Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
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Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Aida E Sztein($25,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: 20th Inqua Congress, 20th Inqua, Fellowship Program, Travel Fellowships, Activities, Awardees, Cohort, Discuss, Foster, Graduate, Has, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, International, Mentoring, National, Opportunity, Participation, Quaternary, USNCINQUA.
1. Thomas S Tobin($259,706), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry, Mass Extinction Boundaries, Isotope Ratio, Acquired, Alabama, Analysis, Ancient, Carbonates, Climate, Earth, Facilitate, Formation, Has, IRMS, Independently, Instrument, Isotopic, Oxygen, Precipitated, Relatively, Sources, Students, Technique, Temperature, Water.
1. Scott W Tyler($1,050,523), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Chet Udell($1,324,870), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Distributed Temperature Sensing, Leverage 3-d Printing, Sensors And Micro-processors, Ubiquitous Wireless Communication, 3-d Printing, Contemporary Sensors, Dts Allows, Fiber Optic, Leverage 3-d, Mission Training, Unmanned Aircraft, Bottom, CUAHSI, Ctemps, Ctemps-opens, Development, Dissemination, Environmental, Equipment, Explore, Facility, Field, Flux, Formal, Groundwater, Hands-on, Hydrologic, Innovative, Lab, OSU, Observation, Planning, Resolution, River, Snow, Soil, Spatial, Suas, Successful, Technical, Temporal, Transformative, Users, Water, Workshops.
1. Nicole West($499,698), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Coordination Network, Critical Zone, Lower Boundary, Approaches, Critical-zone, Define, Early-career, Has, Human, Meetings, Models, People, Processes, Quantifying, RCN, Students, Time, Water.
1. Laura Toran($499,121), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Coordination Network, Critical Zone, Critical Zones, Czo Network, Silicate Minerals, Amounts, Bedrock, Carbonate, Critical-zone, Current, Findings, Integrate, Interactions, Knowledge, Objectives, Outcomes, Primary, Processes, Properties, Site, Water, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou($35,000), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Challenges And Opportunities, International Precipitation Conference, Scientists And Engineers, Discuss Challenges, Opportunities Facing, Training Workshops, Bring, Collaborations, Established, Future, Has, Predict, Water.
1. Jonathan M Aurnou($702,610), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Convection Experiments, Earth's Core, Outreach Efforts, Rotating Convection, Allow, Continue, Convective, Developing, Device, Dynamics, Fluid, Laboratory, Liquid, Models, Numerical, Occurring, Pis, Planetary, Polar, Quantify, Recently, Simulations, Students, Task, Turbulence, Turbulent.
1. Saugata Datta($370,892), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
2. Saugata Datta($293,482), Kansas State University, Manhattan
3. Meinhard B Cardenas($253,840), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
4. Peter Knappett($309,141), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Dissolved Arsenic, Graduate Students, Iron-arsenic Deposits, Meghna River, Periodic Forcing, Riverbank Sediment, Riverbank Sediments, Water Resources, Aquifers, Bangladesh, Conditions, Connected, Coupled, Driven, Dynamics, Fate, Field, Findings, Flow, Fluctuations, Geogenic, Groundwater, Has, Iron-arsenic, Knowledge, Levels, Minerals, Movement, PNRB, Pnrbs, Released, Rivers, Shallow, Similar, Tidal, Toxic, Transport, Trapped.
1. Alicia M Kinoshita($571,796), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Mass Balance Model, Spatial And Temporal, Streams And Rivers, Upland And Riparian, Detailed Images, Fire Movement, Following Fires, Fuel Loads, Non-native Vegetation, Predict Sediment, Remote Sensing, Riparian Vegetation, Riparian Zones, San Diego, Urban Streams, Water Quality, Activities, Conditions, Corridors, Document, Drought, Education, Educational, Erosion, Human-ignited, Hydrologic, Imagery, Incorporated, Increase, Interactions, Local, Non-native, Outreach, Post-fire, Processes, Public, Recovery, Soil.
1. Jeffrey T Freymueller($49,835), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Earthscope Synthesis, Multiple Synthesis, Plate Boundary, Alaska, Canada, Development, Geology, Has, Held, Papers, Participants, Sitka, Tectonic, Whitehorse, Workshop.
1. Jonathan Payne($420,110), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Graduate School, Oral Presentations, Surge Scholars, Undergraduate Students, Energy, Environmental, Experience, Faculty, Field, Opportunities, Program, Stanford, Workshops.
1. Cassandra M Smith($174,000), Smith, Cassandra Marie, Tampa
Key terms: Anak Krakatau, Ash Plumes, Plume Height, Rapid Characterization, Volcanic Ash, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Lightning, Volcanic Plumes, Aircraft, Alaska, Alaskan, Bogoslof, Differences, Enable, Globally, Has, Hazardous, Indonesia, Meteorological, Parameters, Source, Strength, Volcanoes.
1. Caroline A Masiello($395,724), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Concepts, Development, Energy, Experience, Field, Life, Natural, Opportunities, Processes, Program, Society, Students, Time, Undergraduate.
1. Ashaki A Rouff($387,969), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
Key terms: Human Resource Potential, Duess Reu, Rutgers University-newark, Underrepresented Students, Activities, Critical, Development, Engage, Environment, Environmental, Experience, Faculty, Geosciences, Increase, Integrated, Lives, Local, Model, Nationwide, Participants, Pathway, Pathways, Program, Programs, Sustainability, Techniques, Trained, URM, University-newark, Urban.
1. Sonya R Lopez($389,984), California State L A University Auxiliary Services Inc., Los Angeles
Key terms: Coastal Urban Corridors, Meteorology And Precipitation, Sedimentation And Restoration, Streamshydrochemical Methods Development, Training Field Activity, Urban Streamshydrochemical Methods, Coastal Watersheds, Five Topical, Mentoring Activities, Reu Program, Reu Students, River Sedimentation, Social Activities, Surface Hydrology, Training Activities, Undergraduate Students, Underrepresented Backgrounds, Urban Groundwater, Urban Hydrologic, Urban Hydrology, Aims, Challenges, Climate, Climate-driven, Complete, Decisions, Degrees, Education, Effort, Engagement, Faculty, Fields, Focused, Graduate, Guidance, Hydrochemistry, Hydrological, Increase, Investigations, Mentees, Multidisciplinary, Opportunities, Policy, Population, Summer, Technical.
1. Kenneth Voglesonger($56,852), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
2. Melissa E Lenczewski($414,283), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
Key terms: Northern Illinois, Reu Site, Student Projects, Undergraduate Students, Water Issues, Water Resource, Activities, Appreciation, Context, Continue, Cultural, Culture, Developing, Experience, Faculty, Field, Groundwater, High-quality, Information, Interconnected, International, Local, Mexico, Participants, Period, Public, Resources, Skills, Training, Weeks, Yucatan.
1. Emily Finzel($11,875), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Field Trip Leaders, Field Safety, Graduate Students, Safety Protocols, Accidents, Day, Environmental, Instructors, Procedures, Time, Training, Workshop.
1. Elizabeth J Cassel($729,932), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Northern Rocky Mountains, Conglomerate Deposition, Global Climate, Orogen Collapse, Surface Lowering, Ages, Analytical, Basin, Combination, Cordillera, Development, Direct, Erosion, Extension, Mechanisms, Model, Potential, Precise, Principal, Reconstruct, STEM, Sediment, Students, Time, Timing, Topography, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Valleys, Widely.
1. Jason J Gurdak($428,362), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Key terms: California's Sustainable Groundwater, Global Groundwater Crisis, Groundwater Management Act, Sustainable Groundwater Management, Women And Urm, California's Sustainable, Groundwater Resources, Groundwater Sustainability, Hydrologic Cycle, Practical Solutions, Reu Site, Urm Students, Californias, Create, Development, Engage, Engaged, Experience, Five, Food, Freshwater, Graduate, Has, Independent, Mentors, Primary, SGMA, Training, Undergraduates, Workforce.
1. Zhongwen Zhan($493,920), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Pasadena Array, Seismic Network, Seismic Networks, Seismic Sensor, Station Density, Build, California, DAS, Dense, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Explore, Faults, Fiber, Hazard, Sensors, Transform.
1. Michael Hubenthal($704,644), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Ability, Attend, Designed, Development, Efficacy, Enable, Experience, Experiences, Identity, Internship, Mentor, Mentors, Opportunities, Opportunity, Own, Participants, Primary, Program, Resources, Seek, Seismological, Student, Students, Summer, URO, Undergraduate, Undergraduates.
1. Ikuko Wada($546,410), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Background And Reaction-induced, Geohazards Near Plate, Near Plate Boundaries, Students And Teachers, Early-career Female, Fracture Permeability, Graduate Students, K-12 Students, Mantle Wedge, Reaction-induced Stresses, Subduction Zones, Wedge Corner, Account, Antigorite, Constrain, Cpos, Deformation, Dynamics, Early-career, Educational, Experimental, Extent, Fluid, Hydrated, Implications, Japan, Mineral, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Observations, Outcomes, Quantify, Regions, Rock, Seismic, Serpentinization, Spatial, Strong, Subduction-zone.
1. Stephen K Boss($49,413), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: African Americans, Geosciences Workforce, Academic, Atmospheric, Conference, Degree, Degrees, Environmental, Faculty, HBCU, Historically, Low, NABG, National, Participation, Programs, Students, Students-of-color.
1. Madison Myers($411,882), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Erupted Products, Eruptive Products, Explosive Eruptions, Ability, Activity, Allow, Days, Decompression, Discrete, Information, Linking, Magma, Monitoring, Mt, Philippines, Pinatubo, Seismic, Th, Timescales.
1. James B Chapman($270,184), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Elevated Plateau, Geologic Mapping, Mountain Ranges, Southern Arizona, Constrain, Constructed, Cordillera, Create, Crust, Existed, History, Mechanisms, Mesozoic, North, Phase, Region, Rock, Southwestern, Structural, Student, Tectonic, Thickened.
1. Louis G. Zachos($132,881), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Geology And Geological, Um Gge Department, Geological Engineering, Miniflex 6g, Benefit, Bulk, Composition, Division, Education, Enabled, Faculty, Has, Immediately, Instrument, Mississippi, Program, Range, Requested, Required, Students, Undergraduate, X-ray, XRD.
1. Raphael Gottardi($319,973), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette
Key terms: Metamorphic Core Complex, Specific Fluid Sources, Detachment Shear, Fluid Flow, Fluid-rock Interaction, Lower Crust, Meteoric Fluids, Undergraduate Students, Analyses, Chemical, Constrain, Crustal-scale, Depths, Ductile, Extension, Fault, Faulting, Field, Fluid-rock, Geologic, Incorporates, Zone, Zones.
1. Hilary Martens($488,099), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Loading And Unloading, Global Positioning, Hydrologic Load, Water Loading, Water Stored, Amount, Field, GPS, Idaho, Installed, Measure, Methods, Montana, Mountain, Movement, Observations, Snow, Stations, Surface, Trained, Watershed, Weather, Winter.
1. Antoinette V Abeyta($75,459), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba($135,322), Montclair State University, Montclair
3. Anjali M Fernandes($133,514), University of Connecticut, Storrs
4. Arvind Singh($174,333), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
Key terms: Past Dynamics, River Deltas, Deltaic, Diverse, Environmental, Extremely, Field, Framework, Inclusive, Models, Predictive, Program, Range, Rates, Resources, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sensitive, Subsurface, Transport, Water.
1. Nicholas G Terpstra-Schwab($2,500,000), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Producers And Consumers, Social And Biophysical, Urban And Near-urban, Urban And Urban-adjacent, Water Quality Outcomes, Biophysical Models, Crop Growth, Crop Management, Current Conditions, Environmental Effects, Food Supply, Future Conditions, Local Food, Simulation Models, Surface Water, Urban Food-energy-water, Agricultural, Allow, Analyses, Approach, Climate, Co-simulation, Coupling, Create, Critical, Des, Drivers, Dynamics, Enable, Explore, F-E-W, Feedbacks, Food-energy-water, Framework, Human, Increase, Increased, Individual, Influence, Knowledge, Landscapes, Market, Modeling, Nurban, Policy, Potential, Reduced, Resiliency, Scenarios, Specific, Sustainability, Technology.
1. Hamed Moftakhari($1,758,383), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Barriers And Incentives, Enabling Informed Decision, Relationships And Collaboration, Rftoif Agriculture Transition, Spur Rftoif Transition, Deep South, Established Relationships, Irrigation-fed Agriculture, Alabama, Assessment, Costs, Discuss, Economic, Findings, Georgia, Identification, Increase, Intensities, Irrigation-fed, Mississippi, Nexus, Opportunity, Option, Potential, Productivity, Rain-fed, Resource, Scenario, Significance, Stakeholders.
1. Lauren Waszek($279,688), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Key terms: Characteristic Signatures, Geodynamical Models, Mantle Convection, Seismic Tomography, Upper Mantle, Upwelling Plumes, Comprehensive, Continent, Core, Depth, Domains, Flow, Formative, Geophysics, Global, History, Influence, Inform, Maps, Methods, Mexico, Mid-mantle, Mineral, Origins, Program, Properties, Reflectors, Simulations, Slabs, Thermochemical, Velocity, Volcanism.
1. Peter Clift($32,964), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Penrose Conference, Sediment Transport, Bedrock, Climate, Driving, Ecrs, Erosion, Erosional, Especially, GSA, Has, International, Paleoenvironmental, Primary, Processes, Program, Redefine, Sedimentary, Tectonic, Timescales.
1. Karen M Fischer($272,331), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Alliance National Symposium, Competitive Graduate Programs, Development And Networking, Environmental And Planetary, Leadership Alliance National, Surface And Climate, 21st Century, Earth's Interior, Graduate School, National Symposium, Nine Weeks, Reu Site, Seismic Waves, Underrepresented Minority, Activities, Brown, Critical, DEEPS, Department, Diverse, Dynamic, Eight, Engage, Eruption, Evolution, Faculty, Gain, Geosciences, Highly, Inferred, Methodologies, Opportunities, Pathways, Presentations, Properties, Skills, Students, Summers, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Weekly, Writing.
1. Kyle Straub($201,263), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. John B Shaw($281,542), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Deltas And Marshes, Marsh Proxy, Marshes Interact, River Deltas, Conditions, Developed, Diverse, Dynamics, Experiments, K-, Laboratory, Program, Students, Subsidence, Vast.
1. Nicholas Webb($335,174), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Key terms: Erosion And Dust, Abrupt Ecosystem, Disturbance Regimes, Dust Emission, Ecological Datasets, Regional Ecosystem, Wind Erosion, Discrete, Drivers, Drylands, Earth, Ecosystems, Fire, Gt, Ha, Health, Human, Invasive, Models, National, North, Program, Promote, Rates, Students.
1. Susan L Brantley($94,225), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Geochemistry And Geobiology, Final Publication, Low-temperature Geochemical, Low-temperature Geochemistry, Publicly Accessible, White Paper, Datasets, Diversity, Facilities, Field, Forward, Held, Increasingly, LTGG, Low-temperature, Manage, Management, Online, Participants, Roadmap, Sharing, Webinars, Workshop, Write.
1. Rebecca M Flowers($568,257), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Undergraduate Summer Intern, Underrepresented Undergraduate Summer, Cu Trail, Single Crystals, Acquire, Analysis, Capabilities, Dating, Development, Equipment, Investigations, Mapping, Rock, Seminar, Situ, U-pb, U-thhe.
1. Sarah E Crump($127,167), Crump, Sarah E, Boulder
Key terms: Abrupt Climate, Rapid Climate, Teton Range, Cores, Dryas, Glaciers, Lakes, Occidental, Sediment, Spanning, Treeline, Warming, Was.
1. Caroline Stromberg($313,695), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Mark D Schmitz($174,951), Boise State University, Boise
3. Leslie L Baker($108,245), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Atmospheric Pco2, Global Warming, Regional Climate, Ecosystems, Floras, Local, MMCO, Mid-miocene, Million, PNW, Plant, Sites, Vegetation.
1. Mariah S Carbone($486,652), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Gas And Labeling, Promote Training Scientists, Arctic Climate, Labeling Radiocarbon, Northern Arizona, Acquisition, Activities, Application, Applications, Broad, Carbon, Complete, Ecology, Educational, Environmental, Instrumentation, Instruments, Integrated, Issues, Modern, NAU, Neutrons, Past, Pool, Purchase, Students, Technological.
1. Krsna Powell($45,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Conference, Groundwater, Hydrology, Law, Pathways, Resources, Sustainability, Water.
1. Yanbin Wang($597,228), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Zhigang Peng($529,866), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Sheng-Wei Chi($542,348), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Matching And Machine, Pressure And Temperature, Acoustic Emission, Deep Earthquakes, Frictional Sliding, Intermediate-depth Earthquakes, Laboratory Experiments, Mechanical Instability, Seismological Tools, Shallow Earthquakes, Small-scale Experiments, Subduction Zones, Template Matching, Account, Allow, Allowing, Analyses, Based, Below, Casualties, Century, Combined, Compared, Damage, Defined, Depths, Detection, Directly, Examine, Experimental, Fault, Has, Hazard, Increase, Instabilities, Interdisciplinary, Interior, Intermediate-depth, Japan, Labquakes, Lead, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Nearly, Numerical, Observations, Observe, Observed, Parameters, Phase, Plates, Poorly, Potential, Pressures, Processes, Produce, Quantitative, Reaction, Reactions, Reproduce, Seismic, Simulate, Simulations, Slip, Small-scale, Students, Subducting, Transform, Transformations.
1. Anthony R Lowry($190,356), Utah State University, Logan
2. Rene Gassmoeller($1,261,334), University of Florida, Gainesville
3. Timo Heister($393,570), Clemson University, Clemson
4. Wolfgang Bangerth($679,697), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Core-mantle Boundary, Deep Mantle, Detailed Description, Earth's Interior, Global Simulations, Landscape Evolution, Plate Boundaries, Regional Simulations, Tectonic Plates, Time Scales, Allow, Available, Building, Code, Complex, Computational, Computing, Core-mantle, Coupled, Deformation, Geodynamic, Globally, Insight, Millions, Model, Models, Motion, Observed, Outreach, Rock, Sets, Solid, Starting, Structure, Surface, Temporal, Thousands, Tools, Transport, Volatile.
1. Christy B Till($514,410), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Lara S Wagner($1,054,052), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
3. Brian K Horton($1,137,954), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Flat Slab Subduction, Normal Subduction Geometry, Flat Slabs, Lesson Plans, Ore Deposits, Overriding Lithosphere, Specific Tectonic, Tectonic Setting, Basin, Believed, Beneath, Collaborators, Colombia, Comparison, Continent, Directly, Earth`s, Effects, Erupted, Evolution, Extensive, Foundering, Geochemical, Has, Miles, Normally, Pis, Region, Responsible, Structure, Subsidence, Teacher, Teachers, Time, Training, Unique, Uplift, Volcanic, Volcanism, Western.
1. Peter J Makovicky($441,892), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Richard L Cifelli($406,609), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Marina B Suarez($408,739), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
4. Ethan G Hyland($654,719), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
5. Glenn Sharman($587,991), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Climatic And Tectonic, Western Interior Basin, Global Climate, Late Cretaceous, Time Interval, Analysis, Backdrop, Biotic, Caused, Continent, Diversity, Ecosystems, Environmental, Evolution, Extinction, Formations, Fossil, Generate, Geologic, Land-based, Marked, Mid-cretaceous, Mountain, North, Occurred, Profound, Rapid, Regional, Reorganization, Rock, Target, Terrestrial, Transition.
1. Oliver Jagoutz($443,175), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Arc-continent Collisions, Background Climate, Chemical Erosion, Climate Models, Global Weatherability, Ocean Basins, Arc-continent, Closure, Construct, Earth, Framework, Geochemical, Geological, Glacial, History, Hypothesized, K-, Level, Paleogeographic, Pco, Phanerozoic, Refine, Rock, Sutures, Tectonic, Topography, Tropics, Undergraduate, Warm, Weathering.
1. Eric Hutton($84,986), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Vaughan R Voller($90,692), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Michael S Steckler($1,226,469), Columbia University, New York
4. Kate P Leary($697,852), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Sea Level Rose, Onshore Saltwater, Assess, Bangladesh, Coastal, Code, EM, Fresh, Freshwater, Groundwater, Images, Jersey, Landlab, Local, Million, Model, Models, Offshore, Reservoirs, Salinity, Sediment, Sources, Supplies, Transport, Water.
1. Peter D Wilf($1,560,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Maria A Gandolfo-Nixon($475,002), Cornell University, Ithaca
3. Thomas Serre($665,000), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Ancient Plant Life, Virtual Paleobotany Assistant, Fossil Leaves, Leaf Characteristics, Leaf Fossils, Museum Collections, Plant Families, Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian, Abundant, Biogeographic, Biological, Contained, Discoveries, Diverse, Eurasia, Evolution, Floras, Forests, Gondwana, History, Indian, Individual, Limited, Machine, Millions, Paleobotanical, Regional, Source, Specimens, Tropical, VPA, Widely, World.
1. Viswanath Nandigam($385,247), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
2. Christopher J Crosby($100,416), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
3. J Ramon Arrowsmith($61,776), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Airborne Lidar, Resolution Digital, Access, Bureau, Cloud, Cost, Datasets, EARIF, Facility, Global, Hosted, Mpixel, Numerous, OT, Processes, Processing, Ranging, Raster, Sets, Surface, TLS, Topographic, Trillion, Users.
1. William J D'Andrea($145,878), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Easter Island, Past Precipitation, Rapanui Culture, Se Pacific, Archives, Atmospheric, Available, Climate, Continuous, Critical, Document, Following, Glacial, High-resolution, Multi-centennial-scale, Period, Processes, Region, Water, Wetland.
1. Tom C Johnson($346,563), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Lake Malawi Basin, Southern East Africa, Temperature And Rainfall, Climate Models, African, Ago, Compared, Educators, Environmental, Evolutionary, Future, High-resolution, Past, Recovered, Region, Relatively, Sediments, Species, Thousand, World.
1. Joellen Russell($47,244), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. George H Denton($418,803), University of Maine, Orono
3. Joerg M Schaefer($171,979), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Dark Ages Cold, Little Ice Age, Ongoing Planetary Warming, European Alps, Glacier Extent, Holocene Climate, Mountain Glaciers, Natural Climate, North Atlantic, Northern Hemisphere, Regional Summer, Roman Warm, South Island, Southern Alps, Underlying Drivers, Warm Period, AD, Afford, Atmospheric, Chronologies, Chronology, Climatic, Dating, Documented, Effort, Employ, Fluctuations, Global, Has, Independent, Landforms, Medieval, Modeling, National, Observations, Opposite, Past, Periods, Precise, Prior, Registered, Resolved, Scope, Temperature, Temperature-sensitive, Timescales, Tree-ring, Zealand.
1. Steven P Lund($186,252), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Tim K Lowenstein($155,946), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
3. William D McGee($258,807), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
4. Joseph Janick($30,526), Keystone College, La Plume
5. Justin S Stroup($51,357), SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego
Key terms: Death Valley Basins, Declining Water Availability, Searles And Death, Ancient Lake, Coming Century, Lake Level, Lake Levels, Model Past, Moisture Sources, Past Hydrologic, Past River, Past Vegetation, Plant Wax, River Flow, Searles Basin, Southern California, Age, Ages, Atmospheric, Circulation, Constrain, Constraints, Continuous, Core, Cores, Dating, Deposits, Field, Future, Hydrological, Incorporate, Independent, Information, Insight, Lakes, MIT, Magnetic, Magnitude, Museum, Paleoclimate, Periods, Precise, Projected, Quantitative, Reconstruction, Reconstructions, Region, SLAPP-SRLS, Shoreline, Southwestern, Spanning, Students, Visitors.
1. Jonathan E Nichols($159,798), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Ocean Circulation, Peatland Sediments, Secondary School, South Island, Southern Hemisphere, Southern Ocean, Stable Isotope, Warm Periods, Westerly Wind, Westerly Winds, Atmosphere, Climate, Compare, Cores, Establish, Has, Implications, Modern, Reconstructions, Students, Zealand.
1. Ying Fan Reinfelder($151,050), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Andrew D Wickert($281,160), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Jacqueline Austermann($274,132), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ice Sheets, Ice-sheet Reconstructions, Ocean Circulation, Sea Level, Water Storage, Amount, Balance, Climate, Components, Deglaciation, Environment, Geological, Glacial, Global, Groundwater, Hydrologic, Ice-sheet, Integrate, Lakes, Land, Model, Past, Permafrost, Potential, Quantify, Rivers, Sea-level, Simple, Terrestrial, Wetlands.
1. Wen-Lu Zhu($499,970), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Basic And Applied, Beamline Technologies, Energy Resources, Experimental Infrastructure, Hazard Mitigation, Rheological Models, Rock Deformation, Space Exploration, Wide-reaching Applications, Collaborations, Dynamic, Efforts, Experiments, Foster, Foundation, Geological, Geophysical, Knowledge, Lay, Processes, RCN, Time, Topics, Wide-reaching.
1. Roberta L Rudnick($48,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Shallow Focus, Earth, GRC, GRS, Gordon, Has, Individuals, Interior, June.
1. Veronique Le Roux($420,830), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Mark D Behn($79,579), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Altered Oceanic Crust, Subduction Zone Hazards, Arc Magmas, Earth's Interior, Geological Hazards, Numerical Modeling, Partially Melt, Slab-mantle Interface, Subduction Zones, Transfer Process, Approach, Chemical, Combine, Experimental, Experiments, Fluids, Fractionation, High-pressure, High-temperature, Melange, Melanges, Mixed, Models, Peridotite, Rock, Sediments, Serpentinized, Slab-mantle, Top, Trace, Transformative, Water-rich, Wedge.
1. Besim Dragovic($99,324), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Ikuko Wada($156,562), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Sarah Penniston-Dorland($130,994), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
4. Peter van Keken($36,637), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Ancient Subduction Zones, Metamorphic Rocks Exhumed, Modern Subduction Zones, Exhumed Rocks, Geodynamical Modeling, P-t Conditions, Thermal Structure, Thermal Structures, Two-pronged Approach, Allow, Direct, Discrepancy, Disparity, Earth, Earthquakes, Effects, Engage, Estimates, Information, Interface, Lead, Localities, Models, Mt, Observations, P-T, Processes, Represent, Sites, Slab, Two-pronged.
1. Heather A Ford($392,618), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: East African Rift, Seismic Wave Speeds, Slow Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Carbon, Earth, Existing, Geophysical, Inform, Mantle, Melts, Observed, Region, Sets, Temperatures, Volatile, Water.
1. Boswell A Wing($25,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Grc And Grs, Students And Postdoctoral, Graduate Students, Junior Scientists, Postdoctoral Scholars, Approaches, Biological, Chemical, Discussion, Diversity, Encourage, Environment, Field, Geobiology, Interactions, Life, Meeting, Meetings, Numerous, Opportunities, Poster, Processes, Promote, Request, Respectively, Sessions, Tools.
1. Jennifer L Druhan($499,823), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Abilities And Rubrics, Reactive Transport Models, Educational Model, Educational Platform, Model Literacy, Modeling Abilities, Advancements, Advances, Broad, Community-based, Computational, Continuous, Create, Critical, Development, Enable, Existing, Foster, Framework, Geoscience, Geosciences, Knowledge, MAR, Numerical, On-line, Open-loop, Opportunities, Organize, Processes, Proponents, RCN, Resource, Rtms, Serve, Set, Training, Users, Workflows.
1. Jonathan Obrist Farner($44,888), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Missouri River Flood, Nature And Society, Urban And Rural, Catastrophic Floods, Dangerous Contaminants, Development Strategies, Toxic Contaminants, Analyzed, Carbon, Damage, Deposited, Environment, Frequent, Future, Health, Intervals, Metals, Nebraska, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Redistributed, Sediment, Water.
1. Ilya N Bindeman($243,667), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Delta 18o, Sedimentary Rock, Triple Oxygen, Appearance, Collection, Composition, Earth, History, Hydrosphere, Isotope, Isotopes, Life, OO, Shales, Value, Versus, Water, Weathering.
1. Julia R Kelson($245,700), Kelson, Julia Rae, Seattle
Key terms: Carbonates And Mollusk, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrologic Cycle, Isotopic Composition, Mollusk Shells, Soil Carbonates, Ancient, Aridity, Climates, Concentrations, Estimate, Evaporation, Explore, Gases, Greenhouse, Has, Intensity, Michigan, Modern, Potential, Precipitation, Program, Reconstruct, Temperature, Tool, Water.
1. Nita Sahai($516,342), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Adsorption Capacity, Alkali Cations, Catalytic Activity, Catalytic Efficiency, Catalytic Minerals, Mineral Structure, Outreach Activities, Potential Relationships, Promoting Polymerization, Specific Minerals, Ability, Adsorbed, Catalysts, Conformation, Diversity, Environment, Enzymes, Formation, Knowledge, Life, Molecules, Monomer, Monomers, Mononucleotides, Montmorillonite, Nsfs, Nucleotide, Oligomers, Ool, Origin, Play, Polymers, Prebiotic, Precursor, Presence, Progress, Public, RNA, Simple, Structures, Surface.
1. Alex Sessions($382,975), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Position-specific Delta C-13, Amino Acids, Atomic Position, Atomic Positions, C-13 Fractionation, C-13c-12 Ratios, Growth Efficiency, Isotope Abundance, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolic Activities, Position-specific Delta, Ala, Alanine, Analyte, C-C-, Carbon, Compounds, Contribution, Employ, Environment, Environmental, Extent, Fragment, Fragments, Geobiologic, Glu, Glutamate, Ion, Measured, Molecular, Orbitrap, Organism, Organisms, Pathway, Pathways, Photorespiration, Plants, Precisely, Predicts, Proline, Reflect, Serine, Versus, Via.
1. Alan Rooney($303,300), Yale University, New Haven
2. Justin V Strauss($246,900), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Chemical Evolution, Advances, Ancient, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Cycles, Experience, Extreme, Geochemical, Geochronologic, Glaciation, Glaciations, Has, History, Isotope, Lead-up, Neoproterozoic, Oceans, Opportunities, Prior, Rock, Seawater, Sedimentary, Snowball, Specific, Trace, Unique, Variety, Yale.
1. Sarbajit Banerjee($340,620), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Calcium Carbonate Minerals, Capstone Undergraduate Course, Engage Chemistry Graduate, Ancient Oceans, Clumped Isotope, Introduce Seniors, Rare Isotopes, Temperature History, Undergraduate Students, Underrepresented Minority, Add, Atomic, Burial, Calcite, Chemical, Exciting, Field, Geochemistry, Kinetics, Measure, Petroleum, Rates, Reordering, Rock, Section, Sediments, Temperatures, Tool, X-ray.
1. Daniel A Stolper($379,224), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Gas Hydrogen Isotopic, Hydrogen Isotope Exchange, Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions, Isotope Exchange Reactions, Natural Gas Hydrogen, Natural Gas Sources, Alkane Gases, Expected Equilibrium, Isotope Ratios, Low Temperatures, Alkanes, C-C, Conditions, Energy, Experiments, Final, Formation, Hydrocarbons, Ii, Ltoc, Methane, Poorly, Rates, Requires, Undergoing, Values, Water.
1. Shuhei Ono($302,538), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Carbon And Hydrogen, Doubly Substituted, Isotope Ratios, Isotopologue Fractionation, Isotopologue Ratios, Methane Isotopologue, Microbial Methane, Anaerobic, Bioelectrochemical, CH, CHD, Co-cultures, Control, Energy, Environment, Experiments, Has, Isotopes, Isotopologues, Laboratory, Methanogenesis, Methanogens, Methanotrophy, Microbes, Parameters, Redox, Source, Sources, Tool.
1. Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi($683,756), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Abiotic Co2 Efflux, Agricultural Soils, Pedogenic Carbonate, Undergraduate Students, Accumulation, Activities, Atmosphere, Desert, Education, Environmental, Exchange, Field, Has, Irrigated, Irrigation, Irrigation-induced, Opportunities, Representative, Salt, UTEP.
1. Joel D Blum($204,941), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Stable Mercury Isotopes, Atmospheric Mercury, Coastal Plain, Depositional Pathways, Forest Restoration, Forested Ecosystem, Forested Watershed, Mercury Cycling, Mercury Deposition, Mercury Methylation, South Carolina, Southeastern Region, Toxic Methylmercury, Effects, Existing, Experimental, Food, Low-gradient, Native, North, Pine, Pollution, Soils, Sources, Students, Training, Unique, Uptake, Watersheds.
1. Kyungsoo Yoo($168,397), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Boreal And Tundra, Exotic Geoengineering Earthworms, Stop Earthworm Invasion, Alaska Museum, Climate Conditions, Human Introduction, Introduction Mechanisms, Invasive Earthworms, Natural Vegetation, Advancing, Alaskan, Distribution, Disturb, European, Extents, Facilitate, Forests, Intervention, Land, Permafrost, Rapid, Soil, Soils, Species.
1. Joshua Shrout($482,937), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Bacterial Cell Envelopes, Binding Site Concentrations, Created And Taught, Sulfhydryl Binding Site, Bacterial Surface, Binding Sites, Involve Outreach, Onto Bacteria, Potentiometric Titration, School Students, South Bend, Sulfhydryl Sites, Toxic Metal, Ability, Abundance, Adsorption, Affect, Approaches, Bioremediation, Cd, Cells, Conditions, Control, Distribution, EPS, Environment, Environmental, Experiments, Expression, Factors, Fate, Hg, Lead, Local, Low, Measured, Metals, Module, Natural, Participation, Pis, Programs, Proteins, Range, Run, Schools, Se, Settings, Specific, Total, Unknown, Water, Waters.
1. Chen Zhu($410,556), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Isotope Tracer Method, Thermodynamics And Kinetics, Dissolution Rate, Experimental Method, Indiana University's, Isotope Ratios, Near-equilibrium Conditions, Rate Determination, Reaction Rates, Si Concentrations, Si Isotope, Assessment, Center, Chemical, Difficult, Environmental, Experts, Geological, Interactions, Laboratory, Minerals, Models, Nequilibrium, Precipitation, Processes, Reactions, Safety, Secondary, Solutions, Students, Subjects, Universitys, Wastes.
1. Matthew A Ginder-Vogel($564,044), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Drinking Water Supplies, Manganese Minerals React, Asiii Oxidation, Mniiiiv Oxides, Arsenic, Contaminant, Dissolved, Effect, Environmental, Feiii, Found, Human, Kinetics, Limiting, Natural, Naturally, People, Rates, Sediments, Soil, Spectroscopy, Students, Surface, Systematically, World, X-ray.
1. Tina Treude($448,536), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Cryptic Methane Cycling, Towards Broader Impacts, Coastal Wetland, Coastal Wetlands, Electron Acceptors, Graduate Student, Methane Emissions, Methylotrophic Methanogenesis, AOM, Anaerobic, Balance, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Close, Consumption, Control, Disseminated, Ecosystem, Environmental, Field, Global, Has, Identity, Involved, Little, Local, Metabolic, Microbes, Microbial, Named, Process, Processes, Public, Removal, Reveal, Sediments, Seminar, Students, Sulfate, Training, Undergraduate, Zone.
1. Lauren E Beckingham($530,300), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Dissolution And Precipitation, Undergraduate And Graduate, Carbon Dioxide, Computer Simulations, Dissolution Experiments, Graduate Students, Imaging Methods, Pore Connectivity, Rock Weathering, Stem Fields, Accessible, Activities, Approach, Aquifers, Auburn, Awareness, Contaminant, Educational, Environmental, Evolution, Fate, Increase, K-, Laboratory, Long-term, Mineral, Natural, Objective, Outcell, Outreach, Participation, Permeability, Porosity, Processes, Quality, Rate, Reaction, Reactions, Reactive, Subsurface, Surface, Transport, Water.
1. Lynda Williams($20,000), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Workshops And Field, Clay Minerals, Clay Scientists, Energy Resources, Field Trips, International Conference, Modern Clay, Advances, Attend, Based, Benefits, Clays, Education, European, Joint, Life, Progress, Promote, Public, STEM, Student, Students, Technical, Travel, Via, Worldwide.
1. Jingdong Mao($57,999), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
2. Marco Keiluweit($448,328), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Soil Carbon Oxidation, Women And Minority, Carbon Dioxide, Co2 Emissions, Dissolved Mn, Empower Women, Girls Inc, Harvard Forest, Minority Students, Overall Objective, Oxic-anoxic Interfaces, Pursue Stem, Collaboration, Controls, Cycles, Developed, Environmental, Fast, Formation, Geochemical, Graduate, Ii, Iii, Incorporate, Increase, Integrates, Local, Massachusetts, Microbial, Mniii, Models, Oxic-anoxic, Oxidants, Plan, Potent, Rate, School, Soils, Strategies, Undergraduate, Workshops.
1. Laura Wasylenki($76,432), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Ni Concentrations, Ni Limitation, Billion, Compositions, Decline, Isotopes, Isotopic, Konhauser, Life, Methane, Methanogens, Oxygen, Was.
1. Xiao-Ming Liu($496,492), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Rocks And Minerals, Chemical Weathering, Isotope Chemistry, Li Isotopes, Weathering Tracers, Climate, Development, Fractionation, Investigate, Isotopic, Knowledge, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Natural, Processes, Streams, Students, Surface, Techniques, Waters.
1. Michael J Wilkins($557,226), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Carbon And Nitrogen, Appalachian Basin, Biogeochemical Cycles, Deep Biosphere, Deep Terrestrial, Laboratory Experimentation, Terrestrial Environments, Viral Populations, Ability, Applied, Combination, Complex, Conditions, Conserved, Cycling, Enable, Enables, Environmental, Exchange, Extent, Functional, Graduate, Has, High-pressure, Insights, Investigated, Isolates, Metabolic, Metabolism, Metabolite, Methylamine, Microbial, Opportunities, Revealed, Salinity, Shale, Shales, Students, Subsurface, Temperature, Tools, Varying, Viruses.
1. Kelly C Wrighton($13,749), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Participant Representation, Publicly Available, Approaches, Current, Development, Distributed, Efforts, Ensure, Federal, Knowledge, Land, Models, NSF, Outcomes, Particular, Preserving, Water, Watershed, Watersheds, Workshop.
1. Thomas L Kieft($36,001), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Tullis C Onstott($37,498), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Brackish Fracture Water, Ancient Brines, Hypersaline Fluids, Moab Khotsong, South Africa, Abiotic, Access, Analyses, Billion, Boreholes, Characterized, Compounds, Cycling, Deep, Fractures, Gas, Hydrocarbons, Increasing, Isotopic, Kmbls, Life, Loss, Microbial, Organic, Precambrian, Reactions, Rock, Salinity, Site, Sources, Surface, Time, Trapped, Unique, Widespread, World.
1. Jay P Zarnetske($470,000), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Carbon Cycling, Curriculum Development, Doc Dynamics, Doc Flux, Education Plan, Water Quality, Climate, Control, Diverse, Ecosystems, Effective, Five, Flow, Global, Innovative, Movement, Multiple, Objectives, Outreach, Public, River, Students, Watershed.
1. Adina Paytan($60,080), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Enable Identification, Shed Light, Unique Signatures, Analyzed, Compositions, Conditions, Coupled, Dolomite, Dolomites, Environmental, Environments, Evolution, Formation, Formed, Forming, Geochemical, Geological, Involvement, Isotope, Lake, Mechanisms, Microbial-dolomite, Microbial-dolomites, Mineral, Minerals, Organisms, Petroleum, Precipitated, Solutions, Spectrometry, Utility.
1. Eric W Portenga($221,014), Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
Key terms: Geological Erosion Rates, Measured 10be Concentrations, Santa Monica Mountains, 10be Concentrations, Landscape Stability, Measured 10be, River Sand, Unique Opportunity, Woolsey Fire, Affected, Burned, Catchments, Dataset, Determined, Earth’s, Existing, Landslides, Large-magnitude, Quantify, Rivers, Sediment, Seismic, Short-lived, Thousands, Wildfires.
1. Elizabeth L Chamberlain($174,000), Chamberlain Elizabeth L, Nashville
Key terms: Avulsion Frequency, Ganges-brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, Channel, Coastal, Contribute, Date, Dating, Development, Earthquakes, Education, Explore, Floodplain, Forcing, Ganges-brahmaputra, Knowledge, Luminescence, OSL, Processes, River, Rivers, Sediment, Seismic, Structures, Timescales.
1. Joel Johnson($319,683), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Nicole Gasparini($196,600), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Guadalupe Mountains, Rock Properties, School Students, Bedrock, Credit, Depends, Field, Geoscience, Inferred, Landscape, Landscapes, Models, Natural, Soil, Taught, Tectonic, Texas, Topography.
1. Erika Marin-Spiotta($331,900), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Varying Soil Development, Wind And Water, Loess Accumulation, Loess Landscapes, Soil Formation, Water Erosion, Adjacent, Carbon, Dune, Dunes, Dust, Future, Influence, Organic, Processes, Sediment, Strength, Tablelands.
1. Mark Fahnestock($479,008), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Debris Cover, Heavily Debris-covered, Kennicott Glacier, Affect, Alaska, Debris-covered, Decay, Expected, Field, Glaciers, Glaciology, Mass, Melt, Observations, Site, Students.
1. Doug Edmonds($299,831), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Downstream Fining, Remote Sensing, River Avulsions, Channels, Create, Floodplain, Hazardous, Methods, Model, Numerical, Overbank, Own, Reoccupy, Sediment, Tend.
1. Elowyn Yager($382,753), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Sediment Transport Predictions, Bed Structure, Channel Bed, Flow Magnitude, Sediment Motion, Information, Movement, Onset, River, Rivers, Rock, Sculptures, Species, Temporal, Theory.
1. Daniel Cadol($447,373), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Bedload Transport, Flash Floods, River Channel, Seismic Energy, Semi-arid Regions, Acoustic, Approach, Calibrate, Challenge, Collect, Collected, Collection, Direct, Ephemeral, Flow, Flux, Gravel, High-energy, Israel, Landscape, Management, Methods, Mexico, Models, Monitor, Movement, Near, Riverbed, Samplers, Seismology, Seismometers, Semi-arid, Streams, Theoretical, USA, Water.
1. Ken Ferrier($200,581), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Critical Zone Observatory, Bedrock Fracturing, Biotite Weathering, Characteristics, Development, Does, Field, Fracture, Model, Numerical.
1. Jason R Janke($54,240), Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver
Key terms: BGS, Discipline, Discussion, Diversity, Geomorphic, Geomorphologists, Geomorphology, Global, Has, Landscape, Past, Plans, Range, Society, Students, Substantially, Symposium, Techniques, Topics.
1. Sean F Gallen($12,000), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Breakout Sessions, Gorkha Earthquake, Knowledge Gaps, Surface Dynamics, Biogeochemical, Catastrophic, Conference, Consequences, Directions, Document, Extreme, Focused, Has, International, Landscape, Meeting, Nsurface, Participants, Perturbations, Potential, Process, Range, Short, Timescales, Various.
1. Brendan P Murphy($317,946), Utah State University, Logan
2. Jonathan A Czuba($162,087), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Downstream Water Infrastructure, Water Supply Reservoirs, Downstream Reservoirs, Forest Management, Modeling Framework, Post-wildfire Erosion, Post-wildfire Sediment, Reservoir Storage, Sediment Inputs, Analysis, Assess, Control, Critical, Delivery, Fire, Future, Increases, Integrate, Knowledge, Landscape, Models, Open-source, Ownership, Post-wildfire, Predicting, Projected, Public, Range, Resources, Risk, River, Sedimentation, Students, Tools, Utah, Vulnerability, Vulnerable, Wildfires, Yields.
1. Neala M Creasy($174,000), Creasy, Neala Marie, New Haven
Key terms: Pressures And Temperatures, Seismic Anisotropy Observations, Shear Wave Splitting, Earth's Mantle, Mantle Convection, Mineral Physics, Ray Theory, Seismic Waves, Upper Mantle, Wave Propagation, Appropriate, Assumptions, CSM, Conducting, Deformation, Deforms, Difficult, Discrepancies, Earthquakes, Educational, Explore, Explored, Global, Has, Inversion, Lithosphere, Models, Observational, Plate, Processes, Realistic, Relate, Undergraduate, Via.
1. Andrew A Nyblade($125,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Anelastic Wave Equation, Fractional Anelastic Wave, Earth's Interior, Seismic Attenuation, Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Chemical, Developed, Development, Explicit, FWI, Inversion, Issues, Main, Method, Property, Q-FWI, Velocity.
1. Heather M Savage($97,836), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Fault Strength, Fluid Pressure, Induced Seismicity, Laboratory Experiments, Allow, Complex, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Prague, Precision, Rupture, Sequence, Sequences, Stability.
1. Michael H Ritzwoller($295,167), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Receiver Functions, Southern Margin, Alaska, Application, Codes, Crust, Differs, Earthquakes, Edges, Generated, Geological, Geometry, Inversion, Lithosphere, Mantle, Models, North, Plate, Processes, Ranges, Regions, Seismic, Slab, Structures, Under-thrusting, Velocities, Wave, Yakutat.
1. Hejun Zhu($157,564), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
Key terms: Azimuthal Anisotropy, Mantle Flow, Mantle Flows, Simultaneously Constrain, Transition Zone, Active, Cascadia, Circulation, Depths, Europe, Five, Implications, Information, Inversion, Northcentral, Processes, Regions, Subduction.
1. William D Barnhart($236,605), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Earthquake And Tsunami, Makran Accretionary Prism, Makran Subduction Zone, Post-seismic Deformation, Rheological Structure, Subduction Zones, Tsunami Potential, Viscoelastic Relaxation, Afterslip, Analysis, Approaches, Behavior, Cities, Earthquakes, Estimates, Imagery, Insar, Locking, Million, Model, Models, Observations, Plate, Pop, Post-seismic, Quantify, Quantifying, Time, Unique, World.
1. Rudiger Escobar Wolf($294,662), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
2. Jeffrey B Johnson($315,484), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Fuego Volcano, Lahars Initiate, Mass Flow, Mud Flows, Rainy Season, Applied, Arrays, Channels, Common, Energetics, Frequent, Guatemala, Hazardous, Ideal, Infrasound, Learned, Observations, Positions, Quantify, Remotely, Seismic, Seismo-acoustic, Students, Techniques, Technology, Time, Track, Training.
1. Christelle Wauthier($199,754), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Cooling And Subsidence, Ground Surface Deformation, Lava Lake Activity, Nyiragongo And Nyamulagira, Crater Floors, Democratic Republic, Ground Deformation, Lava Lakes, Magma Plumbing, Nyiragongo Volcano, Remote Sensing, Approach, Beneath, Congo, Datasets, Dense, Developed, Eruption, Following, Gas, Hazardous, Hazards, Hosts, Model, Processed, Shallow, Summit, Time, Volcanoes.
1. Rachel E Abercrombie($158,998), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. William B Frank($297,798), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Tectonic Plate Boundaries, Earthquake Cycle, Frequency Content, Lfe Source, Low-frequency Earthquakes, Nankai Trough, Near-source Attenuation, Plate Interface, Shedding Light, Slow Slip, Source Region, Analysis, Constraints, Does, Has, High-resolution, Highly, Investigate, Japan, Lfes, Low-frequency, Normal, Nsource, Physics, Plays, Program, Seismic, Signature, Spectral, Structure, Surface, Unique.
1. Thomas M Hearn($207,105), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
2. Eric Sandvol($326,372), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Indian Slab Beneath, Seismic And Volcanic, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Continental Collision, Eastern Himalayas, Indo-burma Arc, Mantle Flow, Oceanic Plate, Regional Tectonics, Volcanic Hazard, Activity, China, Component, Consists, Crust, Deformation, Growth, Image, Indo-burma, Instruments, Mountain, Myanmar, Outcomes, Plates, Processes, Regions, Responsible, Stations, Subducting, Subduction, Surrounding, Temporary, Tomography.
1. Sang-Heon Shim($298,952), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Metal And Alloys, Pressure And Temperature, Earth's Core, Experimental Approach, Iron Metal, Iron-rich Alloys, Magnetic Field, Melting Temperatures, Synchrotron Facilities, Analysis, Calculations, Conditions, DAC, Density, Effect, Evolution, Formation, Guide, Has, Heating, Hydrogen, Iron-rich, Laser, Light, Quantify, Si.
1. Harriet Lau($595,689), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Normal Mode Splitting, Density Structure, Excess Density, Graduate Students, Llsvp Anomalies, Mode Spectra, Seismic Waves, Stoneley Modes, Uc Berkeley, Velocity Provinces, Beneath, CMB, Combine, Consider, Developed, Earth, Earthquakes, Global, Implies, Inversions, Llsvps, Mantle, Particular, Pis, Shear, Solid, Source, Special, Stage, Structures, Surroundings, Tectonic, Tide, Tides, Time, Travel, Waveform.
1. Rebecca M Flowers($388,842), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Surface History, Age, Arctic, Continent, Decipher, Deep, Depths, Evolution, Geologic, Kimberlite, Mantle, North, Phanerozoic, Pipes, Processes.
1. David Fee($319,629), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Lab And Field, Volcanic Jet Noise, Highly Directional, Jet Velocity, Lab Experiments, Source Parameters, Stromboli Volcano, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcano Infrasound, Collected, Frequency, Implications, Italy, Jets, Kilauea, Monitoring, Observations, Particle, Radiation, Sound, Unique, Vent, Visual.
1. Peter M Shearer($174,766), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Guoqing Lin($174,775), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Seismic And Magmatic, Hawaii Island, Seismic Parameters, Activity, Forecasting, HVO, Has, Interactions, Long-term, Past, Potential, Processes, Solutions, Temporal, USGS, Velocity.
1. Jacqueline E Reber($589,892), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Fault Dynamics, Fault Motions, Grain Comminution, Hazard Forecasting, Numerical Modeling, Tectonics Faults, Time Scales, Behaviors, Brittle, Creep, Crust, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Mixture, Semi-brittle, Slip, Slow, Students, Viscous.
1. Renata M Wentzcovitch($600,000), Columbia University, New York
2. Cai-Zhuang Wang($250,000), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Fosters Educational Outreach, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Ab Initio, Iron-bearing Phases, Mineral Physics, Undergraduate Students, Calculations, Challenging, Codes, Deep, Dynamics, Evolution, Extreme, Iron-bearing, Mantle, Methods, Planet, Planets, Pressures, Properties, Public, Range, Simulations, Software, Structure, Temperatures, Terrestrial.
1. Mark D Behn($236,345), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
2. Veronique Le Roux($289,782), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Emily J Chin($264,812), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Bulk Continental Crust, Deep Arc Roots, Island Arcs, Lower Crustal, Subduction Zones, Active, Analyses, Chemical, Composition, Cumulates, Deformation, Delamination, Dense, Earth, Evolution, Formation, Linked, Mantle, Melts, Models, Natural, Numerical, Process, Regularly, Rheological, Sink, Students, Tectonic, Time, Volcanic, Water.
1. Jung-Fu Lin($436,011), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Pressure And Temperature, Elastic Properties, Extreme Conditions, Lower Mantle, Lower-mantle Structures, Allows, Bridgmanite, Constrain, Crystal, Deep, Earth, Impulsive, Laboratory, Laser, Lower-mantle, Obtained, Seismic, Seismology, Techniques, Velocities.
1. Bruce Buffett($237,292), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Core-mantle Boundary, Earth's Core, Magnetic Field, Wave Models, Ability, Abrupt, Convection, Core-mantle, Fluctuations, Forecast, Geomagnetic, Information, Observations, Origin, Plan, Satellite, Student, Time, Top, Topography, Waves.
1. Robin S Matoza($750,000), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Non-linear Infrasound Propagation, Uc Santa Barbara, Explosive Eruptions, Graduate Students, Non-linear Infrasound, Volcanic Explosions, Volcano Monitoring, Wavefields Propagating, Acoustic, Aerial, Atmospheric, Chile, Collect, Field, Geophysics, Ground-based, Local, Mexico, Multiple, Networks, Program, Regional, Remote, Seismic, Seismo-acoustic, Signals, Source, Technology, Undergraduate, Vanuatu, Virtual, Volcanoes.
1. Elvira Mulyukova($273,000), Yale University, New Haven
2. Philip Skemer($167,000), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Earthquake Cycles, Earthquake Recurrence, Grain Damage, Grain-scale Physics, Mineral Grains, Plate Boundaries, Plate Boundary, Plate Tectonics, Positive Feedback, Time Scales, Activity, Affect, Behavior, Composition, Crust, Deform, Deformation, Development, Developments, Dislocation, Does, Earthquakes, Emergence, Eventually, Evolution, Experiments, Formation, Geological, Grain-scale, Human, Influence, Influences, Layers, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Mantle, Mixing, Models, Petrological, Pis, Post-seismic, Process, Processes, Rock, Specifically, Stress, Theoretical, Theory, Weaken, Weakening, Zones.
1. Roland Burgmann($227,215), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Female Graduate Student, Mendocino Triple Junction, Convergent Plate, Earthquake Hazards, Generating Earthquakes, Northern California, Plates Meet, Uplift Rates, Vertical Deformation, Vertical Displacements, Assessing, Challenging, Crust, Fault, GPS, Interseismic, Long-term, Measure, Ongoing, Permanent, Pis, Processes, Region, Ruptures, Short-term, Tectonic, Two-year, Western.
1. Emily Hopper($134,910), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Basin And Range, Colorado Plateau, Receiver Functions, Thermodynamic Modeling, Upper Mantle, Uppermost Mantle, Alteration, Ancient, Dispersion, Evolution, Framework, Has, Layered, Melt, Models, Region, Seismic, Seismology, Tectonic, Temperature, Velocity, Volcanism.
1. Yuri Fialko($361,286), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Yehuda Ben-Zion($267,333), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Mature Plate Boundary, Plate Boundary Fault, San Andreas Fault, Seismic And Geodetic, Dense Seismic, Fault Zone, Geodetic Observations, Seismic Array, Southern California, Damage, Depth, Dip, Earthquakes, Future, Geometry, High-resolution, Investigate, Joint, Magnitude, SAF, SSAF, Seismogenic, Stress, Sub-surface.
1. Masako Tominaga($108,878), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Magnetics And Gravity, Carbon Sequestration, Carbonation Process, Mantle Peridotite, Peridotite Carbonation, Applications, Approach, Assemblages, Directly, Earth, Exposure, Field, Geological, Has, Largest, Long-term, Method, Monitoring, Natural, Occurring, Previous, Processes, Rock.
1. Christine McCarthy($502,508), Columbia University, New York
2. David L Goldsby($128,104), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Icy Planetary Bodies, Seismic Attenuation, Seismic Waves, Upper Mantle, Apparatus, Behavior, Characterized, Conditions, Cryogenic, Deformation, Dislocation, Dislocations, Experiencing, Glaciers, Ice, Laboratory, Microstructure, Process, Rock, Seismology, Strain, Stress.
1. Marine A Denolle($167,804), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Kim B Olsen($168,576), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Ambient Noise, Ground Motions, Los Angeles, Sedimentary Basins, Southern California, Amplify, Approaches, City, Coupling, Cross-validation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Effect, Effects, Effort, Evaluating, Future, Geological, Hazards, Seattle, Seismic, Similar, Simulations, Source, Tokyo, Waves.
1. John A Tarduno($678,531), University of Rochester, Rochester
2. Aleksey V Smirnov($271,994), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
3. Kenneth P Kodama($307,000), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Education And Outreach, First-generation And Historically, Historically Underrepresented Individuals, Minority And Woman, Solid Inner Core, Expand Opportunities, Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Field, Outreach Efforts, Solar Particles, Underrepresented Minority, Age, Ages, Ago, Analyses, Atmosphere, Australia, Canada, Earth, Energy, Factor, Growth, Has, ICN, Igneous, Integrated, Involve, Million, Models, Onset, Paleomagnetic, Planet, Rock, Strength, Tested, Thermal, Time, Times, Undergraduate, Unknown, Values.
1. Catherine A Macris($281,667), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Anat Shahar($81,395), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Stable Isotopic Fractionation, Partial Melting, Chemical, Equilibrium, Experimental, Focus, Interdisciplinary, Mantle, Planetary, Range.
1. Robert C Viesca($245,382), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Minimum Earthquake Size, Minimum Nucleation Size, Rate And State-dependent, Earthquake Nucleation, Fault Rupture, Model Predictions, Phenomenological Laws, Recently Developed, Seismological Implications, Sliding Friction, State-dependent Friction, Analytical, Approach, Descriptions, Existing, Extend, Forecasting, Formulations, Has, Models, Previous, Rate-, Relies, Slip, So-called, Solution, Strength.
1. Gregory C McLaskey($611,622), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Earthquake Hazard Assessment, Hence Earthquake Hazard, Graduate Student, Meter-scale Rock, Seismic Observations, Carry, Competition, Earthquakes, Experiments, Fault, Field, Fluids, Generate, Laboratory, Meter-scale, Monitor, Natural, Processes, Propagation, Sensors, Slip, Tremors, Underground, Wooden.
1. Lars P Stixrude($458,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Deep Magma Ocean, Liquid And Crystalline, Solid And Liquid, Ab Initio, Density Contrast, Iron Contents, Iron Partitioning, Liquid Phases, Composition, Computational, Crystals, Depends, Earth, Evolution, Geochemical, Has, Mantle, Mgfeo, Mgfesio, Model, Principles, Rise, Simulation, Sink, Strong.
1. Xanthippi Markenscoff($7,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Mechanics, Meeting, Models.
1. Edward J Garnero($275,045), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Wave Shape Information, Earth's Mantle, Seismic Imaging, Seismic Wave, Shared Via, Southern Hemisphere, Travel Time, Travel Times, Undergraduate Student, Amplitude, Beneath, Dataset, Direct, Document, Dynamics, Entire, Evolution, Ews, Geophysics, Heterogeneity, Low, Measure, Measured, Models, Multidisciplinary, Multiple, Nature, Ocean, Particular, Phases, Public, Recently, SV, Stations, Structures, Students, Velocity, Waveform, Waves, Web.
1. Stephen Grand($244,471), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Eric Sandvol($204,007), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Mantle Beneath Tibet, Continental Collision, Cratonic Lithosphere, Deeper Mantle, Indian Continental, Indian Lithosphere, Little Agreement, Mantle Lithosphere, Northern India, Surrounding Regions, Tibetan Lithosphere, Tibetan Plateau, Behavior, Constraints, Earthquakes, Evolution, Has, Image, Imaged, Images, Past, People, Regional, Resources, Structures, Transition, Waveform, Zone.
1. Jeffrey B Johnson($334,753), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Active Volcanoes, Crater Acoustic, Crater's Acoustic, Volcanic Crater, Anticipated, Craters, Critical, Eruption, Field, Function, Infrasound, Measure, Modeling, Numerical, Occurring, Permit, Processes, Radiated, Relates, Sound, Sounds, Source, Source-time.
1. Thorsten W Becker($375,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Plate Boundary, Plate Tectonics, Behavior, Boundaries, Convection, Damage, Evolution, Long-term, Mantle, Memory, Particular, Plates, Range.
1. Steven D Jacobsen($472,282), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Deep Mantle, Earth's Interior, Lower Mantle, Mineral Inclusions, Transition Zone, Crust, Depth, Diamond, Diamonds, Examine, Hydrous, Information, Methods, Minerals, National, Origin, Phases, Pressure, Properties, Reveal, Structure, Surface, Technological, Thousand, Velocity, Water.
1. Maureen D Long($310,000), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Model Space Search, Shear Wave Splitting, Space Search Approach, Splitting Intensity Tomography, Upper Mantle Anisotropy, Mantle Convection, Seismic Anisotropy, Sensitivity Kernels, Activity, Anisotropic, Challenge, Challenges, Complete, Earth, Finite-frequency, Framework, Image, Implementation, Observations, Parameter, Structure, Student, Waves.
1. Thomas S Duffy($415,077), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Crystal And Electronic, Lower Mantle Minerals, Observations And Constrain, Perovskites And Post-perovskites, Valences And Spin, Electronic Structures, Geophysical Observations, Human Societies, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Silicate Minerals, Adopt, Affect, Analogs, Deep, Earth, Effect, Interior, Investigating, Iron, Knowledge, Laboratory, Magnesium, Pressure, Pressures, Processes, Properties, Temperatures, Thermal.
1. Eric M Dunham($28,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Dynamic Rupture, Earthquake Source, Motion Simulation, Exchange, Modeling, Processes, Ruptures, Seismologists, Seismology, Travel, Workshop.
1. Brittany A Erickson($95,455), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Complex Fault Geometries, Complex Geometries, Earthquake Cycle, Frictional Resistance, Plastic Deformation, Seismic Hazard, Stress Field, Tectonic Loading, Tectonic Plates, Bends, Branches, Cracks, Damage, Dynamic, Earthquakes, Evolution, Faults, Features, Geometry, Heterogeneous, Interaction, Interseismic, Model, Modeled, Modeling, Models, Nfault, Nucleation, Properties, Quasi-static, Recurrence, Requires, Rigorously, Rupture, Stages.
1. Francis A Macdonald($77,882), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Bitter Springs Stage, True Polar Wander, Earth's Interior, South China, Uc Berkeley, Age, Ancient, CA-ID-TIMS, Ca, Component, Constrain, Constrained, Context, Continent, Dates, Development, Display, Educational, Exhibit, Field, Geochronological, Geological, HMNH, Has, History, Interval, Isotope, Ma, Mantle, Mass, Models, Module, Mongolia, Motion, Movement, Occurred, Oscillatory, Paleomagnetic, Paths, Period, Pis, Plate, Plates, Pole, Rapid, Rate, Rates, Relative, Reorientation, Robustly, Rock, Rotational, Seeks, Students, Successions, Surface, TPW, Time, U-pb, Viscosity, Zavkhan.
1. Heidi Houston($94,176), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Slow Slip Earthquakes, Deep Subduction, Fault Weakening, Intrinsic Friction, Plate Boundary, Subduction Zones, Tidal Stress, Tidal Stresses, Accumulates, Approach, Behavior, Constrain, Cycle, Days, ETS, Effects, Estimate, Has, In-situ, Influence, Interface, Phenomenon, Portions, Preliminary, Progressive, Recently-discovered, Restrengthening, Seismic, Sensitivity, Stressing, Time, Timing, Tremor, Yielded.
1. Michael J Walter($150,000), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Giant Oxygen, Iron Superoxides, Mineral Physics, Comparison, Conditions, Consequences, Continent, Deep, Earth, Eruption, Geodynamics, Investigate, Mantle, P-T, Pa, Release, Reservoir, Suggested, Supercontinent.
1. Marc Peipoch($108,743), Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale
2. Shreeram P Inamdar($498,660), University of Delaware, Newark
3. Arthur Gold($112,556), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Dam Removals, Filtering Service, Groundwater Levels, Riparian Soils, Riparian Zones, Undergraduate Student, Water Quality, Characterize, Conditions, Conveyed, Create, Delaware, Denitrification, Enhance, Existing, Flow, Forests, Habitat, Hotspots, Hydrologic, Increase, Increased, Investigate, Milldams, Mixing, Natural, Nitrogen, Processes, Regimes, Safety, Sediments, Stream, Streams, Streamside, Upstream, Waterways.
1. Yang Liu($395,516), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: 3d Printing Technologies, Heterogeneous Permeability Field, Heterogeneous Porous Media, High-resolution 3d Printing, Miscible Density-driven Convection, Women And Minority, 3d Printing, Correlation Length, Deep Aquifers, Density-driven Convection, Digital Sediment, Engage Women, Experimental Analogue, High-resolution 3d, Increase Public, Injected Co2, Mass Transfer, Minority Students, Miscible Density-driven, Affects, Carbon, Climate, Construct, Contribute, Critical, Flow, Fluid, Fluids, Global, Influence, Information, Literacy, Mobility, Modeling, Onset, Plan, Structure, Water, Well-controlled.
1. Trinity Hamilton($191,532), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Marty D Frisbee($374,618), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Alpine Glacial Meltwater, Snow And Rain, Students And Multiple, Alpine Glaciers, Goes Directly, Graduate Students, Mountain Recharge, Multiple Undergraduate, Seasonal Snow, Water Goes, Water Managers, Biological, DNA, Flow, Groundwater, Streams.
1. Erasmus K Oware($299,515), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers, Complex Groundwater, Contaminant Transport, Field-scale Solute, Sampling Methods, Small-scale Transport, Solute Migration, Solute Plume, Solute Transport, Stochastic Estimation, Transport Parameters, Transport Process, Water Supplies, Advection-dispersion, Computational, Constraints, Contaminants, Field-scale, Information, Lack, Limited, Management, Opportunities, Predict, Prediction, Prior, Processes, Requires, Small-scale, Spatially, Students, Target, Uncertainty.
1. Gabriele Villarini($399,934), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Land-falling Tropical Cyclones, Rainfall And Flooding, Development Workshops, Land-falling Tropical, Paved Surfaces, School Teachers, Cities, Climate, Increase, Modeling, Storms, Tools, Urban.
1. Kathleen M Smits($264,563), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Land Surface Models, Mass And Energy, Water And Climate, Computational Models, Energy Exchange, Modeling Approaches, Multiple Scales, Transport Mechanisms, Answering, Atmosphere, Challenge, Contribute, Critical, Differences, Education, Environmental, Experimental, Feedbacks, Formulations, Heterogeneity, Integrated, Interactions, Interface, Knowledge, Laboratory, Land-atmosphere, Lsms, Methods, Parameterizations, Prediction, Predictions, Process, Processes, Representation, STEM, Soil, Students, Subsurface, Unique, Watershed.
1. Stephen P Good($425,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Local Organization Focused, Advanced Biological, Connecting Under-represented, Relative Abundance, Streamwater Dna, Collection, Composition, Conditions, Flow, Flows, Found, Hydrologic, Information, Level, Machine, Microbes, Microbial, Partners, River, Rivers, STEM, Sequencing, Streams, Students, Techniques, Tools, Under-represented, Water.
1. Mukesh Kumar($306,357), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Patch And Gap, Consequent Hydrologic, Forest Management, Forest Patch, Gap Creation, North Carolina, Radiation Model, Snow Accumulation, Snow Melt, Configurations, Decision, Developed, Ecosystem, Enhance, Fmps, Forested, Forests, Idaho, Implemented, Integrated, Models, Multiple, Peak, Services, Testing, Thinning, Water, Western.
1. Diego A Riveros-Iregui($685,281), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Educational Activities Directed, Terrestrial And Aquatic, Aquatic Ecosystems, Aquatic Landscape, Carbon Dioxide, Diverse Audiences, Headwater Streams, Traditionally Underrepresented, Design, Downstream, Experience, Fluxes, Graduate, Hydrologic, Populations, Students, Undergraduate, Unit, Water, Waters, Wetlands.
1. Richard P Hooper($49,650), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Biological, Biology, Catchment, Chemical, Conference, Disciplines, Exchange, Focus, GRC, Geochemistry, Gordon, Graduate, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Interaction, Opportunities, Opportunity, Seminar.
1. Ryan W Webb($289,218), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Liquid Water Storage, Snowpack Liquid Water, Gpr Surveys, Hydrologic Modeling, Modeling Techniques, Numerical Modeling, Remote Sensing, Sensor Nodes, Snow Depth, Snow Water, Snowmelt Season, Soil Moisture, Water Resources, Ability, Affect, Assess, Automated, Boulder, Capabilities, Catchment, Climate, Colorado, Connectivity, Constrain, Distribution, Dynamics, Field, Flowpaths, GPS, Generation, Headwater, Hydrology, Importance, In-snow, Knowledge, Leverages, Local, Mapping, Meltwater, Monitor, Mountain, Network, Observation, Observations, Observed, Processes, Runoff, Seasonal, Simulate, State-of-the-science, Streamflow, Streams, Students, Transport, UAV.
1. Joseph L Kirschvink($42,250), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Eduardo Andrade Lima($493,378), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ancient Geomagnetic Fields, Broad Range, Common Platform, Independently Verifying, Magnetic Histories, Main Goals, Measure Paleomagnetic, Remained Inaccessible, Applications, Build, Caltech, Collaborative, Combination, Complex, Details, Disseminated, Enable, Geological, Instrument, MIT, Mm, Rock, SSM, Share, Upgrade.
1. Jeffrey S Munroe($103,295), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Cave Ice Deposits, Perennial Cave Ice, Stable Isotopic Composition, Transport And Fate, Alpine Landscapes, Analyzing Water, Geology Department, Holocene Paleoclimate, Rock Glaciers, Stable Isotopes, Surface Water, Undergraduate Students, Acquisition, Aquifer, Aquifers, CRDS, Collected, Flow, Fractured, Groundwater, Instrument, Middlebury, Oxygen, Ryan, Sources, Speleothems, Training.
1. A Joshua West($558,764), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Multiple Collector-inductively Coupled, Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Collector-inductively Coupled, Isotopic Analysis, Multiple Collector-inductively, Public Health, Southern California, Applications, Disciplines, Enable, Enabling, Environmental, Government, Has, Human, Instrument, Instrumentation, Isotope, MC-ICPMS, Medicine, Metals, Natural, Oceanography, Processes, Serving, Training, USC, Users, Wide.
1. Elisabeth Widom($711,822), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Mass Spectrometer, Wide Range, Acquisition, Applied, Disciplines, Geochemistry, Initiatives, Instrumentation, Isotope, LA-MC-ICP-MS, Stable, Students, Techniques, Training.
1. Michael S Petronis($153,915), New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas
Key terms: Acquisition, Active, Crust, Deformation, International, Magnetic, Magnetism, National, Paleomagnetic, Properties, Students, VSM.
1. Daniel P Lathrop($591,439), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Dynamo Magnetic Field, Earth's Magnetic Field, Tv And Web, Web Based Documentaries, Dynamo Generation, Earth's Core, Earth's Magnetic, Laboratory Model, Liquid Sodium, Magnetic Fields, Outer Core, Public Appreciation, Sodium Experiment, Solar Storms, Design, Direct, Directly, Dynamics, Experiments, Frequent, Geomagnetism, Magnetohydrodynamics, Mimic, Modification, Operations, Planets, Predict, Produce, Radiation, Serves, Three-meter, Time, Tours, Turbulence.
1. Peter J Jacobson($349,685), Grinnell College, Grinnell
Key terms: Arid Environments, Carbon Cycling, Laser Ablation, Mercury Speciation, Access, Analysis, Archaeological, Characterization, Cutting-edge, Grinnell, ICP-MS, Instrument, Instrumentation, Investigations, Students, Synthesis.
1. Christian Kienholz($38,143), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Alaska Southeast, Lake Outburst, Mountain Glaciers, Topographic Mapping, Active, Avalanche, Changing, GNSS, Glacial, Hazards, Juneau, Native, Outreach, Requested, Terrain, Uavs.
1. Thomas A Herring($524,274), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Analysis, Antenna, Atmospheric, Check, Continue, Development, Dynamics, GAMITGLOBK, GLOBK, GNSS, Packages, Parameters, Satellite, Software, Solutions, Users, Worldwide.
1. Matthew J Winnick($312,110), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Leaf Waxes, Mass Spectrometer, Postdoctoral Scholars, Short Course, Stable Isotope, Water Cycle, Amherst, Climate, Deuterium, Diverse, Earth, Faculty, Fluxes, Future, Gain, Graduate, History, Information, Isotopes, Mpwp, Nearby, Oxygen, Past, Rainfall, Sediments, Soil, Southern, Stream, Students, Terrestrial, Tropics, Umass, Undergraduate, Users, Warm.
1. Anne M Hofmeister($97,573), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Laser Flash Apparatus, Structure And Evolution, Heat Flow, Thermal Structure, Advance, Engineering, Planetary.
1. Melodie E French($102,379), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Subduction Plate Boundary, Constitutive Behavior, Elastic Waves, Faults Slip, Mechanical Properties, Pacific Northwest, Rock Deformation, Seismic Hazards, Subduction Zones, Apparatus, Destructively, Earthquakes, Equipment, Ground, Measure, Models, Produce, Tsunamis, Upgrade.
1. Jonathan M Aurnou($464,702), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Allow, Core, Earth, Experimental, Experiments, Flows, Lab, Laboratory, Models, Planetary, Students, Upgrade, Upgrades, World-unique.
1. Darrell S Kaufman($358,076), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Aar Geochronology, Dating Method, Applied, Cores, Foraminifera, Racemization, Range, Rate, Reference, Sites.
1. Jin Zhang($561,092), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: National Synchrotron Facility, Pressures And Temperatures, Earth's Mantle, Elastic Anisotropy, Elastic Properties, Graduate Student, Mantle Flows, Pi's Laser, Seismic Anisotropy, Temperatures Prevailing, Albuquerque, Course, Critical, Early-career, Educational, Experiments, Female, Integrated, Introductory, Laboratory, Mexico, Minerals, Outcomes, Pis, Plate, Rock, Specimens, Spectroscopy, Students, Training, UNM, X-rays, Zones.
1. Hoagy O'Ghaffari($171,835), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Experimental Rock Deformation, Rock Deformation Studies, Sampling Speeds, Ultrasound Recording, Acoustic, Apparatus, CORD, Capabilities, Deforming, Earthquakes, Evolution, Frequency, Influence, Insights, Mss, Phenomena, Pressure, Stress, Tectonic, Temperature, Volume.
1. John H Fournelle($301,038), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Anette von der Handt($99,541), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Electron Probe Microanalyzer, Field Emission, L-series X-rays, Low Kv, Transition Metals, Beam, Complex, Energy, Extend, Fe, Generated, Geological, Innovative, Instrument, Investigate, Iron, L-lines, L-series, Lower, Minerals, Simple, Spectral, Technique, X-ray, X-rays.
1. Bonnie F Jacobs($420,320), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Key terms: Scanning Electron Microscope, Acquisition, Applications, Beam, Cellular, Charcoals, Chemical, Detectors, Dispersive, Engineering, Fires, Instrument, Investigate, Landscape, NSF, Nm, Regional, Remediation, SEM, SMU, Sources, Water, X-ray.
1. Anette von der Handt($25,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Electron Probe Microanalysis, Advances, Educational, MAS, Students.
1. Melissa L Chipman($291,825), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Multi-sensor Core Logger, Educational Outreach, Multi-sensor Core, Anoxic, Benefit, Climate, Color, Combination, Cores, Department, Faculty, Geologic, Information, Instrument, MSCL, MSCL-S, Magnetic, NSF, Paleoenvironmental, Properties, Resource, Sediment, Sensors, Syracuse, Upstate, York.
1. Juske Horita($146,575), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Arid And Semi-arid, Graduate And Underserved, Scientifically And Socially, Underserved Minority Students, 18o Values, High-precision Infrared, Isotopic Analysis, Laser Spectrometer, Semi-arid Zones, Texas Tech, West Texas, Acquisition, High-precision, Instrument, Isotope, O-excess, Opportunities, Regions, Surface, Transport, Undergraduate, Water.
1. Lee Slater($144,406), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
Key terms: Borehole Logging Tool, Near Surface Geophysics, Nmr And Sip, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Spectral Induced Polarization, Carbon Cycling, Graduate Students, Allow, Contaminant, Enhance, Equipment, Expand, Faculty, Field, Hydrogeophysics, Instrumentation, Instruments, Laboratory, Multiple, Newark, Ongoing, Parameters, Peatlands, Processes, Program, Rutgers, State-of-the-art, Subfields, Under-represented.
1. James M Russell($96,747), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Students And Postdocs, Existing Gcms, Graduate Students, Activities, Biomarkers, Geological, Has, Instrument, Organic, Pis, Training.
1. Jeffrey Martz($104,884), University of Houston - Downtown, Houston
Key terms: Coupled Plasma-optical Emission, Existing Inductively Coupled, Inductively Coupled Plasma-optical, Plasma-optical Emission Spectrometer, Coupled Plasma-optical, Plasma-optical Emission, Trans Pecos, Volcanic Rocks, West Texas, Department, Facilities, Faculty, Funds, Geology, Geosciences, Houston-downtown, ICP-OES, Instructional, Instrument, Natural, Soil, Students, Tectonic, Transition, UHD, Undergraduate, Upgrade.
1. Sandrine J Matiasek($286,229), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
Key terms: Analytical Experience, Water Quality, Acquisition, California, Chico, Collaborations, Development, Facilitate, Faculty, Geochemistry, ICP-MS, National, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Aradhna Tripati($49,580), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Recruitment And Retention, Students And Faculty, Indigenous Students, Stem Fields, Challenges, Culture, Education, Environmental, Geosciences, Inclusive, NTU, Opportunities, Pathways, UCLA.
1. William Leavitt($299,358), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Sebastian H Kopf($295,814), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: High-school And Middle, Matter And Energy, Middle School Students, Archaeal Lipid, Critical Thinking, Isotope Fractionation, Low Temperature, Organic Molecules, Transferrable Skills, Activities, Allow, Analysis, Atoms, Biomarkers, Break, Carbon, Co-pi, Coding-literacy, Composition, Courses, Cycling, DNA, Earth, Effort, Engage, Environmental, Environments, Experimental, Geobiologists, Geochemical, Geomicrobiology, Geosciences, Graduate, H-isotopic, Has, History, Hydrogen, Information, Lab, Larger, Life, Lipids, Lived, Manymentors, Mentoring, Microbes, Millions, Modern, Modules, Network, Past, Phd, Pis, Processes, Proteins, Redox, Rock, STEM, Undergraduate, Underserved.
1. William P Gilhooly III($466,914), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Mexico Dead Zone, Weathering And Erosion, Constrain Terrestrial, Late Devonian, Mid-late Devonian, Terrestrial Nutrient, Ago, Ancient, Balances, Carbon, Critical, Development, Evolution, Evolutionary, Evolved, Explore, Extant, Extinction, Forest, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Global, Gulf, History, Informing, Land, Mass, Mid-late, Million, Modern, Ocean, Oceans, Phosphorus, Plants, Roots, Soil, Soils, Southampton, Structures, Students, Surface, Was.
1. Kimberly E Samuels-Crow($546,646), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Marcy Litvak($203,444), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Evaporation And Transpiration, Graduate And Undergraduate, Managing Water Resources, Dry Regions, Environmental Conditions, Environmental Drivers, Lesson Plans, Semiarid Ecosystems, Undergraduate Students, Water Budgets, Water Cycle, Water Losses, Amount, Approach, Atmosphere, Challenges, Climate, Components, Evapotranspiration, Existing, Land, Local, Managers, Methods, Partition, Past, Sites, Soil, Times, Workshops.
1. Alexander Gysi($287,565), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Fluids And Minerals, Aqueous Fluids, Fluid Inclusions, Ore Deposits, Composition, Experiments, Fluid-rock, Geosciences, Hydrothermal, Metals, Model, Modeling, Natural, Ore-forming, Partitioning, Processes, Properties, REE, Signatures, Temperature, Thermodynamics, Trace.
1. Veronica L Morales($574,098), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Flow And Contaminant, Contaminant Movement, Domain Size, Drinking Water, Groundwater Flow, Heterogeneous Porous, Manipulate Groundwater, Pore Space, Arise, Attributes, Central, Contaminants, Controlled, Development, Interactive, Mathematical, Pores, Predict, Predictions, Rock, Spread, Statistically, Step, Students, Tool, Tools, Transport, Velocity, Virtual.
1. Nicole Gasparini($285,354), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. Jane Willenbring($292,353), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Grain Size, Residence Time, Rio Blanco, Incision, Landlab, Landscapes, Model, Modeling, Rate, Rates, Rivers, Sediment, Soil, Students.
1. Joseph J Reczek($398,000), Denison University, Granville
Key terms: Chemistry And Biochemistry, Emission Scanning Electron, Field Emission Scanning, Scanning Electron Microscope, Geosciences Department, Allow, Analysis, Biology, CL, Characterization, Composition, Critical, Crystals, Denison, Denisons, Development, EDS, Elemental, Energy, Enhance, Faculty, Imaging, Instrument, SEM, Spectroscopy, State-of-the-art, Students, Teaching, Training, Undergraduate, Volcanic, Workforce.
1. Matthew W Becker($310,438), California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach
Key terms: Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Fiber Optic Cable, Moon And Sun, California Institute, Deep Boreholes, Fiber-optic Cable, Fluid Pressure, Southern California, Urm Students, Acquisition, Beach, Considered, Consortium, DAS, Deformation, Developed, Fiber-optic, Forcing, Ground, Has, Instrument, Intervals, Length, Less, MRI, Measure, Measured, Measuring, Movements, Natural, Observed, Opportunity, Periods, Pull, Resolution, Seismic, Shallow, Strain, Subsurface, Technology, Tectonic, Vibration.
1. Alison M Koleszar($297,363), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Colgate And Nearby, Finger Lakes Region, Interdisciplinary Analytical Facility, Paleolithic Art Pigments, Quality And Surface, Region And Beyond, Roadside Spring Water, Spring Water Quality, Archaeological Sites, Cornerstone Facility, Geology Department, Hands-on Experience, Inductively Coupled, Modern Instrumentation, Predominantly Undergraduate, Surface Runoff, Volcanic Lakes, Wide Reach, York Region, Adirondack, Airborne, Antarctic, Courses, Evolution, Formation, Funding, Hands-on, ICP-MS, Ice, Implications, Island, Movement, Numerous, Programs, Projects, Provenance, Public, Social, Spectrometer, Testament, Training, Upstate, Users.
1. Richard A Ketcham($1,173,748), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Computed Tomography, Acquisition, Allowing, Benefit, CT, Capabilities, Expertise, Facility, Information, Instrument, Resolution, Scanning, Software, Speed, UTCT, X-ray.
1. Aric H Mine($352,088), California State University-Fresno Foundation, Fresno
Key terms: X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, Drinking Water, X-ray Fluorescence, Affect, Analytical, California, Contaminants, Groundwater, Heavy, Instrument, Rock, Students, Valley, Volcanoes.
1. Shijie Zhong($354,609), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Laws And Coefficient, Load-induced Lithospheric Deformation, Low-temperature Plasticity Flow, Plasticity Flow Laws, Topography And Gravity, Trench And Hawaii, Gravity Anomalies, Japan Trench, Lithospheric Rheology, Load-induced Lithospheric, Low-temperature Plasticity, Plate Tectonics, Strain Rate, Compare, Constraints, Does, Earth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Experiments, Following, Friction, Generation, Lithosphere, Mantle, Models, Observations, Settings, Surface, Thermal.
1. Jessica R Creveling($266,580), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Continental Ice Sheets, Earth's Viscoelastic Structure, Global Geophysical Models, Global Mean Sea, Mean Sea Level, Past Sea Level, Past Warm Periods, 5c Peak, Computer Model, Earth's Crust, Earth's Viscoelastic, Geological Markers, Global Compilation, Globally Distributed, Ice-age Warmth, Marine Terraces, Mis 5a, Past Intervals, Peak Gmsl, Portion Begins, Published Elevations, Refine Estimates, Regional Subsets, Shoreline Markers, Adjustment, Ago, Analyses, Ancient, Arising, Complete, Constrain, Correct, Cryosphere, Deformation, Fit, GIA, Geoscientists, Glacial, Height, Ice-age, Lateral, Loaded, Magnitude, Mattress, Melt, Person, Raised, Respectively, Seismic, Similar, Stability, Stands, Tectonic.
1. Dario Bilardello($25,000), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Santa Fe, Approaches, Conference, Discussion, Field, Future, Leading, Magnetic, Magnetism, Modeling, Partial, Participants, Workshop.
1. Josef Dufek($240,280), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Scott W McCoy($249,092), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
3. Ken Ferrier($124,512), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Accurate Models, Bed Forces, Granular Flow, Granular Flows, Laboratory Experiments, Natural Hazards, Aid, Formulation, Rapid, Rock.
1. Charles F Harvey($346,371), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Alexandra Konings($330,490), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Future Fire Risk, Communicated Directly, Education Program, Hydrologic Models, Peatland Drainage, Remote Sensing, School Teachers, Tropical Peatlands, Canals, Climate, Combined, Cover, Disturbance, Fires, Haze, Hydrology, Implications, Land, Map, Middle, Region, Southeast, Tools, Water.
1. Alan G Whittington($404,243), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
2. Einat Lev($373,980), Columbia University, New York
3. Julia E Hammer($106,702), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: East Rift Zone, Lava Flow Emplacement, Lower East Rift, Predicting Lava Flow, Analog Experiments, Gas Bubbles, Kilauea Volcano, Lava Emplacement, Lava Flows, Lava Rheology, Agreement, Analysis, Based, Behavior, Budget, Channelized, Collected, Crystals, Eruption, Evolution, Field, Framework, Hawaii, Hazard, Hazards, Investigate, Joint, KLERZ, Laboratory, Lavas, Melt, Mitigation, Models, Multi-phase, Natural, Observations, Produce, Properties, Proportion, Quantitative, Rheological, UAS, Unprecedented, Videos, Volcanic, Volume.
1. Ayla Pamukcu($132,855), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Shed Light, Ancient, Conditions, Crust, Earth, Eruption, Geochemical, Magma, Magmatic, Princeton, Processes, Source, Timescales, Volcano, Volcanoes.
1. Alan Rooney($157,649), Yale University, New Haven
2. Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia($294,796), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Deep Roots, Earth's Continents, Magmatically-active Regions, Andean, Arc, Capable, Composition, Convergent, Crust, Driving, Eruption, Fragments, Geochemical, History, Investigation, Magmas, Magmatically-active, Mantle, Margins, Opportunity, Process, Processes, Rare, Rock, Section, Surface, Tectonic, Transported, Unique, Uplift, Volcanic.
1. Adam C Simon($369,270), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Ryan D Mathur($73,662), Juniata College, Huntingdon
Key terms: Copper And Gold, Educational Capacity Building, Graduate And Undergraduate, Industry And Academic, Involves Underrepresented Graduate, Iocg And Ioa, Michigan And Juniata, Ore Deposit Types, Academic Partners, Built Environment, Deposits Formed, Ioa Deposits, Iron Oxide, Mining Industry, Natural Resources, Time-space Relationships, Undergraduate Students, West Africa, Chile, Collaborations, Consensus, Exploration, Formation, Genetic, Genetically, Has, Hydrothermal, Igneous, Investigate, Metals, Mineral, Mineralization, Model, Purely, Sources, Time-space.
1. Yvette D Kuiper($263,796), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Emily J Chin($80,845), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Colorado Plateau, Crustal Hydration, Fluid Influx, Fluid-rock Interaction, Surface Uplift, Algorithms, Continent, Density, Earth, Effects, Electron, Fluid-rock, Fluids, Geological, Mineral, Modeling, Poorly, Processes, Quantify, Recently, Slab, Water.
1. Rita Parai($38,549), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Stephen J Turner($123,053), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Global Carbon Cycle, Stable Sr Isotope, Carbon Recycling, Carbonate Recycling, Earth's Surface, Sr Stable, Subducting Carbonate, Subduction Zones, Volcanic Arc, Volcanic Arcs, Accurately, Andsr, Assess, CAVA, Carbonates, Efficiency, Estimate, Geochemical, History, Magmas, Mantle, Plate, Proxy, Radiogenic, Rates, Rock, Systematics, Transported, Variable, Via, Volcanics, Volcanoes.
1. Graham D Andrews($35,378), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Analog Models, Ancient Lavas, Lava Flows, Silicic Lava, Silicic Lavas, Upper Surfaces, Advance, Analogous, Brittle, Compression, Crevasses, Deformation, Ductile, Duration, Eruption, Flanks, Folding, Folds, Gas, Generate, Geological, Glaciers, Mapped, Structural, Structures, Suas, Vent, Viscous, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Joshua Schwartz($297,489), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Ancient Subduction Zone, Arc Magmas, Continental Crust, Csun Students, Deep Crust, Deep Roots, Graduate School, Los Angeles, Mash Zones, Outreach Program, Subduction Zones, Undergraduate Students, Continental-arc, Create, Directly, Evolution, Existing, Experiences, Exposed, Field, Fiordland, Geochemical, Geoscience, Insights, Lead, Lower-crustal, Magmatic, Mantle, Melting, Melts, Mentors, Paleodepth, Processes, Rock, Rocs, Serving, Settings, Signature, Tectonic, Underrepresented, Zealand.
1. Elisabeth Widom($212,559), Miami University, Oxford
2. Susanne M Straub($270,003), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Arc Volcanism, Crustal Basement, Lithospheric Plate, Silicic Magmas, Arcs, Central, Composition, Crystals, Deadly, Depth, Earth, Eruption, Explosive, Formation, Habitable, Information, Isotope, Maintenance, Mantle, Margins, Melt, Olivine, Rock, Slab, Students, Subducted, Subduction, Suggest, TMVB, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Cathy J Busby($388,512), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Keith D Putirka($190,661), California State University-Fresno Foundation, Fresno
Key terms: Ancestral Cascade Volcanoes, Uplift And Erosion, Volume And Style, Active Volcanoes, Ancestral Cascade, Ancient Cascades, Central Valley, Eruption Rates, Fault Activity, Northern California, Volcanic Centers, Volcanic Eruptions, Walker Lane, Allow, Basins, Davis, Deep, Directly, Discovered, Earlier, Earthquakes, Eastern, Episodes, Erupted, Experiences, Exposed, Faults, Fresno, Generation, Geologic, Has, Largest, Lassen, Lead, Magmas, Modern, Mt, Pis, Range, Region, Students, Tectonic, Transtensional, Undergraduate.
1. James Day($244,097), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ocean Island Basalts, Plate Tectonic Theory, Canary Islands, Cook Islands, Fertile Peridotite, Long-lived Radiogenic, Mantle Sources, Oceanic Crust, Olivine Compositions, Partial Melting, Recycled Crustal, Basaltic, Combine, Contributions, Detecting, Endmember, Engaged, Enhance, Examine, Fit, Generation, HIMU, Indicating, Isotope, Lavas, Long-lived, Mangaia, Models, OIB, Partially, Pyroxenite, Pyroxenite-peridotite, Signature, Sr-nd-os-pb, Strong, Subducted, Task.
1. Benoit T Welsch($379,864), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Sector Zoning, Chemical, Clinopyroxene, Complex, Composition, Conditions, Cooling, Crystal, Crystallization, Electron, Experimental, Experiments, Intricate, Magmas, Magmatic, Major-, Melt, Mineral, Natural, Pressure, Previous, Processes, Sectors, Temperature, Trace-element.
1. Melanie Barboni($233,131), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Cold And Warm, Analytical Methods, Cold Storage, Similar Size, Storage Tool, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Reservoirs, Warm Storage, Zircon Geochronologygeochemistry, Allow, Applications, Apply, Based, Bolster, Common, Destructive, Literature, Magma, Mechanisms, Models, Past, Petrology, Thermal, Tools, Volcanoes.
1. Alan D Chapman($511,548), Macalester College, Saint Paul
Key terms: California Coast Ranges, Central California Coast, Upper Plate Magmatism, Continental Crust, High-flux Magmatism, Igneous Activity, Klamath Mountains, Overriding Plate, Shallow Subduction, Shallow-angle Subduction, Tectonic Erosion, Tectonic Underplating, Active, Arc, Beneath, Fields, Forearc, Has, High-flux, Increasing, Modern, Potential, Region, STEM, Shallow-angle, Students, Transform, Underrepresented, Zones.
1. Zachary Sharp($356,983), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Oceanic Crust, Triple Isotope, Alteration, Conditions, Constrain, Mantle, Origin, Oxygen, Planet, Ratio, Rock, Temperature.
1. David Mohrig($366,022), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Benjamin J Andrews($61,024), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
3. Josef Dufek($291,662), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Explosive Volcanic Eruptions, Multiphase Numerical Models, Pyroclastic Flow Properties, Analog Experiments, Buoyancy Evolve, Buoyancy Reversal, Dynamic Pressures, Ground Hugging, Pyroclastic Flows, Runout Distance, Stratified Currents, Ash, Behavior, Deposition, Encounters, Entrainment, Establish, Evolves, Force, Hazards, Heterogeneous, Investigate, Laboratory, Less, Liftoff, Parameterized, Plumes, Previous, Processes, Rate, Simulations, Travel, Turbulent.
1. Leif Karlstrom($599,951), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Columbia River Flood, Flood Basalt Eruptions, River Flood Basalts, Sonification And Visualization, Eruption Cycles, Magma Transport, Modeling Framework, Volcanic Eruptions, Active, Bridge, Climate, Crust, Explore, Generate, History, Largest, Magmatic, Magmatism, Models, Objective, Observational, Outreach, Processes, Surface, Teaching, Techniques, Tectonic.
1. Michael A Stearns($123,046), Utah Valley University, Orem
2. John M Bartley($204,505), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Heat And Mass, Contact Aureole, Cottonwood Stock, Earth's Crust, Episodic Hydrothermal, Mass Transfer, Mineral Phases, Thermal Modeling, Analytical, Context, Dating, Driven, Emplacement, Hazards, History, LCS, Long-lived, Metamorphic, Metamorphism, Processes, Protracted, Responsible, Spatial, Techniques, Timescales, Utah.
1. Jaime Barnes($350,099), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Overall Halogen Budget, Sub-continental Lithospheric Mantle, Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle, Convecting Mantle, Earth's Surface, Halogen Concentrations, Mantle Xenoliths, Sub-continental Lithospheric, Arc, Compared, Fluids, Halogens, Minerals, Reservoirs, Returned, Students, Subduction, Suggest.
1. Eric A Hetland($383,346), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Adjacent Wall Rock, Granitoid And Previously, Previously Solidified Mafic, Solidified Mafic Sills, Basaltic Sills, Continental Crust, Numerical Models, Partial Melting, Partial Melts, Rapid Transport, Upper Crust, Conditions, Dikes, Eruption, Experiments, Fluid, Formation, Future, High-resolution, High-sio, Hydrous, Process, Processes, Rhyolite, Transfer, Via, Western.
1. Claire E Bucholz($290,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Subduction Zone Plutonic, Zone Plutonic Rocks, Arc Magmas, Crustal Depths, Fe Speciation, Fe Valence, Subduction Zones, Volcanic Rocks, Amphibole, Application, Chemistry, Critical, Development, Difficult, Elevated, Eruption, Mid-ocean, Mineral, Oxidized, Processes, Redox, SMS, Source, Surface, Via.
1. Reika Yokochi($60,001), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Kr And Ar, Hot Springs, Magmatic Helium, Volcanic Activities, Eruption, Fluids, Forecasting, Isotope, Shallow, Signal, Signals, Time, Travel, Underground, Volcanos.
1. Susanne M Straub($139,795), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Volcano And Surrounding, Arc Volcanism, Lithospheric Plate, Volcanic Rocks, Convergent, Earth, Eruption, Geochemical, Habitable, Maintenance, Margins, Recycling, Slab, Subducted, Subduction, TMVB, Tracer, Transfer, Volatile-rich, Volcanoes.
1. Veronique Le Roux($363,064), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Earthquake And Volcanic, Inclusions And Incipient, Crystal Grains, Fluid Inclusions, Grain Boundaries, Halogen Fluxes, Incipient Alteration, Oceanic Plates, Subducting Plates, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Plates, Volcanic Hazards, Woods Hole, Budget, Bulk, Combination, Critical, Depth, Distribution, Eclogites, Elemental, Estimates, Halogens, Historically, In-situ, Influence, Ion, Linked, Particular, Recycled, Remain, Subducted, Technical, Techniques, Worldwide.
1. Paul Wallace($81,446), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Elisabet Head($94,273), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
3. Antonio Lanzirotti($87,093), University of Chicago, Chicago
4. Molly McCanta($98,855), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Cu Speciation, Magmatic Glasses, Metal Solubility, Available, Basaltic, Conditions, Constraining, Controlled, Copper, Developing, Experimental, Focus, Formation, HERFD-XAFS, Melts, Methods, Natural, Oxygen, Range, Resolution, Southern, Spectroscopic, Students, Sulfide-dominated, Sulfur, Synchrotron-based, Synthetic, Techniques, Terrestrial, Volcanic, XAFS.
1. Stefanie A Brachfeld($113,225), Montclair State University, Montclair
2. Thomas Shea($373,112), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation, Magma Ascent Rate, Magnetite Crystals, Rhyolite Magma, Titanomagnetite Crystals, Vapor Phase, Volatile Exsolution, Bubbles, Conduit, Control, Decompression, Densities, Density, Depth, Eruption, Explosive, Fo, Heterogeneously, Homogeneously, Increasing, Influence, Magmas, Natural, Numerical, Potential, Processes, Pumice, Range, Size, Spanning, Supersaturation, Vesiculation.
1. Patricia Larrea($305,000), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Directly Mentoring Students, Female Graduate Student, Monogenetic Volcanic Fields, Trans-mexican Volcanic Belt, Cinder Cones, Cone Clusters, Mexican Heritage, Monogenetic Volcanoes, School Students, Shield Volcano, Time Scales, Trans-mexican Volcanic, Behavior, Co-pi, Colleague, Common, Crust, Eruption, Evolution, Holocene, Individual, MGVF, Magma, Magmas, Magmatism, Mantle, Processes, Recruited, STEM, Sources, Successive, Surface, Tapped, Timescales, Versus.
1. Nicholas D Tailby($269,497), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Complex Magmatic Fluids, Magma Bodies, Magma Reservoirs, Magmatic Volatiles, Behavior, Dynamics, Eruption, Exsolution, Field, Gap, Knowledge, Lack, Magmas, Migration, Models, Pis, Shallow, Solubility, Under-represented.
1. Anna Bergstrom($130,500), Bergstrom, Anna, Boulder
Key terms: Global Carbon Cycle, Weathering-derived Solute Flux, Biogeochemical Cycles, Chemical Weathering, Glacierized Watersheds, Global Dataset, Weathering-derived Solute, Alaska, Applied, Characteristics, Controls, Dominant, Estimates, Geologic, Has, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Integrated, Processes.
1. Angelina Perrotti($245,000), Perrotti Angelina, Issaquah
Key terms: Spores And Fecal, Fungal Spores, Glacial Period, Lake Tulane, Link Past, Biomarkers, Climate, Deglaciation, Ecosystem, Effects, Extinction, Fire, Florida, Geochemical, Has, Herbivory, Linkages, Megaherbivore, Multiple, Proxies, Temperature, Vegetation.
1. Tamara Pico($174,000), Pico, Tamara, Cambridge
Key terms: Caused Crustal Deformation, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Glacial Lake Missoula, Broader Climate, Catastrophic Flooding, Channeled Scablands, Flood Discharge, Flood Volumes, Freshwater Flux, Glacial-isostatic Adjustment, Prior Estimates, Uplift Rates, Ago, Connect, Corrected, Drainage, Error, Floods, Glacial-isostatic, Has, Ice, Influence, Interval, Investigate, Landscapes, Largest, Local, Magnitude, Mega-flood, Mega-floods, Mmyr, Ocean, Oregon, Outburst, Period, Quantified, Regional, Resulting, Routing, Slopes, Time, Topography, Total.
1. William B Hawley($208,600), Hawley, William Bythewood, Berkeley
Key terms: Pacific Northwest, Plate Tectonics, Seismic Velocity, Velocity Model, Anisotropic, Dependence, Description, Flow, Lamont-doherty, Mantle, Observatory, Ocean, Plates, Rayleigh, Refine, Sensitivity, Structure, Surface, Waves.
1. Cara E Vennari($174,000), Vennari, Cara Elizabeth, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Lower Mantle, Mantle Rock, Melting Temperature, Water Content, Diffraction, Experiment, Has, Hydrous, Investigate, Melts, Phases, Pressures, Situ.
1. Corey D Wallace($174,000), Wallace, Corey David, Columbus
Key terms: Nitrous Oxide Flux, Spatial And Temporal, Subsurface Nitrogen Cycling, Greenhouse Gases, Postdoctoral Fellow, River Corridors, Sediment Heterogeneity, Activities, Agricultural, Atmosphere, Cincinnati, Climate, Contribute, Development, Effects, Emissions, Field, Future, Geochemical, Groundwater, Has, Land, Precipitation, Process, Release, Rivers, Stimulates, Streams.
1. Megan E Holycross($174,000), Holycross, Megan Elizabeth, Washington
Key terms: Fo2 Proxy, Mass Transfer, Natural History, Oxygen Fugacity, Subducting Slabs, Subduction Zones, Applied, Calibrate, Earth, Eclogite, Eclogites, Experiments, Function, Garnet, Museum, NSF, Oxidation, Oxidized, Postdoctoral, Public, Pyroxene, Redox, Rock, Rutile, Surface, Vanadium, Yale.
1. Roger Fu($677,056), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Magnetic Field, Recently Developed, Apply, Archean, Atmosphere, Billion, Conditions, Continent, Ferromagnetic, Ga, History, Imaging, Infer, Life, Observations, Oxygen-producing, Paleomagnetic, Plate, Properties, QDM, Quantum, Rise, Rock, Signals, Solar, Task, Time.
1. Jerry A Carter($4,308,685), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
2. Jerry A Carter($73,335,203), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Structure And Dynamics, Environmental Management, Fault Zones, Geophysical Instrumentation, National Security, Public Outreach, Sage Facility, Seismological Facilities, Volcanic Eruptions, Workforce Development, Activities, Administration, Advances, Behaviors, Capabilities, Department, Earth, Earthquakes, Education, Enable, Engagement, Engineering, Enhance, Focus, Global, Hazards, IRIS, Monitoring, Nuclear, Operate, Opportunities, Participation, Processes, Products, Programs, Promote, Provided, STEM, Seismic, Services, Students, Underrepresented, Variety.
1. Jerry A Carter($1), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Structure And Dynamics, Environmental Management, Fault Zones, Geophysical Instrumentation, National Security, Public Outreach, Sage Facility, Seismological Facilities, Volcanic Eruptions, Workforce Development, Activities, Administration, Advances, Behaviors, Capabilities, Department, Earth, Earthquakes, Education, Enable, Engagement, Engineering, Enhance, Focus, Global, Hazards, IRIS, Monitoring, Nuclear, Operate, Opportunities, Participation, Processes, Products, Programs, Promote, Provided, STEM, Seismic, Services, Students, Underrepresented, Variety.
1. Eric G Booth($2,539,683), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Land And Water, Agricultural Landscapes, Entire Umrb, Sustainability Transition, Water Management, Water Quality, Abrupt, Actors, Advance, Biofuel, Biophysical, Climate, Discussions, Diverse, Drivers, Ecosystem, Extreme, Food, Foster, Governance, Indicators, Integrated, Modeling, Multiple, National, Policies, Policy, Promote, Quantity, Respond, Security.
1. Barbara A Romanowicz($415,175), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Habitable Environments, Summer Program, Disciplinary, Disciplines, Evolution, Integrated, Progress, Tools, Various, Weeks.
1. Mingming Li($544,767), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Ultra-high Velocity Zones, Deep Mantle, Extreme Pressure, Geodynamic Modeling, Seismic Observations, Seismic Waves, Ultra-high Velocity, Beneath, Boundary, CMB, Calculations, Chemistry, Compositional, Convection, Core, Core-mantle, Crust, Earth, Evolution, Experiments, Explore, Heat, Newly, Observed, Properties, Structures, Subduction, Tectonic, Uhvzs, Velocities.
1. Carolina R Lithgow-Bertelloni($587,641), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Matthew G Jackson($98,714), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Low Shear Wave, Plumes And Llsvps, Shear Wave Velocity, Hotspot Lavas, Mantle Plumes, Activities, Africa, Chemical, Composition, Continue, Control, Deep, Dynamical, Dynamics, Edges, Elementary, Entrainment, Evolution, Fields, Flow, Found, Lab, Pacific, Pis, Provinces, School, Structures, Students, Three-dimensional, Tools.
1. Peter E Driscoll($637,194), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
2. Jung-Fu Lin($269,841), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Earth's Magnetic Field, Electrical And Thermal, Pressures And Temperatures, Earth's Magnetic, Electrical Conductivities, Extreme Pressures, Heat Flow, Thermal Conductivity, Calculations, Cell, Compute, Conditions, Core, Experimental, Experiments, Generated, Iron, Law, Liquid, Measured, Modeling, Solid, Theoretical.
1. Travis E Swanson($300,857), Denison University, Granville
Key terms: Bonnet Carre Spillway, Mississippi River, Advanced, Coastal, Construction, Deposit, Deposits, Diverse, Diversions, Diversity, Engineered, Flood, Geoscience, Hydrodynamic, Land, Opportunities, Sediment, Strategies, Students, Training, Undergraduate, Workforce.
1. Corinne E Myers($284,662), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Sierra V Petersen($179,498), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Don Haas($150,910), Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca
4. Carlie Pietsch($175,988), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Current And Future, Extreme Environmental, Lesson Plans, Mass Extinction, Rapid Environmental, Available, Experiences, Field, Gulf, Habitat, Laboratory, Niche, Online, Species, Students, Virtual.
1. Jonathan Obrist Farner($49,892), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Lake Izabal Basin, Drilling Workshop, Plate Boundary, Climate, Discuss, Discussions, Endeavor, Experts, Fault, Geohazards, LIB, LIBRE, North, Opportunity, Students, Tropical, Unsolved.
1. Michal J Kowalewski($519,595), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Scientists And Stakeholders, Conservation Paleobiology, Coordination Network, Field Courses, Natural Habitats, Archives, Developing, Efforts, Future, Historical, Integration, Knowledge, Past, Practices, Programs, RCN, Strategies, Training, Via.
1. Sarah M Jacquet($343,878), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Fossil Datasets, Geological Time, Ikara-flinders Ranges, Integrated Approach, Preservational Modes, South Australia, Virtual Fieldtrips, Ancient, Animal, Animals, Assemblages, Assess, Biological, Cambrian, Composition, Conditions, Controlling, Depositional, Factors, Geochemical, Ikara-flinders, Life, Paleoenvironment, Quantify, Reconstruct, Reliable, Rock, SSF, Sedimentological, Shelly, Skeletal, Sources, Successions, View.
1. Anders J Noren($99,613), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Gerilyn S Soreghan($449,032), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Nicholas G Heavens($156,622), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Southern Ute Indian, Ute Indian Tribe, Art Students, Glaciers Existed, Ground Surface, Late Paleozoic, Sediment Fill, Unaweep Canyon, Ago, Below, Climate, Colorado, Core, Create, Earth, Equator, Equatorial, Evolution, Features, Future, Glaciation, History, Landscape, Million, Near, Outreach, Region, Shape, Time, Training.
1. William C Daniels($246,000), Daniels, William C, Amherst
Key terms: Biomass Burning, Past Wildfires, Activities, Arctic, Climate, Education, Fire, Future, Global, Ma, Massachusetts, Molecular, Paleofire, Permafrost, Proxies, Tundra, Vegetation.
1. Carrie Tyler($420,621), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Food Web Models, Fossil Food Web, Stability And Resistance, Software Program, Biotic, Consequences, Determining, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Future, Immigrations, Invasions, Marine, Ordovician, Polar, Species.
1. Erik A Sperling($297,897), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Levels And Temperature, Oxygen And Temperature, Metabolic Index, Ordovician Biodiversification, Oxygen Levels, Trace Metal, Build, Combination, Driving, GOBE, Life, Living, Marine, Modern, Physiological.
1. David L Barbeau($191,823), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
2. Mary K Fidler($207,696), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Southern South, Atmospheric, Blown, Continent, Deposits, Detrital, Dust, Geochronology, Geologic, Has, Information, Loess, Models, Past, Pathways, Sediment, Sources, Time, Trace.
1. Marina B Suarez($325,370), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Carbon Cycle Perturbations, Cretaceous Carbon Cycle, Carbon Isotope, Activities, Climate, Disruptions.
1. Alexis Godet($550,462), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Carbonate Platforms, Carbonate-producing Ecosystems, Minority Students, Shallow Marine, Carbonate-producing, Conditions, Disappeared, Environmental, Greenhouse, Increase, Increased, Latitudes, Oaea, Opportunities, Reef, Resilience, Serve.
1. Nigel C Hughes($287,046), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
2. Blair Schoene($217,951), Princeton University, Princeton
3. Paul Myrow($164,341), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
Key terms: Ancient, Ashes, Asia, China, Extensive, Fossils, History, Incorporate, Indias, Myanmar, Period, Region, Rock, Sibumasu, Story, Students, Thailand, Time, Volcanic, Worlds.
1. Anjali M Fernandes($274,933), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Dennis O Terry($150,196), Temple University, Philadelphia
3. Virginia Smith($113,454), Villanova University, Villanova
Key terms: Ancient, Approach, Environmental, Flood, Hydraulic, Integrated, Million, Models, Past, Quantify, Respond, River, Rivers, Water, Western.
1. Melanie J Hopkins($617,419), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Development And Ecology, Diversification Rates, Time Period, Animals, Evolution, Evolutionary, Fossil, Students, Studying, Teachers, Time-scaled, Trait, Traits, Trilobite.
1. James M Russell($36,537), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Continental Drilling Program, Drilling Lake Tanganyika, Engineers And Continental, Finalize And Verify, International Continental Drilling, Marine Engineers, Site Survey, Verify Proposals, Budget, Existing, NSF, Services, Submission, Suitability, Transport, Vessels.
1. Paul R Renne($29,790), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Application, Future, Meeting, Participants, Travel.
1. Lauren C Sallan($543,104), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Loss And Gain, Fossil Fishes, Biodiversity, Comprehensive, Distinct, Diversity, Ecological, Efforts, Environmental, Essential, Extinctions, Global, House, Life, Mass, Million, Modern, Origins, Processes, Revealing, Selective, Species, Time, Training, Turnover.
1. Charlotte Lindqvist($542,156), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Extent And Timing, Plants And Animals, Escaped Ice, Human Migration, Ice Age, Ice Cover, Ice Sheets, Se Alaska, Southeast Alaska, Americas, Biotic, Coastal, Conditions, Corridor, Covered, Died, Environmental, Fossil, Future, History, Ice-free, Knowledge, LGM, Mammals, Movements, North, Past, Peopling, Poorly, Postglacial, Refugia, Species, Thousands.
1. Christopher K Junium($59,212), Syracuse University, Syracuse
2. Susannah M Porter($363,345), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Phoebe A Cohen($79,585), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Involve Undergraduate Students, Open-access Paleobiology Database, Organic Carbon Isotopes, Open-access Paleobiology, Advances, Analysis, Biological, Biology, Broader, Bulk, Decades, Development, Educational, Especially, Eukaryotes, Evolution, Fossil, Life, Measure, Microfossil, Oxygen, Proterozoic, Remain, Represent, Rise, Single, Techniques, Window.
1. Jennifer M Cotton($243,067), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
2. Ethan G Hyland($283,406), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Natural And Managed, C4 Grasses, Future Environmental, Managed Landscapes, Warm-season Grasses, Abundance, Climate, Conditions, Dramatic, Ecological, Expansion, Leading, Miocene, Paleoclimatic, Past, Predict, Reconstructions, Respond, South, Tectonic, Warm-season.
1. Franciszek J Hasiuk($217,803), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Calcite Microcrystal, Calcite Microcrystals, Microcrystal Textures, Cementation, Diagenetic, Economic, Evolution, Experiments, Geochemical, Increasing, Manner, Micropores, People, Pores, Resources, Robust.
1. Francis A Macdonald($91,191), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Zircon And Titanite, Cambrian Radiation, Gu Development, Thermal Histories, Advances, Constraints, Critical, Erosion, Formation, Global, Has, History, Life, Lifes, Models, Neoproterozoic, Occurred, Ocean, Oxygen, Oxygenation, Phosphorous, Rock, U-thhe, Unconformity, Viable, Was.
1. Timothy S Myers($113,902), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Ancient Ecosystems, Graduate Student, Isotope Analysis, Junggar Basin, Late Jurassic, Northwestern China, Paleosol Calcite, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Carbon, Climate, Climates, Estimates, Global, Inform, Middle, Modern, Productivity, Students.
1. Christine A Regalla($251,449), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: British Columbia, Slip History, Vancouver Island, Active, Canada, Development, Earthquakes, Faults, Mapping, Plate, Policy, Quaternary, STEM, Slab, Societal, Students.
1. Brian K Horton($440,314), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Basin Analysis, Drainage Reorganization, Extensional Deformation, Mountain Building, Sedimentary Basins, Southern Argentina, Andean, Andes, Boundaries, Continent, Convergent, Crust, Depositional, Development, Enable, Evolution, Foreland, International, Magmatic, Margin, Northern, Patagonian, Plate, Processes, Regional, Shortening, Structural.
1. Michael H Taylor($229,448), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Andrew Laskowski($302,960), Montana State University, Bozeman
3. Adam Forte($263,641), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Gangdese Mountains, Landscape Evolution, Mountain Belts, Rock Uplift, Tectonic Plates, Tibetan Plateau, Yarlung-siang-brahmaputra River, Affected, Boundaries, Boundary, Crust, Deep-seated, Drainage, Erosion, Interior, Largest, Miocene, Modules, Motions, Precipitation, Public, Rates, Region, South, Southern, Yarlung-siang-brahmaputra.
1. Lewis A Owen($116,991), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Caroline B Meisner($49,068), Great Basin College, Elko
3. Paula Marques Figueiredo($116,991), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
4. Steven G Wesnousky($221,449), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Basin And Range, Central Nevada Seismic, Nevada Seismic Belt, Earthquake Ruptures, Past Earthquakes, Pleasant Valley, Active, Assess, Bearing, Characteristics, Compare, Continent, Dating, Designed, Education, Fault, History, Methods, Modern, Observations, Occurred, Processes, Produced, Rate, Rates, Recurrence, Slip, Tectonic, Timing, Underpinnings.
1. Sarah J Titus($81,707), Carleton College, Northfield
2. Jacqueline E Reber($161,572), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: San Andreas Fault, Off-fault Deformation, Slip Behavior, Slip Control, Stored Energy, Earthquake, Experiments, Faults, Laboratory, Off-fault, Regions, School, Slips, Structures.
1. Gabriele Casale($73,748), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Metamorphic Core Complex, Specific Fluid Sources, Detachment Shear, Fluid Flow, Fluid-rock Interaction, Lower Crust, Meteoric Fluids, Undergraduate Students, Analyses, Chemical, Constrain, Crustal-scale, Depths, Ductile, Extension, Fault, Faulting, Field, Fluid-rock, Geologic, Incorporates, Zone, Zones.
1. Bradley R Hacker($289,046), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. George E Gehrels($115,621), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Coast Shear Zone, High-temperature Deformation, Southeast Alaska, Crust, Date, Dating, Deep, Enable, Evolution, Fault, Future, High-temperature, Incorporate, Maps, Methods, Mineral, Processes, Technique, Time, Titanite, Tool, U-pb.
1. Amanda Keen-Zebert($44,542), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
2. Peter J Haproff($40,798), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
3. Andrew V Zuza($242,337), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Asian Continent, Digital Elevation, Haiyuan Fault, Himalayan-tibetan Orogen, Mountain Belt, Strike-slip Faulting, Strike-slip Faults, Thrust Faulting, Western Termination, Boundaries, Central, Construction, Deformation, Features, Folding, Geologic, Hazards, Himalayan-tibetan, Interior, Intra-continental, Largest, Mapping, Methods, Models, Plate, Plates, Strain, Strike-slip, Structures, Tectonic.
1. Nathan Onderdonk($216,559), California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach
Key terms: Entire Mountain Belt, Western Transverse Ranges, Local Uplift, Marine Terraces, Regional Uplift, Reverse Faults, Topographic Development, Uplift Rates, California, Coast, Deeper, Deformation, Individual, Lifted, Markers, Measure, Southern, Tectonic, Valleys, WTR.
1. Jeffrey D Vervoort($244,257), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Julia A Baldwin($247,435), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Crustal Growth Versus, Metamorphic Phase Equilibria, Continental Crust, Establish Relative, Integrated Approach, Northwest Margin, Southwestern Montana, Time Intervals, Wyoming Province, Assembly, Efforts, Enhanced, Field, Formation, Geologic, Laboratory, Modification, Monazite, Neoarchean, Paleoproterozoic, Periods, Processes, Rock, Students, Tectonic, Tools, Training, Undergraduate, Zircon.
1. David L Shuster($256,948), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
2. Darryl E Granger($224,098), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Central Andean Precordillera, Postdoctoral Fellow, Climate, Combination, Combining, Cosmogenic, Dating, Deformation, Development, Driven, Erosion, Faulting, Geologic, Has, Landscape, Methods, Rates, Teaching, Techniques, Tectonic, Times.
1. Nicholas L Swanson-Hysell($699,790), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Apparent Polar Wander, Elementary School Students, Polar Wander Path, Lawrence Hall, Proterozoic Paleogeography, West Africa, Ago, Assembly, Central, Configuration, Conjunction, Constraints, Content, Continent, Craton, Developed, Display, Efforts, Focus, Global, Nuna, Oakland, Position, Program, Public, Rock, Rodinia, Spans, Sphere, Time, Trips.
1. Nicole Gasparini($249,903), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. Tammy M Rittenour($166,226), Utah State University, Logan
3. Frank J Pazzaglia($443,197), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Sea Level, Sediment Yield, Tectonic Forcings, Autogenic, Climate, Deltas, Earthquakes, Hazards, Inform, LEM, Landscape, Landslides, Modern, Mountain, Natural, Peloritani, Periodic, Processes, Quasi-periodic, Rates, Rock, Rock-magnetic, Sedimentary, Sink, Source, Time, Unique, Uplift.
1. William Guenthner($530,932), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Timing And Magnitude, Damage Annealing, Deep-time Thermochronology, Radiation Damage, Temperature Sensitivity, Thermal Histories, Thermal History, Zircon Grains, Appreciation, Atmosphere-biosphere-lithosphere, Concept, Constrain, Deep-time, Erosion, Experiments, Focuses, Geologic, Kinetics, Knowledge, Midcontinent, Range, Refine, Rock, Thermochronologic, U-thhe, Unconformity, Uranium-thoriumhelium.
1. Hiroko Kitajima($580,367), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Deformation And Slip, Earthquakes And Tsunamis, Megathrust Plate Boundary, Paths And Rates, Plate Boundary Faults, Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Education Programs, Elevated Pore, Fault Rocks, Friction Experiments, Future Generations, Hazard Mitigation, Loading Paths, Low Effective, Pore Pressure, Rock Deformation, Slip Behaviors, Subduction Zones, Vein Formation, Advance, Course, Engineering, International, Natural, Physics, Students, Transfer, Triaxial.
1. Nadine McQuarrie($271,061), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
2. Kelin X Whipple($318,468), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Active Rock Uplift, Canyon Cutting, Driven Erosion, Eastern Cordillera, Erosion Rate, Erosion Rates, Erosional Efficiency, Landscape Morphology, Plateau Margin, Tectonic Uplift, Analysis, Climate, Development, Diagnosing, Exhumation, Fidelity, Geometry, Graduate, Incision, Methods, Mountain, Peru, Peruvian, Quantitatively, Rainfall, Remote, Resulting, STEM, Topography.
1. Caleb W Holyoke($530,231), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Lattice Preferred Orientations, Lower Crustal Rocks, Preexisting Lattice Preferred, Structural Geology Course, Electron Microscopy, Foliated Rocks, Foliation Orientation, Micaceous Foliation, Outreach Activities, Seismic Cycle, Viscous Anisotropy, Affect, Affects, Akron, Compression, Deformation, Direction, Earthquake, Experimental, Experiments, Foliations, Homogeneous, Interconnectivity, Laboratory, Loading, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Model, Principal, Relative, STEM, Students, Supporting, Viscosity.
1. Jonny Wu($568,310), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Tomographic Plate Reconstruction, Boundary Conditions, Global Models, Seismic Tomography, Build, Constraints, Half, History, Kinematic, Mantle, Mesozoic, Panthalassa-pacific, Realm, STEM, Skill, Slabs, Surface, Tectonic, Undergraduate.
1. Joseph G Meert($287,227), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Paleomagnetic And Geochronologic, Ancient Climatic, Continental Crust, Global Tectonic, Magnetic Field, Peninsular India, Plate Tectonics, Undergraduate Students, Ago, Assembly, Bundelkhand, Collaboration, Columbia, Columbianuna, Cratons, Deposits, Determining, Dharwar, Entire, Five, Globe, Graduate, History, Igneous, Indian, Indias, Investigation, Larger, Million, Mode, Models, Modern, Outreach, Paleogeographic, Pannotia, Pieces, Proterozoic, Rodinia, STEM, Singhbhum, Supercontinent, Supercontinents, Time.
1. Andrew Laskowski($24,525), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Himalaya-karakoram-tibet Workshop, Technical Sessions, Bring, Broadening, Collisional, Contributing, Designed, Developing, Directions, Discussions, Exchange, Future, Geology, Himalaya-karakoram-tibet, Himalayan, International, Montana, Opportunities, Oral, Poster, Public, Range, STEM, Tectonic, Underrepresented.
1. Karl E Karlstrom($8,500), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Colorado Plateau, Field Forum, Grand Canyon, Activity, Advances, Age, Contributions, Debates, Development, Discuss, Discussions, Evidence, Incision, Ongoing, Participation, STEM, Society, Students, Subject.
1. Veronique Le Roux($121,877), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Grain Size Sensitive, Shear Zone Development, Size Sensitive Creep, Continental Crust, Crustal Conditions, Crustal Rocks, Flow Laws, Mechanical Behavior, Mixing Models, Predict Widely, Aggregates, Composition, Controls, E-s, Earthquakes, Evolution, Experimental, Experiments, Formation, Influence, Investigate, Laboratory, Long-term, Mica, Microstructural, Minerals, Modeling, Mountain, Numerical, Observations, Processes, Properties, Respond, Rheological, Rheology, Strain, Training.
1. Leon E Clarke($2,476,828), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Barriers And Facilitate, National And Global, Regional Fews Planning, Computationally Efficient, Economic Growth, Facilitate Joint, Fews Nexus, Global Dynamics, Integrated Fews, Nexus Model, Planning Scenarios, Regional Planning, Sustainable Development, Adoption, Advances, Agricultural, Allow, Analytical, Approach, Argentina, Break, Broader, Challenges, Climate, Climatic, Contribute, Couple, Decision, Decision-relevant, Decisions, Design, Effectively, Energy, Food, International, Manner, Mapping, Modeling, Models, Processes, Robust, Robustness, Sdgs, Sectors, Societal, Socioeconomic, Stakeholders, Trade, Uncertainties, Uruguay, Water.
1. Fernando R Miralles-Wilhelm($500,000), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Food And Energy, Resilience And Sustainability, China's Food, Human Activities, Adaptability, Agricultural, Apply, CFEW, Chinas, Climate, Coupled, Critical, Crops, Demands, Economic, Environmental, Framework, Hydrologic, Interactions, Management, Modeling, Processes, Regional, Resources, Supply, Sustainable, Water.
1. Amy W Ando($2,499,998), Research Foundation CUNY - Advanced Science Research Center, New York
Key terms: Climate Extremes, Environmental Stressors, Existing Models, Extreme Weather, Century, Designed, Dynamics, Economic, Economics, Energy, Engineered, FEWS, Food, Framework, Future, Interdisciplinary, Midwest, NI, Northeast, Options, Policy, Prognostic, Regional, Regions, Security, Trends, Unites.
1. Cody D Zesiger($799,957), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Alternative Water Sources, Soil Sensing Network, Irrigated Agriculture, Low-power Electronics, Soil Health, Wide Range, Achieve, Agricultural, Autonomous, Battery, Collaboration, Collected, Condition, Conditions, Cost, Council, Developing, Effect, Enable, Enabling, Field, Following, Food, Freshwater, Ground, Implemented, In-situ, Indicate, Interface, Investigate, Irrigation, Low-cost, Low-power, Maintenance, Measured, Modules, Operation, Powering, Productivity, Program, Sensor, Sits, Stakeholders, Technology, Telemetry, Transfer, Underground, Wireless.
Key terms: Drilling Projects, International Continental, Challenges, ICDP, Processes, Program, Resources, Tool, Workshops.
1. Heather C Watson($55,750), Union College, Schenectady
2. Daniele J Cherniak($22,189), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, Crystalline Solids, Defect Populations, Radiation Damage, Atomic, Build, Characterization, Characterize, Crystals, Defects, Development, Diffusion, Direct, Has, Interdisciplinary, Investigation, Minerals, Natural, Nuclear, Physics, Planet, Properties, Synthetic, Technique, Undergraduate.
1. Thorsten W Becker($300,800), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($125,319), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Continental Transform Faults, Geodynamic Modeling, San Andreas, Seismic Waves, Shear Zone, Affect, Anisotropy, Deformation, Earthquakes, Existing, Fabrics, Geometry, Investigate, Observations, Remains, Rock, Six, Splitting, Transforms, Underneath.
1. Virginia Dorsey Wanless($405,000), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Isotope Geology Laboratory, Minorities And Persons, Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Stem And Diversity, Diversity Initiatives, Excimer Laser, Innovative Methodologies, Integral Component, Isotopic Analysis, Laser Probe, Requested Instrumentation, State-of-the-art Ultraviolet, Ablation, Acquire, Acquisition, Analytical, Boise, Broaden, Collaborators, Department, Disabilities, Geosciences, High-sensitivity, LA-ICPMS, NSF, Office, Participation, Partners, State-of-the-art, Trace, Training, UV, Women.
1. Elizabeth Eide($1,480,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Policy And Decision-making, National Academies, Activities, Advance, Advise, BESR, Board, Consensus, Enables, Engineering, Government, Information, Issues, Medicine, NASEM, Non-governmental, Organizations, Platforms, Policy-, Private, Processes, Programs, Public, Range, Resources.
1. James M Russell($78,509), Brown University, Providence
2. Sylvia G Dee($312,709), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Global Climate Models, Lake Sediment Cores, African Temperature, Lake Temperature, Model Simulations, Past Temperature, Tropical Africa, Air, Atmospheric, Degrees, Geochemical, Mechanisms, PSM, Proxies, Proxy, Rates, Reconstructions, Regional, Sensitivity, Simulate, Surface, Temperatures, Transient, Tropics.
1. Shichun Huang($675,292), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Entire Southern Nevada, Environmental And Planetary, Faculty And Students, Graduate And Undergraduate, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Multicollector Inductively Coupled, Plasma Mass Spectrometer, State-of-the-art Analytical Facility, State-of-the-art Analytical Techniques, Women And Underrepresented, Critical Tool, Geologic History, Human Interaction, Isotope Geochemistry, Isotope Tracers, K-12 Schools, Natural Environment, Past Climates, State-of-the-art Analytical, Stem Fields, Teaching Facility, Undergraduate Students, Underrepresented Students, Access, Acquired, Available, California, Collaborators, Decades, Development, Educate, Exploring, Geology, Has, Increase, Instrument, MC-ICP-MS, Otherwise, Participation, Proven, Radiogenic, Serve, Solar, Stable, UNLV.
1. Robert A Sohn($119,901), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Carbon Sequestration, Standing Waves, Array, Collaboration, Cracking, Deployed, Drill, Fluids, Has, Hole, Holes, Interaction, Measure, Mechanisms, Network, Oman, Rock, Seismometers, Substantive.
1. Abraham E Springer($39,881), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Characterize Debris Flows, Debris Flow Deposits, Downstream Debris Flow, Flows And Flooding, Lives And Property, Post-event Surface Observations, Human Lives, Museum Fire, Northern Arizona, Post-event Surface, Protecting Human, Seismic Observations, Seismic Signals, Travel Downslope, Array, Assess, City, Collected, Combination, Deploy, Drainages, Effectiveness, Flagstaff, Future, Implications, Increasing, Intense, Monitor, Monitoring, Network, Precipitation, Rain, Region, Seismometers, Soil, Warning, Western, Wildfire, Wildfires.
1. Mingming Li($230,000), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Viscosity And Density, Deep Mantle, Llsvp Edges, Lowermost Mantle, Seismic Waves, Surrounding Mantle, Thermochemical Piles, Velocity Provinces, Viscosity Structures, Controlled, Critical, Dynamics, Earth, Energy, Evolution, Features, Graduate, Interaction, Laws, Lead, Llsvps, Morphology, Numerical, Outreach, Pacific, Physics, Quantify, Regions, Shape, Steepness, Suggested.
1. Oliver Jagoutz($409,903), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Neotethys Ocean, Shyok Suture, Suture Zone, Age, Collision, Constrain, Continent, Disappearance, Eurasian, India, Kohistan-ladakh, Paleomagnetic, Tectonic, Timing, Unknown.
1. Thorsten W Becker($14,000), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Kaj M Johnson($23,814), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Future Real-time Aftershock, Near Real Time, Real-time Aftershock Forecasting, Stress Evolution Monitoring, Coseismic Stress, Coulomb Stress, Future Real-time, Postseismic Deformation, Real-time Aftershock, Ridgecrest Earthquake, Southern California, Aftershocks, Computed, Earthquakes, Larger, Mainshock, Mantle, Opportunity, Potential.
1. Bryan N Shuman($246,806), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Lake Sediment, Rocky Mountain, Water Resources, Climate, Combination, Future, Glycerol, Long-term, Media, N-alkane, Past, Perspective, Proxy, Region, Snowpack, Temperature, Western, Wyoming.
1. Elizaveta Litvak($570,980), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. George D Jenerette($374,405), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Vapor Pressure Deficit, Irrigation Practices, Soil Moisture, Urban Water, Water Cycle, Water Management, Advance, Amount, Atmospheric, Cities, Climate, Components, Cover, Demand, Differences, Distribution, Fluxes, Human, Hydrologic, Land, Landscape, Models, Plant, Policy, Poorly, Represent, Semi-arid, Vegetation.
1. Roger G Bilham($37,054), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Active Faults Near, Nearby Active Faults, Stressed Nearby Active, Nearby Faults, Conjugate, Deploy, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Extensometers, Minute, Motivated, Rate, Ridgecrest, Rupture, Seismic, Sequence, Slip, Triggered.
1. Jeffrey Post($474,916), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Goethite And Hematite, Hematitegoethite Proxies, Iron Oxide, Iron Oxides, Ancient, Climate, Climatic, Conditions, Control, Crystallize, Economic, Feldspar, Ferrihydrite, Formation, Has, Hydrohematite, Minerals, Paleosols, Ph, Pis, Quartz, Rates, Ratios, Reaction, Relative, Remove, Serve, Significance, Soils, Technological, X-ray.
1. Nicholas D Perez($657,383), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Southern Peruvian Andes, Graduate Students, Mountain Building, Mountain Ranges, Subduction Zone, Course, Crust, Datasets, Deformation, Development, Education, Experience, Field, Geoscience, Global, Hazards, Human, Linked, Processes, Resources, Spatial, Surface, Tectonic, Temporal, Time, Undergraduate.
1. Amanda M Thomas($641,242), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Rattlesnake Ridge Landslide, Analysis, Collected, Dataset, Earthquake, Failure, Infrastructure, Insight, Landslides, Occurred, Program, Region, Seismic, Seismicity, Slide, Tribal, Unique.
1. Rebecca M Flowers($279,152), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Nicholas L Swanson-Hysell($744,932), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
3. Lorraine Lisiecki($832,741), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Arc-continent Collisions, Background Climate, Chemical Erosion, Climate Models, Global Weatherability, Ocean Basins, Arc-continent, Closure, Construct, Earth, Framework, Geochemical, Geological, Glacial, History, Hypothesized, K-, Level, Paleogeographic, Pco, Phanerozoic, Refine, Rock, Sutures, Tectonic, Topography, Tropics, Undergraduate, Warm, Weathering.
1. Amir Allam($15,000), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Michael E Oskin($15,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Viswanath Nandigam($26,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
4. Gareth Funning($15,000), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
5. Yuri Fialko($17,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: California Shear Zone, Eastern California Shear, Crustal Structures, Field Studies, Deformation, Earthquake, Effects, Fault, Geodetic, Ground, July, Ruptures, Seismic.
1. Abhijit Ghosh($74,865), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Ridgecrest Earthquakes, San Andreas, Seismic Hazard, Southern California, Close, Deploy, Experiment, Fault, Faults, Garlock, Mw, Populated, Stations, Structure.
1. Rebecca J Dorsey($645,706), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Adrian Munguia-Vega($694,283), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Brian Hausback($421,334), University Enterprises, Incorporated, Sacramento
4. Kenro Kusumi($838,431), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Baja California Peninsula, Central Baja California, Genetic Divergence, Mid-peninsular Region, Previously Documented, Adaptation, Advance, Assess, Biodiversity, Biological, Co-occurring, Control, Datasets, Diverse, Division, Driven, Earth-life, Evolution, Factors, Genomic, Geological, Integrate, Isolated, Methods, Mid-peninsular, Models, Modern, Niche, Pis, Populations, Processes, Rainfall, Species, Students, Time, Timing.
1. Ethan J Theuerkauf($237,072), Michigan State University, East Lansing
2. Lucas K Zoet($282,720), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Ethan J Theuerkauf($237,072), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Cold Climate Coastlines, Field And Laboratory, Shore Ice Cover, Winter Shore Ice, Coastal Evolution, Coastal Landscape, Cold Climates, Laboratory Experiments, Sediment Transport, Approach, Basis, Describe, Future, Geomorphic, Model, Processes, Public, Reduced, Shared, Shoreface, Variable.
1. Laura Waters($135,782), Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
2. Gordon M Moore($229,796), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: High-school Internship Program, Promotes Stem Fields, High-school Internship, Potassium Feldspar, Silicic Magmas, Six Undergraduates, Applicable, Calibration, Conditions, Davis, Debate, HO, Hispanic-serving, Intensive, Melt, Models, Plutonic, Rock, Sonoma, Students, Under-represented, Volumes.
1. William C Hammond($19,000), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: California Shear Zone, Eastern California Shear, Crustal Structures, Field Studies, Deformation, Earthquake, Effects, Fault, Geodetic, Ground, July, Ruptures, Seismic.
1. Barbara Carrapa($427,413), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Flat-slab Subduction, Laramide Region, Laramide Uplifts, Rocky Mountains, Southern Alaska, Active, Flat-slab, Geodynamic, Landscape, Models, Plate, Ranges, Regions, Tectonic, Timing, Western, Wyoming.
1. Sylvain D Barbot($599,295), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Open-source Software, Subduction Zones, Account, Deformation, Earthquakes, Fire, Flow, Friction, Generate, Graduate, Largest, Mantle, Megathrust, Modeling, Models, Mwgt, Numerical, Observations, Open-source, Plate, Properties, Public, Realistic, Ring, Rock, Seismic, Simulations, Slip, Slow, Society, Students, Surface, Teaching, Tsunami, Undergraduate.
1. Claresta M Joe-Wong($236,000), Joe-Wong, Claresta Michelle, Stanford
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Inland Waters, Characterize, Global, Intermediates, Iron, Iron-mediated, Mechanisms, Oxidation, Photo-oxidation, Postdoctoral, Processes, Release.
1. Timothy Dixon($294,088), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Costa Rica, Frictional Conditions, Slow Slip, Active, Critical, Cycle, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Failure, Forecast, GPS, Geodetic, Interseismic, Japan, Mechanisms, Network, Observe, Precision, Region, Release, Seismic, Sses, Strain, Subduction, Subsequent.
1. Rosa M Espinosa-Marzal($347,808), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Aqueous Environment, Fault Friction, Frictional Characteristics, Mechanisms Underlying, Pressure-solution Creep, Adhesion, Allows, Calcite, Contact, Contacts, Effects, Faults, Fluid, Fluids, Grain, Influence, Interface, Interfacial, Investigate, Level, Macroscopic, Microscopic, Parameters, Presence, Pressure-solution, Quantified, Sliding, Slip, Students.
1. Byron A Steinman($142,621), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
2. Karlyn Westover($56,547), Indiana State University, Terre Haute
3. Broxton W Bird($229,764), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Circulation And Precipitation, Atmospheric Circulation, Critical Component, Hydroclimate Dipole, Midcontinental Hydro-climate, Precipitation Seasonality, Water Resource, Americans, Analysis, Atmosphere-ocean, Closed, Development, East-west, Hydro-climate, Hydrologically, Incorporate, Inform, Lake, Lake-level, Lakes, Local, Midwest, Model, Module, Native, Ocean-atmosphere, Pacific, Paleoclimate, Processes, Produce, Region, Sediment, Span, Students, Supported, Th, Undergraduate, Underlying, Was.
1. Forrest Horton($416,518), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Paul D Asimow($184,349), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Baffin Island Inuit, Highly Specialized Technical, Inuktitut And Shared, Massachusetts-based Rehabilitation Center, Students And Highly, Woods Hole Oceanographic, 3he4he Ratios, California Institute, Employment Opportunities, Geochemical Assessment, Graduate Students, Investigate Helium, Local Residents, Long-term Evolution, Massachusetts-based Rehabilitation, Peer-reviewed Journals, Volcanic Rocks, Assisted, Collaborative, Deep, Hehe, Lavas, Long-term, Partner, Peer-reviewed, Primary, Processes, Published, Staff, Techniques, Technology, Translated.
1. Jesse B Nippert($147,259), Kansas State University, Manhattan
2. Li Li($198,060), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Pamela L Sullivan($334,681), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Water Residence Time, Woody Plant Encroachment, Solute Chemistry, Woody Plants, Climate, Cover, Developed, Enhances, Fields, Grasslands, Ground, Konza, Links, Long-term, Nutrients, Potential, Respond, Rock, Roots, Soil, Stored, Subsurface, Training, Vegetation.
1. YiJun Xu($34,272), Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dynamics, Dissolved Carbon, Graduate Students, Mississippi River, Prolonged Flooding, Floods, Flux, Released, Rivers, Sampling, Transport, Transported, Water.
1. Andrew Muhammad($500,000), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Crop Supply Chains, Global Crop Supply, Spatial And Temporal, Global Food, Challenges, Climatic, Consumption, Critical, Demand, Developing, Distributed, Distribution, Dynamic, Energy, FEWS, Framework, GCAM, Individual, Integrated, Interaction, Interactions, Local, Mismatches, Modeling, Models, Players, Policy, Prices, Resilience, Resolutions, Rest, Societal, Socioeconomic, Spatio-temporal, Storage, Sustainability, Technological, Trade, Transportation, Us-china, Water, World.
1. Andrew Smye($291,408), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Bradley R Hacker($186,584), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Lower Continental Crust, Ivrea-verbano Zone, Lower Crust, Lower Crustal, Dates, Formation, Garnet, Ivrea-verbano, Peak, Prograde, Program, Reconstruction, Rock, Sediments, Surface, Techniques, Zircon.
1. Victor C Tsai($320,295), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Seismic Observations, Wave Propagation, Accomplished, Approximations, Combine, Complex, Couple, Earthquakes, Ground, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Lead, Mechanics, Motions, Observed, Phenomena, Predictions, Primary, Processes, Produce, Sea, Seismically, Solids, Sources, Turbulent.
1. Jyoti Behura($199,762), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Oil And Gas, Colorado School, Geological Survey, Helens Magmatic, Mount St, Originally Developed, Subducting Slab, Upper Mantle, Active-seismic, Architecture, Collaboration, Eruption, Extend, Fractures, Government, High-resolution, Human, Hydraulic, Image, Images, Inversion, LLC, Mines, Recordings, Reservoirs, Seismic, Shallow, Spatio-temporal, Technology, Transport, USGS, Useful, Volcanic, Volcanism, Volcano, Waveform.
1. Alessandro M Forte($326,167), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Stephen Grand($171,902), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: 3-d Mantle Structure, Earth's Gravity Field, Joint Tomography Models, 3-d Mantle, Deep Inside, Earth's Gravity, Elliptical Figure, Global Seismic, Tectonic Plates, Transition Zone, Accounting, Anomalous, Bumps, Cenozoic, Challenge, Climate, Computer, Concerning, Continent, Convective, Cycles, Difficulty, Directly, Dynamics, Evolution, Forces, Geological, Geophysicists, Has, Heterogeneity, Implications, Inclination, Insolation, Internal, LLSVP, Lateral, Long-term, Longstanding, Maps, Milankovitch, Motions, Outstanding, Pis, Planet, Polar, Principal, Progress, Rotation, Satellites, Structures, Students, Sun, Tackle, Time, Time-dependent, Top, Topography.
1. Ming Tang($172,684), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Bimodal Hypsometry, Continental Crust, Earth's Surface, Garnet Fractionation, Sea Level, Below, Composition, Drives, Felsic, Formation, Geology, Has, Houston, Iron, Mafic, Magmas, Magmatism, Oxidation.
1. Anne Pommier($340,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Earth's Core, Inner Core, Magnetic Field, Standard Model, Theoretical Models, Chemistry, Conditions, Cooling, Crystallization, Evolution, Experimental, Experiments, Generated, Generates, Geodynamo, Influences, Iron, Mantle, Origin, Pis, Planets, Pressure, Solid, Temperature, Terrestrial.
1. Craig C Lundstrom($96,876), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Low Temperature Melt, Cold Seal, Silicic Magmas, Volcanic Rocks, Aimed, Assessing, Crust, Degrees, Erupt, Feldspar, Kb, Melts, Mineral, Potential, Pressure, Quartz, Temperatures, Thermal.
1. Nathan L Andersen($87,000), Andersen, Nathan Lee, Eugene
Key terms: Analytical Precision, Host Magma, Magma Reservoir, Spatial Resolution, Volcanic Eruptions, Zircon Crystals, Approach, Chemical, Comprise, Crust, Dates, Development, Evolution, Flow, Framework, Geologic, Growth, Model, Modeling, Models, Processes, Produced, Reservoirs, Simulations, Situ.
1. Julie Elliott($11,138), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Jeffrey T Freymueller($15,027), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Continuous Gps Sites, Yakutat Flat Slab, Postseismic Deformation, Slow Slip, Subduction Interface, Anchorage, Behavior, Benchmarks, Bending, Campaign, Caused, Coupling, Denali, Earthquake, Five, Local, Magnitude, Near, Plate, Region, Repeat, Suggest, Surveys, Transient, Triggered, Upper, Weeks.
1. Amir Allam($8,540), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Carl H Tape($31,833), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Kevin M Ward($6,116), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Alaska Subduction Zone, Ambient Noise, Anchorage Earthquake, Crustal Structure, Local Seismicity, Mantle Wedge, Seismic Waves, Seven Students, Subduction Zones, Advantage, Aftershocks, Allow, Constraints, Deployment, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Fault, Field, Image, Images, Imaging, Models, Ongoing, Plate, Resolution, Seismology, Seismometers, Structures, Subducting, Subsurface.
1. Robert L Nowack($220,320), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Ambient Noise Characteristics, Ambient Seismic Noise, Autocorrelated Ambient Noise, Earthscope Seismic Station, Portable Seismic Stations, Seismic Station Sfin, Selected Seismic Stations, Similar Ambient Noise, Twelve Portable Seismic, Autocorrelation Stacks, Central Midwest, Crustal Reflectivity, Effective Zero-offset, Month Period, P-wave Coda, Analysis, Applied, Approach, Array, Beamforming, Centered, Compare, Consistency, Deployed, Distribution, Earthquakes, IRIS, Illumination, Image, Investigated, Large-n, Methods, Obtain, Oklahoma, P-wave, Phase, Regional, Signals, Sources, Upper, Zero-offset.
1. Hans-Peter Marshall($38,884), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Accumulation And Melt, Depth And Water, Longwave Radiation, Snow Accumulation, Snow Depth, Water Content, Water Supply, Boise, Challenge, Critical, Distributed, Distribution, Environments, Flight, Forest, Forests, Interactions, Measure, Mountain, NASA, Regions, Relatively, Resolution, Satellites, Sensors, Spatial, Spatially, Western, Winter.
1. Patrick Fulton($80,813), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Large-scale Slow Slip, Slow Slip Earthquakes, Continuous Positioning, Fault Slip, Groundwater Pressure, Large-scale Slow, Pore Pressure, Subduction Zone, Water Pressure, Aim, Borehole, Existing, Hydrogeologic, Monitoring, Potential, Seismic, Signatures, Sometimes, Suspected.
1. Peter C Lippert($984,636), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Laura E Webb($288,511), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Mongol-okhotsk Ocean, Ocean Basins, Rock Types, Closure, Continent, Datasets, Distribution, Document, Educational, Fragments, Geochronologic, Geologic, History, International, Mongol-okhotsk, Multidisciplinary, Natural, Paleomagnetic, Resources, Stratigraphic, Structural, Students, Supercontinents.
1. Jerry A Carter($154,880,277), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Global Earthquake Activity, Activities, Available, Contribute, Directly, Earthquakes, Earthscope, Facilities, IRIS, Mobile, Monitoring, Observational, Observations, Organizations, Permanent, Portable, Public, Resources, Seismological, Seismology, Structure, Via.