Jurassic terrestrial vertebrates of China: Systematics and geochronology
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Catherine A Forster($352,656), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Chinese Academy, Shishugou Formation, Theropod Dinosaur, Vertebrate Fossils, Age, Archaeopteryx, Birds, China, Dinosaurs, Evidence, GWU, Jurassic, Middle, Million, Modern, Primitive, Rock, Skeletons, Theropods, Time, Unusual, Vertebrates.

Geomorphic Evolution and Heterogeneity of Holocene Carbonate Tidal Sand Shoals
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Eugene C Rankey($236,804), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Age Dating, Sand Shoals, Tidal Sand, Bahamian, Bars, Bedrock, Holocene, Insights, Island, Lead, Oolitic, Processes, Rates, Stratigraphic, Variable.

Collaborative Research: High-Quality Genome Sequences of Two Divergent Woolly Mammoths
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Stephan C Schuster($300,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Woolly Mammoth, DNA, Evolution, Extinct, Genomic, Has, Lead, Mammoths, Methods, Mitochondrial, Observations, Observed, Population, Preliminary, Sequences, Sequencing, Species, Specimens, Split.

Collaborative Research: Terrestrial Paleoenvironmental Record Through the Permian-Triassic Transition of Texas and New Mexico
Award Effective Date: 09/14/2009; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Cynthia V Looy($22,490), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Time Interval, Carbon, Conditions, Environmental, Environments, History, Mexico, Regional.

Collaborative Research: WSC-Category 3- Toward Sustainability of the High Plains Aquifer Region: Coupled Landscape, Atmosphere, and Socioeconomic Systems (CLASS)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Sustainable Energy Pathways

1. David W Hyndman($1,368,128), Michigan State University, East Lansing
2. Donald O Whittemore($249,997), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Coupled Landscape, Economic Drivers, Irrigated Agricultural, Plains Aquifer, Policy Makers, Agroengineering, Atmospheric, Biological, Biophysical, CLASS, Climate, Complex, Context, Dynamic, Feedbacks, Future, HPA, Historical, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Inform, Insights, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Local, Management, Modeling, Models, Public, Range, Region, Regional, Regions, Simulate, Social, Socioeconomic, Soil, Sustainability, Vegetation, Worldwide.

The Strength of Strike-Slip Faults: Space-Geodetic Constraints for a Ridge-Transtensional System in the Gulf of California
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Falk Amelung($115,670), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: North America-pacific Plate, Seismic Hazard Estimates, America-pacific Plate, Crustal Strength, North America-pacific, Strain Accumulation, Transform Fault, California, Earthquake, Faults, Gulf, Has, Models.

Collaborative Research: Recovering Surface Uplift Histories and Climate Dynamics of the Cenozoic N. American Cordillera through Integrated Climate Modeling and Isotopic Studies
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Christopher J Poulsen($294,272), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. C. Page Chamberlain($208,595), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Rapid Climatic Shifts, Climate Models, Intermontane Basins, Rapid Climate, Significantly Warmer, Stable Isotope, Stable Isotopic, Ago, Analysis, Caused, Detrital, Development, Elevation, Global, Has, Landscape, Low-relief, Million, Mountain, North-to-south, Paleoclimate, Precipitation, Regional, Relief, Reorganization, Surface, Tectonic, Topography, Warming, Was.

Collaborative Research: Geochemistry and Tectonics of Cretaceous Gateway Closure in the Central American Isthmus
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Esteban Gazel($131,040), Columbia University, New York
2. Jonathan E Snow($111,701), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Santa Elena Peninsula, Costa Rica, Exposed Mantle, Structural Analysis, Central, Complex, Constrain, Crust, Evolution, Lithologies, Surface, Tectonic, Volcanic.

The Work Budget of Fault Birth within Accretionary Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Michele Cooke($335,299), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Table-top Sandbox Experiments, Accretionary Wedge, Accretionary Wedges, Active Fault, Fault Growth, Plate Boundaries, Table-top Sandbox, Behavior, Budget, Crust, Deformation, Earth, Earthquakes, Energy, Faults, Has, Nankai, Numerical, Predict, Rock, Scraped, Sediments, Simulate, Students, Tectonic, Theoretical, Zone.

2010 Rock Deformation Gordon Research Conference at Tilton School, New Hampshire
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Nancy R Gray($25,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Mechanism And Microstructure, Microstructure Transitions, Rock Mechanics, Brittle, Conference, Current, Deformation, Directions, Field, Future, Participants, Steady-state, Students.

Collaborative Research: Origin of the Alexander Terrane in the Arctic Realm?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. George E Gehrels($199,993), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. William McClelland($120,712), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Ages And Hf, Alexander Terrane, Canadian Arctic, Field Studies, Graduate Students, Hf Isotope, U-pb Ages, Western Margin, Zircon Crystals, Alaska, Arizona, Displacement, Formed, Geologic, Involved, Involves, North, Occurrence, Paleo-pacific, Potential, Rock, Technique, U-pb, Utilizing.

Collaborative Research: Timing, Extent, and Spatial Progression of Neogene Displacement Transfer, Southern Walker Lane, Western Great Basin
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. John W Geissman($145,926), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. John S Oldow($199,757), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
3. Daniel F Stockli($193,313), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Translational And Rotational, Distributed Strain, Sierra Nevada, Tectonic Blocks, Accommodated, Assess, Basin, Belt, Continent, Crust, Deformation, Degree, Detailed, Displacement, Faults, Histories, Misaligned, Motion, Processes, Structural, Structures, Transcurrent, Vertical-axis, Western, °.

EAGER: Detailed 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of deformed diamictite to quantify strain rates and timing relations of fluid-rock interaction
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. W.A. Yonkee($18,850), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Strain Rates, Analyses, Fluid, Microstructural, Relations, Rheology, Softening.

Collaborative Research: Constraining the Formation and Evolution of the Proterozoic Orogenic Belt of the SW USA Based on Geochronology of Garnet and Accessory Minerals
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Jeffrey D Vervoort($97,405), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Christopher L Andronicos($229,904), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Luhf And Smnd, Continental Crust, Crustal Formation, Degrees Celcius, Metamorphic Conditions, Mountain Building, Southern Rocky, Age, Ages, Belt, Billion, Dating, Directly, Garnet, Metamorphism, Mineral, North, Southwestern, Temperature, Timing.

Assessing Uncertainties in Balanced Cross Sections
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Richard W Allmendinger($223,709), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Balanced Cross Sections, Belts, Canadian, Estimates, Formal, Has, Industry, Method, Models, Shortening, Stratigraphic, Uncertainty.

Collaborative Research: Integrated Geochronology and Paleomagnetism of Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Dikes in Wyoming, A Keystone of North American Cratons
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Kevin R Chamberlain($177,212), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. David Evans($238,335), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Supercontinent Cycles, Ancient, Arrangement, Continent, Cratons, Existence, Methods, Mineral, Neoarchean-paleoproterozoic, North, Rock, Students, Supercontinental, Supercontinents, Tectonic, Time, Wyoming.

Collaborative Research: An integrated GPS and Structural Study of the Cocos-Caribbean Boundary in Nicaragua and El Salvador
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Glen S Mattioli($119,467), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Crustal Thickening, Earthquake Cycle, Forearc Sliver, Leading Edge, Oblique Convergence, Subduction Interface, Volcanic Arc, Bend, Combination, Deformation, El, Faulting, Finite, GPS, Modeling, Region, Salvadoran, Stretching, Structural, Studying, Subductionforearc, Three-dimensional, Trench, Wedge.

Geodetic Constraints on Arc Dynamics and Coupling on the Plate Interface in the Lesser Antilles
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Glen S Mattioli($29,977), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Caribbean Reference Frame, Northern Lesser Antilles, Relative Plate Motion, Arc-parallel Extension, Caribbean Plate, Gps Geodesy, Northeastern Caribbean, Overriding Plate, Plate Boundary, Plate Interface, Slow Subduction, Volcanic Centers, Arc-parallel, Collected, Component, Components, Consistent, Convergence, Corner, Coupling, Deformation, Does, Eastern, Forearc, Gradients, Interior, Islands, Little, Magnitude, Near, Normal, Obliquity, Partitioned, Partitioning, Preliminary, Rates, Separation, Slip, Strain, Strike-slip, Structures, Transverse, Trench, Vector, Velocities.

Metamorphic Core Complexes in Context: Incorporating Gravitational Collapse into the Orogenic Cycle
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Julia A Baldwin($362,031), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Metamorphic Core Complexes, Convergent Settings, Gravitational Collapse, Mid-crustal Rocks, Mountain Building, Numerical Modeling, Pressure-temperature Paths, Activities, Basement, Continent, Cover, Development, Exhumation, Initiation, Maximum, Mid-crustal, Onset, Pressure-temperature, Stages, Thermal, Timing.

A Long Record of Earthquakes with Timing Displacements for the Dead-Sea Transform Fault: A Test of Earthquake Recurrence Models
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Thomas Rockwell($281,000), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Dead Sea Transform, Plate Boundary Fault, Earthquake Recurrence, Past Earthquakes, Faults, Historical, Information, Israel, Models, Parallel, Simple, Worldwide.

Collaborative Research: Toward an Understanding of the Long-Term Deformation in the Mississippi Embayment - Phase II
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Kirk D McIntosh($315,943), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Maria Beatrice Magnani($316,456), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Madrid Seismic Zone, Active Fault, Marine Seismic, Mississippi Embayment, Mississippi River, Acquisition, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Evidence, Faults, Hazard, Intraplate, Long-term, Magnitude, Plate, Responsible, Rigidity, Seismicity, Time, Timing.

Collaborative Research: Tectonic Significance of ca. 1.6 Ga Deformation in SW Laurentia and New Insights on a Protracted Mazatzal Orogeny
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Michael L Williams($90,121), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Kevin R Chamberlain($143,993), University of Wyoming, Laramie
3. Ernest M Duebendorfer($119,036), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Active Plate, Crustal Growth, Newly Accreted, Ocean Basin, Stress Transfer, Sw Laurentia, Ago, Colorado, Continent, Deformation, Ga, Implications, Million, Modern, North, Northern, Period, Phanerozoic, Region, Southern, Stabilization, Tectonic, Was.

Timing, Rates, Episodicity, and Sediment Provenance of Subduction Accretion: Establishing a Geochronologic Framework for Long-term Accretion in the Franciscan Subduction Complex
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Marty J Grove($145,163), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Valley Forearc Basin, Cordilleran Foreland, Detrital Zircon, Franciscan Subduction, Geochronologic Framework, Subduction Complex, Subduction Complexes, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Accretion, Ancient, Beneath, California, Complementary, Dating, Earth, Entirely, Evolve, Existing, Extensive, Geologic, Geophysical, Highly, Mantle, Million, Nevada, Periods, Processes, Rates, Rock, Sets, Severely, Surface, Targets, Tectonic, Time, Units, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Australia Down Under: Quantification of Rates and Amount of Continental Subduction During Neogene Arc-continent Collision on Timor
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Nadine McQuarrie($244,068), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Ronald A Harris($152,988), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Arc-continent Collision, Continental Crust, Ocean Basins, Arc-continent, Basis, Closure, Demise, Has, Island, Magnitude, Margin, Oceanic, Plate, Rock, Sedimentary, Subducted, Subduction, Tectonic, Timor.

Collaborative Research: Use of Novel True Triaxial Tests and Shear Band Theory to Determine Failure Properties of Compactive Porous Sandstones
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. John W Rudnicki($63,602), Northwestern University, Evanston
2. Bezalel C Haimson($284,885), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Shear Band Analysis, Carbon Dioxide, Principal Stresses, Behavior, Compactive, Conditions, Failure, Field, Flow, Fluid, Fluids, Narrow, Observations, Paths, Rock, Sandstones, Sequestration, Trap, Zones.

Collaborative Research: Geodetic Constraints on the Tectonic Processes Operating at the East Flank of the Central Andean Plateau
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Benjamin A Brooks($336,526), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Michael Bevis($336,726), Ohio State University Research Foundation -DO NOT USE, Columbus
Key terms: Active Shortening, Andean Plateau, Eastern Flank, Foreland Basin, Orogenic Wedge, Bend, Continent, Crust, Deeper, Differences, Kinematics, Margin, Mechanisms, Mountain, Plateaus, Processes, Subandes, Topographic, Transition, Uplift, Zone.

Fault Speedometers, Slip Localization, and Slip Complexity on Exhumed Faults
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. James P Evans($94,474), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Fault Surfaces, Highly Polished, Narrow Faults, Rapid Slip, Slip Localization, Wasatch Fault, Analyses, Ancient, Detailed, Earthquakes, Examine, Faulted, Iridescent, Mechanisms, Models, Natural, Nature, Processes, Propagate, Rock, Temperatures, Utah, Zone.

Collaborative Research: Determining the 3D Kinematic Evolution of the Wyoming Laramide, Implications for Processes of Foreland Deformation
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Arlo B Weil($127,332), Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr
2. W.A. Yonkee($100,481), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Foreland Deformation, Vertical-axis Rotations, Wyoming Foreland, AMS, Analysis, Anisotropy, Basement, Building, Calcite, Characteristics, Fabrics, Fault, Fracture, Investigation, Kinematic, Laramide, Mechanical, Minor, Models, Multiple, Orientations, Oriented, Paleomagnetic, Paleostress, Processes, Quantify, Sets, Strain, Stress, Structural, Structures, Various, Vertical-axis.

Collaborative Research: Space-Based Measurements of Crustal Deformation along the Entire Dead Sea Fault System (Eastern Mediterranean)
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Francisco G Gomez($290,337), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Robert E Reilinger($96,857), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Dead Sea Fault, Continental Transform, Crustal Deformation, Earthquake Hazard, Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea, Slip Rates, Strain Partitioning, Transform Fault, Arabian, Aspects, Collision, Earthquakes, GPS, Geodynamic, Geological, Implications, Insight, Issues, Less, Mmyr, Modeling, Plates, Present-day, Processes, Ranks, Recurrence, Region, Relatively, Sinai, Structural, Tectonic, World, Yield.

Strain Accommodation in the Walker Lane: Understanding the Evolution of a Diffuse Plate Boundary with Geochronology and Geodesy
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Kurt L Frankel($279,442), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Multiple Earthquake Cycles, Short And Long-term, Eastern California, Late Pleistocene, Long-term Rates, Plate Boundaries, Plate Boundary, Short-term Rates, Slip Rates, Strain Field, Tectonic Deformation, Time Scales, Walker Lane, Annual, Campaign, Constant, Determined, Discrepancies, Evolving, Fault, Faults, GPS, Geodetic, Geologic, Lithosphere, Region, Short-term, Yield.

Collaborative Research: Causes and Mechanisms of Focused Exhumation Along the Denali Fault, Eastern Alaska Range
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Sarah M Roeske($144,489), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Paul Fitzgerald($139,856), Syracuse University, Syracuse
3. Paul W Layer($153,077), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Eastern Alaska Range, Eastern Denali Fault, Exhumation Rates, Strike-slip Fault, Approach, Crust, Deformation, Earthquake, Focused, Hazard, History, Motion, Pipeline, Plate, Region, Rises, Seismic, Strike-slip, Subduction, Time, Uplift, Versus.

Three Windows in Stress from the Geology of Faults
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2010; Program: Tectonics

1. Emily E Brodsky($319,989), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Absolute Stress, Fault Surfaces, Stress Field, Stress Perturbation, Surface Geometry, Along-strike, Calculate, Damage, Earthquakes, Faults, Features, Measure, Rock, Striations, Surrounding.

The Past Global Changes (PAGES) Project
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2010; Program: nan

1. Bette L Otto-Bliesner($1,454,882), Past Global Changes, Bern 3012
Key terms: Developing, IPO, International, National, PAGES.

REU Site: SCEC Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (SCEC/UseIT)
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2010; Program: nan

1. Thomas H Jordan($338,880), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquake Information Technology, Degree Programs, Southern California, CSIT, Computer, Earthquakes, Graduate, NSF, SCEC, Students, Team-based, USEIT, Undergraduate, Women.