image host NSF-GEO-OPP Awards for 2019

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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An integrated geophysics cruise to map the northern edge in the Chukchi Borderland and the adjacent Canada Basin - constraints on basin history and crustal structure
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2021; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Bernard J Coakley($1,416,278), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Adjacent Continents, Adjacent Features, Alpha Ridge, Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean, Canada Basin, Chukchi Borderland, Crustal Structure, Mcs Survey, Northern Edge, Based, Below, Deep, Displacements, Has, History, Observations, Position, Refraction, Seafloor, Structures, Tectonic, Water.

Collaborative Research: Geological constraints on the disappearance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2020; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Gisela Winckler($551,997), Columbia University, New York
2. Gifford H Miller($88,504), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Barnes Ice Cap, Greenland Ice Sheet, Multiple Cosmogenic Nuclides, Remaining Vestige, Undergraduate Student, Warm Periods, Bedrock, Context, Continent, Covered, Current, Dimensions, Earth, Exposed, Geological, Interglaciations, LIS, Modern, North, Past, Quantify, Quaternary, Size.

Collaborative Research: Constraining the role of chemical transformations in the cycling of mercury at the Arctic Ocean air-sea interface
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2020; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. David C Kadko($400,514), Florida International University, Miami
2. Robert P Mason($482,258), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Gas Exchange, Ice Cover, Mercury Levels, Water Column, Arctic, Bioaccumulation, Predict, Radon, Reactions, Sea, Seawater, Sink, Surface, Waters.

Collaborative research: Climate controls on carbon accumulation in upland permafrost at millennial scales
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2020; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Edward A Schuur($500,143), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Jordan M Adams($51,328), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Carbon Accumulation, Permafrost Carbon, Sediment Cores, Arctic, Climate, Hillslope, Mass, Past, Processes, Quantify, Surficial, Upland.

Collaborative Research: Using seismic tremor to constrain seasonal variations in subglacial hydrology at the bed of the Greenland ice sheet
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Jeffrey J McGuire($330,124), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Mark D Behn($211,405), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Surface Velocities, Subglacial Meltwater Flow, Seasonal Velocity, Seismic Tremor, Approach, Channelization, Co-located, Has, Range, Regions, Site, Sub-glacial, Summer.

Scientific Program Overview: Troposphere High latitude INhibitors to multi-scale sea ICE Predictability (THINICE)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Steven M Cavallo($22,613), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Sea Ice Loss, Tpvs And Acs, Accurate Prediction, Arctic Cyclones, Continued Planning, Middle Latitudes, Analysis, Challenge, Contribute, Coupling, Critical, Cyclogenesis, Dynamical, Efforts, Evolution, Field, Intensity, NSF, Nsfs, Numerical, Observational, Ocean, Processes, Radiative, SPO, Structure, THINICE, Utilize, Weather.

Collaborative research: Arctic Shelf sediment fate - an observational and modeling study of sediment pathways and morphodynamic feedbacks in a changing polar environment
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Nina Stark($176,017), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Emily Eidam($492,635), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Accelerating Coastal Erosion, Temperate And Tropical, Coastal Ocean, Continental Shelf, Intensifying Wave, Sea-ice Extent, Sediment Transport, Shelf Profile, Alaskan, Arctic, Critical, Environments, Field, Geotechnical, Little, Months, Nutrients, Pathways, Processes, Properties, Rates, Reductions, Sea-ice, Seabed, Season, Seasonal, Sediments, Source, Students, Time, Timescales, Water.

Collaborative Research: Sea-level rise, coastal wetland expansion, and proglacial lake contributions to abrupt increases in northern atmospheric CH4 during the last deglaciation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Stephen E Frolking($209,597), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Jonathan O'Donnell($440,263), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Atmospheric Methane Concentrations, Existing Methane Fluxes, Newly Flooded Land, Past Methane Emissions, Polar Ice Core, Sea Level Rise, 18-8 Ka, Coastal Wetlands, Empirical Model, Newly Inundated, Proglacial Lake, Proglacial Lakes, Abrupt, Andc, Andd, Deglacial, Deglaciation, Global, Increases, Isotopes, Magnitude, Northern, Rapid, Reconstruct, SLR, Shelf, Timing.

Paleochronometry as a control problem for recovering holocene climate variations over the Greenland Ice Sheet
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Elizabeth Curry-Logan($465,523), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Model, Boundary Conditions, Ice Age, Model Calibration, Challenges, Climate, Consistent, Enables, Flow, Forcing, Gris, History, Holocene, Initialization, Internal, Observational, Open-source, Optimal, Past, Reconstruction, Serve, Surface.

When the Earth Warms: Paleoceanography at the Southern Ice Margin in the Bering Sea during Three Glacial-Interglacial Transitions
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Beth E Caissie($500,433), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Bering Sea Paleoceanography, Sea Ice Edge, Sea Ice Extent, Winter Sea Ice, North Pacific, Reconstructing Sea, Sea Surface, Cores, Database, Ocean, Paleoceanographic, Past, Productivity, Spatial, Temporal.

Greenhouse Gas Dynamics Across the Land-to-Ocean Continuum in the Canadian Archipelago
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. David Nicholson($868,229), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Global Methane Budget, Methane And Carbon, Spatial And Temporal, Cambridge Bay, Carbon Dioxide, Coastal Ocean, Poorly Constrained, Temporal Sampling, Arctic, Autonomous, Canada, Contribution, Extent, Field, Freshet, Gases, Has, Ice, Outgassing, Potential, Quantify, Rapid, Spring, Surface, Technology, Terrestrial, Transported, Vehicles.

A Northern Hemisphere Holocene Paleoatmospheric Record of Ethane and Acetylene from the GISP2 Ice Core
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Murat Aydin($599,631), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Ethane And Acetylene, Atmospheric Histories, Atmospheric Levels, Biomass Burning, Fire Emissions, Greenhouse Gases, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Time Scales, Trace Gases, Uc Irvine, Air, Antarctic, Climate, Development, Entrapped, Global, Greenland, Models, Past.

Ocean acidification in the western Arctic Ocean
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Wei-Jun Cai($391,263), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Western Arctic Ocean, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide, Mechanisms Controlling, Ocean Acidification, Atmosphere, Basin, CHINARE, Carbonate, Characterized, Climate, Collaboration, Collected, Earlier, Enhance, Environmental, Expansion, Feedbacks, Increased, Low, Pco, Ph, Predict, Public, Sea-ice, Subsurface, Summer.

Collaborative Research: 800-Year Trends in Anthropogenic and Marine Biogenic Sources of Arctic Sulfate Aerosol
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Jihong Cole-Dai($279,945), South Dakota State University, Brookings
2. Becky Alexander($532,526), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Greenland Ice Core, Melting Sea Ice, Dms Oxidation, Natural Source, Oceanic Phytoplankton, Phytoplankton Emissions, Phytoplankton Source, Sulfur Aerosol, Abundance, Aerosols, Algal, Arctic, Atmosphere, CE, Climate, Dating, Declined, Future, Has, Insight, MSA, Sensitivity, Sources, Sulfate.

Early Career Participant Support for a Chapman Conference in Selfoss, Iceland on Arctic Magmatism and Tectonics
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Bernard J Coakley($28,965), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Chapman Conference, Arctic.

RAPID: New Acceleration in Ordonnansbreen in the Negribreen Glacier System
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Ute C Herzfeld($136,120), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Neighboring Negribreen Glacier, Glacial Acceleration, Airborne, Analysis, Arctic, Classification, Elevation, Field, Larger, Machine, Mathematical, Observations, Ordonannsbreen, Processes, Satellite, Surface, Surge, Via, Warming.

CAREER: Reducing the projection uncertainty for Arctic sea ice loss
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Alexandra Jahn($833,726), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Sea Ice Projections, Climate Models, CMIP, CURE, Experience, Future, Predictions, Process-based, Processes, SIMIP, Spread, Student, Students.

Cosmogenic surface exposure dating of Arctic NW Laurentide ice-sheet deglaciation: implications for abrupt climate change
Award Effective Date: 06/07/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Anders E Carlson($349,641), Earth and Space Research, Seattle
2. Feng He($349,641), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Arctic Nw Laurentide, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Nw Laurentide Ice, Nw Lis Retreat, Abrupt Climate, Ice-margin Retreat, Ages, Beryllium-, Boulders, Deglacial, Deglaciation, Discharge, Ice-margin, Meltwater, Models, Periods, Sampling, Simulations, Sites, Timing, Transect.

Quantifying the relationship between erosion and permafrost thaw in a changing Arctic environment
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. eitan shelef($548,404), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Arctic Environments, Paleoclimate Fluctuations, Permafrost Thaw, Soil Erosion, Topographic Attributes, Approach, Carbon, Climate, Dependence, Latitudinal, Modeling, Outreach, Predict, Schools, Sediment.

Collaborative Research: What Controls Calving? A Greenland-wide Test of Terminus Change Mechanisms
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Ellyn M Enderlin($74,410), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Calving Laws, Calving Rates, Ice Sheet, Iceberg Calving, Marine Terminating, Marine-terminating Glaciers, Mass Loss, Terminus Positions, Analysis, Century, Diverse, Greenland, Marine-terminating, Prediction, Retreat, Reveal, Settings, Student.

Arctic evapotranspiration: A diagnostic synthesis and model assessment
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Susanne E Euskirchen($191,331), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Climate Model Output, Global Climate Model, Arctic Terrestrial, Climate Models, Global Models, Projecting Increases, Remote-sensing-derived Estimates, Surface Wetness, Vegetation Types, Alaska, Assess, Capture, Drivers, Evapotranspiration, Existing, Moisture, Precipitation, Projections, Remote-sensing-derived, Sites, Situ, Synthesize, Various, Vegetative, Water.

Assessing Transport Pathways into the Arctic and Their Efficiencies
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Yutian Wu($631,701), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Atmospheric Transport Pathways, Long-range Atmospheric Transport, Atmospheric Model, Long-range Atmospheric, Model Deficiencies, Advance, Arctic, Assess, Climate, Comprehensive, Dynamics, Experiments, Links, Mechanisms, Modeling, Models, National, Systematic, Underlying.

Carbonyl sulfide measurements in the GISP2D ice core from Summit, Greenland
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Eric S Saltzman($718,890), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Gisp2d Ice Core, Antarctic Ice, Atmospheric Cos, Gisp2d Ice, Hemisphere Atmosphere, Ice Cores, Northern Hemisphere, Plant Growth, Preindustrial Atmosphere, Stratospheric Sulfate, Uc Irvine, Air, Existing, GISPD, Gas, Greenland, History, Laboratory, Land, Natural, Photosynthesis, Plants, Previously, Students, Terrestrial, Unidentified.

RAPID: Ocean Forcing for Ice Sheet Models for the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2019; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Fiammetta Straneo($64,695), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ice Sheet Modeling, Ice Sheet Models, Sea Level Rise, Sixth Assessment Report, Ocean Forcing, Information, International, Ocean-atmosphere, Projections, Time.

Nitrous oxide cycling in the Western Arctic Ocean from stable isotopic and concentration data
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2018; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Annie Bourbonnais($116,720), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Nitrous Oxide Cycling, Western Arctic Ocean, Atmosphere, Baseline, Chukchi, Contribute, Educational, Offshore, Processes, Produced, Productive, School, Seas, Shelf, Transport, Waters.

Collaborative Research: Arctic Land Fast Sea Ice Formation in the Presence of Fresh Water Input
Award Effective Date: 06/30/2018; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Rachel W Obbard($127,875), SETI Institute, Mountain View
Key terms: Formation And Structure, Nearshore Sea Ice, Sea Ice Formation, Coastal Ocean, Freshwater Influence, Heat Transfer, Ice Cores, Brine, Differences, Field, Freezing, Growth, Input, Microstructural, Microstructure, Optical, Porosity, Rate, Runoff, Salinity, Situ, Stratigraphy, Temperature, Undergraduate.

Auroral Kilometric Radiation, Substorms, and Related Phenomena: Satellite Conjunction and Conjugate Studies at South Pole
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2019; Program: ANT Astrophys & Geospace Sci

1. James W LaBelle($124,999), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Akr-like Signals, Magnetic Field, Solar Wind, South Pole, Akr-like, Electromagnetic, Geospace, Ionospheric, Northern, Observations, Observed, Phenomena, Plasma, Radio, Satellite, Satellites.

Frozen Planet II
Award Effective Date: 10/15/2019; Program: ANT Coordination & Information

1. Elizabeth White($1), BBC Studios Americas, Inc., New York
Key terms: Frozen Planet Ii, Original Frozen Planet, Animal Behavior, Global Audience, Antarctica, Broadcast, Camera, Challenges, Consequences, Continent, Extraordinary, Filming, Landscapes, Life, Storytelling, Technology, Viewers, Wildlife, Worlds.

Portraits of Place: Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: ANT Coordination & Information

1. Shaun O'Boyle($1), O'Boyle Shaun, Dalton
Key terms: Amundsen-scott South Pole, South Pole Station, Amundsen-scott South, Antarctic, Buildings, Capturing, Infrastructure, Instruments, Landscapes, Objects, Photographic, Photographs, Portraits, Presentations, Public, Remote, Required, Sector, Unique, Visits, Visually.

Ice Core Time Capsules: The Art and Science of US Antarctic Glacier Research
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: ANT Coordination & Information

1. Todd Anderson($1), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Artist Book, Fine Art, Limited Edition, Antarctic, Antarctica, Artists, Artworks, Broad, Create, Educational, Elementary, Field, Framed, Landscape, Outreach, Resulting, USAP, Venues, Visual, Written.

The Worst Journey in the World - Graphic Novel
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Coordination & Information

1. Sarah J Airriess($1), Airriess, Sarah Johanna, Cambridge
Key terms: Ross Ice Shelf, Beardmore Glacier, Cape Crozier, Cape Evans, Mcmurdo Station, Ton Depot, ASPA, Antarctica, Artist, Books, Documented, Endnotes, Finished, Flights, Hut, Information, Online, Polar, Scott, Shared, Thoroughly, Via, Visits.

The Dufek Intrusion Ages: Crystallization or Cooling?
Award Effective Date: 12/31/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Jill A VanTongeren($301,763), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Cooling Profile, Cumulus Phases, Dufek Intrusion, Dufek Massif, Forrestal Range, Magma Chamber, Magma Chambers, Ages, Continent, Eruption, Exposed, Intrusions, Laboratory, Layered, Magmatic, Represent, Rock, Section, Separate, Thermal, Zircon.

Collaborative Research: The Magmatic and Eruptive System of Mount Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Ronni Grapenthin($162,035), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
2. Richard C Aster($342,567), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Julien Chaput($221,810), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Noise And Eruption, Ambient Noise, Cutting Edge, Ross Island, Seismic Network, Activity, Allow, Analyzed, Archived, Broadband, Catalog, Coda, Conduit, Continuous, Crust, Deeper, Developed, Edifice, Erebus, Existing, Frequency, GPS, Has, Imaging, Magmatic, Methods, Monitoring, Real-time, Scattering, Short-period, Signal, Signals, Stations, Structural, Structure, Techniques, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanos, Yround.

Collaborative Research: Understanding the Evolution of High-latitude Permo-Triassic Paleoenvironments and their Vertebrate Communities.
Award Effective Date: 08/27/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Peter J Makovicky($61,286), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Shackleton Glacier Region, Organic Matter, Ago, Antarctic, Antarctica, Boundary, Climate, Compared, Evolution, Extinction, Fossil, Fremouw, Has, Latitudes, Life, Lower, Million, Paleosol, Permo-triassic, Plant, Polar, Stable, Strata, Triassic, Vertebrates.

Collaborative Research: Ice sheet erosional interaction with hot geotherm in West Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Christine S Siddoway($219,571), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
2. Stuart N Thomson($135,490), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Marie Byrd Land, Zircon And Apatite, Geothermal Gradient, Glacial Incision, Low-t Thermochronometers, Pecube 3-d, Thermal Evolution, Bedrock, Cenozoic, Conditions, Continent, Cooling, Crust, Cut, Degrees, Favorable, Fluctuations, Glacier, Glaciers, History, Landscape, Low-t, MBL, Narrow, Past, Rapid, Region, Repository, Rock, Temperature, Time, Timing, Topographic, Topography, Troughs, WAIS.

Collaborative Research: Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Investigation of Hydrologic Change in East Antarctica in the 4 Million Years Before Full Glaciation
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Sarah Feakins($252,379), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Howard Scher($163,991), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, East Antarctic Ice, Organic And Inorganic, Glacial Advance, Ice Sheets, Inorganic Proxies, Prydz Bay, Access, Antarctica, Approach, Archives, Biomarkers, Climate, Continent, Cooling, Education, Efforts, Erosion, Expansion, Glaciations, Glaciers, Greenhouse, Growth, Hydroclimate, Isotopes, Local, Million, Phd, Plant, Plants, Precipitation, Seafloor, Sediment, Sediments, Student, Timing, Transition, Volume, Weathering.

Fe Behavior and Bioavailability in Sub-aerial Runoff into the Ross Sea
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Christopher Gardner($453,130), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Atmospheric Carbon, Carbon Cycle, Dissolved Iron, Glaciers Retreat, Mcmurdo Dry, Particulate Iron, Social Media, Southern Ocean, Terrestrial Glaciers, Affect, Antarctic, Antarctica, Bioavailability, Center, Coastal, Determined, Draining, Experiments, Fe, Flux, Future, Ice-free, Increased, Limited, Marine, Performed, Phytoplankton, Primary, Regions, Schools, Source, Sources, Speciation, Stream, Streams, Urban.

Unlocking the Glacial History of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica by Fingerprinting Glacial Tills with Detrital Zircon U-Pb Age Populations
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Garrett W Tate($627,119), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Antarctic Ice Sheets, Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Geochemical Techniques, Glacial Deposits, Glacial Tills, Ice Flow, Analyses, Antarctica, Deposited, Determining, Distinguish, Expansion, Extent, MDV, Mapping, Million, Past, Source, Sources, Systematic, Zircon.

CAREER: Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy
Award Effective Date: 06/30/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Joseph S Levy($588,519), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Antarctic Groundwater, Groundwater Drives, Groundwater Extent, Near-surface Groundwater, Permafrost Thaw, Soil Moisture, Uav Academy, Water Tracks, Aerial, Budget, Carbon, Cycle, Cycling, Desert, Distribution, Field, Geoscience, Hydrological, Ice, Imaging, Influence, Level, MDV, Mapping, Nsurface, Objectives, Pilots, Processes, Regional, School, Seasonal, Students, Summer, Tools, Training, Undergraduate, Via, Wetlands.

Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Science Meeting 2019 plus Deep Field Planning Workshop; October 2019; Julian, CA
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Kathy J Licht($49,866), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Camp Planning Workshop, Deep Field Camp, Invited Speakers, Antarctic, Committee, IAES, Interdisciplinary, Participants.

Collaborative Research: Integrating Eocene Shark Paleoecology and Climate Modeling to reveal Southern Ocean Circulation and Antarctic Glaciation
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Howard Scher($177,168), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
2. Alexandra Jahn($78,056), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Sora Kim($356,707), University of California - Merced, Merced
4. Matthew Huber($317,382), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Climate Model Simulations, Fossil Shark Teeth, Shark Teeth Collected, Geochemical Analyses, Global Climate, Greenhouse Gas, Ocean Circulation, Antarctic, Antarctica, Conditions, Environmental, Eocene, Glaciation, Icehouse, Interaction, Paleontological, Past, Processes, Shift, Tectonic, Time.

Deciphering Changes in Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide Concentration During the Last Ice Age Using the Intramolecular Site-Preference of Nitrogen Isotopes
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Edward J Brook($399,998), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Atmospheric N2o Concentration, Atmospheric N2o, Greenhouse Gas, Ice Age, N2o Concentration, Nitrous Oxide, Time Periods, Ago, Antarctica, Climate, Creating, Emissions, Isotopic, Modern, Natural, Sources, Spans, Unique, Useful, Warm, Warming.

Abrupt CO2 Change and the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies: Testing the Upwelling Hypothesis
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Christo Buizert($714,992), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Hemisphere Westerly Winds, Southern Hemisphere Westerlies, Southern Hemisphere Westerly, Atmospheric Co2, Ice Age, Ago, Analytical, Antarctic, Carbon, Climate, Concentration, Dansgaard-oeschger, Evidence, Existing, Heinrich, Ice-core, Measure, Models, Natural, Ocean, Past, Resolution, Rise, Shifts, Southwards, Upwelling, Warming, Was.

Ross Ice Shelf Geothermal Flux (RISGF) - Direct Borehole Measurements as Part of the New Zealand Ross Ice Shelf Programme
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Slawek M Tulaczyk($92,223), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Geothermal Flux Distribution, West Antarctic Ice, Basal Melting, Ice Shelf, Ice-sheet Models, Environments, Ice-sheet, Magnitude, Relatively, Rift, Spatial.

NSFGEO-NERC: Ice-shelf Instability Caused by Active Surface Meltwater Production, Movement, Ponding and Hydrofracture
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Alison F Banwell($616,821), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Douglas R MacAyeal($144,129), University of Chicago, Chicago
3. Laura A Stevens($44,089), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: George Vi Ice, Vi Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Surface Lakes, Antarctic, Break-up, Flexure, Fracture, Ice-shelf, Instability, Meltwater, Stress, Subsurface, Water.

Antarctic Submarine Melt Variability from Remote Sensing of Icebergs
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Ellyn M Enderlin($221,344), Boise State University, Boise
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Interior, Ice Sheet Periphery, Spatial And Temporal, Amundsen Sea, Drift Rates, Glacier Ice, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Iceberg Melt, Iceberg Melting, Melt Rates, Ocean Forcing, Ocean Warming, Satellite Images, Submarine Melting, Yield Insights, Antarctica, Available, Coast, Compared, Effects, Field, Flow, Flux, Icebergs, Observations, Regions, Repeat, Time, Water.

Symposium: Fifty Years of Radioglaciology
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Dustin M Schroeder($25,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Five Decades, Radar Sounding, Subsurface Conditions, Analysis, Earth, Geophysicists, Ice, Ice-sheet, Instruments, Modelers, Participants, Planetary, Radio-sounding, Symposium.

Characterization of Antarctic Firn by Multi-Frequency Passive Remote Sensing from Space
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Mustafa Aksoy($337,081), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometer, Antarctic Firn, Gpm Constellation, Grain Size, Layer Thickness, Multi-frequency Microwave, Analyses, Datasets, Density, Depth, In-situ, Long-term, Models, Properties, Retrieval, Snow, Space, Temperature, Thermal, Training.

CAREER: Fracture Mechanics of Antarctic Ice Shelves and Glaciers - Representing Iceberg Calving in Ice Sheet Models and Developing Cyberlearning Tools for Outreach
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Ravindra Duddu($555,012), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Floating Ice Shelves, Fracture Mechanics, Ice Sheet, Ice-sheet Models, Iceberg Calving, Mass Loss, Aims, Antarctic, Computational, Engineering, Glaciology, Ice-sheet, Nonlinear, Plan, Reliable, Students.

Collaborative Research: Water on the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Quantifying Surface Melt and Mapping Supraglacial Lakes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2017; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Mahsa Sadat Moussavi($198,459), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Antarctic Surface Melt, Antarctic Ice, Climate Model, Supraglacial Lakes, Conditions, Formation, Future, Ice-shelf, Numerical, Observations, Sea-level, Spatial, Time.

EAGER: Refining glacial lake history in Taylor Valley, East Antarctica with alternative geochronometers
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Peter T Doran($45,349), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Dating And Osl, Lake Level Fluctuations, Lake Level History, Alternate Dating, Antarctic Dry, Dating Techniques, Exposure Dating, Past Climate, Reliable Alternate, Situ Carbon-14, Taylor Valley, Ages, Analyzed, Ancient, Antarctica, Chronologies, Chronology, Deposits, Ecosystem, Establish, Increase, Lacustrine, Lakes, Late, Organic, Polar, Prepared, Student.

Unpinning of the Ross Ice Shelf from Ross Bank
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Philip J Bart($1,274,662), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctic Ice, Ice Shelves, Roosevelt Island, Ross Bank, Ross Sea, Buttressing, Continent, Cores, Cruises, Dynamics, Existing, Flow, Future, Interior, Oceans, Offshore, Pinning, Public, RIS, Rise, Submarine, Unpinned, Unpinning.

WAIS Workshops 2019-2021: An Annual Transdisciplinary Forum for Studies of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by the next Generation of Polar Scientists
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Matthew R Siegfried($147,464), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Behavior, Early-career, Held, Past, Students, WAIS, Workshop, Workshops.

Group Travel Award: SCAR XIII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences: Korea, July 2019
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Deneb Karentz($35,000), University of San Francisco, San Francisco
Key terms: International Symposium, Antarctic, ISAES, Interdisciplinary, Participation, SCAR, Travel.

RAPID: An Improved Understanding of Mesoscale Wind and Precipitation Variability in the Ross Island Region Based on Radar Observations
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2019; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Mark W Seefeldt($125,070), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ross Island, Aviation, Features, Field, Mcmurdo, Mesoscale, Observations, Radar, Region, Scanning, Season, X-band.

Collaborative Research: Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program 2019-2022
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Lee J Welhouse($1,143,437), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Antarctic Automatic Weather, Automatic Weather Station, Weather And Climate, Weather Station Network, Station Network, Surface Observations, AWS, Cold, Effort, Layer, Measure, Near, Winter.

Collaborative Research: Southern Ocean Carbon Gas Observatory (SCARGO)
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Kathryn McKain($67,110), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Britton Stephens($1,132,582), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Southern Ocean Carbon, Air-sea Fluxes, Carbon Dioxide, Air-sea, Airborne, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Enabling, Evolution, Interannual, LC-, Modeling, Platform, SCARGO, Summertime.

Wave Glider Observations of Surface Fluxes and Mixed-layer Processes in the Southern Ocean
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. James Thomson($826,469), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Remote Southern Ocean, Air-sea, Antarctic, Autonomous, Development, Global, Otherwise, Processes, Surface.

Genome Evolution in Polar Fishes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Joanna L Kelley($831,214), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Functional Differences Shape, Polar And Non-polar, Adaptive Trajectories, Antifreeze Proteins, Marine Fishes, Molecular Evolution, Multiple Polar, Non-polar Fishes, Polar Environments, Polar Fishes, Adaptation, Adaptations, Antarctic, Cellular, Clarify, Cold, Cold-adapted, Compare, Compounds, Conditions, Directorate, Doing, Evolutionary, Evolved, Extreme, Freezing, Genomes, Processes, Program, Rates, Rural, Selection, Speciation, Species, Survive, Temperature, Trends, Waters.

Collaborative Research: A New Baseline for Antarctic Blue and Fin Whales
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Alyson H Fleming($449,925), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
2. Matthew D McCarthy($243,152), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Blue And Fin, Largest Krill Predators, Antarctic Blue, Commercial Whaling, Fin Whales, Food Web, Stable Isotope, Stress Levels, Analyses, Archive, Baleen, Base, Biology, Cetacean, Climate, Ecology, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Has, Historic, Individuals, Modern, Population, Populations, Program.

Collaborative Research: Have transantarctic dispersal corridors impacted Antarctic marine biodiversity?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Andrew R Mahon($499,577), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
2. Kenneth M Halanych($667,605), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Benthic Marine Invertebrate, Ross And Weddell, Antarctic Benthic, Ice Shelf, Marine Invertebrates, Seaways Connected, Southern Ocean, Weddell Seas, Alternative, Antarctica, Assess, Changing, Current, Distribution, Divergence, Environmental, Factors, Fauna, Genetic, Origins, Periods, Planet, Population, SNP, Shaped, Species, Structure, Taxa, Transantarctic.

Collaborative Research: Linking Predator Behavior and Resource Distributions: Penguin-directed Exploration of an Ecological Hotspot
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Megan Cimino($234,938), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Kelly J Benoit-Bird($323,836), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing
3. Mark A Moline($584,434), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Antarctic Krill, Chick-rearing Period, Environmental Conditions, Foraging Behavior, Individual Foraging, Auvs, Behaviors, Characteristics, Chick-rearing, Collect, Collected, Critical, Efforts, Extremely, Feeding, Fine, Food, Habitat, Has, Influenced, Linked, Penguin, Penguins, Predator, Predators, Prey, Region, Simultaneously, Structure, Swarms.

Assemblage-wide effects of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming on Ecologically important Macroalgal-associated Crustaceans in Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. James B McClintock($698,825), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham
Key terms: Chemically Defended, Crustacean Assemblages, Ocean Acidification, Undersea Forests, Additional, Amphipod, Amphipods, Antarctic, Antarctica, Benefit, Carbon, Climate, Conditions, Elevated, Grazers, Losers, Marine, Public, Relative, Seawater, Seaweeds, Species, Training, Warming, Winners.

NSFGEO-NERC: Mechanisms of Adaptation to Terrestrial Antarctica through Comparative Physiology and Genomics of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Insects
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Nicholas M Teets($923,840), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Educational Content, Environmental Conditions, Genome Sequences, Midge Species, Adaptation, Adaptations, Agreement, Allow, Antarctic, Antarctica, Budget, Chile, Cold, Compare, Environments, Extreme, Field, France, Genetic, Genomics, Has, Insect, Insects, K-, Local, Mechanisms, Molecular, Physiological, Population, Proportion, Range, Students, Sub-antarctic, Survive, UK.

New Frontiers in Antarctic Marine Biology Symposium
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. James B McClintock($19,496), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham
Key terms: Antarctic Marine, Marine Environments, Advances, Antarctica, Aspects, Biology, SICB, Symposium, Topics.

CAREER: Understanding Microbial Heterotrophic Processes in Coastal Antarctic Waters
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Jeff Bowman($904,107), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Antarctic Marine Bacteria, Bacterial Populations, Coastal Antarctic, Heterotrophic Bacteria, Marine Foodweb, Microbial Diversity, Organic Carbon, Top-down Controls, Ecological, Ecosystem, Environment, Experiments, Field, Function, Genomes, Grazing, Larger, Model, Mortality, Phytoplankton, Predators, Previous, Processes, Protists, Rates, Strains, Technology, Temperate, Top-down, Viruses, Waters, Zooplankton.

Does Nest Density Matter? Using Novel Technology to Collect Whole-colony Data on Adelie Penguins
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Mac Schwager($607,242), Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Petaluma
Key terms: Automated Image Processing, Image Processing Workflow, Ross Sea Marine, Sea Marine Protected, Adelie Penguin, Adelie Penguins, Breeding Success, Information Gained, Monitoring Plan, Nest Density, Nesting Density, Nesting Habitat, Nesting Habitats, Ross Island, Terrestrial Nesting, Unmanned Aerial, Algorithms, Antarctica, Changing, Colonies, Contribute, Developed, Ecosystem, Educational, Estimate, Indicators, Models, Outreach, Population, Potential, Programs, Region, Size, Software, Species, Surveys, Terrain.

Polar Seabirds with Long-term Pair Bonds: Effects of Mating on Individual Fitness and Population Dynamics
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Hal Caswell($673,718), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Growth And Structure, Individual Fitness Components, Long-term Individual Mark-recapture, Fitness Components, Individual Mark-recapture, Life-history Outcomes, Long-term Individual, Occupancy Times, Pair Bonds, Pair Disruption, Polar Species, Population Dynamics, Population Growth, Resulting Effects, Snow Petrel, Unique Long-term, Vital Rates, Wandering Albatross, Breeding, Climate, Consequences, Developing, Divorce, Drivers, Fisheries, Focus, Impacts, Life-history, Mating, Model, Quantify, Sets, Survival, Widowhood.

Unraveling the Genomic and Molecular Basis of the Dive Response: Nitric Oxide Signaling and Vasoregulation in the Weddell Seal
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Allyson Hindle($52,812), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Low Oxygen Conditions, Blood Vessel, Local Blood, Weddell Seal, Weddell Seals, Ability, Allow, Antarctic, Based, Biologists, Breath-hold, Cardiovascular, Cell, Cells, Control, Dive, Diving, Flow, Generate, Genes, Genomic, Heart, Information, Molecular, Periods, Physiological, Pressure, Public, Resulting, Signaling, Specific, Sustain, Thrive, Tissues, Underlying, Unravel.

EAGER: Navigating Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) at the Ice-water Boundary
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2020; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Mingxi Zhou($293,134), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Collision Avoidance, Ice-water Interface, Sea Ice, Unmanned Underwater, Air-sea, Algorithms, Arctic, Autonomous, Blooms, Boundary, Collection, Critical, Detection, Developed, Ice-water, Involving, Navigation, Observations, Ocean, Processes, Robust, Safe, Sensors, UUV, Under-ice, Uuvs.

SitS NSF-UKRI: Collaborative Research: Sensors UNder snow Seasonal Processes in the evolution of ARctic Soils (SUN SPEARS)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2020; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Pacifica Sommers($377,231), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Carlos A Oroza($421,085), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Arctic Soils, Glacier Retreat, Repeated Field, Rural Colorado, Agriculture, Classrooms, Climate, Collaborative, Contribute, Council, Development, Effects, Effort, Evolution, Extent, Following, Model, Monitoring, Processes, Remote, Seasonal, Sensors, Students, Summer, Training, Utah, Via, Yround.

Collaborative Research: AON: The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Robert G Spencer($520,120), Florida State University, Tallahassee
2. James W McClelland($342,637), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Alexander Shiklomanov($206,149), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Chemistry And Discharge, Nine Additional Rivers, Arctic Ocean, Daily Discharge, Largest Rivers, Pan-arctic Watershed, River Chemistry, Rivers Observatory, Russian Arctic, Arcticgro, Arcticgros, Arctics, Coastal, Continent, Inputs, Occurring, Pan-arctic, Processes, Six, Watersheds.

Developing Science Drivers for a Proposed US High Arctic Research Center: Fairbanks, AK - October 2019
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Nettie LaBelle-Hamer($49,961), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Engage Arctic, Increased Access, Activities, Alaska, Basic, Center, Changing, Climate, Coastal, Conditions, Conference, Create, Developed, Drivers, Environment, Establishment, Experts, Fairbanks, Federal, HARC, Infrastructure, Insufficient, Knowledge, Monitoring, Natural, Partners, Permanent, Potential, Pursuit, Stakeholders, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: The Polaris Project - Catalyzing Change in the Arctic Research Community
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Paul J Mann($965,531), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
2. Seeta Sistla($70,235), Hampshire College, Amherst
Key terms: Local And Indigenous, Undergraduate Education, Alaska, Arctic, Co-production, Design, Expedition, Knowledge, Mentoring, Model, Polaris, Societal, Students.

Collaborative Research: The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO)-A Change Detection Array in the Pacific Arctic Region
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Lee W Cooper($3,654,193), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
2. Karen E Frey($571,649), Clark University, Worcester
Key terms: Bering And Chukchi, Chukchi Seas, Northern Bering, Sea Ice, Arctic, Biological, Concentration, Environmental, Plan, Policy, Seasonal, Seawater, Trophic, Warming.

Collaborative Research: The Arctic Observing Network - Capturing and Understanding Arctic Change with Renewed Observations at the Davis Strait Gateway
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Kathleen M Stafford($3,669,176), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Alexandra Jahn($385,799), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Freshwater And Heat, Subpolar North Atlantic, Arctic Outflow, Davis Strait, Fram Strait, Ocean Interior, Oceanic Heat, Accelerating, Bering, Circulation, Critical, DBO, Equator-to-pole, Exchange, Forcing, Gateways, Glaciers, Greenland, Ice, Labrador, Marine, Mechanisms, Melt, Melting, Numerical, Observations, Potential, Regions, Sea, Sensors, Surface, Transport, Waters.

CAREER: UAS-Based Radar Suite for Sounding and Mapping Glaciers
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Emily J Arnold($609,816), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Topography And Surface, Bed Topography, Bedrock Topography, Critical Regions, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Post-secondary Students, Remote Sensing, Sea Level, Slr Predictions, Surface Crevasses, Capabilities, Century, Drones, Dynamic, Enable, Environmental, Global, Payload, Polar, Post-secondary, Resolution, Social, Technological, Uncertainty.

NNA: Collaborative Research: Indigenous Observation Network 2.0: Impacts of Environmental Change on the Yukon and Kuskokwim Watersheds
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Nicole Herman-Mercer($634,345), Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, Anchorage
2. Alexander Kholodov($486,851), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Indigenous Observing Network, Intertribal Watershed Council, Long-term Water Quality, Observation And Monitoring, Quality Monitoring Sites, River Intertribal Watershed, Water Quality Monitoring, Yukon River Intertribal, Yukon River Watershed, Active Layer, Capacity Building, Discontinuous Permafrost, Ion Chemistry, Long-term Water, Monitoring Program, Permafrost Depth, Sampling Methods, Alaska-fairbanks, Analysis, Arctic, Co-production, Complementary, Continue, Decades, Driven, Expand, Has, Interpreted, Involves, Knowledge, Led, Modelling, Numerous, Occurred, Partnership, Thawing, Training, YRITWC.

Continuing Support of Sustainable Observations of Thermal State of Permafrost in North America and Russia: The U.S. Contribution to the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Alexander Kholodov($2,986,061), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Ground Surface, Monitoring Sites, Permafrost Observatories, Alaska, Arctic, Canadian, Continue, GTN-P, Geomorphological, Ice, Long-term, Network, Nsurface, Standardized, TSP, Temperature, Warming.

Collaborative Research: Improving Research Coordination for Summit Station and the Dry-Snow Zone of Greenland
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ARC Rsch Support & Logistics

1. Jack E Dibb($173,209), University of New Hampshire, Durham
2. Von P Walden($109,985), Washington State University, Pullman
3. Zoe Courville($299,540), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Coordination Office, Environmental Observatory, Summit Station, Arctic, Content, Encouraging, Focus, Greenland, International, Logistics, Students, Website.

Collaborative Research: Arctic Stream Networks as Nutrient Sensors in Permafrost Ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Benjamin W Abbott($543,023), Brigham Young University, Provo
2. Jay P Zarnetske($546,859), Michigan State University, East Lansing
3. William B Bowden($415,796), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Carbon And Nutrient, Nutrient Flux, Permafrost Degradation, Permafrost Region, Alaska, Arctic, Climate, Conditions, Directly, Ecosystem, Influence, Land, Lateral, Local, Multi-scale, Network, Nutrients, Plant, Quantify, Release, Released, Spatial, Stream, Water, Weather, Wildfire.

Interdisciplinary Workshop on 'Arctic Climate And Weather Extremes: Detection, Attribution, And Future Projection'
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. John Katzenberger($49,334), Aspen Global Change Institute, Basalt
Key terms: Arctic Climate, Knowledge Gaps, Sea Ice, Extreme, Long-term, Mean, Model, Monthly, Objectives, Participants, Periods, Processes, Seasonal, Trends, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: Linking sea ice and snow cover changes to Greenland mass balance through stratospheric and tropospheric pathways
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Marco Tedesco($442,373), Columbia University, New York
2. Thomas L Mote($247,635), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
3. Judah Cohen($299,761), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice And Snow, Sea Ice Cover, Sea Level Rise, Atmospheric Circulation, Ice Cover, Snow Cover, Arctic, Climate, Decline, Extent, Future, Mass, Rate, Warming.

Climate Drivers and Ancient History in Greenland Ice
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Joseph McConnell($1,158,569), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Chemical Species, Economic Activity, Greenland Ice, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Lead Pollution, Volcanic Eruptions, Analysis, Analyzed, Ancient, Archaeologists, Climate, Dated, Detailed, Economists, Environmental, Food, Historians, Historical, Ice-core, Indicator, Industrial, Linked, Past, Plagues, Silver, Social, Societies, Unrest, Upstream, Volcanism, Wars.

Collaborative Research: Permafrost Carbon Network: Synthesizing flux observations for benchmarking model projections of permafrost carbon exchange
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. David Lawrence($434,563), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Christina Schaedel($1,062,852), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Dioxide And Methane, Permafrost Carbon Network, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Models, Climate Warming, Activities, Atmosphere, Frozen, Future, Global, Increase, Networking, Past, Society, Synthesis, Updated, View.

Collaborative Research: Fresh water and heat fluxes to the Arctic Ocean modeled with tree-ring proxies
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. David C Frank($781,185), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Alexander Shiklomanov($528,776), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Flow And Heat, Heat And Energy, Arctic Ocean, Heat Budgets, River Gauge, Sea Ice, Yenisei River, Amplification, Changing, Climatic, Collaboration, Consideration, Decades, GCM, International, Model, Natural, Online, Processes, Reconstruct, Reconstruction, Regions, Runoff, TR-RIMS, Temperature, Tool, Tree-ring, Trends, Underlying, Warming, Water.

Chemistry of reactive gases in the Arctic sea ice and atmosphere
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Detlev Helmig($420,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sea Ice, Arctic, Atmospheric, Commercial, Compounds, Gas, Gaseous, Mercury, Mosaic, Nitrogen, Ozone, Reactive, Surface, UK, Vocs.

Integrating novel molecular techniques to disentangle the roles of climate, time, and human agency on the evolution of the Icelandic landscape
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Julio C Sepulveda($1,296,296), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Widespread Soil Erosion, Global Average, Ice Age, Icelandic Landscape, Lake Sediment, Woody Plants, Arctic, Calibrations, Climate, DNA, Datasets, Ecosystems, Energy, History, Holocene, Human, Icelands, Increase, Past, Phd, Proxies, Respond, Sedimentary, Settlement, Stratified, Summer, Surface, Temperature, Track, Vegetation, Warm, Warming, Was.

Advancing US Participation in the International Synoptic Arctic Survey
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Carin Ashjian($73,472), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Arctic Ocean Ecosystem, Synoptic Arctic Survey, Field Effort, Implementation Plan, International Program, Woods Hole, Activities, Baseline, Carbon, Committee, Coordinated, Engage, Environmental, Envisioned, Future, Held, Lead, Ongoing, Outcomes, Participation, Planned, Planning, Promoting, Public, Regions, SAS, Summers, Workshop, Writing.

Enhancing the Value of MOSAiC through Coordination and Outreach
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Matthew D Shupe($1,020,385), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Modern Multimedia Content, Outreach And Education, Multimedia Content, Achieve, Activities, Arctic, Co-leadership, Communication, Communications, Contribution, Coordination, Coupled, Curriculum, Dedicated, Development, Drifting, Educational, Effective, Endeavor, Engaging, Ensures, Expedition, Framework, International, Jointly, Leadership, MCO, Maximize, Models, Mosaic, National, Objectives, Observations, Overall, Participation, Partners, Planetarium, Processes, Products, Resources, Societal.

Monitoring Sea Ice Evolution with Ultrawideband Microwave Radiometry in the MoSAIC Campaign
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Joel T Johnson($630,683), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Sea Ice Thickness, Ultra-wideband Microwave Radiometer, Ice Properties, Remote Sensing, Thermal Emissions, Ultra-wideband Microwave, Ability, Acquired, Advancing, Arctic, Atmosphere, Campaign, Deploying, Enable, Evolution, Extensive, Extent, Floe, Frequencies, Future, Ghz, Information, Instrument, Models, Monitoring, Mosaic, Observation, Ocean, Salinity, Situ, Spatial, Temperature.

Collaborative Research: Causes and Consequences of Catastrophic Thermokarst Lake Drainage in an Evolving Arctic System
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Benjamin M Jones($1,488,193), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Catastrophic Lake Drainage, Carbon Storage, Coastal Plain, Snow-dam Outburst, Thermokarst Lakes, Arctic, Climate, Conceptual, DTLB, Development, Dtlbs, Environmental, Expand, Flood, Future, Ground, Habitat, Has, Hazards, Industry, Model, Permafrost, Predicting, Process, Processes, Snow-dam, Vegetation, Villages, Water.

United States Representation in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC): 2019-2023
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: ARCTIC RES & POLICY SUPPORT PR

1. Larry D Hinzman($1,239,102), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Council, Arctic Region, International Arctic, Committee, Connected, Coordination, Countries, Country, Development, Economic, Environmental, Global, IASC, Issues, Organization, Organizations, Political, Relatively, Represent.

Immigration and integration in rural Arctic communities
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2020; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Unnur Skaptadottir($895,806), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Integration Means, Native Residents, Anthropological, Arctic, Context, Immigrants, Immigration, Outcomes, Percentage, Population, Rates, Rural, Size, Social, Villages.

Documenting and Archiving the Music of St. Lawrence Island: An Endangered Record of History and Change
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Henry P Huntington($199,373), Huntington Consulting, Eagle River
Key terms: Lawrence Island Yupik, Songs And Dances, Island Yupik, Archive, Available, Book, Cultural, Damage, Digital, Future, Heritage, History, Indigenous, Information, Media, Music, People, Recordings, Savoonga, St.

Adaptations to Repetitive Flooding: Understanding Cross-Cultural and Legal Possibilities for Long-Term Solutions to Flooding Disaster
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Elizabeth K Marino($750,019), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Experiencing Repetitive Flooding, Inupiat Perspective, Policy Options, Relocation Policy, Adaptation, Alaska, Analysis, Analyzing, Arctic, Challenging, Cultural, Disaster, Indigenous, Inquiry, Level, Lines, Mitigation, Properties, Solutions.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Yupiaq Well-Being and Fisheries Management in Southwest Alaska
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. William Voinot-Baron($14,954), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Fish And Wildlife, Understandings And Experiences, Yupiaq Peoples' Understandings, Alaska Natives, Yupiaq Peoples, Collected, Dimensions, Ethnographic, Federal, Fisheries, Fishing, Focus, Health, Interviews, Management, Morbidity, Mortality, Practices, Rural, Salmon, Well-being.

Co-production of scientific knowledge and the building of local archeological capacity in Greenland.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Christian K Madsen($850,261), CUNY Hunter College, New York
Key terms: Ancient Dna, Archaeological Sites, Stable Isotopes, Cemeteries, Culture, Directly, Evidence, Excavate, Extends, Greenland, Greenlandic, Humans, Insects, Knowledge, Local, Management, Norse, Organic, Past, Produce, Range, Remains.

Subsistence and Outmigration: Connecting Intergenerational Dialogues between Alaska Native Elders and Youth
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Charlene B Stern($330,152), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Elders And Youth, Lives And Livelihoods, Alaska Natives, Capture, Contemporary, Cultural, Culture, Developments, Economic, Environmental, Experienced, Focus, Indigenous, Issues, Language, Methods, Out-migration, Own, Past, Peoples, Rural, Shifts, Subsistence.

RAPID: Radiocarbon Dating of Birnirk Levels at Walakpa, North Slope, Alaska
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Anthony Krus($18,833), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Archaeological Layers, Chronological Modeling, North Slope, Radiocarbon Dating, AD, Alaska, Allowing, Archaeologists, Arctic, Artifacts, Birnirk, Dates, Excavations, Future, Occupied, Picture, Site, Sites, Time, Walakpa, Was.

EAGER: Experiments to test potential identification biases of environmental DNA in unfrozen archaeological sediments
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Mary E Edwards($127,213), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Ancient Dna, Archaeological Sediments, Central Alaska, Natural Resources, Shed Light, Approach, Arctic, Assess, Challenges, Climate, Contexts, Has, Human, Humans, Identification, Landscapes, Months, Past, Preservation, Typical, Unfrozen.

DDRIG: Exploring Monumental Mound Construction in the Rat Islands, Alaska
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Bobbi Hornbeck($19,067), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Aleutian Islands, Depositional History, Mound Clusters, Rat Islands, Alaska, Analyses, Archaeological, Construction, Contribute, Examine, Global, Has, Human, Hunter-fisher-gatherer, Identity, Investigates, Mounds, Prehistoric, Settlement.

Integrating Archaeological and Indigenous Data Sources to Explore the Peopling of the North American Continent Along the Ice-Free Corridor
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Francois Lanoe($1,194,357), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Cultural Heritage, Ice-free Corridor, Oral History, Spring Site, Ago, Alaska, Americans, Archaeological, Archaeology, Billy, Colonization, Continent, Dispersal, Human, Ice-free, Land, Montana, Native, North, Occupations, Peopling, Period, Region, Time.

Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant- Historical Ecology at Alluitsoq Fjord: Inuit Negotiations of World Systems Changes in Colonial-Era Greenland
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Cameron C Turley($54,998), CUNY Graduate School University Center, New York
Key terms: Ethnic Identities, National Museum, Alluitsoq, Analysis, Archaeological, Artifacts, Assess, Coastal, Documents, Food, Foods, Foodway, Foodways, Greenland, Greenlandic, Historic, Interviews, Inuit, Local, Methods, Social, Taxa, Th.

Traditional Knowledge of the Central and Upper Yukon Basin: Gathering Resiliency Data
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Maryann Fidel($29,223), Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, Anchorage
Key terms: Native Alaskans, Athabascan, Colonization, Culture, Elders, Environmental, Generation, Indigenous, Knowledge, Resilience, Social, Yukon.

Engaging Early Career Polar Scholars in the North Pacific Arctic Conference and Network: Honolulu, HI - August 14-16, 2019
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Jefferson M Fox($30,000), Center For Cultural&Tech Interchg East&West, Honolulu
Key terms: Asia Pacific, Conference Proceedings, Npac Conference, Virtual Networks, Arctic, Future, Knowledge, Leadership, Objectives, Opportunity, Panelists, Participants, Region.

Arctic Village Dynamics: Longitudinal Study of Population, Environment, and Community Change in Alaska
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Lawrence C Hamilton($120,170), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Arctic Alaska, Net Migration, Analyses, Canada, Database, Demographic, Differences, Economic, Effects, Environmental, Erosion, Forces, Indicators, Individual, Northern, Population, Resource, Socioeconomic, Testing, Trends, Villages.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Technological Choice and Human-Animal Relationships: A Bird's Eye View from the Rat Islands, Alaska
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2019; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Timothy J Chevral($29,138), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Aleutian Islands, Archaeological Sites, Avian Bone, Bird Remains, Human Society, Rat Islands, Allowing, Aspects, Assemblages, Birds, Cultural, Environment, Examine, Examining, Excellent, Humans, Interplay, Play, Practices, Prehistoric, Preservation, Shaped, Social, Symbolic, Unangan, Usages.

Collaborative Research: The Impact of Impurities and Stress State on Polycrystalline Ice Deformation
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: Antarctic Science and Technolo

1. Ian Baker($469,370), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Edwin D Waddington($135,900), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Polar Ice Sheets, Pure And Sulfuric, Deformation Behavior, Ice Cores, Indirect Effects, Microstructural Characterization, Past Climate, Polycrystalline Ice, Simple Shear, Sulfuric Acid, Sulfuric Acid-doped, Acid-doped, Acids, Constitutive, Crystals, Dartmouth, Development, Direct, Evolution, Fabric, Focus, Grain, Impurities, Lab-grown, Lead, Modeling, Movement, Percent, Performing, Rate, Techniques.

Laboratory Study of Substrate Control and Cryoseismicity of Glacier Basal Motion
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2019; Program: Antarctic Science and Technolo

1. Christine McCarthy($379,452), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ice Streams, Acoustic, Basal, Behaviors, Conditions, Deformation, Describe, Experiments, Forcing, Friction, Frictional, Ice-sheet, Ice-stream, Isolate, Laboratory, Models, Pressure, Properties, Range, Rise, Sea-level, Sliding, Slip, Stress, Temperature, Velocity.

South Pole Telescope Operations and Data Products
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2019; Program: Antarctic Science and Technolo

1. John E Carlstrom($15,622,216), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Dark Energy, Sky Surveys, South Pole, Beyond, CMB, Current, Education, Educational, Nsfs, Observations, Obtain, SPT, Telescope, Telescopes, Undergraduate, Unique, Universe.

EAGER: L-Band Radar Ice Sounder for Measuring Ice Basal Conditions and Ice-Shelf Melt Rate
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: Antarctic Science and Technolo

1. S. Prasad Gogineni($298,697), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Basal Melt Rates, Thin Water Films, Boundary Conditions, Ice Shelves, Antarctic, Radar, Selection, Thick.

CAREER: Building research and decision making capacity in the Arctic through deciphering storm-induced sediment dynamics and synergistic Alaska Native coastal science education
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2019; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Christopher V Maio($930,276), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Building Coastal, Coastal Storm, Past Storm, Sea Ice, Storm Impacts, Western Alaska, Arctic, Combine, Current, Dynamics, Education, Environmental, Geomorphic, Local, Measure, Paleo-proxy, Program, Sediment, Sites, Training.

MRI: Acquisition of a Customized GC-IRMS for Isotopic Analysis of Nitrate and Nitrous Oxide at URI
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2019; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Kelton McMahon($390,670), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Isotope Ratio Mass, Ratio Mass Spectrometer, Sensitivity And Precision, Gas Chromatographic, Stable Isotope, Technological Advances, Training Opportunities, Allow, Analytical, Education, Enhanced, Epscor, GC-IRMS, GSO, Instrumentation, MRI, Program, Students.

COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Multi-scale Approach to Understanding Spatial and Population Variability in Emperor Penguins
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: EarthCube

1. Emi Ito($295,097), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Emperor Penguin Colonies, Extent And Duration, Aerial Surveys, Environmental Variables, High-resolution Satellite, Population Estimates, Population Size, Sea Ice, Antarctic, Conditions, Continent, High-resolution, Imagery, Local, Regional, Trends.

Collaborative Research: Biological and geochemical controls on phosphorus bioavailability in arctic tundra
Award Effective Date: 11/01/2019; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. Elizabeth M Herndon($907,462), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
2. Elizabeth M Herndon($907,462), Kent State University, Kent
3. Michael N Weintraub($284,604), University of Toledo, Toledo
Key terms: Biological And Geochemical, Growth And Decomposition, Plants And Microorganisms, Fe Oxides, Nutrient Availability, Plant Growth, Redox Conditions, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Tundra Soils, Ability, Affect, Arctic, Bioavailability, Carbon, Compete, Competition, Controls, Dynamics, Environments, Hydrological, Investigate, Iron, Limiting, Microbial, Minerals, Multiple, Organic, Phosphate, Phosphorus, Processes, Regulate, Serve, Sinks, Water.

Collaborative Research: Quantifying rates of biome shifts under climate change in arctic and boreal ecosystems
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: Ecosystem Science

1. Joshua S Fu($300,582), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
2. Melissa S Lucash($570,799), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Affect Boreal, Global Models, Landscape Models, Alaska, Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate, Collaboration, Compare, Disturbance, Disturbances, Ecosystems, Forest, Future, Predicting, Region, Regions, Russia, Shifts, Simulate, Species, Tundra, Vegetation.

Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2019; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. David Murphy($349,677), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Marc J Weissburg($576,793), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
3. Nicholas Record($748,633), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay
Key terms: Horizontal And Vertical, Examine Krill, Individual Krill, Krill Behavior, Krill Movements, Krill Schools, Krill Swimming, Light Levels, Swimming Angles, Acoustic, Activities, Aggregation, Analysis, Angular, Based, Capacity, Chemical, Conditions, Correlations, Cues, Define, Environments, Flow, IBM, Information, Management, Measured, Model, Models, NND, Naturally, Phytoplankton, Predictions, Repulsive, Schooling, Speed, Structure, Velocities, Video.

Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:DP): Consortium Proposal for CMB-S4 Design Development
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2019; Program: Mid-scale RI - Track 1

1. James H Yeck($5,850,551), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Cmb-s4 Program, Cross Critical, Design Phase, Particle Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, CMB-S, Cosmic, Decades, Inflation, Office, Testing, Thresholds, Universe.

Collaborative Research: Physiological and Genetic Correlates of Reproductive Success in High- versus Low-Quality Weddell seals
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2019; Program: Physiol Mechs & Biomechanics

1. Allyson Hindle($142,450), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
2. Brandon R Briggs($608,232), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
3. Michelle R Shero($1,254,999), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Low-quality Females, Producing Pups, Reproductive Success, Weddell Seal, Weddell Seals, Animal, Antarctica, Approach, Behavior, Component, Contribute, Differences, Distinguish, Energy, Extensive, Factors, Fitness, Foraging, Functional, Genetic, High-, Individuals, Long-lived, Low-quality, Mammal, Offspring, Outreach, Physiological, Physiology, Population, Pregnancy, Produce, Program, Public, Rates, Students, Timing, Training, Underlying, Wild.

STEM at the Poles! Research Experiences for Formal and Informal Educations in the Polar Regions
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2019; Program: Polar Special Initiatives

1. Janet Warburton($1,087,374), Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic And Antarctic, Formal And Informal, Educators' Stem, Informal Educators, Polar Regions, ARCUS, Education, Eighteen, Environments, Experience, Field, Increase, Knowledge, Middle, Opportunities, Program, Public, School, Students, Teachers.

Early Career Polar Research Conference: Building Collaborative Networks and Providing Professional Training Opportunities to Facilitate Success
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Polar Special Initiatives

1. Jill Sohm($99,261), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Polar Regions, Approaches, Designed, Development, Ecosystems, Foster, Interdisciplinary, Sessions, Skills, Symposium.

NSF-NERC: Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network (TARSAN) Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes affecting the Sub-Ice-Shelf Environment
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2019; Program: Unallocated Program Costs

1. Erin C C Pettit($3,692,874), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Amundsen Sea Embayment, Measure Ocean Properties, Autonomous Stations, Ice Shelves, Mass Loss, Ocean Circulation, Sub-ice-shelf Cavities, Thwaites Glacier, Air, Atmospheric, Conditions, Constrain, Floating, Flow, Ice-shelf, Oceanic, Predictions, Processes, Public, Rapidly, Region, Speed, Sub-ice-shelf, Temperature, Upstream, West.