Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Benjamin C Bostick($1,456,710), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Irrigation Pumping, Irrigation Water, Rice Crops, Affected, Aquifers, Contamination, Decisions, Deep, Drinking, Evidence, Expected, Farmers, Fertilizer, Food, Gain, Groundwater, Human, Increase, Levels, Municipal, People, Protect, Soil, Yields.
1. Matei Georgescu($1,498,870), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Mexico City, Adaptation, Changing, City-level, Complexity, Conditions, Decision, Developed, Environmental, Geographic, Hydro-climatic, Infrastructure, Interdisciplinary, Model, Populations, Priorities, Produce, Reducing, Residents, Scenarios, Simulate, Spatially, Strategies, Vulnerable.
1. Zhulu Lin($249,423), North Dakota State University Fargo, Fargo
Key terms: Depot-based Water Allocation, Oil And Gas, Western North Dakota, Agent-based Model, Bakken Shale, Depot-based Water, Fh-hc Aquifer, Groundwater Model, Hydraulic Fracturing, Regional Groundwater, Unconventional Oil, Water Depot-based, Water Resources, Agent-based, Developed, Development, Dynamics, Energy, FH-HC, Has, Increased, Industry, Integrated, Interactions, Natural, Policy, Regions, Rural.
1. Aleksey Y Sheshukov($1,450,000), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Aquatic Ecosystem, Policy Optimization, Water Quality, Water Supplies, Water Sustainability, Affected, Central, Challenged, Climate, Coupled, Development, Ecological, Ecosystems, Freshwater, Has, Human, Human-landscape, Hydrosystem, Land, Mechanistic, Model, Models, Natural, Plains, Population, Potential, Produce, Resources, Scenarios, Services, Society, Strategies.
1. Rebecca Diehl($375,161), University of Montana, Missoula
Key terms: Colorado River Basin, Current Condition, Riparian Ecosystem, Advantage, Applied, Approach, Demands, Dominant, Ecological, Ecosystems, Enable, Environmental, Fellows, Flow, Framework, Geomorphic, Has, Hydrologic, Inform, Integrate, Interactions, Management, Mentor, Model, Modeling, NSF, Organization, Processes, Program, Rivers, Shape, Supply, Sustainability, Vegetation, Water.
1. Don E Middleton($72,553), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Connecting Resources, Access, Articles, Atmospheric, Common, Connections, Exchange, Geosciences, Increasing, Information, Looks, NCAR, Previously, Produce, Repositories, Repository, Services, Software, Time, UCAR, Workflows.
1. Cynthia Chandler($286,780), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Krzysztof W Janowicz($481,214), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
3. Michelle Cheatham($416,745), Wright State University, Dayton
4. Douglas Fils($189,416), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
5. Thomas W Narock($144,401), Marymount University, Arlington
6. Suzanne Carbotte($369,179), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Access, Approach, Art, Central, Challenge, Content, Cyberinfrastructure, Demonstrate, Discovery, Earthcube, Extendable, Geolink, Geoscience, Heterogeneity, Integration, Knowledge, Linked, Repositories, Respected, Shared, Sustainable, Underlying.
1. Ying Fan Reinfelder($249,570), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Ilya Zaslavsky($502,497), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
3. Shanan E Peters($246,997), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Digital Crust, Aspects, Contribute, Environment, Existing, Gaps, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Knowledge, Multiple, Platform, Processes.
1. Luigi Marini($647,149), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
2. Leslie Hsu($87,673), Columbia University, New York
3. Scott D Peckham($262,299), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Emerging Long-tail Model, Existing And Emerging, Unique And Transformative, Emerging Long-tail, Integrate Existing, Knowledge Framework, Knowledge Latency, Long-tail Model, Long-tail Resources, Transformative Approach, CSDMS, Challenges, Concepts, Discovery, Geoscience, Individual, Integration, Metadata, Modeling, Models, Seamless, Semantic.
1. Branko Kerkez($40,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
2. Ve Chandrasekar($40,000), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
3. Sara J Graves($120,000), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
4. Frank L Vernon($20,000), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
5. Michael D Daniels($284,673), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Optimal Allocation, Built, CHORDS, Cloud, Complex, Constrained, Demonstrate, Deployment, Earthcube, Enable, Experiments, Faults, Framework, Geo-scientific, Geosciences, Importance, Infrastructure, Initial, Real-time, Resources, Sensor, Sources, Streams, Via.
1. Edward F DeLong($359,995), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Management And Analyses, Oceanography And Geobiology, Analytical Strategies, Ecogeo Rcn, Environmental Omic, Environmental Omics, Geobiology Omic, Ocean Scientists, Omic Datasets, Virtual Network, Access, Allied, Approaches, Beyond, Broader, Challenges, Collaborations, Communication, Complex, Discovery, Diverse, Earthcube, Enable, Expression, Generation, Geoscience, Human, Mechanisms, Models, Range, Rapidly, Reach, Scenarios, Serve, Share, Sharing, Standards, Survey, Tools.
1. Linda R Rowan($386,875), UNAVCO, Inc., Boulder
2. Dean Krafft($404,884), Cornell University, Ithaca
3. Matthew Mayernik($856,480), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Leverage Linked, Virtual Organizations, Adoption, Application, Discovery, Geoscience, Geosciences, Information, Organizational, Produce, Source, Structured, VIVO, Web.
1. Megan Donahue($299,845), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Coral Reef, Image Processing, Sub Discipline, Activities, Advance, Advances, Analysis, Approaches, Broad, Broader, Collaborative, Computer, Crescynt, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Disciplinary, Geosciences, Graphic, Integration, Integrative, Management, Media, Meet, Network, Node, Nodes, Structures, Visualization.
1. Kerstin A Lehnert($299,965), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Computer And Information, Coordination Network, Domain Scientists, Information Scientists, Access, Allow, Availability, Collected, Collections, Critical, Curation, Curators, Digital, Earthcube, Entire, Existing, Generated, Infrastructures, Internet, Knowledge, Management, Natural, Practices, RCN, Repositories, Resources, Sharing, Technology, Theme.
1. Daniel Tong($1,000,000), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Geospatial Web Service, Sensor Web Technologies, Standard-based Geospatial Web, Automatically Process, Earthcube Building, Metadata Standards, Model Outputs, Standard Interfaces, Standard-based Geospatial, Capabilities, Cyberconnector, EO, End-user, Information, Initialization, Inter-comparison, Models, Observation, Preparation, Products, Validation.
1. Chris A Mattmann($1,048,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Christopher J Duffy($147,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Scott D Peckham($330,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Software Stewardship, Advance, Context, Formation, Framework, Geocamp, Geosciences, Geosoft, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Maintaining, Publication, Social, Training, Turbosoft.
1. Tanu Malik($519,440), University of Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Model Coupling Frameworks, Computational Geoscience, Analysis, Approach, Developing, Files, Geodataspace, Geoscientists, Leading, Management, Models, Pilot, Run, Sharing, Simplify, Time.
1. Daniel Pilone($299,994), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Conceptual Architecture, Development, Earthcube, Efforts, Models.
1. Kerstin A Lehnert($93,147), Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson
Key terms: Act, Agenda, Challenges, Earthcube, Ensure, Facilities, Governance, Incorporated, Workshop.
1. Lauren Giarratani($200,000), Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Geoscience Squads, Museum Staff, CMNH, ENERGY-NET, Education, Energy, Environment, Experiences, Framework, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Opportunities, Public, Rich, Society, Teens, Workforce.
1. Katherine E Bailey($1,110,000), National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Key terms: International Union, International Unions.
1. Trent Biggs($36,613), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
2. Matei Georgescu($28,419), Arizona State University, Tempe
3. Cristina Milesi($0), University Corporation at Monterey Bay, Seaside
4. Mutlu Ozdogan($26,188), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Food Security, Global Challenges, Approach, Benefits, Environmental, Funding, Increased, International, Land, National, Participating, Resources, Social.
1. Peter D Saundry($30,000), National Council for Science and the Environment/CEDD, Washington
Key terms: Advance, Climate, Conference, Connect, Consequences, Decision-making, Environment, Government, International, National, Organizations, Policy, Solutions.
1. Faisal Hossain($138,733), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Analysis And Prediction, Natural And Social, Belmont Forum, Coastal Regions, Coastal Vulnerability, Global Challenges, Sea-level Rise, Activities, Adaptation, Approach, Bangladesh, Contribute, Councils, Countries, Detrimental, Environmental, Framework, Funding, Hazards, Heads, International, Land, National, Participating, Promote, Resources, Sea-level.
1. Kristen St John($654,576), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
Key terms: Design And Implement, Faculty And Students, Advanced Geoscience, Msi Faculty, Ocean Drilling, Past Climate, Short Courses, Administer, Collaboration, Core, Curricula, Development, Educational, Expands, Experiences, Experiential, Focused, Follow-up, Foundation, Four-year, Guide, Integrating, Literacy, Marine, Mentoring, Msi-reach, NSF, Opportunities, Paleoclimate, Process, Program, Prototype, Research-based, Spectrum, Texas, Two-year, Undergraduate.
1. Harry Furukawa($69,000), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Geolead Portal, Geoscience Workforce, Undergraduate Students, Collaboration, Diversity, Future, Geosciences, Growing, Individual, Initiative, Natural, Planning, Resources, STEM, Venue, Workshop.
1. Christopher L Atchison($68,729), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati
2. Christopher L Atchison($74,998), Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc., Atlanta
Key terms: Accessible Field, Field Workshop, Geoscience Education, Barriers, Conjunction, Design, Disabilities, Experiences, Faculty, Field-based, Future, Geosciences, Guidelines, Inclusive, Natural, Offered, Public, STEM, Students, Vancouver, Variety.
1. James Short($49,164), American Museum Natural History, New York
Key terms: Online And Blended, Effective Online, Globe Program, Stem Educator, Development, Diverse, Education, Educators, Engages, Leverage, NSF, Potential, Students, Training, Workshop.
1. Elena B Sparrow($47,258), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Alumni Near-peer Mentoring, Globe Alumni Near-peer, Alumni Near-peer, Education Program, Globe Participants, Globe Program, Near-peer Mentoring, Activities, Collaboration, Cost-effective, Diverse, Engage, Engaged, Environment, GLE, Global, Has, International, Million, NASA, NSF, Network, Npeer, Process, STEM, Schools, Sharing, Skills, Strategic, Students, Teachers, Trainers, Upgrades, Workshop.
1. Alexa J Lamm($120,560), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Food Security, Global Challenges, Approach, Countries, Distribution, Environmental, Funding, International, Land, National, Natural, Participating, Partners, Resources.
1. Steven Gray($299,894), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Security And Land, Belmont Forum, Food Security, Global Challenges, Agricultural, Approach, Environmental, Farmers, Framework, Funding, Increase, International, Investigate, Management, National, Participating, Resilient, Resources, Rural, Seeks, Solutions, Technologies.
1. Linda A Stevenson($362,038), Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Chuo-Ku Kobe 651-0073
Key terms: Asia Pacific Region, Global Environmental, APN, Activities, Asia-pacific, Capacity, Challenges, Countries, Country, Decision-making, Development, International, Issues, Leadership, Leading, Levels.
1. Amy T Hansen($476,039), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Policy Implementation, Agricultural, Challenges, Controlling, Define, Economic-environmental, Enable, Environmental, Fellows, Hydro-biogeochemical, Importance, Loading, Mentor, Minnesota, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Processes, Retention, Sustainability, Watershed, Wetland, Workforce.
1. Elizabeth D Tobin($386,516), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Harmful Algal Bloom, Harmful Algal Blooms, Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Alexandrium Blooms, Sociocultural Impacts, Southeast Alaska, Challenges, Cyst, Efforts, Emergence, Enable, Environmental, Fellows, Future, Has, Human, Information, Knowledge, Mentor, Monitoring, Strong, Sustainability, Toxic, Workforce.
1. Tara S Whitty($419,336), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Mpa Evaluation, Approaches, Biodiversity, Challenges, Collection, Ecological, Enable, Engineering, Fellows, Frameworks, Future, Interdisciplinary, Marine, Mentor, Mpas, Program, Refine, Sites, Social, Social-ecological, Success, Sustainability, Workforce.
1. Timothy S White($1,382,827), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Critical Zone, CZ, CZO, Coupled, Czos, Demand, Development, Directorate, Diverse, Establish, Graduate, Humanity, Increase, International, Junior, Processes, SAVI, Society, Student, Surface.
1. M. Lee Allison($652,648), Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson
Key terms: Knowledge Hub Activities, Global Environmental, Implementation Plan, Collaboration, Countries, Decision, Development, Directorate, E-infrastructure, Efforts, Globe, Governance, International, Interoperability, Management, Roadmap, Virtual.