Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Alexis K Navarre-Sitchler($970,168), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Katherine B Lininger($2,990,315), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Pamela L Sullivan($822,531), Oregon State University, Corvallis
4. Christina Tague($564,759), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
5. Adrian A Harpold($530,978), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Biogeochemical Reaction, Critical Zone, Earth’s Surface, Network Cluster, Water Storage, Chemistry, Climate, Disturbance, Drivers, Dynamics, Earth’s, Ecosystem, Environment, Five, Fluxes, Forest, Global, Hydrologic, Interactions, K-, Layer, Levels, Modeling, Models, Processes, Resolve, Respond, Rock, School, Soil, Stored, Structure, Students, Vegetation, Western.
1. Laura Toran($228,219), Temple University, Philadelphia
2. Peter M Groffman($54,294), Research Foundation CUNY - Advanced Science Research Center, New York
3. Claire Welty($1,758,091), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
4. Alan R Berkowitz($155,841), Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Inc., Millbrook
5. Daniel J Bain($551,849), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
6. Karen L Prestegaard($347,222), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
7. Joel Moore($334,105), Towson University, Towson
8. Jonathan Duncan($496,596), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Meetings And Establishing, Soil And Rock, Critical Zone, Eastern Seaboard, Engagement Plan, Fall Zone, Graduate Students, Local Programs, Post-doctoral Associate, Stream Chemistry, Urban Critical, Urban Development, Visiting Scholar, Water Quality, Activities, Adopt, Affect, Age, Analysis, Baltimore, Bedrock, CZ, Chemical, Cities, Citizen, Cluster, Contribute, Convened, DC, Developed, Division, Does, Environmental, Export, Geologic, Gradient, Groundwater, Hosting, Interact, Land, Methods, Model, Participants, Philadelphia, Plain, Post-doctoral, Processes, Protocols, Quarterly, Raleigh, Regional, Sampling, Solute, Streams, Subsurface, Teachers, Transition, Undergraduates, Urbanization, Washington, Weathering.
1. Gregory T Carling($809,328), Brigham Young University, Provo
2. Sara McKenzie Skiles($1,877,618), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
3. Janice L Brahney($705,936), Utah State University, Logan
4. Maura Hahnenberger($313,062), Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Atmospheric Conditions Responsible, Downwind Mountain Ecosystems, Dust Exposure Frequency, Lake City Urban, Middle School Girls, Modeling Dust Exposure, Populations Historically Underrepresented, Salt Lake City, Critical Zone, Delivering Dust, Dust Deposition, Dust Emission, Established Programs, Land Management, Outreach Program, Southern Nevada, Undergraduate Students, Arid, CZ, Collaborations, Deserts, Designed, Illuminate, Information, Investigate, Landscapes, Monitoring, Nutrients, Organized, Policymakers, Processes, Sites, Snowpack, Soil, Source, Supported, Utah.
1. Bradley Carr($1,394,591), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Kamini Singha($417,198), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
3. W Steven Holbrook($1,397,396), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
4. Brady A Flinchum($408,016), Clemson University, Clemson
5. Jorden L Hayes($293,789), Dickinson College, Carlisle
6. Ciaran Harman($420,263), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
7. Seulgi Moon($295,926), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Affects Ecosystem Resilience, Bedrock Critical Zone, Critical Zone Network, Deep Critical Zone, Interactive 3d Visualizations, Storage Affects Ecosystem, Water Storage Affects, Zone Collaborative Network, 3d Visualizations, Bedrock Conditions, Broader Public, Engage Teachers, Interactive 3d, Wide Range, Base, Climatic, Continent, Critical-zone, Diversity, Earth’s, Ecosystems, Erosion, Evolution, Imaging, Importance, Inclusion, Influenced, Knowledge, Landscapes, Outreach, Processes, Programs, Set, Sites, Students, Subsurface, Surface, Weathering.
1. Sharon A Billings($526,562), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. William H McDowell($89,816), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Emma L Aronson($2,910,562), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Critical Zone Collaborative, Surface And Deep, Zone Collaborative Network, Deep Soil, Bedrock, Depth, Detailed, Division, Drive, Life, Microbes, Microbial, Public, Sites, Soils.
1. Vanessa Lougheed($4,486,621), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Critical Zone Function, Deep Water Table, Dryland Critical, Irrigated Agricultural, Pedogenic Carbonates, Thematic Cluster, Climate, Division, Drylands, Ecosystems, Evolution, Food, Future, Human, Investigate, Knowledge, Land, Layer, Models, Movement, Natural, Nutrient, Nutrients, Organic, Predict, Processes, Salt, Soil, Specifically, Students, Tools.
1. Allison E Goodwell($4,999,731), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Intensively Managed Landscapes, Critical Interfaces, Critical Zone, Environmental Quality, Observational Sites, Root Zone, Zone Dynamics, Advance, Agricultural, Control, Crop, Developing, Geologic, Gradients, Human, Imls, Influence, Influenced, Knowledge, Levels, Management, Midwest, Network, Predictive, Processes, Programs, Regulating, Rivers, Soil, Stakeholders, Students, Surface, Sustainable, Time, Water, Weather.
1. Kerstin A Lehnert($572,959), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Critical Zone Thematic, Network Coordinating Hub, Zone Thematic Clusters, Activities, Critical-zone, Cyberinfrastructure, Earth’s, Enhance, Region, Services, Top.
1. Klaus B Hagedorn($450,420), California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach
Key terms: Submarine Groundwater, Atoll, Coral, Distributed, Flow, Hydrogeology, Island, Mo’orea, Ocean, Reef, Reefs, Undergraduate.
1. Pamela L Sullivan($648,574), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Biogeochemical Fluxes, Soil Structure, Water Resources, Changing, Climate, Continent, Continental-scale, Current, Cycle, Decades, Developed, Development, Ecosystem, Enhance, Environmental, Examine, Fluctuations, Integrated, Interactions, Local, Macropore, Mechanistic, Models, Pedon, Precipitation, Processes, Properties, Soils, Spatial, Terrestrial, Time, Tools, Watershed.
1. Zack Spica($490,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Dense Network, Fiber-optic Cables, Mexico City, Codes, DAS, Deploy, Fiber-optic, Ground, Has, Inform, Methods, Risks, Seismic, Shallow, Strong, Technology, Urban, World.
1. Manoochehr Shirzaei($179,004), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Central And Southern, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture, Resolution And Accuracy, San Andreas Fault, Southern San Andreas, Spatially And Temporally, Surface Deformation Time, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Aseismic Slip, Creep Rate, Crustal Deformation, Fault Creep, Fault Slip, Fault Zone, Frictional Properties, Global Positioning, Images Acquired, Radar Satellites, Temporally Variable, Underlying Mechanisms, Unprecedented Resolution, Active, Adjacent, Allows, Applied, California, Combination, Constrain, Distribution, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Earthscope, Faulting, Faults, GPS, Geodetic, Graduate, Insar, Knowledge, Link, Models, Natural, Observations, Occurrence, Period, Processes, Rates, Seismic, Sets, Size, Spanning, Stress, Transient.
1. Joshua Galster($279,502), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
2. Ellen Iverson($104,448), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Promoting Diversity, Workshop Sessions, Active, Development, Equity, Establish, Faculty, Inclusivity, Leaders, Mentoring, Methods, NAGT, Participants, Plans, Practices, Successful, Teaching, Workshops.
1. Kelly Lazar($15,519), Clemson University, Clemson
2. Angel A Acosta-Colon($119,310), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Geographic And Cultural, Development Activities, Puerto Rico, Reu Students, Coastal, Collaboration, Engage, Host, Interdisciplinary, Population, Prepare, Public, Pursue, Society, Training.
1. Jennifer M Collins($422,380), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Management Practices, Reu Site, Urban Environments, Water Resources, Contaminants, Environmental, Hydrology, Interdisciplinary, Investigate, Students, Sustainable, Waters.
1. Carmody K McCalley($404,436), Rochester Institute of Tech, Rochester
Key terms: Structure And Function, Complex Environmental, Ecosystem Services, Ecosystem Structure, Reu Site, Approaches, Awareness, Communication, Ecosystems, Interdisciplinary, Landscape, Program, Restoration, Scaling, Sociological, Students, Urban, Wetland, Wetlands.
1. Julie Padowski($307,399), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Communicating, Complex, Computational, Energy, Engage, Food, Global, Innovations, Issues, Large-scale, Management, Mentors, Program, Provided, REU, Resources, Site, Skills, Stakeholders, Students, Summer, Technological, Undergraduate, WSU, Water.
1. Nezamoddin Nezamoddini-Kachouie($304,077), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Opportunities And Options, Personal Interaction Skills, Basic Statistical, Development Activities, Florida Institute, Graduate School, Projects Designed, Statistical Models, Undergraduate Students, Water Quality, Applying, Building, Climate, Common, Connections, Disciplines, Diverse, Eight, Encourage, Experience, Geoscience, Geosciences, Glaciers, Hands-on, Immersed, Individual, Knowledge, Minority, Participants, Prepare, Preparing, Programming, REU, Recruit, Site, Summer, Technology, Theme, Undergraduates, Various.
1. Maximiliano J Bezada($339,209), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Continental Interiors, Deviatoric Stresses, Induced Seismicity, Seismic Waves, Weak Zone, Weak Zones, Analysis, Australia, Compared, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Energy, Explanations, Happen, Imaging, Lateral, Lead, Modeling, Models, Plates, Regions, South-central, Statistical, Strength, Tectonic.
1. Michael A Calkins($536,039), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Planetary Dynamo Physics, Students And Graduate, Educational Videos, Geomagnetic Field, Graduate Students, Length Scales, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Fields, Outer Core, Planetary Dynamos, Available, Balanced, Balances, Characterize, Computer, Control, Controls, Created, Direct, Dominant, Dynamical, Dynamics, Earth’s, Flows, Fluid, Forces, Geodynamo, Has, Model, Models, Planets, Poles, Potential, Reduced, Set, Theory, Undergraduate.
1. Devon A Orme($651,725), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Forearc Basin Formation, Middle School Girls, Forearc Basins, Sustained Engagement, Trap Sediment, Arc, Basement, Convergent, Education, Field, MSU-SUR, Magmatic, Montana, Primary, Program, Rock, Students, Subsequent, Tectonic, Tibet.
1. Alain M Plattner($56,710), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Analysis, Code, Codes, Development, Documentation, Field, Fields, Functions, Harmonics, Matlab, Octave, Slepian, Software, Spherical, Vector.
1. Melodie E French($601,711), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: 3-part Education Plan, Earthquakes And Tsunamis, 3-part Education, Mechanical Properties, Plate Boundaries, Pore Fluid, Slip Modes, Subduction-zone Rocks, Affect, Behavior, Boundary, Chemical, Conditions, Control, Controlled, Deformation, Generating, Geophysics, Hazards, Host, Levels, Lithologies, Mineralogy, Paths, Sediments, Shallow, Specimens, Students, Subduction-zone, Teaching, Tectonic, Undergraduate.
1. Jennifer M O'Keefe($646,855), Morehead State University, Morehead
Key terms: Fungal Biodiversity, Fungal Diversity, Global Fungal, Gradual Warming, Agreement, Assemblages, Budget, Changing, Climate, Conditions, Environmental, Fungi, Has, Joint, Jointly, MMCO, Program, Proportion, South, Was.
1. Spruce W Schoenemann($97,614), The University of Montana-Western, Dillon
2. Lee B Corbett($37,432), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Glacial History, Ice Sheet, Low Precipitation, Pioneer Mountains, Advance, Climate, Climatic, Cold, Dry, Exceptionally, Glacier, Glaciers, Insight, LIS, Laurentide, Local, Maxima, Montana, Moraine, Place-based, Program, Ranges, Regions, Respond, Students.
1. Donna Rizzo($2,646,073), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Erin C Seybold($94,675), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Benjamin W Abbott($332,985), Brigham Young University, Provo
4. Adrian A Harpold($619,496), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
5. Gabrielle F Boisrame($218,494), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Critical Zone Structure, Ecosystem Services, Education Program, “big Data”, Analysis, Approaches, Climate, Collaboration, Combine, Compiled, Complex-systems, Comprehensive, Context, Controls, Data-driven, Database, Disturbance, Disturbances, Diverse, Ecological, Ecosystems, Educate, Empower, Field, Generation, Grade, Historically, Humans, Implemented, In-depth, Life, Linkages, Long-term, Multi-dimensional, Multiple, Overarching, Performed, Publicly, Resilience, Schools, Shared, Site, Sites, Students, Water, “big.
1. Stephanie Stotts($1,759,556), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Sergio Fagherazzi($247,238), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
3. Katherine L Tully($725,341), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
4. Keryn B Gedan($437,889), George Washington University, Washington
5. Matthew Kirwan($633,485), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Coastal Critical Zone, Rising Sea Level, Coastal Marshes, Farm Fields, Land-sea Margin, Sea-level Rise, Agricultural, Alter, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Coupled, Critical-zone, Cycling, Ecological, Ecosystem, Environments, Fast, Feedbacks, Fluxes, Forested, Functioning, Geomorphological, Hydrological, Land-sea, Nutrients, Processes, Quantify, Respond, Sea-level, Sites, Slow, Storage, Storms, Tides, Transition, Water.
1. Deon H Knights($194,667), Knights, Deon H, Columbus
Key terms: Compare Nitrate Retention, Remotely-sensed Surface Water, Surface Water Observations, Arctic Deltas, Arctic Ocean, Nitrate Removal, Remotely-sensed Surface, Removal Kinetics, West Virginia, Alter, Based, Channel, Climate, Deon, Discharge, Field, Flux, Future, Global, Inform, Insight, Investigate, Laboratory, Models, Nutrient, Potential, Processing, River, Scenarios, Six, Size, Upstream.
1. Andrew Swindle($273,136), Wichita State University, Wichita
Key terms: Transport And Fate, Field Equipment, Interactions, Local, Natural, SEM, Subsurface, Training, Water.
1. Christopher V Maio($561,870), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Volcanic Rock Products, Economic Geology, Mass Spectrometer, Noble Gas, Access, Allow, Arar, Capabilities, Dating, Detrital, Facility, Gases, Generation, Geochronology, Increase, Instrument, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Measure, Precision, Program, Pursue, Single-grain, Students.
1. Brittany Kruger($208,846), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
2. Annette R Rowe($181,189), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
Key terms: Applied Biotechnology, Chemical Reactions, Established Program, Implement Outreach, Local Schools, Microbial Activities, Stem Participants, Stimulate Competitive, Activity, Approaches, Bacteria, Benefit, Chemistry, Compounds, Cultivations, Deep, Diverse, Electrochemical, Energy, Environment, Environments, Epscor, Field, Hydrogen, Jointly, Life, Light, Live, Marine, Methane, Microbes, Microorganisms, Processes, Profiling, Spring, Sulfide, Techniques, Unique, ‘marine-like’.
1. Eva Golos($174,000), Golos, Eva, Cambridge
Key terms: Continental Lithosphere, Receiver Functions, Seismic Model, Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Aims, Anisotropic, Compositional, Deformation, Discontinuities, Effects, Evolution, Factors, Has, Interplay, Inversion, Lithospheric, Melt, Natural, Nature, Properties, Relative, Sharp, Southwestern, Strength, Structure, Surface, Tectonic, Temperature, Variety.
1. Paul Wessel($586,363), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Esvi Reu Site, Writing And Presentation, Diverse Cohort, Field Excursions, Volcanic Islands, Active, Biogeochemical, Collegial, Connected, Development, Division, Education, Environmental, Experience, Exposure, Geologic, Geophysical, Geosciences, Hawaiian, Hawai‘i, Mentoring, Multi-day, Mānoa’s, NHPI, NSF, Objectives, Ocean, Oceanographic, Opportunities, Place-based, Program, Range, SOEST, STEM, School, Stem-limited, Students, Technology, UHM, Undergraduates, Underrepresented, Workshops.
1. Chaoqun Lu($610,283), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Climate Extremes, Hydroclimate Extremes, River Basin, Water Quality, Watershed Management, Deep, Ecosystems, Gulf, Human, Hybrid, Hydrological, Hypoxia, Land, Loadings, Loads, Modeling, Natural, Predict, Reducing.
1. Adriana Potra($397,057), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Metal-rich Black Shales, Petrology And Geochemistry, Established Program, Geochemistry Program, Metal-rich Black, Mvt Deposits, Mvt Ores, Natural Resources, Sedimentary Basins, Stimulate Competitive, Class, Economic, Effort, Epscor, Genetic, Isotope, Jointly, Lead, Metals, Mineralization, Pb, Presence, Radiogenic, Source, Sources, Training.
1. Anton Kruger($159,996), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Junfeng Zhu($421,448), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
3. Tian-Chyi J Yeh($454,047), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Fractures And Conduits, River Stage Tomography, Fusion Approach, Karst Aquifers, Soluble Rocks, Surface Water, Characterized, Collected, Complex, Cycle, Detail, Flow, Groundwater, Network, Prediction, Program, Surveys, Tracer, Transport, Typically.
1. Sasha Wagner($14,312), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
2. Margaret Zimmer($53,201), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Drinking Water, Pyrogenic Carbon, Santa Clara, Water Resources, Biogeochemical, Burned, Concentrations, Critical, Division, Downstream, Export, Fires, Following, Generate, Hydrologic, In-stream, Nitrogen, Nutrient, Precipitation, Processes, Streamflow, Surface, Transported, Watersheds, Wildfires.
1. John E McCray($50,000), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Living Practices, Public Transportation, Reduced Traffic, Urban River, Urban Water, Water Quality, COVID-, Collect, Collected, Combination, Future, Historical, Hydrological, Models, Scenarios.
1. Kevin T Uno($808,425), Columbia University, New York
2. Christopher J Poulsen($328,998), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Catherine Beck($415,470), Hamilton College, Clinton
4. Gregory A Henkes($669,840), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
5. Craig S Feibel($358,633), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Tectonics And Climate, East Africa, Graduate Students, Mammal Evolution, Model Outputs, Tectonic Model, Turkana Basin, African, Dynamic, Ecosystems, Explore, Field, Influences, Integrated, Kenya, Mammals, Million, Region, Rift, Training, Vegetation.
1. Eliot A Atekwana($519,749), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Andrew B Katumwehe($184,066), Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls
3. Dorothy S Stamps($546,022), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
4. Suzan van der Lee($623,266), Northwestern University, Evanston
5. Robert L Evans($564,192), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
6. Michael H Taylor($417,798), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: East African Rift, Northern Western Branch, Constrain Lithospheric, Continental Rifting, Continental Rifts, Lithospheric Thickness, Magma-poor Rifting, Magma-poor Rifts, Accommodated, Active, Crust, Document, Extension, Faults, Flow, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Geological, Geophysical, Intrusions, Investigation, Magma-poor, Melt, Modeling, Models, Processes, Seismic, Strain, Structure, Students, Surface, Techniques, Uganda, Ugandan, Upper.
1. Julio C Sepulveda($795,604), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Siddhartha Mitra($312,249), East Carolina University, Greenville
3. Kenneth MacLeod($375,181), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
4. Cheryl S Harrison($453,227), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg
5. Clay Tabor($507,650), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Kpb Extinction, Kpb Simulations, Ocean Biogeochemistry, Asteroid, Biomarker, Combination, Constrain, Development, Emission, Estimates, Geologic, Pis, Processes, Recovery, Resolution, Soot, Temperature, Time, Various.
1. Dimitrios Zekkos($451,243), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Marin K Clark($450,830), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. David A Okaya($1,605,418), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Destructive Natural Hazards, Active Orogens, Chemical Weathering, Mountain Ranges, Collaboration, Collisional, Earth’s, Erosion, Evolution, Examine, Exhumation, Fresh, Interconnected, Involve, Landscape, Landslides, Mountains, Nature, Nepal, Opportunities, Processes, Produce, Rate, Reactions, Regions, Rock, Settings, Surface, Tectonic, Topography, Training, Valley, Via, Water.
1. Catherine V Rose($679,999), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Shuhai Xiao($389,156), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Christopher B Keller($715,494), Dartmouth College, Hanover
4. Kimberly V Lau($277,263), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
5. Alan Rooney($748,851), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Domestically And Internationally, International Online Programs, Life And Environment, Ediacaran–cambrian Transition, Established K-12, Field Displays, Iconic Boundary, Outreach Programs, Animal, Biotic, Co-evolution, Core, Ediacaran–cambrian, Educational, Environmental, GRIND-ECT, Geologic, Integrate, Museums, Six, Temporal, Time, Unique, Worldwide.
1. Ryan Porter($399,987), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Eric D Kiser($2,204,385), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Steven W Roecker($422,273), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: Lower Mantle, Mountain Belts, Mountain Building, Ocean Circulation, Active, Andes, Climate, Controls, Crust, Evolution, Formed, Framework, Geologic, Geology, Global, Incorporating, Oceanic, Plate, Produce, Seismic, Slab, South, Structure, Surface, Uplift.
1. Hilary Martens($1,397,565), University of Montana, Missoula
2. Adrian A Borsa($1,028,766), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Space And Time, Hydrologic Models, Mountain Watersheds, Surface Displacements, Water Storage, Critical, Deformation, Flow, Freshwater, GNSS, Global, Groundwater, Heterogeneous, Limited, Modeling, Operational, Precipitation, Resources, Snow, Streamflow, Tools.
1. David J Mencin($1), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Manage And Operate, Environmental Management, Gage Facility, Geodetic Capabilities, Water Storage, Workforce Development, Administration, Advances, Atmosphere, Continent, Distribution, Dynamics, Education, Enable, GNSS, Geophysical, Geosciences, Instrumentation, Interactions, NOTA, National, Positioning, Processes, Products, Provided, Public, Set, Stations, Technology, Time, Transportation, UNAVCO, Warning.
1. Amanda L Cox($90,724), Saint Louis University, Saint Louis
2. Ibrahim Demir($504,396), University of Iowa, Iowa City
3. Justin T Minear($48,704), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Venkatesh Merwade($428,197), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Water Resources, Web Platform, Approaches, Create, Developed, Flood, Issues, Management, Morphology, River, Rivermorph, Stakeholders, Stream.
1. Deborah Khider($347,629), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Nicholas P McKay($453,467), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Common Era, Integrated Solution, Paleoclimate Reconstructions, Access, Climate, Cyberinfrastructure, Distribute, Holocene, Information, Methodologies, Methods, Past, Periods, Presto, Resources, Sources, Teachers, Time, Workshops.
1. Leonardo Uieda($757,597), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Gmt Products, Computational, Developer, Developers, Development, Diverse, Division, Documentation, Evolve, Governance, Improvements, Maintenance, Maps, Program, Recruitment, Software, Sustainable, Tasks, Technical, Training.
1. Theodoros Rekatsinas($428,774), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Mark D Uhen($784,781), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Machine Reading, Applications, Classification, Cyberinfrastructure, Deployment, Development, Editing, Entry, Expert, Extracting, Has, Information, PBDB, Paleobiology, Process, Resource, Steps, Taxonomic, Tools, “what.
1. Larisa Grawe DeSantis($59,871), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
2. Donald F Charles($102,432), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
3. John W Williams($381,553), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
4. Suzanne E Pilaar Birch($64,636), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
5. Jessica Blois($61,613), University of California - Merced, Merced
6. Edward B Davis($138,027), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
7. Robert K Booth($47,702), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
8. Adam Heathcote($110,717), Science Museum of Minnesota, Saint Paul
9. Alison J Smith($32,421), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Critical Masses, Rapid Environmental, Species Adapt, Access, Continue, Enhance, Establishing, Geological, Improvements, Neotoma, Neotoma’s, Past, Recently, Resource, Skills, Specimen-level, Stewards, Training.
1. Ryan C Ewing($589,480), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Elizabeth A Hajek($308,259), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Extracting Sedimentary Features, Existing Digital, Outcrop Datasets, Sedimentary Geology, Tools Developed, Approaches, Automated, Broad, Computer, Conditions, Environments, Explore, Field, Geoscientists, Information, Mars, Natural, Orientation, Past, Range, Strengthen, Undergraduate.
1. Sarah J Brownlee($84,636), Wayne State University, Detroit
2. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($79,387), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Elasticity Tensor, Seismic Anisotropy, Seismic Wave, Web Tool, Web-based Tool, Analysis, Crust, Database, Deformation, Development, Rock-based, Symmetry, Tensors, User, Visualization, Web-based.
1. Michael D Grossberg($152,523), CUNY City College, New York
2. James D Walker($122,599), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Kerstin A Lehnert($1,634,387), Columbia University, New York
4. Gokce K Ustunisik($119,518), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Earthchem And Sesar, Accessible Online, Collections, Developments, Diversity, Ensure, Environmental, Expand, Future, Generated, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Information, Knowledge, Million, Providers, Public, Services, User, Users.
1. Matej Pec($387,146), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Rock Mechanics, Testing Protocols, Access, Accessible, Applications, Available, Capabilities, Communication, Developed, Digital, Equipment, Experimental, Experiments, Facilitate, Field, Information, Initially, Integration, LAPS, Laboratories, Laboratory, Metadata, Procedures, Public, Quality, Resource, Searchable, Standards, Strabospot, Utility, Variety, Workflows.
1. Gary D Egbert($284,432), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: 3d Mt Inversion, Mt Inversion Software, 3d Mt, Em Methods, Freely Available, Applications, Applied, Broader, Development, Electromagnetic, Engage, Facility, Geophysical, Has, Modem, Substantial, Users.
1. Grayson Boyer($498,034), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Computer Models, Energy Supplies, Water Quality, Aqueous, Easier, Expand, Fluids, Geochemical, Natural, Online, Organic, Range, Reactions, Rock, Thermodynamic, Tools, Users, WORM.
1. Paul D Asimow($705,668), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Allow, Alphamelts, Amphibole, Biotite, Calibration, Chemical, Code, Describe, Development, Experiments, Flexible, Mantle, Mineral, Model, Modeling, Molten, Python, Rock, Software, Strategy, Tools, Trace, Training, Users, Workshops.
1. Amanda T Lehr($552,524), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Ziheng Sun($47,172), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Airborne Snow, Snow Observations, Temporal Resolution, Architecture, Commercial, Cubesat, Cyberinfrastructure, Daily, Ecological, Ground, High-resolution, Hydrological, Imagery, Machine, Models, Open-source, Planet, Products, Training.
1. Alyssa Atwood($173,502), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Julian P Sachs($456,415), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Hydrogen Isotope, Labrador Sea, North Atlantic, Ocean Circulation, Rainfall Reconstructions, School Teachers, Sediment Cores, Tropical Pacific, Tropical Rain, Climate, Context, Galápagos, Holocene, Interval, Lakes, Meltwater, Models, Palau, Resolution, Sediments, Simulations, Tropics.
1. Melissa A Berke($363,128), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
2. Bronwen Konecky($197,100), Washington University, Saint Louis
3. Thomas E Arnold($380,670), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Lake Petén Itzá, Glacial-interglacial Climate, Leaf Waxes, Additionally, Comparison, Environmental, Existing, Glacial-interglacial, Global, Latitude, Neotropical, Paleoclimate, Past, Reconstructions, Region, Spatial, Temperature, Terrestrial, Tropics, Values, Vegetation.
1. Joellen Russell($31,191), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. George H Denton($560,046), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Earth’s Climate, Ice Age, Benefits, Detailed, Earth’s, Education, Existing, Geological, Global, Information, Journalism, Landforms, Latitudes, Mechanisms, Models, National, Past, Public, STEM, Societal, Southern, Student, Termination, Timing, Warming.
1. Timothy Shanahan($402,158), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide, Global Climate, Southern Hemisphere, Southern Ocean, Westerly Wind, Approach, Circulation, Division, Dynamics, Factors, Focus, Forcing, Future, Ice, Influence, Isotope, Local, Past, Position, Potential, Proxy, Reconstructions, Respond, Storage, Warming, Westerlies.
1. Clay Tabor($199,146), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Barbara Carrapa($301,654), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Miocene Climatic Optimum, Future Climate, Surface Temperature, Ability, Continent, Degrees, Global, MCO, Similar, Warmer, Warming.
1. Mark T Clementz($165,040), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Miocene Climatic Optimum, Future Climate, Surface Temperature, Ability, Continent, Degrees, Global, MCO, Similar, Warmer, Warming.
1. Ying Cui($120,807), Montclair State University, Montclair
Key terms: Atmospheric Co2, Carbon Dioxide, Eastern Tethys, Economically Disadvantaged, Global Climate, Global Temperature, Tethys Sea, Abrupt, Degrees, Glycerol, Importance, Insight, Magnetic, PETM, Paleoclimate, Potential, Rapid, Region, Stratigraphic.
1. Nathan D Stansell($229,506), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
2. Byron A Steinman($40,496), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
3. Bryan G Mark($305,859), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Abrupt Global, Climatic Forcing, Hydrologic Cycle, Lake Junín, Tropical Climate, Tropical Glaciers, Activity, Ages, Andes, Archives, Atmospheric, Centennial-scale, Conditions, Extent, Geological, Glacial, Has, Ice, LLGM, Latitude, Local, Low, Mountain, Multiple, Past, Perspective, Peru, Relate, Resolution, Responds, Students, Tropics.
1. Barbara A Romanowicz($438,431), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Plate Boundaries, Summer Program, Basic, CIDER, Disciplinary, Disciplines, Evolution, Infrastructure, Integrated, Magma, Progress, Tools, Various, Weeks.
1. Donna J Shillington($139,887), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: East Africa Rift, 4-day Workshop, African Scientists, Continental Stretching, Cumulative Stretching, Rift Valley, Active, Breakup, Collaborations, Controls, EARS, Efforts, Enable, Essential, Geoprisms, Has, Hazards, International, Magmatism, Malawi, Meet, Occurred, Opportunity, Outreach, Past, Process, Processes, Rifting, Share, Southern, Stages, Summer, Surprising.
1. Meghan R Guild($252,153), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Carbon Stored, Earth’s Interior, Earth’s Surface, Fluid Inclusions, Amount, Climate, Determining, Earth’s, Entrapment, Exchanged, Life, Mantle, Sources, Xenoliths.
1. Geoffrey A Abers($103,886), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Adam Kent($229,009), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Christy B Till($262,679), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Cascades, Crust, Datasets, Earth’s, Erupted, Existing, Geophysical, Has, Lack, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Mantle, Oregon, Potential, Processes, Produce, Producing, Program, Sets, Undergraduate, Volcanoes.
1. Heather M Savage($49,500), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Conferences And Seminars, Rock Deformation, Contribute, Development, Gordon, Presentations, Processes, Rheology, STEM, Th, Topics, Underrepresented.
1. Bridget R Smith-Konter($390,663), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Allows Scientists, Crustal Deformation, Ground Deformation, Africa, Anthropogenic, Applications, Central, EARS, Eastern, GPS, Hazards, Infrastructure, Insar, Natural, Network, Rift, Segment, Tectonic, Time, Volcanic, Western.
1. Josef Dufek($266,406), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Infrasound And Seismic, Geophysical Observables, Numerical Models, Pdc Dynamics, Developing, Directly, Flow, Hazardous, Multiphase, Observations, Pdcs, Perform, Processes, Properties, Quantitative.
1. Emily Cooperdock($373,162), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Claire E Bucholz($38,334), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Arc Exhumation, Central Aleutians, Emplacement Depth, Exhumation History, Exhumation Rates, Geochemical Inputs, Island Arcs, Plutonic Rocks, Subduction Zone, Surface Uplift, Andor, Constrain, Crust, Drivers, Eroded, Erosion, Has, Islands, Length, Magnitude, Miles, Pacific, Past, Plate, Previously, Processes, Sensitivities, Subsequent, Tectonic, Thermal, Time, Timing, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Besim Dragovic($49,875), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Ancient Subduction Zones, Metamorphic Rocks Exhumed, Modern Subduction Zones, Exhumed Rocks, Geodynamical Modeling, P-t Conditions, Thermal Structure, Thermal Structures, Two-pronged Approach, Allow, Direct, Discrepancy, Disparity, Earth, Earthquakes, Effects, Engage, Estimates, Information, Interface, Lead, Localities, Models, Mt, Observations, P-T, Processes, Represent, Sites, Slab, Two-pronged.
1. Jordan Wostbrock($174,000), Wostbrock, Jordan, Albuquerque
Key terms: Oxygen Isotope Compositions, Oxygen Isotope Ratios, Oxygen Isotope Values, Triple Oxygen Isotope, Carbonate Rocks, Marine Settings, Shallow Marine, Additional, Carbonates, Changing, Conditions, Deposition, Environment, Environments, Female, Formed, Initial, Jordan, Measure, Mentor, OO, Ocean, Oceans, Oxygen-oxygen-, Preservation, STEM, Temperature, Undergraduate, Yale.
1. Pamela L Sullivan($268,335), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Li Li($233,042), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Biotic And Abiotic, Formation And Collapse, Life-cycles And Arrangements, Aggregate Formation, Aggregate Life-cycles, Changing Climate, Continental Scales, Soil Aggregate, Soil Moisture, Soil Pore, Water Flow, Aggregates, Agriculture, Binding, Biogeochemical, Broader, Carbon, Department, Depth, Development, Drivers, Effects, Environmental, Fluxes, Food, Future, Individual, Influence, Land, Larger, Leverage, Microbes, Model, National, Network, Organic, Particles, Pedon, Plants, Processes, Properties, Quantify, Rainfall, Rates, Represent, SOC, Sites, Soils, Structural, Surface, Units, Vegetation.
1. Mark A Torres($413,794), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Soil And Sediment, Soil Carbon Storage, Biogeochemical Mechanisms, Elementary School, Oc Preservation, Oc Storage, Sediment Storage, Storage Times, Terrestrial Oc, Affect, Amount, Fluvial, Influence, Knowledge, Landscape, Landscapes, Processes, Rock, Size, Via.
1. Rebecca Lybrand($187,241), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Critical Zone, Mass Spectrometry, Mineral Weathering, Natural Soils, Academic, Field, Fungal, Fungi, Integrated, Microscopy, Minerals, Nutrient, Nutrients, Span, Students.
1. Christina M Richardson($28,139), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Hydrological And Biogeochemical, Pre And Post-fire, Coastal Draining, Coastal Stream, Drinking Water, Global Climate, Land Management, Santa Cruz, Stream Water, Water Quality, Alter, California, Composition, Contributions, County, Existing, Exports, Fill, Gap, Insight, Limited, Multiple, Pre-, Sources, Unburned, Watershed, Watersheds, Western, Wildfire.
1. Julie C Pett-Ridge($348,523), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Acid Enhances Weathering, Nitric Acid-promoted Weathering, Acid-driven Weathering, Acid-promoted Weathering, Chemical Weathering, Fertilization Experiments, Nitric Acid-promoted, Soil Minerals, Acid-driven, Basalt, Breakdown, Carbon, Carbonic, Contributes, Ecosystems, Effects, Enrichment, Examining, Fluxes, Long-term, Mineralogy, N-rich, Natural, Naturally, Nutrient, Properties, Short-term, Students, Water.
1. Michael R Rosen($37,482), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Flow Rate, Monitoring Program, Water Quality, Water Supplies, Active, Continue, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Effects, Epicenter, Groundwater, Has, Nevada, Occurred, Rural, Sampling, Seismic, Springs.
1. Thomas Spiro($383,125), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Bradley M Tebo($188,015), Oregon Health & Science University, Portland
Key terms: Manganese Oxide Biomineralization, Bacterial Manganese, Mno2 Minerals, Oxidize Mn, Complex, Dissolved, Enzymes, Formation, Found, Mnii, Mnii-oxidizing, Nature, Oxygen, Process, Species, Spores, State-of-the-art, Students, Techniques.
1. Pamela L Sullivan($227,150), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Rob Rohrbaugh($500,952), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Agriculture And Urban, Texas River Basins, Climate Parameters, El Paso, Gained Knowledge, Undergraduate Students, Urban Development, Advance, Agricultural, Control, Critical, Environmental, Especially, Existing, Field, Flow, Fractionation, Geochemical, Geological, Gradients, Graduate, Groundwater, Hydrological, Information, Investigate, Isotope, Issues, Land, Lithology, Management, Mineral, Natural, Observed, Precipitation, Ratios, Riverine, Rivers, Rock, Signature, Soils, Surface, Temperature, Training, UU, Water, Watershed, Watersheds, Weathering.
1. Colleen Hansel($606,265), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Allowing Mn Oxides, Biological Pathways Allowing, Chemical And Biological, Depths And Reacted, Light And Environmental, Mn Oxide Formation, Mn Oxides Formed, Oxidation And Mn, Oxides Formed Via, Pathways Allowing Mn, Pathways And Reactivity, Sites And Depths, Cape Cod, Environmental Conditions, Fair Projects, Formation Pathways, Light Conditions, Light-mediated Reactions, Siders Pond, Surface Sun-lit, Various Sites, Biogeochemical, Characterized, Collected, Contribute, Controlling, Cycle, Environments, Field, Found, Function, Laboratory, Light-mediated, Local, Manganese, Mechanisms, Minerals, Mnii, Mniii-l, Presence, Processes, Rates, Redoxcline, School, Students, Sun-lit, Undergraduate, Underlying, Waters.
1. Ratnasingham Sooryakumar($282,033), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Bacteria, Cells, Energy, Evolved, Growth, Internal, MTB, Magnetic, Magnetosome, Metabolism, Nature, Promote, Proteins, Strains, Synthesize, Water, Wild-type.
1. Kathryn Snell($311,761), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Soil Water Isotope, Soil Water Vapor, Stable Isotope Composition, Stable Isotope Values, Timing And Drivers, Calcium Carbonate, Carbonate Formation, Carbonate Nodules, Environmental Parameters, Pedogenic Carbonate, Soil Column, Soil Temperature, Analysis, Atmospheric, Automatically, Challenges, Chemistry, Climate, Clumped, Constrain, Contribution, Creating, Datasets, Developed, Environments, Evaporation, Fine-grained, Found, Has, Information, Isotopes, Measured, Mechanisms, Modern, Paleoclimate, Particular, Past, Precipitation, Range, Reflect, Soils, Store, Students, Tool, Unclear, Undergraduate, Via.
1. Alberto Perez-Huerta($138,121), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Rna And Dna, Cell Membranes, Clay Minerals, Graduate Programs, Organic Molecules, Primitive Biomolecules, Ago, Billion, Chemical, Clays, Conditions, Does, Evolution, Formation, Found, Geology, Harmful, Harsh, Life, Planet, Promote, Protecting, Reactions, Similar, Stillman, Students, Was.
1. Nandita Gaur($99,993), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Annual Athens Water, Athens Water Festival, Field And Laboratory, Septic Leach Fields, Soil And Soil, Directly Involved, Graduate Student, Increased Septic, Increased Stress, Laboratory Techniques, Local Governments, Nutrient Loading, Organic Matter, Soil Water, Wide Selection, Biogeochemical, COVID-, Distributed, Estimate, Generate, Hotspots, Investigate, Period, Pollutant, Potential, Properties, Rainfall, Shifts, Trained, Weather.
1. Kenneth S Hughes($117,468), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
2. Darryl E Granger($240,186), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Puerto Rican Students, Chemical Weathering, Puerto Rico, Rock Types, Traditionally Under-represented, Atmosphere, Brings, Carbon, Climate, Cosmogenic, Education, Erosion, Fresh, Global, Long-term, Mayaguez, Measure, Method, Methods, Minerals, Opportunities, Processes, Produced, Purdue, Rates, STEM, Short-term, Soil, Time, Under-represented, Variety.
1. Thomas L Kieft($193,088), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Tullis C Onstott($158,132), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Abiotic Organic, Biomass Abundance, Hypersaline Fracture, Organic Compounds, Analyses, Borehole, Boreholes, Carbon, Cycling, Deep, Dissolved, Environments, Evolution, Fluid, Groundwater, Hydrocarbons, Interactions, Life, Origin, Petroleum, Reactions, Reservoirs, Simple, Time, °C.
1. Svetoslava Todorova($314,981), Syracuse University, Syracuse
2. Hyatt Green($195,008), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
Key terms: Aquatic Ecosystems, Dissolved Organic, Mercury Methylation, Atmospheric, Biological, Chemical, Critical, Emissions, Enable, Factors, Geochemical, Health, Human, Identity, In-situ, Lake, Lakes, Methylmercury, Molecular, Policy, Profiles, Students, Water, Wildlife.
1. Alan J Kaufman($301,698), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Geoffrey J Gilleaudeau($361,062), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Delivered Nutrients, Evolutionary Transitions, Ago, Animals, Billion, Biological, Broad, Critical, Earth, Eukaryotic, Geologic, Global, History, Isotopes, Li, Life, Lithium, Marine, Measure, Mountain-building, Ocean, Oceans, Organisms, Redox, Siberia, Spectacular, Students, Successions, Uranium, Virginia.
1. Stephanie Spielman($319,227), Rowan University, Glassboro
Key terms: Biological Electron Transfer, Iron And Nickel, Computational Geoscience, Metal Cofactors, Minority Andor, Planetary Redox, Predominantly Undergraduate, Previously Developed, Redox Conditions, Software Package, Analysis, Ancient, Billion, Dragon, Dragon-phire, Evolution, First-, Functionality, Generation, Has, Life, Link, Metals, Mineral, Minerals, Networks, Opportunities, Processes, Protein, Rock, Rowan, Students, Surface.
1. Joji Uchikawa($392,415), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Continental Silicate Rocks, Global Carbon Cycle, Graduate And Undergraduate, History And Evolution, Regulating Global Carbon, Science” And “science, Bishop Museum, Caco3 Minerals, Earth’s Climate, Li Incorporation, Seawater Li, Silicate Weathering, Undergraduate Students, “science Alive”, Annual, Concentration, Controls, Delivered, Development, Earth’s, Education, Eventually, Experimental, Experiments, Findings, Geosciences, Hawaii, House, Incorporate, Information, Inorganic, Isotopic, Kinetic, Marine, Ocean, Process, Recorder, Rivers, Solution, Talk, Δli, “mad.
1. Barry R Bickmore($294,743), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Powder X-ray Diffraction, Crystal Structure, Novice Analysts, Powder X-ray, X-ray Diffraction, Algorithms, Analyses, Analysis, Automated, Database, Generated, Included, Library, Machine, Mineral, Minerals, Models, Phases, Produce, Rockjockml, Set, Synthetic, Techniques.
1. Bryan S Beckingham($331,833), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Dissolution And Precipitation, Porosity And Permeability, Reactive Porous Media, 3d Printing, Highly Heterogenous, Mineral Dissolution, Mineral Reactions, Permeability Evolution, Porosity-permeability Relationships, Precipitation Reactions, Predictive Capabilities, Create, Diversity, Engineered, Enhance, Experiments, Generate, Graduate, Laboratory, Leveraged, Natural, Outreach, Porosity-permeability, Processes, Replicate, STEM, Students, Subsurface, Surface, Transport, Weathering.
1. Cherie DeVore($174,000), DeVore, Cherie, Albuquerque
Key terms: Abandoned Mine Waste, Mine Waste Sites, Arsenic Uptake, De Vore, Mechanisms Affecting, Bioavailability, Biogeochemical, Efforts, Environmental, Exposure, Knowledge, Native, Near, Plants, Postdoctoral, Risk, Strategies, Training, Tribal.
1. Sebastian H Kopf($567,573), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Branched Tetra Ether, Earth’s Climate History, Temperature And Ph, Tetra Ether Lipids, Brgdgt Precursor, Brgdgts Remain, Earth’s Climate, Earth’s History, Earth’s Past, Organic Molecules, Soil Bacteria, Source Organisms, Biological, Biomarkers, Brgdgt-based, CURE, Class, Clues, Common, Conditions, Cultured, Difficult, Discovered, Discovery, Environment, Environments, Experience, Experiences, Focus, Has, Information, Isolation, Origins, Paleoclimate, Possibility, Potential, Produce, Produced, Range, STEM, Student-driven, Students, Tested, Tools, Undergraduate.
1. Elizabeth D Swanner($717,504), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Ferruginous Meromictic Lakes, Abundant Iron, Deep Lakes, Ferruginous Conditions, Ago, Animals, Carbon, Chemistry, Contribution, Earth, Emissions, Engage, Field, Fluxes, Groundwater, Layer, MN, Meromixis, Methane, Microbes, Minnesota, Mix, Oceans, Oxygen, Past, Postglacial, Quantified, Residents, Rural, Surface, Surrounding, Urban, Water, Workshops.
1. Trinity Hamilton($384,891), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Earth's Geochemical Cycles, Emerging Model Cyanobacterium, Facultative Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, Robust Phylogenomic Framework, Transformation And Evolution, Characterized Deeply-branching, Earth's Geochemical, Extant Cyanobacteria, Genetic Information, Leptolyngbya Sp, Oxygenic Photosynthesis, Photosystem Ii, Strain Hensonii, Ability, Absence, Anoxic, Biosignatures, Carbon, Deeply-branching, Examine, Fuel, Geobiology, Isolated, Life, Light, Microorganisms, Outstanding, Oxidation, Potential, Presence, Remains, Rock, Student, Sulfide, Transfer.
1. Laurence Y Yeung($352,228), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Biosphere Productivity, Annual, Applied, Available, Biological, Carbon, Composition, Experiments, Fractionation, Global, Global-change, Has, Isotopic, Level, OO, Oxygen, Past, Photosynthesis, Respiration, School, Signals, Teachers, Tools, Triple-isotope.
1. Ariel D Anbar($420,380), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Hg Isotope Compositions, Hydrogen Sulfide-rich Waters, Reduced Sulfur Ligands, Ancient Oceans, Hydrogen Sulfide-rich, Isotope Fractionation, Negative Mif, Ocean Chemistry, Photic Zone, Positive Mif, Re Isotopes, Sedimentary Rocks, Sulfide-rich Waters, Bound, Conditions, Earth, Ecosystems, Evidence, Hgii, History, Human, Life, Marine, Mass, Modern, PZE, Past, Photoreduction, Photosynthesis, Proxy, Redox, Shallow, Stable, Sulfidic.
1. Emily Cooperdock($55,200), The Geochemical Society, Alexandria
Key terms: Geochemical Society, Goldschmidt Conference, Undergraduate Students, Underrepresented Ethnic, Americans, Attend, Diversity, European, Field, Funding, Generation, Geochemistry, Native, Organized, Participation, Venues.
1. Oliver Baars($100,493), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Hailiang Dong($361,904), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Extract Mo Directly, Minerals And Rocks, Analytical Techniques, Dissolved Mo, Mo Bioavailability, Mo-based Nitrogenase, Mo-bearing Minerals, N2 Fixation, N2-fixing Bacteria, Solid Minerals, Anaerobic, Available, Cultures, Determined, Developed, Experiment, Experiments, Metabolites, Metals, Microbes, Microbial, Mo-based, Mo-bearing, N-fixing, NH, Paradox, Performed, Rate, Rees, Release, Resolve, Specific, Strategies, Was.
1. Stefanie A Brachfeld($88,159), Appalachian State University, Boone
2. Avner Vengosh($298,953), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Ash Disposal Sites, Coal Ash Impoundments, Coal Ash Ponds, Coal Ash Spills, Coal Ash Storage, Detect Coal Ash, Lake Bottom Sediments, Living Near Coal, Unmonitored Coal Ash, Bottom Sediments, Impacted Lakes, North Carolina, Pore Water, Appalachian, Contaminants, Contamination, Distribution, Ecological, Ecosystem, Effects, Environment, Environmental, Generated, Magnetic, Metals, Methods, NSF, Pbpb, Presence, Presentation, Public, Publication, Ra, Residents, Risks, Shown, Stored, Students, Sutton, Undergraduate.
1. Eve-Lyn S Hinckley($495,486), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Findings And Inform, Napa River Watershed, Stable Isotopic Composition, Knowledge Gap, Middle School, Activities, Agricultural, Applied, Behave, Biogeochemistry, Build, California, Changing, Chemical, Consequences, Crop, Croplands, Cycle, Environment, Environmental, Exercises, Farmers, Fertilizers, Field, Has, Hold, Humans, Management, Methods, Processes, Soil, Stakeholder, Students, Sulfur, Undergraduate, Workshops.
1. Miquela Ingalls($184,321), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ancient Environments, Carbonate Mineral, Carbonate Minerals, Carbonate Rock, Chemical Alteration, Delta Cap, Environmental Conditions, Formation Temperature, Marine Carbonates, Traditional Tools, Altered, Burial, Buried, Capability, Chemically, Clumped, Earth, Fingerprints, Geochemical, History, Isotope, Isotopic, Low, Observations, Pis, Reconstruct, Recrystallization, Techniques, Temperatures, Values, Water.
1. Karen H Johannesson($148,344), University of Massachusetts Boston, Dorchester
Key terms: Elevated Arsenic Concentrations, Arsenic-sulfur Compounds, Dissolved Sulfide, Drinking Water, Natural Waters, Naturally Occurring, Sulfide Minerals, Thioarsenic Species, Abundances, Anoxic, Arsenic-sulfur, Biogeochemical, Equilibrium, Experiences, Exposed, Formation, Geochemical, Levels, Louisiana, Microbial, Mobile, People, Populations, Predict, Processes, Program, Pyrite, Reduction, Release, Solution, Thioarsenates.
1. Pamela L Sullivan($334,681), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Water Residence Time, Woody Plant Encroachment, Solute Chemistry, Woody Plants, Climate, Cover, Developed, Enhances, Fields, Grasslands, Ground, Konza, Links, Long-term, Nutrients, Potential, Respond, Rock, Roots, Soil, Stored, Subsurface, Training, Vegetation.
1. Abigail Langston($252,938), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Bedrock Valley Width, Wide And Narrow, Bedrock Valleys, Buffalo River, Narrow Valleys, Northwest Arkansas, Valley Bottom, Valley Walls, Valley Widening, Widening Rates, Allow, Collapsed, Controls, Determining, Development, Diverse, Drivers, Field, Investigate, Landscapes, Morphology, Past, Persistence, Respond, Rivers.
1. Brandee N Carlson($174,000), Carlson, Brandee Nicole, Houston
Key terms: Delta-front Sediment Transport, Enhanced Sediment Supply, Subaerial Delta Activity, Arctic Deltas, Coastal Evolution, Delta Topset, Delta-front Failures, Delta-front Sediment, Delta-front Transport, Discharge Conditions, Rapidly Growing, Satellite Imagery, Sediment Retention, Subaqueous Sediment, Thawing Permafrost, Climate, Coastlines, Consider, Control, Field, Glaciers, Greenland, Growth, Influence, Links, Melting, Potential, Processes, Rates.
1. Hamidreza Norouzi($49,997), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Burned And Unburned, Debris Flow, Debris Flows, Geotechnical Characteristics, Hydraulic Properties, Land Cover, Near-surface Soil, Soil Texture, Collect, Compound, Extreme, Hydrologic, Lead, Minority, Nsurface, Perishable, Post-fire, Undergraduate, Wildfire, Wildfires.
1. Paula Marques Figueiredo($29,752), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Geological Survey, North Carolina, Surface Rupture, Accommodated, August, Caused, Deformation, Displacement, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Female, Geophysical, Geoscience, High-resolution, Knowledge, Landscape, Length, Lidar, Methods, Moderate, Mw, Near, Observations, Remote, Seismicity, Sparta, Structures, Sub-surface, Town, USA, Undertaken, Vertical, Was.
1. Stephanie Kampf($49,990), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Cameron Peak Fire, Water Supply Reservoirs, Drone Imagery, Field Surveys, Lower Elevations, Slope Failures, Summer Thunderstorms, Burn, Burned, Channel, Channels, Collection, Colorado, Conditions, Document, Documented, Fires, Focus, Has, Largest, Network, Post-fire, Risks, Sediment, Snow, Snowmelt, Snowpack, Spring, Stream, Supplies, Wildfire, Winter, Zone.
1. Andrew B Gray($19,360), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Scott Creek Watershed, Coastal Regions, Debris Flows, Sea-level Rise, California, Ecological, Estuary, Fire, Focus, Has, Human, Landforms, Management, Processes, Rainstorm, Sea-level, Sediment, Wildfire.
1. Jane Willenbring($233,932), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Grain Size, Residence Time, Rio Blanco, Incision, Landlab, Landscapes, Model, Modeling, Rate, Rates, Rivers, Sediment, Soil, Students.
1. Adam M Booth($229,898), Portland State University, Portland
2. Alison R Duvall($257,719), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Forcing Mechanisms, Hazard Estimates, Seattle Fault, Ages, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Future, Ground, Hazards, Landslide, Landslides, Main, Prehistoric, Region, Rupture, Simulations, Triggered.
1. Meredith A Kelly($368,272), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Past Glacial Extents, Surface Exposure Dating, Tropical Mountain Ranges, Uganda And Colombia, Climate Conditions, Glacial Modeling, Mountain Glaciers, Past Climate, Ability, Advance, Assess, Differences, Future, Influence, Influenced, Moraines, Topographic, Topography, Valleys.
1. Pei Zhang($248,115), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Sand Transport Models, Dust Generation, Granular Electrification, Sand Drift, Transport Rates, Aeolian, Charges, Contributes, Dune, Environments, Future, Infrastructure, Natural, Success, Training, Transmission.
1. Julia Cisneros($121,990), Cisneros, Julia, Champaign
Key terms: Deserts And Rivers, Giant Dunes Migrate, Giant Sand Dunes, Compound Dunes, Dune Field, Dune Morphodynamics, Dunes Exist, Dunes Formed, Multiple Scales, Superimposed Dunes, Topographic Structure, Bedform, Bedforms, Color, Environments, Framework, Geosciences, Girls, Houston, Investigation, Little, Methods, Outreach, Sediment, Seeks, Simple, Surveys, TX.
1. Tian Y Dong($174,000), Dong, Tian Y, Houston
Key terms: Channel Belt Properties, Distinguishing River Types, Single-thread And Braided, Distinguishing Channel, Hydraulic Variables, Remote Sensing, River Channels, River Morphologies, Single-thread Rivers, Aim, Ancient, Austin, Calculation, Deposits, Depth, Difficult, Directly, Discharge, Distributions, Geologic, Geometry, Has, Measured, Metrics, Modern, Observed, Quality, Reconstructed, Remnants, Rock, Sedimentary, Slope, Texas, Water, Width.
1. Jane Willenbring($252,751), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Beryllium Isotopes, Aims, Critical, Movement, Past, Soil, Students, Tool.
1. Jane Willenbring($206,308), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Biological Agents Play, Critical Zone, Soil Soundscapes, Animals, Biology, Disturbances, Ecological, Generation, Geomorphic, Has, Ignored, Interdisciplinary, Landscape, Monitoring, Movement, Observations, Processes, Public, Quantify, Reserve, Sediment, Seismic, Signals, Site, Soils, Surface, Training.
1. Claire C Masteller($164,897), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Jose A Constantine($135,071), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Floodplain Channels, Lowland Rivers, Mississippi River, Bottom, Centreville, Damaging, Drainages, Efforts, Engagement, Experiences, Flooding, Focus, Geomorphology, Has, Illinois, Infilling, Sediment, Time.
1. Anne J Jefferson($354,763), Kent State University, Kent
Key terms: Anthropogenic Debris, Geomorphic Effects, Stream Reaches, Urban Streams, Controls, Distribution, Efforts, Environmental, Found, Function, Garbage, Models, Objects, Properties, Quantify, Sediment, Transport.
1. Joel S Scheingross($365,149), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Autogenic Waterfalls, Self-formed Waterfalls, Waterfall Formation, Ability, Allow, Bedrock, Climate, Development, Experiments, Field, History, Landscapes, Movement, Past, Self-form, Self-formed, Tectonic, Topography, ‘read’.
1. Brad Murray($662,720), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Carbon Burial, Carbon Cycle, Coastal Wetlands, Venice Lagoon, Wetland Dynamics, Coupled, Ecosystem, Enhanced, Environmental, Global, Importance, Near, Partnership, Rates, Remote, Sediment, Tidal, Wide.
1. Doug Edmonds($22,428), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Aging Infrastructure, Built Downstream, Coordinated Removal, Dam Failure, Increasing Hazard, Advance, Dams, Floods, Lidar, Risk, River.
1. Rónadh Cox($343,953), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Boulder Beach, Boulder Beaches, Coastal Protection, High-energy Coasts, Sea Level, Clast, Engineers, Erosion, High-energy, Information, Storms, Wave, Waves.
1. Zoe Hughes($187,990), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
2. Ioannis Georgiou($108,985), The Water Institute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge
3. Christopher J Hein($210,743), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Analyzed, Backbarrier, Biomarker, Coastal, Compositions, Course, Deposit, Deposits, Distribution, Facilitate, Fluvial, Geomorphology, Georgia, Hydrodynamics, Importance, Irma, Layer, Local, Marsh, Marshes, Multi-dimensional, Nearshore, Nutrients, Platform, Provenance, Quantify, Relative, Resulting, Sediment, Sedimentation, Source, Sources, Storm, Storm-surge, Storms.
1. Lucas K Zoet($209,442), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Abrasion Law, Abrasion Rates, Glacial Landscapes, Shear Device, Accurately, Basal, Beds, Debris, Difficult, Eroded, Evolution, Ice, Instruments, Laboratory, Mathematical, Measure, Melting, Miniscule, Physics, Rock, Shape, Sliding, Underlying, Uw-madison, Volume.
1. Andrew D Wickert($606,180), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Water And Sediment, Sediment Supply, Simulate River-network, Alluvial-river, Beds, Carry, Climate, Dynamics, Equations, Incorporate, Lakes, Model, Networks, Past, Predict, Rainfall, River-network, Rivers, Sometimes, Students, Surrounding, Theory.
1. Gregory A Balco($838,671), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
2. Benjamin J Laabs($222,477), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
Key terms: Computational Infrastructure, Cosmogenic-nuclide Geochemistry, Cyberinfrastructure Development, Transparent Middle-level, Active, Age, Allow, Analysis, Applications, Build, Calculations, Cosmogenic-nuclide, Education, Engagement, Field, Focus, Geochemical, Geologic, Global-scale, Growing, Involve, Method, Middle-level, Observations, Overall, Prototype, Requires, Set, Sets, Strategy, Students, Surface, Training, Undergraduate, Users, Visualization.
1. Kelly Kibler($405,226), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
Key terms: Living Ecohydraulics Laboratory, Sediment Transport Theory, Canopy Types, Climatic Hazards, Mass Transport, Restoration Projects, Aquatic, Canopies, Complex, Diverse, Ecosystem, Effects, Engage, Erosion, Erosional, Field, Flooding, Flow, Habitats, Island, Mangrove, Natural, Oyster, Processes, Resilience, School, Shear, Shorelines, Students, Submerged, Turbulence, Waterbodies.
1. Herbert F Wang($479,796), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Geosciences And Engineering, Carbon Sequestration, Civil Infrastructure, Das Applications, Geothermal Reservoirs, Rcn Activities, Steering Committee, Analysis, Deformation, Development, Fiber, Ground, Has, Monitoring, Senses, Synergies, Technology, Traffic, Utilization.
1. Scott W McCoy($205,976), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Katherine R Barnhart($350,635), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Debris Flow Erosion, Flow Erosion Influence, Tectonics And Climate, Channel Network, Debris Flows, Landscape Evolution, Steep Landscapes, Transient Signals, Undergraduate Students, Water-dominated Flows, Ability, Apply, Approach, Bedrock, Designed, Does, Dynamics, Episodic, Erode, Forcing, Geologic, Geomorphic, Information, Lack, Limited, Model, Morphology, Motion, Networks, OCR, Predict, Process-based, Processes, Quantify, SGM, Sediment, Shape, Size, Steeplands, Tools, Topographic, Transport, Travel, Valleys, Water-dominated.
1. Sarah Aarons($322,035), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Ken Ferrier($354,803), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Chemical Erosion Rates, Climate And Dust, Dust Deposition Rates, Soil Nutrient Supply, Earth’s Climate, Earth’s Surface, Striking Climate, Affect, Cycle, Difficult, Earth’s, Effects, Evolution, Has, Lithology, Nutrients, Partly, Quantify, Range, San, Students, Temperature, Underrepresented.
1. Seulgi Moon($537,659), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Hydrology And Landslide, Shallow And Deep-seated, Bedrock Fracture, Critical Zone, Deep-seated Landslides, Landslide Occurrence, Slope Stability, Subsurface Hydrology, Characteristics, Controls, Datasets, Effects, Extent, Hazards, Influence, Integrated, Properties, Soil, Structure, Students, Teaching, Weathering.
1. Sean F Gallen($55,371), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. eitan shelef($348,281), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Arid And Humid, Hillslope And Fluvial, Divide Migration, Drainage Reorganization, Earth’s Surface, Local Hillslope, Reversed Channels, Water Divides, Analyses, Conditions, Controlling, Earth’s, Escarpments, Evolution, Feedbacks, Field, Functionality, Geomorphic, Hydrologic, Influence, Isostatic, Israel, Landscape, Lead, Lithologic, Mobility, Processes, Respectively, River, Schools, Sites, Structure, Tectonic, Time, Topographic, USA.
1. Anjali M Fernandes($133,514), Denison University, Granville
Key terms: Past Dynamics, River Deltas, Deltaic, Diverse, Environmental, Extremely, Field, Framework, Inclusive, Models, Predictive, Program, Range, Rates, Resources, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sensitive, Subsurface, Transport, Water.
1. Eileen L Evans($44,466), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
2. Mong-Han Huang($302,585), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Fold-and-thrust Belt, Main Detachment, Surface Deformation, Tectonic Stress, Western Taiwan, Active, Analyses, Built, Crust, Depths, EAR, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Fold-and-thrust, Hazard, Insar, Mountain, Natural, Package, Plate, Seismic, Shortening.
1. Maureen D Long($204,974), Yale University, New Haven
2. Edward J Garnero($206,806), Arizona State University, Tempe
3. Hatice E Bozdag($269,379), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
4. Daniel A Frost($72,612), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Heterogeneity And Anisotropy, Heterogeneous Mantle Affects, Outer Core Structure, Earth’s Magnetic, Mantle Heterogeneity, Outermost Core, Seismic Models, Seismic Waves, Affected, Based, Chemical, Corrected, Degree, Earthquakes, Effects, Fluid, Heat, Holds, Imaging, Importance, Layer, Nature, Planet, Produce, Public, Roughly, Seismologists, Sensitive, Shell, Signals, Surface, Thickness, Travel, Velocity, Wavefield.
1. Wenyuan Fan($320,760), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Guoqing Lin($189,132), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Dynamic Strain Fields, Passing Seismic Waves, Realistic Dynamic Strain, Caribbean Region, Disconnected Faults, Dynamic Triggering, Earthquakes Caused, Fault Zone, Southern California, Statistical Approach, Triggered Earthquakes, Characteristics, Characterizing, Dynamically, Hazards, High-resolution, Model, Multiple, Processes, Seismicity, Statistics, Stress, Students, Velocity.
1. Roohollah Askari($452,128), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Concrete Slab, Lp Seismicity, Lp Signals, Produced Signals, Source Mechanism, Apparatus, Crack, Cracks, Critical, Equipped, Eruption, Filled, Fluid, Generate, Has, Model, Parameters, Pressure, Respect, Sensors, Students, Theoretical, Transport, Triggered, Volcanic.
1. Jeroen E Ritsema($258,832), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Deep Earthquakes, Earth’s Mantle, Seismic Wave, Seismic Waves, Wave Propagation, Wave Spectra, Attenuation, Characteristics, Crust, Depths, Earth’s, Faults, Female, GSN, IRIS, Investigate, Mechanisms, Pairs, Paths, Pressure, Rupture, Scattering, Shallow, Source, Stress, Usarray.
1. Yingcai Zheng($322,546), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Deep Earthquakes, Earth’s Mantle, Rock Fabric, Seismic Waves, Shear Wave, Subducting Slab, Subduction Zones, Anisotropic, Anisotropy, Depths, Earth’s, Fabrics, Japan, Observed, Plate, Predictions, Produced, Propagation, Properties, Radiation, Splitting, Students.
1. Michael R Brudzinski($171,455), Miami University, Oxford
2. Shannon E Graham($173,163), The College of New Jersey, Ewing
Key terms: Crustal Sliver Fault, Sses And Megathrust, Ground Movements, Megathrust Earthquakes, Megathrust Faults, Plate Boundary, Seismic Hazard, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Assessment, Collaboration, Has, Hazards, Land, Magnitude, Mexico, Modeling, Region, Regions, Rock, Seismicity, Shallow, Slow, Space, Tectonic, Time.
1. Lars Hansen($463,047), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Cold Rocks, Deformation Experiments, Rock Viscosity, Allow, Behavior, Conditions, Deformation-dia, Earth’s, Effect, Fault, Flow, Geological, Has, Kinks, Low, Measuring, Minerals, Plates, Processes, Stresses, Tectonic, Temperature, Temperatures, Theoretical, Velocity, Water, Zones.
1. Robert W Clayton($65,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Christian Huber($255,859), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Gabriel And San, San Bernardino Basins, Geophysical Imaging, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, Tomographic Imaging, Yellowstone Caldera, Application, Calculations, Development, Driven, Dynamics, Earthquake, Essential, Features, Focuses, Fundamentally, Geological, Geometric, Length, Magma, Mathematical, Methods, Optimization, Parametrization, Quantification, Structures, Tools, Typically.
1. Allan M Rubin($95,993), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Terry E Tullis($450,000), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Experimentalists And Theoreticians, Following Normal Stress, Normal Stress Steps, Contact Quantity, Contact Spots, Theoretical Modeling, Alternating, Changing, Chemical, Directions, Earthquake, Equations, Evolution, Experiments, Friction, Frictional, Has, Increase, Influence, Interface, Involved, Nearly, Processes, Quality, Size, Sliding, Strength, Student, Surfaces, Times, Unsatisfactory, Variety, Words.
1. David L Goldsby($119,720), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Cold Rocks, Deformation Experiments, Rock Viscosity, Allow, Behavior, Conditions, Deformation-dia, Earth’s, Effect, Fault, Flow, Geological, Has, Kinks, Low, Measuring, Minerals, Plates, Processes, Stresses, Tectonic, Temperature, Temperatures, Theoretical, Velocity, Water, Zones.
1. Christelle Wauthier($455,420), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ocean Island Volcanoes, Type-volcanoes Comprises Kilauea, Anak Krakatau, Fe Models, Flank Collapse, Flank Instability, Massive Collapse, Natural Hazards, Numerical Modeling, Piton De, Type-volcanoes Comprises, Volcanoes Affected, Behaviors, Educational, Failure, Female, Flanks, Fournaise, France, Geophysical, Growth, Hawaii, Indonesia, Initial, Integrated, Observations, Observed, Penn, Process-based, Processes, Properties, Representing, Seismic, Spanning, Spectrum, Students, Style, Timing, Volcanic, Wide.
1. Quentin Williams($452,341), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Carbon And Water, Pressures And Temperatures, Extreme Pressures, X-ray Diffraction, Bonding, Conditions, Cycling, Facility, Genesis, High-pressure, Hydrated, Interior, Investigate, Mantle, Minerals, Phases, Planet’s, Stored, Unit, Volatile, X-ray.
1. Haiying Gao($503,620), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Growth And Evolution, Undergraduate And Graduate, Continental Growth, Continental Lithosphere, Eastern North, Girls Inc, Graduate Students, Mantle Lithosphere, Ocean Basins, Seismic Stations, Tectonic History, Assembly, Boundaries, Collaboration, Collision, Cycle, Development, Distinct, Formation, Geologic, Geological, Has, Involves, Lithospheric, Model, Models, Modification, Nature, Receiver, Region, Seismology, Sets, Supercontinent, Surface, Time, Umass.
1. Yingwei Fei($538,463), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Deep Magma Ocean, Analytical Tools, Earth’s Deep, Experimental Techniques, Advance, Chemical, Combined, Composition, Core, Determining, Earth’s, Lead, Liquid, Mantle, Metal, Metal-silicate, Metallic, Oxygen, Partitioning, Potassium, Quantify, Silicate, Silicon.
1. Sang-Heon Shim($279,262), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Atmosphere And Hydrosphere, Water Storage Capacity, H2o Storage, Laboratory Experiments, Lower Mantle, Main Minerals, O3 Perovskite, Pressure-temperature Conditions, Abundant, Advance, Analysis, Catisio, Contributing, Deep, Depths, Earth’s, Evolution, HO, Has, Interior, Knowledge, Mass, Measure, Phase, Pressure-temperature, Properties, Range, Seismic, Shown, Stored, Synthesize, Synthesized, Third.
1. Ying Zhou($201,013), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Subduction Zones, Upper Mantle, Advance, Based, Beneath, Convection, Dynamics, Global, Hotspots, Mode, Models, Oceanic, Plates, Processes, Seismic, Stations, Structure, Tectonic.
1. Mian Liu($250,000), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Benchun Duan($300,771), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Dynamic Rupture Models, Stepovers And Bends, Stop Fault Rupture, Stop Rupture Propagation, Fault Irregularities, Fault Models, Fault Ruptures, Fault Segments, Hazard Assessment, Initial Stress, Kaikoura Earthquake, Multiple Faults, Complex, Continent, Developed, Earthquakes, Especially, Field, Freely, Gaps, Hazards, Involved, Jumped, Jumping, Numerical, Previous, Simulate, Students, Suggested, Tectonic, Wide, Zealand.
1. James B Gaherty($83,067), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Basin And Range, Colorado Plateau, Receiver Functions, Thermodynamic Modeling, Upper Mantle, Uppermost Mantle, Alteration, Ancient, Dispersion, Evolution, Framework, Has, Layered, Melt, Models, Region, Seismic, Seismology, Tectonic, Temperature, Velocity, Volcanism.
1. Hatice E Bozdag($520,300), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: 3d Wave Simulations, Wavespeed And Attenuation, 3d Wave, Attenuation Models, Earth's Interior, Earth's Mantle, Full-waveform Inversion, Mantle Based, Multi-scale Structure, Seismic Tomography, Seismic Waves, Activities, Anelastic, Assimilate, Constraints, Constructed, Detect, Dynamics, Earthquakes, Full-waveform, Global, Images, Multi-scale, Numerical, Oceans, Parameters, Planet, Present-day, Resolution, Sets, Simultaneously, Technique, Thermal.
1. Jacqueline Austermann($408,003), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Sea Level Observations, Deformation Contributes, Earth's Internal, Earth’s Surface, Glacial Maximum, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Internal Viscosity, Adjoint, Agreement, Allow, Allows, Amount, Budget, Cities, Coastal, Coastlines, Deglacial, Earth’s, Efficiently, GIA, International, Joint, Melt, Model, Models, Past, Produce, Proportion, Rheology, Solid, Structure, Uncertainty, Warming.
1. Peter van Keken($298,067), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Downgoing Plate, Earth’s Surface, Intermediate-depth Seismicity, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Thermal Models, Below, Complex, Conditions, Crust, Dehydration, Depths, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Evolution, Happen, Hypothesize, Intermediate-depth, Introduced, Lithosphere, Mantle, Metamorphic, Modeling, Planet, Plates, Release, Released, Returned, Slab, Subducted, Time, Volatiles, Water.
1. Donald J Weidner($607,388), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Experimental Tools, Flow Law, Flow Laws, Lower Mantle, Mantle Conditions, Phase Transitions, Pressure Deformation, Pressures Equivalent, Rheological Properties, Synchrotron X-ray, Beamline, Define, Depth, Effect, Evolution, Experiments, Facilities, Has, High-pressure, Information, Interactions, Mineral, Minerals, Mixing, Multi-anvil, National, Olivine, Regions, Relative, Rock, Situ, Stress, Technique, Techniques, X-ray.
1. Dorothy S Stamps($625,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: East African Rift, Active Volcano, Border Fault, Computational Modeling, Continental Rift, Continental Rifting, Natron Rift, Ol Doinyo, Phase Rifting, Surface Motion, Volcanic Eruptive, Volcano-border Fault, Volcano-tectonic Interactions, Advancing, EARS, Elucidating, Eruption, GNSS, Geosciences, Has, Models, Natural, Objectives, Processes, Range, Region, Remains, Students, Tackle, Technique, Volcanism, Volcano-border, Volcano-tectonic.
1. Eric M Dunham($465,695), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Aseismic Slip, Earthquake Recurrence, Fault Valving, Fault Zone, Frictional Resistance, Frictional Sliding, Normal Stress, Pore Pressure, Accounts, Behavior, Crust, Depth, Earthquakes, Faults, Flow, Fluid, Fluids, Framework, Heat, Involve, Migration, Model, Observations, Pores, Processes, Sequence, Simulations, Thermal, Time, Viscous.
1. Alisha N Clark($332,830), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Pressure And Temperature, Amorphous Silicates, Anhydrous Counterparts, Dynamic Compression, Elastic Properties, Hydrous Silicate, Seismic Velocities, Silicate Glasses, Silicate Melts, Volatile-rich Silicate, Attributed, Below, Deep, Dependences, Depth, Earth’s, Effect, Experiments, Generated, Interferometry, Lower, Machines, Mantle, Melting, Observed, Presence, Pressures, Regions, Rock, SNL, Situ, Stiffer, Temperatures, Thor, Volatile-rich, Volatiles, Water, Waves.
1. Reid F Cooper($514,496), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Grain And Phase-boundary, Structure And Chemistry, Boundary Structure, Crystalline Solids, Grain Boundaries, Phase-boundary Structure, Plate Tectonics, Spatial Orientation, Specimen Preparation, APT, Advances, Analysis, Approach, Chemical, Deformed, Development, Focus, Frequently, Grains, Has, Ii, Ionic, Magma, Mantle, Mechanical, Minerals, Olivine, Physics, Properties, Specific, Trace.
1. Lindsay L Worthington($273,550), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Jamie M Farrell($196,458), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Distinct Geothermal Basins, Passive Source Imaging, Yellowstone Magma Reservoir, Controlled Source, Indicating Magma, Magmatic Volatiles, Melt Fractions, Upper Crustal, Additionally, Caldera, Densely, Eruptible, Insights, Natural, Near, Potential, Prior, Reservoirs, Road, Seismic, Seismicity, Subsurface, Surface, Top, Transects.
1. Eric M Dunham($200,480), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Eruption Simulations, Seismic Waves, Volcanic Eruptions, Ascent, Atmosphere, Code, Conduit, Constraints, Depressurization, Fragmentation, Gas, Infrasound, Magma, Models, Pressure, Processes, Solid, Sound, Turbulent, Vulcanian.
1. Roger G Bilham($12,489), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Anatolian Fault, Slow Slip, Earthquake, Lead, Magnitude, Rapid, Turkey.
1. Yihe Huang($599,979), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Earthquakes And Interseismic, Fault Damage Zones, Earthquake Cycle, Earthquake Source, Fault Zone, Graduate Students, Interseismic Deformation, Communication, Considering, Dynamic, Effects, Experiences, Faults, Influence, Physics, Processes, Promote, Rock, Seismic, Seismicity, Simulations, Single, Stress, Undergraduate, Waves.
1. Paul D Asimow($300,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Continental Crust, Earth’s Rotation, Outer Shell, Rapidly Spinning, Rotation Rate, Advection-diffusion, Alphamelts, Codes, Create, Day, Deformation, Describe, Detail, Earth’s, Equations, Equator, Equatorial, Evidence, Experience, Experienced, Explore, Gravity, HERCULES, Has, History, Incorporate, Involve, Length, Lithosphere, Melting, Million, Models, Moon, Paths, Planet, Plate, Processes, Shape, Stage, Tectonic, Zircons.
1. Izabela Szlufarska($213,049), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. James D Batteas($167,977), Texas A&M University, College Station
3. Robert W Carpick($258,847), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Atomic Force Microscopy, Yielding And Creep, Asperity Yielding, Chemical Bonding, Computer Simulations, Fault Surface, Geological Faults, Rate-and-state Friction, Rock Friction, Rock Surfaces, Aging, Asperities, Assessment, Basis, Behavior, Chemistry, Contact, Contacts, Describe, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Elucidate, Empirical, Equations, Evolution, Experiments, Frictional, Has, Hazards, Implications, Incorporate, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Models, Nanoindentation, Processes, Rate-and-state, Single-asperity, Sliding, Slip, Stick-slip, Students, Time, Underlying, Unknown.
1. Josef Dufek($393,020), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Helene Le Mevel($19,223), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Sisters Volcanic Complex, Late Pleistocene, Magma Reservoir, Volcanic Unrest, Destabilization, Erupted, Eruption, Geologic, Geophysical, Hazards, Integrated, Lavas, Models, Modern, Observations, Processes, Produce, Reservoirs, Rhyolite, Volcanism.
1. Anne M Tréhu($443,779), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Kevin M Ward($187,215), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
3. Emilie E Hooft Toomey($278,013), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Ground Shaking, Pacific Northwest, Plate Boundary, Subduction Zone, Cascadia, Critical, Deployment, Depths, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Extend, Field, Forearc, High-resolution, Model, Oregon, Resulting, Seismic, Seismometers, Slip, Sources, Stations, Strain, Structure, Three-component, Transition.
1. Allan M Rubin($327,781), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Earthquakes And Landslides, Accurately Describe, Experimental Observations, Friction Properties, Granular Simulations, Physics Underlying, Rock Friction, Sliding Protocols, Time Dependence, Behavior, Conditions, Consistent, Critical, Equations, Experiments, Fail, Faults, Frictional, Gouge, Governed, Laboratory, Laws, Layers, Model, Range, Rate-and-state, Rate-and-state-dependent, Slide-hold-reslide, Societal, Source, Speed, Successful, Tectonic, Velocity-step.
1. Margarete Jadamec($497,920), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Shear Wave Splitting, 2d Subduction, Arc Volcanoes, Convergent Plate, Geodynamic Models, Mantle Flow, Pacific Rim, Plate Boundaries, Slab Edge, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Plates, Upper Mantle, Anomalous, Asthenosphere, Broader, Characterized, Data-driven, Deformation, Directly, Earth’s, Extent, Fire, Framework, Furthermore, Governed, Has, High-resolution, Lithosphere, Majority, Motion, Nonlinear, Observed, Oceanic, Paradigm, Region, Simulations, Slab-driven, Slabs, Subducted, Three-dimensional, Undergraduate, Virtual, Visualizations.
1. Joshua C Stachnik($416,180), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. Susan L Beck($253,012), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Active Source, Dense Array, Northern Ecuador, Passive Recording, Slip Behavior, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Culminates, Detection, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Funding, HIPER, Imaging, Offshore, Onshore, Opportunity, Pedernales, Plate, Portion, Properties, Resolution, Rupture, Seismic, Seismology, Seismometers, Significantly, Structure, Supported.
1. Carresse Gerald($196,600), North Carolina Central University, Durham
Key terms: Water And Sediment, Water Quality Parameters, Broader Impacts, Historically Black, Lumber River, North Carolina, Robeson County, Contamination, Development, Fish, Measured, Mercury, Methylmercury, Populations, Submit, Underrepresented.
1. Octavia V Crompton($174,000), Crompton Octavia V, Berkeley
Key terms: Flume Experiments, Bare, Dryland, Duke, Environmental, Flow, Flows, Has, Hydrological, Modeling, Models, Physics, Predict, Predictions, Processes, Rainfall, Redistribution, Restoration, Spatial, Teach, Tools, Vegetated, Vegetation.
1. William P Johnson($319,051), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Diogo Bolster($203,472), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Mechanistic Trajectory Simulations, Protection And Remediation, Abroad Classes, Colloid Transport, Nano-patterned Surfaces, Resource Protection, Characteristics, Colloids, Community-level, Conditions, Contaminants, Expected, Experiments, Fate, Graduate, Groundwater, Interaction, Knowledge, Middle, Mobility, Modeling, Nano-patterned, Nanoscale, Pore, Practitioners, Predict, School, Teachers, Theoretical, Tools, Unfavorable.
1. Sandra M Clinton($236,118), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte
2. Elizabeth B Sudduth($381,232), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
3. Diego A Riveros-Iregui($102,464), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Beaver And Stormwater, Buildings And Roads, Hydrologic And Nutrient, Storm Water Ponds, Beaver Ponds, Green Infrastructure, Minority Serving, Nuisance Species, Nutrient Retention, Spending Billions, Stormwater Ponds, Urban Beaver, Water Quality, Watershed Managers, Allow, Atlanta, Benefits, Charlotte, Cities, Compare, Compared, Conceptual, Conservation, Considered, Dams, Diverse, Diversity, Dollars, Drivers, Field, Flow, GA, Increase, Land, Multiple, NC, Nutrients, Public, Quantifying, Rain, Sediment, Sediments, Similar, Slowing, Soak, Southeastern, Students, Time, Total.
1. Bo Guo($398,524), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Modeling Approaches, Pfas Contamination, Arizona, Control, Critical, Environment, Experimental, Exposure, Factors, Flow, Groundwater, Local, Long-term, Mathematical, Movement, Pfas-contaminated, Poorly, Remediation, Retention, STEM, Soils, Tools, Transport, Water.
1. Marc A Hesse($31,300), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Flow And Transport, Solely Graduate Students, Main Meeting, Particular Meeting, Permeable Media, Postdoctoral Associates, Broad, Complex, Concepts, Conferences, Days, Designed, Discussion, Dynamics, Emphasis, Field, Fluids, Focus, GRC, Generation, Gordon, Interdisciplinary, Meals, Natural, Participants, Participation, Periods, Poster, Processes, Range, Seminar, Sessions, Social, Stage, Unpublished.
1. Heping Liu($329,838), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Jingfeng Wang($345,356), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Lian Shen($299,533), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Inverse Temperature Layer, Inverse-temperature Layer, Large-eddy Simulations, Water Surfaces, Carbon, Courses, Cycles, Evaporation, Field, Findings, Fluid, Graduate, In-water, Inverse-temperature, Large-eddy, Modeling, Processes, Students, Top.
1. Sybil Gotsch($158,628), Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster
2. John T Van Stan($247,604), Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation, Inc, Statesboro
3. Clifton Buck($448,725), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Internal Water, Knowledge Gap, Spanish Moss, Undergraduate Students, Alter, Canopies, Canopy, Costs, Critical, Ecosystems, Educational, Efforts, Epiphytes, Exchanges, Experiences, Forest, Interception, Lichens, Live, Monitoring, Objectives, Organisms, Plants, Process, Rainfall, Reaching, Represent, Significantly, Solute, Stormwater.
1. Christa A Kelleher($278,278), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Beaver Dams, Close Collaboration, Management Goals, Stream Reaches, Surface Water, Aims, Assess, BDA, Bdas, Beavers, Collection, Context, Evapotranspiration, Exchange, Field, Floodplain, Groundwater, Hydrological, Hydrology, Implementation, Interactions, Levels, Local, Mechanisms, Model-based, Modeling, Objective, Observations, Processes, Site, TNC-WY, UAV, Via, Western, Wyoming.
1. Jeffrey S Munroe($337,649), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: High-elevation Watersheds, Northeastern Utah, Perennial Ice, Rock Glacier, Rock Glaciers, Terra Academy, Undergraduate Students, Formerly, Future, High-elevation, Hydrology, Mountains, Public, Radar, School, Summer.
1. Laura Condon($495,293), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Water And Carbon, Global Models, Groundwater Storage, Modeling Approaches, Spatial Resolution, Storage Dynamics, Surface Water, Broadcast, Communication, Computer, Critical, Direct, Engage, Existing, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Issues, Large-scale, Outcomes, Outside, Platforms, Projections, Public, Quantify, Resource, Students, Uncertainty.
1. Hoori Ajami($629,841), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Groundwater Flow Paths, Increase Public Awareness, Kaweah River Watershed, Groundwater Management, Groundwater Recharge, Mountain Catchments, Mountain Watersheds, Recharge Rates, School Teachers, Sierra Nevada, Sustainable Water, Valley Aquifers, Water Resources, Agricultural, Climate, Collection, Educational, Framework, Hydrologic, Inform, Investigate, Modeling, Mountain-valley, Observations, Online, Prepare, Quantifying, STEM, Snowpack, Streamflow, Students, Surface, Undergraduate.
1. Tim P Covino($622,442), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Matter, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Cycling, Dom Character, Ecosystem Respiration, Forest Harvesting, Forested Headwater, Global Carbon, Guide Future, Headwater Streams, Inland Waters, Stream Networks, Stream Respiration, Biogeochemical, Gain, Hydrologic, K-, Land, Management, Models, Phd, STEM, Specifically, Students, Terrestrial, Training, Transported, Undergraduate, Watershed.
1. Catalina Segura($755,727), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Water Stable Isotopes, Headwater Streams, Water Quality, Activities, Approach, Availability, Catchment, Climate, Context, Derived, Enhance, Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrologic, Lidar, Paths, Potential, Predict, Public, Storage, Supply, Tracers.
1. Leila Farhadi($499,668), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Diagnose And Map, Energy And Carbon, Linked And Operate, Carbon Cycles, Environmental Conditions, Land Surface, Terrestrial Cycles, Terrestrial Water, Atmosphere, Climate, DC, Developing, Ecological, Educational, Engaging, Enhance, Exchange, Framework, Hence, Information, Interaction, Knowledge, Land-atmosphere, Linkages, Methodology, Models, Observation-driven, Plan, Program, Projections, Regional, STEM, Seasons, Soil, Students, Vegetation.
1. Britt Raubenheimer($287,760), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. James Heiss($496,453), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Frequent And Intense, Sea Level Rise, Army Corps, Beach Aquifers, Coastal Erosion, Coastal Storms, Coastal Waters, Engineers Field, Field Observations, Groundwater Dynamics, Groundwater Flow, Intense Storms, Numerical Models, Assess, Behavior, Chemical, Contaminants, Ecological, Effects, Estimate, Extreme, Facility, Integrate, Land, Mixing, Morphological, Objective, Oceanographic, Precipitation, Release, Surge, USCRP.
1. Chaopeng Shen($48,689), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Artificial Intelligence, Academics, Activities, Aimed, Audience, Build, Collaborative, Collective, Competitions, Dedicated, Deep, Discussion, Diverse, Encourage, Hackathons, Has, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Machine, Papers, Participants, Potential, Publications, Sessions, Society, Stimulating, Symposium, Tremendous, Tutorials, Underrepresented, Workshops.
1. Emily M Elliott($429,755), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Broadly Benefit Society, Combined Sewer Overflows, Ongoing Monitoring Efforts, Streams And Rivers, Aquatic Ecosystems, Health Risk, Pipe Infrastructure, Public Health, Urban Stream, Urban Streams, Water Quality, Catchment, Combination, Deepening, Educating, Effects, Excess, Flow, In-stream, Interactions, Nitrate, Nutrient, Nutrients, PA, Pipes, Pittsburgh, Productivity, Sensors, Sewage, Storm, Subsidies, Transport, Watershed.
1. David Kaplan($498,824), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Vegetation Structural Properties, Field Observations, Flexible Vegetation, Flow Conditions, Modeling Framework, Vegetation Blades, Algae, Aquatic, Canopy, Critical, Dynamics, Effects, Hydrodynamics, Interactions, Monami, Multiple, Observational, Processes, SAV, Sediment, Springs, Transport.
1. Efthymios Nikolopoulos($49,104), University Enterprises, Incorporated, Sacramento
Key terms: Storm-induced Saltwater Intrusion, Freshwater Lenses, Grand Bahama, Hurricane Dorian, Saltwater Contamination, Sea Level, Storm-induced Saltwater, Authorities, Characteristics, Climate, Climatic, Collection, Driven, Duration, Experiences, FWL, Frequency, Fwls, Generation, Groundwater, Impacted, Intensity, International, Island, Local, Models, Opportunities, Precipitation, Process, Rate, Recovery, Serving, Students, Training, Water.
1. Audra Morse($254,330), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Climate And Sea, Freshwater Lens Volumes, Island Water Resources, Lakes And Wetlands, Low-lying Carbonate Islands, San Salvador Island, Sea Level Rise, Transient Modeling Tools, Coastal Hydrology, Dynamic Interactions, Freshwater Lenses, Freshwater Resource, Freshwater Resources, Groundwater Contributing, Groundwater Flooding, Groundwater Inundation, Lake Water, Low-lying Carbonate, Sea-level Rise, Water Tables, Arid, Bahamas, Collected, Connectivity, Continuous, Degree, Developed, Estimate, Evaporation, Field, Flow, Hydrogeological, Hypersaline, Impacts, Intense, Loss, Losses, Ocean, Overarching, Precipitation, Primary, Regions, Relative, Replaced, Seawater, Surface.
1. Demian M Saffer($118,391), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Approach Combining, Aseismic Creep, Plate Boundary, Slip Behavior, Characteristics, Geological, Integrated, Long-term, Margin, Processes, Subduction, System-level, Zealand.
1. Birendra Jha($617,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Contamination And Remediation, Spreading And Mixing, Undergraduate And Graduate, Complex Flow, Graduate Students, Numerical Simulations, Permeability Heterogeneity, Solute Plume, Viscosity Contrast, Viscosity Contrasts, Viscous Fingering, Aquifer, Aquifers, Chemical, Chemicals, Cleanup, Connectivity, Control, Decontamination, Experiments, Fingers, Fluid, Fluids, Groundwater, Heterogeneous, Properties, Quantified, Required, Rock, Transport, Underground, Water.
1. Lars Hansen($78,260), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Andrew J Cross($389,328), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. David L Goldsby($79,946), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Crust And Mantle, Earth’s Crust, Mantle Flows, Phase Transformations, Transformation Plasticity, Transformation-induced Weakening, Allow, Complex, Conditions, Constituent, Crystal, Development, Diffraction, Dislocations, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Experimental, Importance, Minerals, Nucleation, Olivine, Pressure, Pressures, Processes, Quantify, Temperature, Temperatures, Transforms, X-ray, Zone, —.
1. Magali I Billen($74,981), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Compute Nodes, Numerical Simulations, Computing, Current, Deep, Deformation, Funding, Future, Mantle, Mechanism, NSF, Resources, Shear, Slab, Students, Subduction, Zone.
1. Chloe Bonamici($1,379,125), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Ion Microprobe, Analysis, Capabilities, Climate, Conventional, Formerly, Has, Less, Outside, Paleoclimate, Proxy, Range, Resolve, Situ, Techniques, Wisconsin, Wiscsims.
1. Richard D Law($975,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Abundance, Analysis, Capabilities, Characterization, Critical, Distribution, EMPA, EPMA, Earth’s, Electron, Engineering, Evolution, Formation, Increasingly, Instrument, Instrumentation, Minerals, Modern, Natural, Ore-forming, Processes, Program, Quantification, Synthetic, Trace, VT.
1. William S Walker($119,365), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Coupled Plasma-optical Emission, Inductively Coupled Plasma-optical, Plasma-optical Emission Spectrometer, Broad Range, Coupled Plasma-optical, El Paso, Plasma-optical Emission, Allow, Analysis, Biological, Cycling, Elemental, Instrument, Methods, Origin, Quality, Region, Relative, Saline, Soil, Students, Texas, Training, UTEP, Undergraduate, Water.
1. Hongtao Shi($439,132), Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
Key terms: Imaging Capabilities, Stem Disciplines, Acquisition, Activities, CL, Curricular, Diversity, Electron, Faculty, Has, Increase, Industry, Instrument, Integrated, Opportunities, Population, Quality, SEM, SSU, Student, Students, Training, Underrepresented.
1. Sarah P Slotznick($509,952), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Development And Evolution, Environmental Magnetism, Geomagnetic Field, Remanent Magnetization, Rock Magnetic, Automated, Continent, Dartmouth, Demagnetization, Earth’s, Inform, Mineral, RAPID, SRM, SRM-RAPID, Sediments, Student, Thermal, Timing.
1. Tripti Bhattacharya($302,110), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Hydrogen Isotopic Analyses, Nitrogen And Carbon, Amino Acids, Hydrogen Isotopic, Compounds, Ecosystems, Enable, Fields, Function, Future, GC-IRMS, Growth, Instance, Instrument, Instrumentation, Mass, Models, Ongoing, Organic, Particular, Past, Pathways, Provided, STEM, SU, Students, Syracuse, Terrestrial, Users, Variety, Waxes.
1. Peter J Fawcett($142,768), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Stable Isotopes, Analysis, Analytical, Fluorination, Formation, Gas, Hosts, Instrument, SIRMS, Student, Students, TILDAS, Traditional.
1. Christopher Zahasky($256,461), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Subsurface Energy Resources, Fluid Flow, Apparatus, Applications, Capable, Education, Efforts, Experimental, Hydrogeology, Imaging, Infrastructure, PET.
1. Jesse Reimink($46,019), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Richard W Carlson($31,403), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Analytical Precision, Ion Beams, Ion Source, Isotope Ratio, Mass Spectrometer, Thermal Ionization, Thermo-fisher Triton, Analysis, Cavity, Developed, Has, Installation, Modern, Potential, Program, Reservoirs, Successful, TIMS, Testing, Thermo-fisher.
1. Brett M Carpenter($302,315), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Friction And Wear, Earthquake Physics, Water Presence, Analyses, Base, Crust, Degrees, Dynamic, Effects, Engineering, Experimental, Facility, Fault, Faults, Flow, Geological, Geotrib, Glacier, Lubrication, Standards, Temperature, Tribological.
1. Sarah K Carmichael($56,458), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Dewel Microscopy Facility, Electron Microscopy, Outreach Activities, Transmission Electron, Allow, Appalachian, Campus, Departments, Detection, Detector, Expand, Map, Metal, Microbial, Mineral, Students, TEM, Teaching, Upgrade.
1. Andrew J Cross($165,527), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Backscatter Diffraction Analyses, Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Woods Hole, Cutting-edge, Dynamics, MBL, Minerals, Properties, Rock, Upgrade, Upgraded, WHOI.
1. John E Allison($20,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Topical Conference, Exchange, Knowledge, Students, Technique, Training, Venue.
1. David D Nelson($449,322), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Katharine Huntington($50,205), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Mass Spectrometer, Allow, Analysis, Atmospheric, Carbonates, Clumped, Disseminate, Faster, Geochemistry, Has, Histories, History, Information, Instrument, Isotopes, Laser-based, Temperature, Tendency, Underrepresented, Widely.
1. Maxwell C Brown($436,154), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Properties And Behavior, Variable Applied Fields, Lithospheric Dynamics, Magnetic Minerals, Magnetic Properties, Rock Magnetism, Wide Range, Acquisition, Broad, Carriers, Geologic, IRM, Institute, Instrument, Minnesota, Natural, Paleomagnetism, Remanence, Supported, Temperatures.
1. Helene Couvy($152,520), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Rock Deformation Lab, Shear Strains, Tectonic Plates, Acquisition, Apparatus, Built, Evolution, Experiments, Generate, Generated, Has, Investigations, LVT, Mantle, Numerous, Rheology, Temperatures.
1. John C Ridge($52,488), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Earth’s Magnetic, Field Direction, Time Varying, Acquisition, Chronology, England, Glacial, History, Magnetometer, Polarity, Rock.
1. Mark A Zumberge($149,512), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Crustal Deformation, Damaging Earthquakes, Ground Caused, Activity, Borehole, Broadband, Combined, Days, Detect, Downhole, Dynamics, Existing, Extremely, GPS, Horizontal, Housing, Inside, Instrument, Light, Masses, Measure, Observations, Precise, Seismic, Seismometers, Shaking, Signals, Slip, Slow, Strain, Tilt, Vertical.
1. Meredith Nettles($479,117), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Cmt Catalog, Earthquake Source, Global Cmt, Larger Globally, Moment Tensors, Activities, Activity, Analyses, Analysis, Base, Determination, Disseminated, Distribution, Earthquakes, Improvements, Magnitude, Parameters, Regional, Seismic, Tectonic.
1. Dustin Trail($175,565), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Analysis, Evolution, Isotope, Laboratory, Magnetic, Minerals, Natural, Rochester, SEM, Synthetic, Training.
1. Kenneth A Farley($381,424), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Entire Cenozoic, Environmental Conditions, Extraction Line, Formation Temperature, Goethite Formation, Goethite Internal, Goethite Specimens, Goethite-internal Thermometry, Advances, Analytical, Apply, Archive, Assess, Australia, Automated, Calibration, Carry, Climate, Continent, Course, Dated, Designed, Efficient, Engage, Europe, Extending, Goethite-internal, Goethites, Labview, Local, Localities, Method, Millions, Minerals, Oxygen, Paleoclimate, Paleotemperature, Paleotemperatures, Programming, Refine, Short-course, Spans, Student, Students, Systematic, Task, Technique, Temperatures, Time, Uncertainty, Undertaking, Useful, Weathering.
1. Maxwell C Brown($2,155,046), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Magnetic Minerals, Rock Magnetism, Environmental, IRM, Origin, Properties, Reconstructions.
1. Alexander Gysi($513,454), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Fluids And Minerals, Aqueous Fluids, Fluid Inclusions, Ore Deposits, Composition, Experiments, Fluid-rock, Geosciences, Hydrothermal, Metals, Model, Modeling, Natural, Ore-forming, Partitioning, Processes, Properties, REE, Signatures, Temperature, Thermodynamics, Trace.
1. Christopher S Jazwa($944,307), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Mountain-west Region, Acquisition, Analyses, Campus, Compositional, EPMA, Engineering, Facility, Faculty, Graduate, Industry, Instrument, Mountain-west, Outreach, Regional, Serve, Students, Techniques, Training, UNR, Undergraduate, Users, Workforce.
1. Monica M Arienzo($138,750), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Fourier Transform Infrared, Infrared Spectroscopy Instrument, Microscope-enabled Fourier Transform, Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Undergraduate And Graduate, Advance Knowledge, Experienced Faculty, Graduate Students, Hands-on Training, Infrared Microscope, Infrared Microscopy, Microscope-enabled Fourier, Sedimentary Charcoal, Applications, DRI, Environmental, Field, Hands-on, Identification, Laboratory, Methodologies, Microplastics, Past, Wildfire.
1. Mercan Haddad Derafshi($56,135), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute, Indiana
Key terms: Industry Partners, Structured White-light, Available, Departments, Digital, Fossil, IUP, Instrumentation, Morphology, Non-profit, Opportunities, Student, Students, Surface, Undergraduate, Vertebrates, White-light.
1. Michele D Stillinger($234,023), University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul
Key terms: Applications, Characterization, Electron, Evidence, Faculty, SEM, UST.
1. Anouk Verheyden-Gillikin($182,310), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: Analysis, CRDS, Capability, Characterize, Climate, Hydrologic, Implications, Isotope, Isotopes, Paleoclimate, Stable, Training, Undergraduate, Water, Watershed.
1. Chris Widga($249,641), East Tennessee State University, Johnson City
Key terms: Modern And Fossil, 3-d Imaging, Cultural Artifacts, Fossil Vertebrates, Natural History, Reece Museum, Biological, Collections, ETSU, Fossils, Function, Housed, Instrument, Micron, Morphology, Non-destructive, Public, Region, Resolution, Specimens, XRCT.
1. Steven Carey($458,710), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Rhode Island, Capabilities, Enable, Established, Imaging, Instruments, Laboratory, Program, SEM.
1. Jasper Konter($624,649), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Isotope Ratios, Significantly Reducing, Wide Range, Allow, Counting, Cutting-edge, Faraday, Hawai‘i, Instrument, Ion, Isotopic, MIC, Modern, Mānoa, Precision, Processes, Sizes, Structure, Students, TIMS, Technology, UHM, Volcanic.
1. Frank J Tepley($236,283), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Electron Microprobe, Activities, Chemical, Current, Division, EMP, Engineering, Graduate, Laboratory, OSU, Solid, Students, Undergraduate, Upgrade, User.
1. Daniel E Ibarra($387,476), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Isotope Ratio, Mass Spectrometer, Biogeochemical, Brown, CSIA, Climate, Conditions, Environmental, IRMS, Molecules, Organic, Paleoenvironmental, Past.
1. Xinyuan Zheng($231,783), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Acquisition, Activities, Activity, Climate, Development, Fluids, Geochemical, Hydrothermal, Instrument, Methods, Natural, Potassium, Processes, Training.
1. Donna Rizzo($299,971), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Long-term Water Quality, Quality And Streamflow, Short-term And Long-term, Artificial Intelligence, Investigate Trends, Larger Regions, Long-term Water, Watershed Attributes, Continent, Environmental, Individual, Interdisciplinary, Land, Methods, Monitoring, NSF, Resources, Similarities, Traditional.
1. Matthew R Hiatt($378,354), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Coastal River Deltas, Complex Coastal Regions, Coastal Erosion, Coastal Louisiana, Cold Fronts, Frontal Passages, Land Loss, Water Circulation, Water Movement, Affect, Analyses, Channels, Connectivity, Considerable, Demonstrations, Depth, Efforts, Field, Focus, Hydrodynamics, Modeling, Relatively, Sediment, Stakeholders, Students, Winds.
1. Megan E Newcombe($229,568), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Kristina J Walowski($58,190), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Hazard Mitigation Efforts, Lassen Volcanic National, Magma Decompression Rates, Rate And Cooling, Volcanic Eruptive Style, Volcanic National Park, Cinder Cone, Constrain Magma, Cooling Rate, Statistically Robust, Volcano Observatory, Apply, Basaltic, Bubble, Control, Density, Developed, Eruption, Gradients, Techniques, Temporal, Tephra, Time, Transition.
1. Blair Schoene($38,390), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Application, Atmosphere, Attend, Build, Diverse, Evolution, Future, GRC, GRS, Geochronology, Informal, Mentoring, Opportunity, Participants, Share, Stages, Time, Topics.
1. Marissa M Tremblay($277,024), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Courtney Sprain($289,273), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Box Program Developed, Cooperative Extension Service, Dig Box Program, Education And Training, Multi-year Outreach Initiative, Successful Dig Box, Burke Museum, Deccan Traps, Deccan Volcanism, Early-career Women, Graduate Students, Hiatus Durations, Mass Extinction, Multi-year Outreach, Undergraduate Students, Volcanic Provinces, Boundary, Builds, Combination, Cosmogenic, Cretaceous-paleogene, Early-career, Eruption, Igneous, India, Kpg, Lavas, Paleomagnetic, Resolution, STEM.
1. Richard J Walker($317,425), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Ruthenium And Molybdenum, Accretionary History, Archean Rocks, Building Blocks, Involve Contributions, Isotopic Compositions, Postdoctoral Associate, Senior Thesis, Billion, Characterized, Evolution, Genetic, Mantle, Objective, Planet, Sources, State-of-the-art, Time, Undergraduate.
1. Jeff Benowitz($0), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Matthew E Brueseke($286,745), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Sequence And Off-axis, Yellowstone National Park, Continental Hotspot, Hotspot Magmatism, Off-axis Volcanism, Adjacent, Documented, Eruption, Field, Geoforce, Geological, History, Public, River, SRPY, Via, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Benjamin J Andrews($23,645), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
2. Kenneth Befus($144,685), Baylor University, Waco
3. Benjamin A Black($157,193), CUNY City College, New York
Key terms: Diffusion Gradients, Diffusion Profiles, Embayment Geospeedometry, Experimental Conditions, Experimental Embayments, Magma Ascent, Volcanic Eruption, Assumptions, Conduit, Controlled, Decompression, Dynamics, Experiments, Magmatic, Match, Natural, Rate, Rates, Shown, Speedometer, Technique.
1. Terry A Plank($257,440), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Carbon Dioxidesulfur Dioxide, Dioxide And Sulfur, Arc Volcanic, Gas Precursors, Melt Inclusion, Melt Inclusions, Parental Magma, Sulfur Contents, Volcanic Gas, Degassing, Eruption, Magmas, Outflux, Pressure, Pressures, Published, Shown, Source, Subduction, Volcanoes.
1. Donald J DePaolo($310,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Rocks And Minerals, Isotopic Fractionation, Aimed, Approach, Ca, Chemical, Chemistry, Conditions, Controlled, Diffusion, Distinguish, Experiments, Features, Field, Formed, Geologic, Has, Information, Insight, Isotopes, Knowledge, Level, Magma, Metamorphism, Mobility, Pressures, Processes, Produce, Responsible, Subjected, Teaching, Temperature, Transport.
1. Basil Tikoff($299,850), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Jeffrey D Vervoort($337,980), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Crustal Source Regions, East Pilbara Terrane, Mantle And Crustal, Continental Crust, Earth’s Earliest, Granitic Complexes, Supracrustal Lithostratigraphy, West Australia, Age, Approach, Domes, Earth’s, Formation, Formed, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Geochronology, History, Integrated, International, Modification, Processes, Rock, Stabilization, Structural, Structure, Tectonic, Timing.
1. Ryan D Mathur($59,726), Juniata College, Huntingdon
2. John F Rakovan($302,310), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Wire Silver Formation, Isotope Effect, Isotope Enrichment, Isotope Fractionation, Structural Characteristics, Ag, Conditions, Conduction, Elucidate, Found, Geological, Growth, Ion, Ions, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Metal, Morphology, Multiple, Natural, Nature, Occurring, Process, Structure, Technological, Transport.
1. Youxue Zhang($372,151), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Isotope Fractionation, Isotope Ratio, Isotope Ratios, Magma Mixing, Applications, Diffusion, Growth, Isotopes, Mg, Mineral, Natural, Processes, Rock, SIMS, Ti.
1. Joel W DesOrmeau($120,475), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Ayla Pamukcu($128,377), Stanford University, Stanford
3. Michael P Eddy($289,249), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: U-pb Zircon Geochronology, High-silica Rhyolite, Ixl Pluton, U-pb Zircon, Assess, Constrain, Crust, Eruption, Geochemical, Gradients, Hazard, High-silica, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Nevada-reno, Processes, Textural, Timescales, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Michael J Walter($501,477), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Deep Mantle, Earth’s Surface, Isotopic Compositions, Mineral Inclusions, Plate Tectonics, Recycling Process, Selected Diamonds, Assemblages, Carbon, Carbonatitic, Crust, Crystallize, Deepest, Depths, Development, Earth’s, Effects, Fe, Fluid, Fluids, Iron, Leading, Metallic, Migrate, Occurring, Oceanic, Processes, Region, Released, Rock, Slab, Species, Subduction, Sublithospheric, Techniques, Versus, Water.
1. Richard J Walker($337,814), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Helium And Tungsten, Helium Isotopic Compositions, Anomalous Tungsten, Deep Mantle, Fozo-type Melts, Helium Isotopes, Lower Mantle, Mantle Domains, Primordial Helium, Primordial Isotopic, Tungsten Isotopes, Ambient, Components, Compositional, Distinct, Found, Fozo-type, Lack, Linked, Plume, Plume-derived, Plumes, Recycled, Reservoirs, Structures, Volcanism.
1. Aaron J Pietruszka($422,615), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Leilani Rift Eruption, Long-term Volcanic Cycles, Kilauea Volcano, Long-term Volcanic, Magma Batches, Magma Supply, Mantle Source, Partial Melting, Summit Collapse, Amount, Centuries, Composition, Delivery, Driven, Education, Experiences, Explosive, Hawaii, Hawaiian, Kilauea’s, Lava, Magmatic, Magmatic-volcanic, Mantle-derived, Plumbing, Processes, Rate, Time, Volcanoes, Volcano’s, Was.
1. Matej Pec($277,084), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Christian Huber($192,558), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Melt Extraction, Compaction, Constrain, Crystal, Eruption, Evolve, Experimental, Experiments, Fraction, Laboratory, Magmas, Particles, Phase, Separation, Volcanic, Volume.
1. Gary S Michelfelder($256,246), Missouri State University, Springfield
Key terms: Andean Central Volcanic, Central Volcanic Zone, Chile And Bolivia, Modern Magma Chambers, Stored And Evolves, Accumulated Magma, Continental Arc, Continental Crust, Magma Storage, Partial Melting, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Zone, Beneath, Composition, Diversity, Evidence, Field, Global, Investigate, Leading, Magmas, Magmatic, Plate, Primary, Processes, Reservoirs, Rock, Subduction, Time, Timescales, Volcanoes.
1. Thomas Giachetti($349,683), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Decompression Experiments, Explosive Volcanic, Magma Fragmentation, Medicine Lake, Observed Textures, Plinian Eruptions, Size Distribution, Ascent, Atmosphere, Bubbles, Conditions, Conduit, Development, Ejected, Fragments, Gas, Has, Implications, Individual, Initial, Inside, Observations, Particles, Porous, Process, Products, Pumice, Pumices, Pyroclasts, Reproduce, Shape, Sintered, Students, Surface, Unknown, Volcanoes, Volcanology.
1. Dennis L Newell($171,072), Utah State University, Logan
2. Kevin H Mahan($281,047), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Colorado Plateau, Sea Level, Based, Crust, Densities, Density, Elevations, Incorporates, Investigate, Isostatic, Mechanisms, Model, Post-hydration, Program, Region, Surface, Water, Xenoliths.
1. Marek Locmelis($546,648), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Nickel And Copper, Steady Metal Supply, Undergraduate And Graduate, Graduate Students, Ivrea-verbano Zone, Lower Continental, Magmatic Sulfide, Ore Deposits, Outreach Program, Strongly Metasomatized, Actively, Component, Crust, Deep, Exploration, Formation, Formed, Future, Geoscience, Guarantee, Integrated, Involved, Ivrea-verbano, K-, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Mantle, Metals, Metasomatism, Mineral, Mineralized, Paths, Prepare, Processes, Surface, Transport.
1. Alexander Gysi($52,453), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Mineral Solid Solutions, Ree Mineral Deposits, Earth's Crust, Geological Settings, Numerical Modeling, Applied, Behavior, Building, CSM, Critical, Database, Experiments, Fluids, Laboratory, Metals, Minerals, Phosphates, Processes, Program, Solubility, Students, Thermodynamic.
1. Alison M Koleszar($125,207), Colgate University, Hamilton
2. Kristina J Walowski($82,697), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Intermediate Arc Volcanoes, Augustine Volcano, Eruption Style, Active, Alaska, Ascent, Characterize, Crust, Erupted, Evolve, Explosivity, Hazards, Investigate, Magma, Magmatic, Plumbing, Rate, Reservoirs, Tephra, Tephras, Textures, Time, Volcanic.
1. Brian Jicha($100,969), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Volcanic Fields, Compositions, Eruption, Has, Magma, Magmas, Petrochronology, Processes, Super-eruptions, Utah.
1. Shelby T Rader($62,010), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Richard Gaschnig($222,600), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Mo And Tl, Subduction Zone Inputs, Ocean Crust, Tl Isotope, Altered, Analysis, Arc, Chemical, Deep, Earth’s, Experience, Fractionation, HPLT, Interaction, Loss, Mantle, Metamorphic, Metamorphism, Mineral, Process, Rock, Sediments, Signatures, Slab, Via.
1. George W Bergantz($336,921), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Behavior, Chemical, Compositions, Description, Experimental, Experiments, Fabric, Mush, Natural, Numerical, Objective, Pressure, Processes, Rock, Tensors, Volcanoes, Wide.
1. Sarah Lambart($233,127), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Experimental Products, Magma Flow, Volcanic Rocks, Chemical, Composition, Effect, Interaction, Magmas, Mantle, Matrix, Melt, Migration, Porous, Primary, Processes, Solid, Source, Surface, Travel.
1. Kennet E Flores Reyes($160,565), CUNY Brooklyn College, Brooklyn
2. Celine Martin($61,910), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Aqueous Fluids, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Suture Zones, Constrain, Isotopes, Main, Mantle, Occurring, Planet, Processes, Regions, Represent, Responsible, Serpentinites, Sources, Volcanism.
1. Kenneth Befus($376,862), Baylor University, Waco
Key terms: Microdiffraction And Raman, Synchrotron X-ray Microdiffraction, Crystal Structure, Deformation Mechanisms, Raman Spectroscopy, Synchrotron Microdiffraction, Synchrotron X-ray, X-ray Microdiffraction, Constraints, Deep, Deformed, Diamonds, Diffraction, Dynamic, Geologic, Geovisualization, Mineral, Minerals, Pink, Processes, Program, Resolution, Strain, Stresses, Temperature, Tools.
1. Kendra J Lynn($310,595), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Caldera Collapse, Dominantly Explosive, Explosive Eruptions, Activity, Behavior, Crust, Effusive, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Hawaii, Kilauea, Lava, Magma, Mantle, Past, Periods, Transition, Volcanic.
1. John A Wolff($56,708), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Martin J Streck($325,769), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Columbia River Lip, Oregon And Washington, Magma Storage, Magma Transport, Yellowstone Hotspot, CRB, Dike, Dikes, Distances, Dynamics, Eruption, Flow, Has, Laterally, Lava, Lavas, Magmas, Magmatism, Magnetic, Students, Travelled, Volcanic.
1. Charles B Connor($20,000), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Distributed Volcanic Fields, Widely Distributed Volcanic, Chapman Conference, Distributed Volcanism, AGU, Benefit, Cities, Colleagues, Developed, Discussions, Expected, Geophysical, Meeting, Models, Monitoring, Structured, Unrest, Volcanoes, Western.
1. Shichun Huang($327,808), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Metal Stable Isotope, Education Activities, Geochemical Analytical, Hawaiian Volcanism, Mantle Plume, Participating Students, Summer Program, Earth, Implications, Isotopic, Lavas, Plans, Tracers, UNLV.
1. Claire E Bucholz($664,500), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Archean And Proterozoic, Strongly Peraluminous Granites, Igneous Rock, Igneous Rocks, Isotope Ratios, Metasedimentary Rocks, Oxygen Levels, Partial Melting, Sedimentary Compositions, Sedimentary Rocks, Stable Isotope, Archive, Assimilation, Caltech, Earth’s, Explore, Fe, Field, GOE, Has, History, Investigate, Isotopes, Magmatic, Melts, Observed, Onset, Oxidative, PUSD, Pure, Represent, Rise, Sediments, Shifts, Spgs, Student, Weathering, Zircon.
1. Jill A VanTongeren($153,566), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Mid-low Temperature Cooling, Ambient Crustal, Ar-ar Thermochronology, Bushveld Complex, Cooling Paths, Cooling Rate, Hydrothermal Ore, Magma Chamber, Magma Chambers, Mid-low Temperature, South Africa, Absolute, Age, Ages, Ar-ar, Biotite, Ca, Determined, Diffusion, Eruption, Evolution, Formation, Implications, Inform, Mineral, Plagioclase, Quantification, Quantified, Rates, Reversals, Solidification, Solidus, Specifically, Strategic, Thermometer, U-pb, Volcanic, Worlds, Zircon.
1. William J Shinevar($174,000), Shinevar, William J, Cambridge
Key terms: Crustal And Mantle, Anomalous Regions, Education Activities, Elastic Moduli, Lower Crustal, Melt Fraction, Seismic Anisotropy, Seismic Wavespeeds, Tomographic Models, Boulder, Calculations, Chemical, Constraints, Earth’s, Fluids, Heterogeneities, Hydration, Lithosphere, Minerals, Observations, Pressure, Student, Temperature, Thermal, Uncertainty.
1. Zachary S Morris($236,000), Morris, Zachary, New Haven
Key terms: Secondary Palate Convergence, Amniote Palate, Convergent Evolution, Outreach Activities, Palate Shape, Amniotes, Anatomy, Development, Developmental, Evolutionary, Fossil, Has, Mammals, Mechanisms, Mentorship, Mouth, Phenomenon, Public, Students, Yale.
1. Hannah R Naughton($236,000), Naughton, Hannah Rose, Berkeley
Key terms: Soil Redox Microheterogeneity, Carbon Cycling, Carbon Storage, East River, Geospatial Model, Pft Distribution, Remotely Sensed, Soil Carbon, Upland Soils, Anaerobic, Berkeley, Conditions, Controls, Field, Formation, Gradient, Greenhouse, Has, Hillslope-to-floodplain, Knowledge, Landscape, Larger, Microbial, Microsites, Pfts, Predict, Predictable, Teaching, Tool.
1. Katharine M Loughney($174,000), Loughney Katharine M, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Accommodation And Sedimentation, Plants And Animals, Fossil Accumulation, Fossil Preservation, Fossiliferous Facies, Sequence Stratigraphy, Stewart Valley, Basin, Basins, Burial, Climate, Continent, Contribute, Control, Controls, Distribution, Drivers, Environments, Evolution, Field, Fossils, Habitat, Habitats, Has, History, Large-scale, Marine, Model, Occurrence, Predictable, Predictions, Processes, Relation, Sedimentary, Stratigraphic, Students, Tectonic.
1. Erin P Fitch($174,000), Fitch, Erin Piper, Honolulu
Key terms: Developing Educational, Explosive Magma–water, External Water, Hazard Assessment, Heat Transfer, Hydrovolcanic Eruptions, Laboratory Experiments, Lava–water Explosions, Magma–water Interactions, Numerical Simulation, Numerical Simulations, Account, Development, Difficult, Dispersal, Especially, Expansion, Fellowship, Field, Fragmentation, Hydrovolcanism, Involve, Lava–water, MFCI, Magma–water, Mechanism, Melt–water, Micro-scale, Mixing, Observations, Oregon, Processes, Ratio, Scalable, Specifically, Volcanic.
1. Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland($205,000), Mackaman-Lofland, Chelsea, Austin
Key terms: Deformation Mode Interpretations, Subduction-related Mountain Building, Andor Neutral, Continuous Shortening, Overriding Plate, Resolve Conflicting, Subduction-related Mountain, Surface Uplift, Activities, Andean, Andes, Apparent, Argentine, Basin, Central, Conditions, Construction, Cordilleran, Crust, Development, Educational, Episodic, Extensional, Field, Has, Invoke, Mechanisms, Paleoaltimetry, Regimes, Regional, Southern, Spatial, Structural, Students, Tectonic, Thickening, Timing, Training, Transition, Uconn, Undergraduate, °S.
1. Aleisha Johnson($174,000), Johnson, Aleisha, Tempe
Key terms: Stable Ti Isotopes, Ti Isotope Fractionation, Continental Crust, Oxygen Fugacity, Allow, Ancient, Arc, Behave, Calc-alkaline, Chicago, Composition, Controls, Crystallization, Differentiation, Earth’s, Formation, Geologic, Magmas, Magmatic, Mentor, Modeled, Modern, NSF, Postdoctoral, Proxy, Settings, Tholeiitic.
1. Nikki M Seymour($174,000), Seymour, Nikki M, Fort Collins
Key terms: Control Subduction Complex, Subduction Complex Exhumation, 21-15 Ma, Crystalline Gneiss, Exhumation History, Miocene Extension, Orocopia Schist, Shallow-angle Subduction, Shortly Following, Thermal History, Base, California, Cretaceous-paleogene, Critical, Crust, Document, Exposed, Fabric, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Has, Histories, Levels, Maps, Microstructural, North, OS, Plomosa, Processes, Rock, Sediment, Shallow-angle, Significance, Surface, Tectonic, Underplating, Was.
1. Melissa Sims($174,000), Sims, Melissa, Baltimore
Key terms: National Laboratory, Shock Experiments, Undergraduate Students, Complete, Conditions, Deformation, Diffraction, Experimental, In-situ, Investigate, Minerals, Natural, Phase, Pressure, Processes, Subsequent, Timescales.
1. Alexandra M Iezzi($174,000), Iezzi, Alexandra Michelle, Fairbanks
Key terms: Uav-mounted Infrasound Sensors, Active Volcanoes, Crater Rim, Explosive Sources, Uav-mounted Infrasound, Yasur Volcano, Acoustic, Activities, Allow, Deployed, Deployments, Directionality, Educational, Eruption, Explosion, Explosions, Ground, Has, Methods, Monitoring, Multiple, Near, Previously, Radiation, Uavs, Unique, Vertical, Volcanic.
1. Wesley G Parker($174,000), Parker, Wesley George, Cincinnati
Key terms: Hydrogen And Carbon, Middle And Late, Vegetation And Precipitation, Changing Vegetation, Isotope Profiles, Knowledge Surrounding, Late Holocene, Plant Wax, Plant Waxes, Sediment Cores, Tropical Forests, Activities, Analyzed, Basins, Canada, Central, Climate, Conservation, Ecological, Education, Guatemala, Has, Human, Inform, Modern, Natural, Regional, Signals, Track, USA.
1. Jennifer J Kasbohm($261,000), Kasbohm, Jennifer Jean, Princeton
Key terms: Atmospheric Co2 Levels, Miocene Climate Optimum, Nsf Ear Postdoctoral, Temperatures And Atmospheric, Absolute, CRBG, Caused, Conducting, Departmental, Global, Has, MCO, Massive, Network, Occurred, Retention, Warming, Women, Yale.
1. Julia A Guimond($217,500), Guimond, Julia, Barrington
Key terms: Arctic And Subarctic, Aquifer-ocean Exchange, Changing Climatic, Climate-change Driven, Groundwater Discharge, High-latitude Coastal, Permafrost Regions, Permafrost Thaw, Aquifer-ocean, Canada, Climate-change, Climate-induced, Conditions, Feedbacks, Field, Flow, High-latitude, Inform, Integrated, Management, Mechanisms, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Present-day, Processes, Resources, Sea, Vulnerable, Water.
1. Hannah I Shamloo($174,000), Shamloo, Hannah I, Tempe
Key terms: 3d Textural Characterization, Natural Zoned Sanidine, Shallow And Evolved, 3d Textural, Ba Zoning, Evolved Magmatic, Volcanic Eruptions, Zoned Minerals, Additionally, Behavior, Chemical, Conditions, Experiments, Focus, Formation, Has, Investigation, Lead, Minorities, Opportunities, Processes, Resolve, STEM, Supervolcanoes, Tool.
1. Joseph P Gonzalez($174,000), Gonzalez, Joseph P, Syracuse
Key terms: Host And Inclusion, Host And Quartz, Jack Hills Zircons, Quartz Inclusions Contained, Quartz-in-zircon Elastic Model, Crustal Rocks, Crystallographic Orientation, Elastic Interactions, Elastic Models, Elastically Anisotropic, Graduate Students, Inclusion Minerals, Quartz-in-zircon Elastic, Zircon Host, Applied, Conditions, Crystallization, Depth, Determinations, Effect, Entrapment, Finite, Frequently, Ga, Growth, Gt, Hadean, Infer, Investigating, Methods, NSF, Ongoing, Organize, Pavia, Plate, Processes, Public, X-ray.
1. Isabel Hong($261,000), Hong, Isabel, New Brunswick
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Diatom Transfer Function, Undergraduate And Graduate, Coastal Land-level, Graduate Students, Reduced Uncertainty, Seismic Hazards, Deformation, Diatoms, Earthquakes, Estimates, Fossil, Has, Land-level, Maps, Modern, Reconstruct, Species.
1. Scott P Zolkos($260,762), Zolkos, Scott P, Falmouth
Key terms: Lakes And Ponds, Wildfire And Permafrost, Ecosystem Disturbance, Hg Cycling, Organic Matter, Outreach Activities, Permafrost Thaw, Remote Sensing, Alaska, Atmosphere, Cycles, Delta, Effects, Freshwaters, Has, Implications, Mehg, Mentoring, Mercury, Methylation, Methylmercury, Northern, Release, Soil, Soils, Testing, Transformation, Undergraduate, Watersheds, YK.
1. Margaret L Odlum($174,000), Odlum, Margaret, Austin
Key terms: Seismic Slip Rates, Wasatch And Hurricane, 4he3he Thermochronometry, Development Plan, Fault Rocks, Fault Slip, Fault Strength, Fault Surfaces, Hurricane Faults, Population Centers, Seismic Hazards, Seismically Active, Wasatch Front, Access, Age, Analysis, Andor, Approach, Approaches, Assessment, Complementary, Coseismic, Deformation, Developed, Earthquake, Energy, Evidence, Frictional, Heat, Hehe, Hematite, Historical, Inform, Information, Mechanics, Module, Past, Processes, Properties, Quantify, Range, Reach, Region, STEM, Seismogenic, Temperatures, Temporal, Textural, Thermal, Thermochronometric, Trapped-charge, USU, Utah.
1. Charlotte Simmons($364,500), University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond
Key terms: Central Oklahoma, Honey Bees, Pollinator Decline, Agricultural, Based, Behavioral, Climate, Communication, Consist, Crops, Ecosystems, Engage, Environmental, Experience, Field, Findings, Greece, Lesvos, Long-term, Model, Native, Participation, Physiological, Plant-pollinator, Pollinators, Program, Public, REU, Recruited, Serve, Student, Students, Temperature, UCO.
1. Jeroen Tromp($213,000), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Jacqueline Austermann($745,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Mantle Structures, Mineral Physics, Available, Boundary, Burnman, CMB, Compressional, Consists, Convection, Core, Databases, Earth’s, Effect, Focus, Geodynamic, Heat, Heterogeneities, ISC, Iron, Machine, Methods, Models, Observed, Obtained, Origin, Outer, Perplex, Process, Shear, Software, Temperatures, Thermoelasticity, VP, VS.
1. Bijaya B Karki($183,998), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Shun-ichiro Karato($330,000), Yale University, New Haven
3. Jung-Fu Lin($240,976), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Global Water Circulation, Deep Mantle, Electrical Conductivity, Lower Mantle, Bridgmanite, Earth’s, Experimental, Hydrogen, Interior, Melt, Mineral, Minerals, Nature, Poorly, Shallow, Solubility, Theoretical.
1. Peter L Olson($234,862), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Earth’s Volatiles, Solar Nebula, Source Magnitudes, Accretion, Acquired, Atmosphere, Chondrites, Comets, Contributions, Decay, Earth-sized, Earth’s, Exchange, Exoplanets, Ingassing, Machine, Magma, Model, Phase, Potential, Processes, Sources, Water.
1. Donald V Helmberger($364,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Experimental Mineral Physics, Core-mantle Boundary, Hydrous Phases, Anisotropy, CMB, Chemical, Compared, Complexity, Convection, Core-mantle, Deep, Dynamics, Earth’s, Elastic, Experiments, Expertise, Facilities, Geodynamics, Hence, History, Influence, Infrared, Llsvps, Models, Observations, Observed, Plate, Properties, Required, Seismic, Seismically, Seismology, Sources, Stability, Structures, Subducted, Synchrotron, Techniques, Tectonic, Thermal, Thermo-chemical, Ulvzs, Velocity, X-ray.
1. Andrew J Campbell($362,638), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Michael J Krawczynski($136,725), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Diamond Anvil Cells, High-pressure Mineral Physicist, Physicists And Instrument, Core Formation, Experimental Petrologist, High-pressure Mineral, Highly Siderophile, Instrument Developers, Collaboration, Conditions, Earth’s, Experiments, Explanation, Extrapolations, Formed, Geochemists, Hses, Late, Mantle, Measure, Metalsilicate, Multidisciplinary, Partition, Partitioning, Pd, Previous, RIMS, Ratios, Reason, Relative, Relying, Ru, Ruthenium, Scavenging, Selected, Technique.
1. Michael I Bergman($24,000), Simon's Rock of Bard College, Great Barrington
Key terms: Earth’s Deep Interior, Earth’s Deep, Graduate Students, Contribute, Core, Dynamics, Evolution, Interdisciplinary, International, Mantle, Meetings, SEDI, Structure, Surface.
1. Bradley S Singer($482,903), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Bradley B Sageman($301,854), Northwestern University, Evanston
3. Mark D Schmitz($191,335), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Common Temporal, Global Geochemical, Ocean Anoxic, Temporal Framework, Ages, Agreement, Budget, Carbon, Cretaceous, Deep-time, Europe, Future, Initiation, Isotope, Joint, Levels, Marine, OAE, Oaes, Osmium, Pacific, Perturbations, Proportion, Proxy, Scenarios, Sea, Sediments, Time, Via, Volcanic, Volcanism.
1. Jack Tseng($53,206), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Yang Wang($142,135), Florida State University, Tallahassee
3. Oscar Carranza-Castaneda($349,429), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
4. Jack Tseng($53,206), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Animal Movements, Central Mexico, Americas, Analysis, Animals, Climate, Ecosystems, Fossil, GABI, Isotope, Isthmus, Mammal, North, Quantify, Regional, South, Timing, Triggered, Vegetation, Vertebrate.
1. Amanda Keen-Zebert($359,810), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Paleoclimate And Landscape, Landscape Dynamics, Age, Basin, Contributes, Dating, Deposited, Deposition, Drought, Interpret, Ka, Limit, Methods, Nevada, Reliable, Resolve, Sediment, Sediments, Tephra, Tephras, Tested, Time.
1. Andrew D Czaja($311,760), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
Key terms: Electron Microscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Microbial Ecosystems, Microfossil Assemblages, Ago, Billion, CMCP, Evolution, Fossilized, Isotope, Life, Microbes, Neoarchean, Observed, Period, Secondary, Spectroscopy, Story.
1. Gourab Ghoshal($260,565), University of Rochester, Rochester
2. Richard A Ketcham($79,787), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Mary K Fidler($195,884), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Age Spectra, Detrital Zircon, Sediment Transport, Ages, Ancient, Basins, Biasing, Characteristics, Currents, Developed, Effects, Elevation, Fractionation, Geologic, Information, Methods, Minerals, Potential, Processes, Quantify, Quantitative, Robust, Scientists, Sedimentary, Studying, Tectonic, U-pb.
1. Peter A Siver($286,615), Connecticut College, New London
Key terms: Geologic Time, Advance, Conditions, Diatoms, Ecosystems, Evolution, Evolutionary, Examine, Fossil, Freshwater, Greenhouse, Icehouse, Knowledge, Localities, Million, Museum, Organisms, Spanning, Species, Temperatures, Warm.
1. Jessica R Creveling($370,110), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Alternative Ages, Chemical Signals, Fad Chronologies, Global Fad, Stratigraphic Section, Alignment, Alignments, Cambrian, Chronology, Earliest, Evolutionary, Excursions, Fossil, Fossiliferous, Fossils, Local, Permissible, Refine, Sections, Software, Δccarb.
1. Benjamin Gill($213,873), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Jeremy D Owens($211,321), Florida State University, Tallahassee
3. Andrew Caruthers($165,538), Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
Key terms: End-triassic Mass Extinction, End-triassic Mass, Late Triassic, Marine Diversity, Panthalassic Ocean, Time Interval, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, Carbon, Current, Environmental, Geochemical, Geographic, Global, Jurassic, Led, Limited, Public, Recovery, Redox, Rock, Understudied.
1. Sterling J Nesbitt($484,948), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Field School, National Levels, Ability, Activities, Approaches, Broad, Diversity, Ecological, Ecology, Environmental, Fossil, Fossils, Functional, K-, Living, Local, Million, Millions, Modeling, Paleocommunities, Persist, Program, Quantitative, Regional, Short, Structure, Students, Successful, Survivors, Taxonomic, Teaching, Time, Timescales, Tools, Triassic, Vertebrate.
1. Ying Cui($321,205), Montclair State University, Montclair
2. Noah J Planavsky($176,688), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Emission And Sequestration, Carbon Emission, Co2 Emission, Isotopes Reflect, St Volcanism, Subsequent Recovery, Boron, EPME, End-permian, Lithium, Million, Modeling, Outreach, Produce, Quantitative, Rates, Spanning, Tropical, Volcanic, Weathering.
1. Kathleen Ritterbush($608,707), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Global Mass Extinctions, Shell Shape, Shell Shapes, Ammonoid, Ancient, Animals, Critical, Ecological, Ecosystems, Etc, Fossil, Life’s, Measure, Shells, Size, Speed, Stability, Water.
1. Thomas L Adams($111,417), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
2. Marina B Suarez($12,070), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Daniel J Lehrmann($21,745), Trinity University, San Antonio
Key terms: Central Texas, Dinosaur Tracks, Analysis, Climate, Enhanced, Environment, Hot, Information, Preservation, Public, Rock, Techniques.
1. Emily Finzel($43,000), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Provenance Analysis, Solving Tectonic, Conference, Detrital, Development, Directions, Opportunities, Workshop.
1. Simon A Darroch($335,062), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Complex Life, Ediacaran Organisms, Fluid Dynamics, Organisms Evolved, Ago, Agreement, Animal, Approach, Budget, Cambrian, Collaboration, Ecosystems, Evolution, Evolutionary, Extinction, Fieldwork, Fossils, Joint, Knowledge, Million, Modeling, Modern, Modules, Origins, Proportion, School, Students, Teachers, Time, UK.
1. Andrew J Moodie($174,000), Moodie, Andrew J, Houston
Key terms: Ear Postdoctoral Fellowship, Coastal River-deltas, Flow Pathways, Small-scale Geological, Subsurface Heterogeneity, Constrain, Education, Environments, Existing, Groundwater, Impacted, Information, Invariant, Investigate, Larger-scale, Limited, Machine, Method, Modeling, Properties, River-deltas, Rock, Sedimentary, Small-scale, Smaller-scale, Spatial, Statistical, Stratigraphy, Sustainability, Transport.
1. Karl E Karlstrom($262,998), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Mark D Schmitz($262,770), Boise State University, Boise
3. James W Hagadorn($134,548), Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver
4. Carol Dehler($154,684), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Grand Canyon, Sedimentary Rocks, Approach, Cambrian, Continent, Deposited, Flooded, Fossils, Global, Has, Life, Million, Oceans, Park, Strata, Timing, Tonto.
1. David J Peterman($174,000), Peterman, David J, Huber Heights
Key terms: Aquatic Biomechanics, Life Habit, Marine Ecosystems, Shelled Cephalopods, Components, Constraints, Diversity, Education, Evolution, Extensive, Models, Modes, Morphology, Morphotypes, Paleoecology, Properties, Virtual, Vital.
1. Selena Y Smith($549,403), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Monocot Flowering Plants, Diversity, Environmental, Evolutionary, Fossil, Fruitseed, Leaf, Palms, Phenotypic, Phylogenetic, Processes, Traits.
1. Paul Harnik($429,795), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Life History Traits, Students And Teachers, Gulf Coast, Northern Gulf, Outreach Program, Resource Availability, School Students, Alabama, Bivalve, Coastal, Contemporary, Environmental, Historical, Investigate, Junior, Louisiana, Mexico, Modern, Populations, Primary, Public, Shells, Undergraduate.
1. James C Lamsdell($573,375), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Ecological Occupation, Heterochronic Trends, Animal, Development, Drives, Environments, Evolution, Heterochrony, K-, Lessons, Phylogenetic, Shifts, Undergraduate.
1. Kevin T Uno($699,527), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Students And Postdocs, African Nations, Graduate Student, Graduate Students, Human Evolution, School Students, York City, Ancient, Approaches, Carbon, Climate, Developing, Ecological, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Evidence, Evolutionary, Field, Grasses, Grassland, Grasslands, Has, Isotopic, Lab, Ma, Methods, Million, Miocene, Molecular, Neogene, Opportunities, Participation, Past, Plant, Principal, Program, Reconstructing, Rise, STEM, Terrestrial, Three-week, Undergraduate, Underrepresented.
1. Lyman P Persico($333,148), Whitman College, Walla Walla
Key terms: Columbia Basin, Ice Age, Southeastern Washington, Analyses, Ancient, Basalt, Caused, Eruption, Field, Geological, Landscape, Processes, Reconstruct, Terrestrial, Time, Weathering.
1. Peter D Roopnarine($242,627), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
Key terms: Covid-19 Pandemic, Mass Extinctions, Structural Complexity, Adaptive, Agents, Behavior, Distributed, Dynamics, Ecosystems, Employment, Human, Interactions, Modeled, Organized, Recovery, Sectors, Sess, Socio-economic, Species, Was.
1. Alan Brandon($212,443), University of Houston, Houston
2. Kimberly V Lau($90,372), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Climate And Energy, Carbon Dioxide, Continental Weathering, Eagle Ford, Global Climate, Global Ocean, Global Warming, Ocean Chemistry, Volcanic Activity, Atmosphere, Factors, Isotopes, OAE, Outreach, Period, Public, Sustained, Texas, Underrepresented.
1. Anthony R Friscia($110,466), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Paul C Murphey($123,065), San Diego Society of Natural History, San Diego
3. Kathryn E Townsend($239,596), Midwestern University, Downers Grove
4. Laura Stroik($106,524), Grand Valley State University, Allendale
5. Lisa C Thompson($184,258), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Modern Climatic Crisis, Extreme Warming, Global Warming, Integrated Approach, Development, Ecosystems, Habitat, MECO, Mammalian, Utah, Via.
1. Elizabeth A Hajek($340,372), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Vamsi Ganti($406,054), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Bars, Conditions, Constraints, Development, Exercises, Field, Insight, Mineral, Processes, Quantitatively, River, Rivers, Sediment, Sediment-flux, Sedimentary, Stratigraphic, Students.
1. Anders J Noren($7,467,979), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Fault Mechanics, Rock Weathering, Sediment Layers, Allow, Analysis, Below, Boreholes, CSDF, Complex, Continental, Core, Coring, Deep, Deposited, Depth, Development, Drilling, Ecosystem, Equipment, Expensive, Facility, Geochemical, Geologic, Geothermal, Instruments, Lake, Lakes, Management, Means, Operations, Processes, Resources, Risk, Sampling, Soil, Specialized, Surface, Time, Water.
1. Jenny L McGuire($699,341), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Plants And Animals, Changing Climate, Climates, Ecosystem, Extent, Respond, Species, Students.
1. Catherine Constable($40,440), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Database, Databases, Day, Magic, Meeting, Organizers, Paleomagnetic, Paleomagnetism, Participation, Plan, Program, Rock, Solve, Uploading, Workshop.
1. Howard E Harper($50,000), Society of Sedimentary Geology SEPM, Tulsa
Key terms: International Sedimentary Geoscience, Sedimentary Geoscience Congress, Allow Students, Sedimentary Geology, Attend, Conference, Formal, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Meeting, Society, Travel.
1. Anjali M Fernandes($255,106), Denison University, Granville
Key terms: Ancient, Approach, Environmental, Flood, Hydraulic, Integrated, Million, Models, Past, Quantify, Respond, River, Rivers, Water, Western.
1. David Rowley($100,198), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
Key terms: Natural And Managed, C4 Grasses, Future Environmental, Managed Landscapes, Warm-season Grasses, Abundance, Climate, Conditions, Dramatic, Ecological, Expansion, Leading, Miocene, Paleoclimatic, Past, Predict, Reconstructions, Respond, South, Tectonic, Warm-season.
1. Terry L Pavlis($62,789), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: 3d Geologic, 3d Mapping, 3d Visualization, Earth’s Surface, Geologic Bodies, Geologic Mapping, Aimed, Applications, Based, Desert, Developing, Earth’s, Field, Geometry, Geosciences, Hispanic, Industries, Legacy, Maps, Modeling, Models, Opportunities, Paper, Resolution, SM, Strabospot, Subsurface, Techniques, Technology, Transformative, Unprecedented.
1. Kathryn E Metcalf($293,703), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
2. Delores M Robinson($327,591), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Tethyan Fold-thrust Belt, Cross Sections, Earlier Phase, Fold-thrust Belt, Historically Underrepresented, Southern Tibet, Tethyan Fold-thrust, Ago, Asia, Collision, Evolution, Existing, Field, Himalayan, India, Laboratory, Million, Models, Nepal, North, Region, Rock, Shortening, Students, Tectonic, Zircon.
1. James J Vogl($219,951), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Alaska Chukotka Microplate, Arctic Alaska Chukotka, Canadian Arctic Islands, Continental Land Mass, 66° Anti-clockwise, Arctic Geology, Arctic Region, Basin Formation, Brooks Range, Canada Basin, Continental Subduction, Dynamically Linked, Earth’s Surface, High-pressure Metamorphism, High-pressure Rocks, Metamorphic Belts, Metamorphic Rocks, Northern Alaska, Remains Unclear, Schist Belt, Subduction Zones, Thermal Histories, Accommodated, Adjacent, Analytical, Anti-clockwise, Believed, Collision, Constraints, Evolution, Exhumation, Extension, Field, Focused, Furthermore, Geometrical, High-pressure, Models, Oceanic, Rest, Resulting, Rotated, Strike, Structural, Student, Students, Techniques, Tectonic, Timing, World.
1. Robert M Holder($259,405), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Forrest Horton($336,358), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Heat Source, Southern Madagascar, Ages, Analyses, Collision, Combined, Continent, Crust, Earth’s, Education, Establish, Hf, Magma, Magmas, Magmatism, Mantle, Metamorphic, Mineral, Origins, Regional, Rock, Temperatures, Transformations, U-pb, UHTM, Unknown, Zircon, °C.
1. Cailey B Condit($294,571), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Matej Pec($160,938), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Blueschist Facies Rocks, Mit’s Rock Deformation, Rock Deformation Laboratory, Structural Petrology Laboratory, Subduction Zone Faults, Washington’s Structural Petrology, Experimental Products, Mit’s Rock, Rheological Parameters, Subduction Zones, Underrepresented Minority, Viscous Creep, Viscous Deformation, Washington’s Structural, Behavior, Constraints, Deep, Depths, Directly, Ductile, Earthquakes, Electron, Experiments, Geologic, Glaucophane, Hazards, Interface, Lack, Largest, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Plate, Strength.
1. Andrew Smye($279,812), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Basin And Range, Continental Lower Crust, Continental Crust, Extreme Temperatures, Range Province, Ultrahigh Temperatures, Attained, Critical, History, Metamorphism, Pressure-temperature, Prograde, Rock, Techniques, Timing.
1. Sean P Long($177,094), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Jeffrey Lee($82,641), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Expresses Fabric Intensity, Finite Strain Magnitude, Allow Measuring, Applied Globally, Calibration Equation, Crystallographic Fabrics, Intensity Parameters, Low-magnitude Deformation, Quartzite Unit, Shear Zone, Shear Zones, Snake Range, Undergraduate Students, Across-strike, Alignment, Approach, Boundaries, Crust, Cylindricity, Deformed, Delineate, Exhibit, Extensional, Features, Field, Function, Generate, Has, Ideal, Low-magnitude, Markers, Micro-, Millimeters, Nevada, Plate, Plates, Processes, Quartz-rich, Relative, Rock, Spatial, Strike-slip, Technique, Tectonic, Temperatures, Transect.
1. Xiaolei Liu($284,603), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Northern Tibetan Plateau, India-asia Collision, Organic Geochemistry, Plate Boundary, Qilian Shan, River Catchments, Approach, Basins, Continent, Crust, Dynamics, Elevation, Geology, Has, History, India-asia, Laboratory, Mantle, Orogenic, Produced, Proxies, Sedimentary, Students, Techniques, Tectonic, Topography, Undergraduate.
1. Peter K Zeitler($182,010), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: South Asian Monsoon, Sediment Source, Sedimentary Rock, Sedimentary Rocks, Shape Landscapes, Active, Analysis, Approach, Climate, Cyclostratigraphy, Dating, Erosion, Erosional, Grains, Himalayan, Mountain, Nepal, Processes, Provenance, Relative, Sediments, Siwalik, Solid-earth, Strength, Strong, Tectonic, Thermochronology, Time, Tools, Topographic.
1. Robert B Miller($77,822), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
2. Stacia Gordon($260,880), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
3. Michael P Eddy($349,776), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Arc Crust, Earth’s Crust, Intense Magmatism, Magmatic Flare-ups, Subduction Zones, Uranium-lead Zircon, Combination, Compared, Constant, Continent, Create, Deep, Deformation, Ductile, Dynamic, Earth’s, Evidence, Evolution, Exposed, Fault, Faulting, Field, Flare-up, Flare-ups, Geo-thermochronology, Metamorphism, North, Occurred, Periods, Podcast, Public, Represent, Rock, Subsequent, Surface, Tectonic, Temporal, Transfer, Uranium-lead, Washington, Women.
1. Jeff Benowitz($57,554), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Dennis L Newell($42,331), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Splay Thrust Faults, Continental Strike-slip, Denali Fault, Fault Zone, Helium Isotope, Mantle-derived Fluids, Alaska, Conduits, Crust, Deep, Depth, Examine, Geothermal, Isotopic, Mantle-derived, Resources, Springs, Strands, Strike-slip, Trace, Water.
1. Kevin R Chamberlain($179,992), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. David Evans($390,432), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Europe And Africa, Nuna And Rodinia, Anti-atlas Mountains, Atlantic Ocean, Supercontinental Transitions, West Africa, Ago, Americas, Ancient, Anti-atlas, Billions, Close, Configurations, Continent, Debate, Earth’s, Field, Globe, History, Imagine, Laboratory, Landmasses, Methods, Morocco, Paleomagnetic, Pangea, Precambrian, Prior, Public, Rock, Supercontinents, Time, Was, “inside-out”.
1. Steven B Kidder($382,922), CUNY City College, New York
Key terms: Grain Size Distributions, Recrystallized Grain Size, Shear Zones, Stress Magnitudes, Carried, Constant, Cooling, Crust, Deformation, Deformed, Earth’s, Experiments, Natural, Rate, Rock, STEM, Strain, Temperature, Underrepresented.
1. Sean R Mulcahy($185,140), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Active Subduction Zones, Undergraduate And Graduate, Metamorphic Sole, Metamorphic Soles, Subduction Initiation, Suprasubduction Zone, Accreted, Accretion, Beneath, Crust, Earthquakes, Field, History, Initiate, Multiple, Oceanic, Ophiolite, Plate, Processes, Responsible, STEM, Structural, Subducted, Time, Timing, Units, Via.
1. Randolph T Williams($369,406), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Authigenic Mineral Phases, Cores And Damage, Deformation And Fluid, Individual Fault Zones, Surrounding Damage Zones, Fault Core, Fault Cores, Fluid Flow, Geochronological Analyses, Mineral Phases, Andor, Character, Conditions, Constraining, Crust, Development, Dictate, Discrete, Distribution, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Evolution, Fault-zone, Fault’s, Rock, Sets, Structural, Structures, Surface, Timing, Typically.
1. Matthew P McKay($122,964), Missouri State University, Springfield
2. Sean P Long($197,832), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: River Suture Zone, Salmon River Suture, Central Idaho, Exhumation-related Cooling, Exhumed Via, Mountain Building, Accretionary, Burial, Buried, Collision, Collisions, Continent, Crust, Deeply, Exhumation-related, Experienced, Faults, Geology, Introduce, Island, Lithospheric, North, Overlying, Peak, Plate, Predicts, Processes, Rates, Region, Rock, Rocks, STEM, Structural, Students, Surface, Tectonic, Thrust, Timing, Towards, Undergraduates.
1. Brian K Horton($232,247), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. James B Chapman($236,676), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Analytical Techniques, Crustal Thickening, Ocean-continent Subduction, Oceanic Crust, Plate Boundaries, Accretion, Andes, Arc, Basin, Basins, Building, Collaborations, Convergent, Cordilleran, Cycles, Development, Driven, Ecuador, Evolution, Fluctuating, Geologic, Magmatism, Margins, Ocean-continent, Past, Processes, Sedimentary, Shortening, Sources, Subsidence, Tectonic.
1. Richard Gaschnig($245,061), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Ancient Sedimentary Rocks, Detrital Zircon, Western North, Adjacent, Ago, Analyses, Antarctica, Arizona, Australia, Billion, Collected, Columbia, Constraints, Continent, Craton, Dating, East, Geology, Idaho, Identity, Mesoproterozoic, Minerals, Models, Potential, Provenance, Sources, Supercontinent, UML, Undergraduate.
1. Francis J Sousa($120,130), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Richard Heermance($278,858), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Goler And Maniobra, Basin Analysis, Basin Development, Eocene Time, Late Cretaceous, Maniobra Formations, Mojave Desert, Plateau Subduction, Tectonic Models, Basins, Continent, Detrital, Extension, Geologic, Mapping, Techniques, Thermochronology.
1. William McClelland($278,878), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Justin V Strauss($249,582), Dartmouth College, Hanover
3. Christopher D Connors($85,488), Washington and Lee University, Lexington
Key terms: Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution, Arctic Alaska, Continental Margins, Late Paleozoic, Middle Paleozoic, Northern Alaska, Northwestern North, Subduction Initiation, Circum-arctic, Conversion, Devonian–carboniferous, Examination, Models, Nature, Plate, Process, Region, Regional, Remain, Rock, Structural, Synorogenic, Timing, USGS, Yukon, Zones.
1. Roman A DiBiase($471,887), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Eric Kirby($265,522), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Burial And Exhumation, Exhumation History, Deformation, Exist, Facilitate, Feedbacks, Field, Geomorphic, Mountain, Paired, Properties, Quantifying, River, Rock, Strength, Surface, Surveys, Topography.
1. Emily M Peterman($46,168), Bowdoin College, Brunswick
Key terms: Advances And Methods, Geology And Tectonics, Field Trips, Graduate Students, Pedagogical Advances, Structural Geology, Tectonics Forum, Accessible, Activities, Aimed, Bring, Building, Classroom, Collaborations, Contributing, Create, Critical, Current, Development, Discuss, Discussions, Education, Facilitate, Faculty, Future, Identifying, Interaction, Meeting, Opportunities, Opportunity, Practices, Presentations, STEM, Session, Sessions, Short, Teaching, Underrepresented, Useful.
1. Christian Teyssier($447,278), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Field And Analytical, Deep-crustal Flow, Earth’s Surface, Gneiss Domes, Hot Rocks, Age, Amphibolite, Analysis, Conditions, Continent, Deep-crustal, Earth’s, Eclogite, Formerly-deep, High-pressure, High-temperature, History, Mafic, Mass, Mechanisms, Metamorphism, Mountain, Orogenic, Pressure-temperature-time, Quartzofeldspathic, Rapid, Timing, Transport, Zircon.
1. Michael McGlue($626,413), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Main Teton Fault, Farther North, Fault Scarps, Fault Segments, Fault Slip, Northern Extent, Northern Teton, Originally Extended, Range Front, Seismic Reflection, Slip History, Teton Range, Topographic Break, Trenching Studies, Acquired, Active, Allow, Education, Has, Hotspot, Interpreted, Jackson, Lake, Lidar, Multiple, Natural, Potential, Previously, Public, South, Students, Topography, Training, Yellowstone.
1. Elisabeth Gallant($174,000), Gallant, Elisabeth, Tampa
Key terms: Analogue Modeling Techniques, Lava Flow Emplacement, Lava Flow Models, Numerical Lava Flow, Effusion Rate, Hazard Communication, Hazards Program, Kilauea Volcano, Lava Flows, Lerz Eruption, Real World, Unprecedented Opportunity, Volcanic Hazards, Volcano Observatory, Ability, Advance, Breakouts, Computational, Developed, Educational, Esps, Established, Evolution, Factors, Field, Forecasting, Has, Inundation, Knowledge, Liverpool, Quantify, Robust, USGS.
1. Michael A Chen($174,000), Chen, Michael Andrew, Somerville
Key terms: Flow And Geochemistry, Rocks And Soils, Calcite Dissolution, Carbon Cycle, Dissolution Rate, Geochemical Reaction, Incomplete Mixing, Larger Scales, Mixing Corrosion, Conditions, Coupled, Drives, Evolution, Experiments, Fellowship, Framework, Has, Influence, Karst, Microscale, Mineral, Minerals, Minnesota, Mixed, Models, Natural, Outreach, Parameters, Pore, Pore-scale, Process, Processes, Solutions, Transport.
1. Joshua B Russell($174,000), Russell, Joshua B, Palisades
Key terms: Oceanic Upper Mantle, Age Dependence, Obs Arrays, Plate Tectonics, Shear Velocity, Anisotropy, Attenuation, Brown, Constraints, Developed, Earth’s, Education, Evolution, Framework, High-resolution, LAB, Models, Pacific, Plan, Reconcile, Seismic, Site, Structure.
1. Brendan P Murphy($49,811), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Burn Severity, Grizzly Creek, Land Cover, Post-wildfire Hydrologic, Post-wildfire Management, Sediment Dynamics, Sediment Transport, Active, Analytical, Burned, Capture, Characteristics, Downstream, Efforts, Field, Inform, Long-term, Modeling, Post-wildfire, Processes, Rates, Resource, Streamflow, Time, Tools, USGS, Variable, Watershed, Western.
1. Kelly Gleason($49,962), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Downstream Water Resource, Hydrology And Downstream, Policy And Management, Water Resource Availability, Forest Fires, Forest Structure, Management Decisions, Snow Hydrology, Facilitate, Female, Post-fire, Quality, Quantify, Snow-water, Snowmelt, Soil, Streamflow, Student, Timing.
1. Hussain A Abdulla($58,382), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
2. Vikram Kapoor($15,000), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Hurricane Hanna, South Texas, Underserved Populations, Water Quality, Advance, Aquifer, Chemical, Coastal, Collect, Contaminants, Contamination, Engage, Flooded, Flooding, Following, Groundwater, Hurricanes, Immediate, Information, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Landfall, Microbial, Pollutants, Potential, STEM, Stakeholders, Storm, Students, Subjected, Underrepresented, Vulnerable.
1. William B Frank($306,279), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Tectonic Plate Boundaries, Earthquake Cycle, Frequency Content, Lfe Source, Low-frequency Earthquakes, Nankai Trough, Near-source Attenuation, Plate Interface, Shedding Light, Slow Slip, Source Region, Analysis, Constraints, Does, Has, High-resolution, Highly, Investigate, Japan, Lfes, Low-frequency, Normal, Nsource, Physics, Plays, Program, Seismic, Signature, Spectral, Structure, Surface, Unique.
1. Michael Manga($10,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Matthew J Hornbach($18,353), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Key terms: Heat Flow, Lake Floor, Mono Lake, Site Selection, Volcanic Eruptions, Designed, Hazards, Lakes, Monitoring, Probe, Real-time, Settings, Subsurface, Temperature.
1. Margarete Jadamec($10,417), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
2. Derek L Schutt($5,530), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Stefany Sit($5,556), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
4. Tolulope M Olugboji($5,445), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Build Student Confidence, Level Geophysics Courses, Upper Level Geophysics, Diverse Backgrounds, Pilot Modules, Allow, Attract, Creation, Design, Disciplines, EAGER, Environment, Focus, Students, Teaching, Underrepresented.
1. Graham D Andrews($33,227), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
2. Matthew E Brueseke($16,864), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Additional Specimens, Searchable Database, University-hosted Server, Virtual Specimens, COVID-, Collection, Commercial, Create, Has, Models, Online, Shift, University-hosted.
1. Cheryl A Gansecki($397,816), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Paul Wallace($40,743), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Local Population, Magma Pockets, Melt Inclusions, Rift Zone, Academics, Activity, Chemical, Composition, Concentrations, Depth, Directly, Droplets, East, Erupted, Eruptible, Eruption, Hawaii, Information, Kilauea, Lava, Lavas, Magmas, Plumbing, Site, Storage, Stored, Students, Summit, Time, Volcanoes.
1. Matthew E Brueseke($169,220), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Covid-19 Pandemic, Petcat-scan Facility, Thin Section, Thin Sections, Access, Efforts, Instruction, Kansas, Online, Optical, Petcat-scan, Petrographic, Resources, Virtual.
1. Gordon M Moore($221,445), Jacobs Technology Inc., Houston
2. Laura Waters($135,252), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: High-school Internship Program, Promotes Stem Fields, High-school Internship, Potassium Feldspar, Silicic Magmas, Six Undergraduates, Applicable, Calibration, Conditions, Davis, Debate, HO, Hispanic-serving, Intensive, Melt, Models, Plutonic, Rock, Sonoma, Students, Under-represented, Volumes.
1. Marc-Antoine Longpre($513,203), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
Key terms: Olivine And Clinopyroxene, Quiescent Hotspot Volcanoes, Allow Testing, Canary Island, Canary Islands, Crustal Structure, Eruption Forecasting, Eruption Run-up, Eruption Style, Historic Eruptions, Magma Composition, Repose Period, Analysis, Approach, Available, Crystal, Crystals, Deep, Design, Duration, Electron, Images, Inclusions, Magmatic, Natural, Processes, Quantify, Reactivation, Run-up, Students, Timescales, Undergraduate, Variables, —.
1. Steven P Loheide($49,611), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Jerad D Bales($19,569), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
3. Tim P Covino($20,552), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Instructors And Students, Covid-19 Pandemic, Distance Education, Educational Resources, Equal Access, Activities, Critical, Developing, Expect, Hydrologic, Instruction, Instructional, Online, Platform, Preparation, Quality, Time, Training, Transition.
1. Daniel M Weinberger($88,155), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Streams And Rivers, Connecticut River, Region Impacted, Stream Networks, Urban Center, Assess, CSO, Coast, Collected, Coronavirus, Effluent, Environmental, Exposure, Has, Hydrologic, Interdisciplinary, Mainstem, Overflow, Particular, Prevalence, Sars-cov-, Set, Sites, Standard, Students, Transfer, Transmission, Virus, Viruses, WWTP, Water.
1. Jacob F Anderson($73,643), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Seismic And Acoustic, Aftershock Sequence, Air Waves, Bsu Network, Earthquake Infrasound, Earthquake-generated Infrasound, Following Day, Infrasound Sensors, Multiple Sites, Pressure Waves, Rock Falls, Seismic Hazards, Seismic Waves, Sensor Network, Aftershocks, Analyses, Atmosphere, Avalanches, Boise, Central, Conversion, Depth, Distances, Earthquake-generated, Earthquakes, Energy, Epicenter, Expanding, Generation, Geophysical, Ground, Has, Idaho, Local, Low, Magnitude, March, Measure, Methods, Monitoring, Mountain, Mountainous, Observed, Originate, Passage, Propagation, Properties, Radiation, Regional, Secondary, Seismometers, Sources, Surrounding, Topographic, Unique.
1. Katherine D Ryker($89,945), University of the Pacific, Stockton
Key terms: Education Resource Center, Outcomes And Skills, Virtual Field Camp, Virtual Field Experiences, Capstone Experiences, Covid-19 Pandemic, Geoscience Teachers, National Association, Traditional Field, Virtual Alternatives, Activities, Activity, Approach, Assessment, Build, Building, Cancelled, Challenges, Collection, Collective, Community-derived, Coordinating, Courses, Curricular, Developed, Developing, Development, Digital, Distance, Effort, Expertise, Field-based, High-quality, Infrastructure, Instructors, Integrated, Meet, Objectives, Online, Opportunities, Page, Pedagogical, Potential, Program, Programs, Quickly, Resources, Review, Satisfy, Searchable, Strategies, Students, Successful, Summer, Technologies, Tools, Transition, Undergraduate, Webinars, Website.
1. Anthony Koppers($229,380), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Goat Rocks Volcanic, Rocks Volcanic Complex, Composite Volcanoes, Magma Generation, Magmas Stored, Subduction Volcanoes, Volcanic Arc, Cascade, Conditions, Crust, Depth, Development, Exposed, Laboratory, Magmatic, Models, Storage, Time, Washington, Water.
1. Dennis C DeMets($38,704), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Oriente Fault, Slip Solution, Active, Available, Critical, Cuba, Decades, Earthquake, Faults, GPS, Gather, Geodetic, Interpreting, Jamaica, Magnitude, Modeling, Ruptured, Seismic.
1. Alberto M Lopez($20,321), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
Key terms: Earthquake Sequence, Earthquake Swarm, Puerto Rico, Critical, Fault, Faults, GPS, Has, Island, January, Magnitude, Mainshock, Motion, Region, Seismic, Sites, Southwestern, Tectonic.
1. Kenneth S Hughes($49,845), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
Key terms: Coamo Hot Springs, Ongoing Seismic Sequence, Seismic Activity, Water Chemistry, Combined, Daily, Dataset, Discharge, Hydrologic, Provided, Students, Temperature.
1. Donna L Whitney($358,113), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Oxygen Isotope, Subducting Plates, Subduction Complexes, Subduction Zones, Abundance, Composition, Conditions, Cycle, Depths, HO, Lawsonite, Mantle, Minerals, Oceanic, Rare, Rock, Sources, Subducted, Water, Wt, Zoning.
1. Chelsea P Scott($394,525), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Viswanath Nandigam($1,587,242), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
3. Christopher J Crosby($871,239), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Processing Tools, Resolution Topography, Access, Continue, Education, Opentopography, Surface, Training.
1. Steven P Loheide($13,727,247), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Student Travel Grants, Graduate Students, Access, Activities, Advancement, CUAHSI, Complex, Consortium, Cuahsis, Hosts, Hydrologic, Inc, Infrastructure, Instrumentation, Interdisciplinary, Modeling, Outreach, Public, Services, Training, Universities, User, Water.
1. David J Mencin($5,237,302), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
2. David J Mencin($5,952,171), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
3. David J Mencin($62,406,629), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Manage And Operate, Environmental Management, Gage Facility, Geodetic Capabilities, Water Storage, Workforce Development, Administration, Advances, Atmosphere, Continent, Distribution, Dynamics, Education, Enable, GNSS, Geophysical, Geosciences, Instrumentation, Interactions, NOTA, National, Positioning, Processes, Products, Provided, Public, Set, Stations, Technology, Time, Transportation, UNAVCO, Warning.