Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. James E Powell($522,537), University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus, Juneau
2. Jennifer I Schmidt($1,128,919), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
3. Peter A Bieniek($571,622), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Costs And Risks, Economic Damages, Natural Hazards, Adapt, Adaptive, Alaska, Arctic, Assess, Built, Climate, Developing, Effects, Framework, Future, Governments, Has, Infrastructure, Interactions, Knowledge, Local, Mitigate, Modeling, NNA, Permafrost, Planning, Policy, Private, Property, Public, Residents, Resilience, Society.
1. Jacqueline Austermann($2,986,095), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Changing Ice, Ice Sheet, Natural Resources, Sea Level, Shallow Water, Arctic, Coastal, Convergence, Development, Environment, Environments, Fall, Focusing, Future, Globe, Greenland, Habitats, Has, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Land, Local, Map, Mapping, Marine, Mmyear, Models, NNA, Rates, Respond, Rise, Subsidence, Uplift.
1. John W Williams($150,000), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Darrell S Kaufman($152,451), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
3. Sarah J Ivory($97,540), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
4. Julien Emile-Geay($99,982), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Abrupt, Access, Analysis, Benefit, Bring, Climate, Dark, Diverse, E-infrastructure, Enable, Enables, Environmental, Essential, Establish, Historical, International, Model, Practices, Providers, SEI, Seek, Standards, Technological, Tipping, Transdisciplinary, Transnational.
1. Aaron B Wilson($115,196), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Aiman Soliman($648,101), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
3. Chandi Witharana($624,651), University of Connecticut, Storrs
4. Matthew B Jones($746,760), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
5. Benjamin M Jones($881,431), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Permafrost Discovery Gateway, Entire Arctic, Larger Region, Map Products, Permafrost Degradation, Remote Sensing, Satellite Imagery, Accessible, Challenges, Cyberinfrastructure, Developing, Economy, Existing, Extent, Framework, Globe, Ground, Information, Interact, Knowledge, NNA, Online, Partnerships, Presence, Public, Resilience, Security, Surface, Tools.
1. Zheng N Fang($97,249), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
2. Daniel B Wright($163,151), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
3. Yi Qiang($39,309), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Computer Vision, Mobile App, Sensor Networks, Transportation Networks, Assessment, Citizen, Coastal, Crowdsourced, Damage, Deep, Flood, Framework, Future, Geospatial, Real-time, Resilience, Responsive, Social, Technologies, UAV.
1. Laurel Mei-Singh($299,095), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Beaches And Coastlines, Policy And Planning, Sea Level Rise, Adaptation Strategies, Coastal Ecosystems, Economic Values, Managed Retreat, Multiple Ecological, Multiple Values, Analysis, Assess, Benefits, Cultural, Diverse, Framework, Local, Requires, Sites, Socio-cultural, Solutions, Tradeoffs.
1. Cynthia Grace-McCaskey($299,454), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Undergraduate Engineering Students, Design Process, Engagement Techniques, Advance, Caused, Coastal, Expertise, Framework, Involvement, Meetings, Plans, Promote, Resilience, Resources, Solutions.
1. Margaret Vishneau($60,607), University of Southern Maine, Portland
Key terms: Adaptation, Arctic, Cities, Coastal, Demographic, Developing, Ecological, Economic, England, Environment, Futures, Northern, Planning, Resilience, Resilient, Resource, Student, Transformative, Urbanization, Workshop.
1. Jayantha Obeysekera($99,137), Florida International University, Miami
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Conference Participants, Integrated Approach, Projected Environmental, Based, Coastal, Developed, Ecological, Environments, Extremely, Flooding, Frequency, Interoperability, Model, Models, Potential, Simulate, Storm, Underserved, Vulnerable.
1. Ethan J Theuerkauf($300,000), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Collect Repeat Aerial, Repeat Aerial Imagery, Citizen Scientists, Coastal Hazards, Coastal Management, Remote Sensing, Approach, Assessments, Citizen-science, Database, Developing, Drones, Dsms, Engagement, Engaging, Erosion, FAA, Geomorphology, Lakes, Localized, Processes, Region, Skills, Stakeholders, Storms, Strategies, Trained, UAS.
1. Scott Knoche($50,583), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences, Cambridge
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Vertical Land Motion, Chesapeake Bay, Holding Workshop, Management Options, Town Planners, Vlm Rates, CB, Coastal, Critical, Current, Effectively, Factors, Influence, Information, Local, Planning, Priorities, RSLR, Region, Stakeholders, Synthesis, Workshops.
1. Bo Zhao($297,288), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Coastal Resilience, Megathrust Earthquakes, Adaptive, Conditions, Contributing, Convey, Decisions, Effects, Emergency, Examine, Geo-narratives, Hazard, Hazards, History, Information, Knowledge, Local, Localized, Locally, Pacific, Partner, Planning, Sea-level, Subsidence, Tectonic, Tools, Uplift, Washington.
1. Valerie Mueller($249,892), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Mathew Hauer($50,000), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Commuting Times, Road Obstruction, Activity, Affect, Affected, Affects, Analysis, Cities, Coastal, Demographic, Differential, Employment, Establish, Estimate, Flooding, Increases, Inundation, Levels, National, Nuisance, Sea-level, Socio-economic, Tidal.
1. Scott H Jordan($95,334), Northern Michigan University, Marquette
Key terms: Local And Regional, Lake Superior, Coastal, Development, Interdisciplinary, Lakes, Planning, Scenarios, Sustainable, Tourism.
1. Julie Harrington($297,900), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Nutrient Fluxes, Nutrient Pollution, Red Tide, Red Tides, Assessment, Coastal, Coastline, Decision-makers, Development, ESM, Environmental, Explore, Management, Multiple, Ocean, Practitioners, Socio-economic, Software, Terrestrial.
1. John W van de Lindt($100,000), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2. Sara Hamideh($100,000), SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook
3. Grace Yan($100,000), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
Key terms: Current Disaster Resilience, Disaster Resilience Bonds, Enable Timely Recovery, Resilience Bond Development, Valuation And Investment, Resilience Investment, Achieve, Bridging, Capacities, Coastal, Finance, Gap, Methodology, Model, Planning, Repair, Social.
1. Rodger Harvey($87,674), Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk
Key terms: Recurrent Flooding, Vulnerable Populations, Adaptation, Adaptive, Advance, Coastal, Designed, Economic, Five, Health, Natural, Session, Sessions, Thematic, Topics, Workshop.
1. Patrick J Lynett($265,288), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Hardware Options, AR, Applications, Available, Building, Coastal, Communication, Hazards, Hydrodynamic, Range, Simple, Smart, Task.
1. Rachel K Gittman($99,478), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Diverse Stakeholder, Effective Sharing, Government Officials, Hurricane Impacts, Advance, Broad, Coastal, Conference, Ecological, Emergency, Findings, Future, Has, Hurricanes, Interdisciplinary, Knowledge, People, Policy, Populations, Potential, Quality, Range, Recovery, Require, Resilience, Social.
1. Carolyn M Kousky($299,779), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Key terms: Coastal, Outcomes, Resilience, Risk.
1. Anna E Braswell($112,407), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Evan B Goldstein($173,115), University of North Carolina Greensboro, Greensboro
Key terms: Coastlines And People, Freely Accessible, Advance, Approach, Available, Code, Cohorts, Creating, Data-driven, Deliverables, Intersection, Participants, Produce, Products, Range, Reports, Sprint, Tools.
1. Danielle Swallow($92,699), University of Delaware, Newark
Key terms: Risk Communication Strategies, Coastal Hazards, East Coast, Offshore Wind, Renewable Energy, Resilience Building, Changing, Coasts, Dynamics, Flooding, Focus, Human, Increased, Infrastructure, Ocean, Opportunities, Planners, Processes, Rapid, Storm, Transition, Transitions, Workshop.
1. Peter R Girguis($91,417), Harvard University, Cambridge
2. Robinson W Fulweiler($208,556), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Coastal Carbon Cycling, Concentrations And Fluxes, Spatial And Temporal, Carbon Concentrations, Sensor Networks, Access, Activities, Approach, Assess, Assessment, Broader, Collect, Collection, Ecosystems, Enabling, Engage, Localregional, Model, Online, Processing, Public, Quantification, Quantify, Sensors, Services, Share, Sharing, Situ, Stakeholders, Technologies, Users, Variety, Wide, Widely, Widespread, Workshops.
1. Zong-Liang Yang($299,932), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Integrating Geosciences-based Modeling, Scenario-based Stochastic Optimization, Coastal Floods, Coastal Hazards, Flooding Scenarios, Geoscience Models, Geosciences Modeling, Geosciences-based Modeling, Heavy Rainfall, Integrating Geosciences-based, Large-scale Multi-hospital, Nursing Homes, Patient Evacuation, River Routing, Scenario-based Stochastic, Allocation, Coordinate, Coupled, Create, Critical, Decision-making, Decisions, Emergency, Flood-inducing, Hospitals, Human-centric, Hurricane, Hurricanes, Integrated, Large-scale, Multi-hospital, Operations, Power, Prepositioning, Resources, Specific, Tool, Tools, Underlying, Weather.
1. Kari Davis($201,309), Austin Community College, Austin
Key terms: Collection And Analysis, Citizen Scientists, Hurricane Harvey, Natural Disasters, Port Aransas, ACC, Application, Coastal, Conditions, Educate, Focus, Hazards, STEM, Students, Texas, Tipping, Underrepresented, Vulnerable.
1. David Brady($299,872), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
Key terms: Coastal Flood Risks, Civil Unrest, Coastal Flooding, Conditions Conducive, Long-term Burdens, Social Strata, Socio-economic Inequality, Analysis, Assess, Constrain, Develops, Experience, Framework, Interventions, Levels, Long-term, Management, Mitigate, Modeling, Negative, Outcomes, Policy, Political, Poor, Recover, Region, Socio-economic, Tools, Vulnerable.
1. Alyson Eberhardt($299,181), University of New Hampshire, Durham
Key terms: Collecting Critical Observations, Advancing Technologies, Chronic Under-sampling, Citizen Scientists, Coastal Residents, Extreme Flooding, Lending Library, Low-cost Instrumentation, Rapidly Deployed, CFILL, Collected, Esvs, Geophysical, High-resolution, Instruments, Low-cost, Range, Sensors, Students, Under-sampling.
1. Stephen K Boss($99,973), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Sea Level Rise, Coastal Zone, Continental Agriculture, Continental Interior, Continental River, Economic Impacts, Far-field Effects, Rising Sea, River Commerce, Arkansas, Available, Challenges, Climate, Diverse, Examine, Far-field, Flows, Ground, Heartland, Migration, National, Symposium, Topics, Workshop.
1. Haizhong Wang($99,999), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Agent-based Evacuation Models, Engineers And Computer, Interdisciplinary Agent-based Evacuation, Interdisciplinary Evacuation Models, Tsunami And Coastal, Tsunami And Flash, Actively Engage, Agent-based Evacuation, Coastal Disasters, Coastal Flash, Computer Scientists, Conference Participants, Edited Volume, Evacuation Modeling, Interdisciplinary Agent-based, Knowledge Gaps, Near-field Tsunami, Policy Makers, Rapid Onset, Tsunami Evacuation, Warning Dissemination, Behavior, Behavioral, Bring, Challenges, Cope, Countries, Development, Directions, Disciplines, Enable, Establish, Flood, Floods, Focusing, Future, Hazard, Household, Hurricane, Integrating, Integration, International, Invited, Journal, Marine, Mathematical, Nfield, Opportunities, Oregon, Overcome, Parameters, Peoples, Planning, Published, Rapid-onset, Seek, Sessions, Social, Students, Times, Tsunamis, Undergraduate.
1. Andreas Neophytou($299,464), East Carolina University, Greenville
Key terms: Coastlines And People, Coastal Hazard, Hazard Exposure, Human Impacts, Software Tools, Analysis, Broader, Collection, Disasters, Efforts, Enable, Exposures, Following, Formats, Multidisciplinary, Rapid, Standardized, Standards, Student, Value.
1. Jerry A Carter($234,745), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Activities, Counterparts, Cyberinfrastructure, Developing, Effective, Environment, Environmental, European, Global, Harmonizing, Infrastructures, Models, Observatories, Observatory, Products, Set, Students.
Key terms: Climate Education, Climate Impacts, Engage Students, Environmental Justice, Hbcu Students, Coastal, Conference, Development, Disasters, Hbcus, Vulnerable.
1. Millie McKeown($250,000), Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Anchorage
Key terms: Ancient Construction Techniques, Energy Efficient, Five-year Field, Unangam Ulaa, Unangax Elders, Adapt, Alaska, Aleutian, Arctic, Built, Changing, Co-production, Create, Design, Engineers, Findings, Five-year, Gain, Implement, Indigenous, Knowledge, Local, Modern, NNA, Native, People, Phase, Region.
1. Vicki Ferrini($30,000), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Access, Accessible, Convenient, Geoprisms, Lasting, Legacy, Program, Repositories, Sets, Workshop.
1. Stephen C Kuehn($149,437), Concord University, Athens
2. Kerstin A Lehnert($150,427), Columbia University, New York
3. Amy E Myrbo($352,391), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis
4. Nicholas P McKay($209,116), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
5. Andrea Thomer($122,016), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
6. John W Williams($616,613), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Access, Annotations, Cookbook, Create, Development, Discovery, Documentation, Individuals, Information, Link, Metrics, Models, Products, Publications, Resources, Services, Software, Solution, Sustainability, TAE, Throughput, Tools, User, Workflows.
1. Basil Tikoff($554,923), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Mobile User Interfaces, Collect Field, Paper Notebook, Shared Database, Allow, Beyond, Collected, Development, Digital, Efficient, Engagement, Geological, Information, Map, Objectives, Practitioners, Repository, Strabospot.
1. James D Walker($1,206,365), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Nicholas D Perez($565,502), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Mobile User Interfaces, Collect Field, Paper Notebook, Shared Database, Allow, Beyond, Collected, Development, Digital, Efficient, Engagement, Geological, Information, Map, Objectives, Practitioners, Repository, Strabospot.
1. Allen J Pope($1,030,243), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Gis Environment, Available, Collaborators, Datasets, Greenland, Interdisciplinary, International, Online, Open-source, Package, QGIS, Qgreenland, Ready-to-use, Tool.
1. David G Tarboton($305,747), Utah State University, Logan
2. Tanu Malik($331,932), DePaul University, Chicago
Key terms: Hardware And Software, Computational Studies, Reproducible Computational, Reproducible Workflow, Bring, Collaboration, Cyberinfrastructure, Developed, Difficult, Discoveries, Efficient, Establishing, Fields, Geoscientists, Hydrology, Interfaces, Investments, Methods, Models, Potential, Repeat, Replicate, Reprobench, Reproducibility, Sciunit, Share, Tools.
1. J Michael Ruohoniemi($151,561), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Sarah K Vines($217,412), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
3. Tomoko Matsuo($627,763), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Energy And Momentum, Open-source Python Software, Analysis Tools, Assimilative Mapping, Electromagnetic Energy, Geospace Observations, Open-source Python, Upper Atmosphere, Capabilities, Collaborative, Density, Deploy, Development, Disturbances, Established, Global, Graduate, Magnetosphere, Opportunities, Optimally, Processes, Products, Reanalysis.
1. Shanan E Peters($308,542), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Andrew J Fraass($369,505), Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Philadelphia
3. Leah LeVay($266,696), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Ocean Drilling, Age, Allow, Database, Eodp, Existing, Macrostrat, Microfossil, Minority, OCD, PBDB, Search, Sedimentation, Shipboard, Stratigraphic.
1. Donata Giglio($495,544), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Atmospheric And Oceanic, View And Download, Programming Environment, Web Application, Web Browser, Argo, Argovis, Choice, Database, Datasets, Directly, Framework, Gridded, JSON, Observations, Users.
1. Jonathan L Goodall($276,662), University of Virginia Main Campus, Charlottesville
Key terms: Hardware And Software, Computational Studies, Reproducible Computational, Reproducible Workflow, Bring, Collaboration, Cyberinfrastructure, Developed, Difficult, Discoveries, Efficient, Establishing, Fields, Geoscientists, Hydrology, Interfaces, Investments, Methods, Models, Potential, Repeat, Replicate, Reprobench, Reproducibility, Sciunit, Share, Tools.
1. Eunseo Choi($49,983), University of Memphis, Memphis
Key terms: Analog, Approaches, Compare, Discuss, Discussion, Modeling, Models, Numerical, Practices, Processes, Share, Similar, Strengths, Tectonic, Weaknesses, Workshop.
1. Rebecca Koskela($6,640,474), University of California-San Diego, La Jolla
Key terms: Discovery And Access, Earthcube Governance, Earthcube Office, Activities, Committee, Council, Developing, ECO, Earthcubes, Education, Facilitation, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Operations, Organizational, Outreach, Resources, Responsible, Share, Supporting, Tools.
1. Lorraine Hwang($50,000), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Computational Scientists, Time Period, Access, Archives, Available, Challenges, Collections, Developing, Digital, Digitally, Discussions, Domain, Framework, Media, Observation, Participants, Preservation, Workshop.
1. Jerry A Carter($814,790), Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington
Key terms: Compare And Contrast, Cloud Environment, Cloud Environments, Commercial Cloud, Shared Infrastructure, Access, Centers, Corporations, Costs, Current, Deploy, Domain, Earthcube, Formats, Geoscicloud, Infrastructures, Managing, Moving, Multiple, NSF, Operation, Partners, Processing, Real, Reliability, Services, Sets, Technology, UNAVCO, XSEDE.
1. Giuseppe Buscarnera($826,381), Northwestern University, Evanston
2. Karen E Daniels($362,327), North Carolina State University, Raleigh
3. Alexander Handwerger($260,599), Middlebury College, Middlebury
Key terms: Ground Deformation Models, Earth's Surface, Ground Failures, Remote Sensing, Ability, Advances, Complex, Deformations, Global, Hazard, Hazards, Hillslopes, Innovative, Instability, Landscape-scale, Landslide, Landslides, Laws, Movements, Network, Portions, Precursors, Predicting, Predictive, Proximal, Radar, Rainfall, Soil, Spatially-distributed, Specifically, Terrain, Times, Tools, Weather.
1. Camellia M Okpodu($334,764), Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans
Key terms: Geo-risk Analysis, Carbon, Course, Environmental, Faculty, Field, Geoscience, Geosciences, Integrate, LUMCON, Louisiana, Model, Skills, Students, Topics, Utilize, Water, Website, XULA.
1. Theresa A Jorgensen($254,379), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
2. Elizabeth Griffith($192,541), Ohio State University, Columbus
Key terms: Abstract Mathematical Concepts, Effectiveness And Transferability, Geosciences And Confidence, Monitoring D-f-w Rates, Placing Abstract Mathematical, Algebra Redesign, Broad Range, Challenge Faced, Constitutes Statistically, Critical Transition, D-f-w Rates, Equivalent Course, Fort Worth, Geosciences Incorporate, Mathematics Courses, Monitoring D-f-w, Precalculus Course, Stem Students, Stem-intended Majors, Stem-intended Students, Strategic Partnership, Students' Perceptions, Tarrant County, Tracking Students, Arlington, Beyond, Calculus, Content, Context, Continuing, Country, Current, Declaration, Degree, Determined, Directly, Empower, Experience, Fields, Gauge, Implementing, Lab, Methods, Model, Pathways, Potential, Relatable, Semester, Societally, Stem-intended, Stumbling, Success, Texas, Theme, Time, UTA.
1. Christopher McGinn($316,944), North Carolina Central University, Durham
Key terms: North Carolina Central, Transfer Students, ACC, African, Associate, BS, CCC, Creating, Critical, Degree, Degrees, Education, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Hbcus, Increasing, Lasting, Lead, Minority, NCCU, Online, Partner, Partnerships, Population, Program, STEM, Workforce.
1. Chonika C Coleman-King($351,411), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville
Key terms: Culturally Responsive, Pre-service Teachers, School Students, Underrepresented Minorities, Conferences, Core, Education, Engage, Expect, Faculty, Fields, Geoscience, Geosciences, Graduate, Lessons-in-a-box, Pis, Potential, Pre-service, STEM, Techniques, Undergraduate.
1. Douglas H Clark($300,506), Western Washington University, Bellingham
2. Elizabeth Litzler($40,000), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Accessibility And Inclusion, Field Camp Capstone, Traditional Field Camp, Undergraduate Geoscience Programs, Capstone Course, Capstone Courses, Field Experiences, Geology Department, Graduate Student, Lab Camp, Accessible, Benefits, Create, DEI, Development, Diverse, Faculty, Field-based, Focused, Inclusive, Lab-based, Model, Opportunities, Students, WWU.
1. Jacqueline D Spears($154,217), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Kansas 4-h Yd, 4-h Yd, Kansas 4-h, Minority Serving, Collaborations, Create, Educators, Five, Geocat, Geoscience, Geosciences, Mentors, Participants, Participation, Recruitment, STEM, Schools, Strong, Students, Underrepresented, Volunteers, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Christopher N Jeffries($378,792), Dillard University, New Orleans
Key terms: Certificate Program, Environmental Issues, Urban Studies, Urban Water, Activities, Approach, City, Computer, Dillard, Economic, Engage, Facing, Flood, GIS, Geosciences, Involved, Louisiana, Orleans, STEM, Students, Transdisciplinary, Unique, Urban-water, Water-related.
1. Kenneth L Brown($306,036), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Engage Hs Students, Modern Instruments Incorporated, Teaching Methods Courses, Ess Certification, Hs Teachers, Stem Teachers, Teacher Preparation, West Virginia, Access, Classroom, Classrooms, Community-based, Create, Creating, Department, Development, Devices, Education, Expertise, Future, Geoscience, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increase, Leadership, Level, Model, Opportunities, PBI, Pathway, Prepared, Program, Pxrf, Sense, Solving, Taught, Undergraduate, Uteach, WV, WVU, Wvuteach.
1. Mateo Frazier($284,780), Northern New Mexico College, Espanola
Key terms: Collaborative Planning, Environmental, Geosciences, Layers, Pride, Skills, Students, Technology, Undergraduates.
1. Jane Alexander($491,395), CUNY College of Staten Island, Staten Island
Key terms: Woods Hole Oceanographic, Graduate Programs, Mentored Students, Spanish Institute, Transformative Program, Two-year Undergraduate, Attraction, Careerpad, Courses, Development, Diversity, Educational, Enhance, Experiences, Geosciences, Hispanic, Language, Long-term, Mentoring, Metrics, Minorities, Oceanography, Participants, Retention, Transition, Two-year, Undergraduates.
1. Luo Cassie Xu($415,354), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Guided Pathway, Guided Pathways, Multiple Pathways, Academic, Bringing, CUNY, Challenge, Collective, Consortium, Creating, Design, Diversity, Engage, Field, Geosciences, Implement, Outcomes, Pis, Program, Programs, STEM, Set, Strategies, Strengthen, Students, Workforce.
1. Sharon M Locke($432,038), Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville
Key terms: Social Influence, Activities, Barriers, Co-curricular, Designed, Diversity, Field, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Highlight, Identity, Integration, Program, Scholars, Self-efficacy, Skills, Student, Students, Underrepresented, Values, Workforce.
1. Dana Hamadeh($56,765), Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth
2. Tiffany R Briggs($258,076), Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
Key terms: Current And Increasing, Exploring Geopaths Summer, Geopaths Summer Institute, Increasing Severe Shortage, Recruitment And Retention, Women And Underrepresented, Florida Atlantic, Geoscience Programs, Palm Beach, Pbsc Students, Pis Anticipate, Readiness Components, South Florida, Sustained Increase, Transformative Model, Undergraduate Geopaths, Underrepresented Minorities, Aims, Ameliorate, Designed, Developing, EGSI, Effect, Embedding, Experiences, FAU, Faculty, Four-year, Geoscientists, Implementing, Institutionalize, Long-term, Nsfs, Position, Transfer, Two-year, UGRE, Urms, Workforce, YC.
1. Jase E Bernhardt($364,782), Hofstra University, Hempstead
Key terms: Engaging Students, Underrepresented Students, Ability, Authentic, Collaborative, Contribute, Education, Engage, Future, Geoscience, Increase, Knowledge, Minority, Opportunities, Performance, Program, Programs, Public, STEM, School, Schools, Teacher, Teachers, Week.
1. Michael T Hren($315,761), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Energy And Environmental, Uconn Regional Campuses, Undergraduate Internship Program, Connecticut Department, Environmental Protection, Geological Society, Land Trusts, Main Campus, Mentoring Program, Pre-college Experience, School Students, Undergraduate Students, Activities, Challenges, Course, Courses, Create, DEEP, ECE, Enhance, Entities, Faculty, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increasing, Internships, Opportunities, Partnerships, Pathways, Plan, Pre-college, Prepare, Principal, Programs, Recruit, Schools, Specifically, Storrs, Strong, Successful, Summer, Transportable, Uconns, Workshops.
1. Ashanti Johnson($300,029), Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley
Key terms: Ms Phd's-geo Reu, Broadening Participation, Ms Phd's-geo, Phd's-geo Reu, Stem Disciplines, Activities, Americans, Council, Development, Evaluation, Geosciences, Lack, Mentoring, Networking, On-site, PHDS-GEO, Program, Programs, Progress, Recruitment, Retention, Site, Students, URM, Underrepresented, Virtual.
1. Cynthia S Shroba($351,431), NEVADA STATE UNIVERSITY, Henderson
Key terms: Ers Majors, Geogateway Program, Geoscience Education, Nsc Ers, Students Majoring, Advising, CSN, Climate, Coursework, Critical, DRI, Degree, Entering, Environmental, Especially, Experiential, Faculty, Females, Four-year, GGP, Geoscience-related, Geoscientists, Graduates, Has, Increase, Increasing, Institute, Introductory, Knowledge, NV, Nevada, Nvs, Practices, Programs, Underrepresented.
1. Gillian Bowser($30,916), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Sustainable Development Goals, Decision Makers, Environmental Issues, Graduate Students, Atmospheric, Build, Disciplines, Experience, Gain, International, Opportunities, Presentations, Sdgs, Topics, Training.
1. Crystal Chissell($59,980), National Council for Science and the Environment/CEDD, Washington
Key terms: Scientists And Decision-makers, Annual Conference, Local Governments, National Council, Third Day, Advance, Collaboration, Conditions, Convergence, Create, Decision-making, Diverse, Environment, Facilitated, Focus, Future, Innovative, Knowledge, NCSE, Ncses, Outcomes, Serve, Solutions.
1. Shakila B Merchant($49,830), CUNY New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Key terms: Diversity And Inclusion, City Tech, Geoscience Educational, Geoscience Experts, Geoscience Programs, Articles, Atmospheric, Engage, Geosciences, Guidance, Increase, Marginalized, National, Opportunity, Practices, Strategies, Urms, Workshop, Writing.
1. Julie Malmberg($394,624), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Diversity And Inclusion, Inclusion Task Force, Annual Meeting, Top Five, Additionally, Education, Families, GLOBE, Participants, Practices, Protocols, Recommendations, Schools, Share, Strands, Students, Trainers, World.
1. John R Farver($270,388), Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green
Key terms: Advance Knowledge, Geoscience Education, Introductory Geology, Undergraduate Students, Authentic, BGSU, Choose, Course, Create, Gardeners, Gardens, Geosciences, Heavy, Issues, OH, Participation, Pathway, School, Toledo, Undergraduates, Underrepresented, Urban.
1. Gillian Bowser($44,165), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Fall Retreat, Field Experience, Field Experiences, Field Station, Positive Field, Station Directors, Camps, Design, Diversity, Faculty, Harassment, Inclusion, Informal, Issues, Mini-workshop, Participants, Perspectives, Students, Workshop.
1. Elisabeth A Gilmore($33,790), Clark University, Worcester
2. Gillian Bowser($21,832), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Environmental Issues, Global Environmental, Context, Critical, Development, Experience, Experiences, International, Intersection, Meetings, Multi-institutional, Multicultural, Negotiations, Opportunities, Presentations, Shared, Student, Students, Workshop.
1. Aradhna Tripati($1,299,998), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Key terms: Share Diverse Perspectives, Facing Indigenous, Water Cycle, Water Issues, Adaptation, Climate, Convergence, Environmental, Evaporation, Inclusive, Inform, Knowledge, Levels, Model, Multiple, Past, People, Region, Regional, Regions, Southwest, Strands, Waters.
1. Matthew Clapham($697,978), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Graduate School, Overall Gpa, Um Students, Under-represented Students, ACE, Academic, Admission, Courses, Department, Development, Disparities, EPS, Excellence, Focus, GEOACE, GEODES, Geoscience, Increase, Lounge, Mentoring, Planetary, Program, Receive, Retention, Skills, Success, Under-represented, Undergraduate.
1. Mintesinot Jiru($49,862), Coppin State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Collaborative Strategic Action, Geosciences Collaborative Strategic, Nta-hbcu Geosciences Collaborative, Strategic Action Plan, Broadening Participation, Geosciences Workshop, Historically Black, Nta-hbcu Geosciences, Build, Conversation, Diversity, Inclusion, Integrate, NSF, Promote, STEM, Share, Stakeholders, Technical, Universities, Untapped.
1. Ellen Iverson($46,812), Carleton College, Northfield
Key terms: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Educators, Broadly, Challenges, Cyberinfrastructure, Diversity, Infrastructure, Literacy, Meeting, NAGT, Provided, Recommendations, SERC, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Joanne Muller($162,981), Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers
Key terms: Experience And Subsequent, Field Course Experience, Linked Summer Field, Subsequent Fall Research-based, Summer Field Course, Course-based Undergraduate, Environmental Geology, Fall Research-based, Field Experiences, Geology Majors, Geopaths Pilot, Research-based Course, Assessment, Attract, BS, Consist, Content, Course-based, Courses, Create, Diverse, Engaging, Evaluation, FGCU, Female, Florida, Geoscience, Hispanic, Increase, Knowledge, Retain, STEM, Student, Students.
1. Jennifer Engels($328,584), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Inquiry And Place-based, Native Hawaiian Regard, Hawai'i's Emerging, School Campuses, School Students, Aim, Awareness, EPIK, Educational, Emphasis, Geologic, Geoscience, Geosciences, Hawaiis, Ike, Inquiry-, Knowledge, Kuleana, Mentoring, NHPI, Native-hawaiian-serving, Participation, Pathway, Pre-college, Program, Programs, Responsibility, Schools, Sustainable, Teachers, Thriving, UHM.
1. Shelley Stall($599,899), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Benefit, Bring, Collaboration, Content, Enable, Environmental, Establish, Partnership, Practices, Providers, Re-use, Reuse, SEI, Shared, Socioeconomic, Synthesis, Technological, Transdisciplinary, Transnational.
1. Susan Park($49,791), Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle
Key terms: Coastal And Estuarine, Diversity And Inclusion, Broadening Participation, Rising Tides, CERF, Conference, DEI, Efforts, Engineering, Gap, Individuals, Opportunities, Program, STEM, URM, Workshop.
1. Robert K Cowen($387,175), Oregon State University, Corvallis
Key terms: Accessible, Applications, Benefit, Bring, Collaboration, Diverse, Ecosystem, Enable, Environmental, Establish, Foster, Global, Images, Increasing, Organisms, Plankton, Practices, Providers, Public, SEI, Technological, Time, Transdisciplinary, Transnational, Useful.
1. Paulinus Chigbu($99,116), Sea Education Association, Falmouth
Key terms: Internship Programs, Woods Hole, Connect, Diversity, Effort, Geosciences, Hbcus, Practices, Replication, Seek, Strengthen, Students, Success, Successes, URM, Undergraduate, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Christie Poitra($49,340), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Faculty And Academic, Academic Staff, Diverse Students, Undergraduate Students, Activities, Bring, Diversity, Geoscience, Haida, Identity, Intersectionality, Mentorship, Native, Participants, Potential, Practices, Toolkit, Workshop.
1. Kristy F Tiampo($14,712), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Workshop Program, Behaviors, Culture, Designed, Environments, Experiences, Field, Fieldwork, Foster, Guidelines, Harassment, Interpersonal, Prevent, Programs, Situations, Skills, Standards, Training.
1. Reginald Archer($49,984), University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia
Key terms: Geoscience Courses, Geoscience Education, Teaching Practices, Active, Atmospheric, Classrooms, Colleagues, Content, Conversations, EER, Faculty, Geosciences, Has, Students, Workshops.
1. Stefanie Simpson($49,634), Restore America's Estuaries, Washington
Key terms: Coastal, Conservation, DEI, Efforts, Engage, Environment, Environmental, Hiring, Inclusive, Management, RAE, Recruitment, Resources, Retention, Sector, Success, Tips, Workforce, Workshop.
1. Diane LaMacchia($359,973), EARTH IMAGES FOUNDATION, Oakland
Key terms: Apply And Express, Credible Media Products, Documentaries And Studentresearcher-produced, Documentaries And Videos, Effectively And Creatively, Eighteen Successful Documentaries, Increasingly Media-oriented World, Produced Eighteen Successful, Projects And Field, Prose And Diane, Quality And Quantity, Raise Public Awareness, Broadcast Documentaries, Creatively Apply, Differing Perspectives, Diverse Audience, Diverse Backgrounds, Diverse Perspectives, Doug Prose, Economic Background, Exciting Geoscience, Field Campsschools, Geoscience Information, Geoscience Students, Geoscience Topics, Hands-on Training, Images Foundation, Increasingly Media-oriented, Media Training, Media-oriented World, Shorter Geoscience, Skillfully Document, Studentresearcher-produced Videos, Timely Fashion, Unique Incentive, Accurate, Activities, Authoritative, Broader, Communicating, Continent, Developing, Diversity, Engaging, Ethnicity, Filmmakers, Focusing, Gender, Geoscientists, Hands-on, Importance, Increase, Knowledge, Mechanism, Opportunity, Own, PBS, Participants, Participating, Permit, Pis, Positions, Reach, Relevance, Set, Skills, Techniques, Veteran, Voices.
1. Pamela Jagger($892,121), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Household Energy Intervention, Scalable Household Energy, Terrestrial And Atmospheric, Air Quality, Biomass Energy, Energy Intervention, Forest Condition, Southern Africa, Cooking, Effects, Field, Future, Human, Influence, Land-use, Linkages, Modeling, Natural, People, Resources, Well-being.
1. Sheila S Jasanoff($201,124), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Capacity, Challenges, Countries, Development, Environmental, Initiative, Knowledge, Natural, Participating, Partners, Processes, Relevance, Social, Societal, Societies, Society, Stakeholders, Sustainability, TS, Transformation, Transformations, World.
1. Marcos Regis da Silva($6,554,786), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Montevideo
Key terms: Inter And Transdisciplinary, Governing Body, Inter-american Institute, Agenda, Americas, Andor, Boundaries, Build, Capacity, Collaboration, Collaborative, Coordinate, Coordination, Countries, Covers, Development, Educational, Effective, Foster, Fostering, Global, IAI, Inter-american, Interdisciplinary, International, Involve, Issues, Local, Mission, National, Nations, Networks, Office, Organization, Partner, Practices, Promote, Region, Regional, Services, Training.
1. Donald E Spalinger($180,000), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Direct And Indirect, Diversity And Abundance, Diversity And Nutritional, Boreal Forest, Ecosystem Services, Forest Wildlife, Management Practices, Microbial Diversity, Moose Diets, Nutritional Quality, Wildlife Health, Alaska, Analyzed, Andor, Browse, Burden, Call, Challenges, Coalition, Collected, Contribute, DNA, Development, Disease, Drivers, Endemic, Environmental, Etc, Examine, External, Fecal, Field, Fire, Food, Foods, Function, Gaps, Global, Habitats, Human, Humans, Increase, Increased, Increases, Increasing, Individuals, Influence, International, Land, Larger, Loads, Lower, Measures, Methodology, Methods, Microbes, Microbiome, Microbiomes, Models, Parasite, Parasitepathogen, Plant, Positive, Productivity, Quantifying, Rumen, Scenarios, Seeks, Selected, Sites, Skin, Species, Standard, Tested, Via, Warming, Was.
1. Wesley Hochachka($178,978), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Bird Species, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Conditions, Sustainable Harvests, Associations, Birds, Call, Challenges, Citizen, Coalition, Countries, Development, Drivers, Environments, Europe, Farming, Food, Gaps, Habitat, Health, Identifying, Indicator, Indicators, International, Knowledge, Land, Looking, Management, Methodology, Methods, Migratory, Models, Organisms, Pollution, Practices, Requirements, Scenarios, Was, Weather.
1. Cascade J Sorte($90,000), University of California-Irvine, Irvine
2. Bethany A Bradley($89,955), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Ecological And Socio-economic, Invasive Alien Species, Plants And Marine, Alien Invasive, Broader Impacts, Ecosystem Services, International Collaboration, Invasive Species, Marine Organisms, Policy Makers, Potential Invaders, Socio-economic Impacts, Species Invasions, Terrestrial Plants, Beneficial, Benefits, Call, Challenges, Climate, Coalition, Component, Database, Development, Drivers, Ecosystems, Effective, Environmental, Europe, Gaps, Has, Human, Issues, Land, Management, Managers, Methodology, Methods, Models, Native, Participatory, Protocol, Resulting, Scenarios, Seeks, Strong, Tools, Via, Was.
1. Rachael Winfree($179,366), Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Ecosystem Services, Food Security, Pollinator Abundance, Agricultural, Approaches, Based, Call, Challenges, Climate, Collaboration, Collected, Countries, Crop, Designed, Development, Drivers, Environment, Environmental, Gaps, Global, Human, Knowledge, Land, Library, Methodology, Methods, Modelling, Models, Particular, Policy, Pollinators, Predictive, Productivity, Public, Scenarios, Stakeholder, Stakeholders, Underrepresented, User-friendly, Various, Was.
1. Camilo Mora($215,999), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Coral Reef Fish, Direct And Indirect, Coral Reefs, Ecosystem Services, Human Development, Indirect Drivers, Invasive Species, Marine Biodiversity, Reef Ecosystems, Affects, Analysis, Approaches, Call, Challenges, Coalition, Countries, Couple, Critical, Dynamics, Eight, Environmental, Examine, Food, Funding, Gaps, Generated, Global, Humans, International, Land, Livelihoods, Management, Methodology, Methods, Model, Modelling, Models, Multiple, Policy, Predict, Public, Scenarios, Socio-economic, Transdisciplinary, Underrepresented, Value, Various, Was, World, Worldwide.
1. Andrew Farnsworth($179,965), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Aerial Migratory Species, Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Birds And Insects, Environmental And Socio-economic, Aerial Migrants, Aerial Migrations, Biomass Flows, Ecosystem Services, Five European, Migratory Populations, Socio-economic Variables, Spatial Extent, Wind Energy, Analyses, Animals, Call, Challenges, Climate, Coalition, Conservation, Continent, Countries, Development, Drivers, Ecosystems, Functional, Future, Gaps, Human, Information, Infrastructure, Interdisciplinary, International, Issues, Land, Large-scale, Light, Local, Long-term, Magnitude, Meteorologists, Methodology, Methods, Models, Monitoring, Policies, Policy, Pollution, Quantify, Radar, Relations, Resulting, Scenarios, Shaping, Stakeholders, Timing, Various, Was, Weather.
1. Leslie A Jones($178,776), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Direct And Indirect, Lakes And Rivers, Arctic Freshwater, Arctic Freshwaters, Arctic Lakes, Biodiversity Scenarios, Ecosystem Services, Food Webs, Freshwater Biodiversity, Freshwater Ecosystems, Indirect Drivers, Invasive Species, Latitudinal Gradients, Nutrient Enrichment, Andor, Approaches, Assessing, Assessments, Call, Challenges, Circumpolar, Climate, Coalition, Consequences, Countries, Critical, Developing, Development, Ecological, Environmental, Experiments, Fish, Fisheries, Functional, Gaps, Global, Human, International, Knowledge, Land, Levels, Methodology, Methods, Models, North, People, Policy, Potential, Region, Resource, Resources, Shifts, Socio-economic, Trait, Uncertainty, Underrepresented, Warming, Was, Water.
1. Eduardo S Brondizio($102,769), Indiana University, Bloomington
2. Krister P Andersson($99,995), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Global Environmental, Assess, Capacity, Challenges, Conservation, Contribute, Countries, Economic, Initiative, Knowledge, Land, Landscape, Multiple, Natural, Participating, Partners, Practices, Pressing, Seeks, Social, Societal, Societies, Society, Stakeholders, Sustainability, TS, Transformations, World.
1. William P Stewart($180,001), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Knowledge Alliances, Participatory Scenario, Private Sector, Protected Wilderness, Approaches, Call, Challenges, Co-creation, Coalition, Contribute, Designed, Development, Drivers, Economic, Engaging, Environmental, Establish, European, Future, Gaps, Government, Inter-site, Interaction, International, Involves, Land, Literature, Local, Management, Methodology, Methods, Modelling, Models, Multiple, National, Nations, Netherlands, Policy, Scenarios, Seeks, Site, Sites, Six, Social, Spain, Stakeholder, Stakeholders, Strategies, Sweden, Uncertainty, Visions, Was.
1. James S Clark($179,999), Duke University, Durham
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Broader Impacts, Conservation Planning, Ecosystem Services, Modeling Code, Ability, Addressing, Allow, Call, Challenges, Climate, Coalition, Critical, Decision-making, Development, Drivers, Environment, Environmental, European, Gaps, Generation, Global, Hierarchical, Human, Inform, Information, Interactions, International, Knowledge, Land, Levels, Methodological, Methodology, Methods, Models, Multiple, Policy, Predator-prey, Scenarios, Shared, Species, Trophic, Vertebrate, Was.
1. Katrin B Iken($133,857), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Kenneth H Dunton($46,133), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Sea Ice Loss, Arctic Coasts, Ecosystem Services, Food Web, National Funding, Satellite Imagery, Seasonal Ice-covered, Applicable, Call, Challenges, Coastal, Countries, Development, Drivers, Environmental, Examine, Food-web, Gaps, Habitats, High-resolution, Ice-covered, Ice-free, Impacted, International, Local, Methods, Models, Nearshore, Primary, Producers, Scenarios, Sediment, Species, Was.
1. Leandro Castello($90,000), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
2. Laura L Hess($89,997), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Adjacent Upland Habitats, Applied And Adapted, Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Brazil And Colombia, Habitat And Biodiversity, Sensing And Field, Amazon River, Biodiversity Assessment, Broader Impacts, Ecosystem Services, Fish Habitat, Flood Mitigation, Food Security, Human Development, Human Populations, Local Knowledge, Management Regimes, Remote Sensing, River Floodplains, Tropical River, Water Purification, Whitewater Rivers, Analysis, Call, Challenges, Climate, Collaborative, Contrasting, Drivers, Environmental, Fisheries, Flooding, Forest, Gaps, Hydrology, Indigenous, Interactions, International, Jurua, Land, Levels, Livelihoods, Mapping, Methods, Model, Modeling, Models, Participatory, Planning, Policy, Ranching, Scenarios, Selected, Species, Stakeholders, Template, Tributary, Was.
1. Pierre D Glynn($179,998), Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Key terms: Coastal Marine Biodiversity, Freshwater And Marine, Nearshore Marine Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, Freshwater Flows, Policy Makers, Resource Managers, Water Quality, Accessibility, Activities, Broad, Call, Canada, Challenges, Climate, Coalition, Component, Consequences, Countries, Coupled, Critical, Decision, Development, Drivers, Economic, Effective, Environmental, Examine, Fisheries, Focuses, Framework, Funding, Gaps, Global, Health, Human, Input, International, Land, Methodology, Methods, Modeling, Models, Multiple, Natural, Northern, Pressures, Processes, Resulting, Scenarios, Sea, Social, Stakeholders, Strategies, Terrestrial, Tools, Useful, Was.
1. Beth Shapiro($186,169), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Distribution And Abundance, Ecological Forecasting Models, Circumpolar North, Ecosystem Services, Indigenous Peoples, International Collaboration, Anthropogenic, Approaches, Arctic, Call, Challenges, Climate, Countries, DNA, Development, Diversity, Drivers, Ecosystems, Environmental, Funding, Future, Gaps, Has, Incorporate, Information, Integration, Knowledge, Local, Methods, National, Natural, Organisms, Quantitative, Scenarios, Species, Stakeholders, Time, Was.
1. Daniel S Karp($179,542), University of California-Davis, Davis
Key terms: Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Ecosystem Services, International Collaboration, Invasive Species, Predictive Models, Approaches, Austria, Authorities, Call, Challenges, Climate, Coalition, Collected, Consequences, Countries, Crop, Decision-support, Decisions, Dedicated, Development, Drivers, Economic, Effective, Environmental, European, Examine, Focus, France, Funding, Gaps, Germany, Information, Involves, Issues, Land, Landscape, Local, Management, Methods, National, Netherlands, Organizations, Pest, Policy, Regional, Regions, Romania, Scenarios, Social, Spain, Stakeholders, Sustainable, Validated, Vinicultural, Was.
1. Peter S Alagona($214,751), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Capacity, Challenges, Countries, Development, Ecosystems, Environmental, Funding, Initiative, Knowledge, Landscape, Model, Natural, Participating, Partners, Pathways, Seeks, Social, Societal, Societies, Society, Stakeholders, Sustainability, TS, Transformations, World.
1. Anita H Fabos($142,929), Clark University, Worcester
Key terms: Capacity, Challenges, Comprehensive, Countries, Environmental, Has, Initiative, Insights, International, Knowledge, Migration, National, Natural, Participating, Partners, Positive, Seeks, Social, Societal, Societies, Society, Stakeholders, Sustainability, TS, Theories, Transformation, Transformations, World.
1. Weiyang Li($2,616,817), Dartmouth College, Hanover
Key terms: Arctic Conditions, Changing Arctic, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Technological, Achievable, Activities, Adaptation, Affordable, Contribute, Enable, Future, Government, Identifies, Knowledge, Local, NNA, Next-generation, Pathway, Region, Rely, Resilience, Resilient, Schools, Students, Threatening, Twenty-four-hour.
1. Joseph J Hamman($948,792), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Joshua C Koch($2,567,643), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic And Boreal, Arctic Rivers Summit, Native Advisory Council, Rivers And Fish, Baseline Conditions, Computer Simulations, Fish Species, Future Climate, River Ice, Tribal Environmental, Water Quality, Water Temperature, Yukon River, Advances, Alaska, Assess, CU, Canada, Challenges, Co-production, Communicate, Community-based, Corridors, Federal, Fisheries, Guide, Hydrologic, IK, Indigenous, Institute, Knowledge, Model, Models, Monitor, Monitoring, NCAR, NNA, Nation, Past, Potential, River-ice, Scenarios, Streamflow, Transport, USGS, WS, Watershed, Winter, YRITWC.
1. Kristen Cetin($299,745), Iowa State University, Ames
Key terms: Thaw And Erosion, Alaska Native, Housing Vulnerability, Permafrost Thaw, Arctic, Biophysical, Challenges, Conditions, Disciplines, Experts, Health, Household, Issues, Knowledge, Local, Meeting, Methodology, NNA, Planning, Poor, Solutions, Thermal, Ventilation.
1. Matthew L Druckenmiller($249,985), WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INCORPORATED, Cabot
Key terms: Alaska And Northern, Community-based Monitoring Programs, Coordinated Monitoring Networks, Strengthen Community-based Monitoring, Community-based Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring, Northern Canada, Participating Stakeholders, Rapidly Changing, Resource Management, Strengthen Community-based, Arctic, Capacity, Challenges, Conditions, Critical, Curriculum, Developed, Development, Diverse, Duplication, Human, Implemented, Indigenous, Inform, Information, Infrastructure, Land, Leaders, Led, Long-term, Managers, NNA, Participants, Period, Practices, Region, Resilience, Resources, Security, Sessions, Species, Strategies, Tackle, Topics.
1. Christopher Little($38,409), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
2. Maria Vernet($149,234), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
3. Kristin L Laidre($62,357), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Glacial Fjord, Glacial Fjords, Applied, Arctic, Climate, Co-production, Combined, Economy, Ecosystems, Glaciers, Greenland, Information, International, Knowledge, Local, Marine, Miles, NNA, Ocean, Planning, Projections, Region, Waters.
1. Matthew L Druckenmiller($2,997,618), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Hunters And Herders, Ros And Extreme, Extreme Precipitation, Indigenous Hunters, Reindeer Herding, Activities, Arctic, Assess, Changing, Frequency, Hunting, Knowledge, Local, Mortality, NNA, Snow, Wildlife.
1. Shauna B BurnSilver($1,415,570), Arizona State University, Tempe
2. Robert Newton($51,401), Columbia University, New York
3. Andrew Mahoney($579,653), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
4. Tatiana S Degai($949,372), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Key terms: Changing Sea Ice, Critical Hot Spots, Local And Indigenous, Sea Ice Conditions, Changing Arctic, Adapt, Challenges, Convergence, Environment, Forecast, Generate, Globe, Governance, Infrastructure, Knowledge, Model, NNA, Navigate, Policy, Potential, Rapidly, Region, Resilience, Respond, Robustness.
1. Desheng Liu($14,603), Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Aleksey Y Sheshukov($13,228), Kansas State University, Manhattan
3. Peter S Ungar($59,905), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
4. Jingfeng Wang($15,167), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
5. Valeriy Y Ivanov($135,819), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Feed-forward And Feedback, Feedback Mechanisms, Industrial Infrastructure, Abiotic, Animals, Arctic, Biotic, Changing, Climate, Convergence, Developing, Effects, Focus, Generation, Inform, International, Knowledge, NNA, Natural, Peoples, Plan, Plants, Region, Transdisciplinary, Yamal.
1. Lilian Alessa($449,355), Regents of the University of Idaho, Moscow
2. Xiong Zhang($349,999), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
3. Christopher McComb($981,189), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
4. Louise M Farquharson($1,234,877), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Degradation And Coastal, Arctic Indigenous, Built Environment, Civil Infrastructure, Coastal Erosion, Permafrost Degradation, Social Resilience, Adapt, Adaptation, Capacity, Co-production, Critical, Demonstrating, Development, Experiencing, Future, Inform, Knowledge, Local, Model, NNA, Nation, Nsfs, Rapidly, Rate, Region, Students, Well-being.
1. Christopher Polashenski($65,000), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Andrew Mahoney($185,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Approach, Arctic, Changing, Climate, Co-production, Consider, Future, Knowledge, NNA, Practice, Resilience, Subsistence, Traditional.
1. Colin Gleason($249,993), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst
Key terms: Arctic Continues, Arctic Residents, Planning Process, Alaska, Challenges, Changing, Climate, Coastal, Concerns, Future, Knowledge, Larger, Local, NNA, Own, Partnerships, People, Rapidly, Rate, Resilience, Responding, Set, Stakeholders, Villages, Water.
1. Anne Garland($3,018,000), George Mason University, Fairfax
Key terms: Changing Arctic, Coastal Dynamics, Local Stakeholders, Supply Chains, Trade Routes, World Trade, Aim, Approaches, Commercial, Economic, Expected, Flows, Global, Globe, Governance, Ice, Insights, International, Knowledge, Maritime, Models, NNA, Natural, Opportunities, Resilience, Risk, Risks, Security, Social, Stability, Techniques, Traffic, Variety, Workshops.
1. Jessica C Black($249,793), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Indigenous And Western, Planning Process, Western Knowledge, Arctic, Boundaries, Canadian, Challenges, Co-production, Collaborative, Convergence, Design, Ecosystems, Generation, Inform, Intentional, International, Inupiaq, NNA, Partners, Pressing, Youth.
1. Ann R Tickamyer($3,018,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Changing Environment, Coastal Indigenous, Alaskan, Arctic, Challenges, Complex, Convergent, Education, Environmental, Five, Food, Generation, Graduate, Inform, Infrastructure, Integrated, Integrates, Interdisciplinary, International, Issues, Local, NNA, POLARIS, Pillars, Platform, Resilient, Respond, Resulting, Social, Students.
1. Stefan Talke($328,606), California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo
2. Thomas Wahl($224,765), The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees, Orlando
3. Philip M Orton($379,913), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken
4. Stefan Talke($328,606), Portland State University, Portland
5. James Booth($268,070), CUNY City College, New York
Key terms: Alter Flood Risk, 19th Century, Coastal Development, Coastal Flooding, Storm Characteristics, Storm Surge, Analysis, Climate, Climatic, Deepened, Estuary, Geomorphic, Local, Modeling, Models, Natural, Rise, Sensitivities, Statistical.
1. Taryn M Lopez($2,576,305), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Ronni Grapenthin($110,719), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro
Key terms: Active Volcanoes, Alaska Volcanoes, Eruption Forecasting, Multidisciplinary Observations, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanic Unrest, Volcano Observatory, AVO, Accurate, Advance, Capabilities, Complex, Dynamic, Eight, Hazards, Mitigate, Models, Past, Populations, Provided, Range, Target.
1. Clinton N Dawson($359,418), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Joannes J Westerink($456,557), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
3. Ethan Kubatko($310,287), Ohio State University, Columbus
4. Laxmikant V Kale($400,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Coastal Flooding, Coastal Floodplain, Coastal Hydrodynamics, Flood Risk, Ocean Water, Riverine Discharges, Surge Models, Water Level, Water Levels, Account, Accurate, Atmospheric, Background, Baseline, Computational, Dynamic, Framework, Heterogeneous, Hurricane, Hydrology, Incorporate, Industry, Managers, National, Noaas, Operational, Physics, Pressure, Processes, Rainfall, Set, Tides, Unified, Waves.
1. Lance F Bosart($520,000), SUNY at Albany, Albany
2. Morris L Weisman($1,366,908), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Forecasters And Emergency, Emergency Managers, Process Representation, Severe Weather, Convective, Downstream, Ensemble, Ewes, Meetings, Model, Phase, Pis, Precipitation, Predictions, Processes, Produce, Sensitivity, Uncertainty.
1. Rebecca Adams-Selin($269,260), Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc, Lexington
2. John T Allen($248,094), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
3. Matthew R Kumjian($305,122), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
4. Conrad L Ziegler($168,629), University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, Norman
Key terms: Billion Loss Hail, Embryo Source Regions, Hail Threat Class, Hail Threat Classes, Hail Trajectory Model, Surface Hail Observations, Environmental Conditions, Environmental Controls, Giant Hail, Hail Forecasting, Hail Forecasts, Hail Growth, Hail Threats, Advance, Amounts, Available, Beyond, Blizzard, Database, Environments, Explore, Favorable, Graduate, Hailstorm, Knowledge, Microphysical, National, Objective, Outdoor, Processes, Produce, Public, Receiving, SPC, Seasonal, Shelter, Sizes, Storms, Time, Trajectories, Underlying, Wind.
1. Xudong Sun($304,339), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
2. Tibor Torok($1,690,434), Predictive Science Incorporated, San Diego
Key terms: Extreme Solar Eruptions, Solar Active Regions, Geomagnetic Storms, Space Age, Carrington, Carrington-like, Driver, Energy, Enhance, Fields, Largest, Magnetic, Magnitude, Models, Produce, Public, Released, Size, Statistical, Stored.
1. Jason A Otkin($466,571), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
2. Trevor Keenan($305,321), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
3. Hamada S Badr($620,183), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Key terms: Flash Drought Risk, Defining Flash, Dynamically-based Simulation, Flash Droughts, Land Management, Plant Stress, Recently Developed, Soil Moisture, Advance, Advanced, Categories, Characteristics, Climate, Combine, Contribute, Cover, Detailed, Development, Dynamically-based, Forecast, Forecasting, Forecasts, Framework, Leading, Methods, Models, Observations, Plants, Predict, Predictability, Prediction, SS, Satellite, Statistical, Time, Vegetation, Weather, Weeks.
1. Michael J Gollner($1,377,742), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: International Symposium, Wildland Fire, Wildland Fires, Brands, California, FIREFLY, Model, Models, Spread.
1. Yuyu Zhou($268,552), Iowa State University, Ames
2. Dan Li($680,273), Trustees of Boston University, Boston
Key terms: Heat Wave Conditions, Local Meteorological Conditions, Building Energy, Heat Waves, Land-atmosphere Feedbacks, Policy Makers, Activities, Flux, Generated, Graduate, Incorporated, Land-atmosphere, Model, Natural, Population, Prediction, Undergraduate, Urban, WRF.
1. Anne F Sheehan($360,647), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Cascadia Subduction Zone, Earthquake And Tsunami, Seafloor Observing Sites, Coastal Regions, Offshore Cascadia, Pacific Northwest, Seafloor Pressure, Ship Height, Tsunami Warning, Tsunami Warnings, Arrays, Assimilation, Design, Distribution, Explore, Forecast, Has, Method, Methods, Observation, Observations, Ocean, Optimal, Sensors, Spacing.
1. Ning Lin($321,808), Princeton University, Princeton
2. Jeffrey Donnelly($578,369), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Kristopher B Karnauskas($224,015), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Kerry A Emanuel($426,473), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
5. Peter Van Hengstum($680,018), Texas A&M University, College Station
Key terms: Future Hurricane Risk, East Coast, Future Risk, Hurricane Activity, Hurricane Landfalls, Hurricane Occurrence, Hydrodynamic Modeling, Tc-induced Flooding, Tropical Cyclone, Approach, Atlantic, Climatic, Coupled, Examining, Has, Influence, Ocean, Potential, Projections, Rainfall, Storm, Surge, Tc-induced, Tcs, Volcanic, Waves, Western.
1. Daniel Swain($345,446), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Mari R Tye($719,232), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Floods And Droughts, Wet And Dry, Extreme Wet, Forecast Capacity, Ability, Advance, Back-to-back, Central, Conditions, Connected, Connecting, Extremes, Flooding, Forecasting, Forecasts, Knowledge, Lives, Months, Processes, Promote, Protection, Shared, Underrepresented, Weeks.
1. Radley Horton($44,792), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Correlated Climate Extremes, Compound, Dialogue, Diverse, Dynamics, Future, Separated, Statistics, Variety, Workshop.
1. Alice DuVivier($134,367), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
2. Ralf Bennartz($787,549), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Key terms: Arctic Maritime Navigation, Climate And Sea, Sea Ice Conditions, Sea Ice Models, Environmental Conditions, Navigation Risk, Predictive Models, Shipping Routes, Analysis, Analyzed, Approach, Assessment, Challenges, Consequences, Developing, Economic, Incident, Incidents, Integrated, Likelihood, Local, NNA, Navigability, Outcome, Range, Reliable, Resulting, Uncertainties.
1. Peter F DeCarlo($506,208), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
2. Jochen P Stutz($305,146), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
3. Kerri A Pratt($608,898), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
4. Rodney J Weber($399,188), Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta
5. William R Simpson($976,381), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
6. Peter F DeCarlo($446,821), Drexel University, Philadelphia
7. Brent J Williams($483,390), Washington University, Saint Louis
Key terms: Cold And Dark, Poor Air Quality, Air Pollution, Arctic Development, Engagement Process, Knowledge Gaps, Pollution Sources, Wintertime Arctic, ALPACA, Alaska, Appropriate, Aspects, Assist, Chemical, Chemistry, Conditions, Convergence, Fairbanks, Field, Generation, Has, Heating, Indoor, Indoors, Inform, International, Investigate, Issues, Local, NNA, Natural, Outdoor, PACES, Peoples, Pollutants, Processes, Program, Public, Region, Residents, SNAP-TEC, Social.
1. Britt Raubenheimer($300,000), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Built Environment, Extreme Storms, Nearshore Extreme, Neer Association, Site Characterization, Academic, Broad, Coastal, Collect, Coordinate, Deploy, Development, Dissemination, Engineering, Entrain, Field, Increases, Industry, Interdisciplinary, Leading, Management, NHERI, National, Nsf-supported, Observations, Obtain, Perishable, Processes, Reconnaissance, Regions, Resulting.
1. Anna K Liljedahl($3,000,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Ice-rich Permafrost Observatory, Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Ground Ice, Ice-rich Permafrost, Ice-rich Permafrost-related, Adapt, Alaska, Alaskas, Arctic, Changing, Circumpolar, Climate, Damage, Ecosystems, Entire, Has, Housing, Infrastructure, Institute, Keystone, Landscapes, Larger, Lay, Local, NNA, Permafrost-related, Rapidly, Remote, Severe, Similar, Student, Water.