Ordered by program; Last updated: December 2024
*Disclaimer: This information may contain inaccuracies.
Refer to official NSF website for verified information.
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1. Nicholas F Polys($449,999), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Exploration And Mining, Colorado School, Industry Sector, Inform Decision, Mineral Exploration, Mining Industry, Mining Operations, Mining Sector, Virginia Tech, Workforce Development, Activities, Advance, Advancing, CASERM, Center, Centers, Core, Deposits, Environmental, Essential, Focus, Focused, Geological, Geoscience, Global, Increase, Knowledge, Mines, Models, Ore, Reclamation, Resources, Risk, Safety, Site, Solutions, Students, Training, Vision.
1. Joseph H Kennedy($757,955), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Ice Sheet Modeling, Sheet Modeling Intercomparison, Innovative Sea-level, Pism Easier, Training Workshop, Access, Effort, Future, ISMIP, Packaging, Pism-cloud, Sea-level, Time, Users.
1. Twila A Moon($985,978), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
2. Matthew B Jones($613,876), University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
Key terms: Geospatial Software, Accessibility, Arctic, Capacity, Create, Creators, Development, Ecosystem, Education, Educators, Greenland-focused, Package, Qgreenland, Qgreenland-net, Repositories, Resources, School, Services, Sharing.
1. David Andrew B Hyde($284,807), Vanderbilt University, Nashville
2. Catherine C Walker($54,582), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
3. Daniel Shapero($46,742), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Existing Geosciences Software, Adviser Platform, Cloud Computing, Glacier Flow, Adoption, Assimilation, Benefits, Computational, Extending, Icepack, Knowledge, Power, Run, Running, Students.
1. Kerry E Kelly($1,132,834), University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Key terms: Actionable Air Quality, Air Pollutant Hazards, Air Quality Forecasts, Air Quality Information, Air Quality Sensing, Civic Innovation Challenge, Air Pollution, Air-quality Forecasting, Air-quality Forecasts, Spatial Resolution, Wildfire Smoke, Account, Air-quality, Athletes, Athletic, Automated, Children, Counties, Department, Developed, Dust, Existing, Exposure, Geographic, Infrastructure, Innovative, Levels, Matter, Neighborhood-scale, Particular, Particulate, Protect, Public, Serious, Student, Tools, Transport, Utah, Utah’s.
1. Jonathan J Rutz($4,379,437), SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER INC, Sitka
Key terms: Real-time Sensor, Alaska, Create, Dashboard, Gauges, Hub, Local, Real-time, Sensors.
1. Rodolfo A Hernandez($320,637), Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Key terms: Air Quality, Collegiate Opportunities, Geoscience Workforce, School Students, Stem Concepts, AAT, Activities, Atmospheric, Experiences, Fields, Focus, Increase, Knowledge, Nation, Phase-, Prepare, Research-based, Rural, SRS, Setting, Students’, Symposium, TTU, Texas, Topics.
1. Rebecca Meggie B Harvey($996,977), Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland
Key terms: Civic Innovation Challenge, Coastal Flood Resilience, Combine Local Observations, Flood Resilience Projects, Geo And Time-referenced, Ongoing Flood Resilience, Sea Level Rise, Civic Leaders, Climate Adaptation, Coastal Flooding, Coastal Maine, Flood Impacts, Flood Projections, Industry Partners, Local Capacity, Maine’s Coastal, Tide Gauges, Water Level, Absence, Building, Collect, Contributing, Critical, Curriculum, Department, Education, Engagement, Geo-, Gulf, Has, Information, Infrastructure, Institute, Leverage, Maine’s, Mini-grants, Municipal, Participation, Pilot, Planner, Planning, Practitioners, Products, Program, Reality, Rural, Social, Three-part, Youth.
1. Ashanti Johnson($164,796), East Central University, Ada
Key terms: Advance National Health, Ms Phd’s Access, Ms Phd’s Aim, Prosperity And Welfare, Effort Seeks, Ms Phd’s, National Health, Nsf’s Mission, Phd’s Access, Phd’s Aim, Activities, Continued, Current, Development, Geoscience, Geosciences, Inclusion, Mentoring, Nsf’s, Planning, Program, Progress, Promote, Virtual.
1. Chloe B Wardropper($1,403,573), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana
Key terms: Human And Wildlife, Humans And Wildlife, Multiple Environmental Stressors, Natural Resource Decision-makers, Decision-makers Respond, Domestic Animals, Food Webs, Free-ranging Livestock, Human Decision-making, Rangeland Ses, Resource Decision-makers, Spatial Scales, Wild Herbivores, Affect, Cattle, Climate, Decision-making, Decisions, Drought, Dynamics, Ecological, Ecosystem, Feedbacks, Free-ranging, Human-wildlife, Information, Interact, Interactions, Landscape, Managers, Plant, Potential, Predation, Predators, Provisioning, Public, Rancher, Ranchers, Remotely-sensed, Risk, Shared, Social, Sources, Uncertainty, Via, Wolves.
1. James L Urban($362,999), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester
Key terms: Fire Behavior, Fire Protection, Fire-front Level, Analysts, Center, Companies, Extreme, Fire-front, Fires, Grid, IUCRC, Increase, Reliable, Risk, Safety, Students, Trained, Training, Vegetation, WIRC, WPI, Wildfire, Wildfires.
1. James Munroe($344,941), Code for Science and Society Inc, Portland
2. Orhan Eroglu($710,411), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
3. Brian Rose($489,545), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Highly Scalable, Accelerate, Analysis, Authoring, Barriers, Built, Cloud, Collection, Cookbook, Cookbooks, Datasets, Geoscience, Grow, Growing, Has, Pangeo, Participation, Platforms, Pythia, Python-based, Reproducible, Resources, Users, Workflows.
1. Christine A Regalla($55,425), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
2. Cailey B Condit($67,074), University of Washington, Seattle
3. Emily E Brodsky($148,988), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
4. Basil Tikoff($56,038), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
5. Julie Newman($220,801), Texas A&M University, College Station
6. James D Walker($850,370), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Collaborative Environment, Existing Digital, Group-level Workflows, Subduction Zones, CI, Collaboratively, Collecting, Community-based, Developed, Dimensions, Disciplines, Field, Geological, Group-level, SZD, Strabospot.
1. Deborah Khider($311,813), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2. Nicholas P McKay($84,520), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Academic, Geoscience, Levels, Model, Practices, Promoting, Publishing, Resources, Source, Tools, Training.
1. James D Walker($434,415), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
2. Daven P Quinn($700,253), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison
Key terms: Geologic Maps, Stratigraphic Columns, Broad, Contribute, Crust, Dimensions, Earth’s, Framework, Geological, Integrates, Lacks, Macrostrat, Mapping, Models, Multiscale, Platforms, Rock, Software, Spatial, Strabospot, Tools, Users.
1. Holly Little($177,674), Smithsonian Institution, Washington
2. Carl Simpson($139,223), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
3. Lindsay J Walker($83,103), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Fossil Specimen, Collections, Cyberinfrastructure, Development, Existing, Landscape, Network, Paleo, Paleontological, Portals, Potential, Via.
1. Emma MacKie($253,946), University of Florida, Gainesville
Key terms: Geostatistical Simulations, Geostatistics Software, Available, Combining, Computing, Constraints, Educational, Geophysical, Gstatsim, Ice-sheet, Maps, Method, Methods, Online, Sets, Spatial, Statistical, Tools, Topography.
1. Sijie Yu($399,949), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Key terms: Existing Software, Software Framework, Solar Corona, Solar Tomography, Aims, Algorithms, Architecture, Diversity, Infrastructure, Modeling, Observations, Open-source, Practices, Promote, SUNCAST, Students, Training, User-friendly.
1. Abani K Patra($50,863), Tufts University, Somerville
2. Sylvain Charbonnier($97,209), University of South Florida, Tampa
3. Einat Lev($241,928), Columbia University, New York
Key terms: Access, Based, Capabilities, Central, Codes, Computing, Cyberinfrastructure, Model, Modeling, Models, Platform, Reproducibility, Tools, Training, VICTOR, Volcanology, Was, Workflows.
1. Maria Esteva($1,175,780), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. James E McClure($417,579), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Key terms: Available, Created, Curate, Curation, DRP, Diverse, Engineering, Geomaterials, Image, Infrastructure, Management, Microstructure, Mineral, Multiple, Rock, Soil, Tools, Training, Transport, Users, Wide, Workflows.
1. Deborah Khider($67,048), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Early-career Participants, Technology Experts, Advance, Collaborations, Cyberinfrastructure, Earthcube, Geosciences, Increasing, Spark, Workshop.
1. Detlef B Stammer($402,400), WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION, Geneve
Key terms: Climate Information, Activities, Advance, Advancing, Capacity, Complex, Development, Global, Interactions, Pillars, Regional, Tipping, WCRP, Water.
1. Sarah E Schweizer($406,001), START International, Inc., Fort Collins
Key terms: Africa And Asia, Capacity Development, Actions, Climate, Collaborations, Comprehensive, Core, Emerging, Enable, Future, Leadership, Program, Programs, START, WCRP.
1. Judit Ungvari($87,843), George Mason University, Fairfax
2. Erica L Key($662,156), FUTURE EARTH, Fort Collins
Key terms: Future Earth’s, Accessible, Action, Development, Earth’s, Global, Hub, Informed, Network, Opportunities, Sustainability, Transdisciplinary.
1. Susan Riggins($252,218), Chico State Enterprises, Chico
Key terms: Diverse Student Populations, Attract Diverse, Appeal, CSU, Chico, Contribute, Design, Discipline, Field, Focus, Geoscience, Geosciences, Marketing, Potential, STEM, Students, Surveys, Two-year.
1. Max B Berkelhammer($299,000), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Urban Growers Collective, Geoscience Departments, Illinois Chicago, Approaches, Barriers, City, Developing, Food, Geosciences, Implementation, Partnership, Partnerships, Pathways, Phase, Plans, Practices, Regenerative, Sharing, Soil, Structural, Students, Sustainable, Teaching, Upcycling, Waste, Workforce.
1. Colleen E Rossier($199,574), Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata
Key terms: Indigenous And Western, Sovereignty And Leadership, Fire Management, Interconnecting Indigenous, Karuk Tribe, Tribal Sovereignty, Western Knowledge, Advance, California, Challenges, Collaborations, Coordinate, Cross-cultural, Ecosystems, Educational, Efforts, Focused, Innovative, Interdisciplinary, Monitoring, Plan, Planning, Practitioners, Solutions, Tribally, Wildfire.
1. Marzi Azarderakhsh($491,069), CUNY New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Key terms: Geoscience Workforce, Stem Workforce, Undergraduate Seniors, Workforce Development, Create, Current, Diversity, Engage, Following, Mentoring, Nation’s, Non-geoscience, Objectives, Pathway, Program, Service, Students.
1. Thulani Jwacu($843,830), Science Museum of Minnesota, Saint Paul
Key terms: Engaging Youth, Geoscience Faculty, Stem Justice, Build, CORE, Create, Geosciences, Inclusive, Increasing, Issues, Model, Network, Paleolimnology, Pathway, Pathways, People, Practices, Program, Programs, SCWRS, SMM, Strategies.
1. Amanda Tazaz($415,863), Florida State University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Pre-college Students, Summer Camp, Activities, Awareness, Engage, Environmental, Geoscience, Geosciences, Has, Increase, Opportunities, Pre-college, Resources, STEM.
1. Christopher Lippitt($300,000), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Key terms: Environmental And Geosciences, Critical Constructivism, Diverse Scholars, Minority Serving, Power Structures, Academic, Based, Cohorts, Development, Experiences, Faculty, Graduate, Historical, Inclusive, Planning, Programming, Self-authorship, Southwest, Theory.
Key terms: 9th Annual Hbcu, Annual Hbcu Climate, Climate Education Conference, Hbcu Climate Education, 9th Annual, Climate Impacts, Community-based Organizations, Engage Students, Environmental Justice, Hbcu Students, Historically Black, Center, Coastal, Community-based, Faculty, Field, Hbcus, Program, Universities, Vulnerable.
1. Cynthia D Palomares($47,894), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Key terms: Environmental And Engineering, Environmental Geologyengineering Geology, Virtual Field Trip, Annual Meeting, Applied Geosciences, Engineering Geologists, Engineering Geology, Geological Society, Gsa Connects, Pre-meeting Workshop, AEG, Association, Development, Future, Information, Landslides, OTF, PA, Pittsburgh, Pre-meeting, Skills, Student-scholars.
1. Lauren E Miller($500,000), Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor
Key terms: Marginalized Scholars, Climate, Cryosphere, Development, Diversity, Inclusive, Lack, Norms, Squads, Stages, Supporting, Workforce.
1. Jennifer L Nocerino($199,657), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Mental Health, Planning Effort, Social Scientists, Addressing, Comprehensive, Context, Create, Development, Experience, Experts, Geoscience, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Lived, Participants, Wellbeing.
1. Barbara C Bruno($199,997), University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Key terms: Soest Wahine Awards, Development Activities, Enhance Women’s, Grants Program, Women’s Ability, Competitive, Faculty, Funding, Geoscience, Hawai‘i’s, Ocean, School, Students, Technology, UH, Women’s.
1. Mai P Trinh($324,297), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Appreciative Inquiry, Bajedi Outcomes, Computational Simulation, Geosciences Faculty, Aims, Approach, Bottom-up, CHAMPIONS, Departments, Diversity, Enabling, Experiences, Foster, Inclusive, Interventions, Long-term, Model, Summit, Unique.
1. Allison Mattheis($46,378), California State L A University Auxiliary Services Inc., Los Angeles
2. Meredith Hastings($60,135), Brown University, Providence
3. Alice F Hill($834,260), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
4. Blair B Schneider($214,819), University of Kansas Center for Research Inc, Lawrence
Key terms: Inclusive Field Campaigns, Exclusionary Behaviors, Field Safety, Online Course, Anti-harassment, Challenges, Combined, Contribute, Create, Culture, Design, Effectiveness, Environments, Field-based, Fieldwork, Geoscience, Harassment, Identity-based, Productive, Program, Tools, Training.
1. Aradhna Tripati($1,871,753), University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2. Djuradj Babic($220,394), East Los Angeles College, Monterey Park
Key terms: Inclusion And Leadership, Leadership Development, Los Angeles, Veteran Inclusion, Barriers, Champions, Create, Diversity, Efforts, Experiences, Geoenvironmental, Inform, Model, Pis, Plan, Program, STEM, Simultaneously, Skills, Unique, Various, Veterans.
1. Edith G Davis($134,580), Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee
Key terms: Geoscientists And Stem, Historically Excluded, Micro-spiral Method, Stem Educators, Trainer Workshops, Application, Cohorts, Emphasis, Florida, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increase, Instruction, MSM, Micro-spiral, Phase, Program, Respective, Scores, Students, Trained.
1. Christina W Yao($141,142), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Key terms: Climate And Marine, Planning Effort, Woods Hole, Activities, Alliance, Collaboration, Faculty, Focus, Msis, NSF, Network, Partnerships, Programs.
1. Samantha Streamer Veneruso($299,196), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Approaches, Contribute, Contributes, Curriculum, Geoscientists, Introduce, Justice-centered, Knowledge, Leaders, Practice, Practices, Theory.
1. Yevgeniy Rastigeyev($577,311), North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro
Key terms: Hurricane Boundary Layer, Polydisperse Ocean Spray, Conservation Laws, Hurricane Dynamics, Accurately, Approach, Atmospheric, Comprehensive, Droplets, Effect, Expand, Flows, Influence, Mathematical, Method, Model, Multi-fluid, Multiphase, Own, Turbulent.
1. Sue C Ebanks($1,038,533), Savannah State University, Savannah
Key terms: Georgia Bight Region, Gray’s Reef National, National Marine Sanctuary, Reef National Marine, Gray’s Reef, Particulate Plastics, Broader, Collection, Micro-, Objectives, Sense, Shallow-water, Social, Training, Water.
1. Reginald Archer($239,992), Tennessee State University, Nashville
Key terms: Diversity And Inclusion, Historically Black, Academic, Campus, Faculty, Geology, Geoscience, Mentorship, Methods, Opportunities, Planetary, Program, School, Student, Students, TSU, Tennessee, UTK, Undergraduate.
1. Aynaz Lotfata($273,918), Morgan State University, Baltimore
Key terms: Hazards And Climate, Pilot Bridge Program, Two-year Pilot Bridge, Baltimore City, Chesapeake Region, Degree Programs, Historically Black, Pathways Towards, Two-year Pilot, Water Hazard, Water Hazards, Aims, Approaches, Beyond, Coastal, Color, Coursework, Culturally, Development, Disciplines, Enrollment, Environmental, Exercises, Field, Field-based, Fields, Focus, Geography, Geosciences, Geospatial, Graduate, Graduate-level, Hbcus, Lead, Leadership, Matters, Morgan, Organizations, People, Practice, Principles, Public, Quality, Relating, Students, Training, Undergraduates, Universities, Variable, Workshops.
1. Ruby Broadway($792,398), Dillard University, New Orleans
Key terms: Drone Technology, Historically Black, Structurally Excluded, Summer Program, Activities, Education, Engage, Environmental, GIS, Geometrycalculus, Geoscience, Geosciences, Hands-on, Motivate, Orleans, Pathways, Pre-freshman, STEM, Students, Undergraduate, Universities.
1. Roger L Mann($58,000), College of William & Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point
Key terms: Management Actions, Phase Iii, Precautionary Management, Sustainable Management, Academic, Biological, Center, Climate, Ecosystem, Efforts, Essential, Fish, Fisheries, Fishery, Fishing, Focus, Industry, Marine, Mechanism, Partners, Regulatory, Renewal, Resources, Scemfis, Structure.
1. Christopher Thorncroft($355,000), University of Connecticut, Storrs
Key terms: Electrical Grid, Grid Integration, Industry-university Cooperative, Power Grid, Renewable Energy, Albany, Analysis, Approaches, Basic, Center, Centers, Changing, Climate, Connecticut, Distribution, Economic, Effects, Faculty, Forecasting, Generation, IUCRC, Infrastructure, Innovation, Knowledge, Management, Outages, Parties, Postdocs, Reliability, Resilience, Sector, State-of-the-art, Students, Vegetation, Weather.
1. Nick Bassill($342,474), SUNY at Albany, Albany
Key terms: Electrical Grid, Industry-university Cooperative, Power Grid, Renewable Energy, Weather Prediction, Albany, Analysis, Approaches, Basic, Center, Centers, Changing, Climate, Connecticut, Distribution, Economic, Effects, Faculty, Forecasting, Generation, IUCRC, Infrastructure, Innovation, Integration, Knowledge, Management, Modeling, Outages, Parties, Postdocs, Predictive, Reliability, Resilience, Sector, State-of-the-art, Students, Tools, Various.
1. Eugene C Morgan($20,000), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Geologic Co2 Storage, Carbon Sequestration, Co2 Sequestration, Workforce Training, Center, Create, Diverse, Economic, Energy, Engineers, Field, IUCRC, Imaging, Industry, Modeling, Monitoring, Outreach, Penn, Program, Site, Technologies.
1. Behnam Jafarpour($20,000), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Key terms: Co2 Storage, Geologic Storage, Multi-physics Modeling, Risk Assessment, Subsurface Monitoring, Successful Implementation, Advanced, Advances, Analytics, Center, Challenges, Characterization, Companies, Development, Efficient, Emerging, Flow, Focus, Industry, Modern, Multi-physics, Pertaining, Processes, Public, Safe, Technologies, Uncertainty.
1. Amelia N Vankeuren($145,352), University Enterprises, Incorporated, Sacramento
Key terms: Field Experience, CSU, Complete, Critical, Cross-csu, Diverse, Engage, Geoscience, Geosciences, Habitat, Hydrology, Increased, Program, Programs, Recruitment, Retention, Skills, Student, Students, Summer, Transfer, Water.
1. Cynthia M Mosqueda Campbell($305,506), Cornell University, Ithaca
Key terms: Diverse Undergraduate Majors, Geoscience Graduate Programs, Summer Bridge Program, Mineral Resources, Natural Hazards, Societal Relevance, Climate, Cornell, Ecosystem, Energy, Engineering, Fields, Geosciences, Mentoring, Multiple, Myriad, Non-geoscience, Pis, Social, Societally, Student, Students, Water.
1. Sherry L Palacios($390,883), University Corporation at Monterey Bay, Seaside
Key terms: 21st Century Geoscience, Engage And Retain, 21st Century, Bridge Program, Century Geoscience, Geo-bridge Program, Monterey Bay, CSUMB, Continue, Development, Experience, Faculty, Gap, Geo-bridge, Hopkins, Individuals, Leverages, Marine, Mentoring, Model, Outreach, Participants, Perspectives, Pis, Post-baccalaureate, Recruit, Retention, STEM, Students, Training, Undergraduates, Underrepresented.
1. Dyanis Conrad($308,121), Yale University, New Haven
Key terms: Museum Youth Program, Yale Peabody Museum, Natural History, School Students, Barriers, Challenges, Color, Critical, Departments, EVOLUTIONS, Environmental, Existing, Geoscience, Graduate, Haven, Leadership, Pis, Programs, Resilience, Training, Undergraduate, YPM.
1. Erick C Jones($66,488), University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington
Key terms: Especially Federal Graduate, Federal Graduate Fellowships, Graduate Funding Mechanisms, Graduate Student Recruitment, Leverage Graduate Funding, Stem Disciplines, Workforce Outcomes, Development, Evidence-based, Geosciences, Participation, Seeks, Strategies, Students, Targeted, Workshop.
1. Lauren E Brooks($414,351), Utah Valley University, Orem
Key terms: Diverse Backgrounds, Geoscience Preparation, Summer Course, Undergraduate Students, Up-utah Lake, Utah Lake, Utah Valley, Activities, Awareness, Complex, Experience, Faculty, Fields, GLE, Issues, Knowledge, Mentoring, Multidisciplinary, Opportunities, Preparing, Quality, Service, Service-learning, Skills, Up-utah.
1. Ashley Colby($330,000), GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY PARTNERSHIP, Chicago
Key terms: Food Supply Chains, Belmont Forum, Towards Sustainability, Transdisciplinary Approaches, Challenges, Consortium, Consumption, Cooperative, Countries, Employ, Funding, Global, Governance, International, Models, Participating, Partners, Prices, Resources, Sustainable, Transformation, Worker.
1. Erica L Key($849,889), FUTURE EARTH, Fort Collins
Key terms: Accessible, Action, Advances, Experts, Future, Global, Hub, Knowledge, Options, Supporting, Sustainability, Themes, Transdisciplinary.
1. Valerie Mueller($449,776), Arizona State University, Tempe
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Agent-based, Aims, Approach, Approaches, Challenges, Climate, Consortium, Critical, Development, Environment, Environmental, Focused, Funding, Gaps, Global, International, Madagascar, Migration, Modeling, Multi-hazard, Organizations, Packages, Participating, Policy, Resources, Transdisciplinary.
1. Manisha Anantharaman($334,159), Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Digital Technologies, Sustainable Consumption, Transdisciplinary Approaches, Behavior, Challenges, Consortium, Countries, Environmental, Existing, Fields, Food, Funding, Global, International, Less, Participating, Partners, Resources, Seeks, Solutions, Sustainability.
1. Mathieu Denis($378,100), International Science Council, Paris
Key terms: Activities, Challenges, Critical, Global, International, Knowledge, Strategic, Sustainability.
1. Thomas A Reardon($393,031), Michigan State University, East Lansing
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Supermarket Chains, Sustainable Consumption, Transdisciplinary Approaches, Actions, Behavior, Business, Challenges, Consortium, Consumer, Corporate, Countries, Decision-making, Environmental, Food, Funding, Global, Increase, International, Knowledge, Management, Opportunities, Organizations, Participating, Products, Resources, Socio-technical, Sustainability.
1. STEFANO MARIA IACUS($450,001), Harvard University, Cambridge
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Climate Migration, Predictive Model, Social Media, Aims, Approach, Challenges, Consortium, Countries, Country, Funding, Global, Inform, International, Leveraging, Multinational, Participating, Public, Resources, Senegal, Transdisciplinary.
1. Patrick Baur($475,428), University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Key terms: Belmont Forum, Transdisciplinary Approaches, Agricultural, Challenges, City, Consortium, Consumption, Environmental, Food, Funding, Global, International, Participating, Resources, Sustainability, Sustainable, Urban.
1. Ariane C de Bremond($1,618,891), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park
Key terms: Addressing, Challenges, Cutting-edge, Engaging, GLP, Global, Globally, International, Knowledge, LSS, Land, Network, Policy, Processes, Programme, Societal, Societies, Solutions, Stakeholders, Synthesis, Workforce, Worldwide.
1. Christopher B Field($1,254,756), Stanford University, Stanford
Key terms: Common Language, Sustainability Challenges, Training Products, Actionable, Approach, Approaches, Build, Create, Engaged, Focused, Global, Knowledge, Practices, Regional, Regions, Solutions-oriented, Trainers, Transdisciplinary, World.
1. Michelle M Wilber($1,450,001), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
2. Jennifer I Schmidt($1,549,999), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
Key terms: Arctic Diesel Microgrids, Ev Adoption, Remote Arctic, Rural Alaska, Workforce Development, Affect, Benefits, Charging, Cold, Electric, Evs, Galena, Kotzebue, Performance, Policies, Technical, Temperatures, Widespread.
1. Victoria N Sharakhmatova($992,057), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
2. Shauna B BurnSilver($1,025,411), Arizona State University, Tempe
3. George Anderson($9,475,309), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
4. Craig E Tweedie($439,382), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Rapidly Changing Arctic, Arctic Coastal, Coastal Hazard, Coastal Hazards, ACTION, Approach, Challenges, Climate-driven, Co-production, Communication, Convergence, Design, Education, Environment, Environmental, Existing, Facilitate, Frameworks, Governance, Grounded, Increasing, Indigenous, Integrates, Knowledge, Lead, Local, Modeling, NNA, Natural, Observing, Outcomes, Partnerships, Place-based, Resilience, Science-informed, Social, Solutions, Technical.
1. Yunjeong Mo($245,832), Iowa State University, Ames
2. Olga Lauter($70,824), University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso
Key terms: Affect Residential Building, Alaska Bristol Bay, Bristol Bay Region, Building Energy Efficiency, Climate Affect Residential, Components And Climate, Residential Building Construction, Residential Building Energy, Alaska Indigenous, Alaska Native, Arctic Regions, Energy Usage, Knowledge Framework, Nna Incubator, Residential Buildings, Socio-cultural Components, Advance, Assess, Causing, Challenges, Co-production, Critical, Design, Development, Education, Engage, Factors, Implementation, Inadequate, Investigate, Modeling, Prices, Society, Socio-cultural, Solutions, Stakeholders, Student, Unique.
1. Melody B Burkins($150,330), Dartmouth College, Hanover
2. Andrey Petrov($43,800), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
3. Dalee S Dorough($75,638), University of Alaska Anchorage Campus, Anchorage
4. Matthew L Druckenmiller($22,596), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder
Key terms: Arctic Indigenous Peoples, Icarp Iv, Indigenous Knowledge, Planning Activities, Aim, Challenges, Co-production, Development, Efforts, Engagement, Environment, Global, Implementation, Indigenous-led, Inform, Integrates, International, Local, NNA, Process, Region, Society.
1. Kasey M Faust($447,754), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
2. Jeni M Hebert-Beirne($985,831), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago
Key terms: Alaska Native Villages, Hub Towns Cascade, Lives And Safety, Rural Alaska Native, Cis Organizations, Infrastructure Services, People’s Lives, Public Health, Semi-structured Interviews, Arctic, Challenges, Changing, Ciss, Complex, Engineering, Environment, Integrates, Interdependencies, Local, NNA, Neighboring, Network, People’s, Perspectives, Phase, Provision, Remote, Resilience, Responsible, Semi-structured, Social, Stakeholders, Transportation, Urban.
1. Marya Rozanova-Smith($717,355), George Washington University, Washington
2. Alexander Shiklomanov($1,081,673), University of New Hampshire, Durham
3. Andrey Petrov($700,865), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
4. Alexander Kholodov($500,000), University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks
Key terms: Arctic And Sub-arctic, Current And Future, Adaptation Options, Cold Regions, Ecosystem Services, Analyzing, Challenges, Changing, Climate, Complex, Components, Economic, Environmental, Experiencing, Globe, Human, Hydroclimatological, Impacted, Indigenous, Inform, Interactions, International, Knowledge, Local, Modeling, NNA, Natural, People, Riverine, SES, Social, Socioeconomic, Transdisciplinary, Water.
1. Ming Xiao($96,192), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Arctic Coasts Workshop, Arctic Coastal, Bring, Challenges, Collaborative, Convergent, Environment, Environmental, Exchange, Identifies, Knowledge, Local, NNA, Program, Rapid.
1. Joshua M Jones($164,961), University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La Jolla
Key terms: Local And Inuit, Arctic Waters, Collaborative Framework, Marine Mammals, Noise Impacts, Underwater Noise, Access, Activities, Aim, Benefits, Challenges, Community-based, Economy, Environment, Environmental, Expertise, Fish, Focused, Global, Integrates, International, Knowledge, Long-term, Monitoring, NNA, Natural, Organization, Partnerships, Regional, Regions, Residents, Social, Sources, Specific, Vital, Wildlife.
1. Salli F Dymond($55,895), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Key terms: Kluane Lake Region, Changing Arctic, Planning Activities, Approaches, Challenges, Climate, Co-production, Conditions, Convergence, Critical, Ecological, Educational, Environmental, Existing, Formal, Gaps, Inform, Integrates, Knowledge, Local, NNA, Nation, Natural, Perspectives, Process, Security, Social, Tools, Workshop, Yukon.
1. Gustavious P Williams($44,815), Brigham Young University, Provo
Key terms: Collection And Monitoring, Arctic Coastal, Built Environment, Coastal Arctic, Monitoring Strategies, Nna Planning, Permafrost Thaw, Alaskan, Aspects, Challenges, Co-production, Development, Diverse, Efforts, Engages, Environmental, Environments, Erosion, Feasible, Future, Gaps, Identifies, Integrates, Interdisciplinary, International, Knowledge, Local, Natural, Processes, Region, Stakeholders, Workshops.
1. Kannan Thiruvengadam($1,000,000), EASTIE FARM, INC., East Boston
Key terms: Actively Engaged, Coastal Flooding, Eastie Farm, Environmental Conditions, Green Economy, Industrial Pollutants, Low Income, Activities, Climate, Department, Energy, Environmentally, Experts, Focused, Future, Installation, Involving, Jobs, Local, Low-income, Mitigate, Pilot, Power, Program, Resilience, Restoration, Social, Themselves, Underserved, Urban, Via, Wetland, Youth.
1. Adina Paytan($210,390), University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
2. SARAH PEDEMONTE($521,375), University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley
Key terms: Geosciences Partners, Local Geoscience, Aims, Climate, Collaborations, Create, Design, Diverse, Diversity, Experiences, Expertise, Fields, Implement, Increase, Lessons, Populations, Programming, STEM, School, Student, Supporting, Teachers.
1. Elizabeth A Suter($407,527), MOLLOY UNIVERSITY, Rockville Centre
Key terms: Prepare Coastal, Body, Diverse, Excluded, Geoscience, Geosciences, Historically, Increase, Participants, Produce, RESTORES, Recruitment, Retain, STEM, Students, Targeted, Workforce.
1. Cynthia S Levine($399,584), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Evidence-based Mentoring Practices, Graduate And Undergraduate, Receive Skill-based Training, Evidence-based Mentoring, Geoscience Workforce, Graduate Students, Historically Excluded, Networking Opportunities, Receive Skill-based, Skill-based Training, Undergraduate Student, Undergraduate Students, Academic, Create, Expected, Explore, Geosciences, Mentors, Model, Pathway, Pathways, Program, Successful, Underrepresented.
1. Leah Turner($529,977), University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Key terms: Recruit And Retain, Conservation Network, Aims, Aspects, Collaboration, Connected, Disciplines, Diverse, Ecology, Ecosystems, Engagement, Experiences, Experts, Field, Geosciences, Hydrology, Jamaica, Land, Lead, Local, Multiple, Ocean, Paleontology, Service-learning, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Kristyn K Voegele($194,348), Rowan University, Glassboro
2. Deeksha Seth($268,138), Villanova University, Villanova
Key terms: Field Trips, Virtual Field, Biology, Content, Courses, Early-college, Educational, Educators, Exciting, Existing, Exposure, Fields, Fieldwork, Geography, Geoscience, Geosciences, Increase, Integrating, Math, Paleontology, Physics, Retention, VFT.
1. Gina Hodsdon($397,905), Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota
Key terms: Excluded And Marginalized, Marine Stem Activities, Structurally Excluded, Vert Aims, Effort, Engage, Experiences, Exposure, Fields, GP-INVERT, Geoscience, Increase, Landscape, Mentors, Opportunities, Participation, Pathways, Program, Pursuing, School, Student, Students, Undergraduate.
1. Timothy A Volk($99,998), Strategic Energy Innovations, San Rafael
Key terms: Climate Solutions, Energy Innovations, Workforce Development, Campus, Cross-disciplinary, Curriculum, Education, Efforts, Faculty, Increase, Interdisciplinary, Leaders, Practice, Practices, Resources, SEI, SUNY, Staff, Strategies, Student, Students, Teaching, York.
1. Jonathan C Lewis($35,493), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute, Indiana
Key terms: Coastal And Ocean, Cosea Community-of-practice, ASLO, Aquatic, Community-of-practice, Equity, Future, Issues, Participation, Pennsylvania.
1. Anthony P Murphy($536,591), University Corporation For Atmospheric Res, Boulder
Key terms: Globe Program, Accessible, Beyond, Meeting, Million, Past, Principles.
1. Christy L Hyman($200,000), Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
Key terms: Advancing Geosciences’ Cultural, Diversify Society Membership, Diversity And Diversify, Geology And Environmental, Inclusion Via History, Adi Geo-history, Diverse Identities, Engage Geosciences-associated, Environmental Justice, Geological Society, Non-traditional Perspectives, Promote Diversity, Resource Extraction, Access, Activities, Annual, Conference, Effort, Experience, Field, Focus, GSA, Geo-history, Geosciences-associated, HESS, Non-traditional, Participation, Proof-of-concept, Sessions, Societies, Students.
1. Sherry Rogers($363,254), Kansas State University, Manhattan
Key terms: Geoscience Student Diversity, Groundwater Quality Monitoring, Agricultural Landscapes, Co-curricular Program, Diverse Perspectives, Available, Challenges, Co-curricular, Create, Critical, Geosciences, Geoscientists, Increased, Lack, Meet, Participation, Recruiting, Rural, Students, Training, Value, Workforce.
1. Lauren E McPhillips($937,211), Pennsylvania State Univ University Park, University Park
Key terms: Water And Sewer, Civic Partners, Fiber-optic Cables, Geophysical Hazards, Public Outreach, Calibration, Cities, City, Climate, Cost-effective, Department, Environmental, Fiber-optic, Flooding, Has, High-resolution, Infrastructure, Monitoring, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pre-existing, Real-time, Resilience, Scalable, Sensors, Subsidence, Technology, Urban.
1. Julian S Levine($823,307), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
Key terms: Participatory Gis Methods, Disaster Preparation, Flood Resilience, Flood Risk, Floodplain Management, Transferable Model, West Virginia, Accessible, Actors, Collaboration, Department, Flood-prone, Floods, Framework, Has, Increase, Knowledge, Natural, Online, Recovery, Residents, Resource, Tool.
1. Shikha Sharma($409,186), West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
Key terms: Environmental And Geoscience, Equitable Access, School Students, AGLE, Appalachian, Barriers, Climate, Experiences, Identities, Occupations, Path, Post-secondary, Require, Training, Transition.
1. Laura N Lyon($49,898), American Geophysical Union, Washington
Key terms: Final Report, Geophysical Union, Innovative Solutions, National Meeting, Steering Committee, AGU, Barriers, Climate, Convening, December, Developing, Discussion, Energy, Entrepreneurial, Environmental, Experts, Faculty, Findings, Focus, Geo-entrepreneurial, Geo-entrepreneurs, Geo-entrepreneurship, Geoscience, Guide, Identifying, Innovation, Input, Landscape, Means, Opportunities, Overall, Panel, Recommendations, Services, Society, Stakeholders, Survey, Training, Virtual.
1. Mark G Little($50,000), The Geological Society of America, Inc., Boulder
Key terms: Geological Society, Innovation Ecosystems, Activities, Appropriate, Conversations, Countries, Create, Drive, Economy, Energy, Entrepreneurial, Finding, Focus, Focused, Founders, GSA, Geologists, Geology, Geoscientists, Incentives, Increase, Membership, Person, Raw, Report, Startups, Training, Uncovering, Underrepresented, Vehicles, Virtual.
1. Keith Seitter($49,941), American Meteorological Society, Boston
Key terms: Atmospheric Scientists, Becoming Entrepreneurs, Meteorological Society, AMS, Activities, Broad, Conversations, Entrepreneurial, Founders, Incentives, Increase, Innovation, Training, Underrepresented, Virtual, Weather.
1. Maya Tolstoy($99,139), University of Washington, Seattle
Key terms: Climate Action, Academic, Actions, Activities, Adaptation, Additional, Addressing, Campuses, Challenges, Climate-related, Collective, Communication, Conference, Coordinated, Country, Day, Diverse, Education, Efforts, Federal, Formal, Government, Interact, Meeting, Mitigation, Network, Partners, Representatives, Strategies, Sustainability, Two-day.
1. Eric Powell($228,611), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Key terms: Management Actions, Phase Iii, Precautionary Management, Sustainable Management, Academic, Biological, Center, Climate, Ecosystem, Efforts, Essential, Fish, Fisheries, Fishery, Fishing, Focus, Industry, Marine, Mechanism, Partners, Regulatory, Renewal, Resources, Scemfis, Structure.
1. Elizabeth Holley($1,179,176), Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Key terms: Exploration And Mining, Colorado School, Industry Sector, Inform Decision, Mineral Exploration, Mining Industry, Mining Operations, Mining Sector, Virginia Tech, Workforce Development, Activities, Advance, Advancing, CASERM, Center, Centers, Collaborations, Core, Cross-disciplinary, Environmental, Essential, Faculty, Focused, Geological, Geoscience, Global, Increase, Mines, Models, Reclamation, Resources, Risk, Safety, Site, Solutions, Students, Training, Vision.