Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Chad W Higgins($2,457,608), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Interdependencies And Vulnerabilities, Makers And Stakeholders, Water And Energy, Decision Makers, Growing Populations, Modeling Framework, Population Growth, Supply Chains, Water Security, Willamette Envision, Willamette River, Agricultural, Allow, Basin, Basis, Climate, Conjunction, Consequences, Decisions, Demands, Developed, Development, Economy, Effort, Enhanced, Factors, Feedbacks, Food, Food-energy-water, Future, Information, Integrated, Lead, Management, Oregon, Outreach, Policies, Policy, Potential, Prepare, Required, Resource, Strategies, Students, Sufficient, Teachers, Tool, Tools, Tradeoffs, Transferrable, Via, WRB, Web-based.
1. Matthew Potts($2,431,217), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Recovery And Reuse, Sustainable And Resilient, Environmental Impacts, Fews Resources, Resource Recovery, Agricultural, Analysis, Barriers, Conditions, Create, Economic, Energy, Environmentally, Food, Future, Increase, Informed, Innovation, Insights, Integrated, Management, Modeling, Models, Nutrient, Periurban, Policy, Sectors, Students, Suburban, Tools, Tradeoffs, Urban, Water.
1. Nicole S Lovenduski($449,835), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Panama Canal Authority, Panama Canal Watershed, Canal Requires, Dry Season, Lake Gatun, Land Management, Policy Incentives, Wet Season, Authorities, Cover, Created, Effects, Expansion, Factors, Flow, Grazing, Hydrologic, Increase, Land-use, Landholder, Paths, Percent, Predict, Reliable, Soil, Trade.
1. Amanda H Schmidt($96,359), Oberlin College, Oberlin
2. Paul R Bierman($94,771), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Agricultural Practices, Chemical Tracers, Erosion Rates, Mechanized Monoculture, Organic Agriculture, Undergraduate Students, Conservation, Effects, Industrial, Landscape, Measuring, Small-scale, World.
1. Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad($29,816), Hartwick College, Oneonta
Key terms: Climate Gradient, Fungal Weathering, Moisture Content, Soil Formation, Activity, Description, Fungi, Processes, Rock, Soils.
1. Vicki S McConnell($705,000), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Grants Program, Amount, Applications, Basis, GSA, Geosciences, Organizations, Partial, Represented, Students.
1. Anna Kell($25,499), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Honey Lake Fault, Warm Springs Fault, Lake Basin, Walker Lane, Boundary, CHIRP, California, Dry, Faults, Little, Motion, Region, Seismic, Strain, Tectonic, Western.
1. Zhigang Peng($18,900), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Abhijit Ghosh($10,080), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Cook Strait, Collected, Deep, Deployment, Earthquake, Experiment, Following, Kaikoura, Megathrust, Network, Ongoing, Planned, Region, Seismic, Slow-slip, Tremor, Triggered, Zealand.
1. Russell R Dickerson($1,050,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Stable Isotope, Activities, Ancient, Applications, Atmospheric, Beyond, Contribute, Cycles, Developed, Development, Existing, Global, Ice, Implications, Information, Instrumentation, Isotopic, Isotopologues, Local, Maryland, Mass, Methane, Mid-atlantic, Objective, Oxygen, Past, Processes, Program, S-cycling, Sources, Students, Tracers, Traditional, Visitors, Wide.
1. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($284,196), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Rock Fabrics, Seismic Anisotropy, Seismic Wavelengths, Ability, Continent, Crust, Databases, Deformation, Deformed, Earthcube-funded, Elastic, Existing, Faults, Foliation, Geological, History, Imprinted, Information, Knowledge, Map, Mapped, Maps, Measured, Observations, Orientations, Past, Processes, Read, Representative, Structural, Tensors, Waves.
1. Haiying Gao($274,904), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Vadim L Levin($164,281), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Undergraduate And Graduate, Atlantic Ocean, Continental Crust, Continental Lithosphere, Deep Crust, Eastern North, Girls Inc, Graduate Students, Mantle Lithosphere, Northern Appalachians, Ocean Basins, Seismic Stations, Tectonic History, Terrane Boundaries, Closing, Collaboration, Depth, Development, Distinct, Earthscope, England, Geochemical, Geochronological, Geological, Growth, Has, Involves, Lithospheric, Model, Nature, Processes, Re-assessment, Receiver, Region, Seismology, Sets, Surface, Terranes, Umass.
1. Benjamin K Holtzman($181,525), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Seismic Wave Propagation, Computational Methods, Mechanical Properties, Tectonic Plate, Thermo-mechanical Structure, Time Scales, Upper Mantle, Beneath, Calculation, Calculator, Central, Complex, Constrain, Corrosion, Development, Earth, Earthscope, Enabling, Fit, Geothermal, Has, Heat, History, Lithosphere, Melt, Models, North, Particular, Physics, Pis, Profile, Range, Receiver, Regional, Seismology, Single, Temperature, Thermal, Thermo-mechanical, VBR, Velocity.
1. Miaki Ishii($63,889), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Wave Speed Model, Near-surface Wave, Polarization Information, Seismic Station, Shear-wave Speeds, Wave Speeds, Applied, Array, Compared, Continent, Contribute, Critical, Crust, Dependence, Earthquake, Frequency, Geological, Global, Method, Nsurface, Resolve, Revealed, Sensitive, Shwave, Structure, Subsurface, Technique, Teleseismic, Usarray, Utilizes, Waves.
1. Herb Schroeder($58,092), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
2. Beth Pratt-Sitaula($207,988), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
3. Jennifer M Pickering($296,157), Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage
Key terms: Earthquakes And Tsunamis, Alaska Native, Emergency Management, Emergency Preparedness, Geologic Hazards, Native Students, ANGLE, ANSEP, Academies, Alaskan, Coastal, Collection, Earthscope, Education, Educators, Effort, Efforts, Engage, Experiences, Geoscience, Instruments, Interpreters, K-, Knowledge, Learners, Methods, Ongoing, Parks, Program, Public, Reached, Region, Resources, Rural, Settings, Statewide, Teachers, Variety, Villages, Visitors, Workshops.
1. Guoqing Lin($139,571), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Zhigang Peng($161,018), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Central And Southern, Fault Zone Properties, Fault Zone Structures, Regular And Slow, Situ Fault Zone, Triggering And Detection, Central California, Generation Scientists, Graduate Students, International Collaboration, Regular Earthquakes, Seismological Field, Slow Earthquakes, Southern California, State-of-the-art Tools, Tectonic Stresses, Activities, Attract, Behaviors, Below, Control, Depth, Developing, Earthscope, Faults, Future, Has, Japanese, Lfes, Microearthquakes, Obtain, Pis, Products, Regions, SAF, SJF, San, Section, Seismic, State-of-the-art, Succeed, Techniques, Training, Tremor, Tutorials, View.
1. Frederik J Simons($444,154), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Earthscope Seismic, Eastern North, Seismic Structure, Tomographic Imaging, Atlantic, Continent, Double-difference, Geodynamic, Imaged, Images, Integrate, Mantle, Models, Oceanic, Previously, Structural, Variety, Wavespeed.
1. Lucy Flesch($294,288), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Plate Boundary Zone, Bering Plate, Driving Intraplate, Intraplate Continental, Mantle Flow, Observed Surface, Pacific North, Relative Plate, Surface Deformation, Surface Motions, Alaska, Beneath, Constrained, Coupling, Diffuse, Drives, Earthquakes, Forces, Geometry, Has, Level, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Models, Physically.
1. Manoochehr Shirzaei($337,076), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Takaaki Taira($79,748), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Central And Southern, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture, Resolution And Accuracy, San Andreas Fault, Southern San Andreas, Spatially And Temporally, Surface Deformation Time, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Aseismic Slip, Creep Rate, Crustal Deformation, Fault Creep, Fault Slip, Fault Zone, Frictional Properties, Global Positioning, Images Acquired, Radar Satellites, Temporally Variable, Underlying Mechanisms, Unprecedented Resolution, Active, Adjacent, Allows, Applied, California, Combination, Constrain, Distribution, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Earthscope, Faulting, Faults, GPS, Geodetic, Graduate, Insar, Knowledge, Link, Models, Natural, Observations, Occurrence, Period, Processes, Rates, Seismic, Sets, Size, Spanning, Stress, Transient.
1. Amir Allam($207,083), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Carl H Tape($30,501), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Fault Zone Head, Zone Head Waves, Ambient Noise, Central Alaska, Damage Zone, Denali Fault, Fault Zones, Geophysical Studies, Strike-slip Faults, Trapped Wave, Upper Mantle, Wave Detection, Zone Structure, Analysis, Arrays, Body, Constraint, Critical, Crust, Depth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Examined, Geologic, Handful, Has, Image, Imaging, Instruments, Inversion, Joint, Linear, Little, Locally, Magnitude, North, Plate, Regional-scale, Resolution, Rock, Rupture, Seismometers, Shaking, Strike-slip, Successfully, Supershear, Surface, Techniques, Tomographic, Unique, Velocities, World.
1. Ying Zhou($184,067), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Subducted Farallon Plate, Farallon Slab, Subduction Process, Wavespeed Models, Advantage, Based, Beneath, Continent, Deeper, Discontinuities, Does, Dynamics, Eastern, Formation, Has, High-resolution, Image, Imaging, North, Relation, Seismic, Stations, Track, Usarray, Yellowstone.
1. Gabriele Laske($321,162), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Dense Station Spacing, Usarray Transportable Array, Allows Seismologists, Arrival Angles, Beneath North, Particle Motion, Surface Wave, Surface Waves, Ta Stations, Unprecedented Detail, Analyses, Anisotropy, Approach, Assumption, Complementary, Evolution, Extremely, Global, Heterogeneity, Mantle, Observables, Plate, Seismic, Shallow, Structure, Surface-wave, Tomographic, Travel, Useful.
1. Stephen K Boss($49,800), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Soft Skills, Attend, Black, Color, Conference, Environmental, Faculty, Membership, NABG, Organization, Programs, Students.
1. Bradford J Foley($341,400), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Continental Crust Growth, Growth And Subduction, Earth's History, Geological Observations, Graduate Student, Lithospheric Weakening, Plate Tectonics, Undergraduate Student, Advance, Atmosphere, Direct, Diversity, Does, Effect, Evolution, Evolved, Experience, Feedback, Formation, Fundamentally, Geology, Initiation, Intern, Models, Modern-style, Started, Surface, Tested, Thermal, Timescale.
1. Lowell Miyagi($570,000), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Diamond Anvil Cell, Pressure And Temperature, Secondary School Teachers, Lower Mantle, Mantle Convection, Mantle Flow, Phase Transformations, Seismic Anisotropy, Ability, Advance, Base, Deep, Deformation, Dynamic, Experiments, Geometry, MSSST, Minerals, Orientation, Phases, Processes, Rock, Texture, Utah.
1. Christopher S Kim($135,727), Chapman University, Orange
Key terms: Environmental And Ecological, Under-served Student Population, Faculty Mentors, Under-served Student, Chapman, Engage, Interdisciplinary, Issues, Labs, Students, Under-represented, Workshops.
1. Matthew Steele-MacInnis($48,578), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Temperatures And Pressures, Aqueous Fluids, Complex Brines, Deep Interior, Earth's Surface, Geologic Fluids, According, Analyses, Analysis, Approach, Chemical, Compositions, Conditions, Contribute, Crust, Developed, Formation, Geochemical, HO, Involving, Methods, Mineral, Minerals, Modeling, Positive, Predict, Processes, Properties, Quantify, Salts, Solubilities, Volumes.
1. Christian Huber($313,627), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Fluid Dynamics, Gas Bubbles, Magmas Evolve, Numerical Methods, Phase Separation, Volcanic Eruptions, Accumulation, Affects, Atmosphere, Behavior, Chemical, Chemistry, Climate, Complemented, Crust, Crystals, Development, Effect, Experiments, Exsolution, Exsolved, Gases, Geochemistry, Has, Models, Multiphase, Phases, Plan, Predict, Quantitative, Reservoirs, Shallow, Sulfur.
1. Sarah Penniston-Dorland($82,912), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Active, Faculty, Geoscience, Participants, Practices, Strategies, Teaching, Time, Workshop, Workshops.
1. JENNY S NAKAI($174,000), Nakai Jenny, Boulder
Key terms: Alaska And Northwestern, Crust And Lithosphere, Crust And Upper, Interior Alaska, Northwestern Canada, Plate Boundary, Transportable Array, Undergraduate Students, Upper Mantle, Continent, Deformation, Influence, Inland, Investigate, Local, Native, Profiles, Seismic, Strength, Temperature.
1. Donna Rizzo($332,571), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Li Li($173,352), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Adrian A Harpold($65,745), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Low Temperature Geochemistry, Modelling And Experiments, Vermont's K-5 Teachers, Critical Zone, Development Workshop, Doc Fluxes, Doc Release, Interdisciplinary Training, Observatory Datasets, Organic Carbon, Undergraduate Students, Vermont's K-5, Acidification, Administer, Aggregate, Approaches, Collaborate, Combination, Composition, Debated, Educators, Field, Forested, Framework, Furthermore, Graduate, Gt, Increase, Increases, Investigation, Mechanisms, Minority-serving, Multiple, Process-based, Recovery, School, Soil, Stream, Vermonts, Water.
1. Kam-biu Liu($49,876), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Harry F Williams($20,692), University of North Texas, Denton
Key terms: Magnitude And Inland, Coastal Management, Coastal Marshes, Freshwater Flooding, Hurricane Harvey, Inland Extent, Return Period, Sea-level Rise, Southeastern Texas, Washover Sedimentation, Barriers, Documenting, Extreme, Hurricanes, Rain, Sea-level, Sedimentary, Storm, Transect.
1. Evan P Anderson($174,000), Anderson Evan P, Boulder
Key terms: Bst Deposits, Bst Preservation, Bst-like Deposits, Exceptional Soft-bodied, Bst-like, Burial, Buried, Calcite, Collected, Decay, Degradation, Education, Experiment, Fossil, Investigation, Lagerstätten, Mode, Modules, Seals, Soft-bodied, Traditional.
1. Benjamin J Laabs($139,794), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
2. William H Amidon($74,014), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Glaciers And Lakes, Temperature And Precipitation, Surface Water, Behavior, Climate, Climatic, Geologic, Glaciation, Southwestern.
1. Elizabeth Vanacore($95,138), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
Key terms: Available Analyzed Datasets, Children And Teachers, Creation Unified Products, Current Puerto Rico, Current Seismic Experiment, Earthquake And Tsunami, Images And Refined, Meetings And Publish, Models And Enhance, Multiple Tectonic Models, Network Earthquake Catalog, Northern Puerto Rico, One-dimensional Velocity Model, Puerto Rico-virgin Islands, Quality Seismic Velocity, Rico Fault Zone, Rico Mayagüez Website, Rico Seismic Hazard, Seismic Hazard Map, Seismic Network Outreach, Seismic Velocity Imaging, Seismic Velocity Model, Southern Puerto Rico, Structure And Dynamics, Students And Faculty, Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity, Virgin Islands Region, Website And Puerto, Caribbean Plate, Northern Puerto, Three-dimensional Seismic, Tsunami Hazard, Active, Activity, Aid, Articles, Based, Beneath, Combination, Consequently, Constrained, Constraints, Create, Detailed, Direct, Dominican, Eastern, Especially, Faults, Future, Generate, Geosciences, Has, High-resolution, Hisher, Hispanic, Hispaniola, Identification, Imaged, Interaction, Involve, Journals, Knowledge, Local, Margin, Masters, Methodology, National, Northeastern, Oblique, PRVIM, Participation, Partnerships, Peer-reviewed, Performed, Period, Permit, Poorly, Primary, Process, Processes, Promote, Public, Real-time, Regional, Relocated, Relocation, Republic, Requires, Revised, School, Selected, Separate, Serving, Short, Slab, Specifically, Subducting, Subduction, Synergetic, Tears, Thesis, Tie, Time, Tomography, USGS, Underrepresented, Update, Updating.
1. Alicia M Cruz-Uribe($298,269), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Mass Spectrometer, Ocean Conditions, Analytical, Billions, Days, Diverse, Enhance, Geochemical, Instrument, Maine, Paleoclimate, Past, Processes, Rock, Time.
1. David Pearson($172,331), Idaho State University, Pocatello
2. William Guenthner($230,006), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Emily Finzel($169,159), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Continental Mountain Belts, Idaho And Southwestern, Structural And Stratigraphic, East-central Idaho, Southwestern Montana, Stratigraphic Investigations, Structural Style, Upper Plate, Apatite, Architecture, Coeval, Constrain, Crust, Deformation, Development, Differences, East-central, Field-based, Importance, Laramide, Northern, Pre-orogenic, Region, Rock, STEM, School, Sedimentary, Societal, Spatial, Students, Subduction, Teachers, Thermochronometry, Thick-skinned, Timing, Transition.
1. Graham D Andrews($126,515), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
2. Kenneth Befus($46,757), Baylor University, Waco
3. Alan G Whittington($134,823), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Lava Flows, Rhyolite Lava, Silicic Lavas, Active, Analyses, California, Cooling, Detailed, Emplacement, Eruption, Focus, Observations, Quantify, Strain, Structural, Timescales, Viscous.
1. Brian Buma($325,314), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
2. Adam M Booth($276,719), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Woody Debris, Carbon, Disturbance, Disturbances, Forested, Landscape, Landslides, Program.
1. Katie H Costigan($308,830), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette
Key terms: Ul Lafayette-reu Summer, Watersheds And Coastal, Lafayette-reu Summer, Southern Louisiana, Ul Lafayette-reu, Activities, Development, District, Enhanced, Environments, Estuaries, Faculty, Focus, Local, Mentoring, Natural, Opportunities, Organizations, Participants, Practices, Presentation, Presentations, Processes, Program, Resources, Seminars, Social, Students, Vermilion, Weekly.
1. Aubrey L Hillman($164,338), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette
2. Daniel J Bain($260,145), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Metal Accumulation, Metal Contaminants, Metal Contamination, Activities, Challenges, China, Controls, Delays, Environmental, Examination, Historical, Human, Influence, Lake, Management, Program, Region, Sediments, Soils, Source, Stored, Substantial, Transport, Water, Watershed, Yunnan.
1. Stephen G Holtkamp($316,475), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Earthquake Nucleation Process, Earthquake Nucleation Signals, Flats Fault Zone, Low Frequency Earthquakes, Minto Flats Fault, Central Alaska, Flats Fault, Regular Earthquakes, Slow Earthquake, Slow Earthquakes, Correlation-based, Date, Dense, Environments, Modeling, Observational, Observations, Observed, Processes, Relation, Rupture, Techniques, Tectonic, Transition, Vlfes.
1. Sarah E Godsey($693,433), Idaho State University, Pocatello
Key terms: Active Drainage Network, Environmental Field Methods, River Guides, Temporary Stream, Temporary Streams, Water Quality, Watershed Managers, Affect, Channels, Collaboration, Controls, Diverse, Dry, Dynamics, Flow, Flowing, Graduate, Linking, Population, Potential, School, Students, Supply, Transmissivity, Undergraduate.
1. Chloe Bonamici($310,000), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Fluid-rock Interactions, Mass Transfer, Mineral Composition, Oxygen Isotope, Oxygen-isotope Composition, Oxygen-isotope Zoning, Time Capsules, Advances, Analytical, Computational, Conditions, Deformation, FGB, Fluid-rock, Geochemical, Geologic, Individual, Investigate, Isotopic, Linking, Metamorphic, Minerals, Oxygen-isotope, Past, Program, Students, Techniques, Tectonic, Temperature, Thermal, Western.
1. Emily M Peterman($119,428), Bowdoin College, Brunswick
2. Michael L Williams($176,191), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Rocks And Fluids, Plate Tectonic, Subduction Zones, Uhp Metamorphism, Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphism, Bowdoin, Brought, Characterize, Commonly, Earth, Evidence, High-, Insight, Localities, Mantle, Mechanics, Obscured, Petrologic, Processes, Recognize, Regions, Students, Subducting, Surface, Time, Ultrahigh-pressure, Umass.
1. Ilenia Battiato($47,275), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Flow And Transport, Coarse-scale Continuum, Hybrid Simulations, Numerical Algorithms, Subsurface Flow, Activity, Andor, Coarse-scale, Computational, Constitutive, Coupled, Coupling, Efficient, Establish, Exhibit, Foundation, Geometry, Modeling, Models, Phenomena, Pore, Pore-scale, Processes, Reactive, Source, Students, Theoretical, Uncertainty, Vastly, Water.
1. Stephen R Meyers($1,449,662), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Computer Scientists, Laboratory Facilities, Synthetic Databases, Age, Ages, Aim, Base, Broadly, Building, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Digital, Distributed, Efforts, Enable, Engages, Geochronapi, Geochronologic, Geochronological, Geochronologists, Geochronology, Geological, Geoscientists, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Mechanism, Models, Network, Repositories, Rock, Software, Spatial, Standard, Temporal, Time.
1. Christopher J Crosby($147,823), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
2. Paola Passalacqua($102,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Nancy F Glenn($50,081), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Resolution Map, Analysis, Available, Computer, Create, Cyberinfrastructure, Engineering, HRT, Heterogeneous, Landscapes, Models, Practices, Processes, Processing, RCN, Structures, Surface, Tools, Work-flows.
1. Lisa E Park Boush($500,000), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Earth's Sedimentary Crust, Earth's Sedimentary, Flyover Country, Bring, Build, Coordination, Earthrates, Efforts, Future, Integrated, Opportunities, RCN, Stronger.
1. George E Gehrels($1,028,968), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Faculty And Student, Theory And Methodology, Geochronologic Information, Nsf-funded Projects, Spatial Resolution, U-th-pb Ages, ALC, Applications, Aspects, Courses, Development, Drive, Facility, Generate, Generates, Geochemical, LA-ICPMS, Nsf-funded, Techniques, U-th-pb.
1. Gary Hudman($139,026), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Robert E Roth($162,778), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Shane Loeffler($574,324), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Flyover Country, Geoscience Outreach, App, Driving, Education, Exposure, FC, Flight, Flying, Hiking, Information, Mobile, POI, Potential, Readily, User.
1. Martin Stute($85,071), Columbia University, New York
2. Jeffrey P Severinghaus($351,482), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Water Table Depth, Ancient Groundwater, Heavy Isotopes, Climate, Dissolved, Future, Gases, Information, Method, Noble, Past, Rainfall.
1. Peter Van Hengstum($319,177), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Jeffrey Donnelly($234,270), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Sarah Feakins($150,202), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Document Extreme, Caribbean, Century, Climate, Drivers, Droughts, Geologic, Megadroughts, Nations, Rainfall, Security, Southeast, Water.
1. Jay Quade($87,520), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. William D McGee($204,550), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ancient Lakes, Central Andes, Drought, Past, Planet, Rainfall, Region, Regions, Temperature.
1. Christopher A Scholz($210,812), Syracuse University, Syracuse
2. Josef Dufek($46,879), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Tobias P Fischer($95,505), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Magma And Magmatic, Magmatic Volatiles, Rift Basins, Rift Development, Break, Carbon, Constrained, Constraining, Continent, Crust, Degassing, Earthquake, Evolution, Existing, Fluid, Flux, Geochemical, Geophysical, Ingredients, Intrusion, Modeling, Models, Observations, Outcomes, Plate, Processes, Quantifying, Range, Rates, Rifting, Stages, Tectonic, Time.
1. Chad D Deering($349,665), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Magma Storage, Melt Inclusions, Active, Approach, Broadly, Compositional, Coupling, Crystals, Development, Eruption, Models, Monitoring, Plagioclase, Primary, Represent, Reservoir, Silicic, TVZ, Temperature, Thermal, Time, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanoes, Zircon.
1. Kari M Cooper($546,644), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Adam Kent($200,527), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Magma Storage, Melt Inclusions, Active, Approach, Broadly, Compositional, Coupling, Crystals, Development, Eruption, Models, Monitoring, Plagioclase, Primary, Represent, Reservoir, Silicic, TVZ, Temperature, Thermal, Time, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanoes, Zircon.
1. Rebecca B Neumann($367,859), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Carbon And Oxygen, Methylation And Demethylation, Oxygen And Organic, Human Health, Inorganic Mercury, Mehg Concentrations, Mehg Contamination, Organic Carbon, Paddy Soil, Rhizosphere Soil, Rice Grain, Rice Roots, Soil Oxygenation, Isotope, Microorganisms, Net, Plant, Plants, Process, Rates, Release, Soils, Spatial, Strategies, Visualizations.
1. Tullis C Onstott($297,259), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Khotsong Gold Mine, Moab Khotsong Gold, Fault Zone, Fluid Sampling, Hydrogen Gas, Subsurface Life, Subsurface Microbial, Activity, Deploy, Device, Drilling, Dseis, Earthquake, Energy, Environmental, KASMS, Mars, Methane, Mining, Mission, Pulses, Respond, Rock, Seismic, Shocks, South, Stimulate, Videos.
1. Praveen Kumar($50,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Chinese Loess Plateau, Critical Zone Observatories, Water And Sediment, Residence Times, Agriculture, Applicable, CLP, Carbon, Challenge, Characterized, China, Climate, Collaboration, Contrast, Conversion, Czos, Dissected, Drain, Environment, Environments, Erosion, Exploration, Food, Generalized, Geologic, Has, Historically, Human, IML, Joint, Land, Landscape, Landscapes, Midwestern, Nutrients, Principles, Regions, Unique.
1. Baohua Gu($106,099), University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Knoxville
2. Jeremy D Semrau($373,786), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Methanotrophic-mediated Mehg Degradation, Degrade Methylmercury, Demethylate Mehg, Methanotrophic-mediated Mehg, Organomercurial Lyase, Activity, Concentrations, Conditions, Environment, Environmentally, Found, Has, Mercury, Methanotrophs, Microbes, Process.
1. Katharine Huntington($69,304), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: 17o Excess, Clumped Isotope, Delta47-temperature Calibrations, Abundance, Analytes, Analytical, Carbonate, Carbonates, Compositions, Delta-temperature, Discrepancies, Diverse, Efforts, Existing, Foundation, Laboratories, Paleothermometer, Precision, Ratio, Temperatures, Weight.
1. Hailiang Dong($149,061), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Mineral-associated Organic Carbon, Soil Organic Matter, Biogeochemical Models, Clay Minerals, Microbial Decomposition, Mineral-associated Organic, Model Prediction, Phyllosilicate Minerals, Temperature Sensitivity, Warming Temperature, Adsorption, Affinity, BGC, Current, Derive, Emission, Enzyme, Experimental, Experiments, Greenhouse, Incorporated, Interaction, Mediating, Parameters, Phyllosilicates, Predictions, Substrate, Various.
1. Miguel A Goni($442,669), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Stored, Earth's Climate, Geologic Respiration, Geologic Timescales, Organic Carbon, River Basins, Accurate, Analyses, Atmosphere, Control, Controls, Dissolved, Erosion, Evaluating, Organisms, Particulate, Programs, Rates, Release, Released, Rhenium, Riverine, Rock, Soil, Studying, Tracer, Underrepresented, Water, Weathering.
1. Donald S Ross($202,387), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Brian D Strahm($342,056), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Brook Experimental Forest, Critical Loads Models, Hubbard Brook Experimental, Mineral Weathering Rates, Air Pollution, Downstream Rivers, Forest Products, Solid Phase, Accumulation, Aqueous, Balance, Bedrock, Catchment, Catchments, Chemical, Depletion, Development, Distinct, Examined, Flow, Fluxes, Forests, Gradients, Harvest, Lakes, Landscape, Life, Management, Natural, Northeastern, Nutrient, Nutrients, Portions, Processes, Progression, Regional, Regolith, Rock, Secondary, Services, Sites, Soil, Soils, Spatial, Sustainability, Sustainable, Traditional, Transects, Transported, Upland, Water, Watershed, Zones.
1. Thomas M Johnson($98,447), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Ancient Rocks, Isotopic Shifts, Modern Environment, Ore Deposits, Paleoredox Proxy, Te Oxidation, Te Stable, Weathering Environments, Conditions, Geochemistry, History, Isotope, Isotopes, Life, Mine, Oxygen, Ratios, Redox, Reveal, River, Shales, Student, Tete, Tool, Water.
1. Gemma Reguera($152,021), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Iron And Manganese, Cationic Metals, Geobacter Bacteria, Metal Cations, Protein Nanowires, X-ray Absorption, Bind, Biological, Cells, Chain, Ligands, Mineral, Mineralized, Oxides, Pili, Pilus, Process, Promote, Reduction, Surface, Training, X-ray.
1. Louis A Derry($528,719), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatories, Crop Productivity, Curricular Resources, Societal Impacts, Strategic Metal, Aluminum, Behavior, Broad, CZO-NO, Chemistry, Common, Complex, Departments, Effective, Environment, Especially, Formation, Fractionation, Ga, Gaal, Gallium, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Geoscience, Has, Hbcus, Insight, Mineral, Minerals, Outreach, Oxyhydroxides, Plant, Processes, Ratio, Ratios, Responsible, Secondary, Soil, Soils, Tracer, Water, Weathering.
1. Marie Kurz($10,039), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
2. Sarah H Ledford($14,737), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Aerobic Respiration, Diel Oxygen, Effluent Discharge, Nutrient Concentrations, Stream Ecosystems, Urban Streams, Wissahickon Creek, Metabolism, Method, Methods, Rates, Temporal, Tracer, WWTP.
1. Karen H Johannesson($251,385), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Elevated Arsenic Concentrations, Arsenic-sulfur Compounds, Dissolved Sulfide, Drinking Water, Natural Waters, Naturally Occurring, Sulfide Minerals, Thioarsenic Species, Abundances, Anoxic, Arsenic-sulfur, Biogeochemical, Equilibrium, Experiences, Exposed, Formation, Geochemical, Levels, Louisiana, Microbial, Mobile, People, Populations, Predict, Processes, Program, Pyrite, Reduction, Release, Solution, Thioarsenates.
1. John M Senko($419,950), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Iron Ore Deposits, Bif Caves, Cave Formation, Cave Forming, Iron Cave, Allow, Biogeochemistry, Correlation, Dissolution, Empirical, Environmental, Feii, Feiii, Groundwater, Identification, Microbial, Microorganisms, Ores, Play, Potential, Presence, Processes, Rates, Reducing, Reduction, Responsible, Rock.
1. Kenneth A Farley($265,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Cosmogenic Nuclide Archives, Magnetic Field Strength, Atmospheric Tritium, Cosmic Rays, Tritiogenic 3he, Water Inclusions, Atmosphere, Cave, Deflection, Earth, Fields, Flux, Geodynamo, Local, Measured, Methods, Potential, Processes, Speleothems, Stalagmites, Steps, Temporal, Testing, Trapped.
1. Frederick Marc Michel($559,600), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Custom Microfluidics Devices, Desktop 3d Printing, Undergraduate And Graduate, 3d Printing, Aluminosilicate Minerals, Aluminosilicate Nanoparticles, Desktop 3d, Mineral Growth, Synthesis Methods, Aggregation, Aluminosilicates, Applications, Characterization, Chemical, Clay, Combined, Complementary, Conditions, Crystallization, Formation, Knowledge, Lead, Metal, Models, Nature, Precursor, Precursors, Processes, Program, Soils, Strategies, Tools, Water.
1. Emma L Aronson($40,000), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Central Valley, Dust Collected, Dust Sources, Sierra Nevada, Summer Institute, Underlying Bedrock, Analyzing, Based, CA, California, Contributions, Drought, Dry, Ecosystems, Elevations, Entering, Eroding, Increases, Inputs, Microbial, Nutrients, Peak, Postdoctoral, Raising, Regional, Soil, Students, UC, Weathering, Wet.
1. Munir Humayun($30,000), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Goldschmidt Conference, Field, Geochemistry, Students, Travel.
1. Timothy W Lyons($59,400), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Geochemistry And Geophysics, Disparate Fields, Geobiology Society, Poster Sessions, Bring, Community-building, Conference, Designed, Enhance, Exchange, Expertise, Modern, Participants, Participation, Single, Student, Tools, Us-based.
1. Elizabeth D Swanner($227,893), Iowa State University, Ames
2. Sergei Katsev($92,947), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
3. Chad Wittkop($95,165), Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato
Key terms: Brownie Lake, Canyon Lake, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Isotope, Ferruginous Lakes, Iron-rich Sediments, Primary Productivity, Abundant, Activity, Analogues, Atmosphere, Biosignatures, Climate, Conditions, Cycling, Environments, Graduate, Has, Investigate, Iron-rich, Light, Methane, Microbes, Microbial, Monitoring, Oceans, Photoferrotrophs, Photoferrotrophy, Physicochemical, Precambrian, Sites, Water.
1. Alex Chow($49,826), University of North Carolina Greensboro, Greensboro
Key terms: Mercury Methylation Genes, Microbial Mercury Methylation, Near Winyah Bay, Coastal Plain, Coastal Wetland, Coastal Wetlands, Extreme Weather, Final Landfall, Forested Wetlands, Hurricane Matthew, Laboratory Experiments, Mercury Cycling, Microbial Methylation, South Carolina, Wetland Soils, Abundance, Examine, Extensive, Factors, Flooding, Hot, Impacted, Inundation, Investigate, Methylmercury, October, Period, Prolonged, Represent, Sampling, Sites, Southeastern, Stimulated, Surface, Time, Toxic, Water.
1. Lynda Williams($240,784), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Membranes And Intracellular, Antibacterial Activity, Antibacterial Clay, Antibacterial Clays, Antibacterial Process, Antibiotic Resistant, Cell Membranes, Clay Mineral, Human Pathogens, Infectious Diseases, Intracellular Proteins, Release Metals, Affect, Animal, Antibiotics, Applications, Bacteria, Bacterial, Biofilms, Common, Conditions, Damage, Development, Effect, Has, Infections, Interaction, Lead, Medical, Minerals, Natural, Protocols, Reduced, Strains, Suspensions, Tested, Testing, Viability, Wound.
1. Thomas Kulp($180,879), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
2. Thomas M Johnson($147,942), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Bacterial Redox, Isotopic Fractionation, Redox Reactions, Sb Isotopic, Sb Stable, Stable Isotope, Stable Isotopic, Ancient, Behavior, Chemical, Compared, Control, Cultures, Cycling, Effects, Environmental, Extent, Geologic, Geomicrobiological, Has, Isotopes, Lighter, Oxidation, Processes, Proxy, Reduction, Similarities, Strains, Students, Toxic.
1. Deb P Jaisi($569,030), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Soils And Waters, Chesapeake Bay, Degradation Products, Inositol Phosphates, Ipx Compounds, Environmental, Experiments, Isotope, Manure, Particular, Pathways, Phosphorus, Sources.
1. Marianne S Karplus($34,713), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Intermediate Depth Earthquakes, Plate Boundary Compressional, Subducting Oceanic Plate, Subduction Plate Boundary, Typical Subduction Plate, Extensional Faulting, Extensive Damage, Fault Plane, Geological Survey, Plate Interface, Site Characterization, Subduction Zone, Aftershocks, Allow, Broadband, Caused, Chiapas, Collected, Deployed, Distance, Furthermore, Initial, Instruments, Life, Link, M=, Mexico, Middle, Near, Nodes, Occurred, Puebla, Regions, Ruptured, September, Trench, USGS.
1. Thorsten W Becker($95,152), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Landscape Evolution Models, Long-term Tectonic, Long-term Tectonics, Numerical Techniques, Seismic Cycle, Tectonic Models, Based, Challenges, Climate, Coupling, Development, Discuss, Effects, Erosion, Geomorphic, Interactions, International, Long-term, Nsf-supported, Participation, Processes, Require, Spatial, Surface, Temporal, Workshop.
1. Matthew Kirwan($677,110), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Land Managers, Marsh Soils, Carbon, Chesapeake, Coastal, Drowning, Marshes, Respond.
1. Brian J Yanites($317,663), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Tammy M Rittenour($292,786), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Graduate Student Workshop, Steep Topographic Gradient, Graduate Students, Hillslope Erosion, River Incision, Southern Taiwan, Taiwanese Scientists, Additionally, Climate, Constrain, Cosmogenic, Earthquakes, Estimated, Geomorphic, Holocene, Interaction, Kinematic, Landscape, Magnitude, Processes, Quantify, Range, Rates, Strike, Tectonic, Terraces, Topography.
1. David J Furbish($223,868), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
2. Mark W Schmeeckle($455,206), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Basis, Laboratory, Motion, Patchy, River, Rivers, Sediment, Supercomputer, Transport, Turbulent.
1. Karen B Gran($127,644), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
2. Bradley A Miller($123,174), Iowa State University, Ames
3. Alison M Anders($148,899), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Pleistocene Ice Sheets, Drainage Integration, Hydrological Connections, Stream Networks, Evolution, Extent, Landscape, Landscapes, Plains, Processes, Rate, Real, Streams, Time, Water, Wetland.
1. Aaron Packman($349,666), Northwestern University, Evanston
2. Rina Schumer($121,857), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Water Flow, Behavior, Capability, Clay, Clay-sand, Coastal, Deposits, Dynamics, Erosion, Interactions, Measure, Predict, Program, Sand, Sediment, Sediments, Set.
1. Neal R Iverson($352,025), Iowa State University, Ames
2. Lucas K Zoet($199,058), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Computer Models, Frictional Resistance, Glacier Beds, Sliding Laws, Debris, Flow, Glaciers, Ice, Laboratory, Measured, Rock, Topography, Uncertainty.
1. David R Butler($39,250), Texas State University - San Marcos, San Marcos
Key terms: Resilience Thinking, BGS, Bio-geomorphic, Biophysical, Concept, Emerging, Geomorphology, Interactions, Meeting, Papers.
1. Mark D Behn($218,477), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Jean-Arthur L Olive($205,750), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Fault Growth, Field Observations, Hanging Wall, Landscape Evolution, Magmatic Activity, Topographic Stresses, Basins, Boundary, Continent, Crust, Deformation, Essential, Feedbacks, Formation, Influence, Little, Model, Models, Normal, Numerical, Processes, Redistribution, Relief, Rift, Rifting, Rifts, Surface, Tectonic, Tectono-magmatic, Topography, Upper, Volcanic.
1. Shimon Wdowinski($33,594), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Synthetic Aperture Radar, Central Florida, Insar Observations, Interferometric Processing, Property Damage, Radar Surveys, Sinkhole Activities, Sinkhole Activity, Sinkhole Collapse, Surface Movements, Challenging, Detect, Detection, Enable, German, Hazard, Italian, Life, Localized, Maps, Precursory, Resolution, SAR, Satellite, Satellites, Sinkhole-prone, Sites, Space-base, Space-based, Sub-meter, Subsidence, Subsiding, Successful, Techniques, Time, Worldwide.
1. Elizabeth C Thompson($174,000), Thompson Elizabeth C, Chicago
Key terms: Superhydrous Phase, Transition Zone, Bulk, Earth, Education, Effect, Hydrogen, Influence, Mantle, Melts, Minerals, Pressure, Spectroscopy, Stability.
1. Eric A Hetland($198,031), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Active Tectonics, Coseismic Slip, Crustal Deformation, Seismogenic Stresses, Stress Field, Stresses Andgt, Tectonic Stress, Topographic Fault, Topographic Stress, Topographic Stresses, Allows, Consistent, Constrain, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Gt, Has, Heterogeneous, Information, Insight, Led, Loaded, Magnitudes, Method, Mpa, Orientations, Potential, Quantifying, RBF-FD, Strain, Topography.
1. Jennifer M Jackson($329,260), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Heated Diamond Anvil, Earth's Core, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Experimental, Facilities, Liquid, Melting, National, Planet, Radiation, Students, Synchrotron, Temperature, Time-resolved, Training, Utilizing.
1. Anne S Meltzer($244,941), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. Susan L Beck($181,122), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Earthquake And Aftershock, Pedernales Earthquake Ruptured, Seismic And Geodetic, Slip Behaviors Observed, Structure And Seismic, Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Aftershock Sequence, Broader Impacts, Effort Deployed, International Rapid, Low-frequency Earthquakes, National Seismic, Seismic Array, Seismic Properties, Slow Slip, Subduction Zones, April, Asperities, Assessment, Coast, Distribution, Ecuador, Fault, Faults, Generate, Giant, Has, Infrastructure, Integrated, Interface, Land, Link, Low-frequency, Megathrust, Mw, Observations, Offshore, Opportunity, Plates, Techniques.
1. Michael Thorne($553,668), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. June K Wicks($36,361), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Global Ulvz Structure, Waveform Modeling Approach, Dynamic Motions, Seismic Arrivals, Seismic Waveforms, Wavefield Modeling, Aims, Analysis, Composition, Deep, Determining, Development, Earthquakes, Existence, Features, Inside, Origin, Past, Processes, Properties, Sensitive, Sensitivity, Surface, Ulvzs, Volcanism.
1. Julia K Morgan($205,780), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Earthquake Size, Subduction Megathrusts, Arrangements, Catalogs, Conditions, Controls, Courses, Earthquakes, Fault, Faults, Inform, Initiate, Insights, Modeling, Models, Natural, Numerical, Particle, Phenomena, Probe, Processes, Properties, Rice, Rupture, Seismic, Simulations, Slip, Strength, Stress, Student, Undergraduate.
1. Ilya V Zaliapin($198,000), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Yehuda Ben-Zion($248,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquake Cluster, Human-induced Earthquakes, Human-induced Seismicity, Tectonic Environments, Analysis, Approach, Gas, Geothermal, High-quality, Human-induced, Oil, Regions.
1. Mark D Behn($124,557), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Oliver Jagoutz($304,959), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Composition And Seismic, Continental Crust, Crustal Composition, Geophysical Imaging, Seismic Velocity, Approach, Available, Compositional, Conditions, Database, Datasets, Derive, Determined, Earth, Invert, Methods, Models, Natural, PT, Rock, Speeds, Strength, Tomography.
1. Adrien Arnulf($407,916), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Model Parameters, Monte Carlo, Probability Density, Reversible Jump, Seismic Tomography, Uncertainty Quantification, Applied, Based, Characteristics, Computationally, Estimating, Estimation, Expensive, Forward, Has, Inadequate, MAP, MCMC, Method, Methods, Noise, Nonlinear, PPD, RJMCMC, Subsurface, Targets, Task.
1. Richard A Bennett($595,013), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Aseismic Fault Slip, Earthquakes And Faulting, Slow Aseismic Fault, Spatial And Temporal, Aseismic Faults, Aseismic Slip, Central Italy, Current Models, Earthquake Hazards, Earthquake Sequences, Temporal Characteristics, AE, Bear, Borehole, Clustering, Collect, Control, Deploy, Field, Geophysical, Ground, Has, Instrumentation, Instruments, International, Near, Network, Portions, Rates, Students.
1. Zheng-Kang Shen($232,500), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Continental East Asia, Crustal Deformation Modeling, Fault Network Model, Unified Crustal Motion, Deformation Fields, Fault Slip, Geophysical Models, Individual Faults, Seismic Hazard, Slip Rates, Various Regional, Algorithm, Analyzed, Campaign, Decades, Errors, Estimation, GPS, Geodetic, Has, Methods, Networks, Processing, Resulting, Software, Solutions, Tectonic, Usually.
1. Sang-Heon Shim($271,735), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Deep Mantle, Heat Producing, Lower Mantle, Pressure-temperature Conditions, Bridgmanite, Ca, Ca-bearing, Dominant, Earth, Expected, Experiments, Formation, Knowledge, Measure, Mineral, Nature, Pressure-temperature, Properties, Structures.
1. Jeffrey S Gee($222,798), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Kevin R Chamberlain($146,202), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Inner Core Formation, Earth's Magnetic, Ago, Cooling, Cores, Estimates, Evolution, Geomagnetic, Has, Igneous, Intensity, Million, Period, Processes, Remanence, Strength, Surface, Thermal, Time, Well-dated.
1. Przemyslaw Dera($360,000), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Metastable Phase Transitions, Phase Boundaries, Pyroxene Family, Subducting Slab, Subducting Slabs, Subduction Process, Subduction Zones, Affect, Beyond, Buoyancy, Cold, Compositions, Compression, Conditions, Consequences, Dense, Depth, Earthquakes, Lower, Mantle, Minerals, Participation, Properties, Px, Pyroxenes, Tectonic, Temperature, Temperatures, Thermodynamic, Transformations, Undergo, Volcanic.
1. Allen McNamara($213,618), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Average Grain-size, Background Mantle, Beneath Africa, Geologic Timescales, Grain Size, Grain-size Dependence, Lowermost Mantle, Mantle Convection, Plate Motions, Plate Tectonics, Seismic Waves, Surrounding Mantle, Tectonic Plates, Thermochemical Piles, Active, Calculations, Caused, Changing, Compositional, Core, Critical, Dynamical, Dynamically, Dynamics, Earth, Earthquakes, Evolution, Examine, Explored, Feasible, Fluid, Geodynamical, Grain-size, Has, Highly, Influences, Interestingly, Interior, Large-scale, Larger, Lead, Llsvps, Long-lived, Models, Numerical, Pacific, Past, Performed, Positions, Presence, Properties, Pushed, Remained, Rest, Rheology, Slabs, Somewhat, Structures, Surface, Viscosity, Volcanoes.
1. Thorsten W Becker($233,467), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Andrew Freed($124,087), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Fault Constitutive Laws, Earthquake Cycle, Mechanical Model, Subduction Zones, Behavior, Complex, Convection, Development, Flow, Framework, Japan, Loading, Mantle, Megathrust, Models, Phenomena, Range, Regional, Seismic, Seismicity, Slip, Slow, Sub-projects.
1. Gregory C Beroza($12,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Aseismic Slip, Cargèse School, Fault Slip, Costs, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Methods, Observations, Opportunities, Process, Processes, Seismic, Stress, Towards.
1. Artem R Oganov($346,000), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Core-mantle Boundary Region, Earth's Deep Interior, Advanced Quantum-mechanical, Core-mantle Boundary, Crystal Structure, Earth's Deep, Earth-forming Minerals, Mineral Physics, P-t Conditions, Quantum-mechanical Methods, Seismic Discontinuities, Approach, Based, Chemistry, Complex, Computational, Development, Earth-forming, Enigmatic, Evolutionary, Expected, Field, Fields, Gpa, H-phase, Has, Impossible, Life, Mgsio, Mineralogy, Multi-component, P-T, Perovskite, Phase, Phases, Pis, Planet, Prediction, Predictions, Pressures, Progress, Properties, Quantum-mechanical, Reactions, Reasonable, Recently, Regions, Simulations, Stable, Stoichiometry, Ternary, Was.
1. Zhongwen Zhan($190,093), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Receiver Function Method, Ground Motions, Aims, Available, Dense, Earthquakes, Image, Images, Produce, Thousands.
1. Lingsen Meng($244,981), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Megathrust Earthquakes, Offshore Deformation, Offshore Seismicity, Recently Developed, Slow Slip, Andor, BP, Detected, Detection, Episodes, Instruments, Long-term, MF, Methods, Rupture, Via.
1. Charles A Langston($144,770), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Local And Regional, 3x6 Geometry, Array Geometries, Earthquake Sources, Experimental Arrays, Northern Oklahoma, Seismic Waves, Wave Attributes, Active, Activity, Allow, Consisting, Consortium, Deployed, Examine, Field, Golay, Gradiometer, IRIS, Induced, Information, Instrument, Methods, Performance, Phased, Propagation, Recording, Seen, Seismicity, Spatial, Structure, Testing, Time, Wavefield.
1. Clifford H Thurber($86,334), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Double-difference Attenuation Tomography, Attenuation Structure, Construct Images, Double-difference Attenuation, Double-difference Tomography, Event-pair Differential, Geothermal Field, Northern Honshu, Seismic Attenuation, Seismic Velocity, Seismic Waves, Analogous, Analysis, Applications, Approach, California, Deep, Earth, Earthquakes, Energy, Event-pair, Fracturing, Has, Hypocenter, Imaging, Infer, Japan, Measured, Method, Nearby, Obtain, Pairs, Previous, Regions, Resolution, Synthetic, Tested, Times, Volcanoes.
1. Michael J Willis($18,080), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Debris, Fiord, Landslide, Landslides, Observations, Rock, Taan, Tsunami, Walls, Water, Wave.
1. Gregory C McLaskey($215,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Earthquake Nucleation, Interpret Seismic, Laboratory Experiments, Magnitude Negative, Nucleation Process, Slow Slip, Conditions, Direct, Earthquakes, Field, Foreshocks, Instrumented, Meter-sized, Model, Models, Observations, Oklahoma, Recordings.
1. Heather M Savage($201,759), Columbia University, New York
2. Kathleen M Keranen($137,201), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Fault Strength, Fluid Pressure, Induced Seismicity, Laboratory Experiments, Allow, Complex, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Prague, Precision, Rupture, Sequence, Sequences, Stability.
1. William D Barnhart($142,636), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($77,278), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Main Himalayan Thrust, Seismic And Geodetic, Geodetic Observations, Gorkha Earthquakes, Joint Analysis, Megathrust Faults, Shear Fabric, Subduction Channel, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Aftershock, Along-strike, Beneath, Characteristics, Consistent, Continent, Depth, Detailed, Hazard, Map, Mw, Oceanic, Plate, Population, Portions, Receiver, Regions, Relocations, Rupture, Seismogenic, Shaking, Structure, Typical, Unique.
1. Josef Dufek($488,301), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Shorter Period Oscillations, Waves And Magma, Gas Emissions, Ground Swelling, Long-period Oscillations, Magma Column, Magma Wagging, Magma Wave, Magma Waves, Numerical Model, Tremor Activity, Volcanic Conduit, Volcanic Hazards, Volcanic Tremor, Behavior, Coupled, Cycles, Disasters, Eruption, Evolution, Existing, Experiments, Forecasting, Leading, Long-period, Magma-wagging, Models, Motion, Near, Periods, Physics, Predictions, Prior, Processes, Range, Second-long, Seismic, Shapes, Shorter-period, Slow, Suggest, Theories, Three-dimensional, Two-phase, Unified, Volcanoes, Wags.
1. Robert C Viesca($473,705), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Analytical Solutions, Driving Factors, Fault Slip, School Students, Slow Slip, Aseismic, Demonstrations, Development, Experiments, Faults, Field, Fluid, Forcing, Frictional, Has, Inference, Middle, Migration, Observations, Operation, Quantitative, Rates, Relative, Release, Stable, Stress, Undergraduate.
1. Yingwei Fei($400,008), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Density And Sound, Density And Velocity, Static And Dynamic, Core Composition, Sound Velocity, Alloy, Binary, Compression, Earth, Engine, Experimental, Fe-wts-wtsi-wto, High-pressure, Interdisciplinary, Multi-element, Observations, Planet, Properties, Range.
1. Allan M Rubin($332,839), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Episodic Slow Slip, Front And Propagate, Largest Rapid Tremor, Plate Tectonic Rate, Rapid Tremor Reversals, Slip And Tremor, Energy Release, Fault Slip, Main Front, Observational Constraints, Depth, Direction, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Extent, Faults, Locked, Magnitude, Migrations, Models, Observations, Periodically, Producing, Secondary, Seeks, Shallow, Speeds, Start, Styles, Subduction, Times, Was.
1. Andrew J Campbell($415,122), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Solid And Liquid, Solid Inner Core, Earth's Core, Electron Microscopy, Phase Diagrams, Alloy, Chemical, Coexisting, Composition, Compositions, Density, Difference, Experimental, Experiments, Iron, Iron-rich, Performed, Precise, Temperature.
1. John A Tarduno($450,000), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Atmosphere And Life, Hadean Geomagnetic Field, Terrestrial Magnetic Field, Atmospheric Evolution, Chemical Precipitation, Dynamo Behavior, Geodynamo History, Hadean Zircons, Jack Hills, Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Inclusions, Recently Reported, Western Australia, Analyses, Ancient, Basis, Billion, Billion-years-old, Continued, Core, Earth, Existence, Graduate, Implies, Laboratory, Mgo, Observations, Paleomagnetic, Powered, Program, Programs, Refine, Regulated, Rochester, Sites, Studies, Theses, Times, Training, Undergraduate, Was, Zimbabwe.
1. Nadia Lapusta($470,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Dynamic Friction, Friction Formulations, Earthquake, Evolution, Existing, Experiments, Faults, Frictional, Injection, Interface, Laboratory, Laws, Physics, Ruptures, Setup, Simulations, Stresses.
1. Anthony Filippi($28,754), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Hydrologic Surface Connectivity, Ecosystem Services, Flood Inundation, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane-force Wind, Mission River, River Channel, Tree Blowdown, Tree Blowdowns, Tropical Cyclones, Abrupt, Advance, CRC, Coastal, Driven, Environments, Extreme, Findings, Floodplain, Flow, Geomorphology, Hurricane-force, Increasing, Induced, Influence, Interactions, LWD, MANERR, Management, Objectives, River-floodplain, Spatial, Successful, Texas.
1. Navid H Jafari($61,167), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Flood Hydrographs, Hurricane Harvey, Image Processing, Accurate, Development, Extreme, Houston, Media, Model, RAPID, Rainfall, Reconstructed, Reference, Significantly, Traffic, Urban, Water.
1. Jessica Pilarczyk($34,099), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Key terms: British Virgin Islands, Hurricane And Tsunami, Extreme Wave, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Irma's, Storm Surge, Anegada, Assessment, BVI, Caribbean, Category, Coastal, Coastlines, Deposit, Deposits, Field, Hazard, Hurricanes, Information, Inundation, Irmas, Landfall, Overwash, Region, Sedimentary, Sediments, Storms, Tsunamis.
1. Zoe Hughes($13,733), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Ioannis Georgiou($7,177), University of New Orleans, New Orleans
3. Christopher J Hein($4,502), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Hurricane Irma, Salt Marshes, South Carolina, Storm Surge, Accretion, Analysis, Backbarrier, Background, Characteristics, Cm, Coast, Coastal, Cores, Deposits, Depth, Examine, Florida, Fluvial, Net, Provenance, Range, Relative, Sediment, Sedimentation, Source, Storms, Surface, Wetlands.
1. Amanda H Schmidt($8,800), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Erosion And Sediment, Detrital Sediment, Erosion Rates, Fluvial Sediment, Caused, Collected, Concentration, Dominica, Effects, Episodic, Geologic, Hazard, Hurricane, Information, Isotopic, Landslides, Management, Methods, Natural, Nuclide, Sites, Storm, Temporal, Thousands, Time.
1. Jonathan B Martin($33,396), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Susan L Bilek($530,451), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Preferential Flow Paths, Conduit Network, Critical Zone, Environmental Seismology, Field Site, Geophysical Signals, Karst Aquifer, Karst Aquifers, Larger Karst, Mexico Tech, Subsurface Flow, Undergraduate Student, Arise, Characterize, Conduits, Deformation, Florida, Generation, Graduate, Hydrologic, Knowledge, Mass, Observations, Pressure, Processes, Range, Recharge, Recharge-induced, Rock, Surface, Transport, Water.
1. Amilcare Porporato($127,665), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Local And Nonlocal, Landscape Metabolism, Nonlocal Controls, Relative Importance, Soil Moisture, Age, Carbon, Complex, Conditions, Dynamics, Effects, Features, Fluxes, Hydroclimatic, Landscapes, Models, Nitrogen, Processes, Quantification, Shifts, Slope, Statistical, Surface, Topographic, Vegetation, Water.
1. Gene-Hua C Ng($351,353), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Stochastic Pft Parameterization, Ecohydrological Models, Global Plant, Plant Trait, Plant Traits, Approach, Capture, Climate, Desert, Developed, Environmental, Fixed, Incorporate, Modeling, Parameters, Pfts, Plants, Reveal, Soil, Space, Time, Uncertainties, Vegetation, Water.
1. Shirley A Papuga($20,792), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: Deep Soil Moisture, Remote Sensing Products, Land Surface, Modeling Approach, Water-limited Ecosystems, Based, Climate, Climatic, Cm, Educational, Especially, Field, Framework, Functioning, Global, Highlighted, Ideal, Importance, Increase, Larger, Layer, Layers, Percentage, Population, Processes, Simple, Students, Testing, Water-limited.
1. Felipe de Barros($509,442), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Contaminant Transport, Human Health, Hydrogeological Complexities, Hydrogeological Properties, Natural Resource, School Students, Simulation Tools, Solute Transport, Subsurface Environment, Activities, Aims, Aquifers, Contamination, Demand, Developed, Factors, Flow, Framework, Groundwater, Heterogeneity, Importance, Incorporating, Knowledge, Magnitude, Physically, Pollutants, Pumping, Resources, Risk, Spatial, Stochastic, Theory, Uncertainty, Water.
1. Steven P Loheide($434,934), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Changing Drought Regimes, Forest And Water, Tree And Forest, Drought Impacts, Temperate Forests, Water Resource, Water Stress, Complementary, Consequences, Datasets, Ecosystem, Estimated, Groundwater, Growth, Methods, Models, Monitor, Observations, Quantify, Rely, Services, Species-specific, Trees, Vegetation, Worldwide.
1. Andrew C Trautz($380,014), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Ye Zhang($242,466), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Deep Geologic Zones, Deep Formation, Deep Formations, Deep Zone, Environmental Impacts, Shallow Aquifers, Accurate, Actions, Assess, Available, BC, Carbon, Characterization, Conditions, Contamination, Contribute, Costly, Data-poor, Developed, Development, Energy, Extraction, Flow, Has, Human, Hydraulic, Inverting, Jointly, Laboratory, Layer, Leakage, Limited, Method, Methods, Monitoring, Operations, Overlying, Parameter, Parameters, Potential, Storage, Subsurface, Synthetic, Techniques, Testbeds, Tested, Theory, Validated, Validation, Water.
1. John C Stella($53,787), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
2. Michael Singer($396,566), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Oxygen Isotopes, Predictive Capability, Regional Climate, Tree Water, Water Availability, Analysis, Annual, Assess, Climate-driven, Climatic, Course, Decadal, Ecohydrology, Enable, Floodplain, Fluctuations, Forest, Forests, Growth, Health, Improvement, International, Investigate, Isotopic, Limited, Model, Numerical, Potential, Practitioners, REU, Regions, Riparian, Rivers, Seasonal, Signatures, Source, Sources, Stress, Students, Tools, Trees.
1. Stephanie R James($174,000), James Stephanie R, Gainesville
Key terms: Geophysical And Biogeochemical, Multidisciplinary Field Experiment, Education Plan, Passive Seismic, Advance, Carbon, Combination, Denver, Fairbanks, Global, Has, Methods, Monitoring, Permafrost, Processes, Seasonal, Subsurface, Techniques, Water.
1. Christopher Paola($273,959), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Paola Passalacqua($319,050), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Holly A Michael($282,371), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Densely Populated Coastal, Ganges-brahmaputra Delta, Solute Transport, Subsurface Structure, Surface Channel, Surface Network, Surface Networks, Analysis, Connectivity, Contaminants, Critical, Deltas, Development, Evolution, Findings, Flow, Flowpaths, Ganges-brahmaputra, Groundwater, Information, Kinematics, Models, Predict, Predictability, Quantitative, River, Spatial, Structural, Water.
1. Tim P Covino($364,453), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon($384,869), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
3. Michael N Gooseff($308,587), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Kamini Singha($120,193), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Collection And Stream, Contrasting Critical Zone, Critical Zone Observatory, Nutrient Tracer Injections, Reaction And Removal, Stream Solute Injections, Water And Solutes, Conducting Field, Hydrologic Transport, Nutrient Reaction, Nutrient Retention, Stream Restoration, CNP, CZO, Channel, Compartment, Compartments, Conditions, Controlled, Deep, Dissolved, Exchange, Hyporheic, Limited, Nutrients, Promote, Ratio, Setting, Shallow, Sites, Stoichiometric, Stoichiometry, Storage, Streams, Workshop, Zones.
1. Kevan B Moffett($286,720), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Andres Holz($203,130), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Field Sites, Hillslope Water, Soil Moisture, Vegetation Regrowth, Climate, Cycle, Downstream, Dynamics, Ecology, Evapotranspiration, Feedbacks, Fire, Fires, Flood, Flows, Following, Forest, Forested, Hydraulic, Hydrological, Local, Multiple, Past, Post-fire, Reburns, Recovery, Risks, Six, Streamflow, Subsequent, Surveys, Time, Unburned, Via, Wildfire, Wildfires.
1. Laurie Huning($174,000), Huning Laurie S, Irvine
Key terms: Drought Monitoring, Mountainous Regions, Mountainous Terrain, Snow Information, Water Resources, California, Characterize, Droughts, Incorporation, Knowledge, Processes, Snowpack.
1. Joseph F Atkinson($275,726), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
2. Caryn C Vaughn($36,645), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. George S Constantinescu($111,452), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Flow And Sediment, Labile River Beds, Aquatic Organisms, Benthic Organisms, Constructive Interference, Ecological Engineering, Entrainment Thresholds, Field Surveys, Flow Stages, Freshwater Mussels, Numerical Modeling, Sediment Transport, Time Periods, Acting, Adaptations, Aid, Burrowed, Conditions, Critical, Decades, Demonstrate, Designed, Drag, Employed, Enable, Examine, Experimental, Forces, Has, Hydrodynamic, Hypothesized, Imperiled, Information, Interact, Nbed, North, Persistence, Processes, Reaches, Relatively, Remain, Rivers, Seeks, Selected, Stability, Survival, Thrive, Tipping-point, Unionidae.
1. Heidi M Nepf($440,751), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Wave Energy Dissipation, Flexible Vegetation, Individual Blades, Scaling Laws, Water Quality, Wave Motion, Combined, Complex, Conditions, Current, Drag, Effective, Erosion, Experiments, Field, Interaction, Le, Length, Meadow, Measured, Model, Models, Morphology, Plant, Plants, Predict, Predicting, Reconfiguration, Reduction, Sediment, Shorelines, Waves.
1. Ashok Mishra($49,980), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Stream Water Quality, Drinking Water, Forest Fires, Pristine Watershed, Affect, Assess, Burned, Chemical, Compare, Composition, Current, Differences, Drought, Extreme, Greenville, Hydrological, Hydrology, Impacted, Internal, Microbial, Middle, Mitigate, Molecular, Post-fire, Processes, Reservoir, Streams, Structure, Subsequent, Supply, Wildfire.
1. Markus Hilpert($76,333), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Colloid Transport Behaviors, Complex Transport Behaviors, Constants And Scaling, Continuum-scale Rate Constants, Experiments And Simulations, Observed Complex Transport, Surface Heterogeneity Responsible, Continuum-scale Rate, Drinking Water, Environmental Conditions, Mechanistic Prediction, Parallel Experiments, Particle Attachment, Particle Transport, Pore-scale Representation, Scaling Factors, Aims, Capability, Colloids, Column, Describe, Design, Emerge, Field, Influences, Lacking, Low, Mechanisms, Micromodel, Models, Network, Particles, Pore-scale, Surfaces, Underlying.
1. Nicole S Lovenduski($209,326), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Evapotranspiration And Groundwater, Antecedent Moisture, Conceptual Models, Critical Zone, Surface Water, Connections, Dynamics, Hydrological, Interactions, Isotopic, Movement, Pumping, Soil, Subsurface, Transpiration, Tree.
1. Thomas J Burbey($270,302), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Vertical Deformation Signals, Fractured Rock, Potable Groundwater, Accurately, Aquifer, Aquifers, Characterization, Characterize, Estimate, Flow, Horizontal, Local, Parameters, Ploemeur, Properties, Recharge, Seasonal, Shown, Site, Storage, Surface, Virginia, Water, Water-level, Zone.
1. Katherine R Barnhart($174,000), Barnhart Katherine R, Boulder
Key terms: Debris Flow Initiation, Debris Flow Prone, Debris Flows, Initiation Zones, Education, Hazards, Mechanisms, Model, Natural, Processes, Recharge, Responsible, Soil, Steep, Terrain.
1. Maria Beatrice Magnani($543,313), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
2. Anders J Noren($737,890), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Douglas A Wiens($587,313), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Uplift Rates, Upper Mantle, Deposited, GIA, Geometry, Glacial, Ice, Isostatic, Mmyr, Modern, Patagonia, Rapid, Region, SPI, Sediment, Slab, Time, Viscosity.
1. Yue Cai($2,524,950), Columbia University, New York
2. Diane LaMacchia($184,984), EARTH IMAGES FOUNDATION, Oakland
3. Stuart N Thomson($112,123), University of Arizona, Tucson
4. Eric Sandvol($407,117), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
5. Patricia Persaud($331,357), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Subduction Zones, Basin, Broad, Deformation, Earthquake, Extreme, GBD, GPS, Has, Issues, Sediment, Seismic, Volcanism.
1. James M Russell($24,467), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Tropical Western Pacific, Lake Towuti, Climate, Climatic, Ecosystems, Endemic, Environmental, Ferruginous, History, Indo-pacific, Indonesia, International, Microbial, Sediment, Southeast, TDP, Towutis.
1. Juan Pablo Canales($2,014,682), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Zhixiong Shen($93,625), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
3. Sarah J Ivory($127,122), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Southern Africa, Basin, Climate, Complex, Control, Cores, Drainage, Evolution, Feedback, Loading, MPL, Model, OD, ORZ, Sediment, Tectonic, Via.
1. Wan Yang($409,197), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
2. Christian A Sidor($195,051), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Robert A Gastaldo($249,533), Colby College, Waterville
4. Neil M Tabor($383,880), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
5. Kenneth D Angielczyk($254,560), Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
6. Peter D Roopnarine($223,816), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
7. John W Geissman($257,578), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
8. James L Crowley($161,758), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Permo-triassic Mass Extinction, Critical Interval, Outreach Programs, Permo-triassic Mass, Comprehensive, Conditions, Continent, Deposits, Derived, Description, Developed, Ecosystem, Educational, Environmental, Extinctions, Happened, History, Investigation, Marine, Model, Occurred, Period, Primary, Responded, Rock, Spanning, Stratigraphy, Terrestrial, Time, Volcanic.
1. Cynthia J Ebinger($71,753), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Magmatism And Segmentation, Accommodating Extension, Late-stage Rifts, Mid-ocean Ridges, Tectonic Segmentation, Constraints, Continent, Controls, Deformation, Development, Evolution, Faults, Features, Has, Initiation, Late-stage, Lithosphere, Mid-ocean, Plate, Rifting, Seismicity.
1. Anthony Koppers($699,333), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Argon Geochronology Laboratory, Osu Argon Geochronology, 40ar39ar Geochronology, Argus-vi Instruments, ARGUS-VI, Arar, Collaborators, Dating, Decade, Expand, Has, Precision, Terrestrial, Volcanic.
1. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay($551,270), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Established Noble Gas, Gas Mass Spectrometer, Newly Established Noble, Noble Gas Laboratory, Nu Noblesse Hr, California Davis, Detector Assembly, Ohm Amplifier, Acquisition, Allow, Analytic, Analytical, Ar, Atmosphere, Capabilities, Degassing, Differentiation, Earth, Equipped, Evolution, Existing, Faraday, Formation, Generation, Geochemistry, Hcl, History, Instrument, Power, Range, Students, World, Xe.
1. Mark D Schmitz($672,773), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Isotope Geology Laboratory, Thermal Ionization Mass, U-pb Zircon Ages, High-precision U-pb, U-pb Zircon, Analysis, Boise, Broad, Dilution, Geochronological, Geochronology, Geological, Has, High-precision, Integration, Methods, Processes, Rates, Resolution, Resources, State-of-the-art, Strategies, Technical.
1. Julie C Fosdick($712,288), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Laboratory Technician, Outreach Activities, Apatite, Detrital, Development, Geothermochronology, HGL, Minerals, Monazite, Promote, Titanite, Training, U-thhe.
1. William Guenthner($673,589), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Dating Method, Uiuc Lab, Allow, Collaborators, Constrain, Fluid, Funding, Geologic, Laboratory, Labs, Methods, Mineral, Oversee, Process, Processes, Rock, Seek, Technician, Thermal, Thermochronology, Time, Training, U-thhe, Visiting, Visitors, Zircon.
1. Amanda Keen-Zebert($680,536), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Students And Scientists, Activities Enabled, Luminescence Dating, Luminescence Laboratory, Time Technician, Visiting Students, DRILL, Landscape, Processes, River, Serve, Technique, Training, User.
1. Brian J Mailloux($67,053), Barnard College, New York
Key terms: Anions And Low, Graduate Student, Ion Chromatograph, Laboratory Experiments, Water Quality, York City, Barnard, Co-author, Continue, Current, Dionex, Enable, Funding, Groundwater, Has, IC, Instrument, Measure, NSF, National, Organic, Papers, Peer-reviewed, Publications, Recharge, Run, Students, Undergraduate, Users.
1. Stephen J Burns($97,430), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Stable Isotope, Time Scales, Tropical Hydrology, Climate, Equipment, Global, Holyoke, Hydrologic, Indian, Madagascar, Mt, Orbital, Paleoclimate, Past, Region, Smith, Southern, Timescales, Yucatan.
1. Thomas M Hearn($74,990), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Key terms: Computational Mineral Physics, Mineral Physics Calculations, Computationally Intensive, Earthquake Hazard, Ground Motion, Nuclear Monitoring, Benefit, Cluster, Composition, Crystal, Engineering, Explore, Generation, Geo-inspired, Geodynamical, Geophysical, Geophysics, HPC, Highly, Hispanic, Interior, Inversions, Modeling, Models, NMSU, Opportunities, Processes, Seismic, Solar, Structure, Structures, Students, Sun, Synthetic, Technological, Waveform.
1. Mainak Mookherjee($216,187), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Mineral Physics, Raman Spectrometer, Instrument, Properties, Training, Vibrational.
1. Jonathan Woodruff($89,810), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Particle Size Analyzer, Grain Size, Massachusetts Amherst, Sediment Transport, Acquisition, Deposits, Dynamics, Extreme, Faculty, Fine-grained, Glacial, Hazards, Historical, Hurricane, Instrument, Knowledge, Lake, Laser, Regional, Sedimentology, Sediments.
1. W. Berry Lyons($99,690), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Climate Dynamics, Allow, CRDS, Changing, Cycling, Effects, Isotopic, Lakes, Melt, Ohio, Ratios, Regions, Sources, Streams, Water, Waters.
1. Kenneth S Vecchio($119,731), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Academia And Industry, Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope, Field Emission, San Diego, Uc San, Acquire, Characterization, Coupled, Crust, EBSD, Instrument, Oceanography, Pis, Planetary, SIO, Scripps, Students, Technical.
1. Lang Farmer($163,209), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Glass Ion Emitter, Micro-interdigitated Electrode Array, Thermal Ionization Mass, Age Determinations, Electrochemical Cell, Ion Source, Ionization Efficiency, Ionization Method, Ions Generated, Liquid Glass, Mass Spectrometer, Metal Dopant, Metal Ions, Metal Ribbon, Micro-interdigitated Electrode, Molten Silicate, Ratio Determinations, Si-gel Technique, Atoms, Builds, Class, Consist, Current, Design, Doped, Electrical, Electrodes, Electrolyte, Evaporation, Fabrication, Heating, IDA, Increase, Instrument, Isotopic, Lead, Melting, Metals, Micro-ida, Mixture, Neutral, Operating, Placed, Potential, Precision, Produce, Producing, Prototype, Released, Releases, Remains, Required, Serves, Si-gel, Size, Substrate, Surface, TIMS, Techniques, Temperature, Temperatures.
1. Alejandro Flores($74,937), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatory, Organic And Inorganic, Water Resource Management, Inorganic Carbon, Organic Carbon, Post-fire Redistribution, Reduction Software, Reynolds Creek, Soil Carbon, Soil Nutrients, Soil Organic, Soil Spectra, Acquisition, Applications, Classification, Controls, Cycling, Ecosystem, Faculty, Field, Image, Increase, Interactions, Lab, NSF, Nsfs, Observations, Post-fire, Program, Resolution, Settings, Soils, Spectral, Spectroradiometer, Spectroscopy, Students, Training, Vegetation.
1. Richard J Walker($480,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Mantle And Crustal, Chemical Evolution, Crustal Rocks, Isotopic Analysis, Isotopic Compositions, Abundances, Future, History, Instrument, Isotopes, Li, MC-ICP-MS, Maryland, Means, Pb, Plasma, Precisely, Precision, Siderophile, Tasks.
1. Elizabeth K Thomas($339,905), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Buffalo Audubon Society, Education And Outreach, Ice Sheet Mass, Sea Level Rise, Sheet Mass Loss, Sheets And Sea, Audubon Society, Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Early-career Geoscientist, Extreme Storm, Full-time Technician, Ice Sheets, Principal Investigator's, Affect, Climate, Collection, Droughts, Early-career, Environmental, Floods, Full-time, Partnership, Past, Precipitation, Program, Societal.
1. Kameron R Jorgensen($74,104), Texas A&M International University, Laredo
Key terms: Computational Modeling, Modeling Studies, Remote Sensing, Soil Moisture, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Compounds, Decadal, Generation, Greenhouse, Hispanic, Hydrologic, Importance, Interactions, Observations, Processes, Products, Students, Surface, Techniques, Texas, Training.
1. Elizabeth M Herndon($126,459), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer, Tundra And Boreal, Benchtop X-ray, Boreal Ecosystems, Critical Zone, Soil Mineralogy, Weathering Front, X-ray Diffractometer, Collect, Cycling, Depth, Function, Geology, Hour, Instrument, Interactions, Jobs, Kent, Metal, Phases, Processes, Range, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Water, XRD.
1. Katharine Huntington($4,396), University of Washington, Seattle
2. David D Nelson($299,377), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Mass Spectrometry, Oxygen Isotopes, Soil Carbonates, Ability, Aerodyne, Arizona, Clumped, Combinations, Past, Resolution, Washington.
1. Carl B Agee($13,736,962), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: National Laboratory, National Synchrotron, Synchrotron Facilities, Advanced, Beam, COMPRES, Deep, Experimental, Facility, Generation, Interior, Interiors, Light, Mission, Planetary, Properties, Source, Synchrotrons, Techniques.
1. Gregory S Hancock($80,135), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
Key terms: Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Diffraction Particle Size, Laser Diffraction Particle, Particle Size Analyzer, Size And Distribution, William And Mary, Agricultural Runoff, Rapid Analysis, Virginia Institute, Broadly, Climate, Coastal, Environments, Faculty, Geologic, Instrument, Marine, Past, Sediment, Settings, Undergraduate, Variety.
1. Mark L Rivers($19,358,734), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: High-pressurehigh-temperature Crystallography, Synchrotron Radiation, APS, Experiments, Facility, GSECARS, High-pressurehigh-temperature, Properties, Spectroscopy, Synchrotron-based, X-ray.
1. Jin Zhang($338,618), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Density And Single-crystal, Earth's Upper Mantle, Subduction And Delamination, Earth's Interior, Earth's Upper, Obtained Experimental, P-t Conditions, Single-crystal Elasticity, Anisotropy, Clinopyroxene, Direct, Eclogite, Heating, Mineral, Minerals, Nature, Observed, P-T, Phase, Processes, Real, Seismic, Students, Vol.
1. Lisa Tauxe($432,852), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Field Strength, Geomagnetic Field, Paleointensity Estimates, Selection Criteria, Accurate, Average, Complete, Database, Earth, Experiment, Experimental, Female, Has, Intensity, Leading, Noise, Past, Poor, Signal, Software.
1. Nievita Bueno Watts($239,935), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Geoscience Alliance, Native Americans, Build, Development, GA-RCN, GARCN, Geosciences, Network, Programs, Social, Workforce.
1. Eugene D Humphreys($317,790), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Alison R Duvall($320,439), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Brian J Yanites($239,880), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Erosion Following Lithospheric, Following Lithospheric Loss, Mantle And Surface, Uplift And Erosion, Uplift And Landscape, Field Sites, Inland Northwest, Landscape Evolution, Mantle Dynamics, Yellowstone Plume, Constrained, Critical, Deformation, Driven, Earth, Geologic, History, Idaho, Models, Oregon, Processes, Region, Regional, Structure, Students, Topographic.
1. Michael J Jercinovic($770,000), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Electron Beam, Electron Microprobe, Electron Probe, Lab Demonstrations, Undergraduate Students, Acquisition, Analysis, Analytical, Classes, Compositional, Continue, Development, Efficiency, Engineering, Facility, Five-college, Formation, Has, Instrument, Involving, Micro-analysis, Mineral, NSF, National, Numerous, Outside, Processes, Regional, Serves, Target, Training, Umass, X-rays.
1. Darryl E Granger($508,894), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Ancient Landscape, East Tennessee, Manganese Ores, Date, Eroded, Sinkhole.
1. Sharon Mosher($61,470), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Changing Undergraduate Programs, Design Successful Strategies, Heads And Chairs, Undergraduate Geoscience Education, Wider Geoscience Academic, Action Plans, Individual Department, Undergraduate Curricula, Departments, Employment, Future, Has, Obstacles, Overcome, Participants, Previous, Students, Summit, Synthesized, Updates, Was, Workshop.
1. Robin S Matoza($316,448), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Lps And Subevents, Tiny Lp Subevents, Uc Santa Barbara, Multiple Volcanoes, Origin Remains, Solid Extrusion, Source Mechanisms, Volcanic Seismicity, Additional, Cluster, Conduit, Elucidate, Eruption, Generating, Hydrothermal, Information, MSH, Monitoring, Perform, Processes, Reveal, Signals, Similar, Structures, Underlying, Useful, Volcano-seismic, Worldwide.
1. Noah Finnegan($443,968), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Groundwater Flow, Argues, Failure, Feedbacks, Landslide, Landslides, Sliding, Slip, Slow, Water.
1. Ehab A Meselhe($48,240), The Water Institute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Amite River, Lower Basin, August, Channel, Deposition, Document, Extent, Flood, Flooding, Future, Map, Models, RAPID, Rainfall, Sediment, Swamps.
1. John E Vidale($16,981,680), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquake Risk, Physics-based Modeling, Southern California, Actions, Basic, Center, Core, Dynamic, Engineering, Fault, Has, Hazard, Information, Levels, Models, National, Observations, Physics-based, Predictability, Processes, Program, Promote, Resilience, SCEC, Scecs, Seismic, Vision.
1. Jason B Fellman($50,277), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Doctdn Analyzer, Acquisition, Alaska, Carbon, Concentrations, Determining, Dissolved, Driving, Environmental, Fluxes, Forested, Glacial, Instrument, Region, Rural, Stream, TDN, Timing, Training, USFS, Water, Watersheds.
1. David P Gillikin($307,241), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: State-of-the-art Analytical Instrumentation, Drinking Water, Mass Spectrometer, State-of-the-art Analytical, Undergraduate Students, Water Quality, Advance, Contamination, Critical, Efforts, Environmental, Establish, Explaining, Geochemical, Has, Heavy, Increased, Limits, Measuring, Metals, Monitoring, Near, Potential, Public, Quadrupole, Societally, Sources, Throughput, Union, Useful, Volatile, Volcanic, Workforce.
1. Blair Schoene($522,502), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Geochronologic And Isotopic, Precision And Accuracy, Broad Geoscience, Co-pi Higgins, Existing Tims, External Users, Icpms Facilities, Capabilities, Capacity, Climate, Co-pi, Department, Devote, Environmental, Eruption, Evolution, Expand, Focus, Geochronology, Geologic, Geosciences, High-precision, Host, Increase, Instrument, Isotope, Isotopes, Lab, Laboratories, Led, MRI, Managed, Mass, Measuring, Permit, Princeton, Processes, Programs, Purchase, Radiogenic, Range, Rates, Ratios, Supplement, Techniques, Ties, Time, U-pb, Volcanic.
1. Laurel S Collins($309,890), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Scanning Electron Microscope, Florida International, Forensic Chemistry, Acquire, Capabilities, Geochemistry, Geoscience, Glass, Instrument, Instrumentation, Instruments, Operation, Ore, Remote, SEM, Undergraduate, Volcanic, Wide.
1. Andrea Porras-Alfaro($330,544), Western Illinois University, Macomb
Key terms: Scanning Electron Microscope, Inspiring Student, Western Illinois, Acquire, Basic, Education, Equipment, Inorganic, Involved, Microbial, Preservation, Processes, Program, RISE, Rural, Undergraduate, WIU.
1. Philip Skemer($39,215), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Subduction Zones, Conference, Discuss, Experimental, Laboratory, Modeling, Observation, Participants, Processes.
1. Joseph S Stoner($250,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Corvallis Saturday Market, Earth's Magnetic Field, Exhibits And Presentations, Marine Geology Repository, Master Dating Curves, Northern North Atlantic, Osu Marine Geology, Regional Stratigraphic Master, Repository And Delivered, Stratigraphic Master Dating, Tours And Classes, Adult Learner, Ceoas Booth, Earth's Magnetic, Geomagnetic Field, Geomagnetic Shield, Global Ecosystems, Historical Geomagnetic, Historical Times, Human Health, Interpretive Framework, National Databases, Practical Implications, Sub-centennial Resolution, Accumulating, Allow, Anomalous, Chronologies, Collaboration, Completely, Constrain, Constrained, Constraints, Context, Contributed, Cosmic, Developed, Features, Fidelity, Happening, Historically, Holocene, Interactions, Investment, K-, Little, Millennial, Modern, Mud, Normal, Observations, Ongoing, Paleo, Paleo-context, Paleo-geomagnetic, Paleomagnetic, Poorly, Prehistoric, Processes, Quality, Rates, Refined, Relative, Sediment, Shorter, Solar, Strategic, Sub-centennial, Telecommunications, Tell, Theme, Thousands, Ultrahigh, Uncertainties, Undergraduate.
1. David M Jenkins($289,112), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
Key terms: Calcium Amphiboles, Chlorine Content, Chlorine-rich Amphiboles, Chlorine-rich Fluids, Compositional Variables, Crustal Rocks, Heat Capacity, Host Amphibole, Thermal Stability, Third-law Entropy, Upper-thermal Stability, Aqueous, Basic, Binghamton, Brine, Brines, Chlorine-rich, Control, Controlling, Determined, Effect, Enthalpy, Formation, Geological, Incorporation, Information, Levels, Mineral, Obtained, Potassium, Processes, Rigorous, Thermochemical, Third-law, Upper-thermal.
1. Michael Manga($264,201), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Volcanic Eruptions, Behavior, Duration, Flow, Geyser, Geysering, Geysers, Insight, Interval, Laboratory, Plumbing, Processes, Water.
1. Terry A Plank($232,497), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Olivines And Pyroxenes, H2o Equilibration, Host Magma, Mantle Xenoliths, Melt Inclusions, Water Content, Defects, Degassing, Diffusive, Erupted, Exchange, Fidelity, IR, Lithosphere, Lost, Mineral, Minerals, Reflect, Size, Slowly, Strength, True.
1. Hanna Nekvasil($370,999), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Anorthitic Plagioclase, Compositional Space, Earth's Interior, Earth's Mantle, Elevated Pressure, Anorthite, Behavior, Brought, Crystals, Current, Deviation, Environments, Geologic, Has, Insights, Magma, Magmas, Mechanisms, Melt, Mid-ocean, Mineral, Natural, Origin, Potential, Processes, Region, Requires, Resources, Rock, Surface, Topology, Volcanic.
1. Alicia M Cruz-Uribe($341,444), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Sulfur Isotopic Signature, Arc Volcanic, Deep Arc, Subducted Sulfur, Sulfur Cycle, Sulfur Isotope, Sulfur Released, Upper Mantle, Volcanic Arc, Volcanic Arcs, Coupled, Crust, Cumulates, Fluids, Has, Lithologies, Maine, Observations, Processes, Reactions, Redox, Rock, Subduction, Sulfides, Surface, Tectonic.
1. Marc-Antoine Longpre($229,689), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
Key terms: Compositionally Stratified Eruption, Eruption Trigger Mechanisms, Geochemical And Textural, Stratified Eruption Deposits, Compositionally Zoned, Cosiguina Volcano, Layered Magma, Magma Reservoir, Magma Reservoirs, Recharge Trigger, Volatile Gradients, Volcanic Eruptions, Bubbles, Direct, Dissolved, Evidence, Explosive, Exsolved, Has, Magmatic, Melt, Progressive.
1. Paterno R Castillo($55,968), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Fangzhen Teng($49,636), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Pb Isotopic Ratios, Radiogenic Pb Isotopic, Mantle Components, Marine Carbonates, Oceanic Basalts, Pb Paradoxes, Volcanic Rocks, Analysis, Crust, Evolution, Geochemical, Isotopes, Mg, Process, Recycled, Recycling, Sources, Subducted, Time-integrated, Upb.
1. Kenneth Befus($128,112), Baylor University, Waco
2. Michael Manga($171,413), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: X-ray Micro Diffraction, Crystal Lattice, Experimental Products, Natural Crystals, Synchrotron X-ray, Volcanic Environments, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Stresses, X-ray Micro, Act, Assess, Control, Deformation, Experiments, Forces, Magma, Magnitude, Microxrd, Performed, Processes, Quantify, Strain, Strained, Strains, Technology, Underground.
1. Gordon M Moore($69,849), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Pressure And Temperature, Chemical Activity, Chemical Behavior, Fluidvapor Phase, Oxygen Fugacity, Buffer, Capsule, Conditions, Density, Experimental, Glass, HO, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Measuring, Melt, Melts, Viscosity.
1. Yael Kiro($365,837), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Deep C-o-h Fluids, C-o-h Fluids, Deep C-o-h, Earth's Surface, Fluid Inclusions, Ages, Compositions, Constrain, Diamonds, Direct, Inferred, Mantle, Processes, Trace, Trapped, Unique, Water-rich.
1. Yoshio Kono($183,705), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Deep Interior, Earth's Deep, Pressure Conditions, Pressure-induced Structural, Silicate Glasses, Silicate Magmas, X-ray Diffraction, Developed, Double-stage, Experimental, Gpa, Gt, High-pressure, Mantle, Pressure-induced, Pressures, Structure, Vital, Volume, X-ray.
1. Michael O Garcia($346,000), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Mixing And Ascent, 20th Century, Basalt Melt, Chemical Zoning, Effusive Activity, Laboratory Experiments, Magma Recharge, Centuries, Critical, Cycles, Diffusion, Eruption, Experimental, Explosive, Focuses, Growth, Hawaii, History, Information, Kandlauea, Kilauea, Magmatic, Mineral, Occurring, Olivine, Processes, Products, Time, Timing, Volcano, Volcanoes.
1. James E Gardner($282,058), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Thomas Giachetti($261,212), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Textural And Chemical, Ash Sintering, Crater Lake, Explosive Eruptions, Foam Collapse, Magmatic Foam, Obsidian Pyroclasts, Volatile Contents, Volcanic Eruptions, Analyses, Decipher, Degassing, Dense, Electron, Examine, Excavated, Formed, Fragmentation, Gas, Glassy, Lead, Models, Mono, Open-system, Partially, Pathways, Plinian, Prior, Products, Pumice, Surface, Syn-eruptive, Task, Textures, Threats, USA, Vanguard, Vesicle.
1. Basil Tikoff($107,323), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Mark D Schmitz($227,161), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Granite Plutons, Mineral Titanite, Rock Fabric, Shear Zones, Crust, Crystals, Dated, Deformation, Development, Formation, Individual, Measured, Processes, Techniques.
1. Annia K Fayon($233,654), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Peter K Zeitler($164,643), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Density And Diffusivity, Diffusion Experiments, Dislocation Density, Helium Diffusion, Accurate, Analysis, Apatite, Characterize, Contributing, Crystal, Dates, Dating, Defects, Deformation, Developed, Grain, Grains, History, Isotopic, Level, Processes, Rock, STEM, Single, Surface, Techniques, Temperature, Underrepresented, Uranium-thoriumhelium, Various.
1. Daniel F Stockli($334,776), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Field Structural Geology, Syros And Tinos, Exhumation Mechanisms, Fluid Sources, Metamorphic Rocks, Subduction Interface, Subduction Zones, Conditions, Decipher, Deformation, Depths, Enigmatic, Exhumed, Fabrics, Focus, Geochemistry, Geochronology, History, Ma, Metamorphism, Minority, Modern, Particular, Petrology, Pressure, Processes, Responsible, Retrograde, Seismic, Students, Surface, Time.
1. Colin Jackson($153,363), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Nitrogen And Potassium, Earth's Exterior, Earth's Interior, Nitrogen-potassium Coupling, Redox Boundary, Atmosphere, Conditions, Crust, Expected, Experiment, Fluids, Liberated, Maintaining, Nitrogen-potassium, Pressure, Retained, Subducted, Subduction, Subjected, Temperature, Volcanic.
1. Michael J Krawczynski($257,301), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Noah M McLean($143,550), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Existing Experimental, Naturally Occurring, Partition Coefficients, Accurate, Ago, Correction, Experiments, Geochronology, Geologic, Glass, Isotope, Laboratory, Melt, Parameters, Pb, Techniques, Th, Thorium, U-pb, Uncertainties, Uranium, Zircon.
1. Dork L Sahagian($313,531), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Individual Ash Particles, Eruption Energy, Syn-eruptive Bubbles, Volcanic Eruptions, Water Concentration, Amount, Ascent, Below, Depends, Depth, Determining, Diffuse, Dissolved, Explosive, Future, Gas, Glass, Grow, Magma, Near, Nucleated, Observed, Overlying, Pre-eruptive, Rises, Set, Surface, Syn-eruptive, Technique, Threshold, Time, Volcano.
1. Matthew J Kohn($15,934), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Graduate Students, Conference, Crystal, Discussion, Geochronology, Igneous, Magma, Metamorphic, Methods, Minerals, Petrology, Rates, Software, Tectonic, Theory, Useful.
1. Einat Lev($597,105), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Effusive Volcanic Eruptions, Flows And Domes, Fluid Mechanics Experiments, Models And Fluid, High-school Students, Lava Effusion, Lava Emplacement, Lava Flows, Numerical Models, Analysis, Collaboration, Environment, Evolution, Hazards, High-school, Influence, Mitigation, Natural, Spatial, Stability, Temporal, Underrepresented.
1. William F McDonough($299,080), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Continental Crust, Electron Antineutrinos, Heat Flux, Mantle Convection, Mantle Flux, Mantle's Radiogenic, Plate Tectonics, Radiogenic Heat, Radiogenic Power, Reference Model, Surface Heat, Abundance, Accretion, Amount, Background, China, Coming, Composition, Contribution, Contributions, Define, Defining, Detectors, Distribution, Driving, Earth, Estimates, Fuel, Geodynamo, Geological, Geoneutrino, Geoneutrinos, Global, Heat-producing, Issues, Magnitude, Mantles, Models, Nuclear, Planet, Powers, Predictions, Present-day, Primordial, Proportion, Radioactive, Regional, Relative, Signal, Silicate, Sources, Thorium, Total, Uncertainty, Uranium.
1. Josef Dufek($218,968), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Entrainment And Erosion, Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Simulation, Particle Concentration, Atmosphere, Capacity, Current, Currents, Dangerous, Density, Evolving, Experiments, Internal, Models, Observation, PDC, People, Processes, Range, Relate, Simulations.
1. Dustin Trail($304,034), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Water-rock Interactions, Ago, Ancient, Billion, Crust, Crystals, Eon, Experimental, Geochemistry, Information, Isotope, Laboratory, Mineral, O-, Rochester, Si-, Specifically, Teachers, Technology, Was, Water-rock, Zircon.
1. John C Lassiter($317,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Hawaiian Magma Storage, Shield And Post-shield, Earth's Interior, Hawaiian Lavas, Hawaiian Magmas, Hawaiian Volcanoes, Loa-trend Volcanoes, Volcanic Hazard, Affect, Allow, Assimilation, Batches, Compositional, Compositions, Crust, Crystalline, Cumulates, Depth, Depths, Discrete, Does, Erupted, Eruption, Evolution, Examine, Explosive, Heterogeneities, Influence, Insights, Interaction, Isotopic, Loa-trend, Mantle, Melt, Meltlithosphere, Mixing, Nature, Plumbing, Plutonic, Post-shield-stage, Processes, Rock, Significantly, Surface, Trace, Varies, Volcanism, Xenoliths.
1. Roberta L Rudnick($394,453), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Surface Heat Flow, Accessory Phases, Continental Crust, Heat Flowing, Heat Generated, Abundances, Basaltic, Combination, Decay, HPE, Has, Hpes, Mantle, Pb, Temperature, Xenoliths.
1. Benoit T Welsch($395,566), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Chemical Composition, Crystal Growth, Experimental Products, Heating Stage, Magma Chambers, Thermal Gradient, Allow, Cooled, Core, Crystallization, Crystals, Dendritic, Earth, Electron, Experiments, Formation, Mantle, Melt, Meteorites, Microscope, Olivine, P-rich, Petrology, Rapid, Rates, Shown, Superheating, Volcanic, Zoning.
1. Blair Schoene($89,977), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Bradley S Singer($254,025), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. John M Cottle($86,426), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Individual Magma Batches, Plutonic Complex, Southern Andes, Aim, Chile, Compositional, Compositions, Crust, Crystal, Eruption, Establish, Formation, Granite, Melt, Minerals, Modeling, Plumbing, Plutons, Processes, Rhyolite, Risco, Rock, Thermal, Timescales, Volcanic.
1. Cailey B Condit($174,000), Condit Cailey B, Boulder
Key terms: Strength And Deformation, Amphibole-rich Rocks, Continuous Deformation, Deep Crust, Deformation Mechanisms, Deformed Amphibole, Experimentally Deformed, Naturally Deformed, Rock Deformation, Seismic Anisotropy, Allow, Amphibole-rich, Directly, Facilities, Geologic, Geophysicists, Observations, Pressures, Signals, Temperatures, Zones.
1. Adrianne P Smits($174,000), Smits Adrianne P, Seattle
Key terms: Elevation Lake Temperature, Lake Heat Budgets, Ecosystem Metabolism, Mountain Lakes, Achieve, Algorithms, Carbon, Climate, Controls, Davis, Landscape, Models, Objective, Quantify, Snowmelt.
1. Melissa I Pardi($174,000), Pardi Melissa I, Albuquerque
Key terms: Species Distribution, Aridity, Distributions, Fossil, Isotope, Models, Modern, School, Students, Tools.
1. Katherine D Chadwick($174,000), Chadwick Katherine D, San Francisco
Key terms: Carbon And Nutrient, Nutrient Stocks, Soil Carbon, Spatial Scales, Chemistry, Education, Ground, Inventories, Map, Methodology, Models, Remotely, Subsurface.
1. Brett B Carr($174,000), Carr Brett B, Flagstaff
Key terms: Aerial And Thermal, Active Silicic, Effusive Eruptions, Internal Structure, Thermal Photography, Volcano Observatories, Activities, Assessment, Colima, Collapse, Collect, Domes, Dtms, Education, Emerging, Field, Flowdome, Flows, Guatemala, Hazard, Indonesia, Instabilities, Instability, Investigation, LDEO, Lava, Mexico, Precursors, Processes, Risk, Santiaguito, Sinabung, Stability, Topographic.
1. Margaret S Avery($174,000), Avery Margaret S, Berkeley
Key terms: Dynamics And Core-mantle, Polarity Reversal Rate, Core Dynamics, Education Activities, Field Strength, Geodynamo Simulations, Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Field, Numerical Geodynamo, Polarity Reversals, Average, Earth, Evolution, Has, Million, Myr, Paleomagnetic, Rock, Times, Varies, Was.
1. Benjamin W Johnson($174,000), Johnson Benjamin W, Victoria
Key terms: Altered Oceanic Crust, Paleoarchean Mineral Chemistry, Paleoarchean Ocean, Archive, Biogeochemistry, Colorado, Education, Evolution, Focus, Has, Hydrothermal, Sedimentary, Utilized.
1. Kathleen F McKee($174,000), McKee Kathleen F, Fairbanks
Key terms: Input And Output, Output Volume Flux, Acoustic Sources, Stromboli Volcano, Volume Input, Activity, Education, Eruption, Gas, Infrasound, Italy, Multigas, Quantitatively, Seismo-acoustic, Subsequent, Subsurface, Techniques, Tilt, Via, Volcanoes.
1. Christopher W Johnson($174,000), Johnson Christopher W, Berkeley
Key terms: Earthquake Detection, Fault Zone, Plate Boundary, Regional Seismic, Advance, Array, California, Characterize, Crust, Deformation, Dense, Deployment, Depth, Earthquakes, Ground, Gt, Microseismic, Networks, Noise, Previously, Processes, Properties, SAF, SJFZ, San, Surface, Techniques.
1. Jacob A Zwart($174,000), Zwart Jacob A, Notre Dame
Key terms: Geological Survey Office, Lake Carbon Cycling, Lake Carbon Fluxes, Regional And Global, Carbon Cycle, Complex Interactions, Emergent Properties, Global Lake, Land Cover, Modeling Framework, Postdoctoral Fellow, Water Information, Accompanying, Climate, Datasets, Education, Enhance, Has, Increased, Lakes, Models, Rates, Scaling, Spatially-explicit.
1. Emily J Beverly($152,250), Beverly Emily J, San Antonio
Key terms: Oxygen Isotope Proxy, Triple Oxygen Isotope, East Africa, Modern Serengeti, Education, Encourage, Evaporation, Expand, Geochemical, Humans, Michigan, Paleoenvironmental, Paleosols, Proxies, Reconstruct, Region, Soils, Th.
1. Lawrence E Band($48,965), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Social And Economic, Status And Distance, Stream And Watershed, Watershed Restoration Efforts, Coastal Sustainability, Excess Nitrogen, Green Infrastructure, Nitrogen Benefits, Socio-economic Status, Stream Restoration, Water Quality, Baltimore, Biophysical, Citizen, Complex, Critical, Effects, Environmental, Factors, Garbage, Globe, Interventions, Knowledge, Residents, Socio-economic, Urban, Urbanization.
1. Alison R Duvall($2,937,478), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Fault Motion, Built, Cascadia, Challenges, Chile, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Effects, Estimation, Forecasting, Hazard, Hazards, Japan, Landslides, Liquefaction, Losses, Motions, Natural, Numerical, Planning, Probabilistic, Reducing, Risk, Scenarios, Shaking, Subduction, Tsunamis, Warning.
1. Esteban Gazel($276,249), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Water And Carbon, Cape Verde, Carbon Cycles, Global Water, Intraplate Magmatism, Intraplate Volcanism, Mantle Plume, Mantle Upwelling, Natural Laboratories, Plate Boundaries, Plume Model, Canaries, Carbonatites, Collect, Composition, Continent, Convection, Deep, Determinations, Dynamics, EDC, Geochemical, Has, Hotspots, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Melting, Missing, Near, Petrological, Processes, Seismic, Signatures, Source, Virginia, Volatile, Volatiles, Volcanic.
1. Peter van Keken($293,800), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Continental Crust, Convective Motions, Earth's Interior, Mantle Layering, Tectonic Plates, Tracer Particles, Atmosphere, CMB, Compressible, Deep, Eroded, Evolution, Flow, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Geologic, Has, Information, Isotope, Knowledge, Melting, Millions, Mix, Mixing, Model, Models, Numerical, Phase, Rate, Realistic, Surface, Viscosity, Volcanoes.
1. Yanbin Wang($373,999), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Lupei Zhu($193,774), Saint Louis University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Oceanic Lithosphere, State-of-the-art Seismological, Subduction Zone, AE, Conditions, Deformation, Depths, Developed, Dfeqs, Dominant, Earthquakes, Experimental, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Mineral, Models, Physics, Pressure, Pressures, Processes, Rock, Seismic, Source, State-of-the-art, Strain, Temperature.
1. Jin Zhang($369,931), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Content And Water, Water Concentration Near, Dense Regional, Mineral Physics, Olivine Content, Abundance, Anisotropic, Arrays, Boundary, Combined, Composition, Compositional, Depth, Discontinuity, Earth, Estimate, Fraction, Funding, Global, Has, Mantle, Mixing, Properties, Rock, Seismic, Sound, Spatial, Students, Transition, Velocity, Volcanic, Wadsleyite.
1. Catherine A Macris($29,130), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Susannah Dorfman($375,194), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Density And Viscosity, Iron And Silicon, Compositional Differences, Lower Mantle, Variable Amounts, Age, Compositions, Constraints, Earth, Effects, Experiments, Obtained, Pressures, Properties, Provinces, Regions, Resulting, Seismology, Shear, Simulations, Temperature, Velocity.
1. Edward J Garnero($45,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Graduate Students, Conference, Deep, Diverse, Earth, Evolution, Exchange, Field, Focus, GRC, GRS, Gordon, Interior, June, Seminar, Theme.
1. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou($570,084), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: International Exchange, Theme-based Focused, Virtual Institute, Actionable, Approach, Campaigns, Establish, Experimental, Future, Graduate, LIFE, Programs, Public, Shared, Sharing, Surface, Sustainability, Theme-based, Theoretical, Vulnerability.
1. Thomas J Algeo($130,812), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
2. Jennifer L Morford($102,615), Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster
3. Stephen J Romaniello($141,070), Arizona State University, Tempe
4. Maya Elrick($331,235), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Ancient Oceans, Global-ocean Redox, Marine Carbonates, Mass Extinctions, Oxygen Concentrations, Thousand Yearssample, Curve, Global-ocean, History, Interval, Intervals, Isotopes, Levels, Million, Multiple, Time, Transition.
1. Patrick S Druckenmiller($231,454), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Julio C Sepulveda($92,221), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Gregory M Erickson($131,126), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Alaska, Animals, Arctic, Dinosaurs, Distribution, Diverse, Faunal, Growth, Latitudes, Mammals, Physiology, Polar, Students, Temperature.
1. John L Isbell($205,738), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
2. Qing-zhu Yin($355,168), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: High-precision Chronostratigraphic Framework, High-precision Chronostratigraphic, Late Paleozoic, Parana Basin, Terminal Deglaciation, Climate, Complete, Constraints, Glacial, Glaciation, Icehouse, Past, Permit, Timing, U-pb, Zircon.
1. Roland Mundil($208,377), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: High-precision Chronostratigraphic Framework, High-precision Chronostratigraphic, Late Paleozoic, Parana Basin, Terminal Deglaciation, Climate, Complete, Constraints, Glacial, Glaciation, Icehouse, Past, Permit, Timing, U-pb, Zircon.
1. Peter A Siver($226,763), Connecticut College, New London
Key terms: Arctic Lake Ecosystem, Greenhouse World, Climate, Conditions, Document, Ecosystems, Existed, Fossil, Giraffe, Microfossil, Numerous, Organisms, Reconstruct, Warm.
1. Jessica R Bean($333,879), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Environmental Conditions, Environmental Ranges, Interglacial Complex, Isotope Profiles, Late Pleistocene, Mollusk Species, Species Distributions, California, Coastal, Economically, Environments, Fossil, Implying, Individuals, Lived, Models, Modern, Paleoenvironmental, Reconstruct, Shells, Stability.
1. Anjali M Fernandes($277,381), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Late Devonian, Collections, Component, Databases, Earth, Extinction, Fossil, Global, Local, Mass, Paleoenvironmental, Preference, Proxy, Range, Ranges, Species, Stratigraphic.
1. Robert Eagle($71,779), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Neil M Tabor($117,061), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Key terms: Ancient Ecosystems, Graduate Student, Isotope Analysis, Junggar Basin, Late Jurassic, Northwestern China, Paleosol Calcite, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate, Climates, Estimates, Global, Inform, Middle, Modern, Productivity, Students.
1. James D Schiffbauer($698,865), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Burgess Shale, Burgess Shale-type, Laboratory-based Decay, Soft-tissue Fossil, Analyses, Animal, Approaches, Biological, Earliest, Education, Focus, Fossilization, Fossils, Has, History, Laboratory-based, Life, Mineralization, Picture, Preservation, Processes, STEM, Shale-type, Soft-tissue, Taphonomic.
1. John W Huntley($522,321), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Parasitic Flatworms, Undergraduate Students, Clams, Columns, Course, Curriculum, Development, Ecosystems, Education, Environmental, Environments, Factors, Food, Fossil, Geological, Geology, Has, Missouri, Parasites, Perspective, Processes, Respond, Responded, Techniques, Time, Variety.
1. Rowan C Martindale($380,306), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Ya Ha Tinda, Oceanic Anoxic, Soft Tissue, Analyzed, Compare, Deposit, Deposits, Extinction, Fossils, Global, Information, Jurassic, Preservation, Rock.
1. Lydia S Tackett($512,202), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
Key terms: Fossiliferous Bulk, Late Triassic, Abundance, Ecological, Environmental, Marine, Modern, Predator, Predator-prey, Prey, Regions.
1. Donna Surge($392,529), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Modern And Fossil, Rate And Lifespan, Biogeographic Distribution, Biological Consequences, Coastal Plains, Growth Rate, Shell Growth, Affect, Annual, Astarte, Atlantic, Climate, Educational, Environmental, Establish, Future, Live, Populations, Program, Range, STEM, Seasonal, Size, Students, Teachers, Temperature, Writing.
1. Dario Bilardello($29,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Rock Magnetism, Field, Geoscience, Interdisciplinary, International, Partial, Students, Utrecht.
1. Jeffrey A Wilson Mantilla($148,959), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Paul R Renne($131,762), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
3. Gregory P Wilson Mantilla($200,201), University of Washington, Seattle
4. Thomas S Tobin($69,981), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Geological And Paleontological, Virtual Field, Allow, Continent, Deccan, Effects, Geographic, Indias, Ivfts, Land, Led, Organisms, Time, Via.
1. Hannah S Rabinowitz($174,000), Rabinowitz Hannah S, New York
Key terms: Effective Stress Law, Brittle-ductile Transition, Deformation Experiments, Microstructural Analyses, Pore Fluid, Allow, BDT, Brittle-ductile, Brown, Characterize, Conditions, Controls, Crust, Earthquakes, Education, Evolution, Imaging, Mechanical, Microscopy, Pressure, Quartz, Strength, Water, Zone.
1. Harold H Stowell($21,810), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Coast Mountains Batholith, Field Stops, Flux Magmatic, Geological Society, Batholiths, Enhance, Examine, Faculty, Forum, Mechanisms, Participants, Strike, Translational.
1. John I Garver($230,668), Union College, Schenectady
2. Cameron Davidson($232,557), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Chugach And Prince, Prince William Terranes, Detrital Zircon, Fission Track, Pacific Northwest, Radiation Damage, Southern Alaska, Translation History, Yakutat Terrane, Ages, Analytical, Approach, Colliding, Cordillera, Dating, Development, Faults, Geological, Has, Igneous, Margin, National, Originated, Participation, Public, STEM, Scenarios, Students, Techniques, Transport, Undergraduate, Upb, Was.
1. Rohan Mishra($447,438), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Micromechanical Methods, Micropillar Compression, Plate Tectonics, Conditions, Deformation, Development, Earth, Electron, Experiments, Force, Geologic, Mantle, Minerals, Nanoindentation, Nanometers, Natural, Performed, Properties, Public, Rheology, STEM, Specimen.
1. J Ramon Arrowsmith($34,599), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Geology And Tectonics, Field Trips, Graduate Students, Short Course, Structural Geology, Tectonics Forum, Advances, Applied, Arizona, Bring, Building, Contribute, Contributing, Current, Developments, Discussions, Education, Evolution, Examine, Faculty, Future, Interaction, Meeting, Methods, Opportunity, Presentations, STEM, Session, Sessions, Teaching, Tempe, Topics, Useful.
1. Joann M Stock($381,274), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Seulgi Moon($329,083), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Andor Cosmogenic Radionuclide, Cosmogenic Radionuclide Dating, Luminescence Andor Cosmogenic, Plate Boundary Faults, Active Faults, Geomorphic Surfaces, Graduate Students, Marine Terraces, Resource Exploration, Sea Level, Bedrock, Boundaries, Buried, CICESE, Caltech, Collect, Continent, Detailed, Development, Field, Geological, IAG, International, Mapping, Microcontinent, Microcontinents, Models, Outreach, Pieces, Public, Rifting, Structures, Techniques, Timing, Transform, UCLA.
1. Jonathan C Lewis($162,429), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
2. Timothy B Byrne($245,452), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Overprinting Brittle Structures, Central Range, Metamorphic Core, Metamorphic Rocks, Mountain Belt, Normal Displacement, Seismic Tomography, Shear Zones, Taiwanese Scientists, Tananao Schist, Undergraduate Students, Accommodate, Active, Collision, Deformation, Dipping, East, Eastern, Exhumation, Extension, Faults, Geometry, Graduate, Margin, Mechanisms, Model, Plastic-to-brittle, STEM, Taiwans, Uplift, West.
1. Hiroki Sone($338,895), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Damage Zone Rocks, Interseismic Tectonic Loading, Chelungpu Fault, Fault Damage, Fault Mechanics, Fault Plane, Off-fault Deformation, Behavior, Characteristics, Collaboration, Conditions, Constitutive, Core, Ductile, Earthquake, Experiments, Faults, Focuses, Frictional, Models, Numerical, Off-fault, Phenomena, Plate, Process, Properties, Stress, Surrounding, Taiwan, Time-dependent.
1. John P Platt($277,851), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Shear Zone Rheology, Shear Zone Width, Strain-rate And Temperature, Fault Zone, Simplon Fault, Swiss Alps, Active, Aim, Aims, Analysis, Calculated, Characteristics, Deformation, Depth, Determination, Determining, Displacement, Exhumed, Field, Function, Lithosphere, Methods, Motion, Plate, Plus, Quartz, Reconstruct, STEM, Scaling, Seismogenic, Stress, Time, Undergraduate, Well-studied, Zones.
1. Caroline B Meisner($68,318), Great Basin College, Elko
2. James R Metcalf($147,255), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Allen J McGrew($206,620), University of Dayton, Dayton
Key terms: Basin And Range, East Humboldt Range, Hills Metamorphic Core, Humboldt Range Wood, Metamorphic Core Complexes, Mountains East Humboldt, Range Wood Hills, Ruby Mountains East, Wood Hills Metamorphic, Exhumational Histories, Northeastern Nevada's, Ago, Bridge, Commonly, Cordillera, Creating, Cretaceous, Crust, Deep-crustal, Deeper, Deformation, Directly, Disparate, Economic, Educational, Educators, Engagement, Evidence, Extension, Extensional, Extreme, Field, Focus, Focusing, Gap, Geologic, Geology, Geoscience, Has, Highlight, History, Levels, Million, Miocene, Nevadas, Outreach, Processes, Protracted, Province, Ranges, Reconcile, Rock, STEM, Section, Shallower, Structural, Students, Syntectonic, Tectonic, Temperature, Thermochronometry, Thick, Timing, Training, Tutorials, Widely, Widespread, Yield.
1. George E Gehrels($212,633), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Intermediate Igneous Rocks, Crustal Thickness, Trace Elemental, Age, Archean, Continent, Dynamic, Especially, Focus, Geochemical, Has, Modern, Plate, Processes, Stages, Subduction, Tectonic, Time.
1. James J Vogl($110,633), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Isostatically Induced Flow, Core Complex, Future Scientists, Highly Localized, Numerical Models, Undergraduate Students, Analysis, Analytical, Controls, Convergent, Crust, Detailed, Dikes, Educational, Extension, Facilities, Field, Florida, Geochronology, Graduate, Lead, Levels, Lineation, Metamorphic, Mountain, Opportunity, Process, Region, STEM, Stretching, Structures, Thinning, Transition, Weak.
1. Jane A Gilotti($273,378), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Justin V Strauss($141,662), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Canadian Arctic Margin, Pearya Terrane, Southern Boundary, Analysis, Assemblage, Basement, Contribute, Critical, Crust, Displacement, Evolution, Fault, Geologic, Greenland, Has, Model, Models, North, Observations, STEM, Shared, Stratigraphic, Strike-slip, Structural, Structures, Tectonic, Timing, Was.
1. Michele Cooke($299,414), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Computer Models, Crack Coalescence, Fault Development, Fault Growth, Faults Grow, Laboratory Experiments, Nankai Trough, Subduction Zone, Accretion, Accretionary, Active, Allow, Code, Crust, Damaging, Deformation, Distribution, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Energy, Evolution, Fracture, Fractures, Geologists, Has, Initial, Interaction, Localization, Observations, Prism, Run, STEM, Scaled, Simulate, Simulated, Strain.
1. Matthew E Rioux($231,072), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Formation And Emplacement, Arab Emirates, Metamorphic Rocks, Metamorphic Sole, Semail Ophiolite, Subduction Zones, Below, Crust, Dating, Exposures, Has, High-precision, Initiation, Insight, Metamorphism, Ophiolites, Origin, Plate, Tectonic, U-pb, Was.
1. Michael T Hren($262,315), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Mark T Brandon($181,896), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Rises And Falls, Topography Repeatedly Rises, Cordilleran Orogens, Crustal Shortening, Granitic Batholiths, Mountain Belts, Mountain Building, Patagonian Andes, Precipitation Isotopes, Sierra Nevada, Argue, Atmospheric, Beneath, Cascades, Competing, Cretaceous, Episodic, Lithosphere, Model, Numerical, Particular, Processes, Protracted, Reconstruct, Removal, Sedimentary, Southern, Sub-arc, Subduction, Theories, Topographic.
1. Christopher Neill($2,430,984), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Agricultural Intensification, Changing Climate, Crop Management, Increased Food, Intensive Agriculture, Land Surface, Advance, Amazon, Available, Brazil, Brazilian, Cerrado, Contribute, Cropping, Crops, Demands, Development, Direct, Energy, Federal, Forests, Global, Government, Greenhouse, Habitats, Increasing, Investigate, Models, Potential, Quality, Soybeans, Tropical, Vulnerability, Water, Widely, Woodlands.
1. Benjamin M Gramig($2,431,217), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Energy And Water, Nutrient And Sediment, Corn Belt, Perennial Grasses, Resilience Analysis, Sediment Loss, Watershed Resilience, Activities, Approach, Critical, Development, Economic, Enhance, Environmental, Ethanol, Extension, Food, Grain, ITEEM, Influence, Integrated, Knowledge, Makers, Management, Modeling, Nexus, Opportunities, Particular, Phosphorus, Pollution, Practices, Region, Sectors, Stakeholder, Strategies, Supply, Technologies, Testbed, Testing, Threats, Tool, Various, Via, Wastewater, Watersheds.
1. Timothy M Harrison($2,133,978), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ucla Ion Microprobe, Mass Spectrometer, National Facility, Stable Isotope, Access, Activities, Age, Analyses, Analysis, Applications, Bulk, Continue, Discoveries, Emerged, Expensive, External, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geosciences, Ims, Instruments, Isotopic, Laboratory, Methods, Monitors, Permit, Range, Rich, Situ, Solar, Students, Theses.
1. Jeffra K Schaefer($50,000), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Floodplain And River, Jacinto River Sediments, San Jacinto River, Contaminated Sediments, Elemental Mercury, Geochemical Controls, Hurricane Harvey, Laboratory Experiments, Mercury Concentrations, Mercury Methylation, Nsf Funds, Public Health, Undergraduate Students, Anaerobic, Collected, Conditions, Contamination, Dispersed, Environmental, Hg, Liquid, Methylmercury, Microbial, Rutgers.
1. Andrea Dutton($693,780), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Wide Range, Advances, Allow, Applications, Capabilities, Climate, Enabling, Existing, Instrument, Instrumentation, MC-ICP-MS, Past, Programs, Reconstructions.
1. Robinson Cecil($299,134), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Mass Spectrometry Facility, Rocks And Constraints, Timing And Growth, Accessory Mineral, Laser Ablation, Mass Spectrometer, Allow, Analysis, Applications, Conditions, Coupled, Crust, Csu-northridge, Dating, Determining, Existing, Laboratory, Minerals, Pis, Variety.
1. Avner Vengosh($137,657), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Naturally Occurring Contaminants, Drinking Water, Hexavalent Chromium, Aquifers, Arsenic, Control, Distribution, EAGER, Eastern, Establish, Factors, Geochemical, Groundwater, Has, Information, Occurrence, Sources, Vanadium.
1. James M Russell($249,801), Brown University, Providence
2. Alice M Doughty($376,997), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Lake Sediment Cores, Global Climate, Rwenzori Mountains, Tropical Climate, Extents, Glacial, Ice, Temperature, Tropics, Uganda.
1. Isabel F Barton($98,482), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Alteration Minerals, Colorado Plateau, Fluid Inclusion, Focus Sites, Isotopic Analyses, Mass Transport, Paradox Basin, Sedimentary Basins, Uranium Mineralization, Connections, Copper, Deposition, Distribution, Evolution, Gas, Geochemical, Geological, Host, Hydrocarbon, Hydrocarbons, Iron, Localized, Mapping, Metal, Migration, Mobility, Model, Movement, Oil, Provinces, Redistribution, Represent, Resource, Resources, Rock, Single, Stratigraphic.
1. Jiuhua Chen($423,286), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Pressure And Water, Sintered Diamond Anvils, Earth's Interior, Lower Mantle, Mantle Dominant, Transition Zone, Water Concentration, Water Fugacity, Water Solubility, Water Storage, Water Uptake, Bridgmanite, Capability, Crystal, Deep, FTIR, Inclusions, Influence, Mass, Mineral, Minerals, Multi-anvil, Oceans, Produce, Serving, Size, Specimens, Structure, Students, Synthesized.
1. Blair Schoene($749,050), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Precision And Accuracy, Geochronology Labs, Time Constraints, U-pb Dates, U-pb Geochronology, Additional, Capacity, Demand, Department, Development, Efforts, Expand, External, Facilities, Geologic, Geosciences, Graduate, Has, High-precision, Host, Increase, Increasing, Integration, Laboratory, Method, Operations, Outside, Princeton, Processes, Range, Rates, Reliable, Required, Stratigraphic, Students, Technical, U-pb, Users.
1. Laurent Montesi($120,132), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Basil Tikoff($304,438), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Active Strike-slip Fault, Anatolian Fault Zone, Izmit And Dücze, North Anatolian Fault, Active Strike-slip, Ductile Layers, Dücze Earthquakes, Fault Zones, Geodynamic Modeling, Layers Interact, Middle Crust, San Andreas, Seismic Cycle, Strike-slip Fault, Strike-slip Faults, Tectonic Plate, Tectonic Plates, Upper Mantle, Behavior, Brittle, Brought, Comparing, Deformation, Exposures, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Mechanical, Mid-crustal, Models, Region, Rheological, Rock, Specifically, Strength, Stress, Strongest, Surface, Turkey, Unique, Was, Xenoliths.
1. Senthil Vel($407,169), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Active Faults, Damage Zones, Energy Budget, Fragment Size, Ground Shaking, San Andreas, Seismic Waves, Seismogenic Zone, Shear Zone, Analysis, Brittle, Characterize, Deeper, Earthquake, Elastic, Exhumed, Fragmentation, Garnet, Grains, Importance, Information, Mineral, Modeling, Objectives, Propagation, Properties, Protocols, Quantitatively, Rock, STEM, Source, Speed.
1. Aaron S Wolf($274,066), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Mark S Ghiorso($71,271), OFM Research, Seattle
Key terms: Melts Model, Model Prediction, Molten Rocks, Statistical Methods, Thermodynamic Models, Bayesian, Calibration, Conditions, Database, Enabling, Evolution, Experimental, Experiments, Geologic, Modeling, Oceans, Planetary, Planets, Processes, Properties, Solid, Techniques, Tools, Users, Variety.
1. Keith D Koper($270,000), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Pre-critical Pkikp Coda, Solid Inner Core, Coda Waves, Graduate Student, International Monitoring, Magma Ocean, Pre-critical Pkikp, Scattering Strength, Seismic Arrays, Collaboration, Dense, Earth, Fluid, Formed, Global, Has, IMS, LANL, Map, Models, Origin, Outer, Radius, Range, Regional, Structure, Subtle, Utah, Visit.
1. Craig E Manning($468,247), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Crustal And Mantle, Deep Crust, Rocks Deform, Upper Mantle, Wide Range, Alkaline, Chemistry, Conditions, Constraints, Earth, Experiments, Fluids, Melting, Models, Play, Solubility.
1. Adam S Ward($716,530), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: River Corridor Exchange, River Corridor Perspective, Setting And Hydrologic, Spatial And Temporal, Geologic Setting, Geomorphic Features, Hydrologic Forcing, Predictive Relationships, River Corridors, Temporal Scales, Considers, Contaminants, Continuum, Dynamic, Education, Energy, Fate, Hillslope, Integrated, K-, Range, Solutes, Surface, Transport, Undergraduate, Utilize, Water, Zone.
1. Joseph A Carlin($363,329), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
2. Glen MacDonald($193,430), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: California's Precipitation History, California's Precipitation, Californias, Health, Investigate, Mud, Past, Rains, Receives, Regions, Tubes, Water.
1. Michael A Cardiff($546,405), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Flow And Transport, Focused And Possibly, Possibly Channelized Flow, Characterizing Flow, Complex Fracture, Educational Tool, Flow Channeling, Fracture Flow, Fracture Plane, Fracture Planes, Gas Injection, Hydraulic Testing, Numerical Experiments, Oscillatory Hydraulic, Rock Fracture, Rock Fractures, Sedimentary Rock, Testing Methods, Ability, Aquifer, Assess, Bodies, Exchange, Field-scale, Fluid, Fluids, Fractured, Frequency, Groundwater, Has, Hydrologic, Movement, Multi-frequency, OHT, Pathways, Porosity, Pressure, Primary, Processes, React, Shown, Similarly, Site, Solute, Spaces, Storage, Surrounding, Water.
1. Keith A Klepeis($280,104), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Elena A Miranda($327,344), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Achieved And Sustained, Competing Weakening Mechanisms, Faults And Shear, Ancient Fault, Challenging Aspects, Depths Below, Fault Zone, Fault Zones, High-strain Zones, Lower Crustal, Shear Zone, Shear Zones, Strain Localization, Arc, Arcs, Behavior, Centers, Connected, Continent, Cordilleran, Deep, Deepest, Deformation, Evolution, Experiences, Exposure, Fiordland, Fluids, Graduate, Heat, High-strain, Lithosphere, Magmas, Magmatism, Mantle, Melts, Natural, Near, Outcomes, Penetrated, Resided, Roots, Students, Time, Tracts, Unsolved, Vertically, Zealand.
1. Kevin Bonine($454,770), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Critical Zone, Field Sites, Communicate, Development, Disciplines, Environmental, Generation, Public, Student, Students, Summer, Undergraduate.
1. Noriko Kita($988,909), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Situ Capabilities, Stable Isotopes, Analysis, Astrobiology, Facility, Has, Mineral, SIMS, Spots, Students, Transformative, Wiscsims.
1. Cameron Davidson($693,553), Macalester College, Saint Paul
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Keck Geology Consortium, Consortium Programs, Broaden, Designed, Experiences, Gateway, Geosciences, Mix, Participants, Prepare, Skills, Students, Undergraduate, Underrepresented.
1. James F Dolan($402,477), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Sally F McGill($382,296), University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB, San Bernardino
Key terms: Earthquake Occurrence, Fault Networks, Fault Slip, Garlock Fault, Incremental Slip, Previously Un-datable, Recurrence Intervals, Seismic Hazard, Slip Rate, Slip Rates, Ages, Ago, Analysis, Behavior, Cluster, Clustering, Correlate, Dating, Definitive, Development, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Method, Offsets, Paleoseismic, Past, Prehistoric, Produced, STEM, Sites, Space, Suggest, Thousand, Time, Un-datable.
1. Ciaran Harman($632,813), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Critical Zone Structure, Field Sites, Studies Suggest, Aims, Bedrock, Camps, Climate, Combination, Developed, Effects, Emergent, Enrich, Examine, Fq, Fracturing, Framework, Geophysical, Groundwater, Has, Hydrology, Implications, Maryland, Modeling, Nature, Observations, Piedmont, Potential, Properties, Sampling, Shallow, Storage, Streamflow, Subsurface, Theoretical, Time, Tools, Transport, Turnover, Water, Weathering.
1. Georgianne W Moore($504,480), Texas A&M AgriLife Research, College Station
Key terms: Diverse And Global, Costa Rica, Mentoring Experiences, Characterize, Climate, Cloud, Cultural, Faculty, Forest, Forests, Interactions, International, Lowland, Process, Processes, Program, REU, Site, Society, Students, Water.
1. Jerad D Bales($11,314,936), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Outreach Activities, Advancement, CUAHSI, Center, Disciplines, Enable, Governance, Graduate, Hydrologic, Instrumentation, Interdisciplinary, Multiple, Native, Republic, Serve, Services, Training, Tribal, WDC, Water.