image host NSF-GEO-EAR Awards for 2022

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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Conference: Increasing Opportunities in the Mountain Climate Science Community with Support to the 2022 MtnClim Conference September 12-16, 2022
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Andrew G Bunn($4,910), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Mountain Climate, Conference, Early-career, Focused, Inclusion, Managers, Meeting, Mtnclim, Natural, Participants, Resource, Sessions, Student, Students.

Rainfall, Ecosystems, and Fire in Warm Late Neogene Climates of the Lake Baikal Region
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Pratigya J Polissar($380,132), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Branched Glycerol Dialkyl, Climate Model Predictions, Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol, 21st Century, Boreal Forests, Lake Baikal, Paired Analyses, Plant-wax Hydrogen, Canada, Carbon, Ecosystem, Fire, Global, Grasslands, Hydroclimate, Isotope, Million, Models, Past, Plant-wax, Potential, Precipitation, Proxy, Regional, Siberia, Temperature, Tested, Trends, Vegetation, Warm, Wildfire, Wildfires.

CAREER: Inversion of Localized High-Resolution Polar Gravity Fields to Estimate Mass Change
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2022; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Christopher Harig($402,388), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: 21st Century Sea, Century Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, Sheets And Glaciers, Spatial And Temporal, 21st Century, Gravity Fields, Ice Loss, Ice Sheets, Polar Regions, Temporal Resolution, Changing, Estimates, Global, Observations, Products, Satellite, Setting, Students, Surface.

Collaborative Research: CAS-Climate: The Hydrologic Connection between Permafrost-Plateaus and Thaw-Bogs: Impact on Methane Emissions
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Jessica D Lundquist($579,258), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Katie L Spellman($58,421), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Bog Methane Emissions, Energy And Nutrients, Permafrost Plateau, Permafrost Plateaus, Thermal Energy, Alaska, Conditions, Connection, Facilitate, Hydrologic, Landscape, Model, Plateau-bog, Processes, Programs, Thermokarst, Transport, Water, Wetland, Wetlands.

INFEWS/T1: Linking Current and Future Hydrologic Change to Hydropower, Human Nutrition, and Livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Basin
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2017; Program: CR-Water Sustainability & Clim

1. Jon J Miller($2,410,684), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Development And Climate, Development And Operations, Fish And Rice, Mekong River Basin, Dam Development, Flood Pulse, Human Well-being, Hydropower Development, Hydropower Generation, Quantitative Framework, Tonle Sap, Advance, Analyses, Analysis, Approaches, Aspects, Capacity, Components, Contaminants, Controls, Critical, Developing, Ecosystem, Effects, Field, Flood-pulse, Fluxes, Food, Food-energy-water, Future, Governance, Hydrology, Linked, Lower, MRB, Management, Model, Modeling, Multiple, Nutrients, Nutritional, Online, Power, Practices, Predicting, Processes, Progress, Quality, Region, Resource, Rivers, Science-based, Security, South, Students, Tradeoffs, VIC, Via, Well-being, World, Yield, Yields.

ORE-CZ: Integrating Vegetation Phenology to Understand the Sensitivity of Dynamic Water Storage to Drought Using Remote Sensing Data and Hydrology Modeling
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Lauren Lowman($200,000), Wake Forest University, Winston Salem
Key terms: Dynamic Water Storage, Storage And Vegetation, Drought Periods, Environmental Conditions, Forested Mountain, Modeling Framework, Mountain Basins, Water-use Strategies, Adapt, Alter, Approach, Capture, Carbon, Colorado, Energy, Feedbacks, Gap, Growth, Interactions, Land-surface, Leaf, Phenology, Photosynthesis, Plant, Plants, Uncertainty, Water-use.

ORE-CZ: Riverine Biogeochemical Export From High-Latitude Catchments: The Role of Glaciers and Extreme Hydrologic Events
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Jason B Fellman($199,879), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Alaska Southeast, Critical Zone, Undergraduate Students, Biogeochemical, Downstream, Floods, Flow, Flows, Glacier, Glaciers, Gulf, Hydrologic, Influence, Intensively, Involved, Lake, Marine, Melting, Nutrients, Processes, Rivers, Warming, Water, Watersheds.

ORE-CZ: Ecohydrological Controls on Soil Respiration and the Apparent Respiratory Quotient Across a Dynamic Storage Gradient
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. John F Knowles($200,000), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
Key terms: Dynamic Water Storage, Carbon Cycling, Semi-arid Montane, Soil Carbon, Soil Respiration, Soil-produced Co2, Water Availability, ARQ, Aims, Atmosphere, Build, CZ, Capacity, HSI, Hsis, Participation, Potential, Quantify, STEM, Semi-arid, Soil-produced, Student, Students, Undergraduate, Vegetation.

ORE-CZ: Methane emission from wetlands surrounding Lake Pontchartrain
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Samrat Dutta($199,779), Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans
Key terms: Global Methane Emissions, Greenhouse Gas, Gulf Coast, Lake Pontchartrain, Soil Characteristics, Assess, Carbon, Contribute, Findings, Individual, Largest, Louisiana’s, Management, North, Observed, Plan, Relation, Saltwater, Vegetation, Wetland, Wetlands.

EAR-PF: Methane Dynamics in Tidal Salt Marshes: Production and Fate
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Margaret Capooci($0), Capooci, Margaret, Newark
Key terms: Marsh Carbon Cycling, Salt Marsh Carbon, Salt Marsh Soils, Tidal Salt Marshes, Carbon Storage, Methane Dynamics, Methane Emissions, Aims, Climate, Consumed, Field, Information, Methanogenesis, Model, Produced, Release.

Collaborative Research: Facility: CSDMS: Engaging a thriving community of practice in Earth-surface dynamics
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Irina Overeem($3,390,267), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Moira Zellner($420,206), Northeastern University, Boston
3. Nicole Gasparini($39,174), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Digital Resources, Earth's Surface, Intellectual Merit, Technology Development, Workforce Development, Ability, Advances, Advantage, Bridge, CSDMS, Combines, Computing, Csdmss, Cyberinfrastructure, Earth-surface, Facility, Gap, Models, Online, Perspective, Possibilities, Potential, Processes, Students, Tools, Training, Unlock.

ORE-CZ: Soil Microbial Characteristics of a Salinizing Forest Ecosystem within the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Stephanie Stotts($199,984), University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne
Key terms: Microbial Communities’ Composition, Soil And Root-associated, Soil Salinity Gradients, Chesapeake Bay, Coastal Forests, Critical Zone, Root-associated Microbial, Saltwater Intrusion, Sea-level Rise, Soil Health, Soil Microbial, Soil Properties, Soil Salinization, Climate, Conditions, Division, Ecosystems, Environmental, Knowledge, Overall, Plant, Salinizing, Sea-level.

RAPID: Quantifying timescales of groundwater recharge and discharge in seasonally snow-covered headwater catchments
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2022; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. D. Kip Solomon($49,843), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Groundwater Storage, Annual, Catchments, Climate, Colorado, Managers, Resource, Runoff, Snowfall, Streamflow, Underlying, Utah, Was, Water, Western, Winter.

Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry in the Critical Zone
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. William H McDowell($141,332), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Critical Zone Collaborative, Surface And Deep, Zone Collaborative Network, Deep Soil, Bedrock, Depth, Detailed, Division, Drive, Life, Microbes, Microbial, Public, Sites, Soils.

CAS-Climate: CAREER: Analytical methods for understanding and predicting agricultural flash droughts in a changing climate
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Di Tian($371,580), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Agricultural Flash Drought, Flash Droughts, Graduate Students, Activities, Assess, Climate, Contribute, Education, Educational, Extreme, Forecasts, Onset, Programs, Sub-seasonal.

Collaborative Research: SZ4D Catalyst
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EAR-Earth Sciences Research

1. Glen S Mattioli($499,863), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
2. Andrew V Newman($61,473), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Emily E Brodsky($1,047,804), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Modeling And Laboratory, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Building, Capacity, Components, Development, Directly, Earthquakes, Effort, Equity, Eruption, Following, Plan, Processes, SZD, Seascapes, Time.

REU Site: Ecohydrology of Tropical Montane Forests—Diversity in Science, Interdisciplinary Breadth, and Global Awareness
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Peyton Smith($778,590), Texas A&M AgriLife Research, College Station
Key terms: Building Successful International, Hydrological Services Provided, Appropriate Expectations, Costa Rica, Ecosystem Function, International Reu, Land Management, Reu Site, Tropical Forest, Activities, Affect, Center, Climate, Design, Development, Diverse, Enhance, Experience, Experiences, Forests, Local, Outcomes, Participants, Process, Program, Programs, Recruitment, STEM, Selection, Student, Students, TAMU, Water, Weeks, Workshops.

REU Site: From the Clouds to the Core: A Place-Based REU for Southwestern US Community/Tribal College Students to Increase Under-Represented Group Recruitment to the Geosciences
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Kaustubh Thirumalai($267,922), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Historically Excluded, Reu Program, Academic, Arizona, Campus, Create, Four-year, Geoscience, Geosciences, Opportunities, Setting, Students, Transfer, Tribal, Two-year, UA.

CAREER: Is Continental Crust Juvenile or Reworked? A Test of Growth Models Using the Extant Neoarchean Granitoid Record
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jesse Reimink($369,652), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Advanced Isotopic Analyses, Geology And Spatial, Continental Crust, Field Geology, Spatial Reasoning, Allow, Ancient, Broad, Evolution, Experience, Geological, Has, History, Overprinting, Participants, Planet, Reworking, Rock, Search, Signatures, Skills, Undergraduate.

CAREER: Deciphering the Uranium Isotope Record of Igneous Accessory Phases
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Francois Tissot($471,351), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Accessory Phases, Detrital Zircon, Igneous Melts, Isotope Fractionation, Isotopic Composition, Apatite, Baddeleyite, Characterized, Conditions, Crystals, Drivers, Earth’s, Evolution, Magmatic, Minerals, Oxidation, Redox, Sense, Titanite.

CAREER: Salt, Experiments, and Mass Transfer in Subduction Settings
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Colin Jackson($285,961), Tulane University, New Orleans
Key terms: Applied Towards, Chemical Reactions, Educational Efforts, Laboratory Activities, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Water-rich Fluids, Applicable, Chemistry, Chlorine, Class, Conditions, Continent, Curricula, Earth’s, Halogen, Halogens, Interior, Measure, Melting, Minerals, Modify, Offered, Path, Planetary, Plate, Program, STEM, Slab, Students, Task, Tasks, Techniques, Third, Trace, Training, Tulane, Undergraduate, Volcanoes, Water-rich.

CAREER: Using seismic sources to probe megathrust fault conditions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Wenyuan Fan($301,354), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Fault Zone Properties, Stress And Strength, Subduction Zones, Zone Properties, Alaska, California, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Education, Environments, Faults, Findings, Future, Investigate, Japan, Magnitude, Megathrust, Outreach, Plate, Processes, Seismic, Slip, Undergraduate, Various.

REU Site: Resilience and Adaptation to Coastal Change Across Communities
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Stephen M Moysey($389,062), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Coastal Studies Institute, Coastal Resilience, Development Activities, Puerto Rico, Carolina, Challenges, Collaboration, Communication, Cultural, Engage, Geographic, Global, Health, Human, Intensive, Interdisciplinary, Participants, Population, Prepare, Public, Pursue, REU, Range, Regions, Societal, Society, Student, Students, Tools, Training.

REU SITE: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Earth and Environmental Sciences (SURFEES)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Christopher S Kim($490,066), Chapman University, Orange
Key terms: Reu Site Program, Faculty Mentors, Chapman, Complex, Engage, Environmental, Interdisciplinary, Issues, Students, Summer, Underrepresented.

GSA Graduate Student Research Grant Program (2020-2022): Achieving Success in Geoscience Research by Underrepresented Communities
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2020; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Matthew W Dawson($708,342), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Grants Program Managed, Achieve Success, Geological Society, Graduate Student, Actions, Diversity, GSA, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increasing, Opportunities, Partially, Strengthen, Students, URM, Underrepresented, Women.

EAR-PF: Unravelling climate and tectonic signatures using a landscape evolution modelling framework to interpret stable isotope and thermochronology records
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Rachel E Havranek($180,000), Havranek, Rachel E, Boulder
Key terms: Climate And Tectonics, Del Sapo Basin, Landscape Evolution Model, Low Temperature Thermochronology, Northern Patagonian Andes, Paso Del Sapo, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Tectonic And Climatic, Cold Climate, Global Climate, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Shed Light, Short Course, Universidad De, Upward Bound, Accessible, Capable, Challenging, Cooled, Cooling, Create, Developed, Erosion, Exhumation, Field, Framework, Geochemical, Geologic, Geoscience, Has, Idaho, Local, Miocene, Mountain, Observations, Past, Plata, Predicting, Previously, Program, Proxy, Range, Rock, Students, TRIO-INSPIRE, Target, Time, Tools, Uplift, Videos, Was, Weathering.

EAR-PF: A Multiscale Seismic Velocity Model for the Gulf of Alaska
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Evans A Onyango($180,000), Onyango, Evans Awere, Albuquerque
Key terms: 3d Velocity Model, Publicly Accessible Via, 3d Velocity, Earth’s Subsurface, Ground Motion, Model Collaboration, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Public Repository, Seismic Wavefield, Southern Alaska, Tomographic Models, Active, Boundaries, Build, Coastal, Compared, Complex, Comprehensive, Create, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Existing, Gulf, Has, Hazards, IRIS, Land, Modeling, Moderate, Offshore, Plate, Plates, Produce, Region, Regions, Seismograms, Structure, Subduction, Tectonic, Three-dimensional.

Investigation of Dominant Controls on Electrical Properties of Granitic Regolith
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Qifei Niu($377,392), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Chemical Weathering-induced, Critical Zone, Electrical Properties, Granitic Regolith, Combination, Developed, Field, Geophysical, Hydraulic, Laboratory, Layer, Modeling, Subsurface, Thin, Underground, Water, Weathering-induced.

REU site: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Environmental Science and Engineering
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Mohammadhossein Sadeghiamirshahidi($237,567), Montana Technological University, Butte
Key terms: Environmental Field, Environmental Quality, External Evaluator, Faculty Mentors, Montana Tech, Nearby Field, Participating Faculty, Recruitment Efforts, Student Participants, Approach, Diverse, Engineering, Experience, Focused, Guided, Issues, Laboratory, Methods, Mining, Phase, Process, Program, REU, Reporting, Resulting, STEM, Sites, Solve, Students, Summer, Undergraduate, Weeks.

EAR-PF: Integrating scale-dependency of geomicrobial controls on soil C dynamics in predictive models
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Katherine L Shek($180,000), Shek, Katherine L, Eugene
Key terms: Predict Soil Carbon, Soil Carbon Dynamics, Carbon Cycle, Cross-scale Interactions, Datasets Available, Environmental Gradients, Organic Carbon, Ability, Aiming, Biogeochemical, Characterize, Climate, Complex, Controlling, Cross-scale, Differences, Directly, Diverse, Earth’s, Ecological, Emergent, Esms, Fellow, Geomicrobial, Geomicrobiome, Global, Linking, Machine, Metagenomic, Micro, Microbial, Models, Process-based, Processes, Program, Programs, Represent, Small-scale, Stability, Structure, Synthesis.

EAR-Climate: Collaborative Research: Methane Dynamics Across Microbe-to-Landscape Scales in Coastal Wetlands
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Kevin Yeager($339,906), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
2. Charles A Schutte($161,296), Rowan University, Glassboro
3. Brian J Roberts($413,114), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
4. Annette S Engel($288,716), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
5. Dubravko Justic($174,981), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Coastal Louisiana, Coastal Wetlands, Methane Emissions, Organic Carbon, Sea-level Rise, Account, Assess, Atmosphere, Dynamics, Environments, Field, Flux, Gas, Global, Has, Integrate, Iv, Landscape, Models, Program, Sea-level, Soil, Soils, Spatiotemporal.

Developing a Novel Approach for Identifying Geologic Controls on Groundwater Flow
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Jessica R Meyer($489,149), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Groundwater Flow, Groundwater Monitoring, Hydrostratigraphic Units, Water Levels, Approach, Contaminated, Distinct, Hydrostratigraphy, Management, Program, Site, Sites, Skills, Subsurface, Technology.

MCA: Crossing Disciplines to Link Nutrients in Tree Canopy, Soils, and Stream Water to Mineral Weathering in a Tropical Forest
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Amanda A Olsen($349,412), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Chemical Weathering, Climate Gradient, Earth’s Surface, Increasing Temperature, Low Nutrient, Nutrient Limitation, Nutrient Release, Remote Sensing, Rio Cupeyes, Rio Guilarte, Soil Water, Affect, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Bedrock, Biomass, Chemistry, Compare, Control, Earth’s, Ecosystem, Effect, Forest, Increase, Increased, Nutrients, Photosynthesis, Plant, Plants, Productivity, Program, Rate, Serpentinite, Site, Sites, Soils, Stream, Total, Tropical, Via.

EAR-PF: Constraining Paired Air-Water Temperature Models' Efficacy In Head and Intermediate Watersheds With Groundwater and Bedrock Assessment and Multi-Decade Temperature Records
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Jill L Riddell($82,500), Riddell, Jill, Morgantown
Key terms: Air And Stream, Fernow Experimental Forest, Groundwater And Streams, Quality And Ecological, Reduced Water Quality, Air Temperature, Amplitude Ratios, Atmospheric Temperatures, Bedrock Geology, Changing Climate, Current Models, Ecological Diversity, Groundwater Contributions, Groundwater Signatures, Groundwater Temperature, Headwater Watersheds, Intermediate Watersheds, National Youth, Phase Lag, School Students, Shallow Groundwater, Sine Regression, Stream Temperature, Surface Water, Water Temperature, West Virginia, Account, Alters, Annual, Aquifer, Characterize, Collaboration, Comparing, Continent, Efficacy, FEF, Factors, Focused, Foundation, Has, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Importance, Influence, Interactions, Knowledge, Land, Middle, NYSF, Nyscenter, Predictions, Program, STEM, Signals, Thermal, Vulnerability, WV, Warming, º.

Constraining rupture and relaxation dynamics of crustal fault roots with geodetic and microseismic observations
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Junle Jiang($306,000), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Aftershocks, Behavior, Below, Brittle, California, Control, Creep, Crust, Deep, Depths, Earthquakes, Factors, Fault, Faults, Geodetic, Observations, Postseismic, Program, Properties, Regions, Seismic, Seismicity, Seismogenic, Surface, Zone.

Collaborative Research: Characterizing Iron Deposits in Puerto Rico to Elucidate Metal Transport and Magnetite Mineralization Processes in Skarn Systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Thomas R Hudgins($248,406), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
2. Laura Bilenker($257,214), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Iron Ore Deposits, Garnet Geochemistry, Iron Skarn, Puerto Rico, AU, AURUM, Characterize, Critical, Detail, Diverse, Effective, Extensive, Fe, Fe-o, Field, Fluid, Formation, Future, Garnets, Geochronology, Infrastructure, Isotope, Magnetite, Metal, Metamorphism, Opportunity, Processes, Program, Relatively, Unaccreted.

CAREER: EAR-Climate: Impacts of Recent Wetting on Cold Region Hydrologic Change in the Northern Great Plains
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Taufique Mahmood($410,575), University of North Dakota Main Campus, Grand Forks
Key terms: Cold Region, Behavior, Climatic, Dry, Field-tested, Future, Hydrologic, Hysteresis, Model, Physically-based, Processes, Streamflow, Students, Water, Wet.

Collaborative Research: Investigating tree rings as archives for atmospheric Hg concentrations using Hg, carbon isotopes, and comparisons to other proxies
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Monica M Arienzo($57,763), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
2. Adam Z Csank($757,272), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Historic Mercury Pollution, Sediment And Ice, Small-catchment Lake Sediment, Stable Carbon Isotope, Atmospheric Hg, Atmospheric Mercury, Comparing Concentrations, Hg Concentrations, Ice Cores, Small-catchment Lake, Tree Rings, Volcanic Activity, Aims, Archive, Archives, Climate, Deposition, Incorporation, Industrial, Influences, Insights, Long-term, Natural, Past, Processes, Program, Promising, Store, Tree-rings, Trees, Wildfire.

Collaborative Research: Testing Critical Zone Controls on Mountain-Scale Relief in a Tropical Climate
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Kenneth S Hughes($284,503), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
2. Sean F Gallen($334,539), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Grain Size Distributions, Clay-rich Soils, Coarser Sediment, Critical Zone, Erosion Rates, Incision Thresholds, Puerto Rico, Rock Strength, Rock Units, Rolling Hills, Sandier Soils, Soils Developed, Tropical Island, Underlying Bedrock, Volcanic Rocks, Volcaniclastic Units, Clay-rich, Covered, Differences, Erodibility, Floods, Frequency, Gaging, Granitic, Landscape, Landslide, Landslides, Layer, Long-term, Magnitude, Mapping, Program, Relief, River, Steep, Topography, Underlie, Whereas.

Acquisition of Computing Facilities to support Collaborative Geophysics Research at the University of New Mexico
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Lindsay L Worthington($94,997), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Computational Resources, Geophysical Datasets, Storage Server, Access, Acquisition, Analysis, Beyond, CARC, Computing, Dedicated, Development, Enable, Geophysics, Mexico, Processing, Store, Students, Subsurface, Techniques, UNM, Workshop.

Processes Influencing Critical Element Enrichment in Alkaline Magmatic Systems
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2021; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Susan M Swapp($274,610), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Enrichment And Distribution, Hills Alkaline Complex, Rattlesnake Hills Alkaline, Alkaline Magmatic, Control Critical, Country Rock, Critical Minerals, Liquid Immiscibility, Components, Controls, Crust, Exploration, Igneous, Influence, Pges, Processes, RHAC, Rees.

Collaborative Research: CAS-Climate: Nonstationarity of Compound Coastal Floods in the Anthropocene
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Hamed Moftakhari($510,777), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
2. David F Muñoz($79,794), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Sea Level, Activities, Anthropogenic, Coastal, Compound, Dependence, Drivers, Expected, Flood, Flooding, Framework, Hurricanes, Nonstationary, Risk, Risks, SLR, Statistical, Urbanization.

Collaborative Research: Advancing Thermodynamic Modeling of Open Magmatic Systems - Translithosphere Magma Chamber Simulator
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Frank J Spera($157,439), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Wendy A Bohrson($480,458), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Magma Chamber Simulator, Computer Modeling, Diverse Students, Resident Magma, Translithosphere Magma, Activities, Adding, Additional, Advanced, Available, Capabilities, Capability, Complex, Crust, Crystallization, Development, Earth’s, Effective, Efficient, Enhance, Evolution, Functionality, Funding, Ii, MCS, Magmas, Models, Online, Person, Processes, Provided, Range, Rock, Strategies, Surface, TL-MCS, Tool, Topics, Training, Tutorials, Users, Volcanic, Volcano, Wallrock, Workshops.

EAR-Climate: Towards Better Understanding of Global Low Flow Dynamics Under Climate Change With Next-Generation, Differentiable Global Hydrologic Models
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Chaopeng Shen($420,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Global Hydrologic Models, Artificial Intelligence, Low Flow, Structural Deficiencies, Activities, Avenue, Build, Climate, Collaboration, Differentiable, Errors, Hydrology, Limited, Modeling, Predictions, Resources, Sometimes.

Collaborative Research: Incorporating SPECFEM3D numerical seismograms in the Global CMT Project
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Goran Ekstrom($251,993), Columbia University, New York
2. Jeroen Tromp($226,615), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Kernel Seismograms, Synthetic Seismograms, Accessing, Accuracy, Analysis, Approach, Arbitrary, CMT, Calculated, Calculation, Database, Earthquake, Expensive, Global, Grid, Interpolation, Jointly, Method, Models, Numerical, Predictions, SPECFEMDGLOBE, Seismic, Seismology, Source, Success.

EAR-Climate: Catalytic: A Modern Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Modeling Framework for Paleo-Environmental Data (PaleoSTeHM)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Robert E Kopp($800,808), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Reconstructing Past Environmental, Environmental Conditions, Hierarchical Statistical, Spatio-temporal Hierarchical, Statistical Analysis, Advances, Approaches, Built, Challenges, Challenging, Complex, Current, Facilitate, Framework, Future, Geological, Global, Indirect, Lead, Level, Models, Noisy, Observed, Paleostehm, Software, Sparse, Spatio-temporal, Underlying.

Numerical Modeling of Thermo-chemical Convection in Earths Core and Implications for Geodynamo Evolution
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Cian R Wilson($389,244), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Compositional Buoyancy Fields, Convection And Dynamo, Earth’s Magnetic Field, Inner Core Solidification, Thermal And Compositional, Dynamo Action, Dynamo Code, Earth’s Core, Earth’s Magnetic, Geomagnetic Field, Boundary, Coupled, Effects, Energy, Growth, Has, History, Influenced, Insight, Investigate, Life, Light, Modeling, Numerical, Perform, Surface, Time, Was.

Combining Theory, Deep Learning, and Lidar to Test Climate and Slope Controls on Tree Throw Production on Hillslopes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Doug Edmonds($409,423), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Land Surface, Pit-mound Couplets, Topographic Signature, Tree Throw, Automatically, Deep, Extreme, Forest, Indiana, Lidar, Map, Mapping, Methods, Pit-mound, Process, Rates, Resolution, Roughness, Sediment, Soil, Spatial, Theory.

EAR-Climate: An Open-Source Facility for Water-Organic-Rock-Microbe (WORM) Reaction Modeling
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: EarthCube

1. Darryl Reano($1,275,352), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Worm Portal, Access, Advanced, Calculations, Computational, Expand, Internet, Models, Modules, Natural, Online, Program, Software, Supplies, Tools.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Hydraulic and Hydrologic Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Forest Soils and Trees and detection With Radon As A Novel Tracer
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. Kevan B Moffett($177,269), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Karen L Knee($215,147), American University, Washington
3. James P Megonigal($307,497), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Methane Emissions, Methane Originates, Soil Moisture, Tree Water, Water Flows, Water Potential, Activities, Climate, Division, Effects, Emitted, Forests, Gas, Global, Measured, Radon, Students, Transport, Trees.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Ecohydrological responses to climate change: Changing flowpaths, aging groundwaters, and alterations to aquatic ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. John W Umek($172,232), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
2. Laura K Rademacher($402,535), University of the Pacific, Stockton
Key terms: Groundwater Age, Mountain Groundwater, Activities, Analysis, BMI, Characteristics, Collaboration, Decreased, Development, Ecological, Ecosystem, Geochemical, Groundwater-dependent, Hydrological, Increased, Indicators, Investigate, Modern, Observations, Relate, Reveal, SEF, Serve, Spring, Springflow, Stable, Structures, Supporting.

Collaborative Research: Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the Three-Dimensional Structure and Magma System beneath the Summit of Kilauea Volcano
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Guoqing Lin($699,699), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Steven W Roecker($161,641), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
Key terms: East Rift Zone, Geologic Survey, Kilauea Volcano, Magma Plumbing, Surface Wave, Active, Ambient-noise, Collapse, Critical, Dataset, Earthquake, Effort, Eruption, Future, Geophysical, Hawai’i, High-resolution, Image, Imaging, Insights, Potential, Resolution, Seismic, Structure, Summit, Techniques, Tomography, Transport, Unprecedented, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Towards a new framework for interpreting mantle deformation: Integrating theory, experiments, and observations spanning seismic to convective timescales
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Lars Hansen($368,201), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Benjamin K Holtzman($277,481), Columbia University, New York
3. Colleen A Dalton($283,849), Brown University, Providence
4. Harriet Lau($290,439), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
5. Zachary C Eilon($252,329), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
6. Matthew J Turk($127,723), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Frequency Dependent, Geodetic Observations, Ice Sheets, Mineral Crystals, Transient Creep, Transient Rheology, Undergraduate Students, Alaska, Attenuation, Computer, Conditions, Deformation, Earth’s, Elastic, Flow, Graduate, Iceland, Laboratory, Laws, Mantle, Measure, Mechanical, Melting, Microphysical, Phenomena, Processes, Properties, Pushed, Rock, Seismic, Solid, Steady-state, Stress, Temperature, Tools, Topics, Training, Underlying, Viscosity, Western.

EAR-Climate: Mountain Glacier Contribution to Sea Level CE 1900-2100
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Jacqueline Austermann($2,166,628), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Mountain Glacier, Mountain Glaciers, Sea-level Rise, Accelerating, Alpine, CE, Changing, Climate, Contribute, Downstream, Dramatically, Film, Global, Globe, Mass, Modeling, Models, Observations, Polar, Predictions, Regions, Sea-level, Shrinking, Societal, Societies, Strategies.

Collaborative Research: Revealing the hidden groundwater storage dynamics of the Great Lakes Basin by synthesizing geodesy, hydrologic modeling, and remote sensing
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Christopher Harig($117,414), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Jeffrey T Freymueller($957,349), Michigan State University, East Lansing
3. Yuning Fu($248,355), Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green
4. David W Hyndman($425,959), University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson
5. Zhong Lu($289,251), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
6. Laura L Bourgeau-Chavez($800,071), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Surface And Groundwater, Hydrologic Modeling, Lake Levels, Accurately, Flow, Flows, GLB, GPS, Lakes, Resource, Resources, Storage, Water.

Collaborative Research: Human Infrastructure for a National Geochronology Consortium: Micro-funding an inclusive community grassroot effort to better understand the earth system
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Matthew W Dawson($128,930), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
2. J Ramon Arrowsmith($1,827,627), Arizona State University, Tempe
3. Leilani Arthurs($528,702), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Advancing Geochronology, Increase Access, Activities, Advances, Ages, Ages-cubed, Ages-grad, Challenges, Collaborative, Community-led, Enabling, Engagement, Expertise, Geosciences, Governance, Grassroots, Inclusive, Initiative, Micro-awards, Processes, Program, Review, Solutions, Spaces, Strategic, Training, Underrepresented.

Collaborative Research: The Lake Superior Basin: Natural Geomorphic Experiment, Deepwater-Terminating Ice Stream, and Isostatically Adjusting Rift
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Jerry Mitrovica($217,224), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Marianne Haseloff($469,807), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Phillip Larson($616,607), Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato
4. Andrew Breckenridge($93,088), University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior
Key terms: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Lake Superior Basin, Ice Sheets, River Incision, Approaches, Critical, Crust, Earth, Erosional, Evolution, Fall, Feedbacks, Geological, Glaciers, Indigenous, Knowledge, Lake-level, Lakes, Land, Landscape, Natural, Past, Processes, Region, Rivers, Rock, Share, Surface, Three-dimensional, Water-terminating.

Facility: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Bruce Buffett($1,501,725), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Cig Continues, Computational Models, Software Development, Computing, Cyberinfrastructure, Diverse, Education, Essential, Geodynamics, Has, Practices, Processes, Resources, Seismology, Shape, Solid, Supporting, Sustainable, Workflows.

Collaborative Research: Facility: Next Generation Interoperable Data Infrastructure for Geoscience Sample Data (EarthChem, LEPR/traceDs, SESAR): IEDA Re-invented
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Gokce K Ustunisik($242,520), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
2. Michael D Grossberg($77,711), CUNY City College, New York
3. Lucia R Profeta($1,645,995), Columbia University, New York
4. James D Walker($110,394), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Access, Accessible, Create, Developments, Discovery, Earthchem, Educators, Expand, Facility, Generation, Geochemical, Geoscience, IEDA, Leprtraceds, Practices, SESAR, Services, Students, Tools, User, Users, Visualization.

Collaborative Proposal: Facility: Magnetics Information Consortium Catalyzes Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure and FAIR Data Access Enabling Science Across Community Subdomains
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Anthony Koppers($461,577), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Maxwell C Brown($308,831), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Nicholas L Swanson-Hysell($259,428), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Magic Facility, Access, Allow, Analysis, Calculations, California, Contributions, Contributors, Efforts, FAIR, Highly, IRM, Integrated, Interoperable, Online, Principles, Underrepresented, Usage, Users, Visualizations.

Collaborative Research: Catalytic: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency of Multicollector Mass Spectrometry
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. James F Bowring($258,973), College of Charleston, Charleston
2. Noah M McLean($128,642), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Scott A Burdick($67,441), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: Isotope Geochemists, Mass Spectrometer, Mass Spectrometers, Relative Abundances, Algorithms, Critical, Existing, Interpret, Isotopes, MC-ICPMS, Measure, Methods, Precision, Properties, Software, Statistical, TIMS, User.

Facility: Leveraging feedback from the MorphoBank community to modernize analysis of paleontological data for phylogenetics
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Tanya Z Berardini($664,768), Phoenix Bioinformatics Corporation, Fremont
Key terms: Management Tools, Online Resource, Collaboration, Education, Efforts, Evolution, Geoinformatics, Living, Morphobank, Morphobank’s, Organization, Outreach, Phylogenetic, Software, Species, Trees.

P2C2: Temperature and Hydroclimate Variability in Mid-Latitude arid Central Asia During the Past 13,600 years: a Multi-Proxy Investigation of Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Isla S Castaneda($322,038), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Asian Summer Monsoon, East Asian Summer, Elevation Regions, ACA, Advance, Amount, Climate, Existing, Future, Generate, Glycerol, History, Issyk-kul, Lake, Lakes, Mid-holocene, Moisture, Mountain, Paleoclimate, Past, Precipitation, School, Shifts, Temperature, Vegetation, Warming, Water.

P2C2: Collaborative Research: Defining the paleoclimate-fire relationship in CA across temporal scales through integrated monitoring, stalagmite studies, and proxy system modeling
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Michael T Hren($552,632), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Gabriel J Bowen($473,885), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
3. Elizabeth Griffith($178,567), Ohio State University, Columbus
4. Eliot A Atekwana($627,539), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Hydroclimate And Fire, Fire Activity, Fire Proxies, Wildfire Behavior, Accomplished, CA, Cave, Caves, Climate, Collectively, Conditions, Define, Deposits, Developed, Drivers, Environmental, Influence, Karst, Links, Model, Monitoring, Past, Proxy, Reconstructions, Region, Regional, Stalagmites, Transects, Warming, Wildfires.

Reconciling US Southwest Hydroclimate Model Projections and Geologic Data: Constraints from the Miocene Climate Optimum
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: GLOBAL CHANGE

1. Maria Rugenstein($567,963), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Atmospheric Co2 Rises, Climate Model Simulations, Model Projections, Stable Isotope, Water Availability, Water Cycle, Ability, Disagreement, Geologic, Hydroclimate, MCO, Miocene, SST, Sedimentary, Southwest.

Collaborative Research: Elucidating the roles of biogenic exudates in the cycling and uptake of rare earth elements
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Oliver Baars($347,924), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Aaron Thompson($208,172), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Biogenic Chelating Agents, Diverse Bacteria, Require Specific, Biological, Characterize, Chemical, Discovery, Environments, Enzymes, Lanthanophores, Matrices, Nutrient, Processes, Reys, Soils, Solubilization, Uptake.

Kinetically Activated Subsurface Micribial Sampler (KASMS)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Eric S Boyd($112,404), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Khotsong Gold Mine, Moab Khotsong Gold, Fault Zone, Fluid Sampling, Hydrogen Gas, Subsurface Life, Subsurface Microbial, Activity, Deploy, Device, Drilling, Dseis, Earthquake, Energy, Environmental, KASMS, Mars, Methane, Mining, Mission, Pulses, Respond, Rock, Seismic, Shocks, South, Stimulate, Videos.

Collaborative Research: Anthropogenic Impact on the Geochemical Cycle of Lead (Pb) since the Industrial Revolution in Asia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Roxana Sierra-Hernandez($214,824), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Pb Geochemical Cycle, Human Activities, Ice Cap, Ice Cores, Industrial Revolution, Leaded Gasoline, Pb Emissions, Allow, Asia, Effects, Environmental, Europe, Has, Himalayas, Isotopic, Levels, North, Pre-industrial, Tibet, Was.

Collaborative Research: Collaborative Research: Anthropogenic Impact on the Geochemical Cycle of Lead (Pb) since the Industrial Revolution in Asia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Franco Marcantonio($67,750), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Pb Geochemical Cycle, Human Activities, Ice Cap, Ice Cores, Industrial Revolution, Leaded Gasoline, Pb Emissions, Allow, Asia, Effects, Environmental, Europe, Has, Himalayas, Isotopic, Levels, North, Pre-industrial, Tibet, Was.

EAR-Climate: Estimating Seawater Boron Isotope Ratios from Halite Evaporites
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Clara L Blattler($408,968), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Ancient Seawater, Fluid Inclusions, Fossil Shells, Isotopic Composition, Ocean Ph, Salt Deposits, Allow, Amounts, Boron, Chicago, Established, Estimates, Geochemical, Halite, Million, Minerals, Water.

2022 Origins of Life GRC and GRS: Environments for the Origins of Life and Habitability
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Nita Sahai($0), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Geochemical Environments, Ool Grc, Organic Chemistry, Barge, Biochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Chair, Concepts, Conditions, Convergence, Design, Especially, Field, Focus, Format, GRCGRS, GRS, Galveston, Geochemistry, Gordon, Has, Human, Invited, January, Life, NSF, Origins, Partial, Participation, Planetary, Plausible, Potential, Seminar, Society, Synthetic, TX, Technological, Tremendous, Unique, Vice-chair.

Collaborative Research: Surface Properties and Transport of Micro- and Nanoplastics in Unsaturated Soil
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Indranil Chowdhury($326,499), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Douglas G Hayes($159,763), University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Knoxville
Key terms: Micro And Nanoplastics, Surface And Colloidal, Biodegradable Plastics, Colloidal Properties, Characterized, Ecosystems, Environmental, Fate, Groundwater, Held, Information, Micro-, Particles, Pollution, Soil, Soils, Terrestrial, Transport, Unsaturated, Weathering.

CAREER: Impacts of Incorporated Metals on Dissolution Rates of Minerals
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jacquelyn N Bracco($381,752), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
Key terms: Dissolution Rates, Incorporated Metals, Inter-college Seminar, Mineral Phases, Minerals Dissolve, Undergraduate Students, Affect, Collaborative, Diverse, Environment, Environmental, Experience, Inter-college, Measured, Mechanisms, Model, Molecular-scale, Pure, Radioactive, Remediation, Solubility, Specific, Surface.

EAR-PF: Multi-Scale Calibrations of Fecal Biomarkers: New Tools to Evaluate How Herbivores Shaped Past Ecosystem Dynamics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Allison Tyler Karp($180,000), Karp, Allison Tyler, New Haven
Key terms: Fecal Biomarker Concentrations, Past Herbivore Dynamics, National Park, South Africa, Biomarkers, Characteristics, Diverse, Herbivores, Modern, Tools, Wild.

RUI: CAS-Climate: Carbon sequestration through enhanced weathering in agricultural soils with co-benefits to soil quality and crop yield
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Daniel Maxbauer($318,666), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide Removal, Three-year Field Trial, Carbon Removal, Crushed Silicate, Enhanced Weathering, Silicate Rocks, Three-year Field, Agriculture, Alkalinity, Co-benefits, Organic, Rates, Soil, Soils.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Microbiologic sampling of continental subsurface fluids from within the Cornell University Borehole Observatory (CUBO)
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jason B Sylvan($21,093), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Stephanie A Carr($15,222), Hartwick College, Oneonta
3. Patrick Fulton($15,418), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Extreme Environment, Analyses, Campus, Chemistry, Collect, Collected, Cornell, DNA, Deep, Drilled, Fluid, Geochemical, Groundwater, Lack, Life, Live, Microorganisms, Subsurface, Survive, Underground, Upstate, York.

EAGER: Mercury and methylmercury isotope tracing in high-dissolved organic matter high-salinity environments
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. William P Johnson($172,748), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Methyl Mercury Concentrations, Allow Mercury, Mercury Accumulation, Mercury Isotopes, Mercury Pathways, Organic Carbon, Saline Waters, Salt Lake, Total Mercury, Animals, Application, Bay, Biota, Concern, Current, DOM, Development, Ecosystem, Elucidate, Estuaries, Fish, Food, GSL, Globally, Health, Inland, Internships, Marine, Method, Methodology, Methods, Program, Simple, Teachers, Utah.

Measurement and Determination of the Importance of Total Sulfhydryl Binding Site Concentrations in a Wide Range of Environmental Samples: A Novel UHPLC-MS Approach
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jeremy B Fein($523,539), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Binding Site Types, Controlling Metal Speciation, Sulfhydryl Site Concentration, Sulfhydryl Site Concentrations, Sulfur-based Binding Sites, Total Sulfhydryl Site, Analytical Approach, Detection Limit, Natural Waters, Sulfhydryl Sites, Sulfur-based Binding, Wide Range, Abundance, Aqueous, Behavior, Bioavailability, Current, Developed, Environmental, Environments, Fate, Groundwater, Importance, Measure, Measuring, Metals, Molecule, Nm, Programs, School, Soil, Solid, Solid-phase, Surface, Surfaces, Typically, UHPLC-MS.

2022 Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits Gordon Research Conference and Seminar
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Karin E Olson Hoal($19,950), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Early-career Scientists, Mineral Deposits, Ore Deposits, Conference, Conferences, Critical, Current, Discuss, Early-career, Engage, Exploration, Focus, Focused, GRC, GRS, Generation, Geochemistry, Gordon, Leaders, Meeting, Metals, Processes, Session, World.

Travel support for students and early career scientists to The Clay Minerals Society Conference
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Paul A Schroeder($30,000), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Based Clay, Clay Minerals, Clay Scientists, AIPEA, Applications, Clays, Conference, Cover, Deposits, Explore, International, Istanbul, Led, Meeting, Network, Participants, Respected, Senior, Students, Technical, Topics, Turkey, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: Concentration - Ratio - Discharge (C-R-Q) relationships of transient water-age distributions
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2022; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Louis A Derry($273,237), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Jennifer L Druhan($273,286), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Peter A Troch($466,484), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Fluid Travel Time, Delta 30si, Reactive Transport, Secondary Mineral, Silicate Weathering, Time Distributions, Biosphere, C-Q, C-R-Q, Combination, Concentration, Constrain, Constrained, Critical, Discharge, Educational, Facility, Flow-through, Formation, Framework, Gap, Gesi, Hillslopes, Information, LEO, Model, Natural, Parameters, Precipitation, Rate, Rates, Ratios, Reactions, Representation, Slow, Students, Transient, Unique, Water.

Collaborative Research: Vulnerability of carbon in buried soils to climate change and landscape disturbance
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Teamrat A Ghezzehei($275,010), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Ancient Organic Matter, Changing Environmental Conditions, Soil Organic Matter, Ancient Carbon, Buried Soil, Buried Soils, Carbon Stored, Modern Surface, Soil Carbon, Surface Conditions, Time Scales, Activities, Advanced, Aims, Amount, Atmosphere, Climate, Composition, Decomposition, Deep, Directorate, Disturbance, Exposure, Future, Landscape, Loess, Measured, Microbial, Paleosol, Persistence, Plains, Potential, Predictions, Program, Released, Spectroscopic, Students, Training, Trigger, Vulnerability.

Track 1: Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Geohazards

1. Jeffrey Weidner($500,000), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Earthquake Hazard, Earthquake Risk, Low Probability, Pilot Projects, Seismic Hazards, Activities, Basic, Center, Challenges, Collective, Development, Diversity, Earthquakes, Engagement, Engineering, Historically, Implementation, Induced, Plan, Populations, Principle, Public, Respond, Students, Use-inspired, Vulnerable.

Track I - Center Catalyst: The CONVERSE Center: CONverging on Volcanic ERuption Science with Equity
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geohazards

1. Tobias P Fischer($499,088), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Diverse And Innovation-rich, Future Hazardous Eruptions, Future Volcano Scientists, Monitoring And Eruption, Producing Accurate Forecasts, Training And Education, Catalyst Phase, Center’s Success, Education Activities, Geohazards Center, National Academies, Quantitative Models, Volcanic Eruption, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Unrest, Volcano Monitoring, Academic, Achieving, Advance, Aid, Ambition, CONVERSE, Center’s, Critical, Design, Duration, Entire, Government, Inclusive, Integral, Intensity, Network, Observations, Optimize, Outreach, Processes, Requires, Responsible, Size, USGS, Volcanoes, Well-coordinated, Workflow.

Track 1 - Center Catalyst: Center for Land Surface Hazards (CLaSH)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geohazards

1. Joshua J Roering($497,247), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Cascading Hazards, Catalyst Activities, Center Catalyst, Land Surface, Land-surface Hazards, Developing, Education, Exposure, Floods, Frontier, Gap, Geohazards, Geoscience, Government, Increased, Increases, Integrated, Interconnected, Lack, Land-surface, Modification, Planning, Social, Society, Strengthening, Vision.

Track I Center Catalyst: Collaborative Center for Landslides and Ground Failure Geohazards
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geohazards

1. Alesandra Morales-Velez($497,132), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Ground Failure, National Center, Primary Hub, Puerto Rico, Developing, Hazard, Hazards, Integrating, Landslide, Landslides, Leaders, Lives, Terrain, Track, Triggering.

RAPID: Impacts and recovery of natural and managed coastal dunes on a South Carolina barrier island from Hurricane Ian
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jean T Ellis($25,610), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Managed And Natural, Land-use Dynamics, Natural Dune, South Carolina, Aeolian, Biogeomorphic, Collected, Dunes, Field, Field-based, Geomorphology, Hurricane, Land-use, Management, Recovery, Surveys, Vegetation.

RAPID: Monitoring postfire geomorphic response on humid slopes of the North Cascade Range, Washington
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Erkan Istanbulluoglu($49,443), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cool And Wet, Runoff-driven Debris Flow, Runoff-driven Debris Flows, Coastal Pnw, Dem Differencing, Landslide Hazard, Postfire Geomorphic, Runoff-driven Debris, Soil Infiltration, Steep Slopes, Analysis, Anticipated, Collection, Conceptual, Conditions, Drier, Erosion, Evidence, Existing, Extreme, Fall, Landslides, Mapping, Models, Observations, Opportunity, Precipitation, Rare, Rarely, Risk, Severity, Topographic, Transport, Vegetation, Washington, Wildfire, Wildfires.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: The fate of landslide-derived sediment following tropical cyclones: a case study of Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Frances Rivera-Hernandez($24,559), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Alesandra Morales-Velez($21,750), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez
Key terms: Time-sensitive And Perishable, Wasting And Flooding, Landslide-derived Sediment, Mass Wasting, Puerto Rico, River Sediment, Time-lapse Cameras, Tropical Landscape, Tropical Landscapes, Catchments, Caused, Channels, Collect, Cosmogenic, Deployments, Deposits, Downstream, Drone-based, Evolution, Hillslopes, Hurricane, Island, Landslide-derived, Landslides, Repeated, Scars, Still-unstable, Storm, Time-lapse.

CAREER: Integrating river hydrology across scales: advancing understanding of the global river-atmosphere interface
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. George H Allen($310,060), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, River-atmosphere Interface Dynamics, River Surface, River-atmosphere Interface, Carbon, Drivers, Geomorphic, Global, Hydrologic, Observations, Rivers, Spatial, Streams.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Investigating the past, present, and future of glaciated alpine landscapes using an integrated data-model approach
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Daniel McGrath($207,372), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Darren Larsen($145,672), Occidental College, Los Angeles
3. Sarah E Crump($318,233), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Geomorphic And Ecological, Open-source Glacier Model, Alpine Landscapes, Cirque Glaciers, Future Glacier, Open-source Glacier, Teton Range, Advance, Climate, Datasets, Deglaciation, Detailed, Developing, Effects, Elsewhere, Evolution, Globally, Hydrology, Integrating, Modern, Past, Produce, Public, Quantify, Settings, Shrink, Site, Western.

MCA: Enhancing the Resilience of Interdependent Natural-Built Infrastructure Systems in Urbanized Coastal River Floodplains with Geomorphological Solutions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Inci Guneralp($370,498), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Coastal River Floodplains, Urbanized Coastal River, Built Infrastructure, Geomorphological Networks, Mitigate Flood, Natural Habitats, Natural-built Infrastructure, Ability, Convergence, Floods, Generated, Interdependencies, Knowledge, Low-lying, Natural-built, Potential, Resilience, Strengthen.

CAS-MNP: Evaluating Patterns and Controls on Microplastic Accumulation in Floodplains
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Edward Beighley($576,231), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Global Plastic-carbon Cycle, Rivers And Floodplains, Floodplain Sedimentation, Global Plastic-carbon, Natural Sediments, Plastic Accumulation, Plastic Particles, Plastic-carbon Cycle, Plastics Accumulate, Allow, Basis, Critical, Environment, Environmental, Environments, Gcm, Geomorphic, Mediate, Microplastic, Microplastics, Poorly, Processes, Properties, Quantify, Setting, Storage, Transport, Unique, Velocity, —.

Collaborative Research: Sediment fluxes in boreal rivers: determining relative seasonal loads and expanding long-term monitoring capability
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Emily Eidam($336,638), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Katie L Spellman($155,165), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Fluvial Sediment, Sediment Loads, Arctic, Breakup, Deployments, River, Rivers, Seasons, Sensor, Sensors, Students, Winter.

Collaborative Research: Assessing the timing and characteristics of deglacial Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning in the northeast United States through paired data-model analyses
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Aaron M Barth($273,865), Rowan University, Glassboro
2. Joshua Cuzzone($137,030), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ice Sheet Thinning, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Resolving Ice Flow, Adirondack Mountains, Glacial Maximum, Ice Sheets, Model Capable, Sea-level Rise, Characteristics, Climate, Complex, Constrain, Deglaciation, Gather, Ice-sheet, Modern, Paired, Past, Retreat, Sea-level, Spatial, Surface, Thinned, Timing, Uncertain, Warming, York.

NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: How important are sea-level feedbacks in stabilizing marine-based ice streams?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jeremy N Bassis($200,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Regina DeWitt($57,084), East Carolina University, Greenville
3. Alexander R Simms($361,678), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Covered Northwest Scotland, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Minch Ice Stream, Retreating Ice Sheet, British Isles, Glacial Maximum, Ice Sheets, Northwestern Scotland, Past Sea, Sea-level Feedback, Sea-level Feedbacks, Ago, Behavior, Beneath, Constraints, Experiments, Fast, Following, Front, Ice-sheet, Influence, Investigate, Local, Marine, Model, Period, Rheology, Sea-level, Stabilizing.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Flooding and Geomorphic Change in Yellowstone National Park
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Andrew C Wilcox($40,152), University of Montana, Missoula
2. Lyman P Persico($40,883), Whitman College, Walla Walla
Key terms: Analysis And Planning, National Park Service, Park Service After-event, Service After-event Analysis, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone River Tributaries, After-event Analysis, Service After-event, Channel, Contribute, Effects, Extreme, Flood, Floods, Hydraulics, June, Landscape.

Collaborative Research: Geomorphic legacy of megaflood deposits on river processes and form, Eastern Himalaya
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Charles Shobe($57,518), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
2. Katharine Huntington($234,084), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Karl Lang($209,612), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Eastern Himalayan, Flood Deposits, Megaflood Deposition, Sediment Deposition, Bedrock, Catastrophic, Channel, Evolution, Gt, Landscapes, Mars, Megafloods, Mountain, Numerical, Predict, Processes, River, Rivers, Seen, Signature, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Role of lithologic variability in controlling downstream channel response to sediment pulses
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jonathan A Czuba($143,809), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Allison M Pfeiffer($304,101), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Timing And Magnitude, Abrasion Rate, Pacific Northwest, Sediment Pulses, Volcanic Terrain, Channel, Characteristics, Density, Downstream, Field, Fish, Increase, Insects, Landslide, Landslides, Mass-wasting, Modeling, River, Riverbed, Rivers, Rock, Sensitivity, Specific, Water.

Collaborative Research: Separating the Climate and Weather of River Channels: Characterizing Dynamics of Coarse-Grained River Channel Response to Perturbations Across Scales
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Claire C Masteller($313,872), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Colin B Phillips($295,214), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Inherent Natural, Mountain River, Mountain Rivers, River Channel, River Channels, Sediment Transport, Aims, Climate, Components, Dynamically, Erosion, Flooding, Hazards, Model, Perturbations, Processes, Resolution, Susceptible.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Physical Controls on CO2 Release from Shale Weathering
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joel S Scheingross($378,521), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Mark A Torres($258,177), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Co2 Release, Earth’s Climate, Fossil Fuels, Organic Carbon, Santa Ynez, Shale Weathering, Advance, California, Chemical, Earth’s, Erosion, Feedbacks, Field, Future, Gradient, Has, Influence, Model, Modest, Monterey, Natural, Precipitation, Predictions, Processes, Rate, Rates, Releases, Rock, Topographic, Topography.

Collaborative Research: Freshwater flocculation and its impact on sustaining floodplains and deltaic wetlands
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Michael P Lamb($421,138), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Christopher R Esposito($43,455), The Water Institute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge
3. Madeline R Foster-Martinez($24,613), University of New Orleans, New Orleans
Key terms: Growing Evidence Indicates, Mud And Organic, Coastal Wetlands, Mississippi Delta, Mud Transport, Organic Carbon, Organic Matter, Settling Velocities, Aggregates, Directly, Environmental, Experiments, Fate, Floc, Flocculated, Flocculation, Fluvial, Freshwater, Gulf, Institute, Landscapes, Model, Numerical, Orleans, Particles, Pollutants, Rates, Restoration, Rivers, Sand, Sediment, Theory.

Transport Mechanisms across Geomorphic Transitions: Capturing Spatial and Temporal Evolution of River-Floodplain Connectivity within the Trinity River System
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Paola Passalacqua($352,826), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Rivers And Floodplains, Modeling Capabilities, Trinity River, Activities, Boundaries, Boundary, Functioning, Interactions, Moving, Sediment, Texas, Water.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Linkages Between Glacio-climatic, Hydrothermal, and Volcanic Processes in the Central Andes
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joerg M Schaefer($274,166), Columbia University, New York
2. Carolina Munoz-Saez($329,392), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Hydrothermal Andor Volcanic, El Tatio, Activity, Climate, Deglaciation, Distribution, Estimation, Field, Glacial, Glacier, Has, Hydrological, Ice, Program, Thickness, Timing.

Collaborative Research: Grain to Channel Scale Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cohesive Sediment Transport
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Ian C Bourg($306,062), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Judy Q Yang($343,176), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Cohesive Sediment Transport, Experiments And Numerical, Fine Particles, Habitat Losses, Numerical Simulations, Restoration Projects, Aggregates, Aggregation, CFD, Channel, Clay, Combine, Dynamics, Environmental, Erosion, Flow, Fluid, Mesoscale, Micro-, Mitigate, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Property, Public, Size.

EAR-Climate: Geomorphic controls on soil organic carbon in fire-prone erosional landscapes
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2022; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Lucas Silva($392,802), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Affect Soil Organic, Female Graduate Student, Soil Organic Carbon, Soil Carbon, Southwest Oregon, Accurate, Advance, Applied, Climate, Contribute, Global, Initiatives, Landscapes, Management, Mountainous, STEM, Sites, Topography, Training.

Reevaluating the Experimental Foundation for the Rheology of Crust-Forming Minerals
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Jun Korenaga($140,967), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Mineral Flow Laws, Published Deformation, Rock Deformation, Strain Rates, Analysis, Collection, Creep, Crust, Depths, Dynamics, Experimental, Experiments, Extrapolation, Faster, Geophysicists, Has, Inversion, MCMC, Magnitude, Minerals, Modeling, Numerical, Reanalysis, Rheology, Rigorous, S-, Statistical, Undergraduates.

Investigating Mantle Dynamics in the Pacific Northwest Using 3D Anisotropic Velocity Models from Surface Wave Tomography
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Aibing Li($167,774), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Hotspot Track, Pacific Northwest, Plate Subduction, Seismic Anisotropy, Slab-hotspot Interaction, Yellowstone Hotspot, Anisotropic, Complex, Direction, Dynamic, Earthquakes, Geological, Geology, Graduate, HLP, Has, High-resolution, JDF, Magmatism, Mantle, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Northwestern, Oceanic, PNW, Plume, Region, Resolution, SRP, Slab-hotspot, TA, Undergraduate, Velocity, Volcanism, Volcanos, Wave.

Investigating the crustal structure and fault geometry of the 2021 Haiti earthquake
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Roby Douilly($151,263), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Local Earthquake Monitoring, Local Haitian Scientists, Seismic Hazard Assessment, Strong Ground Shaking, Active Faults, Haitian Students, Seismic Velocities, Aftershocks, Amplified, Crust, Damage, Earthquakes, Engage, Future, Geosciences, Lasting, Network, Occurred, Opportunities, Pursue, Riverside, Ruptured.

Controls on explosive basaltic eruptions within the San Francisco Volcanic Field: Constraints from seismic imaging and multiphase magma ascent modeling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Pranabendu Moitra($586,529), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Francisco Volcanic Field, San Francisco Volcanic, Sunset Crater Eruption, Crustal Magma, Eruption Modeling, Eruption Styles, Local Populations, Magma Storage, Northern Arizona, Seismic Imaging, Storage Zone, Violently Explosive, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Fields, Volcanic Vents, AZ, Basaltic, Beneath, Centers, Combining, Component, Conditions, Constraints, Detailed, Development, Distributed, Distribution, Drive, Effusive, Flagstaff, Hazards, Image, Led, Magmatic, Models, Non-explosive, Past, Processes, Produce, Produced, Producing, SFVF, Seismological, Single, Subsurface, Time, World.

Silicate and Thermoelectric Dynamos in the early Earth
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Lars P Stixrude($564,286), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Basal Magma Ocean, Governing Electron Transport, Physics Governing Electron, Thermoelectric Dynamo Produced, Ancient Field, Core-mantle Boundary, Electrical Conductivity, Magnetic Field, Seebeck Coefficient, Silicate Dynamo, Thermal Conductivity, Billion, Conditions, Contribution, Core-mantle, Currents, Deep, Evolution, Existence, Hosted, Hot, Life, Liquids, Mechanism, Metallic, Molten, Operation, Predicting, Pressure, Properties, Simulations, Temperature, Theory, Was.

Physical and Mechanical Response of the Cementation of Aluminosilicate Seals
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Tiziana Vanorio($500,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Chemical Conditions, Cementation, Crust, Design, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Engineers, Fault, Faults, Healing, Natural, Process, Rock, Strength, Studying, —.

Exploring Anisotropy in the Deep Earth
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Hans-Rudolf Wenk($180,000), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Lower Mantle, Analysis, Anisotropy, Conditions, Crystal, Deep, Developed, Dislocation, Dynamic, Experiments, Explore, Mechanisms, Methods, Modeling, Preferred, Recrystallization, Seismic, Synchrotron, Waves.

Constraining the relationship between orogenesis and seismogenesis along the southern Cascadia forearc
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Jonathan Delph($297,681), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Oregon And Washington, Cascadia Margin, Episodic Tremor-and-slip, Generate Magnitude, Mountain Building, Northern California, Pacific Northwest, Seismic Stations, Southern Cascadia, Surface Wave, Analyzing, Characteristics, Contribute, Controls, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Forearc, Images, Portion, Processes, Receiver, Region, Rheological, Structure, Subduction, Tremor-and-slip.

Variable Behaviors of 3D Subducted Slabs and Their Influence On The Thermal and Chemical Heterogeneities In Earths lowermost Mantle
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Mingming Li($275,007), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Dynamics And Morphology, Lowermost Mantle Outside, Relatively Cold Regions, Deep Mantle, Oceanic Crust, Slab Morphology, Subducted Slabs, Thermalchemical Heterogeneities, Anomalies, Distribution, Earth’s, Formation, Images, Llvps, Models, Perform, Plates, Scenarios, Seismic, Shapes, Subduction, Variety, Velocity.

Collaborative Research: Investigating Structure and Seismicity Within the Southern M9.2 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake Rupture Area Using a Dense Node Array
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Catherine Grace Barcheck($175,416), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Lindsay L Worthington($188,294), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Alaska-aleutian Subduction Zone, Seismicity And Structure, Subduction Zone Fault, Alaska Amphibious, Alaska-aleutian Subduction, Earthquake Rupture, Kodiak Island, Local Earthquakes, Node Array, Plate Interface, Plate Vs, Seismic Experiment, Shallow Forearc, Upper Plate, Velocity Model, AACSE, Asperity, Below, Deployed, Detection, Distribution, Existing, Instruments, Interseismic, Magnitude, Megathrust, Properties, Region, Responsible, Snapshot, Southern.

Collaborative Research: Testing for Channel Flow and Ductile Extrusion In The Southeastern New England Appalachians Using An Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Maureen D Long($165,353), Yale University, New Haven
2. Yvette D Kuiper($353,234), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Ductile Extrusion Zone, Flow And Ductile, Avalon Terrane, Channel Flow, Eastern Massachusetts, Flow Zones, Mountain Belt, Mountain Belts, Nashoba Terrane, Present-day Mountain, Ancient, Appalachians, Array, Below, Boundary, Contribute, Crust, England, Evolution, Existing, Exposed, Faults, Fluid-like, Formation, Geochronology, Geophysical, Imaging, Investigate, Lower, Modern, Partially, Present-day, Processes, Purpose, Putnam, Resources, Rock, SE, Seismic, Structural, Students, Surface, Techniques, Tectonic, Terranes, Training.

Experimental Investigation of Mechanisms for High Pore Fluid Pressure Associated Slow Faulting
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Wen-Lu Zhu($398,338), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Elevated Pore Fluid, Pore Fluid Pressure, Dilatant Hardening, Drainage Conditions, Dynamic Microtomography, Frictional Slip, Pore Pressure, Slow Slip, Experimental, Experiments, Failure, Fault, Faulting, Lead, Link, Mechanical, Responsible, Rock, Subduction.

Data-driven detection of waves in Earth's core and geophysical interpretation
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Bruce Buffett($172,314), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Liquid Metal Core, Generation Process, Magnetic Field, Secular Acceleration, Surface Environment, Conditions, Contribute, Dynamics, Extract, Information, Insights, Observations, Planet, Satellite, Stratification, Top, Waves.

Collaborative Research: How have orogenesis, rifting, and recent mantle dynamics shaped the lithosphere beneath the New England Appalachians?
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Maureen D Long($179,569), Yale University, New Haven
2. Vadim L Levin($176,828), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
3. Paul M Karabinos($117,832), Williams College, Williamstown
4. Laura E Webb($228,331), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Crust And Upper, Earth’s Plate Tectonic, Continental Lithosphere, Earth’s Plate, Geological Structures, Lithosphere Beneath, Lithospheric Structure, Seismic Imaging, Upper Mantle, Accretion, Analysis, Collisions, Continents, Dating, England, Faults, Field, Geochronology, History, Processes, Region, Rifting, Seismometers, Shaped, Subduction, Taconic, Time, Timing, York.

CAREER: Deformation by surface loading from ocean tides and continental water on a 3-D Earth
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Hilary Martens($557,373), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Loading And Continental, Loading And Unloading, Ocean Tidal Loading, Computational Methods, Continental Water, Freshwater Storage, Load Tides, Surface Loading, Advance, Aims, Broader, Caused, Cycles, Deformation, Drive, Earth’s, Estimates, Facilitate, Fluids, GNSS, Global, Innovation, Internal, Load-induced, Mantle, Models, Objective, Observational, Observations, Predictive, Processes, Products, Properties, Quantify, Resources, Software, Structure, Tools, Topography, Weight.

Collaborative Proposal: Testing Collision Versus Frictional Stress-Drop Models of High-Frequency Earthquake Ground Motions
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Daniel T Trugman($313,049), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Daniel T Trugman($77,014), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Victor C Tsai($324,729), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, High-frequency Ground Motions, Earthquake Rupture, High-frequency Ground, Rupture Process, Stress Drop, Advances, Aspects, Degree, Efforts, Energy, Fault, Frictional, Future, Has, Implications, Models, Predictions, Seismological, Slip, Structures, Traditionally, Vulnerable.

Phase VI: Development of the Core Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at UCLA
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Jonathan M Aurnou($828,400), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Convection Experiments, Earth's Core, Earth’s Core, Rotating Convection, Carry, Convective, Dynamics, Earth’s, Fluid, Laboratory, Models, Numerical, Occurring, Planetary, Simulations, Students, Task, Theoretical, Turbulence, Turbulent.

Using a dynamic earthquake simulator to investigate controls on slow-slip events, subduction earthquakes, and their interactions
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Benchun Duan($446,535), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Dynamic Earthquake Simulator, Geodetic And Seismic, Seismic And Tsunami, Subduction Zones Worldwide, Complex Interactions, Control Slow-slip, Hikurangi Margin, Observed Features, Physics-based Models, Slip Behaviors, Subduction Earthquakes, Tsunami Hazards, Assess, Cycles, Explore, Factors, Future, Generation, Physics-based, Processes, Quantify, Slow-slip, Spontaneously, Stage.

Seismicity of peridotite alteration
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Robert A Sohn($452,768), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Mantle Rocks, Natural Process, Peridotite Alteration, Sequesters Carbon, Unique Seismic, Commonly, Cracking, Crust, Earth, Exposed, Geological, Observed, Oman, Processes, Reactions, Site, Surface, Volume, Water.

Collaborative Research: The 2020-2021 Alaska-Aleutian Earthquake Sequence: Cascading Events & Stress Loading of the Shallow Megathrust
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Songqiao Wei($264,131), Michigan State University, East Lansing
2. Ronni Grapenthin($375,448), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Motions And Stress, Chignik Earthquake, Chignik Earthquakes, Crustal Motions, Plate Interface, Alaska, Create, Fault, Future, Models, Region, Rupture, Simeonof, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: Mantle dynamics and plate tectonics constrained by converted and reflected seismic wave imaging beneath hotspots
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Peter M Shearer($214,451), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Gwyneth Packard($599,275), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atmospherehydrosphere And Climate, Converted And Reflected, Sustaining Deep Water, Transition Zone Discontinuities, Water And Carbon, Carbon Cycles, Deep Upwelling, Deep Upwellings, Lithosphere-asthenosphere Boundary, Mid-atlantic Ridge, Plate Tectonics, Seismic Waveforms, Tectonic Environments, Andor, Anomalies, Approach, Approaches, Beneath, Billions, Characteristics, Classic, Constrain, Constraints, Continent, Convection, Discrepancies, Drive, Factors, Google, Has, Hawaii, Hotspot, Imaging, Increase, Interior, Lithosphere-asthenosphere, Mantle, Methodologies, Mid-atlantic, Ocean, Outreach, Possibilities, Program, Properties, Range, Regions, Rises, Stabilize, Students, Subduction, Training, Via, Visits, Yellowstone.

Collaborative Research: Coupled flow-geomechanical models applied to assess earthquake triggering in tectonically active regions – The Los Angeles basin, CA
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. John H Shaw($303,673), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Ruben Juanes($353,062), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Los Angeles Basin, Tectonic And Induced, Tectonically Active Regions, Field Operations, Ground Surface, Human Activities, Induced Seismicity, Triggered Seismicity, Caused, Century, Coupled, Detailed, Develops, Earthquakes, Energy, Fault, Faults, Fields, Flow, Geomechanics, Growing, Hydrocarbon, Injection, Investigate, Manage, Modeling, Models, Multiphase, Natural, Nearly, Pressure, Reservoir, Reservoirs, Stress, Subsidence, Subsurface.

Nature of a Low Velocity Anomaly in the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Western Great Plains
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Kelly H Liu($189,117), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Mantle Transition Zone, Natural Hazards, Anomaly, Beneath, Feature, Features, Geophysical, Graduate, Investigate, P-to-s, Plains, Processes, Students, Undergraduate, Upwelling, Velocity, Western.

CAREER: Modification of a Continent: Seismic Tomography and Imaging of the Northern American Lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2020; Program: Geophysics

1. Songqiao Wei($401,495), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Complementary Seismic, Continental Lithosphere, Seismic Images, Waveform Inversion, Asthenosphere, Evolution, Imaging, Investigate, Lithospheric, North, Processes, Sets, Surface, Techniques, Underlying.

Collaborative Research: Exploring the nature of deep-focus earthquakes in the Japan, Kuril, and Izu-Bonin subduction zones
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Geophysics

1. Songqiao Wei($330,500), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Deep-focus Earthquakes Nucleate, Earthquake Source Properties, Nucleate And Propagate, Phase Transformational Faulting, Slab Internal Structure, Slab's Cold Core, Structure And Deep-focus, Deep Earthquakes, Deep-focus Earthquake, Deep-focus Earthquakes, Deep-focus Hypocenters, Earth's Dynamic, Seismic Velocity, Slab's Cold, Spatial Relationships, Subducting Slabs, Central, Considered, Depths, EARA, Failure, Frequency, Has, Image, Images, Information, Izu-bonin, Japan, Kuril, Mantle, Mechanisms, Model, Models, Near, Oceanic, Plate, Regions, Resolution, Rupture, Set, Tomography, Top, Upper, Waveform, Wavespeed.

High-Precision Equations of State Through Standardized Sample Synthesis
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2017; Program: Geophysics

1. Elizabeth Griffith($420,000), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Iron And Iron-nickel, Precision And Accuracy, Core Conditions, Earth's Core, Iron-nickel Alloys, Thermoelastic Properties, Accurate, Assess, Composition, Density, Equations, Experimental, Facilities, Light, Multiple, Precise, Pressure, Temperature.

CAREER: Unraveling the Role of Thin Water Films in Controlling Subsurface Transport of Surface-Active Contaminants across Scales
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Bo Guo($331,551), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Air And Water, Thin Water Films, Air–water Interfaces, Educational Program, Human-made Chemicals, Surface-active Contaminants, Vadose Zones, Advance, Air–water, Approaches, Arizona, Contamination, Critical, Groundwater, Models, PFAS, Processes, STEM, School, Soils, Surface-active, Surfaces, Thin-film, Tools, Tucson, WET.

CAREER: How hydroclimate variability is transmitted through the critical zone
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Daniella M Rempe($267,884), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Root-zone Moisture Storage, Root-zone Moisture, Climate, Drought, Experiential, Extend, Forest, Forests, Geoscience, Local, Network, Program, Respond, Snowpack, Student, Texas, Training, Undergraduate, Water.

EAR-Climate: Continental-Scale Determinants of Stream Solute Spatial and Temporal Patterns
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Matthew J Cohen($428,312), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Stream Solute Spatial, Mean Concentrations, Network Position, Spatial Vs, Water Quality, Anthropogenic, Continental-scale, Developed, Drivers, Eastern, Intensity, Land, Landscape, Links, Seeks, Solute-specific, Wetland.

Multiscale Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Impacts of Turbulence and Vegetation on Flow and Solute Transport in Hyporheic Zone
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Peter K Kang($553,400), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Flow And Solute, Transport And Biogeochemical, Vegetation And Turbulence, Aquatic Ecosystems, Biogeochemical Cycling, Contaminant Transport, Hyporheic Exchange, Hyporheic Zone, In-channel Vegetation, Modeling Framework, Solute Transport, Theoretical Model, Turbulent Flows, Water Quality, Bedforms, Developed, Experiments, Field, In-channel, Meandering, Numerical, Outdoor, Predict, Quantify, Sediment, Stream, Streams, Surface.

Collaborative Research: EAR-Climate: Estimating the Emergence of the Anthropogenic Warming Signal in Snow Water Resource Metrics
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Julie A Vano($128,126), Aspen Global Change Institute, Basalt
2. Flavio Lehner($337,645), Cornell University, Ithaca
3. Keith N Musselman($299,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Snow Water Resources, Adaptation, Climate, Decision-makers, Decisions, Emergence, Ensemble, Estimate, Framework, Hydrologic, Inform, Management, Metrics, Model, Natural, Outcomes, Policy, Signals, Warming.

CAS-Climate: Understanding the Changing Climatology, Organizing Patterns and Source Attribution of Hazards of Floods over the Southcentral and Southeast US
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Carl J Schreck($673,418), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Moisture Delivery, Monthly Flood, Atmospheric, Climate, Climatology, Conditions, Environmental, Five, Flooding, Models, Multiple, National, Observed, Quantified, Region, SESC, Shift, Sources, Statistical, Storms, Tropical.

CAS-Climate: A Novel Process-Driven Method for Flood Frequency Analysis Based on Mixed Distributions
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Giuseppe Mascaro($356,095), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Annual Peak Flows, Flood Frequency Analysis, Accuracy, Activities, Approach, Assumption, Atmospheric, Based, Caused, Conditions, Current, Distributions, Dominant, Estimates, Generated, Hydrologic, Involved, Lsmps, Mechanisms, Mixed, Model, POT, Processes, Regional, Set, Simulations, Statistical, Tested.

Conference: Student and Early Career Participation for the Solving Water Availability Challenges through an Interdisciplinary Framework Chapman Conference
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Royce B Hanson($49,500), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Current Challenges, Integrated Assessments, Water Availability, Conference, Disciplinary, Experts, Facilitate, Forward, Interdisciplinary, Participation.

CAREER: Dynamic Water Transport Timescales: Quantifying Hydrodynamic Responses to Perturbations Across Time and Space in a River Delta
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Matthew R Hiatt($323,626), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Time And Space, Water Transport Times, Coastal Hydrology, River Deltas, Surface Water, Water Movement, Complicated, Deltaic, Ecosystems, Evolve, Field, Hydrological, Processes, Program, Students.

Collaborative Research: Saturated, suffocated, and salty: Hotspots of ammonium-N & dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium-denitrification dichotomy in anoxic riparian soil
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Marc Peipoch($249,848), Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale
2. Erin K Peck($514,318), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Riparian Zones, Soil Conditions, Allow, Ammonium-n, Balance, DNRA, Denitrification, Electron, Environmental, Existing, Experiments, Ferrous, Groundwater, Mesocosm, Microbial, Nitrate-n, Nitrogen, Pollution, Process, Salinization, Sites, Soils, Sulfide, Water, Wet.

EAR-Climate: Forest, Frost, and Flow: Snow Dydrology of spatially Heterogeneous and Hydrologically Connected Peatland Catchments
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Xue Feng($505,165), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Flow And Storage, Existing Long-term, Soil Frost, Bogs, Carbon, Controlling, Cover, Especially, Feedbacks, Field, Forests, Hydrology, Long-term, Movement, Northern, Peatland, Peatlands, Period, Public, Recharge, Snow, Snowmelt, Snowpack, Spring, Streamflow, Students, Water.

CAREER: CAS-Climate: Socio hydrology to link climate change and its societal impacts
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Marc F Muller($206,015), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Web-based Simulation Game, Human Water, Societal Impacts, Web-based Simulation, Climate, Crises, Drivers, Education, Educational, Effect, Empirical, Experimental, Human-, Hydrological, Hydrology, Leveraged, Natural, Outreach, Platform, Policy, Program, Realm, Serve, Simultaneously, Theoretical, Tools, Training, Undergraduate, —.

Broadening Participation in the AGU and CUAHSI Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Royce B Hanson($50,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Students And Early-career, Hydrology Meeting, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Bring, Collaborations, Conference, Critical, Field, Frontiers, Future, Held, Hydrologic, Local, Opportunities, Opportunity, Participation, Topics, Water.

Collaborative Research: Impact of evaporation and waves on groundwater dynamics in tidally influenced beaches
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Xiaolong Geng($425,115), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Holly A Michael($176,789), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Wave Action, Beach, Coastal, Conditions, Coupled, Dynamics, Effects, Experience, Field, Generate, Groundwater, Hydrodynamics, Primary, Processes, Range, Reactions, Salinity, Salt, Seawater, Students, Water, Zone.

Collaborative Research: Novel Integration of Direct Measurements with Numerical Models for Real-time Estimation and Forecasting of Streamflow Response to Cyclical Processes
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ehab A Meselhe($259,328), Tulane University, New Orleans
2. Ibrahim Demir($403,680), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Flow Variables, Real Time, Advancements, Capabilities, Critical, Flood, Forecasting, In-situ, Inferences, Investigations, Management, Models, Monitoring, Outcomes, Predictive, Protocols, Reliability, Streamflow, Vegetation, Water.

Collaborative Research: Investigating how transient electrical and magnetic signals relate to changes in recharge-driven redox state and iron mineral transformations
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Estella A Atekwana($21,169), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Hydrocarbon Source Zones, Biogeophysical Signatures, Contaminant Plumes, Geophysical Signals, Iron Cycling, Long-term Fate, Magnetic Susceptibility, Oil Spills, Self Potential, Transitional Environments, Biogeochemical, Causing, Contaminants, Contaminated, Driven, Electron, Field, Geochemical, Hydrologic, Hydrological, Laboratory, Linkages, Long-term, Microbial, Non-invasive, Performed, Processes, Recharge, Regulated, Resulting, Sensing, Site, Sites, Students, Subsurface, Transient, Undergraduate, WTFZ, Water.

MRI: Acquisition of a Cryogenic Physical Properties Measurement System for Geophysical and Magnetic Materials Research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. James C Lee($303,140), Concordia College at Moorhead, Moorhead
Key terms: Iron Oxides, Quantum Design, Temperature Range, Thermal Properties, Versalab Ppms, Acquisition, Advanced, Apparatus, Broad, Concordia, Electrical, Generation, Geology, Instrument, Laboratories, Laboratory, MN, Magnetic, Moorhead, Physics, Property, Teaching, Training.

MRI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography Scanner for Specimen-Based and Material Science Research
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sang Eon Han($466,700), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: 3d Reconstructions, X-ray Tomography, Acquisition, Context, Imaging, Manufactured, Maximum, Microxct, Non-destructively, Opportunities, Resolution, Scanner, Scanners, X-ray, Xradia.

EAGER: Development of Remote Sensing of Seismological Signals via the Enhanced Moiré Technique
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Roohollah Askari($255,000), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Pre And Postprocessing, Remote Sensing Technique, Atmospheric Turbulence, Moiré Technique, Postprocessing Techniques, Seismic Signals, Seismic Waves, ACI, Accuracy, Active, Approach, Base, Challenge, Developed, Displacement, Displacements, Effect, Enhanced, Grating, Grids, Ground, Inaccessible, Limitations, Measure, Method, Network, Placed, Pre-, Produced, Remotely, Seismology, Seismometers, Straight-line, Telescope, UAV, Variety, Volcanic.

Track 2 MRI: Acquisition of a Mini Carbon Dating System for Multi-Millennial, Multi-User Sequences of Annually Resolved 14C and Other High Precision Applications
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Kevin J Anchukaitis($2,032,379), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Radiocarbon Dating, Solar Forcing, Training Opportunities, Analysis, Annually, Applications, Carbon, Carbon-, Circulation, Climate, Concepts, Core, Explore, Facility, Global, Human, Inspire, Instrument, International, LTRR, MICADAS, Measure, Methods, Offering, Outreach, Past, Preparation, Programs, Public, Range, Regional, STEM, Schools, Teaching, Throughput, Tree-ring, Tree-rings, Unique.

Planning: CDP: High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Site Survey Supporting Lake Victoria Scientific Drilling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Christopher A Scholz($199,534), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Chirp Seismic Reflection, Climate And Environmental, Legacy Seismic Reflection, Drilling Program, Lake Sediment, Lake Victoria, Largest Lake, Africa, Basin, Collected, Cores, Department, Desiccation, Dispersal, Diversification, Fauna, Future, History, Image, Multiple, Organisms, Pleistocene, Populations, Tanzanian, Watershed.

MRI: Acquisition of a Multicollector – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer at the University of Arizona for Earth and Planetary Science Research, Education and Outre
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jessica J Barnes($809,775), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Cell And Msms, Analytical Methods, Collisionreaction Cell, AHIL, ALC, Advantage, Arizona, Base, Capabilities, Capacity, Deposits, Development, Earth’s, Emphasize, Evolution, Geochronology, Instrument, Laboratory, MC-ICPMS, Mass, Outreach, Planetary, Rb-sr, Reconstructing, Students, Techniques, Tectonic, UA.

Acquisition of a JR-6A Spinner Magnetometer
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Robert G Hatfield($78,410), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Earth’s Magnetic, Spinner Magnetometer, Models, Modern, Natural, Planet, Rock, Sediments, Space.

Acquisition of Low Background High-Resolution Gamma Spectrometers for Research and Undergraduate Student Training
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Nicholas L Balascio($248,592), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
Key terms: William And Mary, Gamma Spectrometers, Virginia Institute, Acquisition, Climate, Enable, Faculty, High-resolution, Instrumentation, Instruments, Isotopes, Marine, Precise, Radionuclide, Radon, Sediment, Training, Undergraduate, Uranium.

CAS-Climate: Acquisition of an Ultraportable Field CO2 Isotope Analyzer and a Soil Gas Flux Chamber to Investigate CO2 Efflux and Stable Carbon Isotopes in Carbon Cycling Research
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Angelia L Seyfferth($96,337), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Co2 Isotope Analyzer, Educational And Outreach, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide, Ongoing Educational, Outreach Activities, Soil Co2, Allow, Atmosphere, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Efflux, Fluxes, Gain, Information, Isotopic, Nsf-funded, Perform, Processes, Purchase, Underlying, Variety.

CAS-Climate: Acquisition of Eddy Covariance Towers for Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Coastal Wetlands in California
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Adina Paytan($416,100), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Coastal Wetlands, Eddy Covariance, Authentic, Carbon, Enable, Fluxes, Information, Literacy, Local, Site, Students, Towers.

CFS (Track III): High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Richard A Ketcham($1,239,242), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Computed Tomography, Short Courses, Wide Range, Acquisition, Advanced, Analysis, COVID-, CT, Efforts, Facility, Geoscience, High-quality, Instrumentation, North, On-line, Pandemic, Processing, Served, Source, Staff, Symposium, Texas, Toscana, UTCT, X-ray.

Acquisition of Flow Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Video Microscopy System to Support Investigation of Nano- and Micro-Particle Transport and Surface Interaction
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. William P Johnson($316,927), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Fast And Slow-attaching, Nanoscale Charge Heterogeneity, Transport Near Surfaces, Colloid Transport, Otherwise Identical, Porous Media, Transport Experiments, Allow, Attachment, Collaborative, Colloids, Conditions, Contexts, Continue, Distance, Environmental, Equipment, Fast-, Five, Flow, Freeware, Graduate, Has, Knowledge, Middle, Modules, Output, Outreach, Parameters, Parti-suite, Particle, Phd, Post-doctoral, Repulsion, School, Simulations, Solution, Source, Students, Subpopulations, Summer, Teachers, Tend, Training, Unfavorable, Via.

Upgrade of the Scanning Electron Microscope Lab at the Arizona LaserChron Center
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. George E Gehrels($400,442), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: ALC, Activities, Analyses, Capabilities, Chemical, Combined, Detector, EBSD, EDS, Enhanced, Evolution, Formation, Geologic, History, Images, Instruments, Minerals, Processes, Raman, Rock, Software, Utilized, Variety.

Equipment: Acquisition of an EDS detector and Carbon Coater for Quantitative FEG-SEM Analysis
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Matthew Gleeson($185,094), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Analysis, Berkeley, Chemical, Chemistry, Crystal, EDS, Magmatic, Mapping, Petrological, Transport, Volcanic.

UPGRADE of existing Element2 (ICPMS) and ACQUiSITION of a Replacement Laser Ablation System at the University of Maryland, Geology
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. James W Dottin($336,623), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Laser Ablation, Plasma Laboratory, Analysis, Continue, Core, Crust, Earth’s, Evolution, Facility, Generation, Has, Instrument, Interactions, Knowledge, Mantle, Metamorphism, Modern, Planetary, Planetesimals, Tracing, Undergraduate, Upgrade.

Community Facility Support: The UCLA National Ion Microprobe
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Ming-Chang Liu($972,371), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ion Microprobe Facility, Accessory Mineral, Precision Analyses, Applications, Capabilities, Funding, Geoscience, Has, Ims, Infrastructure, Instrument, Investigate, Investigations, Isotopic, Laboratory, Minerals, National, Planetary, Resolution, Spatial.

Acquisition of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Research and Education in Geological and Paleoclimate Studies at the University of Houston
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Ny Riavo G Voarintsoa($500,000), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Undergraduate And Graduate, Clumped Isotopes, Glacial History, Graduate Students, Isotopic Signatures, Stable Isotopes, Traditional Stable, Activities, Allow, Analyses, Analytical, Carbonates, Current, Educational, Enable, Enhance, Environments, Fields, Geological, Geoscience, Hands-on, Houston, IRMS, Instrument, Interdisciplinary, Light, Local, Origin, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, Past, Precision, Speleothem, Water.

Development of New Techniques for Rock Deformation Using the Large Volume Torsion Apparatus
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Philip Skemer($202,256), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Rock Deformation Experiments, Standard Operating Procedures, Earth’s Interior, Postdoctoral Scholar, Preliminary Experiments, Seismic Anisotropy, Boundaries, Calibrations, Conditions, Development, Earth’s, LVT, Mantle, Plate, Tectonic.

Acquisition of a clumped isotope gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometer and carbonate device for inclusive research and education at the University of Washington
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Andrew J Schauer($491,846), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Bulk Stable Isotope, Carbonate Oxygen-17 Excess, Carbon Dioxide, Fault Zones, Instrument Acquisition, Mass Spectrometer, Undergraduate Geoscience, Underrepresented Minority, Advance, Analyses, Analysis, Ancient, Capabilities, Chemical, Clumped, Direct, Dissemination, Diverse, Earth-science, Education, Enable, Enhance, Equity, Existing, Formed, Geochemistry, High-precision, Hydrothermal, IRMS, Inclusive, Increase, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Measure, Mg, Minerals, Opportunities, Paleoclimate, Practices, Preparation, Replace, Students, Substantially, Temperature, Traditional, Training, UW, Undergraduates.

EAR-Climate: Acquisition of hydrometric equipment to support undergraduate training and research on glacier lake outburst floods in southeast Alaska
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jason B Fellman($77,687), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Glacially Dammed Lakes, Sediment And Chemical, Alaska Southeast, Chemical Export, Proglacial Lakes, Southeast Alaska, Undergraduate Students, Water Quality, Carbon, Coastal, Downstream, Dynamics, Ecosystems, Glacier, Glacierized, Glaciers, Glofs, Hydrometric, Ice, Instruments, Local, Melt, Meltwater, Moving, Rates, Recede, Release, School, Warming, Watersheds.

Facility Support: Institute for Rock Magnetism
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Maxwell C Brown($1,045,499), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Magnetic Fields, Rock Magnetism, Anthropogenic, Applied, Biennial, Continue, Database, Disciplines, Distributions, Environmental, Evolution, Facility, Geological, Graduate, IRM, Information, Iron, Magnetization, Mineral, Natural, Orientation, Origin, Particle, Planetary, Planets, Processes, Properties, Reconstructions, Sediments, Sensitive, Size, Students, Surficial, Technical, Tectonic, Temperature, Time, Training, Visiting.

Acquisition of Research Equipment to advance the Geospatial Applications in Natural Science Laboratory - Precision Geomatics Extension (GAINS-PGE)
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jennifer Lindline($152,762), New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas
Key terms: Complement And Expand, Geospatial Equipment Requested, Local And Regional, Natural Resources Management, Surveying Geospatial Equipment, Gains Laboratory, Geospatial Technology, Mexico Highlands, On-going Studies, Ongoing Studies, Regional Tectonics, Water Resources, Acquisition, Advance, Applications, Archeology, Capabilities, Center, Developed, Development, Endeavors, Engineering, Facility, Geomorphology, Has, International, Mission, On-going, Private, Range, Serve, Serves, Skills, Teaching, Training, Volcanology, Wildlife, Workshops.

Acquisition of a pXRF and pLIBS Instrument Suite for Geochemistry Research in the Urban Environment
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Evert Elzinga($85,025), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
Key terms: Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown, Portable Laser Induced, Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Graduate Students, Human-impacted Environments, Nsf-sponsored Programs, Portable X-ray, X-ray Fluorescence, Analysis, Carbon, Courses, Education, Elemental, Engagement, Geochemistry, Geosciences, Heavy, Human-impacted, In-field, Instrument, Instruments, Jersey, Natural, Nsf-sponsored, Participation, Plibs, Pxrf, Sediments, Soils, Speciation, Supported, Undergraduate, Urban.

Upgrade of geochemical analytical facilities at South Dakota Mines
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sarah W Keenan($158,475), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Low-temperature Geochemical Analyses, South Dakota Mines, Ion Chromatography, Low-temperature Geochemical, Low-temperature Geochemistry, Natural Waters, Oglala Lakota, Preparation Equipment, Water Quality, Campus, Enable, Environments, Essential, Facilities, IC, Instrument, Instrumentation, Modern, Range, Region, Rock, Soil, Staff, Students, Training, Upgrades, Workshops.

Upgrade of the Raman Spectroscopy System at the High-Pressure Lab of Arizona State University
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sang-Heon Shim($85,275), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Ccd Detector, High-pressure Lab, Phase Mapping, Raman Spectroscopy, Undergraduate Students, ASU, Add, Allow, Arizona, Capability, Components, Has, High-pressure, Mantle, Minerals, Petrology, Pressures, Produced, Program, Quality, Spectrograph, Storage, Supporting, Synthesized, Technique, Upgrade, Vibrational.

Upgrade of LA-ICP-MS for research and education at Western Washington University
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. May Sas($507,050), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Detection Limits, Nm Laser, Significantly Enhance, Agilent, Analyzed, Course-based, Current, Dominantly, Expand, Experiences, Geology, ICP-MS, Instrument, LA-ICP-MS, Nanoparticles, Nearby, Processes, Range, Resolution-se, Signatures, Solid, Students, Undergraduate, Upgrade, WWU.

Geophysical Imaging of a Buried Paleovalley in Support of ICDP Deep Dust Project
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2022; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Gerilyn S Soreghan($48,261), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Buried Valley, Climate Forcing, Climate Models, Continental Drilling, Deep Dust, Late Paleozoic, Wichita Mountains, Wichita Uplift, Acquisition, Aims, Conditions, Core, Critical, Earth’s, Enable, Equatorial, Feature, Formed, Future, Glaciation, Happen, Has, ICDP, Image, Life, Oklahoma, Origin, Past, Region, Seismic, Shape, Techniques, Was.

CAREER: Uncovering the Geochemical and Biomineralization Processes Responsible for Mercury-Selenium Antagonism in the Environment
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Brett A Poulin($617,210), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Mercury And Selenium, Food Webs, Mercury-selenium Antagonism, Biomineralization, Educational, Environment, Environmental, Interactions, Mercury-selenium, Methylmercury, Protein, Public.

MRI: Acquisition of a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching at California State University, Bakersfield
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Liaosha Song($520,050), CSUB Auxiliary for Sponsored Programs Administration, Bakersfield
Key terms: Silicon Drift Detector, Csub Faculty, Minority Students, Agriculture, Analysis, Analytical, Biology, Capabilities, Coldstage, EDS, Efforts, Energy, Engineering, Enhance, FE-SEM, Geology, Imaging, Instrument, NSF, Nanometer-scale, Resolution, SEM, Scanning, Structure.

MRI: Acquisition of a micro-computed tomography scanner for interdisciplinary research at Western Washington University
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Andrew Weitz($534,617), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Complement Existing, Micro-ct Scanner, Acquisition, Campus, Diverse, Education, Fields, Has, Instrument, Instrumentation, Micro-ct, Programs, Regional, Technical, WWU.

MRI: Acquisition of a triple-quadrupole ICP-MS and sample introduction hardware for multidisciplinary research and teaching
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Donald R Smith($580,393), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Environmental Toxicology, Analysis, Dedicated, ESI, ICP-MS, Laboratory, Laser, Marine, Metal, Modern, Program, Quadrupole, STEM, Speciation, Students, TQ-ICP-MS.

MRI: Acquisition of a field emission scanning electron microscope to expand characterization capabilities at the University of Iowa
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Lawrence K Horkley($461,650), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Emission Scanning Electron, Field Emission Scanning, Scanning Electron Microscope, Analysis, Applications, Automated, Available, Capabilities, Characterization, Collection, Context, Critical, Department, Distribution, Distributions, Elsewhere, Enable, Enhance, FE-SEM, Facility, Imaging, Instrument, Iowa, Mineral, Quantitative, Range, Robust, Source, Staff, Textural, Trace, Training, UI, Users.

MRI: Acquisition of an SEM-EDS system to further multidisciplinary scientific inquiry and discovery in Western New York
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Matthew P Purtill($336,834), SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia
Key terms: Chemically Characterize, Sem Imaging, Suny Fredonia, Allow, Educational, Energy, Enhance, Environmental, Evolution, Objects, Opportunities, Prepare, Processes, Regional, SEM-EDS, Specimens, York.

The Influence of Fault Geometry on Shallow Frictional Sliding in Subduction Zones
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Rob M Skarbek($139,678), Planetary Science Institute, Tucson
Key terms: Fault Network, Shallow Fault, Shallow Subduction, Sliding Stability, Slip Behavior, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Thrust Fault, Zone Geometry, Analyses, Behaviors, Earthquakes, Effects, Faults, Frictional, Interactions, Megathrust, Model, Nucleate, Numerical, Properties, Range, Seafloor, Theoretical.

P2C2: Collaborative Research: The Role of Seasonality in Abrupt Climate Change - a Test by Reconstructing Fluctuations of a Late-Glacial Ice Mass in Eastern North America
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Joellen Russell($54,822), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Aaron Putnam($601,729), University of Maine, Orono
3. Thomas V Lowell($313,018), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
Key terms: Glacier And Meltwater, Greenlandic Ice Cores, Marine Sediment Geochemistry, North Atlantic Region, Abrupt Climate, Glacial Landforms, Ice Age, Ice Cap, Mean-annual Temperatures, Meltwater Fluxes, Summertime Warming, Ago, B-A, Baxter, Characterized, Dating, Episodes, Global, Gulf, HS, Maine, Mapping, Mean-annual, Models, Park, Public, Reconstruct, Reconstructing, Reconstructions, Registered, Retreat, Seasonality, Sediments, Signature, Termination, Terrestrial.

MRI: Acquisition of a Multi-collection Detector System for the Cameca IMS 1280 in the Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Brian Monteleone($999,739), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Cameca Ims, Instrumental Drift, Ion Microprobe, Isotopes Simultaneously, Relative Standard, Secondary Ion, Stable Isotopes, ‰ 2rsd, ‰ 2rse, Accuracy, Analysis, Applications, Capability, Equipped, Facility, Geoscience, Has, Isotopic, Leads, Light, Mass, Measure, Minutes, Mono-collection, Multi-collection, NENIMF, National, Operated, Precision, Reproducibility, SIMS, Solid, Spot, Standards, Upgrade, Volatiles.

Reanalysis of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Excursions During Early Brunhes Time (380-780 ka) at ODP Sites 1060, 1061, 1062, and 1063
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Steven P Lund($163,559), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Entire Brunhes Normal, Normal Polarity Chron, North Atlantic Ocean, Western North Atlantic, Earth’s Dynamo, Earth’s Magnetic, Geophysics Program, Normal Secular, Outer Core, Relative Paleointensity, Sampling Interval, Analysis, Average, Composite, Detailed, Directions, Division, Evidence, Excursions, Ka, PSV, Paleomagnetic, Process, Reanalysis, Region, Reversal, Similar, Sites, Surrounding, Time, Unique, World.

Upgrades and Acquisitions for the Collaborative Cal-State Fullerton Paleoclimate, Coastal Processes, and Archaeology Lithics Research Laboratories
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Edward J Knell($247,680), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
Key terms: Continuing Technological Opportunities, Classroom Activities, Equipment Acquisitions, Historically Underrepresented, CSUF, Core, Developing, Fields, Focuses, Generation, Pis, Recruiting, Required, Skills, Student, Students, Technology, Upgrades.

Collaborative Research: Rodingites as Recorders of Tectonic Processes from the Seafloor to Convergence: A case study of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Michelle L Gevedon($94,017), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
2. Daniel F Stockli($409,005), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Besim Dragovic($137,781), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Ca And Sr, Conditions And Timing, Dun Mountain Ophiolite, Geochronology And Ca, Mountain Ophiolite Belt, Sr Isotope Composition, Fluid Source, Plate Boundaries, Tectonic Evolution, U-pb Geochronology, Constraints, Faults, Fluids, Formation, Formed, Graduate, Has, Histories, Limited, Multiple, Occurred, P-t-d-f-t, Post-emplacement, Process, Rock, Rodingites, Rodingitization, Seafloor, Serpentinite, Serpentinites, Serpentinization, Student, Students, Subduction, U-pb, Undergraduate, Zealand.

Acquisition of a Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer by the Earth Science Department at Vassar College, a PUI
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2022; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jeffrey Walker($169,374), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie
Key terms: Climate And Ocean, Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer, Energy Dispersive X-ray, Scanning Electron Microscope, Tabletop Scanning Electron, Dispersive X-ray, Local Museum, Ocean Acidification, Public Outreach, X-ray Spectrometer, Co-pi, Collected, Department, Design, EDS, Eruption, Evolution, Experience, Foraminifera, Fossils, Geologic, Haynes, Haynes’, History, Increase, Instrument, Investigate, Lab, Microfossils, Mineral, Morphology, Natural, Opportunities, Past, Primary, Programming, SEM, SEM-EDS, Sediments, Taxonomy, Teaching, Undergraduate, Vassar, Volcanic, Warming.

In search for the origin of tungsten in the global komatiite-basalt systems
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Igor Puchtel($308,318), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Ancient And Modern, Trace Mineral Phases, 182w Anomalies, Earth's History, Earth's Interior, Earth’s Interior, Modern Rocks, State-of-the-art Analytical, Variably Altered, Abundance, Advances, Aimed, Available, Behavior, Billions, Chemical, Comprehensive, Constraining, Critically, Directly, Earth’s, Establish, Komatiite-basalt, Magmatic, Mantle, Models, Origin, Partitioning, Planet, Previously, Processes, Reservoirs, Selected, State-of-the-art, Tungsten, Well-preserved.

Collaborative Research: GLOW Tracing Earths Accretion Using Siderophile Element Genetics
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Katherine R Bermingham($465,999), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Simone Marchi($153,733), Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
Key terms: Building Blocks Accreted, Earth’s Building Blocks, Origin And Initial, Earth’s Building, Earth’s History, Habitable Planet, Initial Composition, Late Accretion, Prime Target, Siderophile Isotopic, Terrestrial Geochemical, Witnessed Delivery, Added, Combines, Compositions, Constrain, Formation, Formed, Genetic, Knowledge, Mantle, Meteorites, Period, Planetary, Portion, Solar, Towards, Tracers, Well-established.

Collaborative Research: Reconstructing the geometry of magmatic plumbing systems using fluid inclusions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Esteban Gazel($209,641), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Hector M Lamadrid($179,409), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
3. Penelope E Wieser($310,951), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Magma Storage Depths, Precise And Accurate, Strengths And Weaknesses, Canary Islands, Fluid Inclusions, Fluids Trapped, Kīlauea Volcano, Raman Spectroscopy, Barometry, Calibration, Co-rich, Collaboration, Constraints, Crust, Crystals, Densities, Density, Determined, Distribute, Eruption, Evolution, Explosive, HVO, Hawai’i, Hazard, Investigating, Laboratories, Methods, Monitoring, Obtained, Pressures, Simulation, Societal, Stored, Synthetic, Uncertainty, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Apatite petrochronology and microtextural analyses: a new tool to directly date subduction processes at the base of the seismogenic zone
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Cailey B Condit($296,194), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Margaret L Odlum($370,206), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Chemical And Mechanical, Exhumed Subduction Complexes, Subduction Seismogenic Zone, Directly Date, Earthquakes Nucleate, Fluid Flow, Intense Chemical, Megathrust Earthquakes, Recovering Linked, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Apatite, Base, Common, Conditions, Constraints, Deformation, Development, EPMA, Female, Field, Geochemical, LA-ICP-MS, Lack, Lithologies, Metamorphic, Metamorphism, Microstructural, Mineral, Observations, Opportunities, Petrochronology, Processes, Relatively, Rock, Slip, Slow, Students, Timing, Tools, Transformative, Video, °C.

Collaborative Research: Probing zircon reactivity in aqueous solutions at solubility equilibrium using isotope tracers
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Chen Zhu($345,376), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. John C Ayers($412,943), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Crystalline Zircon, Metamict Zircon, Reaction Rim, Zircon Recrystallization, Conditions, Earth, Experimental, Fluids, Grains, Has, History, Isotope, Laboratory, Measurable, Measured, Rate, Recrystallize, Rock, Si, Stability, Techniques, Tested, Zones.

CAREER: Petrogenesis of Hawaiian lavas, Constraints from metal stable isotopes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Shichun Huang($319,148), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Metal Stable Isotope, Geochemical Analytical, Hawaiian Volcanism, Mantle Plume, Participating Students, Winter Program, Earth, Education, Implications, Isotopic, Lavas, Plans, Tracers.

Tracing lithium enrichment in the McDermitt caldera system by melt/fluid inclusions and in situ oxygen isotopes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Philipp P Ruprecht($325,107), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Eventually Forming Lithium, Mcdermitt Volcanic Caldera, Caldera Floor, Clay Deposits, Earth’s Crust, Hydrothermal Fluids, Lithium Deposits, Magma Outgassing, Volcanic Calderas, Volcanic Rocks, Chemical, Collapse, Composition, Degassing, Drs, Earth’s, Enriched, Eruption, Formation, Harlaux, Hosted, Inclusions, Leaching, Li-bearing, Li-rich, Magmas, Magmatic, Melt, Meteoric, Nevadaoregon, Phenocrysts, Remobilization, Silicate, Studying, Sufficient.

Collaborative Research: Halogen Behavior In the Pluton-To-Volcanic Arc System
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jaime Barnes($149,580), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Jade Star Lackey($114,019), Pomona College, Claremont
3. Emily Cooperdock($291,557), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Bulk Rock Halogen, Plutonic And Volcanic, Arc Magmatic, Continental Crust, Erupted Volcanic, Mineral Deposits, Sierra Nevada, Volcanic Arc, Volcanic Rocks, Assimilation, Behavior, Cl, Composition, Compositions, Concentrations, Deep, Halogens, Highly, Host, Hosted, Interpret, Mantle, Measure, Melts, Processes, Reservoirs, Students, Undergraduate, Volcanoes.

NSF GEO-NERC: Collaborative Proposal: A general model for bubble nucleation and growth in volcanic systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tamara L Carley($157,232), Lafayette College, Easton
Key terms: Bubble Growth Model, Nucleation And Growth, Eruptive Products, Explosive Eruptions, Knowledge Gaps, Nucleation Formulation, Numerical Model, Agreement, Ash, Bubbles, Budget, Captures, Cohorts, Create, Ensemble, Experiments, Global, Hazard, Joint, Magma, Nature, Predict, Processes, Proportion, Quantitative, Students, Unified, Volcanic.

Genesis of Harrat Basalts in Western Saudi Arabia
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tanya Furman($332,625), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Lavas And Xenoliths, Uwayrid And Ash, Arabian Harrats, Ash Shaam, Continental Crust, Lava Fields, Long-term Evolution, Mantle Melting, Source Domains, Temporal Trends, Alkaline, Basalt, Contributions, Depth, Establish, Evidence, Focused, Geochemical, Individual, Isotopic, Lithospheric, Long-term, Mafic, Mechanisms, Metasomatized, Plate, Plume, Region, Resources, Saudi, Sea, Tectonic, Volcanic, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: What lies beneath: An investigation of subglacial silicic magma systems (Vatnajokull, Iceland)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tenley J Banik($211,689), Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Normal
2. Tamara L Carley($238,445), Lafayette College, Easton
Key terms: Central Volcanoes, Silicic Magmas, Subglacial Volcanic, Active, Bedrock, Bárðarbunga, Consequence, Dynamic, Evolution, Existing, Facilitate, Grímsvötn, Hazards, Hf, Ice, Iceland, Iceland’s, Intersection, Isotopes, Obscured, Plume, Potential, Ridge, Rock, Trace, Vatnajökull, View.

NSF GEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: A general model for bubble nucleation and growth in volcanic systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Dork L Sahagian($375,036), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. James E Gardner($333,856), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Bubble Growth Model, Nucleation And Growth, Eruptive Products, Explosive Eruptions, Knowledge Gaps, Nucleation Formulation, Numerical Model, Agreement, Ash, Bubbles, Budget, Captures, Cohorts, Create, Ensemble, Experiments, Global, Hazard, Joint, Magma, Nature, Predict, Processes, Proportion, Quantitative, Unified, Volcanic.

Geochemical Insights Into the Post-Caldera Architecture of the Yellowstone Magma Reservoir
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Kari M Cooper($401,173), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Distinct Magma Bodies, Graduate And Undergraduate, Sanidine And Zircon, Caldera-forming Eruption, Caldera-forming Eruptions, Compositional Diversity, Eruption Require, Eruptive Episodes, Intracaldera Eruptions, Undergraduate Students, Volcanic Hazard, Architecture, Build, CFE, CPM, Caldera-forming, Compare, Contribute, Contributing, Crystals, Distribution, Does, Erupted, Explosive, Five, Has, Hazards, Insights, Lava, Melts, Outreach, Prior, Produce, Produced, Public, Reservoir, Silicic, Storage, Time, Volcano, Volcanoes, Wyoming, Yellowstone.

Collaborative Research: Volcanism on the Edge - Basaltic Volcanism from Source to Surface across the Colorado Plateau/Basin & Range Transition in SW Utah
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Greg Valentine($298,571), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
2. Elisabeth Widom($349,969), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Basin And Range, Colorado Plateau, Detailed Field, Eruptive Style, Eruptive Styles, Mantle Sources, Quaternary Volcanoes, Sw Utah, Volcanic Fields, Activities, Activity, Age, Analyses, Ascent, Constraining, Dating, Eruption, Frequency, Hazards, Importance, Integrated, Magma, Mapping, Monogenetic, Nature, Processes, Public, Recently, Regard, Relatively, Southwest, Storage, Students, Tectonic, Timescales, Transition, Variety, Volcanism, Volcanology.

Petrologic consequences of non-hydrostatic stress during subduction zone metamorphism
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jay J Ague($350,531), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Solid Solution Mineral, Solution Mineral Compositions, Crystallographic Orientations, Dehydration Reactions, Geologic Environments, Subduction Zones, Theoretical Development, Chemical, Diffusion, Diffusion-based, Earth’s, Histories, Metamorphic, Minerals, Mountain, Natural, Norway, Pressure, Processes, Quantitatively, Release, Rock, Seismic, Stress, Stresses, Tectonic, Temperature–pressure, Unequal, Water, Yale.

Reconstructing the Magmatic and Hydrothermal Evolution of the Au-rich, Cu-Poor Dorado Porphyry Deposit, Chile: Implications for Cu/Au Ratios in Porphyry Deposits Worldwide
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Adam C Simon($357,603), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Copper And Gold, Gold-rich Porphyry Deposits, Magmatic-hydrothermal Ore Fluid, Gold Ratios, Gold-rich Porphyry, Magmatic-hydrothermal Ore, Porphyry Mineral, Source Magma, Au-rich, Chile, Consensus, Electricity, Emplacement, Evolution, Exploration, Formation, Formed, Geologic, Geologists, Metals, Percent, Significantly, Worlds.

The Paleoarchean: A Pivotal Time in Earth Crustal Evolution--the View from the Zimbabwe and Sao Francisco Cratons.
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jeffrey D Vervoort($273,218), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Hf And Nd, Lu-hf And Sm-nd, Paleoarchean Continental Crust, Zimbabwe And Sf, Zimbabwe And São, Archean Rocks, Crust Formation, Earliest History, Gneiss Complexes, Integrated Approach, Nd Isotope, Sf Cratons, Sm-nd Isotope, São Francisco, Accessory, Age, Billion, Contribute, Earth’s, Evolution, Exposed, Has, Modification, NSF, Processes, Represent, Seeks, Stabilization, Time.

Deconvolving Magmatic, Crustal and Atmospheric Gases in Yellowstone using a Coupled Noble Gas and Nitrogen Isotope Approach
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. David Bekaert($589,977), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Magmatic Gas, Mantle Source, Mass Spectrometry, Terrestrial Volatiles, Atmospheric, Composition, Crust, Earth’s, Gases, Geochemical, Insight, Life, Origin, Pis, Plume, Publications, Surface, Volcanic, YNP, Yellowstone.

EAGER: Test of Concept for Induced Fuel-Coolant Interaction Experiments with Bubbly Melt
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Greg Valentine($88,160), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Fuel Coolant Interaction, Induced Fuel Coolant, Heat Transfer, Highly Explosive, Hunga Tonga, Magma-water Interaction, Vesicle Networks, Bubbles, Caused, Enhanced, Eruption, Expansion, Experiments, Findings, January, Laboratory, Larger, Magma-water, Meter-scale, Observed, Phenomenon, Presence, Rate, Successful, Volcano, Was.

Rapid cycling of magma compositions in continental arc systems
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Cin-Ty A Lee($465,972), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Arc Composition, Energy Transition, Natural Resources, Subduction Zones, Volcanic Ash, Altered, Analyses, Bentonite, Bentonites, Chemical, Compositional, Compositions, Course, Critical, Enable, High-resolution, Implications, Insights, Less, Magma, Magmatic, Mineral, Processes, Signals, Time, Timescales, Transcrustal, Volcanism, Volcanoes, West.

A macro- to nano-scale interrogation of 4 Gyr of tectonism, metamorphism and alteration in the Acasta Gneiss Complex
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Ann M Bauer($465,263), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Acasta Gneiss Complex, Agc Zircon Grains, Atom Probe Tomography, Literacy And Expand, Wisconsin Geology Museum, Continental Crustal, Earth’s History, Geologic Time, Mass Spectrometry, Tectonic Style, Age, Alteration, Billion, Canada, Characterization, Chemistry, Collaboration, Critical, Diverse, Earth’s, Formation, Ga, Has, Information, Isotope, Magmatism, Methods, Mineral, Outreach, Pis, Primary, Public’s, Secondary, Terrestrial, Thermal, Trace, U-pb, Δo.

Developing the thermodynamic solid solution models for Th, U, REE phosphates needed to identify the formation conditions of Th, U-depleted REE ores
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Xiaofeng Guo($463,769), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Summer Geochemistry Schools, Th And U-depleted, U-depleted Ree Ores, School Students, U-depleted Ree, Concentrations, Conditions, Critical, Deposits, Education, Explore, Formation, Geochemical, Hydrothermal, Identification, Incorporation, Information, Knowledge, Minerals, Mix, Mixing, Modeling, National, Phosphate, Predict, Reeuth, Th-, Thermodynamic.

Hydrous Components in Nominally Anhydrous Phases
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. George R Rossman($390,331), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Measuring Trace Hydrogen, Hydrogen Concentrations, Hydrous Components, Oxide Minerals, Quantum Mechanics, Abundant, Approach, Calculations, Defect, Detailed, Development, Earth’s, Established, Focus, Has, Importance, Issues, Nams, Phases, Properties, Proven, Semiconductors, Sites, Specific, Structures, Synthetic, Techniques, Technological, Technologies.

Collaborative Research: How faithfully are melt embayments wedded to magma ascent?
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Benjamin A Black($105,746), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Diffusion Gradients, Diffusion Profiles, Embayment Geospeedometry, Experimental Conditions, Experimental Embayments, Magma Ascent, Volcanic Eruption, Assumptions, Conduit, Controlled, Decompression, Dynamics, Experiments, Magmatic, Match, Natural, Rate, Rates, Shown, Speedometer, Technique.

Collaborative Research: Decoding thermal and magmatic history of mafic and ultramafic rocks through systematic studies of cation diffusion in pyroxene
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Yan Liang($415,000), Brown University, Providence
2. Daniele J Cherniak($150,455), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Chemical And Mechanic, Diffusive Mass Transfer, Distribution And Fractionation, Generalized Mass Transfer, Graduate And Undergraduate, Hf Diffusion Coefficients, Highly Productive Female, Magmatic Histories Experienced, Mantle Adiabat Followed, Mass Transfer Models, Petrology And Geochemistry, Ree And Hfse, Theoretical And Numerical, Thermal And Magmatic, Zr And Hf, Al-in-opx Thermometer, Broader Impacts, Ca-in-opx Thermometer, Cation Diffusion, Closure Temperatures, Common Feature, Diffusion Models, Diffusion Profiles, Disequilibrium Melting, Experimental Studies, Exsolution Lamellae, Fields Outside, Geochemical Applications, Main Tasks, Mechanic Properties, Natural Rocks, Numerical Studies, Pyroxene Grains, Pyroxene-bearing Rocks, Subsolidus Re-equilibration, Tectonic Settings, Undergraduate Training, Al-in-opx, Ca-in-opx, Collaborative, Composite, Consists, Developed, Experiments, Focus, Has, Laminates, Measured, Outcome, Peridotites, Presence, Pressure, Published, Pyroxene-bearing, Pyroxenes, Quantify, Rare, Re-equilibration, Strength, Thesis, Trace.

Collaborative Research: Overstepping and the Formation of Metamorphic Garnet - Field, Laboratory, Geochronological, Experimental and Modeling Studies
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Ethan F Baxter($104,044), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
2. Frank S Spear($276,015), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
3. Jay B Thomas($274,764), Syracuse University, Syracuse
Key terms: Engage And Inspire, Equilibrium Isograd, Garnet Formation, Metamorphic Rocks, Relatively Rapidly, Sedimentary Minerals, Thermodynamic Modeling, “every Rock, Alternative, Amount, Children, Co-hosts, Co-pi, Comparison, Composition, Conditions, Consistent, Content, Created, Diverse, Episodes, Field, Fluids, Function, Garnets, Geochronology, Growth, Kids, Laboratory, Metamorphism, Nucleated, Nucleation, Overstepping, Paradigm, Pressures, Process, Processes, Recrystallization, Release, Similar, Stories, Story”, Temperatures, Themselves, Thermometry, Timescales, Transform, Underrepresented, Women, Youtube, —, “every.

Tracking ascent rates in an open-vent volcano: Testing textural and geochemical ascent speedometers
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Philipp P Ruprecht($268,254), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Alaska Peninsula, Ascent Rates, Magma Ascent, Assumptions, Budget, Collaboration, Compared, Crust, Embayment, Embayments, Eruption, Fast, Importance, Magmas, Melt, Prior, Techniques, Textural, Veniaminof, Volatile, Volcanoes.

EAR-PF: Respiratory physiology and survivorship during the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Jason D Pardo($180,000), Pardo, Jason D, Calgary
Key terms: Field Museum, Kill Mechanism, Mass Extinction, Nasal Passage, Secondary Palate, Terrestrial Species, Bony, Breathe, Differences, EPME, Ecosystems, Education, Forerunners, Function, Innovation, Levels, Mammals, Mouth, Nose, Physiological, Physiology, Precise, Produce, Respiratory, Responsible, Separation, Shape, Survivorship, Therapsid, Therapsids, Was, ’s.

EAR-PF: The Rapid Response of Permafrost (RRP) to Intense Day-Long and Season-Long Climate Warming
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Cansu Culha($180,000), Culha, Cansu, Los Altos Hills
Key terms: Critical Infrastructure, Hazard Maps, Indigenous Populations, Intense Warming, Landscape Failure, Periglacial Landscape, Periglacial Landscapes, Alaskan, Application, Arctic, Characterize, Development, Failures, Fisheries, Furthermore, Gasses, Hazards, Interactive, Layer, Local, Melting, Metals, Models, Objective, Permafrost, Pipelines, Rapid, Release, Risks, Roads, Seasonal, Sediment, Sustainability, Thaw, Tools, Unprecedented, Water, Watershed.

EAR-PF: Quantifying methane reactivity and turnover in the subterranean estuary: combined in-situ and ex-situ isotope tracer approaches
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Stephanie J Wilson($0), Wilson, Stephanie J, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Concentration And Fate, Global Carbon Cycle, Hydrology And Geochemistry, Nutrients And Carbon, Overlying Water Andor, Transformations Controlling Concentration, Biogeochemical Reactions, Ch4 Pool, Determining Fluxes, Directly Applicable, East Coast, Greenhouse Gas, Groundwater Hydrology, Human Capital, Products Represent, Public Via, Subterranean Estuaries, Surface Waters, Tracer Experiments, Transition Zones, Turnover Time, Atmosphere, Beyond, Coastal, Concentrations, Constraints, Critical, Cycled, Designed, Efforts, Exchanges, Fields, Findings, Information, Interface, Mechanisms, Methane, Modeling, Ongoing, Optimize, Prior, Reach, Release, STE, Situ, Specifically, Stes, Students, Subsurface, Transport, Variety.

EAR-PF: Timescales and processes of magmatic resurgence at Toba caldera
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Alejandro O Cisneros($180,000), Cisneros, Alejandro Omar, Martinez
Key terms: Mass Spectrometry, Mineral Phases, Post-caldera Eruptions, Toba Caldera, Accessory, Apatite, Approach, Chemistry, Conditions, Future, Hazards, History, Information, Integrated, Magma, Magmatic, Monazite, Natural, Pose, Post-caldera, Pre-eruptive, Processes, Quartz, Rates, Recovery, Reservoirs, Resolve, Resurgence, Resurgent, Risk, Sanidine, Storage, Supereruption, Supervolcanoes, Temperature, Thermochemical, Thermochronology, Time, Timescales, Zircon.

EAR-PF: Short fuses: investigating recent phreatic eruptions at Whakaari, New Zealand, through poroelastic modeling
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. John A Albright($180,000), Albright, John A, Champaign
Key terms: Phreatic Eruptions, Activity, Additional, Advances, Beforehand, Caused, Deformation, Direct, Evolution, Hydrothermal, Immediate, Local, Longer-term, Magma, Mechanical, Monitoring, Observed, Predictions, Rock, Shallow, Triggered, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcano’s, Was, Whakaari.

EAR-PF: Investigating Redox-Related Preservation of Organic-Walled Microfossils in Proterozoic Shales: a Multi-Scale Approach.
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Christina R Woltz($180,000), Woltz, Christina Rose, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Microfossil Assemblages, Preservational Quality, Teaching Modules, Time Intervals, Ago, Animals, Appearance, Conditions, Current, Diversity, Eukaryotes, Eukaryotic, Fossil, Fossilization, Fossils, Influenced, Iron, Life, Management, Microscopic, Million, Organic, Oxygen, Presence, Proterozoic, Redox, Skills, Students, Undergraduate.

EAR-PF: Experimental Constraints on Dating Ductile Deformation with Titanite
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Amy C Moser($180,000), Moser, Amy Catherine, Goleta
Key terms: Mentoring Undergraduate Students, Crustal Deformation, Date Deformation, Deformation Experiments, Deformation Microstructures, Outreach Activities, Dates, Diversity, Earthquakes, Electron, Equity, Fast, Has, High-temperature, Inclusion, Mineral, Mountain, Past, Plates, Processes, Rock, Shape, Strain, Tectonic, Theory, Titanite, Tool, U-pb, Underrepresented.

EAR-PF: Strength, deformation, and recovery of phyllosilicates: How do phyllosilicates accommodate large amounts of shear strain?
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Caroline E Seyler($180,000), Seyler, Caroline Elizabeth, Austin
Key terms: Deformation And Recovery, Faults And Shear, Deformation Experiments, Deformation Mechanisms, Mechanisms Operating, Recovery Mechanisms, Shear Zones, Behavior, Common, High-pressure, High-strain, Microstructures, Minnesota, Models, Outreach, Parameters, Phyllosilicate, Phyllosilicates, Plate, Remain, Rheological, Sheets, Slip, Strain, Strength, Students, UMN, Weak.

EAR-PF: A multidisciplinary investigation of biotic and environmental change within the Triassic-Jurassic strata of southwestern Honshu, Japan
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Benjamin T Breeden($180,000), Breeden, Benjamin Thomas, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Mesozoic Vertebrate Fossil, Carbon Isotope, Mesozoic Strata, Museum Collections, Southwestern Honshu, Vertebrate Evolution, Vertebrate Fossil-bearing, Vertebrate Fossils, Biotic, Broader, Dinosaurs, Ecosystems, Environmental, Established, Fossil-bearing, Geological, Global, Has, Japan, Japanese, Jurassic, Northeastern, Observations, Paleontological, Pangea, Time, Triassic, Via.

EAR-PF: Dynamic flow channeling through complex fracture networks under multi-frequency oscillatory flow conditions: A fully-coupled hydromechanical approach
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Jeremy R Patterson($180,000), Patterson, Jeremy R, Madison
Key terms: Flow And Transport, Deep Subsurface, Fracture Networks, Hydraulic Backbone, Hydraulic Testing, Inter-connected Networks, Rock Fractures, School District, Subsurface Flows, Ability, Complex, Dynamic, Fluid, Fluids, Framework, Fully-coupled, Groundwater, Highly, Hydromechanical, Inter-connected, Methods, Modeling, Temporal.

EAR-PF: Reconstructing late Holocene hydroclimatic variability in western Central America using multi-proxy analyses of lacustrine sediments
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Derek K Gibson($180,000), Gibson, Derek K, Indianapolis
Key terms: Climate-driven Human Migration, Current Climate Models, Sediment Cores Collected, Climate-driven Human, Predictive Models, Central, Century, Chain, Critical, Economic, Future, Guatemala, Hydroclimatic, Local-scale, N-alkanes, N-c, Past, Plans, Precipitation, Produce, Regional, Security, Sites, Students, Δh.

EAR-PF: Are large earthquakes like small earthquakes? Using synthetic earthquakes to resolve discrepancies in observations of earthquake stress drop magnitude-invariance
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. James S Neely($180,000), Neely, James Scott, Evanston
Key terms: Earthquake Stress Drop, Earthquakes Release Energy, Stress Drop Magnitude-invariance, Drop Magnitude-invariance, Stress Drops, Accurate, Assess, Building, Dataset, Estimates, Examine, Future, Hazards, Insight, Legislators, Levels, Magnitude-invariant, Measure, Methods, Real, Seismologists, Shaking, True.

EAR-PF: Testing if the SPICE is right - disentangling diagenesis, seawater chemistry, and ecological change across Cambrian trilobite extinctions using Ca and Mg isotope ratios
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Preston C Kemeny($180,000), Kemeny, Preston Cosslett, Pasadena
Key terms: Cycle And Ecological, Extinction And Diversification, Global Carbon Cycle, Cambrian Period, Carbon Isotope, Ecological Turnover, Isotope Ratios, Seawater Chemistry, Trilobite Extinction, Activities, Alteration, Chemical, Climate, Coevolution, Connections, Diagenetic, Environmental, Fossils, Geochemical, Has, Inclusive, Life, Marine, Mentorship, Model, Observations, Proxy, Rock, SPICE, Shift.

EAR-PF: Mantle Convection Modeling as a Test of Pacific Absolute Plate Motion
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Daniel Woodworth($180,000), Woodworth, Daniel, Conroe
Key terms: Pacific Plate Motion, Hotspot Motion, Pacific Ocean, Absolute, Chain, Compare, Convection, HEB, Hawaiian, Lithosphere, Local, Mantle, Models, Observations, Plates, Processes, Relative, Trending.

EAR-PF: Geochemical Evidence for the onset of Plate Tectonics on the Early Earth from the Wyoming Province and Singhbhum Craton
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Heather M Kirkpatrick($180,000), Kirkpatrick, Heather Margaret, Los Angeles
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Earth’s History, Near-surface Water, Plate Tectonics, Rock Types, Singhbhum Craton, Wyoming Province, Ago, Archean, Billion, Chemical, Crust, Distribution, Earth’s, Evidence, Extent, Ga, Hadean, Harvard, Information, Isotopes, Layer, Mineral, Nsurface, Periods, Processes, Students, Techniques, Trace, Zircon, Zircons.

EAR-PF: Present and future flood mitigation services of wetland infrastructure across scales
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Jason R Sauer($180,000), Sauer, Jason Robert, Tempe
Key terms: De Los Ríos, Flood Risk Managers, Flood Risk Plans, Future Flood Risk, Inland Urban Wetlands, Past Flood Risk, Pluvial Flood Risk, Racial And Ethnic, Región De Los, Risk And Educate, Constructing Wetlands, Ethnic Minorities, Green Infrastructure, Holistic Picture, Intense Storms, Pluvial Flooding, Stormwater Management, Accomplished, Assortment, Chile, Cities, City, Climate, Concern, Considering, Directly, Effects, Examine, Extreme, Globe, Gresham, Has, Hydrologic, Impacted, Incorporated, Increasing, Infiltration, Involved, Natural, People, Primary, Rates, Storage, Surface, Transpiration, USA, Valdivia, Water.

EAR-PF: Detecting dynamic topography in interglacial Caribbean sea level
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Samuel L Goldberg($41,255), Goldberg, Samuel L, Cambridge
Key terms: Global Mean Sea, Mantle Dynamic Topography, Mean Sea Level, South Florida Landscape, Caribbean Region, Future Sea, Ice Sheets, Interglacial Period, Mantle Flow, Sea Levels, Sea-level Rise, Spatially Variable, Warm Period, Ago, Awareness, Climate, Component, Conditions, Deformation, Earth’s, Factors, Formed, Geologic, Influence, Marine, Modeling, Past, Predict, Risks, Scientists’, Sea-level, Seeks, Sensitivity, Time, Warmer, Warming, Was.

Collaborative Research: From Silicate Melts Properties to the Dynamics and Evolution of an Early Basal Magma Ocean
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Arianna E Gleason($239,517), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Dave Stegman($208,680), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Sang-Heon Shim($249,976), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Basal Magma Ocean, Dynamic And Static, Dynamics And Evolution, Earth's Magnetic Field, Iron-bearing Silicate Melts, Static Compression Techniques, Compression Experiments, Earth's Magnetic, Experimental Constraints, Iron Partitioning, Iron-bearing Silicate, Melting Temperature, Silicate Melt, Collect, Deep, Generated, Geodynamic, Has, Initial, Mantle, Modeling, Models, Processes, Properties.

Melting of compressed iron-alloys using a multi-technique approach
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Jennifer M Jackson($389,009), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Earth’s Core, Melt Detection, Density, Dynamics, Earth’s, Inner, Iron, Melting, Multi-technique, Nickel, Observations, Phase, Pressures, Profile, Program, Seismological, Sensitive, Silicon, Temperature.

Collaborative Research: CSEDI: Integrating Seismic Anisotropy, Mantle Flow, and Rock Deformation in Subduction Zone Settings
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Laurent Montesi($203,213), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Philip Skemer($321,515), Washington University, Saint Louis
3. Maureen D Long($252,495), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Mantle Flow, Plate Tectonics, Seismic Anisotropy, Subduction Zones, Wave Speeds, Alignment, CPO, D-rex, Experiments, Models, Observations, Olivine, Rock, Set, Students, Subducting, Texture.

Collaborative Research: Archeomagnetism of southern Africa and dynamo modeling: Testing the hypothesis of South Atlantic Anomaly-Large Low Shear Velocity Province Agency
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Michael A Calkins($320,186), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Rory D Cottrell($311,398), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Africa And Patagonia, Beneath South Africa, Low Shear Velocity, Shear Velocity Province, South Atlantic Anomaly, Beneath South, Magnetic Fields, Rapidly Decreasing, Southern Hemisphere, African, Archeological, Archeomagnetic, Broad, Character, Collection, Control, Controls, Core, Deep, Earth’s, Explore, First-order, Geomagnetic, Has, Intensity, Limitations, Mantle, Numerical, Polarity, Refine, Rock, Simulations, Strength, Surface.

Testing the role of metastable olivine in subduction dynamics and deep earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2022; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Magali I Billen($393,670), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Metastable Olivine Wedge, Deep Earthquakes, Lower Mantle, Mineral Structure, Mow Extent, Phase Transitions, Slab Morphology, Subduction Dynamics, Subduction Zones, Trench Motion, Along-strike, Cold, Compare, Compared, Convection, Dense, Density, Differences, Directly, Expected, Has, Less, Model, Models, Observations, PBSZ, Parameters, Plate, Potential, Predict, Properties, Regions, Seismicity, Simulations, Sinking, Slabs, Subducting, Tectonic, Temperature, Thermal, Trigger, Viscosity.

CAREER: To see a world in a grain of sand: Novel applications of sand grains as records of ancient surface environments
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Elizabeth J Trower($132,262), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ancient Waters, Ooid Size, Build, Carbonate, Characteristics, Climate, Curriculum, Development, Earth’s, Ecosystems, Education, Educational, Information, Inquiry-based, Local, Objective, Opportunities, Pco, Rock, STEM, Sand, Schoolteachers, Share, Students, Useful.

EAR-PF: What drove localized pyrite formation and taphonomic bias in the fossil record?
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Kelsey R Moore($180,000), Moore, Kelsey R, Pasadena
Key terms: Pyritized Fossil Assemblages, Smith And Maya, Emmy Smith, Environmental Stresses, Global Glacial, Ikiakpuk Formation, Johns Hopkins, Maya Gomes, Modern Cyanobacteria, Organic Compounds, Pyrite Formation, Sturtian Glaciation, Sulfate Source, Sulfur Isotope, Aftermath, Analyses, Analysis, Ancient, Applying, Bacteria, Biosphere, Combination, Contributed, Coped, Cycling, Environments, Especially, Evolution, Evolved, Experiments, Fossilization, Fossilized, Fossils, Has, History, Interacted, Life, Localized, Means, Microbes, Microbial, Organisms, Organosulfates, Organosulfur, Preservation, Produced, Pyritization, Rock, Seeks, Similar, Taphonomic, Taphonomy, Thrived.

Conference: GLOW: Support for the 2023 Penrose Conference on the role of outburst floods in Earth and planetary evolution
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Isaac J Larsen($25,000), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Planetary Outburst Floods, Terrestrial And Planetary, Penrose Conference, Diverse, Enables, Focused, Geosciences, Underrepresented, Worlds.

CAREER: Quantifying climate induced landscape evolution during early Eocene hyperthermals
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Emily J Beverly($469,657), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Hydrologic Cycle Intensification, Anthropogenic Climate, North Dakota, Sediment Yield, Analogs, Atmospheric, Basin, Billions, Damage, Dollars, Eocene, Erosion, Field, Global, Has, Houston, Hyperthermal, Increased, Infrastructure, Landscape, Magnitude, Mexico, Paleoclimate, Public, Rapidly, Resulting, Rivers, Students, Temperatures, Weathering, Wyoming.

Conference: Conservation Paleobiology Symposium
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Michal J Kowalewski($21,000), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Attract And Engage, Conservation Paleobiology Network, Conservation Paleobiology Symposium, Expensive And Difficult, Funding Student Registration, Meet And Exchange, Potential Conference Attendees, Scholars And Educators, Student Registration Fees, Academic Conference, Countries Based, Engage Students, Florida Museum, Growing Discipline, Historical Geology, Historically Underrepresented, Non-profit Organizations, Nsf-funded Network, Accessible, Afford, Approaches, Archaeology, Conferences, Cost, Covering, Covers, February, Future, Gainesville, Generation, Individuals, Non-profit, Nsf-funded, Nurturing, Otherwise, Paleontology, Participation, People, Society, Specialists.

CAREER: Identifying Ecosystem Properties Promoting Stability and Resistance: Modeling Late Ordovician Paleocommunity Dynamics and Functioning Across the Richmondian Invasion
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Carrie Tyler($372,895), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Food Web Models, Fossil Food Web, Stability And Resistance, Software Program, Biotic, Consequences, Determining, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Future, Immigrations, Invasions, Marine, Ordovician, Polar, Species.

Collaborative Research: The Origin of the Large Brains of Cetaceans
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Lisa J Busch($24,685), SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER INC, Sitka
2. Bridget K Mulvey($551,413), Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown
Key terms: Brain Size, Fossil Cetaceans, High-frequency Hearing, Accomplished, Brains, Cells, Consequence, Echolocation, Evolution, Expansion, Factors, High-frequency, Increases, Neurons, School, Whales.

NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: The first actinopterygian ‘adaptive radiation’: integrating fossils, function and phylogeny to illuminate innovation in a post-extinction w
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Michael Coates($115,031), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Stephanie E E Pierce($299,883), Harvard University, Cambridge
3. Matthew Friedman($399,892), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Functional And Morphological, Devoniancarboniferous Extinction, Actinopterygians, Combine, Comparative, Diversity, Evolutionary, Framework, Ma, Mass, Phylogenetic, Today’s.

Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Emily Lindsey($390,005), Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation, Los Angeles
Key terms: Ice Age, Anthropogenic, Climate, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Fossil, Late-quaternary, Peruvian, Preserving, Processes, Remains, South, Students, Time, “tar.

The Origin and Expansion of Silica Biomineralization and Its Influence on the Global Silica Cycle
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Elizabeth J Trower($471,604), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Evolution And Expansion, Fossil Sponge Spicules, Si Isotope Values, Spicules And Radiolarians, Modern Oceans, Silica Biomineralizers, Silica Cycle, Climate, Conflicting, Fossils, Influence, Marine, Paleozoic, Primary, School, Transformation, Via, X-ray.

Collaborative Research: EAR Climate - Pairing calcium and clumped isotopes to inform carbon cycle and climate dynamics at the onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Matthew R Saltzman($293,010), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Kristin Bergmann($248,863), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Calcium And Clumped, Global Carbon Cycling, Late Paleozoic Ice, Paleozoic Ice Age, Temperature Versus Ice, Versus Ice Volume, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Isotopes, Clumped Isotopes, Climate, Diagenesis, Earth’s, Evolution, Range.

GOALI: MCA: Insights to Critical Zone Dynamics During Icehouse Deglaciation: Piloting a Late Paleozoic Climate Observatory
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Amy Weislogel($415,189), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Automated Mineralogy, Carbonate Nodule, Climate Conditions, Glacial Episodes, Ice Age, Late Paleozoic, Lpia Climate, Occurred Mainly, West Virginia, Cooler, Deglaciation, Development, Forest, Forests, Peat, Respond, Soil, Terrestrial, Tropical.

Collaborative Research: Calibrating the Pace of Paleotropical Environmental and Ecological Change During Earth’s Previous Icehouse
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Joshua M Feinberg($398,967), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Adam Huttenlocker($240,634), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Randall B Irmis($116,693), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Bears Ears Education, Ears Education Center, Natural History Museum, Aim, Climate, County, Cutler, C–P, Outreach, Processes, Region, Rock, Terrestrial, Utah, Vertebrate.

Collaborative Research: Wolf RACE (Resource Availability and Competition in Ecosystems) - Insights from The McKittrick and Rancho La Brea Lagerstatte
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Lisa D White($137,159), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Robin B Trayler($546,278), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Brea “tar Pits”, Challenges Facing Modern, Brea “tar, Dire Wolves, Grey Wolf, Southern California, “tar Pits”, Analysis, Animals, Ecology, Environmental, Fossil, Mckittrick, North, Pleistocene, Population, Populations, Rancho, Similar, Species.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Opportunity to acquire continuous, high-resolution geochemical proxies for paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and modern hydrogeology from CPCP cores
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Paul E Olsen($162,950), Columbia University, New York
2. Kenneth G Miller($35,341), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
3. Abhishek RoyChowdhury($34,869), Navajo Technical University, Crownpoint
Key terms: Colorado Plateau, Chemical, Climate, Contaminants, Continuous, Cores, Distribution, Environmental, Has, History, Navajo, Orbital, Past, Plain, Potential, Regions, Strata, Stratigraphy, Triassic, Water.

Understanding past linkages between hydrothermal activity, climate change, and ecosystem dynamics
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Cathy L Whitlock($559,324), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Past Hydrothermal Activity, Yellowstone’s Geyser Basins, Yellowstone’s Geyser, Climate, Consequences, Educational, Examine, Glaciation, History, Public, Students, Time.

MCA: RUI: Investigating the role of microbialites in Lower-Middle Ordovician reefs of Laurentia: integrating outcrop, petrographic, and geochemical approaches.
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Pedro J Marenco($328,290), Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr
Key terms: Coral Reefs, Fossil Reefs, Geochemical Techniques, Reef Environments, Aim, FGLI, Field, Florida, Involve, Modern, Ordovician, Predictions, Programs, Reef-builders, Structures, Students, Summer, Transition.

Collaborative Research: Leveraging the power of ecological modeling and functional ecology to understand spatio-temporal variation in community assembly through the late Quaternary
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Marta Jarzyna($413,359), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Jessica Blois($321,683), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Spatial Scales, Time Scales, Biodiversity, Composition, Continent, Distributions, Ecological, Environmental, Fossil, Local, Mammals, Processes, Species, Structuring, Trait.

Island Biogeography in Deep Time: The Assembly and Demise of a Uniquely Insular Eocene Mammal Fauna
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. K Christopher Beard($528,000), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Anthropogenic, Balkanatolia, Biotic, Deep, Drivers, Environment, Eocene, Fossil, Insular, Investigate, Island, Mammals, Turkey, Turkish.

CAREER: Leveraging benthic foraminiferal biogeography to recognize ecosystem responses to climate change and engage first-generation students in scientific inquiry
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Christina L Belanger($321,424), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Benthic Foraminifera, Marine Sedimentary, Ocean Regions, Organic Matter, Past Warming, Abstract, Ancient, Broaden, Climate, Create, Environmental, First-generation, Future, Global, Has, Mentor, Modern, Oceanic, Organisms, Oxygen, Program, Reconstruct, STEM, Saved, Statement, Students.

CAREER: Tracking deep-time environmental change through statistical analyses of the sedimentary geochemical record
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Erik A Sperling($420,930), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Organic Carbon, Sedimentary Geochemical, Sedimentary Geochemistry, Database, Geological, Has, History, Metal, Proxied, SGP, Techniques, Time.

Collaborative Research: Associations between climate shifts and ammonoid turnover across second-tier extinctions during the early Late Cretaceous greenhouse
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Peter J Wagner($296,242), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
2. Margaret M Yacobucci($196,056), Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green
Key terms: Squid And Octopus, Bayesian Phylogenetic, Climate Shifts, Diversity Dynamics, Extinction Risk, Marine Animals, Perturbations Affected, Phylogenetic Analyses, Sea Level, Acanthoceratoidea, Ammonoid, Ammonoids, Cenomanian, Contribute, Cooling, Environmental, Evolution, Factors, Methods, Middle, Models, Turonian, Warming.

CAREER: Linking microevolution to macroevolution using a high resolution, long term fossil stickleback dataset
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2022; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Yoel E Stuart($405,174), Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Ancestral, Doryssus, Evolution, Evolutionary, Fish, Has, Lineage, Living, Measure, Observed, Populations, Predict, Time.

Evolution of Pliocene-Pleistocene climate and vegetation in the Tropical Andes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Lina C Pérez-Angel($596,870), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Global Climate, Additionally, Collaboration, Colombia, Deposits, Environmental, Fluvial, Funza, Late, Million, Minority, Past, Pliocene, Sediment, Temperatures, Tropical, Tropics, Vegetation, Warmer.

Collaborative Research: SitS: Improving Rice Cultivation by Observing Dynamic Soil Chemical Processes from Grain to Landscape Scales
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Special Initiatives

1. Daniel Sousa($172,466), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
2. Mason O Stahl($169,044), Union College, Schenectady
3. Benjamin C Bostick($858,451), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Remotely Sensed Indicators, Rice Cultivation Practices, Rice Paddy Soils, Nutrient Stress, Redox Gradients, Remote Sensing, Rice Crop, Rice Uptake, Rice-as Levels, Agriculture, Arsenic, Cambodia, Climate, Collaborative, Controls, Crops, Dissolved, Environmental, Exposed, Farming, Fe, Field, Fields, Frequently, Human, Hydrology, Information, Integrated, Iron, Irrigation, Mineralogy, Models, Observations, Predict, Processes, Reduction, Release, Rice-as, Risk, Sampling, Sites, Sits, Spatial, Students, Texas, Toxic, Water.

Sedimentary Minerals, Organic Chemical Transformations, and the Origin of Life
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Systems and Synthetic Biology

1. Steven A Benner($525,176), Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, Inc., Alachua
Key terms: Basaltic Glass, Geological Environment, Carbohydrates, Chemistry, Combination, Emerged, Environments, Geology, Minerals, Molecules, Nucleoside, Nucleotides, Organic, Phosphates, Phosphorylation, Products, RNA, Reduced, Rock, Stabilized, Students, Triphosphates.

Collaborative Research: Internal and external drivers of orogenic episodicity in the Ecuadorian Andes
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. James B Chapman($109,466), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Analytical Techniques, Crustal Thickening, Ocean-continent Subduction, Oceanic Crust, Plate Boundaries, Accretion, Andes, Arc, Basin, Basins, Building, Collaborations, Convergent, Cordilleran, Cycles, Development, Driven, Ecuador, Evolution, Fluctuating, Geologic, Magmatism, Margins, Ocean-continent, Past, Processes, Sedimentary, Shortening, Sources, Subsidence, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: Experimental deformation of monazite and titanite: Implications for interpretation of petrochronologic data
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. James G Hirth($368,315), Brown University, Providence
2. William O Nachlas($34,810), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Accessory Phase Minerals, Age Dating, Deformation Apparatus, Deformation Behavior, Multiple Advanced, Analytical, Conditions, Crust, Deep, Deformed, Embedded, Experimental, Experiments, Feldspar, Geochronology, Geologic, Has, Investigate, Monazite, Principal, Quartz, Recrystallization, Rock, Strain, Strength, Synthetic, Techniques, Titanite, Zones.

Collaborative Research: Do subduction‐complex metamorphic rocks record the thermal evolution of a subduction zone or periods of anomalous tectonic activity? Baja California
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Paul Kapp($305,251), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Robert M Holder($340,466), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Earth’s Surface, Metamorphic Rocks, Structurally Beneath, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Brought, Cedros, Earth’s, Evolution, Exhumation, Geological, History, Ma, Mexico, Ophiolite, Peninsula, Processes, Students, Tectonic, Time, Vizcaíno.

CAREER: Slip rates and earthquake timing of distributed Quaternary crustal deformation to evaluate structural accommodation of clockwise rotation of the Pacific Northwest
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Ashley R Streig($370,604), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Pacific Northwest Region, Active Faults, Damaging Earthquakes, Earthquake Geology, Boundaries, Crust, Deformation, Determined, Distributed, Faulting, Female, Field, GPS, Graduate, Information, Long-term, Models, Onshore, Oregon, Plate, Rates, Regional, Rotation, Slip, Structures, Tectonic, Time, Timing, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: The great Alaskan escape room: Has Northern Cordilleran escape tectonics fluctuated with time and why?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Trevor S Waldien($487,091), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
2. Sean Regan($149,216), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Relative Plate Motion, Accretionary Orogens, Ahklun Mountains, Denali Fault, Escape Tectonics, Strike-slip Displacement, Tectonic Escape, Western Alaska, Western North, Collisional, Continent, Cretaceous-cenozoic, Deformation, Faults, Focus, Forearc, Fragments, Geologic, Has, History, Landscape, Magmatism, Margin, Million, Offset, Regan, Regime, Regional, Strike-slip, Time, Timing, Uplift, Was.

Collaborative Research: Resolving Conflicting Thermobarometry and Stratigraphy in the Tethyan Himalaya: is Non-lithostatic Pressure During Orogenesis Preserved at Crustal Scales?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Victor E Guevara($108,172), Amherst College, Amherst
2. Andrew V Zuza($253,617), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
3. Peter J Haproff($212,432), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Non-lithostatic Pressure Conditions, Burial Depths, Metamorphic Pressures, Metamorphic Rocks, Mountain Belts, Mountain Building, Non-lithostatic Pressure, Northwestern India, Pressure Estimates, Tested Via, Tethyan Himalaya, Basal, Controversial, Evolution, Field, Geologic, Geological, Has, Himalayan, Models, Observations, Paradigm, Pressure”, Reflect, Section, Sedimentological, Strata, Suggest, Systematic, Tectonic, Unique, Western.

Controls on ground surface deformation in thrust and reverse fault earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. John H Shaw($238,111), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Ground Surface Deformation, Ground Surface Rupture, Thrust And Reverse, Surface Rupture, Assess, Critical, DEM, Depth, Displacements, Earthquakes, Fault, Faults, Forecasting, Hazards, Infrastructure, Method, Methods, Models, PFDHA, Robust, Ruptures, Sediment, Slip.

How Does Mid to Lower Arc Crust Respond to the Transition from Subduction to Collision? Investigation of the Gangdese Orogen Crustal Section
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Stacia Gordon($449,746), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Continental Crust, Crustal Thickness, Gangdese Batholith, Gangdese Orogen, Southern Tibet, Ancient, Collect, Collision, Convergence, Deformation, Eastern, Establish, Evolution, Held, Himalayan, History, International, Investigate, Magmatic, Metasedimentary, Pacific, Plates, Processes, Properties, Rock, Structural, Students, Subduction, Tectonic, Transition.

Collaborative Research: A Geochemical Approach to Quantifying the Magnitude of Strain and Fluid Flow along the Subduction Interface
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Donald M Fisher($518,605), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. John N Hooker($135,983), University of The Incarnate Word, San Antonio
Key terms: Active Subduction Zones, Deformation Mechanisms, Fluid Flow, Numerical Model, Plate Interface, Plate Interfaces, Chemical, Combined, Derived, Earthquakes, Estimates, Field, Inform, Interseismic, Local, Magnitudes, Mapping, Observations, Processes, Rate, Shear, Silica, Slip, Spatial, Strain, Temporal, Undergraduates.

Crustal Evolution and Recycling in a Long-Lived Transcrustal Magma System
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Andrew P Barth($274,138), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Continental Arc, Crust Recycling, Crustal Magma, Earth’s Surface, Geoscience Students, Pluton Assembly, Transverse Ranges, Age, Authentic, California, Cohorts, Depths, Diverse, Earth’s, Evolution, Existing, Experiences, Exposed, Formed, Function, Long-lived, Long-term, Magmatic, Model, Paleodepth, Plate, Processes, Quantitative, Rate, Rock, Set, Supplement, Tectonic, Tiered, Trace, Zircon.

CAREER: Integrating research and education to evaluate Neoproterozoic-Cambrian tectonism and sedimentary basins in western Laurentia
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Emily Smith($547,982), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Inclusive Field-based Courses, Timing And Nature, Broader Impacts, Field Forum, Field-based Courses, Inclusive Field-based, Neoproterozoic Supercontinent, Outdoor Field, Sedimentary Basins, Tiered Mentoring, Underserved Populations, Western Laurentia, Western Margin, Western North, Access, Baltimore, Breakup, Contentious, Datasets, Development, Discriminate, Educational, Focus, Geochronological, Geographic, Geologic, Has, Histories, Integrated, Models, Neoproterozoic–cambrian, Paleocontinent, Regions, Rodinia, Subsidence, Synergistic, Tectonic, Tectonism.

Collaborative Research: Resolving Conflicting Models for the Laramide Orogeny and the Flat-Slab Paradigm in the Southern California Batholith
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Keith A Klepeis($288,924), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Joshua Schwartz($393,948), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California Batholith, Driving Force, Flat-slab Subduction, Laramide Orogeny, Rocky Mountains, Analyses, Analytical, Conflicting, Controversial, Critical, Crust, Deformation, Features, Field, Flat-slab, Formed, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Initiation, Magmatic, Microstructural, Origin, Region, Resolve, Resources, STEM, Students, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: A new appraisal of tectonic mobility in the northern Cordillera using connections between the Coast Mountains batholith and Alberta foreland basin
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Robinson Cecil($127,423), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
2. Sarah W George($290,302), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Coast Mountains Batholith, Foreland Basin Strata, British Columbia, Continental Margin, Insular Superterrane, Remained Near, Tectonic Mobility, Western North, CMB, Canada, Connections, Cordillera, Cretaceous, Debate, Enduring, Exotic, Has, Igneous, Latitude, Models, Plutons, Rock, Sedimentary, Similar, Students, Terranes, Time, Translated, Zircon, Zircons.

Collaborative Research: Reconstructing the missing record of late Proterozoic tectonism along the western margin of Laurentia using deep-time thermochronology
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Devon A Orme($150,388), Montana State University, Bozeman
2. Stephen E Cox($236,141), Columbia University, New York
3. Kendra E Murray($404,141), Idaho State University, Pocatello
Key terms: Laurentia’s Rifted Margin, Proterozoic Thermal Histories, Western Laurentia’s Rifted, Basement Rocks, Earth’s History, Laurentia’s Rifted, Regions Experienced, Sedimentary Rocks, Western Laurentia’s, Advances, Ancient, Breakup, Climate, Deep-time, Deposition, Earth’s, Erosion, Establishing, Evolution, Gap, Mountain, Neoproterozoic, Range, Supercontinent, Targeting, Tectonic, Tectonothermal, Thermochronology.

Testing the effects of cooling history and rheology on oceanic plateau accretion and their role in tectonic modification of convergent margins
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Michael P Eddy($575,072), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Buoyant’ Plateau, Earth’s Interior, Oceanic Plateau, Southern Alaska, Yakutat Terrane, Accretion, Age, Chronostratigraphy, Collision, Collisions, Convergent, Crust, Earth’s, Effects, Involving, Native, Pis, Plateaus, Process, Pulled, Remain, Siletzia, Student, Subduction, Terranes, Undergraduate, Washington, Weak, Zircon.

EAGER: Using machine learning to develop a calibrated, remote sensing-based age model to improve late Quaternary slip-rate estimates in arid environments
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2022; Program: Tectonics

1. Francisco G Gomez($175,183), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Tandis Bidgoli($145,692), University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB, San Bernardino
Key terms: Correlated Specific Remote, Directly Correlated Specific, Eastern Garlock Fault, Specific Remote Sensing, Absolute Age, Cost Concerns, Earthquake Hazard, Faulted Landforms, Field Sites, Hazard Analysis, Remotely Sensed, Slip Rate, Slip Rates, Southeastern California, Surface Age, Surface Ages, Accessibility, Advances, Applied, Broad, Calibrated, Challenging, Critical, Dating, Development, Discrepancies, Efforts, Essential, Female, Integrate, Investigations, Lack, Machine, Methods, Model, Models, Published, Region, Repository, Robust, Southern, Spatial, Tectonic, Variety, Yield.

GEMT: Collaborative Research: From grain to rock and back again: Elucidating the coordinated evolution of exhumation pathways, rock strength and topography in the Taiwanese orogen
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: Tectonics

1. Eric Kirby($265,522), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Burial And Exhumation, Exhumation History, Deformation, Exist, Facilitate, Feedbacks, Field, Geomorphic, Mountain, Paired, Properties, Quantifying, River, Rock, Strength, Surface, Surveys, Topography.

EAR-PF: Measuring the Effects of Large Volcanic Eruptions on a Shallow Magma Reservoir using Microanalytical Techniques
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Madeline J Lewis($0), Lewis, Madeline J, West Lafayette
Key terms: Magma Storage Conditions, Stillwater Caldera Complex, Eruptible Magma, Magma Stored, Magmatic Activity, Collect, Eruption, Extrusive, Has, Influence, Intrusive, Magmas, Mentor, Nevada, Portions, Reservoir, SCC, Sequence, Shallow, Solidified, Stanford, Volcanic.

EAR-PF: Quantifying evaporation in Mono Basin: Bridging the gap between hydrologic modeling and paleoclimate records using triple oxygen and clumped isotope geochemistry
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Anne C Fetrow($180,000), Fetrow, Anne C, Boulder
Key terms: Evaporative Water Loss, Hydrologic Mass Balance, Mass Balance Modeling, Water Resource Management, Weather And Environmental, Accurate Estimate, Eastern California, Lake Sediment, Mono Basin, Mono Lake, Poorly Constrained, Stable Isotope, Water Lost, Water Management, Water Resources, Accuracy, Additionally, Aims, Allocation, Amount, Climate, Conservation, Critical, Decisions, Evaporation, Future, Historic, Human, Hydroclimate, Increasingly, Issues, Modern, Powerful, Predicting, Quantify, Region, Reservoirs, Sierra, Signals, Temperature, Watershed, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Capturing the Elgin-Lugoff earthquake swarm with a dense nodal array
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Daniel A Frost($7,390), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
2. Zhigang Peng($12,007), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Earthquake Swarm, South Carolina, Swarm Sequence, Deployment, Models, Occurred, Ongoing, Region, Seismic, Station.

RAPID: Critical data collection from a flash flooding event in Eastern Kentucky
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. David T Mahoney($49,970), University of Louisville Research Foundation Inc, Louisville
Key terms: Eastern Kentucky, Flash Flood, Flash Flooding, Flash Floods, Headwater Streams, Appalachia, Assist, Collect, Downstream, Future, Generation, Hydraulic, July, Mechanisms, Region, Soil, Stormwater, Water.

Collaborative Research: Testing Evolutionary Pseudocongruence Along the Baja California Peninsula Through Integration of Geologic and Genomic Data
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Greer A Dolby($450,191), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham
Key terms: Baja California Peninsula, Central Baja California, Genetic Divergence, Mid-peninsular Region, Previously Documented, Adaptation, Advance, Assess, Biodiversity, Biological, Co-occurring, Control, Datasets, Diverse, Division, Driven, Earth-life, Evolution, Factors, Genomic, Geological, Integrate, Isolated, Methods, Mid-peninsular, Models, Modern, Niche, Pis, Populations, Processes, Rainfall, Species, Students, Time, Timing.

EAR - Climate; Investigating Effects of 3-Dimensional and Non-Newtonian Mantle Viscosity on Relative Sea-Level Changes and Deglaciation History Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Shijie Zhong($366,060), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Mantle Viscosity Models, Peltier And Lambeck, Quasi-l Shaped Rsl, Shaped Rsl Curves, Deglaciation History, Gia Process, Ice Models, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Non-newtonian Viscosity, Observational Evidence, Quasi-l Shaped, Sea Level, Ago, Citcomsve, Computational, Construct, Deformation, Earth’s, Effects, Efficient, Effort, Glacial, Meltwater, Modeling, Near, Nfield, Non-newtonian, Objectives, Package, Rise, Seek, Sites, Software, Task.

RAPID: Geomorphologically contextualized flood deposit sampling and mapping of toxic hazards: insights from the catastrophic July 2022 floods in eastern Kentucky
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. William C Haneberg($49,786), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Eastern Kentucky, Flood Deposit, Flood Deposits, Public Health, Catastrophic, Contaminant, Contaminants, Distribution, Floods, Future, Geologic, Geomorphology, Inform, July, Measure, Unprecedented.

EAR PF: Examining paleoclimatic influences underlying Pleistocene-Holocene mammalian dietary ecology and trophic positioning in mainland Southeast Asia
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Alliya Akhtar($180,000), Akhtar, Alliya, Princeton
Key terms: Mainland Southeast Asia, Faunal Assemblages, Trophic Level, William Paterson, Age, Ago, Asian, Behavior, Climate, Dynamics, Ecosystems, Future, Human, Hydrology, Incorporation, Land, Mid-holocene, Monsoon, Multi-proxy, Period, Region, Regional, Uranium.

RAPID: Deployment of a Field Rheometer Prototype
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Stephan Kolzenburg($52,582), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Active Lava Flows, Field Rheometer Prototype, Geldingadalir Volcano, Lava Rheology, Accurate, Basalts, Bubbles, Collect, Decades, Effect, Effusive, Emplacement, Eruption, Fo, Has, Iceland, Icelandic, In-situ, Lab, Lavas, Limitations, Limiting, MORB, Mean, Multiphase, Nature, Potential, Properties, Range, Rates, Suspensions, Three-phase, Two-phase, Viscosity.

RAPID: Impact of extreme flooding on groundwater quality following Hurricane Ida
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Samendra Sherchan($49,989), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Groundwater Quality, Hurricane Ida, Chemical, Coastal, Contamination, Flooding, Floodwaters, Heavy, Louisiana, Microbial, Protection, Sampling.

Collaborative Research: Evaluating the contribution of crustal deformation to the present-day tectonics of convergent margins: the southern Cascadia forearc
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Eric Kirby($235,159), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Exhumation And Erosion, Mendocino Triple Junction, Sixth Grade Students, Crustal Deformation, Earth's Crust, Earthquake Hazards, Elementary School, Erosion Rates, Geodetic Observations, Hoopa Elementary, Late Cenozoic, Long-term Deformation, San Andreas, Southern Cascadia, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Deformation, Averaged, Boundary, Characteristics, Cosmogenic, Dating, Earthquakes, Faculty, Field, Forearc, Geologic, Isolating, Join, Long-term, Migratory, Movement, Observed, Plate, Processes, Region, Rock, STEM, Signal, Strain, Teachers, Time, Timescales, Uplift, Upper.

Collaborative Research: Constraining African Climate Since the Last Glacial Maximum via Integrated Climate and Proxy System Modeling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Christopher H Guiterman($55,585), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Global Climate Models, Lake Sediment Cores, African Temperature, Lake Temperature, Model Simulations, Past Temperature, Tropical Africa, Air, Atmospheric, Degrees, Geochemical, Mechanisms, PSM, Proxies, Proxy, Rates, Reconstructions, Regional, Sensitivity, Simulate, Surface, Temperatures, Transient, Tropics.

Catalytic: Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Analysis Ecosystem (DASDAE)
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2022; Program: nan

1. Eileen R Martin($527,804), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Earthquake Hazard, Software Development, Analysis, Applications, Appropriate, Barrier, Code, Collect, Computing, DAS, DASDAE, Engineers, Future, Geoscience, Geoscientists, Infrastructure, Monitoring, Open-source, Seismic, Sensors, Training, Vibration.

CAREER: From slow to fast, micro to macro, single events to cascades: A multi-scale study of seismic event triggering in lab and nature
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2022; Program: nan

1. Thomas H Goebel($440,059), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Stress And Damage, Earthquake Triggering, Fault Stress, Stress Relaxation, Advance, Aftershocks, Amplify, Behavior, Characteristics, Conditions, Controlled, Earthquakes, Failure, Indicative, Knowledge, Lab, Laboratory, Mainshock, Mainshocks, Mechanisms, Natural, Primary, Processes, Proximity, Remain, Seismic, Slip.