image host NSF-GEO-OCE Awards for 2016

Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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Collaborative Research: Autonomous sampling of upper ocean mixing in the Southern Ocean due to wind forcing and double-diffusion
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Louis C St Laurent($799,002), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Sophia T Merrifield($583,087), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Near-surface Boundary Layer, Spatial And Temporal, Temperature And Salinity, Argentine Basin, Autonomous Platforms, Climate Models, Global Ocean, Near-surface Boundary, Overturning Circulation, Southern Ocean, Upper Ocean, Wave Glider, Active, Carbon, Conditions, Dataset, Fluxes, Heat, Measure, Meteorological, Mixing, Nsurface, Observations, Opportunity, Parameterizations, Physics, Processes, Radiation, Rates, Region, Resolution, Sea, Sensors, Severe, Turbulent, Water, Wind.

Sustained measurements of Southern Ocean air-sea coupling from a mobile autonomous platform
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. James Thomson($919,417), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Ocean Observatories Initiative, Air-sea Dynamics, Air-sea Interactions, Drake Passage, Southern Ocean, Spatial Structure, Wave Glider, Air-sea, Antarctic, Capability, Critical, Front, Has, Heat, Months, Recovery, Surface, Temperature, Transport, Vehicle, Wind, Winds.

Construction and operation of the Alaska Region Research Vessel Program Solicitation NSF 07-515
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2007; Program: ARRV - CONSTRUCTION

1. Murray A Stein($18,197,515), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Execution Plan, AMS, ARRV, Acquisition, Acquisitions, Alaska, Completed, Construction, Design, Experience, Management, Milestones, Oceanographic, Phase, Ship, UAF, Vessel, Was.

Collaborative Research: Does ocean acidification induce a methylation response that affects the fitness of the next generation in oysters?
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2017; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Steven Roberts($429,674), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Kathleen E Lotterhos($714,861), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Dna Methylation, Fluid Ph, Larval Traits, Mantle Tissue, Marine Species, Oa Exposure, Ocean Acidification, Adult, Advance, Alters, Aquaculture, Caused, Characterize, Control, Crassostrea, Effects, Epigenetic, Experiment, Global, Has, Heritability, Heritable, Ii, Induced, Inherited, Mechanism, Modifications, Oysters, Parental, Phase, Rate, Respond, Shell, Worldwide.

Collaborative Research: EAGER: Particle-specific DNA sequencing to directly observe ecological mechanisms of the biological pump
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Melissa Omand($59,710), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
2. Margaret Estapa($76,915), Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs
3. Colleen A Durkin($162,417), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Global Carbon Cycle, Interdisciplinary Field Program, Link Surface Plankton, Quantify And Predict, Rrna Gene Fragments, Biological Pump, Directly Observe, Genetic Contents, Particle Export, Predict Carbon, Sinking Carbon, Sinking Particles, Surface Ocean, Approaches, Embedded, Exported, Five, Has, Identifying, Molecular, Observations, Organisms, Particle-specific, Potential, Processes, Public, Sampling, Sequencing, Space, Specific, Time, Transform, Transported.

Investigation of viruses and microbes circulating deep in the seafloor
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Mahdi Belcaid($285,219), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Bottom Seawater, Ocean Basement, Temperate Viruses, Active, Activities, Aquifer, Book, Cell, Cells, Central, Collection, Corks, Crust, Deep, Deep-sea, Diversity, Fluids, Flux, Genes, Habitat, Importance, Infections, Influence, Life, Lytic, Microbial, Microorganisms, Passive, Proportion, Rock, Seafloor, Viral.

Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Victoria J Orphan($420,811), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. Christopher Roman($213,493), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
3. Lisa A Levin($750,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
4. Erik Cordes($439,911), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Surrounding Deep Sea, Birch Aquarium, Chemosynthetic Ecosystems, Costa Rica, Lily Simonson, Methane Seeps, Oxygen Levels, Water Column, Active, Artist, Background, Biogenic, Biological, Carbonate, Chemistry, Communication, Context, Continent, Critical, Cruises, Deep-sea, Density, Distinct, Diversity, Effects, Exhibit, Flux, Framework, Global, Habitats, Influence, Linkages, Marine, Ocean, Oceanographic, Pacific, Region, Seafloor, Share, Size, Sphere, Students, Teachers, Transition.

Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Tatiana Rynearson($642,473), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
2. Christopher A Klausmeier($640,989), Michigan State University, East Lansing
3. David A Hutchins($635,075), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Genetic And Functional, Phylogenetic And Functional, Changing Nutrient, Eco-evolutionary Models, Functional Diversity, Laboratory Experiments, Narragansett Bay, Nutrient Concentrations, Rhode Island, Rising Temperatures, Adapt, Aquatic, Assess, Atlantic, Bermuda, Biogeochemical, Climate, Eco-evolutionary, Ecological, Environmental, Field, Future, Global, Information, Interaction, Investigate, Levels, Long-term, Marine, Mathematical, Modeling, Ocean, Parameterize, Phytoplankton, Predict, Range, Respond, Sampling, Sites, Species, Stressors, Thermal, Time, Warming.

Collaborative Research: Creatine Cycling in Marine Bacterial and Phytoplankton Assemblages
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Deborah A Bronk($387,999), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Boris Wawrik($501,814), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Creatine Uptake, Don Cycling, Don Pool, Activity, Approaches, Bacteria, Component, Development, Ecological, Education, Focuses, Importance, Marine, Microbial, Molecular, Nitrogen, Oklahoma, Phytoplankton, Teachers, Via.

LTER-Plum Island Ecosystems: Dynamics of coastal ecosystems in a region of rapid climate change, sea-level rise, and human impacts
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Nathaniel B Weston($6,916,851), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Key terms: Carbon And Nitrogen, Marsh And Estuary, Biogeomorphic Feedbacks, Coastal Ecosystems, Coastal Zone, Food Webs, Pie Iv, Pie Lter, Pie Scientists, Sea Level, Sea-level Rise, Advance, Altered, Biogeochemistry, Changing, Climate, Decades, Developing, Drivers, Dynamics, Elevation, Environmental, Estuarine, Geomorphology, Global, Gulf, Human, Hypothesize, Influence, Internal, Local, Maine, Nutrient, Primary, Program, Rapid, Sea-level, Sediment, Site, Species, Structure, Students, Water, Watershed, Watersheds.

The energetic assembly of biological communities: a test with deep-sea woodfalls
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Seth D Newsome($747,825), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Rovsubmersible-deployed Wood Falls, Carbon Availability, Deep Sea, Precisely Manipulated, Rovsubmersible-deployed Wood, Accurate, Amount, Approach, Available, Biodiversity, Chemical, Climate, Ecological, Energetic, Energy, Examining, Experiencing, Global, Has, Marine, Multiple, Processes, Public, Rate, Reveal, Structure, Theories, Varying.

Collaborative Research: Habitat fragmentation effects on seagrass fish diversity at landscape scales: experimental tests of multiple mechanisms
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Lauren Yeager($140,445), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Lauren Yeager($140,445), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Fredrick J Fodrie($451,039), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Artificial Seagrass, Coastal Marine, Field Experiments, Seagrass Beds, Seagrass Habitat, ASU, Amount, Asus, Configuration, Dispersal, Disturbance, Diversity, Dynamics, Effect, Energy, Environments, Factors, Fish, Fishes, Fragmentation, Landscape, Landscapes, Low, Meadows, Natural, Opportunities, Specifically, Students, Was, Wave.

Collaborative Research: Sponge Growth is Nitrogen Limited over the Shallow to Mesophotic Depth Gradient
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Michael P Lesser($685,055), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Marc Slattery($378,445), University of Mississippi, University
Key terms: Dissolved And Particulate, Docpoc And Donpon, Mesophotic Coral Reefs, Mesophotic Depth Gradient, Particulate Organic Carbon, Shallow And Mesophotic, Mesophotic Depths, Sponge Growth, Sponge Populations, Additionally, Available, Biodiversity, Choanocytes, Essential, Factors, Food, Function, Has, Importance, Increasing, Loss, Marine, Multiple, Nitrogen, Nutrient, Organisms, POC, Public, Quantify, Resources, Species, Sponges, Structure, Transitions.

NSFOCE-BSF: The effects of fine-scale temperature and desiccation variability on the distribution of marine species
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Tarik Gouhier($646,147), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Thermal And Desiccation, Extreme Weather, Laser Scanning, Southern Gulf, Species Distributions, Virtual Tours, Animated, Climate, Climatic, Coastal, Conditions, Countries, Ecosystems, Educational, Environment, Environmental, Explore, Field, Findings, Fine-scale, Gradients, Habitats, Importance, Influence, Intertidal, Israel, Larger-scale, Latitudinal, Local, Maine, Mapping, Mediterranean, Models, Observed, Organisms, Physiological, Potential, Refugia, Short, Sites, Stability, Students, Surrounding, Temperature, Topography, Variety, Videos, Vulnerability.

Collaborative Research: A multidimensional approach to understanding microbial carbon cycling beneath the seafloor during cool hydrothermal circulation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Julie A Huber($499,679), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
2. Sunita R Shah Walter($478,878), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Autotrophic And Heterotrophic, Particle-associated And Free-living, Biological Approaches, Carbon Cycling, Heterotrophic Metabolism, Mid-atlantic Ridge, Oceanic Crust, Subseafloor Biosphere, Aquifer, Balance, Characterize, Cool, Determined, Flowing, Fluid, Fluids, Fluxes, Geochemical, Global, Influence, Largest, Life, Microbial, Microbially-mediated, Mid-atlantic, Net, Oceans, Organic, Processes, Students, Volume.

LTER: MCR III: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Peter J Edmunds($7,219,833), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Broader Public, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Fore Reef, French Polynesia, Future Ocean, Human Activities, K-12 Teachers, Ocean Acidification, Santa Barbara, Advising, Alter, California, Changing, Composition, Conditions, Continue, Corals, Developing, Disturbances, Diverse, Dynamics, Ecological, Ecosystem, Environmental, Expand, Experiments, Explore, Gain, Government, Insight, LTER, Lagoon, MCR, Macroalgae, Moorea, Ngos, Perturbations, Predictive, Processes, Programs, Provision, Pulsed, Resilience, Revealed, Schoolyard, Serve, Spatial, Time, Training, Warmer.

Trophic linkages in eelgrass ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ginny L Eckert($657,046), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Crabs And Fish, Apex Predators, Blue Carbon, Carbon Stocks, Geographical Expansion, Natural Experiment, Sea Otter, Sea Otters, Southeast Alaska, Trophic Cascade, California, Coastal, Combined, Control, Critical, Dominant, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Eelgrass, Effects, Grazers, Habitats, Herbivores, Indirect, Marine, Play, Prince, Seagrass, Sequestration, Shoreline, Storage, Structure, Top, Vegetated, Vegetation.

NSFOCE-BSF: Microbial ecosystems in silico, in the lab and in the field: understanding interactions between abundant marine bacterial taxa
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Daniel Segre($399,999), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Experiments And Field, Grow And Interact, Tightly Integrated Combination, Eastern Mediterranean, Genomic Traits, High-school Students, Laboratory Cultures, Laboratory Experiments, Marine Microbes, Alteromonas, Analysis, Bacteria, Challenge, Changing, Combined, Detailed, Dfba, Dictating, Educational, Environmentally-relevant, Future, Generated, Generation, Genes, Genetic, Genome-scale, Growth, High-school, Interactions, Mathematical, Metabolic, Microbial, Modeling, Models, Module, Oceanography, Organisms, Pathways, Photosynthetic, Prochlorococcus, Prochlorococus, Produced, Tackle, Training, World.

Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical drivers of diatom physiological ecology in the North Atlantic
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Sonya T Dyhrman($447,683), Columbia University, New York
2. Tatiana Rynearson($827,739), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Diatom Physiological Ecology, Carbon Cycling, Diatom Species, Knowledge Gap, Marine Provinces, Nutrient Limitation, Takes Advantage, Approach, Atlantic, Attributes, Children, Coast, Coastal, Critical, Diatoms, Distribution, Diverse, Environmentally, Examine, Expedition, Field, Function, Half, Insights, Laboratory, Metabolic, Middle-school, Molecular, Ocean, Pathways, Photosynthesis, Physiology, Phytoplankton, Profound, QMF, RI, Set, Single, Site, Situ, Species-specific, Teachers, Time.

Collaborative Research: Viral Reefscapes: The Role of Viruses in Coral Reef Health, Disease, and Biogeochemical Cycling
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Andrew R Thurber($746,020), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Adrienne Simoes Correa($355,079), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Carbon And Nitrogen, Biogeochemical Cycling, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Nitrogen Flux, Reef Ecosystems, Reef Health, Trigger Viral, Viral Infection, Water Column, Abundant, Bacteria, Corals, Diversity, Experiments, Field, Function, Global, Graduate, Habitats, Host, Increase, Local, Marine, Microbial, Moorea, Public, Quantify, Species, Stress, Stressors, Students, Symbiont, Time, Total, Viruses, Waters.

LTER: CCE-LTER Phase III: Ecological Transitions in an Eastern Boundary Current Upwelling Ecosystem
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ralf Goericke($6,987,109), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: California Current Ecosystem, Epipelagic Fish Biomass, Coastal Pelagic, Cross-shore Transport, Mesopelagic Fishes, Molecular Approaches, Abrupt, CCE, CCS, Characterize, Climate, Cross-shore, De-oxygenation, Development, Dynamics, Ecosystems, Effects, Encompasses, Exchange, Export, Extensive, Forecasting, Framework, Frontal, Intensive, LTER, Long-term, Marine, Mechanisms, Modeling, Ocean, Organisms, Outreach, Pacific, Perturbations, Plankton, Program, Public, Quantitative, Region, Site, Situ, Spawning, Stratification, Upwelling.

Collaborative Research: Toward an Improved Understanding of Blue Carbon: The Role of Seagrasses in Sequestering CO2
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. David J Burdige($876,428), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
2. Matthew Long($337,914), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Cycling And Sequestration, Carbon Cycling, Carbon Exchange, Seagrass Meadows, Virginia Aquarium, Virginia Aquarium's, Ability, Above-, Analysis, Aquariums, Below-ground, Bio-optical-geochemical, Biomass, Carbonate, Climate, Combined, Composition, Design, Development, Dynamics, Educational, Generation, Geochemical, Influence, Metabolism, Models, Ocean, Pis, Potential, Predict, Processes, Programs, Quantify, Rates, Sediment, Shallow, Siliciclastic, Species, Students, Sulfide, Visitors, Water, Zimmerman.

Coccolithophore Mixotrophy
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. William M Balch($669,755), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Biology And Chemistry, Café Scientifique Program, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Experiments Plus Clarifying, Field Experiments Plus, Lab And Field, Particulate Organic Carbon, Quantifying Coccolithophore Mixotrophy, Uptake And Assimilation, Alkalinity Pump, Atmospheric Co2, Biological Pump, Deep Sea, Digital E-book, Doc Molecules, Fix Carbon, Fundamentally Directed, Ocean Biology, Pic Coccoliths, Surface Co2, Surface Ocean, Array, Autotrophic, Balance, Bicarbonate, Biomass, Calcite, Coccolithophores, Compounds, DIC, E-book, Effect, Energy, Essentially, Fixed, Half, Limestone, Meaning, Mixotrophic, Photosynthesis, Phytoplankton, Plant, Potential, Public, Relevance, Separate, Sinking, Soft, Soft-tissue, Thousands, Tissue, Transfer.

Trophic consequences of ocean acidification: Intertidal sea star predators and their grazer prey
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Brian P Gaylord($357,642), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Ocean Acidification, Altered, Behavior, Chemistry, Components, Consumed, Effects, Examines, Experiments, Influence, Interactions, Knowledge, Latter, Ph, Sea, Seawater, Species, Students, Taxa.

RAPID: Coral robustness: lessons from an "improbable" reef
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Roberto Iglesias-Prieto($200,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Magdalena River, Survived Centuries, Agricultural, Andor, Attributed, Bay, Blog, Calcification, Cartagena, Colombia, Colombian, Conditions, Conservation, Construction, Corals, Cultural, Development, Educational, Environmental, Genotype, Has, Industrial, Information, Invaluable, Local, Microbial, Penn, Perturbation, Rates, Resilient, Schools, Spanish, Stress, Students, Turbidity, Urban, Varadero, World.

2016 Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Marine Microbes
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Bryndan P Durham($12,900), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Grs And Grc, Students And Postdocs, Informal Networks, Marine Microbes, Marine Microbial, Bringing, Collaboration, Collaborations, Component, Conference, Current, Discuss, Discussions, Diseases, Ecology, Established, Field, Foster, Free, Future, Giving, Gordon, International, June, Lead, Meeting, Meetings, Mentoring, Opportunities, Own, Participants, Participation, Peers, Performing, Poster, Potential, Promote, Sessions, Spain, Specifically, Talks, Thinking, Time, Worlds.

NSFGEO-NERC: An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification: physiological, ecological and evolutionary implications
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Alison R Taylor($374,015), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Ecology And Evolution, Biogeochemical Cycles, Calcification Process, Coccolithophore Lineages, Differing Requirements, Dissolved Si, Phytoplankton Ecology, Possess Diatom-like, Si Availability, Si Requirements, Si Transporters, Ability, Biogeography, Cellular, Coccolithophores, Coccoliths, Diatom-like, Diatoms, Ecologically, Ecosystem, Evolutionary, Exhibit, Has, Information, Marine, Molecular, Physiological, Poorly, Range, Silicification, Silicon, Students.

Microbial ecology of coexisting ecotypes: Are all Prochlorococcus equal?
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Anne W Thompson($729,725), Portland State University, Portland
2. Nitin Baliga($751,996), Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle
Key terms: 16s Rrna Sequencing, 16s Rrna, Abundant Microbial, Carbon Fixation, Cell Division, Coexisting Ecotypes, Ecosystem Models, Gene Expression, Primary Productivity, Prochlorococcus Ecotypes, Abundance, Bacteria, Biogeochemical, Composition, Conditions, Contributions, Cycles, Depths, Differences, Diversity, Examine, Experiment, Experiments, Global, Interactions, Light, Link, Microorganisms, Module, Nutrient, Ocean, Oceanographic, Populations, School, Shifts, Situ, Structure, Student, Students, Temperature.

Investigating coral bleaching in a changing climate: Our state of understanding and mapping opportunities to push the field forward
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Mark E Warner($90,068), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Reef Building Corals, Coral Bleaching, Future Bleaching, Knowledge Gaps, Reef Corals, Symbiotic Algae, Approaches, Complex, Continued, Convene, Critical, Current, Deliver, Disciplines, Discuss, Global, Has, Lead, Participants, Review, Specific, Warming, Withstand, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Response of marine copepods to warming temperature and ocean acidification
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Michael Finiguerra($509,684), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. Melissa H Pespeni($377,233), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Genetic And Maternally-induced, Life History Traits, Carbon Dioxide, Copepod Species, Future Conditions, History Traits, Multiple Generations, Ocean Acidification, Acartia, Climate, Collaborative, Copepods, Current, Effects, Experimental, Experiments, Marine, Measure, Respond, Selection, Simultaneous, Temperature, Warmer.

Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Jeremy J Rich($207,423), University of Maine, Orono
2. Stefan M Sievert($773,264), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents, Pressures And Temperatures, Carbon Fixation, Crab Spa, Deep-sea Hydrothermal, Nitrate Reduction, Recently Developed, Robotic Micro-laboratory, Situ Pressures, Teddy Bear, Vent Microbial, Vent Site, Assess, Biogeochemical, Characterized, Chemoautotrophic, Chemosynthesis, Critical, Cruise, Diffuse-flow, Discovered, Ecosystems, Energy, Established, Expression, Genes, Has, Hydrogen, Importance, Interdisciplinary, Measure, Measuring, Metabolic, Micro-laboratory, Obtain, Process, Processes, Rate, Rates, School, Source, Time, Unique, Vent-sid, Was, °C, °N.

Collaborative Research: Genetic variation as a driver of host and symbiont response to increased temperature on coral reefs
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Mary Alice Coffroth($450,249), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
2. Casey P terHorst($422,813), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Ecological And Evolutionary, Coral Reefs, Increased Temperature, Reef Species, Adaptation, Affect, Affects, Climate, Diversity, Ecosystems, Effects, Examine, Experiments, Genetic, Holobiont, Host, Hosts, Performance, Predicting, Students, Symbiodinium, Symbiont, Temperatures.

Collaborative Research: Predicting the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Metabolic Function in the Global Ocean
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Joseph J Vallino($510,916), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
2. Michael J Follows($176,386), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Fixation And Ammonium, Biogeochemical Cycles, Existing Oceanographic, Metabolic Function, Metabolic Functions, Modeling Approach, Nitrogen Fixation, Temperature Difference, Woods Hole, Atmosphere, Based, Biogeochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Developed, Dissipation, Energy, Expression, Functional, Global, Losses, Marine, Microbial, Observations, Program, Rely, Summer, Techniques, Thermodynamics, Time, Utilizes.

Eating themselves sick? Ecological interactions among a mixotrophic flagellate, its prokaryotic prey, and an ingestible giant virus.
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Kyle Edwards($774,532), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Mixotrophy And Viral, Larger Phytoplankton, Marine Food, Undergraduate Student, Viral Infection, Activities, Advantages, Bacteria, Competitors, Directly, Dynamics, Eat, Experiments, Feeding, Field, Florenciella, Flov, Graduate, Grazing, Hidden, Lab, Mixotroph-virus-prey, Mixotrophs, Model, Models, Nutrients, Ocean, Photosynthetic, Predation, Predictions, Presence, Prey, Processes, Prochlorococcus, Program, Public, Strategy, Successful, Tested, Training, Trophic, Virus.

Origins of Hawaiian Reef Fishes
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Brian W Bowen($618,868), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Advanced Genetic Techniques, Johnston Atoll, Line Islands, Reef Fishes, Ryukyu Islands, Biodiversity, Closest, DNA, Divergence, Existing, Hawaii, Hawaiian, Japan, Marine, Ogasawara, Origins, Outreach, Phylogenetics, Population, Resolve, South, Species, West.

Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical significance of the abundant, uncultivated symbiotic cyanobacteria UCYN-A
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Kevin R Arrigo($499,439), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Jonathan P Zehr($536,524), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Coastally Influenced Waters, N2 Fixation Rates, Temporal And Spatial, Biogeochemical Significance, Biologically Available, Coastal Waters, Gaseous N2, Marine Environment, Ucyn-a Subclades, Widely Distributed, Activity, Bulk, California, Coastalnearshore, Considered, Constraining, Contribution, Cruise, Cyanobacterium, Determining, Diazotrophs, Distribution, Distributions, Diversity, Environments, Fixed, Has, Hosts, Molecular, Multiple, Nitrogen, Nutrient, Ocean, Oceanic, Organisms, Poorly, Prymnesiophyte, Quantify, Single-celled, Symbiosis, Symbiotic, UCYN-A, Was.

The Behavioral Repertoire of Dinoflagellates: High-Speed, High-Resolution Imaging of Ecologically Important Species-Species Interactions
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Houshuo Jiang($665,600), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Abundant And Ecologically, High-speed Microscale Imaging, Marine Food Webs, Capturing Prey, Characterize Dinoflagellate, Diverse Roles, Evading Predators, High-speed Microscale, Marine Ecosystems, Obtaining Nutrients, Single-celled Organisms, Species-species Interactions, Traditional Microscopy, Avoidance, Behavior, Behaviors, Detail, Dinoflagellates, Evolved, Field, HSMIS, Public, Range, Repertoire, Single-celled, Species-species, Strong, Unprecedented.

Physical and Biological Exchange Processes and Lagrangian Pathways of Eel Larvae Between Deep Ocean and Shelf Regions of the Northwestern Atlantic
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ke Chen($772,969), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: K-12 Educational Programs, Visits And Field, Class Visits, Continental Shelf, Field Trips, Gulf Stream, Mid-atlantic Bight, Minority Students, Ocean Circulation, Sargasso Sea, Dynamical, Eel, Efforts, Exchange, Exchanges, Features, Habitats, Lagrangian, Larvae, Maine, Meanders, Mid-atlantic, Migration, Model, Models, North, Pis, Processes, Quantify, Remarkable, Spawning, Water.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Nearshore settlement and hydrodynamics in Southern California during El Nino, and the transition to normal ocean conditions: boom and bust?
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Nathalie Reyns($100,740), University of San Diego, San Diego
2. Jesus G Pineda($98,981), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: El Niño Neutral, Niño Neutral Conditions, Transport And Settlement, Barnacle Larval, Bird Rock, Larval Settlement, Larval Transport, Nearshore Habitats, Southern California, Coastal, Currents, Distribution, Effects, Larvae, Measure, Mechanisms, Observations, Oceanographic, Population, Processes, Promote, Reduction, Respond, Species, Students, Thermocline.

Light-dependent regulation of coccolithophore host-virus interactions: mechanistic insights and implications for structuring infection in the surface ocean
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Kimberlee Thamatrakoln($698,546), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Light And Photosynthesis, Light-regulated Host Metabolic, Primary Mechanism Responsible, Regulate Host-virus Interactions, Carbon Export, Emiliania Huxleyi, Field-based Experiments, Host-virus Interactions, Light Plays, Light-regulated Host, Phytoplankton Populations, Predatory Infection, Regulate Host-virus, Structuring Infection, Surface Ocean, Teachers Association, Viral Infection, Viral Replication, Biomass, Coccolithovirus, Deep, Elucidate, Emerged, Field-based, Foodwebs, Framework, Global, Has, Importance, Manipulative, Marine, Mechanistic, Microbial, Model, Mortality, National, Natural, Organisms, Processes, Rates, Required, Specifically, Successful, Undergraduate, Video, Viruses.

RAPID: How does nutrient availability alter coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery on Moorea coral reefs?
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Deron E Burkepile($199,988), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Elevated Sea Surface, Sea Surface Temperature, Temperature And Nutrient, Anthropogenic Sources, Contrasting Effects, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Mcr Lter, Nitrate Enrichment, Nitrate Vs, Nutrient Availability, Nutrient Pollution, Activities, Affect, Altering, Ammonium, Assess, Bleach, Bleaching, Central, Corals, Drivers, Explore, Field, Fish-derived, Global, Heterogeneity, Intensity, Interaction, Island-wide, Landscape, Moorea, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Pacific, Probability, Site, Sites, Subsequent, Susceptibility, Warm-water, Water.

Investigating Structural Changes In Reef-Associated Biodiversity Along A Natural Gradient In Ocean Acidification
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Laetitia M Plaisance($149,122), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Key terms: Coral Reef Ecosystems, Acidified Reefs, Carbon Dioxide, Coral Reefs, Indirect Effects, Laboratory Experiments, Low Ph, Management Strategies, Milne Bay, Ocean Acidification, Photo Analysis, Reef Diversity, Acidity, Animals, Assess, Bulk, Consequences, Corals, Cryptic, DNA, Expected, Focused, Food, Gradient, Guinea, Has, Levels, Living, Marine, Motile, Normal, OA, Organisms, Papua, Range, Sessile, Smithsonian, Species, Students, Waters.

RAPID: Testing the ability of the 2015-2017 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to drive a community-level regime shift in the Galapagos marine ecosystem
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Jon D Witman($198,194), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Crustose Coralline Algae, Direct And Indirect, Enhanced Sea Urchin, Enso Elevated Temperature, Increasingly Dominate Space, Manipulative Field Experiments, Sea Urchin Predation, Stars And Predatory, Central Galapagos, Conceptual Model, Corals Decline, El Niño, Future Climate, Galapagos Islands, Indirect Pathways, Multiple Sites, Niña Phases, Predatory Fish, Regime Shifts, Rocky Subtidal, Sea Stars, Sea Urchins, Sponge Mortality, Abrupt, Accelerated, Alternate, Barnacles, Baseline, Benthic, CCA, Counter, Developed, Differentiate, Drivers, Ecological, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Effects, Emerging, Enable, Experimental, Focused, Habitats, Has, Leading, Level, Long-term, Paradigm, Potential, Predicting, Re-sampling, Regimes, Rigorously, SRH, Sponges, Strong, Structure, Students, Switch, Time, Tropical, Unusually.

Collaborative Research: Effects of Changing Temperature on the Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Michael A Litzow($110,860), Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research, Petaluma
2. Lorenzo Ciannelli($116,013), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Ryan Rykaczewski($109,314), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Affects Marine Ecosystems, Climate Affects Marine, Fisheries Management, No-analogue Climate, Nonstationary Relationships, North Pacific, Preliminary Analyses, Alaska, Atmospheric, Decades, Ecological, GOA, Gulf, Has, Markedly, Mode, Models, No-analogue, Ocean, Oscillation, Potential, Processes, Properties, SST, Statistical, Switch, Temperature, Tested, Time, Transform.

Collaborative Research: Regional variation of phytoplankton diversity and biogeochemical functioning in the subtropical Indian Ocean
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Benjamin S Twining($319,657), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
2. Adam C Martiny($353,092), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Diversity And Genome, Quantify And Synthesize, Unique Biogeochemical Regions, Biogeochemical Regimes, Environmental Conditions, Genome Content, Global Ocean, Indian Ocean, Nutrient Biogeochemistry, Nutrient Stress, Phytoplankton Diversity, Regional Differences, Biodiversity, Central, Distinct, Extensive, Focus, Functioning, Increase, Interconnectedness, Iron, Lead, Nitrogen.

Testing the sponge-loop hypothesis for Caribbean coral reefs
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Patrick M Erwin($818,016), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Carbon Cycling, Caribbean Reefs, Cellular Particles, Coral Reefs, Microbial Abundance, Microbial Symbionts, Sponge Species, Absorb, Barrel, Capacity, Common, Corals, DOC, Filtering, HMA, Has, Investigate, LMA, Marine, Potential, Return, Seawater, Seaweeds, Source, Sponge-loop, Sponges, Techniques, Water.

Characterizing the contribution of bacteria from the SUP05 clade to autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon cycling across ocean gradients
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Anitra E Ingalls($845,578), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Varying Environmental Conditions, Organic Matter, Oxygen Minimum, Sup05 Clade, Ability, Abundant, Autotrophic, Autotrophy, Available, Bacteria, Balance, Carbon, Characterize, Common, Contribution, Critical, Cultivation, Diverse, Energy, Field, Flux, Food, Heterotrophic, Heterotrophy, Limitation, Microbial, Ocean, Processes, Program, Representatives, Sulfur, Zones.

RAPID- The implications of El Nino-related bleaching on coral recruitment in Moorea
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2016; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Peter J Edmunds($89,385), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Baby Corals, Coral Recruitment, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, El Niño, French Polynesia, Graduate Students, Seawater Warming, Settlement Tiles, Climate, Conditions, Context, Development, Disturbances, Ecosystems, Effects, El-niño, Following, Implications, LTER, Moorea, Natural, Processes, Program, Reproduction, Trajectories, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Consequences of sub-lethal hypoxia exposure for teleosts tracked with biogeochemical markers: a trans-basin comparison
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2015; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Benjamin D Walther($217,460), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: Sub-lethal Hypoxia Exposure, Baltic Sea, Hypoxic Regions, Lakes Fisheries, School Teachers, Sub-lethal Exposure, Sub-lethal Hypoxia, Consequences, Curriculum, Ecosystems, Freshwater, Growth, Gulf, Hypoxia-related, Incorporated, Increased, Marine, Markers, Mexico, Multiple, Otoliths, Program, Proxies, Species, Students, Time.

LTER: Land/Ocean Interactions and the Dynamics of Kelp Forest Ecosystems (SBC III)
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2012; Program: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Robert J Miller($6,246,158), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Land And Ocean, Santa Barbara Channel, Structure And Function, Giant Kelp, Kelp Forest, Kelp Forests, Land-sea Margin, Organic Matter, Climate, Coastal, Disturbance, Diverse, Ecological, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Education, Efforts, Exchange, Integrated, Interdisciplinary, LTER, Land-sea, Management, Outreach, Productive, Public, SBC, Students, Training, Variety.

BIGDATA: IA: Democratizing Massive Fluid Flow Simulations via Open Numerical Laboratories and Applications to Turbulent Flow and Geophysical Modeling
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Big Data Science &Engineering

1. Charles V Meneveau($952,570), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Direct Numerical Simulations, Fluid Dynamics Simulations, Geophysical Transport Modeling, Efficient Creation, Entire Space-time, Innovative Tools, Massive Outputs, Numerical Databases, Numerical Laboratory, Simulations Generate, Access, Algorithms, Analysis, Applications, Available, Boundary, Circulation, Concepts, DNS, Datasets, Detailed, Difficult, Domain, Educational, Engineering, Explore, Fields, Flow, Flows, Ingest, Lagrangian, Mixing, Models, Ocean, Prevailing, Serve, Sets, Space-time, Subsampling, Turbulence, Turbulent, Unprecedented.

Collaborative Research - COSEE Florida: Water as Habitat
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2010; Program: CENTRES FOR OCEAN SCI EDU EXCE

1. Richard A Tankersley($547,060), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Cosee Florida, Florida Ocean, Indian River, Intellectual Merit, Ocean Scientists, Stem Education, Audiences, Centers, Communicate, Content, Contribute, Educators, Expand, Floridas, Habitat, Informal, Initiatives, Literacy, Marine, Network, Nodes, Opportunities, Outreach, Pierce, Programs, Public, Quality, Regional, Technology, Water, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: Nonlinear Interactions between Surface and Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: CR, Earth System Models

1. Yuri V Lvov($366,156), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
2. Kurt L Polzin($212,398), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Wooyoung Choi($324,560), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Ocean Surface Boundary, Surface Boundary Layer, Surface Gravity Wave, Finite Amplitude, Frequency Internal, Gale Force, Gravity Waves, Highly Nonlinear, Igw Field, Internal Gravity, Internal Wave, Internal Waves, Ocean Observations, Sea Surface, Sgw-igw Interactions, Surface Wave, Undulatory Character, Upper Ocean, Wave Breaking, Wind Speed, Wind Speeds, Analytic, Below, Broaden, Coincides, Conditions, Dissipation, Documenting, Efforts, Energy, Enhanced, Equilibration, Instabilities, Investigate, Langmuir, Lower, Mixing, Model, Models, Momentum, Multi-layer, Numerical, Paradigm, Parameter, Rates, Relatively, Resonant, SGW-IGW, Shear, Sign, Standard, Structure, Theory, Third, Training, Transfer, Transfers, Transition, Turbulent, Via.

RAPID: Collaborative Research: Carbon and nutrient responses in an estuarine-coastal complex impacted by floodwaters from Hurricane Matthew
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Hans W Paerl($85,506), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Christopher Osburn($84,257), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Carbon And Nitrogen, Coastal Carbon, Coastal Environments, Hurricane Matthew, Monitoring Program, Neuse River, Answered, Atlantic, Comparison, Context, Dissolved, Ecosystem, Effects, Estimates, Estuary, Extreme, Flooding, Fluxes, Has, Impacted, Intense, Loading, NRE-PS, Observations, Period, Respond, Resulting, Sampling, Short, Stakeholders, Storms, Tropical, Via.

GEOTRACES Arctic section: Dissolved micronutrient trace metal distributions and size partitioning
Award Effective Date: 10/03/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Jessica N Fitzsimmons($445,603), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Arctic Expedition, Arctic Ocean, Geotraces Program, Sea Ice, Biological, Concentrations, Control, Distributions, Essential, Information, Measured, Metal, Metals, Micronutrients, Processes, Seawater, Six, Trace, Unique, Variety.

Collaborative research: Proteins as functional biomarkers: integrating organic characterization with proteomics to track routes for carbon and nitrogen recycling and preservation
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. William S Noble($410,284), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Rodger Harvey($392,051), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: Carbon And Nitrogen, Organic Matter Preservation, Amino Acid, Bacterial Proteins, Marine Organic, Protein Expression, Act, Biomarkers, Broad, Catalysts, Degradation, Has, Interdisciplinary, Microbial, Ocean, Oceanic, Potential, Process, Processes, Proteomics, Reflect, Sediments, Student, Various.

NSFOCE-BSF: Collaborative Research: The Role and Mechanisms of Nuclei-induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in the Coastal Carbon Cycle: A First In-depth Study
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. James H Churchill($629,319), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Timothy M Dellapenna($46,970), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Calcium Carbonate Formation, Carbon Cycle, Flash Floods, Laboratory Experiments, Ocean Carbon, Red Sea, Abiotic, Biological, Caco, Coastal, Demonstrated, Evidence, Finding, Has, Influx, Input, Israeli, Marine, NICP, Northern, Particles, Pathway, Precipitation, Seawater, Sediment, Sediments, Shown, Supersaturated.

Collaborative Research: DOC Removal in the Ocean According to Polymer Gel Theory
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Dennis A Hansell($253,380), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Monica V Orellana($877,350), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Doc Polymers, Environmental Conditions, Marine Carbon, Microbial Loop, North Pacific, Aims, Biological, Bioreactivity, Climate, Cycling, Formation, Has, Low, Microgels, Ocean, Ph, Pools, Processes, School, Students, Temperature, Variety.

The Metabolic Response of Coastal Bacteria to Mortality-Derived Phytoplankton Dissolved Organic Matter
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Elizabeth B Kujawinski($827,345), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Matter, Global Carbon Cycle, Growth And Well-being, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics Course, Microbial Mortality, Model Organisms, Ability, Bacteria, Cells, Chemicals, Composition, DOM, Death, Grazing, Microbes, Molecules, Released, Substrates, Tools, Viral.

Collaborative research: Transformations and mercury isotopic fractionation of methylmercury by marine phytoplankton
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Robert P Mason($258,354), University of Connecticut, Storrs
2. John R Reinfelder($229,752), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
3. Nicholas S Fisher($361,802), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Hg Isotopic, Phytoplankton Species, Volatile Hg, Accumulation, Activities, Alter, Assumed, Atmosphere, Capable, Compounds, Cycling, Dimethylmercury, Ecosystem, Evidence, Food, Has, Health, Information, Intracellular, Lost, Marine, Mehg, Mercury, Ocean, Passed, Pathways, Process, Processes, Public, Quantified, Quantify, Quantifying, Reactions, Seafood, Selenium, Specific, Transformation.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the distribution and biogeochemical role of anaerobic microenvironments in the ocean
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Daniele Bianchi($210,001), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Thomas S Weber($188,782), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Particle Bound Denitrification, Anaerobic Microenvironments, Geotraces Program, Low Oxygen, Organic Particles, Reduction Rates, Trace Metals, Water Column, Available, Biogeochemistry, Conditions, Evidence, Has, Nitrogen, Ocean, Oxygenated, Plan, Predictions, Reactions, Respiration, Simulate, Sulfur, Tested, Widespread, Workshops, Youth.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Investigating Gas Exchange Processes using Noble Gases in a Controlled Environment
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Rachel Stanley($149,958), Wellesley College, Wellesley Hills
2. Brian Haus($110,035), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Air-sea Gas Exchange, Gas Exchange Models, Winds And Waves, Air-sea Gas, Bubble Size, Gas Flux, Wind-wave Tank, Allows, Approach, Atmosphere, Biological, Bubbles, Conditions, Critical, Current, Define, Developed, Dissolved, Especially, Estimates, Noble, Ocean, Precisely, Processes, Remote, Required, SUSTAIN, Seawater, State-of-the-art, Temperature, Wind-wave.

The role of cryptic nutrient cycling within sinking particles on trace element transport in oxygen minimum zones
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. James W Moffett($838,981), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Bulk Water Column, Nitrogen And Sulfur, Biologically Active, Metal Chemistry, Oxygen Minimum, Redox Conditions, Reducing Microenvironments, Sinking Particles, Sulfur Cycling, Terminal Electron, Trace Metals, Biogeochemical, Characterization, Complexes, Evidence, Formation, Interactions, Latter, Onto, Process, Processes, Range, Rates, Strong, Sulfide, Surface, Uptake.

Collaborative Research: Do Cyanobacteria Drive Marine Hydrocarbon Biogeochemistry?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Christopher M Reddy($396,911), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. David L Valentine($364,254), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Robert F Swarthout($98,859), Appalachian State University, Boone
Key terms: Art Chemical Analysis, Biogenic Hydrocarbons, Carbon Cycle, Field Studies, Surface Ocean, Abundance, Annual, Bacteria, Conditions, Cyanobacteria, Cyanobacterial, Cycling, Distribution, Environmental, Has, Laboratory, Marine, Mechanisms, Molecular, Natural, Oceanic, Petroleum, Phytoplankton, Pool, Quantitative, Rates, Release, Resulting, Spills.

Evaluating the Accuracy of Biogeochemical Cycling Rates from Transient Tracers
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Sabine Mecking($413,028), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Biogeochemical Cycling, Complex Biogeochemistry, Model Output, Tracer-based Estimates, Transient Tracer, Ages, Approach, Cfcs, Distributions, Future, Ideal, Investigation, Nrrs, Ocean, Oceans, Ours, Oxygen, Productivity, Program, Rates, Regeneration, SF, Surface, Time, Tracer-based, Tracers, Ttds, Uncertainties.

Nitrogen Fixation in Deep-Sea Sediments
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Anne E Dekas($423,391), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Rates And Distribution, Deep-sea Sediments, N2 Fixation, Activity, Availability, Bioavailable, Biogeochemical, Controls, Cycling, Deep-sea, Depth, Diazotrophs, Directly, Environment, Expansive, Greenhouse, Growth, Habitat, Identity, Marine, Methane, Microbial, Microorganisms, Nitrogen, Overall, Planet, Productivity, Seafloor, Understudied.

Collaborative Research: Fate of Coastal Wetland Carbon Under Increasing Sea Level Rise: Using the Subsiding Louisiana Coast as a Proxy for Future World-Wide Sea Level Projections
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Lisa G Chambers($214,798), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
2. John R White($249,896), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Carbon Cycle, Coastal Erosion, Organic Carbon, Soil Organic, Changing, Coastlines, Educational, Eroded, Field, Future, Global, Importance, Increased, Input, Loss, Louisiana, Missing, Modeling, Models, Pis, Potential, Process, Quantifying, Rates, Regional, Resulting, Soils, Students, Wetland, Worlds, Worldwide.

Methane, Ethylene, and Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Cycling in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Daniel J Repeta($717,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Dissolved Organic Matter, Marine Methane Paradox, North Atlantic Ocean, Stable Carbon Isotope, Western North Atlantic, Hmwdom Phosphonate, Hmwdom Polysaccharides, Incorporate Esters, Microbial Cycling, Molecular Weight, Preliminary Evidence, Surface Waters, Anomalous, Component, DOM, Educational, Enriched, Ethylene, Methylphosphonate, Outreach, Process, Propylene, School, Stimulated, Students, Sulfate, Theory, Trace, Value, Well-oxygenated.

Collaborative Research: Predicting controls of partitioning between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and dinitrogen production in marine sediments
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Christopher Algar($479,780), University of Maine, Orono
2. Anne E Giblin($370,179), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Key terms: Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction, Dnra And N2, Future Climate Scenarios, Global Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen Redox Partitioning, Theoretical Sedimentary Nitrogen, Marine Ecosystems, Marine Sediments, Organic Carbon, Redox Partitioning, Water Column, Anammox, Available, Balance, Biological, CNO-, Controls, Denitrification, Dissolved, HS, Institute, Investigate, Loss, Maine, Model, NO-, Oxygen, Predict, Processes, Rates, Reaction, Reactions, Reactors, Varying.

Automated Instrumentation for Chemical Oceanography Based on Sequential Injection Lab-On-valve Technology
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Christopher I Measures($534,389), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Micro-sequential Injection Lab, Biogeochemical Cycles, Micro-sequential Injection, Single Standard, Usi-lov Methodology, Analysis, Analytical, Autonomous, Calibration, Chemical, Existing, Future, Growth, Methods, Nutrient, Ocean, Oceanographic, Oceanography, Seawater, Usi-lov, Valve, Water.

GEOTRACES Pacific section: Dissolved Fe, Cd, and Zn isotopes
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Seth G John($84,647), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Dissolved And Particulate, Dissolved Fe, Fe Isotopic, Hydrothermal Vents, Isotopic Signatures, Trace Metals, Affecting, Bioavailable, Cd, Climate, Contribute, Distribution, GEOTRACES, Global, Isotope, Isotopes, Measure, Nutrient, Nutrients, Ocean, Oceans, Pacific, Phytoplankton, Pool, Processes, Productivity, Sediments, Sources, South, Stable, Various, Zn.

The measurement and use of bismuth-210 as a tracer of particle flux in aquatic systems
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. James T Waples($83,685), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Half Life, Bismuth-lead-, Cycling, Demonstrate, Investigate, Lead-bismuth-polonium-, Measure, Measuring, Method, Particle, Particles, Processes.

Support for activities related to the 13th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Robert P Mason($36,992), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Activities, Climate, Conference, Enhance, Fish, Forum, Global, Has, Health, Held, Human, ICMGP, International, Levels, Meeting, Mentoring, Mercury, Methylmercury, Seafood, Students, Synthesis, Writing.

Collaborative Research: Experimental constraints on marine Fe isotope effects - Biology, ligands, and particles
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Seth G John($99,337), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Iron Biogeochemical Cycling, Bermuda Institute, Dissolved Iron, Essential Micronutrient, Iron Dissolution, Iron Isotopes, Iron-binding Ligands, Isotopic Fractionation, Biological, Development, Iron-binding, Marine, Natural, Ocean, Oceans, Phytoplankton, Public, Uptake.

Collaborative Research: pH Dynamics and Interactive Effects of Multiple Processes in a River-Dominated Eutrophic Coastal Ocean
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Wei-Jun Cai($794,516), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Nancy N Rabalais($177,417), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Coastal Waters Subject, Eutrophication And Hypoxia, Bottom Waters, Mississippi River, Northern Gulf, Ocean Acidification, Water Column, Waters Subject, Anthropogenic, Attention, Biology, Carbonate, Chemistry, Concentrations, Decrease, Decreases, Ecosystems, Has, Increased, Influenced, Inputs, Less, Marine, Mexico, Ngom, OA, Outreach, Ph, Pre-industrial, Processes, Region, Regions, Respiration, Seawater, Shelf, Units.

Pa-231 and Th-230 in the Western North Atlantic: Disentangling the Effects of Boundary Scavenging and Ocean Circulation
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Olivier Marchal($553,437), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Past Ocean Circulation, Boundary Scavenging, Geotraces Program, Hole Oceanographic, Sediment Transport, Account, Constrain, Control, Model, Models, Processes, Radionuclides.

Collaborative Research: Bubble Processes during Air-Sea Gas Transfer
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Junhong Liang($183,116), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Steven R Emerson($379,025), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Air-sea Exchange, Annual Net, Carbon Dioxide, Remote Gas, Storm Conditions, ANCP, Accurately, Air-sea, Biological, Bubble, Bubbles, Create, Deal, Effect, Effects, Floats, Gases, Gliders, Has, Method, Moorings, Ocean, Oxygen, Particular, Precise, Processes, Transfer, Turbulence, Uncertainty.

Experimental study of CO2 hydration in seawater: Mechanism and kinetic isotope effects
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Joji Uchikawa($297,415), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Carbon And Oxygen, Chemical And Biological, Kinetic Isotope Effects, Molecular Mechanism, Wide Variety, Additionally, Aims, Carbonate, Changing, Critical, Critically, HCO-, Hydration, Influences, Ions, Isotopes, Marine, Ocean, Ph, Poorly, Process, Processes, Reaction, Reactions, Resulting, Species, Water.

Collaborative Research: Multiple Analytical Window Electrochemical Techniques and Meta-Omics Applied to Studies of Iron Recycling and Iron-Binding Ligands in the Ocean
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Katherine Barbeau($369,847), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Christopher Dupont($301,715), J. Craig Venter Institute, Inc., La Jolla
Key terms: Electrochemical Analytical, Iron Speciation, Limiting Micronutrient, Advance, Advances, Biogeochemical, CLE-ACSV, Chemical, Composition, Concentrations, Control, Fe, Global, Has, Importance, Ligand, Method, Microbial, Ocean, Organic, Potential, Relating, Scripps, Seawater, Seeks, Technique.

Collaborative Research: Uncertainty in predictions of 21st century ocean biogeochemical change
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Galen A McKinley($252,802), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Nicole S Lovenduski($367,464), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Coupled Model Intercomparison, Fifth Coupled Model, Emission Scenario, Model Structure, Ocean Biogeochemistry, Prediction Uncertainty, Regional Scales, Additionally, Anthropogenic, Assess, CESM, CMIP, Climate, Future, Influences, Internal, Large-scale, Levels, Models, Natural, Output, Quantify, Uncertainties, Various.

Collaborative Research: CaCO3 Dissolution in the North Pacific Ocean: Comparison of Lab and Field Rates with Biogenic and Abiogenic Carbonates
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Jess F Adkins($532,818), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. William M Berelson($588,609), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Carbonate Dissolution Rates, Laboratory And Field, Caco3 Dissolution, Carbonate Ions, Ocean Acidification, Southern California, Alkalinity, Allow, Aspect, Calcium, Chemistry, Decrease, Developed, Has, Method, OA, Ph, Revealed, Seawater, Students, USC, Uptake.

The role of organic and metal cofactors on the biogenic synthesis of halogenated volatile hydrocarbons
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Sergio A Sanudo-Wilhelmy($681,034), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria, Phytoplankton And Macro, Macro Algae, Ozone Depletion, Account, Anthropogenic, Atmosphere, Bacterial, Cfcs, Concentrations, Discrepancies, Gases, Global, Halomethane, Halomethanes, Has, Methionine, Methylation, Missing, Neglected, Potential, Produced, Source, Vanadium.

A New Method for Assessing the Magnitude and Impact of Shallow Seawater/Pore water Exchange in Salt Marsh Systems
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Timothy J Shaw($259,308), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Particulate Organic Carbon, Pore Water Exchange, Pore Water Flow, Tidal Marsh Sediments, Advection Rates, Chemical Species, Terrestrial Interface, Tidal Marshes, Tracer Studies, Additionally, Availability, Calculated, Discrepancy, Disequilibrium, Expected, Export, Fine-grained, Marine, Method, POC, Processes, Reactions, Shown, Student, Undergo.

Collaborative Research: Transformations of soluble Mn(III) along horizontal and vertical oxygen gradients
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. George W Luther($433,774), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Bradley M Tebo($434,007), Oregon Health & Science University, Portland
Key terms: Broadkill River Wetland, Organic Carbon Sources, Chesapeake Bay, Dissolved Mn, Field Sites, Lawrence Estuary, Ligand Transformations, Lower St, Organic Ligands, Oxygen Concentrations, Oxygen Gradients, Water Column, Availability, Chemical, Coastal, Cycling, Exist, Has, Iron, Marine, Mnii, Mniii, Organisms, Oxygenated, Processes, Quantify, Redox, Sea, Seawater, Sediments, Shown, Similar, Strong, Variety, Was.

Collaborative Research: Exploring the role of exogenous polyphosphate in the precipitation of calcium phosphate minerals in the marine environment
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Yuanzhi Tang($359,721), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Julia M Diaz($284,367), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Apatite Formation, Apatite Minerals, Exogenous Polyphosphate, Marine Sediments, Phosphorous Cycling, Phosphorous Removal, Stable Apatite, Burial, Conditions, Current, Detailed, Disciplines, Importance, Mechanism, Mechanisms, Mystery, Nutrient, Ocean, Particles, Variety, Via.

Validation of a New Geochemical Approach to Constrain Deep Sea Porewater Residence Times and Advection Rates: Applications to Biogeochemical Cycling at Guaymas Basin
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Richard N Peterson($82,579), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Porewater Flow Dynamics, Guaymas Basin, Porewater Flows, Deep, Fluxes, Gradients, Heat, Magnesium, Ocean, Ra, Technique, Tracer, Validate, Validated.

Fingerprinting and Calibrating Low Oxygen Conditions Using Vanadium Isotopes
Award Effective Date: 11/04/2015; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Jeremy D Owens($309,595), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Bottom Water Oxygen, Low Oxygen Conditions, Water Oxygen Concentrations, Chemical Proxies, Paleoredox Proxy, Redox Conditions, Vanadium Isotopes, Climate, Ferromanganese, History, Importance, Isotopic, Marine, Modern, Ocean, Organic, Past, Periods, Range, Rich, Sediments.

Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Determination of Atmospheric Wet and Dry Deposition and Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury Species from Coastal to Offshore Waters
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2015; Program: Chemical Oceanography

1. Yannick Agnan($75,281), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Humans And Wildlife, Arctic Expedition, Arctic Ocean, Activities, Biological, Concentrations, Critical, Deposition, Distributions, GEOTRACES, Local, Mercury, Methylmercury, Processes, Surface, Trace.

Collaborative Research: Dimensions: Evolutionary Ecology of Sponges and Their Microbiome Drives Sponge Diversity on Coral Reefs
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Dimensions of Biodiversity

1. Deborah J Gochfeld($412,999), University of Mississippi, University
2. Matthew D MacManes($1,563,072), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Ecology And Evolution, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Ecological Importance, Marine Sponges, Nutrient Cycling, Shallow Coral, Sponge Host, Unique Insights, Biodiversity, Caribbean, Chemical, Co-evolution, Continue, Corals, Diverse, Essential, Examine, Functional, Genetic, Microbiome, Microbiomes, Organisms, Phylogenetic, Symbionts, Symbiotic, Trophic.

Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2017; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Susan E Humphris($514,056), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Anna-Louise Reysenbach($127,205), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Recharge And Discharge, Western Pacific Ocean, Brothers Volcano, Fluid Recharge, Heat Flow, Hydrothermal Vents, Kermadec Arc, Mineral Deposits, Ocean Drilling, Remotely Operated, Arcs, Caldera, Chemistry, Chimneys, Circulation, Collected, Complements, Cruise, Documenting, Extensive, Extent, Fluids, Focused, Found, Has, Laboratory, Magmatic, Metals, Microbial, Microbiological, Observational, Pathways, Potential, Program, Public, Rock, Seafloor, Site, Sulfide, Sulfur, Survey, Unique, Volcanic, Volcanoes, Waters, Zealand.

REU Site: Ocean and Coastal ResEArch ExperieNces for UndergraduateS (REU-OCEANUS)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Patrick Louchouarn($390,259), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Active, Budget, Department, Diverse, Engage, Faculty, Gulf, Marine, Ocean, Oral, Presentation, Program, REU, Reus, Students, Texas, Undergraduates, Various.

Support for Communication Workshops
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Jonathan H Sharp($49,764), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Communication Skills, Elected Officials, Meeting Run, ASLO, Audience, Audiences, February, Guidance, Media, Organized, Presentation, Presentations, Public, Videos, Workshop, Workshops.

OOI Teaching with Data: Bringing OOI Data into Undergraduate Oceanography Courses
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Janice McDonnell($99,909), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: 21st Century, Collected, Diverse, Faculty, Focused, Indicated, Integrate, OOI, Online, Pedagogical, Practice, Practices, Real, Skills, Students, Teaching, Tools, Undergraduate, Value, Was, Workforce, Workshops.

REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Coastal Biology on Florida's First Coast
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. James J Gelsleichter($306,624), University of North Florida, Jacksonville
Key terms: Biological Resources, Coastal Ecosystems, North Florida, Biology, Faculty, Graduate, Program, REU, Students, Threats, UNF, Undergraduates.

REU Site: Ocean Coastal Zone Sustainability through University of Southern California Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Roberta Marinelli($313,786), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Biology, Coastal, Development, Ecology, Graduate, Marine, Participants, Population, Program, REU, STEM, Student, Students, Sustainability, Topics, Training, USC, Weeks.

The biotic and abiotic controls on the Silicon cycle in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Jeffrey W Krause($497,512), Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, Dauphin Island
Key terms: Coastal Resources, Food Chain, Louisiana Shelf, Mississippi River, Northern Gulf, Regulating Diatom, Sin Ratios, South Alabama, Base, Biotic, Controlling, Diatoms, Eutrophication, Growth, Has, Mexico, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Observed, Phytoplankton, Processes, Region, Silicon, Students, Tributaries.

CAREER: Oxygen sensitivity of aerobic respiration and nitrification in oxygen minimum zones and biogeochemical feedbacks to deoxygenation
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. John M Beman($663,682), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Ammonia And Nitrite, Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycles, Aerobic Microorganisms, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrite Oxidation, Nitrogen Cycle, Nutrient Cycling, Organic Matter, Oxygen Minimum, Anoxia, Changing, Chemistry, Complex, Concentration, Concentrations, Connections, Consumption, Content, Critical, Developing, ETNP, Examine, Interior, Low, Marine, Mechanisms, OMZ, Ocean, Omzs, Particular, Quantify, Rates, Reactions, Students, Various, Varying, Waters.

REU Site: Aquatic Chemical Ecology at Georgia Tech
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Frank J Stewart($326,377), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Aquatic Chemical Ecology, Activities, Cues, Designed, Ecological, Engineering, Georgia, Interactions, Program, REU, Students, Training.

REU Site: Field and Laboratory Studies of Coastal Marine Processes at the Shannon Point Marine Center
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Erika McPhee-Shaw($252,217), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Adviser, Ecology, Encouraged, Graduate, Marine, Presentation, Program, REU, Student, Students, Undergraduate.

CAREER: Morphodynamics of Mixed-Energy Tidal Inlets: Sediment Bypassing Processes
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Maitane Olabarrieta Lizaso($694,185), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Tidal And Littoral, Adjacent Beaches, Coastal Morphodynamics, Ebb-tidal Delta, Graduate Students, Infragravity Waves, Inlet Bypassing, Littoral Currents, Mixed-energy Inlets, Sediment Transport, Activities, Affect, Bars, Coastline, Collaboration, Contribute, Dynamics, Ebb-tidal, Educational, Estuaries, Flow, High-school, Integrate, Main, Mixed-energy, Movement, Play, Processes, River, Sand, Secondary, Swash, Teachers, Tides, Towards, Trained, Transported.

Microbial processes of pelagic anaerobic methane cycling in oxygen minimum zones
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Frank J Stewart($605,523), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Methane And Nitrogen, Anaerobic Methane, Georgia Tech, Marine Microbiology, Methane Oxidation, Nc10 Bacteria, Nitrogen Loss, Ocean Methane, Characterize, Contribution, Described, Diversity, Educational, Freshwater, Gas, Genomics, N-damo, OMZ, Omzs, Oxygen, Quantify, School.

CAREER: Evolution of Ocean Mesoscale Turbulence in a Changing Climate
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Ryan Abernathey($762,946), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ocean Mesoscale Turbulence, Baroclinic Instability, Computational Skills, Computational Tools, Ocean Circulation, Advances, Climate, Component, Curriculum, Development, Education, Energy, Flow, Global, Interaction, Large-scale, Lead, Models, Observations, Oceanography, Open-source, Properties, Satellite, Theoretical, Timescales.

CAREER: Geochemical and Biochemical Factors Controlling Skeletal Nucleation and Their Impact on Coral in a Changing Ocean
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: EDUCATION/HUMAN RESOURCES,OCE

1. Alexander Gagnon($553,768), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Coral Skeletal Nucleation, Controlled Conditions, Coral Paleoproxies, Nucleation Rates, Ocean Acidification, Barrier, Biochemical, Changing, Class, Controls, Environmental, Geochemical, Has, Magnitude, Measure, Oceanography, Processes, Step, Students, Time, Variety.

GEO REU PI Workshop 2016: Sharing Strategies
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: EDUCATIONAL LINKAGES

1. Valerie Sloan($99,950), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Geo Reu, Reu Site, Days, Development, Directorate, Effective, Experiences, Facilitate, Geosciences, Managers, Pis, Practices, Programs, Reus, Sharing, Strategies, Student, Students, Training, Workshop.

Looking Further Back in Time at Flank Degradation Processes and Volcanic Edifice Evolution on the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. John R Smith Jr($219,788), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Giant Submarine Landslides, Marine National Monument, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Papahânaumokuâkea Marine National, Bathymetry, Carry, Document, Expeditions, Main, Multibeam, Volcanoes, Was.

Collaborative Research: Improving models of interseismic locking and slow slip events in Cascadia and New Zealand
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Noel M Jackson($243,504), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
2. Laura Wallace($86,556), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Cascadia And Hikurangi, Earthquake Hazard Forecasts, Hikurangi Subduction, Locking Models, Ocean Bottom, Plate Locking, Slow Slip, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Plates, Time Period, Catalogs, Earthquakes, Fault, Female, Future, GPS, Mid-, Modeled, NIF, Northern, OBP, Offshore, Produce, Public, Realistic, Refer, Region, Regions, Released, Seismic, Steady, Technique, Three-dimensional, Velocities, Zealand.

Support for the Generic Mapping Tools
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: GEOINFORMATICS

1. Paul Wessel($423,119), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: API, Effort, GMT, Geoscientists, Has, Library, MATLAB®, Marine, Python, Software, Tools.

Collaborative Research: Revealing the Environment of Shallow Slow Slip
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Susan Y Schwartz($149,846), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Anne F Sheehan($167,528), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Rachel E Abercrombie($95,440), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Shallow Slow Slip, Velocity And Attenuation, Attenuation Structure, Hikurangi Margin, Ocean Bottom, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Plate, Beneath, Build, Conditions, Detailed, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Environment, Experiment, Fault, Has, Initial, Interface, Investigate, Observations, Properties, Seafloor, Seismic, Stress, Students, Surface, Tomography, Training, Tremor, Wave, Zealand.

Collaborative Research: Building an International Component in the Aleutian-Alaska Primary Site through US Participation in Research Cruises of the German R/V Sonne
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Gene M Yogodzinski($87,884), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Adjacent Bering Sea, Aleutian Island Arc, Bering Sea Region, Earthquakes And Volcanic, Western Aleutian Seafloor, Aleutian Arc, North Pacific, Vessel Sonne, Volcanic Eruptions, Composition, Cruises, Dredging, Evolution, Features, Formation, Geochemical, Geologic, Has, Inputs, Rock, Source, Subduction, Target, Volcanism.

Collaborative Research: Building an International Partnership for GeoPRISMS Research in the Aleutian-Primary Site through US Participation in Cruises of the German R/V Sonne
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Brian Jicha($35,718), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Adjacent Bering Sea, Aleutian Island Arc, Bering Sea Region, Earthquakes And Volcanic, Western Aleutian Seafloor, Aleutian Arc, North Pacific, Vessel Sonne, Volcanic Eruptions, Composition, Cruises, Dredging, Evolution, Features, Formation, Geochemical, Geologic, Has, Inputs, Rock, Source, Subduction, Target, Volcanism.

Seismic study of mantle deformation and melt extraction during continental breakup in the ENAM primary site
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Harm J Van Avendonk($234,419), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Deep Structure, Graduate Student, Magnetic Anomaly, Beneath, Continent, Crust, Eastern, History, Mantle, Margin, Offshore, Rock, Seismic, Tectonic, Volcanic.

Final stages of breakup and early spreading history of the Eastern North America passive margin from multichannel seismic data
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: GeoPRISMS

1. Anne Becel($199,992), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Central Atlantic Ocean, Continental Breakup, Continental Margin, Crustal Thickness, Eastern North, Oceanic Crust, Seafloor Spreading, Analysis, Basement, Evolution, Features, Has, History, Information, Landslides, Long-offset, MCS, Models, Offshore, Processes, Rift, Rifting, School, Stage.

Collaborative Research: Open Core Data: Transformative Data Infrastructure for Integrating and Accessing Scientific Drilling and Coring Data
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: INTEGRATED OCEAN DRILLING PROG

1. Kerstin A Lehnert($228,039), Columbia University, New York
2. Anders J Noren($150,795), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Douglas Fils($535,227), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
Key terms: Drilling And Coring, Coring Projects, Geoscience Domains, Access, Core, Enable, Enabled, Future, Integration, OCD, Potential.

Development and application of CSI-AA biogeochemistry reconstructions in deep-sea corals to study decadal-centennial variability in the North Pacific
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Thomas P Guilderson($729,306), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Northeast Pacific Arc, Deep-sea Corals, Surface Temperature, Base, Biogeochemical, CSI-AA, Deep-sea, Ecosystem, Establish, Food, Has, Past, Plankton, Proteinaceous, Shifts, Structure, Students, UCSC.

Transforming our understanding of DIC Photoproduction in Oceanic Waters
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Leanne Powers($611,338), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Di13c Isotope Enrichment, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Marine Carbon Cycle, Moderate Di13c Isotope, Carbon Cycling, Detection Limits, Di13c Isotope, Dic Photoproduction, Moderate Di13c, Ocean Waters, Accurate, Atlantic, Available, Background, DOC, Extent, Georgia, Has, Incorporate, Measure, Method, Methods, Models, Modie, North, Plan, Precision, Process, Public, Shown, Undergraduate.

Strengthening the GEO REU Network and sharing best practices with the STEM REU community
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Rebecca Haacker-Santos($289,032), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Networking Activities, Reu Pis, Reu Program, Reu Programs, Challenges, Directorate, Diverse, Diversity, Etc, Geosciences, Graduate, Hosting, Increase, Interns, Managers, Organizing, Practices, Quality, Recruiting, Run, Sites, Student, Students, Webinars.

Collaborative Research: Stability, flexibility, and functionality of thermally tolerant coral symbioses
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2016; Program: Integrtv Ecological Physiology

1. Dustin W Kemp($304,957), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham
2. Mark E Warner($519,147), University of Delaware, Newark
3. Dustin W Kemp($124,458), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
4. Todd C LaJeunesse($603,500), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Coral Trophic Status, Ocean Temperatures, Thermal Tolerance, Affect, Ambient, Attributes, Corals, Ecological, Ecology, Examine, Experiments, Exposed, Factors, Functionality, Global, Growth, Heat-resistant, Host, Host-symbiont, Nutrients, Pacific, Pairings, Physiological, Physiology, Productive, Public, Rates, Reef, Relative, Species, Stress, Stress-tolerant, Students, Symbiont, Symbionts, Symbioses, Via, World.

Rates, timing, & nature of sub-orbital sea-level change during MIS 5e
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: International Research Collab

1. Andrea Dutton($503,905), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Past Warm Period, Polar Ice Sheets, Sea-level Oscillations, Approach, Australia, Carbonate, Florida, Future, Globe, Investigate, Principal, Rate, Reef, Sea-level, Students, U-th.

RAPID: Tracing the origin and fate of particulate organic matter in nearshore marine sediments
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: LONG TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH

1. Craig A Carlson($199,500), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Coastal Marine Sediments, Santa Barbara Coastal, Nearshore Primary, Nitrogen Storage, Organic Matter, Particulate Organic, Sbc Lter, Sbc's Ongoing, Terrestrial Pom, Assessments, Bioavailability, California, Dissolved, Distribution, Ecological, Ecosystems, El, Following, Levels, Low, Nitrate, Origin, Periods, Pertaining, Potential, Processing, Productivity, Program, Regions, Reservoir, Runoff, Sbcs, Storm, Stream.

LTREB Renewal: Experimental tests of alternative states on rocky intertidal shores.
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: LONG-TERM RSCH IN ENVIR BIO

1. Steven R Dudgeon($447,430), The University Corporation, Northridge, Northridge
Key terms: Ice Scour, Activities, Alternative, Clearings, Controls, Development, Ecological, Ecosystem, Experiment, Experimental, Has, Maine, Mussels, Natural, Predictable, Rates, Run, School, Sizes, Species, Students, Teacher, Unique.

MRI: Acquisition of Hybrid Mass Spectrometer for Geochemistry and Environmental Studies
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Hussain A Abdulla($681,416), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: Hybrid Mass Spectrometer, Marine And Environmental, Hybrid Mass, South Texas, Collaborations, Compounds, Faculty, Instrument, TAMUCC.

MRI: Acquisition of a Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer and Laser System for Investigating the Evolution of the Earth's Climate, Oceans, and Tectonics
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Franco Marcantonio($1,000,237), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Ablation Multi-collector Inductively, Aridity And Hydrology, Coupled Plasma Mass, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Isotope And Trace, Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Ken Williams Radiogenic, Laser Ablation Multi-collector, Multi-collector Inductively Coupled, Oceanic And Atmospheric, Oceanic Biological Productivity, Oceanic Metal Cycling, Past Oceanic Biological, Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Radiogenic Isotope Geosciences, Seawater Ph Histories, Transition Metal Isotope, Williams Radiogenic Isotope, Ablation Multi-collector, Atmospheric Circulation, Continental Aridity, Deep-ocean Circulation, Expanding Geochronology, Multi-collector Inductively, Past Climate, Texas Aandm, Acquisition, Biogeochemistry, Boron, Capabilities, Dating, Deep-ocean, Environmental, Funding, ICPMS, Instrumentation, Interdisciplinary, Isotopes, LA-MC-ICPMS, Methods, Multiple, Reconstruct, Students, Tectonic, Tracer, Tracers, Training.

MRI: Acquisition of a quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer for research and teaching on marine organisms and biogeochemistry
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Major Research Instrumentation

1. Benjamin S Twining($219,265), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Coupled Plasma Mass, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Past Environmental Conditions, Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Quadrupole Inductively Coupled, Bigelow Laboratory, Elemental Composition, Additionally, Analytes, Biological, Commercial, Enable, Equipped, Information, Instrument, Instrumentation, Opportunities, Organisms, Processes, Program, Purchase, Students, Undergraduate.

RCN: Improving reconstructions of Cenozoic pCO2 and temperature change
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Baerbel Hoenisch($202,828), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Pco2 And Climate, Carbon Cycle, Chemical Composition, Archives, Atmospheric, Bring, Established, Future, Has, History, Less, Marine, Model, Models, Paleo-pco, Past, Select, Terrestrial, Workshops.

Morphological Evolution of an Energetic Tidal Channel: Quantifying Frictional Feedbacks Across Multiple Scales Using High Resolution Observations and Modeling
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Peter A Traykovski($901,878), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Advanced Observational, Effective Roughness, Frictional Effects, Morphological Evolution, Multiple Scales, Tidal Channel, Bedform, Bedforms, Coastal, Complex, Environments, Evolving, Features, Forcing, Gaps, Hydrodynamic, Larger, Limited, Modeling, Observations, Process-based, Processes, Quantitative, Range, Resolution, Similarly, Velocities.

Age constraints on subtropical iceberg scour events
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jenna C Hill($79,404), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Meltwater And Iceberg, Meltwater And Icebergs, Global Climate, Gulf Stream, Ice Sheets, Iceberg Scours, Meltwater Pulses, North Atlantic, Ocean Currents, Subpolar Gyre, Age, Circulation, Critical, Discharge, Discovery, Floods, Freshening, Freshwater, High-resolution, Huge, IRD, Margin, Marine, Melting, Model, Northward, Past, Presence, Regions, Seafloor, Sediment, Shifts, South, Subtropical, Subtropics, Timing.

NSFOCE-BSF: Foraminiferal Na/Ca: a new proxy for reconstructing Cenozoic seawater composition
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Yair Rosenthal($393,536), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Core Top Calibrations, Cenozoic Seawater, Culture Experiments, Benthic, Calcium, Carbon, Carbonate, Climate, Concentration, Concentrations, Conditions, Constant, Foraminifera, Generate, Israeli, Led, Method, Naca, Ocean, Past, Processes, Reconstructing, Specifically, Students.

Collaborative Research: Fingerprinting source-to-sink connections for deep-marine vitriclastic deposits and their association to caldera formation on Axial Seamount
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Brian Dreyer($116,318), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Ryan Portner($198,640), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Axial Volcano Caldera, Caldera Formation, Analysis, Below, Chemical, Collaboration, Crust, Dispersal, Eruption, Evolution, Fragmentation, Geochemical, Knowledge, Magma, Mantle, Mechanisms, Origin, Processes, Rock, Sea, Seafloor, Stratigraphic, Submarine, Vitriclast, Vitriclastic, Vitriclasts, Volcanic, Volcanoes, World.

The Biological Pump During the Last Glacial Maximum and Early Deglaciation
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Andreas Schmittner($497,913), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Circulation And Carbon, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Cycling, Carbon Isotope, Co2 Concentrations, Global Climate, Ice Age, Ocean Circulation, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Deglaciation, Earth, Interactions, Model, Nitrogen, Ppm, Rise, Sea, Sediments, Synthesis, Was.

Collaborative Research: P2C2: Re-assessing Pliocene and Miocene warm climates and identifying the 'missing physics' to explain them
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Eli Tziperman($200,079), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Muge Komurcu($243,674), Purdue University, West Lafayette
3. Mark Pagani($300,000), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Miocene And Pliocene, Climate Models, Pliocene Climates, Temperature Gradients, Atmospheric, CESM, Cloud, Convection, Correlated, Engagement, Features, Future, Gas, Generate, Has, Interactions, Modeling, Paleoclimate, Past, Previously, Properties, Public, Regions, Students, Surface, Warming, Weakened, Widespread.

Next-generation 3D imaging of the on- and off-axis mantle and crustal magmatic systems at the Endeavour segment
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Emilie E Hooft Toomey($181,069), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Crustal Magma Bodies, Global Mid-ocean Ridge, Mantle And Crustal, Mass And Energy, Seismic Imaging Methods, Crustal Magmatic, Endeavour Segment, Global Mid-ocean, Mid-ocean Ridge, Ridge Segment, Beneath, Distribution, Heat, Hydrothermal, International, Map, Melt, Objectives, Off-axis, On-, Processes, Seafloor, Spreading, Tectonic, Tomography, Transfer, Unit.

4D physical models of migrating mid-ocean ridges: Implications for shallow mantle flow, melt distribution and seafloor topography
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Christopher R Kincaid($357,747), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Laboratory Apparatus, Mantle Flow, Mid-ocean Ridge, Mid-ocean Ridges, Mid-ocean Spreading, Time Scales, Upper Mantle, Allow, Asymmetric, Beneath, Design, Essential, Geodynamic, Geological, Investigate, Magmatic, Massenergy, Melt, Mid-ocean, Migrating, Migration, Model, Models, Natural, Plate, Processes, Regions, Resolution, Tectonic, Upwelling.

Investigating Sources of Excess Carbon and DELTA14C Anomalies During the Last Glacial Termination
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Lowell D Stott($431,399), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Rocks And Sediments, 14c-depleted Co2, Atmospheric Pco2, Earth's Largest, Equatorial Pacific, Equatorial Undercurrent, Glacial Termination, Greenhouse Gas, Hydrothermal Vents, Intermediate Waters, Marine Sediments, Southern Ocean, Abyssal, Bca, Benthic, C-depleted, CO=, Calls, Carbon, Climate, Cycles, Deltac, Denser, Flux, Geochemical, Geologic, Imprinted, Increased, Inform, Isotope, Localized, Lowest, Mechanisms, Near, Processes, Proxy, Release, Released, Reservoirs, Responsible, Rising, Signals, Source, Sources, Temperature, Temperatures, Ventilation, Was.

Collaborative Research: A community 3D seismic investigation of fault property controls on slow-slip along the Hikurangi megathrust
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Harold J Tobin($99,271), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Gregory F Moore($129,793), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
3. Eli A Silver($59,555), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Slow Slip Earthquakes, 3d Seismic, Plate Boundary, Seismic Attributes, Seismic Imaging, Slip Behavior, Subduction Thrusts, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Cascadia, Coast, Conditions, Critical, Damaging, Designed, Fault, Global, High-resolution, Hikurangi, Images, International, Langseth, Lead, Megathrust, Models, Shallow, Students, Zealand.

Deep Water Hydrography in the Glacial Western North Atlantic
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Lloyd D Keigwin($598,111), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Glacial North Atlantic, Conveyor Belt, Core Sites, Deep Water, Ice Age, Nordic Seas, Northern Source, Sediment Cores, Antarctic, Atmosphere, Basin, Basins, Bottom, CC, Carbon, Climate, Collaboration, Collected, Corers, Coring, Depth, Expedition, Fossil, German, Gt, Has, Heat, Isotope, Less, Models, Modern, Nutrients, Ocean, Past, Ratio, Sampling, Seafloor, Shells, Surface, Warm, Was, Waters, Western.

Characterizing evolution and subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate: A joint inversion of ambient noise and air-gun shot data
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Haiying Gao($90,459), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Oceanic Plate Prior, Wave Propagation Simulation, Air-gun Shots, Cascadia Initiative, Girls Inc, Incoming Plate, Velocity Model, Air-gun, Arc, Crust, Forearc, Hazards, Inversion, Joint, Mantle, Outreach, Process, Public, Resolution, Sedimentary, Seismic, Strong, Structure, Subduction, Tectonic, Time.

Documenting Dynamic Accretion in the Lower Ocean Crust: Ocean Drilling Holes U1473A and 735B, SW Indian Ridge
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Chenguang Sun($495,003), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atlantis Bank, Carried, Chinese, Consists, Core, Creating, Crust, Features, Geochemical, Igneous, Involving, Magmatic, Mineral, Ocean, Ridges, Rock, Seafloor, Section, Slow-spread, Stratigraphic.

Collaborative Research: An Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Parameters That Influence Measured CO2 in Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions in MORB
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Roger L Nielsen($299,473), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Robert J Bodnar($78,097), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Measured Volatile Contents, Post Entrapment Crystallization, Melt Inclusions, Bubbles, Carried, Compare, Composition, Compositions, Crust, Damage, Depth, Diffusion, Experimental, Experiments, Formation, HO, Heating, Information, Leakage, Magmatic, Microprobe, Olivine, Plagioclase, Potential, Process, Processes, Rates, Seafloor, Species, Spectroscopy, Via, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Rise and Fall of Galapagos Seamounts
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Virginia Dorsey Wanless($187,652), Boise State University, Boise
2. Samuel A Soule($87,561), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Submerged Volcanic Edifices, Erosional Features, Galapagos Platform, Sea Level, Site Characterization, Volcanic Islands, Collected, Expedition, Exposed, Geophysical, Hopes, Isotopes, Magma, Mantle, Marine, Plume, Seafloor, Seamounts, Source, Tested, Thermal, Time, Upwelling.

Evolution of Small Scale Seafloor Topography and Sediment Transport under Energetic Waves: From ripples to sheet flow
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Peter A Traykovski($499,240), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Boundary Layer Streaming, Bedform Migration, Field Observational, Frequency Motions, Inner Shelf, Near-bed Load, Open-source Model, Sea-level Rise, Sediment Transport, Sheet Flow, Sheet Flows, Surf Zone, Suspended Load, Adopted, Analysis, Bedforms, Bottom, CSDMS, Capability, Coastal, Comprehensive, Conditions, Current, Directed, Disseminated, Dynamics, Elevation, Energetic, Enhance, Evolution, Existing, Fields, Forcing, Has, Hydrodynamic, Inner-shelf, Investigate, Models, Nbed, Numerical, Offshore, Onshore, Open-source, Orbital, Past, Predicting, Processes, Regimes, Resolution, Retreat, Ripple, Ripples, Sand, Sea-level, Sedlesfoam, Sets, Shore, Significantly, Simulation, Simulations, Student, Tightly, Training, Transition, Turbulence-resolving, Two-phase, Via, Wave, Waves.

ABR: A Deeper Investigation of Oceanic Spreading Center Magmatic Processes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Robert A Dunn($411,270), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Active Spreading Centers, Crust And Mantle, Lower Crustal Formation, Crust Forms, Melt Distribution, Melt Supply, Modern Seismic, Ocean Crust, Oceanic Crust, Thermal Structure, Composition, Constraints, Continually, Cooling, Dataset, Earth, Female, Geophysical, Heat, Image, Imaging, Interior, Magmatic, Methods, Observations, Upper.

Remotely Triggered Slope Failures and Turbidity Currents on the Cascadia Margin
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Harlan P Johnson($427,517), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Cascadia Margin, Sediment Wedge, Slope Failures, Carbon, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Flows, Hazards, Local, Plates, Processes, Seismic, Tectonic, Thick, Tsunamis.

Targeted equatorial Pacific foraminifera-bound N isotope measurements: implications for a rare record of nutrient dynamics and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Patrick A Rafter($113,075), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Equatorial Pacific Nitrate, Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, Nitrogen Isotope Signature, Pacific Nitrate Consumption, Bulk Sediment, ENSO, Fidelity, Forcing, Has, Levels, Long-term, Million, Past, Pliocene, Preliminary, Respond, Seeks, Similar, Suggest.

Collaborative Research: Pacific Ocean stratification since the last ice age: New constraints from benthic foraminifera
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Elisabeth L Sikes($104,926), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Katherine A Allen($283,274), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Southwest Pacific Ocean, Density Structure, Ice Age, Seawater Properties, Seawater Temperature, Sediment Cores, Atmosphere, Benthic, Calcite, Caused, Circulation, Constrain, Deglacial, Deglaciation, Deltaosw, Depth, Estimates, Evidence, Glacial, Global, Marine, Mgca, Oceans, Past, Release, Salinity, Warming, Water.

Recalibration of OBSIP Instrument Orientations
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Gabriele Laske($67,392), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Obs Instrument Orientations, Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Automated Tool, Geographic Coordinate, Analyses, Analysis, Code, Compass, Components, Earthquakes, Estimates, Land, Lands, Obss, Released, Seafloor, Seismic, Standardized, Surface, Unknown, Wave, Waves.

Formation and evolution of upper oceanic crust from seismic data acquired over mature oceanic crust near the Sumatra and Alaska subduction zones
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Anne Becel($310,514), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Alaska Subduction Zones, Mature Oceanic Crust, Sumatra And Alaska, Upper Oceanic Crust, Hydrothermal Circulation, Marine Seismic, Ridge Axis, Upper Crust, Acquired, Ages, Allow, Datasets, Formed, Gt, Imaging, MCS, Myr, Offshore, Properties, Thickness.

The Origin of Abiotic Hydrocarbons in Seafloor Serpentinization Systems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jeffrey S Seewald($398,731), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Chain Hydrocarbons, Fluid Inclusions, Hydrothermal Vents, Secondary Fluid, Alteration, Analyzed, Carbon, Compound, Experience, Formed, Gas, Life, Local, Organic, Processes, Rock, School, Seafloor, Spectroscopy, Synthesis, Ultra-mafic, Undergraduate, Via.

Collaborative Research: Super-Plateau Breakup and Cretaceous Quiet Zone Tectonics
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Anthony Koppers($180,348), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Michael Chandler($329,297), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Ellice Basin, Magnetic Field, Osbourn Trough, Polar Wander, Reference Frame, Spreading Centers, Breakup, Cretaceous, Earth, Formed, Mapping, Near, OJN, Occurred, Oceanic, Pacific, Period, Plate, Plateau, Remnants, Seafloor, Tectonic, Via.

Collaborative Research: Earthquake Catalog and Waveform Analysis to Assess the Evolution of Axial Seamount Surrounding the 2015 Eruption
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Margaret S Boettcher($122,692), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. DelWayne Bohnenstiehl($187,766), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Deformation And Hydrothermal, Axial Seamount, Ocean Observatory, Submarine Volcanoes, Cabled, Dynamic, Dynamics, Earthquake, Eruption, Evolution, Explosive, Fluids, Has, Local, Monitoring, Movement, Network, OOI, Observations, Rate, Recently, Ridge, Seafloor, Seismic, Statistical, Stress, Students, Time, Volcanic.

Collaborative Research: Water Concentration and Distribution in the Oceanic Lithosphere
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Anne H Peslier($183,264), Jacobs Technology Inc., Houston
2. Michael Bizimis($282,150), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: H2o Concentrations, H2o Content, Bound, Crust, Distribution, Electrical, Geochemical, HO, Islands, Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Magmas, Mantle, Melting, Minerals, Ocean, Oceanic, Plateau, Rheology, South, Unaltered.

Enhancements to the OOI Cabled Array at Axial Seamount
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. William W Chadwick($178,060), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Ooi Cabled Array, Axial Seamount, Cabled Observatory, Deep-sea Ecosystems, Active, Autonomous, Bottom, Built, Cruise, Deep-sea, Enhance, Eruption, Has, Hydrothermal, Instrument, Instruments, Monitoring, Ocean, Pressure, Seafloor, Submarine, Teacher, Volcano.

Testing eruption-triggering mechanisms at Axial Caldera using statistical data assimilation
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Patricia M Gregg($272,587), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Deformation And Eruption, Active Volcanoes, Axial Volcano, Eruption Precursors, Eruption Triggering, Satellite Observations, Triggering Mechanism, Based, Ground, Land, Link, Mechanisms, Remains, Step, Triggered, Unrest, Volcanic, Warning.

Towards understanding the Behaviour of the Clumped Isotope Signal During Marine Diagenesis; Implication for Reading the Ancient Record
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Peter K Swart($399,475), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Clumped Isotope Method, Modern Carbonate Sediments, Critical Assumption, Allow, Chemical, Compared, Conditions, Delta, Diagenesis, Difference, Dominated, Geochemical, History, Isotopes, Marine, Namely, Non-skeletal, ODP, Rates, Sites, Skeletal.

Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall in the Core Convective Region, Bay of Bengal
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Steven C Clemens($585,759), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: South China Sea, Arabian Sea, Eastern China, Extreme Drought, Ice Volume, Monsoonal Rains, Bay, Bengal, Divergent, Global, India, Indian, Ka, Orbital, Past, Processes, Rainfall, Reconstructed, Regions, Sediments, Sensitivity, Spanning, Time.

Collaborative Research: The four-dimensional distribution of magmatism during the growth of lower oceanic crust: High precision U-Pb dating of IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, SWIR
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Michael Cheadle($107,819), University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. Matthew E Rioux($210,557), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Atlantis Bank, Core Drilled, Intrusive Bodies, Ocean Basins, Ocean Crust, Ocean Drilling, Additional, Analyzed, Boise, Carried, Compared, Cooling, Dimensions, Effort, Epscor, Idaho, Knowledge, Lower, Oceanic, Program, Spatial, Student, Time, Wyoming, Zircons.

ENSO Variability and Mean State during the Late Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum Based on Mg/Ca of Individual Foraminifera
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Thomas M Marchitto($299,986), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sea Surface Temperature, Computer Models, Core Tops, Enso Variance, Planktic Foraminifera, Single-specimen Mgca, Tropical Pacific, Approach, Chemistry, Climate, Dissolution, Distributions, El, Formed, Geologic, Ground-truth, Individual, Individuals, Loss, Method, Past, Reconstruct, Sediments, Shell, Single-specimen, Tested.

Collaborative Research: Does calcification by paleoceanographically relevant benthic foraminifera provide a record of localized methane seepage?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jonathan B Martin($85,908), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Joan M Bernhard($218,355), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: 3d Models Generated, Carbon Isotopic Composition, Ecology And Cell, Impaired K-12 Students, Visually Impaired K-12, 3d Models, Broader Impacts, Calcium Carbonate, Cell Biology, Gas Hydrates, Methane Gas, Methane Seep, Micro-ct Scans, Multisensory Presentation, Seafloor Methane, Seep Environments, Teaching Units, Watertown Ma, Cold, Consist, Curriculum, Deposits, Development, Dprinter, Foram, Foraminifera, Forams, Heat, Isotope, Marine, Micro-ct, Organisms, Past, Release, School, Sediments, Signature, Smell, Sound, Stable, Touch, Warming.

P2C2: Hydroclimatic response of the tropical Pacific to past changes in mean state: Observations and synthesis
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Michael N Evans($140,988), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Climate Simulations, El Niño, Global Climate, Time Windows, Activity, Analysis, Contribute, Coral, ENSO, Hydroclimatic, Interannual, LIA, MCA, Observations, Oxygen, PD, Pacific, Past, Region, Relatively, Strength.

Fe isotopes as a key to understanding fluid-rock processes during hydration of oceanic crust
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Kenneth W Sims($448,379), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Fe Isotopic Signature, Olivine And Pyroxene, Ocean Crust, Oceanic Lithosphere, Ore Deposits, Bound, Create, Deep, Fluids, Formation, Geology, HO, Has, Isotopes, Light, Magnetite, Mantle, Mineral, Minerals, Oxidation, Processes, React, Reaction, Rock, Sea, Seafloor, Serpentine, Serpentinization, Surface, Wyoming.

The thermal regime of the Gulf of California, rifting processes and the ocean-continent transition
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Robert N Harris($102,503), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Thinly Sedimented Basins, Heat Flow, Ocean-continent Transition, Seafloor Spreading, Southern Gulf, California, Mexican, Northern, Observed, Ocean-continent, Processes, Rifting, Structure, Style, Thickly.

Petrogenetic Studies of Young Volcanic Rocks
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Charles H Langmuir($512,503), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Mid-ocean Ridges, Ocean Islands, Collected, Composition, Comprehensive, Creation, Database, Geochemical, Geophysical, Global, Has, Magma, Mantle, Mid-ocean, Models, Seafloor, Trace, Volcanic.

Developing new magnetic tracers of ice sheet instability and ocean circulation in the northern North Atlantic
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Robert G Hatfield($359,424), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Age Sediments, Eirik Ridge, Greenland Margin, Magnetic Grain-size, Magnetic Properties, North Atlantic, Sediment Source, Sediment Transport, Silt Fraction, Allowing, Completely, Control, DWBC, Deep, Developed, Glacial, Grain-size, Ice-sheet, Iceland, Interglaciations, Marine, Measure, Ocean, Processes, Retreat, Separate, Sgis, South, Spatial, Student, Warmer.

The Rheology of the Lithosphere Beneath the Hawaiian Ridge
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Michael O Garcia($225,931), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Hawaiian Ridge, Tectonic Plate, Age, Bending, Contribute, Effect, Graduate, Gravity, Lithosphere, Load, Ocean, Rock, Seafloor, Strength, Volcanoes.

Accomplishment Based Renewal (ABR): Pyrite, metal sulfide and aluminosilicate nanoparticles as kinetically stable sources of iron and other metals to the ocean
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. George W Luther($459,656), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Public Outreach Via, Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents, Deep Ocean, Dissolved Iron, Reverse Weathering, Synthetic Analogs, Analyses, Analysis, Chemical, Concentrations, Cruise, Cu, Electron, Examine, Experiments, Fe, Field, Filtered, Formation, Generated, Has, Involves, Laboratory, Larger, Metal, Metals, Mineral, Nano-sized, Nanoparticles, Nanoparticulate, Natural, Onshore, Oxidation, Pacific, Particles, Ph, Phases, Pyrite, Scanning, Seawater, Shown, Sulfide, Transmission, Undergo, Waters.

Collaborative Research: Carbon Isotope and geotracer-enabled simulation of the Transient Climate Evolution of the Deglacial Ocean (C-iTRACE-O)
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Zhengyu Liu($258,001), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Alexandra Jahn($301,993), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Deglacial Evolution, Allowing, Atlantic, CESM, Circulation, Climate, Compared, Comparisons, Dc, Deep, Deglaciation, Direct, Directly, Esms, Graduate, Long-standing, Mechanisms, Model, Model-data, Ocean, Paleoclimate, Proxies, Simulation, Simulations, Transient, Was.

Collaborative Research: Deep imaging of the south-central Chile margin to understand plate boundary development and its control on megathrust slip behavior
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Nathan L Bangs($528,118), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Anne M Tréhu($439,752), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Along-strike Differences, Chile Margin, Earthquake Behavior, Geologic Structure, Seismic Reflection, South-central Chile, Subduction Zone, Subduction Zones, Along-strike, Available, Boundary, Cascadia, Continent, Coupling, Cruise, Depth, Earthquakes, Excellent, Globally, History, Interplate, Largest, Leads, Megathrust, Mw, North, Oceanic, Plate, Plates, Possibly, Regular, Ruptured, Ruptures, Sediment, Segment, Slip, South-central.

Collaborative Research: Sea level induced hydrothermal activity as a trigger for glacial terminations
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Paul D Asimow($70,125), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
2. David C Lund($279,999), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Enhanced Submarine Volcanism, Global Mid-ocean Ridge, Carbon Flux, Deep Ocean, Glacial-interglacial Timescales, Global Mid-ocean, Ice Ages, Ice Sheets, Mid-ocean Ridge, Ridge Crest, Sea Level, Activity, Archives, Assess, Climate, Continent, Cores, EPR, Fluxes, Glacial-interglacial, Has, Hydrothermal, Magmatism, Metal, Nearly, PAR, Pacific, Pressure, Sediments, Terminations, Water, °S.

Collaborative Research: Unlocking the secrets of slow slip by drilling at the northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: CORK observatory development and installation
Award Effective Date: 06/17/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Patrick Fulton($142,407), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Shallow Slow Slip, Fault Slip, Beneath, Borehole, Crust, Deformation, Depth, Discovery, Episodic, Fluid, Focused, Geochemical, Gisborne, Hikurangi, Hydrological, Lt-, Margin, Measure, Megathrust, Nsource, Offshore, Plate, Sensors, Source, Subduction, Target, Thermal, Well-documented, Zealand.

Marine Geological Samples Laboratory: Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island(support of marine sample curation)
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Steven Carey($530,321), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Scientists And Educators, Marine Geology, Collected, Collection, Continent, Distributed, Distribution, Graduate, Ocean, Parties, Repositories, Repository, Request, Resources, Rhode, Rock, Seafloor, Via.

Continued Operation of the OSU/CEOAS Marine Geology Repository
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Anthony Koppers($1,329,416), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Scientists And Educators, Continental Shelves, Marine Geology, Collected, Collection, Curation, Distributed, Distribution, Expense, Ocean, Oregon, Parties, Repository, Request, Resources, Rock, Seafloor, Staff, Via.

Lamont-Doherty Core Repository: Curation, Service, Professional Development, Outreach (2016-2019)
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Nichole A Anest($1,152,315), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Columbia University's Lamont-doherty, Scientists And Educators, Columbia University's, Continental Shelves, Marine Geology, University's Lamont-doherty, Analytical, Collected, Collection, Cores, Curation, Distributed, Distribution, Expense, Ocean, Parties, Repository, Request, Resources, Rock, Seafloor, Staff, Universitys, Via.

Collaborative Research: Subduction Initiation and Development of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc: An Investigation of Samples from Cores from Recent Ocean Drilling
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Katherine A Kelley($56,993), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
2. Jeffrey G Ryan($104,196), University of South Florida, Tampa
3. John W Shervais($96,271), Utah State University, Logan
4. Mark K Reagan($100,997), University of Iowa, Iowa City
5. Wendy R Nelson($46,533), Towson University, Towson
Key terms: Basalts And Boninites, Discovery Program Expedition, Fore Arc Basalts, International Ocean Discovery, Ocean Discovery Program, Rocks And Glasses, Bonin Fore-arc, Decompression Melting, Magma Generation, Subduction Initiation, Subduction Zone, Volcanic Glasses, Volcanic Rocks, Collaboration, Complete, Compositions, Concentrations, Continent, Crust, Depleted, Drilled, Drilling, Fore-arc, Found, Generated, Geochemical, Investigate, Isotopes, Mantle, Nsf-funded, Ophiolites, Produced, Recovered, Sites, Spreading, Start, Trace, Water.

Testing contrasting models for the distribution of hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Glenn A Spinelli($203,427), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Affects Subduction Zone, Oceanic Crustal Aquifer, Subduction Zone Temperatures, Subduction Zone Thermal, Zone Thermal Models, Amplitude Anomaly, Aquifer Thickening, Fluid Circulation, Subducting Crust, Subduction Zones, Tectonic Plates, Thermal Effects, Control, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Fault, Friction, Generation, Heat, Process, Processes, Seawater, Seven, Trench.

Pacific plate apparent polar wander and Pacific-Farallon spreading rates bracketing the age of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Richard G Gordon($261,344), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Emperor Chain, Hawaiian Chain, Hawaiian Hotspot, Hawaiian-emperor Bend, Hawaiian-emperor Chain, Pacific Plate, Plate Motion, Plate Tectonics, Polar Wander, Aeromagnetic, Ago, Direction, Existing, Field, Formation, Has, Hawaiian-emperor, Hotspots, Loihi, Ma, Magnetic, Magnetization, Mantle, Methods, Million, Orientation, Plume, Poles, Rapidly, Relative, Seamount, Shift, Sites, Time, Volcanism, Volcanoes, °.

AGU Chapman Conference on Submarine Volcanism
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. William W Chadwick($25,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Chapman Conference, Explosive Volcanic, Submarine Volcanism, Terrestrial Volcanism, Coast, Disseminate, Eruption, Field, Information, International, Planning, Tasmania, Volcano, Western, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Did the SE Pacific Gyre become a Hot Spot for N2 Fixation during Dusty Glacial Conditions?
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Timothy D Herbert($177,703), Brown University, Providence
2. Mark A Altabet($372,092), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
Key terms: Biologically Available Nitrogen, Oceanic N2 Fixation, Oxygen Minimum Zone, Phosphorous And Iron, Biologically Usable, Glacial Cycle, Greenhouse Gases, N2 Fixing, N2 Gas, Oceanic Control, Adjacent, Amount, Atmospheric, Availability, Base, Chemical, Climate, Component, Controls, Earth, Feedback, Growth, Gyre, Living, Marine, Microbes, Modern, Nutrient, Organisms, Past, Region, School, Sites, Students, Supply, Time.

Collaborative Research: Constraints on Interseismic Deformation Offshore Oregon from Calibrated Continuous Pressure Records
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. William S Wilcock($229,863), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Glenn S Sasagawa($390,868), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Calibrated Pressure Recorder, Cascadia Subduction Zone, Seafloor Calibrated Pressure, Seafloor Pressure Sensors, Subduction Zone Fault, Absolute Pressure, Bottom Pressure, Central Oregon, Secular Strain, ASCPR, Accurate, Benchmarks, Build-up, Coast, Decadal, Drift, Earthquakes, Elevation, Geodetic, Initiate, Measure, Observations, Oceanographic, Offshore, Required, SIO, Stable, UW.

Silicic melt evolution in the early Izu-Bonin arc recorded in detrital zircons
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Andrew P Barth($101,032), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Detrital Zircons, International Ocean, Ocean Drilling, Ocean Floor, Silicic Melts, Tectonic Plates, Volcanic Eruptions, Arc, Arc-derived, Cores, Earth, Eventual, Evolution, Evolving, Geochemical, Growth, Interior, Magmatic, Program, Provenance, Recovered, Return, Subduction, Volcanoes, Western.

Collaborative Research: Geothermal heating of the Panama Basin and crustal evolution of the Costa Rica Rift
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Robert N Harris($91,055), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Robert P Lowell($225,402), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Conductive Heat Flow, Deep Ocean Circulation, Heat And Mass, Hydrothermal Heat Transfer, Crustal Heat, High-resolution Models, Mass Transfer, Near-axial Regions, Ocean Bottom, Oceanic Crust, Sediment-covered Crust, Transfer Evolves, Ages, Axis, Biological, British-led, CRR, Collected, Component, Construct, Existing, Geophysical, Global, High-resolution, Melt, Naxial, Ocean-atmosphere, Oceanographic, Sediment-covered, Structure.

Multicentury records of ENSO and rainfall in corals from northern Australia
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Julia E Cole($439,999), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Climate And Coral, Temperature And Salinity, Coral Growth, El Niño, Monsoon Rainfall, AIMS, Arizona, Australian, Biosphere-, Broader, Century, Conservation, Corals, Core, Cores, Environmental, Geochemical, Global, Has, Histories, History, Issues, Large-scale, Long-term, Multicentury, Natural, Northern, Proxies, Rate, Reef, Region, Seasonal, Sedimentation, Specific, Subseasonal, Syntheses, Time, Trends, Tropical, World.

Variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During Marine Isotope Stage 3
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Delia Oppo($486,519), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, Deep Ocean Circulation, Ice Age, Millennial Time, North Atlantic, Sediment Core, Surface Climate, Time Scales, Absence, Ando, Glacial, Knowledge, Predict, Shorter, Times, Tropical, Varied, Water.

Geochemical tracers to establish the significance and timing of gas hydrate induced slide failure in the Hikurangi margin, as a component of the SLAMZ project
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Marta E Torres($298,363), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Gas Hydrate Stability, Fluid Flow, Gas Hydrates, Geochemical Component, Hikurangi Margin, Slope Failure, Slope Stability, Subduction Zones, Complements, Contribute, Geophysical, Hydrogeology, International, Landslides, Pore, Processes, SLAMZ, Seafloor, Sediment, Sedimentary, Submarine, Tectonic, Various, Worldwide, Zealand.

Collborative Research: Laboratory Investigation of Redox Reactions during Subsurface Mixing in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jeffrey S Seewald($377,834), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Peter Saccocia($102,964), BRIDGEWATER STATE UNIVERSITY, Bridgewater
Key terms: Subsurface Mixing Zones, Chemical Compounds, Chemical Energy, Chemical Environment, Chemical Reactions, Laboratory Experiments, Woods Hole, Abiotic, Bridgewater, Composition, Crust, Ecosystems, Experiences, Fluids, Function, HS, Highly, Hydrothermal, Investigate, Microbes, Microbial, Models, NO-, Oceanic, Redox, Rely, Sea, Seafloor, Seawater, Source, Species, Temperatures, Undergraduate, Vent.

Collaborative Research: Examining Upper Mantle Volatile History Through Isotopic Variations of Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Noble Gases in Undegassed Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. David W Graham($225,085), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Peter J Michael($111,233), University of Tulsa, Tulsa
Key terms: Atmosphere And Oceans, Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts, Undegassed Mid-ocean Ridge, Earth's Atmosphere, Mid-ocean Ridge, Mid-ocean Ridges, Noble Gases, Submarine Basalts, Undegassed Mid-ocean, Upper Mantle, Carbon, Chemical, Degassing, Fluxes, Geologic, HO, Hydrogen, Isotopes, Isotopic, Nitrogen, Origin, Primordial, Processes, Surface, Ultra-depleted, Volatile, Volatiles.

Tectonics in the Western Anatolian Extensional Province from sequence stratigraphic modeling of multichannel seismic data in the Gulf of Kusadasi
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Michael S Steckler($295,196), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Subsidence And Uplift, Modeling Stratigraphy, Sea Level, Sequence Stratigraphic, Vertical Motions, Accumulate, Active, Available, Complex, Cycles, Deformation, Earthquakes, Estimate, Extension, Fault, Faulting, Framework, Hazard, Layers, Ma, Pure, Quantify, Region, Sedimentary, Sediments, Seismic, Sequences, Software, Strata, Tectonic, Time, Turkish.

Collaborative Research: Completing North Pond Borehole Experiments to Elucidate the Hydrology of Young, Slow-Spread Crust
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Charles G Wheat($410,471), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Geochemical And Biological, Ocean Drilling Program, Crustal Fluid, Fluid Flow, North Pond, Ocean Crust, Spreading Ridges, Atlantic, Biogeochemical, Boreholes, Circulation, Deployed, Drilled, Expedition, Fast, Flank, Hydrologic, Hydrothermal, Long-term, Monitoring, Pressure, Processes, Recover, Samplers, Sampling, Seafloor, Seawater, Significantly, Site.

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Impact of Tidal Mixing on the Meridional Overturning Circulation of the Oceans during the Last Glacial Maximum
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Andreas Schmittner($275,964), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Gokhan Danabasoglu($61,940), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Meridional Overturning Circulation, Biogeochemical Cycles, Deep Ocean, Glacial Maximum, Lgm Moc, Lgm Stratification, Sea Level, Tidal Energy, Tidal Mixing, Tide Model, Carbon, Circulations, Day, Diffusivities, Dissipation, Distributions, Effects, Global, Has, Models, Quantification, Quantify, Resolution, Shallow, Shelves, Simulated, Simulations, Uncertainties, Was.

Collaborative Research: A Combined Proxy and Model Investigation of Late Holocene Paleoclimate in the Horn of Africa
Award Effective Date: 01/12/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Jessica E Tierney($67,430), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Regional Sea Surface, Africa, Climate, Drought, Horn, Hydroclimate, Model, Proxy.

Seismic imaging of the interplate boundary and deformation within the overriding Aegean lithosphere at the Hellenic subduction zone west of Crete (Greece)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2016; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Anne Becel($30,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Hellenic Subduction Zone, Rv Marcus Langseth, Densely Populated, Overriding Plate, Plate Boundary, Subduction Zones, AD, Acquired, Active, Coastal, Constraints, Crete, Deep, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Europe, Faults, Features, French, Geometry, Hazards, Image, International, Interplate, Mediterranean, Megathrust, Paradox, Profile, Properties, Reflection, Seismic, Tsunamigenic.

Collaborative Research: Quantifying Hydrothermal Flow and Heat Transfer Using Acoustic Imaging in the NEPTUNE Canada Cabled Observatory at Main Endeavour Field, JdFR
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2012; Program: Marine Geology and Geophysics

1. Timothy M McGinnis($102,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: De Fuca Ridge, Juan De Fuca, Acoustic Sonar, Hydrothermal Vent, Canadian, Flow, Fluxes, Generated, Grotto, Heat, Hot, Images, Infrastructure, Outreach, Plume, Plumes, Quantitative, Seafloor, Testing, Thermal, Vents, Water.

The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Project Office
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: NSF Public Access Initiative

1. Heather Benway($2,352,663), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ocean Biogeochemistry, Ocean Carbon, Scoping Workshops, Activities, Continue, Coordination, Critical, Development, Ecosystem, Efforts, Established, Funding, International, OCB, Office, Opportunities, Planning, Processes, Program, Programs, SSC, Summer.

Collaborative Research: Developing a profiling glider pH sensor for high resolution coastal ocean acidification monitoring
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: OCE SPECIAL PROGRAMS

1. Andrew H Barnard($1,046,994), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Wei-Jun Cai($262,259), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Coastal Ocean, Northeast Shelf, Ocean Acidification, Ocean Observing, Ph Sensor, Spatial Resolution, Water Column, Allow, Available, Carbon, Carbonate, Commercially, Fisheries, Glider, Gliders, Habitats, Low, Monitoring, Mounted, Movement, OA, Pco, Phù, Real-time, Regional, Regions, Sampling, Sensors, Slocum, Technology, Track, Via, Ù.

Ocean Studies Board Activities
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: OCE SPECIAL PROGRAMS

1. Susan J Roberts($766,800), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Policy Issues, Board, Dissemination, Engineering, Federal, OSB, Ocean, Ocean-related, Reports.

CAREER: The biological nitrogen isotope systematics of ammonium consumption and production
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: OCE-Ocean Sciences Research

1. Julie Granger($791,496), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Biological Consumption, Isotope Fractionation, Isotopic Composition, Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen Isotope, Recycled Nitrogen, Ammonium, Course, Datasets, Difficult, Dynamics, Effect, Interpret, Ocean, Plans, Processes, Recycling, Students, Undergraduate.

Expedition Objective Research (IODP Expedition 340): Diagenesis in tephra-rich marine sediments and the impact of reactive iron on enhanced carbon burial
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAM

1. James McManus($39,379), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Organic Carbon, Chemistry, Diagenesis, Isotopes, Pore, Tephra.

Ocean Observatories Initiative - Construction under MREFC
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2009; Program: OCEAN OBSERV INIT-CONSTRUCTION

1. Greg Ulses($280,226,490), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
Key terms: Education And Public, Epe Component, Ocean Observing, Public Engagement, Advanced, Cyberinfrastructure, Enable, Focus, Global, Integrated, Interactive, Internet, Nodes, OOI, Observations, Online, Platforms, Post-secondary, Power, Range, Regional, Via.

Collaborative Research: Persistent Presence in the Ocean Interior: Developing a Low-power, Autonomous System for Geo-referenced Navigation
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2017; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Andreas Thurnherr($53,904), Columbia University, New York
2. Michael Jakuba($637,915), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Sarah E Webster($228,214), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Deep Ocean, ASV, Accuracy, Advance, Capability, Coordinated, Deep-diving, Deployment, Depth, Developed, Develops, Enable, Estimate, Glider, Gliders, Interior, Low-power, Multiple, Navigation, Observations, Position, Positioning, Precision, Provided, Relative, Sensors, Surface, Time, Transform, Underwater, Vehicles.

Collaborative Research: Mesobot: a robot for investigating the ocean interior
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2017; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Dana R Yoerger($1,310,957), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. John A Breier($196,579), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg
3. Stephen M Rock($412,958), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Bubbles, Droplets, Features, Fish, Mesopelagic, Midwater, Ocean, Oceanographic, Particles, Processes, Program, Region, Robot, Sampling, Strongly, Targets, Zone.

Collaborative Research: On making wave energy an economical and reliable power source for ocean measurement applications
Award Effective Date: 12/26/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Umesh A Korde($193,729), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
2. Rush D Robinett($132,541), Michigan Technological University, Houghton
3. Umesh A Korde($167,379), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
Key terms: Current Wave Energy, Wave Energy Conversion, Wave Power Conversion, Conversion Technologies, Oceanographic Instrumentation, Applications, Investigate, Pis.

Collaborative Research: Cloud-Capable Tools for MG&G-Related Image Analysis of OOI HD Camera Video
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Aaron Marburg($119,033), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Timothy J Crone($117,336), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: High-definition Camera, Huge Size, Publicly Available, Advantage, Animal, Archive, Camhd, Demonstrate, Difficult, Flow, Has, High-definition, Hope, Investigations, Lack, OOI, Pis, Retrieval, Set, Time, Tools, Unique, Value, Vent, Video.

Development and Field Testing of a Lift-Assisted Moored Profiler: LAMP
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Fredrik T Thwaites($896,699), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Capable Instrument Controller, Design And Implement, Incident Flow, Incident Ocean, Mclane Moored, Moored Profiler, Ocean Currents, Profiling Reliability, Vertical Profiling, Water Properties, Assist, Deployment, Depth, Designed, Device, Drive, Endurance, Enhance, Extract, Functionality, Instruments, LAMP, Lift, Linux, MP, Microprocessor, Mooring, Moorings, Observations, Oceanographic, Producing, Program, Prototype, Relative, Resolution, Sensor, Streamlined, Subsequently, Subsurface, Successful, Technology, Time, Times, Total, Trial, Vehicle, Was, °.

Collaborative Research: Ultraviolet(UV)-MultiSpectral-Polarization 3D Imaging of the Underwater World
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Viktor Gruev($404,268), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Molly Cummings($630,448), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: 3d Map, Coral Reefs, Optical Characterization, Plastic Contaminants, Polarization Information, Temporal Resolution, Underwater Environments, Underwater World, Benthos, Biological, Biologically, Camouflage, Channels, Characteristics, Co-registered, Communication, Complete, Conservation, Device, Distinct, Features, Imager, Imaging, Low, Mapping, Maps, Measuring, Monitoring, Multispectral, Oil, Organisms, Overcome, Produce, Scanning, Simultaneous, Software, Spatial, VSLAM.

A Rotating Tiltmeter for Marine Geodesy: Development and Testing at Axial Seamount on the Ocean Observatories Initiative Cabled Array
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. William S Wilcock($465,844), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Axial Seamount, Horizontal Channels, Sensor Drift, Accelerometer, Approach, Cabled, Calibration, Collected, Correct, Deformation, Deployed, Earth, Earthquakes, Eruption, Ground, Instrument, Lead, Measure, Measured, Observatory, Ocean, Processes, Seafloor, Sensors, Site, Tilt, Tiltmeter, Time, Volcano, ¡V.

MRI: Development of an integrated wide-band acoustical backscattering and large-area camera imaging instrument for studies of mesopelagic and bathypelagic ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Gareth L Lawson($804,984), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Mesopelagic And Bathypelagic, Zooplankton And Micronekton, Bathypelagic Zones, Ecosystem Assessment, Frequencies Optimized, Acoustic, Acoustical, Biomass, Camera, Classification, Combined, Depths, Distribution, Diverse, Ecosystems, Environmental, Fish, Fisheries, Imaging, Instrument, Mobile, Nets, Organism, Organisms, Sampling, Span, Surface, Two-scale.

An Autonomous Ocean Profiling and Water Sampling System for 0 to 11 km of Water Depth
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Robert A Pockalny($738,837), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Graduate Students, Puerto Rico, Trial Expeditions, Autonomous, Autonomously, Based, Biological, Chemical, Deep, Deep-sea, Depth, Depths, Design, Development, Entire, Instrument, Ocean, Operations, Opportunities, Profile, Profiling, Properties, Range, STEM, Sampling, Sea, Significantly, Time, Trip, Water.

Benthic Biogeochemical Exchange Dynamics on the Oregon Shelf
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Clare E Reimers($848,385), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Rotating Disc Microelectrode, Coastal Ecosystems, Dissolved Oxygen, Eddy Covariance, Hypoxic Zones, Low Oxygen, Oregon Margin, Organic Matter, Oxygen Sensor, Biogeochemical, Created, Database, Deployed, Does, Factor, Field, Formation, Has, Local, Micro-optodes, Oxygen-depleted, Paradigm, Periods, Plans, Popular, Possibility, Processes, Public, RDME, Regions, Respiration, Seasonal, Sediments, Shelf, Students, Theory, Time, Upwelling, Water, Waters.

Development of an ultra-fast method for continuous and automated analysis of dissolved greenhouse gases in surface waters
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. John D Kessler($227,436), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Concentrations And Natural, Dissolved Greenhouse Gases, Gas Extraction Efficiency, Collecting Discrete, Dissolved Gas, Extracted Gases, Gas Concentration, Gas Concentrations, Shower-head Equilibrators, Surface Water, Accurate, Analysis, Atmosphere, Automated, Carbon, Comprise, Developed, Extent, Fluxes, Has, Isotopes, Main, Membrane, Methane, Pumped, Student, Technique, Technology, Time, Vacuum, Validating, Waters.

Collaborative Research: A Visual System for Autonomous Foraminifera Identification
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Thomas M Marchitto($63,713), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Edgar J Lobaton($173,659), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Identification Process, Foraminifera, Images, Recognition, Specimens, Visual.

Ultra-sensitive and specific graphene Immunosensors for in-situ mercury measurement in marine ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Robert C Aller($136,968), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Developing, Distribution, Environmental, Fate, Field, In-situ, Mercury, Methods, Source, Specific, Trace, Ultrasensitive.

WORKSHOP: Ocean observing infrastructure and sensing - Technical lessons learned and best practices
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Bruce M Howe($49,998), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Ocean Observatories, Infrastructure, Performance, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Development of Compact, Fast Waterproof Hyper-Spectral Imager & Multi-Channel SpectroPolarimeter for Marine Studies of Coloration and Patterning
Award Effective Date: 03/18/2016; Program: OCEAN TECH & INTERDISC COORDIN

1. Hanumant Singh($93,695), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Light Fields, Animals, Aquatic, Aspects, Changing, Environments, HSI, Instrument, Instrumentation, Light-field, Pis, Scenes, Time, Visual.

University of Washington-Oceanography R/V Thomas G. Thompson Oceanographic Instrumentation
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. William S Wilcock($201,540), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Barnes, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, RV, Scheduled, Shared-use, Thompson, Upgrades, Vessel.

Oceanographic Instrumentation R/V Pelican 2016
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Joseph D Malbrough($80,690), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, LUMCON, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Shared-use, Vessel.

Sea Education Association/SSV Corwith Cramer & SSV Robert C. Seamans Oceanographic Instrumentation
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Erik Zettler($87,731), Sea Education Association, Falmouth
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Equipment, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Packages, Requests, SEA, Shared-use, Submission, Vessel.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Oceanographic Instrumentation (Moored Instrumentation to Support Present and Future Field Programs)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. John M Toole($730,261), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Sbe 37sm Microcats, Seabird Sbe 37sm, 37sm Microcats, Mmp Upgradeoverhaulmodifications, Moored Instrumentation, Pool Instrumentation, Sbe 37sm, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, Current, Future, Instruments, NSF, Nsf-funded, Principal, Requested, Sensors, Shared-use, Shortfall.

Oceanographic Instrumentation - 2016
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. David C Fisichella($229,771), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Global Vessel, Rv Atlantis, Shared-use Instrumentation, Armstrong, Days, Has, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Scheduled, Shared-use, State-of-the-art.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography/ROGER REVELLE Oceanographic Instrumentation
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Terry B Appelgate($221,599), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Rv Roger Revelle, Global Vessel, Oceanographic Instrumentation, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use.

2016 Oceanographic Instrumentation
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. David S Goldberg($197,439), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Capabilities, Days, Langseth, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, RV, Seismic, Shared-use, Surveys, Unique, Vessel.

University of Hawaii R/V Kilo Moana Oceanographic Instrumentation - 2016
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. James S Ferguson($96,452), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Kilo Moana, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, Deck, Ft, Hawaii, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Shared-use, Space, Sq, Vessel, Was.

Triaxus Operational Support - Phase (1 of 4)
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Andrew W Woogen($14,286), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Rv Oceanus, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, OSU, Oceanographic, Operated, Oregon, Retired, Shared-use, Ship, Triaxus, Vessel, Was, Wecoma.

University of Minnesota Duluth R/V Blue Heron OI 2016
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Richard D Ricketts($123,126), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Rv Blue Heron, Lakes Observatory, Oceanographic Laboratory, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, Minnesota, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use, UNOLS, Upgrade, Vessel.

2015 Oceanographic Instrumentation RV Atlantic Explorer
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2015; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTATION

1. Quentin Lewis($41,225), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Rv Atlantic Explorer, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, BIOS, Bermuda, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Program, Shared-use, Vessel.

Operation SWAB: Monitoring of Ship, Van, and Laboratory 14C and 3H Contamination
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL SERVCE

1. James D Happell($918,242), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Background Levels, Shared-use Instrumentation, Swab Program, Carbon, Contamination, Continue, Has, Minimize, Natural, Nsf-funded, Ocean, Oceanographic, Serve, Shared-use, Ships.

2016 Oceanographic Instrumentation (R/V Atlantic Explorer)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL SERVCE

1. Justin E Smith($218,744), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
2. Quentin Lewis($27,675), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Rv Atlantic Explorer, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, BIOS, Bermuda, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Program, Shared-use, Upgrades, Vessel.

UNOLS: Management of Marine Technical Support
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL SERVCE

1. Anthony H Knap($4,975,242), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Technical Services Program, Unols Technician Pool, Texas Aandm, Budgets, Contract, Fleet, Has, NSF, Operating, Process, Sea, Solicitation, Staff, Technicians, Time.

R/V SIKULIAQ Oceanographic Technical Services - Year 1 of 2
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2015; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL SERVCE

1. Peter E Zerr($2,136,236), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Rv Sikuliaq, Shared-use Instrumentation, Technical Services, Academic, Alaska, Continuing, Fairbanks, Fleet, Maintain, NSF, Nsf-funded, Operated, Shared-use, UAF, Various, Vessel.

Oceanographic Technical Services,R/V Savannah, 2012-2016
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2012; Program: OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL SERVCE

1. John Bichy($478,107), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Technical Services, Maintain, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use, Users, Vessel.

The Panulirus Hydrographic Stations (Hydrostation S): Years 65-69
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2017; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Rodney Johnson($858,369), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, Natural And Anthropogenically, North Atlantic Subtropical, Anthropogenically Influenced, Ctd Cast, Dissolved Oxygen, Ocean Depth, Seventh Decade, Sustained Observations, Upper Ocean, Bermuda, Capability, Changing, Collaborative, Concert, Contribute, Critically, Deoxygenation, Establish, Five, Forcing, Has, Hydrographic, Hydrostation, Long-term, Objective, Processes, Profile, Properties, Rates, Sampling, Site, Students, Surface, Time-series, Training, Water.

Impacts of Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings on Gulf of Maine Circulation
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2017; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Yizhen Li($495,945), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Warm Core Ring, Warm Core Rings, Northeast Channel, Slope Sea, Slope Waters, Water Masses, Affect, Along-shelf, Basins, Circulation, Coastal, Deep, Dynamics, Ecological, Exchange, Flows, Gulf, Maine, Model, Regional, Simulations.

Finescale Structure and Dynamics of the Gulf Stream
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Robert E Todd($1,167,885), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Gulf Stream Structure, Western Boundary Currents, Hole Oceanographic, Potential Vorticity, Underwater Gliders, Biological, Climate, Dynamics, Fine, Graduate, Program, Salinity, Stability, Subsurface, Temperature.

Physics Linking Shelf Circulation to Estuarine Inflow
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Parker MacCready($577,956), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Idealized Numerical Experiments, Coastal Ocean, River Plumes, Controlling, Drawn, Estuarine, Estuary, Flow, Flowing, Inflow, Particle, Physics, Predictions, Properties, Region, Shelf, Solutions, Source, Theoretical, Theory, Water.

Collaborative research: Coastal inertial-band dynamics: separating forced and free responses in a natural laboratory
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Andrew J Lucas($243,526), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Jonathan D Nash($120,896), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Samuel M Kelly($626,197), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Coastal Near-inertial Wave, Near-inertial Wave Generation, Coastal Near-inertial, Coastal Ocean, Internal-wave Generation, Lake Superior, Near-inertial Motions, Near-inertial Wave, Broad-scale, Currents, Dissipation, Dynamics, Energy, Existing, Extending, Forced, Free, Has, Internal-wave, Less, Mixed-layer, Ninertial, Numerical, Observations, Produce, Propagation, Stratified, Summer, Surface, Theories, Time, Turbulence, Wind.

Upwelling variability in the California Current: bridging local dynamics and climate variability
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Jerome Fiechter($354,615), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Coastal Ocean Acidification, Enhanced Upwelling Centers, Regional And Basin-scale, California Current, Coastal Headlands, Coastal Upwelling, Local Scales, Low Ph, Numerical Simulations, Ocean Circulation, Regional Ocean, Santa Cruz, Upwelling Dynamics, West Coast, Alongshore, Biogeochemical, Conditions, Contribute, Ecosystem, Has, Insight, Integrated, Potential, Processes, Properties, Regional-, Regions, Shaping, Shelf, Strong, Vicinity.

Interannual variability of the Gulf Stream position: The role of atmospheric forcing
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Christopher L Pitt Wolfe($349,629), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: North Wall Position, Atmospheric Forcing, Current Transport, Forcing Perturbations, Gulf Stream, Regional Model, Analysis, Atlantic, Coas, Component, Deep, Dynamical, Dynamics, Evolution, Fluctuations, Has, Involved, Latitude, Linking, Mechanisms, NAO, Observations, Ocean, Oceanic, Processes, Products, Time.

Origins of prolonged ocean temperature extremes in the North Pacific
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Emanuele Di Lorenzo($386,879), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Basin And Regional-scale, Generation And Persistence, North Pacific Climate, Ocean Temperature Extremes, Climate Extremes, Greenhouse Forcing, Mechanisms Underlying, Mechanistic Framework, Multi-year Ocean, Northeast Pacific, Ocean Extremes, Allow, Analyses, Available, Basin-, CESM, California, Diagnosing, Dynamics, Findings, Interdisciplinary, Links, Marine, Multi-year, Set, Simulations, Strong, Videos, Website.

Effects of internal waves on mixing and transport by gravity currents
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Nicholas Ouellette($348,379), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Density Profile, Desalination Facilities, Gravity Current, Gravity Currents, Interfacial Waves, Internal Wave, Internal Waves, Numerical Simulations, Ambient, Boluses, Breaking, Brine, Coastal, Dense, Engineering, Experiments, Fields, Has, Increasingly, Influence, Investigation, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Mixing, Modeling, Observations, Parameter, Physics, Plume, Potential, Regimes, Slopes, Summer, Theoretical, Turbulent, Two-layer, Underflows, Water, Waters.

Why is there a meridional overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean but not in the Pacific?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Paola Cessi($523,574), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Idealized Setting, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Northward Velocity, Salt-advection Feedback, Upper Branch, AMOC, Adjoint, Basin, Climate, Current, Dynamics, Equation, Favoring, Forcing, Geometries, Indo-pacific, Larger, MOC, Method, Models, Narrower, Ocean, Oceanic, PMOC, Processes, Salinity, Salt-advection, Sensitivity, Sinking, Surface, Transport, Volume.

A Process Study of the Atlantic Water Transport over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Jian Zhao($470,158), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atlantic Water Inflow, Atlantic Water Transport, Circulation And Climate, Warm And Saline, 2-layer Model, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Atmospheric Forcing, Exchange Flows, Greenland-scotland Ridge, Nordic Seas, Ocean Circulation, Saline Atlantic, Assimilation, Basins, Buoyancy, Cold, Data-assimilated, Dynamical, Dynamics, ECCO, Examine, GSR, Govern, Greenland-scotland, HYCOM, Influenced, Mechanisms, Models, Multiple, Observations, Oceanic, Processes, Satellite, Strait, Surface, Uncertainties.

Monitoring Global Ocean Heat Content Changes by Internal Tide Oceanic Tomography
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Zhongxiang Zhao($279,155), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Argo Floats, Global Ohc, Internal Tide, Internal Tides, Itot Technique, Ocean Warming, Travel Times, Analysis, Analyzed, Animation, Available, Constraints, Construct, Models, Observations, Space, Students, Tomography.

Collaborative Research: Study of Convectively-Breaking Internal Solitary Waves of Depression: High Accuracy/Resolution Modeling and Observational Data Analysis
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Peter J Diamessis($509,231), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Ren-Chieh Lien($229,684), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Internal Solitary Waves, Mechanisms And Preferred, Breaking Process, Continental Slope, Convective Breaking, Convective Instability, Convectively Unstable, Convectively-breaking Isws, Isw Breaking, Parameter Space, Particle Transport, Particulate Transport, Shoaling Isws, Stratified Turbulence, Turbulent Fluxes, Analysis, Convectively-breaking, Cores, Critically, Diffusivities, Dissipation, Ecology, Enable, Energy, Function, Heat, Horizontal, Integrated, Interior, Investigate, LES, Lagrangian, Mixing, Observations, Ocean, Oceanic, Overturns, Phenomena, Physics, Quantify, Recirculating, Reliable, Resolution, Resulting, Shear, Shelf, Times.

The Northwestern North Atlantic: a Retrospective Analysis of Observations from the CV Oleander on the Shelf and Slope
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ke Chen($477,879), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: High-resolution Numerical Model, Commercial Fisheries, Continental Shelf, Cv Oleander, Gulf Stream, High-resolution Numerical, Ocean Warming, Sea Level, Temperature Indexes, Atlantic, Climate, Collected, Decadal, Driving, Duration, Dynamics, Existing, Has, Interannual, Links, Long-term, Mechanisms, Observations, Output, Outreach, Phenomena, Pis, Processes, Rate, Region, Sections, Set, Ship, Spanning, Strong, Velocity, Via.

Dynamics of Well-Mixed Estuaries
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. David K Ralston($669,987), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Contrasting Geometries, Field Methods, Narrow Estuary, Well-mixed Estuaries, Broad, Carbon, Channel, Coastal, Complex, Dispersion, Estuarine, Graduate, Highly, Hypothesized, Lateral, Management, Mechanisms, Mixing, Paradox, Processes, Salt, Scaling, Training, Well-mixed.

Dynamics of Cross-Equatorial Flows
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Michael A Spall($420,788), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ertel Potential Vorticity, Heat And Freshwater, Ocean And Mid-depth, Heat Flux, Upper Ocean, Active, Analysis, Atlantic, Buoyancy, Circulation, Climate, Connect, Connections, Cross, Developed, Diagnostics, Dynamics, Equator, Equatorial, Flow, Flows, Global-scale, Hemisphere, Idealized, Large-scale, Mean, Meridional, Mid-latitude, Models, Net, Numerical, Poses, Regions, Resolution, Scaling, Theoretical, Transport, Transports, Waters.

An experimental study of the structure of the air-flow above ocean surface waves
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Fabrice Veron($215,415), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Air-sea Momentum Flux, Near Surface Atmospheric, Air-sea Momentum, Airflow Separation, Surface Waves, Turbulent Kinetic, Boundary, Conditions, Coupled, Coupling, Dynamics, Especially, Focus, Generated, Has, Incomplete, Parameterizations, Remains, Simulation, Turbulence, Velocity, Weather.

Upper Ocean Turbulence in Non-Equilibrium Conditions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Tobias Kukulka($314,322), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Wave-averaged Navier-stokes Equations, Weather And Climate, Breaking Wave, Coupled Ocean-atmosphere, Navier-stokes Equations, Ocean Models, Ocean Surface, Surface Fluxes, Wave-averaged Navier-stokes, Advance, Based, Boundary, Captures, Collaboration, Complex, Computational, Conceptual, Conditions, Coupling, Depends, Dynamics, Effects, Environment, Equilibrium, Evolution, Framework, Influence, LC, LES, Near, Non-equilibrium, OSBL, Observational, Observations, Ocean-atmosphere, Pollutants, Progress, Public, Sea, Theoretical, Turbulence, Waves, Wind.

Combining meteorological and oceanic observations for an improved SODA: reconstrucing climate variability during the past century
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. James A Carton($861,285), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Ocean And Sea, Sea Ice, Sea Level, Arctic, Assimilation, Basis, Climate, Corresponding, Decade, Effort, Experiments, Explore, Heat, Heating, Hiatus, Historical, Limited, Limits, Observing, Oceans, Past, Reanalysis, Salinity, Surface, Transport, Trends, Warming, Water.

Collaborative Research: Continuation and Enhancement of MPOWIR
Award Effective Date: 08/13/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Colleen B Mouw($29,511), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Town Hall Meetings, Geoscience Disciplines, Junior Women, Mpowir Activities, Conference, Field, Mentoring, Oceanographers, Oceanography, Population, Program, Resources, Retention, Senior, Surveys, Variety, Via, Website.

Role of Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics in Air-Sea Coupling over the Southern Ocean
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Natalie Perlin($829,465), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Atmosphere And Ocean, Sea Surface Temperature, Climate Modeling, Oceanic Mesoscale, Southern Ocean, Advection, Atmospheric, Comprehensive, Coupled, Coupling, Effects, Fronts, Idealized, Interactions, Leads, Main, Modulate, Particular, Resolution, Sharp, Simulations, Strong, Uptake.

Collaborative Research: Physical-Biological Processes of Gulf Stream Warm Core Rings: Vertical Nutrient Delivery and Ecosystem Response
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Peter Gaube($179,228), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Ke Chen($398,810), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Gulf Stream Warm, Stream Warm Core, Vertical Nutrient Delivery, Warm Core Rings, Northwest Atlantic, Biomass, Biophysical, Controlling, Dominant, Findings, Idealized, Mechanisms, Modeling, Numerical, Processes, Public, Satellite, Shelf-slope, Surface.

Wave effects in upper ocean turbulence models
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Eric D'Asaro($605,021), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Mixed Layer Turbulence, Analysis Methods, Cl Forcing, Gotm Framework, Kinetic Energy, Langmuir Turbulence, Model Code, Model-data Comparisons, Numerical Models, Surface Wave, Upper Ocean, Wave Breaking, Wave Effects, Wave Forcing, Wave-turbulence Interaction, Closure, Closures, Drifter, Enhance, Existing, Float, Gradient, LES, Lagrangian, Mixing, Model-data, Modeling, Momentum, Nsurface, Profiles, Public, Range, SMC, Structure, Theories, Turbulent, Wave-turbulence.

Collaborative Research: An Observational and Modeling Study of the Physical Processes Driving Exchanges between the Shelf and the Deep Ocean At Cape Hatteras
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. John M Bane($1,449,390), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. Ruoying He($684,899), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
3. Glen G Gawarkiewicz($1,865,131), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
4. Catherine R Edwards($1,218,152), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Near Cape Hatteras, Shelf-deep Ocean Exchange, Autonomous Gliders, Deep Ocean, Shelf Waters, Shelf-deep Ocean, Water Mass, Atmospheric, Basin-scale, Biogeochemical, Biological, Broad, Capacity, Carbon, Circulation, Currents, Ecosystems, Exploration, Export, Exported, Forcing, Gained, Importance, Model, Observational, Observed, Oceanic, Oxygen, Processes, Ranges, Realistic, Regions, Relevance, Resolution, Shifts, Spatial, Students, Temporal, Unprecedented, Western.

Upwelling and Lateral Exchange Over the Patagonian Shelf and Impacts on Southern Ocean Primary Productivity
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ricardo P Matano($447,823), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Brazilmalvinas Confluence, Burdwood Bank, Carbon Dioxide, Drake Passage, Northern Portion, Numerical Experiments, Nutrient Content, Off-shelf Flows, Previous Studies, Regional Circulation, South Atlantic, Southern Ocean, Upwelling Centers, Analyzed, Blooms, Centered, Climate, Ecosystem, Exchanges, Extending, Future, Hypothesized, Input, Iron, Islands, Malvinas, Model, Nested, Off-shelf, Outflows, Patagonia, Patagonian, Patagonias, Processes, Shelfbreak, Sub-mesoscale.

The Role of Advective Heat Fluxes in Buffering Annual to Interannual Temperature Variability over U.S. Inner Shelves
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Anthony Kirincich($803,087), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Surface Heat Fluxes, Across-shelf Exchange, Annual Cycle, Inner Shelf, Previous Studies, Regional Differences, Studies Indicate, Across-shelf, Advection, Along-shelf, Amplitude, Analysis, Coast, Coastal, Continent, Controlling, Inner-shelf, Lead, Observed, Processes, Temperature, Temperatures.

Characterizing Current and Wave Drag over Shallow Coral Reefs
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Steven J Lentz($382,006), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Current And Wave, Currents And Surface, Wave Friction Factors, Coral Reef, Coral Reefs, Drag Coefficient, Drag Coefficients, Hydrodynamic Roughness, Momentum Balance, Residual Error, Surface Gravity, Water Depth, Wave Drag, Wave-current Interactions, Account, Accurate, Advance, Barrier, Biochemical, Consistent, Dependence, Determining, Dongsha, Essential, Estimated, Estimates, Existing, Hydrodynamics, Integrating, Interpreting, Modeling, Observations, Sea, Sets, Spatial, Temporal, Wave-current, Waves.

Competition between mixed-layer instabilities in shallow fronts at subtropical latitudes in the ocean
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Sanjiv Ramachandran($223,297), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
Key terms: Deep Wintertime Mixed, Shallow Mixed Layers, Wintertime Mixed Layers, Baroclinic Instability, Frontal Instabilities, Frontal Mechanisms, Subtropical Latitudes, Symmetric Instability, Effects, Energy, Existing, Found, Fronts, Has, High-resolution, Horizontal, Knowledge, Large-scale, Near, Potential, Preference, Simulations, Submesoscale, Surface.

Collaborative Research: Understanding Multidecadal Changes in the Instrumental Mean Sea Level Record
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Peter Huybers($65,040), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Christopher G Piecuch($302,548), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
Key terms: Circulation And Climate, Hierarchical Bayesian Model, Multidecadal Sea Level, Vertical Land Motion, Basic Knowledge, Climate Models, Ocean Circulation, Altimetry, Approach, Available, Based, Centuries, Century, Efforts, Estimates, Fields, Global, Regional, Tide, Time.

RAPID: Offshore export of riverine water in the South Atlantic Bight during a strong El Nino event
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Renato M Castelao($40,296), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Distribution And Export, Altamaha River, El Nino, Extreme Conditions, K-12 Teachers, Offshore Export, Recently-developed Algorithm, Retrieve Salinity, River Discharge, Riverine Water, Situ Sampling, Transport Pathways, Atlantic, Average, Collected, Combination, Compared, Continent, Cross-shelf, Cruises, Drifter, Extensive, Georgia, Has, Investigate, Low, Observations, Opportunity, Processes, Recently-developed, Region, Relatively, SAB, Set, Seven, Shelf, Spring, Standard, Strong, Surface, Was.

Collaborative Research: Investigating the Effect of Internal Climate Variability on Sea Level in the Indian Ocean
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Philip Thompson($177,270), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Weiqing Han($86,175), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Benjamin D Hamlington($297,454), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: Future Sea Level, Indian Ocean Sea, Ocean Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, Sea Level Trends, Anthropogenic Portion, Climate Signals, Climate Variables, Indo-pacific Region, Internal Climate, Multivariate Reconstruction, Approach, Assessment, Basin, Continue, Current, Effect, Efforts, Employed, Estimates, Global, Has, Historical, Indo-pacific, Models, Observational, Past, Statistical, Vulnerable.

The coupled surfzone and inner-shelf heat budget: The effect of albedo, surface gravity, and internal waves
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Falk Feddersen($291,617), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Advective Heat Flux, Gravity Wave Energy, Inner-shelf Heat Budget, Pilot Surfzone Heat, Surface Gravity Wave, Surfzone Heat Budget, Coupled Surfzone, Field Experiment, Heat Fluxes, Inner-shelf Heat, Internal Wave, Internal Waves, Mechanisms Driving, Nearshore Temperature, Nonlinear Internal, Reducing Surfzone, Rip Currents, Solar Radiation, Surfzone Albedo, Water Depth, Wave Heating, Average, Breaking, Close, Considered, Critical, Cross-shore, Deployed, Drive, Driven, Economic, Evolution, Foam, Governing, Has, Highly, Implications, Importance, Incident, Influencing, Invertebrates, Magnitude, Measure, Mixing, Observations, Pathogens, Processes, Quantified, Quantify, Region, Regions, Relative, Resolved, SIO, Shoreline, Structure, Student, Summer, Unique, Was.

A Study of the Adiabatic Dynamics of Buoyancy-Driven Eastern Boundary Currents in an Ocean with Eddies
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Christopher L Pitt Wolfe($263,864), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Eastern Boundary Currents, Eddy Momentum Fluxes, Large-scale Buoyancy Gradient, Buoyancy-driven Ebcs, Coastal Topography, Eastern Boundaries, Equatorward Winds, External Factors, Large-scale Buoyancy, Poleward Current, Surface Buoyancy, Surface Currents, Upwelling-favorable Winds, Buoyancy-driven, Circulation, Contribute, Diapycnal, Drives, Dynamics, Effect, Formation, Found, Has, Leading, Meridional, Models, Near, Numerical, Oceanic, Oceanography, Persistent, Quantify, Regions, Strength, Subjected, Trapped, Trapping, Undercurrents, Upwelling-favorable, Water, Width, Wind-driven, Winter.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the Changing Global Distribution of Radiocarbon: Sampling and Analysis from GO-SHIP and Ships of Opportunity Cruises
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Ann P McNichol($618,221), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Robert M Key($262,530), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Repeat Hydrography Program, Carbon Dioxide, Deep Ocean, Global Carbon, Global Ocean, Ocean Carbon, Radiocarbon Distribution, Southern Ocean, Ventilation Rates, Based, Circulation, Indian, Models, Planned, Sampling.

Collaborative Research: The internal Surfzone: Wave-averaged circulation driven by nonlinear internal waves shoaling over spatially-varying bathymetry
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2016; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Alberto D Scotti($304,068), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
2. James Lerczak($429,423), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Nonlinear Internal Waves, Shoaling Internal Waves, Stratified Ocean Model, Adaptive Mesh, Mass Transport, Massachusetts Bay, Mean Flows, Modeling Component, Via Transport, Coastal, Driven, Increasing, Interdisciplinary, Momentum, Non-hydrostatic, Oceanography, Previous, Structure, Three-dimensional.

Along-shelf Transport and Cross-shelf Exchange Driven by Surface Waves on the Inner Continental Shelf
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2015; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Thomas P Connolly($125,618), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Environmental Conditions, Inner Shelf, Inner-shelf Circulation, Model Experiments, Numerical Modeling, Surf Zone, Surface Waves, Turbulent Mixing, Wave Forcing, Advection, Analysis, Bottom, Breaking, Complex, Development, Exchange, Field, Focused, Generate, Importance, Inner-shelf, Laboratory, Mechanisms, Models, Momentum, Near, Observations, Observed, Offshore, Processes, Realistic, Relative, Sediment, Spatial, Strong, Transport, Water, Wave-current, Wave-driven, Wind.

Stokes drift fluctuations and upper ocean diffusion
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2015; Program: PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY

1. Thomas Herbers($434,286), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Ocean Surface Waves, Coastal Environment, Drift Fluctuations, Lagrangian Theory, Stokes Drift, Surface Drift, Surface Kinematics, Upper Ocean, Break-up, Complex, Conditions, Currents, Developed, Development, Diffusion, Direct, Dispersion, Drifters, Dynamics, Framework, Medium, Near, Nonlinearity, Numerical, Observations, Particle, Particular, Processes, Random, Simulations, Small-scale, Theoretical, Transport.

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Sustainability in Chesapeake Bay shorescapes: climate change, management decisions, and ecological functions
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SEES Coastal

1. Sarah L Stafford($407,673), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
2. Michelle Covi($115,901), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
3. Donna Marie Bilkovic($941,590), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Chesapeake Bay Shorescapes, Sea Level Rise, Shoreline Property Owners, Ecological Consequences, Government Officials, Management Decisions, Shoreline Management, Shoreline Marshes, Sustainable Outcomes, Approach, Characteristics, Climate, Coastal, Conditions, Discover, Ecosystem, Estuarine, Function, Future, Human, Information, Living, Model, Natural, Perception, Policy, Primary, Scenarios, Services, Sustainability, Water.

Collaborative Research: Sustainability in Chesapeake Bay shorescapes: climate change, management decisions, and ecological functions.
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SEES Coastal

1. Shana C Jones($175,295), University of Georgia, Athens
Key terms: Chesapeake Bay Shorescapes, Sea Level Rise, Shoreline Property Owners, Ecological Consequences, Government Officials, Management Decisions, Shoreline Management, Shoreline Marshes, Sustainable Outcomes, Approach, Characteristics, Climate, Coastal, Conditions, Discover, Ecosystem, Estuarine, Function, Future, Human, Information, Living, Model, Natural, Perception, Policy, Primary, Scenarios, Services, Sustainability, Water.

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Climate change impacts on the sustainability of key fisheries of the California Current System
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2016; Program: SEES Hazards

1. Arielle Levine($520,150), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
2. Junjie Zhang($361,075), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
3. Arthur J Miller($618,774), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Fish Populations, Fisheries Scientists, Resource Management, Social Scientists, Behavior, California, Climate, Coastal, Economists, Fishers, Fishing, Lobster, Modeling, Ocean, Oceanographers, Sardine, Scenarios, Squid.

Coastal SEES: Enhancing sustainability in coastal communities threatened by harmful algal blooms by advancing and integrating environmental and socio-economic modeling
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: SEES Hazards

1. Christine J Kirchhoff($1,996,139), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Ecosystem Services, Future Habs, Phosphorous Loading, Policy Networks, Approach, Biophysical, Climate, Co-production, Coastal, Considering, Decisions, Drivers, Ecosystems, Engaged, Enhance, Fishing, Information, Integrated, Knowledge, Management, Model, Precipitation, Previous, Simulations, Stakeholder, Stakeholders, Sustainability, Usability, Water.

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Multi-scale modeling and observations of landscape dynamics, mass balance, and network connectivity for a sustainable Ganges-Brahmaputra delta
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: SEES Hazards

1. Carol Wilson($396,936), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
2. Irina Overeem($398,180), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Jonathan M Gilligan($810,211), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
4. Paola Passalacqua($394,266), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Knowledge Developed, Numerical Modeling, Populated Delta, Sea-level Rise, World's Largest, Activities, Anthropogenic, Bangladesh, Channel, Connectivity, Coupled, Deltas, Dynamics, Engineering, GBMD, Human, Infrastructure, Local, Network, Observational, River, Sea-level, Sediment, Specifically, Sustainability, Water, Worlds.

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Apex predators, ecosystems and community sustainability (APECS) in coastal Alaska
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: SEES Hazards

1. Michael S Stekoll($479,116), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
2. Stephen J Langdon($95,164), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
3. Ginny L Eckert($1,103,440), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Predators And Environmental, Quantification And Valuation, Alaska Native, Alaskan Natives, Apex Predators, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Drivers, Graduate Students, Sea Otters, Southeast Alaska, Traditional Knowledge, Allows, Coastal, Ecological, Ecosystems, Elders, Extinct, Fur, Harvest, Has, Humans, Hunting, Kelp, Livelihood, Marine, Nearshore, Opportunity, People, Potential, Resources, Shellfish, Sustainability, Time.

Coastal SEES: Coastal fog-mediated interactions between climate change, upwelling, and coast redwood resilience: Projecting vulnerabilities and the human response
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SEES Ship Operations

1. Roger M Samelson($1,749,658), University of California - Merced, Merced
Key terms: Coast Redwood Forests, Coast Redwood Resilience, Urban Heat Islands, Coast Redwoods, Coastal Fog, Coastal Ocean-atmosphere-land, Coastal Terrestrial, Marine Ecosystems, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Anthropogenic, Atmospheric, Behaviors, Berkeley, Circulation, Climate, Critical, Current, Difficult, Earth, Ecological, Fog-mediated, Forcing, Foundation, Future, Human, Iconic, Influence, Information, Integrated, Interactions, Interdisciplinary, Measuring, Modeling, Ocean-atmosphere-land, Outreach, Perceptions, Presence, Productive, Projected, Public, Regional, Simulations, Species, UC, Univ, Upwelling, Vulnerabilities.

Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Integration of human behavior and perception into a risk-based microbial water quality management approach
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SEES Ship Operations

1. Valerie J Harwood($999,995), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Maryann R Cairns($499,998), Northeastern University, Boston
Key terms: Coastal Water Quality, Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality, Quantitative Microbial Risk, Water Quality Management, Health Risks, Human Health, Public Health, Risk Assessments, Water Management, Approach, Approaches, Beach, Holistic, Identifying, Illness, Individuals, Interventions, Local, Pathogens, People, Play, Polluted, Practices, Societal, Stakeholders, Students, Wastewater, Worldwide.

Coastal SEES: developing new modeling tools to predict ocean acidification impacts on coastal ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: SEES Ship Operations

1. Jerome Fiechter($921,157), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Ph And Low, Ph And Oxygen, Central California, Coastal Upwelling, Coupled Physical-biogeochemical, Low Oxygen, Low Ph, Marine Organisms, Modeling Framework, Ocean Acidification, Assess, Capabilities, Conditions, Contribute, Current, Data-assimilative, Days, Duration, Enhance, Frequency, Future, Has, Identifying, Increase, Long-term, Lower, Magnitude, Management, Models, Monitoring, Occurrence, Physical-biogeochemical, Predicting, Processes, Seasonal, Spatial, Temporal, Training, Water.

Autonomous holographic imaging system for long term in situ studies of marine particle dynamics.
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SHIP ACQUISITION AND UPGRADE

1. Lysel Garavelli($949,883), Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
Key terms: Quantify Particle, Autonomous, Characteristics, Critical, Designed, Distribution, Dynamics, Fields, Fluid, Holographic, Instrument, Instruments, Marine, Optics, Particles, Sampling, Shape, Size, Undisturbed, Vastly, Volume.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography/West Coast Winch Pool SSSE
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Terry B Appelgate($118,113), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Coast Winch Pool, Magnetometer Tow Winch, Nsf West Coast, West Coast Winch, Requests Funds, Shared-use Instrumentation, Nsf-funded, SIO, Shared-use.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/ Ocean Class AGORS Oceanographic Instrumentation
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Lloyd D Keigwin($447,279), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Jumbo Piston Coring, Ocean Class Vessels, Portable Jumbo Piston, Sediment Coring, Shared-use Instrumentation, Capable, Importance, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use.

EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Marine Geology and Geophysics training cruise onboard the RV SIkuliaq for potential chief scientists
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Bernard J Coakley($125,883), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Robert A Pockalny($19,709), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Constraints Imposed, Assigned, Chief, Cruise, Day, Execution, Existing, Instrument, Instruments, Introduction, Participants, Pis, Plan, Planning, Presentations, Process, RFP, Sea, Ship, Spend, Student, Students, Survey, Time, Underway, Watch, Writing.

Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment - R/V Pelican 2016
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Joseph D Malbrough($205,800), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, LUMCON, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use, Vessel.

R/V Armstrong Operations- CY 16
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Albert F Suchy($6,187,152), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Intellectual Endeavors, Intellectual Merit, Mission Equipment, Outreach Programs, Pioneer Site, Rv Armstrong, Web Site, Whoi Vessels, Availability, Broaden, Classrooms, Country, Days, Development, Effectively, Efforts, Expeditions, Experience, Has, Maintained, NSF, OOI, Oceans, Operations, Participants, Pis, Process, Public, Safely, Scheduled, Sea, Sea-going, Ship, Stimulate, Students, Successful, Supported, Theory, Transition, Voyages.

EAGER - Great Lakes Research for Early Career Scientists
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Richard D Ricketts($54,866), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Academic Fleet, Training Cruises, Unols Ships, Generation, Lakes, NSF, Superior.

EAGER: Developing At-Sea & Telepresence-Led Deep-Submergence Science Leadership
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Cindy L Van Dover($227,610), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Deep Submergence Facility, National Deep Submergence, Submergence Facility Assets, Early-career Scientists, Leadership Development, Rv Atlantis, Alvin, Annual, Communication, Communications, Cruise, Deep-ocean, Deep-submergence, Dessc, ECS, Early-career, Experience, Interdisciplinary, Meeting, Planning, Remain, Reported, Telepresence-enabled, Workshop.

Ventilation of Denmark Strait Overflow Water in the Iceland and Greenland Seas
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Robert S Pickart($3,844,001), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Atmospheric And Oceanic, Denmark Strait Overflow, North Icelandic Jet, Northwest Iceland Sea, Southeast Greenland Sea, Strait Overflow Water, Water Mass Transformation, Dense Water, Southeast Greenland, AMOC, Advance, Aircraft, Arctic, Atlantic, Atlantic-origin, Campaign, Circulation, Climate, Component, Consists, Convection, Cruise, Current, Densest, Field, Fundamentally, Greenland-scotland, Has, IGP, International, Kingdom, Knowledge, Limb, Link, Modeling, Newly, Nordic, Observations, Program, Region, Ridge, Sampling, Seas, Source, Southward, Survey, Warm-to-cold, Wintertime.

Ship Operations - R/V Atlantic Explorer
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2012; Program: SHIP OPERATIONS

1. Quentin Lewis($21,393,364), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Atlantic Explorer, BIOS, Bermuda, Days, Sea.

Five Year Request for East Coast Winch Pool Facility (CY16-20) Year 1
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. David C Fisichella($4,656,462), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Coast Winch Pool, East Coast Winch, Woods Hole Oceanographic, Overboarding Equipment, Available, Center, Contact, Cost, Created, Engineering, Ensure, Expertise, Field, Logistics, Maintain, Maintenance, NSF, Operate, Operation, Portable, Requirements, Shipping, Spooling.

University of Washington-Oceanography R/V Thomas G. Thompson SSSE
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. William S Wilcock($961,427), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Barnes, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, RV, Scheduled, Shared-use, Thompson, Vessel.

2012 Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment (R/V Atlantic Explorer)
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Justin E Smith($64,922), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Rv Atlantic Explorer, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, BIOS, Bermuda, Control, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Program, Shared-use, Upgrade, Vessel.

University of Minnesota Duluth R/V Blue Heron SSSE 2016
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Richard D Ricketts($153,101), University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth
Key terms: Rv Blue Heron, Lakes Observatory, Oceanographic Laboratory, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, Minnesota, NSF, Nsf-funded, Shared-use, UNOLS, Vessel.

Enhancing the K2 ROV to Support Coastal Ocean Infrastructure and Science
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Ivar G Babb($381,889), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Infrastructure, Maintenance, NSF, Nsf-funded, Operation, ROV.

Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment CY16
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Jon Swallow($6,400), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Total Sailing Schedule, Rv Hugh, Shared-use Instrumentation, Coastal, Days, Delaware, Equipment, NSF, Nsf-funded, Operated, Shared-use, Sharp, Shipboard, Upgrade, Vessel.

University of Hawaii / Kilo Moana SSSE
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Alan Hilton($269,065), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Kilo Moana, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, Deck, Ft, Hawaii, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, Services, Shared-use, Space, Sq, Vessel, Was.

2016 Shipboard Scientific Support
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. David S Goldberg($15,945), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Shared-use Instrumentation, Capabilities, Days, Engineering, Langseth, NSF, Nsf-funded, Oceanographic, RV, Seismic, Shared-use, Surveys, Unique, Upgrade, Vessel.

Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment for RV Endeavor - 2016
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2016; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Thomas Glennon($31,132), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Total Sailing Schedule, Rhode Island, Rv Endeavor, Shared-use Instrumentation, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Operated, Shared-use, Vessel.

2015 Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment RV Atlantic Explorer
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2015; Program: SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC SUPP EQUI

1. Quentin Lewis($25,810), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
Key terms: Rv Atlantic Explorer, Overboarding Sheave, Shared-use Instrumentation, Acquisition, BIOS, Bermuda, Days, NSF, Nsf-funded, Program, Shared-use, Vessel.

National Deep Submergence Facility (CY16-CY20)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2016; Program: nan

1. Andrew D Bowen($58,101,458), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Deep Submergence, National Facility, Alvin, Day, Days, Jason, NDSF, NSF, Sentry, Vehicle, Vehicles.

Ship Operations, R/V Savannah
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2012; Program: nan

1. John Bichy($3,878,043), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Rv Savannah, Coastal, Days, Environments, Examine, Funding, Has, NSF, Operations, Ship, UNOLS, Vessel.