Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Jennifer A Burney($1,500,000), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Costs And Benefits, Health And Crop, Sllps And Llghgs, Atmospheric Conditions, Approach, Build, Carbon, Considered, Dioxide, Dynamics, Effects, Emissions, Environmental, Global, Human, Individual, Joint, Local, Mechanisms, Mitigation, National, Natural, Pollutants, Processes, Regional, Short-lived, Spatial, True.
1. Sathya Gopalakrishnan($1,499,752), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington
Key terms: Built Environment, East Coast, Economic Decisions, Public Policies, Climate, Coastal, Description, Engineering, Environmental, Forward, Increase, Infrastructure, Interactions, Knowledge, Markets, Modeling, Natural, Nature, Processes, React, Risks, Structure, Time.
1. Heather Lynch($632,179), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
2. Mark R Salvatore($210,523), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
3. Michael J Willis($212,395), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Shantenu Jha($622,786), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Arctic And Antarctic, Cyberinfrastructure And Extensible, Geological And Biological, Iceberg Imagery Cyberinfrastructure, Extensible Building-blocks, Polar Regions, Satellite Imagery, Ability, Beyond, Building-blocks, Computing, Create, Critical, Enabled, Enhance, Geoscience, Geosciences, HPDC, High-resolution, Hydrological, Imagery-enabled, Larger, Performance, Rapidly, Reach, Resources, Tools.
1. Stephen C Kuehn($89,186), Concord University, Athens
2. Amy E Myrbo($109,143), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
3. Douglas Fils($58,366), Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc, Washington
4. Stephen M Richard($74,287), Columbia University, New York
5. John W Williams($179,739), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
6. Nicholas P McKay($69,277), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Annotation Engine, Participating Resources, Adoption, Barriers, Ccdrs, Common, Datasets, Development, Existing, Geoscientific, Insights, Integrated, Paleogeosciences, Pilot, Standards, Users, Workflows.
1. Cindy L Bruyere($275,000), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Yolanda Gil($110,273), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3. Scott D Peckham($165,000), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cyberinfrastructure Experts, Earthcube Tools, Analysis, Current, Examine, Geoscience, Geoscientists, Means, Pilot, Spend, Steps, Time, Workflow, Workflows.
1. Guenter Waibel($275,178), University of California, Office of the President, Oakland, Oakland
Key terms: CDL, Course, DMP, Disciplines, Dmps, Ecosystem, Enable, Entire, Implementing, Information, Machine-actionable, Management, Manner, Outputs, Pilot, Plan, Plans, Policies, Practices, Produce, Public, Reuse, Shared, Stakeholders, Static, Worldwide.
1. Philip Skemer($126,336), Washington University, Saint Louis
2. Julie Newman($162,911), Texas A&M University, College Station
3. Basil Tikoff($98,465), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
4. James D Walker($285,982), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
5. Chris J Marone($63,665), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
6. Matty Mookerjee($93,791), Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
Key terms: Experimentally Deformed Rocks, Naturally And Experimentally, Microstructures Formed, Rock Deformation, Rock Microstructures, Single Digital, Strain Rate, Collection, Commonly, Comparison, Conditions, Environments, Experiments, Facilitate, Interaction, Linked, Microstructural, Nature, Phenomena, Pilot, Processes, Protocols, Reveal, Strabospot, Stress, Tools.
1. Yolanda Gil($60,500), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Experimentally Deformed Rocks, Naturally And Experimentally, Microstructures Formed, Rock Deformation, Rock Microstructures, Single Digital, Strain Rate, Collection, Commonly, Comparison, Conditions, Environments, Experiments, Facilitate, Interaction, Linked, Microstructural, Nature, Phenomena, Pilot, Processes, Protocols, Reveal, Strabospot, Stress, Tools.
1. Alexander Kosovichev($500,000), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Solar Activity, Access, Analysis, Automatic, Capabilities, Capable, Database, Discovery, Environment, Facilitate, Fields, Geospace, Ground-based, Heliophysics, Innovative, Integrate, Integrated, Integration, Interdisciplinary, Modeling, Observational, Observatory, Predicting, Retrieval, Search, Space, Studying, Tools, Unique.
1. Fiammetta Straneo($253,349), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Greenland Ice Sheet, Ice Loss, Activities, Challenges, Climate, Collaboratively, Complex, Diverse, GRISO, Glaciers, Global, Greenlands, Interaction, International, Management, Margins, Multiple, Network, Ocean, Processes, RCN, Regional.
1. Tanu Malik($209,153), DePaul University, Chicago
Key terms: Model Coupling Frameworks, Computational Geoscience, Analysis, Approach, Developing, Files, Geodataspace, Geoscientists, Leading, Management, Models, Pilot, Run, Sharing, Simplify, Time.
1. Tanu Malik($82,994), DePaul University, Chicago
Key terms: Integrated Geoscience Observatory, Software Tools Contributed, Separate Geoscience, Challenge, Common, Creates, Diverse, Environment, Habitability, Instruments, Interaction, Observational, Pilot, Planet, Sun-earth, Toolset, Vision.
1. Ming Wei Koh($299,900), Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, Honolulu
Key terms: Water Resources, Decisions, Diverse, Education, Enhance, Local, Network, Pacific, Residents, STEM, Sustainable, Topic, Underrepresented.
1. Margaret L Fraiser($319,494), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
Key terms: Attract Underrepresented, Degree Programs, Geosciences Majors, Stem Fields, Underrepresented Minority, Academic, Additional, Barriers, Discipline, Diverse, Exposure, Forward, Integrated, Invited, Milwaukee, Options, Participation, Pilot, Strategies, Student, Students, Two-year, Workforce.
1. Matthew A Carrigan($322,591), Santa Fe College, Gainesville
Key terms: Global Warming, Coral, Critical, Developing, Develops, Disciplines, Four-year, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increased, Mangrove, Marine, Mentored, Military, Nations, Phase, Program, STEM, Security, Skills, Students, Technical, Training, Workforce.
1. Jesse R Carlucci($398,866), Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls
Key terms: Red River Authority, Workplaces And Laboratories, Additional Exposure, Attend Msu, Field Trips, Geoscience Camp, Long-term Cohort, Real World, School Juniors, Texas Stream, Water Quality, Allow, Apply, Career-relevant, Cohesive, Collaboration, Concepts, Continue, Developing, Energy, Engage, Experience, Experiences, Focus, Future, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Industry, Link, Local, Long-term, Meet, Opportunities, Parameters, Program, Promote, RRA, Reinforce, Student, Students, Summer, TST.
1. Christopher L Johnson($334,372), Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City
2. John M Bartley($50,762), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Beyond Top-performing Students, Division Undergraduate Geology, Education Geology Classes, Experience Beyond Top-performing, Faculty Advisory Board, Lower Division Classes, Near-peer Mentoring Component, Slcc Geology Majors, Upper Division Undergraduate, Beyond Top-performing, Grow Significantly, Larger Audience, Near-peer Mentor, Near-peer Mentoring, Outreach Activities, Partnering Universities, Proven Practices, Salt Lake, Slcc Students, Stem Disciplines, Top-performing Students, Advance, Ambassadors, Benefits, Decade, Diversity, Employed, Extends, Geoscience, Guidance, Has, Implement, Increase, Integrate, Level, Mapping, Meet, Npeer, Original, Participants, Pipeline, Potential, Program, Projected, Serve, Strategy, Successful, Transfer, Transformative, Utah, Visit, Water.
1. Adriane Jones($197,359), Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles
2. Diane Y Kim($136,083), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Advanced Usc Courses, Entraining And Retaining, Expertise And Confidence, Fieldlaboratory Studies Mentored, Geoscience Graduate School, Mount Saint Mary, Oceanography And Environmental, Programs And Advanced, School And Workforce, Usc And Msmu, Build Expertise, Catalina Island, Catalytic Experiences, Geopaths Program, Geopaths-extra Program, Geoscience Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Inform Students, Introductory Stem, Msmu Students, National Programs, Predominantly First-generation, Southern California, Stem Capacity, Stem Fields, Student Outcomes, Subsequent Participation, Underrepresented Students, Workforce Opportunities, Wrigley Marine, Academic, Active, Activities, Available, Awarded, Bachelors, Broaden, Center, Contribute, Degrees, Designed, Diversity, Faculty, Female, First-generation, GEOPATHS-EXTRA, Geoscience-limited, Geosciences, Increase, Increasing, Introduce, Knowledge, Low-income, Marys, Membership, Minority, Msmus, Participants, Partnership, Paths, Retention, Scalable, Station, Strategies, Success, Technical, Undergraduates, Uscs.
1. Theresa A Jorgensen($158,479), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Abstract Mathematical Concepts, D-f-withdraw Rates Andgt, Geosciences And Confidence, Intended Stem Majors, Monitoring D-f-w Rates, Placing Abstract Mathematical, Transportability And Sustainability, Yielding D-f-withdraw Rates, Broad Range, Constitutes Statistically, Critical Transition, D-f-w Rates, D-f-withdraw Rates, Environmental Geochemistry, Geosciences Incorporate, Mathematics Courses, Model Implemented, Monitoring D-f-w, Stem Students, Stem-intended Majors, Stem-intended Students, Strategic Partnership, Tracking Students, Yielding D-f-withdraw, Algebra, Arlington, Beyond, Calculus, Choose, Content, Context, Country, Crossing, Decide, Declaration, Degree, Demonstrating, Determined, Directly, Diversity, Empower, Experience, Faculty, Fields, Final, Geophysics, Gt, Increasing, Introduce, Lead, Methods, OSU, Oceanography, Ohio, Pathways, Perceptions, Potential, Propagated, Relatable, Semester, Stem-intended, Stumbling, Success, Texas, Time, UTA.
1. Richard P Langford($174,701), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Attracting And Retaining, Formal Evaluations Built, Retaining Hispanic Students, Short And Long-term, Students And Develops, Utep And Epcc, Activities Targeting, Diverse Students, El Paso, Field Guide, Interpersonal Relationships, Involve Students, Involves Multiple, Long-term Service, Minority Serving, Student Populations, Successful Short, Texas-el Paso, Thinking Skills, Allow, Appeal, Believes, Benefit, Context, Culturally, Describes, Design, Effective, Experience, Families, Geosciences, Increase, Local, Meetings, Mirrors, Motivators, Opportunities, Presentations, Process, Program, SLATES, Sciencesproject, Short-, Short-term, Styles, Texas-el.
1. Dirk Baron($294,960), CSUB Auxiliary for Sponsored Programs Administration, Bakersfield
2. Richard D Norris($39,211), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Sarah C Gray($160,793), University of San Diego, San Diego
Key terms: Engage Geoscience Majors, Recruit Underrepresented Students, Recruitment And Retention, K-12 Teachers, Multifaceted Approach, Pre-service Teachers, Attract, Authentic, CSUB, Campus, Courses, Disseminate, Diverse, Educational, Engagement, Examine, Experiences, Exposure, Geosciences, Hands-on, High-school, Increase, Inspire, Integrate, Low-income, Marine, Means, Mentorship, Minority-serving, Non-majors, Oceanographic, Oceanography, Opportunities, Pipeline, Pre-service, Preparation, Private, Program, Programs, Rural, Scripps, Sea, Shipboard, Sustainable, USD, Value.
1. David McConnell($296,338), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Key terms: Build Robust Partnerships, Colorado River Geojourney, County Public School, Design And Testing, Discovery Opportunities Beyond, Entering Geoscience Degree, Expanding Geology Discovery, Geology Discovery Opportunities, Geoscience Degree Programs, Programs Serving Incoming, Pursuing Undergraduate Degrees, Serving Incoming Students, Students Entering Geoscience, Wake County Public, Career-relevant Experiences, Field Course, Geoscience Faculty, Geosciences Represent, Grand Challenges, Matriculating First-year, North Carolina, Relative Effectiveness, School Students, Summer Bridge, Summer Camp, Allow, Allows, Andor, Approaches, Attract, Authentic, Campus, Career-relevant, Classroom, Cohort, Colleagues, Collect, Components, Consider, Diversity, Does, Engaging, First-year, Focus, Geoscientist, Geoscientists, Gp-impact, Has, Increase, Increasing, Interpret, Majoring, Marine, Measure, Mechanism, Multiple, NCSU, Objective, Option, Outcome, Participating, Path, Potential, Primary, Prior, Reaching, Realistic, STEM, Seeks, Society, Strategies, Teachers, Unengaged, Variety, Visits.
1. Susan L Brantley($380,755), Rutgers University Newark, Newark
Key terms: Applied Field Experience, Experience And Post-activity, Geophysics And Critical, Geophysics Applied Field, Geophysics Field Experience, Geosciences And Increase, Ns Geophysics Field, Positive Field Experience, Receiving Geoscience Degrees, State-of-the-art Geophysical Equipment, Students And Increasing, Students Receiving Geoscience, Active Field, Addressing Ongoing, Critical Zone, Future Workforce, Geoscience Fields, Gp Students, Minority Participation, Multi-institutional Near-surface, Near-surface Geophysics, Post-activity Mentoring, Potential Geoscience, State-of-the-art Geophysical, Students Enrolling, Undergraduate Students, Untapped Resource, Urm Students, Academic, Alliance, Cohort, Continue, Demand, Drawn, Enter, Experts, Exposure, Fill, Focus, GEOPATH, GP-EXTRA, Laboratory, Likelihood, Meet, Multi-institutional, Nsurface, Paths, Presentations, Program, Pursue, RN, Represent, Retain, Retention, SH-CZO, Sense, TU, Temple, Underrepresented.
1. Glenn R Dolphin($354,439), SUNY College at Oneonta, Oneonta
Key terms: Ese Majors, K-12 Students, Pre-service Participants, School Geoscience, Teacher Conferences, Authentic, Benefits, Choose, Concepts, Created, Deficit, Design, Education, Educators, Experiences, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Insights, MBL, Models, Pre-service, Processes, Teachers, Workforce.
1. Sarah J Fowell($248,110), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Alaska Native Students, Predominantly Alaska Native, Pursuing Stem Degrees, School Districts Served, School Graduation Rates, Alaska Fairbanks, Geoforce Alaska, North Slope, Rural Alaskan, Stem Majors, Students Attending, Summer Academy, Academic, Cohort, Cohorts, Diversity, Doubling, Expansion, Fields, Geoscience, Has, Increase, Increased, Metrics, Participant, Participants, Program, Pursue, Recruiting, Remote, Schools, Sponsors, Success, Survey, Th, Villages.
1. Anthony P Murphy($341,145), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Students Share, Collaborate, Educational, Environment, Experiences, GLE, GLOBE, Gles, Graduates, Has, Meeting, Opportunity, Participants, Peers, Public, Reports, STEM, Teachers.
1. Hongtao Yu($58,560), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Geoscience And Stem, Physics And Geoscience, African Americans, Broadening Participation, Geoscience Bachelor, Geoscience Departments, Agenda, Awarded, Bachelors, Black, Collaboration, Combined, Contribution, Convene, Current, Czujko, Degrees, Discipline, Disciplines, Education, Effort, Efforts, Geosciences, HBCU, Hbcus, Historically, Jackson, Levels, NTA, National, Nicholson, Programs, Stakeholders, Status, Students, Sustained, Top, Training, Undergraduate, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Raymond Torres($99,759), University of Arizona, Tucson
Key terms: Indigenous Water Knowledge, Knowledge And Hydrologic, Indigenous Hydrologists, Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Perspectives, Indigenous Voices, Native Americans, Salish Kootenai, August, Bridging, Degrees, Disciplines, Education, Efforts, Faculty, Fraction, Has, Hydrology, Increase, MT, Pablo, Participants, Remain, Rooted, Scholars, Symposium, Tribal, Vision, Water-related.
1. Jeffrey G Ryan($25,645), University of South Florida, Tampa
2. Sharon Mosher($277,047), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Skills And Competencies, Geoscience Education, Geoscience Professions, Geoscience Programs, Graduate Geoscience, Graduate Students, Atmospheric, Departments, Employers, Future, Heads, Ocean, Successful, Workforce.
1. Justin L Hess($489,898), Indiana University, Bloomington
Key terms: Environmental Action Scholars, Extra-curricular Community-engaged Programs, Mentoring And Extra-curricular, Community-engaged Programs, Engage Students, Enhance Recruitment, Extra-curricular Community-engaged, Targeted Mentoring, Underrepresented Backgrounds, Underrepresented Students, Application, Developed, Development, Diversity, Geoscience, Geosciences, Knowledge, Local, Modules, Opportunities, Overall, Practices, Relevance, STEM, Societally-relevant, Thematic, Theoretical, Urban.
1. Sharon K Cooper($955,737), Columbia University, New York
2. Jonathan C Lewis($112,870), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
Key terms: Effective Student Engagement, Experiences Aboard Ships, Stem Student Experiences, Student Experiences Aboard, Students Pursuing Degrees, Evidence Base, Preparing Students, Activities, Addressing, Aimed, Cohorts, Considered, Contributing, Diversity, Effectiveness, Exploration, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increasing, Pilot-project, Post-expedition, Priorities, Retention, STEMSEAS, Sea, Short, Trajectories, Transit, UNOLS, Undergraduate, Vessels, Workforce.
1. Juliette N Rooney-Varga($407,602), University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell
Key terms: Climate And Sustainability, First-generation Undergraduate Students, Computer Models, Economically Disadvantaged, First-generation Undergraduate, First-generation-in-college Students, Geo-interactive Curriculum, Sss Programs, Trio Student, World Climate, Academic, Approach, Benefit, Broaden, Broadening, Decisions, Education, Educational, Effective, Engaging, Enhancing, Evaluation, Federally, First-generation-in-college, Focus, Geo-interactive, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Low-income, Motivation, Opportunities, Participation, Potential, Process, Processes, Reach, STEM, Services, Simulation-based, Target, Themselves, Tools, Under-represented, Underrepresented.
1. Susan Park($46,880), Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle
Key terms: Coastal And Estuarine, Diversity And Inclusion, Broadening Participation, Urm Students, Urm-focused Workshop, Activities, CERF, Cerfs, Conference, Inclusiveness, Objectives, Underrepresented, Urm-focused, Urms.
1. Carolyn Brinkworth($71,008), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Andrea M Motto($16,454), Yale University, New Haven
3. Heather R Houlton($19,931), American Geological Institute, Alexandria
4. Justin B Richardson($6,105), Cornell University, Ithaca
5. Brian J Teppen($26,037), Michigan State University, East Lansing
6. Jason A Chen($196,007), College of William and Mary, Williamsburg
7. Jerlando F Jackson($64,426), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Actively, Build, Create, Day, Diversity, Effective, Exclusion, Gatekeeping, Geosciences, Habits, Implicit, Inclusion, Inclusive, Innovative, Interventions, Methods, Participants, People, Profession, Strategy, Workshop.
1. Anthony P Murphy($149,464), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Annual Meeting, Annual Meetings, Globe Annual, Globe Implementation, Globe Protocols, Additional, Coordinators, Efforts, Opportunities, Practices, Program, STEM, Sharing, Student, Students, Technology.
1. Jonathan C Lewis($45,500), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
Key terms: Integrated Ocean Drilling, Ocean Drilling Program, Stem Fields, Undergraduate Students, Aims, Bolster, Broadly, Diverse, Diversity, Effective, Geoscience, IODP, Increasing, Local, Measurable, Mentoring, Pipeline, Pool, Position, Programs, Stemgeoscience, Trajectory, Workshop.
1. Anne-Marie Nunez($50,000), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Darrin C Pagnac($109,583), South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City
3. Carolyn Brinkworth($392,181), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
4. Julie R Posselt($50,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Field Activity, Field Component, Field Institute, Field Setting, Lgbtq Individuals, Applicable, Assessment, Barriers, Developed, Development, Disabilities, Disciplines, Examine, Exclusion, Exclusionary, Factors, Geosciences, Guide, Nature, Outcome, Participation, People, Practices, STEM, Similar, Underrepresented, Women.
1. Amy E Myrbo($200,759), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
2. Russanne D Low($126,766), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Arlington
Key terms: Mobile Devices, Access, Application, Camps, Developing, FC, Functions, GLOBE, Geoscience, Students, Time, User, Users, Visualization, Visualize.
1. Chad M Kauffman($1,312,554), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Ams Climate Studies, Climate Studies Course, Geoscience Curricula, ACUPCC, Agents, Conducting, Courses, Faculty, Implement, Local, MSI, Msis, Trained, Workshop.
1. Sarah E Schweizer($554,035), START International, Inc., Fort Collins
Key terms: Program Strategic, Building, Challenges, Critical, Developing, Development, Global, Opportunities, START, Starts, Transdisciplinary.
1. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou($74,317), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Delta Sustainability, Global Challenges, Activities, Applied, Approach, Councils, Countries, Critical, Decision, Deltas, Economic, Ecosystem, Effective, Environmental, Evidence-based, Framework, Funding, Heads, International, Local, Management, Modeling, National, Participating, Resources, Social, Stakeholders, Vulnerability, Worlds.
1. Kirsten Rowell($1,532,462), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Build, Diversity, Leaders, Program, Seeks, Students, Sustainability.
1. Jessica Johnston($177,432), International City/County Management Association, Washington
Key terms: Epic-n Model, International Counterparts, Challenges, Designed, EPIC-N, Gain, Issues, Local, Partnership, Real-world, Students, Sustainable, Workshop.
1. Pavel Groisman($316,258), George Washington University, Washington
Key terms: Challenges And Opportunities, Belmont Forum, Approach, Arctic, Critical, Dialogues, Environmental, Global, International, Makers, Participating, Partner, Resources, Sustainability, Sustainable.
1. Linda A Deegan($140,603), Woodwell Climate Research Center, Inc., Falmouth
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Crop Agriculture, Freshwater Security, Global Challenges, Activities, Agricultural, Approach, Councils, Countries, Effective, Environmental, Expansion, Funding, Governance, Heads, International, Land, Management, Mechanisms, National, Participating, Quality, Rapidly, Resources, Sustainability, Water.
1. Bart van der Holst($2,019,405), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Extreme Space Weather, Global Kinetic, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Reconnection, Caused, Code, Domain, MHD, MHD-EPIC, Magnetosphere, Model, Models, Physics, Power, Simulations, Solar, Solution, Technological, Time, Validated, Various.
1. Franklin Lombardo($47,699), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Potential Consequences, Severe Storm, Tornado Genesis, Underlying Tornadoes, Wind Field, Alert, Built, Collaboration, Comprehensive, Contributes, Damage, Disciplines, Discussions, Engineering, Engineers, Environment, Forecasters, Hazard, Infrastructure, Inherent, Intensity, Lead, Losses, Mitigation, Natural, Nsurface, Processes, Public, Radar, Societal, Structural, Subsequent, Symposium, Various.
1. Jamesina J Simpson($345,115), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2. Daniel Welling($1,183,666), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
3. Raluca Ilie($146,456), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
4. Brian J Anderson($282,916), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Space Weather Modeling, Weather Modeling Framework, Coupled, Extreme, GIC, Gics, Ionosphere, Predictive, SWMF, Solar, Target.
1. Joel C Dietrich($320,001), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2. Damrongsak Wirasaet($932,525), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Storm Surge Models, Coastal Flooding, Coastal Residents, Accuracy, Accurate, Approaches, Closure, Closures, Corrections, Costs, Enable, Existing, Fields, Fine-scale, Forecast, Hierarchy, High-resolution, Increasing, Land, Lead, Limited, Mass, Numerical, Ocean, Predictions, Ranging, Representations, Simulations, Students, Undergraduate, Unresolved.
1. Guillaume S Mauger($1,715,663), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Flood And Landslide, Skagit And Puyallup, Debris Flows, Flood Models, Flood Risk, Integrated Flood, Landslide Risks, Modeling Framework, Puyallup Rivers, Sediment Dynamics, Ability, Channel, Channels, Conveyance, DHSVM, Delftd, Existing, Floods, Future, Geomorphic, Incorporated, Landlab, Landslides, Lead, Networks, Operational, Processes.
1. Robert D Field($31,500), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Decision Makers, Fire Activity, Fire Management, Operational Fire, Behavior, Broad, Conference, Future, Land, Models, Purposes, Range.
1. David S Nolan($510,840), University of Miami, Coral Gables
2. Jason C Knievel($1,179,732), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Urban And Suburban, Computer Models, Hurricane-force Winds, Phase Ii, Phase Iv, Suburban Landscapes, Wind Damage, Wind Speeds, Actual, Building, Buildings, Cities, City, Components, Covering, Forecast, Ground, Hurricane-force, Hurricanes, Information, Landfall, Near, Range, Simulations, Storms, Typical, WRF, Weather.
1. Marine A Denolle($324,495), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Yihe Huang($339,023), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Ground Motion Predictions, Accurate Estimation, Earthquake Source, Ground Motions, Pacific Northwest, Rupture History, Scenario Earthquakes, Wave Propagation, Construct, Dynamic, Hazard, Information, Magnitude, Megathrust, Models, Plate, Potential, Processes, Realistic, Rely, Resulting, Seismic, Students, Warning.
1. Amanda M Thomas($96,471), University of Oregon Eugene, Eugene
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Ground Motion Predictions, Accurate Estimation, Earthquake Source, Ground Motions, Pacific Northwest, Rupture History, Scenario Earthquakes, Wave Propagation, Construct, Dynamic, Hazard, Information, Magnitude, Megathrust, Models, Plate, Potential, Processes, Realistic, Rely, Resulting, Seismic, Students, Warning.
1. Elie R Bou-Zeid($305,763), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Mario E Berges($515,000), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Key terms: Extreme Urban Heat, Heat Island Effect, Extreme Heat, Heat Hazard, Mitigation Strategies, Probabilistic Modeling, Temperature Hazards, Assess, Cities, City, Consequences, Developed, Effectiveness, Future, Methods, Models, Quantification, Risk, Vulnerability.
1. Laifang Li($260,036), Duke University, Durham
2. Caroline C Ummenhofer($678,518), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Sea Surface Salinity, Hydroclimate Extremes, Moisture Supply, Oceanic Moisture, Salinity Budget, Salinity Precursors, Terrestrial Precipitation, Water Cycle, Accurate, Algorithms, Analysis, Atmospheric, Availability, Bayesian, Drought, Energy, Explored, Flood, Floods, Forecasts, Has, Land, Losses, Midwest, Optimal, Potential, Predictors, Processes, Rainfall, Regions, Seasonal, Society, Source, Ultimate, Wildfires.
1. Renee A McPherson($1,842,563), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
2. Heather Lazrus($87,245), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: S2s Extreme Precipitation, Decision Makers, S2s Extreme, Water Resource, Capability, Characteristics, Climate, Co-production, Communication, Engage, Enhance, Increase, Increased, Knowledge, Large-scale, Local, Managers, Meteorological, Model, Models, Morbidity, Mortality, Natural, Planning, Predict, Prediction, Resilience, SS, Skill, Stakeholder, Stakeholders, Transportation, Tribal, Workshops.
1. David Pollard($395,448), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
2. Robert E Kopp($699,800), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
3. Robert M DeConto($602,539), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Future Sea-level Rise, Global And Local, Greenland And Antarctic, Greenland And Antarctica, Land Water Storage, Polar Ice Sheets, Antarctic Ice, Future Sea-level, Ice-cliff Collapse, Local Relative, Sea Level, Sea-level Rise, Tide Gauge, Assessment, Atmosphere, Climate, Climatic, Coastal, Coastlines, Extreme, Flood, Frequencies, Glaciological, Heights, Hydrofracturing, Ice-cliff, Ice-sheet, Influence, Mechanisms, Model, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Observations, Ocean, Plausible, Potential, Processes, Produce, Projections, Recently, Remains, Solid, Thresholds, Time-evolving, Uncertainty.
1. Leila M Carvalho($1,508,987), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Extreme Fire Weather, Fire Weather Regimes, Santa Barbara County, Evacuation Planning, Evacuation Strategies, Fire Spread, Weather Conditions, Wildland-urban Interface, Affecting, Behavior, California, Coastal, Downslope, Enhanced, Fire-weather, Fires, Forecast, Gusty, Hazard, Hazards, Humidity, Models, Mountain, Natural, People, Population, Scenarios, Transportation, Wildfire, Wildfires, Wildland-urban, Winds.
1. Adam Kochanski($2,024,452), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Wildfire And Smoke, Complex Terrain, Fire Line, Models Developed, Multistage Wildfire, Wildfire Behavior, Ability, Atmosphere-fire, Based, Extreme, Flow, Local, MWRPS, Prediction, Significantly, WUI, Weather.
1. Daniel Roten($360,815), San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego
Key terms: Available Supercomputing Resources, Ground Motion Models, Model Features Deemed, Previous Ground Motion, San Andreas Fault, Seismic Hazard Analysis, Southern San Andreas, Earthquake Scenarios, Engineering Design, Ground Motions, Near-surface Velocities, Southern California, Allow, Amplification, Attenuation, Bring, Computational, Current, Earthquakes, Effects, Frequencies, Frequency, Future, Highly, Limited, Long-period, Modeling, Nonlinear, Nsurface, Predictions, Realistic, Resulting, Simulations, Sophistication, Source, Underlying.