image host NSF-GEO-OPP Awards for 2024

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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Collaborative Research: Thaw Below Zero - How Warming Saline Permafrost Controls Key Arctic Landscape Processes
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Melissa K Ward Jones($1,039,772), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Andrew Parsekian($473,772), University of Wyoming, Laramie
Key terms: Temperatures Below 0°c, Thaw Below Zero, Warming Saline Permafrost, Below 0°c, Continuous Permafrost, Northern Alaska, Warming Arctic, Climate, Distribution, Evolution, Field, Future, Ground, Ground-ice, Has, Laboratory, Landscape, Management, Natural, Processes, Rates, Region, Remain, Soil.

Collaborative Research: A Multipronged Approach to Investigate how Hydrography and Mixing Shape Productive Fjord Ecosystems in Greenland
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. An T Nguyen($1,038,209), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Dustin Carroll($78,440), San Jose State University Foundation, San Jose
Key terms: Oceanography And Marine, Greenland Institute, Marine Resources, Natural Resources, Primary Productivity, Arctic, Benthic, Conditions, Coupled, Distribution, Ecological, Ecosystems, Field, Fjord, Fjords, Framework, Future, Indigenous, Local, Mixing, Model, Nutrient, Nuuk, Observations, Outreach, Predicting, Processes, Supply, Transport, Vital, Women.

Collaborative Research: Using the Ice Sheet and Sea-level System Model and geological constraints to investigate the disappearance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Mathieu Morlighem($70,294), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Joshua Cuzzone($304,007), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
3. Joerg M Schaefer($452,989), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Dynamic Mass Loss, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Complete Disappearance, Ice Discharge, Ice-sheet Behavior, Ice-sheet Retreat, Model Performance, Sea-level Rise, Course, Driving, Evolution, Existing, Geologic, ISSM, Ice-sheet, Large-scale, Lessons, Magnitude, Models, Predict, Sea-level, Time.

RAPID: The Collapsing Ice and Ocean Ecosystem of Milne Fiord, Canada
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Peter M Washam($104,749), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Epishelf Lake, Hydrographic Profiles, Ice Shelf, Ice Tongue, Milne Fiord, Arctic, Basal, Breaking, Canada, Canadian, Configuration, Drainage, Earth’s, Ecosystem, Fjord, Floating, Freshwater, Glacial, Global, Hosts, Increased, Increasing, Marine, Melting, Ocean, Sea, Total, Water.

Arctic Sea-ice Attenuation of Sea Swell, Microseism and the Prospect for using Seismology as a way to Observe Sea-ice Conditions
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Douglas R MacAyeal($204,278), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Glacial Geoengineering, Ground Vibrations, Musical Compositions, Sea Ice, Sea-ice Concentration, Ability, Activity, Alaska, Algorithms, Broader, Chicago, Climate, Coastline, Continuous, Difficulty, Drift, Eofs, Generated, Greenland, Microseism, National, North, Observations, Otherwise, Outcome, Power, Satellite, Sea-ice, Seismic, Stations, Strength, Thickness, Waves, Wind.

CAREER: Bridging Sea Ice Dynamics from Floe to Basin Scales
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Georgy Manucharyan($870,804), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Analysis And Modeling, Sea Ice Dynamics, Sea Ice Model, Sea Ice Pieces, Climate Models, Modeling Techniques, Polar Oceanography, Aims, Broader, Characteristics, Classrooms, Component, Deformation, Educational, Enhance, Fractures, Graduate, Individual, Observations, Opportunities, Processes, Program, Programs, Representation, Sizes, Small-scale, Students, Summer, Undergraduate.

Collaborative Research: RUI: Frontal Ablation Processes on Lake-terminating Glaciers and their Role in Glacier Change
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. William H Armstrong($131,652), Appalachian State University, Boone
2. Irina Overeem($84,491), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. David Sutherland($111,828), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Coming Decades, Extra Ice, Ice Loss, Changing, Conditions, Glacier, Glaciers, Information, Lake, Lakes, Lost, Melt, Observations, Past, Programs, Rapidly, Retreat, Sediment, Temperature, Themselves, Warming, Water, World.

Collaborative Research: Physical Feedbacks in the Coastal Alaskan Arctic during Landfast Ice Freeze-up
Award Effective Date: 05/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. James Thomson($497,749), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Emily Eidam($379,007), Oregon State University, Corvallis
3. Madison M Smith($705,367), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Spatial And Temporal, Alaskan Arctic, Coastal Arctic, Ice Formation, Landfast Ice, Middle School, School Students, Seafloor Cables, Autonomous, Building, Capture, Coastline, Engage, Exposure, Fall, Freeze-up, Future, In-person, Increasing, Instruments, Moorings, Multiple, Observations, Predictions, Prior, Processes, Region, Seasonal, Sediment, Shelf, Storms, Time, Unit, Visits, Wave, Waves.

Collaborative Research: GreenFjord-FIBER, Observing the Ice-Ocean Interface with Exceptional Resolution
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Rebecca H Jackson($160,021), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Bradley P Lipovsky($497,704), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Local Greenlandic Teacher-trainee, Greenlandic Teacher-trainee, Greenland’s Classrooms, Calving, Collaboration, Disseminated, Distributed, Glacier, Glaciers, Greenland’s, Ice, Implications, Instrument, Measure, Melt, Ocean, Sensing, Sub-glacial, Summer, Temperature.

Conference: 52nd Arctic Workshop at the University of Massachusetts
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Julie Brigham-Grette($20,000), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: 52nd Arctic Workshop, Share And Discuss, 52nd Arctic, Diverse Disciplines, March 13-16, Massachusetts Amherst, Seeks Funding, AW, Attracting, Findings, Forum, Has, Participation, Polar, Prominent, Scheduled, Stages, Student, Students, Warming.

What is the impact of increasing boreal forest fires on Arctic climate and sea ice?
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth($343,332), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Boreal Biomass Burning, Boreal Forest Fires, Climate And Sea, Climate Model Simulations, Arctic Climate, Black Carbon, Boreal Fires, Boreal Forests, Climate Models, Nations’ Panel, Radiative Forcing, Sea Ice, Warmer Summers, Aerosols, Amount, Continue, Coupled, Cover, Emissions, Has, Importance, Increase, Inform, Interaction, Observed, Plan, Positive, Set, Smoke, Snow, Spring, Sunlight, Surface, Transport, Weather, Winds.

RAPID: Investigation of Microbial:Black Carbon feedback Processes that Impact Icefield Melt in High Latitude Systems.
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Christine M Foreman($99,319), Montana State University, Bozeman
Key terms: Black Carbon, Glacial Ice, Ice Loss, Surface Melt, Alaskan, FICUS, Field, Glaciers, Has, Implications, Impurities, Juneau, Light, Mass, Melting, Mountain, Snow, Timely.

EAGER: Dating Arctic Lake Sediments with Beryllium-10 Markers of Solar Proton Events
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Raymond S Bradley($269,928), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Arctic Lake Sediment, Fine-grained Clay Cap, Laminated Sediments Collected, Varved Lake Sedimentary, 10be Anomalies, 10be Increases, Annual Couplet, Fine-grained Clay, Ice Cores, Independent Method, Involve Students, Lake Sediments, Local Environment, Melt Season, Past Climate, School Students, Solar Proton, Stem Opportunities, Transformative Development, Tree Rings, University’s Honors, Active, Allowing, Chronology, Commonwealth, Comparisons, Confidence, Confirm, Confirmed, Deposited, Followed, Gain, Lab, Lakes, Layers, Mobilized, Particles, Plan, Potential, Short, Spes, Streams, Sub-, Surface, University’s, Various, Workshop.

Collaborative Research: RAPID: Biogeochemistry of water and sediments from a recently drained Greenland ice-marginal lake
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Melisa A Diaz($7,154), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Ice-marginal Lake, Ice-marginal Lakes, Lake Tininnilik, Water Melting, Chemistry, Coast, Concentrations, Directly, Drainage, Drains, Exposed, Glacier, Glaciers, Greenland, Ice-marginal, Iron, Local, Marine, Nshore, Nutrients, Ocean, Recently, Sediments, Stored, Tour, Waters.

Reverse and Submarine Weathering in Glacially Influenced Arctic Fjords
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Laura Wehrmann($656,302), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Glacially Influenced Fjords, Iron And Aluminum, Biogenic Silica, Diatom Frustules, Fjord Sediments, Incubation Studies, Reverse Weathering, Silicate Minerals, Additionally, Affect, Arctic, Carry, Chemical, Climate, Coastal, Collect, Cycling, Formed, Glaciers, Has, Inputs, Kongsfjorden, Ocean, Ph, Process, Processes, Products, Range, Reactions, Remain, Removal, Seafloor, Seawater, Svalbard, Time.

Greenland-wide Assessment of Proglacial Melange Variability and Implications for Glacier Retreat
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2024; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. Ian R Joughin($408,486), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Guest Speaking Engagements, Ice Sheet Mass, Retreat And Speed, Broader Impacts, Glacier Calving, Glacier Retreat, Mélange Conditions, Mélange Coverage, Mélange Formation, Outlet Glacier, Sea Ice, Surrounding Ocean, University-level Classrooms, Activities, Aimed, Beyond, Changing, Compare, Datasets, Distribution, Educational, Elementary, Existing, Front, Glacier-related, Glaciers, Icebergs, Literacy, Maps, Measure, Mixture, Participation, Products, Project’s, Public, Quantify, Recruiting, Rigid, STEM, Satellite, Summer, Time, Timing, University-level.

Historical Simulations of Greenland Ice-sheet Dynamics: The Imprint of Early Ice Loss on Recent and Future Change
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2023; Program: ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences

1. John Erich Christian($361,775), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Calibrating Models, Climate Forcing, Ice Loss, Mass Loss, Model Simulations, Rapid Warming, Aid, Available, Century, Decades, Deliverable, Dynamic, Encompass, Era, Future, Glacier, Glaciers, Ice-sheet, Long-term, Observations, Period, S-s, Simulate.

Collaborative Research: The Next Generation of U.S. Geospace Research Facilities at South Pole, McMurdo, and Palmer Stations in Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Astrophys & Geospace Sci

1. Anthea J Coster($196,652), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
2. Marc R Lessard($199,162), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Andrew J Gerrard($753,858), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Geomagnetic Field, Geospace Instrumentation, Geospace Phenomena, Polar Regions, Solar Wind, Space Weather, Antarctic, Disturbances, Dynamics, Effort, Electromagnetic, Instruments, Ionospheric, Magnetic, Magnetospheric, Natural, Planet, Receivers, Simultaneous, Stations.

MRI: Track 2 Development of a Next-Generation Camera for High-Frequency and Spectroscopic Surveys with the South Pole Telescope
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Astrophys & Geospace Sci

1. Bradford Benson($1,500,665), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Temperature And Polarization, Cmb Surveys, Extraordinarily Sensitive, Spt-3g Camera, Constraints, Cosmological, Current, Epoch, Inflation, Mmsub-mm, Produce, Reionization, SPT-G, Sky, Traditionally, Universe, Volume.

RAPID: GPS Data from East Antarctica for Solid Earth, Ice, Ocean, and Atmosphere Discovery
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Terry J Wilson($25,362), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Atmospheric And Ionospheric, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Ice Sheet Mass, Immediate Access, Sea Level, Space Weather, Tectonic Motion, Abstractthis, Aims, Antarctica, Antarcticas, Climate, Deployment, East, Efforts, Existing, Expand, GNSS, GPS, Global, Initiative, Iridium, NSF, Predictions, Previously, Receivers, Regions, Repositories, Retrieval.

EAGER: Pedogenic Carbonates Record Insolation Driven Surface Melting in Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Terrence Blackburn($299,055), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Influence Antarctic Climate, Antarctic Ice, Antarctic Temperature, Hemisphere Summer, Influences Antarctic, Local Insolation, Northern Hemisphere, Past Surface, Polar Temperatures, Solar Forcing, Southern Hemisphere, Summer Duration, Summer Insolation, Warm Periods, Antarctica, Climatic, Coherence, Collected, Control, Covariance, Dating, Earth’s, Energy, Identifying, Melting, Minerals, Orbital, Resolution, Spatial, Temporal, Timing, Warming.

Collaborative Research: Straight to the Source- Mineral Weathering in Snowbanks and Supraglacial Ice, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Melisa A Diaz($75,627), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Freezing And Thawing, Ice And Snow, Traveling Exhibits Exploring, Antarctic Continent, Liquid Water, Proglacial Environments, Supraglacial Ice, Art, Chemistry, Conditions, Connections, Cycles, Dust, Freeze-thaw, Glacial, Glacier, Glaciers, Importance, Knowledge, Less, Melt, Meltwater, Microscopy, Modeling, Nutrients, Ocean, Particles, Periods, Release, Sediment, Snowpack, Source, Surfaces, Surrounding, Trace, Weathering.

Erosional landscapes of the Transantarctic Mountains produced by East Antarctic subglacial water?
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Brenda L Hall($325,757), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, East Antarctic Ice, Ice-sheet Behavior, Subglacial Meltwater, Transantarctic Mountains, Warming Climate, Age, Ages, Antarctica, Assessment, Book, Climates, EAIS, Existing, Expansion, Future, Geologic, Ice-sheet, Importance, National, Produced, Public, Surface, Was.

Discovering the Magmatic Plumbing System Beneath Mount Erebus with its Seismic Activity
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Andres F Peña Castro($237,804), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Active Volcano, Lava Lake, Magmatic Plumbing, Mount Erebus, Seismic Signals, Systematic Analysis, Abstract, Activity, Antarctica, Beneath, Decades, Deep, Earthquakes, Explosions, Has, Icequakes, Mt, Seismicity, Seismological, Summit.

Collaborative Research: Conference: Conference support for the 2nd RAID Science Planning Workshop
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. John W Goodge($49,153), Planetary Science Institute, Tucson
2. Sarah Shackleton($19,302), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Abstractbrthe Antarctic Ice, Access Ice Drill, Airborne Radar Imaging, Antarctic Ice Sheets, Core And Rock, Drilling Technology Capable, East Antarctic Ice, Near And Mid-term, Rapid Access Ice, Retrieving Ice Core, Thermal And Mechanical, Validate Airborne Radar, Down-hole Logging, Earth’s Climate, Emphasize Participation, Fresh Water, Glacial Bed, Glacial Layers, Ice-mass Loss, Laboratory Analysis, Largest Repository, Mechanical Conditions, Mid-term Future, Polar Scientists, Poorly Quantified, Potential Contribution, Quickly Penetrating, Recover Cores, Reliable Modeling, Rock Core, Sea-level Rise, Subglacial Rock, Undergoing Rapid, Abstractthe, Antarctica, Atmospheric, Base, Boreholes, Convene, Critical, Decades, Developed, Direct, Down-hole, Early-career, Earth’s, Engage, Experience, Exploration, Field, Generation, Guide, Has, Ice-mass, Ice-sheet, Little, Meet, Observation, Observe, Past, Planet, Principal, Properties, Ready, Represent, Sea-level, Tested, Workshop.

Antarctica within Rodinia: Testing the Laurentia Connection
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2024; Program: ANT Earth Sciences

1. Ian W Dalziel($343,298), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: 12th Grade Summer, Coats Land Crustal, Collected Near El, Dating And Hf, Exposure Lithologically Resemble, Field And Lab-based, Geochemical And Geochronologic, Geochemistry And Pb, Geoforce 12th Grade, Grade Summer Academy, Granophyre And Rhyolite, Jackson Scholars Program, Land And Keweenawan, Lithologically Resemble Basement, Near El Paso, Nunataks Comprise Granophyre, Rb-sr Isotope Analysis, Resemble Basement Rocks, Rocks Collected Near, Sm-nd And Rb-sr, Specimens Previously Collected, Well-established Education-outreach Programs, Zircon U-pb Dating, 12th Grade, Bedrock Exposures, Broadly Supportive, Critical Clues, Detailed Comparison, East Antarctica, Education-outreach Programs, Existing Geochemical, Extremely Remote, Ga Keweenawan, Geochronologic Studies, Geoforce 12th, Jackson School, Keweenawan Rocks, Lab-based Seminar, Laurentia Collided, Laurentian Craton, Mawson Craton, Metamorphic Rocks, Mid-continent Rift, Miniscule Outcrops, Pb Isotopes, Rb-sr Isotope, Reconstructing Rodinia, Rhyolite Contemporaneous, Rock Geochemistry, School Students, Southern Margin, Southwestern Extension, U-pb Dating, Well-established Education-outreach, Zircon U-pb, Abstractthis, Adjacent, Analyses, Assistants, Austin, Ca, Cliff, Collaborate, Field-, Geosciences, Has, History, Identical, Independent, Indicating, JSP, Kalahari, Maximum, Mid-continent, Paleogeography, Paleomagnetic, Recruited, Suggesting, Supercontinent, Suture, TX, Texas, Third, Undergraduate, Volcanics.

Conference: West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop 2024: A Transdisciplinary Forum for Initial International Polar Year Planning in West Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Matthew R Siegfried($49,026), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Ice-sheet Basins, Marine Ice-sheet, Wais Workshop, Wais Workshops, Behavior, Disciplines, Ensure, Evolution, Future, Ice-sheet, Nsf-funded, Past, Transdisciplinary.

Modeling the Coupled Dynamics of Groundwater, Subglacial Hydrology and Ice Sheets
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Stacy Larochelle($356,512), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Flow, Ice Mass, Ice Sheets, Sea Level, Subglacial Drainage, Aquifers, Framework, Global, Groundwater, Has, Processes, Rise.

CAREER: Constraining Iceberg Size Distributions and their Climate Impacts in Models
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Till J Wagner($155,583), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Glaciers And Ice, Iceberg Size Distributions, Risks And Uncertainties, Spatial And Temporal, Climate Models, Ice Sheets, Ice Shelves, Break, Communicate, Drift, Efforts, Freshwater, Greenland, Icebergs, Knowledge, Melt, Observational, Ocean, Release, Students.

Collaborative Research: Temporal Variations in Glacial and Subglacial Structures of Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Vera Schulte-Pelkum($126,121), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Weisen Shen($184,798), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Noise And Teleseismic, Sea Level Rise, Ambient Noise, Horizontal-to-vertical Ratios, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Polar Regions, Seismic Properties, Shear Velocity, Subglacial Hydrological, Aid, Analysis, Antarctica, Base, Beneath, Changing, Climate, Comprehensive, Conditions, Constrain, Contribute, Earthquakes, Efforts, Fast, Female, Firn, Future, Greenland, Horizontal-to-vertical, Information, Initial, Investigate, Long-term, Method, Nsurface, Observations, Seasonal, Suggest, Temporal, Top, True, Wave.

Collaborative Research: Ice-Shelf Rumpling and its Influence on Ice-Shelf Buttressing Processes.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Douglas R MacAyeal($578,675), University of Chicago, Chicago
2. Ryan Cassotto($368,061), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Seth Campbell($201,779), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Allow Ice Shelves, Antarctic Program’s Polar, Antarctica’s Ice Sheets, Glaciological And Geophysical, Ice Sheets Contribute, Near Pressure Ridges, Program’s Polar Steam, Zealand Antarctic Programs, Antarctic Program’s, Antarctica’s Ice, Compressive Boundary, Compressive Stress, Compressively Flow, Field Season, Geophysical Field, Ice Conditions, Ice Road, Juneau Icefield, Potential Involvement, Program’s Polar, Resistive Forces, Ross Island, Scott Base, Sea-level Rise, Abstractthis, Adjacent, Artist, Boundaries, Broader, Coast, Connects, Crash-zones, Damage, Dynamics, Explores, Feature, Generating, Grounded, Ice-shelf, Inland, Islands, Logistical, Logistics, Obstructions, Ocean, Remote, Responsible, Roadway, Runway, Sea-level, Significance, Slow, Stations, Transition.

RAPID: Instrumentation, Calibration, and Field Work Planning for an Expedition to Antarctica's Lowest Temperature Site
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Ted A Scambos($38,912), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: East Antarctic Plateau, Surface Snow Temperatures, Wind And Blowing, Blowing Snow, Climate, Conditions, Measure, Polar, RAPID, Site, Sites, Station, Weather.

Determining the Controls on Subglacial Cavity Geometry
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Lucas K Zoet($400,757), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Bedrock Bumps, Cavity Geometry, Ice-bed Contact, Ice-bed Interface, Ring-shear Device, Subglacial Erosion, Basal, Cavities, Constrain, Controls, Estimates, Experiments, Facilitate, Flow, Glacier, Hydrology, Ice-bed, Lab, Lead, Modeling, Models, Motion, Numerical, Physics, Processes, Range, Ring-shear, Set, Simultaneously, Sliding, Speed, Strain, Stress, Water.

Collaborative Research: Climatic Controls of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Courtenay Strong($473,751), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Daniel Shapero($92,888), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Balance And Ice, Dense Surface Mass, Ice Sheet Dynamics, Spatially Dense Surface, Surface Mass Balance, Wais Surface Mass, Atmospheric Model, Century-length Climate, Climate Mechanisms, Ice Flow, Sea Level, Century-length, Critical, Forcing, Motivated, Multiple, Numerical, Observational, Ocean, Regions, Rise, SMB, Sea-level, Snow, Trends, Tropics.

Collaborative Research: ClimPraxis: Creating a Climate Community of Praxis for Mid-Career Researchers
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ANT Glaciology

1. Leigh A Stearns($86,008), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Leigh A Stearns($86,008), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Leadership Training, Pilot Program, Academia, Build, Challenges, Climate, Critical, Cryosphere, Faculty, Lack, Mid-career, Programs, Scholars, Structure, Structured, Targeted, Variety.

Ice Drilling Program
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ANT Instrum & Facilities

1. Kristina R Slawny($4,356,061), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Coring And Drilling, Ice Coring, Ice Drilling, International Ice, Technology Development, Activities, Cores, Discoveries, Education, Engineering, Facility, Field, Importance, Leadership, Nurture, Outreach, Students, Subglacial.

SOCCOM3: Science to Predict the Future of the Southern Ocean and its Global Impacts
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Stephen C Riser($5,526,178), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Global Climate, Ocean Carbon, Southern Ocean, Southern Ocean’s, Annual, Anthropogenic, BGC, Cycling, Declines, Differences, Extended, Future, Has, Heat, Modeling, Models, Observations, Ocean’s, Processes, Produce, Profiling, SOCCOM, Translate, Uptake.

EAGER: ANT LIA: Persist or Perish: Records of Microbial Survival and Long-term Persistence from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2024; Program: ANT Integrated System Science

1. Alexander B Michaud($152,504), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, West Antarctic Ice, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Microbial Cells, Analysis, Burial, Climate, Conditions, Environments, Fidelity, Genes, Genomes, Genomic, Long-term, Microbiology, Microorganisms, Past, Potential, Processes, Sorted, Survival, Time, Viability, Viable, WD.

Collaborative Research: BEACON: The Bellingshausen Sea, A Carbon and Overturning Nexus
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Patricia L Yager($380,593), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
2. Brice Loose($724,131), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
3. Nicholas J Nidzieko($906,025), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
4. Peter N Sedwick($477,767), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
5. Andrew F Thompson($1,061,794), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Bellingshausen Sea, Global Sea, Mass Loss, Sea Level, West Antarctica, Amundsen, Assess, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Coast, Interactions, Meltwater, Mixing, Ncoastal, Observations, Ocean, Processes, Properties, Rates, Regions, Uncertainty, Uptake, Water, Waters.

EAGER: Developing High Latitudes Capabilities for Wave Gliders
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Lia Siegelman($299,911), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Polar Wave Glider, Polar Oceans, Air-sea, Autonomous, Capabilities, Capable, Conditions, Enable, Environment, Extreme, Facility, Generation, Instrumented, Interactions, Local, Observational, Platforms, Regions, Sea, Technology.

RAPID: Seizing the Opportunity for Acquisition of Heat Flow and Sedimentological Data to Study Post-Glacial Gas Hydrate Dissociation in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2024; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Lindsay O Prothro($159,734), Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi
Key terms: Ross Sea Gas, Sea Gas Hydrate, Water And Methane, Glacial Maximum, Heat Flow, Hydrate Stability, Ice Sheet, Ice-sheet Retreat, Polar Regions, Antarctic, Antarctica, Basis, Collect, Collected, Constraints, Depressurization, Formed, Future, Hydrates, Ice-sheet, Investigate, Lead, Mechanisms, Past, Pressure, Rate, Sediment, Seismic, Temperature, Temperatures.

Collaborative Research: Combined Impact of Atmospheric Rivers and Foehn Warming on the Surface Warming/Melting over West Antarctica - Standard Grant
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. XUN ZOU($392,618), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Ice Mass Balance, Ar Intrusions, Atmospheric River, Extreme Weather, Surface Melting, West Antarctica, Additionally, Ars, Moisture, Mountain, Students, Warming.

Formation, Transformation, and Northward Spreading of Dense Saline Water Derived from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica
Award Effective Date: 05/15/2024; Program: ANT Ocean & Atmos Sciences

1. Christopher J Zappa($840,173), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Antarctic Bottom Water, Boundary Current Adjacent, Deep Boundary Current, Dense Shelf Waters, Modification And Northward, Near 0°c Water, Shelf Water Formed, Shelf Waters Involve, Terra Nova Bay, Weddell And Ross, Western Ross Sea, Zealand And Italy, Cape Adare, Deep Ocean, Drygalski Trough, Ice Interaction, Northward Spreading, AABW, Abstractthe, Antarctica, Characteristics, Coastal, Cold, Collaboration, Continent, Coordinated, Derived, Descent, Export, Factors, Feeding, Fills, Flooded, Formation, Gap, Global, Instrumented, International, Investigating, Involves, Korea, Lacking, Moorings, Observational, Processes, Producing, Program, Seas, Seaward, Shelfslope, Slope, Spill-over, Synchronous, TNB, Transformation, USA, World.

RCN: Building a Coordinated Network for Research and Monitoring in Large-Scale International Marine Protected Areas: The Ross Sea Region as a Model System
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Cassandra Brooks($525,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Large-scale International Mpas, Ross Sea Mpa, Ross Sea Region, Sea Region Mpa, Structure And Function, World’s Largest Mpa, Biophysical Modeling, Conservation Potential, Ecosystem Structure, Informed Management, Knowledge Gaps, Large-scale International, Marine Protected, Process Studies, World’s Largest, Antarctica, Collaboration, Component, Components, Connections, Coordinated, Coordination, Critical, Cyberinfrastructure, Diverse, Effective, Engagement, Focused, Fulfill, Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Monitoring, Network, Observations, Partner, Partners, Policy, RCN, Review, Science-policy, Seas, Strategies, Themes.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Mapping Antarctic Geodiversity: Assessing People, Place, and Abiotic Nature in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Stephen M Chignell($354,036), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Antarctic Geodiversity, Geosystem Services, Assess, Benefits, Conservation, Current, Environmental, Gap, Geospatial, Knowledge, Map, People, Priority, Variety.

Conference: 2025 Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Patricia A Matrai($21,560), Gordon Research Conferences, East Greenwich
Key terms: Polar Marine, Polar Oceans, Sea Ice, Biodiversity, Conference, Cutting-edge, Discussions, Ecosystems, Gordon, Interdisciplinary, International, Network, Participation.

OPP-PRF: Genetic Mechanisms of Renal Adaptations and Antifreeze-Induced Kidney Plasticity in High Latitude Cods
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Daniel Wright($323,227), University of Houston, Houston
Key terms: Antifreeze Proteins, Ice Crystals, Kidney Morphology, Polar Oceans, Accomplished, Adapted, Cod, Ecologically, Eleginus, Evolutionary, Fishes, Formation, Gadus, Histological, Seasonal, Seasonally, Species, Tissues, °C.

Projecting the Biological Carbon Pump and Climate Feedback in the Rapidly Changing West Antarctic Peninsula: A Hybrid Modeling Study
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Heather Kim($477,793), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Biological Pump, Educational Programs, Marine Ecosystems, Wap Region, Aims, Assimilation, Biogeochemical, Carbon, Climate, Collaborations, Datasets, Diversity, Dynamics, Efforts, Environmental, Feedback, Framework, Future, Investigate, Mechanistic, Model, Modeling, Ocean, Polar, Processes, Sea, Techniques, Underrepresented.

Historical and Contemporary Drivers of Macroalgal Reproductive System Variation along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Charles D Amsler($388,028), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham
Key terms: Life Cycle Types, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Genetic Diversity, Life Cycles, Reproductive Mode, Antarctica, Existing, Expand, Isolated, Knowledge, Land, Latitude, Latitudinal, Organisms, Public, Range, Seaweeds, Southern, Species, Stages, Taxa.

Conference: Scientific Assessment of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecosystem: Environmental Stewardship in a Time of Dynamic Change
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. John E Barrett($141,340), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Mcmurdo Dry Valleys, Ongoing Environmental Practices, Environmental Impacts, Environmental Integrity, Geologic Formations, Historical Structures, Unique Biological, Aims, Antarctic, Assess, Climate, Coordination, Efficacy, Efforts, Fifth, Human, Influence, Infrastructure, International, Life, Management, Minimizing, Multiple, Operating, Region, Tourism, Update, Workshop, Workshops.

CAREER: Investigating Fitness Trade-offs In A Southern Ocean Predator, The Leopard Seal
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Sarah E Kienle($848,602), Baylor University, Waco
Key terms: Males And Females, Engage Students, Female-biased Dimorphism, Grad Students, Historically Excluded, Leopard Seals, Leopard Seals', Life History, Reproductive Physiology, Size Dimorphism, Southern Ocean, Activities, Affect, Aims, Biological, Biology, Breeding, Critical, Differences, Efforts, Evolved, Extreme, Female-biased, Field, Fitness, Generate, Increase, Information, Investigate, Lead, Mammals, Mentoring, Participation, People, Polar, Postdocs, Public, Species, Specifically, Strong, Trade-offs, Unknown.

MCA: Cellular Responses to Thermal Stress in Antarctic Fishes: Dynamic Re-structuring of the Proteome in Extreme Stenotherms
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Bradley A Buckley($300,072), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Cellular Level, Environmentally Sensitive, Food Web, Global Warming, Heat Stress, Proteomic Analyses, Water Temperatures, Antarctic, Antarctica, Aquarium, Available, Biology, Classroom, Climate, Cold, Cold-adapted, Created, Elevated, Evolved, Existing, Exposure, Fish, Fishes, Has, Increase, Investigate, Millions, Polar, Proteins, Proteome, Represent, Respond, Species, Tissues.

Effects of Environmental Change on Microbial Self-organized Patterns in Antarctic Lakes
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2024; Program: ANT Organisms & Ecosystems

1. Xiaoli Dong($605,073), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Antarctic Lakes, Ecosystems Worldwide, Existing Datasets, Lake Vanda, Modern Microbial, Spatial Ecology, Spatial Structure, Advance, Analyses, Benthic, Climate, Complex, Conditions, Distinct, Environmental, Floor, Formation, Future, Gradients, Gt, Has, History, Integrating, Mechanisms, Microbes, Models, Opportunity, Patterning, Pinnacles, Rise.

Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Science Initiative (CAVSI): Workshop at ICARP IV and contribution to the Arctic Observing Network
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2024; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Donald A Walker($49,940), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Vegetation Map, Arctic Vegetation Observing, Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation, Arctic Observing, Field Sampling, Icarp Iv, Observing Network, Spatial Scales, Vegetation Mapping, AVON, Approaches, Archive, CAVSI, Checklist, Checklists, Classification, Datasets, Development, Diversity, Habitat, Indigenous, International, Maps, Methods, Period, Plant, Plant-community, Plot, Products, References, Species, Standardized, Topics, Workshop.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Quantifying Lake Metabolism and Carbon Burial in an Agricultural, Drought-prone Sub-Arctic Landscape
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Jasmine Saros($59,068), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Agricultural Operations, Carbon Burial, Carbon Cycling, Farming Operations, Lake Level, Lake Metabolism, Sheep Farming, South Greenland, Agriculture, Arctic, Critical, Drivers, Employ, Framework, High-frequency, Influence, Lakes, Land-use, Landscapes, Past, Present-day, Sensors.

Collaborative Research: Atmospheric time series of O2/N2, Ar/N2, CO2, and CO2 isotopic composition at Arctic background sites
Award Effective Date: 06/15/2024; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Eric J Morgan($533,913), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
2. Cynthia D Nevison($40,776), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Ocean, Co2 Concentration, O2 Fluxes, Ocean Biogeochemical, Air-sea, Alaska, Alert, Analyzed, Atmospheric, Carbon, Flask, Indicators, Large-scale, Monitoring, Observing, Ratio, Seasonal, Situ, Terrestrial, Utqiaġvik.

Collaborative Research: Bridging the scale gap between local and regional methane and carbon dioxide isotopic fluxes in the Arctic
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2024; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. James G Anderson($805,625), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Methane And Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Emissions, Eddy Covariance, Net Flux, North Slope, Transport Model, Air, Aircraft, Alaska, Analysis, Arctic, CH, Combination, Concentrations, Coupling, Current, Direct, Estimates, Fluxes, Gases, Global, Greenhouse, Level, Local, Measuring, Modeling, Models, Observations, Predict, Quantities, Regional, Sources, Tower, Towers, Warming.

EAGER: A low-cost, long-endurance observational platform for the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer
Award Effective Date: 11/15/2023; Program: AON-Arctic Observing Network

1. Gianluca Meneghello($96,050), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Ability, Arctic, Atmosphere, Autonomous, Balloon, Climate, Design, Energy, Fly, Global, Observations, Performing, Platforms, Region, Soundings, Sufficient, Survive, Testing, Weather, °C.

Polar Early Career Chief Scientist Training Program
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2024; Program: ARC Rsch Support & Logistics

1. Emily Eidam($337,916), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Arctic And Antarctic, Equip And Motivate, Seagoing Polar Oceanographers, Training Cruise, Uscgc Healy, Assets, Cohort, Crew, Cruises, Effectively, Generation, Host, Junior, Lead, Logistics, Mentors, Multiple, Observers, Oceanographic, Participants, Plan, Planning, Pre-cruise, Program, Request, Ships, Specialists, Survey, Time, Vessels.

Quantifying How Rain on Snow Events Change Snowpack Properties Using Caribou and Muskoxen as Test Cases
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2025; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Kelly J Elder($2,236,536), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Snow And Ice, Ice Field, Ice Layer, Ice Properties, Ice-layer Formation, Ros Observations, Alaska, Arctic, Caribou, Development, Effects, Historical, Ice-layer, Icelayer, Model, Muskoxen, Quantify, Resulting, Ros-induced, Snowpack, Species, Strength, Thickness, Wildlife, Workshop.

EAGER: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Contamination and Modeling across the Arctic System
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Rainer Lohmann($273,225), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte
Key terms: Pfas Contamination, Policy Decisions, Accumulation, Arctic, Atmospheric, Chemicals, Collect, Disruption, Distribution, Ecosystems, Exposure, Has, Ice, Investigate, Models, Potential, Presence, Risk, Sources, Spread, Substances, Transport, Water, Wildlife.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Impact of Permafrost Thaw on the Magnitude and Timing of Soil Organic Carbon Pool Change
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Edward A Schuur($60,951), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Carbon Protection Mechanisms, Following Permafrost Thaw, Organic Carbon Pool, Permafrost Warming Experiment, Soil Organic Carbon, Carbon Release, Permafrost Carbon, Protection Mechanisms, Soil Carbon, Alter, Arctic, Direct, Directly, Experienced, Leave, Magnitude, Measures, Sites, Stores, Thawing, Timing.

Collaborative Research: Interacting Effects of Increasing Wildfire Severity and Abrupt Permafrost Thaw on the Carbon Balance of High-latitude Ecosystems (WATCH)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Allison Goralnik($14,125), Michigan State University, East Lansing
2. Mary B Leigh($19,419), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Xanthe J Walker($469,559), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Arctic Tundra Ecosystems, Boreal And Tundra, Net Carbon Sink, Boreal Forest, Increasing Wildfires, Permafrost Carbon, Affect, Artists, Assess, Atmosphere, Climate, Critical, Global, Information, Loss, Lost, Organic, Severity, Soil, Soils, Store, Temperatures.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Using Novel Luminescence Dating Techniques to Constrain Past Periods of Greenland Ice Sheet Minima as Analogs for Future Ice Sheet Decay
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Jason P Briner($42,840), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Global Sea Level, Greenland Ice Sheet, Climate, Critical, Dissertation, Extent, History, Millennia, Past, Timing.

Collaborative Research: Planning: Arctic T-SLIP: Tsunamigenic SLope Instabilities Partnership
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

2. Anna K Liljedahl($59,058), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
3. Kristin M Timm($42,833), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Landslide-generated Tsunamis, Alaska, Coastal, Conversations, Efforts, Hazard, Hazards, Information, Landslide-generated, Landslides, People, Planning, Preparedness, Risk.

Investigating Roman Era, Black Death, and Industrial Era Pollution Sources Using Inverse Modeling of Lead Isotopes in an Array of High-Resolution Arctic Ice Cores
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Nathan J Chellman($594,726), Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute, Reno
Key terms: Distinct Ice, Economic Activities, Human History, Ice Core, Ice Cores, Individual Sources, Lead Isotopes, Lead Isotopic, Lead Pollution, Advancements, Atmospheric, Curriculum, Deposition, Emission, Emissions, Greenland, Historical, Millennia, Mining, Modeling, Past, Pb, Potential, Quantify, Smelting, Social, Specific.

Arctic Atmosphere-ice Variability and Marine Accessibility: A Data-driven Approach
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Amanda H Lynch($436,468), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Sea Ice Convergence, Arctic Ocean, Spatial Resolution, Applications, Approaches, Climate, Computational, Conditions, Dangerous, Emerging, Enhance, Future, Has, Leading, Machine, Maritime, Model, Operational, Projections, Routes, Scenarios, Shipping, Time, Weather.

Collaborative Research: Conference: Sikumiut: An Utqiagvik Sea Ice Field School
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Alice DuVivier($20,063), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Melinda A Webster($239,286), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Andrew Mahoney($32,587), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Sikumiut Field School, Arctic Sea-ice, Indigenous Knowledge, Knowledge Practices, Remote Sensing, Sea Ice, Sea-ice Knowledge, Build, Changing, Modeling, Observations, Opportunities, Opportunity, Participants, Sea-ice, Share, Utqiaġvik, Virtual.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: A Paleolimnological Investigation of Climate and Nitrogen Impacts on Primary Producers in Greenland Lakes and Community Water Supplies
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Yarrow Axford($53,829), Northwestern University, Evanston
Key terms: Arctic Lakes, Doctoral Student, Sedimentary Pigments, Algal, Changing, Cyanobacterial, Ecosystem, Indigenous, Methodology, Northern, Organisms, Particular, Primary, Productivity, Regions, Temperature, Trends, Water.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: The role of early life-stage bottlenecks in Arctic benthic fjord communities
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2024; Program: ARCSS-Arctic System Science

1. Kharis Schrage($60,619), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Environmental Stressors, Life Cycles, Life Stages, Post-settlement Mortality, Animals, Arctic, Benthic, Climate, Dispersal, Fjord, Fjords, Glacial, Glacially, Gradients, Integrative, Invertebrate, Invertebrates, Kongsfjorden, Larvae, Little, Morphological, Post-settlement, Seafloor, Species, Taxonomy, Warming.

United States Representation in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC): 2019-2026
Award Effective Date: 06/01/2024; Program: ARCTIC RES & POLICY SUPPORT PR

1. Matthew L Druckenmiller($612,285), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Council, Arctic Region, International Arctic, Committee, Connected, Coordination, Countries, Country, Development, Economic, Environmental, Global, IASC, Issues, Organization, Organizations, Political, Relatively, Represent.

Planning: Southeast Alaska Research Coordination for Community Engagement
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2023; Program: ARCTIC RES & POLICY SUPPORT PR

1. Lauren Bell($99,951), SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER INC, Sitka
Key terms: Communication Training, Southeast Alaska, Alaskan, Approaches, Broader, Collaboration, Efforts, Engagement, Planning, Region, Residents, Rural, Tribal.

RCN: Co-creating Research for Just Arctic Future Infrastructure Transformations, Resilience, and Adaptation (CRAFT)
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Bessie Lea Weston($199,448), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Arctic Infrastructure, Critical Infrastructure, Indigenous Peoples, Knowledge Holders, Challenges, Climate, Co-production, Development, Equitable, Maintaining, Planning, Sustainable.

Planning: Building Community Resilience in the Food-Energy-Water and Society Nexus
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Somayeh Asadi($176,259), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Energy And Water, Advisory Board, Activities, Addressing, Build, Concerns, Food, Matrix, Meetings, Planning, Rural, Security, Workshops.

Planning: Collaborative: Food Security and Traditional Foods in Urban Spaces
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Megan Mucioki($101,226), Emory University, Atlanta
Key terms: Affects Food Security, Indigenous Food Security, Urban Food Security, Urban Indigenous Food, Local Leaders, Migration Affects, Traditional Foods, Access, Alaska, Anchorage, Collaborative, Development, Foundation, Has, Meetings, Network, Organizations, Participatory, Priorities, Scholars.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Icy Intersections: How Worldviews affect Multi-level Stewardship, Management, and Decision-making on Alaska's Changing Frozen Landscapes.
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Leah J Shaffer($42,184), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Rights And Stake-holders, Multi-level Governance, Rapidly Changing, Actions, Alaska, Approach, Arctic, Collective, Consensus, Decision-makers, Decision-making, Decisions, Diverse, Emerging, Frozen, Held, Knowledge, Landscapes, Multi-level, Permafrost, Play, Policy, Processes, Range, Regional, Resource, Rights-, Social, Worldviews.

Investigating Alaska Native Successful Aging through Elder-Centered, Community-Based Participatory Research
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Jordan P Lewis($122,111), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Interior And Southeast, Alaska Native, Care Facilities, Successful Aging, Elders, Health, Local.

Doctoral Dissertation: Co-Producing Arctic Sea Ice Knowledge: Insights and Pathways for Collaboration
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Maria Monakhova($59,651), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Sea Ice Knowledge, Cpk Approach, Decision-making Process, Empirical Approach, Indigenous Knowledge, Aims, Application, Approaches, Arctic, Climate, Co-production, Collaborative, Decision-making, Environmental, Equitable, Has, Inform, Interviews, Leads, Literature, Participatory, Policy, Potential, Practice, Processes, Various.

Collaborative Research: Co-designing Infrastructural Futures in Alaska
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2024; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Todd E Nicewonger($445,011), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Robert T Ferry($233,888), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Alaska Native, Managed Retreat, Activities, Climate, Decisions, Design, Engage, Generate, Housing, Infrastructural, Local, Participatory, Planning, Practices, Protect, Relocate, Solutions, Strategies, Tools.

Collaborative Research: Watershed-scale Geomorphic Response to Climate Change in the Aklavik Range, NWT (Canada)
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2024; Program: Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam

1. Jill A Marshall($135,797), Portland State University, Portland
Key terms: Remote Sensing Techniques, Arctic Landscape, Fan Deposits, Sediment Delivery, Anthropogenic, Bedrock, Calibrate, Climate, Collected, Decades, Future, Gap, Geomorphic, Hazards, Knowledge, Landscapes, Local, Models, Potential, Produced, Quantify, Rates, River, Rivers, Transport, Warming, Watershed, Watersheds.

Management and Operations of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory 2021-2026
Award Effective Date: 04/01/2021; Program: OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC

1. John L Kelley($28,416,291), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: High-energy Cosmic Neutrinos, Cosmic Ray, High-energy Cosmic, Neutrino Detector, Neutrino Physics, South Pole, Accelerators, Astrophysics, Cubic-km, Discovery, Energies, Has, ICNO, Ice, Icecube, MO, Potential, Prospect, Range, Tev, Tool, Unique.

Collaborative Research: Constraining and Understanding Regional Modes of Variability in the Atlantic Arctic using Ultra-High-Resolution Proxies
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Francois Lapointe($136,629), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
2. Martin W Miles($194,921), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Atlantic Arctic Region, Atlantic Ocean Lasting, Canada And Svalbard, North Atlantic Ocean, Ocean And Climate, Ocean Lasting Decades, Svalbard And Ice, Temperature And Marine, Temperature And Precipitation, Warming And Cooling, Air Temperature, Amv Influences, Atlantic Multidecadal, Eastern North, Extreme Weather, Glacial Ice, Historical Observations, Human-made Climate, Marine Ecosystems, Northern Scandinavia, Ocean Floor, Ocean Temperature, Regional Climate, Tree Rings, Centuries, Century, Combining, Focus, Found, Greenland, Human-made, Information, Interdecadal, Investigate, Lakes, Land, Mathematics, Mode, Modes, Natural, Past, Periods, Popular, Proxies, Reconstruct, Refers, Remains, Sea, Sediments, Shifts, Signal, Sources, Specific, Students, Training.

(Un)coupling of Global Temperature and Ice Volume in Marine Isotope Stage 3: Quantitative Constraints from Ice Core Noble Gases
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2024; Program: P4CLIMATE

1. Sarah Shackleton($652,220), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Temperature And Ice, Geological Evidence, Ice Sheet, Ice Sheets, Ice Volume, Ocean Temperature, Atmosphere, Foram, Gases, Global, Has, Indirect, Interval, MIS, Past, Respond, Tool, Trapped.

OPP-PRF: Revealing the Drivers of Arctic Cloud Regimes and Their Surface Impacts
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Kara Hartig($349,490), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Sea Ice Extent, Arctic Clouds, Cloud Formation, Cloud Properties, Cloud Regime, Energy Absorbed, Forecast Model, Surface Conditions, Surface Temperatures, Time Scales, Air, Alaska, Amount, Atmospheric, Climate, Cloudy, Control, Environmental, High-resolution, Models, Moisture, Processes, Rapidly, Surfaces, Underlying, Warming.

OPP-PRF: Oceanographic Drivers of Nearshore and Landfast Sea Ice Seasonal Transitions
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Laura Crews($335,701), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Landfast Sea Ice, Ice Breakup, Landfast Ice, Nearshore Ice, Wave Attenuation, Arctic, Currents, Evolution, Hunting, Local, Objective, Observations, Ocean, Oceanographic, Predictions, Processes, Seasonal, Travel, Waves.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Quantifying Cellular Trace Metal Dynamics in Southern Ocean Phytoplankton
Award Effective Date: 02/01/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Robert H Lampe($0), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Southern Ocean Phytoplankton, Cellular Metal, Increased Temperatures, Polar Phytoplankton, Trace Metal, Availability, Enable, Environmental, Iron, Limitation, Low, Micronutrient, Molecular, Nutrients, Protein, Proteins, Quantify, Quantitative, Students, Warming.

OPP-PRF: Investigating the Geophysical Signatures of Partial Melt in Deforming Icy Systems
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Cassandra Seltzer($325,213), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Ice Flow Laws, Sea Level Rise, Deformation Simulation, Geophysical Properties, Solid Ice, Temperate Ice, Climate, Create, Deforming, Experimental, Experiments, Glacial, Icy, Imaging, Laboratory, Mass, Meltwater, Microstructural, Models, Natural, Observations, Orientation, Orientations, Settings, Specific, Warm, Yielding.

OPP-PRF: Finding a Future using the Past: Woodland Caribou Ecology in a Changing Arctic
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Carson P Hedberg($335,777), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Mountain Woodland Caribou, Northern Mountain Woodland, Ice Patch, Ice Patches, Climactic, Conservation, Culturally, Ecology, Fossil, Future, Has, Herds, Inform, Investigate, Modern, Species, Summer, Threatened.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Constraining Potential Impacts of Brine Firn Aquifers on Antarctic Ice Shelf Stability Using Airborne Ice-Penetrating Radar
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Ian E McDowell($354,576), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Shelf Firn, Ice Shelf Stability, Brine Aquifers, Ice Shelves, Liquid Water, Sea Level, Seawater Infiltration, Antarctica, Constrain, Continent, Datasets, Estimate, Extent, Future, Has, Models, Ocean, Porous, Potential, Radar, Rise, Surface, Total, Volume.

OPP-PRF: Constraining Heinrich Event Provenance using a Data-assimilated Iceberg Model
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2024; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Danielle E LeBlanc($350,850), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Geochemical Ice-rafted Debris, Ice Sheet Destabilization, North Atlantic Ocean, Geochemical Ice-rafted, Ice Sheets, Ice-rafted Debris, Iceberg Simulations, Aims, Arar, Clarify, Climate, Commonly, Constrain, Decades, Development, Future, Heinrich, Icebergs, Inform, Mechanism, Model, Past, School, Sediment, Source, Thousands, Time, Tool.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: A Novel Method for High Resolution Chemical Imaging and Dating of Old Ice Cores using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2024; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Mebrahtu F Weldeghebriel($359,487), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Climate History, Ice Cores, Past Climates, Stratigraphic Orientation, Analytical, Ancient, Antarcticas, Atmospheric, Dating, Development, Earth’s, LA-ICP-MS, Layering, Methods, Million, Paleoclimate, Polar, Reconstructions, Time.

OPP-PRF: A Well-Constrained Hosing Experiment for Interrogating Arctic Precipitation Changes in the Younger Dryas
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2024; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Michaela Fendrock($177,641), Alfred University, Alfred
Key terms: Atlantic Meridional Overturning, Meridional Overturning Circulation, Arctic Lakes, Fresh Water, Global Climate, North Atlantic, Abrupt, Ago, Believed, Cold, Compared, Constraints, Dryas, Experiments, Forcing, Model, Modeling, Narrative, Ocean, Past, Precipitation, Produce, Proxy, Simulations, Slowed, Was.

OPP-PRF: Linking the Physical and Chemical Drivers of Carbon Cycling in Arctic Source-to-sink Systems
Award Effective Date: 01/15/2024; Program: POST DOC/TRAVEL

1. Marisa N Repasch($149,288), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Arctic Landscape, Permafrost Thaw, Alaska, Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate, Coupled, Cycling, Erosion, Feedbacks, Future, Model, OC, Organic, Released, River, Transformation, Transport, Weathering.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Constraining the Impacts of Snowfall and Storm Events on the Coupled Antarctic Sea Ice and Ocean State
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2025; Program: Polar Special Initiatives

1. Ethan C Campbell($231,050), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Antarctic Sea Ice, Snowfall And Storms, Global Climate, Southern Ocean, Feedbacks, Melt.

REU Site: Research Experience in Cold Climate Engineering and Science
Award Effective Date: 10/15/2024; Program: Polar Special Initiatives

1. Getu Hailu($111,313), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Built And Natural, Cold Region, Extreme Environments, Faculty Mentors, Natural Environment, Alaska, Arctic, Changing, Climate, Engineering, Engineers, Future, Internship, Opportunities, Program, REU, Students, Thematic, UAA, Undergraduates.

OPP-PRF: Remote Pathways of Ocean Heat Transport toward the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Award Effective Date: 10/15/2024; Program: Polar Special Initiatives

1. Channing J Prend($231,050), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Ais Melt, Continental Slope, Heat Transport, Ice Sheet, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Currents, ACC, Antarctic, CDW, Circumpolar, Climate, Control, Effects, Experiments, Lagrangian, Mass, Mechanisms, Melting, Model, Observations, Offshore, Pathways, Processes, Remote.

Planning: Pathways to Transforming Arctic Science Programs
Award Effective Date: 04/15/2024; Program: SPECIAL EMPHASIS PROGRAM

1. Nigel Golden($99,403), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Alaska Native, Arctic Stem, Stem Programs, Approach, Challenges, Effort, Engage, Engaging, Experiences, Field, Increase, Indigenous, Intellectual, Knowledge, Participation, Rural, Students.

South Pole Telescope Operations and Data Products
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2024; Program: WoU-Windows on the Universe: T

1. Thomas M Crawford($1,945,592), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Sky Coverage, South Pole, Beyond, CMB, Camera, Cosmological, Current, Deepest, Education, Factor, Gravitational, High-resolution, Internship, Lensing, Maps, PGW, Plays, Polarization, Power, Program, SPT, SPT-G, Signal, Site, Telescope, Unique, Universe.

Building Community in Arctic Research: Communication, Research Support, and Multi-Knowledge System Integration
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2019; Program: nan

1. Brit Myers($8,872,907), Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic Indigenous, Indigenous Knowledge, Activities, Citizen, Collaborations, Disciplines, IARPC, Outreach, Perspectives, Stakeholders, Variety, Virtual.