Ordered by program; Last updated: November 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. James J West($1,599,883), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Household Energy Intervention, Scalable Household Energy, Terrestrial And Atmospheric, Air Quality, Biomass Energy, Energy Intervention, Forest Condition, Southern Africa, Cooking, Effects, Field, Future, Human, Influence, Land-use, Linkages, Modeling, Natural, People, Resources, Well-being.
1. Lawrence E Band($1,600,000), Research Foundation CUNY - Advanced Science Research Center, New York
Key terms: Urban And Suburban, Lawn Management, Nitrogen Exports, Analyses, Biogeochemical, Control, Decisions, Discharge, Effect, Fertilizer, Has, Homeowner, Human, Hydrologic, Information, Land, Landscapes, Lawns, Models, Natural, Nitrate, Practices, Processes, Residential, Spatial.
1. Matthew Brownlee($1,499,999), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Bonneville Salt Flats, Human Activities, Land-speed Racing, Biophysical, Changing, Conditions, Decisions, Environment, Environmental, Hydrological, Land-speed, Maintaining, Natural, Stakeholder.
1. Neo D Martinez($718,289), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Coupled Natural-human, Ecosystem Services, Advances, Complex, Critical, Ecological, Ecosystems, Environmental, Explore, Feedbacks, Frontiers, Humans, Integrated, Interactions, Islands, Knowledge, Models, Natural-human, Resources, Social, Sustainably, Theory.
1. Antony R Berthelote($474,839), Salish Kootenai College, Pablo
Key terms: Informal Geosciences Education, Integrate Informal Geosciences, Latino Undergraduate Students, Effective Strategies, Latino Students, Native Pathwaysnative, Academic, Access, Blackfeet, Build, Cohort, Community-based, Developing, Diverse, Enable, Engaged, Experiences, Fellows, Fellowships, Field, Fieldwork, Increase, Indigenous, Initiative, Local, NPNSF, Network, Networks, Nonprofit, Organizations, Skills, Success, Tribal, Workforce.
1. Thomas W Narock($50,718), College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore
Key terms: Access, Approach, Art, Central, Challenge, Content, Cyberinfrastructure, Demonstrate, Discovery, Earthcube, Extendable, Geolink, Geoscience, Heterogeneity, Integration, Knowledge, Linked, Repositories, Respected, Shared, Sustainable, Underlying.
1. Frank S Spear($138,165), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy
2. Allen F Glazner($151,236), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
3. Warren P Alexander($790,338), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
4. Marjorie A Chan($226,000), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
5. Basil Tikoff($134,249), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Geology And Petrology, Field Notebook, Field Scientists, Geological Field, Sedimentary Geology, Application, Approach, Appropriate, Broadly, Closely, Collect, Collection, Common, Digital, Engage, Existing, Faculty, Format, Gather, Geologists, Incorporate, Information, Junior, Notes, Public, Rock, Strabo, Students, Sub-disciplines, Traditional, Workflows.
1. Ruth E Duerr($129,571), Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship Incorporated, Montclair
2. Chris A Mattmann($514,999), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Siri Jodha S Khalsa($294,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Earthcube And Polar, Information Collected, Information Retrieval, Web Pages, Analysis, Arctic, Assist, Available, Broader, Build, CDR, Dataset, Date, Deep, Descriptions, Etc, Interactive, Machine, NSF, Repository, Resources, Textual.
1. Shantenu Jha($509,643), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
2. Guido Cervone($391,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
3. Matthieu Lefebvre($339,754), Princeton University, Princeton
Key terms: Hazards And Renewable, Computing Resources, Ensemble Toolkit, Renewable Energy, Analysis, Applications, Capabilities, Challenges, Collective, Effectively, Efficiently, Ensemble-based, Geosciences, Importance, Increasingly, Methods, Societal, Tools.
1. Mohamed Iskandarani($808,231), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Yuan Ho($545,496), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Literate Computing, Atmosphere, Atmospheric, Build, Components, DRILSDOWN, Development, Ensure, Flow, Gulf, Measures, Mexico, Notebooks, Ocean, Perform, Popular, Published, Shedding, Software, Statistics, Troposphere, Utilize.
1. Sara J Graves($145,911), University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville
2. Branko Kerkez($227,999), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Michael D Daniels($742,673), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
4. Dorothy S Stamps($87,811), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
5. Ve Chandrasekar($228,600), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Standard Formats, Analysis, Available, Benefit, CHORDS, Decisions, Exposed, Forecasts, Geosciences, Importance, Models, Phenomena, Phenomenon, Portal, Real-time, Simple, Tools, Universities.
1. Jonathan L Goodall($110,000), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
2. David G Tarboton($140,000), Utah State University, Logan
3. Scott D Peckham($99,837), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Asti Bhatt($104,999), SRI International, Menlo Park
5. Ian Foster($783,999), DePaul University, Chicago
6. Eunseo Choi($80,000), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Computational Artifacts, Computational Experiments, Computational Reproducibility, Geoscience Sub-disciplines, Achieving, Cross-disciplinary, Developed, Earthcube, Establish, Framework, Geotrust, Software, Sub-disciplines.
1. Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink($76,502), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
2. Jeffrey S Grethe($1,104,750), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
3. Ruth D Gates($63,750), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Critical Zone, Discovery Hub, Geoscience Ontology, Information Resources, Based, Benefit, Comprehensive, Coral, Cross-disciplinary, Descriptions, Developed, Development, Earthcube, Ecosystems, Effort, Marine, Mechanisms, Metadata, Multiple, Queries, Search, Sources, User-friendly.
1. Mak A Saito($499,595), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Biological And Chemical, Broader Biological, Chemical Oceanographic, Ocean Protein, Protein Datasets, Queried Protein, Accessible, BCO-DMO, Biogeochemical, Capability, Catalyze, Creating, Distributions, Enable, Environmental, Enzymes, Geospatial, Has, Linkages, Microbial, Oceans, Potential, Processed, Proteins, Proteomics, Sequence, Table.
1. Suzanne A Pierce($341,398), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Intelligent And Information, Grand Challenges, Is-geo Rcn, Advances, Approaches, Capabilities, Collaborations, Computational, Computer, Disciplines, Educational, Efforts, Emerging, Enable, Foster, Geoscience, Geosciences, IS-GEO, Interdisciplinary, Knowledge, Methods, Opportunities, Time.
1. Twila A Moon($43,424), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
2. Fiammetta Straneo($259,385), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Loss, Activities, Challenges, Climate, Complex, Diverse, GRISO, Glaciers, Global, Greenlands, Interaction, International, Management, Margins, Multiple, Network, Ocean, Processes, RCN, Regional.
1. Mohan K Ramamurthy($4,301,518), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Activities, Approach, Cyberinfrastructure, ESSO, Earthcube, Earthcubes, Education, Efforts, Geoscience, Governance, Information, Leadership, Leverage, Logistical, Office, Services, Stakeholders, UCAR, Well-integrated.
1. Lisa E Park Boush($82,734), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Specimen Based, Access, Allow, Biology, Collections, Databases, Education, Environmental, Epandda, Future, Information, Literature, Multiple, Museum, Nature, Paleontological, Resources, Search, Sources, Specimens, Time.
1. Kevin Bonine($45,394), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. Daniel Wildcat($228,110), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Kyle Whyte($26,478), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Haskell Indian Nations, Indigenous And Western, Participation And Inclusion, School And Beyond, Students And Scientists, Community-based Citizen, Integrate Indigenous, Middle School, National Center, Rising Voices, Traditional Western, Western Knowledge, Atmospheric, Biosphere, Brings, Building, Collaborations, Community-based, Create, Development, Geosciences, Graduate, Internship, NCAR, Native, Partners, Partnerships, Pathways, Practices, Programs, Promote, STEM, Tribal, Underrepresented, Welcoming.
1. Rajul E Pandya($300,000), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Skills And Knowledge, Middle School, Authentic, Challenges, Create, Design, Geoscience, Issues, Local, National, Opportunities, Partners, Pathways, Shortage, Students, Time.
1. Steven J Cox($299,776), Northern New Mexico College, Espanola
Key terms: Aspirations And Expectations, Academic Performance, Indigenous Stem, Own Sense, Stem Deficiencies, Stem Majors, Stem Mentors, Collective, Corps, Degree, Development, Entire, Focus, Graders, Has, Local, Models, National, Programs, Progress, Proteges, Pursuing, Quality, Schools, Self-efficacy, Students, Successful, Th, Training.
1. Tina T Lee($26,544), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Knowledge Hub Activities, Global Environmental, Implementation Plan, Collaboration, Countries, Decision, Development, Directorate, E-infrastructure, Efforts, Globe, Governance, International, Interoperability, Management, Roadmap, Virtual.
1. Alexandra G Ponette($51,524), University of North Texas, Denton
2. Kate A Brauman($398,477), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Key terms: Land-use And Environmental, Belmont Forum, Water Management, Approach, Global, Increasing, International, Mountain, Participating, Partner, Resources, South, Users.
1. Mark B Bush($449,824), Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Approach, Ecosystems, Environmental, Global, International, Mountain, Participating, Partner, Regions, Resources, Social.
1. Karim-Aly S Kassam($459,962), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Ecological Calendars, Integrating Indigenous, Pamir Mountains, Approach, Capacity, Climate, ECCAP, Environmental, Global, International, Knowledge, Participating, Partner, Resources.
1. Deron Carter($285,684), Linn Benton Community College, Albany
Key terms: Broader Impacts, Geoscience Workforce, Challenges, Coursework, Degree, Efforts, Entering, Geosciences, LBCC, Lbos-geobridge, OSU, Oregon, Pipeline, Prior, Program, Students, Success, Transfer, Underrepresented, Upper-level, YC, YU.
1. John C Fountain($183,472), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Gretchen L Miller($228,990), Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh
3. Lindsay E Zanno($16,548), Friends of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh
Key terms: Wake Tech Students, Geology Students, Introductory Geology, North Carolina, Broader, Diverse, Experiences, Four-year, Geoscience, Geosciences, Internship, Issues, Mentoring, NCMNS, NCSU, Opportunities, Outreach, Partner, Population, Program, Summer, Underrepresented, Workforce.
1. Kamazima M Lwiza($409,289), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
Key terms: Geoscience Disciplines, Geoscience Majors, Academic, Collaborating, Department, Enhancing, Geosciences, Local, Mentoring, Minority, Program, SBU, Schools, Students, Technology, URM, Undergraduates.
1. David Young($423,122), University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio
Key terms: Geoscience Majors, Geoscience Workforce, Water Resources, Academic, Activities, Aims, Career-related, Diversity, Education, Energy, External, Fields, Followed, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increase, Opportunities, Program, Retention, Shortfall, Skilled, Student, Trajectories, Undergraduate.
1. Laura Toran($358,773), Temple University, Philadelphia
Key terms: Urban Geoscientists Initiative, Graduate Students, Urban Geoscience, Coaching, Courses, Demand, Developing, Education, Environmental, Faculty, Focused, Geology, Geosciences, Growing, Increase, Increasingly, Information, Local, Math, Mathematics, Mentors, Model, Opportunities, Paths, Prepare, Program, Recruiting, Recruitment, Retention, STEM, Skills, Strategies, Technology, Undergraduate, Workforce.
1. Carlos E Cintra-Buenrostro($464,959), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg
Key terms: Coming Decade, Ees Program, Geoscience Workforce, Hispanic Participation, Hispanic Students, South Texas, Achieved, Alumni, Annual, Beyond, Diversity, Environmental, Field, Fields, Five, Geoscientists, Has, Increase, Objectives, SHIP-GEO, School, Shortage, UTRGV, Undergraduate.
1. Mary Kosloski($458,252), University of Iowa, Iowa City
Key terms: Continuing Education Credits, Field Trip, Geoscience Workforce, K-12 Educators, Stem Discipline, Undergraduate Students, Adopted, Awareness, Content, Course, Courses, Critical, Dramatically, Engagement, Four-year, Generation, Has, Iowa, Kirkwood, NGSS, Opportunities, Potential, Preparation, Schools, Statewide.
1. Tim K Lowenstein($377,555), SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton
Key terms: Analytical Techniques, Fri Program, Fri Students, Methods Course, Outreach Program, Spring Semester, Activities, Applicable, Biogeochemistry, Components, Core, Courses, Disciplines, Documenting, Engage, Experience, Experiences, Faculty, Fall, Field, Freshman, Geoscience, Geosciences, Half, IDR, Immersion, Multiple, Opportunities, Oversees, Processes, Provided, STEM, Sequence, Skills, Stream, Summer, Themes, Training, Undergraduate, Undergraduates.
1. William Phelps($66,931), Riverside Community College District/Riverside City College, Riverside
2. Nigel C Hughes($412,348), University of California-Riverside, Riverside
Key terms: Recruitment And Retention, Geode Program, Geoscience Workforce, Highly Diverse, Potential Shortfall, Riverside County, California, Creating, Critical, Designed, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increase, Increasing, Opportunities, Programs, Range, Region, School, Students, Success, UCR, Underrepresented.
1. Rebecca L Freeman($297,389), University of Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington
Key terms: Steam Academy, Discipline, Diverse, EES, Effectiveness, Engineering, Exposure, Exposures, Geoscience, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Kentucky, Model, Opportunity, Partnership, Population, Potential, Recruiting, STEM, School, Schools, Students, Testing, Towards, Transition, Underrepresented, Units.
1. Roy E Plotnick($429,363), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Urban Students, Advising, Approaches, Attract, Chicago, Courses, Degree, Discipline, Employers, Enrollment, Essential, Establish, Faculty, Families, Future, Geoscience, Geosciences, Local, Maine, Nation, Park, Partners, Recruitment, School, Schools, UIC, Underrepresented, World.
1. Katerina E Petronotis($307,242), Austin Community College, Austin
Key terms: Implementation And Evaluation, Field Activity, Ocean Drilling, Surec Program, Undergraduate Students, ACC, Austin, Development, Education, Exercises, Experience, Followed, Gulf, Inquiry-based, Months, Non-science, Opportunities, Participated, Partnership, Reading, Texas.
1. Larry D McKay($415,988), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: 4-year Geoscience Programs, 4-year Geoscience, Enrichment Activities, Geoscience Faculty, Internship Opportunities, Model Partnership, Students Transferring, Transfer Students, Collaborative, Courses, Developing, Diverse, Diversity, Effective, Efforts, Ensure, Expected, Experiential, Field, Freshman, Increase, Invited, Labs, Lead, Mentoring, Methods, Partnerships, Procedures, Recruiting, Success, Summer, Tennessee, UT, Workshop.
1. Scott Mandia($298,688), Suffolk Community College, Selden
Key terms: Entitled Geo Core, Geoscience Educational Opportunities, Oceanic And Atmospheric, Opportunities And Career-oriented, Private Industry Partners, Rates And Job, Atmospheric Administration, Geological Survey, Geoscience Graduates, Geoscience Students, Increase Enrollment, Job Placements, National Oceanic, Regional Workforce, Stony Brook, Students Underrepresented, Suffolk County, Transfer Rates, Academic, Activities, Barriers, Bringing, Build, Collaborations, Demand, Earning, Economic, Employment, Entry, Established, Experiences, First-year, Geosciences, Graduating, Graduation, Ongoing, Outcomes, Peer, Pipeline, Program, Programs, Recruitment, SCCC, School, Schools, Serve, Success, Training, Two-year.
1. Ashanti Johnson($414,636), Institute for Broadening Participation, South Portland
Key terms: Ms Phd's-geo Reu, Broadening Participation, Ms Phd's-geo, Phd's-geo Reu, Stem Disciplines, Activities, Americans, Council, Development, Evaluation, Geosciences, Lack, Mentoring, Networking, On-site, PHDS-GEO, Program, Programs, Progress, Recruitment, Retention, Site, Students, URM, Underrepresented, Virtual.
1. Lawrence E Band($448,458), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Key terms: Career-relevant Geoscience Education, Mentor Diverse Students, North Carolina Central, Recruitment And Retention, Career-relevant Geoscience, Unc-chapel Hill, Women Students, Capacity, Confidence, Contribute, Coordinated, Critical, Departments, Development, Diversity, Effort, Environment, Environmental, Evidence-based, Experiences, Faculty, Fields, Following, Geosciences, Has, IDEA-, Mentoring, Mentors, National, Ongoing, Participation, Prepared, Programming, Programs, STEM, Shown, Time, URM, Unc-chapel, Undergraduate.
1. Katherine A Barnicle($273,086), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Erin S OLeary($9,966), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
3. Leslie D Gonzales($7,000), Michigan State University, East Lansing
4. Benjamin C Flores($9,999), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
5. Mary Besterfield-Sacre($6,828), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
6. Judy Milton($21,389), University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc, Athens
7. Craig A Ogilvie($16,160), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Design And Development, Future Stem Faculty, Mentoring And Advising, Women And Urms, Advising Practices, Broadening Participation, Development Launch, Diverse Stem, Stem Students, Alliance, Association, Body, CIRTL, Center, Council, Education, Engineering, Graduation, Lead, NSF, National, Network, Organizations, Preparation, Program, Promote, Society, Success, Teaching, Undergraduate, Undergraduates, Underrepresented, Universities.
1. Robert Kirsch($497,585), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Reward Bp Efforts, Broadening Participation, Departmental Culture, Urm Faculty, Build, Changing, Comprised, Departments, Developing, Diverse, Diversity, Effective, Environment, Focus, Geoscience, Geosciences, Leadership, Leading, Network, Partners, Plans, Recognize, Strategies, Supported, Theory, Training, Underrepresented, Workshop.
1. Wilbur L Walters($485,041), Jackson State University, Jackson
Key terms: Geoscience Teaching Experience, National Weather Service, Geoscience Workforce, Graduation Rates, Academic, Atmospheric, Diversity, Division, Effectiveness, Geosciences, HBCU, Increase, Increasing, JSU, Jackson, Program, Provine, STEM, School, Services, Skills, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Grady Dixon($399,826), Fort Hays State University, Hays
Key terms: Diversity And Inclusion, Spark Cognitive Dissonance, Transform Existing Leaders, Gold Institute, Gold Institutes, Personal Reflection, Senior Scientists, Activities, Allophilia, Awarded, Champions, Colorado, Designed, Disciplines, Established, Experiences, Field, Frameworks, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increasing, Leadership, Participants, People, Potential, Process, Recruitment, STEM, Social, Students, Training, Women.
1. Julia K Parrish($117,045), University of Washington, Seattle
2. Julie R Posselt($93,405), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Lora A Harris($82,077), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
4. Corey Garza($206,014), University Corporation at Monterey Bay, Seaside
Key terms: ASPIRE, Experiences, Geoscience, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Issues, Leaders, Leadership, MWG, Mwgs, Period, Pilot, Require, Single, Variety.
1. Elizabeth A Wentz($481,234), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Undergraduate Certificate Program, Design Plan, Disseminated Nationally, Hispanicchicanolatino Students, Increase Access, Natural Hazards, Regional Two-year, Underrepresented Students, Workforce-training Program, ASU, Academic, Accessible, Better-educated, Collaboration, Current, Curriculum, Description, Diverse, Drawing, Education, Engineering, Ensure, Expertise, Hazpm, Human, Implemented, Industry, Innovative, Integrates, Means, Minority, Mitigation, Native, Opportunities, Partnership, Planning, Prepare, Principles, Resources, Rigorously, Risks, Serve, Social, Societies, Socioeconomic, Southwest, Sustainability, Two-year, Underserved, Validity, Workforce-training.
1. Manoj K Jha($546,722), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Weather And Climate, Field Trips, Program Design, Severe Weather, Atmospheric, Colorado, Experience, Facilities, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Graduate, Has, Issues, Low, Minority, NCAT, Nation, National, Pool, Programs, Qualified, STEM, Students, Trained, Undergraduate, Workforce.
1. Billy M Williams($48,250), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Inappropriate Behavior, Academic, Ethical, Harassment, Issues, Resources, Responding, Societies, Targets, Victims.
1. Anthony P Murphy($149,336), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Annual Meeting, Annual Meetings, Globe Annual, Globe Implementation, Globe Program, Additional, Coordinators, Education, Efforts, Emerging, Estes, Planning, Reflect, STEM, Student, Students, Technology.
1. Anthony P Murphy($232,414), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Broadening Participation, Globe Partners, Globe Program, Globe Regions, Stem Education, Training Workshops, Available, Comprehensive, Diversity, Educators, Especially, Existing, Focus, Held, Local, Resources, Student, Students, Traditionally.
1. Oran R Young($49,018), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
2. Olivia A Lee($53,922), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
3. Peter L Pulsifer($4,999), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Paul Arthur Berkman($537,198), Tufts University, Somerville
Key terms: Challenges And Opportunities, Arctic Ocean, Pan-arctic Options, Policy Makers, Social Scientists, Countries, Decision-making, Designed, Development, Global, Industry, Initiative, International, Involving, National, Natural, Organizations, Pan-arctic, Participating, Sustainability, Sustainable, Users.
1. Vance Vredenburg($276,304), San Francisco State University, San Francisco
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Mountain Regions, Approach, Environmental, Global, International, Mountains, Participating, Partner, Resources.
1. Benjamin F Zaitchik($280,308), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Paul J Block($167,415), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Approach, Emerging, Environmental, Global, International, National, Participating, Partner, Resources.
1. Jessica A Barlow($7,395), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Epic-n Model, Collaboration, EPIC-N, Education, Future, International, Students, Sustainability, Thousands.
1. Tina T Lee($1,389,955), University of Arizona, Tucson
2. M. Lee Allison($462,332), Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson
Key terms: Global Environmental, Knowledge Hub, Management Activities, Challenges, Collaboration, Coordination, Countries, Decision, E-infrastructure, Efforts, Focus, Globe, Governance, International, Interoperability, Strategic.
1. Peter Backlund($1,018,954), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Global Sustainability, Co-design, Development, Effort, Efforts, Future, Secretariat, Seeks, Stakeholders, Themes.
1. Charles H Fletcher($393,813), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Declared Soest Undergraduate, Newly Declared Soest, Soest Undergraduate Majors, Kcc Students, Center, Component, Development, Enrollment, Geoscience, Increase, Objectives, STEM.