Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Melissa S Lucash($174,020), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Frequency And Climate, Black Spruce, Boreal Forest, Boreal Forests, Elementary Schools, Fast Pace, Fire Frequency, Fire Regime, Forests Worldwide, Hands-on Activities, Species Composition, Vegetation Types, Above-, Affect, Alaska, Amounts, Atmosphere, Belowground, Carbon, Causing, Conifer, Cycling, Disrupt, Ecosystems, Emergence, Field, Fires, Grasses, Hands-on, Has, Landscape, Long-term, Past, Permafrost, Projected, Quantify, Release, Shifts, Sink, Soil, Spatially, Stocks, Stored, Students, Thawing, Threatens, Warming, Worlds.
1. Meagan E Wengrove($1,963,346), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Rebecca H Jackson($414,312), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Salinity And Temperature, Warmer Ocean Water, Boundary Layer, Boundary Layers, Ice Melt, Ice Morphology, Melt Rates, Sea-level Rise, Acoustic, Buoyant, Calving, Control, Currents, Details, Directly, Discharge, Dynamics, Feedbacks, Fjord, Flows, Forcing, Glacier, Glaciers, High-resolution, Ice-ocean, Interface, Local, Marine-terminating, Measure, Measured, Melting, Meltwater, Mentorship, Model, Models, Near, Nvertical, Observations, Observe, Observed, Optical, Parameters, Predictions, Process, Processes, Program, ROV, Realistic, Relate, Small-scale, Space, Strength, Strong, Students, Theory, Tidewater, Time, Turbulent, Underwater, Velocity, Women.
1. Jonathan Kingslake($722,623), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Controlling Water Access, Greenland Ice Sheet, Lakes And Moulins, Supraglacial Lake Formation, Surface And Englacial, Englacial Strain, Ice Sheet’s, Ice-sheet Bed, Ice-sheet Surface, Sea-level Rise, Supraglacial Lakes, Surface Deformation, Surface Melt, Surface-to-bed Meltwater, Upper-ablation Zone, York City, Dynamic, Flow, Hydro-fracture, Ice-sheet, Inland, Mid-, Observations, Postdoctoral, Predicting, Processes, Regions, Sea-level, Stress, Stresses, Surface-to-bed, Upper-ablation, Velocity.
1. Charles T Robbins($741,985), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Energy Expenditure Measured, Fat And Protein, Sea Ice Habitat, Sea Ice Loss, Access Seals, Arctic Food, Doubly Labeled, Energy Coming, Isotopic Water, Land-based Foods, Polar Bear, Polar Bears, Allow, Amount, Available, Behavior, Body, Changing, Climate, Critical, Degree, Difference, Distribution, Effects, Energetic, Feeding, Implications, Information, Land-based, Lose, Meet, Mobilized, Prey, Primary, Rates, Species, Techniques, Warming, Weight.
1. Gisela Winckler($1,522,711), Columbia University, New York
2. Robert M DeConto($449,265), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
3. Jason P Briner($576,568), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
4. Sridhar Anandakrishnan($458,887), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Mechanisms And Climate, Sea Level Rise, Climate Forcing, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Northern Greenland, Past Periods, Bedrock, Future, Greendrill, Gris, Inform, Scenarios, Sites, Students.
1. Kerri A Pratt($664,051), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Christine A Hrycyna($274,656), Purdue University, West Lafayette
3. William R Simpson($325,007), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
4. Jose D Fuentes($316,399), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
5. Paul B Shepson($398,226), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry, Rapidly Changing Arctic, Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Composition, North Slope, Sea Ice, Size Distributions, Activities, Aerosol, Aircraft, Alaska, Atmosphere, CHACHA, Cloud, Downwind, Gases, Leads, Mentor, Models, Observations, Outreach, Particle, Photochemical, Plans, Pollutants, Regions, Students, Surface, Various, Water.
1. Sara Lance($410,295), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry, Rapidly Changing Arctic, Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Composition, North Slope, Sea Ice, Size Distributions, Activities, Aerosol, Aircraft, Alaska, Atmosphere, CHACHA, Cloud, Downwind, Gases, Leads, Mentor, Models, Observations, Outreach, Particle, Photochemical, Plans, Pollutants, Regions, Students, Surface, Various, Water.
1. Seeta Sistla($97,432), California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo
Key terms: Future Carbon Balance, Arctic Soils, Arctic Terrestrial, Experimental Manipulations, Acclimation, Advance, Approach, Ecosystems, Microbial, Plant, Processes, Release, Tundra, Undergraduate, Warming.
1. Erich Osterberg($142,031), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Eric S Saltzman($205,084), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
3. Cameron P Wake($85,894), University of New Hampshire, Durham
4. Dominic A Winski($137,419), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Climate And Wildfire, Denali Ice Core, Medieval Climate Anomaly, North Pacific Region, Pacific Fire Regime, Summer Atmospheric Circulation, Ice Cores, Summer Climate, Activity, Alaska, Archive, Biomass, Black, Compilation, Conditions, Developed, Especially, Fire-related, Increase, Instrumental, Kits, MCA, Paleoclimate, Paleofire, Participation, Regional, Students, Time, Unique, Warm.
1. Magdalena R Osburn($640,580), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Future Abrupt Climate, Ice Sheet Retreated, Leaf Wax Δ2h, Air Temperatures, Climate Models, Greenland Ice, Ice Cores, North Atlantic, Resolving Seasonality, Wax Δ2h, Annual, Assess, Build, Calibration, Clarify, Cold, Comparisons, Diverse, Evidence, Glacier, Insect, Ka, Methods, Outreach, Past, Proxies, Quantitative, Rare, Reconstructions, School, Season-specific, Sediment, Skills, Students, Summer, Teachers, Terrestrial, YD, Δh.
1. John W Holt($299,706), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Kristin M Timm($841,051), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Douglas J Brinkerhoff($300,580), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Elias National Park, Malaspina Glacier, Mass Balance, Alaska, Climate, Coastal, Coastline, Effects, Evolution, Future, Has, Ice, Lakes, Landscape, Largest, Main, Marine, Model, Modern, Moraine, Ocean, Ongoing, Online, Potential, Proglacial, Retreat, Retreats, Scenarios, Surface, Terrestrial, Thickness, Thinning, Uncertainties, Underside, Visitor, Wrangell-st.
1. Erland M Schulson($528,477), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Sea Ice Cover, Fatigue Failure, Fatigue Life, Ocean Waves, Paper Clip, Antarctic, Behavior, Bending, Cycles, Degrees, Flexing, Hz, In-situ, Increase, Increases, Laboratory, Micro-cracks, Oceans, Owing, Rate, Stress, Time.
1. Alan Rempel($92,468), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Lucas K Zoet($275,101), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Colin R Meyer($330,715), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Ice Infiltration, Ice-sediment Interface, Laboratory Experiments, Sea-level Rise, Central, Experimentally, Glacier, Ice-sediment, Ice-sheet, Mathematical, Models, Premelting, Pressure, Sea-level, Sediments, Subglacial, Summer, Temperature, Theoretically, Uncertainty.
1. Ellyn M Enderlin($529,627), Boise State University, Boise
2. Timothy C Bartholomaus($671,486), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Glacier Flow, Glacier Hydrology, Glacier Loss, Glacier Surge, Ice Flow, Turner Glacier, Broad, Controls, Dramatic, Glaciers, Glaciology, Global, Hydrologic, In-situ, Initiation, Insights, Instabilities, Modeling, Models, Propagation, Rapid, Termination, Water.
1. Miguel A Goni($601,347), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Dean A Stockwell($375,841), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Particulate Organic Matter, Carbon Dioxide, Pacific Arctic, Composition, Dissolved, Distribution, Observations, Oxygen, Phytoplankton, Processes, Productivity, Region, Simultaneous, Size.
1. Rob M Skarbek($824,833), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Axial Stress, Firn Compaction, Firn Rheology, Grain-size Evolution, Ice Cores, Ice Sheets, Ice-penetrating Radar, Laboratory Experiments, Past Climate, Altimetry, Antarctica, Compacts, Density, Estimates, Grain-size, Ice-core, Ice-penetrating, Ice-sheet, Lab-based, Mass, Measure, Model, Numerical, Rate, Sea-level, Temperature, Temperatures.
1. Matthew A Charette($527,644), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Meinhard B Cardenas($794,976), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Alaskan Beaufort Sea, Beaufort Sea Coast, Mechanisms And Pathways, Groundwater Flow, Land-lagoon Interface, Arctic, Biogeochemical, Coastal, Content, Field, Inorganic, Knowledge, Lagoons, Land-lagoon, Modeling, Organic, Processes, Students, Transport.
1. Benjamin V Gaglioti($800,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Tundra, Beaver Expansion, Beaver Habitat, Satellite Imagery, Temperate Ecosystems, Tundra Regions, Alaska, Altering, Beavers, Compare, Document, Effects, Field, Forest, Local, Permafrost, Ponds, Riparian, Stream, Streams.
1. Bradford Benson($2,031,009), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Cosmic Inflation, South Pole, Background, CMB, Detection, Development, Larger, Mirror, PGW, Pgws, Physics, Primary, SPTMA, Search, Signal, Telescope, Universe.
1. William A Bristow($376,349), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Ionospheric Convection, Magnetic Field, Polar Caps, Polar Regions, Solar Wind, Superdarn Radars, Coupling, Currents, Dayside, Earth, Flow, Geospace, Ionosphere, Nsf-funded, Observe, Plasma, Respective, Strong, Structures, Via.
1. Jeanine L Ash($79,851), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
2. Molly Patterson($125,661), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
3. Denise K Kulhanek($57,598), Texas A&M University, College Station
4. Brian Romans($203,475), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet-ocean Interactions, Aabw Outflow, Global Warming, Grain Size, Ice Sheet-ocean, Ice Sheets, Orbital Forcing, Organic Matter, Ross Sea, Sheet-ocean Interactions, Southern Ocean, Time Period, AIS, Abundance, Antarctica, Carbon, Climate, Core, Current, Description, Directly, Export, Extent, Future, History, Imaging, Insolation, Integrated, Knowledge, Layer, Led, Levels, Marine, Million, Obliquity, Offshore, Orbital-forcing, Past, Pliocene, Processes, Properties, Regime, Respond, Rise, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sets, Unified.
1. Darryl E Granger($281,913), Purdue University, West Lafayette
2. Jennifer L Lamp($161,436), Columbia University, New York
3. Gregory A Balco($29,736), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Cosmogenic Noble Gas, Ice Sheet Melting, Indirect Geologic Observations, Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Mid-pliocene Warm Period, Rock And Air, Air Temperatures, Climate Models, Climate Substitute, Cng Paleothermometry, Cosmogenic 3he, Erosion Rates, Ice Sheets, Mid-pliocene Warm, Polar Amplification, Polar Regions, Sea Level, Surface Temperatures, Thermal Histories, Ago, Antarctica, Constraints, Cosmic-ray, Current, Diffusion, Earth’s, Exposed, Exposure, Future, Global, Interval, Low, Magnitude, Million, Past, Quantify, Radiative, Respond, Sensitivity, Similar, Suggest, Time, Via, Warming, Was.
1. Selena Y Smith($311,318), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Brian A Atkinson($488,934), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Angiosperm Reproductive Structures, Flowering Plant Evolution, Flowers And Fruits, James Ross Basin, Cretaceous Diversification, Flowering Plants, Late Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous-aged, Modern Ecosystems, Phylogenetic Framework, Southern Hemisphere, West Antarctica, Western Antarctica, Ago, Angiosperms, Antarctica’s, Biogeographic, Context, Cretaceous-aged, Description, Discoveries, Elucidate, Essential, Evolutionary, Fossil, Fossils, Frameworks, Has, Indicate, Million, Period, Placed, Placing, Species.
1. Douglas A Wiens($119,218), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Weisen Shen($262,933), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Sets, Noise And Earthquakes, Receiver Function Waveforms, Thickness And Poissons, Ambient Noise, Chemical Composition, Crustal Architecture, Geological Evolution, Poissons Ratio, Rayleigh Wave, Sedimentary Layer, Seismic Stations, Silica Content, Underlying Crust, Wave Dispersion, Analysis, Anisotropy, Antarctica, Base, Beneath, Boundary, Condition, Contact, Continent, Detailed, Determination, Determining, Geology, HV, Ice-sheet, Information, Isotropic, Maps, Modeling, Moving, Notably, Past, Porous, Produce, Properties, Ratios, Sites, Speed, Structure, Sub-ice.
1. Alison F Banwell($192,313), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Seebany Datta-Barua($344,675), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Key terms: Navigation Satellite, Surface Water, Characterizing, Continuously, Effective, Environment, Firn, GNSS, GNSS-R, GPS, Glaciated, Global, Ice, Mcmurdo, Method, Monitoring, Near, Positioning, Radar, Receiver, Reflections, Reflectometry, Signal, Signals, Snow, Specifically, Surfaces, Wet.
1. JENNY S NAKAI($246,017), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Moderate Magnitude Earthquakes, Antarctic Rift, Current Catalog, Earthquake Detection, Earthquakes Missing, Field Expedition, Interior Antarctica, Seismic Deployments, Continent, Discovered, Distribution, East, Future, Girls, Has, Permanent, Previously, Rock, Seismicity, Stations, Techniques, Tectonic, Temporary, West.
1. Ronni Grapenthin($25,735), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Mount Erebus Volcano, Existing Gps, Ross Island, Abstract, Activity, Antarctica, Available, Campaign, Consistent, Continuous, Crust, Decades, Deformation, Dynamics, Inform, Interactions, Lava, Magmatic, Models, Time, Underlying, Volcanic, Volcanoes.
1. Reed P Scherer($324,889), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
2. Christine S Siddoway($55,449), Colorado College, Colorado Springs
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Diatom And Ird, Ice Sheet Collapse, West Antarctic Ice, Amundsen Sea, Graduate Students, Iceberg Rafted, Southern Ocean, Analysis, Analyzing, Antarctica, Conditions, Contribute, Cores, Deep, Deep-sea, Diverse, Evidence, Future, Glacial-interglacial, Icebergs, Indicate, Intervals, Million, Models, Occurred, Oceanographic, Outreach, Past, Pebbles, Productivity, Public, Sediment, Sites, Time, Timing, Undergraduate, WAIS, Warming.
1. Michael H Ritzwoller($235,888), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Basal Heat Flux, Infer Heat Flux, Models And Heat, Subglacial Heat Flux, Heat Flow, Seismic Models, Accuracy, Antarctica, Based, Bases, Canada, Central, China, Crust, Europe, Extrapolation, Glacial, Global, Ice, Improvements, Indirect, Information, Mantle, Map, Method, Methods, Notably, Past, Properties, Regional-scale, Solid, World.
1. Justin P Dodd($125,601), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
2. Amelia Shevenell($434,524), University of South Florida, Tampa
3. Robert M Leckie($352,081), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Antarctica’s Ice Sheets, Geochemical And Micropaleontologic, Heat And Moisture, Prograding Ross Sea, Ross Sea Continental, Sea Continental Shelf, Antarctic Ice, Antarctica’s Glaciers, Antarctica’s Ice, Atmospheric Temperature, Ice Expansion, Late Miocene, Marine Ecosystems, Middle Miocene, Miocene Climate, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Temperature, Site U1521, Ago, Assess, Deposited, Depth, Earth’s, Expanded, Extent, Glacial, Global, High-latitude, IODP, Immediately, Input, Integrated, Interactions, Interval, Intervals, Legacy, MCO, MMCT, Melting, Mud, Ocean-ice, Oceanic, Ongoing, Optimum, Orbital-scale, Past, Program, Recovered, Regional, Required, Respond, Retreat, Sediments, Sequences, Students, Unit, Warm, Warming, Was, Water, Weathering.
1. Christian A Sidor($322,279), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Shackleton Glacier Region, Fossil Amphibians, Fremouw Formation, Mass Extinction, Permanent Ice, Remarkable Collection, Antarctic, Antarctica, Evolution, Exhibit, Fossils, Identification, Insights, Interval, Light, Lower, Overall, Pangea, Previously, Recovered, Rock, Southern, Species, Temnospondyls, Terrestrial, Tetrapod, Triassic, Vertebrate, Washington.
1. Ronni Grapenthin($226,033), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Noise And Eruption, Ambient Noise, Cutting Edge, Ross Island, Seismic Network, Activity, Allow, Analyzed, Archived, Broadband, Catalog, Coda, Conduit, Continuous, Crust, Deeper, Developed, Edifice, Erebus, Existing, Frequency, GPS, Has, Imaging, Magmatic, Methods, Monitoring, Real-time, Scattering, Short-period, Signal, Signals, Stations, Structural, Structure, Techniques, Volcanic, Volcano, Volcanos, Yround.
1. Robert K Booth($384,404), Lehigh University, Bethlehem
Key terms: Coastal Low-elevation Terrestrial, Ecosystem And Climate, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Coastal Low-elevation, Late Holocene, Low-elevation Terrestrial, Peat Deposits, Terrestrial Ecosystems, AP, Assess, Cores, Cryosphere, Dynamics, Glacial, Has, Ice, Insight, Observed, Past, Rate, Region, Sediments, Time, Transformations.
1. Steven L Goldstein($82,691), Columbia University, New York
2. Bess G Koffman($126,498), Colby College, Waterville
Key terms: Lead Isotopes, Sediment Provenance, Approach, Colby, Compositions, Cores, Dust, Geochemical, Has, Ice, Ocean, Past, Potassiumargon, Potential, Resetting, Rock, Sediments, Sites, Sources, Southern, Value.
1. Pedro Elosegui($939,631), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Antarctic Ice Shelves, Ice Shelf Near, Ross Ice Shelf, Seismogeodetic Ice Penetrator, Land-based Ice, Satellite Link, Sea-level Rise, Single Instrument, Air-dropped, Atmospheric, Challenges, Climate, Conditions, Critical, Discharge, Dropped, Engineering, Helicopter, Ice-shelf, Instruments, Land-based, Mass, Mcmurdo, Melting, Ocean, Onto, Physics, Reference, Sea-level, Season, Sensors, Stability, Time.
1. Murat Aydin($128,686), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Tyler J Fudge($520,925), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, West Antarctic Ice, Hercules Dome, Ice Core, Interglacial Period, Sea Level, Antarctica, Conditions, Deep, Degrees, Ice-core, Ice-sheet, Obtained, Recovery, Warm, Was.
1. Brent Minchew($521,780), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Bradley P Lipovsky($362,278), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Brunt Ice Shelf, Tabular Iceberg Calving, Active Rift, Grounded Ice, Ice Sheet, Ice Shelves, Ice-flow Models, Ice-shelf Rifting, Mass Loss, Rift Propagation, Sea-level Rise, Tabular Icebergs, Agreement, Aims, Antarctica, Budget, Collected, Combination, Confidently, Detailed, Drivers, Floating, Has, Ice-flow, Ice-shelf, Inform, Joint, Knowledge, Modeling, Observations, Processes, Projections, Proportion, Rifts, Sea-level, Stresses, Tips, Vicinity.
1. Luke D Trusel($63,840), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Antarctic Surface Melt, Antarctic Ice, Climate Model, Supraglacial Lakes, Conditions, Formation, Future, Ice-shelf, Numerical, Observations, Sea-level, Spatial, Time.
1. Robert L Woodward($128,727), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
2. Glen S Mattioli($19,578), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Extreme Environments, Helicopter-portable Drilling, Mt Erebus, Seismic Sensors, Abstract, Antarctica, Benefit, Capability, Conditions, Demonstration, Difficult, Helicopter-portable, Install, Installations, Less, Nuances, Particular, Posthole-style, Quality, Regions, Seismologists, Seismometers, Signals, Sites, Suitable, Summit, Vibrations, Volcano, Volcanoes.
1. Merlin L Mah($318,164), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Andrei V Kurbatov($49,812), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Ice Core, Ice Sheets, Polar Ice, Borehole, Coring, Drilled, Drills, Existing, Ice-core, Instrument, Laser, Laser-cut, Past, Rapidly, Retrieve, Retrieved, Sampling, Technology.
1. Fernando Rodriguez-Morales($216,082), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Knut Christianson($81,876), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Future Ice-sheet Behavior, Past And Future, Future Ice-sheet, Glacier Geometry, Ice-sheet Behavior, Map Internal, Repeat Profiles, Sea Level, Uhf Antenna, Array, Developed, Displacement, Enable, Flow, Frequency, Layer, Mhz, Phase, Radar, Simulations, VHF, Velocities, Vertical.
1. Zhongwen Zhan($299,994), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Amundsen-scott South Pole, Distributed Acoustic Sensing, South Pole Station, Amundsen-scott South, Glacial Ice, Structurally Image, Ambient, Array, Cable, Crust, DAS, Explore, Fiber, Firn, Local, Mantle, Natural, Noise, Polar, Seismic, Signals, Technology, Variously.
1. Brandon R Briggs($443,157), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
2. Rachael M Morgan-Kiss($306,748), Miami University, Oxford
3. Cristina D Takacs-Vesbach($267,253), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Microbial Network Complexity, Ecosystem Function, Microbial Interactions, Summer Vs, Activities, Activity, Antarctic, Approaches, Biogeochemical, Description, Dry, Ecosystems, Environmental, Factors, Field, Gradients, Influence, Lake, Light, Metabolic, Microbes, Models, Nutrients, Outreach, Oxygen, Participation, Program, Seasons, Single-cell, Specific, Sulfur, Teacher, Training, Valley, Winter.
1. David F Porter($657,466), Columbia University, New York
2. Atsuhiro Muto($174,216), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Amundsen Sea, Antarctic Continent, Bed Classes, Ice-sheet Models, Antarctica, Faults, Flow, Framework, Geologic, Geological, Geology, Geophysical, Has, Ice-sheet, Knowledge, Regional, Rely, Tested, “bed.
1. Jan Lenaerts($606,798), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Antarctic Precipitation, Atmospheric Circulation, Climate Model, Ice Sheet, AIS, CESM, Conditions, Does, Driven, Ensemble, Forced, Internal, Ocean, Particular, Present-day, Processes, Resolution, Snowfall, Spread, Surface, Uncertainty, Warming.
1. Dawn Y Sumner($954,271), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Benthic Mats, Gene Expression, Install Environmental, Lake Fryxell, Pore Water, Analyses, Antarctic, Field, Geochemical, Insights, Interact, Leaders, Measure, Microbial, Oxygen, Ranging, Removed, Seasonal, Shades, Spring, Summary, Summer, Techniques, Winter.
1. Robert M DeConto($294,998), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Future Sea-level Projections, Future Sea-level, Sea Level, Sea-level Estimates, Sea-level Projections, Sea-level Rise, Simulate Ice-volume, Agreement, Aims, Amplitude, Budget, Cycles, Failure, Ice-sheet, Ice-volume, Joint, Marine, Model, Models, Pliocene, Proportion, Required, Sectors, Shorelines, Uncertain, Validate.
1. Stephanie Jenouvrier($630,998), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Life History Strategies, Personality And Foraging, Reproduction And Survival, Changing Environment, Eco-evolutionary Model, Foraging Behaviors, Future Global, Phenotypic Plasticity, Population Dynamics, Southern Ocean, Wandering Albatross, Breeding, Characterize, Climate, Conditions, Continuum, Description, Differences, Eco-evolutionary, Effort, Has, Heritability, Individual, Individuals, Link, NSF, Personalities, Projections, Public, Resources, Species, Students, Traits.
1. Joseph F Ryan($138,552), University of Florida, Gainesville
2. Scott Santagata($152,204), Long Island University, Greenvale
Key terms: Disparate Environments, Environmental Conditions, Marine Environments, Phylogenetic Framework, Adaptations, Animals, Antarctic, Bryozoan, Bryozoans, Computational, Critical, Enzymes, Found, Genes, Genetic, Genomic, Invertebrate, Involved, Life, Organisms, Polar, Potential, Taxa, Unique, Workshops.
1. Alexander A Robel($430,595), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Antarctic Climate Forcing, Antarctic Ice Loss, Antarctic Ice Sheet, Sea Level Rise, Climate Forcing, AISLENS, Analysis, Atmospheric, Attribution, Context, Engineering, Evolution, Future, Ice-sheet, Interdisciplinary, Internal, Melt, Model, Modeling, Observations, Output, Past, Range, Realizations, Simulations, State-of-the-art, Student, Uncertainty, Undergraduate.
1. Hugh W Ducklow($1,726,837), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Palmer Antarctica Lter, Foodweb Structure, Sea Ice, Biogeochemical, Climate, Cover, Cycling, Duration, Ecosystem, Has, Influence, Local, Marine, Oceanographic, Responding, Site, Stratification, Time.
1. Yun Li($52,658), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Antarctic Coastal Polynyas, Local And Large-scale, Biological Productivity, Large-scale Environmental, Polynya Ecosystems, Activities, Analysis, Biophysical, Ecology, Examine, Forcing, Formation, Growth, Ice, Interdisciplinary, Modeling, Ocean, Overall, Penguin, Penguins, Phytoplankton, Population, Sea-ice, Set, Survival, Timing, Water.
1. Sarah G Purkey($64,774), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Andrew F Thompson($263,756), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
3. Andrew L Stewart($344,969), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Global Circulation, Global Ocean, Northern Basins, AABW, ACC, Antarctic, Coast, Collaborative, Extreme, Formed, Has, Northward, Sea, Suggested, Transport.
1. Teresa K Chereskin($676,633), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Describe And Relate, Seasonal And Long-term, Drake Passage, ACC, ADCP, Antarctic, Current, Gould, Laurence, Ocean, Time, Underway.
1. Carlos F Moffat($734,550), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Coastal Currents, Water Mass, Antarctic, Component, Continent, Field, Freshwater, Ice, Inputs, Lectures, Outputs, Outreach, Polar, Public, Sources.
1. Rachael Orben($802,648), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Annie E Schmidt($3,713,304), Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Petaluma
Key terms: Juvenile Adélie Penguins, Colony Growth, Environmental Conditions, Foraging Behavior, Penguin-borne Sensors, Polar Regions, Ross Sea, Sea Ice, Activities, Assess, Biologging, Demographic, Description, Effects, Efforts, Gt, Influence, Level, Life, Literacy, Multiple, Natal, Penguin-borne, Population, Post-fledging, Relative, Salinity, Season, Students, Survival, Temperature, Track.
1. Sarah A Gerken($71,397), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Comma Shrimp, Animals, Antarctic, Benthic, Charismatic, Common, Cumaceans, Description, Ethanol, Exist, Monograph, Sampling, Species, Vertebrates.
1. Becky A Ball($333,489), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Todd N Rosenstiel($520,768), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Glacial Succession Gradients, Microbial And Invertebrate, Plant Functional Traits, Antarctic Peninsula, Early-colonizing Plants, Glacial Retreat, Greening Antarctica, Relative Effects, Succession Sites, AIM, Abundance, Aims, Alter, Biogeochemistry, Century, Climate, Comprehensive, Continue, Early-colonizing, Expansion, Experiment, Interactions, Lichens, Manipulative, Measure, Newly-exposed, Nutrient, Organisms, Process, Processes, Properties, Referred, Soil, Students, Surveys, Training, Warming, Water.
1. Patricia A Matrai($19,180), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Polar Marine, Polar Regions, Ample, Aspects, Challenges, Emphasis, GRC, GRS, Gordon, Held, International, Participation, Students, Topic.
1. Deric Learman($98,380), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
Key terms: Antarctica Degrade Complex, Complex Organic Matter, Benthic Microbial, Coastal Shelf, Genetic Potential, Marine Sediments, Activity, Alter, Chemical, Chemistry, Create, Current, Degradation, Directly, Enzymatic, Enzyme, Examine, Function, Knowledge, Life, Metagenomic, Microbes, Sea, Temperature.
1. Matthew Harris($144,988), Children's Hospital Corporation, Boston
Key terms: Antifreeze Glycoproteins, Genetic Mechanisms, Kidney Glomeruli, Southern Ocean, Biology, Bone, Buoyancy, Dataset, Description, Evolution, Evolutionary, Fish, Genomic, Gt, Loss, Notothenioid, Notothenioids, Reduction, Species, Students, Teaching, Traits, Undergraduate.
1. Birgitte I McDonald($935,931), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Ecology And Habitat, Inter And Intra-individual, Acquire Food, Critical Periods, Emperor Penguins, Foraging Behavior, Foraging Efficiency, Foraging Energetics, Graduate Students, Habitat Preference, Integrate Penguin, Intra-individual Behavioral, Late Chick-rearing, Life History, Penguin Foraging, Camp, Chick-rearing, Colony, Constrained, Designed, Diet, Ecological, Ecosystem, Environment, Environmental, Essential, Feed, Framework, Inter-, Investigate, Knowledge, Loggers, Marine, Mechanisms, Molt, NSF, Physiological, Predators, Reproduction, Success, Survival, Target, Training, Underrepresented, Video.
1. Michael R Stukel($163,549), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Biomass And Taxonomic, Palmer Lter Program, Sea Ice Retreat, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Organic Carbon, Particle Flux, Primary Productivity, Surface Ocean, Taxonomic Composition, Analyses, Approach, Biological, Climate, Concepts, Cruises, Designed, Export, Increasing, Investigate, Marine, Modeling, Multiple, Quantify, Region, Students, Th, Time-series, WAP.
1. John H Postlethwait($254,782), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Affects Cell Function, Antarctic Fish, Biological Origins, Affected, Aim, Animals, Cells, Disease, Examine, Neoplasia, Neoplasias, Outbreak, Physiology, Previously, Reported, Skin, Tumor, Tumors.
1. Robert L Hawley($258,525), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Gps Stations, Static Stations, Chipsets, Collecting, Cost, Coverage, Excellent, Extensive, Generation, Network, On-ice, Power, Resolution, Spatial, Student, Temporal, Traverses.
1. John Langford($805,625), Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation, Manassas
2. Roisin Commane($1,847,696), Harvard University, Cambridge
3. Praveena Krishnan($581,829), Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge
Key terms: Methane And Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Emissions, Eddy Covariance, Net Flux, North Slope, Transport Model, Air, Aircraft, Alaska, Analysis, Arctic, CH, Combination, Concentrations, Coupling, Current, Direct, Estimates, Fluxes, Gases, Global, Greenhouse, Level, Local, Measuring, Modeling, Models, Observations, Predict, Quantities, Regional, Sources, Tower, Towers, Warming.
1. Benjamin M Jones($19,942), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Polar Regions, Remote Sensing, Resource Managers, Brings, Critical, Current, Disciplines, Engineers, Exchange, Future, ICRSS, Ice, Information, International, Knowledge, Local, Occurring, Platforms, Regional, Stakeholders, Students, Techniques, Th, World.
1. Martin Stuefer($5,484,665), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Aon-usarray Stations, Sea Ice, Sensor Capabilities, Soil Temperature, Track Environmental, Alaska, Aon-usarray, Arctic, Beyond, Context, Evaluation, Facility, Fill, Increasing, Landslides, Long-term, Multi-sensor, Network, Observations, Partnerships, Platforms, Real-time, Remote, Seismic, Sensors, Solid, Stakeholders, Thawing.
1. Amy F Waterhouse($71,299), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Water, Atlantic Waters, Beaufort Sea, Dissipation Rate, Heat Flux, Heat Fluxes, Mackenzie Canyon, Pacific Water, Sea Ice, Turbulent Heat, Turbulent Mixing, Warm Atlantic, AON, AW, Act, Conduit, Drawn, Dynamics, Energy, Flow, Fresher, Heavy, Influence, Instrumentation, Mechanisms, Processes, Salty, Shallow, Slope, Sources, Surface, Tides, Topography, Transects, Winds.
1. Donatella Zona($1,149,347), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Arctic Eddy Covariance, Co2 And Ch4, Arctic Ecosystems, Carbon Loss, Ch4 Fluxes, Cold Season, Greenhouse Gas, Organic Carbon, Zero Curtain, Allow, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Climate, Concentration, Controls, Critical, Current, Emissions, Future, GHG, Increase, Increased, Local, Long-term, Network, Northern, Period, Seasons, Sparse, Students, Summer, Tundra, Utqiagvik, Yround, °C.
1. George W Kling($530,006), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Alexander Kholodov($2,934,606), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Alaskan And Russian, Dioxide And Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Eddy Covariance, Energy Balance, Greenhouse Gas, Greenhouse Gases, Imnavait Creek, Permafrost Thaw, Russian Arctic, Ameriflux, Cherskii, Climate, Collected, Continue, Ebullition, Ecosystems, Ice, Lake, Measured, Near, Network, Outreach, Plant, Potential, Release, Released, Society, Thawing, Warming.
1. Henry W Loescher($323,429), Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus
2. Craig M Lee($460,836), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Advance Coordination, Arctic Observing, Food Security, Information Product, Marine Ecosystems, Pacific Arctic, Pan-arctic Observing, Shared Benefits, Sustained Observations, AOS, Activities, Alaska, Assessment, Collaborative, Context, Design, Development, Draws, Engineering, Experts, Has, Indigenous, International, Jointly, Modeling, National, Organizations, Pan-arctic, Process, RNA, ROADS, Resource, SAON, Sector, Specifically.
1. Craig E Tweedie($169,234), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
2. Olivia A Lee($2,264,304), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. An T Nguyen($262,126), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
4. Matthew B Jones($283,001), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
5. Alice Bradley($156,880), Williams College, Williamstown
6. William G Ambrose($5,226), Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Key terms: Advance Coordination, Arctic Observing, Food Security, Information Product, Marine Ecosystems, Pacific Arctic, Pan-arctic Observing, Shared Benefits, Sustained Observations, AOS, Activities, Alaska, Assessment, Collaborative, Context, Design, Development, Draws, Engineering, Experts, Has, Indigenous, International, Jointly, Modeling, National, Organizations, Pan-arctic, Process, RNA, ROADS, Resource, SAON, Sector, Specifically.
1. Cy E Keener($164,840), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
2. Ignatius G Rigor($2,090,008), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Arctic Observing Network, Arctic Buoy, Arctic Ocean, Sea Ice, Academy, Aircraft, Buoys, Center, Climate, Global, IABP, Maintain, Models, Observations, Opportunities, Polar, Surface, USIABP, Validation, Washington, Weather.
1. Mary-Louise E Timmermans($524,027), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Arctic And Global, Beaufort Gyre, Beaufort Gyre’s, Global Climate, Sea Ice, Accumulation, Analysis, BGOS, Evolving, Extensive, Freshwater, Gyre’s, Heat, Long-term, Marine, Observing, Ocean, Program, Properties, Sea-ice, Students.
1. Michael DeGrandpre($890,378), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Canada Basin, Carbon Cycle, Ocean Acidification, Sea Surface, AON, Atmosphere, Changing, Environment, Formation, Ice, Moorings, Observing, Pco, Ph, Sensors, Warming, Ylong.
1. Claudine Hauri($7,187,363), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Eastern And Western, Eastern Eurasian Basin, Ice And Fresh, Arctic Ocean, Arctic Riverine, Fresh Water, Graduate Student, Sub-polar Seas, Western Arctic, Atmospheric, Critical, Cruises, Deep, EEB, Following, Freshwater, Future, Observations, Program, Public, Rivers, Sampling, Sea-ice, Sub-polar, Summer, Transports.
1. Cynthia D Nevison($48,821), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Ralph F Keeling($2,128,927), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Atmospheric Trace Gases, Alaska, Arctic, Carbon, Comprise, Ecosystems, Flask, Flasks, Installation, Isotopes, Land, Latitudes, Long-term, Models, Situ, Species, Utqiagvik.
1. Robert L Woodward($1,272,724), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Ice Sheet, Allow, Analysis, Capability, Estimation, GLISN, Greenland, IRIS, Network, Observations, Outreach, Stations.
1. Terry B Appelgate($2,307,012), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Coast Guard, Marine Technicians, Shipboard Technical, Technical Services, Academic, Activities, Annual, Appropriate, Arctic, Coordinate, Coordinator, Cruise, Dissemination, Healy, Maintenance, Manner, NSF, Oceanographic, STARC, Sea, Submitted, UNOLS, USCG, USCGC, Vessels.
1. Caitlin E Hicks Pries($380,780), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. William R Wieder($347,143), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Jessica G Ernakovich($888,775), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Carbon Cycle, Carbon Stored, Growth Chamber, Permafrost Soils, Permafrost Thaw, Addressing, Affect, Arctic, Carrying, Climate, Feedbacks, Frozen, Global, Laboratory, Land, Microbes, Microbial, Minerals, Model, Models, Plant, Training, Vegetation, Vulnerability.
1. Heather D Alexander($82,276), Auburn University, Auburn
Key terms: Increased Fire Activity, Larch Recruitment Failure, Post-fire Larch Recruitment, Regional And Global, Trigger Forest Loss, Boreal Forests, Climate Feedbacks, Climate Warming, Fire Regime, Forest Recovery, Forest Recruitment, Global Climate, Larch Forest, Larch Forests, Post-fire Larch, Regional Climate, Seed Sources, Statistical Modeling, Successional Trajectories, Albedo, Arctic, Climateand, Consequences, Cover, Critical, Dominated, Future, Grasses, Lead, Limit, Observations, Primary, Remain, Shift, Shrubs, Storage, Students, System-level, Treeline, Via.
1. Cynthia L Barnett($2,244,966), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Solute And Gas, Effective Communication, Environmental Civics, Gas Fluxes, Glacial Meltwater, Glacial Retreat, Periglacial Watersheds, Stream Chemistry, Stream Water, Weathering Extent, Amounts, Arctic, Chemical, Compositions, Control, Cycling, Discharge, Ecosystems, Greenland, Greenlandic, Ice, Interdisciplinary, Non-glacial, Past, Plant, Processes, Schools, Sediments, Skills, Streams.
1. Trisha B Atwood($1,548,878), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Carbon Dynamics, Grazing Birds, Greenhouse Gases, River Deltas, Yukon-kuskokwim Delta, Affect, Biogeochemical, Ecosystem, Effects, Examining, Experiment, Experiments, Field, Future, Geese, Herbivory, Local, Microbes, Microbial, Models, On-line, Plant, Predict, Produce, School, Soil, Students, Yukon-kuskokwim.
1. Michael P Erb($527,906), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Elizabeth K Thomas($665,013), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Abrupt Warming, Global Climate, Paleoclimate Database, Arctic, Based, Components, Existing, Model, Moisture, Multiple, Past, Rate, Simulations, Students, Temperature, —.
1. Christina S McCluskey($100,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Jessie M Creamean($792,294), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Arctic Clouds, Cloud Ice, Ice Crystals, Permafrost Thaw, Thawing Permafrost, Aerosols, Assess, Climate, Formation, Has, INP, Inps, Lakes, Microbes, Particles, Released, Rivers, Shipborne, Soil, Source, Sources, Water, World.
1. Caroline L Funk($427,377), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
2. Lorrie D Rea($2,389,066), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Ecosystem Sentinels, Marine Species, Mercury Contamination, Aleutian, Arctic, Coastal, Cod, Commercial, Contaminants, Critical, Dynamics, Economic, Food, Global, Has, Health, Historical, Implications, Sources, Students, Timing, Top, Traditional.
1. Anna K Liljedahl($316,927), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Differential Ground, Ice-wedge Degradation, Ice-wedge Polygon, Tundra Landscape, Alaska, Arctic, Carbon, Ecosystem, Evolution, Extent, Field, Global, Gradual, Ground-ice, Ice-wedge, Ice-wedges, Imagery, Maps, Numerical, Observations, Pan-arctic, Permafrost, Ponds, Processes, Rapid, Recently, Shallow, Spatial, Summer, Via, Warming, Water.
1. Morten E Allentoft($1,772,485), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Canadian Arctic, Assistants, Based, Climate, Current, DNA, Developed, ECA, Ecosystems, Female, Graduate, Increase, Interglacial, Inuit, Lake, Lakes, Modern, Nearby, Partnership, Plant, Relation, Sedadna, Sediment, Soils, Strong, Students, Summer, Surface, Temperature, Vegetation, Warmer, Warming, Water.
1. Jennifer M Mullinax($335,440), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Cap And Cae, Future Nutritional Landscapes, Spatial And Temporal, Alaska Native, Caribou Available, Caribou Foraging, Migratory Caribou, Secondary Compounds, Amounts, Analysis, Arctic, Biomass, Climate, Consumers, Depend, Digestibility, Examines, Experimental, Food, Function, Herbivore, Herbivores, Humans, Hunter, Integrative, Interactions, Long-term, M-, Modeling, Multiple, Plant, Scenarios, Species, Students, Vegetation.
1. Gudny Zoega($297,362), University of Massachusetts Boston, Dorchester
Key terms: Archaeological, Coring, Development, Excavations, Farm, Hjaltadalur, Hólar, Iceland, Inequalities, International, Sequence, Site, Sites, Social, Students.
1. Mark P John($480,149), Calista Education and Culture, Inc., Anchorage
Key terms: Middle Kuskokwim River, Archaeological Survey, Ecological Knowledge, Field Survey, Food Security, Alaska, Context, Elders, Fishing, Food-related, Geography, Local, Participatory, Sharing, Site, Sites, Topics, Traditional, Visits, Yup’ik.
1. Kathryn A Catlin($197,832), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Archaeological, Coring, Discovery, Excavation, Iceland, Initial, Nature, Settlement, Site, Sites, Subsistence, Testing.
1. Marya Rozanova-Smith($58,706), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Equality And Empowerment, Gender Equality, Arctic, Collect, Development, Documents, Economic, Political, Public, Stakeholders.
1. Joshua D Reuther($278,503), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Accessible, Activities, Alaska, Archaeological, Arctic, Artifacts, Available, Collections, Database, Human, Inupiaq, Produced, Remains, Sediment, Site, Wales, Was.
1. Anne Spice($37,280), CUNY Graduate School University Center, New York
Key terms: Social Networks, Conflicts, Contexts, Document, Emerge, Emerging, Indigenous, Land, Resettlement, Traditional.
1. Igor Pasternak($199,993), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Covid-19 Pandemic, Alaska, Galena, Gambell, Healthcare, Indigenous, Life, Water.
1. Stephanie R Carroll($99,916), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Noor Jehan Johnson($97,619), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Food Access, Food Security, Alaska, COVID-, Directly, Existing, Indigenous, Knowledge, Obstacles, Participants, Participatory, Southwest.
1. Laura P Eichelberger($198,549), Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage
Key terms: Public Health Officials, Alaska Native, Daily Life, Qualitative Interviews, Rural Alaska, COVID-, Experience, Guidelines, Leaders, Pandemic, Remote, Risk, Survey, Surveys, Tribal.
1. Christopher S Sneddon($49,988), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Small-scale Fisheries, Access, Arctic, Arrangements, Fishers, Legitimacy, Perceived, Regulatory, Small-scale, Variables.
1. James E Powell($72,015), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
2. Hana Akselrod($58,297), George Washington University, Washington
3. Charles S Topkok($43,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Real Time, Adaptive, Alaska, Broad, Capacity, Communication, Crisis, Disaster, Effective, Isolated, Knowledge, Limited, Local, Remote.
1. Guangqing Chi($119,868), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Kevin C Berry($154,599), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
3. Davin Holen($80,915), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Characterize Risk Perception, Health Care Resources, Bristol Bay, Epidemiological Modeling, Fishing Season, Social Distancing, Alaska, COVID-, Compliance, Dynamics, Employed, Existing, Limited, Pandemic, Region, Scenarios, Surveys.
1. Andrey Petrov($305,102), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Key terms: Arctic Social, Congress, Development, Exchange, ICASS, Indigenous, Interact, Looking, Northern, Participation, Particular, Students, World.
1. Mark R Welford($387,675), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Key terms: Accounts, Analysis, Arctic, Available, COVID-, Collected, Collection, Datasets, Experience, Geography, Hub, Mitigation, Pandemic, Rates, Spread, Variables.
1. Ron A Heintz($430,839), SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER INC, Sitka
Key terms: Attitudes And Behaviors, Southeast Alaska, COVID-, Crisis, Current, Engagement, Existing, Leverages, Pandemic, Participation, Presentations, Public, Risk, Rural, Survey.
1. Jonathan Waterhouse($26,757), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
Key terms: Indigenous Knowledge, Water Quality, Advancing, Collection, Cultural, Discuss, Environmental, Human, Participants, Regions, Techniques, Various, Workshop.
1. Scott Schnur($12,434), Emory University, Atlanta
Key terms: Greenlandic Scientists, Participant Observation, Arctic, Collaborations, Collect, Contribute, Cultural, Differences, Environmental, Ethnographic, Interpret, Interviews, Non-scientists.
1. Michael J Watts($49,997), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Arctic, Arctic’s, Changing, Cultural, Effects, Environmental, Global, Infrastructures, Interconnections, Knowledge, Shifts, Social, Workshops, World.
1. Victoria Q Buschman($49,999), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Arctic Biodiversity, Conservation Efforts, Conservation Projects, Content Analysis, Focused Comparison, Indigenous Knowledge, Approaches, Collection, Comparative, Diverse, Engaged, N=, Participation, Participatory, Peoples, Planning, Via.
1. Joseph L Allen($200,326), Concord University, Athens
2. Colin A Shaw($197,731), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Aasivissuit Nipisat Unesco, Mapping And Sampling, Nipisat Unesco World, Unesco World Heritage, World Heritage Site, Heritage Site, Earthquake, Experience, Field, Geologic, Greenland, International, Local, Multi-fault, REU, Rupture, Students, Unique.
1. Carla L Atkinson($990,040), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Intensely Seasonal Arctic, Light And Temperature, Arctic Spring-streams, Bioenergetic Costs, Dolly Varden, Gross Primary, Relatively Warm, Seasonal Light, Stable Temperatures, Winter Habitat, Winter Temperatures, Affect, Alaska, Annual, Cycles, Degrees, Demand, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Examine, Flow, GPP, Otherwise, Processes, Range, Rates, Regimes, Seasons, Species, Spring-streams, Summer, Thermal, Unable, Uncoupling, Unique, Widespread.
1. Xanthe J Walker($653,119), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Brendan M Rogers($170,381), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Legacy Carbon Combustion, Arctic Ecosystems, Carbon Sink, Carbon Source, Carbon Storage, Climate Warming, Fire Managers, Increasing Wildfires, Northern Arizona, Northern Ecosystems, Soil Carbon, Alaska, Atmosphere, Burning, Citizens, Engage, Global, Has, Local, Release, Rural, Share, Shift, Soils, Sometimes, Stakeholders, Store, Stored, Youth.
1. Jennifer Watts($516,338), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
2. Howard E Epstein($476,284), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
3. Nicholas Parazoo($132,000), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Boreal Forests, Carbon Dioxide, Environmental Conditions, Photosynthetic Phenology, Alaska, BONA, CARDAMOM, Climate, Driven, Ecosystem, Estimates, Framework, Functional, GPP, Growing, Indicator, Moisture, Observations, Plant, Program, Regional, Soil, Temperature, Uptake, Vegetation, Warming, Water, Watershed.
1. Irina Overeem($1,306,498), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sediment And Carbon, Soil And Carbon, Canning River, River Corridors, Sediment Transport, Arctic, Coasts, Collection, Computer, Decomposition, Deposition, Effect, Frozen, Future, Insights, Integrated, Landscapes, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Organic, Program, Service, Students, Warming, Water.
1. Matthew Oliver($256,754), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Joseph S Levy($41,823), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Colgate, Context, Course, Demonstrate, Education, Evaluations, Geoscience, Media, Narrative, Pair-programming, Pedagogy, Polar, Skills, Student, Students, Technical, UD.
1. Twila A Moon($215,497), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Spruce W Schoenemann($53,666), The University of Montana-Western, Dillon
Key terms: Increase Polar Knowledge, Geoscience Curriculum, Innovative Teaching, Polar Space, Activities, Advance, Center, Course, Education, Enhance, GETSI, GIS, Ice, Instructional, Integrate, Methods, Module, National, Primary, SERC, STEM, Spatial, Technology, Tools, Undergraduate, Western.
1. Laurie W Juranek($627,176), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Air-sea Co2, Arctic Ecosystems, Arctic Ocean, Carbon Dioxide, Observing Gap, Air-sea, Atmosphere, Biologically-facilitated, Collected, Coverage, Exchange, Future, Gas, Growth, High-resolution, NCP, Net, Observations, Obtain, Period, Potential, Rapid, Region, Resolution, Warming.
1. Zhonghua Xu($1,166,060), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Space Weather, Antarctic, Array, Complex, Deployed, Earth, Energy, Institute, Investigate, Magnetometers, Models, Polar, Processes, Regions, Southern.
1. Jan Lenaerts($293,791), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Greenland Ice Sheet, Remote Sensing Algorithms, Sea Level Rise, Constrain Smb, Cyber Objective, Ice Loss, Mass Balance, Access, Aggregated, Broad, Current, Dataset, Discovery, Education, Field, Model, Models, Occurring, Polar, Predictions, Processes, Public, Surface.
1. Steven Neshyba($95,874), University of Puget Sound, Tacoma
2. Penny M Rowe($203,585), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Guided Inquiry, Knowledge Gains, Undergraduate Courses, Active, Analysis, CGI, Climate, Computational, Development, Directly, Education, Educational, Literacy, Modules, Pedagogical, Pis, Polar, Range, Student, Students, Variety, Via.
1. David Gagnon($300,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Adelie Penguins, Jean Pennycook, Actions, Antarctica, Collaborative, Experience, Has, Information, Lives, Outcomes, Participant’s, Polar, Public, Shown, Story, Users, VR, Virtual, Wealth, Wisconsin.
1. Alia L Khan($85,763), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Increase Polar Knowledge, Geoscience Curriculum, Innovative Teaching, Polar Space, Activities, Advance, Center, Course, Education, Enhance, GETSI, GIS, Ice, Instructional, Integrate, Methods, Module, National, Primary, SERC, STEM, Spatial, Technology, Tools, Undergraduate, Western.
1. Spencer Clark($339,573), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Rural Secondary Students, Teachers And Students, Diverse Rural, Geoscience Degrees, Remote Sensing, Rural Schools, Rural Students, Rural Teachers, Students’ Desire, Activities, Applications, Center, Cresis, Engage, Geosciences, Geotechnology, Hispaniclatinx, KSU, Kansas, Pis, Populations, Pursue, REC, Resources, SOARING, STEM.
1. Andy Aschwanden($140,928), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Thorsten W Becker($114,952), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. April Binder($174,379), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
4. Samantha E Hansen($136,657), University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa
Key terms: Rate And Magnitude, Wilkes Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica, Future Ice-sheet, Future Sea-level, Global Sea-level, Heat Flow, Ice Sheets, Ice-sheet Behavior, Ice-sheet Stability, Mantle Flow, Mantle Viscosity, Tectonic Model, Warming Climate, Assess, Based, Beneath, Collapse, Constrain, Control, Critical, Density, Efforts, Estimates, Existing, Geologic, Geological, Geology, Geophysical, Has, Highlight, Ice-sheet, Ice-sheets, Indicates, MISI, Marine, Modeling, Models, Observations, Paleotopography, Parameters, Past, Potential, Properties, Region, Regions, Rise, Sea-level, Seismic, Significantly, Structure, Susceptible, WSB.
1. Laurie Geller($398,520), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Cosmic Microwave Background, Evolution And Adaptation, Organisms And Ecosystems, Activity, Addressing, Advancing, Antarctic, Challenges, Changing, Committee, Current, Ice, Knowledge, NSF, Opportunities, Process, Progress, Recommendations, Report, Strategies, Topics.
1. Laurie Geller($87,854), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: International Arctic, International Cooperation, Activities, Advance, Advanced, Annual, Antarctic, Assessment, Committee, Countries, Efforts, Fellowship, IASC, Iasc’s, Initiatives, National, Opportunities, Organizations, Partnerships, Planning, Polar, Policy, Programs, SCAR, Scar’s.
1. Lee J Welhouse($1,514,354), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Jeffrey F Havens($878,395), Madison Area Technical College, Madison
Key terms: Antarctic Meteorological, AMRDC, Center, Datasets.
1. Joseph Souney($1,228,625), University of San Francisco, San Francisco
Key terms: Antarctic, Collaborations, Committee, Funding, International, National, PRB, Participation, Polar, Program, SCAR, US-SCAR.
1. Trevor P Irons($421,085), Montana Technological University, Butte
Key terms: Arctic Soils, Glacier Retreat, Repeated Field, Rural Colorado, Agriculture, Classrooms, Climate, Collaborative, Contribute, Council, Development, Effects, Effort, Evolution, Extent, Following, Model, Monitoring, Processes, Remote, Seasonal, Sensors, Students, Summer, Training, Utah, Via, Yround.