image host NSF-GEO-EAR Awards for 2023

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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CAREER: Hydrogeologic implications of permafrost thaw - Developing a process-based understanding of biophysical controls and educational tools for rural communities
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Sarah G Evans($301,933), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Air Temperatures, Alaska Native, Groundwater Availability, Groundwater Flow, Permafrost Hydrology, Permafrost Thaw, Statistical Analyses, Undergraduate Students, Arctic, Biophysical, Climate, Education, Educational, Future, Increase, Increasing, Knowledge, Numerical, Rural, Southeastern, Warming, Water.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Geomicrobiology in the Critical Zone- integrating subsurface microbial processes across spatial and temporal scales.
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Dawson E Fairbanks($180,000), Fairbanks, Dawson E, Tucson
Key terms: Diversity And Functionality, Sustainable Management Practices, Biogeochemical Cycling, Carbon Storage, Metagenomic Studies, Microbial Functionality, Puerto Rico, Soil Health, Soil Types, Subsurface Microbial, Aims, Climate, Collected, Composition, Continent, Critical, Depth, Drive, Drivers, Environmental, Future, Global, Information, Leverage, Molecular, Networks, Outreach, Play, Stressors, Taxa, Vegetation.

Collaborative Research: Network Hub: Enabling, Supporting, and Communicating Critical Zone Research.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2020; Program: CZO-Critical Zone Obsrvatories

1. Jordan S Read($2,578,213), Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sci, Arlington
Key terms: Critical Zone Thematic, Network Coordinating Hub, Zone Thematic Clusters, Activities, Critical-zone, Cyberinfrastructure, Earth’s, Enhance, Region, Services, Top.

Conference: 14th International Precipitation Conference (IPC14) - Emerging directions in precipitation science and applications: going beyond
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics

1. Pierre Kirstetter($29,943), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: International Precipitation Conference, Scientists And Engineers, Scientists And Students, Precipitation Conference, Bring, Challenges, Climate, Collaborations, Decision, Established, Future, Hazards, Resources, Training, Water.

REU Site: Natural History Research Experiences
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Vanessa L Gonzalez($249,313), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Natural History Disciplines, Broadening Participation, Critical Thinking, Directly Engage, Museum Visitors, Museum-going Public, National Museum, Projects Focus, Unparalleled Access, Visitors Annually, Activities, Alumni, Anthropology, Biology, Collections, Committed, Communication, Designed, Development, Diversity, Experiences, Facilities, Future, Geology, Graduate, Independent, Intellectual, Interacting, Interns, Mentor-student, Museum-going, NHRE, NMNH, Opportunities, Outreach, Participants, Program, REU, STEM, Skills, Strengths, Structured, Students, Success, Thousands, Time, Training, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: REU Site: Water resources and quality in the Riviera Maya, Mexico
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Melissa E Lenczewski($372,594), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
2. Kevin R Tucker($26,010), Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville
3. Kenneth Voglesonger($63,630), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
Key terms: Water Resource Management, Stem Fields, Undergraduate Students, Water-related Issues, Yucatán Peninsula, Additionally, Contribute, De, Diverse, Future, Groundwater, Mentors, Mexico, Pollution, Region, Underrepresented, Water-related.

REU Site: Research Experiences and Mentorship in Urban Systems (REMUS)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Paola Lopez-Duarte($426,730), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte
Key terms: Diverse Backgrounds, Growing Metropolitan, Analysis, Challenges, Charlotte, Collaborate, Communication, Contribute, Engage, Management, NC, Program, REMUS, REU, Readiness, Real-world, Skills, Students, Training, Urban, Workshops.

CAREER: Days before eruption: Tracking magma ascent pathways with a water-in-feldspar crystal clock
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Megan E Newcombe($277,109), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Annual Volcano Summer, Partitioning And Diffusion, Volcano Summer School, Forecast Eruptions, Future K-12, Future Stem, Magma Migration, School Students, Seismic Signals, Water Concentration, Assess, Days, Exercises, Feldspar, Gradients, Graduate, Hours, Lead, Local, Magmas, Origin, Plagioclase, Seismicity, Shared, Spurr, Teachers, UMD, Undergraduate, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

REU Site: Stanford SURGE- Sustainability Undergraduate Research in Geoscience and Engineering
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Jonathan Payne($390,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Stanford Doerr School, Broader Field, Oral Presentations, Surge Program, Surge Scholars, Undergraduate Students, Engineering, Environmental, Experience, Faculty, Limited, Minority-serving, Opportunities, Summer, Sustainability.

REU Site: Earth and Planetary science Interdsciplinary Internships at Carnegie (EPIIC)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Johanna K Teske($152,304), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Reu Program, Stem Education, Undergraduate Students, EPIIC, Environment, Experience, Gain, Geochemistry, Participant, Participation, Society, Stem-related, Students’, Success, Training.

REU Site: Dynamic Earth in the 21st Century: Undergraduate Research on the Evolution of Earth's Interior, Surface and Climate
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Karen M Fischer($291,598), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Air And Water, Attend Schools, Historically Marginalized, Leadership Alliance, Reu Students, Volcanic Eruptions, Water Quality, Academic, Assessing, Brown, Climate, DEEPS, Diverse, Experiences, Focus, Graduate, Mantle, Measuring, Modeling, National, Programs, Sea-level, Summer, Undergraduates, Vegetation.

REU Site: Research Experience for Community College Students (RECCS) in the Geosciences
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2020; Program: EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES

1. Alicia Christensen($556,294), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Graduate School, Rural Colorado, Ability, Cohorts, Degrees, Development, Diverse, Engage, Engaging, Experiences, Four-year, Participants, Program, RECCS, Receive, Student, Students, Summer, Topics, Training.

CAREER: Dynamic connectivity: a research and educational frontier for sustainable environmental management under climate and land use uncertainty
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Admin Husic($67,705), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Communication Skills, Dynamic Connectivity, High-frequency Aquatic, Water Quality, Anthropogenic, Confidence, Deep, Education, High-frequency, Humans, Hydrologic, Landscape, Landscapes, Lead, Manage, Management, Potential, Rivers, Settings, Training.

Assessing the paleoenvironmental and geobiological significance of carbonates from the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of the White River Group
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Scott Beeler($563,380), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Lake Deposits, Past Climates, South Dakota, Ancient, Badlands, Climatic, Degree, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Geology, History, Modern, Program, Rock, Time.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Does topographic stress connect subsurface to surface through influencing bedrock strength, clast size, and landslides?
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Justin T Higa($180,000), Higa, Justin T, Los Angeles
Key terms: Linking Topographic Stress, Topographic Stress Weathering, Field Observations, Landslide Hazards, Narrow Valleys, Natural Disasters, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Topographic Stresses, Wide Valleys, Affect, Bedrock, Clasts, Climate, Climates, Collect, Examine, Fractured, Fractures, Fragments, Generation, Hawaiʻi, Kahālāwai, Landslides, Maui, Morphologies, Mountain, Mt, People, Perturbations, Processes, Program, Rock, Similar, Size, Steep, Streams, Strength, Surface, Various.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Feedbacks Between Controls of Stream Dry-Down Responses at the Rain-Snow Transition
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Maggi A Kraft($180,000), Kraft, Maggi A, Boise
Key terms: Managing Natural Resources, Non-perennial Stream Ecosystems, Accurately Predict, Changing Snow, Non-perennial Stream, Non-perennial Streamflow, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Precipitation Phase, Rain-snow Transition, Snow Water, Soil Moisture, Watersheds Spanning, Advance, Concepts, Depth, Information, Inputs, Integrated, Interactions, Interrelated, Observations, Presence-absence, Program, Rain-snow, Shifting, Shifts, Snowmelt, Soils, Streams, Temperatures, Transpiration, Vegetation, Western.

Equipment: MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer for Earth and Ocean Science Research
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Brian N Popp($209,705), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Isotope Ratio Mass, Nitrate And Nitrite, Nitrite And Ammonium, Ratio Mass Spectrometer, Groundwater Contamination, Isotope Analyses, Nearshore Environments, Stable Isotope, Aquifers, Biogeochemistry, Cesspools, Critical, Discharge, Disposal, Equipment, Existing, Hawaii, Marine, N-labeled, Nitrogen, Ocean, Pacific, Pathways, Processes, Program, Residential, Sewage, Water.

Collaborative Research: Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy for Calcite Saturation State in Marine Biogenic Calcification
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Joji Uchikawa($368,466), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Thomas DeCarlo($152,276), Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu
Key terms: Constrain Ω, Geochemistry Program, Lattice Disorder, Marine Calcifiers, Mg Contents, Mg Inclusion, Structural Disorder, CF, Caco, Calcite, Calcites, Has, OA, Ocean, Organisms, Precipitation, RS, Raman, Rapid, Seawater, Significantly.

MCA: Developing a Paleorecord of Hg in Long-Lived Mollusks from the Gulf of Maine
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Andrew M Graham($237,317), Grinnell College, Grinnell
Key terms: Ecosystems And Human, Clam Shells, Hg Concentrations, Human Exposure, Marine Ecosystems, Natural Climate, Shell Hg, Bioaccumulation, Biota, Collected, Compared, Contamination, Division, Environmental, Existing, Gulf, Information, Islandica, Maine, Mehg, Models, Permit, Policy, Predicting, Program, Proxy, Undergraduate.

Phase equilibria experiments to constrain magma storage at Mt Churchill, Alaska; refining the magmatic source of the White River Ash eruptions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Jessica F Larsen($308,691), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Eastern Alaska, Explosive Eruptions, Magma Plumbing, Mt Churchill, Relatively Low, Wra Eruptions, AVO, Analyses, Ash, Canada, Courses, Create, Dacite, Downwind, Estimate, Experimental, Experiments, Field, Found, Human, Increased, Magmas, Model, Prior, Student, Students, Temperature, Tephra, Volcano.

Characterizing the physical drivers of vegetation-forced bar evolution in gravel-bed streams
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Andrew Tranmer($443,525), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Hydraulics And Sediment, Bar Dimensions, Bar Evolution, Bed Sediments, Coarse-sediment Mobility, Gravel Bars, Gravel-bed Rivers, Vegetation Density, Vegetation Patches, Coarse-sediment, Densities, Expected, Experiments, Flood, Flow, Gravel-bed, Predict, Quality, Spatial, Vegetated, Water.

Collaborative Research: Impact of Magmatic Underplating on the Evolution of Lower Continental Crust
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Gregory Dumond($259,286), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
2. Haiying Gao($209,965), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Athabasca Granulite Terrane, Development And Evolution, Lower Continental Crust, Pis And Students, Timing And Duration, Crust Detected, Deep Crust, Field Forum, Lower Crustal, Composition, Constraining, Degree, Densification, Direct, Evaluating, Explore, Explores, Exposed, Formation, Geophysical, Hot, Ii, Iii, Inferred, Insights, Intraplating, Iv, Lead, Magma, Magmas, Magmatic, Magmatism, Mechanisms, Melting, Metamorphism, Models, Near, North, Observations, Process, Processes, Robust, Saskatchewan, Seismic, Settings, Surface, Tectonic, Underplating, Virtual, Workshop, Zone.

Collaborative Research: Unraveling the Controls on the Origin and Environmental Functioning of Oxbow Lakes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Kory M Konsoer($216,906), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Doug Edmonds($245,526), Indiana University, Bloomington
3. Jose A Constantine($271,639), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Oxbow Formation, Oxbow Lake, West Fork, White River, Analysis, Bifurcation, Channel, Cutoff, Cutoffs, Evolution, Following, Geometry, Indiana, Initial, Plugging, Program, Sediment, Segment.

Collaborative Research: Hydrogeophysical monitoring and modeling of heterogeneity in salinization processes across the marsh-upland transition
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Holly A Michael($255,765), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis($383,646), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
Key terms: Electrical Geophysical Imaging, Geophysical Imaging Technologies, Gradual Sea-level Rise, Coastal Landscapes, Coastal Marshes, Gradual Sea-level, Hydrological Models, Marsh-upland Transition, Saline Water, Saltwater Transport, Sea-level Rise, Subsurface Heterogeneity, Vertical Transport, Carbon, Groundwater, Incorporating, Marsh-upland, Methods, Processes, Rapid, Rates, Salinity, Salinization, Soil, Soils, Spatially, Storm.

Collaborative Research: A Physics-Informed Flood Early Warning System for Agricultural Watersheds with Explainable Deep Learning and Process-Based Modeling
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Ibrahim Demir($200,000), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Ali Jannesari($499,986), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Predict Flood Occurrence, Agriculture-dominated Watersheds, Management Practices, Watershed Characteristics, Agriculture-dominated, Especially, Extreme, Managed, Midwestern, Modeling, Precipitation, Prediction, Shared, Warning.

Structure and dynamics of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle over the Central and Eastern North American continent, constrained by numerical modeling based on tomography models
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Claudia M Adam($177,166), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Central And Eastern, Ceus Earthquakes, Intraplate Seismicity, Array, Causing, Convection, Crust, Dynamics, Forces, GIA, Geodynamic, Happen, Information, Lithospheric, Mantle, Models, Observations, Program, Provided, Structure, Surface, Tomographic, Velocity.

Laboratory Experiments to Understand Post-Wildfire Processes on Soil Sealing for Hydrologic Fluxes in Complex Terrain
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2022; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Anjali Mulchandani($307,500), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Surface Ash Erosion, Rainfall Experiments, Slope Angle, Soil Sealing, Burned, Development, Does, Effect, Flooding, Immediately, Increase, Infiltration, Laboratory, Post-wildfire, Processes, Storage, Th, Wildfire.

Examining differential drought responses of forest trees with phylogenies and process-based catchment water age modeling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. James O Knighton($689,896), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Data-poor Regions, Ecosystem Models, Forest Resilience, Forested Ecosystems, Water Uptake, Approach, Benefits, Climate, Data-poor, Datasets, Drought, Ecohydrological, Effects, Estimate, Forests, Hydraulic, Hydrologic, Modeling, PTE, Phylogenetic, Plant, Plants, Process-based, Risk, Strategies, Supporting, Trait, Tree, Vegetation.

CAREER: Nitrogen Sources, Pathways, and Fluxes in Chesapeake Bay Watershed Wetlands
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2023; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. Kimberly J Van Meter($372,551), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Nutrient Runoff, Water Quality, Wetland Sites, Agricultural, Analysis, Current, Development, Division, Existing, Fluxes, Has, Intensive, Land-use, Large-scale, Legacy, MESA, Magnitudes, Monitoring, Objective, Program, Removal, Stakeholders, Wetlands.

Collaborative Research: CAS-Climate: Reservoir dead pool in the western United States: probability and consequences of a novel extreme event
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: EnvS-Environmtl Sustainability

1. Jordan Kern($128,930), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Sean Turner($621,000), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Water And Energy, Dam Operators, Dead Pool, Electric Grid, Energy Managers, Ongoing Collaboration, Reservoir Management, Adaptations, Capacity, Climate, Conditions, Consequences, Coupled, Decarbonizing, Frequency, Operational, Power, Probability, Produce, Western.

CAREER: Science and Education for Connecting Urban Irrigation Efficiency to Streamflow in Semi-Arid Cities
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: EnvS-Environmtl Sustainability

1. Aditi S Bhaskar($376,307), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Reduced Urban Irrigation, Reducing Urban Water, Environmental Sustainability, Lawn Irrigation, River Basins, Semi-arid Cities, Semi-arid Urban, Colorado, Critical, Effects, Efficiency, Flowing, Groundwater, Growing, Hydrologic, Less, Limited, Play, Runoff, Scarce, Semi-arid, Streamflow, Streams, Students, Surface, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: Urban Watershed Evolution - Novel Temporal Perspectives on the Hydrologic Impacts and Positive Unintended Consequences of Failing Municipal Infrastructure
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2021; Program: EnvS-Environmtl Sustainability

1. Jose Luis Abella-Gutierrez($618,686), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Bald Cypress Trees, Municipal Water Input, Failing Infrastructure, Infrastructure Failure, Natural Hydrologic, Stream Water, Austin, Chemical, Development, Emphasize, Environmental, Extent, Growth, History, Isotopic, Onset, Primary, Programs, Progressed, Reconstruct, Rings, Sr, Streams, Temporal, Time, Tracers, Urban, Urbanization, Watersheds.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO/NERC: After the cataclysm: cryptic degassing and delayed recovery in the wake of Large Igneous Province volcanism
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Blair Schoene($162,061), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Pedro M Monarrez($90,533), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
3. Leif Karlstrom($597,328), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
4. Maxwell Rudolph($304,716), University of California-Davis, Davis
5. Danielle P Santiago Ramos($1,006,501), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Climate And Biotic, Climate And Weathering, Igneous Province Volcanism, Biotic Recovery, Climatic Optimum, Columbia River, Dioxide Release, Igneous Provinces, Mantle Melting, Agreement, Budget, Carry, Catastrophic, Controls, Crust, Cryptic, Directorate, Effort, Eruption, Field, Geosciences, Global, Has, High-resolution, Joint, Mass, Modeling, Multi-disciplinary, Nature, Oregon, Outgassing, Past, Proportion, Tempo, Voluminous.

Collaborative Research: EAR Climate: Earth-System Responses to the Penultimate Icehouse-Greenhouse Transition
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Jahandar Ramezani($172,793), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Molly L Yunker($2,159,075), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
3. Linda A Hinnov($64,207), George Mason University, Fairfax
4. Lily S Pfeifer($16,029), Rowan University, Glassboro
5. James J Zambito($47,947), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
6. Neo E McAdams($40,726), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Beyond, Biosphere, Climate, Complete, Continent, Core, Culminating, Dust, Earth’s, Elucidate, Equatorial, Extinction, Framework, Glaciers, Greenhouse, History, Interval, Life, Oklahoma, Permian, Severe, Time, Transition.

Collaborative Research: The interplay of surface evolution, shallow magmatism, a large hydrothermal system, and hazards at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex, Chile
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Carolina Munoz-Saez($247,233), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Thomas Giachetti($107,566), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
3. Helge M Gonnermann($93,663), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
4. Joseph A Biasi($120,831), University of Wyoming, Laramie
5. Carolina Munoz-Saez($490,490), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Existing And Newly, Future Evolution, Natural Hazards, Shallow Subsurface, Volcanic Eruptions, Advance, Aims, Caulle, Chile, Component, Current, Dynamic, Field, Formation, Genesis, Hydrosphere, Hydrothermal, Integration, Interactions, Intersection, Intrusion, Intrusions, Laccolith, Landscape, Landscapes, Magma, Magmatic, Nsurface, Observations, Opportunity, Plutonic, Pose, Processes, Regional, Steep, Structure, Surface, Unique.

Collaborative Research: From Peaks To Slopes To Communities, Tropical Glacierized Volcanoes As Sentinels of Global Change: Integrated Impacts On Water, Plants and Elemental Cycling
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Diego A Riveros-Iregui($286,415), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Elizabeth A Sumida Huaman($832,098), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Li Li($165,771), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
4. Jeff La Frenierre($184,999), Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter
5. Katherine A Flanigan($198,753), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Páramo Carbon Stores, Glacier Retreat, Inner Tropics, Plant Succession, Academic, Andean, Approach, Climate, Co-production, Elemental, Feedbacks, Global, Home, Indigenous, Integrative, Kichwa, Knowledge, Land, Models, Mountain, Predictive, Project’s, Soil, Students, Vast, Water.

Collaborative Research: Integrating Fluorspar Ages and Geophysical Models to Constrain the Timing and Mechanisms of the Collapse of the Cordillera in SW North America
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Paul B Tomascak($90,878), SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego
2. Alireza Bahadori($1,002,073), Columbia University, New York
3. Steven J Jaret($86,144), CUNY Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn
4. Sean Tvelia($111,760), Suffolk Community College, Selden
5. Weisen Shen($699,380), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Basin And Range, Graduate Student Population, Rapid Lithospheric Strain, Undergraduate And Graduate, Collaborative Plan, Critical Mineral, Dating Methods, Diverse Undergraduate, Fluorspar Deposits, Geophysical Studies, Mountain Belt, Numerical Simulations, Range Province, Southwest Cordillera, Thermomechanical Model, Upper Mantle, Wave Speeds, Ago, Collapse, Components, Computational, Context, Core, Crust, Engage, Evolution, Extensional, Field, Fluids, Fluorite, Forces, Formation, Highlands, Information, Integrate, Integrated, Involved, Involves, Laboratory, Million, Minerals, Modeling, North, Processes, Region, Seismic, Sources, Students, Tectonic, Thermal, Time, Timing, Topographic, Training, Volcanism, Weakening, Zones.

Collaborative Research: How did Terrestrial Ecosystems Rebuild Following the Cretaceous/Paleogene Mass Extinction?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Kendra L Chritz($291,498), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Theodore R Them($287,349), College of Charleston, Charleston
3. Richard S Barclay($212,687), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
4. Ellen D Currano($167,785), University of Wyoming, Laramie
5. Stephen Chester($234,197), CUNY Brooklyn College, Brooklyn
6. David W Krause($1,282,009), Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver
7. Julio C Sepulveda($518,907), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Kpg Mass Extinction, Ecosystem Restructuring, Evolutionary Tree, Fossil Collections, Kpg Extinction, Terrestrial Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Biota, Completely, Conditions, Conservation, Ecological, Ecosystems, Environmental, Environments, Examine, Extensive, Geochemical, Involve, Land, Life, Marine, Modern, Organic, Proxies, Sections, Trajectory.

Collaborative Research: Towards a new framework for interpreting mantle deformation: integrating theory, experiments, and observations spanning seismic to convective timescales
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Harriet Lau($290,439), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Frequency Dependent, Geodetic Observations, Ice Sheets, Mineral Crystals, Transient Creep, Transient Rheology, Undergraduate Students, Alaska, Attenuation, Computer, Conditions, Deformation, Earth’s, Elastic, Flow, Graduate, Iceland, Laboratory, Laws, Mantle, Measure, Mechanical, Melting, Microphysical, Phenomena, Processes, Properties, Pushed, Rock, Seismic, Solid, Steady-state, Stress, Temperature, Tools, Topics, Training, Underlying, Viscosity, Western.

Collaborative Research: Dry Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino graben (DRIAR), Uganda
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2021; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Eliot A Atekwana($709,986), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: East African Rift, Northern Western Branch, Constrain Lithospheric, Continental Rifting, Continental Rifts, Lithospheric Thickness, Magma-poor Rifting, Magma-poor Rifts, Accommodated, Active, Crust, Document, Extension, Faults, Flow, Geochemical, Geodynamic, Geological, Geophysical, Intrusions, Investigation, Magma-poor, Melt, Modeling, Models, Processes, Seismic, Strain, Structure, Students, Surface, Techniques, Uganda, Ugandan, Upper.

Collaborative Research: Evolution of Subsurface Microbe-Rock-Fluid Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: FRES-Frontier Rsrch Earth Sci

1. Basil Tikoff($453,352), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Deep Biosphere, Earth’s Crust, Earth’s Surface, Energy Resources, Fluid-rock Reactions, Geologic Time, Microbial Activity, Microbial Habitability, Microbial Life, Subsurface Microbe-rock-fluid, Subsurface Microbial, Conditions, Earth’s, Evolution, Fluid-rock, Fluids, History, Microbe-rock-fluid, Mineral, Students, Water.

Enabling Discoveries in Multiscale Earth System Dynamics: Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE) - OPP Scope
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: GAGE

1. Glen S Mattioli($3,777,892), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
2. Glen S Mattioli($2,567,639), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
3. Glen S Mattioli($33,655,374), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
Key terms: Manage And Operate, Environmental Management, Gage Facility, Geodetic Capabilities, Water Storage, Workforce Development, Administration, Advances, Atmosphere, Continent, Distribution, Dynamics, Education, Enable, GNSS, Geophysical, Geosciences, Instrumentation, Interactions, NOTA, National, Positioning, Processes, Products, Provided, Public, Set, Stations, Technology, Time, Transportation, UNAVCO, Warning.

Center Operations: The Coupled Evolution of Earthquakes, Faults, and Geohazards of the San Andreas Fault System
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: GEO CI - GEO Cyberinfrastrctre

1. Yehuda Ben-Zion($2,590,100), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Earthquakes And Faults, San Andreas Fault, Ground Motion, Active, Activities, Building, California, Center, Center’s, Computing, Development, Diverse, Education, Engagement, Evolution, Evolving, Field, Five, Generate, Hazard, Loading, Models, Network, Properties, SCEC, STEM.

A physics-based neural network approach for geophysical inversions
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: GEO CI - GEO Cyberinfrastrctre

1. Christian Huber($304,285), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Artificial Intelligence, Geophysical Imaging, Joint Inversion, Joint Inversions, Field, Framework, Geologic, Gravity, Has, History, Images, Implement, Jointly, Method, Neural, Physics, Robustly, Seismic, Tectonic, True, Underlying, Volcanic.

CAREER: Hypothesis Testing Mantle Structure with Probabilistic Tomography
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: GEO CI - GEO Cyberinfrastrctre

1. Scott A Burdick($276,669), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: Natural Hazards, Plate Reconstructions, Prior Information, Transition Zone, Activities, Agree, Analyses, Apply, Constraints, Create, Earthquakes, Ensembles, Framework, Geodynamics, Geologic, Global, Mantle, Methods, Model, Models, Phases, Properties, Seismic, Structure, TBI, Tomography, Topography, Undergraduate, Velocity.

Water in the Earth's lower mantle
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: GEO CI - GEO Cyberinfrastrctre

1. Jie Deng($284,781), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Bridgmanite And Fluid, Lower Mantle, Plate Tectonics, Surface Water, Water Solubility, Amount, Calculations, Coexistence, Continent, Deep, Earth’s, History, Interior, Machine, Rigorously, Simulations.

SEES: Community Driven Management of Synchrotron Facilities for Earth and Environmental Science
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Andrew J Campbell($5,499,999), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Aps And Als, Education And Outreach, Experimental And Analytical, Analytical Capabilities, National Laboratory, Synchrotron Light, Synchrotron Radiation, Access, Activities, Advanced, Affect, Beamlines, Critical, Cutting-edge, Enable, Environmental, Mantle, Mechanisms, Natural, Planned, Processes, Properties, Source, Upgrades.

TS: Research Technician to Support Growth of the Rice Rock Deformation Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Melodie E French($278,520), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Rock Deformation Laboratory, Assist, Design, Education, Equipment, Experiments, Maintain, Processes, Program, Properties, Rheology, Rice, Scope, Students, Technical, Technician.

Collaborative Research: Evaluating The Exhumation History of the Aleutians with Zircon And Apatite Thermochronology
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Emily Cooperdock($69,019), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Arc Exhumation, Central Aleutians, Emplacement Depth, Exhumation History, Exhumation Rates, Geochemical Inputs, Island Arcs, Plutonic Rocks, Subduction Zone, Surface Uplift, Andor, Constrain, Crust, Drivers, Eroded, Erosion, Has, Islands, Length, Magnitude, Miles, Pacific, Past, Plate, Previously, Processes, Sensitivities, Subsequent, Tectonic, Thermal, Time, Timing, Volcanic, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Determining the role of uranium(V) in the global uranium cycle by characterizing burial mechanisms in marine sinks
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2024; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Kimberly V Lau($351,289), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Anthony Chappaz($348,601), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
Key terms: Ancient Oceans, Marine Settings, Oxygen Levels, Conditions, Critical, Cycle, Environmental, Evolution, Geochemistry, Investigate, Phases, Remain, Sink, Speciation.

Conference: 2024 Geobiology GRC/GRS
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Karen G Lloyd($49,814), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Conference, Disciplines, Environment, Field, Funding, GRC, GRS, Geobiology, Gordon, Interactions, Life, Participants, Promote, Tools.

MCA: Geosymbiotic interactions as innovation in Earth and environmental systems: Feedbacks between biological activity, chemical gradients and mineral phases at the pore scale
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jasquelin Pena($448,915), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Analytical And Imaging, Rates And Mechanisms, Chemical Transformations, Biogeochemical, Biological, Capabilities, Chemistry, Environmental, Fluorescence, Infrastructure, Interactions, Metal-microbe-mineral, Products, Students, X-ray.

GEO-CM:A systematic investigation of sorption mechanisms of light REEs on iron oxides: roles of mineral morphology, crystallinity, and surface sites
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Tingying Xu($296,901), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Key terms: Rock Weathering, Controlling, Critical, Deposits, Energy, Environments, Formation, Generation, Geochemical, Iron, Knowledge, Mechanisms, Mineral, Minerals, Obtain, Oxide, Processes, Rees, Sorption, Structure, Students.

GEO-CM: Empowering Users as Builders: a Community-Driven Platform for Geochemical Modeling of Critical Minerals
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Grayson Boyer($638,334), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Complex Solutes, Critical Minerals, Free Online, Interactive Online, Jupyter Notebooks, Cm-complicator, Dissolved, Estimates, Existing, Geochemical, Methods, Modeling, Models, Open-source, Ore, Properties, Thermodynamic, Water.

Collaborative Research: From Global to Local: Geochemistry of Global Phosphate Ores and Implications for Tracing the Environmental Impacts of Fertilizers Utilization
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Luciano Colpo Gatiboni($306,848), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Avner Vengosh($519,351), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Global Phosphate Ores, Soil And Water, Phosphate Rocks, Water Quality, Agricultural, Agriculture, Applied, Decades, Environment, Environmental, Extensive, Geochemical, Geological, Groundwater, Has, Levels, Metals, Occurrence, Origin, P-fertilizer, P-fertilizers, Potential, Risks, Soils, Systematic, Uranium.

Hydrologic constraints on global carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Colin Gleason($523,014), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Global Co2 Fluxes, Stream Network Model, Co2 Emissions, Inland Water, Inland Waters, Carbon, Exchange, Existing, Flow, Groundwater, Lakes, Models, Primary, Reservoirs, Rivers, Sources, Streamflow, Streams, Surface, Transport.

Testing amino acid paleothermometry in radiocarbon-dated lake sediment
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jordon Bright($600,527), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Acid Geochronology Laboratory, Amino Acid Geochronology, Amino Acids, Lake Sediment, Past Temperature, Aas, Age, Climate, Continue, Dating, Extent, Formed, Graduate, Information, Length, Molecules, Quantify, Radiocarbon, Reactions, STEM, Students, Sustain, Thousands, Time, Undergraduate.

Elucidating Mechanisms of Metal Sulfide-Enabled Growth of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria Using Transcriptomic, Aqueous/Surface Chemical, and Electron Microscopic Tools
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jonathon E Mohl($590,658), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Sulfur And Electron, Autotrophic Growth, Electron Donors, Psb-tms Interactions, Purple Bacteria, Activities, Chemical, Create, Energy, Main, Mechanisms, Outreach, PSB-TMS, Potential, Robust, STEM, Solid-phase, Various.

Collaborative Research: Unraveling the link between water ages and silicate weathering rates at the catchment scale
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Adrian A Harpold($25,381), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
2. Laura K Rademacher($267,850), University of the Pacific, Stockton
3. Nicole M Fernandez($656,350), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Sagehen Creek Basin, Geochemical Approach, Groundwater Ages, Silicate Weathering, Transit Time, Water Quality, Catchment, Coupled, Fluxes, Hydrologic, Hydrology, Insight, Minerals, Montane, Process, Program, Reaction, Reactions, Sensitive, Solute, Subsurface, Transport, Watershed.

A dual clumped isotope approach to characterize disequilibrium in terrestrial carbonates
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Miquela Ingalls($500,249), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Lakes And Wetlands, Calcium Carbonate, Carbonate Facies, Carbonate Minerals, Isotopic Compositions, Mineral Formation, Terrestrial Carbonate, Terrestrial Sediments, Archive, Canada, Carbonates, Chemical, Chemistry, Climate, Disequilibrium, Earth’s, Ecosystems, Environments, Equilibrium, Hydroclimate, Information, Isotope, Mechanisms, Modern, Precipitate, Rapidly, Signals, Surface, Temperature, Thermodynamic, Virtual, Water, ∆, ∆-∆.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Mechanisms and fate of fire-induced carbonate formation in a cold desert ecosystem
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. David P Huber($18,216), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
2. Jacob F Anderson($62,447), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Fire-induced Carbonate Accumulation, Carbon Dioxide, Fire-induced Carbonate, Future Investigation, Soil Carbonates, Activity, Characterize, Conditions, Controls, FICA, Factors, Fate, Fires, Mechanisms, Perishable, Ph, Rangeland, Remain, September, Vegetation, Wildfire, Wildfires.

Collaborative Research: Linking microplastic decomposition rates in soils to their microbe-mineral associations using carbon stable isotopes and microspectroscopy
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Brian Giebel($451,681), Research Foundation CUNY - Advanced Science Research Center, New York
2. Richard Gross($131,092), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
3. Benjamin C Bostick($119,311), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Assimilation And Mineralization, Dioxide And Methane, Bio-based Plastics, Carbon Dioxide, Soil Microbiome, Acid, Aggregates, Andor, Approaches, Bio-based, Chemical, Chemistry, Combination, Decomposition, Degradation, Environment, Environments, Final, Function, Gases, Geochemistry, Increasingly, Isotope, Isotopic, Mass, Microbial, Microplastic, Microplastics, Natural, Naturally, Plastics’, Processes, Soils, Students, X-ray.

Closing Critical Knowledge Gaps in Rates of CO2 Mineralization in Soils, Rocks, and Aquifers as a Scalable Climate Change Mitigation Solution
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Chen Zhu($736,412), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Mineralization, Climate Mitigation, Geochemical Modeling, Knowledge Gaps, Long-term Strategy, Deliver, Kinetics, Options, Rates, Reductions, Technologies.

Chromium isotope fractionation during oxidation of trivalent chromium by birnessite at near-neutral pH
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Thomas M Johnson($248,988), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Chromium Isotope, Hexavalent Chromium, Trivalent Chromium, Ancient, Approach, Cr, Environment, Environmental, Environments, Geochemical, Geosciences, Isotopes, Modern, Natural, Oxidation, Oxidized, Oxygen, Ph, Rock, School, Stable, Weathering.

CAREER: Do microbes form caves? Sulfide oxidation and limestone corrosion in sulfuric acid caves
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Daniel S Jones($359,890), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Sulfuric Acid Caves, Carbonate Weathering, Cave Formation, Cave Morphologies, Gas Flux, Hydrogen Sulfide, Limestone Dissolution, Microorganisms Affect, Speleogenetic Modeling, Sulfide Oxidation, Water Table, Analyses, Atmosphere, Bedrock, Communication, Contribute, Corrosion, Course-based, Development, Directly, Karst, Mineral, Oxygen, Processes, Program, Rates, Source, Speed, Subsurface.

Conference: AGU Chapman Conference on Hydrothermal Circulation and Seawater Chemistry
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Royce B Hanson($50,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Chemistry, Crust, Division, Ocean.

Collaborative Research: Expanding the diversity of iron oxidation mechanisms via genetics, microscopy and 'omics in Leptothrix
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Jessica L Keffer($401,007), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Emily J Fleming($216,979), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
Key terms: Bacterium Leptothrix Cholodnii, Cholodnii Sp-6 Via, Iron Oxidation Genes, Iron Oxidation Mechanisms, Iron Oxidation Proteins, Iron-oxidizing Bacterium Leptothrix, Leptothrix Cholodnii Sp-6, Microbial Iron Oxidation, Comparative Genomics, Iron-oxidizing Bacterium, Activity, Biominerals, Catalyze, Chemistry, Controls, Culturing, Environmental, Genesproteins, Genetic, Genetics, Genome, Microscopy, Numerous, Proteomics, Soils, Students, Transcriptomics.

CAREER: Understanding past and present biogeochemical cycle of potassium (K) and its implications for the global carbon cycle: proxy development based on stable K isotopes
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Xinyuan Zheng($342,158), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Modern And Past, Past Silicate Weathering, Silicate Weathering Rates, Carbon Cycle, Clay Formation, Global Significance, Isotopic Cycle, Laboratory Experiments, Marine Potassium, Potassium Isotope, Potassium Isotopes, Silicate Rocks, Stable Potassium, Advance, Analysis, Archives, Byproducts, Climate, Education, Fractionation, Geochemistry, Knowledge, Long-term, Natural, Planet, Proxy, Quantify, Reverse, Robust, Students.

A New Multi-tracer Approach for Dating Groundwater on 10,000-year Timescales Applied to a Southern Californian Aquifer
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Rebecca Tyne($686,267), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Argonne National Lab, Groundwater Residence Time, Sustainable Groundwater Management, Woods Hole Oceanographic, Fossil Groundwater, Postdoctoral Scholar, Residence Times, School Student, Aquifer, Aquifers, Conceptual, Dating, Geochemical, Helium, High-precision, Insight, Mixing, Models, Precision, Radiocarbon, Subsurface, Tools, Tracers, Traditional, Training, Via, Water, Worldwide.

EAGER: Colonization at the Fringe of Habitability
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Brian Hynek($19,618), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Active Volcano, Ecological Succession, Lake Fluids, Poás Volcano, Analyses, Aquatic, Characteristics, Colonization, Environment, Evolution, Harsh, Hostile, Implications, Lakes, Life, Microbial, Nascent, Pathways, Planet, Sequencing, Sterilization, Survival, Time, Time-series.

Collaborative Proposal: Response of mercury cycling to disturbance and restoration of low-gradient forested watersheds
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: Geobiology & Low-Temp Geochem

1. Troy Farmer($130,000), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Stable Mercury Isotopes, Atmospheric Mercury, Coastal Plain, Depositional Pathways, Forest Restoration, Forested Ecosystem, Forested Watershed, Mercury Cycling, Mercury Deposition, Mercury Methylation, South Carolina, Southeastern Region, Toxic Methylmercury, Effects, Existing, Experimental, Food, Low-gradient, Native, North, Pine, Pollution, Soils, Sources, Students, Training, Unique, Uptake, Watersheds.

Center Operations: Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT)
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Geohazards

1. Pieter-Ewald Share($2,773,792), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Cascadia Region Earthquake, Cascadia Subduction Zone, Crescent Aims, Earthquake Hazards, Pacific Northwest, Subduction Earthquakes, Subduction Zones, Activities, CSZ, Center, Crescent’s, Diverse, Ensure, Extensive, Focus, Future, Has, Levels, Local, Originating, People, Plate, Practical, Remains, Resilience, Seismic, Simulations, Society, Various, Workforce, World.

Controls on ridgeline profile morphology
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2024; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Joel S Scheingross($498,356), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Middle School Teachers, Future Teachers, Natural Hazards, Basic, Debris, Geologists, Geoscience, Lack, Landscapes, Local, Portion, Predict, Ridgeline, Ridgelines, River, Shape, Students, Topographic, Training.

CAREER: Tectonically dead but geomorphologically alive: Investigating the role of hard rocks as triggers of widespread, long-term landscape change in continent interiors
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Pedro Val($523,997), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
Key terms: Drainage Divide Migration, Continent Interiors, Network Reorganization, Numerical Modeling, River Capture, River Network, Tectonically Dead, Brazil, Create, Education, Environmental, Evidence, Ii, Landscapes, Link, Principal, Rates, Rivers, Rock, Systematically, Triggers, Undergraduate, Water.

Quantifying long-term aeolian abrasion rates on hard rock surfaces
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Nathan D Brown($261,593), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Erosion Rate Analysis, Educational Models, Erosion Rates, Manually Eroded, Osl Depth, Wind-blown Sand, Abrasion, Access, Accompanying, Advances, Boulders, C-be, Cosmogenic, Digital, Field, Geochemical, Handheld, Landscapes, Luminescence, Measured, Printing, Rock, Situ, Southern, Surface, Timescales, Totaling, Ventifact, Ventifacts, Wind-blown.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Reconstructing the role of beavers in driving Holocene landscape evolution and resilience in the Sierra Nevada range, California
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Dorothy N Baker($180,000), Baker, Dorothy N, Santa Cruz
Key terms: California And Validate, Drought And Wildfire, Future Restoration Efforts, Useful Sedadna Tool, Beaver Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Past Presence, Restoring Beavers, Sedimentary Analyses, Sierra Nevada, Buffer, Contributed, Critical, Dynamics, Ecological, Effects, Engagement, Evidence, Geomorphic, Holocene, Identifying, Landscape, Local, Minnesota, Mountain, Public, Resilience, Students, Thousands, Vegetation, Watersheds.

GEO-CM: Prospecting for critical element deposits: an interdisciplinary approach using experimental geochemistry and field-informed modeling of sediment transport
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. rachel glade($615,305), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Critical Mineral Source, Sediment Transport Distance, Shape And Size, Critical Minerals, Fertile Source, River Sediment, Source Rock, Source Rocks, Development, Experiments, Grain, Implications, Natural, Numerical, Objective, Presence, Properties, Prospecting, Quartz, Resources, Rutile, Scoop, Sediments, Students, Supply, Technologies, Undergraduate, Upstream, Zircon.

CAREER: Sedimentary signatures of large riverine floods to constrain risk and build resiliency
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Samuel E Munoz($460,399), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Constrain Flood Hazard, Education And Outreach, Flood Hazard Assessments, Floodplain Management, Floodplain Sedimentation, Fluvial Dynamics, Hydraulic Modeling, K-12 Initiatives, Outreach Plan, Paleoflood Estimates, Public Awareness, River Management, Alluvial, Controls, Critical, Describing, Designed, Ecosystems, Floodplains, Geoscience, Harnessing, Long-term, Lowland, Participation, Rivers, Students.

CAREER: Predicting Biofilm-Bound Sediment Dynamics Through Multiscale Experiments
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Judy Q Yang($265,956), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Coastal And Riverine, Macroscale Sediment Transport, Biofilm-sediment Aggregates, Flume Experiments, Mesoscale Biofilms, Predictive Equations, Riverine Erosion, Sediment Surfaces, Activities, Bedload, Biofilm-bound, Biofilm-sediment, Controlled, Developed, Hydrodynamic, Imaging, Micro-, Microfluidic, Predictions, Properties, Quantify, Suspended.

Collaborative Research: Climatic Control of Erosion Rates and Landscape Morphology - Quantifying the Influence of Fluvial Thresholds
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Darryl E Granger($108,935), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Elowyn Yager($208,292), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
3. Kelin X Whipple($401,503), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Canyon Cutting, Climatic Control, Hawaiian Islands, Land Surface, Landscape Evolution, Activities, Advance, Climate, Connections, Developed, Erosion, Extreme, Fluvial, Has, Incision, Landforms, Thresholds, Undergraduates.

CAREER: Understanding the Physics of Turbulent Flow, Erosion and Depositional Patterns in River Systems
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Laura V Alvarez($226,329), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Flow And Sediment, Fluid Dynamics, Gender Equity, Sediment Transport, Art, Coupled, Domain, Environments, Evolution, Flows, Fluvial, Framework, Geomorphologic, Landscape, Machine, Macro-turbulence, Outreach, Predicting, Processes, Quantifying, River, Spatial, Tools, Turbulent, Women.

CAREER: GLOW: Sequencing rivers with machine learning and bioinformatics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Ajay B Limaye($315,641), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Dna Sequencing, National Association, River Shapes, Bend, Bends, Geoscience, Machine, Meander, Methods, Models, Music, Rivers.

Attribution of industrial-era glacier retreat, globally and in the high northern latitudes.
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Gerard H Roe($524,823), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Anthropogenic Climate, Glacier Retreat, Natural Climate, Analyses, Assessments, Attribution, Division, Dynamics, Forcing, Glaciers, Global, IPCC, Ii, Iii, Models, Numerical, Real, Simulations, Statements, Strong, Stronger.

How snow modulates hydrogeomorphic change and recovery after fire
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Stephanie Kampf($727,928), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Vegetation Recovery Rates, Drone Imagery, Hillslope-stream Connectivity, Overland Flow, Post-fire Hazards, Remote Sensing, Snow Zones, Analyses, Analysis, Burned, Debris, Effects, Erosion, Evaluating, Examine, Field, Findings, Fires, Flooding, Hillslope-stream, Observations, Post-fire, Rainfall, Snowpack.

Collaborative Research: Timescales and drivers of floodplain disequilibrium at climatic transitions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Michelle L Fame($137,314), Amherst College, Amherst
Key terms: Aggradation And Degradation, Eastern Scotland, Floodplain Morphology, River Terrace, River Terraces, Terrace Formation, Capacity, Chronology, Climate, Climatic, Comparing, Duration, Earth’s, Enhance, Extent, Field, Floodplains, Glacial, Has, Influence, Landscape, Morphologies, Non-climatic, Past, Sediment, Timing, Transport, Variables, Workshop.

EAR-Climate: Global Survey of Multiscale River Mobility and its Response to Climate Change and Human Interference
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Vamsi Ganti($806,775), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Multiscale River Mobility, Water And Sediment, Captured, Global, Image, Motion, Pace, Rivers, State-of-the-art, Supply.

Mentoring Institute for Sediment Transport (MIST) for Early Career Professionals at the 2023 EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress and the AGU Fall Meeting
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Luke McGuire($34,485), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Annual Mentoring Meeting, Geoscience And Engineering, Agu Fall, Engineering Disciplines, Sediment Transport, Aims, Attend, Conferences, Create, Diverse, Diversity, EWRI, Future, Inclusive, Leaders, MIST, Mentees, Mentors, Network, Students, Technical, Underrepresented, —.

Geomorphic effects and distribution of anthropogenic debris in urban streams
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Anne J Jefferson($165,288), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Anthropogenic Debris, Geomorphic Effects, Stream Reaches, Urban Streams, Controls, Distribution, Efforts, Environmental, Found, Function, Garbage, Models, Objects, Properties, Quantify, Sediment, Transport.

Understanding the physical processes controlling the amount of fine sediment and gravel embeddedness in streambeds
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Kyle Strom($449,973), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Fine Sediment Accumulation, Streambed Habitat Quality, Broader Impacts, Flow Conditions, Preliminary Finding, Amount, Aquatic, Control, Developing, Diameter, Diverse, Engaging, Field, Gravel, Increasing, Process, Processes, Public, STEM, Sand, Streambeds, Supply, Underlying.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Density of Modes: A New Way to Forecast Sediment Failure
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Theodore A Brzinski($129,057), Haverford College, Haverford
2. Vanshan D Wright($584,312), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Karen E Daniels($218,998), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Excited Vibrational Modes, Ground Fissures, Route Forward, Submarine Slides, Density, Dom, Failure, Forecast, Geohazards, Has, Liquefaction, Natural, Nsurface, Reliable, Sediments, Shifts, Sometimes, Suddenly, Technique.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Investigating the role of hillslope processes in modulating topologic change of upland drainage basins.
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Kristin Sweeney($260,937), University of Portland, Portland
2. William T Struble($74,226), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Divide Instability, Drainage Divides, Erosion Rates, Evolution, Field, Hillslopes, Landscape, Landscapes, Motion, Processes, Rocky, Sediment, Soil, Soil-mantled, Steep, Theoretical, Topographic.

Collaborative Research: Beyond lithologic control of bedrock valley width: Investigating the role of persistent valley cover in bedrock valley width development, Buffalo River, AR
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2021; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jill A Marshall($192,971), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Bedrock Valley Width, Wide And Narrow, Bedrock Valleys, Buffalo River, Narrow Valleys, Northwest Arkansas, Valley Bottom, Valley Walls, Valley Widening, Widening Rates, Allow, Collapsed, Controls, Determining, Development, Diverse, Drivers, Field, Investigate, Landscapes, Morphology, Past, Persistence, Respond, Rivers.

Travel: International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Geophysics

1. Eric M Dunham($28,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Earthquake, Exchange, Modeling, Processes, Seismologists, Source, Students, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Subduction Megathrust Rheology: The Combined Roles of On- and Off-Fault Processes in Controlling Fault Slip Behavior
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Geophysics

1. Demian M Saffer($272,664), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Caroline E Seyler($91,238), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Heather M Savage($270,793), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
4. Rob M Skarbek($169,023), Planetary Science Institute, Tucson
Key terms: Subduction Zone Rocks, Deformation Behavior, Fault Slip, Numerical Models, Short Course, Affect, Codes, Does, Earthquakes, Experiments, Fast, Has, Heterogeneity, Occurrence, Quantitative, Rate, Rheology, Slow, Strain.

Eclogitization of continental lithosphere from subduction zone devolatilization
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Shi J Sim($382,307), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Continental Crust, Fluid Flow, Process Requires, School Students, Subduction Zones, Aims, Beneath, Coding, Collaboration, Density, Diverse, Earth, Eclogitization, Experience, Explore, Fluids, Focus, Found, Foundering, Gain, Georgia, Insights, K-, Lower, Mineral, Modeling, Models, Mountain-building, Norway, Orogenesis, Processes, Program, Reactions, Rock, Simulations, Sinking, Surface, Thermodynamics, Timescales, Variety.

NSF-SNSF: Dynamics of the Earth's core under the plesio-geostrophy paradigm
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Bruce Buffett($299,887), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Reduced Complexity Models, Earth's Core, Magnetic Field, Swiss National, Three-dimensional Simulations, Assimilation, Collaborative, Dynamics, Earth’s, Effect, Enable, Forecasting, Formulation, Insights, NSF, PG, Parameter, Plesio-geostrophy, Realistic, SNSF, Starting, Three-dimensional, Values.

Characterizing variations in magnitude-frequency distribution and b-value using relative magnitudes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Yihe Huang($265,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Mfd And B-value, Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Catalogs, Earthquake Magnitudes, Exponential Distribution, Southern California, Aftershocks, B-values, Earthquakes, Enable, Foreshocks, Frequent, Injection, Mfds, Oklahoma, Operation, Produce, Public, Recalculated, Regions, Systematic, Wastewater.

Effects of 3-D Mantle Wedge Flow and Crystal Preferred Orientation on Shear-Wave Splitting in Subduction Zones
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Ikuko Wada($210,288), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Local Subduction Obliquity, Mantle Flow Directions, Mantle Wedge Flow, Computer Models, Cpo Distribution, Cpo Evolution, Delay Time, Earth’s Surface, Mantle Minerals, Seismic Waves, Subduction Zones, Sws Parameters, Along-margin, Below, Calculated, Complex, Components, Cpos, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Fast, Generated, Geometry, Line, Look, Model-predicted, Observations, Observed, Olivine, Orientations, Predict, Previously, Slab, Software, Steady-state, Travel, Undergraduate.

Seismic Investigation of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Guoqing Lin($405,563), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Mauna Loa Volcano, Usgs Hawaiian Volcano, Absolute Earthquake, Local Earthquakes, Magma Bodies, Magma Chambers, Seismic Velocity, Velocity Models, Characteristics, Eruption, Has, High-resolution, Image, Magmatic, Northeast, Poisson’s, Ratios, Reveal, Rift, Seismometers, Situ, Temporal, Vpvs.

Synchrotron deformation experiments of olivine under the deep upper mantle conditions: Transient creep, plastic anisotropy, and the role of grain-boundary sliding.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Jennifer Girard($307,797), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Intra-granular Deformation Mechanisms, Pressure And Water, Rebound And Post-seismic, Transient And Steady-state, Deformation Experiments, Grain-boundary Sliding, Intra-granular Deformation, Mantle Viscosity, Mechanical Properties, Post-glacial Rebound, Post-seismic Relaxation, Steady-state Creep, Transient Creep, Upper Mantle, Water Content, Affect, Defects, Dynamics, EMC, Earth’s, Estimate, Geophysical, Grain-boundary, Ice, Interpreted, Limited, Linear, Mineral, Motion, Olivine, Post-glacial, Processes, Time, Training, Vertical.

Tracking sodium in Earths deep mantle
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Susannah Dorfman($456,134), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Lower Mantle Phases, Earth’s Interior, Host Phase, Cycles, Deep, Earth’s, Fluids, Mgfeo, Mineral, Modeling, Oxide, Planet, Produce, Rock, Salt, Sodium.

Triggered slip events following the 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes and their implications to seismic hazard in Hispaniola
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Shimon Wdowinski($345,926), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Enriquillo Plantain Garden, Epgfz And Sfz, Plantain Garden Fault, Dominican Republic, Fault Zone, Haiti Earthquakes, Satellite-based Radar, Septentrional Fault, Caribbean, Characterize, Creeping, Faults, Following, Hispaniola, Island, Local, Lock, Mmyr, Motion, Mw, NA-CA, North, Occurred, Past, Rupture, Ruptured, Satellite-based, Segments, Seismic, Slip, Strain, Thrust.

Collaborative Research: Aggregation and Electrification in a Laboratory-scale Volcanic Plume
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Stephen A Solovitz($312,929), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Joshua Méndez($392,230), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Petrology And Geochemistry, Eruption Conditions, Hands-on Demonstrations, Volcanic Ash, Volcanic Plume, Aggregation, Atmosphere, Charging, Clustering, Computational, Critical, Effects, Electric, Electrical, Electrification, Experiments, Geophysics, Hands-on, Hazardous, Infrastructure, Linked, Model, Models, Moisture, Particle, Particles, Program, Public, Remote, Turbulence, Volcano.

Collaborative Research: Effects of ferric iron on heat transport in Earth's mantle
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Jie Li($174,906), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Susannah Dorfman($225,000), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Earth’s Dynamics, Heat Flow, Heat Transport, Oxidized Iron, Thermal Conductivity, Bridgmanite, Collaboration, Compositions, Crystals, Earth’s, Effects, Experiments, Mantle, Measure, Michigan, Rock, Spin, Taiwan, Tectonic, Temperature.

Investigating Lithospheric Heterogeneity of the North American Craton with Multiple Seismological Methods
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Xiaotao Yang($235,547), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Considered “stable” Tectonic, Destruction And Recycling, “stable” Tectonic Features, Considered “stable”, Cratonic Lithosphere, Cratons Survive, Geodynamic Modeling, Seismic Models, “stable” Tectonic, Analysis, Constraints, Continent, Evolution, Geology, Has, History, Interior, Multiple, North, Resilient, Structural.

Accurately mapping the seismic structure of the deep crust of the continental United States
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Weisen Shen($204,449), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Composition And Strength, Continental-scale Deep Crustal, Deep Crustal Properties, Deep Crustal Structure, Chemical Composition, Continental Crust, Continental-scale Deep, Earthscope Usarray, Elastic Properties, Magma Rises, Poisson’s Ratio, Shallow Crust, Traditional Seismic, Accurately, Applied, Bears, Beneath, Challenges, Challenging, Contiguous, Controls, Depth, Depth-dependent, Distributions, Especially, Evolution, Exchange, History, Illuminate, Information, Lack, Lower, Mantle, Map, Measuring, Methods, Moho, Natural, Pathway, Plays, Poisson’s, Sampling, Serves, Signature, Solve, Techniques, Temperature, Thickness, Trade-offs.

CAREER: Full-vector Characterization of the recent (0-5 Myr) Geomagnetic field using novel magnetic field recorder
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Courtney Sprain($136,925), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Baked And Burned, Coal Seam Fires, Earth’s Magnetic Field, Geomagnetic Field Behavior, Powder River Basin, 0–5 Myr, Clinker Deposits, Critical Gaps, Earth’s Magnetic, Full-vector Magnetic, High-quality Full-vector, Rocks Baked, Technical Infrastructure, Ability, Age, Aim, Characterization, Clinkers, Development, Education, Fill, Full-vector, Future, Geoscience, High-quality, Knowledge, PRB, Paleomagnetic, Paleomagnetism, Past, Program, Recorder, Reliable, Step, Training, UF, USA.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: The history of the Earth's magnetic field strength over the last five million years: Filling in the southern hemisphere gap
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Courtney Sprain($127,684), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Lisa Tauxe($197,841), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ancient Magnetic Field, Earth's Magnetic Field, Persistent Hemispheric Asymmetry, Earth's Magnetic, Existing Datasets, Five Million, Magnetic Field's, Sampling Missions, Southern Hemisphere, Accuracy, Aims, Analysis, Analytical, Behavior, Collecting, Combined, Compilations, Comprehensive, Database, Enhance, Estimates, Experimental, Fields, Furthermore, Gaps, Generated, Has, History, Interpret, Knowledge, Long-term, Paleomagnetic, Presence, Strength, Supported, Time.

Systematic mapping of magma bodies under Cascades volcanoes
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Geoffrey A Abers($433,198), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Cascades Volcano, Cascades Volcanoes, Magma Bodies, Near Volcanoes, Receiver Functions, Arc, Beneath, CVO, Centers, Crust, Eruption, Geological, Imaging, Monitoring, Reservoir, Robust, Seismic, Signals, Time, Upgraded, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: 3D Imaging of Controls on Subduction Zone Megathrust Rupture and Slip Behavior
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Anne S Meltzer($348,716), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
2. Susan L Beck($241,402), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Human And Economic, Main Subduction Zone, Subduction Zone Fault, Economic Impacts, Rupture Zone, Slip Behavior, Beneath, Collected, Continent, Devastating, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Ecuador, Faults, Forearc, HIPER, Images, Imaging, Machine, Magnitude, Oceanic, Passive, Pedernales, Plate, Properties, Recording, Seismic, Significantly, Structure.

Collaborative Research: As above so below: Quantifying the role of simultaneous LLSVPs and continents on Earth's cooling history using numerical simulations of mantle convection
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Catherine Cooper($173,436), Washington State University, Pullman
2. Eric L Mittelstaedt($358,318), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Basal And Surface, Continents And Llsvps, Earth’s Cooling Rate, Earth’s Cooling, Earth’s History, Earth’s Mantle, Insulating Bodies, Magnetic Field, Numerical Simulations, Plate Tectonics, Chemical, Cores, Dynamic, Effects, Evolution, Focused, Formation, Game, Insulators, Interdisciplinary, Internal, Isolate, Parallel, Planet’s, Portions, Processes, Quantify, Simultaneous, Thermal, Washington.

Collaborative Research: The rheological behavior of gouge at high temperature
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Lars Hansen($265,128), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Heather M Savage($101,601), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Depth Range, Earthquake Nucleation, Fault Stability, Hotter Regions, Compare, Conditions, Deformation, Early-career, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Faults, Hazard, Manner, Mechanisms, Microscopic, Relatively, Rock, Slip, Strength, Temperatures.

Collaborative Research: Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Salton Trough
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Samer N Naif($166,474), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Steven C Constable($301,674), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Pieter-Ewald Share($232,057), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Farallon Slab, Incipient Rifting, Margin Types, Plate Margin, Salton Sea, Salton Trough, Tectonically Complex, Volcanic Hazards, Activity, Apart, Composition, Conductivities, Convergent, Crust, Depths, Divergent, Electrical, Estimates, Fault, Field, Fluid, Fluids, Information, Local, Multi-scale, Potential, Region, Rock, SSAF, Strain, Surface, Transform, Uppermost.

Computational modeling of volcanic eruptions and their seismic and infrasound radiation
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Eric M Dunham($422,120), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Seismic And Infrasound, Conduit Flow, Eruption Plume, Eruption Tremor, Explosive Eruptions, Infrasound Radiation, Sound Waves, Tungurahua Volcano, Vulcanian Eruptions, Atmosphere, Code, Computer, Depth, Develops, Ecuador, Fragmentation, Geofisico, Ground, Magma, Mass, Measure, Modeling, Models, Open-source, Overall, Plug, Processes, Rupture, Shaking, Simulations, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Seismic cycles and earthquake nucleation on heterogeneous faults: Large-scale laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, and Whillans ice stream
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Catherine Grace Barcheck($318,917), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Camilla Cattania($197,995), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Slow Slip Fronts, Computer Models, Earthquake Nucleation, Glacial Stick-slip, Heterogeneous Fault, Heterogeneous Faults, Laboratory Experiments, Behavior, Conditions, Cycle, Developed, Earthquakes, Glacier, Observed, Propagation, Stick-slip, Suddenly, Tested, Theories.

CAREER: Deciphering Cavitation in Fluid-Filled Cracks and its Induced Seismicity through Integrated Physical Modeling
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Roohollah Askari($301,108), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
Key terms: Sills And Dikes, Crack Growth, Fluid-filled Cracks, Induced Seismicity, Laboratory Experiments, Magma Transport, Puerto Rico, Bubbles, Cavitation, Collapse, Dynamics, Eruption, Fluid-filled, Interaction, Magmatic, Monitoring, Significantly, Students, Teachers, Techniques, Tremors, Videos, Volcanoes, Walls.

Conference: Interior of the Earth Gordon Research Conference and Seminar
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Maureen D Long($49,800), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Mantle And Core, Early-career Scientists, Earth’s Interior, Graduate Students, Preceding Grs, Conference, Dynamics, Early-career, Earth’s, GRC, Gordon, June, Meeting, Participants, Postdoctoral, Poster, Properties, Range, Structure, Theme, Travel.

Travel: Cargese 2023 School on Active Subduction
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. William B Frank($30,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Connections, Earthquakes, International, Multidisciplinary, Travel, Workshop, World.

RUI: Magnetic properties of epsilon-Fe2O3 and alpha-FeOOH: an investigation of phase conversions and cations doping.
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Thelma Berquo($178,353), Concordia College at Moorhead, Moorhead
Key terms: Iron Oxide, Magnetic Properties, Undergraduate Students, Chemical, Geological, Investigate, Minerals, Modern, Process, Soils, Techniques, Temperature, Trained.

CAREER: GLOW: Investigation on the evolution of magnetic fields of early Earth and beyond with cutting-edge research opportunities for future scientists
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Miki Nakajima($107,298), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Liquid Outer Core, Magnetic Field Generation, Planetary Magnetic Fields, Solid Inner Core, Earth’s Magnetic, Electrical Conductivity, Graduate Students, Interior Structure, Meteorite Impacts, Shock Experiments, Undergraduate Students, Apply, BMO, Based, Basin, Calculate, Communication, Course, Cutting-edge, Exoplanets, Five, Ga, Has, History, Initial, Investigate, Life, Light, Local, Mars, Mechanism, Model, Past, Planets, Process, Produced, Rochester, SPH, School, Simulations, Suggest, Terrestrial, Venus, Visualization, Was.

Lower mantle seismic anisotropy and heterogeneities - insight from the thermoelastic properties of CaSiO3 perovskite
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Jin Zhang($276,079), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Cubic And Tetragonal, Earth’s Lower Mantle, Earth’s Lower, Observed Seismic, Seismic Anisotropy, Tetragonal Ca-pv, Texas Aandm, Thermoelastic Properties, Wave Speeds, Ca-pv, Casio, Class, Enable, Heterogeneities, Interior, Laser, Observations, Perovskite, Poor, Potential, Students, Surface, Synchrotron.

CAREER: Magma transport and volcanic seismicity of Hawaii, from the summits to the hotspot
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Zachary E Ross($248,723), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Magma Chambers, Magmatic Architecture, Seismicity Catalog, Transport Structures, Conduits, Driving, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Hawaii, Mantle, Processes, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Investigating formation of stagnant slabs and implications for subduction dynamics
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Craig C Lundstrom($333,141), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Jeroen Tromp($432,521), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Lateral Mantle Flow, Retreat And Lateral, Slab Stagnation, Stagnant Slabs, Tomographic Images, Trench Retreat, Depths, Dynamics, Earth, FWI, Has, Modeling, Models, Observed, Plate, Plates, Present-day, Range, SDA, Seismic, Significantly, Simulations, Subduction, Surface, Tectonic, Time, Trapped.

Fully Coupled Modeling of Dynamic Rupture, Wedge Plasticity, and Tsunami for Great Earthquakes in the Japan Trench
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Shuo Ma($355,358), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Ocean Acoustic Waves, Waves And Tsunami, Dynamic Rupture, Fully-coupled Model, Japan Trench, Sanriku Coast, Sound Waves, Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami Wave, Wedge Plasticity, Computer, Developing, Earthquakes, Fully-coupled, Generated, North, Seafloor, Student, Thick, Was.

Collaborative Research: A New 3-D Velocity and Structural Model of the Northern Basins in the Los Angeles Region for Improved Ground Motion Estimates
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Patricia Persaud($203,961), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Shear Wave Velocities, Ambient Noise, Channeling Earthquake, Geologic Structures, Ground Motions, Ground Shaking, Los Angeles, Southern California, Allows, Basins, Dense, Developed, Earthquakes, Energy, Estimates, Expected, Geometry, Hazard, Inversion, Lines, Methodologies, Methods, Model, Models, Obtained, Produce, Profiles, Region, Regional, San, Sedimentary, Seismic, Simulate, Stations, Strong, Surface, Survey, Velocity.

Characterization of Oceanic Storm Systems using Microseism
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Geophysics

1. Miaki Ishii($225,566), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Ground Motion, Historical Storm, Oceanic Storms, Seismic Stations, Storm Parameters, Tropical Cyclones, Catalog, Century, Coming, Comprehensive, Decades, Earthquakes, Effects, Era, Evolve, Excited, Has, Hurricanes, Information, Microseisms, Observations, Sea, Shown, Strength, Wave-buoys, Weather.

Constraints from multiple low frequency data on the long wavelength density structure in the deep mantle
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Harriet Lau($148,781), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Normal Mode Splitting, Density Structure, Excess Density, Graduate Students, Llsvp Anomalies, Mode Spectra, Seismic Waves, Stoneley Modes, Uc Berkeley, Velocity Provinces, Beneath, CMB, Combine, Consider, Developed, Earth, Earthquakes, Global, Implies, Inversions, Llsvps, Mantle, Particular, Pis, Shear, Solid, Source, Special, Stage, Structures, Surroundings, Tectonic, Tide, Tides, Time, Travel, Waveform.

Collaborative Research: Towards improved imaging of the outermost core through determination of the effects of lowermost mantle heterogeneity and anisotropy
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Daniel A Frost($6,452), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Earth’s Magnetic Field, Heterogeneity And Anisotropy, Heterogeneous Mantle Affects, Outer Core Structure, Earth’s Magnetic, Mantle Heterogeneity, Outermost Core, Seismic Models, Seismic Waves, Affected, Based, Chemical, Corrected, Degree, Earthquakes, Effects, Fluid, Heat, Holds, Imaging, Importance, Layer, Nature, Planet, Produce, Public, Roughly, Seismologists, Sensitive, Shell, Signals, Surface, Thickness, Travel, Velocity, Wavefield.

Imaging deep mantle structure beneath Alaska using full waveform tomography
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: Geophysics

1. Daniel A Frost($34,814), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Beneath Alaska, Body Waveforms, Compressional Velocity, Earth’s Surface, Heavy Computations, Mantle Beneath, Resolution Tomographic, Transition Zone, Waveform Inversion, Anisotropy, Core, Corrections, Deep, Does, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Effects, Focus, Frequency, Geodynamicists, History, Images, Inner, Inside, Investigate, Local, Method, Model, Models, Pacific, Past, Plate, Reducing, Region, Regional, Restricted, Seismic, Slab, Slabs, South, Stations, Subducted, Subduction, Time, Waves, “box”.

Collaborative Research: Generation of Rock Damage and Localization of Seismicity Before Large Earthquakes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2021; Program: Geophysics

1. Tin-Yau Tam($206,800), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Seismic Hazard, Tectonic Environments, Additional, Analysis, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Faults, Forecast, Localization, Progressive, Zones.

Collaborative Research: The role of temporally varying specific storage on confined aquifer dynamics
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2024; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ryan G Smith($328,981), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Erich Mueller($56,448), Southern Utah University, Cedar City
Key terms: Aquifer Storage, Confined Aquifer, Confined Aquifers, Groundwater Models, Climate, Constant, Estimate, Estimates, Freshwater, Has, Hold, Increase, Recharge, Storativity, Time, Traditional, Typically, Water, World’s.

Conference: AGU Chapman Conference - Remote Sensing of the Water Cycle: Sensors to Science to Society
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Billy M Williams($42,500), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Benefit Society, Chapman Conference, Remote Sensing, Water Cycle, Applications, Explore, Modeling, Observations, Satellite.

Conference: Cargese Graduate Summer School: Connecting Ecosystem processes to hydrogeophysical fundamentals
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Dani Or($50,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Cutting-edge, Ecological, Educational, Gain, Global, Groundwater, Meeting, NSF, Water.

Synthesizing hydrologic process knowledge to determine global drivers of dominant processes
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Anthony Castronova($376,029), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Hydrologic Function, Process Knowledge, Analysis, Apply, Database, Discovery, Dominant, Enable, Explore, Flow, Global, Hydrology, Landscape, Maintain, Model, Models, Processes, Quality, Represent, Water, Watersheds.

Groundwater Connection between Glaciers and Streams under a warming Climate
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Christopher A Frissell($750,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Changing Climate, Frozen Ground, Glacier Meltwater, Groundwater Discharge, Melting Glaciers, Aquifers, Colorado, Does, Downstream, Ecosystems, Has, Long-term, Main, Management, Mountain, Native, Seasonal, Streamflow, Streams, Students, Tasks, Temperature, Thawing, Water, Watersheds.

NERC-NSFGEO SMARTWATER: Diagnosing controls of pollution hot spots and hot moments and their impact on catchment water quality
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Aaron Packman($499,997), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Catchment Water Quality, Water Pollution Hotspots, Water Quality Dynamics, Water Quality Management, Catchment Knowledge, Hot Moments, Mathematical Modelling, Agreement, Budget, Changing, Complex, Consequences, Diagnose, Environmental, Experimental, Has, Joint, Kingdom, Predict, Proportion, Sensing, Smartwater.

Predicting flood-induced flow and sediment dynamics using data-driven physics-informed models
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Ali J Khosronejad($550,000), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Non-secure Detention Center, Artificial Intelligence, Flood Flow, Flood Impacts, Flood Prediction, Modeling Tools, Natural Waterways, Non-secure Detention, Practicing Engineers, Underserved Adolescents, Algorithms, Developed, Educational, Enable, Existing, Graduate, High-fidelity, Infrastructure, Large-scale, Machine, Models, Practitioners, Rivers, Stability, Stakeholders, Students.

Conference: 2023 Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry GRC and GRS Challenges and Uncertainty in Predicting Catchment Responses to Stress
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Sarah E Godsey($49,985), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Catchment Scientists, Coming, Complex, Conference, Development, Diverse, Emerging, Environmental, Natural, Stressors, Tackle, Tools.

CAREER: A convergent and transformative approach to understanding human access to groundwater and its impact on the hydrological cycle
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Debra Perrone($277,539), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Constrain Water Availability, Storage And Depletion, Terrestrial Water Cycle, Geologic Formation, Human Impacts, Policy Makers, Undergraduate Students, Access, Activities, Assessments, Characterizing, Critical, Education, Enhance, Existing, Expected, Groundwater, Hydrologic, Information, Integrate, Models, Outcomes, Outputs, Potential, Produce, Quantify, Rely, Society, Tap, Tools, Training, Water-use, Western.

Numerical and experimental investigation of the impact of preferential flow and nonequilibrium thermodynamics on meltwater transport through snow
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Xiaojing Fu($454,673), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Environmental Conditions, Laboratory Experiments, Melt Transport, Snowmelt Transport, Climate, Controlled, Flow, Groundwater, Hydrological, Influence, Meltwater, Model, Models, Observations, Physics, Snowpack, Students, Timing, Volume, Water.

CAREER: From the forest to the stream: Exploring forest land cover controls on dissolved organic matter character and aquatic ecosystem respiration in headwater streams
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Tim P Covino($382,731), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Matter, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Cycling, Dom Character, Ecosystem Respiration, Forest Harvesting, Forested Headwater, Global Carbon, Guide Future, Headwater Streams, Inland Waters, Stream Networks, Stream Respiration, Biogeochemical, Gain, Hydrologic, K-, Land, Management, Models, Phd, STEM, Specifically, Students, Terrestrial, Training, Transported, Undergraduate, Watershed.

Collaborative Research: Exploring the Influence of Agricultural Tile Drainage on Streamflow and Water Temperature in the Midwestern US using a Stakeholder-driven Approach
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Hydrologic Sciences

1. Damon M Hall($274,269), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Darren Ficklin($300,236), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Quantile Regression Models, Streamflows And Water, Entire Agricultural, Tile Drainage, Upper Midwest, Water Quality, Water Temperature, Water Temperatures, Effects, Has, Hydrology, Insight, Local, Modeling, Stakeholders.

RAPID: Transport and Revitalization of Nu Instruments Noblesse Mass Spectrometer
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Carolyn Crow($198,674), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Geoscience And Planetary, 40ar39ar Thermochronology, Mass Spectrometer, Noble Gas, Noble Gases, Ages, Analyses, Arar, Boulder, Cosmogenic, Create, Decommissioned, Facility, Geochronology, Instrument, Kr, Meteorites, Ne, Nuclides, Transport, Xe.

Equipment: MRI Track 1: Acquisition of a LA-ICP-MS for Research and Research Training
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Rachel Eveleth($625,531), Oberlin College, Oberlin
Key terms: Laser Ablation, Perform Cutting-edge, Cell, Changing, Cutting-edge, Enable, Faculty, Future, ICP-MS, Instrument, LA-ICP-MS, Mass, Metals, Mineral, Oberlin, Programs, Quadrupole, Students, Tandem, Tissue, Trace, Training, Undergraduate.

Equipment:MRI Track 2 Acquisition of a 3D X-ray microscope for advanced specimen-based organismal research
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Roger Benson($2,139,618), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Natural History, Wide Range, X-ray Microscope, AMNH, Affiliated, Allowing, Anatomy, City, Contribute, Evolution, Fossil, Frontiers, Function, Generation, Insects, Instrument, Next-generation, Objects, Organisms, Planetary, Programs, Quality, Resolution, Scan, Specimen-based, Specimens, Structure, Topics, Training, Visualization, X-ray, York.

Equipment: MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a Laser Ablation System for ICP-MS to Expand a Broad Range of Analytical Activities and Research Training in the Earth Sciences
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Matthew R Manon($265,000), Union College, Schenectady
Key terms: Bivalve Shells, Advance, Allow, Biological, Elemental, Expand, Faculty, Geochemical, Geochemistry, Geological, High-temperature, Investigate, Lab, Stalagmites, Students, Undergraduate.

Equipment: MRI Track 1: Acquisition of a Laser Ablation Time of Flight Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for UCSB Researchers and Educators
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Matthew E Rioux($883,268), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Analytical, California, Capabilities, Carbonates, LA-TOF-ICP-MS, Opportunities, Range, Students, UCSB, Undergraduate.

MRI: Track 1: Acquisition of Agilent 8700 Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging System
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Megan R Brown($414,523), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
Key terms: Chemical Imaging, Acquire, Analysis, Detection, Environment, Instrument, LDIR, Laser, Method, Microplastics, NIU, Particle, Particles, REU, Rapidly, Spectral, Students, Technology, Transport, Undergraduate, Unique.

MRI: Track 3 Acquisition of Helium Recovery Equipment to Enhance Research and Training in Earth Sciences and Chemistry
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Thomas G Smith($403,060), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Helium Gas Recovery, Recovery And Cryogen-free, Sustainability And Resilience, Broad Range, Helium Shortages, Magnetic Properties, Nmr Laboratory, Biological, Centers, Characterizing, Critical, Equipment, Facilities, Facility, Functionality, Geological, Has, IRM, Increasing, Instrumentation, Interruption, Laboratories, Laboratories’, Lhe, Low-temperature, Maximize, Molecular, Multi-user, NSF, Numerous, Operations, Output, Planetary, Superconducting, Supply, Synthetic, UMN.

MRI: Acquisition of an advanced X-ray detector for static and dynamic synchrotron X-ray scattering studies of materials at extreme conditions at the Advanced Photon Source
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Stella Chariton($1,394,500), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
Key terms: Planetary Interior Structure, Structure And Composition, Structure And Dynamics, Iron Alloys, Laser Heating, P-t Conditions, Advancing, Allow, Approaching, Beam, Cdte, Critical, Detector, EIGER, Extreme, Facility, Improvements, Investigations, Melting, Melts, Minerals, P-T, Phase, Properties, Quality, Range, Reflections, Sector, Situ, Technical, Upgrade, Upgraded, XRD.

MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a replacement electron microprobe at Brown University
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Emily Cooperdock($641,223), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Chemical Composition, Wide Range, Chemicals, Does, Has, Highly, History, Instrument, Involve, Microprobe, Preparation.

Equipment: MRI: Track #1 Acquisition of electron spin resonance spectrometer for radiation exposure dating
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Kathleen Rodrigues($440,562), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Dating Methods, Esr Dating, Esr Spectrometer, X-ray Irradiator, Acquisition, Basin, Capabilities, DRI, Family, Luminescence, North, OSL, Opportunities, Quaternary, Range, TL, Timescales, X-ray.

Collaborative Research: Equipment: Acquisition of a Confocal Micro-Raman Spectroscopy System at the University of Massachusetts and Amherst College
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Stephen J Turner($284,998), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Victor E Guevara($20,672), Amherst College, Amherst
Key terms: Faculty And Students, Undergraduate And Graduate, Energy Shifts, Melt Inclusions, Mineral Identification, Mineral Inclusions, Raman Spectroscopy, Acquisition, Active, Activities, Amherst, Applications, Avenues, Characterization, Critical, Development, Evolution, Fluid, Has, Host, Magma, Massachusetts, Metamorphic, Minerals, Quantification, Rock, Target, Teaching, Techniques, Thermochronometer.

ITD: A Multi-Camera system for permanent and real-time visible, thermal and gas monitoring at restless volcanoes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Yves Moussallam($484,930), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Active Volcanoes, Image Analysis, Cost, Eruption, Frequency, Gas, Monitoring, Multi-camera, Observation, Parameters, Power, Ranges, Videos, Volume.

Equipment: EA: Acquisition of Electrical Resistivity Instrumentation to Elucidate Hydrologic Processes in the Critical Zone
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Pamela L Sullivan($101,694), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Land Cover, Larger Spatial, Domains, Dynamics, ERT, Equipment, Ground, Measure, Moisture, Students, Subsurface, Vegetation, Water.

Planning: CDP: The Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor (LIBRE) Project - Planning Activities to Guarantee Success of a Continental Scientific Drilling Project
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Jonathan Obrist Farner($183,720), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Ensure Smooth Drilling, Lake Izabal Basin, Smooth Drilling Planning, Temporary Seismic Array, Drilling Companies, Eastern Guatemala, Northern Neotropics, Plate Boundary, Continent, Continuous, Coring, Educational, Engagement, Establish, Faults, Information, LIB, Local, Miocene, NSF, Operations, Organizations, Permitting, Processes, Requirements, Safety, Sediment, Sedimentary, Technical.

CDP: Site survey investigation for ICDP drilling in Pliocene lake at Butte Valley, CA
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Maria Beatrice Magnani($99,834), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Key terms: Drilling Site, Geophysical Investigation, Lacustrine Deposits, Lake Basins, Seismic Reflection, Western North, Acquired, California, Characteristics, Climate, Complete, Conditions, Continent, Cores, Current, Geometry, Global, Has, Hydroclimatic, Image, Infill, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Presence, Regions, Retrieving, Sedimentary, Sources, Stratigraphic, Survey, Time.

Collaborative Research: Research Infrastructure: CFS (Track III) Cosmogenic Nuclides in Earth Science Research: Allied facilities for sample preparation, analysis, and training
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Lee B Corbett($632,204), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Marc W Caffee($1,483,382), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Preparation Facilities, Prime Lab, AMS, Allow, Beyond, Capabilities, Chemical, Combination, Facility, Geologic, Geoscience, Has, Human, Interaction, Laboratory, NSF, Opportunities, Opportunity, Potential, Radionuclides, Students, Techniques, Thousands, Time-scales, UVM, Unique, Vermont.

Equipment: Acquisition of the IRIS instruments FullWaver device for monitoring active landslides in Oklahoma
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sina Saneiyan($204,935), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Electrical Current Transmitter, Contaminant Transport, Electrical Geophysical, Geohazard Mitigation, Acquisition, Device, Devices, Expand, Fullwaver, Geosciences, Instrument, Monitoring, OU, Oklahoma, Receiver, Receivers, Require, Resistivity, School, Sensors, Separate, Students, Subsurface, Tool.

TS: Advancing and Broadening Access to Laser-Ablation (U-Th)/He Thermochronlogy
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Rebecca M Flowers($328,049), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cu Trail, Thermal Histories, Activities, Analyses, Conventional, Dating, Existing, La-u-thhe, Method, Minority, Technique, Training, U-thhe, Underrepresented, Whole-crystal.

EA: Acquisition of an IRMS for sulfur isotope measurements
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. James W Dottin($273,407), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Gas Source Mass, Source Mass Spectrometry, Earth’s Atmosphere, Graduate Students, Mass Spectrometer, Sulfur Isotope, Undergraduate Students, Acquisition, Allow, Brown, Composition, Constraints, Courses, Earth’s, Evolution, IRMS, Instrument, Interior, Isotopes, Laboratory, Operation, Plans, Processes, Program, Reservoirs, Rock, State-of-the-art, Surface, Teaching, Time, Tool, Trained, Variety.

Collaborative Research: CFS (Track III): Centers for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (CTEMPs)
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Eileen R Martin($37,512), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Mark Hausner($44,408), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
3. Adrian A Harpold($449,096), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
4. Meagan E Wengrove($299,770), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Environmental Sensing, Experimental Design, Atmospheric, Barriers, Ctemps, DAS, DTS, Dynamics, Expert, Instrument, Instrumentation, Instruments, Lab, Observations, Programs, Suas, Surface, Temperature, Topography, Training.

EA: Upgrade of the X-ray tomographic microscope to expand operations at the University of Missouri X-ray Microanalysis Laboratory
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Kevin M Middleton($624,996), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Capable, Evolution, Facility, Faculty, Imaging, Larger, Soft-tissue, Upgrade, X-ray.

Acquisition of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Plant Biomarker Characterization and Isotopic Determinations
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Sarah Feakins($473,608), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Graduate Students, Mass Spectrometer, Analytical, Capability, Carbon, Experience, Geological, Hydroclimate, Instrumentation, Laboratory, Principal, Readiness, SMC, Time, Trainees, USC.

Equipment Acquisition of a Laser Ablation System and Triple-quadrupole Inductively coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA ICP-MS)
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Instrumentation & Facilities

1. Johannes Haemmerli($481,459), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Hooper Geoanalytical Laboratory, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Mass Spectrometer Allows, Peter Hooper Geoanalytical, Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Current Instruments, Earth’s History, Icpms Analyses, Laser Ablation, Wide Range, Ability, Acquire, Analytical, Approaches, Beyond, Chemical, Critical, Decade, Disciplines, Earth’s, Environmental, Geochemical, Geoscience, Has, Highly, LAICPMS, Minerals, Mission, National, North, Processes, Research-quality, Rock, Services, Skills, State-of-the-art, Student, Students, Trace, Trained, Training, WSU, Washington, Workforce.

MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope to Strengthen Research Capabilities at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Jessica L Allen($767,456), Eastern Washington University, Cheney
Key terms: Scanning Electron Microscope, Field Trips, Academic, Activities, Allow, EWU, Enable, Engineering, Environmental, Equipment, Faculty, Instrumentation, Multiple, Regional, SEM, STEM, Students, Underrepresented, Washington.

Equipment: Acquisition of Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer for Isotopic Analyses of Sulfur, Carbon, and Oxygen
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Peter K Swart($414,601), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Active And Planned, Graduate And Undergraduate, Ongoing And Future, Analytical Capabilities, Brine Pools, Organic Matter, Rosenstiel School, Stable Isotope, Undergraduate Students, Workshop Aimed, Youtube Channel, Applications, Carbonate, Day, Design, Education, Environments, Equipment, Experience, Hands-on, Instrument, Maintenance, Marine, Master, Miami, Operation, Outreach, Plants, Printing, SIRMS, Soils, Teaching, Training, Videos.

Do seamounts on fossil oceanic spreading centers record triple-junction migration or mantle-plume activity? Guadalupe Island, Mexico as an archetype
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. James R Worthington($409,115), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Mid-ocean Spreading Centers, Oceanic Spreading Centers, Baja California, California Borderlands, Convergent Margins, Failed Oceanic, Guadalupe Island, Intraplate Volcanism, Late Cenozoic, Mid-ocean Spreading, Partial Melting, Subduction Zones, Alkaline, Approach, Development, Fossil, Investigates, Magmatism, Mantle, Mantle-plume, Mexican, Microplates, Offshore, Origin, Plate, Plates, Plume, Seamount, Seamounts, Tectonic, Transform, Triple-junction, Volcanoes.

Conference: 13th IRM Conference on Rock Magnetism
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Maxwell C Brown($49,649), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Rock Magnetism, Applications, Conference, Discuss, Discussion, Geophysics, Iron, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Glacier resilience during the Holocene and late Pleistocene in northern California
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Richard Heermance($187,835), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
2. Rosemary L Sherriff($409,202), Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata
3. Andrew Malone($145,003), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Field Trip, Klamath Mountains, Northern California, Past Climate, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Trinity Alps, Water Resources, Continent, Geoscience, Glacial, Glaciers, Has, History, Interior, Mechanisms, Paleoclimate, Reconstructions, Students, Undergraduate, Western.

Collaborative Research: Using a Combined Basin Analysis, Isotopic, and Modeling Approach to Reconstruct the LGM through Early Holocene Hydroclimate for Glacial Lake Mojave.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Daniel E Ibarra($272,434), Brown University, Providence
2. Angela N Daneshmand($68,162), Santiago Canyon College, Orange
3. Matthew E Kirby($225,073), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
Key terms: Minimum Lake Depth, Arid Environments, Lake Volume, Late Glacial, Silver Lake, Water Availability, Basin, CA, Climatic, Conditions, Division, Drivers, Economy, Fill, Future, Geological, Health, Holocene, Hydroclimatic, Isotopic, Methods, Modeling, Mojave, Past, Quantify, Requisite, Sites, Students, Variety.

Collaborative Research: A 50,000-year continuous record of the Indian Summer Monsoon from Loktak Lake, NE India
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Bronwen Konecky($274,028), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Mark B Abbott($461,546), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
3. Aubrey L Hillman($417,242), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, Ocean Circulation, Abrupt, Analysis, Carbon, Climate, Global, Has, ISM, Indian, Isotopes, Lake, Magnitude, Organic, Rate, Sediment, Sensitive, Weakening.

Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Holocene glacier lengths through time to address climate model-data disagreements
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Nathaniel A Lifton($216,566), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Shaun A Marcott($289,011), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Forward Model, Glacier Length, Late Holocene, Past Climate, Conditions, Evaluating, Exposure, Future, Geologic, Glaciers, Glaciological, Information, Mentoring, North, Responded, Six, South, Students, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: Characterizing the drivers of hydroclimate change over western North America and Europe in response to the global warmth of the middle Miocene
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Sarah Feakins($216,562), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Rene Paul M Acosta($380,445), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Miocene Climate, Ocean Temperature, Warm Climate, Water Availability, Aims, Approach, Conditions, Drier, Drying, Graduate, Hydroclimate, Intervals, Planet, Proxy, Reconstructions, Resolve, School, Simulations, Southern, Traineeships, Uncertainty, Warming, Western, Wetter.

Conference: Salt contamination of water supplies in tidal rivers
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2023; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Alfonso I Mejia($99,999), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Coastal Zones, Drinking Water, Knowledge Gaps, Public Health, Salt Contamination, Tidal Rivers, Water Supplies, Activities, Assess, Bring, Current, Freshwater, Industrial, Interdisciplinary, Power, Regions, Risk, Salinization, Stakeholders, Synthesize, Topic, Workshop.

How does water move through the subducting slab? Slab-scale fluid pathways and deformation-fluid flow feedbacks at eclogite facies
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. William F Hoover($395,622), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Hazards And Geochemical, Inform Conceptual Models, Modern Subduction Zones, Subduction Zone Hazards, Veins And Shear, Ductile Deformation, Field Mapping, Fluid Pathways, Fluid Sources, Fluid Transport, Geochemical Cycling, Geologic Hazards, Monviso Ophiolite, Previous Studies, Shear Zones, Subducting Plate, Subducting Slab, Temporal Distribution, Undergraduate Students, Alps, Analysis, Collect, Complete, Conferences, Constrain, Cross-section, Earthquakes, Eclogite-facies, Exhumed, Exposed, Fluids, Focused, Italy, Mechanisms, Minerals, Observations, Opportunity, Plate-scale, Processes, Reactions, Relative, Remote, Resolve, Rock, Single, Situ, Timing, Transported, Transporting, Travel, View, Water.

The excess gas paradox at volcanoes: does CO2 favor gas accumulation in mafic magmas?
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Mattia Pistone($442,241), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Co2 So2, Erupted Magma, Gas Emissions, Mafic Magma, Magma Porosity, Mt Etna, Volcanic Gas, Amount, Analysis, Eruption, Increase, Italy, Magmas, Media, Monitored, People, Public, Student, Style, Volcano, Volcanoes, Volume.

Collaborative Research: NSF GEO-NERC: The Cracking of a Craton: Understanding Volatile Release during Continental Breakup
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tobias P Fischer($320,807), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
2. Peter Barry($357,371), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Field And Laboratory, Helium And Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Gas Geochemistry, Gas Reservoirs, Laboratory Techniques, Stable Craton, Stable Cratons, Tanzania Craton, Tanzanian Students, Accumulation, Agreement, Apart, Atmosphere, Below, Budget, Climatic, Continent, Cratonic, Crust, Earth’s, Economically, Eventually, Flanks, Fluxes, Formation, Gases, Geological, Interior, Isotopes, Joint, Jointly, Mechanisms, Nitrogen, Noble, Pis, Potential, Processes, Proportion, Region, Release, Released, Rifting, Seeps, Surface, Tectonic, Trained, Transported, Volatile, Volatiles, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: Tracking nitrogen in mélange matrix from fore-arc to sub-arc depths with implications for deep nitrogen cycling: A combined field and experimental approach
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Emily Cooperdock($195,997), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Alfie Norville Gem, Collaboration And Broaden, Earth’s Surficial Reservoirs, Gem And Mineral, Joint Virtual Graduate, Surface And Interior, Ua’s Alfie Norville, Virtual Graduate Seminar, Broaden Participation, Earth’s Atmosphere, Earth’s History, Earth’s Mantle, Earth’s Surficial, Enhance Collaboration, Female Pis, Graduate Students, Mineral Museum, Museum Display, Plate Tectonics, Southern California, Sub-arc Mantle, Sub-arc Processing, Subduction Zones, Ua’s Alfie, Arizona, Behavior, Biosphere, Composition, Conditions, Constraints, Crust, Deep, Deeper, Degassing, Delivered, Distribution, Estimates, Evolution, Experiments, Factors, Fore-arc, Hosted, Life, Minerals, Nitrogen, Ocean, Partial, Performed, Pressure, Rock, Sequestered, Slab, Solid, Sub-arc, Temperature, USC, Undergraduates, Variable, Volcanism.

Dynamics of crystal mush: Insight from 2D and 3D analysis of drill cores from Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Josef Dufek($669,806), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Bubbles And Crystals, Drilling Hot Lava, Space And Time, Upper And Lower, Chemical Consequences, Crystal Mush, Drill Cores, Lava Lake, Volcanic Eruptions, Aid, Analysis, Control, Crust, Distribution, Energy, Geophysical, Glass, Images, Look, Magma, Magmatic, Melt, Movement, Movements, Plus, Processes, Properties, Solid, Solidification, Track, Volcanoes, Was.

Collaborative Research: Halogen Behavior In the Pluton-to-Volcanic Arc System
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Emily Cooperdock($291,557), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Bulk Rock Halogen, Plutonic And Volcanic, Arc Magmatic, Continental Crust, Erupted Volcanic, Mineral Deposits, Sierra Nevada, Volcanic Arc, Volcanic Rocks, Assimilation, Behavior, Cl, Composition, Compositions, Concentrations, Deep, Halogens, Highly, Host, Hosted, Interpret, Mantle, Measure, Melts, Processes, Reservoirs, Students, Undergraduate, Volcanoes.

Collaborative Research: Moving mountains: timing and emplacement of the Marysvale gravity slide complex
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tiffany Rivera($92,427), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Gravity Slide Complex, Marysvale Gravity Slide, Geologic Mapping, Mega-scale Landslides, Slide Initiation, Slide Mobility, Southwestern Utah, Volcanic Field, Volcanic Fields, Basal, Collapse, Collectively, Combined, Conditions, Geochronology, Individual, MGSC, Mega-scale, Modeling, Models, Modules, Numerical, Processes, Program, Rock, Slides, Structure, Structures, Students, Timing, Velocity.

Collaborative Research: Halogen and chlorine isotope behavior during metamorphism of metapelitic rocks
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jaime Barnes($65,281), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Roberta L Rudnick($330,935), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Chlorine Isotopes Behave, Upper Continental Crust, Earth’s Surface, Halogen Abundances, Mantle Halogen, Metamorphic Dehydration, Sedimentary Rocks, Terrigenous Sedimentary, Upper Mantle, Allow, Cl, Concentrations, Conditions, Degree, Earth’s, Facies, Generated, Halogens, Has, Interior, Metamorphism, Metapelites, Organic, Phd, Recycling, Relative, Seen, Signature, Signatures, Similar, Temperatures, Volatile, Weathering.

Improved Constraints on Mantle and Crustal Source Signals in CO2 well gases: New Insights from Ultra-high Precision Noble Gas and Clumped Isotope Measurements
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Michael Broadley($549,983), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Carbon Dioxide, Chemical Signatures, Co2 Gas, Colorado Plateau, Earth's Mantle, Noble Gases, Atmosphere, Australia, Cycling, Deep, Earth’s, Gain, Insight, Isotopes, Levels, Magmatic, Nitrogen, Sequestration, Sources, Subsurface, Volatile, Volatiles.

Collaborative Research: GLOW: Iron Redox Reactions in Magma Oceans and Differentiation of Rocky Planets
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Marc M Hirschmann($286,561), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Jie Li($355,775), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Catherine A Macris($35,468), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Mantle Oxidation, Earth’s, Experiments, Habitability, Habitable, Life, Magma, Ocean, Planets, Pressures, Process, Temperatures, Was.

CAREER: Tracing sulfur in subducting slabs with apatite oxybarometry
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Megan E Holycross($425,098), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Arc Magmas, Arc Volcanoes, High-pressure Experiments, Magmas Erupted, Oceanic Crust, Subduction Zones, Subduction-related Rocks, Apatite, Behavior, Continent, Deep, Executed, Experimental, High-pressure, Increase, Oxidation, Oxidized, Subduction-related, Sulfate, Sulfide, Sulfur, Transfer.

Water in garnet as a record of fluid flow during metamorphism
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Megan E Newcombe($387,136), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Release And Fluid, Economic Value, Fluid Flow, Fluid Release, Growth Zones, Metamorphic Rocks, Affects, Constrain, Cyclicity, Deep, Duration, Durations, Evidence, Five, Garnet, Garnets, Has, Investigate, Isotopes, Localities, Maryland, Metals, Mineral, Phenomena, Processes, Seismicity, Settings, Snapshot, Time, Tracers, Transport, Variety, Water.

RAPID: Sources and Fluxes of CO2 during the 2023 Fagradsfjall Eruption using drone- and ground- based sampling and measurement techniques
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Tobias P Fischer($14,503), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Specifically Litli Hrútur, Carbon Isotope, Co2 Flux, Current Eruption, Magma Degassing, Ongoing Eruption, So2 Flux, Southwest Iceland, Activity, Allow, Amount, Basaltic, Below, Beneath, COSO, Collect, Constrain, Deep, Depth, Erupting, Fagradsfjall, Gas, Gases, Has, Icelandic, Information, Mantle, Measure, Occurred, Processes, Source, Sourced, Sources, Sulfur, Surface, Utilizing, Volcano, Volcanoes, Was.

VISCOSITY PATHS: Assessing the Effect of Realistic Cooling Rates on the Evolution of Lava Flow Rheology
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Arianna Soldati($384,585), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Forecast Lava Flow, Basaltic Lava, Lava Flows, Ability, Advance, Cooling, Damage, Experiments, Hazard, Infrastructure, Mitigate, People, Realistic, Rheological, Rheology, Unique.

Investigating the volatile evolution and decompression rate of high-intensity basaltic eruptions
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Esteban Gazel($348,300), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Basaltic Plinian Eruptions, Magma Decompression Rates, Rate And Eruption, Devastating Societal, Eruption Magnitude, Evolved Melts, Mafic Eruptions, Mafic Volcanism, Volatile Evolution, Aims, Chemical, Conditions, Cornell, Correlation, Crystal, Degassing, Environmental, Explosive, Explosivity, Global, HVO-USGS, History, Magmas, Monitoring, Olivine-hosted, Represent, Sub-plinian, Techniques, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Apatite petrochronology and microtextural analyses: a new tool to directly date subduction processes at the base of the seismogenic zone
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Margaret L Odlum($362,268), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Chemical And Mechanical, Exhumed Subduction Complexes, Subduction Seismogenic Zone, Directly Date, Earthquakes Nucleate, Fluid Flow, Intense Chemical, Megathrust Earthquakes, Recovering Linked, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Apatite, Base, Common, Conditions, Constraints, Deformation, Development, EPMA, Female, Field, Geochemical, LA-ICP-MS, Lack, Lithologies, Metamorphic, Metamorphism, Microstructural, Mineral, Observations, Opportunities, Petrochronology, Processes, Relatively, Rock, Slip, Slow, Students, Timing, Tools, Transformative, Video, °C.

Multicomponent diffusion in silicate melts using eigen-component approach
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Youxue Zhang($311,933), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Diffusion Eigenvector Matrix, Dry Natural Silicate, Growth And Dissolution, Natural Silicate Melts, Basaltic Melts, Diffusion Matrix, Eigen-component Approach, Eigen-component Plots, Geochemical Kineticists, Multicomponent Diffusion, Ore Formation, Roughly Independent, Applications, Composition, Concentrations, Difficult, Eigen-component, Eigen-components, Eigenvalues, Experiments, Hence, Investigate, Method, Mineral, Mixing, Monotonic, Online, Oxides, Predict, Processes, Profiles, Temperature, Theoretical.

The transition from normal subduction to slab window, unraveling its effect on the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of southern Patagonia
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Soumen Mallick($335,370), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Continental Root, Continental Roots, Lithospheric Mantle, Mantle Xenoliths, Seismological Observations, Southern Patagonia, West Antarctica, Affect, Affected, Chile, Combined, Composition, Deformation, Earth’s, Erupted, Evidence, Geochemical, Lavas, Million, Ongoing, Processes, Properties, Removal, SCLM, Single, Stability, Subduction, Transition.

Testing for an enhanced metamorphic carbon flux on the Proterozoic Earth, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Ontario, Canada
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Emily M Stewart($336,344), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Central Metasedimentary Belt, Geologic Carbon Cycling, Co2 Release, Fluid Flow, Metamorphic Decarbonation, Ancient, Combination, Essential, Evolution, Field, Field-based, Life, Magnitude, Million, Modeling, Mountain, Processes, Proterozoic, Reactions, Released, Rock, Serve, Students, Tectonic.

Equilibrium vs. Kinetic control of the CO2/SO2 ratio in the arc volcanic gases
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Yves Moussallam($309,210), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Equilibrium And Kinetic, High-temperature Volcanic Gases, Basaltic Melt, Co-existing Vapor, Co2so2 Ratio, Co2so2 Ratios, Decompression Experiments, Decompression Rates, Degassing Models, Equilibrium Degassing, High-temperature Volcanic, Kinetic Degassing, Sulfur Behavior, Arc, COSO, Co-existing, Constrain, Constraining, Control, Eruption, Fo, HOCO, Magmatic, Mpa, Pressure, Pressures, Volatiles.

Collaborative Research: Building and Applying a Universal Plagioclase Oxybarometer using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Melinda D Dyar($506,856), Planetary Science Institute, Tucson
2. Molly McCanta($189,910), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Feldspar Calibration, High-resolution Xas, Mount St, Single Crystals, Apply, Bushveld, Calibrations, Enable, Eruption, Experience, Feldspars, Fo, Gain, Helens, High-resolution, Magma, Magmas, Partitioning, Polarized, Reflectance, Shasta, Spectroscopic, Standards, Surface, Volcanic.

Tracing Ancient Subduction in the Lithospheric Mantle via Traditional and Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Jaime Barnes($560,441), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Melts And Fluids, Oxygen And Calcium, Calcium Isotope, Geochemical Tracers, Peridotite Xenoliths, Plate Tectonics, Radiogenic Isotope, Slab-derived Melts, Stable Isotope, Subducted Components, 4440ca Values, Absence, Affects, Ages, Archean, Constrain, Continent, Coupled, Cratonic, Crust, Earth’s, Graduate, Has, Lithosphere, Mantle, Mechanisms, Mountain, Natural, Particular, Plates, Potential, Presence, Processes, SCLM, Start, Subduction, Surface, Time, Via, Volcanoes, O, ca.

Collaborative Research: Tracing ca. 4 billion years of volatile cycling in magmas and fluids: insights from halogens in synthetic and natural zircons
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Elizabeth A Bell($45,532), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Dustin Trail($358,891), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Halogen Cycling, Mass Spectrometry, Partition Coefficients, Affect, Archean, Cl, Course, Crust, Designed, Earliest, Enable, Experiments, Extend, Geosciences, Halogens, Information, Laboratory, Microscope, Mineral, Models, Oceanatmosphere, Partitioning, Planet, Polarized, Rock, Simple, Student, Students, Times, Water, Zircon, Zircon-fluid, Zircon-melt, Zircons.

Collaborative Research: Using K-feldspar megacryst and mineral inclusion T-X-t histories to assess batholith growth and evolution in the Tuolumne intrusive complex, CA
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Blair Schoene($287,826), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Valbone Memeti($337,782), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
Key terms: Feed Volcanic Eruptions, Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Yosemite National Park, Active Volcanoes, Graduate Students, Magma Bodies, Mineral Inclusions, Volcanic Hazards, “cold” Storage, Activities, Age, California, Characterized, Chemistry, Continue, Does, Exposed, Field, Fullerton, Geology, K-feldspar, Length, Memeti, Millions, Minerals, Mixing, Plutons, Princeton, Rock, Solidus, Temperatures, Thermometry, Time, Was.

Pre-eruptive magma assembly, evolution and associated magma fluxes at arc calderas: insights from the active Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, Catamarca, Argentina.
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Shanaka L de Silva($320,319), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Dating And Geochemistry, Future Field Workshop, Age Dating, Broader Impacts, Caldera Volcanoes, Local Tourism, Senior Scientists, Thermochemical Modeling, Active, Affect, Approaches, Argentina, Assembled, Bodies, CBVC, Chemistry, Crust, Development, Diverse, Efforts, Eruption, Evolution, Fluxes, Focus, Frequency, Global, International, Knowledge, Magma, Magmatic, Mentor, Minerals, Occurred, Outcomes, Society, Undergraduate, Volcanic, Worldwide, Zircon.

Testing the Validity of Muscovite as a Continuous History Thermochronometer
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Peter K Zeitler($173,000), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Decay Products, Temperature Histories, Accurate, Analyses, Arar, Dating, Diffusion, Experiments, Grain, Information, Means, Mineral, Minerals, Muscovite, Obtained, Published, Range, Rock, Target, Temperatures, Thermal, Undergraduate, Videos, ˚C.

Collaborative Research: Linking 3He/4He with eruptive behavior: A time series analysis of recent Kilauea, Iceland, and La Palma eruptions
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Peter Barry($523,946), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Marc-Antoine Longpre($74,624), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
Key terms: Gas Emissions, Ground Deformation, Hazard Forecasting, Helium Isotopes, Hole Oceanographic, Lava Discharge, Magma Recharge, Real-time Helium, Volcanic Activity, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Gas, CUNY, Canary, Difficult, Graduate, Hehe, Iceland, Islands, Link, Magmatic, Massachusetts, Monitoring, Processes, Real-time, Sensitive, Student, Undergraduate, Volcanoes, Volcanology.

CAREER: Detailed distributions of tephra fall characteristics: insights into magma fragmentation and transport via volcanic plumes
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Thomas Giachetti($333,529), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Ash Cloud, Secondary Fragmentation, Tephra Transport, Volcanic Eruptions, Aims, Characteristics, Conduit, Control, Deposits, Focus, Formation, Knowledge, Links, Model, Models, Parameters, Plume, Plumes, Predict, Processes, Products, Size, Via.

Rheology for near real time forecasting of lava flows
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Stephan Kolzenburg($410,626), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Lava Flow Emplacement, Lava Flow Paths, Lava’s Flow Properties, Near Real Time, Near-real Time Protocol, Rapid And Accurate, Satellite Informed Lava, Satellite-data-driven Near-real Time, Accurate Forecasting, Civil Protection, Core Objectives, Effusive Eruptions, Flow Law, Lava Emplacement, Lava Flows, Lava Rheology, Lava’s Flow, Lava’s Rheology, Near-real Time, Satellite-data-driven Near-real, Suny Buffalo, Affect, Basaltic, Conditions, Content, Derived, Detailed, Development, Enable, Fast, Field, Framework, Gt, Incomplete, Integrate, Lives, Localities, Model, Models, Natural, Nreal, Nyiragongo, Reconstruct, Temperature, Tool, Viscosity, Volcano.

In situ Rb-Sr mica petrochronology: a transformative approach to characterizing tectonic processes
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Joshua M Garber($391,286), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Mica Rb-sr, Rb-sr Dates, Context, Development, Glasses, Isotopes, Minerals, Rb-sr, Reference, Rock, Scheme, Situ, Technique, Tectonic, USA.

CAREER: Tracking mantle carbon through the life cycle of Large Igneous Provinces
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2023; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Benjamin A Black($210,377), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Co2 Release, Evolving Mantle, Mantle Sources, Melt Inclusion, Natural Experiments, Past Climate, Carbon, Climatic, Continent, Cycle, Disruptions, Distinct, Eruption, LIP, Life, Lips, Magmas, Magmatism, Outreach, Public, Reservoirs, Student, Undergraduate, Volatile, Warming.

Experimental Study of Clinopyroxene Growth and Sector Zoning
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2022; Program: Petrology and Geochemistry

1. Benoit T Welsch($46,799), Macalester College, Saint Paul
Key terms: Sector Zoning, Chemical, Clinopyroxene, Complex, Composition, Conditions, Cooling, Crystal, Crystallization, Electron, Experimental, Experiments, Intricate, Magmas, Magmatic, Major-, Melt, Mineral, Natural, Pressure, Previous, Processes, Sectors, Temperature, Trace-element.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Soil Carbon Biogeochemistry Under a Changing Climate: Current and Future Alterations from Forest Fires
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Sean Fettrow($180,000), Fettrow, Sean, Ardmore
Key terms: Forest Carbon Cycle, Changing Climate, Forest Fire, Forest Fires, Soil Carbon, Atmosphere, Belowground, Biogeochemistry, Field, Findings, Forests, Global, Has, Policy, Soils, Stored, Students, ’s.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Linking the past to the future: Using PETM fluvial records to understand the effects of climate change on rivers
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Bolton J Howes($180,000), Howes, Bolton John, Princeton
Key terms: Rivers And Floodplains, Anthropogenic Climate, Channel Movement, Modern Rivers, River Behavior, Agriculture, Alterations, Ascertain, Changing, Development, Field, Fluvial, Future, Has, Historical, Humanity, Imagery, Increased, Infrastructure, Land, Models, PETM, Routes, Surveys, Washington.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Linking soil nitrogen enrichment to mineral weathering and associated organic matter persistence
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Amelia A Fitch($180,000), Fitch, Amelia A, South Royalton
Key terms: Formation And Persistence, Weathered Basalt Parent, Biological Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Critical Zone, Deep Soils, Maom Abundance, Maom Formation, Nitric Acid, Organic Matter, Protect Som, Soils Store, Som Persistence, Accuracy, Amount, Atmosphere, Based, Chosen, Climates, Degree, Destabilization, Ecosystems, Effects, Enrichment, Experience, Fixation, Gradient, Has, Increasing, Knowledge, Long-term, Lot, Low, Microbes, Mineral, Minerals, Opportunity, Plants, Program, Released, Rock, Stay, Storage, Students, Weathering.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Petrochronometers as provenance proxies: implications for the spatio-temporal evolution of continental collision to escape
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Megan A Mueller($180,000), Mueller, Megan A, Storrs
Key terms: Continental Collision Settings, Sedimentary Provenance Analysis, Provenance Methods, Sedimentary Basin, Tectonic Escape, Ancient, Applied, Crust, Detrital, Evolution, Metamorphic, Modern, Reconstruct, Sources, Spatial, Timing, Zircon.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: To roll, flow, or fracture - that is the question: Investigating the mechanisms behind friction and the stability of faults
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Kristina Okamoto($180,000), Okamoto, Kristina, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Pressure And Temperature, Frictional Model, Permanent Deformation, Plastic Deformation, Starting Grains, Temperature Conditions, Ability, Allow, Amount, Backstress, Depend, Dependence, Depends, Dilation, Earthquakes, Effect, Equations, Experiments, Explored, Failure, Fault, Fit, Fracture, Has, Lab, Laboratory, Low, Physics, Plasticity, Pressures, Range, Rate, Shear, Sliding, Slip, Stress, Temperatures, UMN.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Establishing a new eruption classification with a multimethod approach
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Johanand T Gilchrist($180,000), Gilchrist, Johanand Thiru, Vancouver
Key terms: Eruption Source Parameters, Explosive Volcanic Eruptions, Fluid Mechanics Theory, Mass Eruption Rate, Pyroclastic Density Currents, Rate And Micrometer-scale, Stability Diagram” Classification, Varying Mass Eruption, “eruption Stability Diagram”, Analog Experiments, Computer Simulations, Eruption Hazards, Eruptive Phases, Mass Partitioning, Multiphase Jets, Ash, Atmosphere, Basis, Behavior, Behaviors, Capture, Classifications, Classify, Climate, Clouds, Consider, Dataset, Delivered, Deposit, Diagnostic, Doppler, Dufek, Effects, Erupted, Esps, Evolution, Field, Flow, Gas, Generation, Ground-hugging, Inform, Institute, Laboratory, MFIX, Mean, Methods, Monitoring, Nor, Particle, Paths, Pdcs, Predict, Processes, Radar, Real-time, Remote-sensing, Rock, Shifts, Smithsonian, Spreading, Threaten, UO, Umbrella, Validate, Volcano, Volcanoes.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Understanding the Mechanics of Caldera Collapse Eruptions
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Joshua A Crozier($180,000), Crozier, Joshua Allen, Moffett Field
Key terms: Caldera Collapse, Silicic Eruptions, Compared, Conditions, Constrain, Controls, Dynamics, Evolution, Examine, Geologic, Kīlauea, Mafic, Magma, Past, Properties, Reservoir, Rock, Simulations, Volcano.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: How Does Critical Zone Water Storage Impact Forest Drought Stress Across Complex Terrain?
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Karla M Jarecke($180,000), Jarecke, Karla M, Philomath
Key terms: Complex Mountainous Terrain, Subsurface Water Storage, Water Storage Dynamics, Critical Zone, Extreme Drought, Forest Drought, Tree Growth, Water Stored, Water Stress, Adapt, Colorado, Conditions, Deal, Deep, Faced, Fluxes, Lead, Limiting, Physiological, Structure, Trees, USA.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Assessing the net climate impact of tropical peatland restoration: the role of methane
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Clarice R Perryman($180,000), Perryman, Clarice R, Durham
Key terms: Co2 And Ch4, Future Greenhouse Gas, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Increased Ch4 Emissions, Low-cost Natural Climate, Natural Climate Solution, Peatland Rewetting Scenarios, Tropical Peatland Rewetting, Undergraduate And Graduate, Co2 Emissions, Degraded Peatlands, Graduate Students, Low-cost Natural, Mentoring Undergraduate, Microbial Decomposition, Net Climate, Partner Ngos, Quantify Ch4, Rewetted Peatlands, Rewetting Stands, Rewetting Vast, Southeast Asia, Tropical Peatlands, Abiotic, Agriculture, Aims, Assess, BAJEDI, Biotic, Canal, Carbon, Clarice, Committed, Controlling, Datasets, Drainage, Extremely, Fellow, Has, Host, Indonesia, Plot, Potential, Promote, Stored, Warming, Widespread.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Investigating spatiotemporal variability of forearc mantle wedge serpentinization and rheology during non-steady state subduction
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Gabe S Epstein($180,000), Epstein, Gabe S, Seattle
Key terms: Forearc Mantle Wedge, Mantle Wedge Hydration, Deformation Mechanisms, Fluid Release, Isotope Analysis, Subducting Plate, Subduction Zones, Undergraduate Students, Wedge Serpentinites, Accessible, Aimed, Beneath, Computational, Conditions, Consequences, Contribute, Dynamic, Dynamics, Earth’s, Extents, Facies, Geodynamic, Geoscience, Insights, Laboratory, Long-term, Merge, Modules, NSF, Natural, Online, Process, Range, School, Software, Stable, Trace, USA, Water, Welfare.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Pairing on-and-offshore observations of paleo-ice streams to constrain and elucidate dynamics of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (PISCES)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Marion McKenzie($180,000), McKenzie, Marion, Charlottesville
Key terms: Cordilleran Ice Sheet, Onshore And Offshore, Sea Level Rise, Climate Oscillations, Ice Stream, Ice Streams, Pacific Ocean, CIS, Constrain, Contribute, Controls, Development, Dynamics, Factors, Fellowship, Future, Geochronology, Glaciation, Marine, Seeks, Students, Techniques.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Is there a taphonomic clock? Assessing the progression of terrestrial bone alterations across environments and time
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Rachel Laker($180,000), Laker, Rachel, Chicago
Key terms: Taphonomic Alterations, Taphonomic Damage, Bone, Bones, Collagen, Experiments, Mentorship, Millennia, Rates, Represented, Time.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Evaluating spatiotemporal dependence in groundwater-dependent ecosystem processes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Matthew R Lurtz($180,000), Lurtz, Matthew R, Lake Winnebago
Key terms: Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems, Health And Groundwater, Gde Health, Groundwater Availability, Groundwater Supply, Climatic, Colorado, Conservation, Framework, Function, Gdes, Mentorship, Methodologies, Methods, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Plant, Spatial, Temporal, Utilize, Varying, Vegetation, Water, Western.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Investigation of High Mountain Asia Glacial Lake Variations Under a Warming Climate
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Sonam F Sherpa($180,000), Sherpa, Sonam Futi, Blacksburg
Key terms: Glacial Lake Outburst, Lake Outburst Floods, Water And Ocean, Contrasting Glacier, Glacial Lakes, Historically Excluded, Ocean Topography, Social Media, Sonam Futi, Surface Water, Warming Climate, Water Cycle, Alongside, Alps, Andes, Brown, Changing, Computing, Diversity, Equity, Evolution, Existing, Glaciers, Global, Glofs, HMA, Hazard, Himalayas, Inclusion, Increased, Investigation, Journals, Management, Melt, Mentorship, Methods, Mission, Mountain, Outreach, Plans, Public, Regions, Reported, Risk, STEM, SWOT, Size, Trends, Undergraduates, Utilize, Volume, Workshops, ’s, “how.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Novel approaches to evaluating the quality of the global fossil record: the frontier between taphonomy and phylogenetics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Charles H Woolley($180,000), Woolley, Charles Henrik, Los Angeles
Key terms: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods, Taphonomy And Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Information, Evolutionary Relationships, Extinct Biodiversity, Fossil Preservation, Museum Collections, Natural History, Phylogenetic Information, Ability, Allow, Analyses, Ancient, Animal, Assessing, Biased, Birds, Complete, Corals, Critical, Disparate, Ecologically, First-of-its-kind, Fossils, Global, Incomplete, Incorporate, Less, Life, Marine, Museums, Paleobiological, Paleobiology, Past, Potential, Public-facing, Quality, Sampling, Specimens, Squamates, Taphonomic, Terrestrial, Time, Vast, World, ’s.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Geochemical taphonomy of a rare dicynodont bonebed and its paleobiological implications of social behavior in the stem-mammalian lineage
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Zoe T Kulik($180,000), Kulik, Zoe, Seattle
Key terms: Growth And Development, Hard Tissue Histology, Body Size, Bone Tissue, Depositional History, Dicynodont Species, Single Population, Social Behavior, Age, Aims, Bonebed, Dicynodonts, Fossil, Fossilized, Geochemical, Has, Insights, Investigate, Life, Mammalian, Reconstruct, Remains, Snapshot, Students, Taphonomic, Traditional.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Exploring the significance of the spatial field from integrated DInSAR+GNSS time series for machine learning and volcano early warning applications
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Brianna D Corsa($180,000), Corsa, Brianna Durelle, Boulder
Key terms: Global Navigation Satellite, Magmatic Transport Behavior, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Deformation Maps, Digital Elevation, Plotted Time, Remote Sensing, Advanced, Algorithms, Awareness, Dems, Development, Dinsar, East, Enhanced, Eruption, Forecasting, GNSS, Generate, Geodetic, Geometries, Ground, Hazard, High-resolution, Iceland, Integrated, Involve, Knowledge, Machine, Methods, Models, Motion, Natural, North, Parameters, Processing, Signals, Source, Sources, Spatial, Subsurface, Surface, Temporal, Three-dimensional, Towards, Trained, Training, Various, Volcanic, Warning.

Collaborative Research: Experimental and computational constraints on the isotope fractionation of Mossbauer-inactive elements in mantle minerals
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Ming Chen($223,059), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Dongzhou Zhang($274,905), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation, Nuclear Resonance Scattering, Chemical Evolution, Deep-earth Minerals, Experimentally Benchmarked, Isotope Compositions, Mantle Minerals, Mass Spectroscopy, Si Β-factor, Solid Solutions, Sxd Experiments, Theoretical Calculation, Theoretical Calculations, Theoretical Modeling, Vibrational Anharmonicity, Applied, Approach, Approaches, Attainment, Challenges, Combined, Constrain, Constrained, Conventional, Deep-earth, Efficient, Establish, Has, Hexacoordinated, Involved, Isotopes, Method, Mössbauer-inactive, Redistribute, Structure, Ti, Β-factor, Β-factors.

CSEDI: Integrated seismic, geodynamic, and mineral physics studies of scatterers and other multi-scale structures in Earth’s lower mantle
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2023; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Jennifer M Jackson($639,659), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Experimental Mineral Physics, Core-mantle Boundary, Deep Mantle, Graduate Students, Hydrous Phases, Oceanic Crustal, Plate Tectonic, Accomplished, Anisotropy, CMB, Candidate, Chemical, Compared, Complexity, Convection, Core-mantle, Dynamics, Earth’s, Elastic, Experiments, Expertise, Facilities, Geodynamics, History, Influence, Infrared, Models, Observations, Observed, Properties, Reconstructions, Required, Seismic, Seismically, Seismology, Sources, Stability, Structures, Subducted, Synchrotron, Techniques, Thermal, Thermo-chemical, Training, X-ray.

Collaborative Research: Structure and properties of geofluids and their impact on fluid migration in subduction zones
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: STUDIES OF THE EARTHS DEEP INT

1. Ikuko Wada($234,181), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Structure And Viscosity, Earth’s Interior, Albite, Assess, Composition, Conditions, Dissolved, Earth’s, Eruption, Explosive, Fluid, Fluids, Magma, Mantle, Melt, Melting, Melts, Migration, Models, Pressure, Pressures, Properties, Region, Resulting, Simulations, Slab, Subducting, Surface, Temperature, Transport, Water.

CAREER: Deconvolving organic substrates as the critical link between changes in organic matter and global biogeochemical sulfur, carbon, and oxygen cycling
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2024; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Maya L Gomes($74,895), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Average Cell Specific, Cell Specific Reduction, Microbial Sulfate Reduction, Specific Reduction Rates, Sulfur Isotope Fractionations, Sulfur Isotope Signatures, Carbon Dioxide, Organic Matter, Organic Substrates, Sulfur Cycle, Traditionally Underrepresented, Affect, Document, Geoscience, Marine, Microorganisms, Model, Plants, Sediment, Sedimentary, Seed, Students, Versus.

Collaborative Research: Conference: Stratigraphic Paleobiology Field Conference
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2024; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Steven M Holland($15,266), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
2. Mark E Patzkowsky($33,845), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Field Conference, Stratigraphic Columns, Evolution, Fossil, Fossils, Knowledge, Participants, Phd, Rock, Students.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Taxon-Specific Cross-Scale Responses to Aridity Gradients through Time and across Space in the NW Great Basin of the United States
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Sean W Hixon($180,000), Hixon, Sean W, Eugene
Key terms: Climate Drying, Ground Squirrels, Involves Multiple, Natural Resources, Temporal Scales, Arrayed, Basin, Biodiversity, Ecological, Environmental, Gradient, Human, Land, Mammal, Mammals, Modern, Oregon, Past, Sites, Spanning, Species, Spp, Woodrats.

Conference: 12th North American Paleontological Convention, Ann Arbor, MI - June 17 to June 21, 2024
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Matthew Friedman($47,794), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Avocational Paleontologists, Plenary Session, Artists, Discipline, Field, Individuals, Meet, Meeting, Mentoring, NAPC, Networking, Paleontological, Paleontology, Participation, Public, Registration, Students, U-M, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Exploring early metazoan reef evolution through a multi-scale approach
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Akshay K Mehra($390,694), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Phoebe A Cohen($105,745), Williams College, Williamstown
Key terms: Little Dal Reef, Little Dal Reefs, Metazoan Reef, Northwestern Canada, Additionally, Ago, Approach, Billion, Comparisons, Earliest, Ecological, Ecology, Evolution, Fort, Framework, Inhabitants, Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Organism, Proterozoic, Remains, Sponge, Sponges, Transition, VERM.

Collaborative Research: GEO-CM: The occurrences of the rare earth elements in highly weathered sedimentary rocks, Georgia kaolins.
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. W C Elliott($239,788), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
2. Yuanzhi Tang($277,601), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Chinese Laterites, Geochemical Factors, Georgia Kaolins, Highly Weathered, Ree Resources, Combine, Controlling, Education, Environments, Fractionation, Natural, Occurrences, Outreach, Rare, Settings, Weathering.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: Using paleogeography and the fossil record to characterize the influence of scale on species range trajectories
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Benjamin R Shipley($180,000), Shipley, Benjamin R, Atlanta
Key terms: Relatedness And Heritability, Range Dynamics, Range Size, Ranges Fluctuate, Species Range, Species Ranges, Aims, Climate, Climatic, Complicated, Databases, Effects, Evolutionary, Examine, Extinction, Factors, Fluctuations, Furthermore, Geographic, Geological, Has, History, Influence, Multiple, Program, Programs, Quantify, Shifts, Species’, Students, Taxonomic, Tectonic, Temporal, Time, Trajectories.

Collaborative Research: Micro- and Macroscopic Eukaryotic Life and its Preservation within the Mesoproterozoic Lower Belt Supergroup
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Ann M Bauer($430,043), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Sarah P Slotznick($269,822), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Appekunny And Greyson, Earth’s Earliest Eukaryotes, Lower Belt Supergroup, Earth’s Earliest, Greyson Formations, Evolution, Life, Macroscopic, Paleobiological, Public, Units.

Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: Community And Structural Collapse During Mass Extinctions (CASCaDE)
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Pincelli M Hull($73,288), Yale University, New Haven
2. Jennifer A Dunne($35,471), Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe
Key terms: Food Web Modeling, Global Warming, Marine Food, Mass Extinction, Network Structure, Approaches, Cenozoic, Climate, Ecosystems, Fossil, Intervals, Natural, Planet, Productivity, Rapid, Stability, Time.

Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Philip M Novack-Gottshall($244,307), Benedictine University, Lisle
Key terms: Statistical And Visualization, Public Presentations, Underrepresented Minorities, Visualization Methods, Animal, Clades, Database, Ecological, Educational, Evolutionary, Experiences, Has, History, Innovation, Life, Marine, Modules, Opportunities, Progress, Studying, Time, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: Assembling the foundation of modern mammal community structure in the first 7 million years after the K/Pg mass extinction
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Paul R Renne($183,887), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
2. Thomas S Tobin($169,618), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
3. Gregory P Wilson Mantilla($233,317), University of Washington, Seattle
4. Courtney Sprain($185,386), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Eastern Montana, Mass Extinction, Climate, DIG, Diverse, Ecological, Ecology, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Evolution, Evolutionary, Graduate, Kpg, Mammals, Million, Prominence, Radiation, Rise, Students, Teachers, Underrepresented.

Collaborative Research: Paleozoic echinoderms as model systems for the study of evolutionary modes
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Adriane R Lam($81,859), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
2. Jennifer E Bauer($131,619), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Jonathan R Hendricks($296,211), University of South Florida, Tampa
4. James C Lamsdell($286,418), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Access, Analyses, Biogeography, Climate, Critical, Echinoderm, Echinoderms, Ecology, Evolution, Evolutionary, Heterochrony, History, Information, Multiple, Museum, Perturbations, Phylogenetic, Shifts.

Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. David L Fox($217,448), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Caroline A Stromberg($202,138), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Samantha S Hopkins($279,943), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Changing, Compare, Ecological, Ecology, Evolution, Habitat, Mammalian, Mammals, Northwest, Phytolith, Plains, Structure, Time.

RAPID: Rare Opportunity to Study Ancient Crocodylian Social Dynamics in Extinct Ecosystem (18 mya) from At-Risk Fossil Site (Rusinga, Kenya)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Alexander Hastings($37,205), Science Museum of Minnesota, Saint Paul
Key terms: Interspecies Aggression, Social Aggression, Depth, Fossil, Fossils, Has, Kenya, Outreach, Site.

CAREER: Quantifying Western Atlantic Climate and Seasonality across the Plio-Pleistocene Regional Molluscan Extinction
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Sierra V Petersen($86,238), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Mollusk Species, Temperature Estimates, Thermal Tolerances, Water Temperatures, Clams, Extinction, Isotopic, Living, Marine, Million, Mollusks, Past, Scallops, Waters.

Snowball Earth in Space and Time
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Francis A Macdonald($263,163), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Drone-based Mapping, Glacial Deposits, Orbital Forcing, Constrain, Constraining, Cryogenian, Cycle, Drone-based, Field, Geological, Glaciation, Ice, Model, Namibia, Nature, Processes, Rate, Snowball, Stratigraphic, Students.

Travel: Supporting Students and Early Career Scientists in Quaternary Research: the 2023 USNC/INQUA Congress Travel Fellowship Program
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Ourania Kosti($30,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: 21st Inqua Congress, 21st Inqua, Advance, Cohort, Opportunity, Participation, Program, Quaternary, Students, Travel, World.

Into the icehouse: Dramatic changes at the Devonian-Mississippian Climate Transition (DMCT)
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Shuang Zhang($586,098), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Clumped Isotope, Mass Balance, Ocean Temperatures, Calcium, Carbon, Climate, Combined, Crises, Cutting-edge, Cycling, Education, Examine, Future, Graduate, Rapid, Time.

"CAREER:" Shark Survivor! Interdisciplinary approaches to modern and paleo- ecology in research and education
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Sora Kim($405,532), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Ancient, Bridge, Climate, Concepts, Ecological, Ecology, Eocene, Gradients, Marine, Modeling, Modern, Paleobiology, Past, Range, Regions, Seeks, Shark, Sharks, Students.

When did the South Atlantic Ocean ventilate? Testing for paleogeographic controls on Cretaceous carbon burial
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Matthew Malkowski($533,300), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Organic Carbon Burial, Ocean Basins, South Atlantic, Southern Patagonia, Allows, Breakup, Climate, Conditions, Cretaceous, Deposition, Environmental, Oceans, Respond, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: Improved Geochronology-Based Sediment Provenance Analysis Through Physico-Mechanical Characterization of Zircon Transport
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: Sedimentary Geo & Paleobiology

1. Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia($260,565), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Age Spectra, Detrital Zircon, Sediment Transport, Ages, Ancient, Basins, Biasing, Characteristics, Currents, Developed, Effects, Elevation, Fractionation, Geologic, Information, Methods, Minerals, Potential, Processes, Quantify, Quantitative, Robust, Scientists, Sedimentary, Tectonic, U-pb.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Continental-Scale Study of Jura-Cretaceous Basins and Melanges along the Backbone of the North American Cordillera-A Test of Mesozoic Subduction Models
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: Tectonics

1. Kathleen D Surpless($191,257), Trinity University, San Antonio
2. George E Gehrels($161,467), University of Arizona, Tucson
3. Devon A Orme($184,781), Montana State University, Bozeman
4. Kenneth D Ridgway($256,352), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Basin Strata, Graduate Students, Mélange Belts, Oceanic Plate, Undergraduate Students, Western Cordillera, Alaska, Analysis, Archipelago, California, Context, Continent, Continental-scale, Convergent, Field, Formed, Geochemistry, Geologic, Margin, Methods, Model, Models, Mountain, North, Processes, Provenance, Subduction, Timing.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: EAR-PF: The effects of grain-scale deformation on helium diffusion and thermochronometric ages of accessory minerals
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: Tectonics

1. Catherine H Ross($180,000), Ross, Catherine Haggard, Austin
Key terms: Affect Helium Diffusion, Diffusion Kinetics, Age, Analyses, Crystal, Datasets, Defects, Deformation, Has, Isotopic, Mentor, Minerals, Overdispersion, Processes, Rock, Students, Thermal, Thermochronology, U-thhe, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Understudied, Via.

Collaborative Research: Resolving thin-skinned and basement-involved deformation within a seismically active broken foreland region, San Juan, Argentina
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Tomas Capaldi($366,190), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland($154,759), Denison University, Granville
3. Margaret L Odlum($366,190), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Flat Slab Subduction, Timing And Magnitude, Andean Ranges, Broken Foreland, Earth’s Surface, Eastern Precordillera, Geological Structures, Seismically Active, Structural Geometries, Thrust Front, Analytical, Argentina, Basin, Debated, Deformation, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Earth’s, Enigmatic, Expressed, Fault, Faults, Field, History, Infrastructure, Integrated, Kinematic, Long-term, Models, Mountain, Region, Resolve, Seismicity, Shortening, Students, Thin-skinned, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: Active deformation and exhumation at the transition from subduction to oblique collision in Central New Zealand
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Colin B Amos($264,044), Western Washington University, Bellingham
2. Nathan A Niemi($390,717), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Tectonic Plate Boundaries, Crustal Deformation, Kaikōura Earthquake, Oblique Collision, Plate-boundary Transition, Shed Light, Tectonic Plates, Bedrock, Canterbury, Character, Connections, Continent, Control, Earth’s, Evolution, Exhumation, Existing, Factors, Field, Hazards, Indigenous, International, Kinematics, Knowledge, Landslides, Migration, Oceanic, Plate-boundary, Rate, Seminar, Sliding, Students, Subduction, Surrounding, Tasks, Time, Zealand.

Investigating the nature and timing of development of the Eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) in southeastern California
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Jason W Ricketts($244,152), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: California Shear Zone, Eastern California Shear, San Andreas Fault, Timescales And Styles, Field Studies, Hispanic Population, Inactive Segment, Outreach Opportunities, Plate Boundary, Structural Analysis, Structural Narrowing, Abandonment, Active, Arar, BCC, Communication, Constrain, Coupled, Deformation, ECSZ, Evolution, Experience, Faulting, Faults, Gain, Geothermochronology, Graduate, Local, Motion, Paleo-ecsz, Rock, Sanidine, Students, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: The Role of the Porcupine Fault System in the Mesozoic Opening of the Arctic Ocean
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. William McClelland($191,102), University of Iowa, Iowa City
2. Margaret L Odlum($261,002), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Emma T Rasbury($175,666), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
4. Margaret L Odlum($261,002), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
5. Justin V Strauss($247,428), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Alaska And Northwestern, Fish And Wildlife, Arctic Ocean, Canada Basin, Northeastern Alaska, Northwestern Yukon, Porcupine Fault, Senior Academic, Wildlife Service, Collaboration, Development, Economic, Effort, Examine, Generate, Geology, International, Mesozoic–cenozoic, Models, Northern, Opportunities, Poorly, Public, Students, Tectonic.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Fault rock and spring sampling of the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkey, earthquake sequence ruptures
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Sinan O Akciz($10,738), CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, Fullerton
2. Alexis K Ault($13,307), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Earthquake Ruptures, Kahramanmaras Earthquake, Surface Ruptures, Catastrophic, Deformed, Earthquakes, Fault, Faults, Field, MW, Participated, Pis, Rock, Springs, Turkey, Turkish.

Collaborative Research: Fluid infiltration of the continental crust during Laramide flat-slab subduction: a unique tectonic setting
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Suzanne C Affinati($347,913), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Chloe Bonamici($355,607), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Cemetery Ridge, Continental Margin, Flat-slab Subduction, Fluid Infiltration, Maria Mountains, Oceanic Plate, Ancient, Angle, Arizona, California, Conditions, Flat-slab, Laramide, Mathematical, Metasomatism, Phds, Public, Rock, Setting, Simulations, Suprasubduction, Timing, Underrepresented.

Collaborative Research: Clockwise block rotation in the Pacific Northwest and sinistral movement on the Lewis & Clark zone
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Bernard A Housen($401,467), Western Washington University, Bellingham
2. Basil Tikoff($439,120), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Idaho And Montana, Lewis And Clark, Adjacent Laurentia, Blue Mountains, Clockwise Rotation, Graduate Students, Igneous Activity, Pacific Northwest, Paleomagnetic Analyses, Undergraduate Students, Western Margin, Continent, Crust, Deformation, Movement, Oregon, Rock, Strike-slip, Timing, Washington.

Collaborative Research: Evaluating the role of terrane accretion on the evolution of indenter corner fault systems, an example from the eastern Himalaya
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Karl Lang($229,971), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Paul M Betka($265,694), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Indenter Corner Fault, Noa Dihing Fault, Active Fault, Collision Zone, Collision Zones, Eastern Himalaya, Eastern Himalayan, Himalayan Indenter, Indented Plate, Indenter Corners, Indenting Plate, Kinematic History, Sliver Terranes, Strain Partitioning, Tectonic Plate, Tectonic Setting, Terrane Accretion, Triple Junction, Undergraduate Students, Accreted, Alaska, Alaskan, Continent, Crust, Differences, Earthquakes, Faults, Has, Indian, Influence, International, Margins, Orogens, Participation, Plates, Prior, Rigid, Suggest, Tectonics, Transform, Zircon.

Collaborative Research: Using a weather model and geologic data to test tectonic mechanisms in an intercontinental setting: The Altai Mountains of Central Asia
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Jeremy K Rugenstein($230,872), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Frank J Pazzaglia($290,936), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
3. Rene Paul M Acosta($34,998), George Mason University, Fairfax
4. Jane W Baldwin($329,996), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Climate And Weather, Height And Shape, Largest Intracontinental Earthquakes, Remains Exceptionally Difficult, Age Model, Altai Mountains, Altai Uplift, Atmospheric Circulation, Central Asia, Growth History, Natural Hazards, Regional Climate, Rock Uplift, Uplift Mechanisms, Western Mongolia, Advances, Basins, Cenozoic, Climatic, Dynamic, Early-career, Focuses, Geosciences, Influence, Paleoclimate, Past, Predict, Processes, Ranges, Responsible, Sediments, Size, Solid, Students, Substantial, Tectonic, Topographic, Topography, Variety.

Collaborative Research: Roles of lithology and water on deep continental crustal rheology from a natural setting and laboratory experiments
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Kevin H Mahan($464,509), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Caleb W Holyoke($359,704), University of Akron, Akron
Key terms: Continental Crust, Deep Crustal, Deformation Experiments, Fault Zone, Nominally Anhydrous, Shear Zone, Water Content, Water Loss, Aseismic, Characterization, Depths, Dry, Earthquakes, Field, Field-based, Indicate, Investigations, Mechanisms, Mineral, Minerals, Modeling, Observations, Perform, Processes, Pseudotachylyte, Quartz, Rheology, Rock, Strength, Students, Upper, Wet, Zones.

An orogenic plateau in the southern U.S. Cordillera?
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. James B Chapman($62,926), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Elevated Plateau, Geologic Mapping, Mountain Ranges, Southern Arizona, Constrain, Constructed, Cordillera, Create, Crust, Existed, History, Mechanisms, Mesozoic, North, Phase, Region, Rock, Southwestern, Structural, Student, Tectonic, Thickened.

Characterizing surface-mantle interactions in deepwater turbiditic successions, northern and central Apennines, Italy
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Ted A Neal($502,351), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Students And In-service, Apennine Mountains, Earth’s Surface, Slab Detachment, Slab Rollback, Development, Diverse, Duration, Dynamic, Earth’s, Education, Erosion, Evolution, Geodynamic, Geologic, Influence, Information, Italy, Mantle, Observations, Processes, STEM, Sedimentary, Sedimentation, Teachers, Tectonic, Timing, Uplift.

Collaborative Research: RUI: An undergraduate cohort thermochronology research and mentorship experience investigating the thermo-tectonic record of the northern Klamath Mountains
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Francis J Sousa($172,594), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Jaclyn Baughman($296,973), Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Modern Cascadia Subduction, Mineral Chronometers, Mountain Building, Northern Klamath, Sedimentary Rocks, Siletzia Accretion, Siletzia Collision, Siletzia-crescent Terrane, Tectonic Plate, Basaltic, Burial, Center, Continent, Evolution, Experience, Formation, Geologic, History, Million, Missing, Multi-method, Oregon, Reconstruct, Region, Siletzia-crescent, Southern, Spatial, Thermal, Thermochronometry, Undergraduate, Western.

P-T-D-t paths for Mesoproterozoic supracrustal rocks: a new window into the elevated geotherm and intraplate deformation of the ca. 1.4 Ga Picuris Orogeny
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Chloe Bonamici($408,180), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Mobility Challenges, Mountain Belts, Picuris Mountains, Plate-interior Mountain, Tectonic Plates, Volcanic Rocks, Ago, Approaches, Billion, Boundaries, Continent, Deformed, Field, Formed, Graduate, Mesoproterozoic, Mexico, Orogenesis, P-t-d-t, Perform, Plate-interior, Principal, Rare, Rigid, Strong, Student, Students, Zircon.

CAREER: Does long-term topography preserve details of the seismic cycle? Seeing through, and exploiting, the diverse forcings influencing actively deforming landscapes.
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Adam Forte($475,451), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Average Slip Rates, Temporally Variable Precipitation, Deforming Regions, Diverse Forcing, Fluvial Topography, Forcing Mechanisms, Hazard Assessments, Landscape Evolution, Relative Activity, Rock Uplift, Seismic Cycle, Seismic Cycles, Seismic Hazard, Tectonic Forces, Active, Analysis, Array, Aspects, Assumption, Available, Broad, Characteristics, Climate, Climatic, Comprehensive, Conditions, Coupled, Critical, Deformation, Details, Developed, Development, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Educational, Effort, Extent, Fault, Faults, Fingerprints, Globally, Histories, Information, Insight, Integrated, Interface, Interseismic, Landscapelibrary, Landscapes, Motion, Portions, Potential, Processes, Reflects, Resource, Set, Shape, Signal, Signals, Simulations, Spatially, Specifically, Strain, Surface, Tools, Topographic, Typically, Unclear, View.

The birth of longitudinal rivers in orogenic systems
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Sarah W George($391,872), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Northern Andes Mountains, Drainage Networks, Erosion Rates, Allow, Available, Development, Evolution, Growth, Longitudinal, Modern, Processes, Provenance, Proxies, River, Rivers, Sediment, Shifts, Source, Students, Teaching, Time.

Conference: Participant Support for a GSA Penrose Conference on the North American Cordillera
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Stacia Gordon($39,112), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Conference Brings, Early-career Scientists, Networking Opportunities, Obliquely Convergent, Penrose Conference, Plate Margin, Tectonic History, Ago, Attend, Cordillera, Diverse, Early-career, Especially, Ethnicity, Evolution, Field, Funding, Gender, Geoscience, Individuals, Level, Margins, Million, North, Participants, Presentations, Range, Students, Travel, Underrepresented.

Incorporating Quantitative Analysis and Digital Database Use in Structure and Tectonics Research and Teaching: Proposal for a Summer School
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Basil Tikoff($99,798), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Graduate Students, Summer School, Summer Schools, Analysis, Available, Digital, Facilitating, Faculty, Field, Focused, Following, Generation, Internet, Mapping, Methods, Mobile, Participants, Quantitative, Skills, Teaching, Videos.

Quartz grain-boundary topology as a stress and strain-rate meter and a new flow law
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: Tectonics

1. Scott E Johnson($392,372), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Backscatter Diffraction, Flow Laws, Flow Rate, Grain-boundary Roughness, Laboratory Experiments, Stresses Caused, Applied, Calibrations, Developed, Directly, Electron, Engineering, Equations, Experimental, Geologists, Grain-boundary, Maine, Method, Methods, Objectives, Optical, Protocols, Quantify, Quartz, Refine, Relations, Rock, Tectonic.

INFEWS: U.S.-China: Integrated systems modeling for sustainable FEW nexus under multi-factor global changes: Innovative comparison between Yellow River and Mississippi River Basins
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: Track 1 INFEWS

1. Zutao Yang($500,000), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Largest River Basin, Clean Water, Complex Interactions, Fewc Nexus, Fewc Sustainability, Growing Demands, Limiting Factors, Modeling Framework, River Basins, Build, China, Climate, Context, Crop, Development, Drains, Economic, Energy, Engagement, Food, Future, Global, Human, Integrated, Intensively-managed, Joint, Land, MRB, Management, Pollution, Practices, Predict, Program, Resource, Us-china, YRB.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Determining the Impacts of a Combined Historical Watershed and Regional Drought on Coastal Louisiana Wetland Ecohydrology
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Elliott E White($26,999), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Matthew R Hiatt($23,000), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Coastal Wetland Vegetation, Water Levels, Conditions, Drought, Drought-driven, Droughts, Findings, Forest, Groundwater, Gulf, Historical, Investigate, Louisiana, Low, Marsh, Mexico, Ongoing, River, Salinity, Sites, Wetlands.

RAPID: Monitoring water quality changes in an agricultural karst aquifer after a major storm
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Patricia Spellman($40,400), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Nutrient And Solute, Agricultural Landscapes, Hurricane Idalia, Karst Agricultural, Karst Aquifers, Northern Florida, Solute Loading, Surface Water, Suwannee River, Water Bodies, Environments, Generate, Groundwater, Gulf, Heavy, Inform, Mobilization, Monitor, Nutrients, Profound, Quality, Quantify, Receiving, Storms, Tropical.

RAPID: Land surface hazards under accelerating climate change: Example from 2023 Hurricane Hilary
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Marin K Clark($49,928), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Land Surface Hazards, Debris Flows, Hazard Cascade, Heavy Rainfall, Hurricane Hilary, Southern California, Arid, Clash, Climate, Enable, Environment, Field, Flooding, Geomorphic, Ground, Infrastructure, Insights, Landslides, Models, Natural, Observations, Precipitation, Previously, Regions, Storms, Triggered, Unprecedented.

Collaborative Research: Reconstructions of Southern Caribbean Climate Variability using Contemporaneous and Co-Located Corals and Speleothems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Isaiah W Bolden($303,755), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Elizabeth M Niespolo($146,581), Princeton University, Princeton
3. Warren D Sharp($138,373), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
4. Jessica L Oster($359,899), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Arid Southern Caribbean, Coral And Speleothem, Terrestrial And Marine, Caribbean Sea, Cave Environments, Coral Carbonates, Geochemical Analyses, Marine Climate, Undergraduate Students, Context, Curaçao, Dating, Development, Division, Drivers, Ecosystems, Etc, Global, Hydroclimate, Increase, Integrated, Jointly, Modern, Monitoring, Opportunities, Past, Periods, Proxies, Proxy, Reef, Seasonal, Seawater, Temperature, Thousand, Timescales.

Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jeffrey A Nittrouer($20,000), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Canyon And Basin, Aerial Imagery, Arid Canyon, Immediate Aftermath, Numerical Models, Record-breaking Flood, Constrain, Desert, Directly, Following, Hilary, Observe, Processes, Quantify, Record-breaking, Shapes, Survey, Window.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Diffusion studies in baddeleyite and zircon
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Heather C Watson($118,795), Union College, Schenectady
2. Daniele J Cherniak($165,744), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Chemical And Isotopic, Analytical Methods, Broader Impacts, Geochemical Tracers, School Students, Thermal Histories, Undergraduate Students, Wide Range, Access, Ages, Application, Baddeleyite, Contribution, Critical, Diffusion, Diverse, Experience, Experiments, Fields, Geologic, Geological, Geosciences, Has, Implications, Incorporate, Information, Interpreting, Measuring, Mineral, Minerals, Minor, Rock, Signatures, Solar, Techniques, Useful, Variety, Xe, Yield, Zircon.

Expanding Geoscience Research Access For Historically Excluded Communities
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Matthew W Dawson($895,841), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Geological Society, Graduate Student, Graduate Students, Historically Excluded, Funding, GSA, GSRG, Geoscience, Geosciences, Gsa’s, Increasing, Module, Natural, Outreach, Program, Travel.

RAPID: Death Valley after Hurricane Hilary: A study of desert landscape re-equilibration after extreme events
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Mackenzie Day($22,558), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Death Valley, Debris Flows, Baseline, Extreme, Flooding, Landscape, Meter-, Storm, Unprecedented, Wake.

Collaborative Research: Testing endmember hypotheses for the source of mineralizing fluid(s) in iron oxide - copper - gold (IOCG) deposits
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Adam C Simon($444,296), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Ryan D Mathur($114,133), Juniata College, Huntingdon
Key terms: Copper Ore Deposits, Brine, Demand, End-member, IOCG, Isotopic, Magmatic-hydrothermal, Methods, Mineral.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: A novel magnetometer network to capture the ongoing inflationary episode at Askja volcano, Iceland
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Joseph A Biasi($17,632), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Einat Lev($38,236), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Local Magnetic Field, Gnss Positioning, Volcanic Risk, Activity, Askja, Available, Capture, Continued, Continuous, Difficult, Eruption, Expensive, Has, High-quality, Instruments, Magma, Modeling, Networks, Observed, Shallow.

RAPID: Managed Groundwater Recharge (MAR) in a year of exceptional precipitation: Evaluating the impact of dry-well versus on-farm recharge on water quality
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jasquelin Pena($50,000), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Intentional Groundwater Recharge, Managed Aquifer Recharge, Groundwater Quality, Mar Strategies, Recharge Strategies, Aquifers, California, Contaminants, Depletion, Effect, Findings, Flooding, Future, Has, Investigate, Mobilization, Surface, Water.

Collaborative Research: Geophysical Campaign to Image CZ Structure Along Hillslope Gradients in the Neotropics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Kristina Keating($363,098), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
2. Ying Fan Reinfelder($285,707), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Amazon Forest, Geophysical Tools, Structure Below, Subsurface Structure, Vegetation Drought, Water Storage, Air, Brazilian, Climate, Dry, Dynamics, Educational, Ground, Image, Periods, Rainforest, Seasonal, Site, Wet.

RUI: Investigating the relationship between magmatic processes and copper mineralization at the Lights Creek Stock.
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Hannah Aird($281,067), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
Key terms: Engels Iocg Deposits, Lights Creek Stock, Northern Sierra Nevada, Class Projects, Copper Minerals, Graduate Students, Ore Deposits, Twelve Undergraduate, Carry, Cures, Detailed, Economic, Energy, Experiences, Field, Findings, Fluids, Formation, Formed, Fractures, Geochemical, Geology, Granitoid, Has, Identity, Increasing, Independent, Integrated, Investigate, Iron, LCS, Lateral, Magmatic, Metals, Model, Petrogenesis, Petrology, Processes, Produce, Real, Rock, STEM, Shown, Similar, Superior, World.

Acquisition of Cathodoluminescence System for Scanning Electron Microscope
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Elizabeth Balgord($312,822), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Analysis, CL, Capabilities, Characterization, Crust, Image, Imaging, Impurities, Increase, Infrastructure, SEM-CL, Students, Undergraduate, Variety.

RAPID: Monitoring subsurface water storage dynamics associated with the 2023 extreme snowfall events in precipitation-limited systems
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Qifei Niu($49,677), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Extreme Weather, Geophysical Imaging, Groundwater Recharge, Heavy Snowfall, Snow Water, Subsurface Water, Available, Collected, Conditions, Graduate, Hydrological, Mountain, Plants, Regions, Resistivity, Streamflow, Techniques, Wet.

RAPID: Investigating spatiotemporal groundwater variations in the Wasatch Front using geophysical methods
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Tonie van Dam($49,979), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Geophysical Techniques, Lake Valley, Salt Lake, Soil Moisture, Surface Water, Water Mass, Water Storage, Available, Capture, Collection, ERT, Geophysics, Gravity, Groundwater, Hydrological, Mountain, Observations, Program, RAPID, Resolution, Seismic, Snow, Spatial, Transport, Utah, Wasatch.

CAREER: Advancing predictive understanding of hydrologic exchange in the river corridor
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Adam S Ward($241,202), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: River Corridor Exchange, River Corridor Perspective, Setting And Hydrologic, Spatial And Temporal, Geologic Setting, Geomorphic Features, Hydrologic Forcing, Predictive Relationships, River Corridors, Temporal Scales, Considers, Contaminants, Continuum, Dynamic, Education, Energy, Fate, Hillslope, Integrated, K-, Range, Solutes, Surface, Transport, Undergraduate, Utilize, Water, Zone.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Deployment of a Nodal Array to Capture Aftershocks of the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake Sequences in Turkey
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Eric Sandvol($66,911), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Zhigang Peng($51,705), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Peng And Eric, Graduate Students, Southeastern Turkey, Turkish Scientists, Aftershocks, Catalogue, Crust, Earthquakes, Faults, February, Geometry, Image, Instruments, Pis, RAPID, Range, Region, Seismometers, Time, Uploaded, Wave.

RAPID: The East Anatolian fault earthquake sequence of 6 February 2023: epicentral afterslip and anticipated future rupture propagation
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Roger G Bilham($73,361), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Anatolian Fault Zone, East Anatolian Fault, Turkish Scientists, Creep, EAFZ, Earthquakes, Existing, Extensometers, Faults, February, Future, Information, Install, Measure, Offsets, Postseismic, Seismic, Turkey, Via.

Enabling Discoveries in Multiscale Earth System Dynamics: Seismological Facility for the Advancement of GEoscience (SAGE)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Jerry A Carter($57,376,897), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
2. Jerry A Carter($2,810,246), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
Key terms: Structure And Dynamics, Environmental Management, Fault Zones, Geophysical Instrumentation, National Security, Public Outreach, Sage Facility, Seismological Facilities, Volcanic Eruptions, Workforce Development, Activities, Administration, Advances, Behaviors, Capabilities, Department, Earth, Earthquakes, Education, Enable, Engagement, Engineering, Enhance, Focus, Global, Hazards, IRIS, Monitoring, Nuclear, Operate, Opportunities, Participation, Processes, Products, Programs, Promote, Provided, STEM, Seismic, Services, Students, Underrepresented, Variety.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the hydrologic consequences of urban irrigation across the U.S.
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Diane E Pataki($91,261), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Vapor Pressure Deficit, Irrigation Practices, Soil Moisture, Urban Water, Water Cycle, Water Management, Advance, Amount, Atmospheric, Cities, Climate, Components, Cover, Demand, Differences, Distribution, Fluxes, Human, Hydrologic, Land, Landscape, Models, Plant, Policy, Poorly, Represent, Semi-arid, Vegetation.

Collaborative Research: The influence of climate and tectonics on Miocene ecosystems and faunal evolution in the East African Rift, Kenya
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Christopher J Poulsen($378,295), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Tectonics And Climate, East Africa, Graduate Students, Mammal Evolution, Model Outputs, Tectonic Model, Turkana Basin, African, Dynamic, Ecosystems, Explore, Field, Influences, Integrated, Kenya, Mammals, Million, Region, Rift, Training, Vegetation.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Zero-order to first-order: Hydrologic drivers of surface-subsurface storage dynamics in thawing permafrost landscapes
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2022; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. John J Braun($41,833), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Permafrost Soils Thaw, Tracks And Thermoerosional, Carbon Release, Permafrost Thaws, Remain Poorly, Remote Sensing, Thermoerosional Gullies, Water Tracks, Alaska, Arctic, Climate, Drivers, Dynamics, Features, Field, Flows, Frozen, Hillslope, Hydrology, Saturated, Saturation, Students, Surface, Variable.

Collaborative Research: High-resolution imaging of the Elgin-Lugoff earthquake swarm sequence and subsurface structures in South Carolina using a dense seismic nodal array
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2023; Program: nan

1. Zhigang Peng($259,447), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Daniel A Frost($168,420), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: South Carolina, Swarm Sequence, Deployed, Deployment, Driving, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Elgin, Elgin-lugoff, Fault, Funding, Has, Hosting, Image, Information, Instruments, Magnitude, Model, October, Opportunities, Region, Reveal, STEM, Seismic, Station, Summer, Techniques, Tectonic, Time.

REU Site: Summer Research Experience at UT-Permian Basin Focused on the Applications of Science and Technology in Solving Real Energy and Environmental Problems
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2023; Program: nan

1. Athenia L Oldham($455,414), University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa
Key terms: Permian Basin, Energy, Highly, Program, REU, Students, Texas, Undergraduate, Unique.

CAREER: Solute Transport Coupled to Geomechanics and Convective Mixing
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2023; Program: nan

1. Birendra Jha($323,931), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Spreading And Mixing, Fluid Flow, Fractured Aquifer, Hydromechanical Properties, Solute Transport, Waste Disposal, Affect, Contaminant, Coupling, Dilution, Engineers, Experiments, Fingering, Geomechanical, Groundwater, Interaction, Modeling, Plume, Position, Processes, Rock, Simulation, Simulations, Site.

United States Geological Survey Supplemental Funding for the Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2023; Program: nan

1. David J Mencin($3,040,474), EARTHSCOPE CONSORTIUM INC., Washington
Key terms: Manage And Operate, Environmental Management, Gage Facility, Geodetic Capabilities, Water Storage, Workforce Development, Administration, Advances, Atmosphere, Continent, Distribution, Dynamics, Education, Enable, GNSS, Geophysical, Geosciences, Instrumentation, Interactions, NOTA, National, Positioning, Processes, Products, Provided, Public, Set, Stations, Technology, Time, Transportation, UNAVCO, Warning.

Collaborative Research: Roles of rupture complexity, geological structure, stress interaction on earthquake sequences
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2022; Program: nan

1. Xiaowei Chen($454,429), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Industrial 3d Seismic, 3d Seismic, Earthquake Physics, Earthquake Rupture, Earthquake Source, Geologic Structure, Ground Motion, Human Activities, Industrial 3d, Northern California, San Andreas, Analysis, Central, Characteristics, Complexity, Dominated, Earthquakes, Facing, Fault, Faults, Hazard, Hazards, Increase, Methods, OU, Oklahoma, Parameters, Processes, Rate, Regions, Seismicity, Settings, Tectonic.