image host NSF-GEO-EAR Awards for 2018

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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NanoEarth 2018 Workshop
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: CCSS-Comms Circuits & Sens Sys

1. Michael F Hochella($18,933), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Incidental Nanoparticles, Convene, Engineered, Engineering, Field, Fields, Nanoearth, Nanoscience, Natural, Produced, Website, Workshop.

Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Major Mantle Materials
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2014; Program: CI REUSE

1. Andre Mkhoyan($805,227), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Computational Mineral Physics, Physics And Geodynamics, Geodynamics Simulations, Mineral Properties, Modeling Fields, Seismic Tomography, Atomic, Deep, Earth, Focuses, Information, Integration, Interior, Mantle, Minerals, Obtained, Synergy, Temperatures, Thermal.

Community Facility Support: The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Irina Overeem($3,916,962), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Earth's Surface, Activity, Allow, CSDMS, Computing, Coupling, Designing, Earth-surface, Hosting, Human, Integration, Landscape, Model, Model-data, Models, Natural, Online, Process, Processes, Resources, Services, Software, Standards, Stratigraphy, Technical, Technology, Workshops.

RAISE-SitS: Designing models to forecast how biogeochemical fluctuations in soil systems govern soil development, terrestrial water storage and ecosystem nutrient fluxes
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Cross-BIO Activities

1. Li Li($738,562), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Biogeochemical Fluxes, Soil Structure, Water Resources, Changing, Climate, Continent, Continental-scale, Current, Cycle, Decades, Developed, Development, Ecosystem, Enhance, Environmental, Examine, Fluctuations, Integrated, Interactions, Local, Macropore, Mechanistic, Models, Pedon, Precipitation, Processes, Properties, Soils, Spatial, Terrestrial, Time, Tools, Watershed.

CAREER: Damage and Fracture Characteristics of Rocks Under a Broad Spectrum of Strain Rates
Award Effective Date: 08/17/2017; Program: DEEP EARTH PROCESSES SECTION

1. WIlliam A Griffith($184,748), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Brittle Damage, Damage Zones, Loading Rates, Poorly Constrained, Pulverized Rocks, Rock Failure, Strain Rate, Strain Rates, Tfa Geocorps, Activities, Allow, Based, Calibrate, Characterize, Confinement, Dependence, Design, Discrete, Earth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Environments, Experimental, Explosions, Extraterrestrial, Fast, Fault, Field, Focused, Fracture, Fragmentation, Individual, Laboratory, Military, Mining, Models, Petroleum, Processes, Propagation, Pulverization, Responsible, Rupture, Slow, Strain-rate, Strength, Structure, Teach, Teachers, Tectonic, Theoretical, Typically.

Collaborative Research: Integrating tectonics, climate, and mammal diversity
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Lucy Flesch($235,418), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Daniel M Davis($461,777), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
3. Catherine Badgley($331,607), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
4. Ran Feng($120,735), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Deviatoric Stresses Responsible, Speciation And Diversification, 3d Models, Climate Gradients, Mammal Diversity, Mammal Speciation, Regional Climate, Analysis, Arizona, Barriers, Central, Changing, Climatic, Collapse, Crust, Deformation, Distribution, Drive, Dynamics, Evolution, Extensional, Fields, Has, History, Integrated, Mountain, Movement, Museum, Nevadaplano, Past, Presentations, Produce, Produced, Quantitative, Seismic, Structure, Tectonic, Time, Topographic, Topography, Western.

Laboratory Technician Support: UW-Madison Rock Mechanics Laboratory for Teaching, Service, and Decadal Testing
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Hiroki Sone($743,580), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Geomechanics And Tectonophysics, Crustal Rocks, Laboratory Technician, Rock Mechanics, Advanced, Ductile, Environment, Properties, RML, Testing, UWM-RML, Users, Various.

Collaborative Research: Trans-Amazon Drilling Project
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Katherine H Freeman($125,885), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Anders J Noren($717,310), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Debra Willard($2,010,140), Duke University, Durham
4. Sherilyn C Fritz($126,495), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Ancient Sedimentary Basins, Atlantic Ocean Margin, Entire Near-equatorial Amazon, Near-equatorial Amazon Region, Amazon Basin, Amazon River, Amazon-andean Rainforest, Andean Foreland, Drill Cores, Entire Near-equatorial, Near-equatorial Amazon, Plant Diversity, Plant Species, Amazon-andean, Andes, Biodiversity, Biotic, Brazil, Climate, Distribution, Drilling, Earth, Educational, Environment, Evolution, Forests, Geologic, Global, Has, History, Landscape, Modern, Nequatorial, Origins, Shaped, South, Span, Transect.

CAREER: Dynamic water table controls on reactive solute transport near the groundwater-surface water interface
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Audrey H Sawyer($547,612), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Iron And Manganese, Quality Near Rivers, Reactive Solute Transport, Transport And Water, Water Quality Near, Water Table Fluctuations, Column Experiments, Groundwater Chemistry, Reactive Transport, Riparian Aquifers, Contaminants, Controlled, Dissolved, Dynamic, Effects, Influence, Introduce, Laboratory, Models, Nitrate, Oxygen, Quantify, Range, Sites, Surface.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the Origin of the mid-lithospheric discontinuity within a stable continent from a combined geophysics-mineral physics approach
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Tolulope M Olugboji($241,791), University of Rochester, Rochester
2. Shun-ichiro Karato($434,868), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Mineral Physics, Anisotropy, Approach, Conductivity, Constraints, Continent, Decrease, Depth, Discontinuity, Drop, Earthscope, Estimates, Evolution, Expected, Experiments, Extend, Focus, Geological, Geophysical, Has, Hydration, Laboratory, Lithosphere, MLD, MT, Mantle, Melt, Models, North, Observations, Presence, Properties, Rock, Seismic, Seismological, Stable, Students, Velocity, Water.

Integration of the Physical and Chemical Rock Properties, Structure, and Permeability of the San Andreas Fault, San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth Borehole, California
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Kelly E Keighley Bradbury($234,055), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Andreas Fault Observatory, Earthscope's San Andreas, Safod And Earthscope, Depth Borehole, Earthquake Geology, Earthscope's San, Fault Zone, Fault Zones, Fluid Migration, Fluid-rock Interactions, Public's Awareness, Rock Core, Rock Properties, Safod Core, Accessible, Active, Chemical, Complex, Composition, Constraints, Contribute, Cycle, Decipher, Deformation, Development, Earthquakes, Earthscopes, Elastic, Examine, Faults, Fluid-rock, Geochemistry, Hazard, Hazards, Influence, Interactive, Legacy, Localization, Microscopy, Nature, Processes, Publics, Range, Relate, Seismic, Slip, Structure, Students, Undergraduate, Weakening.

Workshop for Alaska EarthScope Synthesis and Future Opportunities in Canada with EON-ROSE: September 2019
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Jeffrey T Freymueller($49,835), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Earthscope Synthesis, Multiple Synthesis, Plate Boundary, Alaska, Canada, Development, Geology, Has, Held, Papers, Participants, Sitka, Tectonic, Whitehorse, Workshop.

Collaborative research: Structure and dynamics of the Alaska mantle wedge
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Bradley R Hacker($91,110), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Geoffrey A Abers($221,073), Cornell University, Ithaca
3. Carl H Tape($191,814), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Earthscope National Office, Earthquake Signals, Mantle Wedge, Planet's Largest, Subduction Zones, Transportable Array, Active, Aims, Alaska, Anisotropy, Complex, Corridor, Corridors, Dense, Depth, Depths, Earthquakes, Eastern, Eruption, Fluid, Fluids, Framework, Geologic, Has, Hazard, Interior, Nearly, North, Oceanic, Outreach, Planets, Plates, Predictions, Region, Seismic, Seismicity, Slab, Splitting, Subducts, Temperature, Tested, Time, Volcanism, Waves.

Mapping steps of the crust-mantle boundary over the contiguous United States
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Zhongwen Zhan($106,770), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Teleseismic Body Waves, Lower Crust, Map Moho, Moho Offset, Moho Offsets, Moho Topography, Surface Waves, Evolution, Information, Method, Scattered, Usarray.

Collaborative Research: A Combined Geophysics-Mineral Physics Approach To Investigating The Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuity Within A Stable Continent
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Gary D Egbert($55,446), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Mineral Physics, Anisotropy, Approach, Conductivity, Constraints, Continent, Decrease, Depth, Discontinuity, Drop, Earthscope, Estimates, Evolution, Expected, Experiments, Extend, Focus, Geological, Geophysical, Has, Hydration, Laboratory, Lithosphere, MLD, MT, Mantle, Melt, Models, North, Observations, Presence, Properties, Rock, Seismic, Seismological, Stable, Students, Velocity, Water.

Collaborative Research: AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student research) Program: Democratizing access to geochronology and promoting interdisciplinary science
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Vicki S McConnell($67,568), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
2. Rebecca M Flowers($94,965), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. J Ramon Arrowsmith($687,836), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Access, Ages, Enhance, GSA, Geochronology, Graduate, Labs, Opportunities, Promote, Student, Synergistic, Users.

Investigating the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System by Integrating New Constraints on Seismic Attenuation with Existing Geophysical Observations
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: EARTHSCOPE

1. Maximiliano J Bezada($249,999), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Attenuation Structure, Seismic Attenuation, Affect, Amounts, Available, Code, Constraints, Developed, Energy, Enhanced, Field, Intuitive, Mantle, Mechanisms, Melt, Plates, Propagating, Propagation, Rock, Software, Tools, Velocity, Waves.

Developing an Educator's On-ramp to Facilitate More Effective Undergraduate Teaching of Tectonics: Middletown, CT - January 2019
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Phillip G Resor($23,924), Wesleyan University, Middletown
Key terms: Interactive And Inquiry-based, Education Resource, Facilitate Access, Geoscience Faculty, On-ramp Guides, Plate Tectonics, Teach Courses, Teaching Practices, Vision Document, Activities, Adoption, Available, Decades, Development, Dissemination, Effort, Enable, Engaged, Existing, Geosciences, Has, Hosted, Incorporating, Links, NSF, Named, On-ramp, Pages, Pdf, Pedagogy, Percentage, Principal, Program, Quick-start, Recommendations, Resources, SERC, STEM, Set, Short, Supported, Topic, Undergraduate, Web, Widely.

Broadening Geosciences Disciplines at the National Association of Black Geoscientists Annual Technical Conference: Houston, TX, September 5-8, 2018
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Stephen K Boss($38,000), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: African Americans, Geosciences Workforce, Academic, Conference, Degree, Degrees, Environmental, Faculty, HBCU, Historically, Low, NABG, National, Participation, Programs, Students, Students-of-color.

Travel Proposal: Providing IRIS undergraduate interns with a 2018 AGU Fall Meeting experience
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. John Taber($27,040), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Alumni Mentor, Geographically Distributed, Virtual Interactions, AGU, Application, Awareness, Capstone, Cohesion, Cohort, Development, Experience, Fall, Has, IRIS, Interns, Internship, Knowledge, Meeting, Model, Opportunity, Organizations, Process, Program, REU, Seismological, Seismology, Students, Travel.

RESESS 2018 Conference Travel Proposal
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Donna J Charlevoix($17,318), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Alumni Networking Dinner, Annual Alumni Networking, Graduate School Advisors, Gsa And Agu, Potential Graduate School, Resess Alumni Connect, Conference Attendance, Desired Fields, Fields Andor, Geoscience-focused Interns, Historically Underrepresented, Inclusive Environment, Intimidating Meetings, Meetings Raises, Ongoing Connections, Resess Interns, Students Entering, Additionally, Approaches, Broader, Critical, Current, Development, Discipline, Diversity, Eight, Employers, Experience, Experiences, Experts, Exposure, Facilitate, GAGE, Geoscience-focused, Geosciences, Has, Increase, Interactions, Internship, Mission, Opportunity, People, Program, STEM, Solid, Speak, Summer, Travel, UNAVCO, Value, Visibility.

CAREER: Organic Molecular Paleohypsometry: A new approach to quantifying the topographic history of the most rapidly eroding mountain belt on Earth
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Michael T Hren($506,340), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Isotope Chemistry, Modern River, Organic Matter, Organic Molecular, Applied, Benefits, Connecticut, Development, Education, Elevation, Engagement, Entitled, Formation, Global, Method, Million, Mountain, Outreach, Paleoelevation, Quantify, STEM, Sampling, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sediments, Signatures, Stable, Students, Taiwan, Tool.

REU Site: Interdisciplinary Geospatial Approaches to Watershed Science
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. David A Bennett($304,001), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Alternative And Innovative, Innovative Approaches Rooted, Midwest Agricultural Watershed, Water And Food, Analytical Methods, Clean Water, Diverse Perspectives, Embrace Alternative, Environmental Fields, Intense Investigation, Multiple Disciplines, Students Participating, Sustainable Provision, Team-based Approaches, Appreciation, Complex, Decades, Engage, Focus, Focused, Has, Interdisciplinary, Ongoing, Past, Prepare, REU, Require, Solutions, Team-based, Willingness.

REU Site: Research Experience for Community College Students (RECCS) in the Geosciences
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Anne U Gold($400,970), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Graduate School, Rural Colorado, Ability, Degrees, Diverse, Engage, Engaging, Experiences, Four-year, Mentoring, Participants, Program, Pursue, RECCS, Receive, Student, Students, Summer.

REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Earth and Environmental Sciences (SURFEES)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Christopher S Kim($405,267), Chapman University, Orange
Key terms: Reu-site Program, Challenges, Chapman, Complex, Ecosystems, Engage, Environmental, Extreme, Global, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Local, Participants, Population, Resources, Reu-site, Students, Topics.

CAREER: Rheological Evolution of Subduction Interface Shear Zones: Insights From Exhumed Subduction Complexes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jaime Barnes($198,998), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Interface Shear Zones, Subduction Interface Shear, Subduction Zone Interface, Graduate Student, Microphysical Mechanisms, Rock Creep, Stem Fields, Underrepresented Minorities, Wide Range, =, Complex, Conditions, Deformation, Degrees, Development, Distributions, Exhumed, Female, Investigate, JSGC, Kilobars, Macro-scale, Mentoring, Microstructural, Objective, Participation, Phenomena, Plate, Processes, Prograde, Program, Rates, Represent, Retention, Strain, Students, Terranes, Undergraduate, Various.

MRI: Acquisition of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) System for Profiling Open Channels
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Gregory S Vandeberg($105,520), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Canals And Culverts, Contemporaneously Resolved Quantification, Spatially And Contemporaneously, Adcp Allows, Flood Forecasting, North Dakota, Upper Midwest, Water Resources, Doppler, Engineering, Field, Flooding, Flow, Instrument, River, Rivers, Stream, Streams, Students.

A microstructural study of deformation in currently-inactive fault rocks from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth pertinent to aseismic creep in central California
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Andrea E Gaughan($290,478), University of Louisville Research Foundation Inc, Louisville
Key terms: San Andreas Fault, Aseismic Creep, Central California, Creeping Fault, Creeping Segment, Damage Zone, Damaging Earthquakes, Electron Microscope, Fault Zone, Geographic Information, Inactive Rocks, Produce Damaging, Undergraduate Students, Active, Actively, Affect, Applications, Below, CSAF, Clay, Contributes, Core, Cumulative, Current, Deformation, Depths, Diffraction, Directly, Evidence, Future, GIS, Has, Indicate, Interactions, Methods, Model, Observatory, Presence, Processes, Remain, SAF, SAFOD, Section, Techniques, Temperatures, Traditional, Tremors, X-ray, Zones.

Using structural fabrics and thermochronology to document extensional footwall rotation--Insights from the tilted Miocene Searchlight pluton, NV
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Andrew V Zuza($186,406), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Basin And Range, Colorado Extensional Corridor, Tectonic And Magmatic, Tectonic And Thermal, Cooling History, Crustal Cooling, Crustal Temperatures, Footwall Rotation, Geothermal Energy, Searchlight Pluton, Sheds Light, Simple-shear Extension, Thermal Histories, Characterize, Constrain, Contributing, Deformation, Digital, Disabilities, Earthquakes, Education, Efforts, Emplacement, Evolution, Fabrics, Faulting, Field, Future, Has, Investigating, Kinematics, Local, Mapping, Mechanism, Miocene, Modeling, Nature, Nevada, Ore, Outreach, Plutons, Potential, Process, Public, Rates, Regional, Rheological, STEM, Simple-shear, Strength, Structural, Style, Styles, Surface, Techniques, Tested, Thermochronology, Via.

Fundamental controls on mid-crustal 'escape' flow in orogenic systems
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Ryan Thigpen($270,882), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Appalachian Inner Piedmont, Crustal Escape Flow, Southern Appalachian Inner, Channel Flow, Dynamically Interact, Lower Crust, Upper Crustal, Boundaries, Carolina, Classic, Collision, Conditions, Critical, Deformation, Direct, Eastern, Examining, Exposed, Field, Front, Has, Mechanisms, Model, Mountain, Nature, Operate, Orogen-parallel, Remains, Removed, Slip, Structural, Surface, Switch, Tibetan, Training.

Subsurface Structure and Flow Regime for Rocky Mountain Hillslopes with Different Geologies
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Andrew Parsekian($568,356), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Flow And Storage, Geological And Hydrological, Rocky Mountain Hillslopes, Six Rocky Mountain, Streamflow And Water, Subsurface Water Flow, Water Balance Predictions, Computer Simulation, Model Complexity, Mountainous Regions, Subsurface Hydraulic, Climate, Dynamics, Geologies, Geology, Insights, Land, Modeling, Models, Museum, Processes, State-of-the-art, Students, Surfaces, Techniques, Watershed, Weathering, Wyoming.

Collaborative Proposal: Web-based Geo-Visualization and Laboratory Integration with the Magnetics Information Consortium
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: EarthCube

1. Catherine Constable($621,690), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Anthony Koppers($715,556), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Paleomagnetic And Rock, Rock Magnetic, Access, Allow, Architecture, Archive, Determining, Development, Earth`s, Field, Future, Has, Ii, Iii, Iv, Magic, Magic`s, Mantle, Modern, Past, Processing, Reproducibility, Search, Tools, User, Via, Web, Workflow.

The EarthScope/GMT Analysis and Visualization Toolbox
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Paul Wessel($174,975), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Generic Mapping Tools, Stacking And Interpolation, Interactive Documentation, Modern Mode, Animations, Building, Classic, Commands, Earthscope, Format, GMT, Geosciences, Google, Has, Image, Modules, Processing, Scripts, Simplified, Syntax, Usage.

A Southern Hemispheric Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability Based on Mountain Glacial Chronologies
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Joerg M Schaefer($444,939), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Regional And Global, Global Climate, Past Climate, Southern Hemisphere, Climates, Collaborate, Controls, Glacier, Glaciers, Graduate, History, Observations, Perspective, Sensitivity, Spatial, Students, Temporal.

Collaborative Research: P2C2: A High Resolution Paleoclimate Archive of Termination I in Oneida Lake and Glacial Lake Iroquois Sediments
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. John C Ridge($54,227), Tufts University, Somerville
2. Anders J Noren($28,613), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Christopher A Scholz($604,283), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Ancient Glacial Lake, Glacial Lake Iroquois, Greenland Ice, Ice Sheet, Information Kiosks, Oneida Lake, Oneida Nation, Sediment Cores, Analyses, Atlantic, Basin, Climate, Cold, Constrain, Dating, Edge, Evolution, Fresh, Geophysical, Global, Lecture, Meltwater, Meltwaters, Methods, North, Northern, Ontario, Outreach, Resolution, Rich, School, Sediments, Seismic, Southern, Time, York.

Collaborative Research: P2C2: Extreme floods on the lower Mississippi River in the context of late Holocene climatic variability
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Zhixiong Shen($49,704), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
2. Liviu Giosan($243,861), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Samuel E Munoz($341,506), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Lower Mississippi River, Flood Activity, Ability, Climate, Findings, Flooding, Floods, Losses, Magnitude, Millennium, Predictions, Tributaries.

P2C2: Collaborative Research: The consumption rate of a CO2 pulse: Lessons from the middle Miocene
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Yige Zhang($310,924), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Hong Yang($177,111), Bryant University, Smithfield
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Injected, Accurate Projections, Atmospheric Co2, Future Climate, Lake Clarkia, Natural Pulse, Volcanic Eruptions, Activities, Ancient, Atmosphere, Concentrations, Evolution, Formed, Fossil, Geological, High-resolution, History, Human, Past, Processes, Produced, Sediments, Society, Students, Timescales, Was.

Collaborative Research: New Estimates of Atmospheric pCO2 from the Paleocene-Eocene
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Jonathan P Wilson($111,772), Haverford College, Haverford
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Fossil Ginkgo Leaves, Accurate Projections, Earth's Climate, Future Scenarios, Global Temperature, Greenhouse Gas, Modern Ginkgo, Stomatal Properties, Warm Climates, Ancient, Applied, Concentrations, Cultivated, Dense, Elevated, Estimates, Experimental, Geological, Paleo-pco, Past, Pco, Proxy, Refine, Sediments, Sensitivity, Societal, Substantially, Temporally, Terrestrial, Trees.

RCN: A Research Coordination Network for the SZ4D Initiative
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Harold J Tobin($599,879), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Earthquake And Tsunami, Plate Tectonic Activity, Surface Hazards Linked, Sz4d Implementation Plan, Sz4d Vision Document, Communication Channel, Controls Earthquake, Coordination Network, Devastating Seismic, Hazardous Faults, International Partners, Landslide Hazards, Seismic Andor, Subduction Fault, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Sz4d Implementation, Sz4d Vision, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanoes Erupt, Blueprint, Central, Comprehensive, Coordinate, Critical, Decades, Early-career, Earthquakes, Effort, Efforts, Engage, Future, Generation, Govern, Has, Inclusive, Integrate, Landslides, Main, Multidisciplinary, National, Organized, Planet, Planning, Plans, Processes, Produce, RCN, SZD, Serve, Society, Technologies, Time, Tsunamis.

RCN: Planning for a Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Thorsten W Becker($400,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Coordination Network, Knowledge Gaps, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Collaboration, Cycles, Developing, Development, Diverse, Efforts, Evolution, Framework, Has, Hazards, Integrative, Interactions, International, Megathrust, Model, Modeling, Models, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Numerical, Planet, Processes, RCN, Serve, Tectonic, Tools, Validation, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

Workshop on advancing integrative volcanology with community experiments: Albuquerque, NM, November 28-30, 2018
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Brandon Schmandt($49,300), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Advance, Benefit, Experiments, Geological, Individual, Integrative, Interdisciplinary, Life, Maximize, Observational, Organization, Processes, Resources, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanology, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Geochemical and geodynamic investigation of lithospheric drip viability beneath the East African Rift
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Wendy R Nelson($83,946), Towson University, Towson
2. James A Conder($140,739), Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale
3. Tanya Furman($289,745), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: East African Rift, Lithospheric Drip Magmatism, Successful Continental Rifting, Crustal Extension, Lithospheric Drips, Lithospheric Mantle, Lithospheric Thinning, Detailed, Fluids, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Lavas, Lithosphere, Melting, Regional, Required, Tectonic, Uganda, Volcanism, Xenoliths.

Collaborative Research: Constraining the flux of magma and magmatic CO2 during early-stage rifting in East Africa
Award Effective Date: 05/16/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Josef Dufek($67,134), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Magma And Magmatic, Magmatic Volatiles, Rift Basins, Rift Development, Break, Carbon, Constrained, Constraining, Continent, Crust, Degassing, Earthquake, Evolution, Existing, Fluid, Flux, Geochemical, Geophysical, Ingredients, Intrusion, Modeling, Models, Observations, Outcomes, Plate, Processes, Quantifying, Range, Rates, Rifting, Stages, Tectonic, Time.

Support for 8 Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar on Rock Deformation
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Julia K Morgan($32,125), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Rock Deformation, August, Conference, Contribute, Cutting-edge, Development, Geology, Gordon, Program, STEM, Seminar, Th, Underrepresented.

Collaborative Research: East African Rift Tephra Database [EARThD]: a compilation documenting and analyzing explosive volcanism in East Africa
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Erin N DiMaggio($135,201), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Sara Mana($105,869), Salem State University, Salem
Key terms: African Rift Tephra, East African Rift, Volcanic Ash, Database, Datasets, Earthd, Eruption, Existing, Explosive, Geochemical, IEDA, Metadata, Past, Published, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: Investigating Initiation and History of the Aleutian Arc and Composition and Significance of North Pacific Seafloor via Dredge Samples from the R/V Sonne
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Gene M Yogodzinski($229,185), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
2. Brian Jicha($123,646), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Aleutian Arc Formation, Arc Magma, Alaska-aleutian, Constraints, Evolution, Geochemical, Has, Kamchatka, Pacific, Processes, Products, Public, Subduction, Timing, Volcanic.

CAREER: Did Carlin-type Gold Come From Magmas?
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Elizabeth Holley($664,174), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Carlin-type Gold Deposits, Distal Disseminated Deposits, Carlin-type Gold, Characterize, Colorado, Crust, Economic, Graduate, Importance, K-, Link, Magmas, Magmatic, Magmatism, Mining, Nevadas, Northern, Ore, School, Students, Undergraduate, Was.

RAPID: Microbial cycling of Iron and Sulfur in Spring Creek Reservoir, Iron Mountain Mine
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Christen Grettenberger($73,255), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Carr Fire Burned, Iron Mountain Superfund, Mountain Superfund Site, Spring Creek Reservoir, Water And Sediment, Acid Mine, Microbial Activity, Pore Water, Pore Waters, Sacramento River, Sediment Chemistry, Transform Sediment, Water Quality, Contaminated, Discharge, Environmental, Expected, Has, Impacted, Influx, Insights, Investigate, July, Lake, Levels, Managers, Mine-impacted, SCR, Season, Sediments, Soils.

EAGER SitS: Studying soil biotic and abiotic processes through continuous, high-precision monitoring of soil CO2 an O2 concentrations
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Daniel O Breecker($342,947), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Biotic And Abiotic, Monitor In-situ, Pore Space, Soil Gas, Soil Physics, Advance, Affect, Carbon, Concentrations, Consumed, Continuously, Cycling, Diffusion, Exchange, In-situ, Laboratory, Management, Measure, Metabolisms, Model, Models, Monitoring, NH, Natural, Nitrification, Processes, Quantify, RQ, Respiration, Soils, Step, Weathering.

A predictive framework for micro-scale carbonate diagenesis: Towards more accurate reconstructions of global climate and environmental change
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Miquela Ingalls($184,321), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ancient Environments, Carbonate Mineral, Carbonate Minerals, Carbonate Rock, Chemical Alteration, Delta Cap, Environmental Conditions, Formation Temperature, Marine Carbonates, Traditional Tools, Altered, Burial, Buried, Capability, Chemically, Clumped, Earth, Fingerprints, Geochemical, History, Isotope, Isotopic, Low, Observations, Pis, Reconstruct, Recrystallization, Techniques, Temperatures, Values, Water.

Isotope Fractionation of Water Adsorption on Clay Minerals
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Juske Horita($349,999), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Isotope Fractionation, Isotopic Compositions, Soil Water, Soil Waters, Evaporation, Global, Has, Increasingly, Interface, Land-atmosphere-vegetation, Outcome, Pores, Regional, Soils, Surface.

EAGER: Unraveling riverine sulfate using minor oxygen isotopes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. David T Johnston($100,413), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Carbon And Sulfur, Critical Link, Dissolved Sulfate, Earth's Carbon, Himalaya Range, Marine Sediments, Marine Sulfate, Pyrite Oxidation, Stable Isotope, Sulfur Cycles, Composition, Draining, Geological, Has, History, Information, Method, Mineral, Minerals, Oxygen, Potential, Proof-of-concept, Proxy, Rates, River, Set, Well-characterized.

Beyond the unsaturation ratios (UK37' or UK37) of long chain alkenones: unlocking the hidden treasure trove of alkenone-producing haptophytes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Yongsong Huang($401,335), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Sea Surface Salinity, Molecular Tools, Wide Range, Aims, Alkenoates, Alkenone, Alkenones, Biomarker, Biomarkers, Calibrate, Class, Climate, Continent, Establish, Haptophyte, Has, Isochrysidales, Methods, Ocean, Past, Permit, Potential, Profiles, Proxies, Quantitative, Ratios, Regions, SSS, SST, Settings, Species, Temperature, Top, UK.

CAREER: Toward an inorganic calcite reference frame for interpreting the stable isotope composition of biogenic carbonates
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. James M Watkins($600,644), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Oxygen And Carbon, Carbon Isotope, Carbonate Rocks, Crystal Growth, Crystals Grow, Reaction Kinetics, Atmosphere, Behavior, Carbonates, Chemistry, Conditions, DIC, Earth, Environmental, Experimental, Growing, Partitioning, Rapidly, Solution, Solutions, Stable.

Developing a functional marker gene for Fe oxidation
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Shawn W Polson($439,086), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Microbial Fe Oxidation, Outer Membrane Cytochrome, Fe Oxides, Feob Isolates, Gene-based Assay, Specifically Expressed, Allow, Cyc, Cycling, Ecological, Environmental, Formation, Gene-based, Genes, Grow, Influence, Markers, Metals, Mtoa, Processes, Soil, Water.

CAREER:Mineralogical and Biogeochemical Control of Phosphorus Transformation during Soil Development
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Mengqiang Zhu($676,163), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Cycling And Bioavailability, Walker And Syers, Aeolian Dust, Carbon Cycling, Ecosystem Development, Semi-arid Ecosystems, Syers Model, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Based, Chemical, Composition, Coupling, Describing, Developed, Education, Environment, Has, Humid, Implications, Minerals, Organic, Outreach, Semi-arid, Soil, Soils, Speciation, Transformation.

CAREER: Crossing over into the geochemical milieu: Using the molecular genomic record to inform the geologic biomarker record
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Paula V Welander($647,389), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Atmospheric And Climate, Earth's History, Laboratory Course, Lipid Biomarkers, Sedimentary Rocks, Allow, Ancient, Animal, Approaches, Backgrounds, Developing, Diverse, Dramatic, Fossils, Has, Impacted, Insight, Life, Lipids, Microbial, Modern, Molecular, Molecules, Organisms, Plant, Sources, Students, Undergraduate.

Lithium in kerogen, a potential resource and contributor to the global geochemical cycle
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Lynda Williams($598,273), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Li Ion Batteries, Isotopic Composition, Ranked Coals, Thermal Stability, Chemical, Clean, Concentrations, Cycling, Deposits, Development, Economic, Energy, Extraction, Geochemical, Global, Gwh, Has, Information, Kerogen, Knowledge, Lead, Nanosims, Natural, Organic, Organic-li, Organics, Phases, Produce, Released, Reserves, Resources, Situ, Society, Source, Strategies, Sustainable.

Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical drivers of interspecies electron transfer from iron reducers to methanogens
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Qusheng Jin($114,418), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Lydia H Zeglin($196,330), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Interactions And Methane, Methanogens And Iron, Reducers And Methanogens, Bioreactor Experiments, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Drivers, Ferric Iron, Iron Reducers, Iron Reduction, Methane Generation, Ability, Competition, Create, Electron, Energy, Enzyme, Gas, IET, Methanogenesis, Microorganisms, Model, Modeling, Models, Natural, Nature, Predict, Reactions, Summer.

Developing a new proxy for silicate weathering: an investigation of Potassium isotope fractionation during clay formation
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Brian L Beard($345,355), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Exchange And Clay, Silicate Weathering Proxy, Cation Exchange, Clay Formation, Exchange Kinetics, Isotope Fractionations, Laboratory Experiments, Plant Growth, Allowed, Analyses, Analytical, Carbon, Class, Clays, Conditions, Continent, Deltak, Demonstrate, Essential, Experimental, Isotopes, Nutrient, Oceans, Plants, Processes, Seawater, Soil, Stable, Students, UWGM.

Does organic sulfur make a significant and overlooked contribution to sediment sulfate reduction in low-sulfate environments?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Kathryn M Schreiner($521,957), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Fuels Sulfate Reduction, Aquatic Sediments, Current Paradigm, Environmental Conditions, Freshwater Lakes, Geochemical Cycles, Geologic Past, Hydrogen Sulfide, Inorganic Sulfur, Lake Superior, Low-sulfate Environments, Management Practices, Organic Carbon, Organic Sulfur, Overlying Water, Sedimentary Rocks, Sulfur Cycle, Sulfur Transformations, Teacher Education, Available, Characterizations, Cryptic, Deep, Duluth, Geochemistry, Geological, Has, Iron, Largest, Little, Living, Low-sulfate, Matter, Mercury, Microbial, Microorganisms, Modeling, Molecular, Oceans, Organisms, Phosphorus, Pool, Process, Range, Responsible, Source, Species, Tributary.

Identifying Cross-talk between Nitrogen and Manganese Redox Cycling
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Colleen Hansel($563,575), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Dynamic Redox Zones, Naturally Dynamic Redox, Aquatic Environments, Abiotic, Chemical, Complexes, Conditions, Contaminants, Coupled, Earth, Examine, Gases, Implications, Isotope, Manganese, Mn, Mniii-ligand, Mobilization, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Opportunities, Oxidation, Play, Reactions, Reactive, Species, Student, Tools, Transformations, Undergo.

First Steps Towards a New High Resolution Proxy for Paleomagnetic Field Instabilities: Tritiogenic 3He Archived in Speleothems
Award Effective Date: 07/05/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Andrea M Balbas($265,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Cosmogenic Nuclide Archives, Magnetic Field Strength, Atmospheric Tritium, Cosmic Rays, Tritiogenic 3he, Water Inclusions, Atmosphere, Cave, Deflection, Earth, Fields, Flux, Geodynamo, Local, Measured, Methods, Potential, Processes, Speleothems, Stalagmites, Steps, Temporal, Testing, Trapped.

CAREER: Manganese biogeochemistry and impacts on carbon storage in plant-soil systems
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Elizabeth M Herndon($112,143), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Elevated Foliar Mn, Graduate And Undergraduate, Carbon Cycling, Carbon Storage, K-12 Educators, Litter Decomposition, Manganese Biogeochemistry, Mn Cycling, Mn Oxides, Organic Carbon, Organic Matter, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Undergraduate Students, Components, Educational, Explore, Geochemistry, Influence, Integrate, Interactions, Multiple, Plant, Regulates, Soil, Soils, Stabilize, Transformation, Vegetation.

2018 Gordon Research Conference Molecular Basis of Microbial One Carbon Metabolism: Dynamic One-Carbon Use on a Changing Planet, Maine, July 28 - Aug 3, 2018
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Victoria J Orphan($14,830), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Microbial One-carbon Metabolism, Grc Conference, Microbial One-carbon, Molecular Basis, One-carbon Metabolism, Student Participation, Critical, Cycling, Exchange, Field, Gordon, Meeting, Students.

Student Travel to the 2018 Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society: Champaign, IL - June 9-14, 2018
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Yuji Arai($15,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Clay Minerals, Graduate Students, Technical Sessions, Conference, Education, Engineering, International, Society, Th, Workshop.

Subsurface Processes In the Critical Zone: Observation, Experimentation and Modeling (SPIC training school): Cargese Training Workshop
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. John S Selker($56,712), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Critical Zone Environments, Experimentation And Modeling, High-level Interdisciplinary Overview, Methods And Numerical, Microbiology And Ecology, Numerical And Statistical, Overview And Training, Students And Post-doctoral, Transport And Biogeochemical, Cargese Workshop, Discuss Emergent, Experimental Methods, Graduate Students, High-level Interdisciplinary, Modeling Subsurface, Statistical Modelling, Training Workshop, Analysis, Approaches, Biogeochemistry, Corsica, Flow, France, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, IESC, Institute, Interfaces, Observation, Participation, Processes, Sessions, Studies, Water, World.

RAPID: Wildfire, Wine, and Water Quality: Immediate Changes to Biogeochemical and Hydrological Flows from Vineyards After the Northern California Fires
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Eve-Lyn S Hinckley($49,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Burned And Unburned, Hydrological Flow Paths, Unburned Vineyard Catchment, Aquatic Ecosystems, Burned Vineyards, Chemical Losses, Inadvertent Atmospheric, Soil Water, Surface Runoff, Wet Season, Winegrowing Region, Acid, Adjacent, Agricultural, Agriculturally-derived, Biogeochemical, Collectors, Consequences, Critical, Dataset, Deposition, Effects, Environment, Experiments, Female, Field, Has, Health, Human, Hydrology, Instrument, Isotopic, Methods, Methylmercury, Mobilization, Mobilized, Multiple, One-year, Quantify, Rain, Samplers, Sediment, Similar, Soils, Species, Stream, Streams, Sulfur, Wildfire.

Detection of dissolved pyrogenic carbon export following the Southern California fires of 2017
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Andrew R Zimmerman($38,651), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Matter, Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon, Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic, Creeks Draining, Organic Carbon, Santa Barbara, Thomas Fire, Adjoining, Biomass, Burned, Climate, Cycling, December, Detecting, Export, Has, Marine, Method, Ocean, Past, Prior, Properties, Pyc, Pydoc, Scenario, Streams, Water, Watershed, Watersheds.

2018 Geobiology Gordon Research Conference: The microbial planet from deep time to today
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Tanja Bosak($15,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Grc And Grs, Students And Postdoctoral, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, Approaches, Biological, Chemical, Discussion, Diversity, Encourage, Environment, Field, Geobiology, Interactions, Junior, Life, Meeting, Meetings, Numerous, Opportunities, People, Poster, Processes, Promote, Respectively, Sessions, Tools.

Impact of vegetation geometry and distribution on bedload transport
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Heidi M Nepf($407,830), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Sediment Transport, Benefits, Landscapes, Models, Reduces, Restoration, River, Student, Vegetated, Vegetation, Velocity.

CAREER: Quantifying the controls of wildfire, climate, and tectonics on the transition between soil-mantled and bedrock hillslopes
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Roman A DiBiase($541,960), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Bedrock Hillslopes, Laboratory Exercises, Controls, Developed, Erosion, Geomorphology, Gradients, Ivr, Landscapes, Rate, Rates, Soil, Soil-mantled, Transition, Wildfire.

NSF-BSF: Quantifying climate-dependent subcritical cracking and mechanical weathering over geologic time
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Martha C Eppes($299,940), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte
Key terms: Mechanical Weathering Rates, Cracking Rates, Environmental Conditions, Geologic Time, Rock Mechanical, Subcritical Cracking, Earth, Israel, Long-term, Measured.

RAPID: Collaborative Research: Marsh Sedimentation due to Hurricanes Florence and Michael Flooding Event in SC
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Christopher J Hein($12,176), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Duncan M FitzGerald($10,100), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Central South Carolina, Florence And Michael, Following Hurricane Irma, Stage And Discharge, Cape Romain, Geochemical Analyses, Hurricane Florence, Hurricanes Florence, Sediment Cores, Storm Surge, Storm Waves, Surface Sediment, Suspended Sediment, Winyah Bay, Carried, Category, Coastal, Compare, Deposit, Directly, Document, Florencemichael, Increased, Inorganic, Marsh, Marshes, Measure, Mud, Net, North, Observations, Past, Precipitation, Produced, Rain, Riverine, Rivers, SET, Sampling, Sedimentation, Significantly, Sites, Stations, Transects, Wind, Winds.

RAPID: Collaborative Research: Sediment and Contaminant Mobilization by Extreme Flooding Associated with Hurricane Florence
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Till J Hanebuth($12,000), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
2. Philip Larese-Casanova($7,850), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Atlantic Coastal Plain, Sediment And Contaminants, Extreme Flood, Magnitude Riverine, Public Health, Riverine Flooding, Activities, Alluvial, Carolina, Collect, Deposition, Ecosystem, Environmental, Floods, Floodwater, Hurricane, Land, Lower, Pahs, Pis, Precipitation, Process, Range, Rivers, Sediments, Trace.

Collaborative Research: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Rifting Processes to Erosion and Sedimentation
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Mark D Behn($125,523), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Fault Growth, Field Observations, Hanging Wall, Landscape Evolution, Magmatic Activity, Topographic Stresses, Basins, Boundary, Continent, Crust, Deformation, Essential, Feedbacks, Formation, Influence, Little, Model, Models, Normal, Numerical, Processes, Redistribution, Relief, Rift, Rifting, Rifts, Surface, Tectonic, Tectono-magmatic, Topography, Upper, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Facility Support for Operation of the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Juan C Fernandez Diaz($3,687,085), University of Houston, Houston
2. William E Dietrich($1,503,346), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Airborne Laser Mapping, Topographic Features, Aircraft, Allow, Canopy, Dense, Developed, Facility, Forest, Has, Lidar, NCALM, Operational, Position, Pulses, Return, Surface, Time, Vegetative, View.

Predicting Coastal Deltaic Change on a Global Scale
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Robert G Spencer($213,540), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Coastal Erosion, Future Coastal, Ocean Waves, River Delta, River Deltas, Sea-level Fluctuations, Sea-level Rise, Affect, Assess, Expected, Global, Highlight, Model, Nations, Predict, Sea-level, Sediment, Sediments, Student, Tides, Tool.

Collaborative Research: Linking turbulent flow dynamics to meandering river migration
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Dionysios Angelidis($240,126), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Ajay B Limaye($294,550), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Geologic, Hazards, Infrastructure, Natural, Resources, River, Rivers, Shapes, Simulations, Wildlife.

Collaborative research: Microscopic fracturing and macroscopic weakening: A novel model for bedrock fracturing by biotite weathering
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Nicole West($188,132), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
2. Ken Ferrier($253,190), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatory, Bedrock Fracturing, Biotite Weathering, Characteristics, Development, Does, Field, Fracture, Model, Numerical.

Vibration damage of rock landforms: contribution of anthropogenic and natural energy sources to bedrock fracture and erosion
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jeffrey Moore($396,114), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Anthropogenic Vibration, Cumulative Effects, Driving Rock, Geological Features, Long-term Stability, Quantitative Comparison, Rock Landforms, Vibration Sources, Damage, Earthquakes, Energy, Generate, Long-term, Monitoring, Natural, Resonance.

EAR-PF: The scaling properties of river-lake networks
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. John R Gardner($174,000), Gardner John R, Durham
Key terms: Natural And Artificial, Rivers And Lakes, Artificial Lakes, Inland Waters, Lake Footprints, River Networks, River-lake Networks, Sediment Transport, Advance, Coastal, Continent, In-situ, Merge, Oceans, Properties, River-lake, SSC, Satellite, Scaling, Size, Structure, Suspended, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: Understanding deltas through the lens of their channel networks
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Doug Edmonds($143,882), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou($333,855), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Channel Networks, Delta Channels, Field Deltas, Analysis, Influence.

Topographic response to the transition from snowmelt- to rainfall- triggered extremes
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Matthew W Rossi($404,990), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Colorado Front Range, Rainfall And Snowmelt, Analysis Focuses, Boulder Creek, Numerical Modeling, Orographic Gradients, River Incision, Runoff Generation, Accounting, Attributes, Bedrock, Channel, Elevation, Erosion, Extreme, Flood, Floods, Hydroclimatic, Intensity, Landscape, Landslides, Main, Mountain, Size, Spatial, Stochastic, Storm, Topographic, Topography.

Collaborative Research: Flocculation Dynamics in the Fluvial to Marine Transition
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Kyle Strom($260,728), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Jeffrey Nittrouer($319,807), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Inform And Validate, Movement And Deposition, Size And Local, Estuarine Reach, Floc Growth, Floc Size, Laterally Unconfined, Mississippi River, Mud Particles, Muddy Sediment, River Plume, Sediment Concentration, Turbulent Shear, Andor, Central, Coastal, Conditions, Deltas, Deposits, Evaluating, Field, Fine, Flocs, Fluvial, Freshwater, Ftmt, Laboratory, Measure, Models, Predicting, Regions, Salinity, Settling, Students, Tested, Transition, Transport, Turbulence, Vertical, Water, Waterways.

RAPID: Post-fire lidar change detection, Eagle Creek fire, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joshua J Roering($13,406), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Eagle Creek Fire, Debris Flows, Field Observations, Post-fire Geomorphic, Activities, Disturbance, Enable, Erosion, Infrastructure, Lidar, Post-fire, Rapid, Sediment, Steep, Transport.

CAREER: From Substrate to Surface: Quantifying the Impact of Aquatic Vegetation on Exchange Processes
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Rafael Omar Tinoco Lopez($499,989), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Gas Transfer, Natural Waters, Coastal, Coupled, Flow, Interface, Models, Seeks, Surface, Wetlands.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: The Origin of Aeolian Dunes (TOAD)
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. James L Best($29,913), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Kenneth T Christensen($185,000), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: National Park, Sand Dunes, Surface Properties, Bedform, Coasts, Desert, Experience, Field, Findings, International, Namibia, Public, Students, Wind-blown.

RAPID: Quantifying the Great Marsh Sedimentation Event 2018
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Zoe Hughes($8,000), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Thin Layer Deposition, Aerial Photography, Ice Rafts, Marsh Elevation, Marsh Restoration, Marsh Surface, Winter Storm, Accretion, Amount, Analysis, Artificial, Bottom, Cold, Collect, Comparison, Coverage, Deposited, Ecosystem, England, Extent, Extreme, Field, Grass, January, Level, Map, Mapping, Marshes, Normal, Occurred, Onto, Rates, Rise, Rising, Sediment, Sedimentation, Thickness, Volume, Water, Waters.

RAPID: The nature and physics of the Montecito debris flows of January 9, 2018, increasing community resiliency to debris flow hazards
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Thomas Dunne($20,470), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Debris Flow Deposits, Debris Flows, Santa Barbara, Thomas Fire, Widespread Destruction, Affected, California, Caused, Days, Field, Geologic, Instructions, Local, Management, Maps, Montecito, Pacific, Peak, Physics, Public, Source, Supplied.

Collaborative Research: A multiple-technique approach for deconvolving tropical cyclone effects on Late Quaternary geomorphic change in arid southwestern North America
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jose Luis Antinao Rojas($326,826), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Eric McDonald($150,320), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
3. Kam-biu Liu($330,316), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Southern Baja California, Alluvial Fan, Sonoran Desert, Southern California, Southwestern North, Tropical Cyclones, Approach, Arid, Arizona, Chronology, Coast, Coastal, Compared, Deposition, Developed, Effects, Erosion, Established, Generation, Has, Hydrological, Inland, Landfall, Landscape, Moisture, Pacific, Paleotempestological, Periods, Region, Runoff, Sedimentation, Sources, Specific, Students, Thousands, Time, Timescales.

RAPID: Deploying a dense network to record seismicity at the Rattlesnake Ridge landslide
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Amanda M Thomas($8,719), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Rattlesnake Ridge Landslide, Seismic Signals Coming, Nodal Seismometers, Characterize, Cracks, Deep, Failure, Nature, Nodes, Potential, River, Rock, Scenario, Size, Slide, Slowly, South, Surrounding, WA, Yakima.

RUI: Collaborative Research: Quantifying the roles of tectonic activity and climate as drivers of glacial-interglacial landscape evolution in the Teton Range, Wyoming
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2018; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Darren Larsen($244,288), Occidental College, Los Angeles
2. Joseph M Licciardi($146,936), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Glenn D Thackray($129,579), Idaho State University, Pocatello
Key terms: Climatic And Tectonic, Glacier Fluctuations, Lake Sediment, Landscape Evolution, Mountain Landscapes, Climate, Deglaciation, Disturbances, Efforts, Fault, Past, Range, Surface, Teton, Timing.

Collaborative Research: Deciphering upper plate deformation and faulting processes in Central America with integrated geodetic and seismic analyses
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Geophysics

1. Karen M Fischer($199,385), Brown University, Providence
2. Peter LaFemina($241,222), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Deformation And Faulting, Geodetic And Seismic, Upper Plate Deformation, Bookshelf Faulting, Caribbean Plate, Fore-arc Migration, Fore-arc Sliver, Fore-arc Transport, Gps Network, Partial Melt, Subduction Zones, Volcanic Centers, Weak Zones, Accommodated, Analyses, Beneath, Brown, Convergence, Crust, Direction, Distribution, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Enable, Faults, Fore-arc, Geometry, Global, INETER, Indicate, Localized, Magmatism, Margin-normal, Margin-parallel, Motion, Nicaragua, Orientations, Partially, Penn, Population, Predictions, Processes, Remain, Rotation, Strain, Strike-slip, Structure, Students, Terranes, Volcanoes, Wave.

The earthquake cycle and the evolution of fault friction at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. James H Foster($369,439), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Earthquake Cycle, Fault Plane, Frictional Properties, Slow Slip, South Flank, Active, Behavior, Creep, Current, Decollement, Earthquakes, Evolution, Geodetic, Geological, Guide, Hazards, Historical, Kilauea, Kilaueas, Locked, Models, Observations, Parameters, Processes, Rates, Secular, Span, Specified, Sses, Stresses, Zone, Zones.

CAREER: Investigating the unrest and eruption potential of caldera forming volcanoes in the Aleutians
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Patricia M Gregg($485,063), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Caldera Forming Eruptions, Recruitment And Retention, Active Caldera, Caldera-forming Eruptions, Forming Eruptions, Volcanic Eruptions, Alaska, Aleutian, Aleutians, Ash, Assimilation, Caldera-forming, Catastrophic, Development, Efforts, Evolution, Explosive, Extensive, Forecasting, Framework, Future, Has, Hazards, Investigate, Mechanisms, Methods, Models, Monitor, Monitoring, Size, Students, Track, Triggering, Unrest, Volcano, Volcanoes, Worldwide.

Workshop: Re-examining our Grand Challenges in Geodesy; November 8-9, 2018; East Lansing, MI
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Jeffrey T Freymueller($48,568), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Grand Challenges Document, Broader, Consideration, Contributions, Decade, Field, Geodesy, Geodetic, Methods, Opportunities, Progress, Public, Revised, Tectonic, Upcoming, Useful, Workshop.

NSFGEO-NERC Collaborative Research: Crust and mantle structure and the expression of extension in the Turkana Depression of Kenya and Ethiopia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Rebecca O Bendick($355,095), University of Montana, Missoula
2. Cynthia J Ebinger($260,924), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: East African Rift, Comparing Sectors, Gravitational Potential, Low Topography, Plate Boundaries, Systematic Comparisons, Turkana Depression, Architecture, Basic, Boundary, Conditions, Continent, Crust, Dynamics, EARS, Earthquake, Ethiopia, Evolution, GPE, Geodetic, Geophysical, Has, Hazards, Ideal, Inherited, Kenya, Lithosphere, Mantle, Natural, Pieces, Rifting, Seismic, Strain, Structural, Structure, Tectonic, Time, UK.

Use of Artificial Intelligence towards Automation of Analog Seismogram Digitization
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Miaki Ishii($154,017), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Seismograms, Human Interaction, Analog, Analyses, Available, Digitization, Examined, Image, Implementation, Modern, Process, Recordings, Software.

Collaborative Research: Chamber or Conduit - Constraining Explosive Through Effusive Eruption at Cordon Caulle, Chile 2011/12
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Helge M Gonnermann($297,429), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
2. Philipp P Ruprecht($334,966), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
3. Matthew E Pritchard($184,164), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Cordon Caulle, Explosive Activity, Numerical Simulation, Post-eruptive Inflation, Volcanic Eruptions, Advance, Assessment, Capabilities, Conditions, Effusive, Focus, Integration, Knowledge, Lava, Lead, Model, Observational, Observations, Physics-based, Post-eruptive, Principal, Processes, Purely, Rapid, Resulting, Transitions, Was.

Constraints on absolute magma chamber volume from geodetic measurements: Trapdoor faulting in the Galapagos
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Paul Segall($119,371), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Chamber Volume, Magma Chamber, Magma Chambers, Sierra Negra, Total Volume, Compressibility, Earth, Eruption, Faulting, Has, Inflation, Observations, Prior, Surface, Trapdoor, Useful, Volcano, Was.

Collaborative Research: Exploring the nature of deep-focus earthquakes in the Japan, Kuril, and Izu-Bonin subduction zones
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Eric D Kiser($250,963), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Deep-focus Earthquakes Nucleate, Earthquake Source Properties, Nucleate And Propagate, Phase Transformational Faulting, Slab Internal Structure, Slab's Cold Core, Structure And Deep-focus, Deep Earthquakes, Deep-focus Earthquake, Deep-focus Earthquakes, Deep-focus Hypocenters, Earth's Dynamic, Seismic Velocity, Slab's Cold, Spatial Relationships, Subducting Slabs, Central, Considered, Depths, EARA, Failure, Frequency, Has, Image, Images, Information, Izu-bonin, Japan, Kuril, Mantle, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Near, Oceanic, Plate, Regions, Resolution, Rupture, Set, Tomography, Top, Upper, Waveform, Wavespeed.

Vp/Vs Structure of the Crust and Reflection Fabric of the Upper Mantle beneath the Southern Appalachians using Teleseismic and Global Phases
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Robert B Hawman($119,928), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Average Crustal P-wave, Crustal P-wave Velocity, Thickness And Average, Appalachian Mountains, Coastal Plain, Crustal P-wave, Crustal Thickness, P-wave Velocity, Upper Mantle, Arrivals, Depth, Distinguish, Estimates, Flow, Generated, Geologic, Has, Lithosphere, Localized, Model, Obtained, Pppmp, Ps, Reflection, Seismic, Shear, Sspmp, Stations, Structure, Students, Vertical, Vpvs, Waves.

A New Adjoint-state Full Waveform Tsunami Source Imaging Method
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Lingsen Meng($378,757), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Adjoint-state Method, Computational Cost, Earthquake Source, Fault Parameters, Tsunami Source, Adjoint-state, Coastal, Crust, Earthquakes, Imaging, Inversion, Methods, Oceanic, Real-time, Resolution, Seafloor, Secondary, Tsunamis, Warning, Waves.

NSF/EAR-BSF: Resolving slow slip transients before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake with geodesy and seismicity
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Roland Burgmann($272,414), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Convergent Plate Boundaries, Detect Lower-amplitude Transient, Seismic And Aseismic, Boso Peninsula, Detect Lower-amplitude, Faults Slip, Generating Waves, Lower-amplitude Transient, Megathrust Earthquake, Northeast Japan, Offshore Sanriku, Slow Slip, Tohoku-oki Earthquake, Activity, Decades, Detection, Developed, Earthquakes, Existing, GPS, Geodetic, Leading, March, Observations, Observed, Rates, Seismicity, Sequence, Sses, Stress, Technique, Tohoku-oki.

Investigating the Pervasiveness of Complex Seismic Anisotropy and Its Origin Beneath Continents
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Kelly H Liu($228,446), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Shear Wave Splitting, Complex Anisotropy, Dramatic Increase, Horizontal Axis, Incoming Xks, Plate Motion, Seismic Stations, Single Layer, Splitting Parameters, Sws Studies, Assumption, Azimuthal, Earthquakes, Geodynamic, Geoscientific, Investigate, Layers, Plates, Processes, Rays, Resulting, Symmetry, Tools.

Investigation of the dynamic pressure surge effect in a fluid-filled fracture through numerical modeling and laboratory experiment
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Yingcai Zheng($180,570), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Pressure Surge Phenomenon, Fluid Pressure, Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Trigger Earthquakes, Triggered Phenomena, Triggering Mechanism, Volcanic Eruptions, Dynamic, Experiments, Fracture, Has, Hazards, Increase, Investigate, Liquefaction, Mechanisms, Mitigation, Numerical, Passing, Underlying, Unknown, Weak.

Collaborative Research: Relating Bulk Composition to Seismic Properties in Crustal Rocks
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Mark D Behn($124,557), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Composition And Seismic, Continental Crust, Crustal Composition, Geophysical Imaging, Seismic Velocity, Approach, Available, Compositional, Conditions, Database, Datasets, Derive, Determined, Earth, Invert, Methods, Models, Natural, PT, Rock, Speeds, Strength, Tomography.

Resolving the influence of mantle heterogeneity on estimates of inner core anisotropy
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Barbara A Romanowicz($152,142), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Alaska And Antarctica, Earth's Rotation Axis, Inner Core Seismic, Inner Core Structure, South Sandwich Islands, Accurate Models, Becoming Available, Broader Impacts, Earth's Rotation, Fill Gaps, Ic Anisotropy, Magnetic Field, Mantle Structure, Polar Paths, Postdoctoral Fellow, Seismic Anisotropy, Seismic Waves, Travel Time, Western Hemisphere, Allowing, Anomalies, Construction, Contamination, Coverage, Definitive, Dependence, Deployments, Direction, Earthquakes, Effect, Has, Images, Iron, Magnitude, Mentoring, Observed, Origin, PKP, Parallel, Particular, Propagate, Sensitive, Slab, Sought, Sources, Stations, Tomographic.

Imaging Upper-Mantle Structure under USArray using Long - Period Reflection Seismology
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Peter M Shearer($244,490), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Upper-mantle Structure, Below, Composition, Contiguous, Deep, Farallon, Methods, North, Oil, Resolution, Resolve, Seismic, Sensitive, Tectonic, Upper-mantle, Usarray, Velocity.

Probing the mechanical properties of the crust and upper mantle in the Himalaya and Southern Tibet region
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Jean-Philippe Avouac($464,713), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Decadal Time, Gorkha Earthquake, Lake Level, Surface Loads, Upper Mantle, Continent, Deformation, Fault, Glaciations, Himalaya, Hydrology, Laws, Model, Modern, Mw, Nepal, Properties, Region, Seismic, Viscous.

Workshop on modeling earthquake source processes: from tectonics to dynamic rupture; October 8-10, 2018, Pasadena, CA
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Nadia Lapusta($49,824), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Earthquake Source, Field Observations, Future Strategies, Numerical Methodologies, Short-term Tectonics, Temporal Scales, Behavior, Developing, Dynamic, Effects, Fault, Fluid, Laboratory, Modeling, Models, Multiple, Processes, Progress, Realistic, Short-term, Spatial, Targeted, Workshop.

Broadband Seismological Investigations of Earth Structure and Earthquake Sources
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Thorne Lay($691,707), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Earthquake And Tsunami, Broader Impacts, Graduate Student, Graduate Students, Hazard Assessment, Broadband, Contribution, Deep, Development, Dynamical, Earthquakes, Effort, Faulting, Four-year, Mantle, Modeling, Primary, Procedures, Processes, Progress, Public, Rupture, Seismic, Seismological, Source, Structure, Subduction, Training.

Azimuthal anisotropy and attenuation structures of the Anatolian Plate
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Hejun Zhu($145,176), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Anatolian Fault Zone, Collision And Subduction, North Anatolian Fault, Anatolian Plate, Azimuthal Anisotropy, Continental Collision, Magnitude Earthquakes, Subduction Modify, Tomographic Model, Volcanic Fields, Asthenosphere, Attenuation, Crust, Flows, Following, Information, Interactions, Lithosphere, Magma, Mantle, Plates, Seismic, Structures, Tectonic, Turkey, Underneath, Velocities.

NSFGEO-NERC: Transforming understanding of paleomagnetic recording: Insights from experimental observations and numerical predictions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Lisa Tauxe($450,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Cooling Rate Dependence, Local Energy Minima, Existing Theory, Larger Grains, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Moment, Remanence Acquisition, Simple Theory, Uniformly Magnetized, Acquired, Aging, Ancient, Broader, Database, Earth, Estimate, Experiments, Magnetization, Modeling, Numerical, Overcome, Paleointensity, Paleomagnetic, Particular, Predicts, Remanences, Stability, Strength, TRM, Temperature, Thermal, Transform, Unclear.

EaGER: Inclusions of fluid-related minerals in diamonds from the transition zone or lower mantle
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Oliver Tschauner($40,366), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Diamond Inclusions, Transition Zone, Calcite, Depths, Diamonds, Eager, Gpa, Interior, Methods, Minerals, Residual.

Melt Network Geometry in Stressed, Partially Molten Mantle Rocks: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Matej Pec($379,999), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Deforming Partially Molten, Grain-scale Melt Network, Melt Network Topology, Partially Molten Rocks, Grain-scale Melt, Preferred Orientation, Remote Sensing, Seismic Signature, Theoretical Models, =, Basis, CPO, Conditions, Deep, Deformation, Elucidate, Experiment, Experiments, Forces, Graduate, Influence, Information, Interior, Laboratory, Load, MPO, Mantle, Melting, Microstructural, Mineral, Movements, Natural, Nature, Olivine, Plate, Primary, Sound, Strain, Stress, Student, Tectonic, Waves.

CAREER: Dynamics of surface rupturing thrust earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Marine A Denolle($298,291), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Rupturing Thrust Earthquakes, Surface Rupturing Thrust, Dynamic Simulations, Ground Motion, Megathrust Earthquakes, Observational Methodologies, Approaches, Class, Development, Expecting, Fault, Global, Graduate, Involves, Limitations, Mechanical, Models, Observations, Pacific, Processes, Seismic, Source, Students, Subduction, Tsunami.

Modification of lithospheric structure via subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting: A case study beneath Connecticut
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Maureen D Long($385,235), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Deep Structure, Eastern North, Northern Connecticut, Plate Tectonic, Structure Beneath, Terrane Accretion, Affect, Affected, Analysis, Appalachian, Apply, Array, Basin, Breakup, Complexity, Continent, Does, Field, Formation, Geologic, Geology, Hartford, Imaging, Lithospheric, Mesozoic, Pangea, Processes, Range, Reflects, Rifting, School, Seisconn, Seismic, Subduction, Successful, Supercontinents, Teachers, Techniques, Was, Week.

Controls of Pore Fluid Pressure on Fault Slip Weakening and Fracture Energy
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Melodie E French($264,839), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Distance And Fracture, Pore Fluid Pressure, Slip Weakening Distance, Fracture Energy, Graduate Student, Tectonic Plates, Earthquake, Effect, Experimental, Fault, Faulting, Hazards, Increasing, Laboratory, Magnitude, Models, Observations, Observed, Previous, Rates, Rock, Slower, Stabilization, Students.

Workshops on Volcanoes II: Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua February 2019
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Peter LaFemina($0), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Analysis, Collection, Faculty, Geodetic, Ground-based, Hands-on, Ideal, Integration, Observations, Opportunity, Optical, Processing, Sensing, Students, Thermal, Volcanic, Volcano, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: The origin and propagation of shallow water microseisms: a multidisciplinary study at Yellowstone Lake
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Robert A Sohn($74,132), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Jamie M Farrell($176,563), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Yellowstone Lake Microseisms, Active Hydrothermal, Microseism Energy, Ocean Microseisms, Ocean Waves, Primary Microseisms, Secondary Microseisms, Shallow Water, Array, Atmospheric, Corresponding, Deployed, Deployment, Direction, Earth, Floor, Gas, Generate, Generated, Generation, Geophones, Has, Instruments, Interaction, Islands, Lakes, Mechanism, Near, Oceans, Ongoing, Opportunity, Park, Perimeter, Periods, Propagate, Propagation, Recently, Regions, Sediments, Seismic, Seismometers, Shoreline, Short-period, Source, Structure, Summer, Surrounded, Unknown, Velocity, Wind, World.

NSF/EAR-BSF:Aftershock Productivity in Context of Rupture Kinematics
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Emily E Brodsky($312,599), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Aftershock Productivity, Earthquake Produce, Slip Maps, Aftershocks, Attack, Combining, Difficult, Distribution, Does, Earthquakes, Era, Has, Information, Magnitude, Mainshock, Mainshocks, Predicting, Recently, Regional, Robust, Rupture, Ruptures, Statistical, Timing.

CAREER: Multiscale Mechanics of Fluid Infiltrated Fault Zones- An Integrated Research and Education Plan
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Ahmed Elbanna($487,991), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Nucleation And Propagation, Social Media Platforms, Earthquake Source, Fault Zones, Fluid Infiltrated, Natural Hazards, Pore Pressure, Seismic Hazard, Activities, Aims, Class, Complex, Component, Conditions, Critical, Educational, Especially, Frontiers, Gouge, Heating, Instabilities, Interdisciplinary, Investigate, Mechanical, Mechanics, Methods, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Objective, Physics, Plan, Rock, Shear, Students, Theoretical, Training, Workshops.

Implementation of "Box Tomography" for high resolution imaging of Target Regions in the Earth's Deep Mantle
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Barbara A Romanowicz($498,962), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Earth's Deep Mantle, Box Tomography, Core-mantle Boundary, Earth's Deep, Geophysical Significance, Iceland Plume, Information Contained, Lower Mantle, Mantle Plume, Mantle Plumes, Promising Solution, Target Region, Target Volume, Upper Mantle, Waveform Tomography, Yellowstone Plume, Apply, Base, Complete, Computations, Computed, Conduits, Core-mantle, Debated, Developed, Existence, Expression, Flow, Global, Has, Hawaii, Hotspot, Hotspots, Image, Imaged, Images, Increasingly, Limits, Methodology, Model, Near, Outside, Plates, Presence, Receivers, Recently, Resolution, Rock, Root, Seismic, Seismograms, Sources, Stations, Structure, Students, Successive, Surface, Targets, Tectonic, Updates, Volcanoes, Wavefield, Zone.

Observations of Fault Growth Under Elevated Fluid Pressure Using Dynamic Microtomography
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Wen-Lu Zhu($358,589), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Fault Growth, Fault Propagation, Plate Boundaries, Pore Pressure, Slow Fault, Slow Slip, Conditions, Deformation, Earthquakes, Experiments, Faulting, Hardening, Lab, Link, Mechanics, Observations, Seismic.

Collaborative Research: The context for rifting in East Africa - melt distribution and lithospheric removal imaged from axis to flank
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Kathleen M Keranen($24,637), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Zachary C Eilon($249,812), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Main Ethiopian Rift, Internal Structure, Recently Acquired, Shed Light, Axis, Complex, Continent, Critical, Flank, Geologic, Imaging, Melt, Processes, Rifting, Seismic, Tectonic, Under-represented, Wave.

Gordon Research Conference: Deep Carbon Science in the Context of Geologic Time, Rhode Island, June 17-21, 2018
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Craig E Manning($21,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Deep Carbon, Emerging Field, Graduate Students, Surface Carbon, Conference, Control, Convene, Earth, Forum, Gordon, Life, Reservoirs, Sinks, Transfers.

NSFGEO-NERC Collaborative Research: Linking geophysics and volcanic gas measurements to contrain the transcrustal magmatic system at the Altiplano-Puna Deformation Anomaly
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. David A Schmidt($44,378), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Tobias P Fischer($280,041), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
3. Matthew E Pritchard($261,870), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Flux And Composition, Gas Flux, Ground Deformation, Magma Storage, Numerical Models, Partial Melt, Uturuncu Volcano, APMB, Activity, Architecture, Assess, Bolivia, Conditions, Crust, Field, Gravity, Hazard, Magmatic, Nature, Seismic, Stored, TCMS, Unrest, Volatiles, Volcanic.

The Microphysics of Plate Boundary Formation: Dynamic Recrystallization and Phase Mixing
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Mark E Zimmerman($369,999), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Steady-state Grain Size, Dynamic Recrystallization, Grain Growth, Plate Boundaries, Plate Tectonics, Steady-state Grain, Thoroughly Mixed, Deformation, Development, Lab, Lead, Little, Localization, Mantle, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Mylonites, Persist, Phase, Physics, Planet, Plates, Primary, Process, Processes, Properties, Rate, Rock, Secondary, Shear, Special, Strain, Subduction, Theory, Zones.

Collaborative Research: Investigating the interplay between creeping and seismogenic fault sections using large-scale laboratory experiments and high-resolution numerical models
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Chris J Marone($39,420), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. David S Kammer($389,001), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Laboratory Earthquake Experiments, Stable And Unstable, Biaxial Machine, Dynamic Rupture, Fault Sections, Large-scale Laboratory, Numerical Models, Arrest, Creeping, Earthquakes, Faults, Gouge, Heterogeneous, Mechanics, Modeling, Properties, Reproduce, Scaling, Sequences, Simulations, Tools.

Mechanisms of Mantle Wedge and Intraslab Earthquakes Beneath Southwestern Colombia From Analysis of Earthquake Source Properties
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Linda M Warren($245,805), Saint Louis University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Cauca Cluster, Intermediate-depth Earthquakes, Mantle Wedge, Source Properties, Subduction Zones, Beneath, Constraints, Deep, Depths, Fluid, Hazard, Intermediate-depth, Mechanisms, Occurrence, Pathways, Seismic, Slab.

Thermal conductivity of Deep Earth's materials studied by combined fast pulsed laser and optical spectroscopy techniques
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Alexander F Goncharov($280,000), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Conductive And Radiative, Mantle And Core, Deep Interior, Earth's Mantle, Extreme Conditions, Laser Techniques, Thermal Conductivity, Benefit, Conduction, Developed, Heat, High-quality, Knowledge, Minerals, Optical, P-T, Planetary, Pressure, Processes, Pulsed, Range, Students, Temperature, Time-resolved.

NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: The central Apennines Earthquake cascade under a new microscope
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Felix Waldhauser($166,657), Columbia University, New York
2. William Ellsworth($213,389), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Space And Time, Earthquake Catalog, Earthquake Sequences, Forecast Models, High-resolution Earthquake, Source Parameters, August, Based, Collaboration, Crisis, Devastating, Earthquakes, Enable, European, Evolution, Fault, Forecasts, High-quality, High-resolution, Interaction, International, Italian, Italy, January, Magnitude, Physics, Probabilities, Seismic, Seismicity, Statistical, Stress.

CAREER: Experimental Constraints on Carbon-iron Redox Interaction in Earth's Deep Lower Mantle
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Susannah Dorfman($623,093), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Deep Carbon Cycle, Earth's Deep Carbon, Carbon-bearing Phases, Earth's Deep, Lower Mantle, Mantle Phase, Petrologic Context, Reasoning Skills, Spatial Reasoning, Carbon-bearing, Conditions, Critical, Depth, Developing, Diamonds, Education, Geoscience, Global, Interior, MSU, Mineralogy, Modules, Recruitment, Stability, Students, Teaching.

Linking seismological observables and dynamic simulations of microseismicity to constrain models and improve observations
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Nadia Lapusta($440,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Numerical Models, Seismological Signatures, Simple Models, Activities, Advance, Analyzed, Approaches, Based, Crust, Destructive, Dynamic, Earthquake, Expressions, Look, Microearthquake, Microseismicity, Motion, Parameters, Properties, Rapid, Realistic, Ruptures, Source, Sources, Spectra, Spectral, Structure, Students, Synthetic, Window.

Architecture of the Subduction to Strike-Slip Transition in New Zealand
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Clifford H Thurber($275,110), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Female Postdoctoral Scholar, Northern South Island, Velocity And Attenuation, Broad Range, Close Collaboration, Damaging Earthquakes, Fault Slip, Kaikoura Earthquake, Seismic Hazard, Seismic Velocity, Slow Slip, Zealand Scientists, Advantage, Aftershock, Analysis, Arrays, Carried, Complex, Darfield, Decade, Decades, Examine, Faults, GNS, High-precision, Mw, NSF, November, Past, RAPID, Region, Rupture, Stands, Struck, Temporary, Triggered, Utilize, Victoria, Was, Wellington.

Thermal evolution of the Earth: the modes of mantle convection in the Precambrian
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Jun Korenaga($346,084), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Mantle Convection, Mantle Dynamics, Plate Tectonics, Terrestrial Planets, Evolution, Evolved, Exploring, Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Global, Has, Internal, Mode, Precambrian, Processes, Scaling, Surface.

Collaborative Research: Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Rapid Jurassic True Polar Wander
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Jessica R Creveling($58,456), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Roger Fu($209,208), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: 165-150 Million, Geodynamical Code, Jurassic Tpw, Late Jurassic, Polar Wander, Regional Sea-level, Climate, Collect, Continent, Coupled, Drift, Drivers, Effects, Experimental, Geologic, Global, History, Interval, Motion, Paleomagnetic, Process, Processes, Rock, Sea-level, Surface, Techniques, Time.

Rheology of Nanocrystalline Materials: Clarifying the Sliding Mechanism of Earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2017; Program: Geophysics

1. Javier E Garay($56,529), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: High-speed Friction Experiments, Ethnically Diverse, Graduate Student, High-pressure Faulting, High-speed Friction, Overcoming Friction, San Andreas, Shallow Earthquakes, Sliding Zone, California, Caused, Conditions, Copi, Deeper, Depths, Faults, Flow, Grain, High-pressure, Initiates, Low, Mechanism, Nanocrystalline, Pis, Rate, Rises, SAF, Size, Slide, Step, Stresses, Students, Success, Surface, Synthesizing, Temperature, UCR, Undergraduate, Weak.

Collaborative Research: Bayesian Estimation of Mantle Viscosity Structure and Geodynamic Implications
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2017; Program: Geophysics

1. Maxwell Rudolph($178,100), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Mantle Viscosity Structure, Earth's Mantle, Graduate Student, Mantle Convection, Mantle Rocks, Seismic Images, Tomographic Models, Transition Zone, Affect, Behavior, Constraints, Curricular, Deflected, Density, Depth, Does, Field, Flow, Generation, Interior, Long-wavelength, Plumes, Postdoctoral, Rate, Recently, School, Seismological, Shear, Tectonic, Training, Uncertainty, Velocity, Volcanic, Wave.

Collaborative Research: Magnesite Deformation and Potential Roles in the Slip and Seismicity of Subduction Zones
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Geophysics

1. Reid F Cooper($87,833), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Magnesite Deformation Mechanisms, Size And Pressure, Diffusion Creep, Focus Earthquakes, Grain Size, Grain-size Sensitivity, Pressure Sensitivity, Shear Instability, Subducting Slabs, Conditions, Deep, Depth, Experimental, Experiments, Grain-size, Investigate, Model, Nucleation, Parameters, Peridotite, Plasticity, Rheology, Strain, Strength.

Identification of Urban Flood Impacts Caused by Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise for the Houston-Galveston Region
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: HBCU-EiR - HBCU-Excellence in

1. Yi Liu($599,212), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Hydrologic And Hydraulic, Sea Level Rise, Subsidence And Sea, Urban Flood Exacerbated, Contributing Impacts, Flood Exacerbated, Houston-galveston Region, Land Subsidence, Urban Floods, Challenge, Coastal, Ft, Houston-galveston, Inundation, Model, Modeling, Planning, Selected.

CAREER: What Governs Salt Mobilization and Transport in Upland Semi-Arid Catchments?
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ryan T Bailey($500,862), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Arkansas River Basin, Basins And Irrigated, Common Water Quality, Decreased Crop Yield, Instruction And Field, Irrigated Regions Worldwide, Water Quality Threats, Educational Activities, Irrigation Water, Middle School, River Basins, River Valleys, Salt Loads, Soil Salinity, Southeastern Colorado, Surface Water, Total Salt, Upland Catchments, Arid, Collection, Deposits, Drainage, Groundwater, Loading, Local, Main, Methods, Mobilization, Model, Modeling, Module, Movement, Poor, Quantifying, Rivers, SWAT, Schools, Semi-arid, Soils, Streams, Students, Transport.

NSF BSF: The Effect of Spanwise Landscape Heterogeneities on the Hydrological Cycle in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. William Anderson($194,617), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: International Collaboration, Landscape Heterogeneities, Atmospheric, Boundary, Circulations, Component, Flow, Flows, Has, Implications, Surface, Temperature, Wind.

Collaborative Research: Geophysical characterization of a karst aquifer using dynamic recharge events
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Andrew Luhmann($450,930), Wheaton College, Wheaton
Key terms: Preferential Flow Paths, Conduit Network, Critical Zone, Environmental Seismology, Field Site, Geophysical Signals, Karst Aquifer, Karst Aquifers, Larger Karst, Mexico Tech, Subsurface Flow, Undergraduate Student, Arise, Characterize, Conduits, Deformation, Florida, Generation, Graduate, Hydrologic, Knowledge, Mass, Observations, Pressure, Processes, Range, Recharge, Recharge-induced, Rock, Surface, Transport, Water.

Groundwater discharge of legacy nitrogen at the scale of river networks: Where are stream interface sediments conduits or filters?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ashley M Helton($696,729), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Groundwater Flow Paths, River Channel Network, Stream Interface Sediments, Farmington River, Focused Groundwater, Groundwater Discharge, Island Sound, Land Surfaces, Regional Groundwater, River Network, Spatial Predictions, Surface Waters, Transport Times, Applied, Characterize, Cycling, Datasets, Delivery, Enters, Field, Fluxes, Lags, Legacy, Management, Model, Models, Pollution, Quantify, Rates, Reducing, Seeps, Streambank, Streambed, Students, Surveys, TIR, Watershed, Zones.

CAREER: Research and education on landscape, climate, and biophysical controls of the urban water cycle amid urban warming and global change
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Kevan B Moffett($690,534), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Composition And Configuration, Heat And Water, Water And Energy, Energy Balances, Land Cover, Landscape Composition, Remote Sensing, Surface Water, Urban Environmental, Urban Heat, Urban Human, Urban Landscape, Water Balances, Cities, City, Comfort, Controls, Cool, Extremes, Factors, Field, Foster, Function, Future, Global, Health, Hydrologic, Island, Microclimate, Microclimates, Modeling, Modules, Natural, Population, Resilience, Rural, Surfaces, UHI, Warming.

Connecting Hydrology, Biology, and Geochemistry in a Coastal Wetland: Feedbacks between Ecosystem Processes toward Predictive Understanding
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Angelia L Seyfferth($374,175), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Jones National Estuarine, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dynamics, Coastal Marshes, Coastal Ocean, Predict Feedbacks, Tidal Marshes, Biogeochemistry, Biological, Changing, Conditions, Critical, Development, Ecosystems, Enables, Factors, Fragile, Future, Human, Hydrologic, Hydrological, Hydrology, Land, Mechanistic, Modeling, Movement, Reserve, St, Store.

Collaborative Research: Water partitioning between trees, soils, and streams following forest disturbance
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Salli F Dymond($43,077), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
2. Kevin D Bladon($6,922), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Storage And Release, Affects Water, Disturbance Affect, Dual Water, Forest Disturbance, Forest Disturbances, Forest Harvesting, Forest Management, Mass Balance, Water Budget, Water Movement, Water Yield, Approach, California, Catchments, Coastal, Critical, Effects, Forested, Groundwater, Hydrologic, Increases, Isotopes, Mechanisms, Processes, Streamflow, Supply, Vegetation, Watershed, Watersheds.

Can Electromagnetic Surveys Image Deep Crystalline Basement Flow Systems in Extensional Terrains?
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Jesus Gomez-Velez($471,816), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Crystalline Basement Rocks, Flow And Transport, Brackish Water, Fault Zones, Fluid Flow, Tectonically Active, Western Usa, Deep, Depths, Electromagnetic, Energy, Explore, Gained, Geochemical, Geophysical, Impermeable, Little, Mexico, Models, Outcomes, Quantify, Resource.

Collaborative Research: Investigating how transient electrical and magnetic signals relate to changes in recharge-driven redox state and iron mineral transformations
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis($229,765), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
2. Estella A Atekwana($116,351), University of Delaware, Newark
3. Carl Isaacson($90,001), Bemidji State University, Bemidji
Key terms: Hydrocarbon Source Zones, Biogeophysical Signatures, Contaminant Plumes, Geophysical Signals, Iron Cycling, Long-term Fate, Magnetic Susceptibility, Oil Spills, Self Potential, Biogeochemical, Causing, Contaminants, Contaminated, Driven, Electron, Environments, Field, Geochemical, Hydrologic, Hydrological, Laboratory, Linkages, Long-term, Microbial, Non-invasive, Performed, Processes, Recharge, Regulated, Resulting, Sensing, Site, Sites, Students, Subsurface, Transient, Undergraduate, WTFZ, Water.

Examining groundwater-flood and soil moisture-flood relationships across scales using national-scale data mining, deep learning and knowledge distillation
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Chaopeng Shen($249,862), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Dl Models, Groundwater Levels, Gw-p-q Relations, Knowledge Distillation, Soil Moisture, Activity, Approach, Available, Baseflow, Catchment, Classification, Comprehensive, Create, Deep, Enhance, Factors, Flood, Floods, Found, GW-P-Q, Has, Hydrologic, Increase, Lead, Machine, Students, Time, Undergraduate, Water.

Dynamic Response of Watershed Subsurface System to Extreme Rainfall Events
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Shemin Ge($331,812), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Subsurface Water Storage, Temporal And Spatial, Extreme Rainfall, Extreme Rainfalls, Groundwater Storage, Rigorous Modeling, Saturated Zone, Spatial Extent, Vadose Zone, Availability, Basis, Boulder, Colorado, Dynamic, Effects, Field, Flow, Hydrologic, In-situ, Infiltration, Integrated, Plan, Precipitation, Program, Site, Students, Substantial, Undergraduate, Watershed.

Extending the vadose zone: characterizing the role of snow for liquid water storage and transmission in streamflow generation
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ryan W Webb($142,329), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Liquid Water Storage, Snowpack Liquid Water, Gpr Surveys, Hydrologic Modeling, Modeling Techniques, Numerical Modeling, Remote Sensing, Sensor Nodes, Snow Depth, Snow Water, Snowmelt Season, Soil Moisture, Water Resources, Ability, Affect, Assess, Automated, Boulder, Capabilities, Catchment, Climate, Colorado, Connectivity, Constrain, Distribution, Dynamics, Field, Flowpaths, GPS, Generation, Headwater, Hydrology, Importance, In-snow, Knowledge, Leverages, Local, Mapping, Meltwater, Monitor, Mountain, Network, Observation, Observations, Observed, Processes, Runoff, Seasonal, Simulate, State-of-the-science, Streamflow, Streams, Students, Transport, UAV.

Collaborative Research: Emergent Hydrological Properties Associated with Multiple Channel-Spanning Logjams
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Audrey H Sawyer($231,865), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Ellen E Wohl($305,679), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Kamini Singha($369,226), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Logjams And Hef, Management And Restoration, Channel-spanning Logjams, Forested Regions, Head Gradients, Human Alteration, River Corridors, River Management, Analysis, Channel-spanning, Channels, Characteristics, Design, Effects, Expect, Field, Ii, Iii, Increased, K-, LW, Multiple, Nonlinear, Primary, Quantify, Rivers, School, Single, Spatial, Stream, Students, Undergraduate, Water, Wood.

Collaborative Research: Groundwater transit time distributions: bridging the gap between advanced tracer techniques and numerical modeling
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Aaron R Mittelstet($387,030), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
2. D. Kip Solomon($239,473), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
3. David P Genereux($254,441), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Cooperative Extension Programs, Age-dating Tracers, Field Studies, Groundwater Age, Groundwater Discharge, Groundwater Models, Groundwater Ttds, Investigate Differences, Model-based Ttds, Transit Time, Transit Times, Ttds Derived, Age-dating, Aquifers, Control, Discrepancy, Disseminated, Information, Leads, Manage, Model-based, Modeling, Processes, Quality, Range, Recharge, Relative, Stream, Streamflow, Streams, Water, Watershed.

CAREER: Humans, Water, and Climate: Advancing Research and Education on Water Resource Sustainability in Managed Land-Water Systems using Integrated Hydrological Modeling Framework
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Yadu Pokhrel($499,971), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Sustainable Water Resource, Water Resource Management, Crop Growth, Food Security, Groundwater Pumping, Managed Land-water, Modeling Framework, Seawater Intrusion, Water Resources, Achieving, Advance, Agricultural, Assess, CLM, Component, Coupled, Critical, Dynamics, Ecological, Education, Educational, Energy, Freshwater, Global, Human, Hydrology, Initiatives, Insights, Interactions, Irrigation, Land-water, Models, Natural, Practices, Processes, Regional, School, Sediment, Simulate, Students, Surface.

RAPID: Turning a Lake Sinkhole Event into Natural/Man-Made Tracer Experiments and Data Collection Campaign for Advanced Understanding of Karst Hydrogeology and Solute Transport
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ming Ye($49,773), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Actively Draining Lake, Draining Lake Sinkhole, Springs And Rivers, Dye Tracer, Environmental Management, Geological Survey, Karst Springs, Lake Drainage, Lake Water, Tracer Experiment, Water Chemistry, Contaminants, Downgradient, Florida, Monitored, Shared, Sinkholes.

CAREER: A Dynamic-Stochastic Approach to Rainfall and Flood Frequency Analysis Across Scales
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Daniel B Wright($507,653), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Flood Frequency Analysis, Moisture And River, Rainfall And Flood, River Channel Dynamics, Flood Severity, Graduate Students, Objective Focuses, Soil Moisture, Advance, Approaches, Diverse, Drivers, Floods, Geospatial, Has, High-resolution, Initiatives, Interactions, K-, Links, Long-term, Models, Modules, Observations, Regional, Reinforce, School, Structure, Teaching, Tools, Water, World.

Collaborative Research: How does groundwater inundation of carbonate island interiors from sea level rise impact surface water-aquifer interactions and evaporative losses?
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Jonathan B Martin($192,051), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Jason D Gulley($182,888), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Climate And Sea, Freshwater Lens Volumes, Island Water Resources, Lakes And Wetlands, Low-lying Carbonate Islands, San Salvador Island, Sea Level Rise, Transient Modeling Tools, Coastal Hydrology, Dynamic Interactions, Freshwater Lenses, Freshwater Resource, Freshwater Resources, Groundwater Contributing, Groundwater Flooding, Groundwater Inundation, Lake Water, Low-lying Carbonate, Sea-level Rise, Water Tables, Arid, Bahamas, Collected, Connectivity, Continuous, Degree, Developed, Estimate, Evaporation, Field, Flow, Hydrogeological, Hypersaline, Impacts, Intense, Loss, Losses, Ocean, Overarching, Precipitation, Primary, Regions, Relative, Replaced, Seawater, Surface.

CAREER: Coupled Hydrology and Mechanics of Fine-Grained Soils and Sedimentary Rocks
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ian C Bourg($400,000), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Fine-grained Rocks, Fine-grained Soils, Carbon, Control, Coupled, Fine-grained, Flow, Groundwater, Hydrologic, Importance, Mechanical, Media, Properties, Sedimentary, Shale, Simulation, Storage, Subsurface, Tool.

An AGU Chapman Conference on Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2018; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Doug E Alsdorf($46,000), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Congo River Basin, Historic And Ongoing, Congo Basin, Water Balance, Climate, Conference, Cycle, Design, Evapotranspiration, Human, Hydrologic, Information, Rainfall, Region.

Collaborative Research: Banded Together: Modern water-microbe-mineral feedbacks in the deep Archean lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: INTEGRATED EARTH SYSTEMS

1. Jill McDermott($497,714), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. Cara M Santelli($1,976,370), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Deep Underground, Microbial Life, Time Scales, Components, Conditions, Create, Environment, Factors, Feedbacks, Fractured-rock, Geochemical, Growth, Habitability, Humans, Integrated, Interact, Interactions, Investigate, Partnership, Specifically, Streams, Subsurface, Tribal, Waste.

Collaborative Research: Anatomy of a Greenhouse World: The Early Eocene of the Green River Basin, Wyoming
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: INTEGRATED EARTH SYSTEMS

1. Tim K Lowenstein($221,850), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
2. Ethan G Hyland($263,554), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
3. Nathan Sheldon($266,125), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
4. Mark D Schmitz($255,399), Boise State University, Boise
5. Jessica E Tierney($203,536), University of Arizona, Tucson
6. Michael E Smith($190,156), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
7. Stephen R Meyers($909,866), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
8. Amy E Myrbo($390,053), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Green River Formation, Earth's Orbital, Accuracy, Ancient, Ash, Climate, Deposits, Development, EECO, Eocene, Field, Geologic, Hydrologic, Lake, Marine, Million, Occurred, Precision, Relatively, Repeated, Rich, Seasonality, Temperatures, Time, Warming, Was, Western, Worlds.

Collaborative Research: Dynamics of caldera-scale rhyolitic magma systems
Award Effective Date: 05/16/2018; Program: INTEGRATED EARTH SYSTEMS

1. Josef Dufek($112,327), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Crustal Deformation, Magma Migration, Reservoir Growth, Create, Dynamics, Eruption, Investigate, Ldm, Melt, Models, Observations, Opportunity, Processes, Rhyolitic, Time, Underway, Unrest.

Collaborative Research: Interactions Between Incipient Continental Rifting, Fluvial Systems, and Regional Climate in Southern Africa: The Okavango-Makgadikgadi Complex, Botswana
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2017; Program: INTEGRATED EARTH SYSTEMS

1. Sarah J Ivory($177,122), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Southern Africa, Basin, Climate, Complex, Control, Cores, Drainage, Evolution, Feedback, Loading, MPL, Model, OD, ORZ, Sediment, Tectonic, Via.

Acquisition of a laser-ablation system for trace element mapping and large-N geochronology by inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Daniel R Viete($216,504), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Graduate And Undergraduate, Hopkins La-icp-ms Facility, Early-career Geoscientists, Hopkins La-icp-ms, Johns Hopkins, La-icp-ms Facility, Undergraduate Courses, Analysis, Baltimore, Early-career, Existing, Laser, Modern, Multiple, Students, Trace.

Community Facility Support: Partial Support of the International Seismological Centre
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Dmitry Storchak($1,034,173), International Seismological Centre, Thatcham
Key terms: Account, Bulletin, Comprehensive, Continue, Earthquake, ISC, International, Products, Source, Unique, Worldwide.

Laboratory Technician Support: Enhancing Access to the John W. Handin Laboratory for Experimental Rock Deformation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Hiroko Kitajima($655,452), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Experimental Rock Deformation, Handin Laboratory, Technical Position, Texas Aandm, AM, Apparatus, Center, Courses, Digital, Earth, Enhance, Evaluating, Expand, Has, John, Mechanics, Methods, Opportunities, Program, Students, Technician, Tectonophysics, Training, Users, Visitors.

Laboratory Technician Support: Experimental Mineral Physics and Petrology Facilities at the University of Hawaii at Manoa
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Bin Chen($726,752), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: X-ray Atlas Lab, Experimental Facilities, Experimental Petrology, Extreme Conditions, Lab Led, Lab Technician, X-ray Atlas, Campus, Characterization, Commissioned, Critical, Education, Educational, Ex-situ, Has, High-pressure, High-temperature, Interiors, Junior, Laboratories, Laboratory, MPL, Maplab, Minerals, Planetary, Principal, Properties, Spectroscopic, Spectroscopy, State-of-the-art, Syntheses, Technical, Training, Transformations, UHM.

Laboratory Technician Support: Shock Wave Experiments in Geophysics
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Paul D Asimow($721,154), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Senior Laboratory Manager, Chambers, Design, Experiments, Lindhurst, Machining, Methods, Projectiles, Shock, Time.

Laboratory Technician Support: Experimental Hydrogeophysics Technician
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Bradley Carr($716,046), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Experimental Hydrogeophysical, Geophysical Methods, Hydrogeophysics Laboratory, Broad, Geoscience, Hydrologic, Processes, Property, Range, Technician, Training, Wyoming.

Laboratory Technician Support: Expanding Capabilities for Experimental Hydrogeophysics Research and Outreach
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Kamini Singha($701,262), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Field Equipment, Geophysical Methods, Outreach Opportunities, Collection, Development, Dissemination, Efficient, Geophysics, Maintain, Management, Processes, Students, Technician, Trees.

Acquisition of an SEM-CL Detector for Research and Education in Geology and Geological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Yvette D Kuiper($81,287), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Enhance Museum Exhibits, Geology And Geological, Mines Geology Museum, Precious Metal Deposits, Scanning Electron Microscope, Staff And Citizen, State-of-the-art Cathodoluminescence Detector, Undergraduate And Graduate, Analytical Capabilities, Citizen Scientists, Colorado School, Colorado Universities, Denver Museum, Economic Geology, Environmental Geochemistry, Geological Engineering, Graduate Students, State-of-the-art Cathodoluminescence, Allowing, Attached, Available, Department, Imaging, Instrumentation, Minerals, Nature, Quartz, Reservoir, Teaching, Tectonic.

Community Facility Support: The Arizona State University SIMS Laboratories
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Maitrayee Bose($1,638,730), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Analytical Techniques, Ims 6f, Secondary Ion, Sims Labs, ASU, Allow, Analyses, Analysis, Arizona, Continue, Depth, Development, Existing, Facility, Funding, Has, Helped, Instrument, Instruments, Isotope, Lateral, Mass, Nanosims, Obtain, Past, Resolution, Specialists, Students, Trace, Training, Transmission, Visitors.

Acquisition of a New XRF Spectrometer and Automated Sample Fusion Furnace
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Michael J Jercinovic($436,637), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Failing X-ray Spectrometers, X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, Failing X-ray, Quality Xrf, X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Spectrometers, Analyses, Continue, Current, Faculty, Five, Has, Pays, Replace, Resource, Served, Students, Umass, Umass-amherst.

Facility Support: High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Richard A Ketcham($1,361,197), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Acquisition And Processing, Computed Tomography, Short Courses, Analysis, CT, Facility, High-quality, Instrumentation, Instruments, UTCT.

Facility Support: For The Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility (NENIMF)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Brian Monteleone($1,100,649), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Double Focusing Mass, Focusing Mass Spectrometer, Radius Magnetic Sector, Biogenic Carbonates, Graduate Students, Ims 3f, Isotopic Composition, Magmatic Volatiles, Secondary Ion, Analysis, Analytical, Average, Boron, Cameca, Concentration, Determination, Developed, Expertise, Facility, Focused, Geoscience, Glasses, Has, High-precision, Instruments, Involvement, NENIMF, National, Past, Publications, Resource, SIMS, Techniques, Total, Unique, Users, WHOI.

Acquisition of a Helix SFT Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Kenneth A Farley($343,361), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Rocks And Minerals, Marine Sediments, Chronometer, Cosmic, Crust, Derived, Erosion, Establish, History, Instrument, Isotope, Rates, Surface.

Acquisition of a pXRF and refurbishment of used germanium detectors for research and undergraduate research training
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Amanda H Schmidt($68,582), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Fallout Radionuclides, Gamma Counting, Germanium Detector, Germanium Detectors, Acquire, Depth, Effects, Equipment, Erosion, Lab, Land, Oberlin, Refurbish, Relies, Storms, Student, Students, Throughput.

Atom Probe Tomography (APT) development and optimization for applications in Earth Sciences
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Alberto Perez-Huerta($342,190), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Atom Probe Tomography, APT, Alabama, Allow, Atoms, Characterization, Chemical, Chemistry, Examine, Facilities, Formation, Funding, Geological, Geologists, Has, Importance, Information, Instrument, Limited, Mineralogy, Minerals, Processes, Produce, Recently, Replicate, Rock, Technique.

Acquisition of a TIMS for Expanding Applications at the University of Houston
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo($335,000), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Geochemistry And Archeology, Core Facility, Human Societies, Isotope Ratios, Chemical, Mantle, Mass, Melts, Region, Surface, TIMS.

CAREER: Experimental Investigation of the Transport Properties of Sulfide Melts at Upper Mantle Conditions
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Anne Pommier($593,079), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Chemistry And Redox, Diego Unified School, Molten Iron Sulfides, San Diego Unified, Unified School District, Education Initiative, Redox Conditions, Sulfide Melts, Transport Properties, Upper Mantle, Anomalies, Depth, Designed, Earth, Experimental, Geophysical, IW, Inside, Interconnectivity, Interior, K-, Metal, Mobility, Observations, Outcomes, Planets, Range, SDUSD, Students.

Development of a Simplified Cavity Thermal Ionization Source for Geoscience Applications
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jesse Reimink($177,199), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Cavity Ion Sources, Cavity Thermal Ion, Chemical And Isotopic, Thermal Ionization Mass, 10-50 Times, Ionization Efficiencies, Ionization Efficiency, Isotope Ratio, Isotopic Composition, Mass Spectrometer, Mass Spectrometers, Allow, Analyses, Analyzed, Applied, Basic, Cleanliness, Commercial, Conventional, Critical, Enhanced, Existing, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Instrument, Instrumentation, Instruments, Magnitude, Precision, Processes, Sensitivity, Similar, Simplicity, Sizes, Surface, TIMS, Tracing, Variety, Wide, Widely.

Development of Technique: Systematically measuring the cosmogenic 26Al/10Be production ratio at a variety of altitudes and latitudes
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Paul R Bierman($112,053), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: 26al10be Ratio, 26al10be Surface, Burial Ages, Widely Applied, Albe, Altitude, Broader, Dating, Exposure, Has, Latitude, Measured, Models, Past, Student, Suggest, Two-isotope, Value.

Acquisition of a Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging Microscope at LDEO
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Terry A Plank($208,362), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Water And Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Ir Imaging, Magma Ascent, Water Zonation, Zonation Profiles, Acquisition, Crystal, Crystals, Defects, Faculty, History, Instrument, Mantle, Minerals, Rate, Regional, Specific, Students, Volatile, Volcanic.

Laboratory Technician Support: National sample preparation facility for broadening participation, research, and hands-on research training in cosmogenic nuclide studies
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Paul R Bierman($629,425), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Cosmogenic Nuclide, Access, Approach, Broader, Clean, Directly, Facility, Faculty, Geoscience, Hands-on, Has, Increasing, Intellectual, Isotopic, Lab, Laboratory, Methods, Minority, National, Outreach, Participation, Preparation, Processing, Program, Rapidly, Seed, Serving, State-of-the-art, Students, Training.

Collaborative Research: Integrated He-CO2-N2 Isotope and Petrologic Study of Volatiles Cycling via the New Zealand Subduction System
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Paterno R Castillo($376,413), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Mass Balance, North Island, Atmosphere, Characteristics, Combination, Constrained, Cycling, Deeper, Earth, Fluxes, Hikurangi, Input, Localities, Mantle, Ocean, Output, Plate, Processes, Returned, Site, Slab, Subducted, Subduction, Surface, Tectonic, Temperature, Versus, Volatile, Volatiles, Water, Zone.

Collaborative Research: The Tumalo Volcanic Center - Probing the Origin of Explosive Pleistocene Silicic Volcanism in Central Oregon
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Adam Kent($336,116), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Erik Klemetti($117,238), Denison University, Granville
Key terms: Central Oregon Cascades, Explosive Eruptions, Explosive Volcanism, Volcanic Hazards, Detailed, Estimates, Field, Formation, Geochemical, Has, Likelihood, Magma, Magmas, Modern, North, Petrological, Processes, Range, Renewed, Silicic, Students, TVC, Undergraduate, Volcanoes.

Structural evolution of the Atacama fault system, northern Chile: Insights into rheology and strain in a magmatic arc during oblique convergence
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. John S Singleton($308,743), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Catolica De Chile, Magmatism And Deformation, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Universidad Catolica De, Atacama Fault, Geologic Mapping, Oblique Convergence, Analysis, Andean, Brittle-plastic, Collaboration, Colorado, Critical, Deposits, Development, Economic, Field, Geochronology, Magmatic, Magnitude, Mesozoic, Plate, Program, Rate, Rheology, Slip, Structures, Students, Tectonic, Timing.

REU Site: Basic and Environmental Soil Science Training (BESST)
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Joshua L Heitman($402,674), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Basic And Environmental, Besst Reu, Environmental Soil, Reu Site, Student Recruitment, Activities, Agriculture, Critically, Diverse, Emphasis, Experience, Geoscience, Opportunities, Pool, Program, Soils, Specific, Students, Topics, Trained, Training, Undergraduate, Water.

Investigating Geobiological Feedbacks During the Evolution of Acidophilic Microorganisms
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Integrtv Ecological Physiology

1. Daniel R Colman($371,714), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Acidic Hot Spring, Complexity Acidic Ecosystems, Hot Spring Habitats, Low Complexity Acidic, National And International, Acidic Habitats, Complex Ecosystems, Coupled Evolution, Environmental Health, Geobiological Feedbacks, Geochemical Cycles, International Conferences, Journal Articles, Sulfur Oxidation, Animal, Applicable, Billion, Biological, Biosphere, Boosting, Co-evolution, Complete, Continue, Continuum, Development, Disseminated, Diversification, Diversity, Driven, Environments, Functional, Generation, Geological, Geosciences, Geosphere, Indicates, Influence, Inhabitants, Interactions, Kinetics, Life, Lineages, Link, Metabolic, Microbial, Microorganisms, Nature, Near, Oxygen, Oxygen-dependent, Past, Plant, Postdocs, Presentations, Processes, Students, Submission, Thermoacidophiles, Thermoacidophilic, Time, Tools, Was.

MRI: Acquisition of a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Studies of the Formation and Evolution of the Solid Earth
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Richard W Carlson($512,231), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Formation And Evolution, Ionization Mass Spectrometer, Scientists And Students, Thermal Ionization Mass, Ionization Mass, Allow, DTM, Expand, Generation, Geology, Instrument, Isotope, Isotopic, Processes, Programs, Techniques, Training.

MRI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Vacuum Spectrometer
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Stanley A Mertzman($255,134), Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster
Key terms: Franklin And Marshall, Geology And Chemistry, State-of-the-art X-ray Fluorescence, State-of-the-art X-ray, Undergraduate Classes, Vacuum Spectrometer, X-ray Fluorescence, Xrf Instrument, Xrf Instruments, Acquisition, Applications, Benefit, Chemical, Geological, Rock, Senior, Solid, Tube.

MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS and EBSD Capabilities to Enhance Teaching and Research at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Jonathan Warnock($425,829), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute, Indiana
Key terms: Faculty And Students, Scanning Electron Microscopes, Undergraduate And Graduate, Graduate Students, Local Industries, Western Pennsylvania, Analyzing, Capabilities, Characterizing, Crystallization, Dispersive, EDS, Enhance, IUP, Image, Immediately, Indiana, Instrument, Interaction, Modern, Objects, Productivity, Purchase, Region, Regional, SEM, SEM-EDS, Sems, Technology, Tool, Training.

MRI: Acquisition of an electron microprobe at the American Museum of Natural History
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Adrian Fiege($980,000), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: York City, AMNH, Analyses, CU, CUNY, EPMA, Education, Geoscience, Instrument, Museum, Probe, Programs, Public, Students, Undergraduates.

MRI: Acquisition of a Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope at Carleton College
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Anne Gothmann($437,589), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Carleton And Nearby, Carleton And St, Faculty And Students, Growing Environmental Studies, San Andreas Fault, Scanning Electron Microscope, Air Pollution, Chemical Products, Faults Similar, Nearby St, Sem Facility, Western North, Activities, Alaska, Allow, California, Chemistry, Collaboration, Complex, Continue, Courses, Equipment, Generation, History, Instrument, Olaf, Training, Undergraduate.

MRI: Acquisition of a laser scanning robotic total station with differential GPS capability
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Ryan Perroy($135,944), University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo
Key terms: Differential Gps Capability, Laser Scanning Robotic, Existing Instrumentation, Positional Accuracy, Unmanned Aerial, Acquisition, Allow, Collection, Current, Datasets, Dense, Environmental, Fine-scale, Geomorphology, Hawaii, Landscape, Resolution, Rise, Spatial, Survey-grade, Three-dimensional.

MRI: Acquisition of a Powder X-Ray Diffractometer for Research and Research Training at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Brett T McLaurin($129,192), COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Bloomsburg
Key terms: Asbestiform Minerals, Allow, Analysis, Characterization, Coal, Complex, Deposit, Development, Economic, Environmental, Essential, Facilities, Fibers, Has, Health, Heavy, Industry, Instrument, Lead, Mining, Nevada, PXRD, Pennsylvania, Potential, Risk, Rock, Students, Training, Wyoming, X-ray.

MRI: Acquisition of a gamma-ray spectrometer for surface-process and ocean research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Jane Willenbring($118,947), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Short-lived Beryllium, Acquisition, Instrument, Interdisciplinary, Mobility, Nsf-funded, Pollutant, Radionuclide, Sediment, Short-lived, Student.

MRI: Acquisition of a Hyperspectral Field Spectroradiometer to Enable Interdisciplinary Research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Mark Sherrard($77,601), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Key terms: Hyperspectral Imaging, Remote Sensing, Accurate, Core, Device, Enable, Environment, Faculty, Field, Fieldspec, Instrument, Interdisciplinary, Knowledge, Laboratory, Quality, Spectral, Students, Teaching, Training, Undergraduate.

MRI: Acquisition of X-Ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Mineralogical Research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Ryan Portner($144,158), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Deep-sea Cores Collected, Powder X-ray Diffractometer, Deep-sea Cores, Hydrothermal Black, Monterey Bay, Powder X-ray, X-ray Diffractometer, Analyses, California, Instrument, Mineralogic, Ocean, Rise, Surrounding, Tool.

CSEDI Collaborative Research: Understanding the origins of MORB geochemical heterogeneity using constraints from seismic tomography and geodynamic modeling
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Barbara A Romanowicz($98,839), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Maxwell Rudolph($381,401), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Mid Ocean Ridges, Chemical Composition, Flow History, Mantle Structure, Ocean Basins, Seismic Tomography, Spreading Centers, Earth, Examines, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Global, Has, MORB, Models, Progress, Seismology, Surface, Temperature, Wavelengths.

Travel Support for student participation at the 2018 Electron Backscatter Diffraction Topical Conference
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Materials Eng. & Processing

1. Emmanuelle A Marquis($20,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Deformation Mechanisms, Advanced, Conference, EBSD, Geological, Participation, Tutorials.

Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Interactions Between the East Asian Monsoon and Westerly Jet at Multiple Timescales via the Flux and Provenance of Eolian and Fluvial Supply
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2014; Program: OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAM

1. Richard W Murray($237,774), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Chemical And Isotopic, East Asian Climate, East Asian Monsoon, East China Sea, Eolian And Fluvial, Globally Critical Region, Intensity And Distribution, Japan Seaeast Sea, Monsoon And Westerly, National And International, Reflecting Precipitation Intensity, Reflecting Westerly Jet, Sea And East, Seasonality And Intensity, Sensitivity And Behavior, Undergraduate And Graduate, Westerly Jet Behavior, Build Robust, Climate Sensitivity, Climatic Sensitivity, Directly Contributes, Funding Resources, Graduate Education, Heretofore Unrealized, Interior China, International Collaborators, Iodp Expedition, Isotopic Tracers, Multiple Timescales, Precipitation Seasonality, Reconstructing Interactions, Time Intervals, World's Population, Yangtze River, Abstract, Beyond, Continuous, Delivered, Dust, Expeditions, Inputs, Internationally, Involves, Leverages, Party, Relevance, Scanning, Sediment, Seeks, Signal, Spanning, Terrigenous, Title, Volcanic, Wind, Worlds, XRF, Yield.

RAPID: Evaluation of Changes to Soil Hydrologic Properties in Response to Wildfire in a Semi-arid Sagebrush Steppe Environment with Abandoned Mine Pollution ? Perry Canyon, NV
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: PREEVENTS - Prediction of and

1. Ronald Breitmeyer($31,452), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Hydraulic Conductivity, Perry Canyon, AML, Collect, Field, Fire, Has, Infiltrometers, Laboratory, Methods, NV, Performed, Post-fire, Recovery, Retention, Soil, Soil-water, Testing.

Collaborative Research: Understanding lithospheric structure and deformation in Alaska via integration of seismic imaging and geodynamic modeling
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: PREEVENTS - Prediction of and

1. Colleen A Dalton($421,302), Brown University, Providence
2. Lucy Flesch($16,352), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: 3d Geodynamic Modeling, Brown And Purdue, Crust And Mantle, Earthscope Transportable Array, Lithosphere And Underlying, Nsf Earthscope Transportable, Observed Surface Deformation, Upper Plate Deformation, Viscosity And Density, Yakutat Terrane Subduction, 3d Geodynamic, Azimuthal Anisotropy, Body Waves, Plate Lithosphere, Plate Properties, Seismic Structure, Shear Velocity, Southern Alaska, Surface Motion, Terrane Subduction, Underlying Asthenosphere, Base, Beneath, Bounds, Constraints, Contribute, Denali, Drive, Earthquakes, Education, Faults, Forces, Graduate, Incorporated, Interior, Measured, Models, Mountain, North, Particular, Plates, Rates, Rayleigh, Rheology, Students, Tectonic, Undergraduate, Uplift, Velocities, Volcanic.

Volatile budget of Yellowstone magmas: investigating eruptive triggers and environmental effects of the largest explosive eruptions on earth
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Thomas Benson($0), Benson Thomas, New York
Key terms: Electron Microprobe, Analysis, Assess, Atmosphere, Concentrations, Effects, Eruption, FTIR, Inclusions, Investigation, Local, Lost, Magmas, Outreach, Phenocrysts, Quantify, SIMS, Volatile, Yellowstone.

Collaborative Research: Reframing Notions of Wet vs. Dry Subduction: The Search for a Deep Fluid Signature in Subducted Continental Crust Using Coupled O, B, and Fe Isotopes
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Catherine A Macris($248,384), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Carrie A Menold($75,113), Albion College, Albion
Key terms: Continental Crust, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Tso Morari, Boron, Deep, Earthquakes, Exhumed, Fluid, Fluids, Iron, Isotopic, Mass, Metasomatism, Nature, Proxies, Rock, Studying, Subducted, UHP.

Collaborative Research: The Zirconium Isotope Composition and Variability of the Silicate Earth -- A Pilot Study
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia($309,532), University of Rochester, Rochester
2. Francois Tissot($93,475), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Accessory Minerals, Geologic Time, Geological Environments, Isotopic Composition, Zirconium Isotopic, Baddeleyite, Crust, Earth, Evolution, Explore, Isotopes, Past, Planet, Rock, Silicate, Stable, Standard, Terrestrial, Zr.

Collaborative Research: How are Rhyolites Generated? Evaluating Models for the Volcanic-plutonic Connection in the Searchlight Magmatic System, Nevada
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Brian Monteleone($170,305), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Blair Schoene($328,736), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Shed Light, Ancient, Conditions, Crust, Earth, Eruption, Geochemical, Magma, Magmatic, Princeton, Processes, Source, Timescales, Volcano, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Exploring the Magmatic, Crustal, and Conduit Conditions Required for Mafic, Plinian Volcanism
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Michael Manga($34,984), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Virginia Dorsey Wanless($533,556), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Km3 Dre, Mafic Eruptions, Plinian Eruptions, Ash, BSU, Centers, Chile, Conditions, Discovery, Experiments, Explosive, Explosivity, Field, Flows, Gas, Implications, Ka, Large-volume, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Methods, Processes, Promote, Promoting, Rheology, Students, Videos, Volcanic, Volcano.

Investigation of Secondary Water in Volcanic Glass and its Isotopic Signatures
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Ilya N Bindeman($329,956), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Crater Lake, Escape Pipes, Isotopic Trends, Triple Oxygen, Volcanic Glass, Alteration, Collaboration, Combination, Conditions, Cooling, Emplacement, Exchange, Experimental, Experiments, Formed, Fractionation, Fumarole, Geological, Glacial, Hydrates, Hydration, Hydrogen, Inform, Interglacial, Isotope, Isotopes, Meteoric, Methods, Model, Natural, Newly, Oregon, Parameters, Profiles, Promote, Silicic, Stable, Targeting, Time, Water.

Collaborative Research: The Onset of the Galapagos Plume as a Window Into the Deep Earth
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Glenn A Gaetani($142,916), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Esteban Gazel($332,113), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Galapagos Plume, Mass Extinctions, Comprising, Cornell, Crust, Deep, Domains, Effect, Effects, Eruption, Evolution, LIP, Lips, Magmas, Mantle, Onset, Oxidation, Planet, Potential, Primordial, Recycling, Surface, Temperatures, Volatile, Volatiles.

Spatial Distribution, Longevity, and Evolution of Giant Magma Bodies: Tapping the Record in Crystal-rich Supereruptions
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Guilherme Gualda($420,345), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Eruptible Magma, Feed Supereruptions, Magma Bodies, Shallow Crust, Crystal-rich, Deposits, Distribution, Eruption, Evolution, Extracted, Geobarometry, Graduate, Has, Information, Magmas, Main, Participation, Processes, Students, Vanderbilt.

Collaborative Research: Tracking the Exsolution and Migration of Volatiles in Shallow Magma Reservoirs
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Christian Huber($274,219), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Complex Magmatic Fluids, Magma Bodies, Magma Reservoirs, Magmatic Volatiles, Behavior, Dynamics, Eruption, Exsolution, Field, Gap, Knowledge, Lack, Magmas, Migration, Models, Pis, Shallow, Solubility, Under-represented.

Southernmost Patagonia: The Connection Between Magmatism, Subduction Zone, Slab Window and Sub-continental Mantle Lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Alberto E Saal($316,348), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Earth's Interior, Earth's Mantle, Mantle Xenoliths, Southern Patagonia, Volatile Contents, Basalts, Brown, Composition, Constraints, Distribution, Geochemical, Importance, Lavas, Lectures, Magma, Melting, Plate, Region, Seismic, Surface, Tectonic, Temperature, Volatiles.

Collaborative Research: Record of UHP Terrain Exhumation Preserved in Shear Zones of the Western Gneiss Region (Norway)
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Stacia Gordon($220,375), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Rates And Mechanisms, Western Gneiss Region, Plate Tectonics, Shear Zones, Teaching Module, Uhp Rocks, Uhp Terranes, Activities, Based, Collections, Conditions, Continent, Crust, Depths, Earth, Education, Exhumation, Exhumed, Field, Minerals, Norway, P-t-t-d, Path, Poorly, Process, Processes, Progressive, Reactive, Students, Subduction, Surface.

Multicomponent Diffusion in Natural Silicate Melts
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Youxue Zhang($432,149), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Explosive Volcanic Eruptions, Igneous Rock Formation, Natural Silicate Melts, Crystal Growth, Diffusion Behavior, Diffusion Matrix, Diffusion Plays, Low Concentration, Oxide Components, Random Motion, Uphill Diffusion, Applied, Complicated, Compositions, Dissolution, Effect, Experiments, Inhomogeneity, Magma, Meaning, Mineral, Molecules, Multicomponent, Process, Processes, Profiles, Transfer, Variety.

The Chemistry of Aqueous Carbonic Fluids in Subduction
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Evan H Abramson($393,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Pressures And Temperatures, Water And Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Determined Visually, Diamond-anvil Cell, Carbonate, Chemical, Co-existing, Degree, Diamond-anvil, Dissolve, Exist, Extent, Fluid, Fluids, High-pressure, Homogeneous, Knowledge, Loaded, Minerals, Nature, Perspective, Reactions, Solubility, Solution, Solvents, Species, Undergo, Various.

Using Barium Isotopes to Investigate the Origin of Fluids in Subduction Zones
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tristan Horner($550,651), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Arc Lavas, Ba Isotopes, Oceanic Crust, Subducted Slab, Subduction Zones, Ultimate Source, AOC, Chemical, Components, Critical, Deep, Displays, Evidence, Fluid, Fluids, Geochemical, Investigate, Isotopic, Main, Melange, Melting, Model, Models, Released, Sediment, Sediments, Structure, Surface, Tools, Transport, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Refining Geothermobarometry in Pyroxenes using In Situ Measurements of Fe3+
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Molly McCanta($146,000), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
2. Melinda D Dyar($172,000), Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley
Key terms: Calibrations, Crystal, Has, Mineral, Minerals, Orientation, Oxygen, Potential, Pyroxene, Spectroscopy.

Collaborative Research: Sulfur Isotope Systematics and Oxygen Fugacity Evolution in the 1257 Samalas Magma Reservoir, Indonesia
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Rita Economos($260,276), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
2. Marc-Antoine Longpre($183,140), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
3. Adrian Fiege($11,515), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Eruptible Sulfur, Behavior, Enrichment, Environmental, Eruption, Glasses, Global, Isotope, Magma, Magmatic, Minerals, Mt, Participants, Processes, Redox, Samalas, Valence, Volcanic.

Sulfur Isotopic Evidence on the Age of Recycled Surface Material in the Tristan-Gough Plume Source
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Cornelia Class($270,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Archean Age, Core-mantle Boundary, Mantle Plume, Mantle Plumes, Plume Sources, Recycled Surface, Sulfur Isotopes, Tristan-gough Plume, Volcanic Rock, Ago, Atmosphere, Basalts, Billion, Component, Compositions, Core-mantle, Deep, Evolution, Flood, Formation, Formed, Has, Island, Measured, Ocean, Oceanic, Pitcairn, Previous, Province, Similar, South, Time, Traveled, Tristan-gough, Was.

Collaborative Research: Characterizing and Modeling Crustal Recycling
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mark D Behn($7,388), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Crustal Sections, Earth's Crust, Calculated, Composition, Compositions, Deep, Evolution, Has, Processes, Properties, Recycling.

2018 Geochemistry of Minerals GRC/GRS: Waterville Valley, NH, August 4-5, 2018
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Adam C Simon($20,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Early-career Scientists, Mineral Resources, Ore Deposits, Concerning, Early-career, Environments, Field, Future, GRC, GRS, Geochemistry, Gordon, Mineralizing, Processes, Sessions.

The Origin and Survival of Chemical Heterogeneities in the Earth's Mantle
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Igor Puchtel($306,456), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Magma Ocean Crystallization, Origin And Temporal, Crustal Recycling, Earth's Mantle, Late Accretion, Temporal Evolution, Western Australia, Aimed, Archean, Assess, Billion, Chemical, Differentiation, Effort, Especially, Existing, Expected, Formation, Ga, Has, Heterogeneities, History, Isotope, Isotopic, Komatiite, Mass-spectrometry, Nature, Planet, Primordial, Processes, Rock, Selected, Terrestrial, Trace.

Layered Intrusion-Footwall Hydrothermal Interactions - An Analog For Subduction Zone Hydrothermal Sytems
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. A. E Boudreau($250,449), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Hydrothermal Features, Overlying Mantle, Pegmatoidal Bodies, Stillwater Complex, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Underlying Rocks, Composition, Country, Critical, Degree, Deposits, Explosive, Fluid, Fluids, Formation, Has, Igneous, Intrusion, Involved, Magmatic, Models, Ore, Rigid, Veins, Volcanism.

The Interaction of Pyroclastic Density Currents with the Atmosphere & Landscapes: Integrating Experiments and Computational Approaches for Validation & Examination of Entra
Award Effective Date: 05/16/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Josef Dufek($171,916), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Entrainment And Erosion, Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Simulation, Particle Concentration, Atmosphere, Capacity, Current, Currents, Dangerous, Density, Evolving, Experiments, Internal, Models, Observation, PDC, People, Processes, Range, Relate, Simulations.

CAREER:Developing a Consensual Validation and Benchmarking Procedure for Pyroclastic Density Current (PDC) Hazard Models
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Sylvain Charbonnier($428,764), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Flow Hazard Assessment, Hazard Assessment Studies, Validation And Benchmarking, Volcanic Flow Hazard, Computational Modeling, Drive Future, Numerical Models, Based, Basis, Broader, Developing, Dynamics, Experimental, Experiments, Field, Framework, Geoscience, Increasing, Laboratory, Literacy, PDC, Pdcs, Physicalsedimentological, Potential, Process, Serve, Theories, Tools.

Phase Relations Between Silicate Melts and Crustal Brines
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Dionysios I Foustoukos($185,943), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Co2 Solubility, Coexisting Phases, Melt Polymerization, Phase Relations, Saline Fluids, Silicate Melts, Subduction Zones, Aqueous, C-O-H, Chemical, Crust, Diamond, Dissolved, Earth, Effect, Experimental, Experiments, GMU, In-situ, Life, Magmatic, Mantle, Melt-fluid, Processes, Properties, Public, Real-time, Shallow, Students, Transport, Volatiles.

NSFGEO-NERC: Physical and Chemical Constraints on Large-volume Pyroclastic Blasts: The Campanian Ignimbrite Eruption, Italy
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Michael H Ort($290,655), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Pyroclastic Density Currents, Campanian Ignimbrite, Hydrothermal Fluids, Air, Amount, CI, Define, Emplacement, Erupted, Eruption, Gas, Graduate, Hazards, Magma, Magmatic, Mobility, Models, Naples, Potential, Rates, Sources, Students, Temperature, Vent, Volatile, Volcanic, Water.

Near-fractional Melting of Pyroxenite: Experimental Investigations and Applications to Basalt Petrogenesis
Award Effective Date: 03/19/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Sarah Lambart($77,537), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Batch Melting, Forward Models, Heterogeneous Mantle, Mantle Plumes, Melting Behavior, Melting Experiments, Near-fractional Melting, Plate Boundaries, Rock Types, Spreading Centers, Based, Beneath, Compositions, Crust, Cycle, Earth, Experimental, Found, Lithologies, Magmas, Nfractional, Pyroxenite, Quantify, Source, Surface, Thousands, Via.

Reconciling extrusion tectonics, rifting, and lithosphere-asthenosphere coupling models for the Central Highlands diffuse igneous province, Vietnam
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Caroline Burberry($413,437), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Tectonic And Mantle, Central Highlands, Tectonic Plates, Volcanic Activity, Assess, Collaboration, Complex, Driving, Dynamic, Dynamics, Eruption, Fault, Faulting, Field, Indochina, Isotope, Local, Microplate, Model, Motion, Origins, Planet, Processes, Public, Remain, STEM, Stress, Time, Upwelling, Vietnam, Volcanism.

Trace Element Crystal Growth Speedometry: Implications for Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Cin-Ty A Lee($348,482), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Crystal Growth Rates, Crystal Growth Speedometer, Growth Speedometer Based, Quantifying Crystal Growth, Mass Spectrometry, Art, Conditions, Crystallization, Disequilibrium, Equilibrium, Eruption, Has, Implications, Incompatible, Magma, Magmatic, Natural, Settings, Trace, Volcanic.

Chalcophile Element Geochemistry
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Roberta L Rudnick($138,655), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Upper Continental Crust, Mo Isotopes, Allow, Amount, Analyzing, Ancient, Atmosphere, Behavior, Cd, Chalcophile, Concentrations, Constraints, Diamictite, Earth, Formed, Ga, Granites, Low, Magmatic, Mantle, Molybdenite, Molybdenum, Oxygen, Relatively, Retention, Rock, Seeks, Sn, Subducted, Tl, UCC, Volatile, Was, Weathering.

Crystallographically-oriented Lamellae Phases in Garnet and Their Potential Use as Petrogenetic Indicators, Central Maine Terrane, Connecticut
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2018; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jay J Ague($313,316), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Lamellae Assemblages, Metamorphic Rocks, Mountain Belt, Subduction Zones, Amphibole, Apatite, Belts, Broadly, CT, Compositions, Conditions, Electron, Excess, Formation, Formed, Garnet, Garnets, Geologic, Ilmenite, Involving, Largest, Localities, Microprobe, Miles, Northeastern, Plate, Quartz, Region, Rutile, UHP, Yale.

Imaging the Yellowstone magmatic system with ambient noise and local earthquake waveforms
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Ross R Maguire($189,500), Maguire Ross R, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Seismic Imaging Techniques, Subsurface Beneath Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, Eruptive Potential, Yellowstone Supervolcano, Aim, Allow, Caldera, Crust, Eruption, Image, Insight, Magma, Magmatic, Melt, Model, Noise, Rich, Shear, Volcanic, Wavespeed.

EAR-PF: Using noble gas techniques to benchmark feldspar thermoluminescence (TL) thermochronology
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Nathan D Brown($174,000), Brown Nathan D, Los Angeles
Key terms: Feldspar Tl, Technique, Techniques, Thermochronology.

EAR-PF: Source or Sink? Hyporheic zone controls on the biogeochemical processing of arsenic in rivers impacted by acid mine drainage
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Nell E Hoagland($174,000), Hoagland Nell E, State College
Key terms: Acid Mine Drainage, Animas River, Colorado School, Hyporheic Zone, Stream Channel, Arsenic, Combination, Conceptual, Conditions, Environmental, Health, Hydrological, Microbial, Mines, Public, Redox, Release, Sediment, Spatial, Speciation, Students, Summer, Temporal, Timing, Total, Water.

EAR-PF: The Mechanics of Turbulence and Sediment Transport: Physically-Based Numerical Modeling of Flow, Sediment and Bed Evolution in the Bedrock Canyons
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Laura V Alvarez($174,000), Alvarez Laura V, Norman
Key terms: Entrainment And Deposition, Transport And Morphodynamic, Sediment Transport, Allow, Development, Dynamics, Education, Evolution, Flows, Fluid, Fluvial, Laboratory, Macro-turbulence, Model, Numerical, Reach, Resolving, River, Simulations, Three-dimensional, Turbulent, Velocity.

EAR-PF: The interaction between ductile shear zones and the seismogenic crust
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Kali L Allison($174,000), Allison Kali L, Stanford
Key terms: Ductile Shear Zone, Ductile Deformation, Earthquake Rupture, Grain Size, Lower Crust, San Andreas, Active, Brittle, Broad, Cycle, Deeper, Depth, Development, Education, Fault, Faults, Interaction, Intercontinental, Maryland, Microstructural, Model, Seismic, Shallow, Spatio-temporal, Strike-slip, Structure, Surface, Transition, Zones.

EAR-PF The contributions of composition and length-scale to the peak strength of the lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Kathryn M Kumamoto($174,000), Kumamoto Kathryn M, Stanford
Key terms: Flow Laws, Measure Water, Plate Tectonics, Water Content, Asthenosphere, Behavior, Clinopyroxene, Deformation, Education, Experiments, Interdisciplinary, Laboratory, Length-scale, Lithosphere, Mantle, Minerals, Models, Olivine, Orthopyroxene, Plates, School, Secondary, Seismogenic, Strength, Techniques.

Thermochronology at the nanoscale: delineating the challenges and opportunities in Pb isotope analysis of zircon by atom probe tomography
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Tyler B Blum($174,000), Blum Tyler B, Madison
Key terms: Structure And Chemistry, Trace Element-rich Clusters, Atom Probe, Beartooth Mountains, Earth's History, Element-rich Clusters, Formation Ages, Geologic Time, Mineral Structure, Thermal Histories, Trace Element-rich, Wisconsin Madison, APT, Analysis, Atomic, Controls, Crystallographic, Determination, Electron, Extract, Geological, Information, Instrumental, Limitations, Stability, Structural, USA, Unique, Zircon, Zircons.

Investigating the scales of sustainability in groundwater extraction
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Katherine H Markovich($174,000), Markovich Katherine H, Davis
Key terms: Age And Sustainability, Integrated Hydrologic Model, Spatial And Temporal, Age Tracers, Flow Path, Groundwater Age, Regional Aquifer, Tucson Extraction, Age-dating, Contributing, Distributions, Encountered, Estimate, Explore, Fraction, Has, Linking, Modeling, Recharge, Sophisticated, Water.

Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. David A Colwyn($174,000), Colwyn, David A., New Haven
Key terms: Magnitude And Mechanism, Abundant Lower-latitude, High-latitude Climate, Polar Amplification, South-central Alaska, Terrestrial Paleoclimate, Assess, Cenozoic, Colorado, Compared, Field, Has, High-latitude, Hydrology, Latitudes, Lower-latitude, Mechanisms, South-central, Temperature, Tested, Warming.

Support for 2018 International Union of Crystallography High Pressure Workshop: Honolulu, HI, July 29 - August 2, 2018
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Przemyslaw Dera($10,000), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Planetary Interiors, Single Crystal, Analysis, Generation, Minerals, Phenomena, Pressure, Processes, Properties, Training.

Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Barbara A Romanowicz($437,828), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Cross-disciplinary Education, Earth's Interior, Issue Deals, Broader, CIDER, Cohort, Cross-disciplinary, Disciplines, Hazards, Integrated, Levels, Processes, Program, Progress, Senior, Summer, Theme, Unsolved, Web.

CSEDI Collaborative Research: C-O-H Volatile Metasomatism in the Cratonic Mantle - Implications for Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Mainak Mookherjee($187,306), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Karen M Fischer($127,574), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Mantle Velocity Models, Sp And Ps, Co2-h2o Volatiles, Craton Formation, Cratonic Mantle, Experimental Petrology, Mid-lithospheric Depths, Mineral Assemblages, Mineral Phases, Mineral Physics, Partial Melts, Phase Equilibria, Velocity Models, Activities, CO-HO, Carbonate, Compared, Constrain, Continent, Cratons, Debated, Evolution, Experiments, Feature, Fluid, Fluidmelt, Function, Geophysical, Hydrous, MLD, Magma, Mantles, Mid-lithospheric, Mlds, Observations, Observed, Origins, P-T, Properties, Ratio, Remain, Scenarios, Seismic, Seismology, Solid, Stability, Stable, Students, Sub-disciplines, Surface, Thermoelastic, Updated, Widespread.

CSEDI: Alkaline-Earth Carbonate Melts at Deep Earth Conditions
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Aaron S Wolf($703,298), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Earth's Carbon Cycle, Carbonate Melting, Deep Mantle, Directly Control, Earth's Carbon, Long-term Component, Melting Behavior, Melting Properties, Alkaline, Analysis, Camgsrbaco, Carbonates, Conditions, Density, Dominant, Experimental, Experiments, Expertise, Extreme, Gpa, Long-term, Objectives, PT, Phases, Pressures, Statistical, Techniques, Theoretical, Thermodynamic, Variety.

Support for Beginning Investigators to Attend the 16th SEDI Symposium
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Michael I Bergman($24,000), Simon's Rock of Bard College, Great Barrington
Key terms: Earth's Deep Interior, Earth's Deep, Contribute, Core, Dynamics, Evolution, Interdisciplinary, International, Mantle, Meeting, SEDI, Structure, Surface.

Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical Fingerprinting of the Megatoothed ("Megalodon") Shark: A Dual Study in Thermophysiological Evolution and Seawater Chemistry
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Sora Kim($264,021), University of California - Merced, Merced
2. Kenshu Shimada($36,856), DePaul University, Chicago
3. Michael L Griffiths($257,595), William Paterson University, Wayne
4. Robert Eagle($72,430), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: 'clumped' Isotope, Body Temperatures, Shark Species, Under-represented Minority, Analysis, Behavior, Bioapatite, Blooded, Carbonate, Compare, Coupled, Extinction, Fossil, Geochemical, Isotopes, Megalodon, Million, Pliocene, Reconstruct, Seawater, Sharks, Students, Teeth, Under-represented.

Collaborative Research: Did the Formation of the Great Unconformity Trigger Oxygenation and the Cambrian Explosion?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Rebecca M Flowers($229,950), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Francis A Macdonald($91,191), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Zircon And Titanite, Cambrian Radiation, Gu Development, Thermal Histories, Advances, Constraints, Critical, Erosion, Formation, Global, Has, History, Life, Lifes, Models, Neoproterozoic, Occurred, Ocean, Oxygen, Oxygenation, Phosphorous, Rock, U-thhe, Unconformity, Viable, Was.

Plant-Insect Diversity, Paleobiology, and Paleobiogeography From Early Eocene Neotropical Forests
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Monica R Carvalho($101,828), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Eocene Hyperthermals, Northern Colombia, Northern South, Plant Fossil, Previously Undescribed, Tropical Rainforests, Advance, Composition, Forests, Increases, Intervals, Life, Long-term, Million, Rapid, Temperature, Training, Warming.

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Sensitivity of High-altitude Environments to Global Increased Temperature as Recorded by Lacustrine Microbialite Carbonates
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. William C Clyde($170,569), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Elizabeth J Trower($373,329), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sheep Pass Formation, Elevation Regions, Globally Warm, Stable Isotope, Age, Apply, Carbonate, Climate, Climates, Clumped, Creation, Datasets, Driving, Elevations, Environments, Eocene, Estimate, Estimates, Framework, Greenhouse, History, Hyperthermals, Information, Insight, Lacustrine, Lake, Lakes, Little, Mechanisms, Microbialite, Microbialites, Modern, Oil, Paleogene, Past, Potential, Rapid, Resources, Respond, Rock, SPF, Similar, Temperature, Terrestrial, Time, Times, Traditional, Warming, Was, Water, Western.

Collaborative Research: Calibrating the end-Ediacaran Extinction with U-Pb Geochronology & Chemostratigraphy at a New Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary Site in Namibia & South
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jahandar Ramezani($300,612), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Driving Mechanisms, Life Forms, Africa, Biotic, Cambrian, Ediacaran-cambrian, Environmental, Marine, Program, Rates.

Collaborative Research: Deglacial and Holocene Environmental Change in California's Headwaters: Insights from High-Resolution Sedimentary Records from Mono Lake
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Susan H Zimmerman($178,768), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
2. Michael McGlue($207,195), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Mono Lake, Well-dated Lake, Available, Climate, Cores, Droughts, Mechanisms, Produce, Terrestrial, West.

A 750,000-yr Leaf Wax Biomarker Record to Assess Environmental Change Across the Plio-Pleistocene Boundary in Tropical East Africa
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. James M Russell($302,472), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Middle-school Educational Modules, African Climate, African Environmental, Diverse Set, Global Climate, Human Evolution, Human Evolutionary, Middle-school Educational, Northern Hemisphere, Undergraduate Students, Ago, Analyses, Core, Graduate, Hominin, Million, Vegetation, Wax.

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Sensitivity of High-altitude Environments to Globally Warm Climate as Recorded by Lacustrine Microbialite Carbonates
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Carie M Frantz($110,594), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Sheep Pass Formation, Elevation Regions, Globally Warm, Stable Isotope, Age, Apply, Carbonate, Climate, Climates, Clumped, Creation, Datasets, Driving, Elevations, Environments, Eocene, Estimate, Estimates, Framework, Greenhouse, History, Hyperthermals, Information, Insight, Lacustrine, Lake, Lakes, Little, Mechanisms, Microbialite, Microbialites, Modern, Oil, Paleogene, Past, Potential, Rapid, Resources, Respond, Rock, SPF, Similar, Temperature, Terrestrial, Time, Times, Traditional, Warming, Was, Water, Western.

Collaborative Research: Testing Models of Calcite Microcrystal Diagenesis Through Experiments, Geochemistry, and Advanced Imaging
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Stephen E Kaczmarek($155,671), Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
2. Franciszek J Hasiuk($239,703), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Calcite Microcrystal, Calcite Microcrystals, Microcrystal Textures, Cementation, Diagenetic, Economic, Evolution, Experiments, Geochemical, Increasing, Manner, Micropores, People, Pores, Resources, Robust.

RUI: The Timing and Evolution of Devonian Fire Systems and Their Implications for Atmospheric Oxygen Concentration
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Robert A Gastaldo($231,571), Colby College, Waterville
Key terms: Fieldwork And Laboratory, Deep Time, Fossil Charcoal, Laboratory Techniques, Undergraduate Interns, Ago, Aims, Devonian, Engaged, Evidence, Evolution, Fire, Fires, Fuel, Global, Insights, Interval, Million, North, Oxygen, Plants, Po, Rock, Sedimentary, Source, Trained, Undergraduates, Was, Wildfires.

11th North American Paleontological Convention: Conference Support: Riverside, CA - June 23 to June 27, 2019
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Nigel C Hughes($25,000), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Field Trips, Activities, Broadening, Held, June, NAPC, Students, UCR, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: Calibrating the end-Ediacaran Extinction with U-Pb Geochronology & Chemostratigraphy at a New Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary Site in Namibia & South Africa
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Emily Smith($304,338), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Driving Mechanisms, Life Forms, Africa, Biotic, Cambrian, Ediacaran-cambrian, Environmental, Marine, Program, Rates.

CAREER: From Genes to Assemblages: Causes and Consequences of Spatiotemporal Population Variation Across Millennia in Small Mammals
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jessica Blois($782,449), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Ecological And Evolutionary, Broader Public, Climate, Deposits, Environmental, Evidence-based, Excavated, Findings, Future, Influence, Literacy, Long-term, Mammal, Middle, Niches, Outcomes, Past, Population-level, Populations, Spanning, Species, Structure, Time, Western.

RAPID: High-Fidelity 3-D Digitization of Paleocene Vertebrate Fossils from Colombia: A Unique Opportunity for Science and Education
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jonathan I Bloch($74,170), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: K-12 Lesson Plans, 3d Printed, Freely Available, Advances, Body, Colombia, Completion, Create, Estimated, FLMNH, Fossils, Future, Loan, Morphosource, Scans, Size, Titanoboa.

A Proposal for Travel Support for Students 20th International Sedimentological Congress Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 13-17 August 2018
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Howard E Harper($15,000), Society of Sedimentary Geology SEPM, Tulsa
Key terms: Sedimentary Geologists, Sedimentary Geology, Approaches, Collaboration, Disciplines, Field, Global, Held, ISC, International, Meeting, North, Opportunities, Presentations, Society, Stratigraphic, Students, World.

Support for students from underrepresented institutions and groups to attend the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference; August 12-17, 2018; Boston, MA
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Steven L Goldstein($15,000), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Attend International, Goldschmidt Conference, Talented Students, Degrees, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increase, Meetings, Participation, Phd, Pool, Programs, Resources, Underrepresented, Women.

Low Versus High Latitude Continental Climatic Effects of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province on the End Triassic Extinction Event
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Glenn Sharman($382,386), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Elliot Formation, Moenave Formation, Southern Africa, Biostratigraphic, Caused, Climatic, ETE, Earth, Extinction, Extinctions, Field, Fossils, National, Near, Skills, Species, Students, UA, UCT, UW, Vertebrate, Visit.

CAREER: Environmental Change and Extinction on the Mammoth Steppe
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jacquelyn Gill($793,815), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Age Virtual Reality, Ice Age Virtual, Habitat Loss, Land Bridge, Mammoth Steppe, Woolly Mammoths, Animals, Arctic, Beringia, Cooperative, Ecological, Education, Environmental, Experiences, Extinction, First-generation, Graduate, Grasslands, Grazers, Middle, Modern, Play, Reserve, Rural, School, Student, Students, Training, Warming.

Collaborative Research: Identifying Sediment Sources and Routing of Transcontinental Drainages During Intraplate Deformation
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Jeffrey M Rahl($98,929), Washington and Lee University, Lexington
2. Joel E Saylor($426,071), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Igneous Rocks, Mountain Ranges, Radiometric Dating, Stem Training, ARM, Basins, Continent, Continental-scale, Courses, Deltas, Developed, Development, Minerals, Re-establish, Rivers, Sandstones, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sources, Students, Time, U-thhe.

RUI: Comparing Age Selectivity in Modern Extinctions and the Fossil Record
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Steve C Wang($54,059), Swarthmore College, Swarthmore
Key terms: Modern And Fossil, Extinction Risk, Fossil Classes, Genus Age, Mass Extinctions, Modern Extinctions, Paleobiology Database, Ancient, Biodiversity, Compare.

Analytical Paleobiology Short Course
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Michal J Kowalewski($35,478), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Organizing Committee, Training Initiative, Training Program, Analytical, Effort, Future, Instructors, Paleobiology, Phd, Produce, Students.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Chronology and Ecology of Late Pleistocene Megafauna at Rancho La Brea
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Julie A Meachen($31,601), Des Moines University, West Des Moines
2. Larisa Grawe DeSantis($193,018), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
3. John R Southon($129,780), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
4. Frank R O'Keefe($44,670), Marshall University Research Corporation, Huntington
5. Emily Lindsey($22,730), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
6. Wendy J Binder($411,310), Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ice Age, Los Angeles, Tar Pits, Brea, Chronology, Critical, Environmental, Evolutionary, Extinct, Extinctions, Fossil, Humans, Mammals, Radiocarbon, Rancho, Species, Survival, Time.

Discerning Mechanisms of Environmental and Climatic Changes Associated with the Late Silurian (Ludfordian) Extinction Event
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Seth Young($292,923), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Late Silurian, Mass Extinction, Oxygen Levels, Analyses, Carbon, Concentrations, Detailed, Environmental, Geochemical, High-resolution, History, Interval, Marine, Oceanographic, Oceans, Redox, Sedimentary, Was.

CAREER: Environmental Drivers of Life History Variation in Coastal Ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Paul Harnik($588,826), Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster
Key terms: Life History Traits, Students And Teachers, Gulf Coast, Northern Gulf, Outreach Program, Resource Availability, School Students, Alabama, Bivalve, Coastal, Contemporary, Environmental, Historical, Investigate, Junior, Louisiana, Mexico, Modern, Populations, Primary, Public, Shells, Undergraduate.

Travel support for student and amateur participation in the 9th International Crustacean Congress, Washington DC, May 22-25, 2018
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Carrie E Schweitzer($11,032), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Student And Avocational, Avocational Scientists, Costs, Interaction, Meeting, Meetings.

Isotope Ecology and Paleoecology in East Africa in the Past 4 Ma
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Thure E Cerling($601,799), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Dietary Preferences, East Africa, Stable Isotopes, Tooth Morphology, Diets, Humans, Modern, Students, Time, Versus.

Collaborative Research: Mining Seismic Wavefields
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: Software Institutes

1. Egill Hauksson($32,999), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Gregory C Beroza($124,081), Stanford University, Stanford
3. Philip J Maechling($179,444), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
4. Zhigang Peng($63,468), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Adjacent Stations, Seismic Wavefields, Similarity Search, Approach, Based, Continuous, Dense, Detection, Development, Earthquake, Enable, Has, Impossible, Led, Methods, Process, Recording, Scalable, Seismological, Signals, Spatially, Techniques, Volumes, Waveform.

CAREER: Genome-enabled investigations into the mechanisms and ecological controls on selenium transformations by fungi
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Systems and Synthetic Biology

1. Cara M Santelli($855,665), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Selenate And Selenite, Genome-enabled Approach, Se Reduction, Se Speciation, Biogeochemical, Biological, Chemical, Compounds, Contribute, Division, Environmental, Fate, Fungal, Fungi, Genome-enabled, Health, Influence, Inform, Local, Mechanisms, Nature, Play, Processes, Products, Public, Selenium, Specific, Toxic, Transformation, Unresolved.

Collaborative Research: A four-dimensional view of deformation in the Eastern Alaska Range - where did the slip on the Denali fault go?
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Jeff Benowitz($100,484), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Sarah M Roeske($345,892), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Shortening And Thickening, Alaska Range, Crustal Shortening, Denali Fault, Oil Pipeline, Strike-slip Faulting, Strike-slip Motion, Suture Zone, Thrust Faulting, Thrust Faults, Combined, Component, Constraints, Depth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Geologic, Has, History, Horizontal, Investigated, Isotopic, Lateral, Long-lived, Main, Methods, Missing, Mountain, Past, Play, Potential, Previously, Region, Rock, Seismic, Seismometers, Strike-slip, Thermochronology, Time, Timing, Uplift, View.

Is there a Pangean suture zone in southeastern New England?
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Yvette D Kuiper($197,082), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Pangean Suture Zone, Sedimentary And Granitic, West African Fragment, West African Rocks, African Fragment, Atlantic Ocean, Avalon Terrane, Granitic Rocks, Rhode Island, Accepted, Ages, Ago, Americas, Appalachians, Avalonian, Billion, Boston, Breakup, Closed, Connecticut, Continent, Crust, England, Existing, Explored, Exposed, Formed, Grains, Has, Interpreted, Journal, Latitude, Line, Massachusetts, Microcontinents, Million, Paper, Purpose, South, Southeastern, Supercontinent, True, Zircon.

Collaborative research RUI: Timing of slip along the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone, California: A thermochronologic study
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Ann E Blythe($54,375), Occidental College, Los Angeles
2. Daniel F Stockli($235,427), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Jeffrey Lee($221,451), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
Key terms: Cenozoic Normal Fault, Forward And Inverse, Frontal Fault Zone, Inverse Thermokinematic-landscape Evolution, Late Cenozoic Normal, Late Mesozoic Followed, Nevada Frontal Fault, Normal Fault Slip, Southern Sierra Nevada, Cenozoic Normal, Normal Slip, Characterize, Decrease, Developing, Driving, Eastern, Elevation, Episode, Episodes, Escarpment, Faulting, Gained, Geodynamic, Geologic, Graduate, Histories, History, Impressive, Light, Long-standing, Low-temperature, Model, Pacific-north, Plate, Processes, Published, Rates, Structural, Students, Surface, Timing, Training, Undergraduate, Uplift.

Effects of preexisting and evolving weaknesses on the kinematic evolution of strike-slip restraining bends in the Eastern California shear zone
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. James A Spotila($297,943), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: California Shear Zone, Eastern California Shear, High-resolution Topography, Southern California, Strike-slip Faults, Activity, Advancing, Anisotropy, Barriers, Based, Bends, Boundary, Complex, Conceptual, Considers, Crust, Dating, Deformation, Directly, Discrepancy, Distributed, Documenting, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Enigmatic, Evolution, Evolving, Faulting, Future, Geologic, Hazards, High-resolution, Influence, Initial, Mapping, Measured, Motion, Offsets, Preexisting, Produced, Rates, Remainder, Rupture, Spatial, Strength, Strike-slip, Structural, Tectonic, Testing, Via, Weaknesses.

Are Remnants of the Tibetan Plateau Preserved in the Southern Himalayan Thrust Belt?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Peter G DeCelles($521,188), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Bhumichula Plateau Formed, Bp Formed, Low-elevation Surface, Western Nepal, Array, Attempt, Development, Diversity, Drainage, Eroding, Erosion, Features, Geological, Graduate, Has, Headward, High-elevation, Himalaya, Incised, Landscape, Larger, Low-elevation, Low-relief, Processes, Relief, STEM, Students, Surfaces, Tibet, Time, Topography, Training, Uplifted, Was.

How do viscosity contrasts affect patterns of deformation in multiphase rocks?
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. David L Kohlstedt($324,111), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Finite Shear Strains, Grain Size Decreases, Shear Stresses Ranging, Deformation Geometry, Internal Strain, Lattice Rotation, Localized Region, Microstructural Analyses, Region Decreases, Rotation Axes, Shear Zones, Strain Partitioning, Torsion Experiments, Amounts, Analysis, Compared, Conditions, Constant, Deformed, Development, Grains, Laboratory, Lithosphere, Mineral, Mpa, Phase, Phases, Plates, Public, Regions, Rock, STEM, Strength, Stronger, Tectonic, Two-phase, Weaker, X-.

Examining temperatures and microgeochemical processes on fault slip surfaces with synchrotron methods
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. James P Evans($187,363), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Fault Slip Surfaces, Mapping And Spectroscopy, Narrow Slip Surfaces, X-ray Fluorescence Mapping, Deformation Mechanisms, Deformed Rocks, Exhumed Faults, Fault Temperatures, Fault Zones, Fluid-rock Interactions, High-energy X-ray, Peak Fault, Seismic Slip, Slip Localization, Slip Temperatures, Undergraduate Students, X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Methods, Analyses, Based, Concepts, Conditions, Cored, Depth, Determining, Distribution, Earthquakes, Effects, Efforts, Evidence, Examination, Examine, Fault-related, Fluid-rock, Focused, Geochemical, Heat, Heating, High-energy, Lead, Microscopy, Optical, Physics, Processes, Range, Textures, Thermometry, Transformed, Transition, Typically, Weakening.

Field and microstructural investigation of strain localization processes, texture development, and the rheology of naturally deformed lower crust
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Seth C Kruckenberg($312,566), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Crystallographic Textures, Deep Crust, Deep Crustal, Deformational Behavior, Lower Crust, Polyphase Aggregates, Sea Level, Upper Mantle, Ability, Accurately, Aims, Analysis, Anisotropy, Conditions, Control, Development, Exposures, Field-based, Gabbro, Global, Heterogeneous, Integrated, Lithospheric, Methods, Microstructural, Minerals, Model, Offering, Olivine, Potential, Processes, Range, Remain, Rheologies, Rheology, Rock, STEM, Seismic, Strain, Structural, Tectonic, Tools, Viscous.

Collaborative Research: Permanent forearc strain partitioning in Northern Cascadia
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2018; Program: Tectonics

1. Christine A Regalla($345,291), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Kristin D Morell($285,581), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: British Columbia, Slip History, Vancouver Island, Active, Canada, Development, Earthquakes, Faults, Mapping, Plate, Policy, Quaternary, STEM, Slab, Societal, Students.

REU Site: Sustainable Land and Water Resources: A Community-Based Participatory Research Experience for Undergraduates
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: Tribal College & Univers Prog

1. Antony R Berthelote($637,401), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Students And Students, Community-based Participatory, Resource Management, Reu Site, Water Resources, Broader, CBPR, Developed, Diverse, Focused, Intellectual, Interdisciplinary, Knowledge, Mentoring, Mentors, Methods, Native, Paradigm, Participation, STEM, Tribal, Undergraduate, Underrepresented.

Integrating Geophysical and Geochemical Data to Understand the Hydration and Thermal State of the Colorado Plateau Lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Mary R Reid($304,824), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Seismic And Geochemical, Colorado Plateau, Continental Lithosphere, Mountain Building, Small-scale Convection, Tectonic Evolution, Amount, Beneath, Deformation, Density, Driving, Edges, Elevations, Exposures, Geophysical, Global, Has, History, Hot, Hydration, Influenced, Lithospheric, Mantle, Margin, Margins, Melt, Melting, Modeling, Modern, North, Processes, Region, Rock, Small-scale, Stable, Structure, Surface, Temperature, Thermodynamic, Time, Unusual, Uplift, Volcanism, Water, Western.

RAPID: Are short-lived storm surge events the key sources of long-term saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers impacted by tropical cyclone activity?
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Alex K Manda($45,039), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Hurricane Activity, Saltwater Intrusion, Storm Surge, Surface Water, Water Level, Carried, Decay, Depths, Groundwater, Has, Infiltration, Information, Loggers, Modeling, Months, Salinity, Soil, Solutes, Terrestrial.

RAPID: Acquisition of Critical Data for the Validation of Watershed Response Models in Eastern North Carolina
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Hannah Cooper($49,982), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Flood Inundation, Standing Water, Water Quality, Collected, Collection, Flooding, Floods, Hurricanes, Hydrology, Land, Management, Mapping, Models, Surface, Watershed.

Jura-Cretaceous Sinistral Displacement of Terranes Along the Northern Cordilleran Margin
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. George E Gehrels($237,138), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Geochronologic And Geochemical, British Columbia, Recognized Faults, Southward Motion, Accommodated, Alaska, Analyses, Arizona, Cretaceous, Detailed, Geologic, Involves, Late, North, Rock, Sets, Sinistral, Students, Suggest, Transport, Washington.

RAPID: Draining the landscape: Will the drop in stream and groundwater levels following dam removal increase the leaching/leakage of nitrogen (N) from riparian zones?
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Shreeram P Inamdar($49,945), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Following Dam Removal, Dam Removals, Riparian Soils, Riparian Zones, Stream Water, Water Quality, Act, Concentrations, Dams, Denitrification, Enhance, Filtering, Groundwater, Increase, Increasing, Leakage, Mineralization, Natural, Nitrification, Nitrogen, Rates, Removed, Service, Transects, Watershed, Wet.

MRI: Acquisition of a Noble Gas Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer for Geochronology and Geochemistry Research
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Alexis K Ault($1,055,666), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Mass Spectrometer, Noble Gases, Applications, Arizona, Dating, Enable, Environmental, Evolution, Experience, Facility, Fluids, Helium, Instruments, Laboratory, Minerals, Planetary, Students, Subsurface, Thermochronology, Variety.

Collaborative Research: Linking sediment dispersal, stratal architecture, and tectonic subsidence mechanisms in the Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jolante W Van Wijk($194,114), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Jennifer Aschoff($356,744), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
3. Joel E Saylor($437,582), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Crust And Basins, High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, Basin Architecture, Dynamic Subsidence, Flat Subduction, Forward Stratigraphic, Geodynamic Modelling, Geohistory Analysis, High-resolution Sequence, Isopach Maps, Loading Mechanisms, Oceanic Plateau, Relative Contributions, Sandstone Compositional, Sediment Source, Sediment Supply, Upper Crust, Broadening, Clarifying, Collaboration, Contributing, Cordilleran, Cretaceous, Detrital, Development, Discriminate, Discrimination, Effect, Efforts, Exhumation, Flexural, Foreland, Geochronology, Has, Increased, Investigation, Lithosphere-scale, Middle, Migration, Potential, Processes, Public, Rate, STEM, Students, Subcrustal, Thermochronology, Time, Transform.

EAGER SitS: Emergent Properties during Soil Formation
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Susan L Brantley($300,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Water Flow, Annual, Deployments, Interact, Knowledge, Measure, Nsf-funded, Observatory, Rock, Soil, Soils, Students, Subsurface, Techniques, Time.

Shock Wave Studies of Liquids in Earth's Core and Mantle
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Paul D Asimow($878,896), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Shock Wave Experiments, Heat Capacity, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Shock Temperature, Silicate Liquids, Sound Speed, Composition, Compression, Conditions, Constraint, Deep, Defines, Equation, Evolution, Experimental, Extreme, Fe, High-speed, Measure, Models, Molten, Physics, Pressure, Shocked, Structure, Time.

RCN: Community Network for Volcanic Eruption Response (CONVERSE)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Tobias P Fischer($310,154), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Volcanic Activity, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Unrest, Collection, Crust, Federal, Forecasting, Has, Hazards, Interdisciplinary, Life, Magma, Magmas, Models, Monitoring, Multi-disciplinary, Network, Observations, Processes, RCN, Regions, Volcano, Volcanoes.

EAGER SitS: Can remotely imaged vegetation characteristics provide a window into soil nutrient cycles?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Katharine Maher($299,820), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Remote Sensing Techniques, Vegetation And Soil, Plant Species, Soil Properties, Underlying Soil, AOP, Airborne, Carbon, Changing, Characteristics, Characterize, Chemical, Dataset, Division, Environmental, Forest, Management, Mapping, NEON, Nutrient, Paired, Quality, Reflectance, Repeat, Soils, Watershed.

Collaborative Research: Community Facility Support: Facilitating Access and Innovation through a Collaborative Organization for Rock Deformation (CORD)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Brian J Evans($279,921), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Reid F Cooper($271,164), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Experimental Rock Deformation, Rock Deformation Laboratories, Rock Deformation Studies, Broad User, Collaborative Organization, Dedicated Technical, Experimental Capabilities, Laboratory Technician, Massachusetts Institute, Visiting Scientists, Access, Broader, Brown, CORD, Collaboration, Consistent, Development, Effective, Equipment, Facilitate, Facilities, Increase, Insights, Jointly, Natural, Operation, Organizations, Presence, Primary, Resources, Safe, Staff, Technicians, Technology, Training, Users, Visitors.

Recognizing Signatures of Slow Slip in Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Pore Pressure Data
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Patrick Fulton($80,813), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Large-scale Slow Slip, Slow Slip Earthquakes, Continuous Positioning, Fault Slip, Groundwater Pressure, Large-scale Slow, Pore Pressure, Subduction Zone, Water Pressure, Aim, Borehole, Existing, Hydrogeologic, Monitoring, Potential, Seismic, Signatures, Sometimes, Suspected.

EAGER SitS: Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Peter M Shearer($294,424), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Biological Agents Play, Critical Zone, Soil Soundscapes, Animals, Biology, Disturbances, Ecological, Generation, Geomorphic, Has, Ignored, Interdisciplinary, Landscape, Monitoring, Movement, Observations, Processes, Public, Quantify, Reserve, Sediment, Seismic, Signals, Site, Soils, Surface, Training.

Collaborative Research: Filling in the Central Himalayan Seismic Gap: A Structural, Neotectonic, and Paleoseismic Investigation of the Western Nepal Fault System
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Michael A Murphy($249,369), University of Houston, Houston
2. Sean P Bemis($203,118), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Elaina J Sutley($371,053), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard, Updated Probabilistic Seismic, Western Nepal Fault, Active Fault, Himalayan Thrust, Mitigation Strategies, Splay Faults, Strain Partitioning, Tectonic Plate, Thrust Wedge, Accommodate, Accommodates, Analysis, Backarc, Beneath, Collection, Collision, Components, Constrain, Constraints, Convergence, Convergent, Discovered, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faulting, Gorkha, Kinematics, Main, Megathrust, Models, Motion, Northwest, Oblique, Observations, Paleoseismology, Participation, Primary, Public, Rate, Recommendations, Region, Regional, Risk, STEM, Slip, Strike-slip, Structural, Transfer, WNFS, Zones.

Disorder and Dynamics in Silicate and Aluminosilicate Liquids, Glasses and Crystals Relevant to Geochemical Processes: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jonathan F Stebbins($318,504), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Silicate Minerals, Accurate, Approach, Behavior, Chemical, Components, Continue, Details, Earth, Emphasis, Geological, Glasses, Magma, Magmas, Methods, Minor, Models, NMR, Natural, Nature, Pressure, Processes, Properties, Structure, Temperature.

CSEDI Collaborative Research: Understanding the nature of water transport between the transition zone and the lower mantle through the interdisciplinary studies
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Bijaya B Karki($138,000), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Shun-ichiro Karato($421,617), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Scattered Seismic Waves, 660-km Depth, Deep-mantle Conditions, Earth's Interior, Lower Mantle, Melt Density, Metallic Iron, Strong Evidence, Content, Convection, Deep-mantle, Has, Issues, Large-scale, MTZ, Melting, Minerals, Oceans, Range, Rock, Transport, Water.

Collaborative Research: Evaluating the contribution of crustal deformation to the present-day tectonics of convergent margins: the southern Cascadia forearc
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Eric Kirby($257,524), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Susan M Cashman($158,636), Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata
3. Kevin P Furlong($230,130), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Exhumation And Erosion, Mendocino Triple Junction, Sixth Grade Students, Crustal Deformation, Earth's Crust, Earthquake Hazards, Elementary School, Erosion Rates, Geodetic Observations, Hoopa Elementary, Late Cenozoic, Long-term Deformation, San Andreas, Southern Cascadia, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Deformation, Averaged, Boundary, Characteristics, Cosmogenic, Dating, Earthquakes, Faculty, Field, Forearc, Geologic, Isolating, Join, Long-term, Migratory, Movement, Observed, Plate, Processes, Region, Rock, STEM, Signal, Strain, Teachers, Time, Timescales, Uplift, Upper.

EAR-PF: Investigating the utility of cherts for constraining the long-term evolution of oxygen isotopes in the oceans
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Justin A Hayles($174,000), Hayles Justin A, Houston
Key terms: Oceanic Oxygen Isotope, Oxygen Isotope Composition, Oxygen Isotope Compositions, Ice Volume, Isotopic Composition, Marine Cherts, Constrain, Effects, History, Interactions, Oxygen-isotope, Phases, Rock, Seawater, Secular, Silica, Surface, Temperature, Timescales, Water.

Collaborative Research: Sustainability in the Food-Energy-Water nexus; integrated hydrologic modeling of tradeoffs between food and hydropower in large scale Chinese and US basins
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Reed M Maxwell($243,132), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Laura Condon($256,854), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Laura Condon($256,854), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Heihe River Basin, Planners And Scientists, Central Valley, Environmental Degradation, Groundwater Sustainability, K-12 Education, Real Classrooms, Water Users, Agricultural, Applied, Basins, Billions, California, China, Complex, Computer, Developing, Educate, Energy, Food, Generation, Globally, Human, Hydropower, Integrated, Irrigated, Irrigation, Managed, Modeling, Natural, Piloted, Seeks, Supply, Tools, Tradeoffs, USA.

RAPID: Collaborative: Geodetic and Seismic Observations of Volcanic Unrest at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Falk Amelung($4,866), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Peter LaFemina($2,846), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Geodetic Observations, Sierra Negra, Eruption, IG, Inflation, Magma, Network, Processes, Responds, Survey, Trapdoor, Unrest, Volcanoes.

Effect of Partial Melting on Elastic Properties of Rocks at Mantle Conditions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Matthew Whitaker($648,346), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Dynamic Melting Model, Elastic Properties, Partial Melting, Upper Mantle, Available, Chemistry, Crust, Current, Developed, Earth, Effect, Enable, Environments, Focus, Industrial, Media, Modulus, Pressure, Program, Rock, Seismic, Solid, Speed, Students, Studying, Synchrotron, Temperature, Tools, Useful, Yielding.

Collaborative Research: MexiDrill: Developing a 350,000 year record of climate and environmental change in tropical North America
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Peter J Fawcett($174,607), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Central Mexico, Hydrological Balance, Lake Chalco, Mexico City, Activity, Assessment, Basin, Biota, Climate, Critical, Detailed, Development, Global, Gt, History, ITCZ, Influence, Information, North, Ongoing, Past, Populated, Region, Sequence, Sites, Temperature, Tropical, Tropics, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Holocene glacier length variations along the spine of the American Cordilleras and their climatic significance
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Brent M Goehring($152,977), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. Shaun A Marcott($98,972), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Jeremy Shakun($78,559), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Current Glacier, Glacier Trends, Climate, Glaciers, Global, Holocene, Reconstruct, Retreat, Terminus, Warming.

NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: P2C2: MexiDrill: Developing a 350,000 year record of climate and environmental change in tropical North America
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Josef P Werne($365,330), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
2. Byron A Steinman($234,561), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Central Mexico, Hydrological Balance, Lake Chalco, Mexico City, Activity, Assessment, Basin, Biota, Climate, Critical, Detailed, Development, Global, Gt, History, ITCZ, Influence, Information, North, Ongoing, Past, Populated, Region, Sequence, Sites, Temperature, Tropical, Tropics, Volcanic.

INFEWS: US-China-Quantifying complex adaptive FEW systems with a coupled agent-based modeling framework
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Hongyi Li($499,891), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Energy And Food, Energy And Water, Modeling Framework, River Basins, Wrap-up Meeting, Challenges, China, Complex, Development, Disciplines, Engage, Fewsos, Food-energy-water, Gaps, Human, Hydro-agro-economic, Hydrologic, Interactions, International, Knowledge, Local, Module, Multiple, Nexus, Pis, Program, Sectors, Security, Stakeholders, Students, Wrap-up.

RAPID: Lethal pyroclastic density current (PDC) generation and transport at Fuego volcano
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Lizzette A Rodriguez($115,024), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Density And Vesicularity, Grain Size Distribution, Basaltic Volcanoes, Volcanoes Worldwide, Analysis, Caused, Characteristics, Characterize, Deposit, Deposits, Duration, Dynamics, Eruption, Etc, Field, Flow, Fuego, Future, Geochemical, Geophysical, Infer, Mapping, Models, Monitoring, PDC, Particular, Pdcs, Potential, Process, Propagation, RAPID, Similar, Source, Stratigraphy, Tephra, Volume.

NSFGEO-NERC: Latest Pleistocene-Holocene incremental slip record of the Kekerengu-Jordan fault system, northern South Island, New Zealand
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. James F Dolan($379,246), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Fault Slip Rates, Incremental Fault Slip, Temporal And Spatial, Time And Space, Collective Behavior, Damaging Earthquakes, Earthquake Physics, Fault Networks, Kaikoura Earthquake, Kekerengu-jordan Fault, Luminescence Dating, Marlborough Fault, Plate Boundary, Post-ir Irsl225, Regional Fault, Seismic Hazard, Advance, Analysis, Assessment, California, Collected, Comprehensive, Conjunction, Current, Expect, Faults, Has, Importance, Increased, Kekerengu-jordan, Limited, Model, Observations, Occurrence, Onshore, Paleo-earthquake, Phenomena, Plate-boundary, Post-ir, Release, STEM, Sets, Severely, Single, Sites, Society, Strain, Zealand.

Collaborative Research: Reevaluating precipitation extremes and flood hazard in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Edward Beighley($199,935), Northeastern University, Boston
2. Peter Van Hengstum($59,204), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Discharge Maxima, Exceedance Probability, Flood Hazard, Houston Metropolitan, Hurricane Harvey, Hydrologic Model, Southeast Texas, Allow, Assessments, Catastrophic, Climate, Extending, Flooding, Intervals, Land, Occurring, Precipitation, Risk, Span.

RAPID: Seismic deployment in response to the 2018 Kilauea Lower East Rift Zone eruption and summit explosions
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jamie M Farrell($48,510), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: East Rift Zone, Hawaii Volcanoes National, Kilauea Volcanic Activity, Lower East Rift, Volcanoes National Park, Dynamic Process, Kilauea Volcano, Array, Continuous, Deploy, Eruption, Experiment, Geophones, Island, Magma, Plan, Plumbing, RAPID, Seismic, Summit, Visitors.

Understanding Chromium Redox Systematics Mafic Magmas: Applications to Magmatic fO2 Calculations and Chromite Solubility
Award Effective Date: 06/04/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Aaron S Bell($104,494), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Layered Mafic Intrusions, Basaltic Magmas, Chemical Composition, Chromite Deposits, Chromite Stability, Cr Valence, Mafic Magmas, Olivine Crystals, Silicate Melt, Stratiform Chromite, Alloys, Aspect, Behavior, Chromium, Crystallization, Fo, Generated, Geochemical, Mexico, Oxidation, Quantify, Quantitative, Student, Variables, XANES.

Strombolian and Hawaiian Volcanism: Sub-second Parameterization of the Eruptive Dynamics of Explosions at Kilauea and Stromboli
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Bruce F Houghton($471,897), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Style And Intensity, Temporal And Spatial, Basaltic Explosive, Activity, Balance, Behavior, Cameras, Changing, Eruption, Exemplified, Explosions, Focuses, Future, Gas, Hawaii, Highly, Island, Italy, Kilauea, Knowledge, Links, Management, National, Popular, Public, Risk, Sustained, Transitions, Vent, Volcano, Volcanoes.

RAPID: Tracking magmatic and volcanic changes in the May 2018 Kilauea Eruption.
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Thomas Shea($119,821), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Flow Emplacement, Rift Zone, Analysis, Eruption, Excellent, Geochemical, Geophysical, HVO, Lava, Leading, Magmatic, Opportunity, Petrologic, Products, RAPID, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

RAPID: Increasing Capacity for Data Collection during the 2018 East Rift Eruption, Hawaii Island
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Ryan Perroy($51,621), University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo
Key terms: East Rift Zone, Thermal And Visible, Collection Campaigns, Lava Flow, Suas Platforms, Unique Opportunity, Ability, Activity, Affected, Capture, Capturing, Datasets, Equipment, Eruption, Evolution, Fissures, Future, Has, Imagery, Kilauea, Kilaueas, Objectives, Ongoing, Participating, Process, Resolution, Spatial, Suas-derived, Vents.

CAREER: Along-Strike Variation: A Comparative Study of Subduction Zones at Multiple Scales Using Joint Receiver Function and Tomographic Inversion
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Haiying Gao($613,001), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Mantle Flow, Seismic Features, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Undergraduate Students, Upper Mantle, Advanced, Aims, Along-strike, Characteristics, Control, Convection, Crust, Earthquakes, Education, FWT, Five, Influences, Magnitude, Models, Outreach, Plate, Plates, Processes, Properties, Public, Regional, Rfs, Segmentation, Structure, Teaching, Tectonic.

P2C2: Collaborative Research: New Estimates of Atmospheric pCO2 for the Paleocene-Eocene
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Amy E Bolton($796,955), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Fossil Ginkgo Leaves, Accurate Projections, Earth's Climate, Future Scenarios, Global Temperature, Greenhouse Gas, Modern Ginkgo, Stomatal Properties, Warm Climates, Ancient, Applied, Concentrations, Cultivated, Dense, Elevated, Estimates, Experimental, Geological, Paleo-pco, Past, Pco, Proxy, Refine, Sediments, Sensitivity, Societal, Substantially, Temporally, Terrestrial, Trees.

Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES): A Decadal Survey for NSF?s Division of Earth Sciences
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Deborah Glickson($1,251,154), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Priorities And Strategies, Coming Decade, National Academies, Nsf's Division, Advance, Board, CORES, Committee, Direct, EAR, Infrastructure, Investments, Nsfs, Planet, Policy, Processes, Range, Set, Shared.

CSEDI Collaborative Research: Carbon-Oxygen-Hydrogen Volatile Metasomatism in the Cratonic Mantle - Implications for Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Rajdeep Dasgupta($383,702), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Mantle Velocity Models, Sp And Ps, Co2-h2o Volatiles, Craton Formation, Cratonic Mantle, Experimental Petrology, Mid-lithospheric Depths, Mineral Assemblages, Mineral Phases, Mineral Physics, Partial Melts, Phase Equilibria, Velocity Models, Activities, CO-HO, Carbonate, Compared, Constrain, Continent, Cratons, Debated, Evolution, Experiments, Feature, Fluid, Fluidmelt, Function, Geophysical, Hydrous, MLD, Magma, Mantles, Mid-lithospheric, Mlds, Observations, Observed, Origins, P-T, Properties, Ratio, Remain, Scenarios, Seismic, Seismology, Solid, Stability, Stable, Students, Sub-disciplines, Surface, Thermoelastic, Updated, Widespread.

Collaborative Research: Measurement of Particle Aggregation in Laboratory-scale Flows for Improved Models of Volcanic Ash Fallout and Entrainment
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. John K Eaton($318,607), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Stephen A Solovitz($136,168), Washington State University, Pullman
3. Raul Cal($211,000), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Aggregation, Ash, Eruption, Fall, Flow, Forecasting, Models, Particles, Turbulence.

Collaborative Research: Determining the eco-hydrogeologic response of tropical glacierized watersheds to climate change: An integrated data-model approach
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Daniel E Stanton($395,163), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Li Li($151,658), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Jeff La Frenierre($210,873), Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter
Key terms: Future Water, Glacier Retreat, Mountainous Watersheds, Shed Light, Water Resources, Water Supply, Watershed Model, Accelerates, Discharge, Ecuadorian, Environmental, Facilitate, Glacierized, Glaciers, Groundwater, Hydrologic, Ice, Meltwater, Periods, Plants, Rapid, Regions, Volcán.

Improved process understanding of snow density and SWE across forested mountain landscapes from coordinated field observations and model analyses
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Mark S Raleigh($617,293), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Primary And Secondary, Snow Density Models, Field Investigations, Secondary Densification, Snow Depth, Snowpack Density, Advance, Compaction, Datasets, Effects, Forests, Increase, Landscape, Modeling, Mountain, Processes, SWE, Uncertainty, Water, Watersheds, Yield.

Does Overstepping of Garnet-producing Reactions Delay Devolatilization in Subduction zones? Insights From the Cycladic Blueschist Belt, Greece
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Frank S Spear($419,247), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Common, Conditions, Crust, Depths, Devolatilization, Earthquakes, Fluids, Garnet, Hazards, Involve, Mantle, Melting, Minerals, Pressure, Reactions, Release, Respect, Responsible, Significantly, Specific, Subducted, Subduction, Temperature.

Seismic Signatures of Inner Core Solidification
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Vernon F Cormier($342,449), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Earth's Inner Core, Inner Core Boundary, Earth's Inner, Elastic Anisotropy, Magnetic Field, Seismic Waves, Structure Beneath, Attenuation, Body, Imaging, Process, Solidification, Students, Surface.

CAREER: Advanced Subsurface Imaging Across USArray and Intermountain Seismic Belt Using Dense Seismic Arrays
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: nan

1. Fan-Chi Lin($674,460), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Velocity And Density, Volcanic And Earthquake, Yellowstone National Park, Ambient Noise, Graduate Education, Receiver Function, Salt Lake, Seismic Arrays, Surface Wave, Advance, Aims, Basin, Continent, Crust, Current, Generation, Hazards, Imaging, K-, Local, Methods, Models, Processes, Resolve, Respectively, Structure, Structures, Tectonic, Tomography, Usarray.