Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. James R Temte($99,999), Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage
Key terms: Beyond Ice, Indigenous Perspectives, Stem Education, Alaska, Arctic, Art, Changing, Climate, Co-production, Design, Directorate, Elders, Engage, Knowledge, Local, Multiple, Museums, Partnerships, People, Planning, Process, Region, Stories, Warming, Yukon.
1. Julia A Guimond($380,718), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Susan M Natali($343,925), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
3. James W McClelland($434,096), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Key terms: Alaska’s Beaufort Sea, Beaufort Sea Coast, Field And Laboratory, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes, Rise And Storm, Schools And Public, Temperate And Tropical, Alaska’s Beaufort, Arctic Coastlines, Coastal Arctic, Local Schools, Nutrient Concentrations, Porewater Salinity, Public Forums, Saltwater Intrusion, Sea-level Rise, Summer Interns, Tropical Environments, Tundra Salinization, Activities, Assistant, Based, Biogeochemical, Broader, Changing, Chemistry, Drivers, Driving, Dynamics, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Gaps, Knowledge, Links, Processes, Technician, Terrestrial, Water.
1. Elizabeth Webb($354,026), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Five Arctic Regions, Tracking Arctic Lake, Coarse Resolution, Surface Water, Based, Climate, Delta, Direction, High-resolution, Images, Lakes, Landsat, Magnitude, Maps, Methodological, Practices, Set.
1. Emily Eidam($96,529), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Ginny A Catania($1,281,805), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
3. Rebecca H Jackson($106,348), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
4. John M Jaeger($133,492), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Mass Loss, Moraine Building, Outlet Glaciers, Bank, Environments, Front, Influence, Morainal, Observations, Observed, Obtain, Poorly, Position, Processes, Rates, Responsible, Retreat, Satellite, Sediment, Sedimentation.
1. Jasmine Saros($49,999), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Drinking Water, Arctic, Color, Contributing, Factors, Has, Lakes, Observed, Recently.
1. Michelle C Mack($199,865), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Fuel Break Management, Boreal Forests, Fire Risk, Fuel Breaks, Local Solutions, Sharing Knowledge, Wildfire Risk, Alternative, Benefits, Create, Increasing, Indigenous, Managers, Meet, Native, Network, North, Northern, Perspectives, Planning, Plant, Reduction, Resources, Revegetation, Thinning, Vegetation.
1. Ching-Yao Lai($411,096), Stanford University, Stanford
2. Leigh A Stearns($191,868), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
3. Ching-Yao Lai($411,096), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Community-led Mentoring Program, Cracks And Draining, Greenland Ice Sheet, Students And Junior, Surface-to-bed Meltwater Pathways, Artificial Intelligence, Community-led Mentoring, Doctoral Students, Draining Lakes, Ice Sheets, Mathematical Models, Melting Ice, Satellite Imagery, Surface Features, Surface-to-bed Meltwater, Uk Cryospheric, Us-uk Collaboration, Warming Climate, Ability, Agreement, Aims, Bottom, Budget, Code, Continent-wide, Database, Deep, Detection, Drainage, Dynamics, Formation, Hydrology, Ice-sheet, Joint, Moulins, Movement, Networks, Open-source, Principal, Proportion, Reach, US-UK, Via.
1. Kehua You($293,820), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Arctic Continental Shelves, Future Drilling Expeditions, Guide Future Drilling, Undergraduate And Graduate, Arctic Permafrost, Carbon Cycle, Climate Warming, Future Projections, Graduate Students, Greenhouse Gas, Ocean Chemistry, Organic Carbon, Sea Level, Atmosphere, Experiences, Flooded, Flooding, Interdisciplinary, Methane, Microbial, One-dimensional, Past, Policy, Release, Rising, Simulations, Stores, Systematic, Temperature, Thermal, Training, Water.
1. Eric S Saltzman($814,685), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Atmospheric H2, Ice Core, Paleo-atmospheric H2, Air, Climate, Era, Future, Global, Hydrogen, Loss, Paleo-atmospheric, Past, Summit.
1. Eric S Klein($528,202), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Alaskan And Greenland, Arctic Water Cycle, Characterize Shifting River, Measure Multiple Components, River Source Contributions, Shifting River Source, Warmer And Wetter, Active Layer, Arctic Greenland, Future Arctic, Glacial Coverages, Glacier Free, Greenland Students, Indigenous Alaskan, Permafrost Watersheds, River Discharge, Undergraduate Students, Changing, Climate, Depths, Field, Flow, Focused, Freshwater, Hydrological, Hydrology, Ice, Increase, Increased, Melt, Models, Participation, Platform, Powerful, Precipitation, Range.
1. John Erich Christian($361,775), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Calibrating Models, Climate Forcing, Ice Loss, Mass Loss, Model Simulations, Rapid Warming, Aid, Available, Century, Decades, Deliverable, Dynamic, Encompass, Era, Future, Glacier, Glaciers, Ice-sheet, Long-term, Observations, Period, S-s, Simulate.
1. Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth($161,000), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Jonathan G Griffith($513,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Warming Rates, Control Arctic Warming, Greater-than-global Arctic Warming, Sea Ice Thickness, Atmospheric Opacity, Causal Influence, Greater-than-global Arctic, Clouds, Constrain, Curriculum, Does, Focused, Harder, Has, Lead, Mechanisms, Observations, Summer.
1. Michael Loranty($232,268), Colgate University, Hamilton
Key terms: Shrubs And Grasses, Arctic Vegetation, Drone Images, Global Climate, Plant Growth, Satellite Images, Times Faster, Aid, Archive, Changing, Computer, Conditions, Detailed, Distribution, Ecosystem, Ecosystems, Estimates, Fine, Fire, Geographic, Growing, Increasing, Influence, Map, Methods, Nearly, Occurring, Planet, Plants, Processes, Productivity, Published, Regions, Resolution, Rest, Resulting, Satellites, Shared, Skills, Teaching, Tell, Tools, Undergraduate, Warming, Wildfires.
1. Benjamin M Jones($450,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Teeth And Tusks, Climate Warmed, Environmental Conditions, Ice Age, Woolly Mammoths, Alaska, Animals, Arctic, Compared, Create, Exceedingly, Extinct, Habitats, Isotope, LGM, Lifetime, Movement, Past, Radiocarbon, UAMN, Warming.
1. Seth Campbell($623,881), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Alaska And Canada, Alaska And Northwestern, Annual Culture Camp, Educational Video Game, Firn Meltwater Storage, Glacier Visitors Center, Interactive Educational Video, Mendenhall Glacier Visitors, Raise Sea Level, Spatial And Temporal, Firn Properties, Firn Thickness, Firn Volume, Game Development, Juneau Icefield, Meltwater Flux, Meltwater Stored, Northwestern Canada, Reducing Impacts, Southeast Alaska, Water Storage, Acquired, Amount, Build, Changing, Classrooms, Climate, Down-glacier, Ecosystems, Environmental, Estimate, Expect, Faster, Glaciers, Has, Indigenous, JIF, Lastly, Modeling, Observations, Partially, Pore, Potential, Retreating, Snow, Strategies, Students, Time.
1. Eric S Post($25,000), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Caribou And Wild, Caribou Near Kangerlussuaq, Grasses And Forbs, Monitoring And Management, Food Quality, Greenland Institute, Natural Resources, Oversees Monitoring, Reproductive Failure, Total Abundance, Traditional Livelihoods, Wild Reindeer, Abundant, Analysis, Arctic, Assess, Calf, Calves, Common, Content, Cooler, Decline, Declines, Has, Hunting, Less, Local, Measures, Nutritive, Past, Plants, Prefer, Shared, Shrubs, Similar, Single, Site, Species’, Status, Summer, Surveys, Time, Tourism, Warmed, Warming, Was.
1. Timothy W Lyons($49,999), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
2. Patrick F Sullivan($49,976), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Arctic Regional Subsistence, Northwest Arctic Regional, Regional Subsistence Advisory, Resources And Concerned, Stream Water Quality, Subsistence Advisory Council, Subsistence Fish Harvest, Water And Subsistence, Western Brooks Range, Arctic Grayling, Chum Salmon, Dolly Varden, Drinking Water, Laboratory Analysis, Pristine Streams, Public Presentations, Public Radio, Regional Managers, Stream Degradation, Subsistence Resources, Surrounding Villages, Affected, Alaska, Degraded, Depend, Directly, Extensive, Field, Findings, Future, Kotzebue, Largest, Local, Meetings, Orange, People, Plan, Proliferation, Residents, Risk, Rock, Share, Tundra, Turbid, Waters.
1. Carl Lamborg($412,952), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Arctic Mercury Cycle, Fossil Fuel Burning, Glaciers And Ice, Greenland Ice Sheet, Mining And Fossil, Food Webs, Gold Mining, Ice Sheets, Meltwater Rivers, Natural Sources, Particular Concern, Warming Climate, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Czech, Human, Ii, Iii, Importance, Information, Knowledge, MEGA, Melting, Ocean, Philadelphia, Range, Recently, Regions, Researchersinstitutions, Sampling, Students, Techniques, Toxic.
1. Allyson C Tessin($248,140), Kent State University, Kent
2. Ellen E Martin($198,117), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Carbon And Nutrient, Marine Carbon, Nutrient Cycles, Activities, Arctic, Changing, Climate, Geochemical, Glacial, Human-caused, Incorporated, Instability, Ocean, Polar, Retreat, Sediment, Sedimentary, Sediments, Source, Students.
1. Elizabeth Ultee($226,997), Middlebury College, Middlebury
2. Martin Truffer($565,121), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Jason M Amundson($155,602), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
Key terms: Ice Flow, Ice Flows, Ice Loss, Ice Sheet, Liquid Water, Outlet Glacier, Affect, Analysis, Arctic, Available, Difficult, Does, Edges, Exhibit, Greenland, Input, Methods, Multiple, Museum, Pis, Runoff, Speed, Terminus-driven, Time.
1. Jihong Cole-Dai($424,310), South Dakota State University, Brookings
2. Becky Alexander($627,411), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Field Lab Geared, Geared Towards Students, Greenland Ice Cores, Lab Geared Towards, Methane Sulfonic Acid, Ocean Biological Source, Oceanic Biogenic Productivity, Students And Pis, Virtual Field Lab, Anthropogenic Emissions, Arctic Climate, Biogenic Sulfate, Biogenic Sulfur, Coal Combustion, Dms Oxidation, Graduate Students, Isotopic Composition, Local Outreach, Microscopic Plants, Middle School, Ocean Biology, Sulfur Aerosol, Sulfur Aerosols, Sulfur Emissions, Undergraduate Students, Agreement, Andrews, Brookings, Budget, Changing, Chemical, Collaboration, Constant, Decline, Decreasing, Europe, Global, Has, Ice-core, Increased, Isotopes, Joint, Kingdom, MSA, Measure, Nox, Originates, Oxidants, Past, Preindustrial, Produce, Proportion, Proxy, Ratio, Resolution, SD, Seattle, Sources, Time, Training, WA, Yield.
1. Elizabeth C Fine($159,271), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Jonathan D Nash($44,873), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Aurelie Moulin($93,937), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic Climate, Arctic Coastal, Arctic Ocean, Birch Aquarium, Broad Audience, Coastal Erosion, Existing Dataset, Female Scientists, Future Climate, Mixing Rates, Ocean Mixing, Ocean Turbulence, Turbulence Observations, Vertical Mixing, Aim, Boundary, Collaboration, Cruises, Deployed, Environment, Exhibit, Instruments, Loss, Melt, Methods, Predictions, Quantify, Regional, Strength, Warmer, Warming.
1. Cecilia M Bitz($411,911), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Arctic Sea Ice, Climate And Climate, Erosion And Hazardous, Fractured Sea Ice, Hazardous Coastal Conditions, Inform Policy Decisions, Ocean Surface Waves, Past And Future, Sea Ice Cover, Sea Ice Decline, Sea Ice Floes, Sea Ice Loss, Sea Ice Pack, Sea Level Rise, Simulating Arctic Waves, Theory And Developments, Wave-ice Interaction Theory, Broader Impacts, Climate Interactions, Climate Modeling, Climate Simulations, Coastal Erosion, Floe Fracture, Floe-size Distribution, Future Climate, Future Projections, Global Warming, Heavily Fractured, High-school Students, Intellectual Merit, Model Advances, Ocean Heat, Propagate Deeper, Wave-ice Interaction, Broadly, Content, Contribute, Courses, Disseminated, Driven, Edge, Enabling, Estimate, Expected, Feedbacks, Findings, Floe-size, Has, High-school, Importance, Journals, Lectures, Melt, Near, Observations, Permit, Pieces, Public, Publishing, Standard, Storms, Teaches, Water, Wave-induced, Wind.
1. Karen Smith($760,789), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Arctic Amplification, Gcm Simulations, Rapid Adjustments, Surface Temperature, Time Scales, AA, Climate, Date, Enhance, Forcing, Global, Has, Mechanisms, Occurrence, Processes, Relative, Underlying.
1. Vyacheslav Lyubchich($612,747), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Acquire Shared Knowledge, Bering And Chukchi, Economic And Social, Management And Sustainable, Marine Mammal Populations, Mitigating Social Impacts, Ongoing Sampling Efforts, Outcomes And Acquire, Sea Ice Extent, Seabird And Marine, Walruses And Bearded, Arctic Seafloor, Bearded Seals, Cascading Impacts, Chukchi Seas, Detect Biological, Ecosystem Function, Effective Management, Historically Underrepresented, Immediate Economic, Interdisciplinary Training, Marine Resources, Northern Bering, Ocean Temperature, Pacific Arctic, Polar Biology, Rural Appalachia, Social Implications, Spatial Modeling, Subsistence Harvests, Warming Regions, Ability, Backgrounds, Collected, Composition, Currents, Decades, Decreases, Doing, Ecologically, Education, Environment, Environmental, Environments, Especially, Fields, Fisheries, Food, Forecasts, Increases, Indigenous, Interns, Lack, Lastly, Local, Observational, Observations, Planet, Predict, Rely, Sediments, Statistics, Students, Substantial, Time, Undergraduates.
1. Sasha Wagner($62,655), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
2. Anne M Kellerman($22,324), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Yukon River Delta, Acres Burned, Black Carbon, Wildfire Activity, Arctic, Charcoal, Climate, Coastal, DBC, Dissolved, Effects, Export, Fate, Freshet, Increased, Ocean, Rivers, Unknown, Watersheds, Wildfires.
1. Kyle A Arndt($142,307), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Carbon Flux Monitoring, Carbon Dioxide, Land-atmosphere Exchange, Northwest Territories, Permafrost Thaw, Łı́ídlı̨į Kų́ę́, Becoming, Boreal, Burned, Canada, Ecosystems, Fire, Fluxes, Greenhouse, Kų́ę́, Land-atmosphere, Methane, Nation, October, Run, Site, Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨.
1. Jessie M Creamean($673,107), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Arctic Clouds Remains, Artofmelt Expedition Blog, Cloud-forming Aerosols Designed, Clouds Remains Highly, Collaboration And Participation, Earth’s Changing Atmosphere, Ice And Snow, Interdisciplinary And International, Observations And Modelling, Rapidly Changing Arctic, Remains Highly Uncertain, Sea Ice Melt, Spring Sea Ice, Swedish-led Artofmelt Expedition, Weather And Climate, Aerosol Effects, Airborne Particles, Arctic Ocean, Arctic Warms, Cloud-forming Aerosols, Earth’s Changing, Global Rate, Global Weather, International Collaboration, Involves Engagement, K-12 Classrooms, Live Virtual, Nonprofit Organizations, Outreach Seminars, Snow Start, Spring Melt, Successfully Accomplished, Swedish-led Artofmelt, Unique Opportunity, “new Arctic, Anticipated, Arctic”, Aspects, Broadly, Communicating, Convey, Especially, Female, Findings, Globally, Inform, May–jun, Obtained, Outcomes, Plan, Plans, Poor, Properties, Public, Surface, Targeted, Temperature, Testing, Times, “aerosols”, “new.
1. Penny Vlahos($288,672), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Arctic Co2 Uptake, Arctic Sea Ice, Ice And Brine, Marginal Ice Zone, Sea-ice And Brine, Arctic Sea-ice, Bs Ratios, Future Arctic, Ice Cap, Ice Profiles, Total Alkalinity, Annual, Boron, Chemistry, Climate, Constants, Create, Cruise, Generated, Has, Lessons, MIZ, Melt, Ocean, Parameters, Permanent, Program, Region, Salinity, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Emily Eidam($211,412), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Temperate And Tropical, Coastal Erosion, Coastal Ocean, Continental Shelf, Intensifying Wave, Sea-ice Extent, Sediment Transport, Shelf Profile, Accelerating, Alaskan, Arctic, Critical, Environments, Field, Geotechnical, Little, Months, Nutrients, Pathways, Processes, Properties, Rates, Reductions, Sea-ice, Seabed, Season, Seasonal, Sediments, Source, Students, Time, Timescales, Water.
1. David Sutherland($253,192), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Salinity And Temperature, Warmer Ocean Water, Boundary Layer, Boundary Layers, Ice Melt, Ice Morphology, Melt Rates, Sea-level Rise, Acoustic, Buoyant, Calving, Control, Currents, Details, Directly, Discharge, Dynamics, Feedbacks, Fjord, Flows, Forcing, Glacier, Glaciers, High-resolution, Ice-ocean, Interface, Local, Marine-terminating, Measure, Measured, Melting, Meltwater, Mentorship, Model, Models, Near, Nvertical, Observations, Observe, Observed, Optical, Parameters, Predictions, Process, Processes, Program, ROV, Realistic, Relate, Small-scale, Space, Strength, Strong, Students, Theory, Tidewater, Time, Turbulent, Underwater, Velocity, Women.
1. Bruce H Vaughn($399,814), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Greenland Ice Cores, Climate Models, D-o Warming, North Atlantic, Ocean Circulation, AMOC, Abrupt, Collapse, D-O, Dansgaard-oeschger, Geographic, Global, Isotope, Observed, Simulations, Spatial, Temperature, Weaken.
1. Michelle Salzano($324,607), SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE, Boulder
Key terms: Auroral Electrojet, Interhemispheric Asymmetries, Pi1b Waves, Polar Regions, Polar Substorms, Southern Polar, Space Weather, Substorm Onsets, AE, Compare, Existing, Fields, Geomagnetic, Ground-based, Hemisphere, Indices, Northern, Pib, Plasma, Proxy, Various.
1. Zhonghua Xu($50,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Country’s Polar Program, Country’s Polar, Polar Regions, Space Weather, Antarctic, Arctic, Climate, Field, Focus, Geospace, International, Observing, Overarching, Progress, Respective, Solar, Workshop.
1. Christian A Sidor($390,879), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Burke Museum’s, Fremouw Formation, Lower Latitudes, Mass Extinction, Antarctic, Antarctica, Assemblages, Collected, Comparisons, Description, Display, Diversity, Environments, Fossil, Fossils, Museum’s, Nearly, Pangea, Portion, Quantitative, Reptiles, Schools, Seattle, Southern, Species, Taxonomic, Terrestrial, Triassic, UW, Vertebrate, Washington.
1. Shijie Zhong($377,603), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: 3-d Mantle Viscosity, Amundsen Sea Embayment, Decadal Time Scales, Global And Regional, Global Sea Level, Grounding Line Migration, Ice Mass Loss, Nap And Ase, Non-newtonian Orand Transient, Northern Antarctica Peninsula, Orand Transient Creep, Peninsula And Amundsen, Transient Creep Rheology, Viscosity And Elastic, Viscosity And Transient, 3-d Temperature-dependent, Ase Regions, Earth’s Surface, Elastic Properties, Gia Process, Gps Observations, Ice Melting, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Mantle Rheology, Package Citcomsve, Pressure Force, Publicly Available, Surface Displacements, Vertical Motion, West Antarctica, Below, Build, Burgers, Capability, Caused, Causing, Code, Computational, Computer, Computing, Constraints, Crust, Decades, Deformation, Dynamics, Earth’s, Effects, Examine, Finite, Gravity, Has, Implications, Indicate, Land, Lead, Lithospheric, Main, Model, Modeling, Models, Oceans, Predict, Rapid, Rise, Stability, Stress-dependent, Task, Temperature-dependent, Uplift, Water.
1. Molly E Keogh($300,642), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Arctic And Antarctic, Half-life =, Polar Regions, Sediment Accretion, Sediment Cores, Sedimentation Rate, Activity, Affecting, Analysis, Analyzed, Archived, Climate, Coastal, Comprehensive, Cs, Distribution, Half-life, Measure, Pb, Radioisotopes, Urgently, Warming.
1. Masako Tominaga($895,843), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Kurt S Panter($359,717), Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green
Key terms: Ross Sea Seafloor, Western Ross Sea, Heat Flux, Heat Source, Ice Sheet, Lithospheric Heat, Terror Rift, Water Column, Antarctic, Available, Collected, Continent, Control, Dynamics, Extent, Flow, Hydrothermal, Magmatic, Parameters, Rock, Students, Time, Via, Volcanism, World’s.
1. Marisol Juarez Rivera($159,765), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Decrease And Thinnest, Largest Seasonal Decrease, Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Perennial Ice Cover, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Unprecedented Ice Thinning, Water Column Dissolved, Austral Summer, Biomass Mobilization, Dissolved Oxygen, Gas Bubbles, Ice Ablation, Lake Fryxell, Liftoff Mat, Mat Export, Mat Liftoff, Microbial Mat, Microbial Mats, Seasonal Loss, Surrounding Soils, Antarctica, Bottom, Carbon, Changing, Climate, Constrain, Desert, Double, Ecological, Exceptional, Exported, Freeze, Gas-supersaturated, Gasses, History, Hypothesized, Ice-cover, Increase, Lakes, Nutrient, Observed, Organic, Organic-poor, Period, Regions, Shallow, Supersaturation, Surface, Thickness, Was.
1. Anthony Koppers($908,969), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Antarctic Core Collection, Undergraduate Student Workers, Diverse Backgrounds, Drill Core, Marine Sediments, Osu-mgr Antarctic, Osu-mgr App, Summers Schools, ACC, Acquisition, CDR, Capabilities, Cores, Database, Development, Distributed, Drilling, Expanded, Facility, Geology, Graduate, Has, Metadata, National, Non-destructive, OSU-MGR, Ocean, Online, Opportunities, Programs, Quality, REU, Range, Repository, Request, Rock, Serve, Sites, Software, Tours, Transfer, Website.
1. Weisen Shen($627,264), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: K-12 School Districts, Southern Transantarctic Mountains, Ice Sheet, South Pole, Subglacial Lakes, Surface Wave, Underlying Crust, Analysis, Antarctic, Arrays, Broadband, Climate, Comprehensive, Continent, Coverage, Critical, Function, Geology, Inversion, Island, Joint, Models, Modern, Near, Nearby, Observables, Polar, Properties, Rock, Seismic, Sensors, Structure, Students, Studying, Sub-ice, Subsurface, Thermal, Thick.
1. Lindsay O Prothro($532,649), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
2. Ryan A Venturelli($560,876), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
3. Lauren E Miller($776,963), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Glacial Maximum, Ice Sheet, Regions Offshore, Seafloor Sediments, Sediment Cores, Surrounding Ocean, Ago, Antarctic, Antarctica, Growth, Has, Marine, Oregon, Practices, Processes, Relatively, Students, Thousands.
1. Jamey Stutz($1,896,987), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Polar Rock Repository, Collections Management, Object Identifiers, Activities, Allow, Allows, Antarctica, Available, Box, Collected, Continue, Developed, Discoverable, Enhance, Field, Freely, Geology, Loans, Metadata, PRR, Pre-college, Regions, Repositories, Schools, Students.
1. Molly Patterson($500,956), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
2. Melissa A Berke($345,558), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Sea Ice Expansion, Sea Surface Temperature, Surface Ocean Freshening, Temperature And Meltwater, Global Ocean, Ice Sheet, Ocean Warming, Southern Ocean, Surface Temperature, Adjacent, Circulation, Climate, Examine, Formation, Future, Geological, Has, Intervals, Plio-pleistocene, Regulating, Scenarios, Water.
1. Maureen E Raymo($269,851), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Microplastics And Nanoplastics, South Pole, Antarctica, Coast, Collected, Concentration, Distribution, Focused, Has, Models, Particles, Platform, Pollutants, Pristine, Quantify, SRS, Snow, Traverse, Unique, Μm.
1. LuAnne Thompson($30,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Amundsen Sea Embayment, Conditions Near Glaciers, Ocean Conditions Near, Sea Level Rise, Warmer Ocean Conditions, 20th Century, West Antarctica, Atmospheric, Downscaled, Easterly, Evidence, Forcing, Ice, Model, Proxy-based, Reconstructions, Retreat, Simulations, Surface, Trend, Trends, Westerly, Wind.
1. Jeffrey P Severinghaus($74,579), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Christo Buizert($109,690), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Peter D Neff($102,788), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
4. Segev BenZvi($755,980), University of Rochester, Rochester
Key terms: Cosmic Ray Flux, Galactic Cosmic Ray, Natural Geologic Source, Past Solar Activity, Cosmic Rays, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Earth’s Climate, Glacier Extent, Ice Cores, Antarctica, Atmospheric, CH, Carbon, Carbon-, Constant, Dome, Earth’s, Global, Methane, Produced, Rate, Sources, Uncertain.
1. Christo Buizert($249,133), Oregon State University, Corvallis
2. Jeffrey P Severinghaus($356,436), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Core, Air Bubbles, East Antarctic, East Antarctica, Gas Thermometer, Ice Age, Ice Sheets, Water-isotope Thermometer, Based, Future, Greenland, Has, History, Human, Isotopes, Method, Past, Seeks, Temperatures, Water-isotope.
1. Ryan A Venturelli($176,184), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
2. Jeremy N Bassis($225,001), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Future Sea-level Rise, Reconstructions And Future, Future Projections, Future Sea-level, Intellectual Exchange, Mass Loss, Sea-level Rise, Stage Focusing, West Antarctica, Behavior, Conditions, Constraints, Differences, Focused, Forcing, Glacial, Holocene, Ice-sheet, Ii, Internal, Model, Models, Modern, Observations, Paleo-glaciological, Past, Retreat.
1. Jamin S Greenbaum($222,704), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ice Sheet, Sea Level, Thwaites Glacier, Water Column, ASE, Airborne, Antarctica, Depth, Enable, Glaciers, Helicopter-based, Indicate, KOPRI, Models, Near, Observations, Ocean, Polar, Previous, Profiles.
1. Peter D Neff($162,982), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Ice Core, Ice Divide, Ice Rise, Ice Rises, Ice Sheet, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Rv Araon, West Antarctic, Airborne, Based, Centuries, Chosen, Climate, Coastal, Coastline, Cores, Critical, Decades, Drill, Ice-core, KOPRI, Korean, Logistics, Observations, Observed, Processes, Region, Site, Snow.
1. Andrew J Cross($494,195), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Fabricated And Deformed, Grain Boundary Sliding, Polar Ice Masses, Grain Size, Superplastic Creep, Viscous Flow, COF, Conditions, Cryogenic, Crystal, GBS, Geophysical, Has, Laboratory, Microstructural, Motion, Produce, Rate, Rate-controlling, Strain, Stress, Temperature, Μm, —.
1. Jonathan Kingslake($899,856), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Sheets And Glaciers, Surface Meltwater Reaching, Antarctic Peninsula, Ice Flow, Ice Sheets, Outlet Glaciers, Satellite Observations, Sea-level Rise, Surface Melting, Agreement, Aims, Antarctica, Base, Bed, Budget, Collaboration, Dynamics, Faster, Future, Greenland, Has, Implications, Increase, Influence, Joint, Largest, Ocean, Phenomenon, Proportion, Sea-level, Short-term, Shrink, Velocity.
1. Hannah L Joy-Warren($212,172), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Ocean Carbon Fluxes, Southern Ocean Carbon, Deep Ocean, Amount, Composition, Depth, Estimates, Exported, Phytoplankton, Processes, Taxa.
1. Andrew J Kurth($800,000), Madison Area Technical College, Madison
2. Lee J Welhouse($1,800,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Aws Advisory Board, Aws Network, Weather Station, Activities, Antarctica, Automated, Available, Continue, Ensure, Independent, Maintain, Meteorological, Methods, Newly, Observations, PCWS, Public, Radiation, Students, Temperature.
1. Melisa A Diaz($1,275,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Ecological Connectivity Interact, Education And Outreach, Extreme Polar Desert, Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Ongoing Anthropogenic Global, Polar Desert Ecosystem, Structure And Functioning, Biological Activity, Current Ecosystem, Diverse Backgrounds, Ecosystem Resilience, Ecosystem Stability, Ecosystems Respond, Existing Landscape, Liquid Water, Long-term Datasets, Mcm Lter, Mdv Ecosystem, Polar Ecosystem, Polar Night, Activities, Antarctic, Antarctica, Artists, Aspects, Beyond, Biogeochemical, Carryover, Climate, Cold, Conditions, Contemporary, Drivers, Educational, Efforts, Established, Examine, Experience, Field, Generation, Glaciers, Has, Immersive, Insights, Lake, Lakes, Leaders, Legacies, Long-term, Mdvs, Mentoring, Natural, Organisms, Past, Period, Seeks, Soils, Stewardship, Streams, Students, Summer, Temporal, Tested, Training.
1. Rebecca S Robinson($905,118), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Nitrogen And Silica, Diatom Nitrogen, Silicon Isotope, Southern Ocean, Surface Nutrient, Alteration, Composition, Conditions, Degree, Diatoms, Experience, Incubations, Influences, Nutrients, Observed, Participation, Past, Proxies, Reconstructions, Spatial, Students, Uptake, Values, Water, °S.
1. Deborah K Steinberg($1,238,459), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Cruise Ship Industry, Development And Curricula, Education And Outreach, Engaging Lifelong Learners, Fieldtrips And Dissemination, Inclusion Plan Leveraging, Industry And Indirectly, Maintain And Expand, Outreach Program Promoting, Polar Literacy Principles, Program Via Virtual, Schoolyard Program Via, Summer Camp Programs, Time And Space, Undergraduates Programs Aimed, Via Virtual Fieldtrips, Virtual And Traditional, Virtual Schoolyard Program, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Build Awareness, Climate Warming, Communication Resources, Coordinated Diversity, Education Focused, Exhibition Designed, Food Web, Global Significance, K-12 Educators, Marine Food, Palmer Station, Polar Instructional, Polar Marine, Produce High-quality, School Time, Sea Ice, Social Media, Space Scales, Underrepresented Students, Afterschool, Art, Audiences, Carbon, Cover, Covered, Cycling, Directly, Disturbances, Dynamics, Ecological, Ecology, Ecosystem, Equity, Experience, Extensive, Facilitate, Foundation, High-quality, Implement, Interannual, Krill, Leverage, Local, Long-term, Mechanistic, Modeling, Ocean, Processes, Productivity, Rapid, Regional, Remote, Responding, Sampling, Scales–from, Seasonal, Storms, Sub-decadal, Undergoing.
1. Daniel Shapero($575,572), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Totten And Denman, Denman Glaciers, Float Profilers, Ice Sheet, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Ocean Temperatures, Remote Sensing, Sea Level, Sea-level Rise, Warming Ocean, Agreement, Antarctica, Budget, Centuries, Centurys, Climate, Contribution, Falls, Flow, Functions, Has, Joint, Melt, Melting, Models, Numerical, Observations, Oceanographic, Polar, Proportion, Raise, Sea-level, Thin, Uncertainty, Via.
1. Rebecca L Beadling($594,929), Temple University, Philadelphia
2. Matthew R Mazloff($124,328), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Future Sea Level, Sea Level Rise, Antarctic Ice, Ice Shelf, Ice Shelves, Knowledge Gaps, Model Simulations, Southern Ocean, AIS, ASC, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Climate, Critical, Dynamics, Forcing, Heat, Hypothesized, Melt.
1. Edward J Brook($532,387), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Carbon And Hydrogen, Allan Hills, Atmospheric Methane, Chemical Forms, Hydrogen Isotopes, Ice Ages, Methane Levels, Methane Source, Antarctica, Atmosphere, Existing, Glacial, Happened, Increase, Increased, Measure, Methods, Million, Past, Periods, Time, Warm, Warmer.
1. Lisa C Herbert($191,150), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Benthic Fe Release, Amundsen Sea, Carbon Cycling, Fe Content, Sediment Iron, ARTEMIS, Antarctic, Biogeochemistry, Coastal, Collected, Ecosystem, Fluxes, Growth, Inform, Phytoplankton, Polar, Productivity, Public, Sediments, Sources, Water.
1. Darryn W Waugh($554,383), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Ocean And Climate, Southern Hemisphere, Southern Ocean, Wind Trends, Antarctic, Atmospheric, Century, Flow, Has, Knowledge, Observations, Observed, Oceans, Ozone, Quantify, Regional, Simulations, Winds.
1. Dan Lubin($1,597,478), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Jessie M Creamean($450,771), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Climate Model, Ice Crystal, Liquid Water, Palmer Station, Remote Sensing, Solar Energy, Aerosol, Aerosols, Antarctica, Atmospheric, California, Changing, Chemical, Cloud, Concentrations, Continent, Droplet, Global, Imaging, Inps, NASA, Observations, Particles, Properties, Sampling, Simulations, Size, Surface.
1. Sarah G Purkey($38,857), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Earle A Wilson($11,105), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Future Us-led, Global Climate, Observational Approaches, Southern Ocean, Year-round Observational, Antarctic, Ice, International, Level, Oceanography, Participation, Priorities, Regions, Sea, Traditionally, Uptake, Us-led, Workshop, Yround.
1. Abhiram Doddi($199,704), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Scales And Background, Antarctic Climate, Background Environments, Gravity Wave, Gws Produced, In-situ Turbulence, Remote Sensing, Syowa Station, Turbulence Observations, Wide Range, Antarctica, Atmospheric, Balloon, Coastal, Collaboration, Coordination, Current, Custom, Drag, Dynamics, Forecasts, GCM, In-situ, Instruments, Japanese, KHI, Kelvin-helmholtz, Latitudes, Processes, Radar, Representing, Resulting, Sources, Southern, Synoptic-scale, Turbulent, Waves.
1. Julia S Wellner($17,627), University of Houston, Houston
2. Brice Loose($279,122), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Amundsen Sea, Glacier Ice, Helium Isotopes, Hydrothermal Fluid, Noble Gases, Volcanic Activity, Antarctic, Antarctica, Column, Continent, Dissolved, Ecosystem, Evidence, Explore, Measure, Ocean, Pathways, Seawater, Seeks, Submarine, Undersea, Volcanism, Water.
1. Bill J Baker($287,297), University of South Florida, Tampa
Key terms: Smithsonian National Museum, Extreme Habitats, Marine Invertebrates, Natural History, Obtain Metabolites, Analysis, Biological, Chemical, Compounds, Difficult, Environment, Found, Held, Information, NMNH, NMR, Organisms, Seeks, Specimens, Strategy, Workflow.
1. John H Postlethwait($1,915,645), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Antarctic Notothenioid Fish, Explaining Antarctic Biogeography, Genetic Sex Determination, Graphic Novels Explaining, Novels Explaining Antarctic, Sex Determination Genes, Sex Determining Genes, Short Graphic Novels, Antarctic Cryonotothenioid, Candidate Sex, Center Museum, Comics Initiative, Cryonotothenioid Speciation, Frequent Turnover, Icefish Specialties, Knowledge Gaps, Methods Involve, Notothenioid Species, Permanent Exhibit, Sex Chromosomes, Sex Genes, Sex-determination Genes, Sex-linked Loci, Southern Ocean, Temperate Notothenioids, Warmer Water, Accompany, Aim, Antarctica, Basals, Climate, Collaborate, Continent’s, Cryonotothenioids, Duplicate, Eugene, Females, Fishes, Gsdf, Main, Males, Population, Prediction, Project’s, Returnees, Rules, Sex-determination, Sex-linked, Speciation”, University’s, Waters.
1. Amy Moran($46,834), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Andrew R Thurber($73,154), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Cinder Cone, Mcmurdo Sound, Methane Seep, Oxygen Dynamics, Sea Star, Sea Stars, Southern Ocean, Affected, Antarctic, Benthic, Conditions, Disease, Occurrence, Outbreaks, SSWS, Validus.
1. Natalie Cohen($379,674), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
2. Nicole Millette($175,853), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Undergraduate Summer Interns, Competitive Advantage, Graduate Student, Measure Growth, Micronutrient Limitation, Obtain Energy, Southern Ocean, Trace Metal, Adapted, Analyses, Antarctic, Behavior, Coding, Colimitation, Fe, Grazing, Hypothesize, Increasing, Iron, Lack, Manganese, Mixotrophs, Mn, Organisms, Particles, Prey, Principal, Rural, Students, Training.
1. Nicholas J Hawco($262,492), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Natalie Cohen($224,928), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
Key terms: Low Mnhigh Zn, Algal Growth, Antarctic Diatoms, Carbon Cycle, Controls Productivity, Culture Experiments, Diatom Species, Physiological Mechanisms, Southern Ocean, Approach, Central, Critical, Dynamics, Inhibit, Isolated, Limitation, Manganese, Micronutrient, Plays, Primary, Temperate, Uptake.
1. Joanna L Kelley($455,199), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Functional Differences Shape, Polar And Non-polar, Adaptive Trajectories, Antifreeze Proteins, Marine Fishes, Molecular Evolution, Multiple Polar, Non-polar Fishes, Polar Environments, Polar Fishes, Adaptation, Adaptations, Antarctic, Cellular, Clarify, Cold, Cold-adapted, Compare, Compounds, Conditions, Directorate, Doing, Evolutionary, Evolved, Extreme, Freezing, Genomes, Processes, Program, Rates, Rural, Selection, Speciation, Species, Survive, Temperature, Trends, Waters.
1. Jacob Daane($593,028), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Antifreeze Glycoproteins, Genetic Mechanisms, Kidney Glomeruli, Southern Ocean, Biology, Bone, Buoyancy, Dataset, Evolution, Evolutionary, Fish, Genomic, Loss, Notothenioid, Notothenioids, Reduction, Species, Students, Teaching, Traits, Undergraduate.
1. Andrew Mahoney($66,212), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Jihye Park($230,000), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Horizontal Motion, Ice Monitoring, Landfast Ice, Safe Navigation, Sea Ice, Tide Gauges, Water Level, Water Levels, CLR, Coastal, GNSS, GNSS-R, GPRI, GRWIS, Marine, Measuring, Observations, Presence, Radar, Reflector, Technology.
1. Rebecca Shaftel($49,999), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Temperature Observing Network, Freshwater Habitats, Freshwater Temperature, Interior Alaska, Stream Temperature, Temperature Datasets, Tribal Organizations, AKTEMP, Coordination, Culturally, Database, Download, Efforts, Federal, Filling, Fisheries, Gap, Growth, Increase, Models, People, Recently, Region, Salmon, Training, Warming, Was.
1. Jeffrey K O'Brien($1,072,495), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Sea Water Temperature, Temperature And Salinity, Annual Deployments, Buoys Drift, Ice Floes, Sea Ice, Arctic, Autonomous, Below, Cruises, Distributed, Forecast, ITP, ITPTOP, Ice-tethered, Instrument, Observations, Ocean, Ongoing, Operational, Opportunity, Profiler, Program, Publicly, Published, Resource, Resulting, Student, Supporting, Total, Vertical, Warming.
1. Gianluca Meneghello($299,585), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
Key terms: Ability, Arctic, Atmosphere, Autonomous, Balloon, Climate, Design, Energy, Fly, Global, Observations, Performing, Platforms, Region, Soundings, Sufficient, Survive, Testing, Weather, °C.
1. Robert L Hawley($123,065), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Von P Walden($36,330), Washington State University, Pullman
3. Jack E Dibb($68,120), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Clean Air, Deep Ice, Ice Sheet, Summit Station, Arctic, Based, Climate, Communication, Contractor, Ensure, Geosummit, Greenland, Has, Infrastructure, Logistics, NSF, Observatory, Office, Past, Plans, Process, RSL, Recapitalize, SCO, Site, Snow, Students, Website.
1. John N Kemp($2,390,365), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Eastern Eurasian Basin, Nansen And Amundsen, Amundsen Basins, Arctic Ocean, Atmospheric, Cruise, Deployment, Design, Fabrication, Freshwater, Ice, Moorings, NABOS, Nine, Observational, Observations, Waters.
1. Emily Eidam($120,242), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Planning And Logistics, Virtual Pre-cruise Meetings, Cruise Planning, Pre-cruise Meetings, Rv Sikuliaq, Training Cruise, Vessel Crew, Virtual Pre-cruise, Arctic, Build, Cohort, Confidence, Coordinate, Cruises, Engage, Equipment, Lead, Manage, Mentors, Oceanographic, One-day, Opportunity, Participants, Prior, Request, Sampling, Sea, Ships, Staff, Successful, Survey, Time, UNOLS, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Alia L Khan($200,000), Western Washington University, Bellingham
Key terms: Black Carbon Deposition, Greenland Ice Sheet, Future Climate, Radiative Forcing, Seasonal Snowmelt, Smoke Deposition, Canada, Cryosphere, Global, Has, Intensity, Melt, Model, Modelled, Output, Uncertainty, Verification, Warming, Wildfire, Wildfires.
1. Wyatt Oswald($46,183), Emerson College, Boston
2. Nathaniel Kitchel($496,086), Dartmouth College, Hanover
3. Yarrow Axford($210,035), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Human History, Arctic, Broader, Climate, Documentary, England, Environment, Environmental, Focus, Influenced, Mobility, Northern, Rapid, Students, Transition, Transitioned, Tundra, Vegetation, Warming, Was, YD.
1. Christian G Andresen($216,597), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Mario E Muscarella($210,839), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Jennifer M Fraterrigo($507,657), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Hot-moment Carbon Dynamics, Hot-moment Carbon, Mechanisms Driving, Arctic, Climate, Distribution, Disturbance, Ecosystems, Greenhouse, Hot-moments, Hot-spots, Interactions, Knowledge, Landscapes, Microbes, Northern, Observations, Permafrost, Plants, Release, Soils, Spatiotemporal, Thawing.
1. Anna K Liljedahl($302,382), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
2. Michael A Rawlins($294,517), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
3. Claire G Griffin($209,177), Southern Oregon University, Ashland
4. Chandi Witharana($358,030), University of Connecticut, Storrs
5. Mikhail Z Kanevskiy($193,418), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Resolution Satellite Imagery, Arctic Tundra, Capillary Hydrologic, Capillary Hydrological, Expanding Capillary, Ice Wedges, Ice-rich Permafrost, Pan-arctic Map, Remote Sensing, River Runoff, Alaska, Assess, Capillaries, Carbon, Channels, Degradation, Field, Has, Ice-rich, Ice-wedge, Increased, Landscape, Model, Network, Pan-arctic, Rivers, Shown, Sub-meter, Surface, Thaw, Water.
1. Thomas Ballinger($585,834), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Qinghua Ding($363,105), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Temperature And Moisture, Warming And Moistening, Climate Model, Ice Sheet, Air, Anthropogenic, Atmospheric, CESM, CMIP, Circulation, Forcings, Frequency, Greenland, Greenland’s, Has, Interactions, Local, Mechanisms, Observed, Processes, Region, Region’s, Time, Trends.
1. Christian G Andresen($750,817), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Land-atmosphere Carbon Exchange, Carbon Cycling, Ch4 Emissions, Land-atmosphere Carbon, Surface-atmosphere Carbon, Arctic, Book, Characterize, Climate, Design, Drone, Evolution, Feedbacks, Future, Has, Indigenous, Past, Polygonal, Ponds, Regional, Surface-atmosphere, Underrepresented.
1. Ruby An($65,127), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Driving Shrubification, Hypothesized Mechanisms, Arctic, Carbon, Climate, Environmental, Experimental, Experiments, Field, Landscapes, Models, Shift, Shrubs, Species, Surveys, Tundra, Vast, Warming.
1. Ming Xiao($49,615), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Middle School Students, Engineering Knowledge, Traditional Knowledge, Alaska, CE, Development, EWD, Engineers, Indigenous, PSU, Participants, STEM, Utqiaġvik, Western, Workshop.
1. Edward A Schuur($57,113), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Ancient Permafrost Carbon, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Permafrost Carbon Release, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Lost, Environmental Drivers, Interior Alaska, Permafrost Thaw, Amount, Arctic, Climate, Dating, Exported, Future, Has, Increasing, Long-term, Rivers, Site, Warming, Water.
1. Emma C Rieb($20,549), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Reaching Surface Waters, Ancient Permafrost, Carbon Dioxide, Co2 Produced, Doc Exposed, Global Warming, Microbes Oxidize, Organic Carbon, Oxidize Doc, Permafrost Doc, Permafrost Soils, Thawing Permafrost, Visible Light, Amplify, Arctic, Critical, Extent, Flows, Fraction, Process, Quantify, Sunlight, Sunlit, Thawed, UV, Unknown, Wavelengths.
1. Melinda A Webster($304,752), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Sea Ice Loss, Single Column Modeling, Accurately Represent, Arctic Climate, Climate Models, Field Observations, Critical, Differences, Global, Interactions, Melt, Parameterizations, Predictions, Processes, Representation, Summer, Sunlight, Surface, Warming.
1. April M Melvin($540,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Polar Regions, Antarctic, Arctic, Board, Committee, Environmental, Federal, Issues, Nation, National, PRB, Range, Stakeholders.
1. Noor Jehan Johnson($131,932), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Chie Sakakibara($424,332), Syracuse University, Syracuse
3. Karen N Brewster($214,931), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Cultural Heritage, Advances, Ainu, Alaska, Arctic, Collaboration, Collaborative, Environmental, Indigenous, Knowledge, Peoples, Photographs, Repatriation, Resources.
1. Malory K Peterson($58,000), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Climate Adaptation Planning, Hunting And Fishing, Natural Resource, Arctic, Availability, Fertility, Greenland, Health, Healthcare, Interviews, Inuit, Kalaallit, Policymakers, Promotes, Reproductive, Social, Women.
1. Francois Lanoe($126,959), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Joshua D Reuther($804,507), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Broken Mammoth, Central Alaska, Human Adaptations, Seasonal Land, Subsistence Economies, Analyses, Analysis, Collection, Faunal, Foraging, Has, Reconstruct, Regional, Site, Spatial, Species, Strategies, Time, Yielded.
1. John M Steinberg($198,250), University of Massachusetts Boston, Dorchester
Key terms: Viking Age, Analysis, Coastal, Coring, Deposits, Economic, Farms, Iceland, Icelandic, Marine, Potential, Recover, Site, Social.
1. Briana N Doering($699,527), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Central Alaska, Hearth Remains, Analysis, Archaeological, Ecological, Educational, Experimental, Isotopic, Legacy, Mentorship, Molecular, Newly, Opportunities, Reconstruct, Recovered, Sites, Subsistence, Targeted, Training.
1. Emily C Fletcher($62,800), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Key terms: Northern Dene Technological, Gulkana Site, Spatial Analysis, Activities, Advance, Ahtna, Archaeological, Collaboratively, Copper, Engagement, GUL-, Innovation, Interpret, Metalworking, Phase, Youth.
1. Amanda E Althoff($50,341), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Insect Objects, Museum Collections, Alaska, Archaeological, Contextualize, Culture, Indigenous, Insects.
1. Trevor W Lamb($65,947), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Kodiak Archipelago, North Pacific, Accounts, Alaska, Co-pi, Consumption, Culinary, Dissertation, Foods, Multiple, Sources, Tubers.
1. Arleigh J Reynolds($21,003), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Health Misinformation, Healthcare Providers, Public Health, Semi-structured Interviews, Investigates, Qualitative, Semi-structured, Via.
1. Julie A Beans($200,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Affects Food Security, Indigenous Food Security, Urban Food Security, Urban Indigenous Food, Local Leaders, Migration Affects, Traditional Foods, Access, Alaska, Anchorage, Collaborative, Development, Foundation, Has, Meetings, Network, Organizations, Participatory, Priorities, Scholars.
1. Todd J Brinkman($78,220), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Collaborative Stewardship, Indigenous Knowledge, Advances, Alaska, Biologists, Caribou, Conservation, Management, Managers, Organizations, Outcomes, Panel, Participation, Rural, Subsistence, Wildlife.
1. Ron A Heintz($77,062), SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER INC, Sitka
Key terms: Activities, Alaska, Approaches, Findings, Pandemic, Participants, Public, Synthesize, Workshop.
1. Thomas E Rotnem($199,921), Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation, Kennesaw
Key terms: Site Visits, Climate, Development, Future, Greenland, Iceland, Interviews, Local, Participating, Satellite.
1. Medea K Csoba DeHass($647,612), University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Alaska Native Cultural, Native Cultural Heritage, Students And Alaska, 3d Modeling, 3d Models, Digital Repatriation, Student Participants, Collaborative, Collections, Distant, Indigenous, Interviews, Museum, Museums, Objects, Partners, Produce, Review, Scanned, Technologies, Video.
1. Johanna Devaney($535,581), CUNY Brooklyn College, Brooklyn
Key terms: Oil And Gas, Land Managers, Activity, Analyses, Anthropogenic, Arctic, Arctic-boreal, Camera-trap, Caribou, Development, Environmental, Game, Increasing, Indigenous, Landscapes, Local, Modeling, Natural, Networks, Observations, Overcome, Phenology, Practices, Regions, Sounds, Soundscape, Traditional, Vast, Wildlife.
1. Atsuhiro Muto($35,307), Temple University, Philadelphia
2. Philip B Lundrigan($190,287), Brigham Young University, Provo
3. Nicholas R Rypkema($188,474), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
4. Yu She($187,500), Purdue University, West Lafayette
5. Xi Yu($146,239), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
6. Jessica Garwood($514,693), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Acoustic Communication Protocols, Low-cost Passenger Robots, Protocols And Hardware, Sea Level Rise, Coordination Algorithms, Ice Shelves, Low-cost Passenger, Mothership-and-passenger Sampling, Power Consumption, Relative Positions, Advance, Capabilities, Challenging, Deployment, Developed, Engineering, Environments, Estimate, Flow, Future, Global, Lake, Mothership-and-passenger, Network, Ocean, Optimize, Permit, Properties, Self-localization, Swarm, Training, Underwater.
1. Denis Felikson($114,476), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice-ocean Boundary, Outlet Glaciers, Sea Level, Terminus Position, Available, Climate, Controls, Critical, Dominant, Equation, Focus, Forecasts, Future, Glaciological, Ice-ocean, Machine, Mass, Model, Modeling, Models, Nsfs, Office, Particular, Processes, Projections, Time.
1. Brian Buma($276,934), University of Colorado at Denver-Downtown Campus, Denver
2. Scott M Ritter($424,932), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Melissa L Chipman($665,555), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Short Interval Fires, Communication Workshop, Fire Behavior, Graduate Students, Inform Expectations, Boreal, Carbon, Climate, Combine, Explore, Fieldwork, Forest, Forests, Frequency, Future, History, Increasing, Model, Modern, Organize, Planet, Sediment, Soil, Structures, Teaching, Two-day, Wildfire.
1. Bailey McMeans($2,663,564), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Alaskan Beaufort Sea, Beaufort Sea Coast, Food Web Structure, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Arctic Lagoons, Ble Lter, Coastal Ecosystems, Food Webs, Lagoon Ecosystems, Trophic Linkages, Warming Arctic, Activities, Assemblages, Broader, Carbon, Chemical, Climate, Components, Control, Controls, Cycles, Ecological, Effects, Exchange, Extreme, Ice, Influence, Inputs, Interactions, Kaktovik, Land, Local, Long-term, Ocean, Permafrost, Project’s, Seasonal, Serve, Shifts, Sites, Timeframes, Utqiagvik, Water, Waters.
1. Eric S Saltzman($217,172), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Ice Core Laboratory, Polar Ice Cores, Uci Ice Core, Air Trapped, Closed-cycle Cryotraps, Liquid Helium, Trace Gases, Activities, Analysis, Analytical, Atmospheric, Climate, Closed-cycle, Cold, Costs, Ensure, Extraction.
1. Edward J Carpenter($263,129), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
2. Ajit Subramaniam($1,159,178), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Chukchi Sea, Food Security, Ice-free Season, Kotzebue Sound, Nutrient Concentrations, Phytoplankton Populations, Alaska, Annual, Arctic, Harmful, Ice-free, Importance, Knowledge, Local, Middle, Presentations, Program, School, Set, Students, Waters.
1. Bradley R Markle($1,237,840), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Average Climate, Changing Planet, Earth’s Climate, Extending Backwards, Mean Climate, Ago, Analysis, Archives, Contexts, Decadal, Earth’s, Extreme, Extremely, Extremes, Has, High-resolution, History, Ice, Interannual, Internal, Past, Periods, Polar, Rare, Societies, Temperature, Time, Water.
1. Ellie Broadman($0), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Darrell S Kaufman($583,206), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Estimate Past Glacier, Glacier Cover, Glacier Size, Lake Sediment, Proglacial Lakes, Abundance, Alaska, Climate, Environmental, Evidence, Extend, Extent, Fluctuations, Future, Geological, Glacier-fed, Graduate, Indicators, Information, Occurred, Organic, Rock-flour, STEM, Students, Thousands, Time, Undergraduate, Variables, Volcanic.
1. Julia M York($358,622), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Thermosensory Nervous Tissue, Arctic Cod, Boreogadus Saida, Adaptation, Central, Channel, Characterize, Climate, Compared, Evolution, Fish, Fishes, Mechanisms, Oxidation, Peripheral, Profiles, Proteins, Sensory, Sequencing, Species, Stenothermal, TRP, Warming.
1. Laura E Moore($302,388), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Amundsen Sea, Bulk Ligand, Ligand Concentrations, Siderophore Identification, Southern Ocean, Total Ligand, Bioavailability, Control, Cycling, EPS, Essential, Field, Functions, GP-ANT, Interpret, Iron, Iron-binding, Ligands, Microbial, Organic, Primary, Produced, Siderophores, Transect, Transport.
1. Emelia J Chamberlain($343,194), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Marine Ecosystem, Numerical Modeling, Bacterial, Biogeochemical, Critical, Current, Diversity, Ecological, Environmental, Functional, Microbial, Polar, Processes, Source, Structure.
1. Sara Schaal($330,141), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Affected Pacific Cod, Pacific Cod Populations, Alaska, Caused, Climatic, Coastal, Compare, Evolution, Fishery, Genomic, Historical, Outreach, Past, Presentations, Resource, Seasonality, Students, Time, Trophic-level, Zooarchaeological.
1. Annika N Horlings($346,823), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Firn Hydrology, Juneau Icefield, Meltwater Flow, Sea Level, Advance, Alaska, Behavior, Comprehensive, Field, Glacier, Glaciers, Loss, Rates, Timing, Water-isotope.
1. Rachael W Herman($324,787), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Adélie Penguins, Antarctic Peninsula, Dna Methylation, Epigenetic Potential, Gentoo Penguin, Gentoo Penguins, Local Adaptation, Capacity, Colonies, Cutting-edge, Differences, Driven, Ecological, Environmental, Expression, Genetic, Investigate, Modifications, Populations, Shifts, Species, Underlying, Via, Wild.
1. Jessica Turner($303,968), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Palmer Long-term Ecological, Sea Ice Loss, West Antarctic Peninsula, Biological Factors, Carbon Flux, Carbon Uptake, Food Web, Long-term Ecological, Palmer Long-term, Phenology Shifts, Seasonal Timing, Antarctica, Atmosphere, Base, Climate, Composition, Development, Global, Investigate, Modeling, Ocean, Phytoplankton, Program, Reasons, Warming.
1. Samuel Mark($325,875), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases, Core-based Greenhouse Gas, Ice Core-based Greenhouse, Rapid Arctic Warming, Warming And Permafrost, Carbon Cycle, Core-based Greenhouse, Ice Core-based, Permafrost Thaw, Alongside, Climate, Climatic, Concentrations, Context, Database, Deglacial, OPP-, Paleoclimate, Past, Regions.
1. Alexander A Robel($780,880), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
Key terms: Future Ice Sheet, Ice Sheet Models, Past And Future, Sea Level Rise, Educational Component, Geological Observations, Past Glacier, Assimilate, Computer, Courses, Curriculum, Existing, Focus, Georgia, Methods, Projections, School.
1. Benjamin H Hills($317,795), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Internal And Basal, Basal Friction, Englacial Stratigraphy, Ice Flow, Ice-penetrating Radar, Ice-sheet Surface, Internal Friction, Remote Sensing, Resists Ice, Software Toolkit, Statistical Analyses, Datasets, Dynamics, Future, Ice-dynamic, Ice-penetrating, Ice-sheet, Products, Sliding, Tools.
1. Douglas J Brinkerhoff($626,433), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Ice Sheet, Summer School, Approximate, Challenges, Climate, Components, Computationally, Construct, Deep, Educational, Essential, Future, Global, Model, Models, Range, Scenarios, Students, Surrogate.
1. Dustin M Schroeder($245,046), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Chirped Radar, Field Season, Ice Sheet, Lower Cost, Snowmobile-towed Radar, Antarctic, Antarctica, Available, Behavior, Code, Future, Glaciology, Greenland, IPR, Instruments, Period, Seasons, Snowmobile-towed, Testing, UAV, Uncrewed.
1. Amanda Staudt($215,063), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: Cold-weather Environments, Communications Technologies, National Academies, Southern Ocean, Space Weather, Advances, Antarctic, Batteries, Biological, Build, Capacity, Challenges, Cold-weather, Cutting-edge, Developments, Electronics, Environmental, Explore, Insights, Instance, Logistics, NSF, Operate, Organize, Power, Sensors, Stronger, Technological, Workshop.
1. Colin A Shaw($219,366), Montana State University, Bozeman
2. Joseph L Allen($219,714), Concord University, Athens
Key terms: Earthquake Rupture, Albedo, Calibration, Concord, Field, Geology, Greenland, Hyperspectral, Ice, International, Laboratory, MSU, Margin, Multi-fault, Program, REU, Retreating, Site, Students.
1. Ryan A Venturelli($449,180), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Timing And Duration, Geological Evidence, Grounding-line Retreat, Oceanographic Conditions, Past Episodes, Raised Marine, Sea Level, Sea-level Rise, Subglacial Bedrock, Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, Climate, Constraints, Contribution, Cosmogenic-nuclide, Dating, Grounding-line, Ice, Linked, Obtain, Sea-level.
1. Cole M Kelleher($8,476,532), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Nsf Polar, Remote Sensing, Antarctic, Arctic, Educational, Geospatial, Global, Ice, Imagery, Knowledge, Mapping, Meltwater, Online, PGC, Partnership, Pgc’s, Products, Seasonal, Solve, Surface.