Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
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Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. A Joshua Leffler($380,435), South Dakota State University, Brookings
2. Karen H Beard($642,524), Utah State University, Logan
3. Katharine C Kelsey($376,970), University of Colorado at Denver-Downtown Campus, Denver
Key terms: Arctic Coastal Wetlands, Changing Waterfowl Abundances, Coastal And Inland, Conferences And Publications, Largest River Deltas, Local Radio Station, Field Techniques, Ghg Fluxes, Goose Impacts, Graduate Students, Greenhouse Gas, Increasing Temperature, Laboratory Experiments, Middle Schools, Native Villages, School Students, School Teacher, Sea Level, Y-k Delta, Affect, Alaska, Build, Climate, Disseminate, Effects, Emissions, Expands, Experiencing, Findings, Flooding, Geese, Influence, Interact, Knowledge, Measured, Mechanisms, Mentor, Migratory, Millions, Modules, Plant, Post-doctoral, Regions, Site, Story, Undergraduates, Warming, World, Y-K, Yukon-kuskokwim.
1. Michael L Moody($337,463), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
2. Ned Fetcher($512,776), Wilkes University, Wilkes Barre
Key terms: Growing Season Length, Arctic Plants, Plant Phenology, Plants Respond, School Students, Tussock Cottongrass, Adjust, Approach, Climate, Ecosystem, Function, Genes, Genetics, Getting, Growth, Laboratory, Leaf, Light, Populations, South, Temperature, Timing, Warmer.
1. Jeremy Shakun($46,637), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
2. William D McGee($308,650), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
3. Peter K Swart($105,215), University of Miami, Coral Gables
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Arctic Climate, Cave Deposits, Northern Hemisphere, Northwestern Canada, Oxygen Isotope, Sea Ice, Caves, Composition, Design, Education, High-latitude, Interglacials, Ka, Less, Melting, Periods, Permafrost, Precipitation, Teacher, Temperature, Warming.
1. Young-Oh Kwon($449,260), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Gokhan Danabasoglu($446,899), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Ocean And Atmosphere, Poleward Heat Transport, Predictions And Projections, Arctic Climate, Arctic Warming, Climate Model, Model Biases, Model Simulations, Model Uncertainties, Northern Hemisphere, Available, Changing, Commercial, Effort, Has, Investigate, Limited, Observational, Processes, Public, Quantify, Sea-ice, Sets, Simulated, Weather.
1. Tyler J Fudge($489,233), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Climate Model, Greenland Climate, Ice Cores, Isotopic Fractionation, Model Simulations, Atmospheric, Constraints, Development, GISP, Global, Information, Nitrogen, Reconstruction, Reconstructions, Sensitivity, Sources, Transition, ∂N-N.
1. Lee B Corbett($88,394), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
2. Jeremy Shakun($232,428), Boston College, Chestnut Hill
3. Marc W Caffee($38,150), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Boston Public Schools, Climate And Sea, Ice Age Cycles, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Female Ph, Ice Sheets, Mcauliffe Center, Sea Level, Sediment Cores, Society Nsf, Underrepresented Minority, Bostem, Chemicals, Chemistry, Drifting, Educate, Framingham, Future, Global, History, Icebergs, Integrated, Interval, Layers, Long-term, MS, Melted, Middle, Million, North, Past, Phd, Sand, Student, Students, Surfaces, Teachers, Vermont, Was.
1. Matthew J Wooller($1,721,614), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Bering Land Bridge, Bering Sea Shelf, Central And Southern, Sea Ice Extent, Terrestrial And Marine, Glacial Stages, Global Climate, Late Pleistocene, Marine Gateway, Marine Sediment, Migration Corridor, Permit Reconstruction, Primary Productivity, Resources Available, Sea Level, Shelf Edge, Alaska, Animals, Apparatus, Basin, Basins, Beringian, Coastal, Collected, Fill, Holocene, National, North, Paleoecology, Plants, Pollen, Populations, Quaternary, Sites, Transition, Vegetation.
1. Ellyn M Enderlin($297,977), Boise State University, Boise
2. Dustin Carroll($56,123), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
3. Twila A Moon($127,167), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Iceberg Melt Rate, Freshwater Enters, Freshwater Flux, Iceberg Melting, Iceberg Meltwater, Meltwater Runoff, Outreach Activities, Artist, Combine, Flows, Frozen, Ice-sheet, Icebergs, Maps, Marine, Melted, Methods, Observations, Ocean, Produced, Public, Reservoir, Salty, Surface, Time, Warm, Water.
1. Gifford H Miller($62,715), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Darrell S Kaufman($55,333), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Predict Future Climate, Tiny Tundra Plants, Tundra Plants Killed, Brbroader Impacts, Brooks Range, Climate Models, Millennial Perspective, Poorly Constrained, Preservation Agents, Radiocarbon Ages, Summer Temperature, Act, Alaska, Allow, Arctic, Dimensions, Episodes, Expect, Glaciers, Holocene, Ice, Ice-entombed, Past, Preserving, Public, Rapidly, Receding, Recession, Serve, Similar, Sites, Summary, Summers, Visit, Warming.
1. Leigh A Stearns($334,282), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Outlet Glacier Dynamics, Advance Accuracy, Historical Dataset, Ice Sheet-wide, Predictive Models, Surface Elevation, Surface Elevations, Air, Climate, Constraints, Designed, Greenland, Images, Maps, Methodology, Military, Observations, Photo, Photographs, Prior, Products, Public, S-s, Sheet-wide, Tutorial, Velocities.
1. Ian R Joughin($205,862), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Jason M Amundson($566,927), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Brbrtidewater Glaciers, Field Course, Southeast Alaska, Steady Climate, Taku Glacier, Tidewater Glacier, Tidewater Glaciers, Ability, Advance, Advancing, Cycles, Has, Indicate, Investigate, Lead, Majority, Observations, Phase, Predict, Processes, Recently, Retreat, Retreating, Satellite, Was, World.
1. Eric J Steig($125,995), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Tammy M Rittenour($132,766), Utah State University, Logan
3. Elizabeth K Thomas($151,258), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
4. Kathryn Kasic($119,957), University Enterprises, Incorporated, Sacramento
5. Joerg M Schaefer($252,372), Columbia University, New York
6. Marc W Caffee($29,975), Purdue University, West Lafayette
7. Andrew J Christ($524,315), University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, Burlington
Key terms: Camp Century Ice, Century And Teach, Century Ice Core, Greenland Ice Sheet, Sediment And Bedrock, Climate Warming, Earth’s Climate, Frozen Sediment, Geologic Past, Ice Cores, Ice Melts, Ice Sheets, K-12 Curricula, Media Outlets, Polar Regions, Sea Level, Social Media, Advanced, Allow, Analyses, Base, Bottom, Comprehensive, Decades, Earth’s, Ecosystems, Engage, Filmmaker, Freezer, Future, Ground-breaking, Has, Ice-free, Information, Look, Process, Range, Recovered, Rise, Story, Tell, Times, Videos, Was, Websites.
1. William P Gilhooly III($440,249), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Trinity Hamilton($274,887), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Chemical And Biological, Greenland Ice Sheet, Sermia And Leverett, Glacial Bed, Isunnguata Sermia, Leverett Glacier, Naled Ice, Stable Isotopes, Agreement, Analyses, Atmospheric, Beneath, Budget, Chemistry, Compared, Conditions, Distributed, Effect, Flow, Flux, Glaciers, Inaccessible, Input, Joint, Knowledge, Life, Melt, Meltwater, Minimal, Nutrients, Outflow, Outlets, Overwinter, Past, Peak, Processes, Products, Program, Proportion, Sediment, Spring, Subglacial, Summer, Supply, Water, Waters, Weathering, Winter, Wintertime.
1. Michael L Bender($135,927), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Melted, Thick Ice Sheet, Central Greenland, Complete Melting, Global Climate, Global Warming, Human Activities, Ice Sheets, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sea Level, Ability, Age, Ago, Bottom, Causing, Cities, Dating, Drilled, Future, Has, Hole, Ice-free, Independent, Information, Lead, Near, Occurred, Past, Planetary, Predict, Preparing, Raise, Rate, Required, Rise, Site, Thousands, Time, Times, Training, Was, World, “GISP”.
1. Jason M Amundson($97,203), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
2. Rebecca H Jackson($292,854), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
3. Alexander A Robel($283,923), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
4. Justin C Burton($271,750), Emory University, Atlanta
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Greenland Fjords, Ice Mélange, Iceberg Calving, Laboratory Experiments, Ocean Circulation, Affect, Coupled, Development, Flow, GLACIOME, Glacier, Glaciers, Granular, Icebergs, Interactions, Investigate, Melting, Model, Models, Pis, Standalone, Students.
1. Penny Vlahos($272,619), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Marginal Ice Zone, Summer Sea Ice, Arctic Biogeochemistry, Bering Sea, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Sequestration, Chukchi Sea, Ocean Acidification, Rv Sikuliaq, Taking Water, Carbonate, Changing, Complexities, Cruise, Decades, Dissolved, June, MIZ, Podcast.
1. Jeffrey Donnelly($731,410), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Andrea D Hawkes($433,374), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
3. Christopher V Maio($769,965), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Aleutian Islands, Bed Deposition, Bering Sea, Extreme Storms, Future Storm, Intense Storminess, Stem Fields, Storm Activity, Access, Alaska’s, Allow, Beds, Coarse-grained, Coastal, Coupled, Current, Decades, Environmental, Has, Knowledge, Limited, Little, Local, Millennia, Past, Plan, Real-time, Reconstructions.
1. Robert S Pickart($199,997), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Pathways And Fate, Baffin Bay, Boundary Current, Graduate Students, Warm Water, West Greenland, Arctic, Carried, Circulation, Climate, Cruise, Designed, Eastern, Fjords, Freshwater, Glaciers, Greenland’s, Has, Healy, Heat, Lead, Near, Ocean, Post-doc, Region, Set, Sources, Survey, WGC.
1. Rebecca J Sheesley($266,622), Baylor University, Waco
2. Alex Guenther($241,534), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Volatile Organic Compounds, Field Campaigns, Laboratory Analysis, North Slope, Organic Aerosol, Vegetation Emissions, Alaska, Arctic, Atmosphere, Baylor, Biogenic, Broader, Bvocs, California-irvine, California-riverside, Changing, Chemistry, Climate, Concentrations, Iḷisaġvik, K-, Local, Measure, Minority-serving, Modeling, Quantifying, Released, Schools, Students, Subsequent.
1. Kelley Barsanti($220,048), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Volatile Organic Compounds, Field Campaigns, Laboratory Analysis, North Slope, Organic Aerosol, Vegetation Emissions, Alaska, Arctic, Atmosphere, Baylor, Biogenic, Broader, Bvocs, California-irvine, California-riverside, Changing, Chemistry, Climate, Concentrations, Iḷisaġvik, K-, Local, Measure, Minority-serving, Modeling, Quantifying, Released, Schools, Students, Subsequent.
1. Robert S Pickart($117,429), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Fall And Following, Water Mass Transformation, Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea, Chukchi Shelf, Easy-to-use Portable, Flows Northward, Outreach Program, Polar Star, Previous Fall, Regional Ecosystem, Twice Daily, Winter Water, Arctic, Bottom, Cold, Collect, Collected, Cruise, December, Easy-to-use, February, Has, Incorporated, Local, Mission, Months, Nutrients, Opportunity, Outfit, Probes, Profiles, Rare, Sediments, Source, Spring, Spur, Time.
1. Rebecca E Hewitt($380,201), Amherst College, Amherst
Key terms: Eastern Brooks Range, Surface Energy Exchange, Western Brooks Range, Boreal Forest, Tree Abundance, Tree Growth, Wildlife Habitat, Aerial, Alaska, Anchorage, Arctic, Carbon, Climate, Colder, Decades, Divergence, Has, Implications, Increased, Kotzebue, Limit, Local, Northern, Plan, Positive, Public, School, Soils, Students, Tree-ring, Tundra, Warming, Watersheds, Widespread.
1. Ana C Ravelo($473,083), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Bering Sea Paleoceanography, Sea Ice Edge, Sea Ice Extent, Winter Sea Ice, North Pacific, Reconstructing Sea, Sea Surface, Cores, Database, Ocean, Paleoceanographic, Past, Productivity, Spatial, Temporal.
1. William A Bristow($2,656,568), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Solar Wind, South Pole, Superdarn Radars, Upper Atmosphere, Characterize, Ionospheric, Observations, Operation, Plasma, Polarization, Processes, SPS, Signal, Station.
1. Chester S Gardner($152,618), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Xinzhao Chu($2,051,637), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ionosphere And Thermosphere, Mesosphere And Lower, Lower Atmosphere, Plasma-neutral Coupling, Upper Atmosphere, Altitudes, Atmospheric, Chemistry, Climate, Complex, Concept, Discoveries, Domains, Dynamics, Earth, Energy, Forcing, Geospace, Lidars, Mcmurdo, Modeling, Observations, Plasma-neutral, Polar, Range, Region, Sodium, Temperature, Vertical, Wave, Winds.
1. Gareth Perry($1,013,474), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
2. Alex T Chartier($174,758), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Geomagnetic Field, Magnetic Field, Polar Cap, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Antarctic, Collected, Earth, Energy, Geospace, Investigate, Ionospheric, KOPRI, Korean, Plasma, Platforms, Station.
1. Yucheng Zhao($1,264,972), Utah State University, Logan
Key terms: Gravity Waves, Upper Atmosphere, Air, Effects, GW, MLT, Modeling, Momentum, Region, Weather.
1. Justin P Dodd($343,260), Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
2. Jacqueline Austermann($516,683), Columbia University, New York
3. Paul Winberry($173,799), Central Washington University, Ellensburg
4. Jeanine L Ash($11,246), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
5. Amy Leventer($98,206), Colgate University, Hamilton
6. Molly Patterson($1,339,912), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
7. David M Harwood($757,689), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Key terms: Average Global Temperatures, Future Sea Level, Global Mean Sea, Ice Sheet Behavior, Ice Sheets Stability, Mean Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, West Antarctic Ice, Swais 2c, West Antarctica, Accelerated, Accurate, Assess, Atmosphere, Celsius, Classroom, Climate, Collaboration, Conditions, Contribute, Contribution, Degrees, Developed, Development, Direct, Educators, Embayment, Fast, Faster, Geological, Geophysical, Glaciological, Grounded, Grounding, Has, History, Impactful, Information, Integrate, International, Levels, Losing, Melt, Melted, Model, Models, Modern, Numerical, Observations, Ocean, Past, Periods, Polar, Predictions, Processes, Projections, Public, Raise, Rate, Rates, Ross, Scenarios, Sensitivities, Sensitivity, Time, WAIS, Warm, Warming, Zone.
1. Jonathan Warnock($94,574), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute, Indiana
2. Emma T Rasbury($151,786), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
3. Trevor Williams($218,256), Texas A&M University, College Station
4. Suzanne O'Connell($46,023), Wesleyan University, Middletown
5. Stefanie A Brachfeld($191,890), Montclair State University, Montclair
6. Brendan T Reilly($288,583), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
7. Ian Bailey($554,088), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheets, Geochemical And Mineralogic, James Ross Island, Argentine Collaborators, Ice-sheet Model, Southern Hemisphere, Stratigraphic Context, Antarctica’s, Climate, Collapse, Constraints, Cores, Drivers, Dynamics, Evidence, Glacier, Glaciers, Global, Ice-sheet, Integrated, Marine, Means, Northern, Past, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Program, Revealed, Rise, Sectors, Signatures, Studying, Time.
1. Kirsteen J Tinto($382,164), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ice Flow, Ice Sheet, Ice Streams, Regression Analyses, Sedimentary Basins, Algorithm, Antarctica, Available, Below, Combination, Distribution, Fast, Findings, Geophysical, Gravity, Has, Identifying, Influence, Machine, Method, Rock, Sediments, Unknown, Well-known.
1. Regina DeWitt($367,390), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Incoming Solar Radiation, Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Summer Climate Conditions, Alluvial Fans, Fluvial Deposition, Lake Levels, Meltwater Streams, Past Climate, Sediment Provenance, Stream Activity, Summer Meltwater, Active, Activities, Advance, Collect, Constrain, Contribute, Dating, Deposited, Depositional, Deposits, Development, Education, Extent, Field, Geologic, Glacial, Glaciers, Holocene, Hydrologic, K-, LGM, Lakes, Largest, Monitoring, Observed, Periods, Pis, Rates, Region, Regional, Sediments, Sources, Stratigraphy, Streamflow, Student, Students, Temperatures, Timing, Undergraduate, Victoria, Wright, X-ray.
1. Sandra Passchier($410,572), Montclair State University, Montclair
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Global Mean Sea, Ice Mass Loss, Mean Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, West Antarctic Ice, Amundsen Sea, Continental Shelf, Warmer Climate, Antarctica, Coastal, Current, Development, Onset, PCO, Period, Pliocene, Polar, Provenance, Reveal, Sedimentary, Warming.
1. Laura Waters($483,028), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Books Introducing Students, Educational Modules Aimed, Ice Sheet Thickness, Marie Byrd Land, Predictions And Collect, Third Grade Students, Available Online, Information Required, Interglacial Periods, Magmatic Plumbing, Mentoring Kids, Mount Waesche, Program Consists, Reading Skills, Simple Experiments, Volcanic Activity, West Antarctica, Activities, Ages, Compared, Compositions, Constraints, Crust, Curriculum, Deglaciation, Followed, Geodynamic, Geologic, Glacial, Glaciers, Implement, Increases, Mechanisms, Mexico, Paired, Polar, Readings, Rock, Storage, Themes, Time, Volcanism, Volcano.
1. Paul Northrup($84,825), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Terrence Blackburn($679,267), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Chemical And Isotopic, Global Sea Level, Ice Age Cycles, Warm Climate Periods, Earth’s Ice, Ice Sheets, Past Warm, Polar Ice, Sea Levels, Subglacial Precipitates, Warm Periods, AIS, Antarctica, Archive, Archives, Beneath, Calcite, Characterization, Climatic, Compositions, Contributed, Cyclic, Earth’s, Exhibit, Found, Future, Geochemical, Geologic, Limited, Mineralogic, Modern, Preliminary, Sensitivity, Sub-ice, Temperature, Time, Warming, Water, Waters.
1. Julia Lindow($481,644), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: East Antarctic Ice, In-situ Produced Cosmogenic, Past Ice Sheet, Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides, Composition Dependence, Cosmic Rays, Ferrar Dolerite, Glacial Deposits, In-situ Produced, Rare Isotopes, Sea Level, Time Scales, Transantarctic Mountains, Advance, Age, Ages, Aims, Antarcticas, Applicable, Application, Dating, Directly, Existing, Exposure, Found, History, Knowledge, Lithologies, Method, Methods, Mineral, Ne, Pyroxene, Pyroxenes, Rates, Rock, Sirius, Surface, Unique.
1. Claire Todd($125,730), University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB, San Bernardino
2. Seth Campbell($116,342), University of Maine, Orono
3. Claire Todd($125,730), Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma
4. Gregory A Balco($131,876), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Ice-sheet Model Simulations, Past Warm-climate Periods, Complete Deglaciation, Direct Geological, Geological Evidence, Ice Sheet, Ice-sheet Model, Past Warm-climate, Warm-climate Periods, Antarctic, Basins, Bedrock, Beneath, Concentrations, Cosmogenic-nuclide, East, Future, Information, Marine, Pliocene, Potential, Sites, Subglacial, Was.
1. John A Higgins($15,181,229), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Earth’s Climate, East Antarctica, Ice Cores, Ice Sheet, Past Climate, COLDEX, Continuous, Earth’s, Experiences, Extend, Future, Geologic, Inclusive, Information, Link, Polar, Public, Students, Time.
1. Britney E Schmidt($1,239,283), Cornell University, Ithaca
2. Peter M Washam($1,239,283), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Kamb Ice Stream, International Collaboration, Subglacial Channel, Three-dimensional Context, Active, Aims, Antarctica, Borehole, Caused, Downstream, Geophysical, Hydrology, Icefin, Interactions, Ocean, Oceanographic, Perspectives, Seafloor, Section, Three-dimensional, Vehicle, Water, Zealand.
1. Edwin D Waddington($882,048), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Zoe Courville($966,896), Dartmouth College, Hanover
3. Kaitlin M Keegan($385,870), Board of Regents, NSHE, obo University of Nevada, Reno, Reno
Key terms: Current Firn-compaction, Firn Models, Firn-compaction Rates, Satellite Altimetry, Taylor Dome, Accumulation, Based, Climate, Cores, Critical, Difference, Evolution, Firn-compaction, Future, Ice, Measure, Measuring, Microstructures, Process, Situ, Snow, Spanning, Temperature, Transformation.
1. Mathieu Morlighem($430,186), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Ocean Circulation Model, Ice Loss, Ice Sheet, Numerical Models, Sea-level Rise, Thwaites Glacier, Assess, Coupled, Decades, External, Future, Has, Ice-shelf, Independent, Predictions, Processes, Sea-level, Sets, Stable, West.
1. Wing Yin Chu($401,307), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
2. Dustin M Schroeder($163,981), Stanford University, Stanford
3. Matthew R Siegfried($317,470), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Basal Melt Rates, Ross Ice Shelf, Decadal Timescales, Englacial Temperature, Field Campaigns, Ice-shelf Thickness, Local Basal, Marine-ice Formation, Antarctic, Buttressing, Collected, Critical, Estimate, Examine, Historical, Ice-shelf, Long-term, Marine-ice, Mass, Modern, Observations, Radar, Roughness, Shelves.
1. John A Higgins($69,498), Princeton University, Princeton
2. David Nicholson($543,728), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ocean Heat Content, Public Law 117-2, Rescue Plan Act, Glacial Maximum, Glacial Ocean, Global Ocean, Ice Cores, Inert Gas, Quantitatively Constrain, Agreement, Aims, Budget, Energy, Estimates, Experiments, Gases, Joint, Krypton, Model, Nitrogen, Past, Produce, Proportion, Ratios, Saturation, Simulations, Warming, Xenon.
1. Sarah Aarons($363,261), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Clay Tabor($289,433), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, West Antarctic Ice, Allan Hills, Dust Transport, Ice Core, Interglacial Period, Model Simulations, Spatial Extent, Taylor Glacier, Volcanic Dust, Aims, Climate, Conditions, Drilled, Environmental, Found, Geochemical, Ice-sheet, Observed, Past, Reconstruction, Sensitivity, Site, Warming, Water.
1. William H Lipscomb($421,624), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Mira Berdahl($629,162), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Climate Boundary Conditions, Ice Sheet Conditions, West Antarctic Ice, Coming Centuries, Ice-sheet Model, Interglacial Period, Wais Collapse, CESM, Coupling, Ensembles, Experiments, Fluxes, Future, Ice-sheet, LIG, Lead, Led, Limited, Modeling, Ocean, Parameters, Past, Simulations, Transient, Warming.
1. Lucas K Zoet($323,704), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Atsuhiro Muto($233,040), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Space And Time, Subglacial Effective Pressure, Water-saturated Granular Sediments, Antarctic Glaciers, Existing Active-seismic, Ice-bed Interface, Reflection Amplitude, Sea-level Rise, Seismic-wave Propagation, Till Types, Water-saturated Granular, Active-seismic, Directly, Estimating, Experiments, Future, Grain-size, Ice-bed, Investigate, Measured, Porosity, Processes, Reanalyze, Relates, Sea-level, Seismic-wave, Shear, Theory, Tills, Varies, Whillans.
1. Bradley P Lipovsky($362,278), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Brunt Ice Shelf, Tabular Iceberg Calving, Active Rift, Grounded Ice, Ice Sheet, Ice Shelves, Ice-flow Models, Ice-shelf Rifting, Mass Loss, Rift Propagation, Sea-level Rise, Tabular Icebergs, Agreement, Aims, Antarctica, Budget, Collected, Combination, Confidently, Detailed, Drivers, Floating, Has, Ice-flow, Ice-shelf, Inform, Joint, Knowledge, Modeling, Observations, Processes, Projections, Proportion, Rifts, Sea-level, Stresses, Tips, Vicinity.
1. Jamin S Greenbaum($199,929), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Antarctic Sites, Ice Shelves, Melt Rates, Subglacial Freshwater, West Antarctic, Antarctica, Build, Colleagues, Discharge, East, Exist, Ocean, Potential, Program, Scripps, Sea-level.
1. Joseph Souney($204,123), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, West Antarctic Ice, Hercules Dome, Ice Core, Interglacial Period, Sea Level, Antarctica, Conditions, Deep, Degrees, Ice-core, Ice-sheet, Obtained, Recovery, Warm, Was.
1. Bradford Benson($999,347), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Arrays, CMB, Camera, Construction, Cosmological, Cryostat, Current, Groundbreaking, MKID, Microwave, Mmsub-mm, Optics, Prototype, Readout, SPT, Sky, Universe, Volume.
1. Zoe Courville($38,424), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Access, Applications, Assess, Current, Decades, Development, Education, Environments, Expertise, Future, Hardware, Has, Logistical, Options, Past, Polar, Radar, Software, Training, Workshop.
1. Annie E Schmidt($128,716), Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Petaluma
2. Walker O Smith($344,427), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
3. Arvind Varsani($307,602), H.T. Harvey & Associates, Los Gatos
Key terms: Food Web Structure, Multi-sensor Ocean Gliders, South Polar Skuas, Southwestern Ross Sea, Emperor Penguins, Marine Protected, Multi-sensor Ocean, Outreach Program, Satellite Imagery, Weddell Seals, Adélie, Antarctic, Biogeochemistry, Description, Designed, Dynamics, Ecological, Ecosystem, Has, Ice, Integrated, Involved, Management, Million, Populations, Predators, Quantify, RSP, Reaches, School, UK, Visits, Website, World.
1. Alia L Khan($1,303,508), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Antarctic Tour Operators, Carbon And Dust, Hemisphere Wildfire Seasons, Intensifying Southern Hemisphere, Light Absorbing Particles, Long-term Regional Impacts, Multi-spectral Satellite Imagery, Multiple Spatial Scales, Resolution Multi-spectral Satellite, Snow And Ice, Southern Hemisphere Wildfire, Spatial And Temporal, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Black Carbon, Climate Warming, Ice Melt, Multi-spectral Satellite, Radiative Forcing, Regional Snow, Snow Algae, Snow Melt, Advance, Algal, Algorithms, Antarctica, Association, Baker, Bloom, Changing, Coastal, Collected, Collection, Continent, Cruise, Cryosphere, Diverse, Effects, Enhance, Expansion, Feedbacks, Field, Ground, Ground-based, Growing, Growth, Ice-free, Immediate, Increase, Increasing, Inform, Instructors, International, Laps, Local, Map, Model, Mt, Northwest, Pacific, Partnership, Pool, Program, Recruit, Regions, Remote, School, Sensing, Serve, Snicarv, Snow-algae, Strong, Students, Summary, Surfaces, Time-series, Undergraduate.
1. Natasja van Gestel($1,411,419), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Net Ecosystem Carbon, Plant And Microbial, Antarctic Blog, Carbon Balance, Carbon Fluxes, Control Plots, In-person Visits, Microbial Taxa, Open-top Chambers, Released Carbon, Soil Microbes, Soil Microbial, Stable Isotope, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Achieved, Antarctica, Biogeochemical, Climate, Controls, Direction, Effects, Exchange, Feed, Field, Gradient, In-person, Individual, Measured, Open-top, Pace, Plants, Productivity, Schools, Sequestered, Simplified, Technique, Temperature, Video, Warming.
1. Markus Dieser($481,268), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Englacial Microbial, Ice Cores, Microbial Activity, Taylor Glacier, Antarctic, Available, Biological, Environment, Gas, Glacial, Information, Microbes, Phase, Time.
1. Andreas Schmittner($772,265), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Maximum And Subsequent, Carbon Storage, Deep Ocean, Glacial Maximum, Ice-ocean Interactions, Sea Level, Subsequent Deglaciation, Ages, Circulation, Climate, Components, Coupling, Effects, Ice-ocean, Ice-sheet, Isotopes, Melting, Model, Past, Solid.
1. Pierre St-Laurent($157,463), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
2. Sharon E Stammerjohn($153,987), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Patricia L Yager($803,694), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
4. Jessica N Fitzsimmons($252,830), Texas A&M University, College Station
5. Robert M Sherrell($508,563), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Brthe Amundsen Sea, Carbon Dioxide Uptake, International Thwaites Glacier, Southern Ocean Average, Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, West Antarctic Ice, Carbon Cycling, Coastal Ecosystem, Oceanographic Program, Agreement, Antarctica, Biogeochemical, Budget, Climate, Glacial, Glaciers, Hosts, Iron, Joint, Melting, Micronutrients, Processes, Productive, Proportion, Region, Regional, Sampling, Summary, Times, Uk-funded.
1. Oscar Schofield($2,374,386), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Ice Cover, Marine Ecosystem, Sea Ice, Antarctic, Antarctica, Approaches, Biogeochemical, Changing, Climate, Combined, Conditions, Decadal, Drivers, Evaluating, Function, Global, Has, LTER, Long-term, Modulate, Oceanographic, PAL-LTER, Palmer, Peninsula, Program, Rapidly, Region, Seasonal, Southern, WAP.
1. Stephanie Jenouvrier($548,143), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Marika Holland($225,215), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Ecological Predictability, Analysis, Century, Climate, Demographic, Examine, Existing, Factors, Forecasting, Influence, Mechanisms, Processes, Range, Reveal, Seabird, Species.
1. Eric C Apel($343,969), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Air-sea Exchange, Ocean Biogeochemistry, Southern Ocean, Air-sea, Atmospheric, Biogeochemical, Climate, Cycles, Experience, Oceanic, Unique, VSLS.
1. XUN ZOU($138,124), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Penny M Rowe($211,208), NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated, Seattle
Key terms: Impacting Surface Melt, Surface Energy Balance, Changing Climate, Surface Warming, Water Vapor, AP, AR, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Cloud, Clouds, Effects, Foehn, Global, Has, Heating, Ice, Lead, Mechanisms, Phase, Properties, Radiation, Radiative, Seasonally, Strong, WAP.
1. Andrew R Thurber($862,053), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Chemical Energy Stored, Antarctic Methane, Graduate Students, Methane Consumption, Methane Release, Methane Seeps, Southern Ocean, Antarctica, Approach, Atmosphere, Based, Carbon, Description, Effective, Establish, Field, Inspire, K-, Laboratory, Mcmurdo, Microbes, Microbial, Processes, Released, Source, Supported, Trained, Visual, Was.
1. Lisa Manne($738,511), CUNY College of Staten Island, Staten Island
2. Jarrod A Santora($121,510), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Increase Polar Literacy, Peninsula And Scotia, Polar Literacy Training, Training And Educational, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Broader Impacts, Brocean Warming, Educational Documentary, Educational Impacts, Field Surveys, Ocean Warming, Public Perceptions, Scotia Sea, South Atlantic, South Georgia, Abundance, Assess, Associations, Bird, Bringing, Climate, Coupled, Cruises, Decrease, Description, Environmental, Exceptional, Experienced, Fitness, Has, Interact, Main, Mammal, Marine, Opportunity, Population, Positive, Previous, Principal, Quantify, Sampling, Seabird, Seabirds, Species, Students, Undergraduates, Water, Winter, Worldwide.
1. Luis Huckstadt($690,446), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: British Antarctic Survey, Increase Polar Literacy, International And Interdisciplinary, Literacy And Education, Northern And Southern, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic Krill, Build Models, Changing Climate, Crabeater Seal, Crabeater Seals, Graduate Students, Sea Ice, Uk-based Post-doctoral, Abundance, Availability, Body, Collaboration, Collected, Description, Differences, Ecosystem, Environment, Environmental, Future, Has, Human, Kingdom, Mid-s, Movement, Physiology, Population, Populations, Post-doctoral, Predator, Present-day, Principal, Sentinel, Species, Uk-based, Undergraduates.
1. Megan Cimino($113,985), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. Dulcinea V Groff($283,540), University of Wyoming, Laramie
3. David Johnston($117,935), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Adélie Penguin Colonies, Antarctic Coastal Habitats, Bass Connections Program, Connections Program Entitled, Duke Bass Connections, Graduate And Undergraduate, Penguin And Peatbank, Time Antarctic Principal, Under-represented Ethnic Minority, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Adélie Colony, Colonies Nearby, Define Suitable, Litchfield Island, Moss Banks, Palmer Station, Peatbank Moss, Real World, Remote Sensing, Under-represented Ethnic, Undergraduate Students, Unoccupied Aircraft, Assessment, Classroom, Combine, Decades, Description, Distributions, Environmental, Epscor, Extinct, Guano, Influence, Information, Islands, Machine, Maps, Mentors, Microclimate, Modeling, Mosses, Past, Peatbanks, Penguins, Plants, Presence, Seabirds, Serve, Situ, Terrestrial, UAS, Women, Wyoming.
1. Daniel Zitterbart($813,964), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Emperor Penguin Observatory, Unmanned Ground Vehicle, Emperor Penguins, Human Presence, Polar Species, Population Dynamic, Population Dynamics, Southern Ocean, Species Level, Undergraduate Students, Adaptive, Antarctic, Autonomous, Biodiversity, Breeding, Challenges, Changing, Class, Colonies, Colony, Data-loggers, Description, Developed, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Education, Effects, Environment, Especially, Existing, Field, Gaps, Knowledge, Life, Marine, Populations, Real-time, Remotely, Robotics, Sea, Seabirds, Technology, Tools, Training, Wildlife.
1. Jose Pablo Vazquez-Medina($500,233), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
2. Allyson Hindle($568,845), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Key terms: Comic Book, Endothelial Cells, Ice Camp, Laboratory Experiments, Low Oxygen, Molecular Pathways, Short Dives, Weddell Seal, Allows, Antarctica, Biochemical, Blood, Cellular, Combined, Conditions, Description, Diver, Diving, Exposed, Field, Flow, Genomic, Hole, Hypothesized, Inflammation, Ischemia, Metabolites, Metabolomic, Physiological, Physiology, Processes, Produced, Protects, Seals, Species, Stress, Students, Tissues, Tolerance, Tools, Unique.
1. Elizabeth L Crockett($1,657), Ohio University, Athens
2. Kristin M O'Brien($57,293), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Antarctic, Antarctica, Assess, Biological, Biologists, Collections, Repositories, Specimen, Students, Workshop.
1. Kristin M O'Brien($918,722), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Undergraduate And Graduate, Antarctic Fishes, Fish Species, Gene Expression, Graduate Students, Hypoxia Tolerance, Hypoxic Conditions, Inspire Youth, Los Angeles, Oxygen-rich Environment, Training Opportunities, Ability, Antarctica, Aquarium, Biochemical, Capacities, Capacity, Cold-temperate, Compared, Fields, HIF-, Has, Hemoglobin, Icefishes, Levels, Liver, Molecular, Notothenia, Notothenioid, Ocrit, Oxygen-rich, Pacific, Postdoctoral, Public, Pursue, Quantified, Regions, Seminar, Southern, Stable, Temperatures, Warming, Waters, Ylong.
1. Luis Zaman($884,192), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Carbon Cycling, Flow Cytometry, Infection Networks, Southern Ocean, Biogeochemical, Description, Environmental, Especially, Global, Microbial, NCP, Program, Students, Viral, Viruses.
1. Michael N Gooseff($338,836), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. John E Barrett($249,802), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
3. Mark R Salvatore($387,675), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
4. Eric R Sokol($60,308), Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus
Key terms: Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Ecological Models, Extreme Environments, Future Climate, Habitat Suitability, Remote Sensing, Species Distribution, Water Availability, Antarctic, Combining, Description, Deserts, Drylands, Establish, Field, High-school, Knowledge, Level, Life, Low, Methods, Moisture, Polar, Predict, Processes, Scenarios, Soil, Southwest, Temperatures, Winter.
1. Gretchen E Hofmann($308,547), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Limacina Helicina Antarctica, Dna Methylation, Gene Expression, Inclusive Excellence, Ocean Acidification, Ocean Warming, Southern Ocean, Climate, Conditions, Contributes, Description, Dynamics, Environmental, Epigenetic, Expected, Experiment, Future, Investigate, Juvenile, Marine, Mesocosm, Molecular, OA, Organism, Overall, Ph, Pteropod, Pteropods, Respond, Sequencing, Stress, Students, Temperature.
1. Luis Huckstadt($152,929), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Mixed Layer Depth, Light Penetration, Marine Mammals, Marine Predators, Ocean Observing, Quality Controlled, Southern Ocean, Water Intrusions, ABI, Animal-borne, Aspects, Coastal, Collected, Datasets, Description, Explore, Ice, International, Melt, Near, Oceanographic, Poorly, Regions, Salinity, Supplement, Temperature, Traditional.
1. Mackenzie Zippay($741,548), Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
Key terms: Chaperone Function, Protein Turnover, Southern Ocean, Aims, Bernacchii, Chaperones, Divergence, Fish, Fishes, Has, Proteins, Structure, Suggest, Temperatures, Undergraduate, °C.
1. Mark H Thiemens($774,963), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Timothy S Bates($178,169), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Re-starting Cloud Condensation, Organic Components, Re-starting Cloud, Sea Ice, Size Distribution, Aerosol, Allow, Analysis, Arctic, Atmospheric, Chemical, Climate, Collected, Continuing, Decade, Environment, Has, Inorganic, Properties, Sources, Utqiagvik.
1. Robert L Hawley($336,303), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Hans-Peter Marshall($204,068), Boise State University, Boise
3. Von P Walden($990,628), Washington State University, Pullman
4. Michael R Gallagher($847,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
5. Ralf Bennartz($1,293,257), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Mass And Energy, Cloud Properties, Energy Budgets, Melt Water, Mobile Observatory, Percolation Zone, Summit Station, Surface Mass, Agreement, Conditions, Continues, Has, ICECAPS, ICECAPS-MELT, Insights, Instruments, Joint, Observations, Parameters, Power, Precipitation, Processes, Proportion, Radar, Subsurface, Successful, Time, Transects.
1. Toby Meierbachtol($1,199,063), University of Montana, Missoula
2. Neil F Humphrey($297,116), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Firn Layer, Porous Layer, Arctic, Conditions, Cores, Datasets, Directly, Investigations, Melt, Network, Observational, Processes, Sampling, Snow, Students, Surface, Temperature, Transformation, Undergraduate, Yield.
1. Benjamin M Jones($2,509,381), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Beaver Colonization, Beaver Engineering, Beaver Ponds, A-BON, Arctic, Beavers, Building, Circumarctic, Extent, Fieldwork, Fish, Hydrology, Knowledge, Landscape, Local, Moving, Network, Observations, Observed, People, Permafrost, Regions, Satellite, Stream, Strong, Tundra, Water, Widely.
1. Lei Zuo($225,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Igor V Polyakov($75,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Energy Harvesting, Real-time Communication, Sea Ice, Sustained Arctic, Under-ice Monitoring, Challenges, Conditions, Harsh, Nreal-time, Power, Real-time, Sensors, Students, Survivability, Sustainable, Techniques, Under-ice.
1. Jeffrey M Welker($200,000), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Carbon And Water, Arctic Seas, Ice-ocean-land-atmosphere Interactions, Ocean Carbon, Ocean Water, Ancient, Atmospheric, Continuously, Degrees, Delineate, Evaporation, Fertilization, Freshening, Freshwater, Humidification, Ice-ocean-land-atmosphere, Increasing, Loss, Marine, Nutrients, Permafrost, Precipitation, Productivity, Quantify, Warming.
1. Matthew A Charette($705,115), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Lauren E Kipp($350,203), Rowan University, Glassboro
Key terms: Nutrients And Carbon, Arctic Ocean, Central Arctic, Radium Isotope, Radium Isotopes, Capture, Coastal, Increased, Interannual, Sea, Seas, Seasonal, Sediments, Shelf, Sourced, Via.
1. Christopher Polashenski($1,740,512), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Ice Mass Balance, Mass Balance Buoys, Sea Ice, Accessible, Arctic, Atmosphere, Bottom, Conditions, Decline, Gain, Installed, Melt, Melts, Ocean, Process, School, Surface.
1. Nicholas Schmerr($183,770), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Experts And Non-experts, Facility And Dataset, Gps Experts, Steering Committee, Accessible, Awareness, Encourages, Encouraging, Existing, GNET, Greenland, Guidance, Innovative.
1. John N Kemp($479,972), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Mooring Operations, Arctic, Construction, Design, Expertise, Ice, MOE, Moorings, WHOI.
1. Matthew A Charette($65,974), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Beaufort Sea Coast, Fish And Wildlife, Rivers And Coastal, Arctic Ocean, Coastal Waters, Organic Carbon, Amount, Chemical, Climate, Deposited, Experiments, Fluxes, Freeze-up, Groundwater, Hg, Permafrost, Regions, Sediments, Soil, Soils, Thaw.
1. Judah Cohen($299,817), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
2. Jennifer A Francis($144,506), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Past And Future, Winter And Summer, Arctic Warming, Extreme Weather, Increased Frequency, Model Simulations, Northern Hemisphere, Statistical Associations, Winter Weather, Climate, Decision-makers, Historical, Inform, Knowledge, Linkage, Mechanisms, Persistence, Realism, Sets.
1. Brendan M Rogers($499,169), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
2. Adrianna C Foster($1,099,399), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
3. Winslow D Hansen($499,526), Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Inc., Millbrook
Key terms: Arctic And Boreal, Boreal Forests, Fire Activity, Fire Self-regulation, Remote Sensing, Simulation Modeling, Affect, Alaska, Atmosphere, Burning, Carbon, Climate, Cold, Current, Development, Ecological, Ecosystem, Effects, Evidence, Feedbacks, Future, Landscape, Managers, Regional, Self-regulation, Slow, Tools, Training.
1. Martin W Miles($272,225), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sea Ice Anomalies, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Arctic, Atlantic Ocean, North Atlantic, Salinity Anomaly, Abrupt, Climate, Export, Greenland, Gsias, Has, Historical, Multidecadal, Northern, Occurrence, Potential, Temperatures.
1. Raymond S Bradley($699,125), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Nicholas L Balascio($419,112), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
3. Alan Condron($332,828), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
4. William J D'Andrea($673,797), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Adapt, Agreement, Ancient, Archaeological, Arctic, Budget, Climate, Conditions, Environmental, Extreme, Favorable, Fluctuations, Greenland, Human, Humans, Joint, Past, People, Proportion, Region, Resources, Students, Vegetation, Was.
1. Stephanie M Lim($51,680), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Woods Hole Oceanographic, Chukchi Sea, Cruise Led, Factors Promoting, Hab Species, Nitrogen Uptake, Uptake Rates, Algae, Blooms, Collected, Compounds, DON, Dissolved, Growth, Habs, Incubations, Indigenous, Local, Phytoplankton, Stanford, WHOI.
1. Joerg M Schaefer($990,272), Columbia University, New York
2. Sophie Nowicki($1,891,148), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
3. Jesse V Johnson($364,234), University of Montana, Missoula
4. Gregory Hakim($983,607), University of Washington, Seattle
5. Mathieu Morlighem($175,229), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Atmospheric And Ocean, Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Modelling, Future Ice, Ice Sheets, Ice-sheet Model, Sea Level, Arctic, Atmosphere, Climate, Forcing, Ice-sheet, Leverage, Limited, NY, Optimized, Outreach, Paleoclimate, Past, Pis, Predictions, Programs, Rise, Time, Timescales.
1. Jasmine Saros($58,396), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Warmer And Drier, Arctic Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Emissions, West Greenland, Atmosphere, Climate, Conditions, Connected, Fluxes, Gradient, Lakes, Landscape, Landscapes, Northern, Permafrost, Region, Regions, Sensors.
1. Martin D Robards($61,186), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Control Sites, Permafrost Degradation, Structural Habitat, Alter, Arctic, Cave, Caves, Diverse, Ecological, Investigates, Local, Mammals, Moisture, Overlying, Persist, Resting, Snow, Snowpack, Soil, Temperature, Thermal, Tunneling, Tunnels, Wildlife, Winter, Wintertime, Wolverines.
1. Kevin R Arrigo($43,497), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Control Phytoplankton Growth, Light And Nutrient, Light And Nutrients, Act Independently, Limitation Terms, Nutrient Conditions, Nutrients Act, Arctic, Assume, Availability, Concert, Cultures, Determined, Five, Laboratory, Marine, Models, NO-, Produce, Rate, Treatment, Treatments.
1. Nicholas R Bates($547,719), Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Inc., St. George'S
2. Cynthia H Pilskaln($583,506), University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, North Dartmouth
3. Seth L Danielson($343,401), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
4. Robert G Campbell($603,593), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
5. Lee W Cooper($866,194), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
6. Laurie W Juranek($363,338), Oregon State University, Corvallis
7. Carin Ashjian($668,618), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
8. Mary-Louise E Timmermans($349,477), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Canadian Basin, Carbon Cycle, Activities, Biological, Chemical, Climate, Detect, Drivers, Ecosystem, Future, Indigenous, International, Local, Marine, Ongoing, Overarching, Program, Quantify, SAS, Students.
1. Jennifer I Schmidt($644,459), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
2. Sue Nichols($897,357), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Arctic Human, Bering Strait, Local Knowledge, Marine Mammal, Alaska, Climate, Economic, Economies, Ecosystems, Effects, Forces, Interdisciplinary, Model, Natural, Region, Telecouplings, Traffic, Wellbeing.
1. Jennie R McLaren($34,895), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Biogeochemical Cycling, Carbon Cycle, Climate Warms, Ecosystem Function, Mammal Structures, Soil Biogeochemical, Activity, Affect, Animals, Arctic, Burrows, Cycles, Effects, Environmental, Examining, Feedback, Herbivores, Latrines, Mammals, Model, Nests, Nutrient, Population, Public, Soils, Species.
1. Stephen J Vavrus($361,527), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Marika Holland($396,216), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Reduced Sea Ice, Sea Ice Coverage, Sea Ice Loss, Arctic Winds, Atmospheric Rivers, Global Climate, Model Intercomparison, Affect, CESM, Cyclones, Feedback, Frequent, Interactive, Lead, Leading, Moisture, Past, Processes, Storms, Stronger, Surface, Transformation, Waves.
1. Melissa S Lucash($519,388), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Affect Boreal, Global Models, Landscape Models, Alaska, Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate, Collaboration, Compare, Disturbance, Disturbances, Ecosystems, Forest, Future, Predicting, Region, Regions, Russia, Shifts, Simulate, Species, Tundra, Vegetation.
1. Marika Holland($260,271), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. George W Kling($130,847), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Elizabeth K Marino($19,275), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Disciplines And Indigenous, Drivers And Consequences, Actionable Knowledge, Arctic Environmental, Complex Collaboration, Conceptual Framework, Convergent Approach, Decision Makers, Growing Body, Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous People, Indigenous Peoples, Accessible, Audiences, Brings, Broadly, Climate, Co-produce, Co-produced, Co-production, Collaborations, Economic, Geopolitical, Health, Holistic, National, Processes, Share, Social, Specific.
1. Jennifer G Ramarui($30,000), Oceanography Society, Rockville
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Marine Ecosystem, Past Decade, Sea Ice, Special Issue, Basin, Changing, Coastal, Global, Has, Increased, Indigenous, Journal, Language, Oceanography, Threats, Warming.
1. Ryan S Naylor($63,276), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Livelihood Sovereignty, Southeast Alaska, Activities, Coastal, Development, Dimensions, Economic, Environmental, Ethnographic, Local, Northern, Political, Promote, Residents, Sustainable, Tourism.
1. Laura P Eichelberger($199,991), Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage
Key terms: Acceptance And Hesitancy, Tribal Health Organizations, Public Health, Vaccine Acceptance, Vaccine Decision-making, Vaccine Uptake, Barriers, Decision-making, Infection, Interviews, Northwest, Rates, Vaccination.
1. Marya Rozanova-Smith($660,422), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Rural And Urban, Pandemic Impacts, Alaska, Civic, Economic, Gender, Indigenous, Policy, Political, Public, Qualitative, Quantitative, Russia, Social, Women.
1. Kathryn A Catlin($276,953), Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville
Key terms: Archaeological, Coring, Discovery, Excavation, Iceland, Initial, Nature, Settlement, Site, Sites, Subsistence, Testing.
1. Sarah F Trainor($61,916), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Boundary Spanners, Boundary Spanning, Alaska, Co-production, Dissertation, Knowledge.
1. Rosanne D D'Arrigo($482,571), Columbia University, New York
2. Nicole K Davi($481,923), William Paterson University, Wayne
Key terms: Extreme Environmental, Northwestern North, Climate, Documenting, Evidence, Exercises, Historical, Indigenous, Tree-ring.
1. Robert D English($50,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Undergraduate Students, Arctic, Graduate, Issues, Security, Workshop.
1. Medea K Csoba DeHass($655,999), Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny
Key terms: Alaska Native Cultural, Native Cultural Heritage, Students And Alaska, 3d Modeling, 3d Models, Digital Repatriation, Student Participants, Collaborative, Collections, Distant, Indigenous, Interviews, Museum, Museums, Objects, Partners, Produce, Review, Scanned, Technologies, Video.
1. Elena Adasheva-Klein($50,249), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Arctic, Collaborative, Energy, Local, Sustainability.
1. Jordan P Lewis($1,040,432), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Interior And Southeast, Alaska Native, Care Facilities, Successful Aging, Elders, Health, Local.
1. Laura F Stelson($58,050), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Village And Savonoski, Alaska Peninsula, Katmai Village, Archaeological, Artifacts, Continue, Contribute, Cultural, Eruption, Heritage, History, Investments, Local, Region, Regional, Sites, Volcanic.
1. A. Cymene Howe($301,694), William Marsh Rice University, Houston
Key terms: Coastal Cities, Sea-level Rise, Adaptations, Arctic, Audiences, GFM, Global, Interviews, Local, Melt, National, Planning, Policy, Processes, Sea-level, Sites, Social, South, Urban, Water.
1. Ben Fitzhugh($55,339), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Alaska Native, Colonial Period, Archaeological, Archaeology, Archival, Ethnographic, Excavation, Harbor, Knowledge, Practices, Reconstruct, Russian, Students, Sugpiaq.
1. Erin J Gamble($51,301), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Burial Practices, North Pacific, Okhotsk Culture, Rebun Island, Trade Networks, Adaptations, Ainu, Analysis, CE, Cultural, Dating, Degree, Epi-jomon, Foraging, Formation, Hamanaka, Hokkaido, Household, Japan, Maritime, Pis, Pottery, Published, Sakhalin, Size, Social.
1. Todd E Nicewonger($200,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Off-site Residential Modular, Residential Modular Construction, Off-site Modular, Off-site Residential, Rural Alaska, Architects, Builders, Building, COVID-, Cold, Design, Development, Document, Housing, Pis, Practices, RAPID, Remote, Solutions.
1. Kelsey Nyland($597,230), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Arctic And Subarctic, Positive And Negative, Informal Roads, Negative Impacts, Subarctic Regions, Sustainable Development, Transportation Infrastructure, Assessment, Economic, Environment, Formal, Indigenous, Knowledge, Local, Remote, Subsistence.
1. Peter D Neff($49,992), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Cutting Edge, Advances, Antarctic, Cable, Communication, Connectivity, Document, Explore, Met, Networking, Opportunities, Real-time, Subsea, Technology, Via, Workshop.
1. Justin V Strauss($550,133), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Jill A Marshall($256,527), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Remote Sensing Techniques, Arctic Landscape, Fan Deposits, Sediment Delivery, Anthropogenic, Bedrock, Calibrate, Climate, Collected, Decades, Future, Gap, Geomorphic, Hazards, Knowledge, Landscapes, Local, Models, Potential, Produced, Quantify, Rates, River, Rivers, Transport, Warming, Watershed, Watersheds.
1. ALEXEY V MISHONOV($6,008,044), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Continuous Improvement, Nsf Arctic, Santa Barbara, Archive, Assessment, Critical, Dataone, Disciplines, Discovery, Diverse, Drive, Enable, Engage, Handle, Infrastructure, Interdisciplinary, KNB, Knowledge, Linkages, Metadata, Partly, Policy, Provenance, Repository, Services, Tools, Training.
1. Erin C Rooney($346,322), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Air Temperatures, Direct Impacts, Freeze-thaw Cycles, Freezing Rate, Frozen Ground, Nutrient Availability, Activity, Altering, Arctic, Carbon, Chemistry, Cryosuction, Fe, Freeze-thaw, Microbial, Migration, Permafrost, Previously, Processes, Redox, Soil, Soils, Spatial, Subsequent, Thawing.
1. Emily J Tibbett($285,631), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Organic Geochemical Techniques, Temperature And Precipitation, Arctic Climate, Climate Models, Fire Frequency, Moisture Source, Moisture Transport, Rising Temperatures, Ability, Burning, Carbon, Compared, Concentrations, Conditions, Fires, Future, Generate, Increase, Increasing, Intensity, Interglacial, Interglacials, Limited, MIS, Past, Periods, Plant, Pleistocene, Primary, Produced, Regional, SST, Site, Wetter, Wildfires, Δh.
1. Katherine L Gallagher($289,335), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Antarctic Krill, Penguin Colony, Penguin Diets, Prey Retention, Pygoscelis Penguin, Colonies, Food, Local, Multiple, Particles.
1. Alexander Huth($124,081), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Ice Sheet Evolution, Tabular Calving Behavior, Calving Parameterization, Climate Models, Ice Sheets, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Iceberg Calving, Individual Ice, Influence Climate, Sea-level Rise, Derived, Experiments, Flow, Freshwater, Icebergs, Mass, Ocean, Sea-level, Simulations.
1. Anna Ruth W Halberstadt($254,790), Berkeley Geochronology Center, Berkeley
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Evolution, Marine And Terrestrial, Simulations And Geologic, Exposure Age, Ice Dynamics, Ice Elevation, Marine-based Ice, Numerical Simulations, Behavior, Continent-wide, Datasets, Explore, Glaciers, Ice-sheet, Investigate, Marine-based, Mountain, Past, Produce, Regions, Retreat, Seafloor, Thinning.
1. Angela R Szesciorka($285,338), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Environmental And Prey, Bering Strait, Bowhead Migration, Bowhead Whale, Bowhead Whales, Passive Acoustic, Ship-strike Risk, Whale Presence, Alaska, Arctic, Beaufort, Changing, Chukchi, Climate, Drivers, Marine, Movement, Seas, Ship-strike.
1. Ken Zhao($282,979), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Ice-ocean Boundary Layer, Sea Level Rise, Glacial Melt, Ice-ocean Boundaries, Ice-ocean Boundary, Melt Rate, Melt Rates, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Currents, Contribute, Discrepancies, Fjord, Fjords, Glaciers, Influence, Melting, Models, Observations, Parameterizations, Polar, Primary, Processes, Projections, Retreat, Simulations, Submerged, Submesoscale.
1. Lillian D Parker($323,156), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Bears And Brown, Bering Sea Polar, Cooling And Present-day, Polar Bear Remains, Present-day Climate Warming, Sea Polar Bears, Archaeological Site, Brown Bears, Present-day Climate, Sea Ice, Unalaska Island, Alaska, Arctic, Demographic, Effects, Epigenomic, Genomic, Modern-day, Neoglacial, Past, Unangan.
1. Blair W Perry($309,112), Washington State University, Pullman
Key terms: Arctic Environments, Bear Lineages, Physiological Adaptations, Polar Bear, Polar Bears, Regulatory Evolution, Climate, Complexity, Genome, Genomics, Hibernation, Processes, Species.
1. Sophia M Wensman($327,921), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Mining And Smelting, Polar Ice Sheets, Sheets And Glaciers, Emission Sources, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Ng G-1, Activities, Analyses, Analyzed, Antiquity, Atmospheric, Collected, Concentrations, Human, Isotopes, Isotopic, Lead, Low, Measured, Methods, Past, Pb, Resolution, Uncertainties.
1. Jumanah Hamdi($302,515), Louisiana Universities Marine Corsortium, Chauvin
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Carbon Cycling, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Warms, Co2 Outgassing, Definitive Dom, Diverse Arctic, Fram Strait, Marine Waters, Molecular Composition, Sea Ice, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Chemical, Chemistry, Dissolved, Dramatically, Earth’s, Ecosystem, Environmental, Essential, Function, Funneled, Global, Increased, Markers, Mechanisms, Microscopic, Mineralization, Natural, OM, Oceans, Organic, Processes, Resulting, Shape, Terrestrial, Time, Transformed.
1. Michelle Guitard($302,445), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Mass, Discovery Program Expedition, Ice Mass Loss, Ice Sheet Stability, International Ocean Discovery, Ocean Discovery Program, Upper Ocean Temperatures, Glacial Cycles, Mid-pleistocene Transition, Scotia Sea, Sea Level, Southern Ocean, Warm Water, AIS, Climate, Collected, Compared, Deep, Earth’s, Environmental, Future, Interactions, MPT, Marks, Mid-pleistocene, Orbital, Paced, Reconstructed, Retreatadvance, Sediment, Shift, Time, Timescales, Was.
1. Angel Ruacho($295,699), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Copper Binding Ligands, Diatoms Produce Copper, Southern Ocean Diatoms, Strong Copper Binding, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Atmospheric Carbon, Biological Functions, Carbon Uptake, Copper Ligands, Iron Levels, Ligands Found, Produce Organic, Various Biological, Adapt, Additional, Archived, Cell, Chemical, Concentrations, Coupled, Determined, Experiments, Facilitate, Focus, Fuel, Growth, Increase, Lead, Limited, Low, Particular, Photosynthesis, Phytoplankton, Region, Sustain, Thresholds, Transport, Waters.
1. Marco Tedesco($144,459), Columbia University, New York
2. Guido Cervone($73,450), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Dava J Newman($81,974), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Energy Balance, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Regional Climate, Spatial Resolution, Surface Melting, Antarctica, Coverage, Daily, Detail, Especially, Estimates, Generate, Has, Hence, Hydrological, Limited, Maps, Model, Models, Outputs, Processes, Unprecedented, View.
1. Wenwen Li($359,841), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Arctic Ecosystem, Arctic Permafrost, High-resolution Mapping, Pan-arctic Permafrost, Permafrost Features, AI, Available, Climate, Cyberinfrastructure, Developed, Dynamics, Environment, Gap, Geoai, Geospatial, Greenhouse, High-resolution, Integration, Land, Local, Pan-arctic, Solutions, Spatial.
1. Amber E Budden($3,548,273), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Management Platform, Scholarly Products, Archive, Arctic, Capacity, Center, Curation, Datasets, Disseminating, Documenting, Petabytes, Phase, Preserving, Reliable, Services.
1. Noor Jehan Johnson($4,300,184), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Ann Fienup-Riordan($133,435), Calista Education and Culture, Inc., Anchorage
3. Edda A Mutter($142,875), Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, Anchorage
4. Donna D Hauser($248,009), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Indigenous Peoples, Long-term Observing, Wildlife Management, Adaptation, Applications, Arctic, Build, CDM, Capacity, Co-develop, Co-production, Collaborative, Community-based, Contribute, Cultural, Development, Digital, ELOKA, Education, Eloka’s, Environmental, Focused, Framework, Information, Knowledge, Leadership, Long-term, Organizations, Partners, Planning, Preservation, STEM, Social, Sovereignty, Tools, Usable, Useful, Usefulness.
1. Kirsteen J Tinto($647,797), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Access, Antarctic, Antarctica, Available, Ensure, Especially, Future, Information, Metadata, NSF, Obtained, Practices, Products, Public, Repositories, Standards, USAP-DC.
1. Bradley R Markle($847,237), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Apecs Office, International Polar, Development, Efforts, Leadership, National, USA, Voices.
1. Miguel A Goni($587,463), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Identity And Stem, Inclusive Mentoring, Mentor Development, Mentoring Practices, Program Design, Stem Identity, Access, Arc-learn, Arctic, Broaden, Challenges, Collaborative, Common, Competencies, Contribute, Critical, Diverse, Educational, Experiences, Extended, Family, Flexible, Food, Generation, Mentors, Obligations, Participation, Persistence, Polar, Programmatic, Programs, Schedule, Student, Students, Students’, Success, Undergraduate, Underrepresented, Workforce.
1. Deborah Shulman($49,805), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Polar And Climate, Polar Scientists, Polar Stem, Under-represented Students, Attendees, Classroom, Collaborations, Conference, Developing, Development, Education, Educators, Engagement, Environmental, Experiences, Factors, Faculty, Field, Fields, Geosciences, Limited, Long-term, Maine, Opportunities, Participants, Program, Programs, Resources, School, Summer, UB, Under-represented, Undergraduate, Underrepresented.
1. Lauren E Culler($994,119), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Chilean Antarctic Institute, Jsep And Jase, Students And Teachers, Graduate Student, Graduate Students, Jase Polar, Joint Committee, Polar Regions, Polar Scientists, School Students, Student Participants, Activities, Antarctica, Arctic, Audiences, Collaboration, Communication, Consequences, Countries, Cross-cultural, Danish, Dartmouth, Denmark, Diverse, Educate, Education, Educational, Educators, Expeditions, Experience, Field, Field-based, Generation, Government, Greenland, Greenlandic, INACH, Initiated, International, Lead, Leaders, National, Networks, Outcomes, Outreach, Program, Programs, Stakeholders, Training, Workforce.
1. Wade H Jeffrey($249,597), University of West Florida, Pensacola
2. Brandi Kiel Reese($1,082,917), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
3. Nathan L Bangs($385,059), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Carbon Reserve, Deep Sediment, Gas Hydrate, Ross Sea, Shallow Sediment, Activities, Climate, Cycles, Cycling, Education, Evidenced, Extensive, Field, Focus, Future, Geo-microbiology, Geochemistry, Graduate, Has, Ice, Methane, Ocean, Regions, Requires, Reservoir, Reservoirs, Seismic, Suggest, Thorough, Training, Undergraduate, Vast, Warming.
1. Scott T Salesky($530,297), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Marco G Giometto($740,758), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Surface-layer Similarity Theory, Ice Sheets, Katabatic Flow, Katabatic Flows, Surface-layer Similarity, Accurate, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Climate, Core, Description, Environmental, Future, Global, LES, Lack, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Processes, Regional, Simulations, Snow, Students, Technical, Tools, Transport, Winds.
1. Kim S Bernard($734,458), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Favorable Winter-summer Conditions, Antarctic Krill, Antarctic Marine, Development Stages, Egg Development, Favorable Winter-summer, Marine Ecosystem, Reproductive Development, Winter-summer Conditions, Critical, Current, Essential, Fishery, Increase, Management, Population, Spawning, Students.
1. Katrina Bossert($1,034,406), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Lower Atmosphere, Upper Atmosphere, Below, Domain, Driving, Dynamics, Modern, SAIR, Solar, Waves.