image host NSF-GEO-RISE Awards for 2018

Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies. Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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CNH-S: NNA: Modeling Risk from Black Carbon in a Coupled Natural-Human System at the Arctic Ice Edge
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: ASSP-Arctic Social Science

1. Siri Veland($624,170), Brown University, Providence
Key terms: Black Carbon Emissions, Arctic Amplification, Arctic Shipping, Sea Ice, Shipping Season, Deposited, Dynamics, Extent, Future, Generation, Global, Has, Heat, Increasing, Infrastructure, Investments, Local, Projections, Risk, Soot, Uncertainties, Uncertainty.

Scoping Workshops for Coastlines and People
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: CoPe-Coastlines and People

1. Hanne Mauriello($1,199,909), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Coastlines And People, Decision Makers, Environmental, Federal, Infrastructure, Pressing, Workshops.

Collaborative Research: Core Support for the U.S. Hub of the Future Earth Secretariat
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: Cross-BIO Activities

1. Peter Backlund($1,197,704), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Activities, Auspices, Co-design, Efforts, Engage, Future, Global, Hub, Program, Secretariat, Solutions, Sustainability, Themes.

CNH-L: Stormwater Management Across Urban Ecosystems: Diagnostic Tools and Community Engagement for Ecological Restoration, Equitable Community Development and Revitalization
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: DYN COUPLED NATURAL-HUMAN

1. Sacoby M Wilson($1,499,833), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Decay And Revitalization, Environmental Justice, Urban Decay, Water Quality, Water Resources, Behaviors, Dynamics, Ecology, Explicitly, Health, Interventions, Management, Model, Mosquito, Neighborhood, Planning, Pollution, Practices, Processes, Social, Socio-ecological, Stormwater, Stormwater-human, Students, Sustainability, Theory, Watersheds.

CNH-L: Volcanism, Hydrology and Social Conflict: Lessons from Hellenistic and Roman-Era Egypt and Mesopotamia
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: DYN COUPLED NATURAL-HUMAN

1. Konstantinos Tsigaridis($1,301,722), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Human And Natural, Average Global, Hellenistic Era, Regional Climate, Volcanic Eruptions, Water Management, Abrupt, Annual, Archives, BCE, Egypt, Environmental, Flooding, Historical, Hydrological, Hydrology, Inform, Land, Nile, Period, Repeated, Social.

CNH-S: Exploring the history of coupled climatic and human influences on ecosystem changes during the last one million years
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: DYN COUPLED NATURAL-HUMAN

1. Mitchell J Power($741,821), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Archaeological And Geological, Deep Past, Human Activities, Applied, Approach, Archives, Biodiversity, Climatic, Collection, Ecological, Ecosystem, Evolutionary, Explore, Human-driven, Influence, Million, Modelling, Natural, People, Processes, Provided, Reflected, Shaped, World.

CNH-S: What Does It Take to Cooperate Over Transboundary Groundwater Resources?
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: DYN COUPLED NATURAL-HUMAN

1. Michele Muller-Itten($749,932), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
Key terms: Shared Groundwater Resources, Adverse Selection, Strategic Over-exploitation, Agents, Aquifers, Asymmetric, Commons, Cooperation, Depletion, Global, Has, Information, International, Investigate, Over-exploitation, Pumping, Users.

NSF INCLUDES Collaborative: Creating a Diverse STEM Pathway with Community Water Research
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2017; Program: EPSCoR Co-Funding

1. Shakila B Merchant($299,451), University of Maine, Orono
Key terms: Broadening Participation, Minority Students, Collaborative, Confidence, Diversity, Education, Educators, Engineering, Environmental, Fields, Has, Long-term, Mentors, National, Organizations, Pathway, Program, SMART, Skills, Technology, Underrepresented, Water, Workforce.

Tephra Workshop 2020
Award Effective Date: 10/01/2018; Program: EarthCube

1. Marcus I Bursik($49,960), SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst
Key terms: Tephra Studies, Tephra Workshops, Access, Disciplines, Environmental, Information, International, Multiple, Processing, Products, Templates, Tools, Volcanic.

Workshop: Developing standards and digital infrastructure for structural geology and experimental deformation
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: EarthCube

1. Basil Tikoff($49,286), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Access, Analysis, Availability, Bring, Current, Deformed, Diverse, Experimental, Fields, Gaps, Long-tail, Meeting, Microstructural, Standards, Workshop.

PREEVENTS Track 1: A transdisciplinary approach to next-gen natural hazard modeling: Improving accuracy and usability of earth surface process models for pre-event risk assessment
Award Effective Date: 02/15/2018; Program: EarthCube

1. Albert J Kettner($49,839), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Natural Hazard Modeling, Natural Hazards, Bring, Disasters, Keynotes, Students, Surface, Towards, Workshop.

EarthCube IA: Collaborative Proposal: Enhancing Paleontological and Neontological Data Discovery API
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2017; Program: EarthCube

1. Jocelyn A Sessa($99,599), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
Key terms: Specimen Based, Access, Allow, Biology, Collections, Databases, Education, Environmental, Epandda, Future, Information, Literature, Multiple, Museum, Nature, Paleontological, Resources, Search, Sources, Specimens, Time.

Phase II IUCRC at Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Center for Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCeMFiS)
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: IUCRC-Indust-Univ Coop Res Ctr

1. Roger L Mann($612,927), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Management Actions, Precautionary Management, Sustainable Management, Academic, Biological, Climate, Ecosystem, Efforts, Essential, Fish, Fisheries, Fishery, Fishing, Focus, Industry, Limiting, Mechanism, Partners, Phase, Regulatory, Resources, Scemfis, Structure.

GP-EXTRA: Expanding an Innovative Pathway to Replenish the Geoscience Workforce with Underrepresented Minority Non-Geoscience STEM Majors
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Hamidreza Norouzi($309,911), CUNY New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Key terms: Dwindling Geoscience Workforce, Geoscience Workforce Development, Geoscience Workforce Preparation, Minority Stem Students, Multi-sector Geoscience Workforce, Non-geoscience Minority Stem, Preparation And Geoscience, Structured Geoscience Workforce, Workforce Development Infrastructure, Workforce Model Program, City Tech, Critical Juncture, Eleven Students, Environmental Protection, Geoscience Exposure, Mentoring Program, Multi-sector Geoscience, Non-geoscience Minority, Non-traditional Pool, Nyc Department, Stem Majors, Sustainable Pathway, Year-round Geoscience, York City, Apprenticeship, Consists, Create, Expand, Experience, Federal, Focus, Following, Industry, Initiative, Junior, Knowledge, Local, Main, Non-traditional, Objectives, Overall, Partners, Private, Pursue, Recruited, Seeks, Senior, Tapping, Technology, Yround.

GP:IMPACT: Collaborative Research: TSU-Vanderbilt Partnership - A Pathway to Broaden Participation of Underrepresented Groups in Graduate School and the Geoscience Workforce
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Jason P de Koff($199,742), Tennessee State University, Nashville
Key terms: Geoscience Workforce, Minority Students, Private Sector, Tsu-vu Partnership, Build, Course, Diversity, Environmental, Geology, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Government, Has, Hbcus, Internships, Issues, Level, Local, Potential, Program, Programs, Public, Recruit, STEM, Strong, TSU-VU, Tennessee, Toolkit, Undergraduate, Underrepresented.

Vision and Change for Geoscience Undergraduate Education: Report and Toolkit
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Christopher M Keane($155,403), American Geological Institute, Alexandria
Key terms: Current And Future, Curricula And Programs, Document And Toolkit, Undergraduate Geoscience Education, Future Workforce, Futures Effort, Graduate School, Undergraduate Curricula, Undergraduate Programs, Academic, Chairs, Competencies, Concepts, Critical, Departments, Employment, Faculty, Practices, Products, Skills, Strategies, Students, Successful, Successfully, Vision.

(HBCU) Geosciences Workshop: Maximizing Geosciences Opportunities Through Interdisciplinary Engagement and Outreach: September 26-28, 2018 - Hampton, VA
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Ambrose Jearld($49,897), Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Challenges And Opportunities, Geosciences Action Plan, Hbcu Geosciences Action, National Technical Association, Broaden Participation, Collaborative, Critical, Efforts, Faculty, Interdisciplinary, Levels, NSF, Students, Workforce, Workshop.

GP-IMPACT: The University of Hawaii Geology, Environmental/Earth, and Ocean (GEO)-Sciences Pathway
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. John D Rand($562,454), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Critical Junctures, Academic, Challenges, Curriculum, Designed, Education, Effective, Experiences, GEO, GP-IMPACT, Geoscience, Hawaii, Native, Ocean, Opportunities, Pathway, Pathways, Practices, Program, Retention, STEM, Services, Student, Students, Sustained, UH, Undergraduate.

GP-EXTRA: RiGs - Road maps into the Geosciences
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Jason F Kaiser($17,009), Southern Utah University, Cedar City
2. Marek Locmelis($306,716), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
3. Sarah E Tindall($20,945), Kutztown University, Kutztown
Key terms: Extracurricular Activities, Financially Challenged, Geoscience Workforce, Job Shadowing, Methodologies Class, Missouri Sandt, Private Sector, Road Maps, Summer Program, Undergraduate Students, Academic, Active, Development, Environment, Geosciences, Graduate, Introduction, Rigs, Rural, STEM, Skills, Statefederal, Tracks.

Building an Inclusive Geology Field Camp for the PASSHE: Workshop Proposal: Pittsburg, PA - January 3-4, 2019
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Nicholas Deardorff($33,576), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute, Indiana
Key terms: Field Course, Geoscience Workforce, Place-based Field, Academic, Collaborations, Demographics, Education, Future, Geosciences, Graduate, PASSHE, Pennsylvania, Place-based, Prepare, Programs, Quality, Recruitment, Region, STEM, School, Step, Student, Students, Undergraduate.

GP-EXTRA: Advancing Undergraduate Geoscience through Integrated Training Experiences (AUGITE)
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Claire L McLeod($333,703), Miami University, Oxford
Key terms: Field Site, Campus, Communication, Designed, Enhance, Foster, Geoscience, Geoscientists, Hamilton, Has, Miami, National, OH, Opportunity, Own, Oxford, Program, Regional, STEM, Set, Student, Students, Systematically, Training, Undergraduate, Workforce.

GP-IMPACT: Geosciences Streamlined Pipeline And Research for Community Colleges (Geo-SPARCC)
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Renee Clary($325,626), Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
Key terms: Geo-sparcc Online Courses, Geosciences Streamlined Pipeline, Jones County Junior, Cc Students, Engaging Online, Geo-sparcc Online, Geology Courses, Available, Ccs, Collaboration, Consortium, E-mentoring, Enrollment, Field, JCJC, MS, MSU, MSVCC, Mississippi, Mississippis, Opportunities, STEM, Underrepresented, Virtual.

GP EXTRA: Engaging Students in the Geosciences Using a Lake Watershed Geosystems Path
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Mark Green($367,059), Plymouth State University, Plymouth
Key terms: Lake Watershed Geosystems, Watershed Geosystems Path, Participating Students, Applied, Cohort, Concepts, Education, Experiences, Fields, First-year, Geoscience, Graduates, Increase, Internships, LWGP, Mentoring, National, Newly, Opportunities, Participants, Pathways, Peer, STEM, Thinking.

GP EXTRA: GETUP- Geoscience Education Targeting Underrepresented Populations
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Carie M Frantz($324,640), Weber State University, Ogden
Key terms: Integrate Varying Combinations, Latinx And Female, Summer Bridge Program, Classes Taught, Graduation Rates, Increase Recruitment, Stem Fields, Student Cohorts, Underrepresented Latinx, Activities, Assess, Attitudes, Collaboration, Collaborative, Courses, Effectiveness, Engaged, Focusing, Geoscience, Local, Multifaceted, Multiple, Outreach, Pathways, Placement, Receive, Recruited, Retention, School, Schools, Socialization, Students, Teachers, Timing, WSU, Weber.

GP:EXTRA - Engaging Community College Students in Undergraduate Research
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Ardi Kveven($333,688), Everett Community College, Everett
Key terms: Dually Enrolled, School Seniors, School Students, Academic, Access, Aspects, Building, Collaboration, Collaborators, Confidence, Deployment, Effective, Embed, Engaging, Experience, Experiences, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Increase, Instrumentation, Knowledge, Mentoring, Monitoring, ORCA, Opportunities, Pursuing, Require, STEM, Specific, Stream, Summer, Women.

GP-IMPACT: Professional Development Pathways to Diversifying the Geosciences Workforce
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Tahlia Bear($419,761), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Oral Communication Skills, Participation And Increase, Quantity And Quality, Written And Oral, Broaden Participation, Development Workshops, Geological Society, Geosciences Workforce, Increase Inclusion, Internshipfellowship Applications, Aiding, Annually, Arkansas, Assistance, Critical, Effort, Experiences, Extension, GSA, National, Objective, Participants, Primary, Progress, Selected, Students, Success, Training, UNAVCO, URM, Underrepresented, Urms.

Collaborative Proposal: GP-IMPACT: Ambassadors for STEM Training to Enhance Participation (A-STEP)
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: IUSE

1. Sharon K Cooper($172,620), Columbia University, New York
2. Lisa D White($358,150), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
3. Rodolfo Dirzo($36,840), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Climate And Environmental, Stem And Non-stem, Geoscience Information, A-STEP, Affecting, Ambassadors, Audiences, Citizens, Cohorts, Communication, Critical, Diverse, Diversity, Experience, Geoscience-related, Geosciences, Global, Knowledge, Marine, Nationwide, Natural, Products, Program, Relevance, Social, Students, Vessels, Vulnerability, Vulnerable.

GP-EXTRA: Building an affective pathway to the geosciences through experiential learning opportunities for non-geoscience majors
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2015; Program: IUSE

1. Kelly Lazar($599,139), Clemson University, Clemson
Key terms: Bs Degree Program, Industrial Affiliates Program, Affective Domain, Geology Majors, Geoscience Majors, Geoscience Workforce, South Carolina, Student Motivation, Undergraduate Geoscience, Activities, Approach, Building, Clemsons, Communication, Courses, Current, Deficit, Education, Enables, Engagement, Engages, Existing, Exposed, Extracurricular, Geoscience-related, Geosciences, Increase, Non-major, Non-majors, Pursue, Service, Strengthens, Students, Tier, Water.

GLOBE 23rd Annual Meeting: Intersections of Diverse Environments
Award Effective Date: 12/01/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Julie Malmberg($245,089), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Annual Meeting, Belle Isle, Diverse Environments, Citizens, Detroit, Education, GLOBE, Home, Intersections, Island, Local, Michigan, Multiple, NASA, Natural, Nature, People, Program, Promote, Strands, Talks, Theme, Trainings, Urban.

The Diversity Project-A Transformative Field Research Experience That Engages Students by Empowering Them to Conduct Original Marine Research.
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Sennai Y Habtes($432,042), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Bottom-up And Top-down, Designing And Conducting, Graduate School, Top-down Reu, Traditional Top-down, Underrepresented Minorities, Assigned, Diversity, Experience, Faculty, Field, Geosciences, International, Marine, Model, Own, Preliminary, Process, Programs, STEM, Student, Student-centered, Students, Success, TDP, Technology, Urms.

DCL: HBCU Conference Proposal: A National Symposium to Build Research Capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities through Collaborations with STEM Advocates and Practi
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

Key terms: Action And Practice, Advance Stem, Historically Black, Stem Expertise, Stem Workforce, Administrators, Build, Building, Capacity, Collaborations, Contribute, Elevate, HBCU, Hbcus, Increase, Nations, RAP, Stakeholders, Symposium.

GP-EXTRA: Connecting Links to Ocean Science and Earth Science Graduate Academic Programs (CLOSES-GAP)
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Lee Slater($429,634), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Academic, Alliance, Analysis, Audiences, Basic, CLOSES-GAP, Camp, Comprehensive, Conference, Diversity, Fellows, Fields, Findings, Focus, Following, Geoscience, Geosciences, Graduate, Hampshire, Home, Junior, Marine, Media, Mentoring, Mini-courses, Oceanography, Opportunities, Participant, Participants, Program, Programs, Recruit, Skills, Strengthen, Student, Students, Summer, Traditional, UNH, Underrepresented.

GP-IMPACT: Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education
Award Effective Date: 08/01/2018; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Reginald Archer($621,059), Savannah State University, Savannah
Key terms: Curricula And Programs, Developed And Tested, Diversity And Inclusion, Evaluation And Enhancement, Expanding Hbcu Pathways, Middle School Teacher, Pre-service Teacher Preparation, Resources And Opportunities, School Teacher Preparation, Teacher Preparation Curricula, African Americans, Development Activities, Enhancement Tool, Geoscience Education, Inclusion Efforts, Pre-service Teacher, Additional, Approach, Assessment, Components, Content, Critical, Deliver, Geosciences, Hbcus, Intervention, Mapped, Meet, Methods, Months, Multidimensional, Practices, Process, Scalable, Solution, Standards, Systematically, Teachers, Training, Underrepresented, Untapped.

GP-IMPACT: Pathways TO RENEW: Tropical Oceanography Research Experiences for the NExt-Generation Workforce
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2016; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Ryan J Woodland($481,509), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Coastal Lagoons, Puerto Rico, Stem Fields, Stem Retention, Undergraduate Students, Activities, Center, Development, Education, Educational, Effective, Establish, Experiential, Focused, Geoscience, Geosciences, Hispanic, Increase, Increasing, Link, Marine, Model, Non-research, Opportunities, Partnerships, Programs, Ricos, Strengthen, Sustainable, TORTUGA, Underrepresented, Watershed.

GEO Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity Ideas Lab
Award Effective Date: 01/01/2016; Program: Integrat & Collab Ed & Rsearch

1. Rocio C Chavela Guerra($278,071), American Society For Engineering Education, Washington
Key terms: Broadening Participation, Lab Mechanism, Council, Developing, Diversity, Education, Engineering, FY, Findings, GEO, GOLD, Has, Initiative, Labs, NSF, Nation, National, Preliminary, Program, STEM.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Food, Water, Energy (CRUNCH: Climate Resilient Urban Nexus
Award Effective Date: 12/15/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Thomas Spiegelhalter($454,677), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Urban Planning, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Information, Initiative, Issues, Local, Participating, Partners, Urbanization.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Globally and Locally-sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovation in Urban Living Labs
Award Effective Date: 09/15/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Arnim Wiek($319,771), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Mark E Hartman($61,000), City of Phoenix, Phoenix
3. Braden R Kay($61,900), City of Tempe, Tempe
4. Kimber Lanning($61,901), Local First Arizona Foundation, Phoenix
Key terms: Urban Living Labs, Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Applied, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Creative, Development, Difficult, FWE, Food-water-energy, Global, Globally, Globe, Initiative, Innovation, Local, Locally, Participating, Partners, Processes, Range, Seeks, Social, Stakeholders, Sustainable, Users.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: FEW-meter model to measure and improve urban agriculture, shifting it towards circular urban metabolism
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Nevin Cohen($385,766), Research Foundation of the City University of New York, New York
2. Joshua Newell($399,500), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Urban Agriculture, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Europe, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Local, Participating, Partners, Resource, Seeks.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Enabling adaptive integration of technology to enhance community resilience
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Philip Fairey($838,416), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Enable, FWE, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Information, Initiative, Local, Nexuses, Participating, Partners, Potential, Rapid, Scenarios, Social, Sustainable, Technologies, Urban, Various.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: The Moveable Nexus: Design-led urban food, water and energy management innovation in new boundary conditions of change
Award Effective Date: 07/15/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Ming Xu($250,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Healthy Food, Innovative Solutions, Urban Solutions, Aims, Analytical, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Climate, Countries, Design, Difficult, Entire, Food-water-energy, Future, Global, Globe, Initiative, Issues, Local, Localized, Participating, Partners, Seeks, Tool.

Belmont Forum Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Integrated analysis and modeling for the management of sustainable urban Food Water Energy Resources
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Ziqian Dong($374,507), New York Institute of Technology, New York
2. Ahmed Mohamed($374,701), CUNY City College, New York
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Europe, FWE, Food-water-energy, Framework, Global, Globe, Initiative, Local, Participating, Partners, Seeks, Stakeholders, Urban.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Innovative Initiatives for Governing Food, Water and Energy Nexus in Cities
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Karen C Seto($553,836), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-energy-water Nexus, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Approaches, Assess, Benefits, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Developing, Difficult, Food-energy-water, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Governance, Initiative, Local, Natural, Participating, Partners, Urban.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Food-Energy-Water for Sustainable Urban Environments
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Rosamond L Naylor($750,000), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Developed, Difficult, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Local, Models, Participating, Partners, Range, Regions, Stakeholders, Sustainability, Urban, Users.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: CITYFOOD
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Gundula Proksch($503,849), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Rapid Urbanization, World's Population, Aqua-agriculture, Benefits, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, FWE, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Integrated, Local, Participating, Partners, Planning, Seeks, Social, Stakeholders, Worlds.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Building Capacity for Integrated Governance at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus in Cities on Water
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Andrea L Pierce($229,686), University of Delaware, Newark
2. Olga Wilhelmi($490,283), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Knowledge, Local, Participating, Partners, Seeks, Stakeholders, Urban.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Waste Food-Energy-Water Urban Living Labs - mapping and reducing waste in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Adina Paytan($404,683), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Countries, Difficult, Europe, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Local, Participating, Partners, Social, Stakeholders, Urban.

Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Intelligent Urban Metabolic Systems for Green Cities of Tomorrow: an FWE Nexus-based Approach
Award Effective Date: 07/01/2018; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Yanfeng Ouyang($750,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Water And Energy, Food-water-energy Nexus, Innovative Solutions, Urban Centers, Bring, Challenge, Challenges, Cities, Consumption, Countries, Critical, Delivery, Difficult, FWE, Factors, Food-water-energy, Global, Globe, Initiative, Local, Managing, Participating, Partners, Seeks, Stakeholders, Urbanization.

The role of ecosystem services in adaptation to global change
Award Effective Date: 03/15/2017; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Marcos Regis da Silva($400,000), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Montevideo
Key terms: Inter-american Institute, Activities, CRN, Global, IAI, Inter-american, Towards.

IAI Professional Development Seminars to develop capacity building for global environmental change science and its policy application in the Americas
Award Effective Date: 08/15/2015; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Elma Montana($400,000), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Montevideo
Key terms: Global Environmental Challenges, Iai Directorate, Inter-american Institute, International Organization, Capacity, Countries, Government, Inter-american, Region, Regional, Seminars, Towards, USC, Uruguay.

3rd Collaborative Research Network Program (CRN3)
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2012; Program: Intl Global Change Res & Coord

1. Elma Montana($9,843,496), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Montevideo
Key terms: Additional, Agenda, Americas, Basis, CRN, Capacity, Carry, Component, Contribution, Contributions, Countries, Decision, Development, Global, IAI, In-kind, Individual, Information, Institute, International, Issues, Makers, Multidisciplinary, Multinational, Networks, Participation, Partnerships, Policy, Program, Programs, Promotes, Regional, Rounds, Students, Synthesis, Technical, Time.

PREEVENTS Track 1: Coupling Uncertain Geophysical Hazards: Bringing together Geoscientists, Computational Mathematicians, and Statisticians to Advance Hazard Forecasting
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: PREEVENTS - Prediction of and

1. Elaine T Spiller($39,490), Marquette University, Milwaukee
Key terms: Mathematical Models, Conference, Coupled, Hazard, Hazards, Prediction, Processes, Property, Uncertainty.

Phase I IUCRC at Virginia Tech: Center for Advanced Subsurface Earth Resource Models (CASERM)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Erik Westman($968,817), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Exploration And Mining, Advanced Subsurface, Industry Experience, Industry Sector, Inform Decision, Resource Models, Workforce Development, Activities, Analysis, Broad, Center, Centers, Computational, Diverse, Environmental, Geological, Geophysical, Geoscience, Global, Imaging, Inversion, Methods, Mineral, Promote, Resources, Risk, Solutions, Virginia, Vision.

Phase I IUCRC at California Institute of Technology-Center for Geomechanics and Mitigation of Geohazards[GMG]
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: XC-Crosscutting Activities Pro

1. Domniki Asimaki($829,000), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Key terms: Assessment And Mitigation, Earthquake And Landslide, Geomechanics And Mitigation, Gas Storage, Industrial Activities, Industry-university Collaborative, Landslide Hazard, Advance, Center, Companies, Energy, Fluid, Fluids, GMG, Geohazards, Geomaterials, Industry-university, Landslides, Mechanisms, Methods, Natural, Presence, Sub-surface.

Phase II IUCRC at University of Southern Mississippi Center for Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCeMFiS)
Award Effective Date: 03/01/2019; Program: nan

1. Eric Powell($1,206,156), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Key terms: Marine Biological Disciplines, Challenges Faced, Continental Shelf, Fisheries Management, Forage Fish, Sampling Design, Applied, Basic, Benthic, Capabilities, Climate, Directed, Dynamics, Ecosystem, Essential, Fishery, Focus, Insufficient, Limiting, Meet, Models, Multi-decadal, Numerical, Oceanographic, Range, Resource, Resources, Scemfis, Shellfish, Stock, Stocks, Structure, Survey, Sustainable.

Phase I IUCRC at Colorado School of Mines: Center to Advance the Science of Exploration to Reclamation in Mining (CASERM)
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2018; Program: nan

1. Richard F Wendlandt($2,414,438), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Closure And Environmental, Exploration And Mining, Advanced Subsurface, Environmental Remediation, Industry Sector, Inform Decision, Mine Closure, Resource Models, Workforce Development, Activities, Analysis, Center, Centers, Computational, Continuing, Diverse, Geochemistry, Geological, Geophysical, Geoscience, Global, Inversion, Methods, Mineral, Mineralogy, Mines, Promote, Resources, Risk, Solutions, Spatial, Statistics, Success, Vision.

WCRP Proposal to NSF for Funding by US Global Chan
Award Effective Date: 09/01/2014; Program: nan

1. Salvatore Arico($592,338), International Science Council, Paris
Key terms: Global Environmental, Activities, International, Program, Strategic.