Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. William J Jenkins($7,846,733), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Accelerator Mass, Carbon Cycle, Level Radiocarbon, AMS, Analysis, Capabilities, Clients, Climate, Compound, Continue, Development, Environmental, Facility, Flow, Issues, NOSAMS, Natural, Ocean, Past, Pis, Precision, Processing, Public, Secure, Serves, Services, Submissions, Web.
1. James O Lloyd-Smith($1,399,997), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Csl Population Dynamics, Disease Outbreaks, Asymptomatic, Broader, Chronic, Climate, Establish, Free-ranging, Has, Infected, Infectious, Interrogans, Leptospirosis, Long-term, Marine, Mechanism, Pathogen, Pis, Quantitative, Subsequent, Unique.
1. Amy Baco-Taylor($566,608), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. Erin B Roark($288,035), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Anthropogenic Impacts, Coral Colonization, Deep-sea Corals, Fish Trawling, Precious Corals, Time Scales, Decadal, Deep-sea, Disturbance, Genetic, Hard-substrate, Insights, Large-scale, Microsatellites, NWHI, Natural, Pis, Processes, Recovery, Resilience, STEM, Sampling, Seamount, Seamounts, Source, Structure, Students.
1. Matthew T Cottrell($198,889), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Carbon Cycling, Heterotrophic Bacteria, Organic Carbon, Respiration Rates, Bacterial, Clade, Contribution, Conversion, Genes, Laboratory, Oceans, Phylogenetic, Specific, Taxa, Tool, Undergraduate, Visitors.
1. Kanesa D Seraphin($558,548), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Bathypelagic Food Web, Central North Pacific, Mesopelagic Food Webs, Surface Ocean Productivity, Suspended And Sinking, Zooplankton And Micronekton, Deep-sea Food, Delta 15n, Food Source, Ocean Productivity, Organic Matter, Particle Flux, Sinking Particle, Sinking Particles, Suspended Particles, AA, Amino, Carbon, Climate, Deep-sea, Depth, Depths, Ecological, Female, Fisheries, Functioning, Inputs, Isotopic, Mass, Meso-, Microbial, Midwaters, Oceans, Processes, Relate, Student, TV, Values.
1. Erica Goetze($199,405), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Dispersal Barriers, Marine Holoplankton, AMT, Atlantic, Capacity, Climate, Collected, Condition, Content, Cruise, Dominant, Evolutionary, Genetic, Habitats, Ocean, Regions, Species, Strong, Target, Transect, Zooplankton.
1. Benjamin G Miner($25,951), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Ecological And Microbiological, Healthy And Diseased, Diseased Tissues, Pacific Coast, Sea Star, Wasting Disease, Bacteria, Coastal, Ecology, Extent, Identification, Information, Microorganisms, Populations, Prevalence, Protozoa, SSWD, Species, Viruses.
1. Peter J Edmunds($661,063), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
2. Howard R Lasker($314,563), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Corals And Corals, Corals And Fishes, Graduate Students, Soft Corals, Abundance, Biology, CSUN, Caribbean, Cover, Ecology, Educational, Existing, Field, Filled, Focused, Future, Host, John, Laboratory, Macroalgae, Marine, Opportunities, Participation, Past, Populations, Processes, Reefs, Rising, School, Schools, Teachers, USVI.
1. Robyn E Hannigan($353,436), University of Massachusetts Boston, Dorchester
2. Philip O Yund($394,730), Downeast Institute for Applied Marine Research and Education, Beals
3. Huijie Xue($306,015), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Blue Mussel Populations, Cross-shelf Mixing, Eastern Maine, Larval Transport, Up-stream Sources, Coastal, Connectivity, Cross-shelf, Empirical, Estimates, Graduate, Gulf, Has, Interdisciplinary, Local, Model, Northeastern, Processes, Southwestern, Students, Training, Undergraduate, Up-stream.
1. John J Stachowicz($274,941), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Kevin A Hovel($295,486), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
3. J. Emmett Duffy($664,827), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Bottom-up And Top-down, Grazing And Predation, Zostera Experimental Network, Environmental Forcing, Global Map, Habitat Structure, Nutrient Loading, Relative Importance, Seagrass Ecosystems, Threatened Seagrass, Top-down Forcing, Trophic Levels, Analysis, Beds, Biodiversity, Biomass, Characterize, Coastal, Comprehensive, Conservation, Declining, Diversity, Eelgrass, Efforts, Experiments, Field, Food-web, Functioning, Generation, Growth, Influence, Interacting, Interactions, Management, Marine, Parallel, Partners, Processes, Produce, Producer, Programs, Quantify, Rates, Sites, Worldwide, ZEN.
1. Thomas G Wolcott($224,657), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Steven G Morgan($629,277), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Preferences And Vertical, Alongshore Transport, Behavior Affects, Depth Preferences, Larval Transport, Surface Layer, Vertical Migration, Vertical Migrations, Adult, Below, Coastal, Continent, Currents, Direct, Directions, Drifters, Larvae, Marine, Mean, Modeled, Pis, Populations, Residence, Shore, Upwelling, Widely.
1. Jennifer B Martiny($823,576), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Marcia F Marston($376,616), Roger Williams University, Bristol
Key terms: Organic Matter, Phage-bacteria Interactions, Viral-induced Mortality, Association, Biogeochemical, California, Cyanophage-synechococcus, Cycling, Diversity, Engineering, Environment, Genes, Host, Infect, K-, Kits, Marine, Method, Microbial, National, Natural, Oceans, Park, Phage-bacteria, Populations, Program, Rates, Sequences, Similar, Students, Teachers, Training, Viruses.
1. Kimberlee Thamatrakoln($337,995), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Uptake And Silica, Molecular Regulation, Natural Populations, Silicon Uptake, Sirg Expression, Uptake Kinetics, Carbon, Characterize, Concentrations, Diatom, Diatoms, Diverse, Factors, Field, Influence, Information, K-, Ocean, Opportunity, Organisms, Processes, Productivity, Rates, Sea, Silicification, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Su Sponaugle($888,504), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Food Webs, Image Analysis, Intellectual Merit, Larval Fishes, Larval Growth, Pelagic Food, Predator-prey Interactions, Analyses, Biological, Broad, Consequences, Distribution, Ecosystems, Environments, Fine-scale, Focus, ISIIS, Imagery, Organisms, Plankton, Planktonic, Predator-prey, Predators, Processes, Range, Sampling, Simultaneously, Spatial.
1. Lee Karp-Boss($409,035), University of Maine, Orono
2. Evan Variano($315,869), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Morphological And Physiological, Morphologies And Mechanical, Speeds And Trajectories, Ambient Flows, Graduate Students, Growth Stages, Individual Cells, Mechanical Properties, Mixed Layer, Non-motile Phytoplankton, Particle Motions, Physiological Properties, Sinking Speeds, Spatial Distributions, Targeting Species, Turbulent Flows, Advance, Approaches, Cultures, Diatoms, Diffusive, Dominate, Efficient, Engineering, Fields, Gained, Implications, Insights, Interact, Interactions, Mechanisms, Non-motile, Ocean, Particles, Productivity, Settling, Simulation, Turbulence, Undergraduate, Velocities, Water.
1. Craig A Layman($657,849), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Craig A Layman($657,849), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Consumer-mediated Nutrient Supply, Biogeographic Regions, Broader Impacts, Caribbean Challenge, Consumer-mediated Nutrient, Nature Conservancy, Nutrient Availability, Seagrass Beds, Abaco, Artificial, Bahamas, Bottom-up, Conservation, Consumers, Control, Densities, Design, Designed, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Education, Environmental, Experiments, Fish, Habitats, Integrated, Integration, Levels, Local, Marine, Measures, National, Processes, Reef, Reefs, Regional, Sites, Variables.
1. Sergio A Sanudo-Wilhelmy($827,621), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbon And Trace, Organic Carbon, Trace Metals, Active, Bacteriochlorophyll, Chromophore, Concentrations, Developed, Ecological, Ecosystems, Energy, Experiments, Field, Graduate, Growth, Laboratory, Light, Marine, Meetings, Microbial, Ocean, PR, Photoprotein, Pis, Retinal, Rhodopsin, Student, Surface, Synthesis, Technique, Total, USC, Undergraduate, World.
1. Benjamin S Twining($352,664), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
2. Adrian Marchetti($434,625), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Iron Storage Abilities, Iron Storage Capacities, Centric Diatoms, Marine Ecosystems, Ocean Diatoms, Store Iron, Transcriptomic Sequencing, Ability, Activities, Assemblages, Coastal, Directly, Distributed, Distributions, Ecological, Enhanced, Experiments, Ferritin, Gradients, HNLC, Has, High-school, Knowledge, Laboratory, Natural, Objectives, Pennate, Physiological, Phytoplankton, Plankton, Primary, Quantify, Regions, Responsible, Supported, Teacher, Training.
1. Virginia P Edgcomb($683,052), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Gordon T Taylor($335,203), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Anoxic End-member, Cariaco Basin, Global Climate, Microbial Eukaryotes, Ongoing Studies, Oxygen Depletion, Taxonomic Diversity, Based, Biochemical, Cycling, Ecology, Ecosystems, Elemental, End-member, Environmental, Expanding, Future, Genes, Geochemical, Gradients, Importance, Management, Marine, Metagenomic, Metatranscriptomic, Models, ODWC, Odwcs, Pis, Processes, Structure, Transformations, Zephyr.
1. Kelly J Benoit-Bird($75,993), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. William F Gilly($123,704), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: California Current, Commercial Fishery, Dosidicus Gigas, El Niño, Guaymas Basin, Humboldt Squid, Monterey Bay, Size-at-maturity Condition, Squid Abundance, Age, Biomass, Climate, Conditions, Continue, Developed, Diet, Ecological, Effects, Established, Foraging, Found, Gulf, Has, Incorporated, Instead, Local, Long-term, Marine, NOAA, Normal, Opportunity, Outreach, Program, Recovery, Return, Sampling, Size-at-maturity, Surveys.
1. Justin B Ries($374,630), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Benthic Marine Calcifiers, Co2-induced Ocean Acidification, Marine Calcifiers Build, Shells And Skeletons, Atmospheric Pco2, Biomechanical Properties, Caco3 Saturation, Co2-induced Ocean, High-mg Calcite, Low-mg Calcite, Marine Organisms, Advance, Aragonite, Calcification, Co-induced, Future, High-mg, Inform, Investigating, Low-mg, Mineralogical, Native, Pco-t, Pilot, Polymorphs, Potential, Ppm, Proportion, Range, Seawater, Shellsskeletons, Soluble, Temperature, Time, Training, Various.
1. Douglas G Capone($299,831), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Graduate Student, High-throughput Sequencing, Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria, Aspects, Development, Directly, HNFB, High-throughput, Identification, Marine, Nitrogen-fixing, Ocean, Oceans, Principal, SIP, YRP.
1. Sharon L Smith($549,151), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Arabian Sea, Coastal Waters, Food Supply, Life Cycle, Masirah Island, Upwelling Season, Carinatus, Copepods, Crassus, Diapausing, Fish, Forcing, Has, Large-bodied, Migration, Observations, Oman, Phytoplankton, Possibility, Primary, Sustained, Timing, Value, Wind.
1. James L Pinckney($355,659), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Seasonal Time Scales, Broader Impacts, Carbon Cycling, Competitive Interactions, Current Paradigms, Estuarine Phytoplankton, Food Webs, Phytoplankton Species, Primary Producers, Alternative, DOC, Ecosystem, Energy, Facultative, Field, Flow, Function, Furthermore, Importance, Insights, Interns, MSCI, Marine, Natural, Pathway, Photomixotrophs, Photomixotrophy, Productivity, Rates, Secondary, Situ, Source, Trophodynamics, Turnover, Undergraduate.
1. Alyson E Santoro($418,978), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
2. Christopher Dupont($500,859), J. Craig Venter Institute, Inc., La Jolla
Key terms: Metagenomic And Metatranscriptomic, Cells Grown, Cn25 Cells, Cn25 Genome, Comparative Transcriptomics, Future Studies, Gene Expression, Greenhouse Gas, Metatranscriptomic Datasets, Mg1 Archaea, Carbon, Central, Chemical, Energy, Environment, Environmental, Existing, Genes, Knowledge, Marine, Mesopelagic, Metabolic, Microbes, Model, Nitrogen, Ocean, Oceans, Organisms, Physiological, Range, Respond, Sequence, Strategies, Transcriptional, Ubiquitous.
1. James Fourqurean($194,639), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Shark Bay, Western Australia, Disturbance, Ecosystem, Effects, Has, Management, Natural, Pis, Predators, Pristine, Seagrass, Sharks, Slow-growing, Structure.
1. Craig L Moyer($302,818), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Borehole Fluids, Deep Subsurface, Approach, Complex, Differences, Feob, Hydrothermal, Lineages, Microbial, Sites, Standpoint, Zetaproteobacteria.
1. Michael R Landry($572,998), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Food Web Structure, Labeled Glutamic Acid, Microbial Food Web, Ecological Conditions, Food Webs, Laboratory Experiments, Ocean Fisheries, San Diego, Trophic Enrichment, AA, Activities, Advancing, Alanine, Approach, Based, CSIA-AA, Climate, Comparing, Consumers, Cycling, Feeding, Field-collected, Fluxes, Global, Grazers, Index, Involve, K-, Levels, Lower, Marine, Mesozooplankton, Metazoan, Models, Pacific, Phytoplankton, Primary, Protistan, Range, Regions, Representative, Steps, Strongly, TP, Temporal, Transfers, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Via.
1. Kenneth H Brink($412,082), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. James J Ruzicka($182,687), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Trophic Levels Govern, Trophic Network Models, Food Webs, Regime Shifts, Shelf Ecosystems, Top-down Control, Based, Behavior, Biological, Bottom-up, Broad, Complex, Components, Concepts, Coupling, Developed, Development, Dynamics, Forcing, Interactions, Issues, Management, Natural, Portable, Processes, Productivity, Range, Resilience, Resolution, Structure, Time, Top-down.
1. David T Elliott($593,303), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Bottom Water Hypoxia, Chesapeake Bay, Contribute Information, Copepod Populations, Hypoxic Region, Population Dynamics, Advection, Behavior, Center, Circulation, Coastal, Development, Education, Effects, Egg, Enhance, Exchanges, Existing, Fisheries, Lateral, Mechanisms, Model, Mortality, Oceanography, Online, Pis, Processes, Program, Public, Tonsa, Transport, Zooplankton.
1. Robert J Toonen($665,062), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Marine Connectivity, Population Genetic, Basic, Diverse, Ecological, Established, Genetics, Hawaiian, Historical, Individuals, Influencing, Oceanographic, Populations, Processes, Species, Students, Techniques, Unique, World.
1. Mak A Saito($483,420), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. David A Hutchins($1,498,385), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Co2-selected Cell Lines, Low-co2 Adapted Ecotypes, N2 Fixation Rates, Trichodesmium And Crocosphaera, Co2 Fixation, Co2 Ocean, Co2-selected Cell, Constitutive Up-regulation, Cyanobacteria Trichodesmium, Elevated Co2, Experimental Evolution, Low-co2 Adapted, Adaptive, Allow, Approach, Biogeochemical, Biology, Briefly, Climate, Co-selected, Diazotrophs, Experiments, Expression, Future, Generations, Genomes, Genus, High-, Marine, Mechanisms, Molecular, Observed, Potential, Ppm, Preliminary, Protein, Selection, Switch, Up-regulation.
1. Eric C Anderson($922,480), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Larval Kelp Rockfish, Managers And Policy, Circulation Models, Focal Sites, Larval Dispersal, Local Retention, Policy Makers, Source Populations, Compare, Connectivity, Ecology, Expected, Expertise, Features, Field, Fisheries, Generated, Genetically, Graduate, Implications, Interdisciplinary, Larvae, Marine, Observed, Oceanographic, Outreach, Particular, Pis, Predictions, Processes, Program, Proportion, Public, Recruitment, Recruits, Regional, Relative, Sampling, Spatial, Tagged, Training, Transport, Varying.
1. David Sutherland($637,941), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Coastal Ocean, Marine Biology, Pelagic Development, Conditions, Daily, Delivery, Design, Dispersal, Independent, Intake, Intertidal, Larvae, Oceanographic, Oregon, Parameters, Pis, Seawater, Settlement, Spawning, Stages, Students, Visual, Winter.
1. David L Kimbro($84,478), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Benthic-pelagic Coupling, Ecosystem Functions, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Conditions, Oyster Reefs, Predator Effects, Resource Supplies, Undergraduate Students, Affect, Benthic-pelagic, Biogeographic, Continue, Ecological, Food, Graduate, Influence, Interactions, Knowledge, Linkages, Local, Mentoring, Nutrient, Processes, Sediment, Structure.
1. Giacomo Bernardi($85,530), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Clonal Species, Sea Grass, Assumption, Efforts, Flowering, Involved, Local, Meadows, Mediterranean, Oceanica, Pis, Primary, Restoration, Sexual, Sites.
1. Sonya T Dyhrman($358,059), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Children, Compound, Compounds, DOP, Has, Outreach, Phosphonate, Phosphorus, Polyphosphate, Primary, School, Specific, Whyville.
1. Bongkeun Song($331,655), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Oyster Reef Restoration, Water Quality Enhancement, N2o Emission, N2o Flux, N2o Fluxes, Oyster Reefs, Oyster Restoration, Substantial N2o, Tidal Estuaries, Cycling, Denitrification, Density, Ecological, Ecologist, Ecosystem, Educational, Estimate, Estuarine, Eutrophication, Factors, Function, Graduate, Greenhouse, Habitats, Individual, Interdisciplinary, Intertidal, Level, Microbial, Model, Outreach, Oysters, Processes, Quantify, Relative, Sediments, Source, Students, Tool, Undergraduate, Virginica.
1. Bryan A Black($116,735), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: California Current Ecosystem, Seasonal Upwelling Modes, Global Climate, Summer Mode, Winter Mode, Assess, Biological, Biology, CCE, Contrasting, Driver, Future, Growth, Information, Long-term, Management, NOI, Pis, Processes, Productivity, Rockfish, Salmon, Species, Structure, Survival, Tree-ring.
1. Robert J Miller($899,463), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Giant Kelp Detritus, Phytoplankton And Kelp, Stable Isotope Analyses, Tissue Turnover Times, Benthic Suspension-feeders, Coastal Ecosystems, Dietary Carbon, Isotope Signature, Isotope Values, Santa Barbara, Suspension Feeders, Abundance, Assumption, Based, Combined, Composition, Consumer, Consumers, Contribution, Feeding, Food, Has, Main, POM, PUFA, Reef, Resource, Snapshot, Source, Suggest, Suspension-feeders, Trophic.
1. Minghua Zhang($665,671), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Joseph Tribbia($2,630,185), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Young-Oh Kwon($690,768), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ecosystems And Biogeochemistry, Modeling And Initialization, Regional And Societal, Well-founded Decadal Prediction, Climate Predictions, Decadal Climate, Forecast Model, Ocean Ecosystems, Well-founded Decadal, Advance, Assimilation, Biogeochemical, CESM, Capabilities, DART, Developments, Dynamics, Evaluating, Framework, Insights, Intrinsic, NCAR, Population, Potential, Practical, Predictability, Produce, Simulations, Technical, Value.
1. Mickael D Chekroun($398,570), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Sergey V Kravtsov($260,681), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Atlantic And Pacific, Ucla And Uwm, Decadal Modes, Low-frequency Modes, Advanced, Analysis, Based, Climate, Combination, Coupling, Developing, Dynamical, EMR, ENSO, Empirical, Forecasts, Gain, HKA, Interactions, International, Large-scale, Lfms, Low-frequency, MSSA, Methods, Model, Modeling, Models, Observations, Prediction, Predictions, Simulations, Skill, Statistical, Stochastic, Testing, Tools.
1. Patricia A Matrai($1,305,456), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Ocean Acidification, Approaches, Bigelow, Biogeochemical, Biological, Climate, Concentrations, DMS, Ecosystem, Exchange, Experience, Experiments, Gain, Influence, Information, K-, Mesocosm, Modeling, Models, OA, Oceans, Pco, Ph, Programs, Trace, Undergraduates.
1. Achim D Herrmann($61,026), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Ph And Oxygen, Living Organisms, Ocean Acidification, Proxy Development, ASU, Ability, Anbar, Assess, Calcium, Carbonate, Chemistry, Courses, Del, Exposure, Exposures, Extent, Geochemistry, Larvae, Larval, Levin, Marine, Paleoclimatology, Past, Proxies, Species, Statoliths, Students, Via.
1. Amy E Maas($492,720), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Short And Medium-term, Carbonate Chemistry, Co2 Exposure, Ecological Importance, North Atlantic, Ocean Acidification, Abundance, Abundant, Calcifying, Development, Ecosystem, Effect, Eggs, Environment, Fish, Furthermore, Gom, Investigating, Limited, Marine, Model, Natural, Pelagic, Prey, Pteropod, Pteropods, Rate, Retroversa, Seasonal, Sensitivity, Shell, Short-, Species, Temperate, Thecosome, Time, Variety, Waters.
1. Matthew Church($8,148,909), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Monthly Hot Cruises, Students And Teachers, Hot Program, Influence Ecosystem, North Pacific, Postdoctoral Students, Activities, Bioelements, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Circulation, Climate, Continue, Cycling, Dynamics, Education, Extend, Fluxes, Future, Graduate, Hawaii, Hydrological, Maintain, NPSG, Observations, Ocean, Ocean-climate, Opportunities, Outreach, Platform, Properties, Required, School, Structure, Th, Time, Training, Undergraduate.
1. Jennifer E Smith($751,301), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Wade McGillis($204,794), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Seawater Carbonate Chemistry, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Ocean Acidification, San Diego, Affect, Allow, Assemblages, Benthic, Calcification, Central, Coastal, Common, Conditions, Ecosystem, Effects, Experiments, Feedbacks, Future, Human, Local, Natural, OA, Organisms, Public, Quantify, Resolution, Situ, Societies, Species, Specifically, Surface.
1. Francois M Morel($494,404), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Essential Trace Metals, Zn And Cd, Natural Seawater, Surface Seawater, Acidification, Augment, Bioavailability, Bound, Caused, Chemical, Complexation, Complexes, Complexing, Decrease, Expected, Experiments, Has, Increase, Laboratory, Marine, Ongoing, Organic, Ph, Phytoplankton, Principle, Seen, Strong, Weak.
1. Axel Timmermann($427,412), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Carbonate Ion Concentrations, Ocean Acidification, Models, Ph, Regional, Spatial.
1. Michael J Follows($466,759), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Sonya T Dyhrman($575,177), Columbia University, New York
3. James J Morris($391,531), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Beneficial Mutations, Co2 Concentrations, Ocean Acidification, Undergraduate Students, Adaptive, Atmospheric, Available, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Changing, Ecological, Effects, Environmental, Evolution, Experimental, Experiments, Extant, Fitness, Functional, Genetic, Global, Has, Interdisciplinary, MSU, Model, Modeling, Outcomes, Physiological, Phytoplankton, Populations, Rate, Secondary, Short-term, Training, Visits.
1. Steven R Dudgeon($690,641), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Biological Knowledge, Graduate Students, Ocean Acidification, Plocamium Cartilagineum, Ulva Spp, CCM, CSUN, Chemistry, Collaborations, Continue, Culture, Database, Design, Effects, Enhanced, Existing, Experiments, Growth, Human, Information, Kübler, Little, Macroalgae, Minority, Nonscientists, Pis, Productive, Quantify, Resilience, Serving, Transfer, Undergraduate.
1. James T Hollibaugh($727,611), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Blooms, Coastal, Dynamics, Microbial, Nitrogen, Oxidation.
1. Christoph Aeppli($385,524), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. David L Valentine($341,714), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Charles M Sharpless($106,763), University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg
Key terms: Analytical, Biological, Compounds, Fate, Formation, Hydrocarbons, Ocean, Oil, Oxygenation, Petroleum, Processes, Products, Rates, Released, Weathering.
1. Benjamin Van Mooy($606,678), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Sonya T Dyhrman($557,042), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: N2 Fixation, Phosphorus Acquisition, Colonies, Consortia, Coordinated, Metabolism, Ocean, Planktonic, Primary, Trichodesmium.
1. Peter J Hernes($399,576), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Karl Kaiser($242,541), Texas A&M University, College Station
3. Robert G Spencer($166,646), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Organic Matter, Biomarker, California, Cycling, DOM, Environments, OM, Processing, Quantitative, Students, Terrestrial, Tools.
1. Adrian Marchetti($750,000), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Aggregate Formation, North Carolina, Undergraduate Student, Aggregates, Carbon, Factors, Global, Marine, Particle, Plan, Public, UNC.
1. Kristen N Buck($206,117), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
2. Seth G John($273,926), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Iron Biogeochemical Cycling, Bermuda Institute, Dissolved Iron, Essential Micronutrient, Iron Dissolution, Iron Isotopes, Iron-binding Ligands, Isotopic Fractionation, Biological, Development, Iron-binding, Marine, Natural, Ocean, Oceans, Phytoplankton, Public, Uptake.
1. Richard E Zeebe($203,560), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Biogenic Carbonates, Boron Incorporation, Calcium, Climate, Estimate, Framework, Hawaii, Inorganic, Past, Tool.
1. Carol Arnosti($569,999), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Organic Matter, Microbial, Ocean, Remineralization.
1. Michael W Lomas($747,564), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
2. Rodney Johnson($6,002,177), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Ocean Carbon Cycle, Structure And Function, Bats Program, Broader Impacts, Carbon Export, Ocean Acidification, Surface Fluxes, Atlantic, BIOS, Bermuda, Climate, Continue, Coupling, Cycles, Detection, Dissolved, Ecosystem, Field, Forcing, Global, Nitrogen, Observations, Oceanographic, Particulate, Phosphorus, Pis, Planktonic, Programs, Sargasso, Signals, Students.
1. Qingzhi Zhu($995,904), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Advance, Biogeochemical, Processes.
1. Giora Proskurowski($575,135), Sea Education Association, Falmouth
Key terms: Marine Environment, Degradation, Persistence, Plastic, Plastics, Sea, Significance.
1. Nancy R Gray($30,000), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Chemical Oceanography Gordon, Geotraces North Atlantic, North Atlantic Section, Marine Chemistry, Conference, Docs, Exchange, Field, Geography, Graduate, Leading.
1. Maria Prokopenko($228,690), Pomona College, Claremont
2. Douglas E Hammond($421,210), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbon Export Efficiency, Organic Carbon Export, Oxygen Triple Isotope, Dissolved Oxygen, Southern California, Water Column, Biological, Budgets, Depth-integrated, Ecosystems, Established, Factors, GPP, NCP, Non-steady, Oar, Pomona, Primary, Profiles, Rates, Site, Undergraduate, Upwelling.
1. Joseph A Resing($211,008), University of Washington, Seattle
2. William M Landing($162,004), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Trace Metal, Column, Distributions, Field, International, Ocean, Program.
1. Paul D Quay($552,793), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Air-sea Co2 Flux, Ocean Carbon Cycle, Air-sea Co2, Co2 Levels, Container Ship, Future Climate, North Pacific, Oceanic Co2, Analytical, Atmospheric, Biological, DIC, Delc, Dissolved, Expected, Graduate, Incorporated, Lack, Oar, Observations, Pco, Processes, Significantly, Surface, Undergraduate, Underway, Washington.
1. Andrew G Dickson($412,074), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Oceanic Carbon Dioxide, Total Dissolved Inorganic, Ocean Acidification, Quality Control, Total Alkalinity, Analytical, Analyzed, Based, California, Distribute, Ensure, Expects, Field, Future, High-quality, Institute, International, Methods, NIST, Parameters, Particular, Ph, Principal, Program, Public, Reference, Seawater, Students, Various.
1. Kenneth W Bruland($602,024), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Eastern Boundary Current, California Current, Discovery Center, Macronutrient Concentration, Phytoplankton Productivity, Trace Metal, Availability, Biomass, CCS, Cccs, Concentrations, Eddy-rich, Efforts, Fe, Focus, Has, Iron, Low, Marine, Nutrient, Nutrients, Organic, Relatively, Shelf, Students, Surface, Transition, UCSC, Upwelling, Was, Waters.
1. Melissa Omand($235,893), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: North Atlantic Bloom, Eddy-driven Subduction, Organic Carbon, Surface Poc, Time Scales, Characteristics, Depth, Eddy-driven, Export, Features, Flux, Layer, Mechanism, NAB, Particles, Relate, Sinking, Three-dimensional, Transport, Water.
1. Michael J Follows($675,197), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Climate And Carbon, Ocean Carbon Pumps, Air-sea Fluxes, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide, Diagnostic Frameworks, Diagnostic Tools, Air-sea, Analysis, Application, CMIP, Complex, Coupled, Drivers, Ensemble, Future, IGSM, IPCC, Models, Numerical, Observations, Projections, Quantify, Scenarios, Sensitivity, Simulations, Uncertainties.
1. Scott D Wankel($313,995), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Wiebke A Ziebis($386,006), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: N2o Dynamics, Southern California, Coastal, Cycling, Flux, German, Isotopic, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Oxide, Oxygen, Plan, Sediment, Sites, Water.
1. Marjorie A Friedrichs($164,965), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Raymond G Najjar($386,113), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Margaret R Mulholland($432,513), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: William And Mary, Atmospheric Nitrogen, Coastal Waters, Graduate Student, Modeling Effort, Biogeochemical, Biogeochemistry, Calibrated, Dominion, Field, Marine, Mixing, Pennsylvania, Precipitation, Primary, Regional, Species, Summer.
1. Mak A Saito($264,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Kristen N Buck($237,269), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
3. Katherine Barbeau($217,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Woods Hole Oceanographic, Bermuda Institute, Dissolved Fe, Graduate Student, Oxygen Minimum, Scripps Institute, Water Column, BIOS, Bioactive, Bioavailability, Concentrations, Cu, Gradients, Hydrothermal, Marine, Oceanography, Organic, Zone.
1. Jeffrey W Krause($189,308), Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, Dauphin Island
Key terms: Biogenic Silica, Cellular Si, Si Content, Si Uptake, Size Fractionation, Stony Brook, Analyses, Assess, Baines, Bigelow, Biomass, Cells, Contribution, Controlling, Cycle, Cycling, Diatoms, Dominant, Engage, Experiments, Factors, Field, Has, Involved, K-, Laboratory, Marine, Microscopy, Ocean, Organisms, Phylogenetic, Phytoplankton, Picocyanobacteria, Picocyanobacterial, Pis, Program, Programs, Ratios, School, Silicate, Silicon, Strains, Student, Students, Synechococcus, Undergraduates, X-ray.
1. James W Moffett($93,220), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Particulate Fe, Water Column, Feii, Importance, Iron, Pacific, Redox, Sources.
1. Margaret Estapa($480,827), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Woods Hole Oceanographic, Particle Flux, Available, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Fellow, Floats, Method, POC, Processes, Technology, Via.
1. John F Bratton($25,000), Wayne State University, Detroit
Key terms: Million People, Assess, Biogeochemical, Freshwater, Graduate, Has, History, Lake, Lakes, Mussels, Non-native, Species, Water, Workshop.
1. Alan M Shiller($199,565), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Key terms: East Pacific Rise, Redox Speciation, Surface Ocean, Compare, Cruise, Distribution, Distributions, Dust, Ga, Hydrothermal, Inputs, Peru, Shelf, Student, Water, Zone.
1. John D Kessler($523,882), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Ch4 And Dissolved, Ch4 Oxidation Rates, Ch4 Perturbations, Dissolved Oxygen, Isotopic Fractionation, Microbial Growth, Stable Isotopes, Assess, Atmosphere, Availability, Bloom, Carbon, Chemical, Collaboration, Concentrations, Days, Disaster, Emitted, Extent, Incubations, Inorganic, Kinetics, Limited, Measured, Model, Ms, Natural, School, Soutar, Stages, Structure, Texas, Time-, Was.
1. Michael W Lomas($26,446), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Po210 And Th234, Euphotic Zone, Export Fluxes, Ecosystem, Field, Focus, Investigate, Low, OSP, Ocean, POC, Pacific, Packaging, Particle, Particles, Plankton, Planktonic, Processes, Radionuclide, Rates, Sinking, Site, Structure, Tracer, Tracers, Upper.
1. William M Smethie($162,457), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Noble Gas Observations, Woods Hole Oceanographic, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Model, Deep Ocean, Noble Gases, Solubility Pump, Available, Cycle, Denitrification, Dissolved, Mediated, Modeling, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Processes, Properties, Supported, Transport, Via, WHOI.
1. Robert P Mason($500,150), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Controlled Incubation Experiments, Culture And Controlled, Hg And Se, Woods Hole Oceanographic, Graduate Student, Laboratory Culture, Biogeochemical, Connecticut, Cruise, Cycles, Formation, Global, Harvard, Importance, Mercury, Model, Photochemical.
1. William M Smethie($467,174), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ocean And Terrestrial, Past And Future, Anthropogenic Co2, Carbon Cycle, Co2 Emissions, Green Function, Green Functions, Industrial Period, Ocean Sink, Ocean Ventilation, Terrestrial Sinks, Approach, Cant, Chemistry, Circulation, Climate, Concentration, Constrain, Estimate, Has, Human, Insights, Lead, Marine, Observationally-based, Oceans, Perturbation, Surface, Time-varying, Transport, Uptake.
1. Ping Chang($796,305), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Tropical Atlantic Climate, Atlantic Sector, Atmospheric Biases, Climate Model, Future Climate, Model Simulations, Regional Climate, Southern Africa, Allow, CESM, CRCM, Coast, Coupled, Development, European, Framework, Has, High-resolution, IPCC, Lead, Led, Modeling, Models, Observations, Ocean, Ocean-atmosphere, Oceanic, Parameterizations, Processes, Reanalysis, Sources, Uncertainties.
1. Ronald P Kiene($513,777), University of South Alabama, Mobile
2. Mary Ann Moran($1,359,955), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
3. James Birch($107,416), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing
Key terms: Ap Biology, Biology Students, Dmsp Degradation, Monterey Bay, School Students, Bacterial, Cycling, Diversity, Field, Function, Genetic, Global, Graduate, Island, Marine, Microbial, Ocean, Outreach, Regulate, Seawater, Strains, Sulfur, Summer.
1. Michael W Lomas($711,204), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Nutrient Supply Ratesratios, Genetic Diversity, Redfield Ratio, Surface Ocean, Acquisition, Affects, Analyses, Assimilation, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, CNP, Cell, Cellular, Climate, Composition, Ecological, Elemental, Environment, Evolutionary, Field, Framework, Functional, Genomic, Global, Growth, Has, Laboratory, Mechanistic, Mentoring, Microbes, Model, Oceans, Plankton, Program, Stoichiometry, Students, Taxon, Taxonomic, Training.
1. Brian L Bingham($200,000), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Advanced, Alumni, Continue, Course, Degrees, Education, Funding, K-, Local, MIMSUP, Marine, Mentoring, Ocean, Outreach, Program, Pursue, Pursued, Quarter, School, Students.
1. Maitane Olabarrieta Lizaso($403,326), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: South Atlantic Bight, Atmospheric Forcing, Eastern Seaboard, Forcing Thresholds, School Student, Semidiurnal Perturbations, Semidiurnal Residuals, Specific Objectives, Storm Surges, Total Surge, Water Levels, Affect, Affected, Amplitude, Entire, Florida, Interactions, Modify, Nearly, Pis, Produce, Relative, Size, Storms, Stress, Tidal, Tide, Tide-surge, Timing.
1. Charles H Greene($530,836), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Marine Acoustic Telemetry, Broader, Ecology, Graduate, Simultaneously, Student, Targets.
1. Andreas Andersson($795,575), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Near-shore Seawater Co2, Seawater Co2 Chemistry, Google Ocean, Near-shore Environments, Near-shore Seawater, Net Ecosystem, Ocean Acidification, Urm Students, Activities, Based, Bed, Benthic, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Collaboration, Contrasting, Course, Critical, Directly, Educational, Engage, Field, Has, Institute, Local, NEC, NEP, Nshore, OA, ODI, Processes, Reef, Relative, School, Summer, Total, Underrepresented, Workshop.
1. Michael R Kaplan($119,993), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Exciting, Experience, Ocean, Program, Student, Students, Teach.
1. Carmen Aguilar($219,050), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Active, Day, Experience, Interdisciplinary, Program, SFS, Students.
1. Kristen Yarincik($152,753), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
Key terms: Critical Thinking, National Ocean, School Students, Bowl, COL, Competition, Current, Development, Education, Encouraging, Funding, Interdisciplinary, Mathematics, NOSB, Oceans, Opportunities, Program, Provided, STEM, Teachers.
1. Peter Kingsley-Smith($285,473), South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Charleston
Key terms: South Carolina, Attend, Charleston, Final, Presentation, Program, REU, Required, Resources, Student, Students, Summer.
1. Julia Kubanek($391,732), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Chemically-mediated, Engineering, GIT, Processes, Program, REU, Student, Summer.
1. Malcolm E Scully($400,689), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Coastal And Estuarine, Water Quality Issues, Chesapeake Bay, Comprehensive Examination, Density Stratification, Dissolved Oxygen, Educational Activities, Estuarine Bathymetry, Lateral Circulation, Turbulent Mixing, Turbulent Scalar, Wide Range, Biological, CHIMP, Control, Development, Direct, Dominant, Efforts, Flux, Hampton, Hypoxia, Importance, Interactions, Mechanism, Model, Objective, Processes, Program, Promote, Public, Students, Targeting, Tool, Vertical, Waters.
1. Rebecca Haacker-Santos($99,999), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Common, Discuss, Programs, REU, Tools.
1. James S Ferguson($163,311), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Rv Kilo Moana, Shared-use Instrumentation, Hawaii, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Request, Shared-use, Vessel.
1. Laura Cleaveland Peterson($135,235), Luther College, Decorah
2. Kira T Lawrence($159,291), Lafayette College, Easton
Key terms: Climate Conditions, Southern Hemisphere, Thinking Skills, Critical, Dynamics, Earth, Future, History, Interval, Students, World.
1. Rosemarie E Came($276,630), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Clumped Isotope Paleothermometer, Clumped Isotope Proxy, And-temperature, Ando, Carbonate, Particular, Past, Students, Temperature, Temperatures.
1. Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty($25,692), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: National And International, Australian Scientists, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Coral Species, Coral Symbioses, Gene Expression, Global Climate, Global Environmental, Global Warming, Thermal Tolerance, Acclimatization, Adapt, Capacity, Corals, Ecology, Effort, Facing, Field, Future, GCC, Generated, Genetic, Has, Initiative, Laboratory, Lafayette, Level, Louisiana, Mechanisms, Molecular, Planet, Potential, Rapid, Respond, Selection, Students, Temperature, Training.
1. Ruth D Gates($34,329), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Mark P Schildhauer($65,760), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Activities, Challenges, Complex, Current, Cyber-infrastructure, Development, Earthcube, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Facilitate, Field, Geosciences, HIMB, Integrate, NCEAS, Objectives, Opportunity, Product, Rapidly, Sharing, Value, Website, Workshop, Workshops.
1. Virginia Armbrust($94,918), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Inform And Engage, Earthcube Activities, Ocean Scientists, Rapidly Evolving, Analyses, Benefit, Broad, CI, Challenges, Cyber, Datasets, Domain, Ecosystem, Efforts, Environmental, Massive, Metadata, Modeling, Omic, Omics, Opportunities, Potential, Process, Solutions, Technologies, Workshop.
1. Karyn Rogers($12,874), Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington
2. Vicki Ferrini($9,564), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Deep Sea, Workshop Participants, Complex, Components, Cyberinfrastructure, Disciplines, Earthcube, Ecosystems, Focus, Global, Management, Mass, Model, NSF, Ocean, Processes, Visualization.
1. Cynthia Chandler($97,114), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics, Workshop Participants, Cyberinfrastructure, Earthcube, Identifying, Management, Visualization.
1. James A Austin, Jr.($99,947), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: 3d Seismic, Marine Geophysics, Academic, Discuss, Industry, Issues, Langseth, NSF.
1. James L Hench($141,101), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Near-shore And Off-shore, Near-shore And Offshore, Cape Hatteras, Gulf Stream, Hatteras Region, Marine Laboratory, Nicholas School, Abundance, Access, Activities, Carolina, Distribution, Duke, Environment, Environmental, Focus, Human, Inform, Inshore, North, Nshore, Ocean, Oceanographic, Pelagic, Programs, Species, Training, Transport, Vessel, Waters.
1. Susan Solomon($4,840,000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Southern Hemisphere Climate, Carbon Cycle, Global Climate, Observable Indicators, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Dynamics, Ozone Depletion, Ozone Hole, Activities, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Biogeochemistry, Chemistry, Columbia, Context, Coupling, Development, Effort, Engage, Explore, Has, Ice, Interdisciplinary, K-, MIT, Mechanisms, Modeling, Perturbation, Radiation, Stratosphere, Stratospheric, Students, Surface, Troposphere.
1. Rajdeep Dasgupta($4,210,000), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Arc Activity, Arc Volcanoes, Atmospheric Co2, Co2 Inputs, Continental Arc, Long-term Climate, Polar Ice, Subduction Zones, Volcanic Inputs, Carbon, Carbonate, Carbonates, Climatic, Cretaceous, Crust, Cycling, Deep, Earth, Enhanced, Evolution, Exogenic, Greenhouse, History, Icehouse, Influenced, Levels, Long-term, Mid-cenozoic, Model, Nature, Oceanic, Oscillations, Outputs, Periods, Quantify, Sources, Specifically, Surface, Time, Timescales, Transition, Was.
1. Scott M Duke-Sylvester($4,800,002), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Virtual Modeling Center, Delta Dynamics, River Delta, Centers, Creating, DDC, Deltas, Earth-surface, Experimental, Geoforce, High-resolution, Illinois, Main, Minnesota, Models, Observatory, Productive, Program, Programs, Sedimentary, Storms, Texas.
1. Peter E van Keken($1,219,960), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Education And Outreach, Field Studies, Outreach Activities, Geoprisms, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Main, Meetings, Office, Planning, Program, Structure, Student, Themes.
1. Steven H Harder($205,951), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
2. Paul J Wiita($48,128), The College of New Jersey, Ewing
3. Brandon Dugan($42,622), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
4. Maureen D Long($27,349), Yale University, New Haven
5. Daniel Lizarralde($102,554), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
6. Anne Becel($279,125), Columbia University, New York
7. Gail L Christeson($159,403), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
8. Maria Beatrice Magnani($370,427), Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Key terms: Openly Available, Training Workshop, Array, Depositional, Evolution, Experiment, Magmatic, Mantle, Margin, Ongoing, Seismic, Structure.
1. Peter E van Keken($176,865), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Bradley R Hacker($75,489), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Geoffrey A Abers($129,472), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Subduction Zones, Alaska, Cascadia, Collaboration, Fluids, Japanese, Mantle, Plate, Wave.
1. Sean Birkel($165,005), University of Maine, Orono
2. Bernard Hallet($195,855), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Ice Sheet, Erosion, Glacial, Maine, Margin, Model, Sediment.
1. Robert N Harris($39,188), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Day, Experiment, Probe, Structure, Temperature, Thermal.
1. C. David Chadwell($543,537), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Plate Motion, Cascadia, Fault, Future, Measure, Motions.
1. Esther M Schwarzenbach($149,454), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Sulfur And Carbon, Biological Activity, Geochemical Cycles, Microbial Activity, Peridotite-hosted Hydrothermal, Sulfur Isotope, Analyses, Continent, Fluid, Global, Has, In-situ, Mineralogical, Ophiolite, Peridotite-hosted, Serpentinites, Techniques.
1. Jeffrey Donnelly($25,168), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Ning Lin($34,987), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Compare Hurricane Sandy, Modeling, Paleo-overwash, Paleohurricane, Pis, Storm, Surge.
1. Peter R Girguis($796,131), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Mechanisms Underlying Microbial, Photovoltaic Solar Cells, Pyrite Film Deposition, Deposit Pyrite, Fes2 Pyrite, Hydrothermal Vents, Low Cost, Metal Sulfides, Microbial Pyrite, Absorbers, Approaches, Bio-deposition, Communicating, Course, Creating, Crystal, Crystalline, Directorate, Division, Electrical, Engineering, Epitaxial, Exhibit, Extracellular, Films, Focused, Grow, Growth, Harvard, Incubations, Microbes, Minerals, Natural, Potential, Processes, Program, Public, Situ, Students, Subsurface, Sulfur, Transformative, Via.
1. Chris German($800,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Undergraduate Education, Undergraduate Students, Activity, Directorate, Division, Experience, Information, Interactions, Involved, Pis, Practices, Program, STEM.
1. Suzanne Carbotte($99,967), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Naming Conventions, Access, Discovery, EU, Efforts, Fleet, Formats, Has, Interoperability, ODIP, Program, Progress, RR, Resources, Search, Specifically.
1. Harold P Batchelder($124,706), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Academic Scientists, North Pacific, Collaboration, Collaborations, Diverse, International, Marine, Ocean, PICES, Travel, Workshops.
1. Benjamin E Cuker($1,079,999), Hampton University, Hampton
Key terms: Minority Students, Aquatic, Faculty, Program.
1. Rachel J Parsons($301,194), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Reu Students, Atlantic, BIOS, Bermuda, Independent, Marine, Molecular, Ocean, Opportunities, Processes.
1. Roberta Marinelli($320,328), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Independent, Mentors, Program, Programs, REU, Summer, Training, Undergraduate.
1. Michael R Allen($1,014,448), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Reu Students, Estuarine, Field, Final, Laboratory, Marine, Maryland, Modeling, Program, Scientist-mentor, Summer, Write.
1. Adina Paytan($334,996), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Measure Stable Sr, Stable Sr Isotopes, Marine Barite, Radiogenic Sr, Analytical, Climate, Global, Ocean, Past, Seawater.
1. Gregory F Moore($238,907), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Deformation, Earthquake, Tohoku.
1. Luis A Cifuentes($419,259), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: South Texas, Stable Isotope, Assessment, ESIC, Environmental, IRMS, Incorporated, Instrument, Mass, Six, Student.
1. Gordon T Taylor($490,163), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Atmospheric, Cells, Chemical, Instrumentation, Mapping, Natural, Pis, Surfaces, Synthetic.
1. Beth N Orcutt($535,211), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Single Cell Genomics, Acquired Instrumentation, Dna Extraction, Acquisition, Benefits, Bigelow, Existing, Instruments, SCGC, Sequencing, Strong, Training, Workshops.
1. Daniel J Repeta($198,866), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Biogeochemical Cycling, Marine Environment, Trace Metal, Capability, Complexes, Compounds, Coupled, ICP-MS, Instrumentation, Metals, Microbial, Nutrients, Ocean, Organic, Pis, Power, Speciation, Students, Unique, WHOI.
1. Scott M White($10,020), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Activity, Age, Analysis, Hill, Hydrothermal, Lava, Magma, Site, Volcanic.
1. Christopher D Charles($35,272), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Tropical Indian Ocean, Gravity Coring, Sediment Cores, Student Training, Analysis, Climate, Dynamics, Primary, Upper.
1. Susan Y Schwartz($89,446), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Spahr C Webb($195,872), Columbia University, New York
3. Laura Wallace($379,998), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
4. Anne F Sheehan($116,927), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Plate Boundary Fault, Earthquake, Expected, Hikurangi, Instruments, Months, Region, SSE, Seafloor, Slip, Subduction.
1. Christina Karamperidou($439,605), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Pacific El Niño, Warmer Ssts Concentrated, Central Pacific, Climate Conditions, Eastern Pacific, Enso Flavors, Regional Climate, Models, Paleoclimate, Uncertainty.
1. Ingrid L Hendy($426,565), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Linda A Hinnov($54,684), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
3. Erik T Brown($86,575), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
4. Wolfgang H Berger($0), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Climate Intervals, Climate Modes, California, Rainfall, River.
1. Christopher J Hein($98,037), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink($293,917), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Bengal Fan, Climate, Dynamics, OC, Sediment, Terrestrial.
1. Jens Figlus($110,641), Texas A&M University, College Station
2. Jack A Puleo($234,580), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Ridge And Runnel, Sediment Transport, Sheet Flow, Beach, Delaware, Flume, Processes, Texas.
1. Glenn A Gaetani($302,138), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atlantic, Coral, Corals, Fellowship, RBME, Reconstruct, SST, Species, Technique, Temperature, Thermometry.
1. Howard J Spero($399,604), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Diatom Delta18o, Analysis, Deltao, Diatoms, Has, Information, Microfluorination, Oxygen, Potential, Proxy, Technique.
1. James E Gardner($91,126), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Samuel A Soule($274,728), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts, Axial Volcano, Eruption Rate, Mid-ocean Ridge, Submarine Volcanic, Volatile Concentrations, Allow, Carbon, Decompression, Degassing, Dynamics, Earth, Experiments, Flow, Geospeedometer, Laboratory, Lava, Magma, Models, Quantification, Rates, Via.
1. Steven Carey($25,595), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Mapping And Video, Eruptive Mechanisms, Shallow Water, Submarine Eruption, Submarine Explosive, Submarine Volcanic, Vent Site, Activity, Allow, Compared, Composition, Compositions, Content, Deposits, Direct, Examine, Floating, Foerstner, Gas, Geochemical, Island, Lack, Lava, Magma, Nature, Observations, Rock, Sea, Seafloor, Style, Via, Volcanism.
1. Stella C Woodard($356,151), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Deep Ocean, Northern Hemisphere, Analog, Climate, Conditions, Global, Mid-pliocene, Transition, Undergraduate, Warm.
1. Delia Oppo($399,967), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Neodymium Isotope, School Students, Atlantic, Circulation, Collaboration, Deglacial, Ocean.
1. Sujoy Mukhopadhyay($344,263), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Enriched Mantle Domains, Normal And Enriched, Earth's Mantle, Isotopic Composition, Mantle Degassing, Mass Spectrometry, Noble Gas, Noble Gases, Ridge Basalt, Allow, Atmosphere, Constrain, Depleted, MORB, Non-radiogenic, Origin, Process, Ratios, Sources, Structure, Student, Volatile, Volatiles, Xe.
1. Jeffrey C Alt($118,087), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Distribution And Extent, Carbon Contents, Flow Regimes, Fluid Flow, Organic Carbon, Pacific Ocean, Seafloor Basalts, Submarine Basalts, Subsurface Biosphere, Total Carbon, Alteration, Basement, Effects, Global, Isotope, Isotopic, Level, Microbial, Rock, Sulfur.
1. David W Graham($292,186), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Peter J Michael($69,996), University of Tulsa, Tulsa
Key terms: Basalt Glasses, Ocean Basin, Ocean Spreading, Partial Melting, Spreading Center, Volatile Concentrations, Aden, Afar, Arabian, Collected, Composition, Evolution, Flux, Gulf, HO, Isotopes, Magma, Mantle, Mid-ocean, Nsf-funded, Plume, Region, Ridge, Rifts, Sea, °E.
1. Dale Chayes($265,904), Columbia University, New York
2. David W Caress($351,253), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing
Key terms: Swath Sonar, Available, Display, Mapping, Mb-system, Package, Process, Software, Upgrades, User.
1. Margaret K Tivey($126,203), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Kenneth W Sims($250,850), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits, Hydrothermal Vent, Mass Transfer, Unknown Age, Additional, Analytical, Application, Assumptions, Basin, Crust, Dating, Decay, Development, Energy, Heat, Information, Isotopes, Lau, Method, Pacific, Pairs, Processes, Public, Reliable, Structure, Th-, Time-scales, U-.
1. Joanne Muller($84,959), Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers
2. Jennifer M Collins($89,545), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Overwash Deposits, Southwest Florida, Developed, Hurricane, Region.
1. Alberto Malinverno($150,309), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Organic Carbon, Decomposition, Long-term, Marine, POC.
1. Kenneth MacLeod($166,949), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Christopher J Poulsen($193,620), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Ellen E Martin($198,659), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Global Climate, Late Cretaceous, Ocean Circulation, Contribute, Cooling, Deep, Graduate, Paleoceanographic, Sources, Students, Training, Transition.
1. Timothy D Herbert($71,697), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Active, Biomarker, Brown, Has, Laboratory, Program, Students, Training.
1. Joshua Curtice($638,225), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Eric L Mittelstaedt($194,362), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Spreading Center, Fluxing, Geochemical, Mantle, Sampling, Volatile, Was.
1. Jennifer Fehrenbacher($618,699), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Geochemical Proxies, Planktonic Foraminifera, Calibrations, Environmental, Experiments, Processes, Species.
1. Syee Weldeab($366,804), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Foraminiferal Mgca, Sediment Trap, Core-top, Faculty, Influence, Magnitude, Past, Regions, Salinity, Temperature.
1. Ilya Udovydchenkov($190,902), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Code, Field, Interface, Near.
1. Lloyd D Keigwin($546,923), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Grain Size, Ocean Circulation, AMOC, Atlantic, Climate, Collaboration, Cores, Depth, Holocene, Long-term.
1. Scott L Nooner($47,806), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Magma Supply Rate, Axial Volcano, Broader Impacts, Beneath, Caldera, Eruption, Has, Inflation, Outreach, Pressure, Public, Seafloor, Volcanic.
1. Olivier Marchal($517,428), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Deep And Surface, Deepwater Delta14c, Ocean Circulation, Surface Water, Surface Waters, Approach, Deglaciation, Deltac, Quantitative, Student.
1. Timothy J Crone($17,081), Columbia University, New York
2. James C Kinsey($43,001), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Eric L Mittelstaedt($12,243), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Control Volume, Diffuse Flow, Hydrothermal Vents, AUV, Flux, Fluxes, Heat, Methods, Nbottom, Quantifying, Simultaneous.
1. Scott L Nooner($23,897), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Magma Movement Beneath, Yearly Time Scales, Magma Lens, Melt Lens, Mid-ocean Ridges, Mush Zone, Ridge Crests, Boundaries, Collaboration, Crust, Deformation, Depend, Eruption, Geodetic, Long-term, Low, Mantle, Mid-ocean, Monitoring, Movements, Oceanic, Plan, Plate, Pressure, Processes, Relative, Seafloor, Surface, Tapped, Underlying, Upwelling, Volcanoes.
1. William B Ryan($760,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Facility, LDEO, Repository.
1. William W Sager($137,501), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Plate Tectonic, Walvis Ridge, Africa, Examine, Hotspot, Rock, Seafloor, South, Tracks, Volcanic.
1. William W Sager($85,083), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Geomagnetic Polarity Time, Unusual Field Behavior, Magnetic Field, Allow, Dynamics, Global, Has, Implications, JMQZ, Japanese, Jurassic, Lineation, Local, Low, Period, Profiles, Seismic.
1. Anthony Koppers($789,592), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: MGR.
1. Steven Carey($209,980), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Continued, Facility, Funding.
1. Bruce Brownawell($30,360), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Cecilia C McHugh($22,415), CUNY Queens College, Flushing
3. Beth A Christensen($18,220), Adelphi University, Garden City
Key terms: Superstorm Sandy, Collected, Estuarine, Field, Pis, Regional, Sediment, Shallow, Transport.
1. Marie-Helene Cormier($11,032), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Christopher C Sorlien($26,020), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Leonardo Seeber($68,855), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Strain Partitioning, Branch, Branches, Central, Fault, Funds, MCS, NAF, Northern, Ongoing, Pis, Seismic, Turkish.
1. John L Nabelek($264,004), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Cascadia Initiative, Gorda Basin, Northern California, Plate Tectonic, Actively, Added, Assumption, Deformation, Deforming, Deployment, Earth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Has, Megathrust, Obss, Plates, Region, Seafloor, Seismicity, Southern, Surface.
1. Doug Edmonds($56,822), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Sediment Transport, Delta, Deltas, Experiments, Load, Modeling, Morphodynamic, Morphology, Numerical, Pis, Planform, River, Space, Stratigraphy, Students, Wave.
1. Julie A Bowles($8,080), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Galapagos Spreading Center, Intermediate-spreading Galapagos Spreading, Intermediate-spreading Galapagos, Magma Supply, Obtain, Processes, Volcanic.
1. Julie A Bowles($22,925), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Axial Seamount, Crustal Accretion, Intermediate-spreading Ridges, Neovolcanic Zone, Ridge Segments, Analyses, Assess, Decades, Eruption, Evolution, Geochemical, Geologic, Has, Inflated, Intermediate-spreading, Jdfr, Magmatic, Morphological, Normal, Ocean, Processes, Rates, Replenishment, Timescales, Volcanologic.
1. Robert F Anderson($274,888), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ar5 And Pmip3, Climate And Ocean, Chemical Signatures, Climate Models, Future Climate, Ocean Circulation, Past Climate, Past Climates, Ability, Assess, Biogeochemical, Capable, Collaboration, Directly, Interaction, LGM, Period, Sediments, Simulate, Simulating, Simulations, Tracers, World.
1. Louis A Derry($243,925), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Has, Mantle, Model, Plate, Plates, Processes.
1. Piers Chapman($292,215), Texas A&M Research Foundation, College Station
Key terms: Crustal Structure, Shatsky Rise, Tectonic History, Coeval, Formed, Geophysical, Giant, Igneous, MCS, Magnetic, Mantle, Pis, Relation, Spreading, Students, Upper.
1. Marco Hatch($190,000), hatch Marco, Ferndale
Key terms: Knowledge And Western, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, British Columbia, Clam Garden, Clam Gardens, Dana Lepofsky, Ecological Impacts, Ecological Knowledge, Growth Rates, Indian Students, Northwest Indian, Access, Bella, Canada, Cultural, Fellow, Heiltsuk, International, Involves, Knowing, Marine, Multiple, NWIC, Participation, Quantify, SFU, Species, Territory, Washington.
1. Anna P Michel($99,990), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Laser Induced-breakdown Spectroscopy, Anthropogenic Inputs, Female Students, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metals, Induced-breakdown Spectroscopy, Laser Induced-breakdown, Remediation Efforts, Situ Sediment, Time Intensive, Analysis, Contaminated, Developed, Exist, LIBS, Laboratory, Levels, Monitoring, Ocean, Potential, Rapid, Requires, Sediments, Sensor, Spatial, Vehicle.
1. Dana E Hunt($99,999), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Biological Activity, Graduate Students, Bulk, Clades, Course, Distinct, Examine, Faculty, Free-living, Marine, Microbial, Ocean, Oceanography, PICO, POFF, Particle-attached, Particles, Particulate, Processes, Program, Rdna, Seawater, Time, Total.
1. Meytal B Higgins($0), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Cyanobacteria And Eukaryotic, Marine Nitrogen Cycling, 15n Fractionations, Chlorophyll Biosynthesis, Eukaryotic Algae, Nitrogen Isotope, Approach, Chloropigment, Contribute, Department, Differences, Female, Flux, Has, Information, Involved, Isotopic, Mentoring, Organic, Pathway, Proxy, School, Sedimentary, Techniques, Women.
1. Joel K Llopiz($99,809), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Stable Isotope Analyses, Upper Trophic Levels, Economic Importance, Fishes Play, Food Webs, Lab Assistant, Pelagic Fishes, Woods Hole, Activities, Compound-specific, Consumers, Cruises, Efforts, Experience, Oceanography, Particular, Planktonic, Prey, Share, Species, Spend, Students, Summer, Techniques, Zooplankton.
1. Pallav Ray($98,592), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Presence And Absence, Air-sea Coupling, Air-sea Interactions, Circumnavigating Waves, External Influences, Mjo Initiation, Activities, Air-sea, Atmospheric, Circulation, Coupled, Explore, Extratropics, Field, Forcing, Forcings, Has, Indian, Large-scale, Local, Mechanism, Model, Models, Moisture, Objective, Ocean, Processes, Seasons, Simulation, Simulations, Summer, Uncoupled.
1. Naomi M Levine($99,996), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbon Cycling, Computationally Tractable, Ocean Carbon, Submesoscale Dynamics, BATS, Climate, Features, Framework, Global, HOT, Has, Model, Models, Module, NAI, Oligotrophic, Phytoplankton, Primary, Processes, School, Sensitivity, Ship, Simulations, Students, Time-series, USC.
1. Peter R Girguis($137,276), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Overlying Water Column, Alvin Users, Santa Monica, Appropriate, Bottom, Capability, Certification, Dive, Has, Observations, Seafloor, Sensors, Systematic, Time, Vehicle, Video.
1. Tessa M Hill($626,117), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Mast Students, California, Climate, Cores, Curriculum, Davis, Directly, Ecosystems, Independent, Led, Ocean, Past, Rapid, Responded, SBB, Sediment, Shifts, Utilize.
1. Deborah Glickson($949,546), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Decadal Survey, Committee, Context, DSOS, Decade, NSF, National, Ocean, Priorities, Studies.
1. James G Bellingham($2,355,885), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing
Key terms: Microbial Plankton, Available, Center, Days, Development, Has, Instrument, Mivegas, Oceanographers, Potential, Range, Robot, School, Students, Survey.
1. Robert S Pickart($8,057,129), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Susan Lozier($839,163), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Mass And Freshwater, Poleward Heat Transport, Sub-polar North Atlantic, Deep Water, Graduate Students, Labrador Sea, Osnap East, Osnap West, Sub-polar North, Wind Forcing, AMOC, Array, Basin, Boundary, Broader, Canada, Carbon, Components, Connectivity, Floats, Fluxes, Germany, Greenland, Has, International, Irminger, Legs, Line, Margin, Measure, Motivation, NADW, Observational, Observing, Ocean, Overturning, Potential, Primary, Program, Repeat, Sequestration, Southwestern, Subpolar, Tip, Western, °N.
1. Leopoldo Pena Gonzalez($310,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Nd Isotope, Nd Isotopes, Water Mass, Continent, Mixing, Seawater, Surface, Tracers, Values.
1. Donald W Forsyth($213,271), Brown University, Providence
2. Douglas R Toomey($186,732), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Surface And Body, Body Wave, Arrays, Asthenospheric, CI, Pis, Structure, Students, Tomographic.
1. W Steven Holbrook($133,973), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Harold J Tobin($149,907), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Kathleen M Keranen($90,000), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Subduction Zone, Cascadia, Evolution, MCS, Plate, Relate, Seismic, Strata, Stress.
1. Geoffrey A Abers($210,531), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Along-strike, Analysis, Cascadia, Determined, Plate, Properties, Receiver, Seismic, Structure, Wave.
1. Jeffrey J McGuire($251,956), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Keir Becker($158,858), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Analysis, Andor, Instrumentation, Observatory.
1. Matthew G Jackson($184,293), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Hawaiian-emperor And Louisville, Plate Motion, Submarine Volcanoes, Chains, Collected, Define, Fixed, Geochemical, Hotspot, Hotspots, Lavas, Mantle, Pacific, Rurutu, Students, Tracks, Training.
1. Julia K Morgan($1,005,013), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
2. Donna J Shillington($406,553), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ocean Basin, Strong International, Atlantic, Broader, Geologic, Overlying, Process, Rifting, Salt, Volcanism.
1. Mark A Altabet($159,058), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
2. Karen L Casciotti($388,147), Stanford University, Stanford
3. Meredith Hastings($154,508), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Peru-tahiti Section, South Pacific, Water Column, Annual, Availability, Biological, Brown, Deln, Delo, Fixed, GEOTRACES, Isotope, Isotopes, Isotopic, Loss, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ocean, Odzs, Oxygen, Peru-tahiti, Processes, Signals, Stanford, Trace.
1. Phoebe J Lam($550,681), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Brandy M Toner($199,271), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Woods Hole Oceanographic, East Pacific, Graduate Student, Hydrothermal Particles, Particle Phases, Trace Metals, Cities, Education, GEOTRACES, Measure, POC, Particulate, Peru, Productivity, Regards, Scavenging, TEI, Teis.
1. Juan Pablo Canales($715,330), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Robert A Dunn($367,064), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Mid-ocean Ridge, Primary Means, Environment, Heat, Hydrothermal, Mid-ocean, Tectonic.
1. James E Broda($750,001), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Repository, Storage.
1. Gregory F Moore($85,402), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Crust, Drilling, Funding, Hawaiian, International, JAMSTEC, Moho, Ocean.
1. Alan C Mix($55,665), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Main Core Sampling, Alaska, Cores, Ct-scans, Expedition, Future, IODP, Laminae, Larger, Party, Principal, Public, Quebec, Sedimentary, Sediments.
1. Gary Acton($100,000), University of California-Davis, Davis
2. Carl Richter($100,000), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette
Key terms: Analysis, Circulation, Climate, Combination, Cored, Detailed, Development, Enable, Exp, Field, Magnetic, Models, Outflow, Quaternary, Section.
1. James McManus($150,000), University of Akron, Akron
2. James McManus($150,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Organic Carbon, Chemistry, Diagenesis, Isotopes, Pore, Tephra.
1. Pincelli M Hull($141,000), Yale University, New Haven
2. James C Zachos($103,000), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
3. Richard D Norris($170,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Cenozoic Greenhouse, Cenozoic Icehouse, Climate Studies, Critical Time, Enable, Eocene, Exp, Global, Obtained, Spans.
1. Demian M Saffer($83,368), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Pore Pressure, Access, Borehole, Cabled, Connected, International, Nankai, Portal, Real-time, Seismic, Strain.
1. Jennifer F Biddle($104,999), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Metatranscriptomic Analysis, Active, Biome, IODP, Metabolic, Microbial, RNA, Sediments, Subsurface.
1. Heath Mills($157,008), University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston
Key terms: Deep Biosphere, North Pond, Basement, Crust, Expedition, IODP, Investigate, Life, Metabolic, Microbes, Ocean, Population, Program.
1. Charles G Wheat($218,949), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Keir Becker($112,733), University of Miami, Coral Gables
3. Andrew T Fisher($64,803), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
4. Jordan F Clark($121,801), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
5. Katrina J Edwards($75,811), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
6. Michael S Rappe($59,234), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Ocean Crust, Based, Biological, Boreholes, Diversity, Experiments, Flow, Fluid, JDFR, Permeability, Pis, Placed, Post-docs, Sensors, Training.
1. Yair Rosenthal($299,568), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Warm Pool, Atmospheric, Climate, Convection, Critical, Cruise, Decade, High-resolution, IODP, IPWP, Lack, Models, Obtaining, Paleoceanographic, Potential, Sea, Seismic, Sites, Surface, Tropical, WPWP.
1. Robert G Hatfield($189,727), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Hemipelagic Sediments, Magnetic Minerals, Magnetic Properties, Behavior, Cmkyear, Cores, Field, Paleomagnetic, RPI, Site, Size, Tephra, U-channel, Volcanic.
1. James Kirkpatrick($153,729), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Heather M Savage($176,062), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Frictional Weakening, Slip Occurred, Coseismically, Earthquake, Fault, Hosted, Low, Quake, Region, Rupture, Shallow, Stress, Tohoku, Tsunami, Was.
1. Edward S Fry($1,369,807), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Backscattering, Bb, Graduate, Instrument, Instrumentation, Optical, Scattering, Student.
1. Daniel C McCorkle($94,702), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Collaboration, EC.
1. Glenn S Sasagawa($759,843), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Has, Instrument, Pis, Seafloor, Sensitivity, Strain, Undersea.
1. Spahr C Webb($297,733), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Current Shielded, Loading Noise, Pressure Gradient, Shallow Water, Broadband, Horizontal, OBS, Observations, Seismic, Sensors, Sites, Studying, Wave.
1. John A Breier($1,084,195), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Gregory J Dick($82,461), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Rapid Vertical, Autonomous, Biogeochemical, Engineering, Enzymes, GENOTRACES, Global, Microbial, Ocean, Pis, Sampling, Vehicle.
1. Daniela Di Iorio($892,041), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Acoustic Path, Hydrothermal Vents, Reciprocal Acoustic, Activities, Flow, Has, Horizontal, Instrument, Mean, Measure, Properties, School, Students, Temperature, Turbulence.
1. Brian T Glazer($69,603), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Technology Foundation, Contributing, Deep-sea, Instrumentation, Leveraged, MSTF, Marine, NSF, Sensor.
1. James H Foster($342,307), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Seafloor Motions, Vertical Motions, Wave Glider, Accuracy, Funding, GPS, Has, Meteorological, Potential, Pressure, Sensors, Surface, Telemetry.
1. Arthur C Trembanis($925,192), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: AUV, Adapted, Biological, Broad, Multiple, Oceanographic, Pis, Platforms, Sampling, Size, Unit.
1. Frederick N Sonnichsen($746,820), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Bay, Capable, Continuous, DIC, High-resolution, In-situ, Mobile, Ocean, Platforms, Power, Seawater, Sensor, Student, Summer.
1. William W Sager($38,459), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Magnetic Stripe Anomalies, Inexpensive Magnetic, Low Power, Magnetic Field, Ocean Basins, Broad, Coverage, Drifter, Drifters, Geomagnetic, Global, Magnetometer, Obtained, Sensors, Sparse, Surface, Was.
1. David S Goldberg($86,241), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Capabilities, Langseth, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Seismic, Shared-use, Surveys, Unique, Vessel.
1. William S Wilcock($18,607), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Daryl L Swensen($45,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Richard J Findley($15,890), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Magnetometer, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, RV, Shared-use, Vessel.
1. Richard D Ricketts($16,975), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Rv Blue Heron, Lakes Observatory, Oceanographic Laboratory, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, Minnesota, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use, UNOLS, Vessel.
1. Terry B Appelgate($57,081), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Timothy W Deering($50,000), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Nsf Days Accounting, Purpose Global Vessel, Rv Roger Revelle, Total Sailing Schedule, H2000 Rov, Rv Melville, Rv Sproul, Shared-use Instrumentation, California, Has, Horizon, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Scheduled, Shared-use, Vessels.
1. William L Fanning($35,212), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Total Sailing Schedule, Rhode Island, Rv Endeavor, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Operated, Shared-use, Vessel.
1. Daniel C Guidry($179,930), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
Key terms: Academic Fleet, Shared-use Instrumentation, Technical Services, Basic, Budget, Continuing, LUMCON, NSF, Nsf-funded, Pelican, Program, Shared-use, Users, Vessel, Vessels.
1. James S Ferguson($4,510,516), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Rv Kilo Moana, Basic Services, Shared-use Instrumentation, Specialized Services, NSF, Nsf-funded, Program, Quality, Shared-use, UNOLS, Vessel.
1. Peter S Weiss-Penzias($334,159), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Kenneth H Coale($229,111), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
3. Daniel M Fernandez($50,688), University Corporation at Monterey Bay, Seaside
Key terms: Terrestrial Ecosystems, California, Fog, Fognet, Mercury, Mmhg, Network, Toxic.
1. Philippe Grandjean($1,505,842), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Ocean Food Chains, Environmental Health, Human Health, Marine Mammals, Public Health, Trophic Levels, Wide Range, Biomagnify, Cohorts, Concentrations, Contaminants, Diet, Exposure, Exposures, Immune, Information, NIEHS, NSF, National, Persistent, Pfcs, Pollutants, Populations, Seafood, Serum, Vulnerable.
1. Dennis J McGillicuddy($4,321,138), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Nsf And Niehs, Environmental Health, Hab Species, Human Health, Public Health, Shellfish Poisoning, Toxin Action, Woods Hole, Activities, Articles, Center, Centers, Consequences, Core, Distribution, Engage, Exposures, Harmful, Integrated, Issues, Local, Mechanisms, Oceans, Presentations, Processes, Responsible, Risks, Threats, Toxicants, Toxins, Training.
1. Paul Zimba($272,054), Lake Superior State University, Sault Sainte Marie
Key terms: Monitoring And Observational, Nsf And Niehs, Federal Monitoring, Flexible Mqpcr, Hab Activities, Hab Genera, Hab Toxins, Human Health, Observational Programs, Assay, Bloom, Complex, Cyanobacteria, Development, Drivers, Ecological, Ecology, Economical, Environmental, Existing, Habs, Integration, Lakes, Prediction, Quantitative, Significantly, Specific, Toxic.
1. Hyeok Choi($386,190), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Nsf And Niehs, Algal Blooms, Color Products, Hab Toxins, Sensor Network, Toxin Release, Transducer Layers, Activities, Antenna, Approach, Approaches, Array, Assay, Based, Developed, Environmental, Habs, Health, Innovative, Mcs, Methods, Monitor, Monitoring, Neither, Nor, Optical, Participating, Real-time, Remote, Sensing, Situ, Specific, Students, Sustainable, Various, Wireless.
1. Colleen B Mouw($382,869), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Ecological Niche Model, Nsf And Niehs, Algal Blooms, Environmental Conditions, Human Health, In-situ Environmental, Remote Sensing, Satellite Products, Based, Critical, Detection, Development, Ecology, Freshwater, HAB, Habs, In-situ, Inputs, Lakes, Observational, Predict, Set, State-of-the-art, Synoptic, Tools, Water.
1. Bradley S Moore($4,050,605), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Enter Human Populations, Non-targeted Analytical Approach, Nsf And Niehs, Anthropogenic Contaminants, Apex Marine, Apex Predators, Compounds Enter, Human Health, Marine Cycling, Natural Compounds, Non-targeted Analytical, Organic Compounds, Seafood Consumption, Source Organisms, Apply, Assess, Biosynthetic, Brominated, California, Center, Centers, Delineate, Demonstrate, Documented, Dolphins, Efforts, Enable, Environmental, Examine, Furthermore, Has, Local, Oceans, Potential, Presence, Program, Public, Resources, Scripps, Similar, Toxic, Transfer, Trophic.
1. Fernando Galvez($358,500), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Andrew Whitehead($270,612), University of California-Davis, Davis
3. Christopher C Green($298,080), Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Nsf And Niehs, Human Health, Life Cycle, Oil Spill, Oil Spills, Phd Students, Affected, Biological, Close, Davis, Development, Effects, Efforts, Exposed, Field, Genetic, Gulf, Humans, Killifish, LSU, Local, Louisiana, Medium, Model, Opportunity, Physiological, Processes, Program, Regions, Risk, Undergraduate, Vertebrate.
1. Todd R Miller($352,527), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Nsf And Niehs, Drinking Water, Environmental Health, Human Health, Limnological Variables, Automated, Conditions, Cyanobacterial, Cyanotoxin, Cyanotoxins, DWTP, Fish, Lake, Lakes, Sensors, UWM.
1. Amro Hamdoun($1,832,563), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Atp Binding Cassette, Nsf And Niehs, Abc Transporters, Human Health, Marine Organisms, Marine Pollution, Sea Urchins, Accumulation, Assays, Chemicals, Determinants, Functional, Global, Interaction, MDR, Persistent, Pollutant, Pollutants, Tools, Vitro.
1. Paul Buckmaster($1,186,570), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Below Current Regulatory, California Sea Lions, Consume Seafood Containing, Containing Domoic Acid, Current Regulatory Limits, Domoic Acid Exposure, Domoic Acid Toxicosis, Levels Below Current, Nsf And Niehs, Pregnant Women Consume, Seafood Containing Domoic, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Women Consume Seafood, Human Embryos, Regulatory Limits, Utero Exposure, Adult, Adults, Animals, Brain, Caused, EEG, Experiments, Growing, Health, Marine, Mice, Milder, Pseudo-nitzschia, Risk, Stanford.
1. Rosemary Jagus($1,369,515), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Dinoflagellate Gene Expression, Harmful Algal Blooms, Nsf And Niehs, Bloom Growth, Cap Structures, Dinoflagellate Growth, Mrna Recruitment, Translational Regulation, Veneficum Eif4e, Assess, Development, Dinoflagellates, Eife, Environmental, Genetic, Has, Health, Insight, Kveneficum, Little, Mechanisms, Organisms, School, Toxicity, Toxin.
1. Kathi A Lefebvre($1,304,607), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Chronic Da Exposure, Chronic Low-level Da, Coastal And Tribal, Nsf And Niehs, Chronic Exposure, Chronic Low-level, Da-specific Antibody, Health Impacts, Human Health, Low-level Da, Low-level Exposure, Acid, Algal, Assessing, Based, Biomarker, Da-specific, Diagnostic, Exposures, Harvest, Has, Humans, Levels, Model, Monitoring, Neurotoxic, Presence, Reliable, Risks, Shellfish, Subclinical, Subsequent, Susceptibility, Threats, Toxin, Wildlife.
1. William M Smethie($224,892), Columbia University, New York
2. Terrence M Joyce($1,545,515), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Final Line, Water Property, AMOC, Analysis, Combining, Complete, Cruise, Decade, Effort, Has, Hydrographic, Meridional, Models, Observational, Observations, Ocean, Procedures, Program, Time, Transport.
1. James Thomson($708,615), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Wave Breaking Dissipation, Energy Dissipation, Laboratory Studies, Pacific Ocean, Swift Buoys, Wave Evolution, Wave Forecast, Wave Spectral, Air-sea, Continued, Field, Magnitude, Measure, OWS-P, Ongoing, Parameterizations, Participation, Phase-averaged, Process, Surface, Techniques, Video, Waves.
1. Irina Rypina($1,272,857), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Changsheng Chen($209,435), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
Key terms: Coastal Ocean South, Exchange And Dispersion, Along-shelf Uniform, Flow Field, Martha's Vineyard, Water Masses, Additional, Along-shelf, Comprehensive, Critical, Drifter, Effects, Flux, Focused, Importance, Marthas, Models, Observations, Pollutants, Potential, Quantify, Rates, Realistic, Relative, Sources, Spatial, Spatially-variable, Transient, Transport, Wind.
1. Terry B Appelgate($2,467,763), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Clivar And Carbon, Cchdo Brings, Global Ocean, Ocean Carbon, Archive, Assembly, Assure, Available, Broad, Cchdos, Center, Circulation, Climate, Collected, Common, Content, Contributing, Dissemination, Documentation, Education, File, Formats, Future, Hydrographic, Import, International, National, Netcdf, Originators, Programs, Service, Standard, Tracer, Users, WOCE.
1. Barbara M Hickey($637,099), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Along-isobath Flow, Cross-isobath Circulation, Cross-isobath Flows, Cross-isobath Velocity, Cross-margin Exchange, Northern Ccs, Pressure Gradient, Undergraduate Student, Wa Dept, Along-isobath, Along-shelf, Analysis, Application, Coastal, Cross-isobath, Cross-margin, Current, Depth-averaged, EBC, Eddy, Elusive, Existing, Forcing, Graduate, Has, Isolate, Local, Mean, Methodology, Mid-shelf, OOI, Objectives, Observations, Resource, Span, Stratification, Structure, Surface, UW, Upcoming, Water.
1. Jennifer A MacKinnon($123,667), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Jonathan D Nash($576,310), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Diapycnal Mixing Rates, Climate Models, Repeat Hydrography, Turbulent Mixing, Allow, Available, Broader, Budgets, Chi-pods, Demonstrate, Direct, Distribution, Geographic, Global, Has, Heat, Microstructure, Moorings, Nutrient, Observations, Ocean, Parameterizations, Pilot, Profiles, Regional, Remain, Rosette, Shear, Standard, Systematic, Temperature, Thousand, Turbulence, Water.
1. Gangfeng Ma($116,289), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
2. Fengyan Shi($483,437), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Coastal Ocean Models, Stress And Sediment, Bottom Stress, Coastal Inlets, Nonhydrostatic Model, Plume Liftoff, River Mouths, River Plume, Sediment Resuspension, Sediment Transport, Surface Waves, Suspended Sediment, Ability, Basic, Camp, Capabilities, Development, Discharge, Environments, Existing, Flows, Formulations, Hypothesized, Leading, MCR, Motion, NHWAVE, Near, Pathway, Plumes, Processes, Removal, Resolution, Resulting, Riverine, Sediments, Sheared, Shelf, Stratification, Strong, Tidal, Vertical, Wave-averaged, Wave-resolving.
1. William E Johns($3,831,009), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Florida Current Monitoring, Sea Surface Temperature, Atlantic Basin, Climate Models, Heat Transport, North Atlantic, AMOC, Continue, Continuous, Contribution, Forcing, Has, Hydrographiclowered-adcp, Inter-annual, International, Linked, Maintain, March, Meridional, Moored, NOAA, National, Observed, Observing, Ocean, Overturning, Program, Programs, Provided, RAPID-MOCHA, Seasonal, Time, UK, °N.
1. Changsheng Chen($599,667), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Remnant Winter Water, Spring And Summer, Broader Impacts, Cold Pool, Mab Ecosystem, Seasonal Evolution, Climate, Climatology, Comprehensive, Contribute, Decadal, Duration, Fish, Fisheries, Gradual, Growing, Inter-annual, Nutrient, Processes, Shared, Shelf, Spatial, Stocks, Structure, Temperature, Warming.
1. Louis C St Laurent($1,464,664), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Andreas Thurnherr($1,356,953), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Turbulence And Mixing, Corrugated Flanks, Neighboring Canyons, Relative Importance, Sea Floor, Slow-spreading Ridges, South Atlantic, Tidal Mixing, Abyssal, Along-canyon, BBTRE, Bottom, Buoyancy, Circulation, Corrugating, Dense, Deployed, Dynamics, Effects, Exchange, Flow, Flows, Global, Insights, Investigate, Moorings, Ocean, Particular, Previous, Processes, Regions, Ridge-flank, Sill, Slow-spreading, Strong, Time, Waters.
1. Marieke Femke de Jong($750,807), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Denmark Strait Overflow, Dense Water Pathways, East Greenland Current, Meridional Overturning Circulation, North Icelandic Jet, Wind Stress Curl, Float Trajectories, Iceland Sea, Sea Via, Sound Source, Array, Bergen, Conditions, Depth, Directly, Experiment, Field, Floats, Global, Institute, Limb, Marine, Norway, Observed, Sources, Tracked.
1. Theodore Durland($572,095), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Analytical And Numerical, Coastal Kelvin Waves, Incident Coastal Kelvin, Preliminary Analytical Model, Indian Ocean, Indonesian Throughflow, Itf Passages, Model Predictions, Numerical Modeling, Vertical Propagation, Baroclinic, Channel, Channels, Climate, Contributions, Dynamics, Effects, Episodically, Global, Models, Observations, Oceanic, Parameterized, Past, Pulse, Revealed, Reversing, Sills, Straits, Structure, Student.
1. John L Wilkin($479,385), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Malcolm E Scully($313,803), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Nicholas J Nidzieko($298,188), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Comprehensive Field Program, Mixing And Circulation, Buoyant Coastal, Coastal Current, Downwelling Conditions, Mechanisms Responsible, Nose Region, Numerical Models, Ooi Epe, Plume Propagation, Quantify Mixing, River Plume, Ambient, Broadly, Chesapeake, Currents, Detailed, Dominant, Dynamics, Edge, Education, Gravity, Importance, Nsf-funded, Objectives, Observations, Ocean, Online, Plumes, Relative, Resolution, River-derived, Rutgers, Shear, Stratification, Students, Teaching, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Unprecedented, Waves, Wind, Winds.
1. Claudia Cenedese($477,409), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Kiran Bhaganagar($254,417), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Bottom Boundary Layer, Boundary Layer Thickness, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Bottom Roughness, Climate Models, Dense Current, Dense Currents, Entrainment Parameterizations, Numerical Models, Ocean Circulation, Spatial Distribution, Turbulent Eddies, Vertical Extent, Water Properties, Account, Ambient, Contribute, Expected, Experiments, Flow, Flows, GFD, Generated, Graduate, Has, Height, Influence, Laboratory, Mixing, Parameterized, Shape, Spacing, Student, Students, WHOI.
1. Jeffrey Hansen($762,866), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Alongshore Advective Accelerations, Alongshore Flow Gradients, Numerical Model Simulations, Uniform Incident Waves, Coastal Engineering, Engineering Firms, Field Observations, Friction Coefficient, Momentum Balance, Obtain Field, Rip Currents, Simplified Equations, Surfzone Bathymetric, Surfzone Flows, ASBPA, Accurate, Beaches, Evolution, Fellowships, Internships, Lead, Models, Morphological, Near, Offered, Owing, Particular, Pressure, Relatively, Spatial, Students, Transport.
1. Peter E Hamlington($401,386), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Baylor Fox-Kemper($270,587), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Chemical And Biological, Global Carbon Cycle, Time Scales Similar, Chemical Reactions, Chemical Species, Langmuir Turbulence, Mixed Layer, Reacting Flows, Reaction Models, Reactive Tracers, Submesoscale Eddies, Tracer Reactions, Turbulent Mixing, Upper Ocean, Climate, Complicated, Coupling, Dynamics, Effects, Fronts, Heterogeneity, Interactions, Obtained, Oceanic, Oceanography, Physics, Plankton, Play, Prior, Processes, Range, Realistic, Simple, Simulations, Spanning.
1. Christopher L Pitt Wolfe($858,707), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Atlantic Ocean, Decadal Scales, Eddy Stirring, Eddying Regime, Seasonal Cycling, Temperature Anomalies, Time Scales, Adiabatic, Approach, Circulation, Climate, Duration, Dynamics, Eddies, Focus, Models, Natural, Oceanic, Potential, Predictability, Processes, Regions, Resolution, Robust, Survive.
1. Leif N Thomas($526,829), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Ageostrophic Circulation, Kinetic Energy, Mean Flow, Near-inertial Waves, Wave Field, Balanced, Dissipated, Drives, Dynamics, Eddies, Eddy, Fields, Fronts, Global, Hence, Hydrostatic, Interaction, Internal, Lose, Lost, Mechanism, Mesoscale, Model, Ninertial, Non-hydrostatic, Ocean, Physics, Play, Process, Simulations, Spatially, Theory, Transferred, Unbalanced, Wave-induced.
1. Curtis A Collins($47,162), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Baja California, Pacific Ocean, Subsurface Waters, Water Properties, Carried, Flow, Graduate, Gulf, Mouth, NPS, Observations, Oxygen, Programs, UABC.
1. Lian Shen($195,248), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Dynamic Sgs Sea-surface, Nonlinear Wave Field, Sgs Sea-surface Roughness, Steep And Breaking, Wave Breaking Dissipation, Breaking Waves, Educational Outreach, Hosm Simulation, Phase-resolved Simulation, Sea-surface Roughness, Sgs Sea-surface, Wave Simulation, Wind Input, Wind Les, Advanced, Applications, Auxiliary, Capability, Computation, Development, Doctoral, Effect, Especially, HMFS, IGERT, Interaction, JHU, Method, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Phase-resolved, Students, Theoretical, Training, Turbulence, Wave-phase-resolved, Wind-wave, Wind-waves.
1. Geoffrey K Vallis($365,082), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Oceanic Energy Budget, Energy Pathways, Wave Generation, Applied, Circulation, Climate, Coupling, Current, Dynamics, Function, Mechanisms, Mixing, Model, Nonlinear, Play, Promising, Quantifying, Rigorous, Schemes, Simulations, Tools, Transfer.
1. Stefan G Llewellyn Smith($373,388), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Graduate Students, Horizontal Convection, Numerical Simulations, Surface Stress, Buoyancy, Circulation, Computational, Dynamical, Energy, Fluid, Forcing, Laboratory, MOC, Mechanical, Ocean, Simplified, Teachers, Transport.
1. Nancy R Gray($28,500), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Coastal And Estuarine, Coastal Ocean Circulation, Ocean Circulation Grc, Students And Postdoctoral, Graduate Students, Informal Interactions, Invited Speakers, Junior Scientists, Postdoctoral Scholars, Senior Scientists, Steering Committee, Conference, Connections, Development, Discussion, Diverse, Ensure, Field, Free, GRS, Gordon, Has, Held, Leaders, Lectures, Meeting, Oceanography, Opportunities, Opportunity, Participation, Peers, Processes, Range, Scientifically, Seminar, Share, Stages, Under-represented.
1. Jonathan D Nash($1,995,362), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Atmosphere Ocean Array, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean, Tropical Instability Waves, Cold Tongue, Process Experiment, Sea Surface, Analysis, Archived, Cool, Employed, Equator, Equatorial, Gradients, Heat, Mixing, Moored, Moorings, Obtained, Spatial, Structure, Students, Subsurface, Summer, TIW, Temporal, Turbulence.
1. Yvette H Spitz($234,761), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Lunar Nodal Cycle, Oceanic And Atmospheric, Atmospheric Circulation, Climate Model, Climate Modeling, Climate Models, Decadal Climate, Global Climate, Internal Modes, Lnc Forcing, Lnc Oscillations, North Pacific, Ocean Mixing, Tidal Mixing, Affect, Analyzed, Available, Bidecadal, Biogeochemical, Constituents, Effect, Effects, Energy, Has, Mechanisms, Observations, Parameterization, Predictability, Region, Reports, Strong, Temperatures, Tides, Variables.
1. Malcolm E Scully($250,188), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Observation And Analysis, Chesapeake Bay, Density Structure, Estuarine Circulation, Forces Acting, Ability, Array, Description, Designed, Detail, Driving, Efforts, Estuaries, Estuary, Fisheries, Flow, Has, Intensive, Involve, Mixing, Nutrients, Oxygen, Program, Programs, Sags, Separate, Stress, Waters, Wind.
1. James Lerczak($448,127), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Buoyant Coastal Flows, Oregon Coastal Range, Oregon Inner Shelf, Buoyancy Forcing, Coastal Ocean, Oregon Coast, Smr Estuaries, Wind Driven, Characterize, Circulation, Combined, Curriculum, Derived, Discharge, Dominant, Dynamics, Freshwater, Intermittent, Little, Methods, Modeling, Quantify, Received, Regimes, River, Rivers, Transport.
1. Jennifer A MacKinnon($390,942), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Eddy Kinetic Energy, Composite Eddy, Diapycnal Mixing, Dissipation Rate, Dissipation Rates, Graduate Student, Ocean Mixing, Turbulent Mixing, Argo, Assumptions, CPT, Circulation, Climate, Compared, Continue, Corroborate, Diffusivity, Distribution, Efforts, Elevated, Equator, Equatorial, Estimated, Estimates, Future, Global, Inspired, Local, Media, Models, Observations, Observed, Outreach, Previous, Strain, Stratification, Teachers, Techniques, Upper, Vertical, Whalen.
1. Melanie R Fewings($112,654), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Kelp Forest Ecosystems, Northern Channel Islands, Santa Barbara Channel, Baja California, Coastal Ocean, Coastal Pressure, Coastal-trapped Waves, Internal Tidal, Marine Protected, Remote Winds, Temperature Fluctuations, Water Temperature, West Coast, Wind Fluctuations, Affect, Along-shelf, Bores, Circulation, Coastal-trapped, Driven, Dynamical, Effect, Gradients, Influence, Management, Mechanism, Near, Observed, Sea-level, Strength, Thermocline, Transport, Velocity.
1. Malcolm E Scully($28,223), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Estuarine And Coastal, Spatial And Temporal, Dissipation Rates, Estuarine Dynamics, Numerical Simulations, Stratified Turbulence, Strong Stratification, Temporal Resolution, Turbulence Parameterizations, Turbulent Fluxes, MAST, Management, Mechanisms, Mixing, Models, Objectives, Regime.
1. Mark A Moline($322,438), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Cross-shore And Alongshore, Coastal Upwelling, Relaxation Flows, Source Waters, Wind Relaxations, California, Density, Examine, Extensive, Observational, Pressure, Region, Regional, Structure, Students, Velocity.
1. John P Crimaldi($291,720), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Peter A Jumars($292,920), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Benthic Marine, Flow Fields, Inhalant Siphon, Siphon Flows, Biology, Broad, Effects, Feeding, Fluid, Graduate, Inanimate, Intake, Models, Numerical, Organisms, Pis, Processes, Produce, Range, Species, Suspension, Webinars.
1. Alan C Mix($458,901), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Circulation And Temperature, North Atlantic, Ocean Circulation, Sea-level Rise, Subsurface Warming, AMOC, Concern, Future, Geochemical, Heinrich, Ice, Intermediate-depth, Projections, Reduction, Sea-level, Student, Trigger.
1. Demian A Bailey($0), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Regional Class, Regional Vessels, Construction, Design, Nsfs, Oregon, RCRV.
1. Matthew Lauer($218,486), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
2. Andrew Rassweiler($247,089), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Coral Reef Social-ecological, Resilience And Long-term, Social And Natural, Coral Reefs, Long-term Sustainability, Reef Social-ecological, Abrupt, Adaptive, Capacity, Coastal, Complex, Critical, Developed, Development, Dominated, Dynamics, Ecosystem, Feedbacks, Fish, Framework, Human, Integrated, Local, Management, Modeling, Models, Moorea, Shifts, Sustainable.
1. Steven Murawski($550,641), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Modeling And Predicting, Coastal Sustainability, Ecological Conditions, Past Approaches, Predicting Human, Catch, Changing, Choices, Critical, Developed, Entropy, Fish, Fisheries, Fishing, Individual, Management, Methods, Models, Observations, Regulatory, Sectors, Spatial, Testing, Utility, VMS.
1. Donald C Potts($550,842), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: California Coastal, Controlled Laboratory, Desalination Facilities, Effluent Discharge, Public Perception, Assess, Decision, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Effects, Environmental, Experiments, Has, Marine, Policy, Potential, Seawater, Water.
1. Robert J Chant($371,863), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Tracy Quirk($356,023), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
3. Christopher K Sommerfield($690,597), University of Delaware, Newark
4. David K Ralston($1,366,124), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Coupled Human-natural, Ecosystem Services, Estuarine Sustainability, Sediment Transport, Socio-economic Analyses, Sustainable Management, Affect, Analysis, Decision-making, Delaware, Development, Environmental, Estuaries, Estuary, Framework, Future, Hudson-raritan, Human-natural, Hydrodynamics, Model, Modeling, Models, Morphodynamics, Natural-human, Policy, Processes, Program, Regime, Socio-economic, Students, System-scale, Trajectory, Undergraduates, Urban, Values.
1. Peter Rosen($43,079), Northeastern University, Boston
2. Ju-Chin Huang($61,441), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Christopher J Hein($428,941), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Mary Virginia Institute, William And Mary, Coastal Erosion, Management Strategies, Merrimack River, Plum Island, Sediment Supply, Anthropogenic, Barrier, Beach, Combined, Complex, Development, Ecosystems, Fluvial, Focus, Human, Interactions, Local, Long-term, Marine, Modifications, Natural, Outreach, Policy, Processes, Social, Sources, Students, Supplies, Unique.
1. Fu-Sung Frank Chiang($372,055), Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland
2. Janet Nye($298,749), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
3. Katherine Mills($1,125,752), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Abundance, Altering, Caught, Changing, Climate, Complex, Conditions, Distributions, Dynamical, Economic, Fish, Fisheries, Groundfish, Gulf, Influencing, Integrated, Interactions, Lobster, Main, Maine, Management, Markets, Model, Ocean, Populations, Program, Respond, Spatial, Species, Students, Temperature, Temperatures, Th, Warm, Warming.
1. Donna Marie Bilkovic($582,532), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Coastal Resources Management, Management And Policy, Potential Flooding Risks, Chesapeake Bay, Graduate Students, Outreach Education, Alterations, Center, Designed, Efforts, Estuarine, Feedbacks, Fisheries, Framework, Guidance, Human, Model, Modeling, Private, Products, Sustainability, Translation, VIMS, Wide.
1. Jean-Paul Ampuero($299,852), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Alert And Warning, Tsunami Warning Messages, Emergency Managers, Message Specificity, Pressure Gauge, Protective Action, Tohoku Tsunami, Array, Civil, Dense, Enhanced, Experts, Focus, Hazard, Increase, Modeling, Public, Social, Source, Sources, Warnings.
1. Daniel Mosse($3,000,000), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Accurately And Efficiently, Collective Action, Increases Collective, Nfts Generated, Risk Reduction, Solving Capacity, Tsunami Risk, Undersea Earthquakes, Adaptive, Assess, Benefit, Casos, Challenge, Complex, Conditions, Decisions, Dynamic, Dynamics, Effective, Efficiency, Enable, Enhance, Environments, Exchange, Hazards, Indonesia, Information, Informed, Interdisciplinary, Landslides, Levels, Losses, Manage, Management, Methods, Models, Process, Resilience, Search, Self-organized, Shared, Social, Sociotechnical, Threat, Tools.
1. Richard J Findley($54,965), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Rv Walton Smith, Items, Miami.
1. David S Goldberg($495,895), Columbia University, New York
2. Stewart K Lamerdin($104,523), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Columbia, Items, LANGSETH, Lamont-doherty, Observatory, Vessel.
1. Stewart K Lamerdin($575,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Rv Wecoma, Items, NSF, Operators, Oregon, Past, Requests, SSSE, Vessel.
1. Robert E. Hunt($38,671,516), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Rv Kilo Moana, Cooperative Agreement, Atmosphere, Biological, Chemical, Climate, Cruises, Days, Direct, Equatorial, Facilities, Hawaii, NSF, Ocean, Policy, Processes, Public, Ships, Vessel.
1. Amy S Bower($3,717,869), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Susan Lozier($706,616), Duke University, Durham
3. William E Johns($3,035,828), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Irminger And Iceland, Mass And Freshwater, Poleward Heat Transport, Sub-polar North Atlantic, Graduate Students, Iceland Basins, Labrador Sea, Osnap East, Sub-polar North, Subtropical Waters, Wind Forcing, AMOC, Arctic, Array, Broader, Carbon, Connectivity, Deep, Eastern, Fluxes, Greenland, Has, International, Legs, Line, Measure, Motivation, Net, Netherlands, Observational, Observing, Ocean, Overflows, Overturning, Potential, Program, Repeat, Section, Sequestration, Southwestern, Tip, Trans-basin, UK, Via, West, °N.
1. Paul G Falkowski($21,176), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Basal And Derived, Coral Genomes, Derived Taxa, Workshop Participants, Allow, Annotation, Applied, Basic, Components, Corals, Development, Genomic.
1. Monica Medina($120,322), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Host And Symbiont, Adult Host, Assemblage Found, Coral Reef, Environmental Conditions, Final Assemblage, Final Symbiont, Gene Expression, Reef Ecosystem, Affect, Approach, Arrays, Available, Coffroth, Competition, Continue, Corals, EST, Ecological, Establishment, Fitness, Genomic, Lab, Lead, Maintenance, Mechanisms, Ontogeny, Outreach, Students, Symbiodinium, Symbionts, Symbiosis, Training.
1. Kaplan Yalcin($1,163,155), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Reu Program, Access, CEOAS, Diverse, Experience, HMSC, Interdisciplinary, Interns, Marine, Mentors, OSU, Opportunity, Oregon, Range, Site, Students, Summer.