Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Diane LaMacchia($49,988), EARTH IMAGES FOUNDATION, Oakland
Key terms: Hangay Dome, Mongolia 3d, Central, Documentary, Film, Format, Processes, Video.
1. Neil C Sturchio($25,000), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: 85kr And 39ar, Argonne National Laboratory, Noble Gas Radionuclides, International Workshop, National Laboratory, Tracer Applications, ATTA, Broad, Circulation, Determining, Geoscience, Geosciences, Groundwater, Ice, Isotopic, Opportunities, Range, Tracing, Transformative.
1. Thorsten W Becker($301,618), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Lower Mantle, Interdisciplinary, Models, Slab, Software, Stagnation, Transition, Transport.
1. Julia K Morgan($149,977), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Fold And Thrust, Frontal Structures, Thrust Belts, Basement, Carried, Code, Conditions, Decollement, Developed, Discrete, Evolution, Mechanical, Method, Particular, RICEBAL, Responsible, Rice, Simulations, Stratigraphy, Structural.
1. Ronald E Cohen($326,000), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Density Functional Theory, Transition Metal Oxides, Band Theory, Hcp Iron, Inner Core, Iron Metal, Theory Predicts, Transition Metals, AFM, Basic, Believed, Consist, Correctly, DMFT, Does, Dynamical, Earth, Experimental, Experiments, First-principles, Gap, Insulator, LDAU, Magnesiowüstite, Mantle, Methods, Minerals, Observed, Phase, Properties, Standard, Structure, Temperature, Thermal, Transitions, Wüstite.
1. Gary D Egbert($20,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Australian, EM, Geophysics, International, Sensitivity, Workshop.
1. Paul Mann($58,658), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Tectonic Evolution, Uhp Exhumation, Uhp Rocks, Depth, Involves, Objective.
1. Stacia Gordon($266,136), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Asia Collision, Plate Dynamics, Continent, Earth, Global, Indiaasia, Oceanic, Process, Processes, Structural, Subduction, Suturing.
1. Christopher J Martinez($43,447), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Joseph M Smoak($168,582), University of South Florida, Tampa
3. Kenneth Broad($1,039,080), University of Miami, Coral Gables
4. Robert J Meyer($542,021), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
5. David T Ho($288,954), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
6. Rudolf Jaffe($1,540,583), Florida International University, Miami
7. Jose D Fuentes($300,514), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
8. David W Watkins($430,497), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Built And Natural, Sea Level Rise, Management Strategies, South Florida, Stakeholder Evaluations, Sustainable Water, Water Management, Water Resources, Water Supplies, Adaptive, Analyses, Approaches, Behavioral, Benefit, Climate, Cognitive, Criteria, Decision, Decision-making, Diverse, Economic, Ensure, Floridas, Hydro-economic, Incorporate, Influence, Information, Intrusion, Land, Managing, Million, Multiple, Objectives, Population, Populations, Scenario, Selection, Stakeholders, Uncertainty, Value.
1. Matei Georgescu($1,484,952), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Biomass Energy Crops, Degraded And Abandoned, Perennial Biomass Energy, Abandoned Farmland, Bioenergy Crops, Expand Opportunities, Agricultural, Climate, Consequences, Coupled, Decisions, Economic, Effects, Enable, Expansion, Large-scale, Local, Modeling, Models, Participation, Promote, Quantify, Resource, Resources, Security, Surface, Sustainable, Water.
1. Reed M Maxwell($2,322,144), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Availability And Quality, Platte And Colorado, Rocky Mountain West, Colorado River, Govern Water, Management Practices, Million Acres, Mpb Impacts, Water Resource, Water Supply, Biogeochemical, Climate, Dying, Ecological, Ecosystems, Forested, Forests, Health, Hydrologic, Municipalities, Processes, Quantity, Resources, Social, Stakeholder, Students, Watershed, Workshops.
1. Terri S Hogue($1,025,641), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ecohydrologic And Decision-making, Local Water Resources, Technical Advisory Board, Decision-making Tools, Local Groundwater, Los Angeles, Southern California, Water Balance, Water Districts, Water Management, Water Sources, Activities, Boundaries, Climate, Complex, Components, Connectivities, Conservation, Constraints, Current, Datasets, Existing, Extensive, Fiscal, Infiltration, Information, Issues, Ngos, Organization, Outreach, Political, Practices, Public, Rainwater, School, Set, Structure, Students.
1. M. Clara Castro($652,010), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Mantle Geochemistry, Mass Spectrometer, Noble Gas, Noble Gases, Acquisition, Allow, Behavior, Construction, Equipment, Extraction, Fluids, Ice, Lead, Lines, Michigan, Multiple, Rock.
1. Kamini Singha($92,711), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: ER, Electrical, Observations, Penn, Subsurface, Transport.
1. Kunihiko Nishiizumi($149,997), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Cosmogenic, Produced, Quartz.
1. Jed P Sparks($201,156), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Carbon And Water, Water And Nutrient, Acquire Nutrients, Mineral Nutrient, Nutrient Cycles, Shallow Soils, Soil Water, Water Cycles, Water Sources, Acquisition, Calcium, Climate, Conditions, Forests, Increased, Isotopes, Levels, Predict, Species, Strategies, Temperate, Trees, Variable.
1. Evert Elzinga($261,041), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
2. Donald L Sparks($236,175), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Fe And Trace, Biogeochemical Cycling, Dissolved Fe, Flooded Soils, Reductive Dissolution, Released Fe, Riparian Environments, Trace Metal, Trace Metals, Al-bearing, Aquatic, Aqueous, Carbon, Characterize, Conditions, Contaminants, Control, Controlling, Expected, Fate, Feii, Feii-aliii-hydroxide, Feiii-oxide, Fill, Flooding, Formation, Gap, Geochemical, Hypothesize, Importance, Layered, Metalloid, Metalloids, Microbial, Minerals, Phases, Play, Pollutants, Precipitation, Previously, Process, Reaction, Reactivity, Respiration, Restoration, Secondary, Significance, Solution, Structure, Submerged, Substrates, Surface, Thermodynamic, Time, Towards, Toxic, Wetlands.
1. Ferran Garcia-Pichel($449,861), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Genetic And Cellular, Model Microbes, Achieve, Agents, Attempt, Boring, Ca, Contribute, Dissolution, Knowledge, Limestone, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Models, Molecular, Potential, Predict, Respect, Substrates, Techniques, Transport, Widespread.
1. William H Casey($386,574), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Birnessite-like, Catalysts, Core, Delicate, Earth-abundant, Energy, Enzyme, Has, Implications, Light, Manganese, Mineral, Mineral-like, Minerals, Mno, Molecules, Oxidation, Oxide, Photosynthesis, Reaction, Reactions, Sheets, Structure, Student, Transition, Trap, Visible, WOC, Was, Water.
1. Thanos Papanicolaou($149,902), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Douglas J Jerolmack($179,360), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Bed Load Transport, Steep Mountain Streams, Granular Bed, Laboratory Experiments, Sediment Transport, Allow, Boulders, Build, Evolution, Examine, Fluid, Image, Infrastructure, Mathematical, Measure, Model, Models, Motion, Movement, Natural, Processes, Protecting, Pulses, River, Sensors, Stresses, Structures, Useful.
1. Dylan Ward($380,224), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Arid Subtropical, Atacama Desert, Atmospheric Circulation, Chajnantor Plateau, Glacier Modeling, Subtropical Andes, Additional, Adjacent, Chilean, Climate, Dating, Degrees, Establish, Glacial, Glaciation, Glaciers, Histories, History, Ice, Landscape, Little, Models, Mountain, Past, Precipitation, Region, Required, Run, Snowfall, Sustain, Time, Timing, Was, Water.
1. Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink($342,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Present-day Mass Balance, Present-day Mass, Strontium Isotope, Continent, Estimates, Marine, Seawater, Srsr, Temporal.
1. Susan L Brantley($1,173,108), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatory, Susquehanna Shale Hills, Soil Formation, Soil Moisture, Water Flow, Bedrock, CZO, Chemistry, Climate, Control, Energy, Hillslopes, Isotopes, Models, Observations, Satellite, Site, Soils, Surface.
1. Katharine Huntington($365,362), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Mass Spectrometer, Carbonates, Clumped, Education, Students, Thermal.
1. Patrick J Farmer($92,801), Baylor University, Waco
Key terms: Apply Nmr Spectroscopy, Faculty And Students, Internationally-publicized Short-course Intended, Nmr Summer School, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Reservoir And Aquatic, Solid-state Nmr Facility, Equip Students, Internationally-publicized Short-course, Nsf Funds, Organic Matter, Short-course Intended, Soil Carbon, Solid-state Nmr, Technical Expertise, Temperature Proxy, Terrestrial Paleoclimate, Access, Baylor, Center, Climate, Dynamics, Ecological, Ecosystem, Environmental, Establish, Establishment, Information, Initiatives, Institute, Interdisciplinary, Modern, Paleosol, Purchase, Sediment, Structure, Tool.
1. Hailiang Dong($48,000), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Chinese Scientists, Critical Zone, Activities, Announcements, CZ, CZO, China, Czos, Ecosystem, Environmental, Established, Global, International, Layer, Meeting, Methods, Network, Objective, Observatories, Opportunities, Processes, Promote, Rates, Site, Sustain, Workshop.
1. Jay L Banner($223,903), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Kinetic Isotope Effects, Drip Water, Rooted Plants, Calcite, Carbon, Caves, Composition, Isotopic, Karst, Multiple, Processes, Speleothem, Students, Texas, Tool.
1. William D Carlson($310,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: X-ray Computed Tomography, X-ray Computed, CT, Enabling, Engineering, Has, Image, Instrument, Kev, National, Principal, Range, Resolution, Scanner, Scanning, Sources, Superior, Technology, UTCT.
1. Jeffrey G Catalano($175,000), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Activities, Instrument, Phase, Training, XRD.
1. Thomas S Duffy($230,158), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Acquisition, Geosciences, Pressure, Princeton, Raman, Spectrometer, Student.
1. Emilio Mayorga($551,176), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Information Model, Consortium, Hydrologic, Integrated, Interoperability, Multiple, Observations, Plan, Publishing, Repositories, Specific, Standards, Web.
1. Gregory S Okin($351,710), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Paolo D'Odorico($215,872), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Dust Emissions, Dust Source, Kalahari Dunes, Kalahari Environment, Southern Hemisphere, Vegetation Cover, Africa, Arid, Assessment, Atmospheric, Climate, Composition, Has, Land, Potential, Reactivation, Sources.
1. Jonathan Woodruff($237,233), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Anna M Martini($31,054), Amherst College, Amherst
3. Daniel G MacDonald($64,280), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
Key terms: Tidal Floodplain Waterbodies, Connecticut River, Environments Play, Field Site, Tidal Rivers, Contaminants, Designated, Fine-grained, School, Sediment, Significance, Storage, Trapping.
1. Anthony K Aufdenkampe($1,503,590), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Czodata Prototype, Ocean Observing, Approach, Based, Capabilities, Center, Collaborative, Consortium, Cyber-infrastructure, Developed, Developing, Development, Hydrological, Integrated, Integrating, Management, Multi-disciplinary, Program, Surface.
1. Stephen K Boss($40,000), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Washington Dc, Conference, Environmental, Facilitate, NABGG, St, Students.
1. Alexander S Kolker($282,639), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
2. Jaye E Cable($255,576), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
3. Karen H Johannesson($225,996), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Buried Ancient Channels, Mississippi River Delta, Adjacent Bays, Chemical Cycles, Coastal Ecosystems, Groundwater Discharge, Hydraulic Connection, Main River, Mass Fluxes, River Stage, Sea-level Rise, Bayous, Biogeochemical, Chemistry, Deltaic, Deltas, Flow, Ft, Function, Has, Largest, Little, Metals, Network, North, Nutrients, Ocean, Paleochannel, Play, Produce, Rivers, Sea-level, Sediments, Students, Time, Water.
1. Jessica D Lundquist($310,125), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Martyn Clark($64,052), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Intermittent Snow Zone, Land Surface, Multiple Methods, Seasonal Snow, Surface Albedo, Climate, Contributes, Estimate, Fluxes, Has, Heat, Internal, Melt, Model, Modeling, Processes, Rain-on-snow, Sensitive, Simulate, Snowpack, Soil, Temperature, Times, Water, Winter.
1. John E Kutzbach($334,414), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Richard L Edwards($254,960), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Inez Fung($316,573), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
4. Warren Beck($220,948), University of Arizona, Tucson
5. Gerard Roe($304,005), University of Washington, Seattle
6. Nathan A Niemi($685,383), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
7. Peter H Molnar($250,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
8. Carmala N Garzione($328,738), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Perturbs Atmospheric Circulation, Tibetan Plateau, Crust, Evolving, Field, Grown, Has, Laboratory, Lithosphere, Techniques, Terrain, Thickening.
1. Eli Tziperman($35,000), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Atmospheric And Climate, Travel And Lodging, Climate Dynamics, Mathematical Geophysics, Applied, CMG, Conference, Costs, Faculty, International, Meeting, Models, Oceanography, Students.
1. Jeffrey S Allen($100,482), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Atmospheric Shock Propagation, Shock Tube Experiment, Explosive Power, Shock Waves, Conditions, Eruption, Feasibility, Generate, Volcanic, Volcano.
1. Adam C Simon($379,393), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Adam C Simon($183,070), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Pressure And Temperature, Arc Magmas, Experimental Techniques, Metamorphic Dehydration, Phd Student, Subduction Zone, Allow, Aqueous, Ce, Chemistry, Collaboration, Concentrations, Effects, Faculty, Fluid, Fluids, Geochemical, Geoscience, Gpa, HFSE, Has, Involves, K-, Measured, Meetings, Mentor, Nature, Nb, Partitioning, Pis, Piston-cylinder, Process, Regularly, Relative, School, Si, Significantly, Students, Summer, Trace, UNLV, Wherein, Xenotime.
1. Chen Zhu($299,976), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Co2 Storage, Critical Zone, Dissolution Rates, Earth's Crust, Feldspar Dissolution, Global Warming, Reaction Rates, Abundant, Ambient, Discrepancy, Environmental, Experiments, Feldspars, Field, Geological, Has, Israel, Laboratory, Life, Soil, Stresses, Weathering.
1. Stephen DeLong($0), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Joseph M Licciardi($44,500), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Nancy R Riggs($305,490), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Basaltic Volcanism, Northern Arizona, Quaternary Dating, Biosphere, Eruption, Experience, Field, Final, Flagstaff, Lab, Landscape, Mentor, Mentors, Network, Posters, Program, REU, Student, Students, Summer, Week, Weeks.
1. Andrew Freed($148,000), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Thorsten W Becker($177,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Afterslip And Viscoelastic, Active Faults, Crustal Stresses, Seismic Hazards, Tohoku-oki Earthquake, Tohoku-oki Rupture, Tokyo Region, Viscoelastic Relaxation, Achieved, Adjacent, Constraints, Decades, Economic, Enable, Fatalities, Geodetic, Insights, Japan, Japanese, Model, Postseismic, Primary, Processes, Seeks, Slip, Tectonic, Tohoku-oki, Transfer, Trillion, Viscous, Was.
1. Noah P Molotch($1,000,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Boulder Creek Critical, Creek Critical Zone, Critical Zone Observatory, Evolution And Function, Zone Observatory, Bcczo, CU, Development, Discovery, Established, Experience, Hydrologic, Interactions, Landscape, Processes, Regolith, Students, Summer, Trees.
1. Martha H Conklin($1,000,000), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Distribution And Function, Ecosystem And Landscape, Deep Rooting, Rain-snow Transition, Rapid Seasonal, Soil Moisture, Southern Sierra, Biogeochemical, CZO, Climate, Critical-zone, Current, Cycling, Elevation, Forests, Foundation, Gradients, Hydrologic, Influence, Interact, Management, Multiple, NPP, Perturbations, Platform, Precipitation, Processes, Rain-snow, Rates, Respond, Rich, Students, Vegetation, Water, Weathering.
1. Darryl E Granger($2,699,900), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Prime Lab, Geoscience, NSF, Numerous, Preparation, Processes, Purdue, Radionuclides, Soil, Students, Teaching.
1. Sarah J Titus($444,065), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Transform Fault Deformation, Oceanic Plates, Stem Students, Summer Program, Broadly, Carleton, Directly, Educational, Examine, Field, Girls, Model, Modeling, Sites, Undergraduate.
1. Vadim L Levin($305,898), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. William H Menke($455,260), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Central Core, Cratonic Core, Geological Features, Terrain Boundaries, Beneath, Bottom, Consist, Continent, Has, Icebergs, Keel, Layers, Mystery, Onions, Properties, Quebec, Structure, Summer, TA.
1. Lucy Flesch($115,000), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Gregory P Waite($126,928), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
3. Philip E Wannamaker($38,222), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
4. George R Keller($120,325), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
5. Suzan van der Lee($206,585), Northwestern University, Evanston
6. Adam Schultz($60,498), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Gravity And Magnetic, East African, Lake Superior, Mid-continent Rift, Arms, Baikal, Extends, Failed, Happened, Mid-continent, Ocean, Rifting, Rifts, Rock, Similar, Split.
1. Dean Livelybrooks($77,739), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Kerry W Key($434,500), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Adam Schultz($504,113), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Fluid Distribution, Subduction Zone, Transitional Zone, Cascadia, Competing, Detail, ETS, Fluids, High-resolution, MOCHA, MT, Margin, Models, Offshore, Plate, Region, Slab, Subducting.
1. Nicholas Schmerr($76,207), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Matthew J Fouch($3,140), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Seismic Discontinuities, Datasets, Discontinuity, Earthscope, Mantle, Provided, Seismological, Structure, Tool, Tools, Usarray.
1. Paul Bedrosian($82,893), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Rio Grande Rift, Low Strain-rate, Pilot Experiment, Assess, Beneath, Magnetotelluric, Models, Region, Rifting, Seismic, Strain-rate, Thermal.
1. Matthew J Fouch($146,971), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Juan De Fuca, Basin Region, Continuous Gps, Earthscope Program, Mantle Flow, Seismic Imaging, Analyses, Anisotropy, Anomalies, Beneath, Comprehensive, Considered, Decoupling, Deformation, Developed, Discoveries, Driven, Dynamics, Effort, Evolution, Findings, Focused, Geodetic, Geologic, Geological, Geophysical, IRIS, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Models, Multidisciplinary, Present-day, Quaternary, Strain, Subducting, Surface, Tectonic, Themes, Upper, Western, Zone.
1. Daniel Lizarralde($681,040), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Donna J Shillington($534,051), Columbia University, New York
3. Steven H Harder($295,151), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Atlantic Magmatic Province, Central Atlantic Magmatic, Explosive Charges, Igneous Rocks, Sound Waves, Ago, Basin, Composition, Continent, Crust, Deployed, Georgia, Million, North, Structures, Students, Suture, Tectonic.
1. Jeroen Tromp($39,676), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Rosamond Kinzler($46,525), American Museum Natural History, New York
3. Benjamin K Holtzman($94,708), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Seismic Wave Fields, Visual And Sonic, Natural History, Public Programs, AMNH, Array, Earthquake, Experience, Format, Generated, Globe, Images, Methodology, Museum, People, Physics, Planetarium, Produced, SPECFEMD, Seismologists, Software, Sounds.
1. Bridget R Smith-Konter($170,797), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
2. David T Sandwell($220,015), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: San Andreas Fault, Accumulation Rate, Crustal Deformation, Plate Boundary, Seismic Moment, Spatial Resolution, Strain Rate, Western North, Accuracy, Accurately, Archive, Atmospheric, Available, Development, Earthquake, Errors, Faults, Funding, GPS, High-resolution, Insar, Involves, Maps, Missions, PBO, Provided, Rates, SAFS, SAR, Setting, Software, Spacing, Vector, Winsar.
1. Craig Glennie($82,894), University of Houston, Houston
2. Jean-Bernard Minster($29,764), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Srikanth Saripalli($89,333), Arizona State University, Tempe
4. Michael E Oskin($93,458), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Airborne Lidar Scans, Baja California, Coseismic Surface, Differential Lidar, Displacement Field, Distributed Components, Fault Slip, Fault Zones, Fault-zone Deformation, Applications, Challenges, Development, EMC, Earthquake, Fault-zone, Faults, Gained, Knowledge, Mechanical, NSF, Pre-earthquake, Program, Ptsm, Rupture, Ruptures, Successive, Techniques, UC.
1. Catherine de Groot-Hedlin($180,124), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Infrasonic And Gravity, Gravity Wave, Gravity Waves, Ground Motion, Infrasonic Sources, Arrival, Atmospheric, Microphones, Phenomena, Registered, Sites, Skyquakes, Specifically, Structure, TA, Usarray.
1. David J Mencin($49,918), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Products And Formats, Real Time, Volcanic Eruptions, Based, Hazards, Natural, Positions, RTGPS, Workshop.
1. Mark P Panning($178,331), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Beneath North, Joint Inversions, Anisotropic, Anisotropy, Approach, Approaches, Dynamic, Lithospheric, Modeling, Orientation, Processes, Software, Splitting, Structure, Towards, Usarray, Wave.
1. Magali I Billen($310,855), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Deformation And Surface, Pull Tectonic Plates, Surface Plate Motions, Earth's Mantle, Earth's Surface, Phase Transitions, Plate Boundaries, Sinking Slab, Slab Deformation, Slab Seismicity, Ability, Beneath, Contribute, Deforms, Depends, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Force, Forces, Mineral, Models, Properties, Shape, Slabs, Stress, Subducting, Subduction, Undergraduate.
1. Jay L Banner($330,657), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Reu Program, Reu Students, Ecology, Global, Graduate.
1. Nathan A Niemi($523,366), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Basin And Range, Geological And Geophysical, Cenozoic Time, Continental Crust, Exhibit Museum, Lacustrine Carbonates, Late Cenozoic, Middle School, Plate Boundaries, Plate Tectonics, Development, Elevation, Evolution, Extension, Has, History, Incorporated, Models, Movie, Outreach, Plateau, Processes, Province, Spatial, Students, Variety, Western.
1. Michael Hubenthal($629,985), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Geographically Distributed, Reu Model, Cohort, Collection, Cyber-infrastructure, Experiences, Has, IRIS, Intern, Knowledge, Opportunity, Organizations, Program, Seismological, Seismology, Students, Week.
1. Andrew J Campbell($479,085), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Deep Interior, Earth's Core, Allow, Candidate, Composition, Compositions, Constitution, Dynamics, Evolution, Experiments, Gt, Measure, Melting, Planets, Pressures, Processes, Structure, Temperature, Temperatures, Transitions.
1. Aleksey V Smirnov($476,009), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Biosphere And Atmosphere, Earth's Magnetic Field, Solid Inner Core, Dike Swarms, Earth's Magnetic, Field Characteristics, Geological History, Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Shielding, Paleofield Strength, Solar Radiation, Time Periods, Billion, Canada, Causative, Current, Database, Dated, Determinations, Evolution, Exist, Formation, Ga, Geodynamo, Has, High-quality, Implications, Increase, Investigating, Life, Links, Long-term, Million, Paleointensity, Paleomagnetic, Particular, Precambrian, Proterozoic, Remain, Rock, Strong, Transitions, View, Weaker.
1. Josef Dufek($491,906), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Ash Dispersal Models, Grain Size, Atmosphere, Conditions, Conduit, Distribution, Dynamics, Eruption, Field, Integrated, Laboratory, Play, Processes, Reach, School, Tools, Vent, Volcanic, Web.
1. J Ramon Arrowsmith($33,050), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Earthscope National Office, Provider Summit, Eando, Education, Organizations, Products, SERC.
1. Yvette D Kuiper($463,601), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Deeper Domains, Geoscience Departments, Mountain Belt, Nashoba Terrane, Nsf Ear, Preliminary Field, Appalachian, Appalachians, Boston, Collapse, East, Encouraged, England, Exhumation, Geological, History, Late-stage, Merrimack, Million, Program, Southeastern, Student, Students, Terranes, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Various.
1. Sean P Long($392,960), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Crust Evolves, Himalayan Range, Bhutan, Bhutans, Buried, Collision, Debate, Field, Geologic, Laboratory, Models, Mountain, Natural, Partially, Rock, Students, Surface, Survey.
1. Matthew D Covington($262,795), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Channel Cross Sections, Highly Soluble Rocks, Bedrock Channels, Landscape Evolution, Mechanical Erosion, Mountain Ranges, Soluble Strata, Aquifers, Cave, Caves, Chemical, Climate, Common, Concerning, Consider, Containing, Current, Dissolution, Effects, Formation, Incision, Information, Lead, Lithologies, Model, Models, Process, Processes, Sediment, Transport, Weathering, Worlds.
1. Jeffrey Humpherys($215,489), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Potential Energy Terms, Computational Studies, Intensive Training, Low-temperature Geochemistry, Ability, Accurate, Advanced, Applicable, Applied, BVM, BYU, Based, Basic, Calculations, Chemistry, Complex, Comprehensive, Context, Crystallography, Difficult, Discipline, Disciplines, Energetics, Experimental, Interface, Interfaces, Interpret, Low-temperature, Mathematical, Mathematics, Mentoring, Mineral-water, Model, Models, Molecular, Numerical, Processes, Prove, Reaction, Reactions, Required, Simple, Standard, Structural, Structures, Students, Usually.
1. Peter C Ryan($137,580), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Humid Tropical Soil, Rates And Mechanisms, Costa Rica, Geology Majors, Middlebury Geology, Tropical Soils, Classes, Climate, Color, Composition, De, Demographic, Field, Has, Indicate, International, K-S, Kaolinite, MAP, Opportunity, Reaction, Reactions, Solution, Students, Time, Transformation, UCR, Undergraduate.
1. Devon J Renock($242,538), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Udo Becker($254,661), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Oxide Mineral Surfaces, Sulfide And Oxide, Molecular Simulations, Rate Laws, Rate Limiting, Spin Transfer, Cycling, Describe, Developing, Development, Future, Geochemical, Implications, Kinetics, Macroscale, Mechanisms, Models, Name, Nanoscale, Probe, Processes, Reaction, Reactions, Redox, Steps, Techniques, Toxic.
1. Carl H Tape($285,937), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Active Tectonic Settings, Abundant Earthquakes, Body Waves, Reference Model, Sedimentary Basins, Seismic Imaging, Surface Waves, Time Scales, Wave Propagation, Wave Speed, Adjoint, Alaska, Crust, Methods, Three-dimensional.
1. Shikha Sharma($265,542), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Energy And Environment, Isotope Laboratory, Stable Isotope, Advancing, Department, Initiative, Instrument, Issues, National, Pis, Program, Programs, Region, Shale, Training, WVU.
1. Diana L Karwan($127,500), Karwan Diana L, Exton
Key terms: Education Program, Suspended Sediment, Bank, Carbon-, Composition, Environmental, Mechanisms, Sediments, Source, Stream, Water, Watershed.
1. Michael L Thompson($117,377), Iowa State University, Ames
2. Rolfe Mandel($13,647), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Jingdong Mao($88,091), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
4. Elmer Bettis III($86,781), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Landscape Evolution, Organic Matter, Paleosol Om, Quaternary Paleosols, Aerated, Buried, Carbon, Charcoal, Components, Has, Information, Iowa, Kansas, Loess, Millennial, Periods, Reconstructions, Refine, Soils, Stability, Students, Univ, Widespread.
1. Clara Chan($423,632), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Microbial Fe Oxidation, Oxidation Rates, CRB-CZO, Circumneutral, Cycling, DE, Diversity, Educational, Environmental, Environments, Feom, Genes, Integrated, Methods, Microbes, Objectives, Ph, Recognize, School, Students.
1. Lisa K Tiemann($520,229), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Soil Organic Matter, Maintaining Soil, Soil Fertility, Barriers, Crop, Declines, Enable, Explore, Factors, Fellows, Food, Increasing, Land, Local, Practices, Productivity, Socio-economic, Sustainability, Sustainable.
1. Peter Barry($170,000), Barry Peter, La Jolla
Key terms: Crustal Recycling, Isotope Characteristics, Nitrogen Isotope, Age-range, Earth, Evidence, Focus, Furthermore, Gas, Has, He-n-ne, Isotopes, Mantle, Petrological, Recycled, Reservoirs, Span, Strong, Students, Tennessee, Xenolith.
1. Sylvia-Monique Thomas($203,689), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Earth's Mantle, Heat Flow, Heat Flux, Heat Transfer, In-situ Optical, Radiative Heat, Radiative Thermal, Thermal Conductivities, Thermal Conductivity, Centre, Constituents, Contribute, Dynamics, Experimental, Extend, High-pressure, Hydrous, In-situ, Interior, Lithospheric, Models, Nature, Olivine, Ringwoodite, Spectroscopy, Upper, Wadsleyite.
1. Clinton P Conrad($263,596), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Affects Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, Earth's Interior, Numerical Models, Solid Earth's, Undergraduate Students, Boundary, Comparing, Compute, Constraints, Decades, Deformation, Directly, Geologic, Glacial, Melting, Millions, Observations, Ocean, Spatial, Timescales.
1. Daniele Tonina($247,624), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
2. Kevin P Feris($250,233), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Large-scale Flume Experiments, Greenhouse Gas, Hyporheic Zone, Large-scale Flume, N2o Emissions, N2o Generation, Reactive Nitrogen, Stream Flow, Traditional Observational, Anthropogenic, Approaches, Biochemical, Channel, Composition, Control, Exchange, Hydraulics, In-situ, Interdisciplinary, Manipulative, Microbial, Models, Morphology, Natural, Poorly, Processes, Rates, Reactions, Streambed, Streams, Strongly, Transformation, Water.
1. Larisa Grawe DeSantis($270,218), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Analysis, Cenozoic, Confocal, Fossil.
1. William H Amidon($157,512), Middlebury College, Middlebury
2. Douglas W Burbank($143,370), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Past Erosion Rates, Mountain Belts, Ancient, Andes, Climate, Cosmogenic, Dating, Deformation, Developing, Earth, Eroded, Establish, Exposure, Has, History, Isotope, Isotopes, Modern, Ne, Paired, Poorly, River, Rock, Sediment, Sediments, Surface, Tectonic, Time, Timescales, Typically.
1. Guilherme Gualda($500,350), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Giant Magma Bodies, Supereruptions Eject, X-ray Tomography, Brazil, Characterization, Courses, Crystal, Deposits, Electron, Eruption, Evolution, Experience, Imaging, Knowledge, Largest, Students, Summer, Surface, Timescales, Tuff, X-ray, Zealand.
1. Guoquan Wang($306,507), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Education And Outreach, High-rate Gps Network, Monitoring And Early-warning, Permanent Gps Stations, Puerto Rico Seismic, Real-time High-rate Gps, Rico Seismic Network, Gps Technology, High-rate Gps, Natural Hazards, Real-time High-rate, Stations Operated, Applications, Component, Disciplines, Earthquake, Engineering, Focus, Graduates, Has, Increase, Integration, Precision, Promoting, Students, Technologies, Tsunami, Undergraduates.
1. Barbara L Dutrow($198,458), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Paul A Mueller($288,182), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Sawtooth National Recreational, Continental Crust, Crust Exposed, Elemental Abundances, Igneous Rocks, Sawtooth Crust, Sw Montana, Western Idaho, Accreted, Age, Ago, Appended, Constrain, Dating, Deposited, Does, Eastern, Evolution, Florida, Formed, Gt, History, Individual, LSU, Laboratory, Lies, Metamorphosed, Myo, North, Origin, Partnership, Precambrian, Radiometric, Range, STEM, Techniques, Terrane, Time, Unique, Was.
1. Robert W Dunn($121,590), Hendrix College, Conway
Key terms: Nsf Transportable Earthscope, Ring Laser Gyroscopes, Rotational Ground Motion, Transportable Earthscope Array, Atmospheric Infrasound, Barometric Pressure, Dense Array, Infrasound Signatures, Mississippi Embayment, Rotational Components, Seismic Waves, Central, Earthquakes, Hendrix, Hurricanes, Information, Madrid, Seismographs, Sensitive, Students.
1. Joseph M Wheaton($270,770), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Braided Rivers, River Management, Sediment Supply, Advance, Andor, Available, Braiding, Climate, Efforts, Experimentation, Flooding, Gravel, Importance, Model, Modeling, Predict, Predictive, Resources, Seeks, Simulation.
1. Joshua C Stachnik($75,747), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($64,161), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Kasper van Wijk($16,223), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Ambient Seismic Noise, Crust-mantle Boundary, Crustal Thickness, Moho Diffractions, Surface Elevation, Apply, Continent, Crust-mantle, Deeper, Developed, Earthquakes, Elevations, Has, Region, Rocky, Shallow, Source, Techniques, Underneath.
1. Karin Kettenring($21,746), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Riverine Si Transport, Coastal Ocean, Riparian Vegetation, Si Transported, Suspended Sediment, Asi, Deposition, Dsi, Ecosystems, Effect, Flux, Land, Rivers, Sea, Silica, Silicon, Undergraduate, Utah, Via.
1. Dawn Cardace($63,357), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
2. D'Arcy Meyer-Dombard($76,471), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Biomass And Biodiversity, Deep Subsurface Habitat, Scientifically Uncharted Realm, Zambales And Palawan, Biogeochemical Cycling, Deeply Sourced, Estimated Recently, Ophiolite Regions, Ph Fluids, Subsurface Biosphere, Subsurface Occupy, Accommodate, Allow, Analytical, Applications, Broader, Carbon, Critical, Crust, Depths, Earth, Field, Findings, Geobiology, Habitable, Has, Inhabiting, Investigate, Life, Localities, Low, Mentorship, Metabolisms, Microbial, Mind, Penetrate, Philippines, Potential, Processes, Rock, School, Settings, Springs, Storage, Students, Surface, Survive, Waste.
1. Joshua Schwartz($97,726), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Blue Mountains Province, Jurassic Contractional Deformation, Late Jurassic Contractional, Lateral Tectonic Collisions, Low Sry Magma, Low Sry Plutons, Plutons And Batholiths, Sry Magma Generation, Continental Crust, Crustal Structure, Magmatic Belts, Orogenic Belts, Sry Magmatism, Arc-arc, Characteristics, Distribution, Geochemical, Mechanisms, Metamorphism, Model, Models, Na, Paired, Structural, Time.
1. Anthony K Aufdenkampe($99,922), Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale
Key terms: Critical Zone Scientists, CZ, Domain, Earthcube, Integrate, Workshop.
1. Anders J Noren($99,994), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Discovery, Disparate, Domain, Earthcube, Existing, Interact.
1. Jennifer Arrigo($84,681), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Critical Zone, Deeper Crust, Fluid Flow, Advance, Digital, Energy, Fields, Hold, Land, Models, Permeability, Regions, Rock, Structure, Subsurface, Surface, Water.
1. James D Walker($50,000), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Geology And Tectonics, Earthcube Effort, Structural Geology, Creating, Critical, Cyberinfrastructure, Digital, Drivers, Existing, Field, Geosciences, Inference, Integration, Interactions, Organizations, SGTC, Spectrum, Tools, Workshop.
1. Wonsuck Kim($35,470), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Earthcube Effort, Charrette, Development, Experimental, Has, Hsu, Pis, Processes, Subsurface, Surface, Workshop.
1. Elizabeth A Hajek($70,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Tectonic And Climatic, Landscape Dynamics, Virtual Workshop, Beyond, Comprise, Deposits, Discussing, Earthcube, Fields, Geomorphologists, Helped, Initiative, Interdisciplinary, MYRES, Modeling, Range, Sedimentary, Sedimentologists, Stratigraphers, Timescales.
1. Christopher J Jenkins($69,452), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Miron Livny($129,380), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Accessible, Bring, Comb, Dark, Database, Development, Discovered, Figures, Geoscience, Inaccessible, Individual, Information, Light, Literature, Manually, Search, Text, Time, Tool, Websites.
1. Richard P Hooper($15,324), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
2. Xu Liang($97,487), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
3. Yao Liang($88,495), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Time And Effort, Modeling Framework, River Forecast, Allow, Available, Collaboration, Hydrological, Interact, Interfaces, Models, Prototype, Significantly, Surface.
1. Peter Fox($99,999), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Knowledge Management, Development, Earthcube, Gaps, Interoperability, Interoperable, Workshop.
1. Rahul Ramachandran($99,394), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
Key terms: Adequate, Analysis, Approaches, Development, Earthcube, Geoscience, Process.
1. Martyn Clark($15,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Christopher J Duffy($15,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Chathura Herath($14,999), Indiana University, Bloomington
4. Ewa Deelman($55,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Knowledge Management, Adequate, Broad, Capability, Creating, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Distributed, Diverse, Earthcube, Information, Range, Workflow.
1. Jay Pearlman($218,524), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Nsf Initiative, Approach, Broad, Brokering, Capability, Computer, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Diverse, Earthcube, Geoscience, Knowledge, Management, Technologies.
1. Janet Fredericks($26,895), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Yong Liu($18,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Liping Di($18,000), George Mason University, Fairfax
4. Jeffery S Horsburgh($18,000), Utah State University, Logan
5. Reagan W Moore($61,719), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
6. Clifford R Matsumoto($17,972), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
7. Scott D Peckham($18,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Layered Architecture, Approaches, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Effectiveness, Effort, Existing, Geoscience, Geosciences, Management, NSF, Protocols, Technologies, Tools, Various.
1. Ilya Zaslavsky($217,932), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Approach, Collaborative, Core, Create, Cross-domain, Engages, Engineering, Geoscience, Interoperability, Interoperable, Services.
1. Hassan A Babaie($9,940), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
2. Akhaury K Sinha($89,924), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Semantics And Ontologies, Knowledge Management, Access, Adequate, Broad, Capability, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Distributed, Earthcube, Geoscience, Interoperable, Process, Roadmap.
1. Jennifer Arrigo($27,636), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
2. David Gochis($50,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. James S Famiglietti($63,813), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
4. Scott D Peckham($60,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Model Components, Approaches, Broader, Focuses, Geoscience, Investments, Modeling, Models, NSF, Users.
1. Timothy K Ahern($200,953), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Web Service, Allow, Approach, Broader, Development, Engages, European, Focuses, Geoscience, Geosciences, Holdings, Management, Repositories.
1. Ilkay Altintas($18,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Layered Architecture, Approaches, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Effectiveness, Effort, Existing, Geoscience, Geosciences, Management, NSF, Protocols, Technologies, Tools, Various.
1. Geoffrey C Fox($99,999), Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson
Key terms: Knowledge Management, Adequate, Agreed, Common, Creating, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Earthcube, Engage, Geoscience, Geosciences, Interoperable, Protocols, Standards.
1. John M Holbrook($500,000), Texas Christian University, Fort Worth
Key terms: Engineering Challenges, Geothermal Energy, Sedimentary Basins, Sedimentary-basin Geothermal, Central, November, Potential, RCN, Sedimentary-basin, Was, Workshop.
1. Jennifer A Roberts($51,521), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Global Climate, Methane Flux, Ny Ålesund, Oxidation Rates, Soil Geochemistry, Activity, Analyses, Arctic, BAZ, Biological, CH, Collaboration, Environment, Environments, Gas, Geochemical, Has, Methanotrophs, Natural, Perform, School, Soils, Svalbard, UK.
1. Jeroen Tromp($1,550,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Adjoint And Scattering-integral, Full-3d Tomography, Scattering-integral Methods, Anelastic, Based, Center, Code, Computational, Full-d, Heterogeneous, Highly, Information, Models, Platforms, Propagation, Software, Solid, Solving, Structure, Structures, Wave.
1. Nancy F Glenn($219,000), Idaho State University, Pocatello
2. Joseph M Wheaton($100,599), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Ground-based Lidar, ALS, Airborne, Algorithms, Analysis, Challenges, Clouds, Generation, Ground-based, Platforms, Software, Surface, TLS, Tools.
1. Anthony Koppers($361,023), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Catherine Constable($375,980), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Access, Archive, Continued, Databases, Magic, Online, Paleomagnetic, Pis, Rock.
1. Mark Goodwin($15,731), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Digital Cranial Atlas, Growth And Development, Uc Berkeley Undergraduate, Comparative Cranial, High-resolution X-ray, Pachycephalosaurid Dinosaurs, Cretaceous, Diversity, Dome, Evolutionary, Museum, North, Ontogeny, Paleontology, Royal, Scans, Serve, Skull, Skulls, Stage, Students, X-ray.
1. Surendra K Saxena($32,500), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Computer, Genome.
1. Paul D Asimow($490,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Access, Alphamelts, Capabilities, Enable, Features, Interaction, MELTS, Modeling, Models, Package, Rock, Software, Tools, Users.
1. Gary D Egbert($221,875), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: 3d Mt, Academic, Applications, Applied, Available, Capabilities, Developed, Development, EM, Extending, Focus, Geophysical, Has, Initial, Inversion, Maintaining, Methods, Modem, Software, Supporting, Users.
1. David J Mencin($208,386), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Fault Zone, Analysis, Approach, Behavior, Deformation, Earthquake, Faults, Rupture.
1. Bette L Otto-Bliesner($151,610), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Climate Simulations, Time Periods, CESM, Consider, Liaison, Model, NCAR, Ocean, Position, Processes, Quaternary, Various.
1. Julie Brigham-Grette($1,750,564), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Jeffrey Snyder($149,336), Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green
Key terms: Arctic Climate, Glacial Cycles, Ice Cores, Lake El'gygytgyn, Terrestrial Arctic, Atmospheric, Elgygytgyn, Ky, Massachusetts, Period, Teacher, Teachers, Was.
1. Matthew E Kirby($95,557), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
2. Sarah Feakins($39,868), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Dorothy M Peteet($123,981), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Abrupt Climatic Transitions, Global Abrupt Climatic, Hydrologic And Ecologic, Coastal Southwest, Grain Size, Lake Elsinore, Late Glacial, Leaf Wax, Archive, California, Characterized, Continuous, Decadal, Evidence, Exceptional, Focus, Implications, Local, Magnitude, Marine, Past, Projections, Regions, Resolution, Shifts, Ssts, Subcentennial, Terrestrial, Vegetation.
1. Summer B Rupper($33,944), Brigham Young University, Provo
2. Joerg M Schaefer($82,801), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Glacier And Climate, Future Glacier, Glacier Melt, Glacier Retreat, Himalayan Glacier, Outburst Floods, Step Towards, Bhutan, Bhutanese, Bilateral, EAGER, Excellent, Field, Glaciers, Hazard, Himalayas, Mitigation, Modeling, Past, Pis, Rate, Reconstructions, Robust, Temperature, UWICE.
1. Mark B Abbott($54,126), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Wet And Dry, Alpine Snowpack, British Columbia, Dry Cycles, Water Resources, Western North, Carbonate, Climate, Cordillera, Drought, Droughts, Duration, Frequency, Holocene, Isotope, Lake, Lakes, Magnitude, Reconstruct, Region, Similar.
1. Paula J Noble($14,993), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Drought Conditions, Graduate Students, Organic Geochemistry, Organic Matter, Pollen Analysis, Winter Precipitation, Age, Analyses, Aquatic, Climate, Climatic, Cores, Diatom, Diatoms, Discrete, Droughts, Effects, Establish, Expected, Framework, Geochemical, Holocene, Indicates, Indicators, Lake, Long-term, Measurable, Preliminary, Resolution, Sediment, Sedimentologic, Sediments, Shifts, Various, Watershed.
1. William D McGee($90,976), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Interglacial Warm Periods, Interglacials And Glacial, Lacustrine Cave Deposits, Limited Dating Precision, Past Water Balance, U-th And 14c, 14c Ages, Basin's Paleolakes, Bonneville Basin, Glacial Period, Glacial Terminations, Lehman Cave, Past Climate, Past Hydrologic, Precisely Dated, Reconstruct Past, Stable Isotope, Storm Track, Water Availability, Abrupt, Allowing, Archives, Basins, Behavior, Caves, Drying, Edge, Elevation, Extend, Formed, Future, Has, Hydrology, Importantly, Insights, Lake, Lakes, Largest, Leave, Opportunity, Precipitation, Previous, Region, Regions, Resolution, Site, Speleothems, Stalagmites, Substantial, Suggesting, Times, Was, Well-dated, Western.
1. Cesar R Nufio($159,688), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Timing And Magnitude, Citizen Scientists, Affect, Climate, Collaboration, Colorado, Continent, Effects, Eocene, Estimated, Examine, Fossil, Insect, Insects, Levels, Marine, Oc, Oligocene, Organisms, Seen, Site, Species, Taxa, Temperatures, Training.
1. Andrew V Newman($41,686), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Extent And Magnitude, Continuous Gps, Earthquake Rupture, Gps Campaign, Ground Deformation, Locked Subduction, Nicoya Peninsula, Subduction Interface, Subduction Megathrust, Aftershock, Capture, Coseismic, Detailed, Directly, Earthquakes, Experience, Fail, Failure, Image, Images, Land, Mature, Network, Perform, Previously, RAPID, Ruptured, Seismic, Seismometers.
1. Terry E Tullis($60,000), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Experimental Rock Deformation, Geomechanics, Practitioners, Users, Workshop.
1. Geoffrey A Abers($92,860), Columbia University, New York
2. Adam Schultz($469,204), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Olivier Bachmann($974,465), University of Washington, Seattle
4. Alan R Levander($1,154,929), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Allow Scientists, Mount St, Active, Eruption, Helens, Image, Imaging, Magma, Plumbing, Surface, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Brian Jicha($197,814), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Suzanne M Kay($102,173), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Aleutian Arc Inception, Active, Ages, Earliest, Eruption, Geochemical, History, Information, Initiation, Pacific, Potential, Precisely, Region, Rock, Volcanic, Volcanism.
1. Anita L Grunder($369,476), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Mount St Helens, Central Oregon, Explosive Eruptions, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Ash, Behavior, Cascade, Cascades, Composition, History, Long-term, Size, Volcanic.
1. Yang Shen($206,576), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Seismic And Tsunami, Megathrust Earthquakes, Oceanic Lithosphere, Subduction Zone, Upper Mantle, Velocity Model, Accretion, Assessment, Cascadia, Continent, Does, Has, High-resolution, Plate, Structural, Subducting.
1. A Joshua West($273,088), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Kosñipata-madre De Dios, Specific Organic Molecules, Carbon Cycle, Field Stations, Isotopic Composition, Kosñipata-madre De, Leaf Wax, Organic Matter, Amazon, Analyses, Andean, Bulk, Climate, Collaboration, Colleagues, Delta, Derived, Elevation, Gradient, Has, Information, POM, Peru, Plant, Plants, Quantifying, Radiocarbon, Reconstruction, Reflects, River, Rivers, Source, Sources, Stable, Tracing, Transport, Undergraduate, Vital.
1. Shari Yvon-Lewis($67,119), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Gary M King($32,880), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Priming Effect, ADOC, Aquatic, Consumption, Labile, Microbial, Soil, Substrates, TDOC, Terrestrial, Waters.
1. Benjamin H Passey($147,206), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Ethan L Grossman($71,048), Texas A&M University, College Station
3. Alberto Perez-Huerta($56,595), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: C-o Bond Reordering, Carbon-13 ¬ Oxygen-18, Laboratory And Natural, Original Clumped Isotope, Oxygen Isotopic Composition, Past Water Isotopic, Water Isotopic Compositions, ¬ Oxygen-18 Bonds, C-o Bond, Graduate Students, Natural Experiments, Abundances, Altered, Brachiopod, Burial, Does, Estimates, Experimental, Feature, Fossil, Geoscience, Has, JHU, Method, Mineral, Paleoclimate, Petrology, Reconstructing, Shells, Solid, TAMU, Temperature, Temperatures, Training, Visit.
1. Darrell S Kaufman($234,765), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: AAGL, Applications, Dating, Death, EARIF, Environment, Facility, Fossil, Gradually, History, Paleothermometry, Temperature.
1. John M Senko($221,186), University of Akron, Akron
2. Yuri Gorby($253,233), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Amd Treatment, Electron Flow, Electron Transfer, Energetic Substrates, Iron Mound, Microbial Nanowires, Mineral Phases, Redox Reactions, Spatial Separation, Undergraduate Students, Characterizations, Composed, Conductive, Diffusion, EET, Electrically, Electrons, Extracellular, Facilitate, Feii, Feiii, Field, Geochemical, Individual, Integrated, Mediated, Modeling, Mounds, Processes, Serve, Site, Structures.
1. Joseph W Stucki($280,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Oxidized And Reduced, Atmospheric Nitrogen, Clay Minerals, Electrical Charge, Nitrate Degradation, Redox Reaction, Reduced Iron, Ammonium, Amount, Bacteria, Common, Has, Oxidation, Purpose, Reduction, Sediments, Soils, Species, Susceptibility.
1. Gregory K Druschel($88,380), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Gregory K Druschel($88,380), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
3. David Fike($120,753), Washington University, Saint Louis
4. Victoria J Orphan($198,792), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
5. Jesse G Dillon($94,242), California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach
Key terms: Coupled Sulfur Cycling, Metabolic Activity, Microbial Ecosystems, Sulfate Reduction, Biological, Carbon, Diverse, Evolution, Geochemical, Mats, Microorganisms, Molecular, Pathways, Resources, Spatial.
1. Colleen Hansel($258,585), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Acid Mine Drainage, Acidic Mine Waters, Fungal Mediated, Geochemical Controls, AMD, Biological, Bioremediation, Chemical, Concentrations, Define, Development, Diversity, Educate, Educators, Environmental, Environments, Enzymatic, Framework, Fungi, Health, Importance, Information, Instruction, Integrated, JEEC, Metals, Microbiology, Mn, Mnii, Mnii-oxidizing, Molecular, Oxidation, Processes, Public, Students, Workshop.
1. David T Johnston($445,554), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Isotopes, Particular, Sulfur.
1. Colleen Hansel($150,209), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Reactive Oxygen Species, Biological Ros, Organic Compounds, Affect, Algal, Aquatic, Bacterial, Cycling, Environmental, Freshwater, Fungal, Lectures, Metals, Microbial, Natural, Organisms, Pis, Rates, Responsible, Specific.
1. Reika Yokochi($39,101), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Dry Regions, Fluid Inclusions, Gas Concentrations, Local Temperature, Modern World, Noble Gas, Salt Crystals, Salt Farms, Ancient, Bubbles, Climate, Climates, Conditions, Environments, Examine, Examining, Formed, Geological, Halite, Lead, Measure, Method, Minerals, Paleotemperature, Past, Periods, Planet, Predict, Proxy, Scarce, Temperatures, Time, Trapped, Useful, Warm, Water.
1. Tanja Bosak($243,917), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Isotope Effects Produced, Microbial Sulfate Reduction, Multiple Sulfur Isotope, Atmospheric Oxygen, Continuous Cultures, Organic Substrates, Physiological Conditions, Pure Culture, Reducing Equivalents, School Students, Sulfate Reducing, Carbon, DMSS-, Enzymes, Evolution, Fractionations, Glucose, Graduate, Grow, Growth, Isolated, K-, Magnitude, Main, Measured, Microbes, Mil, Modern, Msr, Observed, Permil, Pis, Previously, Process, Range, Slowly, Summer, Surface, Teachers, Transfer, Undergraduate, Various, Was, Wide.
1. Carla M Koretsky($30,000), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Goldschmidt Conference, Benefit, Diversity, Ensure, Evolution, Experience, Funding, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Home, Interact, International, Life, Meetings, Networking, Opportunity, Range, Resources, Senior, Student, Students, Travel, Underrepresented, World.
1. Stephen M Moysey($413,291), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Antecedent Water Content, Causing Preferential Flow, Flow And Transport, Electrical Resistivity, Flow Behaviors, Rainfall Characteristics, Activities, Allow, Available, Changing, Clemson, Conditions, Control, Ecosystem, Educational, Field, GPR, Gap, Generation, Geophysical, Girls, Grid, High-resolution, Hydrologic, Infiltration, Insights, Knowledge, Lysimeter, Lysimeters, Mechanisms, Processes, Quantitative, Seasonal, Soil, Techniques, Testing, Transient, Unique.
1. Carrick M Eggleston($140,776), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Banded Iron Formations, Solar Energy Technology, Tandem Cell, Aqueous, Cells, Common, Constructed, Geochemistry, Has, History, Investigate, Light, Mineral, Minerals, Natural, Overall, Oxidized, Photocatalytic, Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical, Process, Processes, Properties, Rates, Semiconductors, Time, Water.
1. Jeffrey Post($350,349), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Birnessite, Chemical, Chemistry, Concentrations, Critical, Dissolution, Dissolve, Extract, Feiii, Feo, Fluid, Homovalent, Hydroxides, Increase, Insoluble, Lead, Marine, Mechanisms, Metabolic, Metal, Metals, Mineral, Minerals, Mniii, Oxides, Rates, Reaction, Reveal, Siderophores, Soil, Structural, Structure, Surface, Vacancy, Variety, Waters.
1. Laura D Triplett($137,359), Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter
Key terms: Riverine Si Transport, Coastal Ocean, Riparian Vegetation, Si Transported, Suspended Sediment, Asi, Deposition, Dsi, Ecosystems, Effect, Flux, Land, Rivers, Sea, Silica, Silicon, Undergraduate, Utah, Via.
1. Jan P Amend($102,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Hydrothermal Ecosystems, Chemical, Compounds, Course, Diversity, Energy, Future, Geobiology, Geochemical, Geochemically, Geochemistry, Geologic, Interface, Metabolic, Microbiology, Microorganisms, Plan, Processes, Quantitative, Reaction, Schools, Situ, Students.
1. Nita Sahai($75,585), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Charge And Hydration, Educational Initiative, Geology Museum, Mineral Surface, Surface Charge, Adsorption, Anatase, Biogeosciences, Biological, Calculations, Cell, Centre, Chemical, Collaboration, Compared, Department, Energies, Exhibit, Experiments, Natural, Oxides, Phospholipid, Phospholipids, Processes, Prof, Quartz, Self-assembly, Silica, Spectroscopy, Surfaces, UW.
1. Jon D Pelletier($29,939), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Climate And Land-use, Filling Knowledge Gaps, Predicting Land-surface, Assess, Has, Land-surface, Meeting, Models, Paper, Participants, Synthesize, Workshop.
1. Michael Singer($96,466), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Joel D Blum($154,966), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Anthropogenic Inputs, Food Webs, Hg Contamination, Lowland Ecosystems, Sediment-adsorbed Hg, Sierra Nevada, Bay-delta, Biogeochemical, Coast, Deposition, Downstream, Factors, Has, Inundation, Isotopic, Mercury, Mining, Potential, Processes, River, Sediment-adsorbed, Sensitive, Sources, Transport.
1. Robert W Jacob($275,552), Bucknell University, Lewisburg
Key terms: Fans And Talus, Icy Debris Fans, Icy Debris Flows, Alluvial Fans, Alpine Environments, Climate Warming, Deglaciating Alpine, High-level Icecaps, Ice Avalanches, Landform Evolution, Mass Wasting, Slush Avalanches, Talus Cones, Time-lapse Photography, Valley Glaciers, Aircraft, Alaska, Depositional, Distinguishing, Dominated, Escarpments, Formed, Ground-based, Has, Hazards, High-level, Ice-dominated, Implications, Increasingly, Influence, Landforms, Landscape, Morphology, Nature, Processes, Rapid, Regions, Rockfalls, Sedimentological, Settings, Surveys, Time-lapse, Unstable, Zealand.
1. Vaughan R Voller($38,974), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Highly Detailed Simulations, Complex Environmental, Formulating Rcms, Ability, Advantages, Andor, Assumptions, Behavior, Climate, Common, Complexity, Critical, Diverse, Experiments, Fields, Intuitive, Model, Models, Numerical, Online, Processes, Resources, Rigor, Strategies, Synthesis, Teaching, Testing, Tool, Tools, Workshop.
1. Paul Myrow($159,070), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
2. J. Taylor Perron($255,146), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ancient And Modern, Changing Wave Conditions, Laboratory Wave Tank, Outcrops And Modern, Wave Tank Experiments, Ancient Ripples, Bed Topography, Bedform Evolution, Modern Ripples, Ripples Exposed, Rock Outcrops, Wave Ripple, Ability, Bedforms, Coastal, Common, Controls, Defects, Flow, Flows, Formation, Framework, Influence, Interpret, Model, Modeling, Numerical, Produce, Respond, Sand, Shorelines, Striking, Transient, Water.
1. Karl W Wegmann($99,945), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Lake Quinault, Analyses, Cascadia, Coastal, Deep, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Future, Hazards, Information, Lake-margin, Lakes, Landslides, Layers, Origin, Past, Relatively, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sediments, Subduction, Time, Triggered, Upland.
1. Thomas S Hooyer($178,735), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
2. Neal R Iverson($240,496), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Drumlin Field, Effective Stress, Pore-water Pressure, AMS, Bed, Beds, Drumlins, Formation, Glacial, Glacier, Has, Hills, Ice, Intervening, Leading, Low, Múlajökull, Origin, Past, Pore-water, Program, Sediments, Shear, Students, Supported, Susceptibility, Teacher.
1. Doug Edmonds($112,307), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Rivers And Avulsions, Incisional Avulsions, River Avulsion, Channel, Characteristics, Control, Deposition, Education, Erosion, Floodplain, Fluvial, Focus, Google, Module, Overbank, Pis, Style, Water.
1. David J Furbish($218,013), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
2. Mark W Schmeeckle($249,835), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Bed Load Sediment, Advanced Computations, Coupled Fluid-particle, Particle Motions, Sediment Transport, Statistical Mechanics, Transport Rates, Activities, Aimed, Clarify, Compelling, Computational, Descriptions, Effects, Experiments, Fluid-particle, Formulations, Involves, Numerical, Patchiness, Pursuing, River, Theoretical, Tracer, Turbulence, Velocities.
1. Anne Chin($20,000), University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora
Key terms: Waldo Canyon Fire, Colorado Springs, National Forest, Step-pool Channels, Step-pool Streams, Burned, Conditions, Pools, Sediment, Step-pool, Water, Wildfire.
1. Eunseo Choi($417,968), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Catastrophic Landslides, Detailed Descriptions, Analysis, Combined, Methods, Motion, Rock, Seismic, Sliding, Slope, Tool, Waves.
1. Stephen T Lancaster($25,620), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: National Forest, Sediment Transport, Bedload, Conditions, Debris, Dynamics, Information, LWD, Mountain, Placement, Practitioners, Prior, Stream.
1. Noah Finnegan($176,141), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Colin P Stark($63,859), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Bedload Transport Rates, Coarse Sediment, Sediment Movement, Sediment Transport, Approach, Channel, Developed, Elastic, Predict, River, Rivers, Seismic, Seismology, Waves.
1. Asmeret A Berhe($75,000), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Soil Om Dynamics, Stability And Stabilization, Organic Matter, Stabilization Mechanisms, Carbon, Critical, Ecosystems, Effect, Eroded, Erosion, Factors, Fire, Fires, Sediments, Source.
1. Clifford S Riebe($55,560), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Darryl E Granger($289,440), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Erosion And Weathering, Magnetite And Quartz, Chemical Preparation, Chemical Weathering, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Erosion Rates, Specialized Equipment, Absent, Averaged, Catchment-averaged, Difficult, Easier, Has, Hazardous, Hence, Index, Landscape, Landscapes, Measure, Measured, Mineral, Processes, Produced, Readily, Residence, Rock, Separate, Separation, Soil, Surface, Techniques, Thousands, Timescales, Useful.
1. Edgardo Latrubesse($70,036), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Jorge D Abad($29,868), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Amazon Basin, Largest Tributary, Madeira River, Anabranching, Brazilian, Controlling, Dammed, Expeditions, Information, Low, Management, Sediment, Surveys, Water.
1. Lisa L Ely($198,190), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
2. Benjamin P Horton($172,727), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Earthquake And Tsunami, Future Earthquake Hazards, Multiple Earthquake Cycles, Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Subduction Zone Faults, Chilean Earthquake, Earthquake Behavior, Fault Ruptures, South-central Chile, Boundaries, Boundary, Coastal, Evidence, February, Geological, Hard, Historic, Japan, Land-level, Largest, Level, Mw, Periods, Program, Region, Segmentation, Settings, South-central, Thousands, Time, Vertical, Was, World.
1. Michael P Lamb($275,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Waterfall Plunge Pools, Sediment Transport, Summer Undergraduate, Waterfall Retreat, Erosion, Experiments, Field, Flume, Laboratory, Landscape, Landscapes, Models, Natural, Program, Students, Technical.
1. Bruce Buffett($214,530), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Convection And True, True Polar Wander, Spin Axis, Thermal Convection, Based, Conservation, Description, Equations, Geological, Has, Interaction, Interior, Mass, Models, Momentum, Orientation, Processes, Rotation, Set, Single, Software, Time.
1. Michael C Gurnis($560,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Plate Motions, Plate Tectonic, Plate Tectonics, Aim, Allow, Constrain, Detailed, Drive, Dynamic, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Establish, Forces, Formation, Geological, Hazards, Link, Lithospheric, Mantle, Methods, Models, Natural, Numerical, Observational, Observations, Plates, Properties, Responsible, Slab, Specific, Subduction, Surface, Uncertain, Viscosity, Zone, Zones.
1. Guoqing Lin($191,103), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Seismic Parameters, Situ Poisson's, Velocity Models, Waveform Cross-correlation, Absolute, Analysis, Cross-correlation, Earthquake, Estimate, Following, Hawaii, High-resolution, Island, Magma, Magmatic, Nsource, Poissons, Regions, Relocation, Reveal.
1. Thorne Lay($593,367), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Stacking And Migration, Core-mantle Boundary, High-rate Gps, Megathrust Faults, Quantitative Analysis, Seismic Radiation, Broadband, Characterize, Core-mantle, Deep, Dynamical, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Generated, High-rate, Near, Processes, Recordings, Structure, Surface, Tsunami, Wave, Waves.
1. Julie A Bowles($5,644), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Ash Flows, Determining Paleointensity, Earth's Magnetic, Field Intensity, Intensity Fluctuations, Magnetic Particles, Paleointensity Analysis, Paleointensity Information, Time Scales, Absolute, Available, Comprehensive, Direction, Documented, Documenting, Fine, Generated, Geologic, Geological, Has, Historic, History, Identifying, Laboratory, Mt, Paleointensities, Participation, Past, Polarity, Post-emplacement, Potential, Processes, Reliable, Student, Students, Temperature, Training, Undergraduate, Variety.
1. Allan M Rubin($200,593), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Locked Fault Patches, Accelerating Seismicity, Aseismic Sliding, Creeping Faults, Earthquake Nucleation, Earthquakes Nucleate, Frictionally Locked, Locked Patches, Mechanical Erosion, Numerical Models, Seismogenic Zone, Strike-slip Faults, Aseismically, Base, Boundaries, Current, Eventually, Growing, Holes, Increase, Increases, Loading, Magnitudes, Neighboring, Observations, Observed, Progressively, Rates, Regions, Search, Streaks, Stresses, Strike-slip, Stuck, Time.
1. Jesse F Lawrence($32,849), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Largest Geyser Field, Third Largest Geyser, El Tatio, Characterize, Duration, Eruption, Geothermal, Investigations, Processes, Seismic, Set, Subsurface, Unique.
1. Lianxing Wen($278,910), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Fault Zone, Seismic Properties, Activities, Conceptualization, Difference, Earthquake, Fields, Geological, Medium, Phenomena, Process, Temporal, Volcano, Wave, Waves.
1. Frederik J Simons($499,969), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Geophysical And Geological, Heat Flow, Analysis, Building, Characterization, Deformation, Development, Develops, Elastic, Errors, Field, Gravity, Inverse, Lithosphere, Magnetic, Magnetics, Measured, Methods, Middle-school, Modeling, Observables, Observations, Oil, Outreach, Seismic, Statistical, Strength, Structure, Students, Theory, Via.
1. Heather R DeShon($51,027), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
2. Susan L Bilek($61,807), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Earthquake Source Characteristics, Seismic And Tsunami, Earthquake Rupture, Fault Conditions, Subduction Megathrust, Tsunami Hazard, Affect, Available, Composition, Earthquakes, Estimates, Faults, Fluid, Fluids, Geometry, Geophysical, Has, International, Middle, Parameters, Produce, Stress, Vpvs.
1. Sang-Heon Shim($229,066), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Hot Spot Volcanoes, Iron And Aluminum, Shallower Mantle Layers, Lowermost Mantle, Post-perovskite Transition, Seismic Detectability, Seismic Discontinuity, Basalt, Chemical, Composition, Compositions, Deepest, Detectable, Differentiated, Dynamics, Effects, Harzburgite, Has, Phase, Post-perovskite, Pyrolite.
1. Victor C Tsai($344,111), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Based, Dataset, Fault, Maps, Potential, Seismic, Structure.
1. Demian M Saffer($316,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Harold J Tobin($234,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Alpine Fault, Fault Zone, Fault Zones, Rock Properties, Activity, Conditions, Depth, Drill, Drilled, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Failure, Faults, Future, Holes, Instruments, Measure, Nature, Pore, Seismic, Similar, Slip, Stage, Strength, Stress, Tectonic, Water, Yield.
1. Timothy L Masterlark($57,394), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Deformation Observed, Magma Chamber, Okmok Volcano, Rich Observational, Activity, Alaska, Cone, Cycle, Eruption, Experiment, Field, Following, Geophysical, Has, Model, Modeling, Monitored, Properties, Protocol, Set, Stress, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Peter H Molnar($290,275), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Caribbean Plate, Nw Venezuela, Oblique Convergence, Strike-slip Faults, Subduction Zone, Absorbed, Andes, Believe, Boulder, Coast, Colombia, Dextral, Downdip, Earthquake, Effects, Exceed, Faulting, Future, GPS, Global, Islands, Jamaica, Locked, Million, Mmyear, Mmyr, Northern, Possibly, Potential, Reveal, Rupture, Shear, Shores, Sparse, Strike-slip, Thrust, Tourists, Tsunami, Venezuelan, Visit.
1. Ralph Archuleta($359,859), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Future Earthquakes, Ground Motion, Relative Motion, Source Parameters, Subsidiary Effects, Time Histories, Common, Component, Compute, Controlled, Created, Describe, Directly, Fault, Features, Fit, Function, Geodetic, Independent, Infer, Information, Inverting, Kinematic, Medium, Misfit, Models, Process, Respect, Rupture, Seismic, Shaking, Slip, Space, Starts, Strike, Synthetics, Velocity.
1. Ashley E Shuler($85,000), Shuler Ashley E, Palisades
Key terms: Ash Columns, Seismic Waves, Education, Eruption, Estimate, Has, Heights, Hz, Monitoring, Processes, Remote, Volcanic.
1. Terry E Tullis($383,998), Brown University, Providence
2. Robert W Carpick($280,000), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Atomic Force Microscopy, Existing Friction Laws, Chemical Bonding, Contact Creep, Earthquake Cycle, Friction Experiments, Frictional Mechanisms, Plastic Deformation, Rock Friction, Time Dependence, AFM, Adhesion, Ageing, Allow, Asperity, Basis, Contacts, Earthquakes, Electron, Employ, Energy, Explained, Fault, Faults, Increases, Interface, Isolate, Laboratory, Lack, Li, Magnitude, Mechanics, Methods, Microindentation, Models, Nanoindentation, Nanoscale, Nature, Observed, Ph, Processes, Reliably, Single, Slip, Sophisticated, Spectroscopy.
1. Nicholas vanderElst($170,000), vanderElst Nicholas, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Remote Triggering, Seismic Cycle, Seismic Waves, Triggering Susceptibility, Component, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Fault, Faults, Laboratory, Near, Observational, Stress.
1. Ze'ev Reches($66,848), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. David A Lockner($70,616), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Earthquake Slip, Electron Microscopy, High-pressure Faulting, Nanocrystalline Solid, Shallow Earthquakes, Shear Failure, Andor, California, Danger, Devolatilization, Drop, EAGER, Experimental, Experiments, Extremely, Faults, Fluid, Friction, Frictional, High-pressure, High-resolution, Initiation, Knowledge, Laboratory, Lead, Leading, Mineral, Physics, Processes, Produced, Reactions, Shearing, Shheating-induced, Sliding, Students, Suggest.
1. Scott D King($15,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Jeju Island, Slab Dynamics, Aimed, August, Conference, Field, Mantle, Subduction.
1. Christian Poppeliers($77,174), AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., Augusta
Key terms: Seismic Arrays, Spatial Gradients, Subsurface Geology, Wavefield Gradients, Bedrock, Derived, Design, Effects, Estimate, Gradiometers, Has, Local, Parameters, Portion, Quantify, Rigorously, Set.
1. Veronique Le Roux($259,097), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Earth's Mantle, Composition, Constrain, Constrained, Crust, Depth, Formation, Heterogeneities, Heterogeneity, Multidisciplinary, Observations, Peridotites, Planet, Processes, Responsible, Rock, Silicate, Surface, Volcanic, Volume, Websterites.
1. Mark B Abbott($246,552), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
2. Chuang Xuan($396,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Dominant Flux Lobe, Potential Organizing Structure, Boundary Conditions, Field Morphology, Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Stratigraphy, Northeast Pacific, Paleomagnetic Secular, Psv Time, Time Averaged, Act, Analysis, Assess, Available, Climate, Collection, Consistent, Control, Derived, Dynamics, Geodynamo, Has, History, Holocene, Inclination, Influence, Limited, Mode, Modern, Observations, Observed, Oscillation, Paleointensity, Process, Quality, Range, Relatively.
1. Larry D Brown($154,411), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Martin C Chapman($75,223), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: ¡§high Definition¡¨, AIDA, Aftershock, Allow, August, Body, CRP, Crust, Depth, Detail, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Geologic, Has, Hypocentral, Imagery, Images, Imaging, Methods, Preliminary, Produce, Reflection, Region, Resolution, Seismic, Spacing, Structure, Subsurface, Surface, Synthesizing, Techniques, VSP, Virginia, Virtual, Wave, Waves.
1. Deborah L Kilb($100,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Gorner Glacier, Earthquakes, Faults, Glaciers, Has, Icequakes, Inferred, Season, Seismic, Signals, Slip, Waveform.
1. Vikas Prakash($300,000), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
2. WIlliam A Griffith($159,649), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Dynamic Rupture Models, Normal Stress Andor, Constitutive Behavior, Double-direct Shear, Dynamic Friction, Earthquake Physics, Fault Strength, Frictional Constitutive, Frictional Resistance, Laboratory Experiments, Pressure Bar, San Andreas, Shear Friction, Slip Velocity, Strong Ground, Advance, Apparatus, Approach, Attention, Conditions, Displacement, Double-direct, Earthquakes, Engineering, Experimental, Faculty, Faults, Geo-materials, Magnitude, Methodology, Potential, Processes, Relevance, Rock, Students, Testing, Weakening.
1. Shun-ichiro Karato($334,999), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Earth-like Planets, Plate Tectonics, Terrestrial Planets, Consequently, Earth-like, Layer, Lithosphere, Mars, Mode, Model, Olivine, Operation, Orthopyroxene, Reason, Strength, Strong, Various, Weakening.
1. Bin Chen($318,745), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Fe-c Binary, Inner Core, Iron Carbides, Sound Velocities, X-ray Diffraction, APS, Behavior, Component, Deep, Density, Earth, Establish, Experimental, Experiments, Fe-c, Fec, Gpa, Laboratory, Methods, Michigan, National, Partial, Phase, Pressure, Solid, Temperature, Temperatures, X-ray.
1. Jeffrey T Freymueller($365,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Dynamic And Subject, Creeping Stopped, Plate Interface, Seismogenic Zone, Slow Slip, Subduction Zones, Alaska, Assess, Assessments, Attempt, Behavior, Deformation, Directly, Discovery, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Explanation, Extent, Fault, Follow, GPS, Hazard, Magnitude, Motions, Observations, Observed, Plates, Previously, Public, Region, Section, Seismicity, Stress, Tectonic, Transient.
1. Glenn P Biasi($168,902), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Active Faults, Coseismic Slip, Earthquake Rupture, Rupture Length, Rupturing Earthquakes, Surface Rupture, Behavior, Consistently, Define, Expected, Ground, Maps, Observational, Observations, Physics, Practical, Process, Real, Ruptures, Trace.
1. T. Guy Masters($188,626), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Accurately Model, Amplitude Anomalies, Seismic Amplitudes, Seismic Attenuation, Seismic Energy, Seismic Sources, Seismic Waves, Surface Wave, Wave Propagation, Attenuated, Datasets, Dispersion, Effects, Estimate, Has, Intrinsic, Issue, Mantle, Phase, Speed, Structure.
1. Pavel V Zinin($273,209), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Iron And Iron-nickel, Shear And Longitudinal, Earth's Core, Earth's Interior, Elastic Behavior, Elastic Properties, Iron-nickel Alloys, Iron-rich Minerals, Composition, Conditions, Direct, Elevated, Geophysical, Information, Iron-rich, LU-DAC, Laser, Main, Melts, Non-transparent, Pressure, Pressures, Seismic, Technique, Temperature, Velocities, Wave.
1. Marc W Spiegelman($235,906), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Partially Molten Rocks, Constitutive Models, Melt Transport, Plate Boundaries, Plate Tectonics, Stress-driven Segregation, Active, Computational, Deformation, Describes, Dynamics, Effective, Effects, Energy, Equations, Experiments, Flow, Geodynamic, Lead, Magma, Process, Properties, Relative, Solid, Solved, Stress-driven, Surface, Theoretical, Various.
1. Richard L Weaver($343,117), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Seismic Ambient Noise, Surface Wave Attenuation, Attenuation Maps, Rapidly Expanding, Anisotropic, Approach, Approaches, Based, Distribution, Earth, Earthquake, Extracting, Factors, Fields, Has, Highly, Information, Mapping, Methods, Non-uniform, Real, Seismology, Site, Source, Station, Theoretical, Traditional.
1. Brenda L Weaver($49,126), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Field Trips, Hawaiian Volcanoes, Volcano Observatory, Volcanoes Worldwide, Activity, Ascent, Available, Chapman, Conference, Conveners, Day, Development, Eruption, Especially, Future, Magma, Mantle, Models, Origin, State-of-the-art, Volcanic, Volcanism, Volcanology.
1. David L Kohlstedt($320,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Anisotropic Viscosity, Glide Plane, Large-scale Geodynamic, Melt-rich Bands, Partially Molten, Plate Tectonics, Viscous Anisotropy, Aggregates, Constraints, Crystallographic, Deformed, Dynamics, Experimental, Experiments, Formation, Influences, Laboratory, Large-scale, Layering, Mantle, Melt-rich, Olivine, Orientation, Properties, Rock, Shear, Strain, Strong.
1. Charles E Lesher($116,361), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Yanbin Wang($123,636), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Tectonic Plates, Boundary, Characterization, Chemical, Conditions, Core, Deep, Differentiation, Dynamics, Evolution, Formation, Magma, Mantle, Melts, Microtomography, Minerals, Planet, Pressure, Pressures, Properties, Segregation, Structural, Thermal.
1. Emilio Herrero-Bervera($108,237), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Pringle Falls Excursion, Deschutes River, Geomagnetic Field, Main Objective, Relative Paleointensity, Sedimentation Rates, Behavior, Cmyear, Core, Document, Documented, Earth, Generation, Information, Intervals, Magnetic, Oregon, Polarity, Sections, Sediments, Thousand, Time.
1. Michael W Hamburger($99,872), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Manila And Philippine, Plate Boundary Zone, Earthquake Potential, Fault-related Deformation, Island Arc, Spatially Variable, Active, Analysis, Assessment, Collaboration, Collaborators, Coupling, Developing, Effects, Fault-related, GPS, Indiana, Interaction, Luzon, Modeling, Models, Ongoing, PHIVOLCS, Philippines, Seeks, Subduction, Subduction-zone, Zones.
1. Yingwei Fei($403,939), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Dynamic And Static, High-temperature Diamond-anvil Cell, Static Compression Experiments, Diamond-anvil Cell, Fe-si Alloys, High-temperature Diamond-anvil, Shock Compression, Core, Density, Engine, Fe-si, Identity, Iron, Light, Obtain, Sound, Velocities, Velocity, X-ray.
1. Gabriele Laske($320,449), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Cecily J Wolfe($3,823), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: East Pacific Rise, Isolated Origin Near, Land And Ocean, Low Shear-velocity Province, Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Own Isolated Origin, Plume-lithosphere Undersea Melt, Undersea Melt Experiment, Central Pacific, Complex Chemistry, Core-mantle Boundary, Deep Mantle, Global Model, Global Tomography, Hawaiian Plume, Imaged Tilt, Low Shear-velocity, Mantle Plume, Plume Dataset, Plume-lithosphere Undersea, Robust Feature, Seismic Waves, Shear-velocity Province, Analyses, Anomalies, Anomaly, Asthenosphere, Body, Connection, Core-mantle, Deployment, Does, Earth, Exist, Found, Hawaiis, Hot, Images, Originate, Persists, Presence, Rock, Shvelocity, Surface, Usually.
1. Quentin Williams($293,268), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Pressures And Temperatures, Water And Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Volatile-bearing Phases, Behavior, Deep, Depth, Earth, Genesis, High-pressure, High-temperature, Importance, Interior, Mantle, Minerals, Planet, Properties, Retained, Volatile-bearing.
1. Saswata Hier-Majumder($191,077), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Earth's Deep Interior, Earth's Deep, Earthquake Waves, Melt Geometry, Chemical, Dynamic, Fraction, Influence, Melting, Model, Properties, Units, Various.
1. Kaj M Johnson($93,403), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Paul Segall($256,942), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Geodetic Strain Accumulation, Velocity Strengthening Regions, Frictional Properties, Plate Interface, Regularizing Functional, Thermal Pressurization, Tohoku Earthquake, Velocity Weakening, Afterslip, Allow, Based, Coupling, Deficit, Earthquakes, Effects, Fault, GPS, Japanese, Leading, March, Model, Moment, Mw, Raises, Rate, Seismic, Slip, Trench, `asperities.
1. Lisa Tauxe($366,339), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ancient Magnetic Field, Age Constraints, Field Strength, Accurate, Advantage, Archaeological, Archaeomagnetic, Base, Experimental, Global, Millennia, Online, Paleomagnetic, Partly, Radiocarbon, Remains.
1. Nancy R Gray($22,505), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Rock Deformation, Commonly, Conference, Ductile, Earthquakes, Feedbacks, Fluid, Fracture, Geological, Mechanisms, Rates, Reaction, Students, Tectonic, Topics.
1. Li Li($400,000), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Low Velocity Zone, Shear Wave Velocity, Laboratory Studies, Partial Melting, Upper Mantle, Affected, Available, Capable, Conditions, Defined, Developed, Found, Gpa, Measure, Modulus, Plates, Properties, Rock, Seismic, Students, Studying, Tools, Useful, Viscosity, Wish.
1. Jeffrey T Freymueller($60,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Mikhail Kogan($340,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Kuril Gps Array, Postseismic Surface Deformation, Kuril Earthquakes, Subduction Interface, Subduction Zone, Collaboration, Coseismic, Frictional, Gaps, January, Models, Mw, Pacific, Plate, Region, Required, Russian, Seismic, Thrust, Time, Was.
1. Heather M Savage($88,841), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Short Time Scales, Fault Zones, Sedimentary Rocks, Shear Stress, Thermal Maturity, Burial, Earthquake, Establish, Faults, Friction, Frictional, Heating, Paleothermometer, Parameters, Slip, Temperature, Temperatures, Time-temperature.
1. Benjamin P Weiss($87,560), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Jack Hills, Magnetic Field, Earliest, Earth, Evolution, Extremely, Ga, Has, Local, Origin, Pis, Plan, Share, Techniques, Thermal, Time, Zircons.
1. Maureen D Long($539,930), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Deep Upper Mantle, Subducting Slabs Deform, Transition Zone, Anisotropy, Base, CMB, Dynamic, Dynamics, Earth, Experience, Flow, Prime, Seismic, Shear, Subduction, Surface, Teachers.
1. Yoshihiro Kaneko($30,582), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Coseismic Slip Deficit, Coseismic Slip Distribution, Shallow Slip Deficit, Active Faults, Earthquake Cycle, Inelastic Deformation, Inferred Slip, Interseismic Creep, Shallow Crust, Shallow Depths, Affect, Afterslip, Based, Damage, Earthquakes, Elastic, Expected, Extent, Failure, Friction, Geodetic, Geologic, Inversions, Models, Origin, Rate-and-state, Remains, Rupture, Seismic, Vicinity.
1. Linda M Warren($247,422), Saint Louis University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Outer Rise Faults, Colombia, Earthquakes, Japan, Observations, Process, Slab, Student.
1. David P Schaff($218,376), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Global Dd Catalog, Phase Arrival Times, Structure And Composition, Global Seismic, Notoriously Low, Seismic Archives, Spatial Resolution, Algorithms, Applications, Catalogs, Computing, Double-difference, Earth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Estimate, Focus, Hazards, Hypocenters, Increasing, Interior, Methods, Nature, Potential, Processes, Seismicity, Seismogenic, Seismology, Significantly, Subduction, Teleseismic, Zones.
1. James F Dolan($424,999), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: On-fault Versus Off-fault, Surface Slip Deficit, Future Earthquakes, Image Correlation, Off-fault Deformation, On-fault Versus, Seismic Hazard, Seismic Ruptures, Slip Near, Versus Off-fault, Advance, Allow, Amount, Assessment, Basic, Cosi-corr, Distribution, Faults, Features, Has, Importance, Models, Past, Rate.
1. Leif Karlstrom($170,000), Karlstrom Leif, Berkeley
Key terms: Inference Techniques, Magma Transport, Statistical Inference, Arc, Cascades, Degree, Eruption, Has, Modeling, Models, Plumbing, Seismic, Stanford, Structure, Tremor, Volcanic, Volcanism.
1. Yehuda Ben-Zion($129,485), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquake And Fault, Düzce Mainshock, Fault Zone, Postseismic Effects, Previous Studies, Rock Properties, Seismic Velocities, Accelerated, Additional, Aftershocks, Clusters, Detailed, Detect, Earthquakes, Evolutionary, Examine, Following, Hypocenter, Increase, Mw, Process, Processes, Repeating, Set, Significantly, Techniques, Temporal, Time, Updated, Waveform, Waveforms, Ýzmit.
1. Alison E Malcolm($120,001), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Local Earthquakes, Seismic Interferometry, Subducting Slab, Subduction Zones, Algorithm, Geophones, Image, Images, Imaging, Inside, Method, Numerically, Processes, Produce, Receiver, Receivers, Recording, Redatuming, Signal, Source, Sources, Surface, Technique, Virtual.
1. Kenneth Smith($22,205), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Sierra Nevada Microplate, Deep Swarm, Moho-depth Earthquake, Sierra Valley, Activity, Additional, Boundary, Broadband, California, Confined, Crust, Density, Diking, Earthquakes, Injection, Lower, Moho-depth, Process, Processes, Region, Seismicity, Sequence, Sequences, Shallow, Similar, Structure, Upper.
1. Paul A Ferre($127,291), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Storage And Recovery, Recovery Facility, Subsurface Water, Approaches, Collection, Development, Extensive, Gravity, Hydrology, Instrument, Instruments, Methods, Modeling, Monitoring, Movement, Spatially, Wide.
1. Holly A Michael($665,010), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Water And Chemical, Chemical Fluxes, Coastal Ecosystems, Groundwater Flow, Ocean Chemistry, Water Exchange, Water Resources, Aquifer, Aquifers, Continent, Delaware, Education, Future, Geologic, Geometry, Heterogeneity, Influence, Integrating, Land, Management, Mathematics, Processes, Salinization, Sea, Seawater, Solute, Spatial, Subsurface.
1. Marc A Hesse($471,471), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide Dissolution, Carbon Dioxide Dissolves, Carbon Dioxide Storage, Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, Geological Carbon Dioxide, Sedimentary Basins, Density, Estimate, Field, Formation, Has, Laboratory, Model, Models, Natural, Rates, Surface, Time, Water.
1. Joshua L Heitman($364,010), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Heat And Water, Soil Water Evaporation, Soil Water Phase, Energy Budgets, Heat Transfer, Hydrologic Cycle, Ice Contents, Latent Heat, Liquid Water, Soil Freezing, Water Fluxes, Water Transfer, Water Vapor, Aimed, Balance, Conditions, Depth, Experiments, Fine-scale, Front, Instrumentation, Limited, Mass, Numerical, Occurring, Processes, Remains, Surface, Temperature, Thermal, Thermo-tdr.
1. Markus Hilpert($164,965), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Near-surface Residence Times, Colloid Retention, Colloid Transport, Environmental Conditions, Mechanistic Model, Near-surface Fluid, Near-surface Residence, Porous Media, Unfavorable Conditions, Attractive, Behavior, Colloid-surface, Colloids, Darcy, Heterodomains, Influence, Interactions, Nsurface, Pore, Predict, Prediction, Repulsive, Strategies, Surfaces.
1. Kamini Singha($255,193), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Immobile Porosity, Mass Transfer, Pore Space, Behavior, Bicontinuum, Combine, Complex, Concentration, Control, Controlling, Curves, Described, Diffusion, Domain, Estimating, Field, Heterogeneity, Hydraulic, Hydrologic, Less, Mobile, Models, Natural, Parameters, Predict, Processes, Properties, Tailing, Transport, Versus, Zones.
1. Natalie Capiro($350,411), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Chlorinated Solvent Source, Contaminant Source Zone, Dissolution And Degradation, Electron Donor Delivery, Partitioning Electron Donors, Solvent Source Zones, Chlorinated Solvents, Close Proximity, Mass Transfer, Mathematical Modeling, Ped Delivery, Rate Parameters, Remediation Costs, Alternative, Aquifer, Assess, Biodegradation, Biological, Bioremediation, Conditions, Consumption, Dollars, Estimates, Experimental, Exposure, Initiatives, Instructional, Intended, Knowledge, Microbial, Organic, Peds, Performance, Potential, Processes, Release, Sites, Students, Subsurface, Sustained, TCE, Treatment, Undergraduate, Water.
1. James L Best($247,464), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Aaron Packman($263,759), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Deposition And Resuspension, Solute And Particle, Aquatic Ecosystems, Hydrodynamic Interactions, K-12 Students, Particle Dynamics, Particle Transport, River Networks, Activities, Carbon, Contaminants, Contribute, Downstream, Ecological, Essential, Exchange, Fine, Flow, Flows, Fluid, Human, Influence, Information, Long-term, Management, Mechanisms, Migration, Models, Observations, Particles, Porewaters, Predict, Processes, Risks, Rivers, Solutes, Suspended, Sustainability, Transmission, Underlying, Water, Waterborne, Watersheds.
1. Peter K Kitanidis($225,653), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Warren Barrash($200,272), Boise State University, Boise
3. Michael A Cardiff($173,815), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Darcy's Law, Fluid Flow, Oscillatory Flow, Oscillatory Flows, Porous Media, Theoretical Developments, Applications, Aquifer, Characterization, Contaminated, Core, Created, Darcys, Experiments, Field, Frequency, Hydrologic, Intermediate, Laboratory, Parameters, Percent, Premises, Site, Source, Subsurface, Testvalidate, Upscaling, Water.
1. Mark Green($25,400), Plymouth State University, Plymouth
Key terms: Organic Matter, Powell Center, Basins, Collaboration, Expected, Synthesis, Temporal, Transport.
1. Valeriy Y Ivanov($548,334), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Activities And Ecosystem, Compensation And Mitigation, Educational Activities Focusing, Class Program, Climate Models, Climate Projections, Ecosystem Services, Human Activities, Agricultural, Applications, Characteristics, Climatic, Component, Comprehensive, Developed, Downscaled, Enhance, Floodplain, Flow, Future, Hydrodynamic, Hydrologic, Hydrological, Inaccuracies, Information, Metrics, Michigan, Mid-, Modeling, Multi-scale, Native, Outreach, Predictions, Processes, Require, Scenarios, Stream, Students, Uncertainty, Watershed.
1. Carol M Wicks($296,769), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Bed Load Transport, Geology Intensive Orientation, Global Carbon Cycle, Particulate Inorganic Carbon, Quantify Bed Load, Sediment Transport Relations, Transport And Flux, Carbon Dioxide, Carbonate Terrains, Existing Models, Landscape Denudation, Load Flux, Mechanical Removal, Suspended Load, Accounting, Allow, Annual, Atmospheric, Chemical, Dissolution, Flow, Karst, Movement, Particles, Processes, Program, Sink, Storm, Streams, Students.
1. Kamini Singha($16,500), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Conference, Current, Enable, Workshop.
1. Sarah E Gasda($30,050), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Flow And Transport, Permeable Media, GRC, GRS, Informal.
1. Tammo S Steenhuis($21,981), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Field, Symposium.
1. Samantha Evans($19,912), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Current, Isotopic, Profiles, Snowmelt, Snowpack, Sublimation, Time.
1. Kristine M Larson($442,366), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Water Cycle Products, Gps Sites, Antenna, Available, Critical, Developed, PBO, Public.
1. Heidi M Nepf($373,200), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Blade Motion, Individual Blades, Water Quality, Acquire, Boundaries, Conditions, Examine, Flux, LDPE, Macrophytes, Nutrient, Nutrients, Plants, Potential, Rate, Surface, Uptake, Vegetation, Waves.
1. Thomas L Kieft($24,820), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Noble Gas Analyses, Radiogenic Noble Gases, Subsurface Residence Times, Continental Crust, Continental Plateau, Cosmogenic Chlorine-36, Deep Continental, Deep Fracture, Fluid Flow, Fractured Rock, South Africa, Witwatersrand Basin, Analysis, Constrained, Constraints, Cycling, Dating, Flux, Groundwater, Hydrogen, Isotope, Isotopes, Krypton-, Microbial, Mine, Mines, Rates, Regional, Saline, Water.
1. John L Wilson($261,540), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Karst Hyporheic Exchange, Conduit Hyporheic, Hyporheic Flow, Hyporheic Zone, Karst Conduit, Karst Conduits, Karst-conduit Hyporheic, Net Exchange, Surface Streams, Analog, Biology, Field, Margin, Models, Past, Phreatic, Site, Spatial, Subsurface, Supply, Temporal, Time, Water.
1. Anne W Nolin($18,436), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Hydrologic Impacts, Snow-vegetation Interactions, Accumulation, Burned, Dynamics, Earlier, Experience, Fire, Forcing, Forests, Increased, Information, Melt, Paradigm, Sites, Snow-vegetation, Snowpack, Wildfire.
1. Noah P Molotch($256,625), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Accumulation And Snowmelt, Climate And Vegetation, Snowmelt And Water, Beetle Infestation, Elevational Gradient, Fire Suppression, Instrument Clusters, Knowledge Gap, Land Cover, Mountain Forests, Mountain Snowpack, Predict Ecosystem, Snow Accumulation, Solar Radiation, Unrealized Implications, Vegetation Cover, Water Availability, Broadly, Dynamics, Hence, Hydrologic, Interactions, Modeling, Models, Network, People, Potential, Primary, Processes, Represent, Soil, Source, Spanning, Targets, Via.
1. Roseanne M Ford($303,045), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
2. Brian D Wood($290,108), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Heterogeneous Porous Media, Chemotactic Bacteria, Ability, Analysis, Archetypes, Bacterial, Behavior, Bioremediation, Chemical, Chemically, Chemotaxis, Combine, Engineering, Essential, Experimental, Features, Has, Lead, Macroscopic, Methods, Mixing, Models, Multiscale, Non-chemotactic, Physically, Pollutants, Sense, Sets, Transport, Upscaling.
1. Jingfeng Wang($353,166), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Ground Heat Fluxes, Land Surface Energy, Surface Energy Balance, Temperature And Humidity, Transferring Latent Heat, Bare Soil, Local Scales, Maximum Entropy, Mep Model, Regional Scales, Sensible Heat, Stomatal Conductance, Theoretical Development, Thermal Inertia, Water Vapor, ABL, Access, Based, California, Canopy, Datasets, Effort, Engage, Evapotranspiration, Existing, Field, Framework, Function, Hydrologic, Irvine, Leads, Method, Models, Responsible, Schools, Students, Surfaces, Transport, Turbulent, Undergraduate, Validation, Variables.
1. Ronald Wakimoto($273,908), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Field And Lab, Runoff And Erosion, Surface Sealing Contributes, Erosion Rates, Increased Runoff, Ash, Based, Conductivity, Extent, Factors, Fire, Formation, Low, Mechanisms, Predictive, Probability, Soil.
1. Richelle Allen-King($211,688), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Cfcs And Sf6, Low Carbon Content, Low Foc Aquifers, Sedimentary Aquifers, Compounds, Enhance, Experiments, Groundwater, Opportunities, Particular, Phd, Reactive, Sediments, Sorbing, Sorption, Student, Students, TACM, Tracers, Transport, Undergraduate.
1. Jennifer Arrigo($6,160,876), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Academic, Advanced, Design, Effort, Field, Held, Informatics, Instrumentation, Integrated, Services, Synthesis, Water.
1. Courtney G Flint($800,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Analysis, Building, Community-driven, Create, Cyberinfrastructure, Design, Directorate, Effective, Engagement, Evolution, Geoscience, Implementation, Infrastructure, NSF, Process, Quantitative, Social, Stakeholder, Technology, Time, Transformative.
1. Andrew A Nyblade($657,706), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Donna J Shillington($2,761,845), Columbia University, New York
3. Christopher A Scholz($766,844), Syracuse University, Syracuse
4. Cynthia J Ebinger($254,933), University of Rochester, Rochester
5. Matthew E Pritchard($99,142), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Magmatism And Segmentation, Accommodating Extension, Late-stage Rifts, Mid-ocean Ridges, Tectonic Segmentation, Constraints, Continent, Controls, Deformation, Development, Evolution, Faults, Features, Has, Initiation, Late-stage, Lithosphere, Mid-ocean, Plate, Rifting, Seismicity.
1. Glen S Mattioli($53,667,329), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Earthscope Facility, Active, Available, Broad, Continent, Deformation, Educational, Evolution, Geological, Integrated, Land, National, Natural, Observational, Outreach, Processes, Program, Public, Schools, Step, Structure, Students, Time, Tools.
1. Gerilyn S Soreghan($48,645), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Drilling, Paleobiology, Priority, Sedimentary, Targets, Workshop.
1. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay($284,561), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Late Accreting Planetesimals, Isotopic Compositions, Mantle Plumes, Mid-ocean Ridge, Noble Gas, Plume Source, Atmosphere, Basalts, Earth, Iceland, Krypton, MORB, Origin, Outgassing, Ratio, Representative, Sources, Volatiles, Was, Xe, Xenon.
1. Andrew A Nyblade($213,777), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Archived And Distributed, Gps And Weather, Management Center, Observatory Network, Africa, Africaarray, Graduate, Observatories, Program, Seismic, Students, Training.
1. Gregory D Hoke($88,098), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Isotopic Composition, Soil Water, Water Isotope, Analyses, Characterization, Climatic, Determining, Earth, Ground, Groundwaters, Instrument, Instruments, Isotopes, Melting, Minerals, Ocean, Rock, Sources, Streams, Waters.
1. Peter C Lippert($79,516), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Rock And Paleomagnetism, Alternating Field, AF, Demagnetization, Design, Development, Magnetic, Pis.
1. Jay D Bass($9,796,521), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Pressures And Temperatures, Beam Line, Beam Lines, Compres-supported Facilities, Diamond Cell, Earths Interior, Light Source, National Laboratory, National Synchrotron, ALS, APS, Advanced, Apparatus, COMPTECH, Capabilities, Center, Compres-supported, Consortium, DAC, Dynamical, Experimentation, Experiments, Extreme, Facility, Geophysical, Heating, High-pressure, Inelastic, NSLS, NSLS-II, Properties, Resistance, Scattering, Seismological, X-ray, XB.
1. Mark A Zumberge($565,264), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ground Shaking, Laser Light, Optical Fibers, Borehole, Carry, Description, Displacement, Electronic, Electronics, GSN, Housing, Mass, Means, Measure, Minute, Motion, Motions, Operate, Pendulum, Performance, Range, Seismic, Seismometer, Seismometers, Sensors, Signal, Signals, Simple, Spring, Technology, Vertical.
1. Rajdeep Dasgupta($377,046), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Experimental Petrology, Multi-anvil Device, Newly Acquired, Application, Deep, Immediately, Mantle, Melting, Multi-anvil, Pressure, Processes, Rice, Serve, Temperature, Texas, Volatiles.
1. Yoosuf Picard($12,000), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: EBSD, Opportunity, Planned, Poster, Session, Students, Talks, Technique, Vendors.
1. David L Shuster($137,108), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Cosmogenic Noble Gas, Quantitative Surface Process, Surface Process Studies, Array, Automated, Existing, Extraction, Facility, Laser, Processes, Purification.
1. Jung-Fu Lin($168,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Elasticity And Thermal, Deep-earth Seismic, Mineral Physics, Spectroscopic Technique, Thermal Conductivity, Acquisition, Activities, Broadly, Conditions, Deep-earth, Essential, Geodynamic, Interior, Knowledge, Planetary, Properties, Structures.
1. Edward P Vicenzi($6,325), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Cl Analysis, Laboratory Demonstrations, Microstructural Defects, Topical Conference, Australia, Cathodoluminescence, Electron, Information, MAS, Meeting, Microanalysis, Mineral, NIST, October, Participants, Range, Sensitivity, Society, Students.
1. Holly R Barnard($61,582), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Colorado, Equipment, INSTAAR.
1. Christine L Goodale($106,580), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Hydraulic Fracturing, Wide Variety, Analysis, Analytical, Cornell, Education, Elemental, Energy, Environmental, Facility, Gas, Geological, ICP-OES, Metal, Quality, Regional.
1. Kenneth A Farley($84,788), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Laser Heating, Noble Gas, Noble Gases, Ages, Apatite, Application, Capability, Diode, Geochronology, Has, Information, Lasers, Oc, Power, Rock, Technique, Temperature, Temperatures.
1. Colin A Zelt($227,017), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Crust And Near-surface, Environmental And Engineering, Accurate Estimation, Delay Time, Frequency Content, Global Seismology, Ray Theory, Traveltime Tomography, Wave Propagation, Academic, Account, Applicable, Controlled-source, Developed, Earth, Earthquake, FDTT, FFTT, Finite-frequency, Forward, Frequency-dependent, Has, Heterogeneous, Infinite-frequency, Mantle, Method, Model, Models, Nsurface, Opposed, Real, Reference, Relative, Seismic, Seismograms, Seismologists, Software, Subsurface, Synthetic, Times, Velocity, WDVS.
1. Donald I Siegel($95,574), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Geochemical Fingerprinting Tools, Shallow Ground Waters, Surface And Shallow, Hydraulic Fracturing, Shale Gas, Water Chemistry, Water Quality, Contamination, Contribute, Database, Following, Groundwater, Has, Hydrofracking, Interface, Unbiased, York.
1. Antony R Berthelote($717,280), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Land And Water, Inland Waters, Management Practices, Native Reservations, Resource Management, Sustainable Land, Water Resources, Approach, Biological, Chemical, Ecological, Habitat, Interdisciplinary, National, Predictive, Processes, Program, Students.
1. William Ouimet($381,675), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Jonathan C Lewis($29,339), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
Key terms: Landscape Evolution, Low Relief, Mountain Belt, Passive Margin, Volcanic Arc, Acceleration, Active, Analyses, Collision, Crustal-scale, Deformation, Detailed, Determination, Erosion, Has, Led, Orientation, Steady, Taiwan, Topography, Trending, Uplift.
1. David T Johnston($239,154), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Bacteria, Biochemistry, Isotope, Pereira.
1. William P Johnson($227,213), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Timothy R Ginn($159,917), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Near-surface Residence Times, Colloid Retention, Colloid Transport, Environmental Conditions, Mechanistic Model, Near-surface Fluid, Near-surface Residence, Porous Media, Unfavorable Conditions, Attractive, Behavior, Colloid-surface, Colloids, Darcy, Heterodomains, Influence, Interactions, Nsurface, Pore, Predict, Prediction, Repulsive, Strategies, Surfaces.
1. Samson Tesfaye($33,212), Lincoln University, Jefferson City
2. Francisco G Gomez($26,250), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Rift-rift-rift Triple Junction, Sea And Gulf, Accommodation Zone, Afar Region, Central Afar, Late Pleistocene, Red Sea, Rift-rift-rift Triple, Activity, Aden, Constrain, Continent, Development, Document, Ethiopia, Evolution, Extension, Field, Grabens, Landforms, Mapping, Neotectonic, Observations, Propagators, Quaternary, Regional, Rifts, Strain, Structural, Structure, Tectonic, Tectonism.
1. Bradley R Hacker($329,701), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Continental Crust Flows, Deep Continental Crust, Broad, Composition, Earth, Norway, Pressure, Students, Temperature.
1. Phillip G Resor($146,728), Wesleyan University, Middletown
Key terms: Behavior, CT, Crust, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Fault, Frictional, Geometry, Imaging, Laws, Natural, Program, Roughness, Slip, Students, Surface.
1. Adina Paytan($41,000), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Activity, Agricultural, Collaboration, Countries, Cycle, ETH, Environment, Focus, Gaps, International, Knowledge, Methodologies, Organizers, Post, Students, Swiss, Workshop, Zürich.
1. An Yin($248,824), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Main Frontal Thrust, Active Faults, Eastern Himalaya, Slip Rate, =, Central, Convergence, Current, Detailed, Distribution, Earthquake, Final, Graduate, Himalayan, Indian, Plate, West.
1. Tim D Cope($218,079), DePauw University, Greencastle
Key terms: Plate Boundary, Yanshan Belt, Ancient, Asia, Beijing, China, Collaborative, Complex, Continent, Crust, Dating, Development, Drivers, Eastern, Extension, Extent, Geologic, Geosciences, History, Individual, Interact, Lithosphere, Long-term, Loss, Mountain, Multiple, Shortening, Students, Tectonic, U-pb, Volcanism.
1. James P Syvitski($5,690,110), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Csdms Modeling Framework, Modeling Initiative, Accessible, Capture, Coastal, Computing, Cyber-infrastructure, Developed, Developing, Development, Earth-surface, Ecosystem, Educational, Enhance, Erosion, Initiatives, Landscapes, Models, Modules, Process, Processes, Products, Resources, Software.
1. James Day($300,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Mass Spectrometry, San Diego, Stable Isotope, Biological, Enhance, Formation, Instrument, Isotopic, Measure, Processes, Radiogenic, Range, Scripps, State-of-the-art, Students, TIMS, Trace, Undergraduate.
1. David P Gillikin($325,000), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: Stable Isotope, Geology, Instrument, Investigations, Keck, Marine, Students, Union.
1. Brooke Crowley($400,000), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
Key terms: Carbon And Hydrogen, Isotope Ratio Mass, Ratio Mass Spectrometer, Stable Isotope Ratio, Undergraduate And Graduate, Arctic Ecosystems, Atmospheric Methane, Graduate Students, Hydrogen Isotopes, Methane Emissions, Plant Biomarkers, Undergraduate Students, Array, Biogeochemistry, Characterizing, Cincinnati, Climate, Ecology, Faculty, Geology, IRMS, Instrumentation, Marine, Modern, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironments, Pis, Shale, Terrestrial, Topics, Training, Water.
1. Christine Floss($2,071,491), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Local And External, External Users, Access, Applications, Catalyze, Directions, Diverse, Instrument, Ion, Mass, Processes, Range, SIMS, Technician, Trace, Washington.
1. Ramesh Shrestha($401,374), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Continuously Operating, Normal Faults, Subsidence District, Civil, Co-located, Engineering, Extraction, Forecasting, GPS, Hazards, Houston, Houstonnet, Installed, Local, Metro, Network, Observational, Operated, Planned, Processes, Public, Real-time, Regional, Salt, Stations, Tectonic, UH, UNAVCO, Water, Weather.
1. Jeffrey Walker($80,000), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie
Key terms: Clay, Soils, XRD.
1. Aaron J Beck($580,488), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Flow Cytometer, Nutrient Cycling, Individual, Labeling, Marine, Molecular, Phytoplankton, Rates, Virginia.
1. Regina DeWitt($113,049), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Optically Stimulated Luminescence, Osl Dating Technique, Confocal Osl, Radiation Dose, Allow, Application, Archaeological, Available, Date, Deposition, Emitted, Instrument, Light, Oklahoma, Sediments, Time.
1. Michael O Garcia($349,922), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Hawaiian Ridge, Magma Flux, Mantle Plumes, Plate Motion, Age, Ages, Cenozoic, Chain, Chains, Classic, Education, Evolution, Gaps, Geochemical, Guide, Has, International, Island, Louisville, Module, Motions, Myr, Potential, Published, Source, Students, Time, Undergraduate.
1. Cecily J Wolfe($197,192), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Excess Temperature, South Pacific, Thermally Buoyant, Thermochemical Plumes, Upper Mantle, Body, Classical, Content, Convection, Eclogite, Evidence, Geochemical, Geophysical, Has, Hawaii, Hotspot, Hotspots, Mafic, Observations, Pancake, Potential, Processes, Properties, Seismic, Short-lived, Superplume, Theory, Tomography, Upwellings, Volcanism.
1. Anne M Tréhu($190,566), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Helene D Carton($209,402), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, De Fuca Plate, Juan De Fuca, Subduction Zone Thrust, Active-source Seismic, Fault Zone, Fault Zones, Integrated Analysis, Locked Zone, Plate Boundary, Pore Pressure, Subduction Zones, Thrust Zone, Zone Structure, Acquisition, Active-source, Additional, Allow, Allowing, Characterized, Compare, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Evidence, Existing, Extend, Faults, Hydration, Images, Incoming, Minerals, Obtained, Ocean, Offshore, Oregon, Process, Region, Regions, Sediment, Segment, Seismometers, Slip, Sources, Thick, Washington, Water.
1. Deborah K Smith($237,628), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, Ocean Transform Faults, Tectonic Plates Meet, Mid-atlantic Ridge, Ridge Axis, Total Length, Triple Junction, Allow, Earthquakes, Hydrophones, Mid-atlantic, Motion, North, Region, South, Testing.
1. Jean-Paul Ampuero($576,776), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Theory And Observations, Dynamic Rupture, Earthquake Dynamics, Earthquake Rupture, Source Imaging, Source Inversion, Activities, Analysis, Capacity, Complexity, Computational, Destructive, Developments, Earthquakes, Education, Enhance, Foster, Hazards, Hispanic, Integrates, Main, Method, Mitigate, Multi-scale, Observational, Physics, Processes, Products, Realistic, SEM, Seismic, Seismology, Simulation, Social, Software, Techniques, Uncertainties, Vulnerability.
1. Mark J Caddick($236,964), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Ethan F Baxter($266,571), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Depth And Temperature, Primary Dehydration Flux, Subduction Zone Dehydration, Garnet Growth, Subducted Rocks, Thermodynamic Analysis, Zoned Garnet, Continuous, Information, Methods, Predictions, Processes, Rate, Release, Sifnos, Unique, Water.
1. Jay J Ague($318,284), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Heat Transfer, Mountain Building, Analyses, Appalachian, Carbon, Conditions, Crust, Extreme, Fluid, Fluids, Geologic, Implications, Magmas, Metamorphism, Microprobe, Radiogenic, Rock, Temperatures, UHT, Ultrahigh, Yale, °C, °F.
1. Helge M Gonnermann($129,773), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
2. Christian Huber($162,288), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Bubble Coalescence, Erupting Magma, Gas Loss, Magmatic Gases, Volcanic Eruptions, Affect, Bubble-scale, Bubbles, Deformation, Facilitate, Flow, Model, Permeable, Shear.
1. Horst Marschall($295,916), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Minerals And Melts, Nb And Ta, Continental Crust, Crustal Differentiation, Desired Properties, Time Scales, Assumption, Composition, Concentration, Crystallization, Demonstrate, Determination, Diffusion, Equilibrium, Experiments, Function, Geochemical, Geological, Has, Incorporation, Involved, Low, Mechanisms, Melting, Models, Natural, Nb-ta, Pair, Processes, Rock, Rutile, Sets, Temperature.
1. Alan G Whittington($316,682), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Rheological And Thermal, Basaltic Lavas, Heat Capacity, Lava Flows, Melt Viscosity, Thermal Properties, Yield Strength, Calorimetry, Conditions, Crystal, Crystallization, Determined, Enthalpy, Function, Graduate, Magma, Morphology, Rate, Rheology, Single, Supercooled, Surface, Temperature, Time.
1. Bruce F Houghton($25,785), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Emergency Managers, Graduate Students, Build, Cities, Conference, Disciplines, Meeting, Networks, Opportunity, Planners, Volcanoes.
1. Melinda D Dyar($115,363), Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley
2. Molly McCanta($103,451), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Broad Range, Fe Xanes, Oxygen Fugacity, Allows, Analytical, Chemistry, Composition, Conditions, Cooling, Crystallization, Crystallized, Experiments, Fefe, Fo, Glass, Glasses, Iron, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Minerals, Multiple, Parameters, Pressure, Quantify, Resulting, Robust, Techniques, Temperature, Valence, Wide.
1. Drew S Coleman($216,976), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits, Porphyry Copper, Exploration, Fluid, Mineralization, Molybdenite, Ore, Rheniumosmium, Timing.
1. Bruce F Houghton($366,758), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Ash Advisory Centers, Volcanic Ash Advisory, Column Height, Eruption Rate, Tephra Dispersal, Askja, Density, Distribution, Global, Globally, Icelandic, Lack, Models, Parameters, Particle, Scenarios, Shape, Size, Supply, TGSD, Transport, Volcanoes, Volume.
1. Michael Rowe($252,389), Washington State University, Pullman
2. James D Webster($99,283), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Mount St, Conditions, Crystals, Eruption, Experimental, Helens, Magma, Movement, Mt, Observations, Processes, Suggested, Trace, Variables, Volatile, Volatiles, Volcanic, Water.
1. Kimberly D Genareau($199,237), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Lava Dome Growth, Pyroclastic Density Currents, Active Stratovolcanic, Ash Fall, Dome Collapse, Particular Characteristics, Pyroclastic Hazards, Size Distributions, Volatile Degassing, Activity, Allow, Behavior, Dynamics, Effusion, Erupted, Eruption, Influence, Merapi, Model, Morphology, Parameters, Resulting, Rim, Seeks, Single, Strategies, Time, Volcanic, World.
1. Martin J Streck($227,700), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Convergent Plate Boundaries, Calc-alkaline Composition, Calc-alkaline Signature, Calc-alkaline Trend, Crustal Interactions, Strawberry Volcanics, Volcanic Arcs, Volcanic Field, Volcanic Rocks, Andesites, Basalt, Basaltic, CRBG, Calc-alkaline, Compositions, Depth, Effect, Erupted, Eruption, Fissures, Investigate, Lavas, Layers, Mantle, Mountains, Non-subduction, Oregon, Period, Processes, Setting, Situated, Tholeiitic, Time, Was.
1. Bjorn O Mysen($214,025), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Melts And Fluids, Natural Magmatic, Redox Conditions, School Students, Silicate Melts, Structural Species, Upper Mantle, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volatile Components, Analyses, Behavior, C-O-H-N, Earth, Experiments, Fractionation, Information, Partitioning, Pressure, Properties, Quenched, Structure, Temperature, Undergraduate.
1. Georg Zellmer($99,803), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Central Mexican Volcanic, Mexican Volcanic Belt, Partial Melts, Silicic Magmas, Arc, Basaltic, Broader, Coeval, Crust, Flux, Fluxes, Geochemical, MVB, Mantle, Origin, Recycling, Rock, Slab, Volcanoes.
1. Julia E Hammer($270,928), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Clinopyroxene Dendrites, Contrast Imaging, Crystal Growth, Lattice Misorientations, Lattice Rotation, Analysis, Analytical, Compositional, Conditions, Crystallization, Crystals, Dendritic, Development, Diffraction, Dynamic, EBSD, Experimental, Experiments, Field, Formation, Geochemical, Mapping, Models, Module, Olivine, Program, Targets, Textural, Utilizing.
1. Calvin F Miller($332,921), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Continental Crust, Radiometric Dating, Silicic Magmas, Earth, Eruption, Geothermal, Iceland, Icelands, Island, Islands, Magmatic, Mineral, Oceanic, Power, Processes, Rock, Zircon.
1. Blair Schoene($297,287), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Middle And Upper, Adamello Batholith, Bergell Intrusion, High-precision Geochronology, Magma Emplacement, Upper Crust, Zircon Fragments, Alps, Analytical, Ca, Emplaced, Exposure, Field, Geochemical, Geology, Has, High-precision, Initiative, Magmatic, Mineral, Model, Models, Numerical, Phd, Pluton, Processes, Set, Structural, Timescales, Univ, Vertical, Volumes.
1. John W Kappelman($51,408), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Tyrone Rooney($255,284), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: African Superplume, Lithospheric Mantle, Mantle Melts, Melt Generation, Analytical, Austin, Basalt, Collaboration, Conditions, Constrain, Ethiopian, Five, Flood, Has, Insights, Interactions, Lithologies, Magma, Ongoing, Paleomagnetic, Peridotite, Phd, Pyroxenite, Source, Sources, Upwelling.
1. H. Richard Naslund($170,618), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
Key terms: Crystallization History, Geological Survey, In-situ Differentiation, Magma Recharge, Melt Migration, Victoria Island, Augite, Base, Canada, Chilled, Compaction, Composition, Diabase, Differentiated, Emplacement, Has, In-situ, Initial, Lower, Mapping, Margins, Minerals, Near, Olivine, Olivine-rich, Origin, Phenocrysts, Proterozoic, Re-equilibration, Represent, Rock, Roof, Sill, Sills, Similar, Thick, Thin, Zone.
1. Kimberly D Genareau($14,418), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. Alexander A Proussevitch($66,289), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Ash Particles, Fine Ash, Terminal Velocities, Volcanic Ash, Wind Tunnel, Air, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Aviation, Designed, Experiments, FPF, Flow, Formulations, Global, Hazards, Importance, Lehigh, Losses, Pilot, Properties, Range, Shapes, Sizes, Slow, Time, Transport, UNH, Was.
1. Thomas S Duffy($396,938), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction, Synchrotron-based Single-crystal X-ray, X-ray Diffraction Techniques, Crystal Structure, Crystal Structures, Single-crystal X-ray, Synchrotron-based Single-crystal, Upper Mantle, X-ray Diffraction, Behavior, Conditions, Crystals, Earth, Equation, Gpa, High-pressure, Minerals, Olivine, Phase, Pressures.
1. Meagen Pollock($126,905), College of Wooster, Wooster
2. Benjamin R Edwards($161,571), Dickinson College, Carlisle
Key terms: Beneath Ice, British Columbia, Fissure Segment, Pillow Lava, Pillow Lavas, Subglacial Pillow, Earth, Eruption, Explosive, Floods, Formation, Glaciovolcanic, Global, Iceland, Interactions, Lithofacies, Models, Ocean, Pillow-dominated, Single, Structure.
1. Adam C Simon($106,675), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Si And Fe, Fractionation Factors, Igneous Rocks, Molecular Dynamics, Ntsi Fractionation, Stable Isotope, Temperature Gradient, Thermal Diffusion, Basis, Characterize, Collaboration, Complementary, Compositions, Differentiation, Experimental, Experiments, Fractionations, Isotopic, Magmatic, Melts, Mg, Molten, Observed, Origin, Petrology, Phases, Postdoc, Processes, Simulation, Soret, Students, Tool.
1. Yan Liang($206,173), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Clinopyroxene And Orthopyroxene, Pyroxene-melt Ree Partitioning, Ree Partitioning Models, Thermal And Chemical, Ultramafic And Mafic, Closure Temperature, Internally Consistent, Planetary Bodies, Planetary Interior, Planetary Scientists, Pyroxene-melt Ree, Ree Abundances, Ree-in-two-pyroxene Thermometer, Thermal Structure, Upper Mantle, Applications, Broader, Distribution, Earth, Experience, Geo-thermometer, Geochemists, Geodynamicists, Graduate, Has, History, Laboratory, Minerals, Orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, Petrologists, Pyroxenes, Read, Ree-in-two-pyroxene, Rock, Temperatures, Tool, Trace.
1. Josef Dufek($202,387), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Michael Manga($179,998), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Explosive Volcanic Eruptions, Mass And Energy, Pyroclastic Density Currents, Energy Transfer, Heat Transfer, Numerical Models, Volcanic Deposits, Ability, Ash, Behavior, Coupled, Dispersal, Examine, Experiments, Flows, Gas, Large-scale, Particle, Particles, Physics, Potential, Processes, Simulations, Strength, Subgrid.
1. Jeffrey B Johnson($600,016), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Atmospheric Propagation Effects, Physics And Atmospheric, Low Frequency, Source Physics, Volcano Sounds, Acoustic, Atmosphere, Continuous, Eruption, Intense, International, Lead, Monitoring, Networks, Signals, Students, Surveillance, Techniques, Vital, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Nancy R Gray($20,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Academia And Industry, Active Hydrothermal, Mineral Deposits, Ore Deposits, Wide Range, Commonly, Conferences, Continue, Critical, Fluid, Focus, Formation, Government, Grcs, Involved, Metals, Opportunity, Participants, Processes, Rare, Resources, Sessions, Setting, World.
1. John W Valley($272,273), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Cooling And Uplift, Oxygen Isotope, Adirondack, Adirondacks, Allowing, Apply, Diffusion, Formed, Garnet, Inclusions, Metamorphic, Mineral, Model, Mountain, Pressure, Profiles, Quartz, Range, Rock, Selected, Tested, Thermometry.
1. Brian Jicha($249,215), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Arc Magmatism, Crater Lake, Lower Crust, Magma Chamber, Magmatic Evolution, National Park, Aims, Approaches, Caldera-forming, Cascades, Climactic, Constrain, Eruption, Geologic, Hydrothermal, Isotopes, Mafic, Mazama, Mt, Processes, Sensitive, U-th, Upper, Viz, Volcanic.
1. Jane Selverstone($190,025), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Central Alps, Chlorine Isotope, Cl Isotope, D37cl Values, Fractionation Mechanisms, Isotope Composition, Metasedimentary Rocks, Analysis, Contaminated, Dcl, Fluid, Fluids, Found, Geochemical, Grade, Hampshire, Hispanic, Isotopic, Mantle, Metamorphic, Metamorphism, Permil, Prograde, Sediments, Sequence, Sequences, Single, Student, Supported, Systematic.
1. Reid F Cooper($320,663), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Extended Defects, APT, Application, Cations, Characterization, Characterize, Chemical, Dynamics, Emphasize, Happens, Has, Ionic, Mineral, Minerals, Olivine, Oxide, Oxides, Persistence, Petrology, Potential, Reactions, Structures, Thermochemical, Transport.
1. Yingwei Fei($379,946), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Solid And Liquid, Density Jump, Experimental Petrology, Inner Core, Liquid Iron, Mineral Physics, Phase Relations, Thermodynamic Model, Broad, Developed, Earth, Fe-fes, Function, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Gpa, High-quality, ICB, Melting, Observations, Partitioning, Techniques.
1. Matthew G Jackson($199,703), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Pb Isotopic Diversity, Cook Islands, Crustal Assimilation, Diversity Reflects, Mantle Source, Mantle Sources, Melt Inclusions, Mi Diversity, Single Lava, Compositions, Comprehensive, Diverse, Lavas, Local, Magma, Magmatic, Mangaia, Mis, Observed, Pb-isotopic, Processes, Trace.
1. Lawrence A Taylor($380,000), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Peridotite Xenoliths, Siberian Craton, Continent, Cratons, Deep, Evolution, Formation, Kimberlites, Mantle, Time.
1. Shichun Huang($352,078), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Mass Dependent 44ca40ca, Upper Crustal Recycling, 87sr86sr Ratios, Ancient Carbonates, Ca Isotope, Carbonate Recycling, Dependent 44ca40ca, Mantle Heterogeneity, Oceanic Basalts, Previous Nsf, Application, Caca, Compositions, EM, Education, Endmember, Fractionation, Geochemistry, Graduate, Hawaii, Isotopic, Lavas, Process, Recycled, Srsr, Undergraduate, Unique.
1. Kenneth A Farley($302,657), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Ages, Dated, Dating, Especially, Experiments, Isotope, Method, Minerals, Ne, Neon, Produced, Set, Thorium, Uranium.
1. Kari M Cooper($374,297), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Space And Time, Analytical Techniques, Continental Crust, Hf Isotopic, Magma Bodies, Silicic Magma, Silicic Magmas, Subsurface Geometry, U-th Dating, Accumulation, Analyses, Analysis, Approach, Caldera, Chemical, Collaborations, Combined, Compositions, Eruption, Female, Generated, Geologic, Graduate, Grains, Growth, Has, Heterogeneity, History, Implications, Information, Insights, Interior, Melt, Mixing, Phases, Polished, Prior, Recruit, Reservoir, Reservoirs, Spot, Storage, Student, Students, Surfaces, Tectonic, Thousands, Trace-element, U-th, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Zircon.
1. Jessica F Larsen($399,724), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Active Volcanoes, Alaska Native, Basaltic Andesite, Decompression Rate, Eruptive Style, Mafic Eruptions, Mafic Magmas, Okmok Volcano, Percolation Threshold, Undergraduate Student, Ascending, Ash, Bubble, Control, Crystallization, Degassing, Development, Efficiency, Equipment, Experimentally, Experiments, Fragmentation, Gas, Hazards, Influence, Kinetics, Melts, Natural, Particular, Permeability, UAF, Vesiculation, Violent.
1. Christian Huber($168,247), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Eruption Dynamics, Excess Degassing, Vapor Bubbles, Accumulate, Accumulation, Active, Amount, Analyses, Apatites, Behavior, Controls, Course, Developed, Ex-situ, Expected, Exsolved, Geochemical, Graduate, Has, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Methods, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Pis, Plinian, Poorly, Prior, Quantify, Quantitative, Released, Reservoirs, Shallow, Students, Techniques, Thermodynamic, Transport, Transported, Tuff, Units, Volatile, Volatiles.
1. Janelle M Homburg($100,196), Homburg Janelle M, Palisades
Key terms: Deformation Behavior, Upper Mantle, Allow, Composition, Conditions, D-DIA, Deeper, Development, Education, Effects, Electron, High-pressure, Investigate, Involved, Lab, Mechanical, Minnesota, Olivinepyroxene, Pressure, Processes, Water.
1. Jennifer L Druhan($170,000), Druhan Jennifer L, Berkeley
Key terms: Heterogeneous Permeability Distributions, Homogeneous And Heterogeneous, Reactive Transport, Stable Isotope, Analysis, Aspect, Demonstrate, Experimental, Fractionation, Heterogeneity, Imaging, Involve, Isotopic, Modeling, NSF, Nuclear, Stanford, Water.
1. Alexis K Ault($170,000), Ault Alexis K, Boulder
Key terms: Baffin Island, Dating Technique, Fluid Flow, Rae Craton, Apatite, Application, Arizona, Burial, Constrain, Continent, Cratonic, Cratons, Development, Dynamics, Hematite, Plate, Regions, Rock, Surface, Tectonic, U-thhe.
1. Adrian A Harpold($170,000), Harpold Adrian A, Tucson
Key terms: Land Surface, Snow-vegetation Interactions, Vegetation Structure, Climate, Colorado, Complex, Fluxes, Forested, Forests, Information, Lidar, Model, Models, Resolution, Seasonal, Snow-vegetation, Snowpack, Snowpacks, Terrain, Water, Western.
1. Davin J Wallace($127,500), Wallace Davin J, Houston
Key terms: Western Atlantic Basin, Woods Hole Oceanographic, Hurricane Impacts, Bermuda, Caribbean, Climate, Coastlines, Cores, Gulf, Historic, Hurricanes, Mexico, Paleohurricane, Past, Sea, Sediment, Teachers.
1. Justin R Brown($170,000), Brown Justin R, Stanford
Key terms: Non-volcanic Tremor, Seismic Cycle, Southern California, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Newly, Non-volcanic, Program, Shown, Students, Waveform.
1. Noah J Planavsky($127,500), Planavsky Noah J, Riverside
Key terms: Oxygenic Photosynthesis, Billion, Biological, Carbon, Earth, Evolution, Has, Isotope, Mn, Oxidation, Redox, Spanning, Was.
1. Harmony V Colella($170,000), Colella Harmony V, Riverside
Key terms: Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Constrain, ETS, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Energy, Fault, Graduate, Observed, Parameters, Slip, Specifically, Tremor, Undergraduate, Variety.
1. George M Hornberger($3,722,560), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Water Resource Management, Adaptive Actions, Food Security, Water Availability, Water Scarcity, Adaptation, Changing, Conditions, Countries, Decisions, Developing, Disciplines, Drought, Environmental, Facilitate, Farmers, Generate, Growing, Has, Implications, Integrated, Investigate, Knowledge, Land, Leaders, National, Population, Practices, Social, Traditional, World, Worlds.
1. Kevin D Kroeger($124,899), U.S. Geological Survey -- Woods Hole, Woods Hole
Key terms: Indian River Bay, Spatial And Temporal, Coastal Waters, Geologic Heterogeneity, Groundwater Discharge, Hydraulic Forcing, Nitrogen Loading, Organic Matter, Ammonium, Characterized, Controls, Delaware, Denitrification, Driven, Estuarine, Excess, Fluxes, Geochemical, Gradients, Investigations, Models, Numerical, Nutrient, Quantify, Saline, Salinity, Source, Species, Subsurface.
1. Shun-ichiro Karato($120,000), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Continental Upper Mantle, Electrical Conductivity Distribution, Inferred Electrical Conductivity, Oxygen Fugacity Etc, Water Distribution, Composition, Consequently, Established, Evolution, Experimental, Has, MT, Observations, Parameters, Temperature.
1. Linda T Elkins-Tanton($34,422), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
2. Richard J Walker($164,584), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Elemental And Isotopic, Geodynamic Modeling, Isotopic Anomalies, Isotopic Heterogeneities, Evolution, Formation, Mantle, Mechanisms, Models, Observations, Rock, Siderophile, Terrestrial, Via.
1. Allen McNamara($220,326), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Deep And Dense, Dense Compositional Reservoirs, Flow Mass Transfer, Flow Shapes Plausible, Return Flow Mass, Shapes Plausible Deep, Convection Simulations, Convective Flow, Deep Mantle, Earth's Deep, Pacific Ocean, Seismic Imaging, Beneath, CMB, Geodynamics, Heterogeneity, LLSVP, Llsvps, Nature, Plumes, Seismological, Structure, Structures, Velocity, Zones.
1. Jennifer M Jackson($360,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Mineral Physics, Boundary, Chemical, Comprehensive, Core, Deep, Dynamics, Experimental, Laboratory, Layer, Mantle, Modeling, Models, Predict, Processes, Resolution, Seismic, Students, Techniques.
1. Vernon F Cormier($239,604), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. John Hernlund($195,337), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Core Boundary Region, Inner Core Boundary, Liquid Outer Core, Chemical Composition, Dynamical Mechanisms, Earth's Core, Hemispherical Differences, Magnetic Field, Solid Iron, Solidification Process, Complexity, Conditions, Cooling, Cores, Deep, Extent, Formation, Freezing, Life, Metal, Motions, Nature, Planets, Processes, Properties, Rate, Seismic, Spatial, Structure, Surface.
1. Bruce Buffett($24,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Earth's Deep Interior, Earth's Deep, Contribute, Core, Dynamics, Evolution, Interdisciplinary, International, Mantle, Meeting, SEDI, Structure, Surface.
1. Douglas W Burbank($171,556), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Bedrock Exposures, Effective Strength, Fracture Densities, Fracture Density, Hillslope Stability, Near-surface Fracture, Rock Fracturing, Shallow Seismic, Apparently, Artificial, Biotic, Calibration, Climatic, Collapse, Control, Curvature, Depth, Development, Erosion, Field, Forces, Fractured, Fractures, Freeze-thaw, Hillslopes, Ii, Importance, Intact, Intrinsic, Investigated, Landscape, Landsliding, Layer, Methodology, Natural, Nsurface, Processes, Promising, Properties, Steepness, Subsurface, Surveys, Tested, Versus, Weaken.
1. Richard F Yuretich($29,997), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Acid-mine Drainage, Iron-reducing Bacteria, Reactive Fill, Acid-mine, Affected, Conditions, Field, Introduction, Iron-reducing, Metal, Microbial, Microorganisms, Mining, Monitor, Natural, Outflow, Processes, Site, Sites, Stream, Sulfate-reducing, Surface, Waters.
1. Raymond L Bernor($35,974), Howard University, Washington
Key terms: Natural History, Access, Chinese, Collections, Howard, Museum.
1. Christopher Paola($718,860), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: International Exchange, Theme-based Focused, Virtual Institute, Actionable, Approach, Campaigns, Establish, Experimental, Future, Graduate, LIFE, Programs, Public, Shared, Sharing, Surface, Sustainability, Theme-based, Theoretical, Vulnerability.
1. Thomas H Jordan($15,463,561), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Operational Earthquake Forecasting, Seismic Hazard Analysis, Strong Ground Motions, Earthquake Physics, Earthquake Risk, Seismic Hazards, Southern California, Advanced, Basic, Built, Center, Collaborations, Earthquakes, Education, Fault, Information, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Laboratory, Long-term, Model, Modeling, National, Natural, Physics-based, Program, Resilience, SCEC, Scecs, Slip, Theme, Warning.
1. Francis A Macdonald($87,004), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Mark D Schmitz($112,993), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Franklin Lip, Glacial Deposits, Age, Dating, Duration, Glaciation, Has, Increase, Snowball, Sturtian, Timing, Volcanism, Was, Yukon, Zircons.
1. Maciej A Zwieniecki($196,923), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Leaf Compressions, Leaf Fossils, Past Climates, Plant Habit, Chicago, Density, Diversification, Ecology, Ecophysiology, Environment, Evolution, Forests, Information, Leaves, Physiology, Plants, Primary, Provided, Proxies, Structure, Surface, Tools, Vein.
1. Xiaoming Wang($81,520), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
2. Timothy Shanahan($144,224), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Climate And Environmental, Tibetan Plateau, Zhada Basin, Evolution, Extensive, Faunal, Stable, Vertebrate.
1. Megan E Elwood Madden($229,000), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Glacial And Non-glacial, Proximal Alluvial Sediments, Sedimentary Facies, Sediments Formed, Chemical, Granitoid-sourced, Indicators, Textural, Weathering.
1. Tim K Lowenstein($413,777), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Jonathan G Wynn($251,145), Arizona State University, Tempe
3. Anders J Noren($382,960), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ancient Lake Beds, Drill Cores, Environmental Dynamics, Human Evolution, Human Origins, Activities, African, Artifact, Basins, Climate, Close, Critical, Drilling, Ethiopia, Fossils, Hominin, Hominins, Intervals, Kenya, Models, Nearby, Nine, Opportunities, Outcrop, Outreach, Paleoenvironmental, Sites, Training.
1. Carrie E Schweitzer($100,000), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Body Plans, Comprehensive Analysis, Fossil Decapod, Paleobiology Database, Unique Dataset, Arrayed, Available, Conditions, Decapoda, Decapods, Derived, Diverse, Diversity, Ecosystems, Entered, Environmental, Evolutionary, Exploited, Extinction, Geologic, Historical, History, Kent, Living, Macroevolution, Modern, Morphological, Morphology, Paleoecological, Presentations, Public, Repeatedly, Species, Students, Taxa, Tested, Undergraduate.
1. Patrick S Druckenmiller($100,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Gregory M Erickson($50,000), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Polar Dinosaur Fauna, Dinosaur Paleobiology, Lower Latitude, Alaska, Alaskan, Arctic, Dinosaurs, Northern, Students.
1. H. David Sheets($56,255), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Climatic And Oceanographic, Evolutionary Dynamics, Biodiversity, Biogeographic, Cenozoic, Changing, Climate, Critical, Cycles, Distribution, Environmental, Episodes, Graptolite, Graptolites, Ordovician, Pis, Silurian, Spatial, Zooplankton.
1. Gabriel J Bowen($69,126), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Bighorn Basin Coring, Carbon, Continent, Cores, Documented, ETM, Elmo, Gt, Hyperthermal, Ky, PETM.
1. Peter DeMenocal($20,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: African Climate, Human Evolution, Disciplines, Lines, Workshop.
1. James M Russell($139,945), Brown University, Providence
2. Meredith A Kelly($48,073), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Glacier Advance, Rwenzori Mountains, Tropical Glacier, Tropical Glaciers, Africa, Climate, Control, Generate, Glaciations, Moraine, Past, Processes, Sensitive, Temperature, Timing, Uganda-congo, Virtually.
1. Reed McEwan($260,319), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Smear Slides, Components, Prototype, TMI, Tool, Workflow.
1. Stephen R Meyers($576,072), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Astrochronologic And Radioisotopic, Radioisotopic Time Scales, Astronomically Tuned, Computational Approach, Deep-time Astrochronology, Geologic Time, Orbital Insolation, Advances, Astrochronologies, Calibrate, Challenge, Challenges, Climate, Cyclostratigraphy, Deep-time, Development, Field, Geochronology, Has, Integration, Lack, Method, Participation, Program, Sedimentary, Stratigraphic, Tempo, Uw-madison, Veracity.
1. Roger Summons($126,567), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: End-triassic Mass Extinction, End-triassic Mass, Environmental Perturbation, Queen Charlotte, Restricted Marine, School District, Basins, Brown, Curricula, Educational, History, Incorporated, Local, MIT, Mechanisms, Mid-ocean, Multiple, Pis, Programs, Specific, Students, Summer, Th, Underrepresented.
1. William J Ripple($50,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Animals, Arrival, Densities, Food, Health, Human, Indicators, Mammal, Past, Population, Predator, Prey, Stress.
1. Shanan E Peters($863,448), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Analyzing, Body, Building, Citizen, Citizens, Compiled, Context, Distribution, Earth, Enable, Energy, Evolution, Existing, Field, Framework, Geographic, Geological, Geologists, Gt, History, Integrating, Knowledge, Literature, Macrostrat, North, Observations, Primary, Processes, Quantitatively, Resource, Resources, Rock, Serve, Students, Time, Web.
1. Sandra J Carlson($228,584), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Crura And Loops, Molecular And Morphological, Growth Stages, Living Brachiopods, Uc Davis, Adults, Analyses, Analysis, Animals, Character, Clade, Compare, Compared, Derived, Development, Diversity, Does, Evolution, Evolutionary, Extant, Extinct, Features, Female, Genera, Graduate, Images, Information, Marine, Morphology, Opportunity, Paleontologists, Phylogenetic, Polarity, Public, Quantitative, Rhynchonellide, Shape, Share, Species, Taxa, Underlying, Word.
1. Charles R Marshall($320,623), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Extinction Intensity, Human Presence, Large-bodied Mammal, Radiocarbon Dates, Biodiversity, Chronology, Climate, Continent, Contribute, Current, Genera, Global, Has, International, Large-bodied, North, Policy, Quaternary, Resources, South, Species, Students.
1. Wonsuck Kim($51,836), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Zhixiong Shen($332,363), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Sediment Trapping Efficiency, Age Spectra, Coastal Restoration, Fluviodeltaic Sedimentation, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi River, Oc Sequestration, River Diversions, Carbon, Clastic, Content, Critical, Dating, Debate, Deposition, Deposits, Episodic, Geological, Investigate, OSL, Overbank, Pis, Potential, Rates, Stratigraphic.
1. Jonathan Payne($458,203), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Collection And Analysis, Evolutionary Dynamics, Graduate Student, Identifying Controls, School Teacher, Size Evolution, Stem Fields, Taxonomic Diversity, Analyses, Body, Circumstances, Class, Compilation, Comprehensive, Datasets, Ecological, Environmental, Fossil, Function, Future, Global, Has, Long-term, Marine, Mass, Phanerozoic, Physiological, Radiation, Shared, Stanford, Students, Summer, Visit.
1. Michal J Kowalewski($161,263), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Assessing Human Impacts, Coastal Habitats, Dead Shellfish, Marine Animals, North Carolina, Shellfish Remains, Activities, Allow, Developing, Diverse, Ecological, Environmental, Field, Fossil, Has, Live, Living, Namely, Organisms, Past, Post-doctoral, Present-day, Primary, Rigorous, Undergraduate.
1. Johnny A Waters($11,999), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Boundary, Fieldwork, Mongolia, Rock, Time.
1. Nora K Noffke($14,400), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: Isua Greenstone Belt, Allow, Earth, Firm, Ga, Greenland, Gt, IGB, Information.
1. Julie A Bowles($24,012), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Rock Magnetism, Santa Fe, Conference.
1. Shuhai Xiao($43,315), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
Key terms: Chinese Scientists, Critical Transitions, Los Angeles, Bring, Broad, China, Collaborations, Discoveries, Funding, History, Paleontologists, Unprecedented, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Yair Rosenthal($75,488), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms:
1. Robert Weiss($47,818), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Tsunami Deposit, Tsunami Deposits, Tsunami Hazard, Tsunami-deposit Studies, Assessment, Awareness, Basic, Bring, Coastal, Designs, Education, Engineering, Engineers, Geologic, Geologists, Importance, Increase, Information, Interdisciplinary, Means, Mitigation, NSF, Preparedness, Priorities, Public, Social, Storm, Tsunami-deposit, Tsunamis, Workshop.
1. Robert Weiss($73,888), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Ports And Harbors, Coastal Infrastructure, Engineering Evaluation, Inundation Dynamics, Near Coastal, Tsunami Damage, Tsunami Inundation, Assessment, Barriers, Characteristics, Characterization, Comprehensive, Deposits, Effects, Erosion, Field, Interdisciplinary, Look, Marinas, Pacific, Scour, Sediment, Survey, Surveys, Transport, Tsunamis.
1. Jeffrey M Bielicki($1,900,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Cpg Technology, Energy Storage, Environmentally Benign, Geothermal Energy, Low-carbon Energy, Produce Electricity, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy, Time Electricity, Approach, Awareness, Broader, Challenges, Deployment, Development, Economically, Emissions, Investigate, Low-carbon, NSF, Potential, Produced, Program, Resources, Sources, Stored, Storing.
1. John K Horne($1,900,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Environmental And Social, Large-scale Tidal Energy, Tidal Energy Development, Energy Sustainability, Knowledge Gaps, Large-scale Tidal, Power Generation, Renewable Energy, Social Information, Societal Costs, Sustainable Energy, Technology Convergence, Analyses, Analysis, Array, Balance, Currents, Engineering, Has, NSF, Ocean, Pathway, Pilot, Public, Resource, Scenario, Scenario-based, Technical, Tools.
1. Jessica Pilarczyk($31,970), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Geologic Evidence, Japan Trench, Southern Segment, Tsunamis Originating, Deposits, Earthquake, Generating, Largest, Region, Tohoku-oki, Tokyo, Uncertainty.
1. Peter W Reiners($350,539), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Dates And Compositions, Timing And Conditions, Bedrock-hosted Secondary, Brittle Deformation, Fluid Flow, Iron-oxide Minerals, Bedrock-hosted, Characterization, Dating, Formation, Geologic, Iron-oxide, Migration, Potential, Processes, Radioisotopic, Range, Rock, Thermochronology, U-thhe, Zones.
1. Rob Van der Voo($135,453), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Ar Dating, Flexural Folds, Fold-thrust Belt, Incompetent Layers, Ages, Application, Applied, Apply, Bentonite, Central, Competent, Conditions, Deformation, Fault, Fold-thrust, Folded, Folding, Formed, Hinge, Illite, Limbs, Limestone, Low, Method, Observed, Obtaining, Potassium, Section, Shale, Shear, Temperature, Transformation, World.
1. Benjamin E Surpless($127,155), Trinity University, San Antonio
Key terms: Fold Evolution, Fold Formation, Fracture Formation, Fracture Intensity, Fracture Networks, Mechanical Stratigraphy, Stillwell Anticline, Structural Position, Analysis, Cements, Constrain, Context, Deformation, Detailed, Development, Evaluation, Fault, Faults, Field, Folds, Fractures, Geometry, Has, Influence, Investigation, Kinematic, Linked, Opportunity, Permeability, Revealed, Stages, Strain, Students, Subsurface, Textures, Timing, Trinity, Undergraduate, Underlying.
1. Michele Cooke($232,101), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: San Jacinto Fault, Crack Linkage, Cracks Link, Fault Development, Fault Growth, Mechanical Efficiency, Potential Earthquakes, Southern California, Accommodate, Anisotropy, Approach, Based, Benefit, Coalescence, Conditions, Contribute, Cost, Depends, Energetic, Energetically, Evolution, Faults, Flaws, History, Interpreted, Investigation, Larger, Lazy, Less, Linked, Linking, Minimization, Models, Parametric, Predict, Principle, Rock, Segments, Slip, Stepover, Stochastic, Tools, Via.
1. Eric S Cowgill($373,313), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: California Shear Zone, Eastern California Shear, San Andreas Fault, Ancient Earthquakes, Channel Formed, Fault Motion, Fault Slip, Mojave Section, Slip Rate, Southern California, Stream Channels, Age, Ago, Average, Faults, Geological, Has, Hazards, History, Measure, Mmyr, Offset, Offsets, Period, Periods, Produce, Slower, Surface, Thousand, Time, Total.
1. Kenneth D Ridgway($318,968), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Convergent Margins, Southern Alaska, Alaskan, Climate, Deformation, Depositional, Development, Erosion, Erosional, Evolution, Geologically, Glacial, Glaciation, Glaciers, Gulf, Has, Mechanical, Modeling, Models, Mountain, Rapid, Reorganization, Structural, Tectonic, Uplift.
1. Craig Grimes($149,169), Ohio University, Athens
2. Craig Grimes($147,092), Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
3. Barbara E John($252,932), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Low-angle Normal Fault, Low-angle Normal Faults, Field Observations, Laboratory Experiments, Low-angle Normal, Normal Faulting, Seismogenic Crust, Stable Isotope, Analysis, Characterization, Colleagues, Conducting, Dips, Earthquake, Europe, Exposed, Fluids, Footwall, Has, History, Initiation, Less, Mechanisms, Microstructural, Microstructures, Natural, Processes, Rock, Slip, Students, °.
1. Craig Grimes($123,917), Ohio University, Athens
Key terms: Florida And Mississippi, Graduate And Undergraduate, Atlantic Ocean, Continental Crust, Granitic Bodies, Lithospheric Structure, Suwannee Suture, African, Alleghanian, Ancient, Boundary, Collision, Considered, Contributing, Critical, Earthscope, Formation, Formed, Geochemical, Geophysical, Has, Magmatic, Modern, North, Pangea, Pangean, Produced, Region, Rock, Rupture, South, Spatial, Students, Supercontinent, Tectonic, Was, Zone.
1. Jay B Thomas($76,058), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
2. Richard D Law($183,971), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Andreas K Kronenberg($155,914), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Mechanical And Thermal, Analytical Techniques, Crystallographic Fabrics, Deformation Temperatures, Deformation Thermometers, Earth's Crust, Fabric Development, Mineral Assemblages, Nsf Funding, Recrystallization Regime, Tectonic Settings, Temperatures Indicated, Texas Aandm, Virginia Tech, Wide Range, Based, Chemical, Chosen, Collected, Conditions, Deformed, Developed, Equilibrium, Flow, Has, Importance, Influence, Influenced, Mechanisms, Plates, Potential, Processes, Ptt, Quartz-rich, Rock, Scotland, Strength, Students, Thermometry, Water, Weakening.
1. Scott D Giorgis($48,000), SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo
2. Eric M Horsman($209,958), East Carolina University, Greenville
3. Sven S Morgan($82,928), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
Key terms: Space And Time, Spatial And Temporal, Body Comprised, Henry Mountains, Igneous Intrusions, Intrusive Centers, Magma Pulses, Shallow Igneous, Constructed, Construction, Crust, Development, Emplacement, Growth, Models, Stage, Tectonic.
1. Paul A Mueller($139,942), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Clinton I Barineau($126,000), Columbus State University, Columbus
Key terms: Quartz Diorite, Stem Workforce, Afford, Age, Analysis, Appalachian, Appalachians, Arc, Assigned, Components, Elkahatchee, Enhancing, Evolution, Faculty, Gneiss, Kowaliga, Margin, North, Ordovician, Orogeny, Plutons, Program, Southern, Taconic, Tectonic, Undergraduate, Zana.
1. Micah J Jessup($190,187), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
2. Colin A Shaw($77,320), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Ancient Mountain Belts, Extension Involves Stretching, Orogen Parallel Extension, Cordillera Blanca, Crustal Extension, Syn-convergent Extension, Transverse Extension, Active, Allow, Andes, Deformation, Detachment, Direction, Evidence, Evolution, Exhumation, Fault, Faults, Has, Levels, Mechanisms, Modern, Orogenic, Past, Perpendicular, Processes, Rock, Shortening, Similar, Structure, Structures, Syn-convergent, Tectonic, Temperature, Time, Trend.
1. Frieder Klein($289,200), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. David L Goldsby($95,061), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide-rich Fluids, San Andreas Fault, San Juan Bautista, Aseismic Creep, Carbon Dioxide-rich, Coast Range, Dioxide-rich Fluids, Cholame, Conditions, Earthquakes, Fatal, Formation, Magnesite, Magnitude, Mantle, Mechanically, Mineral, North, Parkfield, Portions, Rates, Rock, Segments, Seismicity, Serpentine, Serpentinite, Soapstone, Talc, Weak.
1. Emily E Brodsky($253,783), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Fault Zone, Temperature Logs, Actual, Borehole, Coefficient, Completion, Depth, Earthquake, Faults, Friction, Generated, Less, Modeling, Motion, Planned, Processes, Resisting, Slip, Stress, Wenchuan.
1. James G Hirth($291,853), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Lower Continental Crust, Lower Crustal Rocks, Crustal Rheology, Lattice Preferred, Natural Rocks, Shear Zones, Amphibole, Appropriate, Archive, Conditions, Deformation, Development, Evolution, Experimental, Experiments, Explore, Extrapolation, Flow, Geological, Hazards, Involve, Laws, Mantle, Microstructures, Plagioclase, Pressures, Previous, Processes, Range, Rheological, Stress, Water.
1. George E Gehrels($101,365), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Karl E Karlstrom($201,030), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Academia, Basement, Continent, Crust, Deep, Detrital, Education, Evolution, Ga, Geophysical, Has, History, Importance, Integrated, North, Pis, Processes, Relative, Resolve, Rock, Sedimentary, Southwest, Structure, Zircons.
1. Dennis C DeMets($427,075), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Robert D Rogers($56,939), California State University-Stanislaus, Turlock
Key terms: Continental Triple Junction, Gps Velocity Field, El Salvador, Jalpatagua Fault, Southern Mexico, Strain Rates, Accommodated, Arc, Caribbean, Central, Countries, Coupling, Deformation, Earthquake, Guatemala, Hazards, Honduras, Modeling, Plate, Western.
1. Christopher C Gerbi($432,680), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Km-scale Shear Zones, Pre And In-service, Fluid Flow, K-12 Teachers, Km-scale Shear, Shear Zone, Accurately, Concepts, Control, Controlling, Controls, Crust, Deformation, Development, Distribution, Earth, Education, Engineering, Evolution, Faculty, Geoscience, Govern, Identifying, Importance, Levels, Lower, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Movement, Pre-, Predict, Processes, Properties, Relative, Rock, Seismicity, Strength, Student, Students, Surface, Weakening.
1. Laurel B Goodwin($72,217), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Joshua M Feinberg($8,725), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Low-angle Normal Faults, Earthquake Mechanics, Geologic Settings, Low-angle Normal, Activities, Age, Angles, Arar, Contribute, Current, Degrees, Determined, Earthquakes, Effects, Effort, Focus, Girls, Less, Magnetic, Orientations, Outreach, Paths, Pseudotachylyte, Remain, Seismogenesis, Structural, Tilting, Wisconsin-madison.
1. Peter G DeCelles($513,085), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Asian Monsoon, Frontal Himalaya, Northern India, Southern Asia, Ages, Climate, Collision, Deformation, Earthquake, Erosion, Erosional, Flank, Gap, Geochronology, Half, Has, Himalayan, History, Implications, Long-term, Million, Mineral, Mountain, Nepal, Rate, Region, Rock, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sediments, Shortening, Slip, Tectonic, Thrust, Timing.
1. Richard W Allmendinger($170,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Chilean Forearc, Coseismic Rebound, Main Shock, Maule Earthquake, Normal Faults, Rupture Segments, Upper Plate, Aftershocks, Control, Deformation, Determined, Earthquakes, Elastic, February, GPS, Largest, Length, Magnitudes, Mw, Pichilemu, Predictions, Stress, Weaknesses, Zones.
1. Michele Cooke($66,124), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. James A Spotila($77,360), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Bernard A Housen($211,644), Western Washington University, Bellingham
4. Rebecca J Dorsey($232,472), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Continental Strike-slip Fault, San Andreas Fault, Strike-slip Fault Zones, Vertical Crustal Motions, 3-dimensional Strain, Continental Strike-slip, Plate Boundary, Sediment Dispersal, Southern California, Strike-slip Fault, Active, Analysis, Complex, Control, Controls, Dating, Deformation, Diverse, Erosion, Evolution, Faults, Geologic, Geometries, Methods, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Poorly, Predictions, Processes, Rates, Students, Subsidence, Timescales, Unique, Uplift.
1. Esteban Gazel($177,361), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Santa Elena Peninsula, Costa Rica, Exposed Mantle, Structural Analysis, Central, Complex, Constrain, Crust, Evolution, Lithologies, Surface, Tectonic, Volcanic.
1. Daniel F Stockli($193,313), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Translational And Rotational, Distributed Strain, Sierra Nevada, Tectonic Blocks, Accommodated, Assess, Basin, Belt, Continent, Crust, Deformation, Degree, Detailed, Displacement, Faults, Histories, Misaligned, Motion, Processes, Structural, Structures, Transcurrent, Vertical-axis, Western, °.
1. Lawrence W Braile($89,000), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Applied Geophysics, Follow-up Workshop, Reu Students, Additional, Collection, Experiences, Field, Follow-up, Included, Meeting, Oral, Program, SAGE, Summer.